HERE - The Pemigewasset Fish and Game Club
HERE - The Pemigewasset Fish and Game Club
GAZETTE Vol. 20, No. 4 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club December 2014 inside 2 Glenn Normandeau 3 2015 Event Calendar 3 Quick-Contact List 4 President’s Firing Point 5 Biathlon 5 Bullseye Pistol 6 Ia Drang re-cap 6 New Year’s Day Trap 7 Archery 8,9 Donor list 11 Training Opportunity 13 Women on Target 14 Officers and Directors 14 Contributors A beaver swims to its dam in our pond, 10/11/14. Photo courtesy of Phil Haskell. New Year’s Day Trap Tournament The annual New Year’s Day trap tournament returns once again in 2015, on … you guessed it: Thursday, January 1st, 2015. See page 6 for details. Time to Renew Your Membership The clock’s just about run out on 2014, which means it’s time to renew for 2015. P.O. Box 38 • Plymouth, New Hampshire 03264 • (603) 536-FISH (3474) Visit us at our website at; e-mail us at Page 2 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 By NH Fish and Game Executive Director Glenn Normandeau Wildlife Musings – Deer, Moose and High Elevation Habitat We’re enjoying another great firearms season for New Hampshire deer hunters. In parts of the state, the deer population has recovered from declines following some severe winters beginning in 2007-08, and deer numbers are improving in many other areas. Hope you all are having good luck in the field! We had another successful moose hunt in New Hampshire this fall, with 124 permits issued through this year’s lottery. A total of 91 of those hunters got their moose, a 72% success rate. Meanwhile, studies are underway to help us understand the various factors causing a decline in the health and numbers of our moose, which face the double whammy of winter tick infestations up north and brainworm in southern New Hampshire. You can see an article about this from our longtime moose biologist Kristine Rines on the Fish and Game website ( The bottom line is that we are watching the situation closely and will adjust the New Hampshire moose hunt accordingly. Biologists have also been at work high atop New Hampshire’s craggy mountains, assessing the impact of ridge-top wind farms on the wildlife that rely on these rare alpine habitats. New Hampshire’s high-elevation zones form the core of the Bicknell thrush’s breeding habitat in the U.S. These fragile areas are also home to the elusive American (pine) marten. Our study looked at how the installation of the wind farm affected these and other species. While the jury is still out on the ultimate impact, the situation reminds us that there are always tradeoffs to energy production. How do you balance the long-range benefit of reduced emissions vs. possible impact on wildlife? The decision-making process is much more complicated than people think. Very much on my mind is coming up with a proposed budget for Fish and Game for the biennium that begins next July. In our current financial situation, that remains a challenge. We are continuing to work with the Legislative Sustainability Commission to find ways to fund the Department into the future. Please stay attuned to that process. I also hope you’ll weigh in as opportunities arise in the coming months to contribute your point of view on revised ten year plans for both Game Management activities and the New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan. Public input is a critical part of these processes, and we value your thoughts. See you outdoors! Glenn Adapted with permission from the N.H. Fish and Game Department's November/December 2014 issue of New Hampshire Wildlife Journal magazine ( To keep up with New Hampshire’s fish and game scene, consider subscribing to New Hampshire Wildlife Journal at December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 3 2014 Schedule of Events With the year winding down, the remaining list of events is quite short. And the calendar for most of 2015 hasn’t been set yet. But there are a few events with somewhat firm dates for the new year, and these are included below. The full 2015 schedule should be settled early in the new year, and it will be published in the March Gazette and will be posted on line. As usual, things are subject to change. Please note, too, that set-up occurs on Fridays for some matches and one or two ranges may be closed while that’s going on. We’ll try to keep the web site updated with the latest information. 