2012 Annual Report - Catanduanes State University
2012 Annual Report - Catanduanes State University
Republic of the Philippines CATANDUANES STATE UNIVERSITY Virac, Catanduanes 2012 Annual Report Note: The varying use of the names Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) and Catanduanes State University (CSU) in this report reflects specific timelines of accomplishments and activities during the year in review. It must be noted that the Catanduanes State Colleges was converted into a University on October 19, 2012, the last quarter of the Calendar Year’s reporting period. Our 2012 Performance... C atanduanes State University obtained high ratings in its Major Final Outputs Accountability Report Card (MARC) for Fiscal Year 2012. It reached and surpassed its target accomplishments in advanced and higher education, research, extension, and support to operations. 4 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report at a Glance C atanduanes State University likewise earned 100 percent compliance with the Seal of Good Governance. It fully delivered its outputs in all four areas of good governance conditions, which are Seal of Transparency, PhilGeps posting, liquidation of cash advances, and the vibrant implementation of the agency’s Citizen’s Charter specifically for its frontline services. 5 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Republic of the Philippines CATANDUANES STATE UNIVERSITY Virac, Catanduanes e-mail: catanduanes_state_colleges@yahoo.com website: http://www.csc.edu.ph Tanggapan ng Pangulo Office of the Presiden t His Excellency BENIGNO S. AQUINO President Republic of the Philippines Thru: Dr. Patricia D. Licuanan Chairperson Commission on Higher Education Sir: I have the honor to submit the Accomplishment Report of the Catanduanes State University for FY 2012. This document highlights the major accomplishments and activities of the University in pursuit of its institutional mandate. Thank you. Very truly yours, MINERVA I. MORALES, Ed.D. SUC President III 6 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table of Contents Major Programs and Accomplishments MFO I—Advanced and Higher Education —————————————–—————MFO II—Research ——————————————–————MFO III—Extension —————————————–—————MFO IV—General Administration Services ————————————–——————Board Resolution s for CY 2012 —————————–—————————Seminars/Trainings of Employees ————————–——————————Feature Story: From CSC to a University —————————–—————————Board of Regents ———————————–———————Officers of the Administration —————————–—————————Institutional Profile ———————————–———————List of Tables Table1.1—Enrolment by Program ————————————–——————Table 1.2– Graduates by Program ——————————–————————Table 1.3—Licensure/Board Examination ——————————–————————Table 1.4– Accredited Programs ————————–——————————Table 1.5—Government Scholars: Students ——————————————————— Table 1.6—Private Scholars: Students —————————————–—————Table 1.7—Institutional Scholars: Students ———————————–———————Table 1.8—Student Trainings/Seminars ——————————–————————Table 1.9—Co-Curricular Programs ———————————–———————Table 1.10—Faculty Scholars ——————————–————————Table 2.1—List of Completed Research —————————–—————————Table 2.2—Ongoing Research —————————–—————————Table 2.3—Research Proposals ————————————–——————Table 2.4—Research Programs ——————————–————————Table 2.5—Research Presented in various fora/conferences ———–———————Table 2.6—Student Researches, Pisog nin Uswag ————————–——————Table 2.7—Research for Patent ——————————–————————Table 3.1—Extension Programs coordinated with line agencies ——–———————— Table 3.2—Extension Communication Materials —————–—————————Table 3.3—Technologies Transferred/Adopted ————–——————————Table 3.4—Trainings/Extension Activities ——————–————————————Table3.3A—Person-Days Trained ————–——————————————Table 3.3B—Technical-Vocational Trainings —————–—————————————Table 3.3C—Continuing Education ———–———————————————Table 3.3D—Other Trainings —————–—————————————Table 4.1—Facilities & Land Development ——————–————————————Table 4.2 –Externally-funded Projects ————————–——————————Table 4.3—Fiduciary and IGP Income ———————–———————————Table 4.4—Report of Income per Project ———————–———————————Table4.5—Approved Board Resolutions ——————–————————————Table 4.6—CY 2012 Budget ——–————————————————List of Figures Figure 1—Faculty Profile by Educational Attainment —–—————————————Figure 2—Faculty Profile by Academic Rank ———–———————————Figure 3—Extension Trainings and Trainees ——————————————— Figure 4—Comparative Income ————–——————————Figure 5—Total Allotment for Personal Services ——–————————————Figure 6—Total Allotment for MOOE ——————–————————- 7 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report 8 43 58 68 79 83 98 100 101 102 11 15 20 24 27 28 28 31 38 42 43 46 47 49 50 56 57 58 59 59 60 64 65 66 67 68 69 75 76 78 77 40 41 63 75 77 77 Detailed Accomplishments MFO 1 - Advanced and Higher Education Program A. Curricular Programs and Enrolment CSU is a comprehensive higher education institution with multi-disciplinary curricular offerings. The academic programs offered by the institution during are the following: MAIN CAMPUS (VIRAC) ADVANCE EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management Doctor of Education Major in Educational Management Master of Arts in Agribusiness Master of Arts in English Master of Arts in Educational Management Master of Arts in Filipino Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling Master of Arts in Industrial Education Master of Arts in Mathematics Master of Arts in Teaching Biology Master of Arts in Teaching Chemistry Master of Arts in Teaching Physics Master of Public Administration Master in Business Administration Diploma in College Teaching Diploma in Educational Management Diploma in Public Administration HIGHER EDUCATION College of Agriculture and Fisheries Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Majors: Agricultural Education Animal Science Agro-Forestry Crop Science 8 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts in Economics Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Bachelor of Arts major in Public Administration Bachelor of Science in Biology Bachelor of Science in Mathematics College of Business and Accountancy Bachelor of Science in Accountancy Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Majors : Financial Management Human Resource Development Management Marketing Management Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Science in Office Administration College of Education Bachelor in Elementary Education Bachelor in Secondary Education Majors in: Filipino Mathematics Biological Science Social Studies Music, Arts and Physical Education Home Economics and Livelihood Education College of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science in Nursing Realigned Ladderized Program Leading to BSN Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics 2-Year Certificate in Midwifery College of Technology Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (SY 2013-2014) 9 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Majors : Automotive Technology Electronics Technology Civil Technology Food Service Management Drafting Technology Garments, Fashion and Design Electrical Technology Mechanical Technology Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Bachelor in Technical Teacher Education Majors in: Automotive Technology Electronics Technology Civil Technology Food Service Management Drafting Technology Garments, Fashion and Design Electrical Technology Mechanical Technology Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Technology Bachelor of Science in Information Management Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2-Year Certificate in Trade Technology Majors : Automotive Technology Electronics Technology Civil Technology Food Service Management Drafting Technology Garments, Fashion and Design Electrical Technology Mechanical Technology Heating, Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Technology PANGANIBAN CAMPUS Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Majors: Animal Science Crop Science Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education Majors: Building Construction Drafting Technology Food Trades Technology Bachelor in Elementary Education Bachelor in Technical Teacher Education Civil Technology Food Service Management Secondary Education (CSC Main and Panganiban Campuses) Elementary Education (CSC Main Campus) Pre School (CSC Main Campus) - Junior and Senior Kindergarten 10 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report I. Enrolment As in the past year, an increase in student population was noted in SY 2012-2013. Both the first and second semesters registered a relative uptake. Table 1.1 - Enrolment by Program 2nd Sem 2012-2013 1st Sem 2012-2013 Curricular Programs M F Total M F Total Doctor of Education – Educational Management 9 23 32 6 35 41 MA in Education- Educational Management 28 95 123 21 51 72 MA in Education- Mathematics 13 16 29 10 11 21 MA in Education - Filipino 1 7 8 - 9 9 Master in Public Administration 19 12 31 19 14 33 Master of Business Administration 8 42 50 3 33 36 MA in Agricultural Education 1 - 1 - - - MA in Industrial Education 9 6 15 9 4 13 MA in English 9 31 40 9 23 32 MA in Teaching Biology 5 12 17 4 8 12 MA in Teaching Physics 4 2 6 3 2 5 MA in Teaching Chemistry 1 - 1 - 1 1 Diploma in Public Administration - 2 2 1 1 2 Diploma in College Teaching - 3 3 - - - Diploma in Educational Management 1 17 18 5 8 13 Grand Total for Advanced Education 107 269 376 90 200 290 A. ADVANCE EDUCATION Graduate School 11 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.1 (cont…) - Enrolment by Program 1st Sem 2011-2012 Curricular Programs 2nd Sem 2012-2013 M F Total M F Total 262 188 450 14 21 35 -Crop Science 17 16 33 18 16 34 - Animal Science 38 14 52 36 12 48 - Agricultural Education - 1 1 - - - - Agro-Forestry - - - - - - - Fisheries 1 - 1 - - - Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration 25 54 79 23 53 76 Bachelor of Arts in Economics 15 39 54 13 40 53 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 65 66 131 61 63 124 BS in Biology 40 120 160 40 111 151 BS in Mathematics 86 66 152 79 63 142 62 174 236 58 170 228 - Financial Management 17 54 71 17 54 71 - Marketing Management 18 57 75 18 57 75 - Human Resource Dev’t Management 28 56 84 26 56 82 BS in Accountancy 60 114 174 58 111 169 BS in Accounting Technology 11 24 35 8 22 30 30BS in Entrepreneurship 43 82 125 41 81 122 BS in Office Administration 46 237 283 41 227 268 College of Agriculture & Fisheries BS Agriculture- General Curriculum (3rd & 4th Year Only) College of Arts and Sciences College of Business & Accountancy BS in Business Administration –Common Years 12 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.1 (cont…) - Enrolment by Program Curricular Programs 1st Sem 2012-2013 College of Technology 2nd Sem 2012-2013 M F Total M F Total BS in Civil Engineering 447 170 617 416 157 573 BS in Information Management Old curriculum—replaced with BSIS 1 - 1 BS in Information Technology 269 229 498 261 211 472 BS in Information System 144 190 334 135 178 313 BS in Industrial Education Old Curriculum—replaced with BTTE 2 - 2 BS in Industrial Technology 313 79 392 293 78 370 - Electronics Technology 44 5 49 10 - 10 - Food Service Management 14 64 78 16 13 19 Bachelor in Elementary Education 107 504 611 102 502 604 Bachelor in Secondary Education- Common Yrs. 52 130 182 - - - - English 12 33 45 18 45 63 - Filipino 2 11 13 4 38 42 - Biological Science 16 45 61 24 58 82 - Mathematics 20 24 44 33 39 72 - Social Studies 3 18 21 7 30 37 - MAPE 17 31 48 23 48 71 Bachelor of Trade Technical Education (3rd & 4th Year Only) College of Education 13 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.1 (cont…) - Enrolment by Program Curricular Programs 1st Sem 2012-2013 2nd Sem 2012-2013 College of Health Sciences M F Total M F Total BS in Nursing 35 196 231 34 197 231 BS in Nutrition and Dietetics 12 114 126 10 109 119 BS in Agriculture 176 152 328 40 26 66 Bachelor in Elementary Education 53 204 257 55 211 266 - - - 37 45 81 Certificate in Agri-Tech –Main (BS Agri Ladderized) - - - 205 144 349 Certificate in Agri-Tech-Panganiban Campus (BS Agri Ladderized) - - - 128 115 243 Certificate in BTTE (Ladderized) - - - 42 69 111 - Automotive 129 2 131 139 1 140 - Drafting 64 12 76 45 7 52 - Electrical 113 2 115 91 7 92 - Electronics 125 5 130 103 5 108 - Foods 28 74 102 25 58 83 - Garments, Fashion and Design 10 29 39 1 25 26 - Mechanical Technology 29 1 30 25 - 25 - Refrigeration/Air-conditioning 42 1 43 32 1 33 - 60 60 - 52 52 3,144 3,816 6,960 2,854 3,551 6,405 Panganiban Campus Bachelor in Technical Teacher Education Pre-Baccalaureate Courses-Non Degree Certificate in Trade Technology Certificate in Midwifery Total for Higher Education 14 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report II. Graduates An increasing trend in the number of graduates is recorded every year. During SY 2011-2012, CSC produced 1,209 graduate in higher education and 17 in advanced education. This SY 2012-2013, the graduates turnout was 1,356. Table 1.2 - Graduates by Program Course Male Female TOTAL Doctor of Education 1 2 3 MA in Education – Educational Management - 4 4 Master of Arts in Industrial Education 1 - 1 Master in Business Administration - 2 2 Master in Public Administration 1 - 1 Master of Arts in Teaching - Biology - 1 1 Diploma in Educational Management - 2 2 Diploma in College Teaching - 1 1 Sub-total for Advanced Education 3 12 15 30 15 45 Economics 2 6 8 Political Science 9 5 14 Public Administration 2 8 10 Biology 4 17 21 Mathematics 9 6 15 26 42 68 ADVANCED EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION College of Agriculture and Fisheries BS in Agriculture College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Sub-total 15 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.2 (cont…) - Graduates by Program Course Male Female TOTAL 4 11 15 Financial Management 6 21 27 Human Resource Mgt 13 21 34 Marketing Management 7 23 30 Marketing - 1 1 BS in Entrepreneurship 10 14 24 BS in Office Administration – Computer Secretarial Education 16 47 63 Sub-total 56 138 194 23 99 122 English 3 7 10 Biological Science 2 11 13 Mathematics 10 14 24 Music, Arts and P.E. 6 4 10 Social Studies 6 4 10 50 139 189 Electronics 1 - 1 Automotive Technology 22 - 22 Drafting Technology 12 1 13 Electronics 32 - 32 Electrical Technology 17 - 17 Foods 4 1 5 Mechanical Technology 2 - 2 90 2 92 College of Business and Accountancy BS in Accountancy BS in Business Administration College of Education Bachelor in Elementary Education Bachelor in Secondary Education Sub-total College of Technology BS in Industrial Education BS in Industrial Technology Sub-total 16 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.2 (cont…) - Graduates by Program Course Male Female TOTAL BS in Civil Engineering 57 20 77 BS in Information Management 27 32 59 BS in Information Technology 38 26 64 Sub-total 65 58 123 BS in Nursing 32 65 97 BS in Nutrition and Dietetics 2 19 4 Sub-total 34 84 118 College of Health Sciences PANGANIBAN CAMPUS BS in Agriculture Agricultural Sciences 16 14 30 BS in Industrial Education Building Construction 1 - 1 Drafting Technology 3 - 3 Foods 5 38 43 Bachelor in Elementary Education 8 35 43 Sub-total 33 87 120 441 585 1,026 Certificate in Agricultural Science - Panganiban Campus 18 16 34 Certificate in Agricultural Science - Main Campus 34 33 67 Trade Technical Course Automotive Technology 46 - 46 Drafting Technology 17 2 19 Electrical Technology 27 1 28 Electronics 40 3 43 Foods - 23 23 Garments 1 6 7 Mechanical Technology 10 - 10 Refrigeration and Aircon 8 - 8 - 45 45 TOTAL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION NON-DEGREE 201 129 330 GRAND TOTAL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION 642 714 1,356 TOTAL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Voc-Tech Courses/Non-degree Programs Diploma in Midwifery Education 17 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Sidebar Story 2012 graduates biggest in 41 years It’s her gift to the world – 1,356 graduates in 2012. Consequently, the gymnasium was filled to the rafters as the Catanduanes State Colleges Main Campus mounted its 41st Commencement Exercises on March 22, 2012 with biggest turnout of graduates, per records from the school’s Registration and Admission office. The traditional graduation highlights—investiture of hood and cap, presentation of candidates for graduation, recommendation and conferment of degrees and titles, commencement address, awarding of medals to honor graduates and distribution of diploma—wound up for over four hours. The graduates relished their proverbial 15 minutes of fame as they strode onstage to get their diplomas to the tune of Verdi’s “Triumphal March,” a staple musical score in graduation ceremonies. Honor graduates Forty-five graduates finished with Latin Honors, led by John Michael T. Bernal, BS in Civil Engineering, as Magna Cum Laude, with an average of 1.38, followed by Ian D. Lopez, Bachelor of Elementary Education, also a Magna Cum Laude, with an average of 1.42. Additionally, 42 graduated with Cum Laude honors and one with Academic Distinction. They were Michele M. Candelaria, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.6); Jimylen P. Garnica, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.6); Ma. Rona S. Guerrero, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.74); Sally B. Morales, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.66); Mariecris A. Sarmiento, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.73); Cindy S. Tapel, BS in Accountancy, Cum Laude (1.74); Ma. Karla T. Avila, BS in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude (1.60); William V. Belmonte, BS in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude (1.63); Raymund M. Garcia, BS in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude, (1.72); John Aldren C. Molina, BS in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude (1.64); Jonathan V. Tulod, BS in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude (1.61); Julius S. Antonio, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude, (1.66); Aileen T. Bajaro, Bachelor of Secondary Education – English, Cum Laude (1.51); Jomar Cervantes, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Social Studies, Cum Laude (1.53); Carlito T. Gelito, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.5); Jecel S. Magdahong, Bachelor of LEAD US TO OUR CHOSEN WAY – The CSC graduates cap the commencement pageantry singing the Secondary EduCSC Hymn, under the watch of the Presidential Mace, the institution’s symbol of authority. (GSR) 18 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report cation - Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.73); Elizabeth T. Rances, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.63); Ma. Gherlyn S. Rebuya, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.65); Joan T. Talan, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.70); Ariel R. Tanael, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.73); Francis G. Timbal, Bachelor of Secondary Education – English, Cum Laude (1.48); Anjo G. Tugay, Bachelor of Secondary Education – English, Cum Laude (1.54); Cynthia T. Tuibeo, Bachelor of Secondary Education – English, Cum Laude (1.51); Rey P. Vargas, Bachelor of Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cum Laude (1.70); Charmaine Kaye C. Abrasaldo, Cum Laude, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.64); Aizel A. Cerillo, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.57); Joan S. Guerrero, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.57); Donna Nerisse S. Sapico, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude ((1.72); Jinky Lou T. Sarmiento, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.59); Jocele S. Sarmiento, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.70); Lucy Lyn T. Tapia, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.67); Rhea R. Tating, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.68); Rotchen D.Teves, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.58); Jamir A. Toledana, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.75); Yoly V. Tolod, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.67); Irene S. Torres, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude, (1.64); Claire T. Tribiana, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Cum Laude (1.72); Emlyn M. Lanon, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Academic Distinction (1.58); Mark Anthony S. Flores, BS in Nursing, Cum Laude (1.73); Elaine Gay R. Molina, BS in Nursing, Cum Laude (1.67); Johnson M. Turado, BS in Nursing, Cum Laude (1.70); Kristel Mae V. Cervantes, BS in Nursing, Cum Laude (1.73), and James Andrew B. Bernal, BS in Information Technology, Cum Laude (1.69). Villar’s exhortation Cynthia A. Villar, former member of the House of Representatives and trustee of the CSC Governing Board, was the Commencement Speaker. She exhorted the graduates to “use (their) education to help others.” “We believe that when we are able to provide them good education, we leave them valuable inheritance—something that can never by taken away from them, that cannot be diminished and something that they can enhance for personal advancement and for the betterment of society,” she told the families and teachers of the graduates. “That is the beauty of the gift of education,” she further emphasized. Increasing trend The CSC Registration and Admission Office has noted an increasing trend in the number of graduates per year, with its respective in-charge of scholastic records recently handling above the normal ratio of students being served. The Advanced Education program produced 15 graduates, comprised of: Doctor of Education – 3; Master in Business Administration – 2; Master of Public Administration – 1; Master of Arts in Education – 4; Master of Arts in Industrial Education – 1; Master of Arts in Teaching Biology – 1; Diploma in Educational Management – 2; Diploma in College Teaching – 1. Moreover, the biggest number of graduates came from the Bachelor of Elementary Education at 122, followed by Bachelor of Science in Nursing – 97; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – 92; Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology – 92; Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering – 77; Bachelor of Secondary Education – 68; Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – 64; Bachelor of Science in Office Administration – 63; Bachelor of Science in Information Management – 59; Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – 45; Bachelor of Science of Arts – 32; Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship – 24; Bachelor of Science in Biology – 21; Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics – 21; Bachelor of Science in Mathematics – 15; Bachelor of Science in Accountancy – 15; Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education – 1. The Two Year Trade Technical Education produced 187 graduates, while the Certificate in Agricultural Science had 57, and the Diploma in Midwifery program with 45 graduates. Likewise, the CSC Panganiban Campus had their graduation ceremonies on March 19, 2012 with Dr. Minerva I. Morales, CSC SUC President III, as its Commencement Speaker. It had 160 graduates -- 46 finished with the degree Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education, 43 earned Bachelor of Elementary Education, 31 with Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and 40 graduating with Certificate in Agricultural Science. (GSR) 19 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report III. Licensure Examination Performance In 2012, CSU recorded nine (9) licensure examinations with Above National Passing Percentage as well as produced three (3) board topnotchers in Civil Engineer Examinations, and one (1) in Licensure Examination for Teachers. The detail of the CSC performance in various licensure examinations during the year in review is shown below: Table 1.3 - Result of Licensure Examination, CY 2012 Board / Licensure Examination CSU MAIN CAMPUS Nurse Licensure Exam Civil Engineer Licensure Exam BOARD PLACERS: 6th Place – John Michael T. Bernal 7th Place – Yuri I. Soriao 9th Place – John Aldren C. Molina No. of Passers No. of Takers Month of Exam Dec First Takers P F No takers Overall Passing % Total No. of First Takers P F - 7 15 22 Repeaters Total No. of Retak- CSU Nat’l ers 31.82 40.46 34.46 41.41 32 35 65 2 16 18 42 2 44 0 3 3 89.36 49.75 12 2 14 3 2 5 79.95 47.78 148 7 155 41 52 93 76.21 49.25 Licensure Exam for Teachers - Sec 99 33 132 29 124 153 44.91 43.50 Licensure Exam for Agriculturist 10 28 38 4 8 12 28.00 37.92 86 11 97 0 10 10 80.37 45.69 12 9 21 2 2 4 56.60 67.00 10 2 12 102 75 177 59.26 42.26 17 23 40 15 121 136 18.18 24.85 0 1 1 0 3 3 0.00 46.26 3 2 6 50.00 37.53 Nov Midwife Licensure Exam CPA Licensure Exam Licensure Exam for Teachers—Sec Board Placer: Carlito T. Gelito - 10th Place Nurse Licensure Exam Oct Sept Jul Nutritionist-Dietician Licensure Exam Licensure Exam for Teachers – Elem March Licensure Exam for Teachers – Sec Midwife Licensure Exam CPA Licensure Exam Civil Engineer Licensure Exam April May no taker 9 7 16 6 18 24 37.50 34.07 0 2 2 2 10 12 14.29 42.46 4 2 6 66.67 24.85 CSU PANGANIBAN CAMPUS Licensure Exam for Teachers – Elem Licensure Exam for Teachers – Sec March No Taker Licensure Exam for Teachers – Elem Licensure Exam for Teachers – Sec Licensure Exam for Agriculturist 0 1 1 2 1 3 50.00 49.25 1 5 6 1 3 4 20.00 43.50 0 1 1 0.00 37.92 Sept July 20 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report No taker Sidebar Story Once again, CSU produces 3 topnotchers in Civil Engineer Licensure Examination C atanduanes State University (CSU) sealed another resounding victory after producing three Civil Engineer Licensure Examination topnotchers this November 2012. Adding another feather on the university’s cap are John Michael Tuazon Bernal, 6 th place, Yuri Ibatuan Soriao, 7th Place, and John Aldren Cañeta Molina, 9th place. John Michael of San Isidro Village, Virac, earned a rating of 94.65%. As a consistent Dean’s Lister, National Quiz winner, and Magna Cum Laude graduate, John Michael revealed that he positively absorbed the peoples’ big expectations on him. In an interview, he said the pressures did not daunt him. Instead, it inspired him to press on. “Naging advantage ito sako ta na motivate ako,” he said. When asked what he could impart to students, he simply advised them to ‘study hard and pray harder.’ John Michael finished his elementary education at Gogon Elementary School and his secon- THE TOPNOTCHERS – John Michael T. Bernal – 6th place, Yuri I. Soriao – 7th place, and John Aldren C. Molina, 9th Place. (Photo credits: CSU PR&I, Reeyah Molina, and Chi Bernal) 21 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report dary education at Catanduanes National High School. His parents are Domingo T. Bernal and Salvacion P. Tuazon. Seventh placer Yuri Soriao, the son of Engr. Emmanuel R. Soriao, former Dean of the College of Technology, and Mary Ann C. Ibatuan, got a score of 94.60%. The pride of San Jose, Bato is also an award-winning Civil Engineering quizzer. He is a product of Bato Central Elementary School and Bato Rural Development High School. Ninth placer John Aldren earned a rating 94.25%. He is from Moonwalk, Virac and graduated as Cum Laude. He finished his elementary education at Virac Pilot Elementary School and his secondary education at CSC Laboratory High School. Aldren is also a consistent honor student and mathematics quiz contestant. He is the son of Ildefonso M. Molina and Rosa B. Cañeta. Aldren said the teachings as well as the difficult quizzes and long exams of their engineering professors during their academic years immensely helped them in developing their foundation in mathematics and further honed their analytical skills. Like John Michael, Yuri, Aldren, and the rest of the CSU CE passers share the same equation of diligence and faith in God as formula in hurdling the examination. This Nov. 2012’s CE Licensure Examination adopted for the first time the 100 items per subject method which is longer and more grueling than the previous years’ 30 to 36 items per subject. A recognition ceremony awaits these board topnotchers and passers. Coincidentally the Civil Engineering Week at CSU will be observed this first week of December. To date, Catanduanes State University has already produced 24 Civil Engineer Board topnotchers since 1992. Three of them were Top 1. (GSR) CSU grad is National LET 10th placer, 8 others are Regional topnotchers A graduate of Catanduanes State University (CSU) College of Education (CoEd) made history after placing 10th in the September 2012 Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) national level. Carlito T. Gelito is the first graduate of CSU College of Education to place in the National LET Top 10. He got a rating of 87.2% He graduated last March 2012 with the degree Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics In previous years, the Professional Regulation Commission also recognized Regional Top 10 placers wherein several graduates of CSU - CoEd were likewise honored as Placers in LET Region V level. “Di ko man pig asahan na maka top 10 , ang pig hagad ko sana makapasa,” Gelito said. He added he was not able to enroll in formal review classes due to financial constraints and thus opted for a self-study in preparation for the licensure exam. He also said that he was even hesitant if he could pass the licensure test because he did not had enough time to solve the last 40 items in major subjects. The College of Education mounted a Torch Parade on Thursday, November 29, to honor Carlito’s feat. The CSU Administration is also scheduled to award Carlito a financial incentive and a certificate of commendation in a recognition ceremony for the LET topnotcher and passers. His father also said that Carlito was almost indisposed due to fever during the day of the examination. He was thankful that the licensure exam was conducted in Virac, thus saving many examinees like his son from the grueling travel to mainland Bicol. 22 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Carlito was grateful that Virac was designated as LET Testing Center. “Dakula ang tuwang kaito ta nakabawas na ito sa gastuson pati maluyahon talaga ako sa byahe,” he said. Carlito hails from San Juan, San Miguel. He is the third of the eight children of Danilo Gelito Sr., a tricycle driver and Carmen Todoc, a full time homemaker. He finished his elementary education as valedictorian at San Juan Elementary School and his secondary education at Bato Rural Development High School. A consistent Dean’s Lister, Carlito also served as senator of the College of Education Student Organization in SY 2009-2010; became its president in SY 2010-2011 and eventually as Vice-President of the Federated College Student Council. He was awarded as one of the Outstanding Student Leaders of CSC on March TOP 10 – Carlito T. Gelito writes history as the first 2012 and was also a finalist in the Search for National LET examination placer from Catanduanes Ten Outstanding Students of Bicol. State University. (CSU PR & Information) CSC obtained an overall passing percentage of 76.21% for LET elementary level and 44.91% for LET secondary level. These are both higher than the 49.29% (Elem.) and 43.30 (Sec.) national passing percentages. Meanwhile nine CSU students were likewise honored by the Professional Regulation Commission for being among the highest Top 10 placers in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in Region V. Carlito T. Gelito leads the regional placers from CSU honored by Professional Regulation Commission Regional Office Chief, Dr. Elenita Tan. The regional placers were given citations by the PRC on December 22, 2012 at the Ibalong Centrum for Recreation in Legazpi City. The LET Regional Placers from CSU are Carlito T. Gelito, 3rd placer (and 10 placer in National level); Joan S. Guerrero, 4th placer (85.80%); Jinky Lou T. Sarmiento, 4th placer (85.80%); Ronald A. Teves, 4th placer (85.80%); Ian Lopez, 5th placer (85.60%); Eddie Cadag, 6th placer (85.40%); Donna Nerisse Sapico, 6th placer (85.40%) ; Aizel Finch Cerillo, 7th placer (85.20%); Melvin Fernandez, 8th placer (85%) and Daniel L. Alfaro, 9th placer (84.80%). PRC, through its Board for Professional Teachers, also honors Top 10 placers in LET Regional levels aside from the Top 10 National LET Placers. The awarding was the highlight of the Oath Taking Ceremony of the LET placers and passers in the Bicol Region. Dr. Mila D. Vela, dean of the College of Education, led the CSU delegation in the conferment of the LET Regional Award. (GSR/CMP/CSU) 23 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report IV. Accreditation I n support to the attainment of quality education, the CSU administration dynamically pushes for the accreditation of its academic programs. Efforts are continuously being exerted to sustain the progress of accreditation endeavors by all academic programs. The table below shows the progress of accreditation of CSC’s academic programs, of which eight (8) have qualified for Level III status, three (3) for Level II-Reaccredited status, two(2) for Level 1 status and twelve (12) passed the Preliminary Survey. Accreditation visits in 2012 and in the preceding year for programs whose effectivity already lapsed were, however, stalled for several occasions due to inclement weather in the island of Catanduanes. Table 1.4 - Accredited Programs Programs 1. Master of Arts in Education 2. Master in Public Administration 3. AB Economics 4. AB Political Science 5. Bachelor of Elementary Education 6. Bachelor of Secondary Education 7. BS in Industrial Technology 8. BS in Nursing 9. BS in Nutrition and Dietetics 10. BS in Accountancy 11. BS in Business Administration 12. BS in Biology 13. BS in Mathematics Level Effectivity Level III (evaluated for Level IIIreaccredited status) Dec. 16, 2009 to Dec. 15, 2010 Level II (Reaccredited) Level I Accredited 14. Doctor of Education 15. Master in Business Administration 16. Master of Arts in Teaching—Biology 17. Master of Arts in Educ.—Mathematics 18. Master of Arts in English 19. AB Public Administration 20. BS in Agriculture 21. BS in Civil Engineering 22. BS in Entrepreneurship 23. BS in Information Management 24. BS in Information Systems 25. BS in Office Administration Dec. 1, 2008 to Nov. 30, 2010 Passed Preliminary Survey 24 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Accrediting Body Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP) V. Center of Development A nother achievement by the Catanduanes State Colleges (CSU) raised the bar of its academic excellence when the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) designated its Teacher Education Program as one of Centers of Development in the Philippines. A Center of Development (COD) is awarded to a program in a higher education institution which demonstrates the potential to become a Center of Excellence in the future. On the other hand, a Center of Excellence (COE) is awarded to a program in a higher education institution, which continuously demonstrates excellent performance in the enjoy grants and benefits, priority in the areas of instruction, research and selection of CHED institutional partners about publication, CHED developmental projects and is extension and entitled to other non-monetary linkages, subsidies and awards such as faculty institutional scholarships for graduate studies and qualifications priority for CHED research grants. and provides The CSU will also be prioritized excellent in availing financial assistance and quality prelinkages through consortia and service teacher collaborations with academe. education As Center of Development, the program to CSU CoEd is directed to accelerate the meet the needs development of the Teacher Education of progressive programs through strategic teachers for development agenda and projects; elementary, Dr. Morales awards the A Teacher’s Partylist develop quality instructional programs secondary and scholarship grant to a differently abled through faculty development and special Education student. upgrade facilities and library holdings. education It must also undertake basic and programs in the Philippines. applied research on emerging trends and The CSU as Center of Development, shall developments in the field of Teacher Education; carry out extension and linkages through consortia and collaborations with academe and establish linkages with Centers of Excellence in Teacher Education to further improve instructional and research capabilities. The award as Center of Development for Teacher Education shall be for a period of three (3) years which shall take effect from the date it has formally awarded by the CHED. CSU must also maintain and improve further College of Education fetes Carlito Gelito, Sept. 2011 LET 10th Placer, and its evaluated status to retain the his parents. The CSU President, the VPAA, and the CoEd Dean lead the academic distinction. # honoring. 25 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report VI. Curricular Enhancement Six newly approved programs were approved during the period in review. These are: 1. Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management 2. Master of Arts in Educational Management 3. Master of Arts in Filipino Education 4. Master of Arts in Mathematics Education 5. Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology 6. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering These programs underwent curricular review, Board approval and compliance requirements from CHED. They will be offered starting SY 20213-2014. Sidebar Story Travel allowance of students increased to P500 A fter almost 11 years, the daily travel allowance of Catanduanes State Colleges students who are attending seminars, training, competitions and other co-curricular activities on official business, was finally increased. The CSC Board of Trustees approved Resolution No. 15, series of 2012 which increases the rate of travel allowance of students from P200 to P500 effective April 1, 2012. This resolution was sponsored by Student Trustee Glenda Rima. The Resolution was approved during the 153rd Meeting of the CSC Board of Trustees on BETTER OFF – From scrimping with P200 per diem allowance inclusive of March 27, 2012. meals and lodging expenses during official travels, CSC students can now This development was loosen their belts with the approval of the CSC Board of Trustees of the disseminated by CSC President new P500 daily travel allowance rate. (File photo of homebound CSC students Minerva I. Morales through on their way to Legazpi-Tabaco terminal after attending and winning in a regional unnumbered Memorandum dated competition.) April 16, 2012. Thus, students who are official on travel attending seminars, conference, competitions and the like, will be able to enjoy the said allowance increase, subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The last time that the daily travel allowance of students was increased was in 2001, which was from P50 to P200. (GSR) 26 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report VII. Student Development The provision of holistic student support services is spearheaded by the Office of the Director of Student Services (OSS). It initiates and coordinates specific programs and activities by: Providing opportunities for the students’ active involvement in the life and activities of the school community and of the nation. Promoting values necessary for the school and community which leads to an acceptance of and positive response to the school objectives. Providing supportive yet challenging environment that encourages the students’ holistic development. Establishing an atmosphere of healthy social interaction between and among students, faculty, and administrative staff. Fostering an environment complementary to the academic training of students with different growth activities focusing on improving leadership self-management, and development skills. A. Scholarship Table 1.5 - Government-sponsored Scholars Scholarship Program Sponsor Ako Bicol (AKB) Partylist Scholarship Program Agriculture Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (ACEF) Scholarship Fund Vice President Jejomar C. Binay Grant-In-Aid Program Bayan Muna Scholarship Fund Citizen Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) Partylist Scholarship Program CHED Special Study Grant Program for Congressional Districts Cesar Program (College Education Scholarship Assistance & Reward Program College Unified Assistance Scholarship Program Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR’s) Programang Agraryo Iskolar Dept. of Science & Technology - Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) Full Merit Scholarship Program on Gender Disparity for Gender and Development Gabriela Women’s Partylist Scholarship Fund Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Scholarship Program Municipal Scholarship Grant One Two, One Scholar (OTOS) Scholarship President Diosdado Macapagal-Agrarian Scholarship Program Scholarship - Full Merit (SF) Scholarship - Half Merit (SH) Senator Aquilino L. Pimentel III Scholarship Program TOTAL SY 2011 – 2012 2nd Sem 70 No. of Beneficiaries SY 2012 –2013 1st Sem 70 3 SY 2012-2013 2nd Sem 70 5 5 9 end of implementation 6 9 8 20 20 20 36 47 56 1,628 1,042 1,927 1,217 1,799 1,212 - 4 - 8 9 9 4 5 4 10 4 7 2 184 20 1 131 20 3 124 20 3 3 3 4 3 14 1 14 1 Not yet implemented 50 50 3,038 3,547 2,309 27 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Table 1.6 - No. of Private-sponsored Scholars No. of Beneficiaries Scholarship Program Sponsor SY 2011 – 2012 2nd Sem SY 2012 –2013 1st Sem SY 2012-2013 2nd Sem Agricultural and Rural Development for Catanduanes, Inc. (ARDCI) 41 41 41 Bicol National Association of America (BNAA) 3 3 3 11 11 CAUSA Scholarship Grant Marino Tomagan Scholarship Program 1 1 1 Rural Bank of Camalig 7 9 9 United 12 Scholarship Grant 1 2 2 26 26 53 93 Vision Bank Total 53 Table 1.7 - No. of College/University/Institutional Scholars Scholarship Program SY 2011 – 2012, 2nd Sem No. of Beneficiaries SY 2012 – 2013, 1st Sem SY 2012-2013, 2nd Sem Athletic – Full Scholars 24 24 14 Athletic – Half Scholars 45 45 58 Barangay Scholar 104 115 115 Hablon Dawani - Full Scholars 23 23 21 Legal Dependents of CSC ROTC Corps Commander—Full Scholar 1 1 8 1 1 1 Valedictorian - 5 - Salutatorian - 3 - Siblings - 5 5 Dean’s Listers Tertiary Publication Editor—Full Scholars 18 15 4 1 1 1 Total 217 238 227 28 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report B. Medical and Dental Services HEALTH CHECK—At the helm of employees and students’ well-being, the University Medical and Dental Services. Overall, the health services personnel served Nine Thousand One Hundred Seventy Four (9,174) clients through treatment of medical/dental ailments, physical examination, first aid treatment and blood pressure monitoring. The top three common medical ailments are as follows : A. ELEMENTARY LEVEL : 1.) Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) manifested by cough, colds & fever - 45.34 % 2.) Vascular Headache - 14.90% 3.) Acute Febrile Illness manifesting as fever and body pains - 45.34% B. SECONDARY LEVEL: 1. Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) - 28.79 % 2. Vascular Headache - 12.12 % 3. Acute Febrile Illness - 10.69% and Contact Dermatitis - 10.61% C. TERTIARY LEVEL: 1. Acute Respiratory Infection - 27.76 % 2. Hypersensitivity Reaction - 7.70 % 3. Contact Dermatitis - 7.70%. Among employees, Teaching & Non-teaching, the top three medical ailments were 1. Hypersensitivity Reaction - 22.37%, 2. Acute Respiratory Infection - 19.74 % 3. Conjunctivitis - 11.40 % Based on the records, Sixty Seven (67) , out of Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Seven (2,257) who underwent blood pressure monitoring, had Bp of 140/90mmHg and above, thus healthy lifestyle was advocated and appropriate medications were prescribed. The top three Dental ailments are as follows: 1. Acute Irreversible Pulpitis 2. Gingivitis 3. Chronic Irreversible Pulpitis The Health information updates of the Department of health are posted monthly at the Medical and Dental Health Information Board. The Medical Team, represented by One (1) Medical Officer and Two (2) Nurses as Delegation Health Personnel, participated in the regional SCUAA Meet at the Partido State University, Goa , Camarines Sur. The team extended health assistance such as first aid treatment and health assessment of athletes and delegation officials. The Health Services Unit conducted Three (3) separate spot inspections on all CSU canteens and ladies dormitory and provided recommendations on how to maintain its premises and proper food-handling technique. 29 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report C. Guidance, Counseling, and Testing Services Testing Service Disseminated schedule of CSC College Entrance Examination for SY 2012 – 2013 to 46 secondary schools in the province and some secondary schools in nearby provinces, and the CSU academic and administrative offices Aired over the radio programs the different courses offered at Catanduanes State Colleges and disseminated the CSC College Entrance Examination SY 2012-2013 Conducted College Entrance Examination to Three Thousand Thirty two (3,032) examinees for incoming freshmen, shifting course and transferees and checked Fifteen Thousand One Hundred Sixty (15,160) answers. Conducted Internship Examination to sixty six (66) incoming third year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students . Conducted Qualifying Examination for Ninety-five (95) Municipal Scholarship Grantees Submitted results of the Qualifying Examination to seven (7) student applicants for Rural Bank of Camalig (RBC) Scholarship Grantees Conducted Qualifying Examination for One Hundred Forty (140) DVSAFI Scholarship Grantees Counseling Service Rendered counseling service to potential counselees identified as well as students referred to the guidance office and to those who report to the office because of true desire to find help Assisted students in choosing courses which are compatible with their interests, aptitude and abilities Career and Placement Service Assisted students in choosing co-curricular and extracurricular activities in accordance with their needs, abilities and interests and advised incoming freshmen, transferees and shiftees regarding the course they are going to take in accordance to their interests and other matters to be considered Research and Evaluation Service Gathered personal information and other pertinent data from all freshmen students for future use, as well as data on student dormitory residents, and information needed in assessing counseling needs of students D. Continuing Education Center (Ladies’ Dormitory) Accommodated one hundred twenty-seven (127) transient boarders Conducted regular inspection of the different rooms and facilities Reminded boarders to adhere to dormitory rules and regulations Reported actual monthly collections/receivables recorded Counseled student boarders with personal and academic problems Facilitated the repair and construction of the following facilities cabinets of the resident boarders comfort rooms at the second floor of the dormitory and guest rooms sink at the second floor of the dormitory twenty (20) pieces frame for the mattresses of the resident boarders 30 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report VIII. Co-Curricular Activities — Trainings, Seminars, Competitions, Conventions attended by students in regional and national levels Table 1.8 - Trainings, Seminars/Conventions, Competitions attended by students TITLE OF SEMINAR/ TRAINING PARTICIPANTS SPONSORING AGENCY LEVEL Jonathan V. Tulod , Dave S. Tolentino, Marian Claire V. Tulod, Cyril Patrice O. Bernardino, Bren Garette Z. Rivera, Joebert Angelo C. Toledo, John Ely B. Templonuevo, Christine May P. Petajen, Jerard Paul V. Tulod Bicol Association of Tertiary Schools Publication Advisers and Commission on Higher Education Commission (CHED) Regional 11th Luzonwide Higher Education Press Conference, February 8 – 10, 2012, Crown Royale Hotel, Balanga, Bataan Dave S. Tolentino, Bren Garette Z. Rivera, Cyril Patrice O. Bernardino, John Ely B. Templonuevo, Christine May Petajen, Jerard Paul V. Tulod Association of Luzon Tertiary Publication Advisers and Commission on Higher Education Commission (CHED) Luzonwide 12th PNSA Regional Congress February 17-18, 2012, University of Saint Anthony, Iriga City Ryan Aster T. Rodriguez, Mary Ann Cabrera, Jaenoll Palmes, Zyra Mae Santos, Donelie Kay Asansa Philippine Nursing Students Association (PNSA) – Bicol Regional Council Regional Luzon-based Search for PA Binibining Laang Kawal/Miss ROTC Centennial, March 2, 2012 Headquarters Army Reserve Command, Camp Riego de Dios, Tanza, Cavite Cadette Ledebbie S. Salvador 5th Regional Community Defense Group, ARESCOM National Philippine Army ROTC Corps Commanders’ Convention March 2, 2012, Headquarters Army Reserve Command, Camp Riego de Dios, Tanza, Cavite Anne Mary Celene T. Tumala 2CL 5th Regional Community Defense Group, ARESCOM National Eric P. Amarille Homer M. Surban II Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges Bicol region (PASUC V) Regional 12th Region V Tertiary School Conference, January 12-14, 2012, San Bernardino, Calabanga, Camarines Sur Consultation/Workshop on Federation of Faculty, Student and Alumni Associations of SUCs in compliance with the provisions of RA 8292 and CHED Memorandum No. 03, 2011 April 13-15, 2012, NEDA Region V, Arimbay, Legaspi City 31 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report preme Student Council. In his acceptance speech, he shared what went through during the interview portion of the search. He told the audience he was caught off guard when asked what leadership principle he clings to. “But then, I just answered what perhaps my heart tells me and what the Holy Spirit dictates me to declare. So I said, I do not have a memorized John Maxwell leadership dictum, but I have always believed that leadership is synonymous to discipleship; it is just like what Jesus Christ did—he came to serve and not to be served, and so he is considered the most influential leader of all time, and that is the best leadership principle I would always hold on to,” he said. He likewise acknowledged his Chief Editorship of the CSC Statesman which instilled in him the sense of social responsibility and expressed his gratitude most especially to his parents, as well as to his mentors and his YFC family for their integral part in molding and honing his personality. Over 40 students in the region joined the annual search. The 10 awardees were selected from the 20 finalists. Last year, CSU’s contender, John Elmar B. Templonuevo, BSED and editor in chief of CSC Statesman also won the search. Two other students from CSC who were among the 20 finalists (Carlito Gelito and Francis Timbal both from College of Education) received certificates of appreciation and P2,000 incentive. (GSR) Sidebar Story CSC contender wins search for Outstanding Students of Bicol V. Tulod, a fifth year Civil Engineering J onathan student of CSC was awarded as one of the Ten Outstanding Students of Bicol (TOSB) for School Year 2011-212 by Ako Bicol Partylist (AKB), Philippine Association of College Student Advisers (PACSA) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office V. He and 9 other TOSB winners received a trophy and P20,000 cash prize during the awarding ceremonies at the University of Saint Anthony in Iriga City on March 9, 2012. Jonathan, who is the editor in chief of The CSC Statesman, the official tertiary student publication of CSC, is set to earn his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree as Cum Laude. He is also the Campus Chapter President of Youth for Christ (YFC), the youth arm of Couples for Christ, a Catholic Charismatic lay movement officially recognized by the Vatican and spread to already 68 provinces in the Philippines and over 60 countries worldwide. He also served as one of the Legislators of the CSC Su- TOP HONOREES – Jonathan V. Tulod of Catanduanes State Colleges (extreme left), along with other Ten Outstanding Students of Bicol (TOSB) winners from various universities and colleges in the region. 