CLARKSVILLE REUNION - Home of the 508th Airborne Chapter
CLARKSVILLE REUNION - Home of the 508th Airborne Chapter
November 2007 Vol. 2 No. 4 CLARKSVILLE REUNION By Ken Hamill The gathering at the Holiday Inn, Clarksville was very nice. Dozens of friendly veteran paratroopers, some with their ladies and some brought their families. My count of the list provided by Rodger Jacobson indicates 143 people attended the Clarksville Reunion. 31 were former members of the 508th Airborne Infantry. They brought 19 guests. Of this number, 29 had served in the 508th ARCT, 1 had been a member of 3rd Battalion, Fort Kobbe, CZ in the 1960’s and 1 had been a member of 2nd Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division in the 1960’s. There were 60 redlegs in attendance. They brought 33 guests. Of this number 38 had served in the 320th Airborne Field Artillery in the 508th ARCT, 1 had served in World War II and 21 served in the 1960’s, most in Vietnam. Several people attending the Clarksville Reunion were annual or life members of both the 320th AFA Assn and the 508th Airborne Chapter. It was good to see several members of the Support Company, 508th ARCT Association there at Holiday Inn. They had enjoyed a two day reunion prior to the 320th / 508th gathering, but most did not attend our larger get together. Our 508th Chapter Auction was Dr. Jim Jackson’s auction. Jim suggested the auction with the stipulation that donations benefit the 508th PIR in Afghanistan. Jim was the major donor, providing most of the items to be auctioned. Jim was also the auctioneer. He was very good at playing the role and obviously had a good time as auctioneer. The auction volunteers who displayed, sold and delivered the items were Jim & Maria Jackson, Jack Damron, Tom & Carol Archibald and Fred & Arlene Rapp. Auctioned items were donated by - Jim Jackson, Jack Damron, David Compton, Ken Hamill and Ted Thompson. Thank you to all the buyersTom & Carol Archibald, Lawrence & Glenda Ashlock, Don Cook, Carmen Floyd, Bonnie Furek, Nicholas "Gus" Guzenski, Ken Hamill, Dennis Harris, Jack Irwin, Dr. Jim Jackson - Auctioneer Jim Jackson, Don Johnson, Leonard & Faye Kraft, Jim Lammle, Joe Lewis, Joe Lynch, Henry Perkins, Fred & Arlene Rapp, Tony Short, Chris Short, Ronnie Strain, Kenneth Sudduth, Ron Sugi, Ted Thompson, Mike Wade and John Zugschwert. One gentleman donated $100, but we are not sure who that was. My apologies to anyone that I missed. The 508th Airborne Chapter extends an Airborne Hooah to all the auction volunteers, donors and buyers. The 508th auction earned $2148.00 for our 508th PIR in Afghanistan. Great job, Doctor Jackson! Our 508th Airborne Chapter meeting and election on Friday was short. Chairman Joe Montoya opened the meeting. After explaining the need for new Chapter Officers, he asked for volunteers and nominations. Ken Hamill volunteered for the position of Chapter Secretary if someone would help with the website. A member was nominated for Vice Chairman, but that member declined. Chapter Chairman and Vice Chairman positions remain unfilled. Joe suggested the Chapter give treasury funds to the Afghanistan effort. Several people were very supportive. It was agreed that Chapter funds would be added to the auction profits to make the total $5000.00 for our troops in Afghanistan. The amount donated from Chapter funds is $2852.00. The 508th Airborne Chapter Banquet on Friday Night was not crowded. A few people had their photos taken while holding the 508th colors that had been donated by Langdon J. Carpenter. The service was good and the meal was OK. The color guard was excellent. Three members of the Color Guard had been … Page 2, Devils Digest, November 2007 Continued from Page One: with us for the 2005 Banquet. Old friends back from Iraq, SSG Goodson, SSG Leon and SGT Gibson have all been promoted and continue to serve the 320th Artillery of the 101st Airborne Division and our great nation. Chairman Montoya had appropriate toasts and a few words to say, but there were no further ceremonies, or recognition of a job well done by Chapter Staff. I believe Joe commented on the health of Chapter staff at this time. Dave Burns, Chapter Vice Chair recently moved to Angela hospice in Livonia, Michigan. Secretary Jim Lutes had to return to his home to prepare for possible surgery. Treasurer Frank Seif had to cancel his attendance at Clarksville because of internal bleeding. I did not attend the 320th Airborne Field Artillery Association Banquet Saturday Night. I was under the impression that the number of people wanting to attend was greater than the banquet hall allowed, so I stayed out of the way. I heard from a few people that the Saturday Banquet was outstanding. Apparently the 320th AFA Assn Saturday Banquet was very well planned, as always. The Friday 508th Banquet was a flop, it