2014: Wed., Dec. 3 Board of Directors monthly meeting 2015: Thurs., Jan. 1 Sun., Jan 4 Wed., Jan. 7 Sat., Jan. 17 Wed., Feb. 4 Sat., Feb. 14 Wed., Mar 4 Sat., March 7 Sat., March 22 ?? Fri., March 27 New Year’s Day Trap Shoot (see page 6) 2014 Schedule-setting meeting, 1 pm Board of Directors monthly meeting, 7 pm Winter Biathlon (registration starts at 8:30 am; see p 5) Board of Directors monthly meeting, 7 pm Winter Biathlon (registration starts at 8:30 am; see p 5) Board of Directors monthly meeting, 7 pm Winter Biathlon (registration starts at 8:30 am; see p 5) St. Patty’s Day Match, 8 am Spring pot-luck dinner and annual elections NOTE: See Club website, and click on event schedule for more details. INDOOR RANGE: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. with key. Call Phil Haskell, 536-3105, or John Bartlett, 786-9720, to obtain a key. Team and open shooting from 6 p.m. Monday and Thursday evenings. Members only. Log in and out with current membership number at range; $5 per day range fee. Memberships available at range. OUTDOOR RANGES: 8 a.m. to dusk, 7 days a week, closed during archery shoots (see schedule of events) until about 4:30, and at other announced times for scouting events, etc. Members only. Log in and out with current membership number; $5 per day range fee. Info: TRAP RANGE: Open shooting (launch your own birds) 8 a.m. to dusk, 7 days a week. 12 gauge and smaller, #7½ and #8 shot only. No other firearms on trap range! Club trap, open to all members and membership available on site, Thursday evening 5 p.m. to closing under lights. Call Paul Rheinhardt at 603-707-7170. Five-stand shooting on Sunday mornings from 8 a.m. (Note: Thursday and Sunday shoots run from April 1st to January 1st.) OUTDOOR ARCHERY: Practice range and 15-station course open at all times except during certain announced events. $5 per day range fee. Info: Fred Allen at 968-9944. Quick-Contact List IDPA COWBOY ARCHERY BIATHLON HIGH POWER SILHOUETTE SMALL-BORE RIFLE TRAP WOMEN on TARGET ADOPT-a-HIGHWAY MOWING PISTOL TRAINING — Bob Klimm at 630-9408 — Dakota Joe at 620-5001 — Fred Allen at 968-9944 — Fred Allen at 968-9944 — Randy Enger at 978-443-5429 — John Bartlett at 786-9720 — Tom Bubolz at — George Hollingsworth at 745-3679 — Ev Tate at — Winnie Oustecky at 536-4129 — Don Marsh at 968-7039 — Bill Keaney at 882-9366 Club Goals Conservation of habitat, fish, and wildlife Good sportsmanship, safety, and outdoor ethics Proper management of fish and wildlife resources Promotion and preservation of the shooting sports Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 4 December 2014 President’s Firing Point Thanks for supporting Pemi F&G during 2014. It’s been a good year with a number of club improvements made or underway, including: New clubhouse heating system, done with a lot of hard work by Stu Pitts. Successful season using Range Safety Officers (RSO’s) – a concept introduced and managed by Bill Orr. This will be continued and expanded in 2015. New septic system based on a great deal of work by Pemi Life Member Tony Randall and coordination by Randy Enger. We now have full use of the club bathrooms! Logging completed with revenue of about $47,000. This was needed to both clear for the septic and to prepare for range maintenance. It paid for the septic and will help offset range maintenance costs. One of those costs was the clearing of the hill behind the 200 yard firing line to improve access for long range shooting. Layout of improved berms for both long range and action shooting. Actual earthmoving will most likely take place in the spring to accomplish several goals: (1) provide higher berms behind the 50/100 yard covered range, (2) modify the action bays so they can be used without conflict for long range shooters, and (3) rebuild the high power rifle pits at 300 yards. Fix for phone system at the indoor range. Fixes underway for the covered range and trap range thanks to John Bartlett. I look forward to a great 2015 with your continued help. As always, given the volunteer nature of the club, we are looking for your participation to help with club activities and improvements. Please contact me if you have ideas or skills to offer. Bob Klimm, 630-9408, A couple months ago, Joe Oustecky resigned from the vice president role. Per the Club’s by-laws, I appointed, with the Board’s approval, Skip Maloney to fill the remainder of Joe’s term. (All officers are elected for one-year terms, so this appointment is good until the March elections.) To fill Skip’s vacancy, I appointed, with the Board’s approval, Joe Oustecky. Directors are elected for 3-year terms, but when someone is appointed to fill a director vacancy, that appointment is in effect only until