32 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Cont… Table 1.8 - Trainings, Seminars/Conventions, Competitions attended by students TITLE OF SEMINAR/ WORKSHOP/TRAINING SPONSORING AGENCY PARTICIPANTS LEVEL Seminar-Workshop titled “UTurn” (Bikol Youth Conference on Volunteerism and Transformation Leadership), July 20-21, 2012, People’s Hall, Ground Floor, Albay Capitol, Legaspi City Eric P. Amarille, David B. Sarmiento, Ronie B. Del Barrio, Alban T. Ignacio, Melanie de Quiroz, John Ely B. Templonuevo Children and Youth Wellness Technical and Advocacy Center (CYWTAC), Inc. Regional Regional General Assembly of the National Federation of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants-Region V Council (NFJPIA-RVC), July 28-29, 2012 Mark Alfred T. Santillan, Abegail T. Tuazon, Johanna Carla S. De Loyola, Krizza T. Arcilla, Gisella A. Tabios National Federation of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountant-Region V Council (NFJPIA-RVC) Regional 2012 Bicol Regional PICE Student Summit, September 2728, 2012, CNSC Social Hall, CNSC Campus, Daet, Marvin T. de Leon, Ralph Jesus B. Turbolencia, Clark Richard R. Uchi, Nixon T. Bonifacio, Rianelyn Molina CNSC Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Student Chapter Regional Dianalyn T. Alfante, Marilyn T. Angeles, Mary Ruth T. Dee, Pamela Jane R. Idanan, Amado S. Joven, Honorio T. Matienzo Jr., Mark Janrey T. Ogena, Kevin D. Onan, Cristine S. Pagal, Julie Ann Sambaan, Jerico R. Tating, Shelyn B. Ubalde, Hanzel Franz T. Bernal, She Ann M. Teves Communicators Guild Consultancy Company National 15th NFJPIA National Mid-Year Convention, October 23-26, 2012 D’Leonor Hotel: Inland Resort and Wave pool, Davao City Arjay C. Tayas National Federation of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants-Region V Council (NFJPIA-RVC) National 21st Philippine Statistics Quiz (PSQ) Regional Championship November 20, 2012 Legaspi City Alvin B. Llabore, Jamille Kaye T. Dayawon National Statistics Office Regional Roilan C. Magdaraog Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) National 5th Annual Conference of Criminology and Political Science Students of the Philippines, September 30, 2012 31st National Civil Engineering Students’ Quiz and Quiz Convention and the 38th National Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), December 2224, 2012, Cebu International Convention Center, Cebu City. 33 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Cont… Table 1.8 - Trainings, Seminars/Conventions, Competitions attended by students TITLE OF SEMINAR/ WORKSHOP/TRAINING 9th National Convention for Office Administration Student November 29-30, 2012 National Teacher’s College, Quiapo, Manila PARTICIPANTS SPONSORING AGENCY LEVEL Divina Solo, Joey T. Torcuator, Mae Jean Tarrago, Joey T. Romero, Jellie T. Panti, Michelle Villamor Association of Office Administration National Dave S. Tolentino, Ralph Turbolencia, Ma. Abigael T. Chavez, Christine May Petajen, Ely Templonuevo, Rafael O. Ogena Jr. Outstanding Students of the Philippines-Bicol (TOSP-Bicol) and RFM Foundation and PLDT. Regional John Ely B. Templonuevo Bicol Harvest Magazine, in cooperation with the Kaya Natin Movement and the ABS CBN Regional Eric P. Amarille, David Sarmiento, Alban Ignacio, Ronnie Del Barrio, Phoebe Gonzales, Adrian D. Delos Reyes, Crisanta Benitez Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) National 13th Regional V Tertiary School Press Conference December 7-9, 2012 Oriental Hotel, Legaspi City Dave S. Tolentino, Bren Garette Z. Rivera, Abygale A. Bagadiong, Christine May Petajen, Jerard Paul V. Tulod, Jordan T. Ignacio, Marian Claire V. Tulod, Paul John C. Padilla, Kathleen M. Arcilla, Karen Ailene P. Benavidez Bicol Association of Tertiary Schools Publication Advisers and Commission on Higher Education CHED Regional PASUC Socio Cultural Festival December 12-14, 2012 Technological University of the Philippines and Rizal Technological University Dave Tolentino, John Ely Templonuevo, Pauline Jaricotte Balmaceda, Mark Joyce Tapel National PASUC National 50th National Rizal Youth Leadership Institute Conference December 13-16, 2012 Teacher’s Camp. Baguio City. Micah Ruth Tabirara, Mylord Panti, Reymart T. Estrella, Nilo Brequillo Knights of Rizal (KoR) National 2nd Year Annual Youth Formation Workshop and Youth Formation Workshop and Youth Hours 2012 December 1, 2012 Naga College Foundation Auditorium, Naga City Regional Finals Essay Writing Competition on the “Living Legacy of the late DILG Secretary Jesse M. Robredo December 8, 2012. SM Naga City Activity Center, Naga City 37th YMCA National Congress of College Students Seminar Workshop December 5-9, 2012 Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City 34 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Student journalists win 12 awards in Luzon press confab Sidebar Stories C SC Statesman, the official tertiary student publication of the Catanduanes State Colleges brought home 12 major awards in the 11th Luzonwide Higher Education Press Congress on February 8-10, 2012 in Balanga, Bataan. Close to 800 student writers, who are all top five winners from Regions in Luzon and Region 7 (Cebu), competed for the Top 10 awards in the Luzonwide edition of individual writing and group competitions. Dave S. Tolentino bagged the Highest Individual Pointer award, 3rd place in editorial writing, 4th place, and 4th place, poetry writing; Jerard Paul V. Tulod, 7th place, photojournalism and Christine May P. Petajen, 7th place, development communication article writing. In the group competition, the CSC Statesman news magazine was proclaimed seventh best news page, fourth best sports page, fifth best literary page, ninth best development communications page and 10th best page design. The group contest featured the best published outputs of the current editorial board and staff of university and college student publications. More than a hundred publications from over 133 government and private universities and colleges in Luzon vied for the annual scholastic journalism competition. Apart from Tolentino, CSC has already produced two highest individual pointers in this collegiate press meet – Mark Anthony Viñas in 2005, John Elmar V. Templonuevo in 2010. CSC so far has produced the most number of top individual pointers among Region V higher education insti- Entrep major bags bronze in National SCUAA Olympics NATIONAL FINISH - Jezreel Evangelista delos Santos, a 1st Year BS in Entrepreneurship student of the Catanduanes State Colleges, stamped his class in the 800 meter run, en route to the bronze medal finish in the State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) National Olympics on Feb. 19-25, 2012 at Iloilo Sports Complex, Iloilo City. The 17-year old native of Napo, Pandan is a veteran track and field player since his high school days at Pandan School of Arts and Trades. Jezreel also holds the 4th Runner Up trophy for Region V. The Bicol SCUAA delegation bagged 7 Gold, 6 Silver and 11 Bronze medals to finish fifth among 16 competing regions in the country. tutions. (GSR) (GSR) PRESS TILT WINNERS – Jerard Paul V. Tulod, Christine May P. Petajen, Cyril Patrice O. Bernardino, John Ely B. Templonuevo, Bren Garette Z. Rivera, Jonathan V. Tulod (receiving the Best Magazine Award for the CSC Statesman SY 2011-2012 issue), and Dave S. Tolentino. 35 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report CSC tops Region V PATLEPAM song writing, photo contests Sidebar Stories C atanduanes State Colleges bagged the top prize in song writing competition and second and third prizes in the photography contest during the Region V Philippine Association of Tertiary Level Education Institutions in Environmental Protection and Management (PATLEPAM) Conference on July 25-27, 2012 at Aquinas University in Legazpi City. CSC’s winning entry in the song competition titled ‘Luntiang Pangarap’ was a collaborative work of BSEd - MAPE majors Arjay U. Panti, Jose Z. Tria, Joseph Broz T. Tito, Mark Joyces M. Tapel, and Prof. Cresencia G. Arcilla, who also served as the trainer. The group’s clean-cut rendition of the winning song during the performance competition impressed the board of judges. Bren Garette Z. Rivera, a third year BSEd English major and layout and graphics editor of The CSC Statesman, bagged two awards in the photography contest—second and third places— for his entry titled Local Adaptation, Global Solution Lone Fisher and Receding Shores. His photo entries essay the bucolic scene in the coastal towns of Virac and Bagamanoc and portray the intrinsic adaptation of the locals to the changing climatic conditions. The song and photo composition capped the three-day PATLEPAM Conference with the theme “Innovations for Environmental Protection and Disaster Risk Management." (GSR) CSC students bag top awards in Luzonwide engineering quiz Roilan Magdaraog and Daryll Joseph O. Barba T wo Civil Engineering (CE) students of Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) bagged top places in the PaCEKatan 2012 Civil Engineering Quiz held on September 7, 2012 at Holy Angels University, Angeles City, Pampanga. In the annual CE Quiz sponsored by Besavilla Review Center, Roilan C. Magdaraog, bagged the 3rd place while Daryll Joseph O. Barba placed 8th. The Luzon-wide CE quiz competition was joined by more than 150 CE students from Luzon and National Capital Region. Magdaraog and Barba were coached by Engr. Michael M. Traballo. CSC is a consistent placer in the PaCEkatan quiz. (GSR) TOP PERFORMERS – CSC’s Joseph Broz Tito (drum), Arjay U. Panti (violin), Mark Joyces M. Tapel (vocals and guitar), and Jose Z. Tria (keyboard) perform the winning entry ‘Luntiang Pangarap while Bren Garette Z. Rivera (right) showcase his top 2 and 3 winning photographs. 36 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report C Campus writers dominate Bicol Press Meet Accountancy student 1st RU in Bicol SGV Cup atanduanes State University (CSU) tertiary student journalists, including their campus publications bagged 27 individual and group awards in the 13th Region V Tertiary Schools Press Conference on December 7-9, 2012 in Legazpi City and were qualified to the Luzon-wide edition of the competition on February 10-12, 2013. Senior editors from The CSU Statesman, the official tertiary student publication of Catanduanes State University, who garnered top awards were Abygale A. Bagadiong, 1st Place, News writing English; Marian Claire V. Tulod, 1st Place, Opinion Writing Filipino; Dave S. Tolentino, 3rd Place, Editorial Writing, Filipino; Paul John Padilla, 3rd Place, Sports Writing English; Karen Ailene Benavidez, 3rd Place, Opinion Writing English; Dave S. Tolentino, 3rd Place, Feature Writing Filipino; Jerard Paul V. Tulod, 4 th Place, Sports Writing Filipino; Dave S. Tolentino, 4 th Place, Poetry Writing Filipino. In the group competition, the SY 2012-2013 second semester issue of The CSU Statesman was declared Overall Best Publication, Newsletter Category, as well as 1st Place in News Page, 1st Place in Page Design, 1st Place in DevCom Page and 1st Place in Opinion Page. Moreover The CSU Statesman Intramurals Issue was declared 1st Place in Sports Page, 2nd Place in Page Design, 2nd Place, Features/Literary Page, 3rd Place in DevCom Page, and 4th Place in Editorial/ Opinion Page for tabloid category. Now on its sixth year of grand slam winning, Abacatanduanes: Ikaanim na Paghahabi, the CSU Statesman Literary Folio was adjudged Overall Best Publication, Literary Folio Category, including 1 st Place in Literary Content, 1st Place in Overall Concept, 1st Place in Cover Design, and 2nd Place in Graphics Il- A rjay C. Tayas (in photo), a fifth year BS Accountancy student of the Catanduanes State University was declared First Runner-Up in the SGV Cup Level Up Regional quiz competition. The event highlighted the National Federation of the Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (NFJPIA) Regional Mid-year Convention held in Legazpi City on September 28-30, 2012. An oral elimination round was made to determine the top 10 qualifiers for the final round of the competition. Due to a tie, a clincher round for the 10th place was held where Tayas managed to win. During the final round, easy, average, and difficult questions were given per area, randomly arranged on the screen with corresponding points depending on the level of difficulty. Contestants raced to form a pattern based on their answers to get the championship. Tayas was coached by CBA Accountancy Instructor Eliseo M. Somido. They also represented the Bicol Region in the National SGV and Co. Cup Level Up during the 15th NFJPIA National Mid-year Convention held on October 23-26, 2012 at D’Leonor Hotel - Inland Resort and Wavepool, in Davao City. (AAB/GSR) lustration. The editors of Heringgilya, the official student publication of College of Health Sciences likewise scored five major awards—1st Place, Poetry Writing English, Angelica Z. Terrazola; 5th Place, News Writing English - Kyle Rochelle B. Teves; 5th Place, Devcom Writing Filipino - Chille Marlyn T. Vargas, and 5th Place, Editorial Writing English Chille Marlyn T. Vargas. More than 200 student writers from some 30 government and private, HEIs in the region participated in the competition annually conducted by the Bicol Association of Tertiary Publication Advisers and CHEDRO V. (GSR) 37 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Other co-curricular activities conducted by the institution A part from sending students to regional and national seminars, trainings, contests, and other academic-related activities, several other co-curricular activities were conducted by the institution for the total development of the students. Table 1.9 - Institutionally organized co-curricular activities Activity Echo-Seminar Workshop on the First Bicol Youth Hours Cultural Presentation - “Pagkamoot” Organizer Office of Student Services Hablon Dawani COT-DIT Week Celebration COT-DIT/SBO First Bicol Regional Symposium on E-Health Symposium— PASOA @ 8: Leveling Up BIOFORUM: Harnessing Bio–Research for Food and Environmental Security. CHS—Health Informatics Class College of Business & Accountancy Trainers’ Training on Interactive Multipurpose Electronics COT—Dep’t of Technology Symposium - “Path Session: The Way to Get away from Drug” Labor Education Seminar for the 4th Year Graduating Students Provincial Inter-High School Rizal & History Quiz Contest Slogan Contest: “Ngiting Matamis Ngiting Malinis” Career Guidance Symposium: “Journey to Self-Fulfillment” Recognition Ceremony for CSC Student Achievers Symposium on Personal—Spiritual Development: Theological Replication Grand Socialization with Psychiatric Client Webinar: Nursing in Canada: Bridging Gaps, Bridging Opportunities for Better Healthcare First Education Night Earthquake and Fire Drill Bread Society Alumni and Placement Services Kabataang Pangarap ni Rizal (KAPARIZ) Medical and Dental Clinic Guidance and Testing Services Student Services Date Feb. 1, 2012 Feb. 13, 2012 Feb. 15-18, 2012 Feb. 15, 2012 Feb. 16, 2012 February 16, 2012 Feb. 20-22, 2012 Feb. 22, 2012 Feb. 27, 2012 Feb. 28, 2012 Feb. 28, 2012 Feb. 29, 2012 Mar. 5, 2012 Third Year BSN Mar. 7, 2012 Third Year BSN Nursing Informatics class, Summer 20112012, handled by RN Dante Aureo A. Tabor College of Education/CESO PNRC Catanduanes Chapter & CSC Catanduanes State Colleges, CSCWB, Federated College Student Council & Student Services Mar. 12, 2012 CSC Without Borders (CSCWB) Turnover Ceremony – 10 Units Desktop Computers, Equipment, and Peripherals CAS Biological Science Society May 11, 2012 Mar. 17, 2012 Jul. 17, 2012 Aug. 16, 2012 The College of Technology Department of Industrial Technology successfully spearheaded, in coordination with Hytech Power Inc., the Trainers' Training for Interactive Multipurpose Electronics on Feb. 2022, 2012 at CSC Little Theater. Thirty-three teachers and students were trained in the field of mechatronics and robotics. 38 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Activity Launching of poetry book ‘Abacatanduanes: Ikaanim na Paghahabi’ CSC Intramurals 2012 Pre-Employment Seminar for Graduating Students 24th Annual International Coastal Cleanup Living Rosary Ceremony Provincial Consultative Conference Cum Workshop on the Framework of Student Affairs and Services Nursing and Midwifery Week Film Showing on Evangelism Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) Tree Planting Activity at Tibang, Virac 40th Capping and Candle Lighting Ceremony Symposium on Violence Against Women (VAW) Launching of the Multi-Cultural Film Viewing Civil Engineering (CE) Week Gift Giving and Feeding Program at Barangay Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes Christmas Tree & Lantern Making Contest Campus Clean-Up Organizer The CSU Statesman, Official Tertiary Student Publication of CSU Catanduanes State Colleges Alumni and Placement Services, OWWA and POEA Catanduanes State Colleges Campus Ministry Catanduanes State Colleges/Student Services College of Health Sciences SACE GAD Campus Ministry College of Health Sciences Catanduanes State University Catanduanes State Colleges COT-Department of Engineering/PICE College of Business and Accountancy Student Body Organization Federated College Student Council (FCSC) Catanduanes State Colleges Date Aug. 16, 2012 Sept. 5-7, 2012 Sept 12, 2012 Sept. 19, 2012 Oct. 25, 2012 Nov. 6-7, 2012 Nov. 15-16, 2012 Nov. 22, 2012 Nov. 25 – Dec. 12, 2012 Nov. 28, 2012 Dec. 6, 2012 December 3, 2012 December 4, 2012 Dec. 5-7, 2012 Dec. 9, 2012 Dec. 13, 2012 Dec. 14, 2012 Living Rosary Crusade by Campus Ministry Earthquake and Fire Drill Book launching of ‘Abacatanduanes 39 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report X. Faculty Profile by Educational Attainment—Main and Panganiban Campus Figure 1 - Distribution of faculty by educational attainment 1 34 68 45 58 Ph.D./Ed.D. Master Without Master Units With Ph.D./Ed.D. Units With Master Units The basic educational attainment requirement or entry-level qualification for the position of instructor in higher education is Master’s Degree. In 2012, the teaching staff of Catanduanes State University are mainly composed of instructors/professors with Master’s Unit only at 33 percent. This is followed by Master’s Degree holders at 58 or 28 percent, and Ph.D./Ed.D. Units at 45 or 22 percent. Seventeen (17) percent of the teaching staff of the University are doctorate degree holders, and only one percent has Bachelor’s degree educational attainment. 40 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report XI. Faculty Profile by Academic Rank —Main and Panganiban Campus Figure 2 - Distribution of faculty academic ranks 80 70 60 50 40 79 65 30 45 20 10 17 1 0 Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor College Professor Majority or 38 percent of the Catanduanes State University faculty members holds the Instructor academic rank, followed by Assistant Professor at 32 percent. Meanwhile, 22 percent of the teaching force has Associate Professor rank, while only 17 percent are full professors. One faculty member holds a College Professor rank. 41 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report XII. Faculty Scholarship To strengthen the faculty profile of the institution, several faculty members were sent on scholarship in private and state universities to finish their master and doctorate degrees in their respective fields of specialization. Table 1.10 - Scholarship Grantees, Faculty Members Name LEONOR S. TURBOLENCIA Position Title Instructor I Degree School Ph.D. – Educational Management Phil. Normal University Type of Scholarship Plan C Period November 2012 – March 2013 SUSAN M. TINDUGAN Instructor II Ph.D. – Filipino Bicol University June 2012 – March 2013 ELEANOR G. OSIDO Instructor I MS – Psychology Centro Escolar University June 2012 – March 2013 MARY JANE V. BONGAIS Instructor I MA – Physical Education Phil. Normal University RAMON S. IDANAN Instructor I MS – Mechanical Engineering RONNIE B. SANTELICES Instructor III MA – Information Technology MERLE C. ALCANTARA Instructor III MA – Industrial Education JANETTE S. TUGANO Guidance Counselor III MA – Counseling Psychology JHOMANN U. SOCITO Instructor II MS – Plant Protection Technological University of the Philippines Technological Institute of the Philippines Plan B June 2012 – March 2013 Plan A CHED Scholar Catanduanes State University Ateneo de Naga University Central Bicol State University June 2012 – March 2013 Starting 1st Semester AY 2011 - 2012 2nd Semester SY 2011 - 2012 Plan C Plan B 2nd Semester SY 2012 - 2013 AY 2012 - 2013 Scholars with Plan A benefits are those who were able to meet and sustain the competitive scholarship requirements set by CHED. Apart from the benefits provided to them by CHED, they are also entitled to their regular employee benefits. Plan B scholarship is a local grant given to employees to pursue their advanced studies in any government institution recognized by CHED in the Philippines. Aside from retaining their salary and regular employment benefits, Plan B scholars also enjoy free tuition and miscellaneous expenses, one round trip sea and land transportation cost per school year, monthly stipend of P4,000 within the semester, thesis assistance of P2,000 or dissertation assistance of P25,000, and book allowance of P3,000 per semester. Plan C scholars receive salary and regular employment benefits only. 42 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report MFO 2 - Research Research capability outputs were delivered during the year in review along key result areas (KRAs). These are research published in international/national/local journals, disseminated/presented, cited in other studies, including inventions patented/ commercialized. Table 2.1 - List of Completed Research Conducted by Faculty and Staff RESEARCH TITLE RESEARCHER(S) Learning Needs of Female Commercial Sex Workers on Sexually Transmitted Infections Impact Assessment of Cellular Phone Troubleshooting and Repair Skills Training at Barangay Calampong, Virac and Barangay Comagaycay, San Andres, Catanduanes Promoting Schemata with ESL Writers: Schema Theory and Writing Connection Effects on Fermentation on the Antimicrobial Property of Abaca (Musa textilis) Sap Design and Construction of Wallboard Straight-Edge Device Slope Stability Analysis for Remediation Project along the Catanduanes Circumferential Road Network System Testing Soil Fertility for Enhancing Production of Rice Cultivars in Catanduanes Retrofitting of Fire-Damaged RC Columns with CFRP Wraps Quality and Acceptability of Jar- Fermented Pili Yoghurt at Different Proportions of Soya Milk, Cow’s Milk and Carabao’s Milk Barangay-Based Fortification of Indigenous Food Product Good Agricultural Practices of Selected Abaca Farmers in Catanduanes Local Names of Camote Varieties Grown in Catanduanes Inventory of Spiders in Sto. Niño, Virac, Catanduanes” “Inventory of Spiders in Sto. Niño, Virac, Catanduanes Production and Marketing Channels of Camote (Sweet Potato) in Catanduanes COLLEGE/ UNIT Dr. Alvin C. Ogalesco Dr. Aurora E. Araojo Ms. Emiline Francia P. Abrasaldo CHS CAS Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan COT-DIT Prof. Edna R. Inigo Dr. Teresita J. Avila Ms. Lalaine J. Avila Ms. Renee Daisy J. Avila Languages Department Natural Science Department Arch. Jose G. Ong COT-DIT Engr. Dexter M. Toyado COT-DE Prof. Lani A. Ilagan Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Ms. Salvacion B. Murillo CAF Engr. Jerilee G. Tadoy. COT-DE Ms. Ma. Monette DR. Tugay COT-DIT Dr. Meda B. Mercado Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana Dr. Maria S. Tugano Prof. Eleanor B. Tablizo Prof. Ananias A. Deuda Dr. Estrella S. Placides, Dr. Aida A. Dianela Ms. Nena V. Santos Dr. Teresita J. Avila Dr. Rene I Avila Ms. Ronna C. Lontoc Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Shiela R. Buque Ms. Rosemary P. Gualberto 43 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report CAS- Natural Science Department Extension Services Unit Research & Development Services CAS- Natural Science Department Research & Development Services Cont… Table 2.1 - List of completed research conducted by faculty and staff RESEARCH TITLE RESEARCHER(S) Production and Marketing Channels of Camote (Sweet Potato) in Catanduanes Wind Power Compact LED Bulb and Cellphone Charger Abaca Farmers Cultural Management Practices in Catanduanes Tracer Study of Catanduanes State Colleges Panganiban Campus BEED Alumni, SY 20062011 Designing a Community-based Marine Hatchery in Catanduanes Following a Modified Tool for Site Evaluation Rivers to Plates: Participatory Approach in Site Selection, Design, Fabrication and Trial Using Cages for Enhancing Inland Aquaculture in Catanduanes Stakeholder Management, Identification of Inputs and Engagements in Community Protected Marine Spaces in Catanduanes Reducing Mortality in Growing Mud Crabs with Tilapia in Nylon Net Pens with Bamboo Pipes for Shelter Diversifying Livelihood with Integrated RiceFish Farming: An Option for Smallholder Rice Farmers of Catanduanes Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Shiela R. Buque Ms. Rosemary P. Gualberto Prof. Edwin T. Romero Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Mr. Rene T. Arispa Mr. Lemuel B. Borromeo Mr. Jaymund M. Floranza Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Dr. Aida A. Dianela, Mr. Felix F. Villacorta, Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla, Jr. Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana Dr. Manuel Torio Mr. Vincent Padilla, Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla, Mr. Marlon M. Tubato, Mr. Edmund U. Salvador, Mr. Christian V. Villacorta Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Prof. Sonia R. Vargas, Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde, Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana Prof. Delia S. Sorra. Dr. Minerva I. Morales Prof. Pedro Tumaque Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Myrna Santelices, Prof. Estrella Tribiana, Prof. Linda Talan, Prof. Angelica Mendoza, Mr. Ricardo Arcilla Jr. Dr. Minerva Morales Prof. Pedro Tumaque Dr. Myrna Santelices Dr. Teresita Avila Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Eduardo Pena, Dr. Jimmy Masagca, Prof. Noemi Tumaque, Dr. Sonia A. Torio, Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde, Prof. Jennifer A. Berces 44 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report COLLEGE/ UNIT Research & Development Services COT-DIT CAF CSC-PC CAS CAF RDS CAS CAF CSCPC GS CAS CAF CAS CAF CSCPC CAS CAF CSCPC Cont… Table 2.1 - List of completed research conducted by faculty and staff RESEARCH TITLE RESEARCHER(S) COLLEGE/ UNIT Women in the Postharvest Initiative of Catanduanes State Colleges in Fortifying, Packaging ,and Marketing Tilapia Prof. Delia Sorra, Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde, Dr. Meda Mercado Prof. Imelda Bernal, Ms. Monette Tugay, Prof. Judith Orsolino Prof. Danilo Murillo, Prof. Rey Soneja, Dr. Jimmy Masagca Gender, Fisheries and Aquaculture in Rivers and Coastal Areas of Catanduanes: Analysis of Livelihoods, Capabilities and Shocks Dr. Minerva Morales, Dr. Aurora Araojo, Dr. Jimmy Masagca, Prof. Socorro Brillante, Prof. Rey Soneja, Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Victoriano Prolles, Mrs. Perla Tolentino Managing the River Corridors of Northeastern Catanduanes for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development under the Prospects of Climate Change Dr. Minerva Morales, Dr. Jimmy Masagca, Dr. Crispin Oliveros Dr. Ruben Velasco, Prof Estrella Tribiana, Dr. Myrna Santelices Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde, Prof. Delia Sorra, Dr. Meda Mercado CAS CAF CSCPC Academic Difficulty Determinants of BEED-II and BTTE – II Students, Catanduanes State Colleges- Panganiban Campus, 1st Semester, SY 2012-2013 Mr. Jaymund M. Floranza CSCPC Stakeholders’ Assessment of an Institutions’ Underlying Principle: The Catanduanes State Colleges’ Graduate School Experience Dr. Lily P. Custodio Grad. School Functional Management Competencies of Women Managers and Entrepreneurs Dr. Lily P. Custodio Grad. School Tracer study of Catanduanes State University College of Business & Accountancy (CBA) Graduates from 2002-2008 Dr. Lily P. Custodio Prof. Melinda V. Abichuela Grad. School CBA 45 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report CAS CAF COT COED CAS CBA TABLE 2.2—Ongoing Researches Conducted by Faculty and Staff RESEARCH TITLE RESEARCHER(S) COLLEGE/ UNIT Government Support for Pro-poor Programs in the Province of Catanduanes Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Aurora E. Araojo Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mrs. Nena V. Santos Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Preliminary Study on the Use of Ipil-Ipil Leaves Leucaena leucocephala Lam. as Alternative Mushroom Spawn Substrate Adaptability of Planting Methods of Abaca to ClimateRelated Risks Prof. Ma. Jugie R. Ramos CAF Prof. Eduardo D. Peña Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Prof. Noemi R. Tumaque Dr. Fe T. Gianan Prof. Socorro T. Brillante Panganiban Campus Economic Status and Problems of Women and Children in Abaca Farming in Selected Municipalities of Catanduanes Grad. School CAS CBA RDS CBA Assessing Academe-Industry Linkages of Catanduanes State Colleges Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento Prof. Socorro T. Brillante Dr. Fe T. Gianan CBA Women Involvement in Farmers’ Cooperative in Catanduanes Prof. Socorro T. Brillante Prof. Victoriano A. Prolles CBA Hyperactive Behavior and Academic Performance of Intermediate Pupils in the CSC Laboratory Schools Prof. Rosana S. Abundo Prof. Ditas T. Manlangit Prof. Corazon T. Cilot Competencies of Faculty Members of the Catanduanes State Colleges along Instruction, Research, Extension, and Production Dr. Lily P. Custodio Dr. Maria S. Tugano Academic Performance of Schools Offering MultiGrade Classes in Catanduanes, SY 2009-2010 Prof. Socorro D. Masagca Prof. Imelda T. Bernal Dr. Yolanda M. Tariman Development and Standardization of Products and ByProducts from Coconut Water (Multidisciplinary Research) Dr. Meda Mercado Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Delia S. Sorra Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde Engr. Richard Bernal Prof. Imelda Bernal Prof. Alma V. Tabirara Dr. Teresita J. Avila Ms. Angelee Z. Malijan Ms. Ma. Isabel L. dela Hostria 46 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report COED Grad. School COED CAS- Nat. Sci. Dept. TABLE 2.3 - Research Proposals Submitted by Faculty and Staff SY 2011- 2012 RESEARCH TITLE RESEARCHER(S) Financial Performance of CSC Fishery Project Efficacy of Organic Foliar Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Lettuce Abaca-based Cropping System in Typhoon-Prone Province of Catanduanes Adaptability of Aerobic Rice Varieties under Catanduanes Conditions Organic Fertilizer Production and Utilization Varietal Tests of Rice Varieties to Weather Pattern in Panganiban, Catanduanes, Crop Year 2011 Political Ecology of Equity and Gender in Mangrove Community Forests of Catanduanes Social Representations on Climate Change of High School Students and their Teachers at the Catanduanes State Colleges Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan Mr. Felix F. Villacorta, Jr. Dr. Sonia A. Torio Prof. Manuel I. Torio Mrs. Nena V. Santos Dr. Ruben C. Velasco, Dr. Crispin C. Oliveros. Prof. Eduardo D. Peña, Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Prof. Noemi R. Tumaque Dr. Crispin S. Oliveros, Jr. Dr. Ruben C. Velasco Mrs. Nena V. Santos R&DS, CAF CSC Panganiban Campus Prof. Eduardo C. Peña Dr. Ruben C. Velasco Dr. Crispin S. Oliveros, Jr. Dr. Igmedio Teves Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre, Prof. Sonia R. Vargas, Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana, Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde Development of Quality Catsup from Blends of Banana and Squash Level of English Proficiency of Student Teachers of the Catanduanes State Colleges SY 2008-2009 Prof. Mary Elaine T. Tapel Prof. Goyeta G. Pereyra, Prof. Adelina M. Almojuela Prof. Marilou Lopez, Prof. Erlinda F. Tabor, Prof. Lilibeth I. Tubalinal Prof. Maria Alma V. Tabirara Prof. Goyeta G. Pereyra Prof. Goyeta G. Pereyra, Prof. Janet B. Lim, Prof. Francisca B. Zuniega,, Prof. Adelina M. Almojuela, Prof. Mary Elaine T. Tapel Dr. Sonia A. Torio Prof. Manuel I. Torio Dr. Yolanda M. Tariman Prof. Rosana S. Abundo Functional Food from Kamias Fruit Bilimbi averrhoa Acceptability of Five Banana Cultivars in the Preparation of Flour Prof. Socorro D. Masagca Prof. Judith Orsolino Dr. Sonia A. Torio Prof. Manuel I. Torio Employability of Nursing and Midwifery Graduates Facilitating Conceptual Understanding and Decision Making in Patient Care Prevalence of Hypertensive Disorders and its Management Among Pregnant Women at Eastern Bicol Medical Center, Virac, Catanduanes 47 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report COLLEGE/ UNIT CBA RDS Panganiban Campus RDS Panganiban Campus Panganiban Campus RDS R&DS, CAF Panganiban Campus Panganiban Campus CAS CAS CHS CHS CHS Panganiban Campus COED COED Panganiban Campus TABLE 2.3 (cont…) Research Proposals Submitted by Faculty and Staff SY 2011- 2012 Behavioral Problems Among Secondary Students of Catanduanes State Colleges Laboratory Schools, SY 2010-2011 Prof. Socorro D. Masagca Dr. Yolanda M. Tariman Prof. Rhodora B. Cabrera Electronic Payroll Management System for the Provincial Government of Catanduanes Prof. Ma. Emmie T. Delluza COT- DICT Information and Communications Technology Integration and Teaching Educational System in Catanduanes Prof. Gemma Acedo COT-DICT Effects of Incorporating Shredded Rice Straw and Chicken Manure on the Yield of Glutinous Rice Prof. Dolores Osido CAF Adaptability of Five Rice Varieties at the Catanduanes State Colleges Dr. Ruben Tablizo CAF Tracer Study of CSC College of Agriculture Graduates Dr. Ruben Tablizo CAF Profile and Competence of Faculty Members in the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Instruction at CSC Main and Panganiban Campuses Prof. Joseph Zafe Prof. Maricel Cariaso COED School-based Management of Central Schools in the Division of Catanduanes: An Assessment Prof. Joseph Zafe Prof. Maricel Cariaso Julius Antonio Edwin Tomes COED Tracer Study of Bachelor of Science in Biology (BS Bio) Graduates of Catanduanes State Colleges, Virac, Catanduanes, SY 2000-2005 Prof. Nancy B. Tubeo CAS- Nat. Sci. Dept. Waste Management Practices of Backyard and Commercial Piggeries in Selected Municipalities in Catanduanes Prof. Eduardo D. Peña Prof. Ramon F. Samonte Panganiban Campus Academic Achievement of Bachelor of Science in Biology Students in Catanduanes State Colleges, Virac, Catanduanes: Its Relation to Non-Intellectual Factors, SY 2010-2011 Prof. Nancy B. Tubeo CAS- Nat. Sci. Dept. 48 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report COED TABLE 2.4— Research Programs TITLE OF RESEARCH PROGRAM Catanduanes Sustainable Technology Infusion in Inland Fisheries Development Program (CS-IFD) Catanduanes Indigenous Rice Development Program (CIRDEP) Development, Improvement and Packaging of Technologies for Enhanced Abaca Production in Catanduanes Beekeeping: Prospects for Honey and Bees Wax Production, Utilization and Commercialization in Catanduanes Development of S&T Interventions for Improving the Production and Utilization of Sweet Potato in Vulnerable Communities in the Catanduanes Integrated Biodynamic Organic Farming System 49 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report FACULTY/STAFF INVOLVED Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mrs. Nena V. Santos Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Dr. Estrella S. Placides Prof. Eduardo D. Peña Dr. Aurora E. Araojo Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo, Prof. Dolores J. Osido, Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mrs. Nena V. Santos, Mr. Gerry S. Rubio, Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Dr. Ruben C. Velasco, Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque, Prof. Noemi R. Tumaque, Prof. Jugie R. Ramos, Dr. Estrella S. Placides, Prof. Eduardo D. Peña Dr. Aurora E. Araojo, Dr. Lily P. Custodio, Dr. Maria S. Tugano Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento, Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Nena V. Santos Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan Dr. Rene I. Avila Prof. Rey Soneja Dr. Ruben C. Velasco Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Nena V. Santos Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Nena V. Santos Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan Dr. Teresita J. Avila Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Nena V. Santos Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Jr. TABLE 2.4 (cont…) Research Programs TITLE OF RESEARCH PROGRAM Rehabilitation of Abaca Plantation through Adoption of High-yielding and Virus-resistant Abaca Hybrids Organic Fertilizer Production and Utilization Program FACULTY/STAFF INVOLVED Dr. Estrella S. Placides Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo Dr. Teresita J. Avila Prof. Pedro Tumaque Ms. Nena V. Santos Mr. Ananias Deuda Ms. Eleanor R. Tablizo Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mr. Gerry S. Rubio Dr. Estrella S. Placides Ms. Nena V. Santos Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Jr. Prof. Eddie Million Prof. Dolores J. Osido Prof. Jose Alberto Dr. Ruben C. Velasco Dr. Crispin S. Oliveros Prof. Noemi R. Tumaque Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Dr. Sonia A. Torio STATUS On-Going TABLE 2.5—RESEARCH PRESENTED IN DIFFERENT FORA/ CONFERENCES Researcher(s) Title of Research Paper Dr. Yolanda M. Tariman Prof. Rosana Abundo Development of Catandungan Dictionary for Non -Native Speakers Mr. Simplicio G. Mendoza Dr. Estrella S. Placides Standardization and Commercialization of Catandungan Delicacies: An Alternative Livelihood SchemePinangat Title REDTI National Research Seminar and Forum Date and Venue Hotel Supreme, Baguio City April 16-18, 2012 50 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Organizer REDTI Type of Conference National TABLE 2.5 (CONT…) —Researches Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Researcher(s) Title of Research Paper Dr. Maria S. Tugano Prof. Ditas T. Manlangit Ms. Rosana S. Abundo Prof. Rhodora B. Cabrera Academic Performance and Mean Performance Score in National Achievement Test of Grade IV Pupils at the Catanduanes State Colleges Laboratory Schools, SY 2008-2009 REDTI National Research Seminar and Forum Dr. Maria S. Tugano Mrs. Eleanor B. Tablizo Good Agricultural Practices of Selected Abaca Farmers in Catanduanes 4th Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources Extension Symposium Designing a Community-based Marine Hatchery in Catanduanes Following a Modified Tool for Site Evaluation 3rd Bicol Fisheries Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Symposium – Scientific Paper Competition Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Dr. Aida A. Dianela Mr. Felix F. Villacorta Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla, Jr. Title Date and Venue Hotel Supreme, Baguio City Organizer Type of Conference REDTI April 16-18, 2012 National Aklan State University, Banga, Aklan PEN, Inc. May 2-5, 2012 Camarines Norte State College – Mercedes Campus July 25-27, 2012 51 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report BIFIRDEN Regional TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Title of Research Paper Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana Dr. Manuel Torio Mr. Vincent Padilla Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla Mr. Marlon M. Tubato Mr. Edmund U. Salvador Mr. Christian V. Villacorta Rivers to Plates: Participatory Approach in Site Selection, Design, Fabrication and Trial Using Cages for Enhancing Inland Aquaculture in Catanduanes Dr. Minerva I. Morales Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre Dr. Aida A. Dianela Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca Prof. Sonia R. Vargas Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana Prof. Delia S. Sorra. Stakeholder Management, Identification of Inputs and Engagements in Community-Protected Marine Spaces in Catanduanes Dr. Minerva I. Morales Prof. Pedro Tumaque Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Myrna Santelices Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Linda Talan Prof. Angelica Mendoza Mr. Ricardo Arcilla Jr. Reducing Mortality in Growing Mud Crabs with Tilapia in Nylon Net Pens with Bamboo Pipes for Shelter Title 3rd Bicol Fisheries Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Symposium – Scientific Paper Competition Researchers 52 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Date and Venue Organizer Type of Conference Camarines Norte State College – Mercedes Campus BIFIRDE N Regional July 25-27, 2012 TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Title of Research Paper Dr. Minerva Morales Prof. Pedro Tumaque Dr. Myrna Santelices Dr. Teresita Avila Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Eduardo Pena Dr. Jimmy Masagca Prof. Noemi Tumaque Dr. Sonia A. Torio Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde Prof. Jennifer A. Berces Diversifying Livelihood with Integrated RiceFish Farming: An Option for Smallholder Rice Farmers of Catanduanes Prof. Delia Sorra Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde Dr. Meda Mercado Prof. Imelda Bernal Ms. Monette Tugay Prof. Judith Orsolino Prof. Danilo Murillo Prof. Rey Soneja Dr. Jimmy Masagca Women in the Postharvest Initiative of Catanduanes State Colleges in Fortifying Tilapia, Packaging and Marketing Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Aurora Araojo Dr. Jimmy Masagca, Prof. Socorro Brillante Prof. Rey Soneja Prof. Estrella Tribiana Prof. Victoriano Prolles Mrs. Perla Tolentino Gender, Fisheries and Aquaculture in Rivers and Coastal Areas of Catanduanes: Analysis of Livelihoods, Capabilities and Shocks Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Crispin Oliveros Dr. Ruben Velasco Prof Estrella Tribiana Dr. Myrna Santelices Prof. Ma. Luz Floralde Prof. Delia Sorra Dr. Meda Mercado Managing the River Corridors of Northeastern Catanduanes for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development under the Prospects of Climate Change Title Date and Venue Organizer Type of Conference 3rd Bicol Fisheries Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Symposium – Scientific Paper Competition Researcher(s) Camarines Norte State College – Mercedes Campus July 25-27, 2012 BIFIRDEN Regional 53 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Researcher/s Dr. Alvin C. Ogalesco, Dr. Aurora E. Araojo Ms. Emiline Francia P. Abrasaldo Prof. Edna R. Inigo Dr. Teresita J. Avila, Ms. Lalaine J. Avila, Ms. Renee Daisy J. Avila Arch. Jose G. Ong Engr. Dexter M. Toyado Prof. Lani A. Ilagan, Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo, Dr. Myrna A. Santelices Ms. Salvacion B. Murillo Title Date and Venue Organizer Type of Conference BU Graduate School International BUTC BFAR RFTC Regional Learning Needs of Female Commercial Sex Workers on Sexually Transmitted Infections Impact Assessment of Cellular Phone Troubleshooting and Repair Skills Training at Barangay Calampong, Virac and Barangay Comagaycay, San Andres Catanduanes Promoting Schemata with ESL Writers: Schema Theory and Writing Connection Effects on Fermentation on the Antimicrobial Property of Abaca (Musa textilis) Sap International Academic Colloquium Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan Title of Research Paper Concourse Convention Center, Legazpi City Oct. 11-13, 2012 Design and Construction of Wallboard Straight-Edge Device Slope Stability Analysis for Remediation Project along the Catanduanes Circumferential Road Network System 2012 Testing Soil Fertility for Enhancing Regional BU Tabaco Symposium Production of Rice Cultivars in Campus for R&D Catanduanes Highlights FISH FOR DEVELOPMENT Dr. Morales shares insights during the F4F (Fish for Development) seminar featuring eight research conducted by the Catanduanes State Colleges under the Catanduanes Sustainable Technology Infusion for Inland Fisheries Development (CSTIDP) Program on July 18, 2012 at CSC Little Theater. 54 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Researcher(s) Ms. Ma. Monette DR. Tugay Date and Venue Title Quality and Acceptability of JarFermented Pili Yoghurt at Different Proportions of Soya Milk, Cow’s Milk and Carabao’s Milk Local Names of Camote Varieties Grown in Catanduanes Inventory of Spiders in Sto. Niño, Virac, Catanduanes Production and Marketing Channels of Camote (Sweet Potato) in Catanduanes International Academic Colloquium Dr. Estrella S. Placides, Dr. Aida A. Dianela, Ms. Nena V. Santos Dr. Teresita J. Avila Dr. Rene I Avila Ms. Ronna C. Lontoc Dr. Estrella S. Placides, Ms. Shiela R. Buque, Ms. Rosemary P. Gualberto Dr. Estrella S. Placides, Mrs. Jamie P. Reginaldo Title of Research Paper Concourse Convention Center, Legazpi City October 1113, 2012 Organizer Type of Conference BU Graduate School International Cultural Symbolisms: Reinforcing and Communicating Identity CSU researchers top national scientific poster paper contest C atanduanes State University's Science Research Specialist Nena Villanueva Santos bagged the Best Scientific Research Poster Paper award during the Philippine Fruit Association's 20th National Fruit Symposium on 23-25 October 2012 at Central Mindanao University, Bukidnon The research paper "Wealth in the Wild: Unraveling Pangi's Versatility as Food and Income Source, bested other entries from various state and private universities BEST RESEARCH - Science Research Specialist Nena Villanueva and colleges in the country. It is composed of two researches that studied the characteristics Santos receives the Best Scientific Research Poster Paper award of Pangi tree and the commercial potential of for the study titled "Wealth in the Wild: Unraveling Pangi's Versatility as Food and Income Source." its fruit. Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan joined Mrs. Santos in the national fruit symposium. Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes was the co-author of Mrs. Santos in the research poster paper while Prof. Gianan, together with Prof. Emerita Tugano, were the co-researchers of Mrs. Santos in the research on Development and Acceptability of Pangi Butter Cake. The winning research tackled about the morphology and some ecological characterization of Pangi, and the development and acceptability of Pangi butter cake. (GSR) 55 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Researcher (s) Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Aurora Araojo Prof Estrella Tribiana Prof. Socorro Brillante Prof Vic Prolles Ms. Perla Tolentino Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Aurora Araojo Prof Estrella Tribiana Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Prof Sonia Vargas Prof Estrella Tribiana Dr Myrna Santelices Prof Vicente Padilla Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Prof Sonia Vargas Prof Estrella Tribiana Title, Venue and Date of Conference Where the Research Output Was Presented Title of Research Paper Type of Conference Gender Analysis of Livelihood Capabilities and Shocks in Marine-Protected Areas in Catanduanes Chelar Design and Mechanical Advantage of the Portunid Crabs (Scylla serrata and S. olivacea) The Political Ecology on Sustainable Inland Fisheries of Barangay Hinipaan, Bagamanoc, Catanduanes under the Prospects of Climate Change 3rd Philippine National Biodiversity Meeting & 2012 National Conference on Water & Biodiversity Site Evaluation, Design and Dynamical Analysis of Fish Cages for Rivers and Mountain Streams of Catanduanes Island Developing a Stakeholder Involvement Plan Using SIDSIN-SEN Model for Small MPAs Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Prof Linda Talan Mr Ricardo Arcilla Shelter Behavior, Predator Avoidance and Risk Analysis of Juvenile Scylla serrata and S. olivacea (Brachyura Portunidae) in Outdoor Rectangular Tanks with Artificial Structural Refugias Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr Aurora Araojo Prof Estrella Tribiana Prof. Luz Floralde Prof Delia Sorra Prof Meda Mercado Prof Danilo Murillo Prof Imelda Bernal Prof Judith Orsolino Ms Monette Tugay Dimensions and Innovations: Social Representations in the Postharvest Initiatives of Fish Fortification in Catanduanes Island Provincial Capitol Dome, Virac, Catanduanes Oct. 21-23, 2012 Organized by Catanduanes State University & Provincial Government of Catanduanes 56 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report National TABLE 2.5 (cont…) Research Presented in Different Fora/Conferences Researcher (s) Nena V. Santos Title of Research Paper Wealth in the Wild: Unraveling Pangi's Versatility as Food and Income Source Prof. Priscilla Gianan Prof. Emerita Tugano Mrs. Nena Santos Development and Standardization of Pangi Butter Cake Prof. Edwin Romero Wind Power Compact LED Bulb and Cellphone Charger Prof Pedro Tumaque Jaymund Floranza Prof Rene Arisapa Mr Nemuel Borromeo Tracer Study on Employability of Catanduanes State Colleges Panganiban Campus BEED Alumni SY 2006-2011 Prof. Lani Ilagan Dr. Ruben Tablizo Dr. Myrna Santelices Mrs. Salvacion Murillo Testing Soil Fertility for Enhancing Production of Rice Cultivars in Catanduanes Dr. Minerva Morales Dr. Jimmy Masagca Dr. Aurora Araojo Dr. Ruben Tablizo Prof Jugie Ramos Demands for a New Mangrove Science in the Governance of Mangals In Philippine Shoreline Armoring, Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Aquasilviture Program in Catanduanes Title, Venue and Date of Conference Where the Research Output Was Presented 20th National Fruit Symposium Farmers training Center, Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon Oct. 22-26, 2012 Organized by Philippine Fruit Association, Inc. Bicol Interdisciplinary R & D Symposium (Regional) Audio Visual Room, Partido State University, Goa, Camarines Sur Oct. 30-31, 2012 Partido State University Type of Conference National Regional 2012 Regional Symposium for R&D Highlights BU Tabaco Campus, B FAR-RFTC5 Tabaco Nov. 5-6, 2012 1st ASEAN Congress on Mangrove Research and Development Century Park Hotel, Manila Dec. 3-7, 2012 57 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report International TABLE 2.6—Students’ Researches Presented in 2012 search for Pisog ning Uswag Award TITLE OF RESEARCH The Indian Money Lenders in Virac, Catanduanes: A Case Study Designing an Artificial Fish Shelter (AFS) Made of Bamboo Materials for Attracting Fishes in Lotic (Flowing) Systems Growth Performance of Native Pig Raised in Banawang Bato, Catanduanes Endoparasites of Selected Edible Frogs in San Miguel, Panganiban, Catanduanes CSC-MPC Point-of-Scale and Inventory System (CSC-MPC POSIS) Development of Improvised Mechanical Drafting Board Architectural Graphics under Mechanical Drawing Using “PATT-S” Utilization of Banana and Banana Peel (Musa acuminata) Flour in Making Cookies Development and Standardization of Pasta Sauce out of Mango (Mangifera philippinensis) and Papaya (Carica papaya) Consumption of Street Foods among College of Health Sciences Students at Catanduanes State Colleges Level of Awareness in Food Safety and Sanitation among Selected Government Hospitals in Catanduanes Test Performance in Mathematics among Grade Six Pupils with Multi-Grade and Single Grade Classes in Viga West District, SY 2011-2012 Effectiveness of Deg-Radian Wheel in Teaching Trigonometry AUTHOR(S) COLLEGE CAS Soc. Sci. Dept. Economics CAS Nat. Sci. Dept. BS Biology CAS Nat. Sci. Dept. CAS Nat. Sci. Dept. BS Biology BS Biology COT-DICT BS IM COT- DIT BS ITDrafting COT- DIT BS ITDrafting Renzka A. Zafe CHS ND Dept. BS ND Louie Anthony S. Vargas CHS ND Dept. BS ND Razhel Joy T. Tapel CHS ND Dept. BS ND Kimberly Roy A. Balmadrid CHS ND Dept. BS ND Julius S. Antonio COED BS Ed. Math Edwin T. Tomes COED BS Ed. Math Glenda C. Rima Ernesto A. Buyag Jr. Kazyl T. Templonuevo Golda Pilar Irma V. Landicho Ramona Michelle Magtangob, Bryan L. Barba, Ryan S. Benavidez Karl Dominic C. Bogabil Catherine I. Magdaraog Redelyn Gianne, Navarro, Prince Ian T. Obo, Francis Gerome T. Olfindo, Louela B. Segumalian, Gerald John T. Somido, Jenny Joy T. Tabios Alvin Andrade Peter Samosa Mc Russell Posada Aljun Lumbao John Michael Sarte Menard C. Isorena Benjie M. Tribiana John Rolly A. Asuncion Romel M. Sarmiento Alvin S. Dollisen 58 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report COURSE AB TABLE 2.7—Researches Submitted for Patent CY 2012 RESEARCH TITLE Wallboard Straight-Edge Assembly Improved Processing of Vegetable Sweets Remote Control Tester Triangular Drafting Templates RESEARCHER(S) Arch. Jose G. Ong Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan Prof. Corazon B. Sicio Prof. Edwin T. Romero Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan Mr. Rico S. Tribiana A System and Device of Rejuvenating and Testing Cathode Ray Tube Prof. Edwin T. Romero Portable Multi-Functional Drawing Table Prof. Priscilla P. Gianan Mr. Mark Joseph F. Teves COLLEGE COT-DIT 3 CSC researchers bag top awards in Bicol fisheries research symposium T hree researches of Catanduanes State Colleges bagged top awards in the 3rd Bicol Fisheries Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Symposium – Scientific Paper Competition held on July 25-27 2012 at Camarines Norte State College – Mercedes Campus. Adjudged First Place (aquaculture category) was the study titled 'Designing a BEST RESEARCH –Prof. Sonia R. Vargas and Dr. Jimmy T. Community-based Marine Hatchery in Ca- Masagca (top photo), together with Dr. Myrna Santelices tanduanes Following a Modified Tool for receive their respective best research awards in the reSite Evaluation.' Dr. Minerva I. Morales, gional fisheries research and extension symposium. Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca, Dr. Myrna A. Twelve CSC faculty and staff research authors and coSantelices, Dr. Aida A. Dianela, Mr. Felix F. Villacorta, and Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla, Jr. authors (below) presented eight studies in the scientific authored/co-authored this study and was paper competition. presented by Dr. Masagca in the competition. Awarded Second Place was the research titled ‘From Rivers to Plates: Participatory Approach in Site Selection, Design, Fabrication and Trial Using Cages for Enhancing Inland Aquaculture in Catanduanes'. This was authored/co-authored by Dr. Minerva I. Morales, Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca, Dr. Myrna A. Santelices, Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana, Dr. Manuel Torio, Mr. Vincent Padilla, Mr. Ricardo V. Arcilla, Mr. Marlon M. Tubato, Mr. Edmund U. Salvador, and Mr. Christian V. Villacorta. This scientific paper also competed in the aquaculture category and was presented by Dr. Santelices. Also proclaimed Second Place (coastal resource management and capture fisheries category) was the study titled ‘Stakeholder Management, Identification of Inputs and Engagements in Community Protected Marine Spaces in Catanduanes' authored/co-authored by Dr. Minerva I. Morales, Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre, Dr. Aida A. Dianela, Dr. Jimmy T. Masagca (who also presented this study), Prof. Sonia R. Vargas, Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde, Prof. Estrella T. Tribiana, and Prof. Delia S. Sorra. (GSR) 59 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report MFO 3 - Extension The University’s extension programs, projects, and activities were conducted within the context of CMO No. 22, s. 2008 which is defined as “a set of activities aimed to transfer knowledge or technology or to provide services to the community in consonance with the programs offered.” Further, in keeping with the said Order, extension programs were conducted not as part of academic requirement but as an outreach towards the improvement of the community’s quality of life. I. Extension Programs based on needs of the community Institutional Skills Training Technology Transfer Culture and Arts TABLE 3.1 —Extension Programs Coordinated with Partner Agencies and Approved by the Board of Trustees Extension Program Apiculture Techno Gabay Enhanced Sustainable Ecosystem Program for Community Program (ESEPComDev) Approved BOT Resolution No. 7, s. 2012 (157th Meeting, January 28, 2013) No. 6, s. 2008 135th Meeting, February 29, 2008 No. 12, s. 2011 148th Meeting, March 21, 2011 Source of Funds Congressional Office (CDF) PCAARRD/ BCAARRD Municipal LGU Virac II. LGUs assisted in development planning Provincial LGU (OPAG) Municipal LGU of Bato Municipal LGU of San Miguel Municipal LGU of Viga Municipal LGU of Panganiban Municipal LGU of Bagamannoc Municipal LGU of Gigmoto Municipal LGU of Pandan 60 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Budget P 300,000.00 1,455,000.00 200,000.00 TABLE 3.2—IEC Materials/Techno Guides Developed/Used Leaflet/Pamphlet/Flyer No. of copies Latik Making 50 Pinangat Catanduanes 50 Bamboo Products 50 Sinamay Flowers 50 Christmas Angels 50 Rattan and Nito Products 50 Abaca Scrunch 50 Audio/Video presentation Sinamay Flower Making 3 Others CSC Airlinks: Ugnayan sa Himpapawid aired over DZVC Radyo ng Bayan Virac Quick Information Dispatch/Bulletin Board Dula-Tula “Abaca” by the Hablon Dawani TABLE 3.3— Technologies Transferred/Adopted Technology Recipient Barangay/Municipality Off-Season Vegetable Production Dugui Too, Virac Lowland Vegetable Production Moning, Baras Codon, San Andres Progreso, San Miguel Bote, Bato Establishment of MRF/Solid Waste Management 61 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 3.4—Training/Extension Activities Conducted Title of Training Training on Vermi Culture Training on Fruit Seedling Production Training on Computer Literacy Enhancement Education Seminar for BHWs Date January to March, 2012 January to March, 2012 January to March 2012 Jan. 8 & 22, Feb. 12, March 2012 Venue Valencia, Virac CSC MIS Buyo District, Virac, Livelihood & Entrepreneurial Development Training on Health & Nutrition for BHWs & mothers Jan 15 & 29, Feb. 5, March 2012 Buyo Integrated School Public Health Nutrition: a) Health & Nutrition Class b) Kiddie Class Jan. 3,6,9,13,16,20,23, 27 & 30; Feb. 3,6,10, 2012 Balite, Virac, Training on Driving Jan. - Feb., 2012; May 14-30, 2012 CSC Compound Virac Training on Servicing and repairing cellular phones Training on Practical Electronics How to Start a Small Business: Native Chicken Production Feb. 12-March 4, 2012 Buyo Integrated School Feb. 12-March 11, 2012 Jan. 15 - March 11, 2012 Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes March 16-17, 2012 Buyo Integrated School March 16-17, 2012 Puniton, Virac April 10-May 9, 2012 CSC Compound Virac Technology Packages on Organic Agriculture: Topics - a) Urban Agriculture; b) Organic Vegetable Production; c) Natural Farming System and Liquid Fertilizer Production; and d) Vermicast Production and Vermi Tea Making April 25-26, 2012 Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes Training on Information Technology April 30-May 2, 2012 CATNET Building, Virac, Training on Skills Clinic on Organic Agriculture April 25-26, 2012 Simple Bookkeeping Seminar Workshop on Dance Innovation and Theater Arts April to June, 2012 Training on Mushroom Spawn Production May 14-18, 2012 Technology Packages on Organic Agriculture: Topics - a) Urban Agriculture; b) Organic Vegetable Production; c) Natural Farming System and Liquid Fertilizer Production; and d) Vermicast Production and Vermi Tea Making Skills Clinic on Organic Agriculture Lawn Tennis Summer Camp for Beginners and Advanced May 2-6, 2012 62 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes -doHRD Building, Virac, Catanduanes Ext. Services Training Centre TABLE 3.4 (cont…) Training/Extension Activities Conducted Title of Training Training on Enhancing Teaching Strategies for Kindergarten Teachers Training on Product Design Development May 29-31, 2012 Terminal Report Writeshop July 27, 2012 CATNET Bldg., San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes Accounting for Non Accountants July - September, 2012 Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes Training on Good Governance: Topics - 1) Values, Orientation; 2) Procedures in conducting meetings and sessions; 3) Preparation of legislative proposals; 4) Katarungang Pambarangay; 5) Climate change, Mitigation, and global warming; 6) Effects of climate change; 7) Solid waste management; and 8) The environment on embryonic development of epigenomics July 7 & 25; Aug. 5 & 19; Sept. 2, 2012 Barangay Hall, Magnesia del Norte, Virac, Catanduanes Tutorials in Mathematics Aug. 5 & 19, Sept. 2 & 16, 2012 Magnesia National High School Tutorials in English Aug. 5 & 19, Sept. 2 & 16, 2012 Magnesia National High School Physical Fitness Workshop Sept. 2, 2012 Magnesia National High School Mentor's Training in Teaching English as a Second Language Sept. 12-14, 2012 CSC Little Theatre Sept. 17-19, 2012 CSC-ESU Training Room Sept. 8, 2012 CSC Gymnasium Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes Training on Artificial Flower Making and Arranging Seminar on Solid Waste Management Farmer's Training on Financial Mgt. (Product Pricing & Costing) Date July 11-12, 2012 Oct. to Dec. 2012 Venue HRD Building, Virac, Catanduanes CSC Little Theater Training on Manicure and Pedicure Oct. 8-12, 2012 CSC Extension Services Training Room Regional Seminar-Workshop on Creative Teaching and Learning for Kindergarten and Grade-1 Teachers Oct. 17-19, 2012 CSC-HRD Building Training on Christmas Decor Making Oct. 17-19, 2012 Training on Basketry (Madeira Wave) Training on Sustainable Lowland Vegetable Production Oct. 23-24, 2012 CSC Extension Services Training Room Plaza Rizal, Virac Oct. 29-31, 2012 Dugui Too, Virac Training on Hairdressing Nov. 5-9, 2012 Ext. Services Training Centre 63 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 3.4 (cont…) - Training/Extension Activities Conducted Title of Training Date Venue Livelihood & Entrepreneurial Skills Development Training on Sewing Blouse & Skirt Nov. 17-Dec. 21, 2012 Training on Handicrafts Nov. 19, 2012 Environmental Mgt. & MRF Trainer's Training on Beekeeping Nov. 21, 2012 Nov. 27-29, 2012 Pagsangahan, San Miguel, Catanduanes Bote, Bato, Cat’nes HRD Bldg., CSU Environmental Mgt. & MRF Nov. 22, 2012 Moning, Baras, Cat’nes Environmental Mgt. & MRF Dec. 10, 2013 Christmas Angel Making Nov. 24, 2012 Training on Community-based DRRM Planning for Agriculture Nov. 12-13, 2012 Codon, San Andres, Cat’nes Bon-ot, San Andres Cat’nes CSU Little Theater Training on Brgy. Situation Assessment & Community -Based DRRM Planning for Agriculture Nov. 14-15, 2012 Enhancement Training of BHWs and Barangay Officials Nov. 5,7,12,14, 2012 Dec. 4, 2012 Environmental Management & Materials Recovery Facility Establishment and Operations DIT Garments Technology Room Dec. 6, 2012 Magnesia Del Sur, Virac, Cat’nes San Miguel, Panganiban, Cat'nes Progreso, San Miguel, Catanduanes Enhancing Listening Skills of Pre-school children Enhancing Critical Listening & Reading Skills for Grades 1 & 2 pupils Developing/Improving Writing Skills in Cursive Form of Elem. Grade pupils Enhancing/Developing Oral and Written Communications of grades 3 & 4 Pupils Enhancing the four (4) Macro Skills in Communication Arts with proficiency for Grades 5 & 6 pupils and Secondary Schools Students School Year-round activity Study of Basic Mathematics and Application to Practical Problems for Grades 1 & 2 pupils Enhancing Mathematical Skills of the Four (4) Fundamental Operations for Grades 3 & 4 Pupils Development of Simple Concepts in Algebra for Grades 5 & 6 Pupils Seminar on Values Education 64 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Buyo, Tubaon, & Puniton, Virac, Catanduanes Figure 3—Trainings and Number of Persons Trained A Closing Ceremony for the seven outreach projects under Sustainable Ecosystem Program for Community Development of CSC Extension Services was conducted on March 4, 2012, 9:00 A.M. at Buyo Integrated School, Virac, Catanduanes. These outreach projects are: 1) Functional Literacy and Numeracy Classes, 2) Enrichment Lessons in English, 3) Health and Nutrition Classes, 4) Basic Computer Literacy, 4) PC Troubleshooting and Repair and Networking, 5) Cell phone Repair and Servicing, and 6) Baking. The activity recognized the participation of trainees, student and faculty extension workers and coordinators and other clients/stakeholders. 65 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report VII. Person-Days Trained (man-hour) weighted by length of training TABLE 3.5-A - Agricultural Extension Headcount of Participants Hours of Training PersonHours Person-Days Trained (8 hrs) 10 8 80 10 15 15 46 16 16 16 240 240 736 30 30 92 Technology Packages on Organic Agriculture: Topics - a) Urban Agriculture; b) Organic Vegetable Production; c) Natural Farming System and Liquid Fertilizer Production; and d) Vermicast Production and Vermi Tea Making 35 16 560 70 Technology Packages on Organic Agriculture: Topics - a) Urban Agriculture; b) Organic Vegetable Production; c) Natural Farming System and Liquid Fertilizer Production; and d) Vermicast Production and Vermi Tea Making 25 16 400 50 Training on Skills Clinic on Organic Agriculture 46 16 736 92 Training on Mushroom Spawn Production Farmer's Training on Financial Mgt. (Product Pricing & Costing) Training on Sustainable Lowland Vegetable Production Trainer's Training on Beekeeping Training on Community-based DRRM Planning for Agriculture 21 40 840 105 10 48 480 60 97 16 1552 194 27 24 648 81 52 16 832 104 54 16 864 108 453 264 8208 1026 Training How to Start a Small Business: Native Chicken Production Training on Vermi Culture Training on Fruit Seedling Production Skills Clinic on Organic Agriculture Training on Barangay Situation Assessment & Community-based DRRM Planning for Agriculture Total 66 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 3.5-B—Technical Vocational Headcount of Participants Hours of Training PersonHours Person-Days Trained (8 hrs) Skills Training in Baking 12 28 336 42 Training on Driving 2 36 72 9 Training on Servicing and Repairing cellular phones 13 16 208 26 Training on Practical Electronics 20 48 960 120 Training on Computer Literacy 24 40 960 120 Training on Information Technology 27 24 648 81 Training on Artificial Flower Making and Arranging 38 24 912 114 Training on Manicure and Pedicure 19 40 760 95 Training on Christmas Decor Making 25 16 400 50 Training on Basketry (Madeira Wave) 25 16 400 50 Training on Hairdressing 20 40 800 100 Training on Handicrafts 49 8 392 49 Christmas Angel Making 110 8 880 110 Livelihood & Entrepreneurial Skills Development Training on Sewing Blouse & Skirt 6 40 240 30 Training on Product Design Development 42 16 672 84 432 400 8640 1080 Training Total 67 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 3.5-C— Continuing Education for Professionals Training Headcount of Participants Hours of Training PersonHours Person-Days Trained (8 hrs) Training on Good Governance: Topics - 1) Values, Orientation; 2) Procedures in conducting meetings and sessions; 3) Preparation of legislative proposals; 4) Katarungang Pambarangay; 5) Climate change mitigation, and global warming; 6) Effects of climate change; 7) Solid waste management; and 8) The environment on embryonic development of epigenomics 25 30 750 93.75 Simple Bookkeeping 16 48 768 96 Accounting for Non Accountants 10 8 80 10 Mentor's Training in Teaching English as a Second Language 44 24 1056 132 Seminar on Solid Waste Management 853 4 3412 427 87 24 2088 261 53 40 2120 265 91 24 2184 273 Environmental Mgt. & MRF 377 40 15,080 1885 Enhancement Education Seminar for BHWs 37 16 592 74 Livelihood & Entrepreneurial Development Training on Health & Nutrition for BHWs & mothers 45 16 720 90 83 48 3984 498 12 8 96 12 27 8 216 27 1760 338 33,146 4,144 Regional Seminar-Workshop on Creative Teaching and Learning for Kindergarten and Grade-1 Teachers Seminar Workshop on Dance Innovation and Theater Arts Training on Enhancing Teaching Strategies for Kindergarten Teachers Public Health Nutrition: a) Health & Nutrition Class b) Kiddie Class Enhancement Training of BHWs and Barangay Officials Terminal Report Writeshop Total 68 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE3.5 D—Other Trainings Headcount of Participants Hours of Training PersonHours Person-Days Trained (8 hrs) Tutorials in Mathematics 25 3 Not counted Not counted Tutorials in English 193 3 Not counted Not counted Enhancing Listening Skills of Pre-school 41 58 2378 297 Enhancing Critical Listening & Reading Skills for Grades 1 & 2 pupils 40 58 2320 290 Developing/Improving Writing Skills in Cursive Form of Elementary Grade Pupils 44 48 2112 264 Enhancing/Developing Oral and Written Communications of grades 3 & 4 pupils 28 48 1344 168 Enhancing the four (4) Macro Skills in Communication Arts with Proficiency for Grades 5 & 6 Pupils and secondary Schools Students 28 58 1624 203 Study of Basic Mathematics and Application to Practical Problems for Grades 1 & 2 Pupils 36 41 1476 185 27 28 756 95 35 25 875 109 Seminar on Values Education 41 25 1025 128 Physical Fitness Workshop 25 3 Not counted Not counted Lawn Tennis Summer Camp for Beginners and Advanced Levels 42 30 1260 158 362 419 15170 1897 Training Enhancing Mathematical Skills of the Four (4) Fundamental Operations for grades 3 & 4 Pupils Development of Simple Concepts in Algebra for Grades 5 & 6 Pupils Total 69 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report MFO 4 - General Administration and Support Services TABLE 4.1—Land and Land Improvements, Buildings and Structures Particulars Amount Remarks Main Campus LAND AND LAND IMPROVEMENTS Construction of Tennis Court 500,000 Constructing of Perimeter Fence 1,250,000 Concreting of CSU Road Network 1,000,000 Completed BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Completion of Science Laboratory Building Phase IV 5,000,000 Repair of Ladies Dormitory Building 1,400,000 Extension of Library Building, Left Wing, Phase I 4,750,000 Extension of Library Building, Right Wing, Phase II 1,500,000 Construction of Two Storey BSND Building Phase I 3,000,000 On—going procurement Construction of CBA Building 4,000,000 For bidding Construction of Covered Path Walk, CAF 1,700,000 To be programmed in 2013 Conversion of a Classroom into Virtual Laboratory 8,000,000 Construction of Brooding (chicken) House 200,000 Construction of Materials Recovery Facility 500,000 Construction of Covered Path walk, Main Building frontage 1,400,000 For re- Bidding Completed Bidding of Materials Completed (by Admin) To be programmed in 2013 Panganiban Campus LAND AND LAND IMPROVEMENTS Construction of Path Walk 296,000 Completed Road Network to Panaguican Hill 100,000 To be programmed in 2013 BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Interior Repair of Administration Building Phase II Repair of Roofings of Academic Building 250,000 60,000 Replacement of Roofings & Painting of RS Building 275,000 Replacement of Roofings & Painting of VOAG Building 220,000 70 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Completed To be programmed in 2013 Completed left wing of University Library Building. The right wing portion was likewise completed during the period in review. The BSND Building perspective. This is an ongoing infra project in 2012. 71 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Repair of Ladies’ Dormitory Building Concreting of Road Network, back of Administration Building Construction of Tennis Court Construction of Covered Path Walk, CAF Concreting of Road Network going towards College of Agriculture Construction of Perimeter Fence, east side of the Main Campus 72 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 4.2—Externally-funded projects Percentage of Accomplishment Status of Accomplishment 2.5) Sustained Aqua system: Training and advocacy for sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem a) 183,300 Mangrove propagules planted a) 183,300 mangrove propagules planted 100% b) 55 Hectares denuded mangrove areas 2012-2013 covering 5 municipalities reforested b) 55 has. Reforested 100% 16 units aquasilviculture structure established 12 plastic tanks purchased 16 uts aquasilviculture structure established 1.2) Aquasilviculture Project 2.4) Fortified Tilapia: Tilapia product fortification, packaging and marketing Project Cost BFAR 1.1) Mangrove Resource Rehabilitation Project 1.3) Community-based MultiSpecies Hatchery (CBMSH) 2) Catanduanes Sustainable Technology Infusion in Inland Fisheries Development Program (CSTI2FDP) 2.1) Rice-Fish: Small holder/ small farmer integrated ricefish-chicken-gabi farming system 2.2) Pen Culture in Mangroves: Small scale sustainable organic tilapia and growing of juvenile crabs with low-cost feeds in nylon netpens 2.3) Culture of Tilapia in Riverine Systems: Culture of genetically improved tilapia and endemic fishes in selected rivers and streams of Catanduanes Expected Output/s Schedule of Implementation 1) Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) Sponsoring Agency Name of Projects CBMSH installed at Palnab 3,400,000.00 70% 50% BFAR Three (3) Substudies completed 1 sub-study completed, 2 Ongoing Two (2) Sub-studies completed 2 sub-studies Ongoing 33% Feb. 27, 2012 up to completion of the 2 sub-studies Four (4) Sub-studies studies as completed, 2 per completed on-going approved research contract Three (3) Sub1 sub-study studies completed completed, draft and Brochure & brochure Flyers developed completed a) Module on Training Course on Ongoing River Aquaculture designed b) Training Needs Assessment conducted c) Module tried 1st in the MAT Semester Benchmarking Graduate Class SY 2013conducted or BS Biology 2014 Class d) Training conducted End of program 73 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report 50% 1,500,000.00 33% TABLE 4.2 (cont…) — Externally funded projects 5-c) Academic Program Development and Enhancement through Acquisition of State-of-the -Art Equipment for the Department of Engineering of the College of Technology 7) Institutional Development Assistance for Accreditation (IDAA) July 2011 up to completion of the studies as per approved research contract 50% First draft of research completed 50% Solar power system and energy-saving lighting technology installed on postqualification process 75% Two (2) units stand-by power generators installed on postqualification process 75% on procurement process 50% on postqualification process 75% 1 research completed Greenhouse constructed Sept. 28, 2012 to Sept. 28, 2013 State-of-the-art equipment and facilities for the Dept. of Engineering-Coll. of Technology such as Hydraulic Bench with pipe network apparatus visualized flow channel 2.5m long with complete accessories procured CHED (Disbursement Acceleration Program Fund) 6) Academic Program Development and Enhancement of the College of Technology Water pump procured & College of Agriculture & Feb. 25, procurement of Fisheries (CAF) Field and 2012 to 4-wheeled Laboratory facilities/ March 2013 tractor and eequipment upgraded books are ongoing Percentage of Accomplish ment 5-b) Academic Program and Development and Enhancement through the Construction of Greenhouse for the College of Agriculture and Fisheries CHED (Disbursement Acceleration Program Fund) 5-a) Additional Energy Generation Support to Quality Instruction in Catanduanes State University for Global Competitiveness CHED Status of Accomplish ment 4) Government Support for ProPoor Programs in the Province of Catanduanes CHED Expected Output/s Schedule of Implementat ion 3) National Agriculture and Fisheries Education System (NAFES) Sponsoring Agency Name of Projects Computer Laboratory established CHED (IDAA) 1 unit Procured the following Refrigerator, 4 instrument/equipment: 1 units desktop unit each: Refrigerator, Nov. 2011 to computers, 1 portable sound system & Nov. 2012 unit LCD LCD Projector; safety kits, Projector and and 2 units Fire safety kits Extinguishers procured Nov. 28, on pre2012 to Nov. procurement 28, 2013 planning stage 74 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report 25% 100% Project Cost 250,000.00 148,000.00 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 2,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 200,000.00 INDIGENOUS RICE FOR FOOD SECURITY—The Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit No. 5 turns over to Dr Minerva I. Morales on June 6, 2012 the PhP1.5 million check for the implementation of Catanduanes Indigenous Rice Development Program (CIRDEP). CIRDEP is a research program that aims to focus on the production of traditional rice varieties utilizing local knowledge as a vehicle towards poverty alleviation and food security. SOCIAL COMMITMENT – Dr. Minerva I. Morales, CSC president, signs the Memorandum of Agreement for the implementation of Bayan Muna and Gabriela Party-lists Scholarship Program at CSC, along with Mrs. Cecilia V. Mendoza, Alliance of Concerned Teachers Provincial Coordinator, representing Bayan Muna and Gabriela. Witnessing the signing are Dr. Susan T. Santelices, CSC VP for academic affairs, Dr. Lourdes V. Rodriguez, CSC director for student services, Eric Amarille, Kabataan Party-list provincial coordinator, Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento Jr., CSC legal officer, together with some of the student grantees. 75 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 4.2 (cont…) — Externally-funded projects 8.2) Location Specific Technology Development (LSTD) of IRCs in Different Eight (8) studies/sub -studies completed 8.3) Promotion & Utilization of LSTs for Indigenous Rice LST developed for Indigenous Rice promoted and utilized by at least 50% of the target 10) Apiculture Percentage of Accomplish ment DA Three (3) studies completed 9) CSC Sustainable Ecosystem Program for Community Development 3 studies ongoing 50% Project Cost July 2012 up to completion of the studies as per approved research contract 8.1) Collection & Multiplication of Indigenous Rice Cultivars (IRCs) & documentation of Local Package of Technologies 8.4) Indigenous Rice-Based Farming Systems Development Status of Accomplish ment Expected Output/s Schedule of Implementa tion 8) Catanduanes Indigenous Rice Development Program (CIRDEP) Sponsoring Agency Name of Projects 1,500,000.00 8 studies/substudies ongoing Upon completion of Projects 8.1 & 8.2) Eight (8) Researches completed 5 project components of the program Municipal implemented to 9 LGU of barangays, benefiting 2012 Virac Local officials, students, BHWs, women, farmers and OSYs a) Apiary with 20 colonies bee stocks established within the compound of the University Municipal April 12, LGU of 2012 to April b) Beekeeping training Virac 30, 2013 conducted to Mun. Agriculturists, Extensionists & would-be beekeepers Y1 (May 1, Multiply, propagate and 11) Rehabilitation of Abaca 2012 - April field test at Panganiban Plantation through Adoption of PCARRD30, 2013) Y2 Campus seedlings of the High-Yielding and Virus-Resistant (May 1, DOST new BTV-resistant abaca 2013 - April Abaca Hybrids hybrids 30, 2014) 76 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report 50% 0% 8 research studies conceptualized 25% 5 project components of the program implemented to 9 barangays 100% a) Apiary with 10 colonies bee stocks established 75% b) Beekeeping training conducted to 27 Mun. Agriculturists/ Extensionists & would-be 100% Preliminary proj. Implementation activities such as coordination with FIDA re: Permit to use the Tissue Culture Lab as well as procurement of needed supplies & equipment conducted 10% 200,000.00 300,000.00 1,061,446.40 FISH FOR DEVELOPMENT—President Morales orients Congressman Cesar V. Sarmiento on the CSU Hatchery Facility, which is part of the PNAP project . APIARY CENTER—Launching of the Catanduanes Apiculture Center - Congressman Sarmiento and Gov. Joseph C. Cua, together with Dr. Minerva I. Morales, CSU President, and Dr. Aida A. Dianela, VPREPA install the bee colonies housed in simulated beehives to induce honey bee production at the Provincial Apiculture Center of Catanduanes State University. This was launched on November 29, 2012 with funding support of P300, 000 from the Local Government Unit of Virac through Congressman Cesar V. Sarmiento’s PDAF. 77 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 4.2 (cont…) — Externally-funded projects 13) Sen. Aquilino "Koko" L. Pimentel III Scholarship Program CDF 50 Students benefitted from scholarship program SY 20122014 50 Students benefitted 100% 300,000.00 14) Citizen Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) Partylist Scholarship Program CDF 20 Students benefitted from scholarship program SY 20122013 20 Students benefitted 100% 210,000.00 DA Full support until graduation provided to five (5) students SY 20112012 (Sem. 1) to SY 20132014 (Sem. 2) 5 students benefitted 100% 73,800.00 Municipal 124 Students benefitted LGU of from scholarship program Virac SY 20122013 124 students benefitted 100% 377,640.00 Percentage of Accomplishment AKB Partylist Group 70 Students benefitted from scholarship program Status of Accomplishment 12) Ako Bicol (AKB) Partylist Scholarship Program Schedule of Implementation Sponsoring Agency Expected Output/s Name of Projects Project Cost SY 20122013 70 Students benefitted 100% 822,000.00 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS 15) Department of Agriculture Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (DAACEF) 16) Municipal Scholarship Grant 17) College Educational Scholarship Assistance & Reward (CESAR) Program PDAF 1,799 Students benefitted from scholarship program SY 20122013 1,799 Students benefitted 100% 9,000,000.00 18) College Unified Assistance (CUA) Scholarship Program PLGU 1,212 Students benefitted from scholarship program SY 20122013 1,212 Students benefitted 100% 5,585,428.00 GRAND TOTAL OF EXTERNALLY-FUNDED PROJECTS SOURCED BY THEADMINISTRATION IN 2012 78 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report PhP 34,928,314.40 TABLE 4.3 —Comparative Fiduciary Income and Income from IGPs, 2011 & 2012 2011 2012 18,216,180.45 28,172,043.55 1,476,488.50 1,717,070.00 1,520,885.46 1,597,180.00 54,360.00 151,450.00 147,620.00 456,840.00 3,028,135.00 2,444,954.00 1,130,577.62 1,142,121.95 8,996,965.42 6,261,332.25 644,094.00 656,555.00 29,300.00 18,560.00 17,028,426.00 14,446,063.20 6,448,685.10 6,039,137.85 5,840,673.50 5,198,619.23 409,547.25 642,054.27 INCOME Tuition Fee Fiduciary Income a. Athletic Fee b. Library Fee c. Science Laboratory d. Medical & Dental e. Computer Laboratory f. Enhancement Fee g. RLE h. NSTP i. Audio-Visual Total Fiduciary Income Income-Generating Projects Net Sales Expenses Net Income FIGURE 4—Comparative Income, 2011 and 2012 2011 Tuition 2012 Fiduciary 79 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report IGP TABLE 4.4—Comparative Report of Income per Project, CY 2011 and 2012 INCOME GENERATING PROJECT Seminar Fees Other Service Income Income from Dormitory Operations Printing & Publication Income Rent Income Sales Revenue - Panganiban Campus Sales Revenue - Poultry Sales Revenue - Rice/Crops Sales Revenue - Fishery Sales Revenue - Livestock Sales Revenue - Fish Breeding Sales Revenue - Horticulture Sales Revenue - Photocopying Sales Revenue - P.E. Uniform Sales Revenue - ID Production Sales Revenue - Cafeteria Other Business Income Miscellaneous Income Subsidy from Other Funds Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Net Sales 2012 53,000.00 615,500.00 660,300,00 229,750.00 358,715.00 369,967.34 1,457,084.56 452,118.20 96,738.05 72,801.30 12,139.45 54,205.47 1,015,005.80 219,905.00 405,284.00 581,664.05 673,781.00 34,841.00 167,715.87 7,530,516.09 659,575.25 5,840,673.50 2011 — 339,000.00 784,840 .00 385,240.00 379,905.00 437,816.24 1,202,009.27 634,598.60 167,656.70 266,175.70 1,272.70 60,812.10 848,125.20 283,721.00 265,797.50 1,751,686.50 254,640.27 26,351.35 — 8,084,648.13 418,306.79 6,448,685.10 The Corporate Business Operation steers the institution’s resource generation and utilization ventures such as crops, poultry, livestock, and fisheries productions. CBO also embarks into rentals, printing, sale of educational goods and other income generating activities to augment fiscal resources. 