NHCUCC DIRECTORY - the New Hampshire Conference
NHCUCC DIRECTORY - the New Hampshire Conference
New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ DIRECTORY 2016 New Hampshire Conference Center 140 Sheep Davis Road Pembroke, NH 03275-3711 Local Phone: (603) 225-6647 Toll Free: 1-888-642-8229 FAX: (603) 225-2345 www.nhcucc.org April 2016 NEW HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 2015-2016 NHCUCC Directory Table of Contents A. Conference Officers and Staff (BLUE) ............................................... A1 Consultants for Special Services ....................................................... A2 Helpful Contacts .................................................................................... A2 Elected Conference Commissions, Boards and Ministries ............ A3 – A5 B. Associations and Ecclesiastical Records (PINK) Carroll-Strafford ..................................................................................... B1 Grafton Orange Sullivan ........................................................................ B2 Hillsborough ........................................................................................... B3 Merrimack ....................................................................................... B4, B5 North Country ........................................................................................ B6 Rockingham .................................................................................... B7, B8 Southwest ...................................................................................... B9, B10 Ecclesiastical Records for 2015 .................................................. B11, B12 C. Conference General Directory (YELLOW) Alphabetical list of Conference Leaders [Clergy and Lay] ................ 1-25 D. Churches and Pastoral Staff (GREEN) ............................................ 1-26 The following pages are posted on the NH Conference UCC website www.nhcucc.org Annual Meeting Minutes, NHCUCC Financial Reports, UCC Yearbook pages and more… Please send corrections to CindyBradley at cbradley@nhcucc.org. April 2016 NEW HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE OFFICERS AND STAFF CONFERENCE OFFICERS President: Neal Cass President Elect: Rev. Michael Bennett Secretary: Rev. Dawn Berry Treasurer: John Herbert Conference Minister: Rev. Gary M. Schulte CONFERENCE STAFF Conference Minister Phone: 603.715.9527 Rev. Gary M. Schulte Email: gschulte@nhcucc.org Associate Conference Minister: Phone: 603.715.9525 Rev. Richard N. Slater Email: rslater@nhcucc.org Conference Office Manager & Event Planner: Phone: 603.715.9526 Jesse Evans Email: jevans@nhcucc.org Director of Outdoor Ministries: Phone: 603.715.9524 Rev. Mollie Landers Hatt Email: mlanders@nhcucc.org Finance Officer: Phone: 603.715.9522 Lydia Frasca Email: lfrasca@nhcucc.org Ann Desrochers Email: adesrochers@nhcucc.org Specialist in Christian Education: Phone: 603.225.6647 Global Ministries Partnership Coordinator Phone: 603.225.6647 Rev. Michele Bagby Allan Email: mbagbyallan@nhcucc.org Search & Call Assistant: Phone: 603.715.9523 Helen McGlashan Email: hmcglashan@nhcucc.org Administrative Assistant: Phone: 603.715.9521 Cynthia Bradley Email: cbradley@nhcucc.org A1 April 2016 CONSULTANTS FOR SPECIAL SERVICES Rev. Janice Howe Disaster Response Coordinator: Phone: 802.376.9115 Email:pnjhowe@comcast.net Charles Kuchenbrod Email: charliek@ctucc.org Investment Consultant: Phone: 860.761.7111 Open and Affirming Consultants: Phone 603.224.2521 Rev. Carlos Jauhola-Straight Email: revmsgcarlos@gmail.com Rev. Michael Denney Email: mdenneyucc@msn.com Phone 603.539.6145 HELPFUL CONTACTS National United Church of Christ Offices 700 Prospect Avenue; Cleveland, OH 44115 Phone: 216.736.2100 Fax: 216.736.2103 Toll Free: 866.822.8224 www.ucc.org Other UCC Resources The Pension Boards - UCC 800.642.6543 info@pbucc.org United Church Funds (UCF) 877.806.4989 info@unitedchurchfunds.org The Cornerstone Fund 888.822.3863 cornerstonefund@ucc.org Insurance Board 800.437.8830 uccib@insuranceboard.org United Church of Christ Insurance Board Agent Jeff McDonnell, CPCU Allen Freeman McDonnell Agency 141 North Main Street - Brewer ME 04412 Ph: 207.942.7371 Toll Free: 800.762.8600 The Weekly News from the NH Conference, UCC An electronic newsletter delivered directly to your inbox every Monday! To subscribe, please email Cynthia Bradley (cbradley@nhcucc.org). A2 April 2016 Board of Directors Note: The title “Rev.” is used to more easily indicate the distribution of lay and clergy leadership. Officers Neal Cass, President Rev. Gary M. Schulte, Conference Minister Rev. Michael Bennett, President-Elect Rev. Dawn Berry, Secretary John Herbert, Treasurer Class of 2016 Rev. Richard Leavitt William McIntyre Marcie Miller Rev. Martell Spagnolo Class of 2017 Brian Edwards Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen Rev. Paula Gile Kenneth Gould Class of 2018 Rev. Carolyn Keilig Philip Kimball Rev. Edward Koonz Rev. Stacey Kullgren A3 April 2016 Ministries of the New Hampshire Conference, UCC Christian Formation Ministry Robert Grabill, Chairperson Merri Carlson Lily Nutt Rev. Judie Bryant Russ Glover Clergy Support Ministry Rev. Deborah Knowlton, Chairperson Mark Baddeley Rev. Mary James Bruce Kinney Rev. Rebecca Maccini Rev. Celeste McQuarrie Rev. Mark Rideout Finance Ministry Matt Van Wagner, Chairperson David Chin Rev. Regina Kinney Rev. Gina Finocchiaro Rev. Gayle Whittemore Rev. Arthur Urie Local Church Support Ministry Rev. Holly Tomilson, Chairperson Rev. Damon Anderson Karl J. Dahlen, II Rev. Rebecca Larson Irv Richardson Justice & Witness Ministry Rev. Gray Fitzgerald, Chairperson Rev. Dr. Robert Marrone Rev. Jed Rardin John Rowe Janet Sanborn Janet Simmon Wider Church Relations Ministry Janet Kohlmorgen, Chairperson Rev. Duane Bailey Betty Gilman Joyce Ray Rev. Larry Smith NOMINATING COMMITTEE Rev. Nancy Talbott, Chairperson Don Lyon Rev. Dawn Berry - 2016 Rev. Deborah Knowlton - 2016 Rev. Bonnie Stagg - 2017 A4 April 2016 Your generous gifts to Our Church‘s Wider Mission, support the many ministries of the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ. Our Church’s Wider Mission is…. Changing Lives! NEW HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE HORTON CENTER www.nhcucc.org www.hortoncenter.org A5 April 2016 Organized in Laconia ~ June 24, 1828 CARROLL – STRAFFORD ASSOCIATION (484) Moderator: John Russell Scribe: Raymond Wood Vice Moderator: Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy Auditor: Nancy Brown Treasurer: Marc Cote Members at Large: Nat Balch, Mary James COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Larry Brickner-Wood, Chair Dale Hempen Bob James Gail Kindberg Joe Stieglitz Mary Timmons AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Carol Atwood-Lyon* Fred Atwood-Lyon* Michael Bennett Larry Brickner-Wood Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy Roger Burkhart* Gina Finocchiaro William Hamel* George Harvey* Dale Hempen* Mary James Gail Kindberg Ellen Lankhorst* Christopher Lanzara William McGregor* Celeste McQuarrie Elizabeth Nordbeck James Pirie* Dual Standing: Commissioned: Mary Westfall Diane Spires Sandra Pontoh Debra Pratt-Peckham* Lynn Rainsley* Mark Rideout David Slater* Sharon Tinkham* Maren Tirabassi Lea Ann Tung Serving without UCC Authorization: David Maleham MEMBERS IN DISCERNMENT Paula Norbert Maureen Steer CHURCHES (14) in the CARROLL-STRAFFORD ASSOCIATION First Parish Church Congregational, Dover Community Church of Durham First Congregational Church, Farmington Lee Church Congregational Madbury United Church of Christ Maranatha Indonesian UCC., Madbury Community Church of Milton B1 Second Congregational Church, Ossipee First Church Congregational, Rochester First Parish U.C.C., Somersworth Tamworth Congregational Church Union Congregational Church First Congregational Church, Wakefield First Congregational Church, Wolfeboro April 2016 Organized in Hanover ~ October 25, 1909 GRAFTON ORANGE SULLIVAN ASSOCIATION (492) Moderator: Terry Martin Vice Moderator: Stephen Silver VT Member at Large: Gail Dimick NH Member at Large: Carolin Bassett Treasurer: Roger Arend Scribe: Charlotte Williams Auditor: Jay Pierson COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Cynthia Batten Grace Dickerson, Chair Ted Goodfleisch Lorry Kenton Terry Martin, Moderator Stephen Silver Vacant – NHCUCC Member Vacant – VTCUCC Member AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Carla Bailey Fred Berthold, Jr.* Alden Blake* Arthur Cheney* John Gregory-Davis Susan Gregory-Davis Raymond Hahn* Amy Hayden Mimi Hollister* Heidi Hoskin* Donna Leslie* Gregory Marshall Donna Muise J. Yorke Peeler* Serving without UCC Authorization: Lyn Winter Susan Grant Rosen* Jefferson Scott Stephen Silver Richard Wierwille* Jane Wilson Licensed: Ted Goodfleisch MEMBERS IN DISCERNMENT ORDAINED MINISTERIAL PARTNER Robert Grabill John Johnson CHURCHES (16) in the GRAFTON ORANGE SULLIVAN ASSOCIATION Bath Congregational Church Charlestown Congregational Church First Congregational Church, Claremont First Congregational Church, Croydon Church of Christ at Dartmouth College First Congregational Church, Hanover Ctr. First Congregational Church, Haverhill First Congregational Church, Lebanon Shared Ministry, Lisbon Lyme Congregational Church Meriden Congregational Church United Congregational Church, Orford Bethany Congregational Church, Pike West Lebanon Congregational Church Community Church of West Rumney Ten Vermont UCC churches are also in this Association. B2 April 2016 Organized in Salisbury ~ June 27, 1827 MERRIMACK ASSOCIATION (500) Moderator: Robert Ray Treasurer: Tom Keegan Vice Moderator: John Fischer Registrar / Scribe: C. Wayne Martin Secretary: Deborah McNeish Auditor: Roland Winn Financial Secretary: Jim Howard COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Kit DeVries Michael Carrier Joan Cote Paul Fenton John Fischer, Vice Moderator Elaine Forst Paulo Franca Michael Lowry, Chair C. Wayne Martin, Scribe Robert Ray, Moderator Amanda Wagner John Walker AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Cynthia Bagley Duane Bailey Edward Bastille* Louise Bastille* Henry Beairsto* Warren Bouton Kristine Bowen William Brown Edward Brueggemann* D. Melvin Burrowes* Marilyn Bushnell* Faye Buttrick* John Buttrick* James Christensen* Gordon Crouch Robert Curry* William Daniels* Michelle DeCoste Patrica Dubois* John Eaton* Patrice Ficken John Fischer Gray Fitzgerald* Paulo França Elizabeth French* Emily Geoghegan Paula Gile Linda Gray* Frank Gross* Emilia Halstead Charles Heslam* Janet Heslam* Charles Higgins* Jim Howard* Frank Irvine* Carlos Jauhola-Straight Carolyn Keilig David Keller Miller Lovett* Michael Lowry Rebecca Maccini Andrew MacLeod Sara Marean Ruth Martz Junietta McCall* Earl Miller, Jr.* C. Taylor Morse* Leslie Norman* Jed Rardin Russell Rowland William B Salt* Gary Schulte Richard Slater Daniel Smith* Bonnie Stagg Richard Stuart* Nancy Talbott Frank Thurston, Jr.* Leanne Tigert Donald Towle* Larry Turns* Arthur Urie Robert Vodra Amanda Wagner Gayle Whittemore* Timothy Wildman* David Williams* Robert Wood* William Zeckhausen* Dual Standing: Licensed: Commissioned: Michael Carrier Bevan Tulk Kerry Richardson Charlotte E.Y. Bell Dennis Akerman ~ continued on next page B4 April 2016 Serving without UCC Authorization: Carol Asher Gerald McCann David Randlett David Stasiak James Young, Sr. CHURCHES (30) in the MERRIMACK ASSOCIATION Congregational Church of North Barnstead Boscawen Congregational Church Bristol United Church of Christ Canterbury United Community Church Congregational Church, Center Harbor East Congregational Church, Concord First Congregational Church, Concord South Congregational Church, Concord West Congregational Church, Concord United Church of Danbury First Congregational Church, Dunbarton New Rye Union Congregational Church, Epsom Congregational Christian Church, West Franklin Union Congregational Church, Hebron Congregational Church of Henniker B5 Congregational Church of Hooksett First Congregational Church, Hopkinton Congregational Church of Laconia First Congregational Church, Meredith First Congregational Church, Pembroke United Church of Penacook First Congregational Church, Pittsfield Plymouth Congregational UCC Salisbury Congregational Community Church Sanbornton Congregational Church South Danbury Christian Church South Newbury Union Church United Church of Warner First Congregational Church, Webster First Congregational Church, Wilmot April 2016 Organized in Salisbury ~ June 27, 1827 MERRIMACK ASSOCIATION (500) Moderator: Robert Ray Treasurer: Tom Keegan Vice Moderator: John Fischer Registrar / Scribe: C. Wayne Martin Secretary: Deborah McNeish Auditor: Roland Winn Financial Secretary: Jim Howard COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Kit DeVries Michael Carrier Joan Cote Paul Fenton John Fischer, Vice Moderator Elaine Forst Paulo Franca Michael Lowry, Chair C. Wayne Martin, Scribe Robert Ray, Moderator Amanda Wagner John Walker AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Cynthia Bagley Duane Bailey Edward Bastille* Louise Bastille* Henry Beairsto* Warren Bouton Kristine Bowen William Brown Edward Brueggemann* D. Melvin Burrowes* Marilyn Bushnell* Faye Buttrick* John Buttrick* James Christensen* Gordon Crouch Robert Curry* William Daniels* Michelle DeCoste Patrica Dubois* John Eaton* Patrice Ficken John Fischer Gray Fitzgerald* Paulo França Elizabeth French* Emily Geoghegan Paula Gile Linda Gray* Frank Gross* Emilia Halstead Charles Heslam* Janet Heslam* Charles Higgins* Jim Howard* Frank Irvine* Carlos Jauhola-Straight Carolyn Keilig David Keller Miller Lovett* Michael Lowry Rebecca Maccini Andrew MacLeod Sara Marean Ruth Martz Junietta McCall* Earl Miller, Jr.