the next election, so Joes seat comes up for election at the March elections. (It turns out that Skip’s term ended then anyway.) By now you should have received your 2015 renewal letter. If you haven’t already sent in your renewal, please think about doing so soon. Bob Notable Quote From Robert Heinlein: Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as “bad luck.” December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 5 Winter Biathlon Howdy, biathletes and wannabees! After five successful Summer Biathlon events, here is your heads-up on the 2015 winter biathlon dates. We have scheduled events for Saturdays, January 17, February 14, and March 7. Cross country ski or snowshoe, your choice. Skate-ski offered if conditions/grooming is adequate. Also, sit-ski is offered for the Adaptive Class participants. These dates are of course subject to adequate snow cover to allow grooming. Register from 8:30 at the clubhouse. This year we are going to offer relays at 11:00 AND at 1:00 to accommodate those who cannot make the morning relay because of work, class, distance, etc. The shoot fee continues to be $15 and you are welcome to shoot both relays for a fee of $25. The usual classes will be recognized (see the club website, and click on biathlon in the home page menu). Printing out the registration and release forms and arriving with them filled out speeds up the registration process. As always any assistance in setting up Friday afternoon or early Saturday morning will be greatly appreciated! Please call Fred Allen at 603-968-9944 or email to to let us know when you can pitch in to make these events successful. We have ten of the steel biathlon targets and all the other equipment stored in a new storage shed in a bay just 50 feet to the east of the target line which will ease the burden of carrying them to the line. This 12 x 18 foot shed has just been constructed by P.R.E.P. Contractors and was funded by a grant from the NRA Foundation. Fred Allen, Biathlon Chair Pemi Bullseye Shooters off to Another Successful Season If it’s winter (and it’s sure felt like winter lately), that must mean that it’s time for indoor Bullseye shooting competition. Once again this year, Pemi’s Bullseye shooters are competing with about 10 other teams in the state-wide New Hampshire Pistol League, and interest in the sport continues to grow here at the Club, thanks in part to some of the improvements you may have noticed at the indoor range. In fact, there’s been so much interest this year – about 20 shooters officially enrolled in the League - that Pemi has two separate teams– Pemi Gold, and Pemi Blue – entered in the traditional one-handed competition, along with a few more shooters competing in the Two-Handed division of the League. Most nights there are three lines needed to accommodate everyone, beginning at 5 PM with the next two lines at 6 and 7. Top shooter on the Blue Team this year, as in previous years, is Andrew Van Sickle, with Brice Bennett currently holding that honor for the Gold Team. Andrew’s average of over 287 (out of 300 possible!) is also the best in the entire League, and by a comfortable margin. The season will be approaching halfway through by the time you read this, so anyone interested in joining one of the Teams will have to wait until next year - but those who want to learn about Bullseye shooting can still stop in at the indoor range (Mondays, starting at 5 PM) and see what it’s all about, and even shoot on a space-available basis (.22 rimfire only for indoor Bullseye). For more info call Dick McGrath (5364311) or John Bartlett (786-9720). And watch future issues of the Gazette as we get into Spring for announcements about outdoor Bullseye shooting with centerfire handguns, something the Bullseye Team started this last year and hopes to continue in 2015. Page 6 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 “At The Point Of The Spear” Action Rifle Match The Action Rifle Match commemorating the Vietnam War Battle of the Ia Drang Valley was held as scheduled on Saturday 8 November. Ten hardcores braved the cold weather, fielding 8 AR-type rifles and 2 AK-types -- the match being restricted to the types of rifles used in the actual 1965 battle. The “Right To Brag” went to Stu Pitts with a score of 71 out of a possible 80, shooting an AR15. It was expected that short time limits and required magazine changes would probably not result in high scores; this proved to be the case, with the final average score for all shooters being 49.6 out of 80 possible. (And a score of 71 is pretty