Untitled - Gem Kingdom
Untitled - Gem Kingdom
IMAGINE ‘Everything you can imagine is real!‘ Pablo Picasso It’s this creative peaceful atmosphere I like to share within this GK collection. A feeling of a ‘bohemian’ lifestyle I relate to looking at Picasso s life at La villa Californi in the South of France. I relate to the joy of creating, the joy of collecting and being passionate doing both. A place were sun beams cast amazing shadows and a soft sea breeze moves the air . In the morning the light is a white bright and the nights are a sparkly black. An inspiring, carefree, happy and joyful place to share and to dwell in! My most kind regards from a sunny Amsterdam, Johanna NK14g01 mother of pearl (“love”) acrylic with reconstructed coral inlay angelite round bead facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop handpainted eye facetted garnet A- blue eye B- brown eye NK14g02 coral beads facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop angelite round bead handpainted eye A- blue eye B- brown eye 72 cm NK14g03 facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop angelite round bead 59 cm NK14g04 mother of pearl facetted blue agate red m.o.p. drop NK14g05 red m.o.p. drop angelite round bead handpainted eye A- blue eye B- brown eye NK14g06 red m.o.p. drop facetted aqua agate NK14g07M facetted garnet S: 42 cm M: 61 cm L: 85 cm B 14g03 facetted garnet P 14g01 handpainted eye angelite round bead facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop mother of pearl heart and drop facetted garnet A- blue eye B- brown eye P 14g02A acrylic with mother of pearl P 14g02B acrylic with mother of pearl P 14g02C acrylic with reconstructed coral B 14g02 facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop angelite round bead handpainted eye B 14g01 facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop angelite round bead handpainted eye facetted garnet A- blue eye B- brown eye A- blue eye B- brown eye B 14g04 mother of pearl wing with white pearls R 14g02 facetted blue agate red m.o.p. drop R 14g03 handpainted eye angelite round bead A- blue eye B- brown eye R 14g05 angelite round bead R 14g01 R 14g04 facetted stone -rosequartz -aqua agate -smoky quartz -garnet E 14g03 facetted blue agate red m.o.p. drop E 14g04 red m.o.p. drop E 14g01 single earring facetted aqua agate red m.o.p. drop handpainted eye A- blue eye B- brown eye (with smokey quartz) E 14g05A quartz E 14g05B mat onyx E 14g05C coral E 14g02 single earring facetted garnet facetted aqua agate angelite round bead E 14g06A quartz E 14g06B mat onyx E 14g06C coral E 14g10 facetted aqua agate white pearls handpainted eye E 14g07 E 14g08 E 14g09 A- blue eye B- brown eye (with smokey quartz) NK14f01A mother of pearl imitation ivory facetted rosequartz bohemian crystal NK14f01B horn mother of pearl facetted blue agath bohemian crystal NK14f02A mother of pearl imitation ivory acrylic NK14f02B horn mother of pearl acrylic NK14f03A mother of pearl acrylic NK14f04 bohemian crystal NK14f05 facetted rosequartz bohemian crystal NK14f06A S S-44 cm M-70 cm imitation ivory NK14f06B M S-44 cm M-70 cm mother of pearl CH 136 S-50 cm M-70 cm L-90 cm mother of pearl A-white B-black NK14f07A 62 cm quartz NK14f07B 62 cm mat onyx NK14f08A quartz and pearls 77 cm NK14f08B mat onyx and pearls 77 cm NK14f09A 46 cm quartz NK14f09B mat onyx 46 cm NK14f10A White pearls and garnet 85 cm B14f01A arylic with white mother of pearl B14f02 bohemian crystal option B14f01B grey m.o.p. M14f01A locket engraved mother of pearl M14f02A locket acrylic with mother of pearl (see-through for photo) E14f01A mother of pearl quartz E14f01B horn mat onyx E14f02A mother of pearl brass inlay E14f03 silver single earring R14f01A acryic with white mother of pearl E14f02B mother of pearl acrylic brass inlay E14f04 bohemian crystal R14f02 option R14f01B grey m.o.p. R14f03 R14f04 R14f05 bohemian crystal NK14h01A mother of pearl imitation ivory facetted rosequartz NK14h01B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz NK14h02A mother of pearl facetted rosequartz NK14h02B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz NK14h03A imitation ivory mother of pearl facetted rosequartz NK14h03B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz NK 14h05 engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal facetted gemstone A: white with rosequartz and white pearl B: lilac with amethyst and purple pearl C: yellow with yellow onyx and yellow pearl D: green with labradorite and green pearl NK14h04B quartz and purple pearls NK14h04C quartz and yellow pearls NK14h04D quartz and green pearls B14h01A mother of pearl imitation ivory facetted rosequartz bohemian crystal B14h02A imitation ivory mother of pearl facetted rosequartz B14h03A imitation ivory mother of pearl facetted rosequartz quartz B14h01B horn facetted smoky quartz bohemian crystal B14h02B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz B14h03B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz mat onyx B14f03A imitation ivory mother of pearl option: black B14f03B mother of pearl and black horn B14h05B horn mother of pearl facetted smoky quartz option: B 14h05A white m.o.p. and rozequartz B 14h04 engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal facetted gemstone A: white with rosequartz and white pearl B: lilac with amethyst and purple pearl C: yellow with yellow onyx and yellow pearl D: green with labradorite and green pearl P 14h01A engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal P 14h01B engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal P 14h01C engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal P 14h03A P 14h03B P 14h03C engraved mother of pearl engraved mother of pearl engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal bohemian crystal bohemian crystal P 14h02A engraved mother of pearl m.o.p. drop bohemian crystal P 14h03D engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal R 14h01 A-mother of pearl B-horn R 14h03 A-imitation ivory B-horn R 14h05 facetted stone -rosequartz -aqua agate -smoky quartz -garnet R 14h02 A-mother of pearl B-grey m.o.p. and acrylic R 14h10B (lilac) engraved mother of pearl A; white B: lilac C: yellow D:greenish R 14h04 A-mother of pearl B-horn Phalanx rings R 14h06 A-imitation ivory B-horn R 14h08 R 14h09 E 14h01A E 14h01 E 14h01 earpin engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal facetted gemstone A: white with rosequartz B: lilac with amethyst C: yellow with yellow onyx D: green with labradorite Also available with earwire E 14h01D E 14h05 engraved mother of pearl bohemian crystal A: white B: lilac C: yellow D: greenish E 14h04A E 14h04C E 14h04 pearls A: white B: lilac C: yellow D: greenish E 14h05B E 14h03 A-imitation ivory B-black horn E 14h05D E 14h02A mother of pearl E 14h02B mother of pearl
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