* C. Taylor Morse* Leslie Norman* Jed Rardin Russell Rowland William B Salt* Gary Schulte Richard Slater Daniel Smith* Bonnie Stagg Richard Stuart* Nancy Talbott Frank Thurston, Jr.* Leanne Tigert Donald Towle* Larry Turns* Arthur Urie Robert Vodra Amanda Wagner Gayle Whittemore* Timothy Wildman* David Williams* Robert Wood* William Zeckhausen* Dual Standing: Licensed: Commissioned: Michael Carrier Bevan Tulk Kerry Richardson Charlotte E.Y. Bell Dennis Akerman ~ continued on next page B4 April 2016 Serving without UCC Authorization: Carol Asher Gerald McCann David Randlett David Stasiak James Young, Sr. CHURCHES (30) in the MERRIMACK ASSOCIATION Congregational Church of North Barnstead Boscawen Congregational Church Bristol United Church of Christ Canterbury United Community Church Congregational Church, Center Harbor East Congregational Church, Concord First Congregational Church, Concord South Congregational Church, Concord West Congregational Church, Concord United Church of Danbury First Congregational Church, Dunbarton New Rye Union Congregational Church, Epsom Congregational Christian Church, West Franklin Union Congregational Church, Hebron Congregational Church of Henniker B5 Congregational Church of Hooksett First Congregational Church, Hopkinton Congregational Church of Laconia First Congregational Church, Meredith First Congregational Church, Pembroke United Church of Penacook First Congregational Church, Pittsfield Plymouth Congregational UCC Salisbury Congregational Community Church Sanbornton Congregational Church South Danbury Christian Church South Newbury Union Church United Church of Warner First Congregational Church, Webster First Congregational Church, Wilmot April 2016 Organized in Lancaster ~ February 19, 1833 NORTH COUNTRY ASSOCIATION (504) Moderator: Barry Jacobson Vice Moderator: Treasurer: Scribe: Rebecca Larson Auditor: COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Sharon Clough Barbara Holland Barry Jacobson, Moderator William Jones Rebecca Larson, Scribe Sharon Miller Gerry Tilton Sharon van der Laan David Weddintgton, Chair AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Norma Brettell William Briggs* Gilman Healy Barry Jacobson Susan Jepson* William Jones Rebecca Larson Paul Laubi* Pojen Lee* W. Christopher Schmauch* Kent Schneider Joyce Scott Martell Spagnolo Sharon van der Laan W. David Weddington Licensed: Lois Amidon Cindy Grassi Gerry Tilton Serving without UCC Authorization: John Muehlke, Jr. Diane Winchell Raymond CHURCHES (13) in the NORTH COUNTRY ASSOCIATION Bartlett Congregational Church Chatham Congregational Church Monadnock Congregational Church, Colebrook First Church of Christ Congregational, North Conway Conway Village Congregational Church Congregational Church of Dalton Congregational Church of Errol B6 Community Church of Christ, Franconia Gorham Congregational Church Jackson Community Church Lancaster Congregational Church First Congregational Church, Littleton Pemi Valley Church, Woodstock April 2016 Organized in Chester ~ June 20, 1837 ROCKINGHAM ASSOCIATION (508) Moderator: Rod Bowles Vice Moderator: Rev. David Lennox Secretary: Treasurer: Bob Devantery Scribe: Eric Small Auditor: Lin DosSantos COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Judy Bush Ed Koonz, Chair Allan Lurvey Carol Meredith Renee Rouse Eric Small, Scribe AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Michele Bagby Allan Thomas Barker* Kaye Bowles Wesley Burwell* Richard Chamberlain* Benjamin C. L. Crosby* Michael Denney Paul Dionne* Robert Dobson* David Dodge* Robert Fellows John Filler* Ruth Gallot Andrew Gilman E. George Hangen* Emily Heath Heidi Carrington Heath Jane Geffken Henderson* Neil Iverson* Donald Jennings* Raymond Jones* Deborah Knowlton Edward Koonz David Lennox* Beverly Lindsey* Allan Lurvey William Main Patricia Marsden Jessica McArdle William McConnell* Michael McCutcheon* Carol Meredith Bryan Moore Gayle Murphy Clyde Powell* Eric Redard Nancy Rockwell* Deborah Roof Renee Rouse David Runnion-Bareford* Priscilla Schumm* Dawn Shippee* Pamela Spain Ronald Staley Robert Swanson* Helen Christabel Tomilson Donald Vedeler* Serving without UCC Authorization: Samuel Katchikian MEMBERS IN DISCERNMENT Karen Crowell Landry B7 April 2016 ~ continued on next page CHURCHES (23) in the ROCKINGHAM ASSOCIATION Atkinson Congregational Church, UCC Longmeadow Congregational Church, Auburn Candia Congregational Church The Congregational Church of Chester Deerfield Community Church, UCC First Parish Congregational Church, UCC, East Derry The Congregational Church in Exeter, UCC Community Congregational Church, Greenland Hampstead Congregational Church First Congregational Church of Hampton First Congregational Church of Kensington Pilgrim UCC Brentwood - Kingston B8 The New Castle Congregational Church Newfields Community Church Newington Town Church, UCC Newmarket Community Church The United Church of Christ, N. Hampton Northwood Congregational Church North Church of Portsmouth, UCC First Congregational Church of Salem Ararat Armenian Congregational Church Trinity United Church, Seabrook Stratham Community Church April 2016 Organized in Keene ~ October 4, 1827 SOUTHWEST ASSOCIATION (488) Moderator: Craig Clark Vice Moderator: Stacey Kullgren Treasurer: Ruth Hayn Scribe: Auditor: Mary E. Johnson COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY Damon Anderson Ken Bacon David Jadlocki Polly Shamy Chuck Shaw - Chair Elizabeth Tatro Phillip Warren Vacant Vacant Vacant AUTHORIZED MINISTERS Ordained (* indicates retired): Damon Anderson Robert Andrews* William Beardslee James Berry Carolyn Black* Craig Breismeister James Brown* Craig Cowing David Cutting* Diane Durgin* Luther Durgin* Harold Fohlin* Dawn Garrett-Larsen Paul Gibbons* Chandler Gilbert* Deborah Hill* Janice Howe David Hughes David Jadlocki Charles Kennedy* Stacey Kullgren Robert Kyte* Daniel Leavitt* Rhonda MacLeod Eric Marean (LOA) Robert Marrone Licensed: Dual Standing: Chris Cornell Maureen Lasell Peter Howe Teri Motley* R. Winthrop Nelson* Quentin Peacock* Mary Elizabeth Seals* Polly Shamy* Carol Shelton Larry Siebrands* Lynda Tolton Stephen Weaver* Gary Wehrwein* Nancy Wood Serving without UCC Authorization: Joel Eaton MEMBERS IN DISCERNMENT Chris Cornell ~ continued on next page B9 April 2016 CHURCHES (20) in the SOUTHWEST ASSOCIATION United Church of Acworth Third Congregational Church, Alstead Community Church, Fitzwilliam Gilsum Congregational Church Community Church of Harrisville/Chesham First Church in Jaffrey United Church of Jaffrey United Church of Christ in Keene Congregational Church of Langdon Federated Church of Marlborough B10 Nelson Congregational Church South Congregational Church, Newport Union Congregational Church, Peterborough First Congregational Church & Society, Rindge United Congregational Church of Sullivan First Congregational Church, Swanzey First Congregational Church, Walpole Washington Congregational Church Westmoreland United Church United Church of Winchester April 2016 NEW HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Ecclesiastical Record 2015 Calls Begun Rev. Mollie Landers Hatt Rev. Susan Tarolli Rev. Amy Hayden Rev. Veronica W. Don Rev. Tayna Stormo Rasmussen Rev. Dr. Robert Marrone Rev. Donna Muise Rev. Jefferson Scott Ms. Holly Tomilson Ms. Heidi Carrington Heath Rev. Kevin Pleas Dir. O.M. Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Assoc. Pastor Pastor New Hampshire Conference, U.C.C. First Church in Jaffrey, UCC Lyme Congregational Church, UCC Mason Congregational Church, UCC Congregational Church of Hollis, UCC Union Congregational Church, Peterborough First Congregational Church, Croydon West Lebanon Congregational Church, UCC Newfields Community Church First Parish Congregational Church – E. Derry First Congregational Church - Manchester 01/01/2015 01/12/2015 02/01/2015 07/12/2015 08/16/2015 09/01/2015 09/13/2015 09/27/2015 10/18/2015 10/20/2015 11/01/2015 First Congregational Church, UCC, Wilmot First Congregational Church, UCC, Concord Congregational Church in Exeter, UCC Second Congregational Church, UCC, Wilton Smith Memorial Church, UCC, Hillsborough Brookline Community Church Lyme Congregational Church, UCC Newmarket Community Church 01/11/2015 02/22/2015 03/15/2015 03/15/2015 09/12/2015 10/18/2015 11/01/2015 11/01/2015 Installations Rev. Sara Marean Rev. Emilia Halstead Rev. Emily Heath Rev. Regina Kinney Rev. Eric Jackson Rev. Catherine Merrill Rev. Amy Hayden Rev. Patricia Marsden Pastor Pastor Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Ordinations Ms. Holly Tomilson Clergy Deaths 11/15/2015 Laura Berthold Lawrence F. Clough David E. Pearson Norman E. Dubie, Sr. Raymond B. Wilbur B11 01/23/2015 04/20//2015 05/25/2015 12/06/2015 12/30/2015 January 2016 Ecclesiastical Record 2015 ~ continued from previous page ~ Resignations Rev. Pojen Lee* Rev. Kimberly McKerley Ms. Debbie Gline Allen Rev. Dr. David Kemper Pastor Ted Goodfleisch* Ms. Patricia Harris* Rev. Edward Brayman* Rev. Paul H. Dionne* Rev. Diane Mix Rev. Susan Grant Rosen* Rev. James Chaloner* Rev. Debra Pratt-Peckham* Rev. Craig Cowing Rev. Dawn Shippee* Rev. Betsy Webber* Pastor Gail Kinney Rev. Dr. Carla Bailey Rev. Rhonda MacLeod Rev. Rebecca Larson* Rev. Dr. Nelson Howard* Rev. Linda Hey Rev. Dr. Dawn Berry* The Rev. William Main Pastor Thomas Peters* Pastor Pastor Comm. Minister Pastor Licensed Pastor Comm. Minister Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Licensed Pastor Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Licensed Pastor Jackson Community Church, UCC Pilgrim UCC, Brentwood-Kingston United Church of Christ of North Hampton Tamworth Congregational Church, UCC West Rumney Community Church, UCC First Church in Nashua, UCC First Congregational Church – Hanover Ctr. Atkinson Congregational Church, UCC Stratham Community Church, UCC Charlestown Congregational Church, UCC First Church Nashua, UCC First Congregational Church - Farmington South Congregational Church – Newport North Congregational Church – Portsmouth Community Church – Milton South Danbury Christian Church, UCC Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, UCC Federated Church of Marlborough Monadnock Congregational Church First Congregational Church – Pembroke Congregational Church of Temple, UCC Brookside Congregational Church, UCC Trinity United Church - Seabrook Bath Congregational Church, UCC 01/01/2015 02/01/2015 02/08/2015 03/01/2015 04/12/2015 04/20/2015 05/31/2015 06/26/2015 06/30/2015 06/30/2015 07/01/2015 07/31/2015 08/30/2015 08/31/2015 09/13/2015 09/20/2015 09/30/2015 10/08/2015 10/25/2015 11/22/2015 12/06/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 “*” indicates retired. B12 January 2016 Conference General Directory LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS Ackerman Mr. George Akerman Mrs.. Barbara Akerman Mr. Dennis Allan Rev. Michele Allard Ms. Catherine Anderson Rev. Damon Andrews Rev. Robert Arend Mr. Roger Asher Rev. Carol Atwood Mr. Raymond Atwood-Lyon Rev. Carol Atwood-Lyon Rev. Frederick Bagley Rev. Cynthia Bailey Rev. Duane 679 Pine River Pond Dr. Wakefield, NH 03872 PO Box 107 Sanbornton, NH 03269 PO Box 107 Sanbornton, NH 03269 295 Atlantic Ave N. Hampton, NH 03862-1017 28A Gardner Street Arlington, MA 02474 706 Old Homestead Hwy Swanzey, NH 03446-2313 788 Glebe Rd Westmoreland, NH 03467 39 Chosen Vale Lane Enfield, NH 03748 257 Cass Mill Rd Hill, NH 03243 19 Mt Vernon St Somersworth, NH 03876 61 Augusta Way Dover, NH 03820 61 Augusta Way Dover, NH 03820 145 Chase Way Manchester, NH 03104-1717 11 Hampton St Concord, NH 03301 1 of 26 PHONE NO. EMAIL gea5775@yahoo.com 603-286-4798 bba@metrocast.net 603-286-4798 dennisa@metrocast.net 603-964-8687 revallan@uccnorthhampton.com 617-699-5584 catherine.e.allard@gmail.com 603-352-6689 pastorswanz@ne.rr.com 603-399-4837 603-442-9300 rogerarend@comcast.net 603-744-7864 clsasher2@aol.com 603-692-0161 raykonni@myfairpoint.net 603-343-4066 atwood-lyonc@macucc.org 603-343-4066 atwoodlyon@comcast.net 603-774-4601 cebagley@comcast.net 603-224-8158 dbaileyphoto@comcast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Baldwin Mr. 603-466-2025 peakbound@hotmail.com Barker Rev. 603-778-0713 revtbarker@comcast.net