impressive.) Should the range schedule permit, a similar type of Action Rifle match, allowing any and all military rifles fielded before 1965, is planned for 2015. Keep your eye on the Gazette and the website. Many thanks to all who attended, see ya’ in 2015. Bob Anderson New Year’s Day Trap Tournament Mark your calendar for January 1st. We’re continuing the tradition with the New Year’s Day trap tournament. The key facts: START TIME: 9:00 am. Plan on arriving early to register...shooting commences at 9:00 am ! Entry Fee: $30.00 Format (subject to change): a 100-bird event as follows: one round of standard 16 yard trap, one round of wobble trap, and one round of doubles trap. Prizes: First place award for high score is $100.00. Shooters will be "bracketed" according to their scores, giving all a chance at winning additional cash prizes. Food: We plan on having coffee and hot chocolate available at the field. All are welcome to contribute snacks and food if they would like. Public service announcement: As this is the first 2015 event for the club, reminder that memberships are due for the upcoming 2015 season!. By the way, if anybody wants to come that is not going to shoot but willing to score...more than welcome! CONTACTS FOR QUESTIONS OR ADDITIONAL INFO: George Hollingsworth: (603)344-6931 Andrew Engler: (603)217-7278 (c) or (603)744-9026 (h) December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 7 ARCHERY UPDATE 17th ANNUAL IBO NH STATE 3-D ARCHERY CHAMPIONSHIP & WORLD QUALIFIER AND SECOND ANNUAL NEW ENGLAND 3-D CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES (NECS). THIS IS THE FIFTH OF SIX SHOOTS IN THE SERIES. On Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21, 2015, the Pemi will again host the annual IBO NH State 3-D Championship shoot. This shoot is also recognized by IBO as our 16 th annual World Qualifier in which participants can qualify to attend the World Championships in August of 2015. This shoot is also the second year of a new venue, the New England 3-D Championship Series (NECS) wherein participants must shoot in at least three of the six (each New England state’s championship shoot) events in the series. This year we host the fifth of the six shoots. The shoot is open to all archers with all IBO rules applying and all classes recognized. There will be two rounds of fifteen 3-D targets, mostly McKenzie and Rinehart. For More Information on IBO see http:// Registration begins at 7:00 AM both days and the scoreboard closes promptly at 4:00 on Sat and 3:00 on Sun. The shoot fee is $35, adults & youth; $25 cub and free for future bow hunters (FBH). Directions to the club can be found on the club web site,, and click on Directions on the home page menu. Any offer of assistance in setting up the course will be greatly appreciated! This will be essential to the operation of a successful double championship and to be awarded these shoots in the future. Note: We will have our usual two “Family Friendly, Hunting Oriented” 3-D shoots in the fall, dates to be announced in the March Gazette. Contact: Fred Allen – 603-968-9944 or email to Page 8 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 Thanks! Every year many of our members adds a little extra to their membership fee, and we’d like to gratefully acknowledge them. Here’s a list of members who have joined or re-upped and who have contributed beyond their regular membership fees. This includes 2014 memberships since about July and 2015 renewals to date. Many thanks! Your generosity helps keep the Pemi healthy. 2014: Michael Avery Michael Bagge Andrew Boucher Paul Boyd Karen Brickner Robert Carter Grant Conley Deborah Covill-Mathews Brian Crathern Stuart Cummings Richard Dion Brian Fillebrown Robert Forshee Michael Foster D'Arcy Goldman Ed Hegarty Samantha Holub James Horan Ron James William Johnstone IV Robert Kincaid Mark Langlois William Lazzar David Lorrey Christian Maine Max McClaskie Leo Morrissette Carl Oley William Phinney Andrew Reichbart Robert Ritter Eric Robinson Joseph Rolfe Dale Sargent Paul Stutzman Erik Taylor Michael Torchio Thomas Weitbrecht, II Jeffrey White Steve Wilson 2015: Jodi Aboujaoude Ronald Adams Allan Ames Al Anable Steven Anderson Clifford Andresen John Andresen John Andresen William Anthony Alexander Armstrong Steven Ash Pat Barker John Barry Laurence Bartlett Blanca Bastanzuri Marc Bellerose Charles Beno Scott Betournay Mark Bissell Kevin Blake Ronald Bohlin Beckley Brendan Walter Bristol Stanley Bujalski Thomas Bull Michael Buonopane Mike Canning Joe Carbone Denice Carsley Thomas Charron