s - Flin Flon Heritage Project
s - Flin Flon Heritage Project
FLINONIAN 1965-66 ISSUE 22 Mining and Metallurgi cal Plant showing the open pit in left foreground and a section of the townsite of Flin Flon, on right. Producers of COPP ER-ZINC-GOLD-SI LVER-CADMI UM-s.ELEN IUM·TELLURIUM ond LEAD CONCENTRATES Mines: Flin Flon and Snow Lake, Manitoba Metallurgical Plant Hydro Electric Plant Flin Flon, Manitoba Island Folts, Saskatchewan HEAD OFFICE 333 Broadway, Winn ipeg, Manitoba 10 I \I ... IL... BLE KEITH AIMOE: "His are the quiet steps of dreamland ; rest, rest, and rest again." JEAN ANDRES : "I believe in friendship, for I have found it good. " DENNIS ARBUTHNOTT : "Quality not quantity is my measure. " WINNIE ARNOLD: "Ah-.rays cheerful, always smiling, always pert and so beguiling. " WENDY ASH : "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance. " BOB BALABAS : "Why study 1-.rhen there are more honorable ways of dying?" TERRY BEEVER: "Don' t tell me what l mean - let me figure it out by myself." PAUL BENES: "Not a leader of men but a follO\-.rer of women. " MARLON BERNARD: "Do you know that I am a 1-.roman - 1-.rhen I think I must speak. " LESLIE BETTERIDGE: "What you do still betters 1-.rhat is done. " SHARON BILLOUS : "The lady has charm in i ts loveliest form . " SHARON BORLEY : "The trouble 1-.ri th being punct ual is that nobody's there to appreciate it, " COLIN BROUGH: "Not everyone can fly . " GORDON BROWN: "Come to think of it, school sure breaks up the day, doesn't it?" LARRY BROWN : "Deeper than did ever plummet sound I' ll drown my book. " RALPH BROWN : "Gosh I' ll have to have my hair cut; it' s gro1-.rn a quarter of an inch. " SUSAN BROWN : "Better to be small and shine than to be big and cast a shadO\v, " CHRISTINE BRADBURY : "Where did she get her eyes so blue? Out of the sky as she came through. " 12 LYNDA BUSSEY: "The most precious of all possessions is a l'lise and loyal friend . " DOUGLAS CAIRNS: ''The Angel - that noise is just his halo rattling. " \ EVELYN CASSAN: "Eyes as blue as the fairy flax . " TERRY CHlURKA : "A dish fit for the gods. " JANICE COX : "Her ways are of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. " BRENDA CUN NINGHAM: "To write a love tetter must begin without knov1ing what v1e intend to say, and end without knm'/ing what we have written. " COLEEN CURRAN: "The softest, tenderest sigh , a voice so fresh and sweet, " TOM DAVIS: "His heart 1.,ras cheerful to excess. " GLEN DUBINAK : "Only the good die young - so why 1.,rorry!" JEW ELL DZUBINSKI: "Source of finance" school Secretary. \V ARREN EADIE: "What's mind? no matter -· What's matter - never mind!" GAIL EVANS : "Only a newspaper! Quick to read , quick lost, who sees the treasure that it carries hence. " LARRY FANCY: "Noble aims, noble tries - still no home1'1ork done. " DONNA FARDOE: "She 's little, she's wise, but oh! there' s mischief in her eyes. " GEORGE FELDMAN : "A h! Why should life all labour be?" ~!ARK FERG : "From the crown of his head to the soul of his foot, he is all mirth. " TED FIGURA: "He has half the deed done, who has made a beginning. " DOROTHY FOLKSTONE: "Good \'lOrds are worth much, and cost little . " 13 PAT FOLWARK: "With malice tO\'Iard none; \'lith charity for a ll. " BOB FORD: "If thou dost play \'lith him at any game, thou art sure to lose . " ALLAN GALAMBOS: "I hate nobody; I am in charity l'lith the world. " HARLAND GARINGER: "He who knows much, has many cares; 1 haven' t a care in the world. " DON GILLESPIE: "To do nothing and get something from it is a boy's idea of a manly career." TOM GILMORE: "I've lost my l'lill to live except on weekends." JUDY GOODWIN: "The gift of gaiety itself may be the greatest good fortune . " JIM GRAY: "Oh \'/e ll for him whose will is strong. " GAIL HAGGARTY: "The art of being nice is the art of knowing what to overlook. " DAVE HANNA: "I missed my sleep last night, but I can e asily catch it up in school." SHELDON HANNA : "He thinks too much; such men are dangerous. " HERB HARBURN : "Life is a jest and all things shol'l it. I thought so once, but nol'l I know it. " DON HARLAND: "Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of e arth. " JACK HART: "They say that \'IOrk never killed anyone, but I' m not taking any chances." HEATHER HAY: "People who think that I am shy get quite a shock as time goes by. " GORDON HENKE: "He flies through the air with the greatest of ease, this daring young lad on his shining ne1'1 skis. " LINDA HILL: "As far as she goes, quiet and demu re , outside of school I'm not so sure. " LINDA HODGES: "Alw:tys happy, always glad, rarely seen l'lhen she is sad. " 14 GLENN HOGARTH: ''Why all this toil for the triumph of education!" DENNIS HOLMES: "Not too bold, not too shy - all in all a S\'lell guy. " MARG HOLOWATIUK: "Rather quiet -rather nice. " ALAN HOWAT: "Don't take life too seriously. You' ll never get out of it alive anyway. " CHERYL JOHNSON : "She that \o~as ever fair and never proud, had tongue at will and yet was never loud. " KEN JOHNSON : "A silent lover- boy. " ANDREW KEDDIE: "The reports of my studying are greatly exaggerated. " DARLENE KEW : "Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content, the quiet kind is richer than a crown. " JACK KIRKBRIDE: "He chortled in his joy. " BOB KIRKBRIDE: "All wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope. " ANGELA