Barnes Rev. Dr. 603-568-9844 postmills@comcast.net Bastille Rev. Dr. 603-293-0182 elrevs@earthlink.net Bastille Rev. 603-293-0182 elrevs@earthlink.net Batten Rev. 802-429-2869 cynbat1@juno.com Beairsto Mrs. 603-269-7761 joybeairsto@gmail.com Beairsto Rev. 603-269-7761 hbeairst@tds.net Beardslee Rev. 603-355-4808 billwfb7@gmail.com Bell Ms. 603-672-8774 chareyb@comcast.net Bennett Rev. 603-617-7079 msb@firstparishdover.com Berry Rev. Dr. 603-746-5033 dcbnh@comast.net Berry Rev. 603-209-5012 jwb453@aol.com Berthold, Jr. Rev. Dr. 603-643-0213 fred.berthold@dartmouth.edu Black Rev. Blair Ms. Edward "Ned" 512 North Rd Shelburne, NH 03581 Thomas 1 Jady Hill Road, #J9 Exeter, NH 03833 Charles 48 Varney Road Center Barnstead, NH 03225 Edward PO Box 7637 Gilford, NH 03247 Louise PO Box 7677 Gilford, NH 03249 Cynthia PO Box 83 West Newbury, VT 05085 Joyce PO Box 5 Barnstead, NH 03218-0005 Henry PO Box 5 Barnstead, NH 03218-0005 William 56 Douglass St Keene, NH 03431 Charlotte 5 Saw Mill Ln Amherst, NH 03031 Michael 16 Richardson Dr Dover, NH 03820 Dawn 33 Old Putney Hill Road Hopkinton, NH 03229 James 17 Sugar Maple Lane Keene, NH 03431-5200 Frederick 80 Lyme Rd Apt 312 Hanover, NH 03755 Carolyn 623 Parsons Dr Syracuse, NY 13219-2351 Kathy 175 W Surry Rd Keene, NH 03431 603-357-2084 kblair@sau29.org 2 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. Blake Rev. Alden 603-856-8811 Boardman Rev. Christine Bostic Ms. Gail Bouton Rev. Dr. Warren Bowen Rev. Kristine Bowles Rev. Dr. Kaye Bowles Mr. Boyle Rev. Roderick "Rod" Jami Bradley Ms. Cindy Brawley Rev. Barbara Breismeister Rev. Craig Brettell Rev. Dr. Norma Brickner-Wood Rev. Laurence Briggs Rev. Dr. William Brown Rev. James Brown Rev. Dr. Billy 149 East Side Drive, #337 Concord, NH 03301 8 Juniper Hill Road Springfield, VT 05156 45 Mountainside Dr Newbury, NH 03255 18 Veterans Square Laconia, NH 03246 PO Box 205 New London, NH 03257-0205 8407 Norway St NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 52 Maplecrest St Newmarket, NH 03857 Art Soul Pine Road New Boston, NH 03070 140 Sheep Davis Rd. Pembroke, NH 03275 383 Huse Rd #10 Manchester, NH 03103-3170 PO Box 811 Walpole, NH 03608-0811 PO Box 1103 Glen, NH 03838 1 Colony Cove Rd Durham, NH 03824 PO Box 60 Franconia, NH 03580-0600 118 River Rd S. Acworth, NH 03607 154 Farrington Corner Rd Hopkinton, NH 03229 3 of 26 EMAIL 603-352-4136 cboardman@ucckeene.org 603-938-2064 GrammyPop@tds.net 603-524-0668 pastor@laconiaucc.org 603-753-6990 newkbow68@gmail.com 763-710-4091 kaye.bowles@gmail.com 508-277- 8011 rmam@aol.com 603-487-2780 jami@jamiboyle.com 603-225-6647 cbradley@nhcucc.org 603-669-7882 barbarabrawley@gmail.com 603-756-4075 walpolepastor@gmail.com 603-374-9092 brettell@roadrunner.com 603-868-6917 blueskydl@comcast.net 603-823-7294 wbriggs507@aol.com 603-835-2916 jbrown4@myfairpoint.net 603-228-0662 bbrowncornerstone@comcast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Brown Ms. Nancy 603-228-0662 wcbnpb@comcast.net Bryant Rev. Judith 603-673-3500 revjudiebryant@gmail.com Buchakjian-Tweedy Rev. Eliza 603-332-1121 rochesterpastor@gmail.com Burkhart Rev. Roger 603-948-2381 rburkhart@metrocast.net Burwell Rev. Dr. Wesley 603-772-6268 w.burwell@comcast.net Bushnell Rev. Marilyn Buttrick Rev. John D. Buttrick Rev. Faye Carlson Mrs. Merri Cass Mr. Neal Chaloner Rev. James Chamberlain Mr. Eric Chamberlain Rev. Richard Champagne Mr. Frank Chatfield Rev. Leslie Cheney Rev. Arthur 154 Farrington Corner Rd Hopkinton, NH 03229 7 Chatham Rd Chelmsford, MA 01824 63 South Main St Rochester, NH 03867-2707 569 Pickering Rd. Rochester, NH 03867-4627 1 Greenleaf Dr Exeter, NH 03833-4532 33 Christian Ave, HSC236A Concord, NH 03301-6128 33 Christian Ave #218 Concord, NH 03301 33 Christian Ave #218 Concord, NH 03301 41 Car Mar Lane Salem, NH 03079-2268 PO Box 385 Hancock, NH 03449-0385 P O Box 7472 Ocean Park, ME 04063 PO Box 1184 Wolfeboro Fall, NH 03896 15 Crawley Falls Rd Brentwood, NH 03833 337 Hackett Hill Road Hooksett, NH 03106 596 Grover Hill Rd Bethel, ME 042177 PO Box 146 Bath, NH 03740-0146 4 of 26 603-228-8420 309-256-7175 fayejihn@gmail.com 309-256-7310 buttrickfj1@att.net 603-894-5644 scarlson41@comcast.net 603-525-4132 n_cass@comcast.net 603-261-5346 jchal48@gmail.com 603-569-2867 ericbchamberlain@gmail.com 603-642-8758 rkcanda@aol.com 603-623-7648 f_schampagne@comcast.net 207-241-5276 leslieannechatfield@gmail.com 603-747-8008 fmcheney@hotmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST Chin Mr. David Christensen Rev. Dr. Clark Mr. Clement Ms. Clough Ms. Copeland Rev. Cornell Mr. Cote Mr. Craxton Ms. Craxton Rev. Crosby Rev. Crossman Mr. Crouch Rev. Currie Rev. Curry Rev. Cutting Rev. 5 of 26 ADDRESS 117 Hampstead Rd Derry, NH 03038 James 68 Alton Mtn Rd Alton Bay, NH 03810 Craig PO Box 209 Rindge, NH 03461 Martha 1480 Old North Main Street Laconia, NH 03246 Sharon 7061 River Rd Lemington, VT 05903 Judith PO Box 129 Hancock, NH 03449 Christopher 37 Eastview Road Keene, NH 03431 Marc 33 Rutland St. Dover, NH 03820 Ann 317 Mountain Road Dalton, NH 03598 Ed 317 Mountain Road Dalton, NH 03598 Benjamin C.L. 97666 N. Bank Chetco River Rd Brookings, OR 97415-9233 Ti 26 Coe Dr Durham, NH 03824 Gordon 142 Barton Corner Rd Hopkinton, NH 03229 Barbara 6 Emerald Dr Hillsboro, NH 03244 Robert PO Box 157 New Hampton, NH 03256-0157 David 289 Wentworth Rd. Walpole, NH 03608 PHONE NO. EMAIL 603-785-4057 d_y_chin@hotmail.com 603-875-8605 jawacwa@hotmail.com 603-899-6103 jcclark@myfairpoint.net 603-524-7179 martha@metrocast.net 802-277-4232 slclough@myfairpoint.net 603-525-8037 copeland.judith@gmail.com 603-852-0895 ccornell@ucckeene.org 603-742-4743 marc.patty@comcast.net 603-837-9219 ascraxton@yahoo.com 603-837-9219 ecraxton@yahoo.com bclc@northernhorizons.net 603-868-5655 ti.crossman@myfairpoint.net 603-746-4235 revgordon@mcttelecom.com 603-464-5643 luckettcurrie@gmail.com 603-744-9798 robertc714@aol.com 603-756-2545 davewcutting@hotmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Dahlen, II Mr. Karl J. 603-321-5639 karl@karldahlen.com Daly Rev. Roger 603-256-8682 rdpastor1@yahoo.com Daly Rev. Sandra 603-256-8682 sdpastor1@yahoo.com Daniels Rev. Dr. William 603-796-6343 billdani@comcast.net Davies Mr. Thom 603-465-2297 tdglax@aol.com DeCoste Rev. Michelle 603-738-2426 michelle.decoste@gmail.com Denney Rev. Michael 207-752-3157 mdenneyucc@msn.com Derderian Mr. Jay 603-763-9732 jderderian@tds.net Desrochers Ms. Ann 603-673-3937 adesrochers@nhcucc.org Devantery Mr. Robert 603-772-3166 bobdevantery@gmail.com DeVries Dr. Kit 603-226-3757 k_devries@myfairpoint.net Dickerson Ms. Grace 603-298-8057 gracieloud@yahoo.com Dimick Rev. Gail 603-353-4314 gail.gary.dimick@valley.net Dionne Rev. Paul 603-490-8169 paulhdionne@gmail.com Dobson Rev. Robert 603-329-8321 rjdobwood@comcast.net Dodge Rev. Dr. David 78 Summer Street Milford, NH 03055-4136 PO Box 189, Hallelujah Farm Chesterfield, NH 03443 PO Box 189, Hallelujah Farm Chesterfield, NH 03443 6 Acre Rd Boscawen, NH 03303 36 Forest View Dr Hollis, NH 03049-6590 PO Box 205 New London, NH 03257-0205 11 Bicknell St Kittery, ME 03904-1210 25 Washington St. Newbury, NH 03255 91 Averill Road Brookline, NH 03033 159 Exeter Road Newfields, NH 03856 2 South Spring St Concord, NH 03301 128 North Main Street West Lebanon, NH 03784 13 Bridge St Orford, NH 03777 26 Lane Drive Allenstown, NH 03275 73 Norfolk St #4 Hampstead, NH 03841-5142 7 Cottage Lane Raymond, ME 04071 603-772-3389 ddodge6@maine.rr.com 6 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Donoghue Rev. William 603-641-6834 bill.donoghue@hotmail.com Dubois Rev. Patricia 603-848-8042 padubois.1010@gmail.com Durgin Rev. Dr. Diane 603-338-0059 delpdurgin@gmail.com Durgin Rev. Dr. Luther 603-338-0059 delpdurgin@gmail.com Dyer Rev. Peter Eaton Pastor Joel Eaton Rev. John Edwards Mr. Brian Emanuel Rev. Cassie Evans Rev. Bonnie Evans Mrs. Jesse Evans Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Fay Pastor Eliot Fellows Rev. Robert Ferguson Rev. William Ferrara Rev. Randall 30 Ray St Manchester, NH 03104 44 Cranberry Meadow Rd. Alfred, ME 04002 47 Windsor Court Keene, NH 03431 47 Windor Court Keene, NH 03431 38 Hawthorne Dr, D107 Bedford, NH 03110-6858 PO Box 2010 Acworth, NH 03601 21 Mile Point Drive, #310 Meredith, NH 03253 11 Woodmore Dr Hanover, NH 03755 8606 35th Ave NE, Apt. 213 Seattle, WA 98115-3679 130 Mountain Road Lyndeborough, NH 03082 140 Sheep Davis Rd. Pembroke, NH 03275 1 Concord St Nashua, NH 03064 58 South Main Street Newport, NH 03773 PO Box 280 Greenland, NH 03840 PO Box 847 Pelham, NH 03076-0847 PO Box 36 Francestown, NH 03043 7 of 26 603-627-2032 603-835-2974 joel.arthur.eaton@gmail.com 603-279-1592 jw.eaton@yahoo.com 603-643-5648 brian.r.edwards@dartmouth.edu 603-714-8133 cassieemanuel@comcast.net 603-654-6074 bonnie03082@gmail.com 603-715-9526 jevans@nhcucc.org 603-881-9845 jevans@firstchurchnashua.org 978-473-2577 eliotfay@gmail.com 603-436-8336 revfellows@myfairpoint.net 603-635-7025 revbill819@gmail.com 781-248-6125 randypf@tds.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Ficken Rev. Patrice 617-323-0566 patricebf@comcast.net Filler Rev. John Finocchiaro Rev. Gina Fischer Rev. John Fitzgerald Rev. Gray Fletcher Ms. Justine Fohlin Rev. Dr. Harold Forst Ms. Elaine França Rev. Paulo Frasca Ms. Lydia French Rev. Betty Frescott Rev. Maureen Friou Rev. Charles Gallot Rev. Ruth Garrett-Larsen Rev. Dawn Geoghegan Rev. Dr. Emily 135 Walnut Hill Road Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 2961 Walters Mill Road Providence, NC 27315 32 Stonehenge Drive Wolfeboro, NH 03894 PO Box 67 Hebron, NH 03241-0067 28 Washington St Concord, NH 03301 92 Thompson Rd Westmoreland, NH 03467 303 Brooksby Village Dr Peabody, MA 01960 62 Colony Rd. Pittsfield, NH 03263 PO Box 1861 Plymouth, NH 03264 140 Sheep Davis Road Pembroke, NH 03275 236 Pinewood Dr Contoocook, NH 03229 11A Church St Amherst, NH 03031 33 Christian Ave., #164 Concord, NH 03301-6128 PO Box 652 Auburn, NH 03032 69 Dooe Rd Dublin, NH 03444 110 South St Concord, NH 03301 8 of 26 336-388-0278 603-569-1555 revginaf@gmail.com 603-744-5584 pastor@hebronchurchnh.org 603-369-2908 grayfitz440@live.com 603-399-7765 tina@fixitech.com 978-535-1258 hfohlin@msn.com 603-464-9952 773-458-3743 pgfranca@gmail.com 603-715-9522 lfasca@nhcucc.org 603-746-5189 prchrengr@tds.net 203-788-5330 pastormaureen@ccamherst.org 603-886-3395 cdfriou@aol.com 603-483-8578 ruth1218@comcast.net 603-563-8160 garrettlarsen@myfairpoint.net 603-224-5772 egeoghegan@comcast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Gerry-Karajanes Rev. Patricia 413-625-6446 pgerrykarajanes@gmail.com Gibbons Rev. Paul 603-826-3343 paul.gibbons409@gmail.com Gilbert Rev. Dr. Chandler 603-532-4366 tuckgilbert@myfairpoint.net Gile Rev. Paula 603-524-0668 paula@laconiaucc.org Gilman Rev. Dr. Andrew 603-893-3421 amgilman@myfairpoint.net Gilman Ms. Betty 603-431-1098 betty277@comcast.net Glover Mr. Ross 603-400-0466 rglover@gmail.com Gondola, Jr. Rev. Alex 603-554-1630 abgondola@gmail.com Goodfleisch Mr. Ted 857-205-1271 ted@pastorted.org Gould Mr. Kenneth 603-347-5099 kensel@comcast.net Grabill Mr. Robert 603-643-5507 robert.grabill@valley.net Grassi Pastor Cindy 603-237-5203 kwiltinnana@aol.com Gray Rev. Duke 978-453-1464 luxchristi38@gmail.com Gray Rev. Linda 603-774-0242 revlingray@yahoo.com Gregory-Davis Rev. John 603-469-3235 john@meridenucc.org Gregory-Davis Rev. Susan PO Box 183, Orcutt Hill Rd Buckland, MA 01338 P O Box 95 Charlestown, NH 03603 23 Parsons Lane Jaffrey, NH 03452 134 Nature's View Drive Laconia, NH 03246 16 Scamman Road Stratham, NH 03885 277 Coolidge Drive Portsmouth, NH 03801 34 Blueberry Hill Road Amherst, NH 03031 4 Sycamore Ct Amherst, NH 03031 44 Caldwell Street North Weymouth, MA 02191 1 Country Lane Kingston, NH 03848 25 Rayton Rd Hanover, NH 03755 PO Box 167 Colebrook, NH 03576 491 Dutton St, Unit #502 Lowell, MA 01854 49 Stinson Drive Dunbarton, NH 03046 PO Box 187 Meriden, NH 03770-0187 PO Box 187 Meriden, NH 03770-0187 603-469-3235 copastors@meridenucc.org 9 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Gross Rev. Frank 757-345-3929 fhgross@aol.com Hahn Rev. Raymond 603-536-4308 revnmrshahn@outlook.com Hakenson Rev. Fran 603-377-6907 fhakenson@yahoo.com Halstead Rev. Emilia 603-225-5491 pastor@concordsfirstchurch.org Hamel Rev. William 863-651-0434 rev.hamel@gmail.com Hamm Rev. Robert 139 Bastille Court Williamsburg, VA 23185 4 Stetson Dr Campton, NH 03223-4749 33 Esty Avenue Manchester, NH 03104 177 N. Main Street Concord, NH 03301 2802 W 35th Ave. , Apt 221 Kennewick, WA 99337 89 Valley St Keene, NH 03431 603-357-4822 robert.hamm@gmail.com Hangen Rev. E. George Harris Ms. Patricia Harris Mr. Scott Harrison Rev. Harold "Hal" Harvey Rev. George Hatfield Mr. Douglas Hayden Rev. Amy Hayn Mrs. Ruth Healy Rev. Gilman Heath Rev. Emily 10 of 26 PO Box 243 Kingston, NH 03848-0243 1 Broad Street Hollis, NH 03049 900 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101 33 Christian Ave, # 172 Concord, NH 03301 9 Beacon Circle Dover, NH 03820 PO