Frederick Coffin Glenn Conley Kyle Craver William Crowder Michael Crowell Clarence Cullen Stephen Darr Michael Davis Kerry Deal Leonard DeLayo Stephen DiCiaccio Joseph DiGilio Vincent Digilio Sr. William Dionne Dennis Donovan Daniel Doty Kevin Doyle Patrick Dunn Kevin Dutile Chris Eitzmann Dawn Marie Elwell Debra Elwell Randy Enger Gerald Evans John Faro Thomas Fergus Tony Filipovic Brian Fillebrown John Fischer Jeffrey Frahm Robert Frasier Mark Gashi Ted Gestwicki Lawrence Gilmartin William Girard, Sr. John Glennon Mark Goldman William Gosney Jr. John Gray William Greene Dodie Greenwood Continued on the next page (!) December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Thanks! (continued) Jack Griffiths Adair Haines Jason Hall Patrick Harrington III Ronald Haska Philip Haskell Norm Hebert Ed Hegarty Jon Heinonen John Herlihy Charles Howe David Hungerford Ernest Hutter Neil Irvine Charles Jacobson Steven Jamele Ruddy Juang Edward Kaers Dennis Kaslander Henry Keller Regan Kelly Gordon Kempe David Kent Robert Kincaid Larry King Richard Kinsella Andre Kloetz Daniel Kokas Mitchell Kopacz Bev Lapham III Daniel Leathers Glen Leathers Kevin Lemire Samuel Lindh Richard Lobacz Diana Lucas William Lyon Colin MacArthur Mike Macfadzen John Major Robert Maloney Fred Marchione Henry Marcotte Michael Marino Donald Marsh Stephen Marshall Albert Mayo Eugene Mazzei Richard McCain James McCauley Dan McCormack Russell McGowan Thomas McNamara Jr. Dennis Mechem Steven Medaglia John Mellen Ernest Mellor Donald Mendzela Alfred Morabito Edward Morandi Russell Moren Joseph Morris David Mullikin Daniel Murphy Richard Namay Paul Noyes Thomas Panichella Robert Parks Bob Patenaude Alan Paul Ted Perkins Richard Perron Frederick Peters Jr. David Picard Paul Polewarczyk George Pond Roch Pouliot Ronald Poulos Will Powers Leonard Raposa Jerry Rice Robert Risicato Arthur Roach II James Rooney Robert Roy Louis Ruggiero Roy Russell Harold Ryea Greg Saulnier Charles Schroeder Timothy Seeger Dean Sherman Bruce Shick Ellen Shippee Norman Silber Eli Sinyak Craig Snow James Spoerl Robert Sprague Barry Stafford Victor Stone Anthony Strycharz Ev Tate Antonio Tavares Jerry Thibodeau Ronald Thomas Gene Tilton Bradford Townsend Stuart Turner Mike Valentine Eric Vollheim Barrett Warhola Roger Watts James Webster Robert Webster Howard Weinert III Gerard Welch Christopher Wendel Thomas Whalen Beatrice Wheeler Phil Widman Richard Williams Edward Wilson Jr. Barry Wingate Robert Zock Page 9 Page 10 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 Target Frames for the 50– and 100-yard ranges Cut each of two 12’ pieces of strapping — the Club has a supply at the BBQ pit (between the clubhouse and the garage) — into three pieces 25” 12” We can always use more target frames, and you can help in two ways. First, give that shooter next to you some small gentle hints to improve his shooting: slow down, staple the target onto the cardboard in the center of the frame, not on the wood frame itself, and put the target at a distance you can actually hit it. (Please remind people to follow the rule about no rapid fire. Rapid fire is defined as one shot every 2 seconds or faster.) And second, help keep frames stocked on the sport ranges. They’re easy to make, and it’s a good winter project. Here’s how: 1. an 8’6” piece (the upright) 20” 2. a 3’ piece (a crosspiece) 8’6” 3. and a 6” piece (a support piece) 36” Notch one end of each 8’6” piece and saw a 12”-long slot that will accept the wire on the range. This will be the top of the upright. See figure 1. Nail or screw the two 3’ crosspieces 20” apart (inside measurement), with the upper crosspiece 25” from the top of the uprights. Allow the crosspieces to extend 1” - 1 1/2” beyond the uprights to help prevent splitting. See figure 2. The 6” pieces can be added on the inside of the uprights under a crosspiece to stiffen the whole frame. That’s it! Making frame “kits” and leaving them at the ranges is good, too. It’s trivial to assemble a frame from the parts. If you make frames at home, transporting just the kits is a lot easier. Thanks! Figure 1 Figure 2 Ducks on Squam Lake, 11/01/14. Photo courtesy of Phil Haskell. December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 11 Training Opportunities Over the course of the summer and fall, On Target Training provided multiple classes on handguns and carbines. Classes started in July and wrapped up in September with the popular Defensive Pistol/Carbine class. Seth’s delivered the following classes at Pemi: Defensive Pistol, Level 1 and 2, Defensive