KOWEL: "Being hypnotized can be embarrassing, can't it?" FRED KYBA: "lt got to a point where I had to get a haircut or a violin. " GLENDA LARSON : "Tell me, pretty maiden, are there any more at home like you?" FRED LAVITT: "I ' m no angel." TERRY LOFGREN : "The brain can only absorb as much as the seat can endure, " ROBERT LEEL : "Sometimes I sit, sometimes I th ink, but mostly I just sit. " MURIEL LEIGH: "She who is a friend has many friends. " · MARl-JEAN LISS : "Pert, pretty and personality plus. " 15 LAUREL LOFGREN: "True union of heart and mind. " HOW ARD LUCAS: "1 '"ould be good if I could, but it's al'lfully lonesome being good. " RAE MacGOWAN: "A vital spark of heavenly flame . " JUDY MAITLAND: "It's the smaller things in life that count. I'm small. " SHIRLEY MALUT A: "The voice was ever soft, subtle, and low, an excellent thing in a woman. " GWENDA MARSHALL: "1 trust tha t good shall fall at last. " BARB MARTINSON: "To be awake is to be alive. " HEATHER MARTINSON: " - - the gentle mind by gentle deeds is known. " BOB McDONALD: "One-man, no-shave club. " BILL McDONALD: "Why study when there are more honorable ways of dying?" BILL McFADYEN : "It' s a great life as long as school doesn't interfere." GAIL McKENZIE: "Do not turn back when you are just at the goal." RODNEY MciNNES: "The speed limit seems to be l'lhatever the car can do. " PAT McQUAID: "I dare do all that may become a man; l'lho dares do more is none. " SCOTT MERRILL: "Oh l'lhat may man within him hide, though angel on the outside?" GWEN MICHALKOW: "How fa r the little candle throws its beam. " LEE MITCHNER: "No one lives content with his condition, whether reason gave it him or chance thre,.., it his way. " DON MONTPETIT: "l like work; it fascinates me . I sit and look at it for hours. " 16 JEAN MOORE: "Just five foot t1"0 of mischief 1"ith eyes that fairly blaze. " SUE MUNRO: " All \"omen are naturally ambitious. " RANDY NESS: " I 1" as justified to be able to ans1"er promptly and I did. I said I didn' t know. " MARJ NEUFELD : "Just call her an angel. " BRIAN NOWAZEK: "See ho1.,r he leans his hand on his desk. " BETTY OSWALD: "All passes. Art alone enduring stays with us. " BOB PATTERSON : "Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves. " GEORGE PAYLOR: "Much learning hath made me had. " VEDA PETERS : "There is much more in me than unders tandeth. " WAYNE POCKETT : "Our character is the result of conduct. " GAIL PRIER: "She has the light of understanding in heart which shall never be put out. " MARG REND ZIAK : "Make new friends but keep the old ; one is silver, the other gold. " WENDY RIDLEY : "The softest, tenderest sigh, a voice so fresh and s1"eet. " HEATHER ROBERTSON: "Her angel' s face, as the great eye of heaven shined bright and made a sunshine in a shady place. " CHRIS ROBERTSON: "I have no other reason but a \'loman' s reason. " CLYDE ROGAL: "Oh could we but peer beneath that innocent veneer. " JACK ROMPHF: "Is this not a very rare fellow?" HAROLD RONCIN : "Silence is golden, but sometimes invisibility is golder. " 17 BRIAN SCHELLENBERG: "You' ve had your share of mirth , ' tis time to qui et the scene. " GORDON SCHNEIDER: "With weary steps I loiter on. " RICK SHARPE: "Photographers sign: "Come in and be e nlarged , tinted, and framed for only $4. 49." BARBARA SMITH : "She that \'laS ever fair and never proud, had a tongue at will and yet was never loud. " BILL STYBA : "To graduate or not to graduate!" MARSHA SWITZER: "Light of step and heart is she. " RICK SWITZER: "I missed my sleep last night but I' ll catch up at school." MABLE TENEYCKE: " Are you so much offended you will not speak to me. " BRYAN TOKLE: "Men of fe1'1 \'lOrds are the best men. " DONNA THOMPSON: "I hate nobody. I am in charity l'lith the I'IOrld." JOHN URECHKO: "Worry, the interest paid by those who harbou r trouble." DEL WARD: "Who can wrestle against sleep. " "'"'".A RICK WHITELY: "He had occasional flashes of silence that made his conversation perfectly de lightful." TERRY WHYTE: "If I appear to be studying \'lake me up. " CLAYTON WICKENS: "I ' ll find a l'lay or make it." NADINE WEINS : "Was she a vision or a walking dream?" JOHN WINDJACK : " He could be moved to smile at anything. " CHRIS WULLUM: "The gentle mind by gentle deeds is kno1'1n." 18 CAMERON YEO: "While I remain above the ground, you shall hear me still." HEATHER YOUNG: "The grass stoops not she treads on it so light." RICK ZIMMER: " He seems to be quiet but one never knows. " BILL McBRATNEY: "For school may come and school may go, but I go on forever. " s w M u s N G I c N' Lead - Brett Davie Bass - Del Ward Rhythm - Paul Bergman Drums - Bill Putko Vocal - Dick Lyons Organ - Bill Black FROM THE BLUE' 19 MR. IV AN L. HAMIL TON SUPERINTENDENT OF FLIN FLON SCHOOLS 1941 - 1965 \ To \'lhom this edition of the Flinonian is affectionately and respectfully dedicated XII XII 20 ROW ONE : Dave Wells, Homer Obzarski . ROW TWO: Pat Neufeld, Terry Warren, Ellen Pollon, Judy Good1'1in, Lorna Nyuli, Kathy Delgatty, Sandy Waldmo. ROW THREE: Gillian Bongfeldt, Phyllis Pockett, Donna McArthur, Carol Manns, Donna McCurdy, Barb Kerschtien, Lorraine Adolphe. ROW FOUR: Louis Doll, Bob Howell, Terry Leefe, Chris Baschuk, Ray Pitt, Harvey Senyk, Dave McAree. ROW ONE: Rick Stevenson, Bonnie Bradt, Karen Lobban, Janice Armitage, Marg Mat zer, Sandra Imrie, Russell