Box 358 Hillsboro, NH 03244 P O Box 27 Lyme, NH 03768 156 Old Homestead Hwy Keene, NH 03431 PO Box 564 North Conway, NH 03860 21 Front Street Exeter, NH 03833 603-642-8162 603-465-9538 patharris.hollis@gmail.com 603-628-1459 scottharris@mclane.com 603-224-0517 halharrison31@aol.com 603-569-9342 pegeo@worldpath.net 603-464-3458 dhatfield@uptonhatfield.com 603-795-2850 pastor@lymecongregational.com 603-357-4538 rhayn@ne.rr.com 603-733-5194 gilmanhealy@gmail.com 603-395-5400 pastor@exetercongchurch.org April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST Heath Rev Heidi Hempen Rev. Herbert Mr. Heslam Rev. Heslam Rev. Hey Rev. Higgins Rev. Hill Rev. Hill Mr. Hobbie Dr. Holland Mrs. Hollister Rev. Hoskin Rev. Howard III Rev. Dr. Howe Rev. Howe Rev. Dr. 11 of 26 ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL 10 Chestnut Street #2307 Exeter, NH 03833 Dale 17 Perley Ln Durham, NH 03824 John 491 Raccoon Hill Rd Salisbury, NH 03268 Charles PO Box 675 Belmont, NH 03220-0675 Janet PO Box 675 Belmont, NH 03220-0675 Linda 2 Foxmoor Circle Milford, NH 03055 Charles 176 Waukeena Lake Rd Danbury, NH 03230 Deborah 44 Windsor Court Keene, NH 03431 Donald 340 Third Range Rd Pembroke, NH 03275 Erik 20 Main St Exeter, NH 03833 Barbara 211 Pleasant Street Littleton, NH 03561 Mimi 7 Glover Square Marblehead, MA 01945 Heidi 10 Parade Ground Rd Etna, NH 03750 Nelson "Jim" 3 Savage Court Pembroke, NH 03275-3234 Janice PO Box 2242 Hillsborough, NH 03244 Peter PO Box 2242 Hillsborough, NH 03244 508-564-2179 pastorheidiheath@gmail.com 603-397-5058 dahempen@comcast.net 603-648-2511 johnw.herbert@tds.net 603-267-6133 cjheslam@metrocast.net 603-267-6133 cjheslam@metrocast.net 603-801-1177 lindahey@comcast.net 603-768-3379 ginnychas@gmail.com 603-354-3412 revdebhill@gmail.com 603-485-7449 donshill@comcast.net 603-772-7157 erik.hobbie@unh.edu 603-444-1104 rbhcl@msn.com 781-631-6971 mimihollister1@verizon.net 603-643-2941 heidi@schoolhousefarm.net 603-210-2368 jimh.nh@rcn.com 802-376-9115 pnjhowe@comcast.net 802-376-9114 pnjhowe@comcast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Hughes Rev. David 603-392-0055 revdhughes@myfairpoint.net Hutchins Ms. Linda 603-788-4919 riffsflower@ncia.net Irvine Rev. Dr. Frank 603-225-9210 frank.work4peace@gmail.com Iverson Rev. Neil Jackson Rev. Eric Jacobson Rev. Barry Jadlocki Rev. David James Mr. Bob James Rev. Mary Jauhola-Straight Rev. Carlos Jennings Rev. Dr. Donald Jepson Rev. Susan PO Box 660 Winchester, NH 03470-0660 PO Box 404 Lancaster, NH 03584 39 Mountain Rd Concord, NH 03301 PO Box 372 Eustis, ME 04936-0037 16 Blair Avenue Hillsborough, NH 03244 61 Garfield Close Franconia, NH 03580 155 Main St Rindge, NH 03461 21 Bagdad Rd Durham, NH 03824 21 Bagdad Rd Durham, NH 03824 112 South St Concord, NH 03301 15 Champlain Circle Plymouth, MA 02360-7752 Christian Theological Seminary Sabapathipillai Lane Maruthanarmadam Chunnakam, Sri Lanka Johnson Rev. John 603-542-6342 Jones Rev. Dr. Raymond Jones Rev. William 85 Myrtle Street Claremont, NH 03743 19 Thistle Rock Rd Guilford, CT 06437-1606 141 Main St. Gorham, NH 03581 12 of 26 207-246-4287 603-464-3529 smithmemorialucc@mcttelecom.com 603-348-0749 barryfjacobson@rcn.com 603-463-7870 rev.david@jadlocki.com 603-868-3401 rajames21@gmail.com 603-868-3401 fccwpastor@gmail.com 603-724-0906 revmsgcarlos@gmail.com dfjenn@pinehills.net sajlrk@hotmail.com jjohnso@visi.com 203-457-7020 585-593-8820 gorhampastor@gmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Katchikian Pastor Samuel 603-898-7042 samo84@hotmail.com Keegan Mr. Tom 603-744-2751 tlkeegan1@myfairpoint.net Keilig Rev. Carolyn Keller Rev. David Kennedy Rev. Dr. Charles Kenton Ms. Lorry Kimball Mr. Philip Kindberg Rev. Gail Kinney Mr. Bruce Kinney Ms. Gail Kinney Rev. Dr. Regina Knowlton Rev. Deborah Kohlmorgen Ms. Janet Kohlmorgen Mr. Rick Koonz Rev. Edward Krygeris Mr. Al 2 Salem St Salem, NH 03079-4115 1115 Robie Rd. Bristol, NH 03222 217 Spinney Road Portsmouth, NH 03801 8 Cote St Concord, NH 03301 149 East Side Drive, #141 Concord, NH 03301-5410 5 Mulherrin Farm Rd. Hanover, NH 03755 65 Ray Rd. Dunbarton, NH 03046 12 Lee Hill Rd Lee, NH 03861 1 Greenbriar Lane Amherst, NH 03031 321 Jones Hill Road Caanan, NH 03741 1 Greenbriar Lane Amherst, NH 03031 127 Winnacunnet Rd Hampton, NH 03842 220 Woodbound Rd Rindge, NH 03461 220 Woodbound Rd Rindge, NH 03461 29 Hampton Drive Nashua, NH 03063 PO Box 73 Washington, NH 03280-0073 13 of 26 603-436-9109 revcehk@yahoo.com 603-224-7129 davidandlindy@myfairpoint.net 603-223-0731 chask@myfairpoint.net 603-643-3969 lorry.kenton@gmail.com 603-774-1112 pnekimball@aol.com 603-659-2861 gailkindberg@comcast.net 603-673-9051 bruce_kinney@raytheon.com 603-381-7324 uniongale@aol.com 603-673-9051 reginakinney11@gmail.com 603-926-9245 seedplantr@gmail.com 603-899-2069 rickhlmrg@aol.com 603-899-2069 rickhlmrg@aol.com 603-889-0498 reved85@aol.com 603-495-3116 akrygeris@gsinet.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Kuchenbrod Mr. Charles 860-761-7111 charliek@ctucc.org Kullgren Rev. Stacey 603-903-5621 rev.s.kullgren@gmail.com Kyte Rev. Robert 904-686-1437 robertrkyte@gmail.com LaMontagne Rev. Dr. Melinda 603-882-1801 melinda.lamontagne@yahoo.com Landers Hatt Rev. Mollie 603-715-9524 mlanders@nhcucc.org Landry Ms. Karen 603-520-7098 kjhbak@yahoo.com Lankhorst Rev. Ellen 603-948-2381 ewlb@metrocast.net Lannin Ms. Linda 603-878-2470 lnlannin@aol.com Lanzara Rev. Christopher 603-534-0740 christopher.lanzara@gmail.com Larson Rev. Rebecca 603-331-1751 revralarson@gmail.com Lasell Pastor Maureen 603-357-2202 hmmjcl@gmail.com Laubi Rev. Paul 386-532-8087 plaubi@hotmail.com Leavitt Rev. Dr. Daniel 603-229-1263 lodanb@comcast.net Leavitt Rev. Richard 603-673-2152 revlev@ccamherst.org Lee Rev. Pojen 603-662-0049 pojen@roadrunner.com Lemire Rev. Paul 125 Sherman Street Hartford, CT 06105 320 Bolton Road Winchester, NH 03470 643 Wandering Woods Way Ponte Vedra, FL 32081 1075 Bridge St. Manchester, NH 03104 140 Sheep Davis Rd. Pembroke, NH 03275 8 Christine Drive Atkinson, NH 03811-2303 569 Pickering Rd. Rochester, NH 03867-4627 155 Morse Rd Mason, NH 03048 12A East Concord St Dover, NH 03820 334 Mayhew Turnpike Plymouth, NH 03264 397 N. Mine Ledge Surry, NH 03431 3270 Elkcam Blvd Deltona, FL 32738-2596 33 Christian Ave Concord, NH 03301 24 Horace Greeley Rd Amherst, NH 03031 19 Saco Street, #39 Center Conway, NH 03813 107 Forest Rd. Lyndeborough, NH 03082-6204 603-654-2325 melemire@tds.net 14 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Lennox Rev. Dr. David 603-772-1045 david.lennox@comcast.net Leslie Rev. Donna 603-863-3422 rdrleslie@aol.com Lindsey Rev. Beverly 804-275-7165 revbevlindsey@gmail.com Lovejoy Rev. Joyce 603-487-3532 joycelovejoy@comcast.net Lovejoy Rev. Dr. Peter 603-487-3532 petelovejoy@comcast.net Lovett Rev. Miller Lovett Rev. Sidney Lowry Rev. Michael Lurvey Rev. Dr. Allan Lyon Mr. Donald Maccini Rev. Rebecca Macfarlane Rev. Robert MacLeod Rev. Andrew MacLeod Rev. Rhonda Mahoney Ms. Dawn Main Rev. William 96 Court St Exeter, NH 03833-2631 16 Winter Rd Croydon, NH 03773 4326 Vauxhall Road North Chesterfield, VA 23234 2 Bessie Leavitt Lane New Boston, NH 03070 2 Bessie Leavitt Lane New Boston, NH 03070 PO Box 1669 Meredith, NH 03253-1669 PO Box 690 Holderness, NH 03245-0690 75 Mountain Rd Concord, NH 03301 30 Wiggin Way Stratham, NH 03885 23 Upham Rd Amherst, NH 03031 PO Box 2205 Henniker, NH 03242 99 Main Street Atkinson, NH 03811 40 School Street Bristol, NH 03244 P O Box 15 Peterborough, NH 03458 83 North Shore Drive Hampton, NH 03842 23 Hillside Ave. Marblehead, MA 01947 15 of 26 603-279-7887 603-968-7532 sidlovett@gmail.com 603-224-9242 revmwlowry@yahoo.com 603-772-2415 allanlurvey@comcast.net 603-672-0100 5panthera9@comcast.net 603-428-7685 revrwm@tds.net 508-331-8331 revbobmac@aol.com 603-217-0704 pastorbucc@myfairpoint.net 603-567-7161 pastormacleod@gmail.com 603-926-3585 drmstl@yahoo.com 617-510-0401 wm.main@gmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Marcroft Ms. Christine 603-529-2863 lmarc122@earthlink Marcroft Mr. Leroy 603-529-2863 lmarc122@earthlink.net Marean Rev. Eric 603-847-9750 emarean@yahoo.com Marean Rev. Sara 603-526-7715 saramarean@yahoo.com Marrone Rev. Dr. Robert 603-425-4578 peterboroughpastor@gmail.com Marsden Rev. Patricia 603-778-2355 pmarsden@comcast.net Marshall Rev. Gregory 603-359-2279 gmarshall@meridenucc.org Martin Mr. C. Wayne 603-726-3033 wmartin_03223@yahoo.com Martin Mr. Terry 603-353-9830 kamtwm@valley.net Martz Rev. Ruth 603-286-3018 ruthm.joy@gmail.com McCall Rev. Dr. Junietta 603-225-4619 juniettam@yahoo.com McCann Rev. Gerald 603-942-7116 pastormccann@gmail.com McConaghy Ms. Ethel 603-776-2881 emc@metrocast.net McConnell Rev. William 603-430-5485 pegbill@myfairpoint.net McCutcheon Rev. Michael 603-935-8607 mmcutch@hotmail.com McDonnell Mr. Jeff 54 Apple Way Weare, NH 03281 54 Apple Way Weare, NH 03281 61 Tolman Pond Road Nelson, NH 03457 61 Tolman Pond Road Nelson, NH 03457 47 Pine Street Peterborough, NH 03458 28 Winterberry Lane Stratham, NH 03885 365 N. Main St. Unit 229 W. Lebanon, NH 03784 2196 US Rte 3 Campton, NH 03223-4749 133 Dame Hill Rd Orford, NH 03777 47 Hueber Drive Sanbornton, NH 03269 10 Dartmouth St Concord, NH 03301-2316 PO Box 65 Northwood, NH 03261 474 N. Barnstead Rd Center Barnstead, NH 03225 356 Richards Ave Portsmouth, NH 03801 150 Tennyson Drive Manchester, NH 03104 141 North Main Street Brewer, ME 04412 16 of 26 1-800-762-8600 jeff@InsuranceMadeEasy.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL McGlashan Mrs. Helen 603-715-9523 hmcglashan@nhcucc.org McGregor Rev. Dr. William 603-332-3256 wmhmcgregor@gmail.com McIntrye Mr. William 603-880-3492 williammcintyre2@comcast.net McNeish Ms. Deborah 603-279-6629 DebMcNeish19@gmail.com McQuarrie Rev. Celeste 603-717-5997 celestem579@gmail.com Mento Rev. Carol 603-660-4583 cmento1216@gmail.com Merrill Rev. Catherine 978-494-6953 pastoratbccnh@gmail.com Meredith Rev. Carol 603-463-7734 pastor@deerchurch.org Miller Ms. Marcie 603-899-5419 quiltmm@gmail.com Miller Ms. Sharon 603-482-7771 smiller@moneysunk.mk.com Miller, Jr. Rev. Earl 603-253-1862 millerucc@aol.com Mix Rev. Diane 781-883-2159 diane.mix@comcast.net Mockabee Rev. Dr. Eugene 603-536-5212 genemockabee@yahoo.com Moore Rev. Dr. Bryan 603-587-0038 bryanmoore1951@comcast.net Morse Rev. Dr. C. Taylor 603-387-0479 anjelikaoef@gmail.com Motley Rev. Teri 140 Sheep Davis Road Pembroke, NH 03275 8 Freedom Drive Dover, NH 03820 20 Chapel Hill Dr Nashua, NH 03063 88 Water St Meredith, NH 03253 11 Pinewood Trail Concord, NH 03301 48 Reed St., Apt. 4 Vernon-Rockville, CT 06066 16 Balmoral Street, #411 Andover, MA 01810 PO Box 420 Deerfield, NH 03037 6 Abel Road Rindge, NH 03461 PO Box 22 Errol, NH 03579 693 Moultonborough Neck Rd Moultonborough, NH 03254 1011 Bennett Way Newmarket, NH 03857 23 Cider Mill Dr. Campton, NH 03223 PO Box 382 Candia, NH 03034 231 Main St Salem, NH 03079-3186 6 Cary Street Nahant, MA 01908 Jaffrey, NH 03452 603-903-5091 terimotley@aol.com 17 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Muehlke, Jr. Rev. John 603-745-6241 johnmuehlkejr@gmail.com Muise Rev. Donna 603-863-6195 revdonna2@gmail.com Murdock Ms. Nancy 603-432-2313 portia96@gmail.com Murphy Rev. Gayle 603-942-0209 ncc@myfairpoint.net Nelson Rev. R. Winthrop 603-924-0033 winelson1925@gmail.com Norbert Ms. Paula 207-251-9219 pnorbert1217@gmail.com Nordbeck Rev. Dr. Elizabeth 603-569-1280 enordbeck@ants.edu Nordberg Rev. Dr. Thomas 603-643-3150 tom.ccdcucc@gmail.com Norling Rev. David 802-295-6931 pnorling1234@gmail.com Norman Ms. Jane 603-763-8891 jsmnorman@comcast.net Norman Rev. Leslie 603-763-8891 lesnorman@comcast.net Noyes Mrs. Doris 603-642-5347 bart-dorisnoyes@prodigy.net Nyhan Ms. Alison 603-224-2521 anyhan@sochurch.org Ortman Ms. Martha 603-332-6012 woodsedge@juno.com Overlander Rev. Clare 413-586-0024 clare.overlander@gmail.com Owen Rev. Christopher PO Box 152 Woodstock, NH 03293-0152 P O Box 576 Grantham, NH 03753 10 Chester Rd Derry, NH 03038 22 S. Spring St. Concord, NH 03301 318 River Mead Rd Peterborough, NH 03458-1762 14 Spiller Drive Kennebunk, ME 04043 332 N. Main St Wolfeboro, NH 03894 40 College Street Dartmouth, NH 03755 35 Larkspur Ln White River Junction, VT 05001 8 Hayfield Lane New London, NH 03257 8 Hayfield Lane New London, NH 03257 9 Elkins Rd Kingston, NH 03848 27 Pleasant St Concord, NH 03301 147 Rochester Hill Rd. Rochester, NH 03867-3328 15 Garfield Ave Florence, MA 01062 33 Valley Road Mason, NH 03048-4612 603-654-6229 cowen1918@aol.com 18 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Papagian Mrs. Barbara 603-622-4144 prabar@msn.com Pare Ms. Holly 603-882-8592 pareduc8@aol.com Peacock Rev. Quentin Peeler Rev. Dr. J. Yorke Pierson Mr. Jay Pirie Rev. James Pitman Ms. Dorothy Pleas Rev. Kevin Pontoh Rev. Sandra Powell Rev. Clyde Powers Ms. Shirley Pratt-Peckham Rev. Debra Preston Rev. Emily Pruitt Rev. R. David Rainsley Rev. Lynn Randlett Rev. David 508 Union St. Manchester, NH 03104 38 Abbott St Nashua, NH 03064 114 Four Winds Farm Rd Peterborough, NH 03458-1302 33 Christian Avenue Concord, NH 03301 40 Blue Heron Ln Etna, NH 03750-4406 13 Fairchild Dr Durham, NH 03824-1945 12 Maple Knoll Dr Hollis, NH 03049 26 Old Orchard Way Manchester, NH 03103 98 Whitehouse Road Rochester, NH 03866-4514 8846 N Elkcam Blvd Citrus Springs, FL 34433 41 Kinsman Dr Laconia, NH 03246 25 Pleasant St Farmington, NH 03835 25 Annett Rd. Jaffrey, NH 03452 PO Box 34 Haverhill, NH 03765-0034 34 Punch Brook Way, Apt. 124 Rochester, NH 03839-5671 59 Franklin St. Laconia, NH 03246 19 of 26 603-924-7947 603-715-2341 ypeeler@comcast.net 603-643-3279 603-868-6211 lue-p@comcast.net 603-465-7672 vpitman@tds.net 207-975-5999 kpleas@fccmanchesternh.org 603-330-0012 maranathanh@juno.com 352-613-3325 603-524-1364 scpowers2@gmail.com 603-755-4816 dprattpeck@hotmail.com 603-532-6573 revebpreston@gmail.com 603-989-5946 pruitt2425@aol.com 603-335-5431 603-524-3760 randlettfam@peoplepc.