Carbine, Level 1 and 2, and “The fighting AK 47 carbine”. Seth focuses instruction on “learning by doing” so students shoot 500+ rounds in a typical class. In addition, Seth’s approach is to help students get out of a range mindset — static and flatfooted on the range. OTT’s students are encouraged to move, shoot and keep their gun operating regardless of the stress they are experiencing. Several dozen Pemi members attended classes with OTT. Here is a comment from one of the members who attended. “My wife and I took the carbine/pistol class taught by Seth Wish; we were very impressed. He has the ability to hone in on each shooter’s needs and assist each shooter individually without the rest of the class feeling left out. His teaching technique is very direct without being harsh or insulting and every adjustment he made to my stance, speed, mind set, etc., was a positive one. My wife and I learned ways to act as a team in real world situations. This is actually more than we had expected and we both will practice what we learned and definitely benefit from it. We will absolutely be taking more of Seth’s classes next year.” Starting in the spring of 2015, On Target Training will be back with multiple class offerings for our members. These will include Fighting Shotgun, Pistol N Pink (women and handguns), Defensive Pistol levels 1, 2, and 3, Defensive Carbine levels 1, 2, and 3, and the Fighting AK 47 pattern rifle. All of the sessions will involve one full day of training and will provide the student with multiple drills to enhance their proficiency with their firearm. For more information, see: Seth’s YouTube channel, Page 12 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 We urge you to join the NRA! It remains the strongest barrier protecting this club, you, and your rights from the “Antis” who would take it all away! The Pemi Valley Fish and Game Club is a “Recruiter Club”, which has two benefits. You can sign up or renew via this form (or via a link on our web site) and save $10 on an annual membership. And the Club receives a small commission for each member who enrolls or renews this way. The club is an affiliate member of the NRA as well as GONH. Keeping the NRA and GO-NH strong helps keep the Pemi strong. So please support both organizations. (To renew or enroll on-line, go to our web site — — look for this same NRA logo and click on it.) XC013057 December 2014 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 Page 13 Women on Target This fall's Women on Target "Introduction to Handguns" event provided a morning of firearms safety training to 20 women, some of whom hadn't fired a gun before. Our cheerful crew of instructors and coaches are ready to show you, or the women in your life, how to stay safe with guns -- and how much fun target shooting can be. If you'd like to be on the mailing list for next year's events, get in touch with coordinator Ev Tate at 978443-5429 or Pemi Fish and Game Club P.O. Box 38 Plymouth, NH 03264-0038 PRESRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #575 Change Service Requested MANCHESTER, NH HIGHLIGHTS (see page 3 for more events) January 1, 2015 — New Year’s Day Trap Shoot (see page 6 Page 14 Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club Gazette—Vol. 20, No. 4 December 2014 Visit us at our website at; e-mail us at Officers and Directors Bob Klimm, President Skip Maloney, VP Jerry Thibodeau, Treasurer Jon Heinonen, Secretary Fred Allen, Director John Bartlett, Director Mike Baumann, Director Randy Enger, Director Jay Johnson, Director Skip Maloney, Director Don Marsh, Director Joe Morris, Director Joe Oustecky, Director Winnie Oustecky, Director Toni Piper, Director Stuart Pitts, Director Paul Selfridge, Director (603) 630-9408 (603) 536-4129 (603) 786-9659 (603) 387-3570 (603) 968-9944 (603) 786-9720 (603) 726-7464 (978) 443-5429 (603) 764-9643 (603) 661-8522 (603) 968-7039 (603) 620-5001 (603) 536-4129 (603) 536-4129 (603) 273-0985 (603) 726-3037 (603) 293-4353 Mike Baumann, Webmaster Phil Haskell, Database Manager Jerry Thibodeau, Membership Manager The Gazette is a newsletter publication of the Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club, Holderness, New Hampshire. It is mailed to the membership several times per year. EDITOR Randy Enger CONTRIBUTORS Fred Allen John Bartlett Randy Enger Bob Anderson Bob Klimm Ev Tate Please address all comments regarding this publication to the editor by writing to: Gazette Editor Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club P.O. Box 38 • Plymouth, NH 03264-0038 or send e-mail to