Slade. ROW TWO: Duff McFarlane, Ken Royd, Jim Gourlay, Pat McQuaid, Chuck Stryko\'/Ski, Barry Coutts, Bruce Murray, Walter Wynnychenko. ROW THREE: John Paskil'l. Percy Taylor, Warren Eadie, Bill Barnowich, Bob Davie, Marv Zimmer, Jack Hart. ROW ONE: Kevin Wingert, Bernard Wall, Bob Chlan, Bill Putko, Neil Frederickson. ROW TWO: Gaye Henry, Bettie Bradt, Joan Bassham, Myrna Bell, Susan Donald, Francis McMartin, Donna Bell, Linda Mcintosh. ROW THREE: Lorraine Mansell, Sonia Allison, Barb Zimmer, Maureen Watson, Rosemary Rosiak, Pat Styba, Roberta Lister, Chris Antonichuk, Judy Bongfeldt. ROW FOUR: Roberta Devine , Eileen Ferguson, Janice Abrahamson, Cheryl Watson, Betty Hart, Linda Woods, Vale rie McFadden, Glenna McMurray, Betty Bloxom, Mrs. Creighton. XIF 22 ROW ONE: Kenneth Trubiak, Randy Chiurka, Stephen Smith, Wayne Bailey, Grant Costigan, Wayne Deans, Frank Zoretich. ROW TWO: Linda Hoffman, Naomi Hart, Joyce Muir, Margaret Websdale, Joy Wilson, Marilyn Bunn, Heather Watson, Linda Bates, Arlene Brown. ROW THREE: Bob Colville, Carolle Kuttnick, Marlene Wright, Leona Head, Betty Whiteman, Diane Williams, Linda Fletcher, Louise Adolphe, Betty Goodfellow, Eldeen Blair. Rmv FOUR: Mr. Fast, Kareen Johnson, Connie Giest, Jane Papadyn, Marion Nauroski, Noreen Berry, Myfawny Cre rar, Hope Othen, Linda Whit more; Elearior Olson, Marlene Padzerski. XIM ROW ONE: Jim He nry, Don Saunders, Wayne Muir, Garry Doverspike , Dick Cairns, Clifford Aune , Brian Salamandra. ROW TWO: Be r t Mann, Elaine Mack, Jane t Skoron ski, Linda Greenh0\'1, Ron Mymko, Ken Macdonald, Nick Oklobdzija. ROW THREE: Ross Livesey, Jerome Schaerer, Gordon Thompson, Malcolm Ferguson, Russ MacLellan, Jerry Pawlowski, Darrell Haggarty, Norman Eyres, Doug Searle. ROW FOUR: Mr. Mann, Greg Bunn, Ron DeWitt, Larry Klewchuk, Dale Cross, Terry Dolinsky, William Thiele, Doug Thurstan, Mel Jankovich. XI NO ROW ONE: Glenda Pederson, Donna Thurstan, Penny Wiig, Ruth Ottoson, Beverly Rose, Ginger Anderychuk, Deborah Osmond. R0\11 TWO: Lorna Whiteman, Donal da Stewart, Betty Panagapko, Loretta Pete rsen, Valerie Aune, Gloria Witzko, Shirley Wanamaker. ROW THREE: Mrs, Nm.,razek, Bette Lou Kerr, Jean Curran, Penny Snell, Linda Maguire , Maxine Thurst an. 23 XIRR XlOT 24 ROW ONE : Ray Coutts, Harold Simpson, Wayne Anaka, ·Alan Rm'le, Ron Crapun. ROW TWO: Elzar Thie le, Donna Schlosser, Beverly Shirron, Ellen Wallace, Margaret Judd, Joanne Leask, Peggy Beveridge, Joey Bourgeois. ROW THREE: Harry Moore, Garry Abar, Ken McKee, Edd Skoda, Dave Ekstrom, Wayne Ulinder, Ed Kra\'lchuk, Dave Michal l<ow. ROW FOUR: Don Grudgfield, Ken Mansel, Dennis Richards, Robert Leash, Michael Dickens, Murray Biptect, Mike Dow. Dune McDowell, Reid Armstrong, Mr. Rudd, ROW ONE: Jack Hanna, Jim Zarazun, Roy Styba, Bill Lyle, David Petz, Tom Kirk patrick, Bill Price . ROW TWO : Jim Pearson, Margo Liss, Roberta Burling, Shirley Adams , Beryl Berry, Angie Tougas, Gloria Galant, Roger Crone. ROW THREE: Rick Alexander, :~ick Ledieu, Diane Woloshyn, Noreen Ral'lles, Marilyn Rayner, Gaye Penner, Brenda Smith, Marguerite Patterson, Dennis Goll. ROW FOUR: Mrs. Thorn, George Hanna, Gerald Davis, Lyle Reynolds, Jack Kitteringham, Eric McCormick, Ron Ayers, James Moore, Charlie Morrice, Alex Wozniak. XIW ROW ONE: Ke n Skwark, Jim Meyer, Wayne Jaszan. ROW TWO: Ken Nyuli, Erhart Dzuibak, Drago Tresnich, Len Oulet te , Anthony Thiele, Barry Lofgren. ROW T HREE : Ron Evason, Gord Burr, Brian Redman, Jim Wasylenko, Doug Ande rson, Bruce Harburn, Mike Kupyna. ROW FOUR: Jerome Mahussier, Ron Blake, Bob Botuell, Bob Mitchell, Paul Bergman, Ray Lavergne, Dennis Todoschuk. BEST OF LUCK-GRADS Who tever the occas i on we we leo me to serv e y ou with t he bes t in portraits and cameros. CAMPBELL'S CAMERAS SUPPLIES 74 Main Street Flin Flon 687-5133 the !9bb The young people who graduate this year mus t recognize the need for continuing educa ti on. Our young C an adians need h ear t s that con f ee l warmly, and heads t hat con think wisely to meet the great challenges of our modern society. XA ROW ONE: Blaine Johnson, Aleida Evans, Daureen Burke, Linda Waldmo, Heather McLean, Sally Scorrz, James Lengyel. ROW TWO: Garth Goodwin, Bob Davis, Bob Bryson, Bob Dickson, Peter Hume, Robert Pierce , Dennis Fancy. ROW THREE: Miss Anderson, Barry KreHer, Dale Ross, Doug Eidt, Bruce Joa, Carl Nelson, Wayne Scott, Gordon Taylor, Harley Evans, Leonard Kra\vchuk. XASH 28 ROW ONE: Ron Allard, Dale Wallace, Jeff Person, Lome Hussak, Keith Menzies, Bob Imrie. ROW TWO : Margaret Glover, Mary Louise Hay, Carol Smith, Linda Whitbread, Darlene Iannone, Wanda Thompson, Glennis Aune , Karen Skoronski. ROW THREE: Lorene Nixon, Valoree Fredeen, Glenda Deans, Adele Richard, Betty Lou Hamilton, Velma Hanson, Carol Hammill, Carol Richardson, Bev Manns. ROW FOUR: Mrs. Ash, Gloria Mack, Brett Davie, David Butler, Tony Sulisz, Duane Slugoski, Lynn Ford, Ron Bo\vman, Darlene Warga. XDM XGR ROW ONE: Lyle Hogarth, Brian Lawrence, Rodney Wall. ROW TWO: Mavis Jackson, Irene Gere, Lynn Russell, Lynn Evans, Bev Bevans. ROW THREE: Gail Lavis, Grace Meikle, Marilyn Bear, Vikki Aune, Susan Zolinski, Linda Nomeland, Sheila Bouteiller. ROW FOUR: Luella Garinger, Bonnie Anderson, Diane Ness, Jean ~cLaughlin, Valerie Gillespie, Eileen Agerbak. ROW ONE: Neil Little, Leigh Campbell, Myron Odegaard, Fred Fredeen, Jim Wingert, John