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Rardin Rev. Jared 603-224-2521 revjaredr@gmail.com Ray Ms. Joyce 603-774-5105 joyceray@gsinet.net Ray Mr. Robert 603-774-5105 robraynh@ieee.org Raymond Ms. Diane 802-535-8559 dianewraymond@gmail.com Redard Rev. Eric 781-589-9400 pastor@fcc-salem.org Richardson Pastor Kerry 603-620-0235 kerrywrichardson@comcast.net Rideout Rev. Mark 603-742-4295 pastor@somersworthfirstparish.org Robb Rev. Robert Rockwell Rev. Nancy Roof Rev. Dr. Deborah Rosen Rev. Susan Grant Rottman Ms. Nancy Rouse Rev. Renee Rowe Mr. John Rowell Mr. Mark Rowland Rev. Dr. Russell 38 North Curtisville Rd Concord, NH 03301 325 Stark Highway North Dunbarton, NH 03046 325 Stark Highway North Dunbarton, NH 03046 193 Juniper Lane Lyndonville, VT 05851 21 Play Camp Road, #23 Salem, NH 03079 S PO Box 133 Goffstown, NH 03045 6 Glenview Rd Somersworth, NH 03878 11 Veterans Rd, Unit 205 Amherst, NH 03031-2747 16 Coach Road Exeter, NH 03833 71 N. High St, Unit 1 Derry, NH 03038 PO Box 363 Charlestown, NH 03603 4 Eastbrook Dr. Nashua, NH 03060 5 Broadway Pembroke, NH 03275 869 River Rd. Manchester, NH 03104 16 Hetzel Rd Lebanon, NH 03766 PO Box 904 Meredith, NH 03253-0904 20 of 26 603-672-6627 603-828-4902 nanrockwell@comcast.net 585-472-4284 pastordeborah@fpc-ucc.org 603-826-0139 susangr3@gmail.com 603-897-0008 nancer@comcast.net 603-210-5562 worship1st@aol.com 603-628-3521 johnmwr@hotmail.com 603-448-8877 markerowell@comcast.net 603-259-0789 fccmeredith@metrocast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS Runnion-Bareford Rev. David Salt Rev. William Sanborn Mr. Charles Sanborn Ms. Janet Santos Rev. Wayne Schmidt Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schneider Rev. Kent Schulte Rev. Gary Schumm Rev. Priscilla Scott Rev. Jeff Scott Rev. Joyce Scott Rev. Michael Seals Rev. Dr. Mary E. Sevigny Mrs. Laura Shamy Rev. Polly Shaw Dr. Charles PO Box 31 Islesboro, ME 04848-0031 33 Christian Ave., #69 Concord, NH 03301 106 Morrill Rd. Canterbury, NH 03224 29 Woodknoll Drive North Hampton, NH 03862 P O Box 457 Milton, NH 03851-0457 8 Iverson Road Beverly, MA 01915 PO Box 142 Chocorua, NH 03817 9 Autumn Dr Concord, NH 03301-5940 26 Fieldstone Dr Londonderry, NH 03053 17 Grape Avenue Gilmanton, NH 03237 227 State Route 2 Shelburne, NH 03581 226 Athol Richmond Rd Royalston, MA 01368 86 Colby Rd. Danville, NH 03819 19 Melody Terrace Dover, NH 03820 8 Main Street #10 Jaffrey, NH 03452 PO Box 66 Walpole, NH 03608 21 of 26 PHONE NO. EMAIL areformer@aol.com 603-856-7360 williamsalt@comcast.net 603-783-9030 ecsanborn@yahoo.com 603-964-8568 sanbornjol@comcast.net 603-652-7914 ccmilton@myfairpoint.net 978-927-8684 revschmidt@comcast.net 603-323-2021 pastorkent@roadrunner.com 603-715-9527 gschulte@nhcucc.org 603-432-7698 603-298-8096 office@westlebcongo.comcastbiz.net 603-466-5862 jescott607@ne.rr.com 508-528-9385 mikedadgie@earthlink.net 603-974-1497 halmary1@myfairpoint.net 603-493-5900 sevigny.laura@gmail.com 603-757-2832 pshamy@gmail.com 603-756-4866 cpshaw45@gmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Shelton Rev. Carol 603-735-5222 revcarols@yahoo.com Shippee Rev. Dawn 603-475-0999 shippeedawn@comcast.net Siebrands Rev. Dr. Larry 902-962-3280 larrysiebrands@yahoo.com Silver Rev. Stephen 603-448-4281 revsrs@live.com Simmon Ms. Janet 603-524-7890 scd_md@yahoo.com Simmons Rev. Elizabeth 603-547-2410 revbeth10@gmail.com Slater Rev. Dr. David 269-281-0848 davidslater102@gmail.com Slater Rev. Richard 603-715-9525 rslater@nhcucc.org Sleeper Ms. Sylvia 603-226-4921 sylviasleeper@comcast.net Small Mr. Eric 603-474-5066 enswalton@comcast.net Smith Rev. Daniel 603-724-0895 seadogsmith@aol.com Smith Rev. Larry 860-554-1399 lschesterfield22@gmail.com Snyder Rev. Linda 203-927-5387 lindaleasnyder@gmailcom Spain Rev. Pamela 508-665-0697 revpspain@gmail.com Spagnolo Rev. Martell 603-447-3851 mgmartellspagnolo@rocketmail.com Spinney Rev. Roger 38 Hall Road Andover, NH 03216 800 N. Main Street Raynham, MA 02767 6 Library St, PO Box #73 Murray Harbour PE, C0A 1V0 15 Kimball Street Lebanon, NH 03766 20 Shore Drive Laconia, NH 03246 38 Balch Farm Road Bennington, NH 03442 512 Sutherland Ave St. Joseph, MI 49085 211 Penacook Rd Hopkinton, NH 03229-3025 33 Christian Ave. #158 Concord, NH 03301-6129 156 Walton Rd Seabrook, NH 03874 14015 East 500 Road Stockton, MO 65785 1 Cheever Lane Mont Vernon, NH 03057 18 Whites Grove Rd. Nottingham, NH 03290 17 Arch Street Framingham, MA 01760 PO Box 1412 Conway, NH 03818 P O Box 282 Etna, NH 03705 603-277-2131 rspin6477@aol.com 22 of 26 April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. Spires Mrs. Diane 603-895-9524 Stagg Rev. Bonnie Staley Rev. Dr. Ronald Stasiak Rev. David Steer Ms. Maureen Stolberg Mr. Gunnar Stuart Rev. Dr. Richard Sundeen Rev. Dr. Lois Swanson Rev. Robert Talbott Rev. Nancy Tharp Mrs. Brenda Thurston, Jr. Rev. Frank Tigert Rev. Dr. Leanne Tilton Pastor Gerry Timmons Ms. Mary Tinkham Mr. Daniel 6 Decato Dr Lee, NH 03861-6532 23 Hilltop Place New London, NH 03257 157 Tolend Rd Barrington, NH 03825-3708 24 Main Street Pittsfield, NH 03263 399 Applebee Rd Milton Mills, NH 03852 26 George Pitman Dr Center Barnstead, NH 03225 677 Squam Lake Road Sandwich, NH 03227-3238 33 Christian Avenue Concord, NH 03301 300 N River Rd, #504 Manchester, NH 03104 61 Central Avenue, PO Box 26 Wolfeboro, NH 03894 17 Pine Road N. Hampton, NH 03862-2327 14 Battle St Webster, NH 03303-7701 110 South St Concord, NH 03301 PO Box 301 Bartlett, NH 03812 31 Church St Rochester, NH 03839 21 Burr Lane Gilford, NH 03249 23 of 26 EMAIL 603-247-5489 bsstagg@comcast.net 603-335-1828 krstaley@earthlink.net 603-435-7471 603-269-3282 gunnar@stohlberg.com 603-253-9964 randrstuart@gmail.com 603-224-5383 lnsundeen@comcast.net 603-627-7386 theswansons1981@aol.com 603-776-1820 ntalbott2005@gmail.com 603-964-8194 bl.tharp@comcast.net 603-746-4082 603-224-5772 ltigert@comcast.net 603-374-5003 forestgt22@aol.com 603-332-1920 mgvtimmons@ymail.com 603-524-2901 tinkhams@metrocast.net April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST Tinkham Ms. Sally Tinkham Rev. Tirabassi Rev. Tolton Rev. Tomilson Rev. Towle Rev. Tulk Rev. Tung Rev. Turns Rev. Upton Rev. Urie Rev. van der Laan Rev. Van Wagner Mr. Vedeler Rev. Vodra Rev. Wagner Rev. 24 of 26 ADDRESS 21 Burr Lane Gilford, NH 03249 Sharon 740 Brackett Rd Sanbornville, NH 03872 Maren 271 Lafayette Rd Portsmouth, NH 03801-5433 Lynda 123 Old Troy Rd Fitzwilliam, NH 03447-3017 Helen "Holly" 41 Harvey Road Christabel Deerfield, NH 03037 Donald PO Box 103 Bristol, NH 03222-0103 Bevan 33 Christian Ave Concord, NH 03301 Lea Ann 238 Middle Rd Dover, NH 03820 Larry PO Box 1716 Grantham, NH 03753-1716 Mary 54 Brown Rd Harrisville, NH 03450 Arthur P O Box 265 Andover, NH 03216 Sharon 77 Elm St Lancaster, NH 03584 Matt 80 Stillwater Drive Nashua, NH 03062 Donald 20670 Persimmon Place Estero, FL 33928 Robert 97 Broadway Pembroke, NH 03275 Amanda 58 Branch Turnpike #48 Concord, NH 03301 PHONE NO. EMAIL 603-524-2901 satinkham@metrocast.net 603-522-2038 revshar@roadrunner.com 603-436-9352 mctirabassi@hotmail.com 603-585-3359 603-703-8956 hctomilson@gmail.com 603-744-5494 dtowle@localnet.com 603-227-1335 btulk@hhhinfo.org 603-740-0199 lamzt84@comcast.net 603-863-6137 lkturns@together.net 603-827-3253 603-735-5444 urie@tds.net 603-788-4724 revsvdlaan@gmail.com 603-557-7504 matt@findmefaster.com 239-949-0654 retchdon@peoplepc.com 603-268-0478 robertvodra@gmail.com 570-765-3478 revwag@gmail.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Warren Mr. Phillip PO Box 488 Alstead, NH 03602 603-835-2490 pwarren4ducks@comcast.net Weaver Rev. Dr. Stephen Webber Rev. Betsy 603-335-6661 betsyswebber@aol.com Weddington Rev. 603-444-3376 pastordavid@myfairpoint.net Wehrwein Rev. Dr. 603-352-4055 gewehrwein@gmail.com Welch Ms. 603-823-5167 amyswelch@rcn.com Wells Ms. 603-527-1401 dianewells@myfairpoint.net Westfall Rev. Dr. 603-868-1230 maryw@ccdurham.org White, Jr. Mr. 603-659-2883 Sidney-White@comcast.net Whittemore Rev. 603-269-1401 gcwhittemore@msn.com Wierwille Rev. Wildman Rev. Dr. Willard Ms. Williams Ms. Williams Rev. Wilson Rev. 25 of 26 6 Goldrush Lane Rochester, NH 03867 W. David 312 Oak Hill Ave Littleton, NH 03561 Gary 411 Hurricane Rd Keene, NH 03431 Amy 61 Garfield Close Franconia, NH 03580 Diane 176 Morning Side Dr Laconia, NH 03246 Mary 9 Caldwell Lane Lee, NH 03861 Sidney 2 Wednesday Hill Rd Lee, NH 03861-6533 Gayle 578 Beauty Hill Rd Ctr Barnstead, NH 03255 Richard 520 Woodland Ave Wooster, OH 44691 Timothy 54 Auburn St Concord, NH 03301 Norma 7 Lakeview Dr Dover, NH 03820 Charlotte 1369 VT Rte 244 Fairlee, VT 05045 David PO Box 6, Tall Trees - Rte 28A Alton, NH 03809-0006 Jane Elizabeth PO Box 102 Wells River, VT 05081 440-574-3023 603-225-5103 wildhov@comcast.net 603-742-4878 normawillard@comcast.net 802-333-4741 charlotte.r.williams@dartmouth.edu 603-875-0363 revdcwms@metrocast.net 802-757-3220 jteamw@aol.com April 2016 LAST TITLE FIRST ADDRESS PHONE NO. EMAIL Wingate Rev. Dr. Vera 603-880-7407 rev.vera.wingate@gmail.com Winter Rev. Lyn 603-838-5008 rev.lynwinter@yahoo.com Wood Rev. Nancy Mr. David 603-354-5454 x2581 603-753-2386 nancy.e.wood@hitchcock.org Worthen Young Rev. Dr. Terri 603-935-8558 chrchldy46@comcast.net Young, Sr. Rev. Dr. James 603-736-9279 y91746@aol.com Zecchini Rev. Leonard 603-654-6322 leonard.zecchini@gmail.com Zeckhausen Rev. Dr. William 603-524-9422 bill@zeckhausen.com Zeller Ms. Janet 42 Powers Rd Hollis, NH 03049 71 Grafton St Lisbon, NH 03585 P O Box 1007 Acworth, NH 03601 45 Academy St. Boscawen, NH 03303 108 Rockland Avenue Manchester, NH 03102 352 New Rye Rd Epsom, NH 03234 714 Center Road Lyndeborough, NH 03082 34 Winnicoash St Laconia, NH 03246 149 East Side Drive Concord, NH 03301 603-731-5437 janet.zeller@gmail.com 26 of 26 davidworthen@comcast.net April 2016 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 10 Acworth 40 Southwest (488) PO Box 2010 Acworth, NH 03601-2010 Pastor Joel Eaton joel.arthur.eaton@gmail.com Physical Bailey Road Acworth, NH 03601-2010 Church Church Alstead 60 United Church, Acworth Mailing 603-835-2974 PO Box 164 Alstead, NH 03602-0164 Pastor Maureen Lasell hmmjcl@peoplepc.com Physical 14 River Street Alstead, NH 03602-0164 Church Church Congregational Church of Amherst, Mailing 11 Church Street Amherst, NH 03031-2923 Rev. Richard Leavitt revlev@ccamherst.org Physical 11 Church Street Amherst, NH 03031-2923 Church Church Atkinson 100 Congregational Church, Atkinson 101 Main Street Atkinson, NH 03811-2524 Rev. Robert Macfarlane revbobmac@aol.com Physical 101 Main Street Atkinson, NH 03811-2524 Church Church Licensed Pastor Hillsborough (496) Position: Longmeadow Congregational Church PO Box 356 Auburn, NH 03032-0356 Rev. Ruth Gallot ruth1218@comcast.net Physical 4 Wilson's Crossing Road Auburn, NH 03032-0356 Church Church Sr. Pastor 603-673-1712 Position: Associate Pastor Rockingham (508) Position: 603-362-5519 Church office@atkinsoncc.org Mailing April 2016 Position: 603-673-3231 Church andrea@ccamherst.org Mailing Auburn Southwest (488) 603-835-6358 Church alsteadthirdchurch@gmail.com Rev. Maureen Frescott pastormaureen@ccamherst.org 90 Pastor Church Third Congregational Church Mailing Amherst Position: Interim Pastor 603-352-4451 Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-483-2907 Church frannys1@aol.com Page 1 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 150 160 190 210 220 240 Bartlett Bartlett Congregational Church UCC Mailing PO Box 132 Bartlett, NH 03812 Rev. Norma Brettell brettell@roadrunner.com Physical 14 Albany Avenue/Bear Notch Road Bartlett, NH 03812 Church Church Bath Bath Congregational Church Pastor Ted Goodfleisch ted@pastorted.org Physical 8 West Bath Road Bath, NH 03740-0017 Church Church Boscawen Congregational Church 12 High Street Boscawen, NH 03303-3100 Rev. David Randlett randlettfam@peoplepc.com Physical 12 High Street Boscawen, NH 03303-3100 Church Church Bristol United Church of Christ PO Box 424 Bristol, NH 03222-0424 Rev. Andrew MacLeod pastorbucc@myfairpoint.net Physical 15 Church Street Bristol, NH 03222-0424 Church