80 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 4.5—FY 2012 Budget ALLOTMENT A.I – GASS A.II – CBO A.III – Operations Advanced Educ Higher Educ Research Extension TOTAL Regular 37,195,815 1,216,974 PERSONAL SERVICES RLIP EO 40 EO 76 3,631,184 2,406,000 1,568,000 103,709 67,000 34,000 Total 44,800,999 1,421,683 MOOE Regular 15,318,000 - TOTAL 60,118,999 1,421,683 3,266,314 100,013,802 918,000 1,083,000 322,216 10,181,146 99,000 109,000 414,000 7,576,000 73,000 90,000 225,000 5,053,000 47,000 56,000 4,227,530 122,823,530 1,137,000 1,338,000 435,000 12,807,000 962,000 923,000 4,662,530 135,630,948 2,099,000 2,261,000 143,693,905 14,446,255 10,626,000 6,983,000 175,749,160 30,445,000 206,194,160 Figure 5—Total Allotment for Personal Services 1% 1% 25% 1% 2% 70% GASS CBO Advanced Educ Higher Education Research Extension Figure 6—Total Allotment for MOOE 3% 3% 51% GASS Advanced Educ Higher Educ Research 42% 1% 81 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Extension Approved Board Resolutions in CY 2012 T he governance of the Catanduanes State University is steered by the Board of Regents as constituted in its charter . The administration of the University and the exercise of its corporate powers are vested upon the BOR and to the President of the University. As the highest policy-making body of the Colleges, the CSU BOR approved numerous resolutions in 2012 for the efficient operation of its four-fold functions and in effectively dispensing administrative and management functions of the institution. TABLE 4.6—Details of Approved Board Resolutions BOARD RESOLUTION NO. Board Resolution # 1, s. 2012 DETAILS Approving the agenda of the 153rd meeting of the Board of Trustees Board Resolution # 2, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 3, s. 2012 Ratifying the Minutes of the 152nd meeting of the Board of Trustees Confirming the Candidates for Graduation and Candidates for Graduation with Honors for SY 2011-2012. Board Resolution # 4, s. 2012 Confirming Designations signed by the President Prof. Maricel Cariaso – Alumni Placement Services Officer Prof. Hermes Gianan OIC, Repairs and Maintenance of Aircon Units Prof. Dolores J. Osido- Project Manager Crops Production Prof. Edwin Romero- Project Manager Lawn Tennis Court Prof. Jonathan Capsa- OJT Supervisor, College of Technology Dr. Teresita Avila- Chairperson, Nat Science Department Prof. Jose Alberto- Project Manager, Horticulture Project Prof. Pedro M. Tumaque Campus Administrator Prof. Myrna Herrera- Chairperson Midwifery Department Confirming Appointments For promotion - Non-teaching Angelita L. Abundo – Admin Assistant II to Admin Officer II Fe P. Cilot – Admin Aide III to Admin Aide IV Glenda L. de Blanco- Admin Aide VI to Admin Assistant III Tita M. Pitajen- Admin Aide VI to Admin Assistant II Elena T. Joson – Admin Aide VI to Admin Assistant II Raisa G. Tan – Admin Aide III to Admin Aide IV Rafael S. Tioxon- Admin Aide V to Carpenter Foreman Remando G. de Leon- Construction and Maintenance Man to Admin Aide III For promotion - Teaching Jesus Tomas M. Gianan- Instructor III to Assistant Professor I Josephine V Torrente- Instructor III to Assistant Professor I Board Resolution # 5, s. 2012 Newly Hired Nancy D. Magtangob – Instructor I Ernesto T. Ibardaloza Jr.- Instructor I Joy V. Santelices- Instructor I Maribel T. Ralla- Lab Tech II Cesar C. Taway- Electrician I Ma. Socorro S. Vargas- Lab Tech I Joseph R. Tejerero- Admin Aide VI Carmen T. Torres- Admin Aide IV Maria Luisa B. Soriao Admin Aide IV Melrose T. Pitajen- Admin Aide IV Sheilakim M. Lumabi- Admin Aide IV Geraldine M. Arcilla- Admin Aide III Jovi Pines S. Olat- Admin Aide III Jesus Jay E. Ariola- Admin Assistant IV Raisa A. del Valle - Admin Aide III Board Resolution # 6, s. 2012 Confirming the Contract Agreement with JD Construction for the construction of the Extension, Main Library Building (Left Wing) 82 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report BOARD RESOLUTION NO. DETAILS Board Resolution # 7, s. 2012 Approving the following Memoranda MOA with DTI Catanduanes for the establishment of “Young Designers Pool” (YDP), “ Research & Development Junctions “(RDJ) and “Young Entrepreneurs Program” (YEP) MOA with Land bank of the Philippines regarding the Technology Promotion Center Program MOA with BCARRD and SUC V on the R&D program on the Development of S&T interventions for improving the production and utilization of sweet potato in vulnerable communities in the Bicol Region. MOA with CBSUA on Apiculture MOA on the operationalization of the Bicol Fisheries Research, Development and Extension Network (BIFIRDEN) Board Resolution # 8, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 9, s.2012 Board Resolution # 10, s.2012 Board Resolution # 11, s.2012 Board Resolution # 12, s.2012 Board Resolution # 13, s.2012 Board Resolution # 14, s.2012 Board Resolution # 15, s.2012 Board Resolution # 16, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 17, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 18, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 19, s. 2012 Approving the 140-hour finishing course for Call Center Agents and seminar workshop on AutoCAD Approving Appointments with SG 19 above Approving the Revised Library Manual Approving the modification/ abolition of six (6) Instructor I and two (2) Administrative Positions Approving the Program, Receipt and Expenditures (PRE) of CSC in the amount of Two Hundred Thirty Two Million Eight Hundred Thirty One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P 232, 831, 251.00). Approving the Revised Miscellaneous/ School Fees on the Colleges Effective 1 st Semester SY 2012-2013. Approving the Proposed Rate of the Colleges as Assessment Center of National Competency Assessment and Certification Program in coordination with TESDA. Approving Board Resolution No. 49 s, 2000 as amended to the effect that the travel allowance of students shall be P500.00/day effective April 1, 2012 subject to accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Approving and Endorsing to RDC V the Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPS), inputs to RDIP for CY 20112016, Annual Investment Plan for CY 2013 and the Comprehensive Project Profiles. Approving the pointers for Federation/selection of Board of Trustees Representatives which shall serve as guidelines in the Federation/selection of Faculty, Alumni and Students to the Board of Trustees. Approving the Agenda as presented including other matters as amended. Ratifying the Minutes of the153rd meeting of the Board of Trustees Board Resolution # 20, s. 2012 Confirming Designations Mr. Gilberto D. Garcia- Electrical Maintenance Inspector Mr. Ramon F. Samonte- Project-in-charge Animal Project, Panganiban Campus Prof. Eufrecina T. del Agua- Chairperson, Social Science Department Prof. Edgar O. Tatel- Sports and Athletics Officer Prof. Eduardo D. Peña- Chairman, Agri-Education Department, Panganiban Campus Prof. Jennifer A. Berces- Chairman, Education Dept. Panganiban, Campus Prof. Socorro D. Masagca- Guidance Counselor Laboratory Schools Mr. Eddie S. Million- Project Manager, Poultry Production Prof. Amelia B. Armea- Director, Student Affairs Services Dr. Epifanio V. Rubio- Colleges Veterinarian Dr. Ruben Tablizo- Dean, College of Agri-Fisheries Mr. Manuel B. Borromeo- In-charge Extension Services, Panganiban Campus Mr. Jaymund M. Floranza- In-charge Research Services, Panganiban Campus Prof. Imelda T. Bernal- Principal Laboratory Schools Dr. Nancy D. Magtangob- Coordinator, Colleges Scholarship Prof. Edwin Romero- Program Chair, Industrial Technology Program Prof. Jesus Isorena- Program Chair, Academic Related Services Prof. Ma. Luz A. Floralde- Coordinator, Mushroom Project Prof. Tita A. Aquino- Principal, Lab High School, Panganiban Campus Prof. Ma. Jugie R. Ramos- Focal Person, Aqua Silviculture Project Prof. Rico Romero- Managing Director, Hablon Dawani Dr. Laura Vital- Guidance and Testing Officer Board Resolution # 21, s. 2012 Confirming Appointments Newly Hired Jerilee G. Tadoy- Instructor I Francis B. Tatel- Instructor I Thelma T. Sosito- Community Development Officer II Board Resolution # 22, s. 2012 Confirming the Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs) with the different Government/Private Institutions MOA with Catanduanes Institute of Technology Foundation (CITFI) regarding the use of CSC Library MOA with the Department of Agriculture (DA RFU V) for the implementation of the program ( Catanduanes Indigenous Rice Development Program (CIRDEP) MOA with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Regional Office V concerning Fishery Production and Establishment of Productivity Enhancing Market Development Program and the Aquasilviculture Project. MOA with Sen. Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel for the scholarship/educational assistance to fifty (50) undergraduate students. 83 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report BOARD RESOLUTION NO. Board Resolution # 23, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 24, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 25, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 26, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 27, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 28, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 29, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 30, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 31, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 32, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 33, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 34, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 35, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 36, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 37, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 38, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 39, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 40, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 41, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 42, s. 2012 DETAILS Confirming the Contract of Affiliation with St. Joseph Review School. Confirming the Security Service Contract with EL TIGRE Security and Investigation Agency Approving the Budget Proposal of the Catanduanes State Colleges for FY 2013 in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED TWO MILLION SIX HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND PESOS (P 402,602,000.00) Approving the Five (5) year CSC Institutional Development Plan 2012-2016. Approving the modification/abolition of one (1) SUC Vice President and Forty Three (43) Faculty items (Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors) and Administrative Aide VI (Mechanic II) and Creation of sixty nine (69) Instructor I, one Computer Maintenance Technologist I, one (1) Driver II positions and reclassification/ modification of two (2) Senior Science Research Specialist. Approving the Guidelines on Upgrading/Reclassification of Non-Teaching Positions in the Colleges Deferring the admission and retention policies of the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology subject to review of its Curriculum and recommended to adopt ladderized program leading to the course in Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. Approving the Guidelines in Instructional Materials Production Approving the agenda as presented including other matters as amended. Ratifying the Minutes of the 154th meeting of the Board of Trustees Confirming Designations signed by the CSC President Engr. Pedro Arcilla – OIC, College of Technology Prof. Michael Owen Malijan – Project Manager, Livestock Production, College of Agri-Fisheries Prof. Elena G. Tasarra- Chairperson, Nutrition and Dietetics Department Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento – Vice President, Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Lily P. Custodio – Dean, Graduate School Dr. Susan T. Santelices- Vice President, Academic Affairs Dr. Aida A. Dianela- Vice President, Research, Extension and Production Affairs Dr. Noel de Leon – Director, Corporate Business Operation Prof. Esperanza San Juan- Dean, College of Business and Accountancy Prof. Ma. Emmie E. Delluza- Program Chair, Information and Communication Technology Department Dr. Aurora E. Araojo- Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Prof. Lani Ilagan- Soil Lab Technician Confirming Appointments signed by the CSC President Promotion Ferdinand F. Ibones – Admin Assistant II to Admin Officer IV Elsie V. Rojas – Admin Assistant II to Admin Officer II Newly Hired Bernadette M. Tria- Statistician II Approving the Contract of Lease with AVB Reality and Development Corporation Approving the MOA with Max’s Restaurant for the On-the-job Training of Students in the field of Food Technology Confirming Referendum Letter No. 4 S, 2012 regarding the endorsement for the release of the 3.5M grant from CHED as growth area in the field of Engineering Approving the Re-alignment of Unobligated Allotment in the amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos Only ( P 1,500,000.00) Deferring the request of NAPOCOR to construct Transmission Line Post in the property owned by the CSC. Confirming the Revision of Faculty Manual Approving the proposed curriculum in the Graduate School for the offering of Doctor of Philosophy in Education this 2nd Semester SY 2012-2013. Approving the proposed changes in Nomenclature in the following Master’s Degree Program FROM TO Master of Arts major in Master of Arts in Educational Management Educational Management Master of Arts in Education Major in Mathematics Master of Arts in Mathematics Master of Arts in Education Major in Filipino Master of Arts in Filipino 84 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report BOARD RESOLUTION NO. Board Resolution # 43, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 44, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 45, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 46, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 47, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 48, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 49, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 50, s. 2012 DETAILS Approving the Revised Curriculum for the Bachelor of Public Administration effective First Semester SY 2012-2013 to incoming freshmen only. Approving the appointment of Dr. Minerva I. Morales to the position of Professor VI as fallback position effective upon approval of the new charter converting Catanduanes State Colleges into a University Approving the agenda as presented including other matters as amended Ratifying the Minutes of 155th meeting of the Board of Trustees Commending the report of the President for the Topnotchers in Licensure Examination undertaken by the graduates of Catanduanes State University. Authorizing President Minerva I. Morales to discharge the duties, functions and responsibilities of the office of the President from December 1-10, 2012 on hold over capacity while awaiting the designation of an officer-in-charge of the Catanduanes State University per RA 10229. Confirming the designation of Dr. Minerva I. Morales as Officer-in-charge of Catanduanes State University per CHED special order No. 98 S, 2012 effective December 11, 2012 Confirming Designations Prof. Hermes M. Gianan- OIC, Repair & Maintenance of Air conditions unit Prof. Dolores J. Osido- Project Manager, Crops Production Prof. Edwin T. Romero- Project Manager lawn Tennis Court Prof. Jonathan Capsa- OJT Supervisor, DICT Dr. Estrella S. Placides- Director, Research Services Confirming Appointments Board Resolution # 51, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 52, s. 2012 For Promotion Non-Teaching Alfredo I. Del Valle- Admin Aide III to Admin Aide V Norma T. Ariate – Admin Aide IV to Admin Asst. II Ma. Cielo T. Arador- Admin Aide IV to Admin Aide VI Mariemilanie L. Aguilar- Admin Aide I to Admin Aide III Marichelle G. Panti- Admin Aide I to Admin Aide III Erlyn P. Tuno- Admin Aide IV to Admin Aide VI Confirming Appointments (Contractual) Jimmy T. MasagcaVeronica V. GiananLilia T. Almonte Roberto B. Barba Zyra Mae S. Tomagan Rosel T. Ibardaloza Lowie Jay T. Tonio Luis A. Olila Ruel R. Torres Angel P. Gianan Jr. Ma. Monette DR. Tugay Jose Pio B. Sanchez Aster Vivien C. Vargas Arthur I. Tabirara Jennifer G. Aquino Junnie T. Gianan Rechelle G. Chavez Jose B. Lim Marcelino P. Matienzo Abelisa D. Evangelista Kristian Q. Aldea Evangeline P. Toquero Ceasar l. dela ProvidenCherile Amor O. Quincia talla Restie Q. Emerenciana Jason S. Matienzo Nilo B. Gianan Jr. Mark Anthony A. Castro Immaculate T. Latorre Marvie V. Sarmiento Jimmylen Z. Tonio Maricel B. Padilla Ma. Nelita M. Panti Jennifer T. Lizaso Roderick t. Valeza Reashiela L. Khan Marilou A. Aldea Sofia M. Socito Joan M. Socao Melbeth B. Aldea Marie Rose R. Tapel Laarni P. Buenviaje Bernardino C. Abundo Charlie T. Molod Ma. Cecelia V. Tiu Queenie Ann T. Sumulat Ma Vanessa Jane S. de Mesa Janice I. Lopez 85 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Newly Hired Rene V. Torres- Instructor I (Temporary) Hilda F. de Leon -Instructor I (Temporary) Rafael A. Icamen Jr. – Instructor (Temporary) Rowel S. Salvador – Instructor (Temporary) Ma. Concepcion S. Vera – Instructor (Temporary) Moreno D. Tabios Jr.- Instructor I (Temporary) Eliseo M. Somido- Instructor I (Temporary) Zyra Mae S. Tomagan- Instructor I (Temporary) Charlie T. Molod- Instructor I (Temporary) Associate Professor I Contractual Instructor I THE CATANDUANES STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF REGENTS (seated from L-R) Dr. Minerva I. Morales, CSU President, Vice Chair; Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan, CHED Chairperson; Dr. Ruperto S. Sangalang, CHED Commissioner and CSU BOR Chair; Gov. Joseph C. Cua, Representative of Senator Edgardo J. Angara. Standing, L-R, Mr. Renato M. Panti, Board Secretary; Engr. Francis A. Gianan, Private Sector Representative; Mr. Felizardo R. Colambo, Representative of Congressman Juan Edgardo M. Angara; Atty. Romeo C. Escandor, NEDA Region V. Director; Dr. Danilo Silva, Private Sector Representative; Mr. Danilo Murillo, Faculty Trustee; PBM Rafael Zuniega, Alumni Representative; Mr. Eric P. Amarille, Student Representative, and Director Tomas B. Briñas, DOST Region V Director. (GSR) BOARD RESOLUTION NO. Board Resolution # 53, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 54, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 55, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 56, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 57, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 58, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 59, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 60, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 61, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 62, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 63, s. 2012 Board Resolution # 64, s. 2012 DETAILS Confirming Referendum Letter No. 4 S, 2012 regarding the Project Proposal for the procurement of construction materials testing laboratory in the amount of P3.5m grant from CHED Central Office Confirming Referendum Letter no. 5 S, 2012 regarding the project proposals for Capital Outlay Projects in conformity with RDC Memorandum Circular No.2 dated 27, 2012 for endorsement to CHED and NEDA Deferring action on the MOA with the National Nutrition Council and the Provincial Government of Catanduanes and recommending the adoption of the same MOA, used by Sorsogon State Colleges. Confirming the MOA with CHED Central Office Confirming the MOA with the Office of the Vice President of the Philippines and CHED Central Office Authorizing and Approving existing Guidelines, Policies, Manuals, Rules and Regulations under the old CSC Charter as basis of operation pending the approval of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 10229 Deferring action on the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 10229 for further study to include all existing pertinent policies, rules and regulations of the University subject to submission to CHED legal services for review and evaluation in compliance with Sec 25 of RA 10229. Approving the appointment of Dr. Minerva I. Morales as Professor VI as fallback position effective December 1, 2012 Approving the Re-alignment of Unobligated Allotment in the amount of ONE MILLION PESOS ONLY (P 1000,000.00) Authorizing the President to grant PRAISE incentive bonus in the amount not to exceed TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P25, 000.00) to all officials, regular, casual employees and other employees with employee-employer relationship subject to the compliance of all existing rules and regulations in giving PRAISE benefits and subject further to availability of funds. Approving the revised Curriculum for the ladderized Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology effective 1st semester SY 2013-2014. Approving the Admission and Retention Policies of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (LBSIT) Program effective 1st semester SY 2013-2014. 86 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report TABLE 4.7— Trainings/Seminars Attended in CY 2012, Teaching Staff NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING 10-day Training on Life Saving Skills (T.O. No. 001, dated January 2, 2012) Seminar on the 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum with Understanding by Design in Filipino and Math GS and Science, TLE and Social Studies (T.O. No. 005, dated January 3, 2012) DATE AND VENUE January 5-14, 2012 Naga College Foundation PARTICIPANT/S Manlangit, Luz R. January 6-8, 2012 Subic, Zambales Moraña, Amy T. January 19-20, 2012 AIM Conference Center Makati City Vela , Mila D. February 1-2, 2012 Virata Hall, UP Diliman San Juan, Esperanza P. 2011 Techno Gabay Performance Evaluation and Planning Workshop (T.O. No. 028, dated January 17, 2012) January 16-17, 2012 BU-College of Science Auditorium, Legazpi City Placides, Estrella S. Seminar-Workshop and 6th National Convention of NARSUC (T.O. No. 029, dated January 17, 2012) February 7-10, 2012 Punta Villa Resort, Arevalo, Iloilo City 2-day Leadership Strategies for School Managers Conference (T.O. No. 020, dated January 10, 2012) 2-day National Conference-Workshop titled LEAP 2012 (Leading through Technology, Enabling Innovations, Advancing Quality Standards, Promoting Productivity Growth) (T.O. No. 026, dated January 16, 2012) Basic Facilitator’s Training Workshop sponsored by the Youth Leadership Development Unit of Ayala Foundation (T.O. No. 034 dated January 18, 2012) 2-day Seminar-Workshop in Overview of Qualitative Research as Mode of Inquiry (T.O. No. 045, dated January 19, 2012) 3-day IV Therapy Training Program (T.O. No. 057, dated January 25, 2012) Sorreda, Jocelyn T. January 20-22, 2012 Antipolo City Cantar, Maria Charlene A. January 26-27, 2012 La Roca, Gogon, Legazpi City Pereyra, Goyeta G. January 27-29, 2012 Eastern Bicol Medical Center, Virac, Catanduanes Buena, Josefina T. Lim, Janet B. 3rd Annual Conference of Advertising and Marketing Students of the Philippines (T.O. No. 068, dated January 30, 2012) February 5, 2012 AFP Theater, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tablizo, Lorna A. Bernal, Edna L. Seminar/Workshop on Preparation of Project Procurement Plan and Annual Procurement Plan (T.O. No. 069, dated January 30, 2012) February 22-25, 2012 Hotel Veniz, Baguio City Berjuega, Bienvenido B. 2-day Training/Workshop on ICM Planning for all Coastal LGUs of Catanduanes (T.O. No. 075, dated February 2, 2012) February 3-4, 2012 Twin Rock, Beach Resort, Igang, Virac, Catanduanes Tugano, Maria S. Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2012 Feb. 27-Mar. 2, 2012 Millon, Eddie S. February 27-29, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City Romero, Rico M. February 20-24, 2012 Rakdell Inn, Virac, Catanduanes Osido, Dolores J. Regional Training of Trainers on Organic Agriculture Internal Control System for Smallholders (T.O. No. 081, dated February 3, 2012) National Conference-Workshop on Theater Education (T.O. No. 106, dated February 17, 2012) Training on Seed Production, Seed Certification and Quality Control for Seed Growers (T.O. No. 124, dated February 29, 2012) 87 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE & VENUE PARTICIPANT/S Seminar-Workshop on Innovative Teaching and Research Strategies for Microbiology Educators (T.O. Nos. 125, 126 & 127, dated February 29, 2012) March 2, 2012 Ateneo de Naga University Sorra, Delia S. Ibardaloza, Rosel T. Reginaldo, Jamie Angelika P. 3-day Intensive Training Program on Training of Trainers on Statistics for Local Development Planning (T.O. No. 129, dated February 29, 2012) March 5-7, 2012 San Bernardino Resort, Calabanga, Camarines Sur Bernal, Emmanuel R. Murillo Danilo O. Tablizo, Rudy P. Padilla, Vicente G. 2012 Training Course on Database Management Using MS Access 2007 (T.O. No. 142, dated March 6, 2012) March 19-23 & 26-28, 2012 Statistical Research and Training Center Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tasarra, Serelino T. Training Course on Comprehensive Java Programming (T.O. No. 143, dated March 6, 2012) March 19-23, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Delluza, Ma. Emmie T. Training Course IT Audit, Security and Governance (T.O. No. 144, dated March 6, 2012) March 26-30, 2012 National Computer Institute, Diliman, Quezon City Arcilla, Annie Dida S. Training Course on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML (T.O. No. 145, dated March 6, 2012) March 27-30, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Suarez, Maria Concepcion T. Training Course on MySQL Development and Administration (T.O. No. 146, dated March 6, 2012) April 10-16, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Tapado, Belen M. Training Web Development with PHP (T.O. No. 147, dated March 6, 2012) April 16-20, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Ma. Antonia E. Rojas Training Course on Linux System Administration (T.O. No. 148, dated March 6, 2012) April 24-27, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Joy V. Santelices Joint CHED-PICPA Faculty Training Program for Accounting Teachers (T.O. No. 172, dated March 12, 2012) March 27-31, 2012 Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation in Lucena City Esperanza P. San Juan Family Planning Competency Based Training (FB CBT) Level 1 (T.O. No. 185, dated March 16, 2012) March 26-30, 2012 UP Philippine General Hospital, Manila Adelina M. Almojuela National Forum and Workshop in Music Education (T.O. No. 196, dated March 20, 2012) April 11-13, 2012, University of the Philippines College of Music, Diliman Quezon City Cresencia G. Arcilla 2-day Training on Robotics (T.O. No. 197, dated March 20, 2012) April 26-27, 2012 HYTEC Power, Inc. Training Center, Novaliches, Quezon City Roger B. Tagle Edwin T. Romero Jonathan B. Capsa Glorioso S. Gonzales 88 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING Training on Decision Making with Data sponsored (T.O. No. 198, dated March 20, 2012) National Conference on Geographical Information System cum Seminar Workshops on Enhancing Institutional Capability in Research and Extension thru the use of GIS (T.O. No. 200, dated March 21, 2012) National Convention and Trade Exhibit of the Philippine Society of Plumbing Engineers (PSPE) (T.O. No. 201, dated March 21, 2012) Seminar-training on Mechatronics Skills Enhancement Program (T.O. No. 208, dated March 26, 2012) 2012 Summer Training for Social Science and Social Studies Teachers (T.O. No. 211, dated April 3, 2012) Pambansang Seminar-Worksyap ng De La Salle University-Manila Departamento ng Filipino (T.O. No. 212, dated April 3, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Physics Teaching Apparatus and Exhibits (T.O. No. 213, dated April 3, 2012) Seminar/Training on CAD 2D/3D Training Program (T.O. No. 214, dated April 3, 2012) Seminar on Laws and Rules on Government Expenditures (T.O. No. 216, dated April 3, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Curriculum Mapping para sa Koordineytor ng Filipino and National Seminar-Workshop on Differentiated Instruction: Tugon sa Pangangailangan ng Bawat Mag-aaral ng Filipino (T.O. No. 222, dated April 4, 2012) Seminar-Workshop on Values Matter: A National Congress on Values and Religious Education in the Philippines (T.O. No. 227, dated April 10, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Teaching Real Speaking - Creating an English Speaking Culture (T.O. No. 241, dated April 14, 2012) 3-day Seminar Workshop on Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills in Health Sciences Courses (T.O. No. 242, dated April 17, 2012) 45th National Convention of the Philippine Association of Educators in Office Administration Foundation, Inc. (T.O. No. 246, dated April 17, 2012) DATE & VENUE May 21-25, 2012, Statistical Research and Training Center, SRTC, Diliman, Quezon City PARTICIPANT/S Maria S. Tugano March 29-31, 2012 MAAP Campus, Mariveles, Bataan March 30-31, 2012 Manila Grand Opera Hotel, Rizal Avenue cor. Doroteo Jose St., Sta. Cruz, Manila April 23-27, 2012 Technological University of the Philippines, Manila Jose G. Ong Roger B. Tagle April 17-20, 2012 UP Diliman, Quezon City Jaymund M. Floranza May 2-4, 2012 DLSU-Manila Angelita P. Sabado May 21-26, 2012 Bicol University Legazpi City Manuel I. Torio April 23-27, 2012 Technological University of the Philippines May 15-18, 2012 PDC Case Room No. 2, Commission on Audit, Manila May 7 & 8, 2012 UP Diliman, Quezon City April 20-21, 2012 College of St. Benilde, Arellano Malate, Manila April 20-22, 2012 Sta. Catalina Spirituality Center, Baguio City May 7-9, 2012 National Teacher Training Center for Health Professions, UP-Manila April 30-May 1, 2012 Bayleaf Hotel, Intramuros 89 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Walter P. Panti Pedro F. Tumaque Maria Charlene A. Cantar Nancy D. Magtangob Juanita V. Cervantes Maria Alma V. Tabirara Socorro T. Brillante NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING Training Course on Food Safety (T.O. No. 251, dated April 17, 2012) National Seminar-workshop on Integrating Instructional Technology in the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Program: Challenges and Directions (T.O. No. 252, dated April 18, 2012) 10th STET-VIP NSTP Annual National Convention and Qualifying Course (T.O. No. 264, dated April 24, 2012) DATE & VENUE May 7-11, 2011 UP, Manila Training Wheel Alignment and Wheel Balancing (T.O. No. 269, dated April 24, 2012) May 7-11, 2012 GR8 Inc., Makati City National Folk Dance Workshop for Teachers (T.O. No. 270 & 274, dated April 24 & 25, 2012) Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dieticians (T.O. No. 271, dated April 24, 2012) 90th Foundation and 55th Nurses Week Celebration and Regional Convention of the Philippine Nurses Association (T.O. No. 272, dated April 24, 2012) 27th Annual Dance Educators Convention-Workshop (T.O. No. 293, dated April 30, 2012) Seminar-Workshop on Preparing Operations Manual for Educational Institutions (T.O. No. 294, dated April 30, 2012) Regional Convention of Human Resource Management in the Civil Service (T.O. No. 296, dated April 30, 2012) One-week Immersion in Conventional Milling and Precision Grinding (T.O. No. 298, dated May 2, 2012) 2012 Summer Course on Gender and Development Planning and Budgeting (T.O. No. 300, dated May 2, 2012) 8-day 2012 Training-Workshop on Bridging between Languages in Mother-Language-Based Education under the New K-12 Curriculum (T.O. No. 322, dated May 10, 2012) May 14-18, 2012 Batangas City Convention Center May 22-24, 2012 Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila April 29-May 1, 2012 Maryridge, Iruhin West, Tagaytay City Elena G. Tasarra Sheila R. Gregorio Amelia B. Armea Judith S. Orsolino Jesus Tomas M. Gianan Magno G. Manlangit, Jr. Rafael A. Icamen, Jr. Rico M. Romero Joerandy C. Tablizo May 16-18, 2012 Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City Elena G. Tasarra May 14-15, 2012 Capitol Dome, Virac, Catanduanes Goyeta G. Pereyra Janet B. Lim Mary Elaine T. Tapel May 12-15, 2012 University of Baguio, Baguio City May 10-11, 2012 University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City May 22-23, 2012 Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City May 21-25, 2012 Vivitech Corp. Taguig City Rowel S. Salvador Ma. Edna Iñigo Lily P. Custodio Jesus B. Isorena May 14-17, 2012 Miriam College, Quezon City Socorro T. Brillante May 14-26, 2012 St. Louis University, Baguio City Rosana T. Abundo May 15-18, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City Regional Mass Training of Teachers for Grade 7 of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum - Science and Math (T.O. No. 329 & 350, dated May 11 & 15, 2012) PARTICIPANT/S May 19-23, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City May 24-28, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City May 29 to June 2, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City 90 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Teresita S. Panti Rhodora B. Cabrera Mercy B. Cabrera Ofelia V. Tugano Corazon T. Cilot Linda Z. Talan Francis Tatel Rhodora B. Cabrera Amy T. Morańa Emelita S. Castro Letecia A. Tolledo Jennifer G. Aquino Rowel S. Salvador NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE & VENUE PARTICIPANT/S Seminar on Strategic Development Planning: An Introductory Proper on How to Make a 5-year Comprehensive Plan for Colleges, Universities, Technical and Vocational School and Business Sector (T.O. No. 338, dated May 11, 2012) May 16, 2012 University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Victoriano A. Prolles Seminar on Unpacking the Grade VII Curriculum and StandardBased Assessment for Effective Learning in the Classroom (T.O. No. 340, dated May 14, 2012) May 15, 2012 Divine Word College, College Legazpi City Eddie R. Cabrera Ditas T. Manlangit Consultation/Workshop on Federation of Faculty Student and Alumni Association of SUCs in compliance with the provisions of RA 8292 and CHED Memorandum No. 3, s. 2011 (T.O. No. 347, dated May 15, 2012) April 14, 2012 NEDA Regional Office V, Arimbay, Legazpi City Jhomann U. Socito Paralegal Training for the Next-Liner Leaders (T.O. No. 348, dated May 15, 2012) May 27-29, 2012, Eurotel North Edsa, Quezon City Danilo O. Murillo Seminar on Updates on the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184 (T.O. No. 349, dated May 15, 2012) May 30 to June 2, 2012 Bayview Park Hotel, UN Corner Roxas Boulevard, Manila Melvyn McArthur R. Tating Industry Immersion in Conventional Milling and Precision Grinding (T.O. No. 361, dated May 23, 2012) June 11-15, 2012 Vivitech Corp. Taguig City Jesus B. Isorena Trainers Training on National Aquasilviculture Program guidelines (T.O. No. 362, dated May 24, 2012) May 26, 2012 Lucena City Ma. Jugie R. Ramos Training-Workshop on NBC No. 461 - Revisiting the QCE Instrument and Software Utilization (T.O. No. 368, dated May 25, 2012) May 28-30, 2012 Crown Regency Residences, Guadalupe, Cebu City Richard T. Bernal Danilo O. Murillo Regional Training for Grade 7 teachers of SUCs (T.O. No. 372, dated May 30, 2012) June 3-7, 2012 BU, Legazpi City Rico M. Romero Ditas T. Manlangit Amy T. Moraña Leticia A. Tolledo Training of Grade One Teachers on the Implementation of K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (T.O. No. 377, dated May 31, 2012) May 28-June 1, 2012 Twin Rock, Igang, Virac, Catanduanes Mr. Joerandy C. Tablizo June 7-9, 2012 Sorsogon State Colleges, Sorsogon City Prof. Edgar O. Tatel, Prof Pio G. Panti, Ms. Erlyn P. Tuno, Prof. Edwin T. Romero, Prof. Josefina A. Lareza Seminar-workshop on Sports (T.O. No. 380, dated June 1, 2012) Seminar on Unpacking the Grade VII Curriculum and StandardBased Assessment for Effective Learning in the Classroom (T.O. No. 381, dated June 5, 2012) Seminar-Workshop on Outcome Based Education and Implementation of CMO No. 14, s. 2008 (T.O. No. 407, dated June 14, 2012) 1st National Convention of the Philippine Association of Agriculturist (T.O. No. 416, dated June 19, 2012) May 15, 2012 Divine Word College, College Legazpi City June 18, 2012 CHED Auditorium, HEDF Bldg., C.P. Garcia Avenue, UP Diliman, Quezon City June 19-20, 2012 Splash Mountain Resort, Lalakay, Los Baños, Laguna 91 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Prof. Imelda T. Bernal Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo Dr. Ruben C. Velasco NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE & VENUE PARTICIPANT/S 28th Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting of the Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc. (T.O. No. 424, dated June 21, 2012) July 7-8, 2012 Fiesta Pavilion, Manila 8th Annual Postgraduate Course of the Philippine Gynecological Society-Bicol (T.O. No. 425, dated June 21, 2012) July 27, 2012 Our Lady of Lourdes College, Daet Camarines Norte Prof. Myrna T. Herrera Ms. Mary Elaine T. Tapel Ms. Diana Rose A. Deinla Training on Resource Rehabilitation and Aquasilviculture Program (T.O. No. 430, dated June 23, 2012) June 25 to July 3, 2012 BFAR-NBATRC, Pagbilao, Quezon Prof. Ma. Jugie R. Ramos Seminar on Understanding and Updates on Government Procurement System (RA 9184) (T.O. No. 443, dated July 3, 2012) August 15-17, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila Dr. Lily P. Custodio Workshop of the Technical Working Group on Improving Retention Rate (T.O. No. 453 dated July 5, 2012) July 19, 2012 NEDA Region 5, Arimbay, Legazpi City Prof. Imelda T. Bernal Prof. Jesus B. Isorena Prof. Josefina T. Buena July 16-20, 2012 Prof. Imelda T. Bernal Mrs. Emelita Castro July 23-27, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City Prof. Leticia A. Tolledo Mrs. Amy T. Moraña Three-day Workshop on Revisiting and Enhancing the SUCs’ Strategic Plans (T.O. Nos. 478 & 479 dated July 18, 2012) July 24-26, 2012 Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay City Dr. Minerva I. Morales Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento Training Course on Technical Report Writing for Presentation/Publication in a Refereed Journal (T.O. No. 481 dated July 18, 2012) July 23-27, 2012 PCARRD Headquarters, Los Baños, Laguna Prof. Juanita V. Cervantes Bicol Youth Conference and Workshop on Volunteerism and Transformational Leadership) (T.O. No. 482 dated July 19, 2012) July 20-21, 2012 Albay Capitol, Legazpi City Mr. Joseph G. Zafe Orientation on Policies and Guidelines on Educational Tours and Field Trips of College and Graduate Students (T.O. No. 489 dated July 20, 2012) July 25, 2012 CHED Auditorium, Quezon City Prof. Amelia B. Armea Training on Regionwide Benchmark Survey on Native Chicken (T.O. No. 496 dated July 21, 2012) July 24-25, 2012 BUCAF, Guinobatan, Albay Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo National Seminar-Workshop on Gender and Development: Thrusts and Directions in the 21st Century (T.O. No. 498 dated July 21, 2012) July 25-26, 2012 Technological University of the Philippines, Manila Mrs. Erlinda F. Tabor Regional Training of Teachers for Grade 1 and Grade 7 of the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum (T.O. Nos. 463 & *463 dated July 16, 2012) 92 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING 2012 National Workers’ Congress - Working in Government with Pride and Dignity (T.O. Nos. 504 & 525 dated July 30 & August 3, 2012) Ika-3 Komperensyang Internasyonal sa Filipino Bilang Wikang Global (T.O. No. 505 dated July 30, 2012) 10th Youth for Information Technology Congress (T.O. No. 512 dated July 31, 2012) Planning Workshop on Strategic Action for LRI towards Effective Local Governance (T.O. No. 527 dated August 6, 2012) Seminar on K to 12 Basic Education Program: Burning Issues and Inspiring Opportunities T.O. No. 534 dated August 7, 2012) Training on Resource Protection Rehabilitation and Aquasilviculture (T.O. No. 553 & 530, dated August 15 & 17, 2012) Science Education Institute - Department of Science and Technology Research Enhancement Training-Workshop (T.O. No. 554, dated August 17, 2012) Regional Conference on Strengthening Internationalization of Higher Education Through the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Model (T.O. No. 568 & 582, dated August 22 & 29, 2012) Panrehiyong Seminar sa Filipino (T.O. No. 570, dated August 22, 2012) Regional Training of Secondary School Paper Advisers and Campus Writers (for English Publications) (T.O. No. 572, dated August 22, 2012) Module A-2 Workshop on Strategic Business Planning (T.O. No. 577, dated August 23, 2012) Luzon Convention of the Human Resource Management Practitioners - Enabling HRMPs to Respond Management Strategically to the Challenges of the 21st Century (T.O. No. 584, dated August 29, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Understanding and Doing Qualitative Research (T.O. No. 630, dated September 9, 2012) 9th Green Forum - The Green Challenge: What’s The Score (T.O. No. 631, dated September 9, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Sports, Physical Education and Human Development: Towards the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle and Well-Being (T.O. No. 638, dated September 13, 2012) DATE & VENUE August 31, 2012 Tent City, Manila Hotel, Roxas Blvd., Manila August 3-5, 2012 CSB Hotel International Malate, Manila PARTICIPANT/S Dr. Sonia A. Torio Mr. Danilo O. Murillo Dr. Maria Charlene A. Cantar September 10-15, 2012 UP Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Maria Concepcion S. Vera, Mrs. Maria Antonia E. Rojas August 23-24, 2012 Lake Sebu, South Cotabato Dr. Aida A. Dianela August 24-25, 2012 Holiday Inn Manila, Pasig City Dr. Mila D. Vela Prof. Imelda T. Bernal August 20-25. 2012 BFAR-RFTC Training Hall. Tayhi, Tabaco City Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Dr. Minerva I. Morales September 4-6. 2012 Punta de Fabian Resort in Baras, Rizal Dr. Mila D. Vela Prof. Imelda T. Bernal Prof. Maria Sheila R. Gregorio August 30, 2012 CWC Pili, Camarines Sur Dr. Aurora E. Araojo August 25, 2012 Pamantasan ng Bikol, August 27-31, 2012 Charisma Function Hall, Guinobatan, Albay` August 28-30, 2012 Hotel St. Ellis, Legazpi City Dr. Maria Charlene A. Cantar October 2-4, 2012 CWC Pili, Camarines Sur October 16-17, 2012 Institute of Social Order, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City September 7-8, 2012 PICC. CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Manila September 26-28, 2012 Hotel Supreme. Baguio City 93 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Mrs. Josephine R. Tomagan Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan Mrs. Marilyn B. Panti Prof. Socorro T. Brillante Dr. Fe T. Gianan Arch. Jose G. Ong Prof. Edgar O. Tatel NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING Digital Microscopy Workshop (T.O. No. 643, dated September 13, 2012) Proposal Re-Packaging Workshop (T.O. No. 652, dated September 14, 2012) APCAS Annual Conference/Seminar - Response to the K-12 Curriculum: Challenges, Implications and Actions (T.O. No. 709, dated October 10, 2012) Division Seminar-Workshop of Elementary School Paper Adviser and Campus Writers (T.O. No. 731, dated October 10, 2012) Zonal Orientation on CMO No. 37, s. 2012 - Policies, Standards & Guidelines on the Establishment of OutcomeBased Education Institutions offering Engineering Program (T.O. No. 733, dated October 10, 2012) 2012 National Children’s Science Interactive Workshop (T.O. No. 747, dated October 19, 2012) TGP Consultation Workshop (T.O. No. 752, dated October 19, 2012) BCHRD Agenda Setting and Strategic Planning Workshop (T.O. No. 754, dated October 19, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop on Best Practices in Teaching English Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing (T.O. Nos. 755 & 756, dated October 19, 2012) 8th Bamboo Training/Seminar - Learn & Earn from Bamboo Experts (T.O. No. 759, dated October 19, 2012) Seminar-Workshop on Creative Teaching for Kindergarten Teachers (T.O. No. 762, dated October 19, 2012) Training of New AACCUP Accreditors (T.O. No. 764, dated October 19, 2012) DATE & VENUE September 19, 2012 Hytech Power, Inc. Training Facility, Quezon City September 13, 2012 Bicol University Legazpi City October 4-5, 2012 Centro Escolar University, Manila October 15-17, 2012 Division Office Conference Room Hall A & C, Virac, Catanduanes October 13-17, 2012 CHED Auditorium, HEDC Bldg., CP Garcia Avenue, UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City October 22-25, 2012 Plaza del Norte Hotel and Convention Center, Laoag, Ilocos October 11, 2012 BUCAF Farmers’ Training Center, Guinobatan, Albay October 8-10, 2012 Bicol University, College of Nursing, Legazpi City November 2-4, 2012 Sta. Catalina Spirituality Center, Baguio City October 13, 2012 Sitio Tanza, Brgy. San Jose. Antipolo City October 17-19, 2012 HRD Bldg., CSC, Virac, Catanduanes October 24-26, 2012 Punta Villa Resort Hotel, Iloilo City PARTICIPANT/S Prof. Delia S. Sorra Dr. Estrella S. Placides Dr. Ruben C. Velasco Prof. Pio G. Panti Cilot, Corazon T. Molod, Charlie T. Engr. Pedro R. Arcilla, Jr. Mrs. Ditas T. Manlangit Mr. Joerandy C. Tablizo Mr. Ananias A. Deuda Dr. Alvin C. Ogalesco Mrs. Juanita V. Cervantes Prof. Catalina T. Tabian Dr. Estrella S. Placides Mrs. Laarni R. Buenviaje Mrs. Melbeth B. Aldea Prof. Ma. Edna R. Iñigo Dr. Alvin C. Ogalesco 3-day Intravenous Therapy Training Program (T.O. No. 776, dated October 22, 2012) October 29-31, 2012 Rakdell Inn, Virac, Catanduanes Prof. Jocelyn Ll. Jordan Prof. Janet B. Lim Ms. Lilibeth I. Tubalinal Ms. Margie T. Molina Training sponsored Comprehensive Introduction to Java Programming (T.O. No. 807, dated November 6, 2012) November 26-29 and December 3, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg., Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila Engr. Annie Dida S. Arcilla 94 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING Training sponsored Comprehensive Introduction to Java Programming (T.O. No. 807, dated November 6, 2012) 1st Session of the Flagship Course on Academic Excellence (T.O. No. 776, dated October 22, 2012) Pambansang Seminar-Workshop sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino gamit ang Bagong Kurikulum (T.O. No. 830, dated November 13, 2012) National Seminar-Workshop for NSTP Educators and Implementers (T.O. No. 831, dated November 13, 2012) Basic Employment Service Training (BEST) (T.O. No. 847, dated November 19, 2012) Training-workshop in Biogas Technology fro Bicol Region (T.O. No. 853, dated November 20, 2012) Annual Youth Formation Workshop and Youth Hours 2012 (T.O. No. 867, dated November 21, 2012) Week 2 and 3 of the Flagship Course on Academic Excellence (Luzon Batch) (T.O. No. 883, dated November 23, 2012) Capability Building Seminar for Overseas Filipino Worker Help Desk Officers (T.O. No. 891, dated November 23, 2012) 37th YMCA National Congress of College Students and the 17th YMCA National Campus Club Advisers SeminarWorkshop (T.O. No. 892, dated November 24, 2012) Seminar on IT Auditing (T.O. No.922, dated December 10, 2012) Seminar on PFRS Updates (T.O. No.923, dated December 10, 2012) 7th National Conference on Health Professions Education (T.O. No.947, dated December 20, 2012) Trainors Training on Formulation of Local Climate Change Action Plan (T.O. No.948, dated December 20, 2012) DATE & VENUE November 26-29 and December 3, 2012 Active Learning, Inc. Designmix Bldg., Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila PARTICIPANT/S Engr. Annie Dida S. Arcilla November 12-16, 2012 Sarangani Highlands, Tambler, General Santos City Dr. Aurora E. Araojo November 22-24, 2012 St. Scholastica’s College, Manila Mrs. Josephine R. Tomagan Mrs. Leticia A. Tolledo November 12-14, 2012 Armed Forces of the Philippines, DND, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City November 15, 2012 DOLE Regional Office V, Legazpi City November 26-29, 2012 Hotel St. Ellis, Legazpi City December 1, 2012 Naga College Foundation Auditorium, Naga City November 26-29, 2012 Tagbilaran, Bohol December 17-19, 2012 DAP, Pasig City November 28-29, 2012 Twin Rock Beach Resort, Igang, Virac, Catanduanes December 5-9, 2012 Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City December 8, 2012 PICPA Bldg., 700 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City December 20, 2012 PICPA Bldg., 700 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City January 30-31, 2013 Pan Pacific Hotel, Malate, Manila December 3-7, 2012 LGA Training Center, Los Baños, Laguna 95 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Prof. Judith S. Orsolino Mrs. Maricel S. Cariaso Mr. Ramon F. Samonte Prof. Melinda V. Abichuela Dr. Aurora E. Araojo Mrs. Maricel S. Cariaso Mrs. Gemma G. Acedo Mr. Eliseo M. Somido, Jr. Prof. Leticia T. Manlangit Prof. Goyeta G. Pereyra Prof. Sonia R. Vargas Mr. Eliseo M. Somido Jr. TABLE 4.8— Trainings/Seminars Attended in 2012, Non-Teaching Staff NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING 2011 Techno Gabay Performance Evaluation and Planning Workshop (T.O. No. 025, dated January 16, 2012) DATE AND VENUE January 16-17, 2012 BU-College of Science Auditorium, Legazpi City February 7-10, 2012 Punta Villa Resort, Arevalo, Iloilo City January 25-27, 2012 Bonifacio Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City NAME OF PARTICIPANTS Mr. Ananias A. Deuda Mrs. Eleanor B. Tablizo Mrs. Gemma G. Acedo February 22-25, 2012 Hotel Veniz, Baguio City Mr. Santos B. Sorra Ms. Sheila T. Bagadiong March 8-9, 2012 UP SOLAIR, Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente Mrs. Asuncion O. Uchi February 27-29, 2012 BUCS Auditorium, Legazpi City Mrs. Angelee Z. Malijan March 6-8, 2012 Heritage Hotel, Roxas Blvd. EDSA, Pasay City Mrs. Fe P. Cilot Mrs. Maryshiel S. Tabios Seminar-Workshop on Financial and Operations Audit (T.O. No. 164, dated March 12, 2012) March 14-16, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Manila Mr. Melchor S. Suarez 1st National Symposium-Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness (T.O. No. 183, dated March 15, 2012) March 29-30, 2012 Subic Bay, Zambales Mrs. Medita P. Reyes DBM and PASUC Orientation/Hands-on Workshop on the GMIS Web-Based Application System (T.O. No. 190, dated March 17, 2012) March 19-20, 2012 Bayview Hotel, Manila Mr. Santos B. Sorra March 25-26, 2012 Casablanca , Legazpi City Engr. Rommel A. Magtangob April 18-20, 2012 Commission on Audit, Manila Mr. Rudy M. Robles May 15-18, 2012 Commission on Audit, Manila Mrs. Asuncion O. Uchi Mrs. Madilyn V. Borromeo June 5-8, 2012 Commission on Audit Manila Mr. Albert V. Cabrera Seminar-Workshop and 6th National Convention of NARSUC (T.O. No. 029, dated January 17, 2012) Seminar on Effective Records Management sponsored by CLEARED (T.O. No. 030, dated January 17, 2012) Seminar/Workshop on Preparation of Project Procurement Plan and Annual Procurement Plan (T.O. No. 069, dated January 30, 2012) Seminar on Managing Problem Employees in the Organization sponsored by CLEARED, Inc. (T.O. No. 118, dated February 29, 2012) Training Workshop on Updates on the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9184 (T.O. No. 120, dated February 29, 2012) Seminar-Workshop on RA 9470 and Basic Records and Archives Management (T.O. No. 122 & 131, dated Feb 29 & March 5, 2012) 1st Bicol Regional Seminar for Electronic Engineers (T.O. No. 194, dated March 20, 2012) Seminar on Cash Management and Control System by Commission on Audit (T.O. No. 215, dated April 3, 2012) Seminar on Laws and Rules on Government Expenditures by Commission on Audit (T.O. No. 216 & 248, dated April 17, 2012) Seminar on Property and Supply Management System by the Commission on Audit (T.O. No. 217, dated April 3, 2012) 96 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Mrs. Marilyn G. Tejada Mr. Ike U. Marquez NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING Regional Convention and Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Seminar for Lawyers (T.O. No. 231, dated April 12, 2012) Anti-Money Laundering Council Training (T.O. No. 236 & 244, dated April 16 & 17, 2012) Training on Structural Analysis and Design (T.O. No. 259, dated April 23, 2012) Seminar on Accounting for Non-Accountants (T.O. No. 265, dated April 24, 2012) Seminar on Internal Control Structure (T.O. No. 266, dated April 24, 2012) DATE AND VENUE NAME OF PARTICIPANTS March 28-31, 2012 Villa Caceres Hotel, Naga City Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento, Jr April 20, 2012 Legazpi City Mr. Necodimos S. Del Agua, Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente March 25-April 29, 2012 (Sundays) MICROCADD Technologies, Cubao, Quezon City June 26-29, 2012 Commission on Audit, Quezon City July 17-20, 2012 Commission on Audit, Quezon City Engr. Jose Rafael R. Manoguid Mrs. Lolita S. Sicio Mrs. Carmen T. Torres Mr. Dante B. Rojas 2-day National Seminar-Workshop on Capability Building for Office Secretaries (T.O. No. 267, dated April 24, 2012) May 14-125, 2012 U.P. Diliman, Quezon City Ms. Erlyn P. Tuno In-Service Re-Training Course (T.O. No. 276, dated April 25, 2012) May 6-14, 2012 Vinard Security Training Academy, Quezon City Mr. Dominador S. Pascua 2-day National Seminar on Cataloging of Moving Image Materials and other Non-Book Materials via AACR (2005) in the MARC Format (T.O. No. 277, dated April 25, 2012) May 14-15, 2012 Benitez, Alumni Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Araceli T. Mendez Web-based Application Training (T.O. No. 287, dated April 30 2012) May 4, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City Mrs. Medita P. Reyes Seminar o Basic Accounting and Internal Control for Non-Accountants (T.O. No. 302, dated May 2, 2012) Seminar on Internal Control Structure sponsored by the Commission on Audit (T.O. No. 307, dated May 7, 2012) Seminar on Cash Management and Control System (T.O. No. 308, dated May 7, 2012) Seminar on Rules and Regulations on the Settlement of Accounts and the Revised Rules of Procedures of COA (T.O. No. 309, dated May 7, 2012) Seminar on Internal Control System for Property and Supply Management -(Appraisal and Disposal (T.O. No. 310, dated May 5, 2012) June 27-29, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila July 17-20, 2012 Commission on Audit, Quezon City July 25-27, 2012 Commission on Audit, Quezon City October 1-2, 2012 Commission on Audit, Quezon City May 30 – June 1, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila 97 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Mr. Patricio D. Iñigo Mrs. Anabella V. Magdaraog, Mr. Nestor T. Sarmiento Mrs. Elsie V. Rojas Mrs. Nida U. Salvador Mrs. Isabel L. Dela Hostria Mrs. Lily S. Ham NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE AND VENUE Regional Convention in Human Resource Management in the Civil Service (T.O. No. 311, dated May 7, 2012) National Seminar-workshop on Capability Building for Office Secretaries (T.O. No. 315, dated May 8, 2012) Basic Occupational Safety Training (T.O. No. 317, dated May 8, 2012) NAME OF PARTICIPANTS May 22-23, 2012 Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente Mrs. Eleanor B. Vargas May 14-15, 2012 U.P. Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Marietta R. Tabligan May 7-11, 2012 DOLE, Manila Mrs. Maribel Ralla Annual Regional Convention of the Philippine Nurses Association (T.O. No. 319, dated May 10, 2012) May 14-15, 2012 Capitol Dome, Virac, Catanduanes Mrs. Aurora B. Hibo Mrs. Milagros T. Gianan Mrs. Emily R. Tabios Trainer’s Training on the NSRC Implementation (T.O. No. 328, dated May 11, 2012) May 14-28, 2012 Bicol University, Legazpi City Mr. Rene T. Arisapa Seminar on Effective and Efficient Discipline (SEED) (T.O. No. 342, dated May 14, 2012) May 29-31, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Prof. Pedro F. Tumaque Mrs. Elena T. Joson Seminar on Basic Customer Service Skills (T.O. No. 344 & 502, dated May 14 & July 27, 2012) June 19-20, 2012 & Aug 7-8, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Ms. Raissa A. Del Valle Ms. Jovi Pines S. Olat Ms. Melrose T. Pitajen Supervisory Development Course (SDC) Track 1 (T.O. No. 343, dated May 14, 2012) June 12-15, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mr. Rommel S. Torres Mrs. Evelyn M. Samar Training on Frontline Service, Ethics, and Accountability (T.O. Nos. 346, 464 & 471 dated May 14 & July 16 & 17, 2012) July 24-25, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Ms. Marie Fe A. Evangelista, Mrs. Nida U. Salvador, Mrs. Alice S. Rojas, Mrs. Maria Isabel L. Dela Hostria, Ms. Sheila T. Bagadiong Workshop on the World Bank Philippines Renewable Energy Development Project (T.O. No. 355, dated May 22, 2012) May 17, 2012 Makati Intercontinental Hotel Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento, Jr. Seminar on Laws and Rules on Government Expenditure (T.O. No. 356, dated May 22, 2012) July 10-13, 2012 Commission on Audit, Manila Mrs. Madilyn V. Borromeo Seminar on Service Delivery Excellence (SEDP) (T.O. No. 388, dated June 11, 2012 August 1-3, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Ms. Gemma M. Faustino Mrs. Norma T. Ariate Mrs. Marietta R. Tabligan Seminar Basic Customer Service Skills (T.O. Nos. 389 & 439, dated June 11 & July 2, 2012) August 7-8, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mr. Valentino L. Valeza Ms. Geraldine M. Arcilla Mrs. Anabella V. Magdaraog Mr. Noel V. Buendia 98 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE AND VENUE NAME OF PARTICIPANTS Seminar on Enhancing Administrative Support Services and Skills (T.O. Nos. 390 & 440, dated June 11 & July 2, 2012) August 14-16, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mrs. Angelita L. Abundo Mrs. Peńa S. Olat Mrs. Maryshiel S. Tabios Seminar on Effective and Efficient Discipline (SEED) (T.O. No. 391, dated June 11, 2012) August 21-23, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mr. Melchor S. Suarez Mrs. Elena T. Joson Seminar on Government Procurement and its Generic Procurement Manual (T.O. No.423, dated June 21, 2012) July 11-14, 2012 Hotel Veniz, Baguio City Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento, Jr. Seminar Fraud, Awareness, Detection & Prevention (T.O. No. 434, dated July 2, 2012) August 1-3, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila Mr. Rommel S. Torres Seminar Basic Internal Control System and Internal Auditing Principles and Practices (T.O. No. 461, dated July 11, 2012) Seminar on Auditing Infrastructure Projects (T.O. No. 509, dated July 30, 2012) August 29-31, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila August 8-10, 2012 Hotel Kimberly , Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila Mrs. Ma. Concepcion V. Marquez Mr. Rommel S. Torres National Training-Workshop and Conference of the Philippine Board Secretaries of State Colleges and Universities, Inc. (T.O. No. 545, dated August 13, 2012) August 22-25, 2012 Dapitan City Mr. Renato M. Panti Seminar Internal Control System for Property & Supply Management (Appraisal and Disposal) (T.O. No. 541, dated August 9, 2012) September 26-28, 2012 Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil St., Malate, Manila Ms. Mercy V. Samar Mrs. Rebecca A. Peña Luzon Convention of the HRMPs - Enabling HRMPs to Respond Management Strategically to the Challenges of the 21st Century (T.O. No. 544, dated August 13, 2012) October 2-4, 2012 CWC, Pili, Camarines Sur Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente Mrs. Eleanor B. Vargas Workshop on Cascading of Agency Performance Targets for SUCs (T.O. No. 551, dated August 15, 2012) August 17, 2012 Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon Avenue, Quezon City Regional Conference on Strengthening Internationalization of Higher Education Through the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Model (T.O. No. 582, dated August 29, 2012) August 30, 2012 CWC Pili, Camarines Sur Mr. Gerry S. Rubio Symposium on Race Towards a Smoke-Free Civil Service: Implementation of CSC MC 17 s. 2009 (T.O. No. 599, dated August 30, 2012) August 29, 2012 Hotel Venezia Function Hall, Legazpi City Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento Jr. 99 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE & VENUE NAME OF PARTICIPANTS Training on Statistics for Policy Analysis (T.O. No. 622, dated September 9, 2012) September 17-21, 2012 Statistical Research and Training Center, Diliman, Quezon City Ms. Bernadeth M. Tria Seminar-Workshop on Design and Administration of Training Programs (T.O. No. 642, dated September 13, 2012) September 26-28, 2012 UP SOLAIR, Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Medita P. Reyes September 17-21, 2012 Clark, Angeles City and October 1 -2, 2012 Subic, Zambales Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento October 16-17, 2012 Civil Service Commission Regional Office V, Legazpi City Ms. Marie Fe A. Evangelista, Mrs. Sheilakim M. Lumabi Ms. Ma. Gazel T. Chavez Seminar on Training on Frontline Service, Ethics and Accountability (T.O. Nos. 602, 716, 727 & 730, dated August 31 & October 10, 2012) October 23-24, 2012 Civil Service Commission Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mrs. Vicky L. Aracosta Mrs. Maureen L. Manoguid, Mrs. Salvacion B. Murillo, Engr. Jose Rafael R. Manoguid Mrs. Marietta R. Tabligan Mrs. Alice S. Rojas Training on Effective Records Management (T.O. No. 694, dated October 3, 2012) November 5-6, 2012 Bonifacio Hall, UP SOLAIR, Diliman, Quezon City Mr. Ike U. Marquez Seminar on GAD Planning and Budgeting (T.O. No. 706 dated October 10, 2012) October 24-25, 2012 COA Quezon City Prof. Socorro T. Brillante Ms. Perla A. Tolentino Training Course on Network + (T.O. No 712 dated October 10, 2012) October 26-27, 2012 Hytec Power, Inc., Novaliches, Quezon City Mr. Joseph B. Lumbao Seminar-workshop on Effective Communication Skills (T.O. Nos. 715 & 814, dated October 10 & November 6, 2012) November 13-14, 2012 Bonifacio Hall, UP SOLAIR, Diliman, Quezon City Mrs. Helen M. Porte Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente Seminar on Administrative Justice (T.O. No. 717 & 735 dated October 10 & 18, 2012) November 13-15, 2012 CSC Regional Office V Training Hall, Legazpi City Ms. Perla A. Tolentino Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento Mr. Jose M. Villarreal Gender Sensitivity Seminar (T.O. No. 736, dated October 18, 2012) November 12, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mrs. Josephine B. Refugio Ms. Celia Maria A. Sarmiento Flagship Course on Administrative Service Excellence (T.O. No. 656, dated September 14, 2012) and 693, dated September 24, 2012 Seminar on Basic Customer Service Skills (T.O. No. 601, dated August 31, 2012) 100 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report NAME OF SEMINAR/TRAINING DATE & VENUE NAME OF PARTICIPANTS Supervisory Development Course (SDC) Track 2 & 3 (T.O. No. 746, dated October 19, 2012) November 19-23, 2012 Civil Service Commission, Regional Office V, Legazpi City Mrs. Araceli T. Mendez Mrs. Evelina T. Vargas Flagship Course on Administrative Service Excellence (T.O. No. 760 dated October 19, 2012) October 22-24, 2012 Astoria Hotel Residential Suites, Ortigas Center, Pasig City Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento National Seminar-Workshop on Enhancing Institutional Performance through Effective Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (T.O. No. 793 dated October 30, 2012) November 20-22, 2012 Conference Hall, 5th Floor IRTC Bldg., TUP Manila Seminar in Legal Basis of the Management of Health Care Waste (T.O. No. 818 dated November 30, 2012) November 17, 2012 Legazpi City Mr. Francis Jay O. Olonan Seminar on Auditing Infrastructure Projects (T.O. No. 828 dated November 12, 2012) November 21-23, 2012 Kimberly Hotel, Malate, Manila Mrs. Angelee Z. Malijan National Seminar-Workshop for NSTP Educators and Implementers (T.O. No. 831, dated November 13, 2012) November 12-14, 2012 Armed Forces of the Philippines, DND, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City Tabligan, Jose F. 101 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Mr. Gerry S. Rubio Ms. Ma. Alma S. Borja Catanduanes State Colleges Converted into University on October 19, 2012 T he last quarter of 2012 RAISING THE BAR— capturing CSU’s historically ushered a new direction for defining moment. the Catanduanes State Colleges when it was converted into a University on October 19, 2012. The masonry work for the modification of over 40 years old signage of Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) atop the iconic Administration Building started on November 16, 2012. Coincidentally, it likewise synchronized with the day that Republic Act 10229, or the law that converts CSC to Catanduanes State University, was published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star. As stipulated in Sec. 28 of RA 10229 signed by President Aquino on Oct. 19, 2012, the law “shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two newspapers of general circulation.” A historic inauguration was held on December 14, 2012 where the unveiling of the University marker highlighted the festive celebration. The President sounds off the challenge Dr. Minerva I Morales, the first University President of CSU, discussed the changes and challenges of the CSC’s conversion into a university. She emphasized “the conversion of Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) to Catanduanes State University (CSU) as a solid demonstration of a progressive transformation along the hierarchical typologies of Higher Education Institutions (HEI).” The President recalled the beginnings of the institution—from Virac National Agricultural and Trade School to its transformation to a UNIVERSITY WAVE - Catanduanes State University is off to a good start as President Morales, and CSU college was by officials join guests, led by Congressman Sarmiento, Bishop Delos Santos and Board of Regent mem- virtue of RA 6341 bers, in the CSU inaugural ceremonies. 102 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report in June 1971, and to a more prestigious university status in October 2012. She said that these milestones are the “lasting legacies of the late Honorable Congressman Jose M. Alberto; and now of the excellence-driven and development-oriented Honorable Congressman Cesar V. Sarmiento.” “The conversion of CSC to a university is a reason to be ecstatic and to celebrate, not only by the CSU community and alumni, but by all the university stakeholders. CSU is the only university in the island province of Catanduanes and the 4th state university in the Bicol Region,” she intoned with pride. President Morales added that the efforts of earlier leaders and representatives in the halls of Congress likewise contributed and paved the way for the realization of the coveted university status. “However, it is the confirmation of the status that matters; and, the long wait is over, reaffirming that indeed, ‘there is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.’ The conscientiousness of Congressman Sarmiento in the halls of Congress perfectly fitted with the appointed time, hence, the Catanduanes State University.” Keeping in step with Higher Education Roadmap The CSU President also mentioned the synchronicity of the conversion which comes at a time when the Commission on Higher Education issued quality assurance framework for all HEIs in the country, to operationalize the Philippine Public Higher Education Reform (PHER) Roadmap for 2011-2016. Dr. Morales mentioned the framework that charts the direction and score cards for HEIs such as responsiveness to local emerging changes and challenges, while being innovatively geared up and compliant to the standards and drivers of internationalization. These are the ASEAN 2015, Bologna Accord, K-12 reforms, rationalization of state colleges and universities (amalgamation and typology), accreditation, and ISO Certification. She considers these quality assurance yardsticks as robust pillars and scaffolds for building quality education and strong nation. The President AT THE HELM—President Morales confers with CHED Chairperson Patricia B. Licuanan believes that “as newly after being sworn into office as the new CSU President. transformed university status, CSU now positions itself along the parameters of an autonomous university that is able to contribute to nation building by producing experts, as well as knowledge and technological innovations for long-term and sustained development processes.” (GSR/PR & Information) 103 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report CSU Board of Regents HON. RUPERTO S. SANGALANG, Ph. D. Commissioner, CHED Chairman HON. MINERVA I. MORALES, Ed. D. SUC President III Vice Chairman HON. JOSEPH C. CUA Representative of Sen. Edgardo J. Angara Chairman, Committee on Higher Education Member HON. DANILO O. MURILLO President, Federated Faculty Union Member HON. FELIZARDO R. COLAMBO Representative of Cong. Juan Edgardo M. Angara Chairman, Committee on Higher Education Member HON. RAFAEL C. ZUNIEGA President, Federated Alumni Association Member HON. ROMEO C. ESCANDOR Regional Director, NEDA Regional Office No. 5 Member HON. DANILO L. SILVA, MD Private Sector Representative Member HON. TOMAS B. BRIÑAS Regional Director, DOST Regional Office No. 5 Member HON. FRANCIS A. GIANAN Private Sector Representative Member HON. ABELARDO R. BRAGAS Exec. Regional Director, DA V Member HON. ERIC P. AMARILLE President, Federated College Student Council Member MR. RENATO M. PANTI College and Board Secretary 104 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Officers of the Administration DR. MINERVA I. MORALES - SUC President III CENTRAL MANAGEMENT Mrs. Medita P. Reyes Mr. Renato M. Panti Atty. Gregorio M. Sarmiento Jr. Mr. Gerry S. Rubio Mrs. Angelee Z. Malijan Mr. Melchor S. Suarez Mr. Joey Anthony V. Casim - Executive Assistant II - Board Secretary V - Attorney IV - Administrative Officer V, PR & Information Services/concurrent Planning Officer - Internal Auditor for Finance - Internal Auditor for Operations - OIC, Management Information Services ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Susan T. Santelices - VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Lily P. Custodio - Dean, Graduate School Dr. Ruben P. Tablizo - Dean, College of Agriculture and Fisheries Dr. Aurora E. Araojo - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Asso. Prof. Esperanza P. San Juan - Dean, College of Business and Accountancy Dr. Mila D. Vela - Dean, College of Education Asso. Prof. Janet B. Lim - OIC-Dean, College of Health Sciences Engr. Pedro R. Arcilla - Dean, College of Technology Dr. Jocelyn T. Sorreda - OIC, Registration and Admission Services Dr. Yolanda M. Tariman - Director, Curriculum and Instructional Media Center Asso. Prof. Amelia B. Armea - Director, Student Services Asst. Prof. Edna R. Iñigo - Director, Institutional Accreditation Center Dr. Felix III C. Ma - Medical Officer III Dr. Laura A. Vital - Guidance, Counseling and Testing Officer Mrs. Araceli T. Mendez - College Librarian III Asst. Prof. Maricel S. Cariaso - Alumni and Placement Officer Asst. Prof. Edgar O. Tatel - Sports and Athletic Officer FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION AFFAIRS Asso. Prof. Ma. Theresa E. Sarmiento – VP for Administrative & Financial Affairs Mr. Santos B. Sorra - Supervising Administrative Officer Mrs. Azucena T. Torrente - Administrative Officer V, HRM Services Mr. Alfredo P. Cilot - Administrative Officer V, Budget Services Mr. Necodimos S. del Agua - Accountant III Mrs. Nemia S. Go - Administrative Officer V, Cashiering Services Mr. Santos V. Magallanes - Administrative Officer V, Supply Services Mrs. Evelina T. Vargas - Administrative Officer V, Records Services Engr. Dante G. Timajo - Engineer III Mr. Nelson S. Romero - Security Officer III Mrs. Josephine B. Refugio - Dormitory Manager III Mr. Eusebio T. Torrecampo - OIC, Motorpool Services RESEARCH, EXTENSION AND PRODUCTION AFFAIRS Dr. Aida A. Dianela - VP for Research, Extension & Production Affairs Asso. Prof. Elena G. Tasarra - Director, Research Services Dr. Maria S. Tugano - Director, Extension Services Dr. Noel B. de Leon - Director, Corporate Business Operations CSU PANGANIBAN CAMPUS Prof. Pedro M. Tumaque - Campus Director Asst. Prof. Jennifer A. Berces - Director, Academic, Research and Extension Services Mrs. Madilyn V. Borromeo - OIC, Administrative and Financial Services Dr. Ruben C. Velasco - OIC, Corporate Business Operations COMMISSION ON AUDIT Mrs. Maria Teresa C. Villaluna - State Auditor III/Audit Team Leader Mrs. Susan O. Alcantara - State Auditor I 105 Catanduanes State University 2012 Annual Report Catanduanes State University: Building Global Engagements Institutional Profile T he Catanduanes State University’s beginning dates back to June 18, 1961 when Republic Act 3398, which called for the establishment of Virac National and Agricultural Trade School (VNATS), was enacted. Ten years thereafter, Republic Act (RA) 6341, which was authored by Congressman Jose U. Alberto, converted VNATS into Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) on June 19, 1971. CSC started functioning as an educational institution on December 1, 1971, initially offering courses such as Associate in Business Education, Associate in Commerce, Bachelor of Science in Education, and Master of Arts in Education and Master of Arts in Commerce. Additional courses were offered on July 8, 1972 by virtue of RA 6590. In 1996, Catanduanes State Colleges conformed to Republic Act No. 8292, which provides for the uniform composition and powers of the governing boards, the manner of appointment and term of office of the president of chartered state universities and colleges, and for other purposes On October 31, 1999 the Catanduanes Agricultural and Industrial College (CAIC) was integrated to the Catanduanes State Colleges. This is Pursuant to Special Provision No. 2 of the CHED FY 1999 Budget under the General Appropriations Act of 1999 (R.A. 8745 or the integration of CHED Supervised Institutions to State Universities and Colleges). Subsequently, by virtue of Board Resolution No. 15, s. 2003 that called for the implementation of an approved and the Revised Organizational Structure, CSC-CAIC Annex was renamed as CSC Panganiban Campus. The past Presidents of the CSC were Mr. Pedro G. Tabuzo - 1971-1972, Dr. Jacinto A. Medallada 1972-1986, Dr. Rodolfo V. Azanza - 1986-1990, Dr. Adolfo S. Bagadiong - 1993-2003, and Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre - 2003-2011. Meanwhile, Dr. Ernestina P. Averilla was designated by DECS Higher Education Division as CSC OIC from 1990 1992. On July 14, 2011, Dr. Minerva I. Morales was elected as the sixth President of the Catanduanes State Colleges. When CSC was converted into a University, she was designated by CHED as Officer InCharge from December 12, 2012 - March 24, 2013 in consonance with the provision of RA 10229. After topping the evaluation in the Search for CSU presidency, she was subsequently elected via unanimous vote by the Board of Regents as the First President of the Catanduanes State University on March 25, 2013. The conversion of CSC into a university formally started on March 29, 2011 when House Bill No. 4170 was filed during the First Regular Session of the 15th Congress of the Philippines. This bill was principally authored by Congressman Cesar V. Sarmiento, and co-authored by Congressman Juan Edgardo M. Angara. Over a year thereafter, President Benigno S. Aquino III signed on October 19, 2012 Republic Act No. 10229 converting Catanduanes State Colleges (Virac/Main and Panganiban Campuses) into Catanduanes State University. Grateful acknowledgment is accorded to Ms. Chit Aldave-Tribiana & Ms. Christine May P. Petajen for the kind assistance in copy editing. in Island Studies and Innovations for Societal Devel Developm opment opment Mandate PursuanttotoRARA10229, 10229, Catanduanes State toUniversity is mandated to Pursuant the the University is mandated primarily provide advanced education, technological, training in trade, commerce, primarily higher provide advancedprofessional education,instruction higher and technological, professional fishery, agriculture, arts and sciences, industrial technology, nursing, instruction and training in trade, commerce, fishery, agriculture, midwifery, arts and education, engineering, public administration, information technology, and other relevant sciences, industrial technology, nursing, midwifery, education, engineering, fields of study. It is also directed to undertake research and extension services, and provide public administration, technology, and other relevant fields of progressive leadership in its information areas of specialization. study. It is also directed to undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization. Vision VisionA green university globally engaged in island research and innovations for societal advancement A green university globally engaged in island research and innovations for societal advancement Mission Mission Foster excellence, holistic outcomes-based education compliant with the requirements of diverse world market and contribute to the development of productive human lives imbued with desirable values holistic outcome-based education compliant with the Foster excellence, requirements of diverse world market and contribute to the development of productive and value-laden lives Goal the tradition of excellence in instruction, research, extension and production GoalUphold functions in an eco-friendly environment Uphold the tradition of excellence in instruction, research, extension and production functions in an eco-friendly environment Core Values Core Respect ValuesIntegrity Social Responsibility Respect Excellence Integrity Commitment Social Responsibility Excellence Commitment 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Prepared by Gerry S. Rubio PR and Information Services from the reports of Academic, Research, Extension, Production, Planning, Board Secretarial, Finance, and Administrative Services Layout and Design: GSR Photo by CSU PR & Information Services ©