Ginsburg. ROW TWO: Maureen Dyck, Judy Osttry, Barbara Leach, Kathy Kines, Pat Nielsen, Elizabeth Borbash, Kathy Easton, Brenda Jeske, Pat Hodges. ROW THREE: Karen Hollett, Beverley Goodman, Linda Graham, Glenda Bunn, Kari Mann, Grace Ruse, Dorothy Willox, Marlene Sochan, Karen Jonsson. ROW FOUR: Mr. Grift, Earl Case, Ron Javorsky, Rod Weseen, Mark Willson, Rick Bunn, Brady Winters, Leigh Keller, Bill Cunningham, Jim Cook. 29 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Oliver Wendell Holmes l'lrote "The great thing in the world is not so much where l'le stand as in what direc tion we are moving. " This quote, I believe, sums up most aptly our position this year. Education in Manitoba , and hence in Flin Flon, is definite ly on the move. This year has seen the introduc tion of the ne1'1 Mathematics course in grade IX, the new English course in the new X University Entrance classes, as well as a pilot course in the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study at the grade XI level. The revised Com mercial course has entered the grade Xll level this year. The General Course , introduced last year, moved into the grade XI level also. The fall term should see Hapnot Collegiate in the new collegiate building. We hope the new building will allow us more scope in making more itmovations to our program of studies offered to the sen ior grades in Flin Flon. We must not, hO\'Iever, lose sight of the fact , that a physical plant does not constitute a school. What goes on inside the building is the important factor. The climate of the school depends upon the student body, the staff, the morale and school spirit. 1 feel certain we can look forward 1:0 a functional building for instructional environment capable of producing young men and women who are prepared to enter fields of higher study, positions of responsibility and trust, and to make their places as I'IOrthy citizens of the future. Many of you presently attending Hapnot will not enroll in the fall term. We have been justly proud of the past accomplishments of our students and we know 1'1e will be proud of our present and future graduates. This l'lill be the last Flinonian published from "the grey old walls" and l'le wish to thank the Editor, Christine Robertson, and her staff as well as the teacher representative , Miss B. Reeves, for the many hours of \'lork necessary to publish this fine edition of our yearbook. To our graduates 1'1e say good fortune in your future endeavors and may you find happiness and contentment in your vocations. we will rejoice in your accomplishments because you have been part of our student body. To the staff and student body, thank you for your loyalty and co-operation during the past school year. XRE XR 30 ROW ONE: Dennis Mitschke, Stephan Dembinsl<y, Tom Mager, Ken N01"azek. ROW TWO: Linda Tomyn, Carmen Lethbridge , Mari -Ellen Rusinak, Glenda Lavis, Pat Donaghy, Patsy Petersen, Bev Hydamaka, Dorothy Crerar. ROW THREE: Roberta Watkins, Larke Stadnyk, Mary Small, Linda MacDonald, Elaine Slugoski, Donna Hand, Carol Mensch, Linda Bailey, Miss Reeves. ROW FOUR: Bill Munro, Lloyd Mymko, Joe Hamilton, Grant Atkinson, Gerry Adolphe, Donald Woloshyn, Roy Anderson, Arnold Martinson, Bob Harvie, Glen Lawson. ROW ONE: Ed Mazar, Gord MacKenzie, Nerren Gurba, Shirley Yacentiuk, Sandy McIntyre, Gary Seal. ROW TWO: John Klewchuk, Cam Lyons, Pat McDonald, June Fidler, Cheryl Craig, Marilynn Skoda, Roy Reznechenko, Grant Holmstrom. ROW THREE: Mr. Russell, Jim Halliday, Darrell Nowosad, John Rutley, Bob Skipper, Bob Clarke, Glen Peterson, Brent Talbot. XSJ ROW ONE: Doug Watt, Keith Staszko, John Forster, Ken Pa\'llachuk, Jim Pinder, Cavin Ballard, Dale Nystrom. ROW TWO: Clifford Montpetit, Andrew Oliphant, Keith Thomp son, Mr. Siryj, Garry Senyk, Harl Christianson, Garry Long. ROW THREE: Laurie Gra ham, Richard Win ter, Wayne Berkne r, Barry Pelle tie r, Doug Pocke tt, Ron Burwash, Stanley Borley, Brian Nielsen. ROW FOUR: Don OSmond, Richard Lemcke, John Klon teig, Vic Pardoski, Gregg Whyte, Lyle Brolund, Neal Hand, Randle Wooley. CONGRATUlATIONS GRADS! In the years to come we wi II be happy to serve you. *WEDDING PHOTOS *COLLF.GE APPLICATION PHOTOS For portraits wi th " PERSON" -ali ty 687-6733 call 101 Ma in Street NORTH STAR STUDIO 31 of STYLE Men's Wear Store Mo in Street ? c l A s s 7-3143 ? 0 F '5 8 Jack Romphf, John Windjack, Duff McFarlane, Allan Galambos, Larry Klewchuk, Hugh Munroe, Leslie Betteridge, Bev Danielson, Susan Wilson. ROW TWO : Cheryl Johnson, Linda Hodges, Rick Robillard, Fred Lavitt, Mari -Jean Liss, Heathe r McLean, Jean Anders, Lois Armstrong, Marian Bernard, Wendy Ash. ROW THREE: Barb Rossington, John Klonteig, Nlsine Borley, Dick Lyons, Paul Bergman, Trudy Scoretz, Hope Othen, Loretta Peterson. ROW FOUR: Mark !