Church Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor 603-744-8132 Church bristolucc@myfairpoint.net Brookline Community Church Mailing PO Box 507 Brookline, NH 03033-0507 Rev. Catherine Merrill pastoratbccnh@gmail.com Physical 2 Main Street Brookline, NH 03033-0507 Church Church Hillsborough (496) Position: Pastor 603-673-7511 Church info@bccnh.org Candia Congregational Church Mailing PO Box 62 Candia, NH 03034 Rev. Dr. Bryan Moore bryanmoore1951@comcast.net Physical 1 South Road Candia, NH 03034 Church Church April 2016 Supply Pastor 603-796-2565 Church bosccong@tds.net Mailing Candia Position: 603-747-4020 Church info@batcc.org Mailing Brookline Pastor Grafton Orange Sullivan PO Box 17 Bath, NH 03740-0017 Bristol Position: 603-374-2718 Church bucc@myfairpoint.net Mailing Boscawen North Country (504) Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-483-0506 Church 603-483-1035 office@candiacongregational.org Page 2 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 250 255 260 270 280 290 Canterbury Canterbury United Community Church Mailing PO Box 216 Canterbury, NH 03224-0216 Rev. William Donoghue donoghuebill@gmail.com Physical 5 Center Road Canterbury, NH 03224-0216 Church Church Center Barnstead Congregational Church of North PO Box 2 Center Barnstead, NH 03225-0002 Rev. Nancy Talbott ntalbott2005@gmail.com Physical 504 N Barnstead Road Center Barnstead, NH 03225-0002 Church Church 603-776-1820 Congregational Church, Center Harbor Mailing PO Box 229 Center Harbor, NH 03226-0229 Rev. Carol Asher clsasher2@aol.com Physical 52 Main Street Center Harbor, NH 03226-0229 Church Church Charlestown Congregational Church, Charlestown PO Box 1498 Charlestown, NH 03603-1498 Rev. Paul Gibbons paul.gibbons409@gmail.com Physical 71 Main Street Charlestown, NH 03603-1498 Church Church Chatham Congregational Church 268 West Fryburg Road Fryeburg, ME 04037 Pastor Lois Amidon loisellen@aol.com Physical Route 113B Fryeburg, ME 04037 Church Church Pastor Church Merrimack (500) Position: Interim Pastor 603-253-8668 Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: Interim Pastor North Country (504) Position: Licensed Pastor 207-935-3348 Church schoolhouse9@hotmail.com The Congregational Church of Chester Mailing PO Box 306 Chester, NH 03036-0306 Rev. Duke Gray luxchristi38@gmail.com Physical 4 Chester Street Chester, NH 03036-0306 Church Church April 2016 Position: 603-826-3335 Church congchrch@myfairpoint.net Mailing Chester Interim Pastor Merrimack (500) 603-253-7698 Church chccucc@myfairpoint.net Mailing Chatham Position: 603-783-9365 Church canterburychurch@myfairpoint.net Mailing Center Harbor Merrimack (500) Rockingham (508) Position: Interim Pastor 603-887-4799 Church chesterchurchoffice@gsinet.net Page 3 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 310 320 330 350 360 Claremont First Congregational Church, Claremont Mailing 72 Pleasant Street Claremont, NH 03743-2610 Rev. John Johnson (Yarosevich) jjohnso@visi.com Physical 72 Pleasant Street Claremont, NH 03743-2610 Church Church Colebrook Monadnock Congregational Church 24 Parsons Street Colebrook, NH 03576-1305 Rev. Kathleen McCann Physical 147 Main Street Colebrook, NH 03576-1305 Church Church First Congregational Church, Concord 177 N Main Street Concord, NH 03301-5039 Rev Emilia Halstead pastor@concordsfirstchurch.org Physical 177 N Main Street Concord, NH 03301-5039 Church Church West Congregational Church, Concord 499 N State Street Concord, NH 03301-3252 Rev Amanda Wagner revwag@gmail.com Physical 499 N State Street Concord, NH 03301-3252 Church Church Position: Interim Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor 603-224-4142 Church revwag@gmail.com South Congregational Church, Concord Mailing 27 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301-4097 Rev. Jared Rardin revjaredr@gmail.com Physical 27 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301-4097 Church Church April 2016 North Country (504) 603-225-5491 Church 603-717-7037 pastor@concordsfirstchurch.org Mailing Concord Designated Term Pastor 603-237-4980 Church bwlyons59@yahoo.com Mailing Concord Position: 603-542-6342 Church 603-542-6342 firstcongregationalchurch@myfairpoint.net Mailing Concord Grafton Orange Sullivan Merrimack (500) Position: Sr. Pastor 603-224-2521 Church 603-224-2571 office@southchurchconcord.org Rev. Carlos Jauhola-Straight revmsgcarlos@gmail.com Position: Minister of Spiritual Growth Ms. Alison Nyhan anyhan@sochurch.org Position: Christian Education Dir. Page 4 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 370 380 Concord East Congregational Church, Concord Mailing 51 Mountain Road Concord, NH 03301-6905 Rev. Michael Lowry revmwlowry@yahoo.com Physical 51 Mountain Road Concord, NH 03301-6905 Church Church North Conway 603-224-9242 Merrimack (500) Position: Church First Church of Christ Congregational, Mailing P O Box 401 North Conway, NH 03860-0401 Pastor Gerry Tilton forestgt22@aol.com Physical 2521 White Mountain Highway North Conway, NH 03860-0401 Church Church 410 420 Conway Position: Position: Conway Village Congregational Church Rev. Martell Spagnolo mgmartellspagnolo@rocketmail.com Physical 132 Main Street Conway, NH 03818 Church Church First Congregational Church, Croydon PO Box 52 Newport, NH 03773 Rev. Donna Muise revdonna2@gmail.com Physical 29 Croydon Turnpike Newport, NH 03773 Church Church 603-863-6195 Congregational Church, Dalton Mailing 770 Dalton Road Dalton, NH 03598-5730 Pastor Diane Raymond dianewraymond@gmail.com Physical 735 Dalton Road Dalton, NH 03598-5730 Church Church April 2016 Position: 603-447-3851 Church info@thebrownchurch.org Mailing Pastor North Country (504) PO Box 333 Conway, NH 03818 Dalton Licensed Pastor 603-356-2324 Church 603-356-7104 churchoffice@firstchurch nc.com Mailing Croydon 603-227-9869 North Country (504) Rev. Gilman Healy gilmanhealy@gmail.com 390 Pastor Pastor 603-447-3852 Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: Pastor Church North Country (504) Position: Pastor 603-837-9592 Church 603-444-0113 jeanbillabbott@gmail.com (clerk email) Page 5 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 430 450 460 470 Danbury The United Church of Danbury Mailing PO Box 322 Danbury, NH 03230-0322 Rev. Henry Frost unitedchurchofdanbury@yahoo.com Physical 20 NH Rt 104 Danbury, NH 03230-0322 Church Church Deerfield Deerfield Community Church, UCC P.O. Box 420 Deerfield, NH 03037-0420 Rev. Carol Meredith pastor@deerchurch.org Physical 15 Church Street Deerfield, NH 03037-0420 Church Church Deering Community Church 763 Deering Center Road Deering, NH 03244-6521 Rev. Leonard Zecchini leonard.zecchini@gmail.com Physical 763 Deering Center Road Deering, NH 03244-6521 Church Church First Parish Congregational Church, PO Box 114 East Derry, NH 03041-0114 Rev. Dr. Deborah Roof pastordeborah@fpc-ucc.org Physical 47 East Derry Road East Derry, NH 03041-0114 Church Church Position: Pastor Interim Pastor Rockingham (508) Position: 603-434-0628 Church officemgr@fpc-ucc.org First Parish Church Congregational Mailing 218 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820-4128 Rev. Michael Bennett msb@firstparishdover.org Physical 218 Central Avenue Dover, NH 03820-4128 Church Church April 2016 Position: 603-464-5643 Church deeringchurch@mcttelecom.com Mailing Dover Rockingham (508) Hillsborough (496) Rev. Heidi Heath pastorheidiheath@gmail.com 500 Supply Pastor 603-463-7734 Church pastor@deerchurch.org Mailing East Derry Position: 603-768-3451 Church unitedchurchofdanbury@yahoo.com Mailing Deering Merrimack (500) Sr. Pastor 603-437-3001 Position: Associate Pastor Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: 603-742-5664 Church firstparish@comcast.net Sr. Pastor 603-750-0411 Page 6 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 510 520 530 550 560 Dublin Dublin Community Church Hillsborough (496) Mailing PO Box 308 Dublin, NH 03444-0308 Rev. Michael Scott revmikescott@myfairpoint.net Physical 1125 Main Street Dublin, NH 03444-0308 Church Church Dunbarton First Congregational Church Merrimack (500) 6 Stark Highway North Dunbarton, NH 03046-4717 Rev. Cynthia Bagley cebagley@comcast.net Physical 6 Stark Highway North Dunbarton, NH 03046-4717 Church Church Community Church of Durham, UCC PO Box 310 Durham, NH 03824-0310 Rev. Dr. Mary Westfall maryw@ccdurham.org Physical 17 Main Street Durham, NH 03824-0310 Church Church New Rye Union Congregational Church PO Box 217 Epsom, NH 03234 Rev. Dr. James Young, Sr. y91746@aol.com Physical 289 New Rye Road Epsom, NH 03234 Church Church Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Sr. Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor 603-736-9666 Church newryechurchnh@gmail.com Congregational Church, Errol Mailing PO Box 167 Colebrook, NH 03576 Pastor Cindy Grassi kwiltinnana@aol.com Physical 102 Main Street Colebrook, NH 03576 Church Church April 2016 Pastor 603-868-1230 Church 603-868-1260 office@durhamcommunitychurch.org Mailing Errol Position: 603-774-4601 Church info@dccucc.org Mailing Epsom Interim Pastor 603-563-8139 Church 603-563-8733 dublinchurch@myfairpoint.net Mailing Durham Position: North Country (504) Position: Licensed Pastor 802-277-4232 Church kwiltinnana@aol.com Page 7 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 570 Exeter The Congregational Church in Exeter, Mailing 21 Front Street Exeter, NH 03833 Rev. Emily Heath pastor@exetercongchurch.org Physical 21 Front Street Exeter, NH 03833 Church Church Rockingham (508) Position: 603-772-4216 Church 603-742-3949 office@exetercongchurch.org Position: Ms. Catherine Allard catherine.e.allard@gmail.com 580 590 610 620 Farmington First Congregational Church 400 South Main Street Farmington, NH 03835-1519 Rev. Kent Schneider pastorkent@roadrunner.com Physical 400 South Main Street Farmington, NH 03835-1519 Church Church Fitzwilliam Community Church, UCC PO Box 522 Fitzwilliam, NH 03447-0522 Rev. Lynda Tolton Physical 85 NH Rt. 119 W Fitzwilliam, NH 03447-0522 Church Church 603-585-3352 PO Box 237 Franconia, NH 03580-0237 Rev. Barry Jacobson barryfjacobson@rcn.com Physical 44 Church Street Franconia, NH 03580-0237 Church Church Position: Pastor Church North Country (504) Position: Pastor 603-823-8421 Church office@franconiachurch.org Congregational Christian Church, W Mailing PO Box 69 Franklin, NH 03235-0069 Rev. Dr. Michael Carrier mikecarrier@earthlink.net Physical 25 South Main Street Franklin, NH 03235-0069 Church Church April 2016 Interim Pastor Southwest (488) Community Church of Christ, Franconia Mailing Franklin Position: 603-755-4816 Church firstcongofarmington@metrocast.net Mailing Franconia Minister for Christian Nurture Carroll - Strafford (484) Mailing Fitzwilliam Pastor 603-934-4242 Merrimack (500) Position: Designated Term Pastor Church Page 8 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 650 670 700 720 Gilsum Gilsum Congregational Church Mailing PO Box 86 Gilsum, NH 03448-0086 Rev. James Berry jwb453@aol.com Physical 13 Main Street Gilsum, NH 03448-0086 Church Church Gorham Gorham Congregational Church, UCC 143 Main Street Gorham, NH 03581-1696 Rev. William Jones gorhampastor@gmail.com Physical 143 Main Street Gorham, NH 03581-1696 Church Church Mailing PO Box 128 Greenland, NH 03840-0128 Rev. Robert Fellows revfellows@comcast.net Physical 44 Post Road Greenland, NH 03840-0128 Church Church Hampstead Congregational Church Mailing 61 Main Street Hampstead, NH 03841 Rev. Edward Koonz reved85@aol.com Physical 61 Main Street Hampstead, NH 03841 Church Church Hampton 603-329-6985 Church hcc1752@gmail.com First Congregational Church of Mailing 127 Winnacunnet Road Hampton, NH 03842 Rev. Deborah Knowlton seedplantr@gmail.com Physical 127 Winnacunnet Road Hampton, NH 03842 Church Church April 2016 Position: Pastor 603-466-2132 Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-436-8336 Church greenlanducc@myfairpoint.net Ms. Nancy Murdock portia96@gmail.com 730 Pastor North Country (504) 603-466-2136 Church gorhamucc@gmail.com Community Congregational Church, Hampstead Position: 603-357-2245 Church Gilsumchurch@gmail.com Mailing Greenland Southwest (488) Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-382-1477 Position: Christian Education Dir. Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-926-2837 Church 603-926-2837 fcc@hamptonnh.comcastbiz.net Page 9 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 740 750 Hancock First Congregational Church, Hancock PO Box 98 Hancock, NH 03449-0098 Rev. Judith Copeland hancockpastor@myfairpoint.net Physical 47 Main Street Hancock, NH 03449-0098 Church Church Hanover Center Mailing Hanover 603-525-6628 Rev. Roger Spinney rspin6477@aol.com Etna, NH 03750-0031 Church Church 603-643-2105 40 N College Street Hanover, NH 03755-1860 Rev. Dr. Thomas Nordberg tom.ccdcucc@gmail.com Physical 40 N College Street Hanover, NH 03755-1860 Church Church Position: Church 780 Harrisville PO Box 201 Harrisville, NH 03450-0201 Physical 13 Canal Street & 219 Chesham Road Harrisville, NH 03450-0201 Church Haverhill 603-643-3150 Church ccdc@ccdcucc.org Interim Pastor 603-643-5607 Position: Christian Education Dir. Southwest (488) Position: Rev. Carol Shelton revcarols@yahoo.com Church 603-827-3733 First Congregational Church, Haverhill Mailing PO Box 102 Haverhill, NH 03765-0102 Rev. Rebecca Larson revralarson@gmailcom Physical 120 School Street - On the Common Haverhill, NH 03765-0102 Church Church April 2016 603-643-2204 Position: The Community Church of Mailing Interim Pastor Grafton Orange Sullivan Mr. Robert Grabill robert.grabill@valley.net 770 Pastor Grafton Orange Sullivan The Church of Christ at Dartmouth Mailing Position: Church First Congregational Church, Hanover P O Box 31 Etna, NH 03750-0031 Physical 760 Hillsborough (496) Mailing Pastor Church 603-827-3633 Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: Interim Pastor 603-989-5521 Church boutet@charter.net Page 10 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 790 800 830 860 870 Hebron Union Congregational Church, Hebron Mailing PO Box 67 Hebron, NH 03241-0067 Rev. John Fischer pastor@hebronchurchnh.org Physical 16 Church Lane Hebron, NH 03241-0067 Church Church Henniker Congregational Church, Henniker PO Box 625 Henniker, NH 03242-0625 Rev. Rebecca Maccini revrwm@tds.net Physical 43 Maple Street Henniker, NH 03242-0625 Church Church Smith Memorial Church, Hillsboro PO Box 672 Hillsboro, NH 03244-0672 Rev. Eric Jackson smithmemorialucc@mcttelecom.com Physical 30 W Main Street Hillsboro, NH 03244-0672 Church Church Congregational Church of Hollis, UCC 3 Monument Square Hollis, NH 03049 Rev. Tanya Stormo Rasmussen pastor@hollischurch.org Physical 3 Monument Square Hollis, NH 03049 Church Church Position: Pastor Hillsborough (496) Position: Pastor Hillsborough (496) Position: Sr. Pastor 603-465-7797 Church 603-465-7099 churchoffice@hollischurch.org Congregational Church of Hooksett Mailing 5 Veterans Drive Hooksett, NH 03106-1431 Ms. Charlotte Bell chareyb@comcast.net Physical 5 Veterans Drive Hooksett, NH 03106-1431 Church Church April 2016 Merrimack (500) 603-464-3529 Church smithmemorialucc@mcttelecom.com Mailing Hooksett Pastor 603-428-3747 Church ccohoffice@tds.net Mailing Hollis Position: 603-744-5883 Church staff@hebronchurchnh.org Mailing Hillsboro Merrimack (500) Merrimack (500) Position: Licensed Pastor 603-485-9009 Church hooksettucc@hooksettucc.org Page 11 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 880 Hopkinton First Congregational Church, UCC Mailing 1548 Hopkinton Road Hopkinton, NH 03229-2829 Rev. Gordon Crouch revgordon@mcttelecom.com Physical 1548 Hopkinton Road Hopkinton, NH 03229-2829 Church Church 900 910 920 Hudson Community Church, UCC 19 Central Street Hudson, NH 03051-4204 Rev. Patricia Gerry-Karajanes pgerrykarajanes@gmail.com Physical 19 Central Street Hudson, NH 03051-4204 Church Church Jackson Community Church Rev. Leslie Chatfield leslieannechatfield@gmail.com Physical 127 Main Street Jackson, NH 03846-0381 Church Church Vacant Physical 14 Laban Ainsworth Way Jaffrey, NH 03452-0673 Church Church Jaffrey Position: Christian Education Dir. Pastor Interim Pastor 603-383-6187 Southwest (488) Position: Interim Pastor 603-532-7979 Church fcij@myfairpoint.net The United Church of Jaffrey Southwest (488) Mailing 54 Main Street Jaffrey, NH 03452-6145 Rev. Christopher Owen pastorucj@myfairpoint.net Physical 54 Main Street Jaffrey, NH 03452-6145 Church Church April 2016 Position: 603-383-6187 Church jcchurch@ncia.net The First Church in Jaffrey, UCC PO Box 673 Jaffrey, NH 03452-0673 Position: North Country (504) PO Box 381 Jackson, NH 03846-0381 Mailing 603-746-5826 603-883-7501 Church communitychurchhudson@yahoo.com Mailing Jaffrey Pastor Hillsborough (496) Mailing Jackson Position: 603-746-4235 Church fcch@tds.net Ms. Carol Sabol 890 Merrimack (500) Position: Interim Pastor 603-532-7047 Church pastorucj@myfairpoint.net Page 12 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 930 Keene United Church of Christ, Keene Mailing 23 Central Square Keene, NH 03431-3774 Rev. Christine Boardman csb05156@vermontel.net Physical 23 Central Square Keene, NH 03431-3774 Church Church 960 970 Kensington First Congregational Church of Mailing 108 Amesbury Road Kensington, NH 03833-5621 Rev. Pamela Spain revpspain@gmail.com Physical 108 Amesbury Road, (Route 150) Kensington, NH 03833-5621 Church Church Interim Pastor 603-352-4180 Position: Assistant Pastor Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-772-5821 Church kcc1737@yahoo.com Brentwood-Kingston Pilgrim United Church of Christ Rockingham (508) Mailing 197 Middle Road Brentwood, NH 03833-6508 Rev. Linda Snyder lindaleasnyder@gmail.com Position: Physical 197 Middle Road Brentwood, NH 03833-6508 Church Church Laconia Congregational Church, Laconia Mailing 18 Veterans Square Laconia, NH 03246 Rev. Dr. Warren Bouton pastor@laconiaucc.org Physical 69 Pleasant Street Laconia, NH 03246 Church Church Lancaster 603-524-0668 Church info@laconiaucc.org Lancaster Congregational Church Mailing 142 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 Rev. Sharon van der Laan revsvdlaan@gmail.com Physical 142 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584 Church Church April 2016 Interim Pastor 603-778-3189 Church pilgrimucc@pilgrimucc-nh.org Rev. Paula Gile paula@laconiaucc.org 980 Position: 603-352-4136 Church mharris@ucckeene.org Mr. Chris Cornell ccornell@ucckeene.org 940 Southwest (488) Merrimack (500) Position: Sr. Pastor 603-273-0065 Position: Associate Pastor North Country (504) Position: Pastor 603-788-2201 Church lcuccnh@gmail.com Page 13 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 990 1000 1010 Langdon First Evangelical Congregational Church Mailing 17 Mellish Road Langdon, NH 03602-8706 Vacant Physical 55 Ball Hill Road Langdon, NH 03602-8706 Church Church Lebanon Position: Pastor Church First Congregational Church Grafton Orange Sullivan Mailing PO Box 230 Lebanon, NH 03766-0230 Rev. Stephen Silver silver@fccleb.org Physical 10 South Park Street Lebanon, NH 03766-0230 Church Church Lee Southwest (488) Position: Pastor 603-448-4281 Church church@fccleb.org Lee Church Congregational Carroll - Strafford (484) Mailing 17 Mast Road Lee, NH 03824-6567 Rev. Gail Kindberg gailkindberg@comcast.net Physical 17 Mast Road Lee, NH 03824-6567 Church Church Position: Pastor 603-659-2861 Church leechurchucc@comcast.net Position: Mrs. Diane Spires dispi@comcast.net Minister of Music Church 1030 1040 Lisbon The Shared Ministry, Lisbon Grafton Orange Sullivan Mailing 71 Grafton Street Lisbon, NH 03585 Rev. Lyn Winter rev.lynwinter@yahoo.com Physical South Main Street Lisbon, NH 03585 Church Church Littleton 603-838-6056 First Congregational Church, UCC Mailing 189 Main Street Littleton, NH 03561-4015 Rev. W. David Weddington pastordavid@myfairpoint.net Physical 189 Main Street Littleton, NH 03561-4015 Church Church April 2016 Position: Pastor Church North Country (504) Position: 603-444-3376 Church fstcong@myfairpoint.net Pastor 603-444-6589 Page 14 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1060 1070 1080 1085 1090 Lyme Lyme Congregational Church Grafton Orange Sullivan Mailing PO Box 27 Lyme, NH 03768-0027 Rev Amy Hayden pastor@lymecongregational.com Physical 1 Dorchester Road Lyme, NH 03768-0027 Church Church Lyndeborough United Church of Lyndeborough P.O. Box 8 Lyndeborough, NH 03082 Rev. Paul Lemire melemire@tds.net Physical 7 Putnam Hill Road Lyndeborough, NH 03082 Church Church 603-654-6358 Mailing 18 Town Hall Road Madbury, NH 03823 Rev. Maren Tirabassi mctirabassi@hotmail.com Physical 18 Town Hall Road Madbury, NH 03823 Church Church 603-742-9380 Maranatha Indonesian United Church of Mailing 18 Town Hall Road Madbury, NH 03823 Rev. Sandra Pontoh sandrapontoh@gmail.com Physical 18 Town Hall Road Madbury, NH 03823 Church Church Manchester Position: Pastor Church Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Pastor Church Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Pastor 603-742-9380 Church maranathanh@juno.com First Congregational Church Hillsborough (496) Mailing 508 Union Street Manchester, NH 03104-4890 Rev. Kevin Pleas kpleas@fccmanchesternh.org Physical 508 Union Street Manchester, NH 03104-4890 Church Church Position: Pastor 603-625-5093 Church 603-625-9107 lbonetti@fccmanchesternh.org Mrs. Barbara Papagian prabar@msn.com April 2016 Hillsborough (496) Madbury United Church of Christ Madbury Pastor 603-795-2850 Church 603-795-2850 pastor@lymecongregationalchurch.org Mailing Madbury Position: Position: Minister of Visitation Page 15 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1100 Manchester Brookside Congregational Church, UCC Mailing 2013 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03104-2528 Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt revschmidt@comcast.net Physical 2013 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03104-2528 Church Church Hillsborough (496) Position: 603-669-2807 Church pastor@brooksidecc.org 1120 1130 1140 1150 Manchester Bethany Chapel Community Church Mailing 54 Newbury Road Manchester, NH 03103-6928 Rev. Jami Boyle jami@jamiboyle.org Physical 54 Newbury Road Manchester, NH 03103-6928 Church Church Marlborough 603-645-6399 16 Pleasant Street Marlborough, NH 03455 Rev. Robert Vodra robertvodra@gmail.com Physical 16 Pleasant Street Marlborough, NH 03455 Church Church Mason Rev. Veronica Don revpalvwd50@aol.com Physical 33 Valley Road Mason, NH 03048-4612 Church Church 603-878-1684 First Congregational Church Southwest (488) Position: Interim Pastor 603-876-3863 Hillsborough (496) Position: Pastor Church Merrimack (500) Mailing PO Box 533 Meredith, NH 03253-0533 Rev. Dr. Russell Rowland fccmeredith@metrocast.net Physical 4 Highland Street Meredith, NH 03253-0533 Church Church April 2016 Pastor Church The Mason Congregational Church, 33 Valley Road Mason, NH 03048-4612 Meredith Position: 603-876-3863 Church fed.church.16@gmail.com Mailing Christian Education Dir. Hillsborough (496) Federated Church of Marlborough Mailing 603-668-9041 Position: Rev. Frances Hakenson hakensonfrances@yahoo.com Interim Pastor Position: Pastor 603-279-6271 Church fccmeredith@metrocast.net Page 16 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1160 Meriden Meriden Congregational Church Mailing PO Box 187 Meriden, NH 03770-0187 Rev. John Gregory-Davis john@meridenucc.org Physical 5 Mitchell Drive Meriden, NH 03770-0187 Church Church 1190 1200 1210 Milford First Congregational Church PO Box 188 Milford, NH 03055-0188 Rev. Alex Gondola, Jr. abgondola@gmail.com Physical 10 Union Street Milford, NH 03055-0188 Church Church Community Church of Milton PO Box 457 Milton, NH 03851-0457 Rev. Wayne Santos ccmilton@myfairpoint.net Physical 7 Steeple Street Milton, NH 03851-0457 Church Church Congregational Church, Mont Vernon PO Box 197 Mont Vernon, NH 03057-0197 Rev. Judith Bryant revjudiebryant@gmail.com Physical 4 S Main Street Mont Vernon, NH 03057-0197 Church Church Position: Interim Pastor Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Interim Pastor Hillsborough (496) Position: Pastor 603-673-3500 Church montvernonchurch@comcast.net First Church of Nashua Hillsborough (496) Mailing 1 Concord Street Nashua, NH 03064-2303 Rev. Dr. Andrew Gilman agilman@firstchurchnashua.org Physical 1 Concord Street Nashua, NH 03064-2303 Church Church Position: Transitional Pastor 603-882-4861 Church 603-882-1610 phickey@firstchurchnashua.org Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Evans jevans@firstchurchnashua.org April 2016 Co-Pastor 603-652-7914 Church ccmilton@myfairpoint.net Mailing Nashua Position: 603-673-3713 Church milforducc@firstccmnh.org Mailing Mont Vernon Co-Pastor Hillsborough (496) Mailing Milton Position: 603-469-3235 Church 603-469-3235 copastors@meridenucc.org Rev. Susan Gregory-Davis copastors@meridenucc.org 1180 Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: Executive Minister Page 17 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1220 1230 1240 1250 1260 1280 Nashua Pilgrim Congregational Church Hillsborough (496) Mailing 4 Watson Street Nashua, NH 03064-1433 Rev. Melinda LaMontagne melinda.lamontagne@yahoo.com Physical 4 Watson Street Nashua, NH 03064-1433 Church Church Nelson Congregational Church, Nelson 830 Nelson Road Nelson, NH 03457-9703 Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen nelsonchurchucc@gmail.com Physical 830 Nelson Road Nelson, NH 03457-9703 Church Church Position: The New Castle Congregational Church PO Box 132 New Castle, NH 03854-0132 Rev. Dr. Ronald Staley krstaley@earthlink.net Physical 65 Main Street New Castle, NH 03854-0132 Church Church 603-431-8672 PO Box 87 Newfields, NH 03856-0087 Rev. Helen "Holly" Tomilson hctomilson@gmail.com Physical 71 Main Street Newfields, NH 03856-0087 Church Church Newington Position: Pastor Church Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-778-8626 Church newfieldscommchurch@gmail.com Newington Town Church, UCC Mailing 316 Nimble Hill Road Newington, NH 03801-2721 Rev. Nancy Rockwell