-'erg, Sharon George, Chris Wullum, Mrs. Joyce , Barb Kisstein, Chris Bradbury, Ellen Pollen, Donna Fardoe. ARE YOU A ~~GIVER''? The purpose of education is two-fold: to earn a living and to live a life. Our present day culture unfortunately tends to ignore this. Instead it emphasizes material possessions, economic well-being, and personal free dom as the goals of life. It also suggests that life can be achieved without effort. This may have promoted President Ke nnedy' s now famous exhortation, " Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. " As students you are now preparing yourselves for a future role in society. Will you be an asset , a "giver" - one whose skill, heart and energy are devoted to helping others lead more successful lives? Or will you be a liability, a "taker"- one who cannot solve his own problems and who reminds others of his responsibilities? Your school is doing all it can to equip you with these attitudes, appreciations, and value judgments which you will later be called upon to exercise for decision-making. Because you are educated you must set your sights on a role of leadership- You will be expected to be an asset to society, a "giver". 0- , 34 HUDSON JUNIOR HIGH STAFF Miss Ross Mrs. T roughton Mrs. McDonald Mrs. McDiarmid Miss Anderson Mrs. Bryson Miss Heyes Mr. Curle Mrs. Conner Mr. Osika Mr. Argue Mr. Fedosa 35 IXA ROW ONE: Dwain Anderson, Bryan Demchinsky, Robert Kibsey, Allan Dion, Allan Hill, Nelson Caudry, Barry Bates. ROW TWO: Russell Rudd, Garry Dolinsky , Elizabeth Cairns, Robin Monson, Myrna Howat, Pattie Goodman, Myrna Chlan, Janis Brown, Cheryl Maranchuk, Heather Dunbar, Dennis Nobertson. ROW THREE: Gordon Willox, Kathi Williams, Dorothy Alcorn, Nona Pearson, Betty Klewchuk, Janet Modler, Maureen Balfour, Linda Sullivan, Joanne Slade, Roberta Tanner. ROW FOUR: Miss Anderson, Barbara Hanes, Alicia Maluta, Greg East, David Willson, Dennis Brophy, Ray Pitz, Terry Hiller, Ray Lavitt, Greg McKee. IXAR 36 ROW ONE: Dennis Cone, John Olinick, Calvin Schneider, Bill Brodie, Laurie Bridgett. ROW TWO: Elfreyda Koch, Iris Smale, Linda Cooper, Elaine Nowroski, Donna Henry, Donna Maluta. ROW THREE: Anita Mcinnis, Drina T\'ierdun, Barbara Nowlin, Shari Nomeland, Terry Hagen, Linda Inglis, Carole Goll. ROW FOUR: Mr. Argue, William Skanderberg, Larry E. Narson, Dennis Durand, Larry Evans, Bill Blacl<, Keith Lofgren, Ray McCullum. IXC IXF ROW ONE: Farley Hemmings, Greg Abar, David Roy, Robert Murray, John Bardwell, Gary McKay. ROW TWO : Yvonne Jurgens, Stephanie Andrusiak, Roxanne McLachlan, Carola Baker , Marilynn Dalgleish, Denise Lawson, Gwen Head, Arlene Mote , Joan Andres, Terry Dow. ROW THREE : Carol Erickson, Ann Marie Iannone, Sandra Jonsson, Maureen Robinson, Barbara Edworthy, Phyllis Wanamaker, Audrey .A rnold , Phyllis LaLiberte, Larry Logan. ROW FOUR: Mr. Curle, Sharon Lemcke, David MacArthur, Ed Winarchuk, Rob McKenzie, Randy Buxton, Jack Weseen , Elvin Reimer, Adeline Pawlo\,•ski, Bobby Bourgeois. ROW ONE : George Abele, Doug Blackmon, Allan Haggarty, Stan S\~anson, Jim Grandison, Roland Lougas, Gary Holmes. ROW TWO : Joan Tomyn, Milena Njegovan, Linda Koczan, Judy McKay, Linda Vancoughnett, Luy Crerar, Sharon Ford , Michelle Carson. ROW THREE: Miriam Fenster, Sandra McKeen, Janet Bloxom , Kathy Bradt, Bonnie Berry, Cheryl Moore, Beverly Morrison, Maureen Manzuik, ROW FOUR: Paulette Bourgeois, Barry Laurie, Diane Playfair, Billy Engel, Ken Donaghy, Richard Balfour, Gladys Wanmaker, Yvette Gagne. 37 IXK IXO 38 ROW ONE: Donald Roncin, Bill Bussey , Tim Dunham, Brent Smale, Dick Riehl. ROW TWO: Joan Keating, Bonnie Bouteiller, Sharon McMonald, Linda Davis, Dena Peters, Marie Dubinack, Beryl Cameron, Lorane Hanson, Hilda Jurgens, Bonna Davies, Janie You ng. ROW THREE: Mr. Kirbyson , Don Reesor, Riel< Rainvelle, Garry Montgomery, Ernie Zedan, Grant Bottrell, Ken Mark, Morris Bouvier, Jim No\~lin. ROW ONE: Tim Leslie, Leslie Braaten, Don Sorenson, Bryce Willets, Richard Kerschtien, Don Adamson. ROW TWO: Heather GoU , Donalda Larson, Bonnie Gulka, Ethelyn Bryson, Bernice Greier, Chone Wickens, Melanie Trufyn, Jane Leask, Sharon Ford. ROW THREE: Lois Muir, Emily Oklobdzija, Louise Williamson, Donna Kinsley, Janis Larson, Rosemary Davis, Linda Ringrose, Charlyne Devine, Georgina Devries, ROW FOUR: Mr. Osiko , Roy Latimer, Keith Reed, Keith Popp, Bill Wallace, Leonard Skwarchul<, Jim Killick, Valerie Kemple, Gerald Patrick, ROW FIVE: Donald Hume, Garnet Bateman, Daryl Petersen, Doug Hogarth, Brian Wolowski. IXT ROW ONE: Doug Rowe , Ed Bowman, Chris Freeman, Danny Silverthorn, Dennis Hyndman , Leigh Allard. ROW TWO: Nona Martinson , Dawn Webber , Jo -Ann Sochan, Wanda Ridley, Fay Hill, Noreen Jeffrey, Beverley Sawreni<o, Maryanne Dalgleish, Mona Somers. ROW THREE: Sandra Kennedy, Susan Lofgren, Linda Scott, G\ven Orobko, Lois Richardson , Bev Kenke, Kathy Gourlay, Donna Muir. Lynne Avison. ROW fOUR : Mrs. Troughton, Don Bilsky, Dana Row , Ed Erlendson, Danny Lyon, Bill Baginski, Bill Fric, Gary Walker, Rick Reid , Curtis Borley. ROW FIVE : De\vayne Highmoor, Monty Sawka , Ken Scott, Ron Billy, Doug Fredeen, Randy Cullen. Compliments of BEllS HARDWARE lTD. 125 Mo in Street Dial 7-5812 GOOD lUCK TO THE 1966 GRADS! 39 FFCI STA FF 1965-1966 Mr. Wilson Mr. George Mrs. Ketchen Mrs. MacDonald Mr. Thorn Mr. Halldorson Miss Heyes Mr. Dougall Mrs. Siryj Mrs. Thorn Mr. Ki nes 4 Mr. MacDonald Mrs. Creighton Mrs, Ash 1. Hand over that money! 2. The Thinker 3. S\'ieet Dreams! 4. Please - don't! 5. \Vell!! !! ! ! 6. What gives? 7. HEY!!! 8. Pyramid of Perfection - Flinon _ ian Staff. 9. Picture of dili _ gence 10• Bow • you S\'line 1 11• Rip Van Winkle 12• Three Musketeers 13. Aren't I beautiful? 40 STUDENT COUNCIL - Fl i no f'\t o..n -Centred Planntnj Committee Pep C.lvb - Volley bo..ll - ba..s l(et bo.-11 Cur Jinj - c hee r-le.o.cfers - etc ete ro... Mr. Dougall Sue Munro, Jewell Dzubinsky Marlene Sochan PEP CLUB Garry Abar Chris Roberson Rick Stevenson Mr. Field May I help you fair damsel? Have you ever \'londered who \~as responsible for Spirit Week, and decorations at the Co-ed Dance and Graduation? It was the Pep Club! T he club consists of about 25 members headed by Rick Stevenson. T hey organize all the school dances and any other social events that occur during the year. 42 DRAMA : Miss Dalby Pat Folwark Mrs. Ash Mr. Thorn Mable Tenyke Russell Slade GLEE CLUB: Gaye Henry Grace Ruse SCIENCE: Doug Pickell Tom Kirkpatrick Mr. Dougall REACH FOR THE TOP: Dennis Arbuthnott Jack Romphf Rick Sharpe Sharon Borley Jim Moore Jim Pearson Alex Wozniak 43 HI -NEWS: Dawn Webber John Rutley FLINONIAN TYPING STAFF Heather Young Evelyn Cassan G'V'en Marshall LIBRARIANS Marlene Sochan Miss Heyes Kathy Kines Karen Hollett Elaine Sluzoski FLINONIAN ADVERTISING STAFF Kathy Kines Maureen Dyck Mari -Jean Liss Roberta Divine Wayne Anaka Ron Dewitt Mr. Fast Mr. Webb 44 Kari Mann Karen Jo nsson Maureen Dyck Barbara Leech (Vbkes Good Letter To The ~Editor 45 AND THEY AS OTHERS Billy Goat Gruff Don't you dare ta .. .. ... .. . long tall Texan? disturbed in search of knowledge the startled fawn 46 Guess what? SAW THEM! BASKETBALL Eric McCormick Robena Divine Mr. Mann Jack Hanna Angela Ko\.,rel Ralph Brown BOWLING Wayne Pockett Gaye Henry Grant Costigan Mr. Grift Mrs. NO\'Iazek Wayne Breland CURLING Les Betteridge Dorothy Folkstone Jack Romphf Mr. Fedosa Rick S\'litzer Mrs. Ketchen Mr. Rudd H.B.M. S. EVENT SKIP : Bill Cunningham THIRD : Don Hume SECOND: Ron Javorsky LEAD : Janis Brown COLLEGIATE EVENT SKIP : Brian Schellenberg THIRD: Glenda McMurray SECOND : Dennis Arbuthnott LEAD : Kathy Bradt DEMBINSKY EVENT SKIP : Percy Taylor THIRD : Bill Putko SECOND : Andrew Keddie LEAD : Doug Blackmon ROSS' EVENT SKIP: Duff MacFarlane THIRD : Linda Waldmo SECOND : Judy Bongfeld t LEAD : Janet Bloxom 49 Mrs. Hammerstead Mrs. HO\vell Miss Dal by Miss Dmytryk Mr. Grift Miss Anderson Mr. Past l'vlrs. Nowazek Mr. Mann Mr. Siryj Mrs. Jorgenson Mrs. McPherson Miss Reeves Mr. Rudd Mr. Webb Mrs. Lockhart Mr. Field :-.1r. Creighton Mr. Russell 5 (King Coach) 'Q. oP Kl p ER NG s (Kween Coach) Robby McKenzie Barry Ross Emily Oklobdizija Mr. McDonald Randy Wooley David Wilson Mrs. Jones Dennis Brophy Ray Coutts Mr. Stone Larke Stadnyk Fred Lavitt Bev Kenke FIELD TRACK AND Bettie Bradt Bev Shirra Shirran Lynn Russell Heather Watson Pat Nielson Veda Peters 52 CHEERLEADERS GRADUATION 1964-65 ' CARNffiN KEN BOB GAYE QUEEN SUSAN KING BOB PAUL KEN LINDA LINDA King & Queen Aha ! spiking the punch caught in the act! Old Fill 'er up !! folks at home! 55 ;/~1-Ud!Jad j,_xh -tJ!d~. h~ U/.u.~~~ ~-X~a. ~~~~ltJ-7~ <9f~~· lk:.. ~ ,.4.z ~;. ~~~~ ~~~~~7'1--edd. i~I- J9/,/, -U. htt I ~/0-AJ~cok. CLa.y -/UA/1 ~tMUt/r!aA ~.~~cU~ {)/nd .tAL I tYMJ'- -'1 ::U. 13& J ~ai~.J~-i tk~~~ ~· 9tvn·l/- ~""!' ~~~-¥~. t tvn · /2- ~~-kM/.,aJL ~1/- ~ ~v:~--- ~~~~ ~(1-Cc-ui- ~ L~~~lovet, ~ £M/l • ~-7t' cLtJ, ~ ~~. } ,d,. 1/,.. 12 - ?/U -~ ~M.i!L- w ~ ~ ~::Jtn ;j~ ~~~- j~./'/t-fj~_ ~/; ~-~! mtlA-d - E Yfl 1n J" 4-tJ ~? ?? HELP.' ~-~~ ~~d; tJ~ao~- ~t /)?'U_ . -~-----....._.. ~~27-~~~4/2 ~.)) ~fo-~-cy Painting by RON DEWITT 58 WIN:-JER OF CARTOON CO~'TEST - ROBERTA DEVL\1£ 59 I MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR This is YOUR 1965 -66 Flinonian. May it serve the graduates as a remembrance of their last year in high school and all the students of their last year in Hapnot Collegiate. I would like to thank the school for passing the vote that allowed the Flinonian to be sold at its lowered price . I hope it meets \vith your expectations. My thanks go to the page editors , staff and typists of the Flinonian for their diligent work during the year. All our thanks go to Miss Reeves, teacher representative, and especially to Rick Sharpe, staff photographer. Good luck to next year's editor and staff! 6 As everyone knows the Hallowed Halls of Hapnot are no longer to be our home. Therefore it is fitting that the Flinonian pay tribute to them. Hapnot was built in 1939 and became recognized as a High School in 1942. The first principal of Hapnot was Mr. J. B. Kines who remained in this office until he retired at the end of the 63-64 term. lvtr. I. Hamilton accompanied Mr. Kines through these years until he retired at the end of 64-65 term. Both these men contributed a great deal to the school and their names will always be synonymous with that of Hapnot Collegiate. --- Hapnot' s many actiV-ities have accumulated over the years. \Ve would like to give you the starting dates of a few of these organizations. Flinonian Kopper l<ings Etcetera Glee Club Kopper Kweens Cheerlead ers Orchestra - 1944 1948 1949 1949 1949 1952 1956 When the first student COUt1Cil '"as formed in 1936, the preside nts '"ere called Lady and Gentlemen Watches. This was later changed to Stick- the present name. ~ School spirit seems to have been at a low ebb throughout several years. There are admonitions from many Flinonian editors to unite as a school. / It would be impossible to pay tribute to all the people whose e fforts both here and in out of town events helped to spread the name and fame of Hapnot. But '"e feel the team of the Kopper K\'/eens should be mentioned. Throughout most of the '50's the girls retained supremacy in Manitoba Girls' Basketball. Though frequent complaints have been heard in reference to Hapnot, there will be an empty place in many students' hearts when the school is changed. She has served us well; therefore we propose: THREE CHEJ;RS FOR HAPNOT ! 