nanrockwell@comcast.net Physical 316 Nimble Hill Road Newington, NH 03801-2721 Church Church Newmarket Pastor Rockingham (508) Newfields Community Church Mailing 603-380-3107 Newmarket Community Church Mailing 137 Main Street Newmarket, NH 03857-1658 Rev Patricia Marsden pmarsden@comcast.net Physical 137 Main Street Newmarket, NH 03857-1658 Church Church April 2016 Southwest (488) 603-847-3280 Church nelsonchurchucc@gmail.com Mailing Newfields Pastor 603-882-1801 Church 603-882-1045 office@pilgrimchurchnashua.org Mailing New Castle Position: Rockingham (508) Position: Supply Pastor Church Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-659-3892 Church admin@nmktcomchurch.com Page 18 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1290 1300 1320 1331 1360 1370 Newport South Congregational Church Mailing 20 Church Street Newport, NH 03773-1908 Pastor Eliot Fay eliotfay@gmail.com Physical 20 Church Street Newport, NH 03773-1908 Church Church North Hampton Southwest (488) Position: 603-863-3729 Church 603-863-1607 southchurchnewport@myfairpoint.net The United Church of Christ of North Rockingham (508) Mailing 295 Atlantic Avenue North Hampton, NH 03862-2103 Rev. Michele Bagby Allan revallan@uccnorthhampton.com Physical 295 Atlantic Avenue North Hampton, NH 03862-2103 Church Church Northwood Northwood Congregational Church, UCC PO Box 65 Northwood, NH 03261-0065 Rev. Gayle Murphy ncc@myfairpoint.net Physical 881 First NH Turnpike (Route 4) Northwood, NH 03261-0065 Church Church Rev. Jane Wilson Physical 617 NH Rt. 10 Orford, NH 03777-0133 Church Church 603-353-4364 Position: Pastor Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: PO Box 2 Ossipee, NH 03864-0002 Rev. Michael Denney mdenneyucc@msn.com Physical 19 Court House Square Ossipee, NH 03864-0002 Church Church 603-539-6145 First Congregational Church Pastor Church Second Congregational Church Mailing Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Interim Pastor Church Hillsborough (496) Mailing PO Box 847 Pelham, NH 03076-0847 Rev. William Ferguson revbill819@gmail.com Physical 3 Main Street Pelham, NH 03076-0847 Church Church April 2016 Rockingham (508) The United Congregational Church of PO Box 133 Orford, NH 03777-0133 Pelham Pastor 603-942-7116 Church ncc@myfairpoint.net Mailing Ossipee Position: 603-964-8687 Church 603-964-1317 officemanager@uccnorthhampton.com Mailing Orford Interim Pastor Position: 603-635-7025 Church office@pelhamucc.org Pastor 603-635-1134 Page 19 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1380 1390 1400 1420 1430 1440 Pembroke First Congregational Church Merrimack (500) Mailing 301 Pembroke Street Pembroke, NH 03275-3234 Rev. Linda Hey lindahey@comcast.net Physical 301 Pembroke Street Pembroke, NH 03275-3234 Church Church Penacook Position: 603-485-9639 Church info@pembrokechurch.org United Church of Penacook 21 Merrimack Street Penacook, NH 03303-6178 Rev. Gerald McCann pastormccann@gmail.com Physical 21 Merrimack Street Penacook, NH 03303-6178 Church Church Position: 603-753-4072 Church contactus@ucpnh.org Union Congregational Church 33 Concord Street Peterborough, NH 03458-1510 Rev. Dr. Robert Marrone peterboroughpastor@gmail.com Physical 33 Concord Street Peterborough, NH 03458-1510 Church Church Bethany Congregational Church 1150 Brushwood Road Pike, NH 03780 Rev. Jane Elizabeth Wilson jteamw@aol.com Physical Route 25 Pike, NH 03780 Church Church Pittsfield 603-989-3322 Pastor 603-924-4972 Position: Supply Church Merrimack (500) 24 Main Street Pittsfield, NH 03263 Rev. David Stasiak Physical 24 Main Street Pittsfield, NH 03263 Church Church 603-435-7471 Plymouth Congregational UCC Mailing PO Box 86 Plymouth, NH 03264-0086 Rev. Paulo França pgfranca@gmail.com Physical 4 Post Office Square Plymouth, NH 03264-0086 Church Church April 2016 Position: Grafton Orange Sullivan First Congregational Church Mailing Plymouth 603-753-4072 603-924-3272 Church uccpboro@myfairpoint.net Mailing Pastor Southwest (488) Mailing Pike 603-485-8348 Merrimack (500) Mailing Peterborough Interim Pastor Position: Pastor Church Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor 603-536-2626 Church office@uccplymouth.org Page 20 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1450 1470 1480 1500 1510 1520 Portsmouth North Church of Portsmouth, UCC Mailing 355 Spinney Road Portsmouth, NH 03801 Physical 355 Spinney Road & 2 Congress Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 Church Rindge Rev. Carolyn Keilig revcehk@yahoo.com First Congregational Church & Society Rev. David Jadlocki rev.david@jadlocki.com Physical 6 Payson Hill Road Rindge, NH 03461-0451 Church Church First Church Congregational Rev. Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy rochesterpastor@gmail.com Physical 63 S Main Street Rochester, NH 03867-2707 Church Church Position: Position: 603-332-1121 Church firstucc@myfairpoint.net First Congregational Church of Salem Mailing 15 Lawrence Road Salem, NH 03079-3239 Rev. Eric Redard pastor@fcc-salem.org Physical 15 Lawrence Road Salem, NH 03079-3239 Church Church Pastor Pastor 603-335-6315 Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-893-3421 Church mail@fcc-salem.org Ararat Armenian Congregational Mailing 2 Salem Street Salem, NH 03079 Pastor Samuel Katchikian samo84@hotmail.com Physical 2 Salem Street Salem, NH 03079 Church Church Rockingham (508) Position: Pastor 603-898-7042 Church araratchurch@myfairpoint.net Congregational Community Church Mailing PO Box 309 Salisbury, NH 03268-0309 Pastor Kerry Richardson kerrywrichardson@comcast.net Physical 13 Franklin Road Salisbury, NH 03268-0309 Church Church April 2016 Southwest (488) Carroll - Strafford (484) 63 S Main Street Rochester, NH 03867-2707 Salisbury 603-436-6744 603-899-5722 Church rindgeucc@rindgeucc.org Mailing Salem Interim Pastor 603-436-9109 Church nbreen@northchurchportsmouth.org PO Box 451 Rindge, NH 03461-0451 Salem Position: Church Mailing Rochester Rockingham (508) Merrimack (500) Position: Licensed Pastor 603-648-2733 Church sccc@tds.net Page 21 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1530 1540 1560 1570 1585 Sanbornton Sanbornton Congregational, UCC Mailing PO Box 126 Sanbornton, NH 03269-0126 Rev. Ruth Martz ruthmartz@uccsanbornton.org Physical 21 Meetinghouse Hill Road Sanbornton, NH 03269-0126 Church Church Seabrook Merrimack (500) Position: 603-286-3018 Church ruthmartz@uccsanbornton.org Trinity United Church Mailing PO Box 635 Seabrook, NH 03874-0635 Vacant Physical 103 Lafayette Road Seabrook, NH 03874-0635 Church Church Somersworth Rockingham (508) Position: First Parish United Church of Christ Carroll - Strafford (484) PO Box 228 Somersworth, NH 03878-0228 Rev. Mark Rideout pastor@somersworthfirstparish.org Physical 176 W High Street Somersworth, NH 03878-0228 Church Church 1411 US Route 4 South Danbury, NH 03230 Vacant Physical 1411 US Route 4 South Danbury, NH 03230 Church Church South Newbury 603-692-2057 603-381-7324 Rev. David Keller davidandlindy@myfairpoint.net Physical 162 Village Road Newbury, NH 03255-0037 Church Church 603-938-5369 Interim Pastor Church South Newbury Union Church, UCC PO Box 37 Newbury, NH 03255-0037 Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Mailing April 2016 Position: Church South Danbury Christian Church Mailing Interim Pastor 603-474-7900 Church office@trinityuchurch.com Mailing South Danbury Pastor Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor Church Page 22 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1590 Stratham Stratham Community Church Mailing PO Box 143 Stratham, NH 03885-0143 Rev. Dr. John Lynes jwlynes@gmail.com Physical 6 Emery Lane Stratham, NH 03885-0143 Church Church Rockingham (508) Position: 603-772-3389 Church 603-775-0171 findfaith@strathamchurch.org Position: Rev. Dr. Allan Lurvey allanlurvey@comcast.net 1600 1610 1620 1630 Sullivan United Congregational Church Mailing PO Box 63 Sullivan, NH 03445-0073 Rev. Deborah Hill revdebhill@gmail.com Physical 4 Church Street Sullivan, NH 03445-0073 Church Church Swanzey Physical 679 Old Homestead Hwy Swanzey, NH 03446-0041 Church Church Position: 603-352-6689 Church swanzucc@ne.rr.com Tamworth Congregational Church PO Box 381 Tamworth, NH 03886-0381 Vacant Physical 28 Cleveland Hill Road Tamworth, NH 03886-0381 Church Church PO Box 115 Temple, NH 03084-0115 Vacant Physical 17 Main Street Temple, NH 03084-0115 Church Church Interim Pastor 603-323-8958 Pastor 603-352-6689 Carroll - Strafford (484) Position: Congregational Church of Temple Mailing April 2016 Position: Southwest (488) Rev. Damon Anderson nomad.anderson@gmail.com Temple Southwest (488) First Congregational Church PO Box 10041 Swanzey, NH 03446-0041 Mailing Minister of Pastoral Counseling 603-847-9030 Church uccsullivan@outlook.com Mailing Tamworth Interim Pastor Pastor Church Hillsborough (496) Position: Interim Pastor 603-878-4177 Church templecongregationaloffice@gmail.com Page 23 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 1720 Union Union Congregational Church, UCC Mailing PO Box 233 Union, NH 03887-0233 Rev. Dr. David Maleham Physical 80 Main Street Union, NH 03887-0233 Church Church Wakefield 603-473-2446 Rev. Mary James fccwpastor@gmail.com Physical 2718 Wakefield Road Wakefield, NH 03872 Church Church Walpole Church Position: Mailing PO Box 393 Walpole, NH 03608-0393 Rev. Craig Breismeister walpolepastor@gmail.com Physical 15 Washington Square Walpole, NH 03608-0393 Church Church Southwest (488) Position: Pastor 603-756-4075 Church 603-756-4076 walpolechurch@yahoo.com United Church of Warner Merrimack (500) Mailing PO Box 203 Warner, NH 03278-0203 Rev. Renee Rouse worship1st@aol.com Physical 45 East Main Street Warner, NH 03278-0203 Church Church Washington Pastor 603-522-3189 Church 603-522-3302 fccwakefieldnh@gmail.com First Congregational Church, UCC Warner Pastor Carroll - Strafford (484) 2718 Wakefield Road Wakefield, NH 03872 Position: Interim Pastor 603-456-3447 Church ucwarner@tds.net Washington Congregational Church Mailing One Half Moon Pond Road Washington, NH 03280-3102 Rev. Dr. Peter Howe pnjhowe@comcast.net Physical One Half Moon Pond Road Washington, NH 03280-3102 Church Church 603-495-3474 The First Congregational Church of Mailing 1011 Long Street Webster, NH 03303-7324 Rev. David Richardson Physical 1011 Long Street Webster, NH 03303-7324 Church Church April 2016 Position: First Congregational Church Mailing Webster Carroll - Strafford (484) Southwest (488) Position: Pastor Church Merrimack (500) Position: Pastor 603-648-2128 Church websterchurch@tds.net Page 24 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1740 1750 1760 1770 1790 1800 West Lebanon Congregational Church, West Lebanon Grafton Orange Sullivan Mailing 18 Maple Street West Lebanon, NH 03784-1727 Rev. Jefferson Scott office@westlebcongo.comcastbiz.net Physical 18 Maple Street West Lebanon, NH 03784-1727 Church Church Westmoreland Westmoreland United Church, UCC PO Box 214 Westmoreland, NH 03467-0214 Rev. Arthur Urie urie@tds.net Physical 9 S Village Common Westmoreland, NH 03467-0214 Church Church 1218 Old Route 25 West Rumney, NH 03266-3630 Vacant Physical 1218 Old Route 25 West Rumney, NH 03266-3630 Church Church Wilmot Position: Grafton Orange Sullivan Position: 603-786-2580 PO Box 204 Wilmot, NH 03287-0204 Rev. Sara Marean saramarean@yahoo.com Physical 19 N. Wilmot Road Wilmot, NH 03287-0204 Church Church 603-526-7715 Merrimack (500) Position: PO Box 246 Wilton, NH 03086-0246 Rev Regina Kinney, Ph.D. reginakinney11@gmail.com Physical 25 Gregg Street Wilton, NH 03086-0246 Church Church Winchester 603-654-9045 The United Church of Winchester Mailing 97 Main Street Winchester, NH 03470-0033 Rev. David Hughes revdhughes@myfairpoint.net Physical 97 Main Street Winchester, NH 03470-0033 Church Church Pastor Church Second Congregational Church Mailing Interim Pastor Church First Congregational Church, Wilmot Wilton Interim Pastor 603-399-4880 Church wuc@aol.com Mailing April 2016 Southwest (488) West Rumney Community Church Mailing Pastor 603-298-8096 Church 603-298-5499 office@westlebcongo.comcastbiz.net Mailing West Rumney Position: Hillsborough (496) Position: Pastor Church Southwest (488) Position: Pastor 603-239-4465 Church unitedchurchofwinchester@myfairpoint.net Page 25 of 26 NH Conference, United Church of Christ Local Churches - April 2016 1810 1820 Wolfeboro First Congregational Church Carroll - Strafford (484) Mailing PO Box 913 Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0913 Rev. Gina Finocchiaro revginaf@gmail.com Physical 115 S Main Street Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0913 Church Church Woodstock 603-569-1555 Church office@fccwolfeboro.org Pemi Valley Church, Woodstock Mailing PO Box 74 Woodstock, NH 03293-0074 Rev. John Muehlke, Jr. Physical 1091 Daniel Webster Hwy Woodstock, NH 03293-0074 Church Church April 2016 Position: 603-745-6241 Sr. Pastor 603-569-1558 North Country (504) Position: Pastor Church Page 26 of 26
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