60 WINNER of SCENIC CONTEST RICK SHARPE Wll"JNER of CANDID CONTEST ALLAN GALAMBOS PHOTOGRAPHY 61 HERE, THERE, EVERY- WHERE! COMPLIMENTS OF ......... . CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STUDENTS 64 NOT ON INSURANCE AGENCIES 49 Main Street Flin Flon, Mon. Bus. Phone 7-3387 Res. Phone 7-5818 NORTHLAND BEVERAGES LIMITED Bottl ers of COKE, SPRITE & FANTA Phone 3152 North Avenue Compliments of FLIN FLON MOTORS LIMITED WESTERN GROCERS L TO. Rambler W~olesole Grocers and Fruits American -Class ic -Ambassador Manitoba Flin Flon Phones: 7·4001 - 7·6504 ALLAN'S DRY CLEANERS F.A. SCHIEDER Tailors and Furriers GENTS' FURNISHINGS YOUR EXCLUSIVE SANITONE SERVICE Quality Goods At Reasonable Prices 101 Main St. Dial 7-3971 THOMPSON ELE.CTRIC and FURNITURE and RECORD BAR Dial 7-3331 100 Main Street LOCKER'S INSURANCE SERVICE L TO. 46 Main Street The Plaza Dial 7-3711 Ph. 4222 BERNIE'S CAR SALES STAG BOWLING LANES AND SERVICE E. Chochol ik, Prop. Phone 687-6494 Green & No. 10 Highway Compliments of Ph. 687-3940 Complimen ts of UPTOWN MOTORS GILLIS & WARREN L TO. Your General Motors Dealer 83 )-ii II St. Deal 7·4622 Flin Flon Thompson Green & Whitney Reliance Services Limited HAULING CONTRACTORS Agents for Allied Von Lines Phone 5723 MOVING· CRATING- STORAGE· CARTAGE 18 North Ave. o5 66 PAST AND PRESENT COMPLIMENTS OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, liMITED --- -- __.... -- ..---------------- II NORTH OF 53 CONSUMERS CO-OP LTD. FLIN FLON - MANITOBA Owned and Operated by Over 2800 Loco I Membe rs 68 W.B. HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS 96 Main Street Phone 7-3712 ASK ANY "SUCCESS GRADUATE" The ease with which obta ins a posit ion is the superior training vided by the Success years. KERR MOTORS LIMITED Pontiac - Buick - Beaumont 101 Channing Drive Phone 7-3428 PHONE WH 2-6434 or WRITE TODAY for FREE CATALOG SUCCESS Commercial College Compliments of FLIN FLON CLEANERS Dial 7-4651 102 Main Street 120 Main Street Portage Avenue at Edmonton Street W INNIPEG OPEN ALL SUMMER AIR-CONDITIONED 49 Ma in Street Dial 7-4253 ORMISTON FLORI STS Corsages Our Spec ialty 64 Main Street P & G BAKER Y Phone 7-3434 Flin Flon FREEDMAN 'S LIMITED 137 Main St. Phone 7-4911 Confectionery & Lunch Bar Compliments of Compliments of Dial 7-3151 AIR-COOLED SIMPSONS SEARS SMART SHOPPE Phone 4311 a Success Graduate the direct result of that has been proCollege for over 55 BLUE & WHITE STORE Lodi es' Store 59 Main Street 57 Main Street P hone 7-591 I 69 FUNON\J\N Chris Robe rtson \ / Bev Goodman Fred Lavirt Leigh Campbell Donna Thompson Rick Sharpe Mari -Je an Liss Bre nda Smith Wayne Anaka Sharon Borley Shirley Wanamaker Gaye Penner Be tty Oswald Bill Putko Linda Hodges 7 St. John's College The Anglican Arts, Science and Theological College on the Campus of the University of Manitoba. Compliments 0 of 0 0 FLIN FLON CLINIC 0 0 Best Wishes For Your Future Success General courses for men & women leading to degrees in Arts & Science. Honours & graduate studies in Arts. Pre-professional courses leading to admission to the Faculties of Medicine, Law, Dentistry, Education, etc. Theological studies lead ing to the degree of Master of Theology. Residences for men and women . For full information write to the Registrar St. John's College UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA WINNIPEG 19, MANITOBA Learn Hairdressing! If you're ready to go into the business world, why not plan a profess iona l career for yourself? Our competen t instructors, all licensed hairdressers, are waiting to teach you the art and profession of hairdressing. An expert hairdresser enjoys: e e e PROFESSIONAL STANDING EXCELLENT INCOME A BRIGHT AND SECURE FUTURE Write or phone for free brochure MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOL 273 112 Portage Avenue 70 WH 2-7740 Winnipeg, Man. Compliments of oembins kv 's 60 Main St. Phone 7-3113 Flin Flon BE A TOP PROVIDER GIVE YOUR FAMILY THEIR HEALTH THEIR PROTECT ION BY USING THE CLEANEST HEAT WH ICH IS GAS HEAT " THE FUEL OF TOMORROW" YOU OWE YOUR LOVED ONES THIS PROTECTION ACT NOW! STEELGAS LIMITED 71 Compliments of Com pliments of B.P.O. ELKS ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION LODGE Compliments of Com pi iments of FLIN FLON CHAPTER I.O.D.E. ROYAL PURPLE Compliments of FliN FlON liONS ClUB "We Serve" 72 CONGRA TU LATIONS GRADS Compliments of 7-6333 65 Main Street For Radio- TV Cameras, Records Musical Instruments CHRISTIE'S FLOWERS When You Think of Flowers Think of Ours See 41 Main Street Phone 7-3293 FOTO-MUSIC SUPPLIES L TO. NORTHERN OUTFITTERS ALINE'S BEAUTY CHALET Personalized Hairsty ling Suzuki -The Best on Wheels 7-4098 12 - 3rd 127 Main Street Phone 7-6800 FLIN FLON LAUNDROMAT RUSE, VANCOUGHNETT & CO. Dry Cleaning Chartered Accountants 73 KEDDIE HARDWARE L TO. Points -Appliances- Chinowore Floor Coverings - Sporting Goods Toys Phone 7-3112 78 Main Street BIRCHVIEW Compliments of SERVICE CENTRAL MEAT & GROCERS Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed by W.J. Perepuluk & Sons Phone 7-3401 FLIN FLON LTD. EVANS INTERIORS L TO . EVERYTHING For Home Decorating and Furnishings Phone 7-5545 81 Main Street ':Dcnni.'6 Shce Stor~ FUN FLON, MANITOBA 127 Main Street Phone 3791 Ch ildren 's & Ladies' footwear The only shoe store in town CURL CRAFT BEAUTY SALON We ore Specialists in Beauty Care KING MOTORS Phone 4900 48 Main Street SILHOUETTE BEAUTY SALON 79 Church Street For Appointments Phone 7-4740 74 Best Wishes Your Ford MERCURY DEALER PRESTON JOHNSON JEWELLERS Bluebird Diamonds Bu Iova - Cyma - Rolex Watches C.N.R. Watch Inspect or TROPHIES and ENGRA VING REX THEATRE The University Get More Out of Life Go Out to a Movie of Manitoba Winnipeg 19, Phone 7-5783 F lin Flon . Compliments of ST. PAUL'S SAM HANKIN F lin Flon F urniture Phone 7-4291 Manitoba 84 Main Street COLLEGE R E s u M E 75 2400 members paying $1 a month dues assisted by The Town Council, The Parks Board and Hudson Bay Mining And Smelting Co., Limited combine to form THE FLIN FLON COMMUNITY CLUB which results in I BRANCH CLUBS (Extra Fees and Operated .By Own Executive l ARCHERY BASEBALL (Minor) BOXING BADMINTON BASKETBALL (Senior) CAMERA CANOE CURLING FASTBALL (Ladies) FIGURE SKATING GLEE HOBBY HOCKEY (Minor) HOCKEY (Intermediate) SKI SOCCER AFFILIATION WITH CAMP WHITNEY & DOMINION DAY COMMITTEES MUSIC FESTIVAL & TROUT FESTIVAL ASSOCIATIONS FILM COUNCIL- PARKS BOARI) DIRECT ACTIVITIES BALLET CORDWOOD 'SPIEL BALL PARK OPERATION (Foster, Lakeside, Queen's) BASKETBALL (School) FOLK DANCING GYMNASTICS & FITNESS CLASSES HOCKEY - JUNIOR BOMBERS HOCKEY - PEEWEE & TOM THUMB ICE SKATING OUTDOOR RINK OPERATION Birchview, Channing, Willowvale Creighton PLAYGROUND OPERATION (Channing, Creighton, Foster, Lakeside, Queens) PUBLIC DANCES ROLLER SKATING (Lions) SENIOR CITIZEN'S LOUNGE STAGE ATTRACTIONS SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM SWIMMING LESSONS (Outdoor) TRACK & Fl ELD (Legion) I FACILITIES FOR BASEBALL (Polar League) CONCERTS DRAMA FASTBALL (Men's) LADIES' GYM CLASSES (Lion L's) MEMBERS' SOCIAL GATHERINGS MEETING ROOMS PUBLIC MEETINGS PHYSIO-THERAPIST TOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION USE BY CIVIC, CHURCH & :>THER ORGANIZATIONS BUILDINGS COIVIMUNITY HALL CURLING RINKS (Ross Lake, Uptown, Willowvale) FIGURE SKATING ANNEX JUBILEE HALL WHITNEY FORUM For further information or a membership card, please see any of the following: Henry Budlong, President; Jim Bryson, Vice-President; Cy Gilmore, Secretory-Treasurer; Directors: Les F isher, Wayne Sproxton, Roy Manns, Earle McDonald, Fronk Giro, Johnnie Akert, Pinkie Davie, Manager. ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ BRANDON COLLEGE Extends CONGRATULATIONS to the GRADUATING CLASS of --/19662 OPPORTUNITIES ~~~ Complete University Course• Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Music Teacher Training Teaching Certificates (Elementary and Secondary) Extenaion Couraea Evening, Saturday and Summer Sessions Generous Entrance Scholarships and Bursaries New Residence and Dining Hall Accommodation For further information WTite or phone The Reglatrar Brandon College Brandon, Manitoba PA9·5401 Westem MflnitoiHis University Centre 77 AWARDS NIGHT Peter K:.:·.,·~::-:-; Go\'ernor -G.::1er:;l': ~ ~c~::: Pe ter Ogryzlo H. B. M. & s. Scholarship Chartered Accountants Prize Raye Hume Dr. Percy Johnson Bursary Vic toria Siryj Sparling Trophy R. M. Mcisaac Memorial Bursary Elizabeth Delgatry Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bursary .l.nold Hydamaka H. B. M. & s. Scholarship Frances Booth George VI Scholarship Alouette Club Scholarship Linda Ginsburg Oddfello\'IS & Rebekahs Bursary David Kennedy Hapnot Staff A\'iard Dawn Campbe ll Ross' Style Shop Prize Ka thleen Kerr Ruth Betts Memorial Bursary Jeanette Twerdun I. 0 . D. E. Scholarship \ LADY STICK As this school year approaches its final days, so does my term of office as Lady Stick. 1 have enjoyed experiences, opportunities, obstacles, and successes presented before me in Student Council and consider them a resource upon \'lhich I will frequently dra\'1 in the future. The events and activities scheduled by the Central Planning Committee have been enjoyed by the student body; the clubs have had good attendance; the athletic activities have had many participants; the students have gained more knowledge; thus our year has been very successful. Graduates - congratulations for your de termination and desire to complete your education. Grade XII may have been a struggle, but finishing it is one of the most important decisions you will be called upon to make during your life. Hapnot will die with this Flinonian. But in the ne\'1 school her memory and spirit \'liU stay alive, for who c an forget the old grey building which has been a source of education and enjoyment to us. May T wish the future sticks every success and opportunity in the new school. I sincerely hope you will find your offices as I have mine. To the Flinonian and Etcetera staff I extend my thanks for the excellent book and papers made avail able to the study body by you. They have been and will be memoirs of this school year, Hapnot' s last. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Dougall, the teacher and also to Jewell Dzubinski and Marlene Sochan, the Secretary and Junior Secretary, for their ·:aluable advice and willing help. Also, the Student Council, student body, teaching staff, and administration are to be greatly commended for their ready co-operation. ~epresentative, Thank you. 9