was not well planned. Having separate banquets this year for the 320th AFA Association and 508th Chapter was an experiment that did not work. The Clarksville Reunion started out in 1987 I’m told, as a gathering of 35 artillerymen and their ladies with 3 Military Police volunteers joining in. All of these veterans had been in the 508th ARCT and garrisoned at Camp Wood, Japan. Reunion attendees expanded over time to include people from most units of the ARCT and 320th veterans from the Vietnam era. The current 320th Airborne Field Artillery Association leadership is outstanding. Younger than all of the 508th Chapter Staff members, most of the Redleg Association Staff are from the Vietnam era. They are dynamic and doing great things. Old timer Rodger Jacobson continues to find dozens, perhaps hundreds of 320th Redlegs from the past. From my point of view, the Clarksville Reunion always was and always will be a 320th Airborne Field Artillery Association function that occurs every other year on odd years. It is always a pleasure as well as an honor and a privilege to attend the 320th Airborne Field Artillery Association Reunions. To the 320th Airborne Field Artillery Association Officers and Members, we of the 508th Airborne Chapter salute you. Well done gentlemen!!! Auction Volunteers – Maria Jackson, Carol Archibald & Arlene Rapp A Few 508th Airborne Chapter Auction Participants NOTE: THERE ARE ADDITIONAL PHOTOS OF THE CLARKSVILLE REUNION ON PAGES 6 & 8 - 20. The 508th Airborne Chapter would like to thank Medal of Honor winner Jack Lucas for donating two of his books to our auction effort. His book titled "Indestructible" is available for $21.00. Jack will autograph and add any comment you want IE: "From a former Marine and Paratrooper to a fellow paratrooper." His address is Mr. Jack Lucas, 75 Elks Lake Road, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Page 3, Devils Digest, November 2007 CHAPTER ASSISTANCE TO OUR TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN Chapter Treasurer Frank Seif reports the following membership donations and transactions pertaining to assistance for our Red Devils in Afghanistan. To date, $1238.00 has been donated by our members. The 508th Chapter Treasury has donated $6000.00 in two segments. $1000.00 sent last May and $5000.00 in October. This latest $5000 came from two sources. Dr. Jim Jackson’s auction in Clarksville generated $2148.00. Members at the Clarksville Reunion voted to add $2852.00 from treasury funds to the auction profits. So far a total of $7238.00 has been sent to Ken Glynn for distribution to our troops. Donors please make checks payable to "508th Airborne Chapter" and annotate your check memo line “4th BCT Paratroopers”. Donations should be directed to the Chapter Treasurer Frank Seif, PO Box 1462, Sun City AZ 85372-1462. Chapter Quartermaster Ken Glynn continues sending packages to the 508th PIR / 4th BCT and keeps us informed as follows: Message to Chaplain Pundt - Good Morning Sir. Hope things are going well for you I’m inquiring about the box of shirts that was sent to you did you receive them? Ken. Chaplains answer - Yes, sir. We got them. I sent you a Thank You email from my Outlook last week! Wow. We're having ongoing issues with our server. Sorry, Ken. Lar— To Chapter - That’s a lot of money the troops will enjoy the goods that are sent I will ask the chaplain what they can’t find over there and try to send those items. Some female troopers want shampoo and stuff and of all things gossip magazines, that’s women for you. I had sent the chaplain 25 under armor shirts. They are scarce items around the states, must be hard to get over there. Will keep in touch with you on the packages Ken G. To Chaplain Pundt – The 508th Chapter continues its great support of care boxes for the 508th BCT. With the holidays coming soon is there anything you would like special for them? I will try my best to send what you would like or need. Ken G. Wow. Thanks, Ken. The favorites have been the myriad of snacks and toiletries. However, Christmas CDs and DVDs would also probably be a good bet. Leathermans and good flashlights with colored lenses would also hit a good spot. Please pass on our thanks, Ken. You all have been a tremendous source of support. I go on R&R tomorrow morning (early). I won't be back to Afghanistan till early Nov. peace... Lar-- 29 Oct : I have sent at least 2 boxes a week to the troops this month and am now starting to send things for the holidays as the chaplain wanted. Have sent 4 boxes of the items the female troopers asked for along with self address envelopes and notes asking what they would like - so far no replys. We will keep the stuff going until all of our paratroopers return. Ken Glynn Hooaah and thank you from the 508th Airborne Chapter to Ken Glynn and the Orlando Chapter. E-mail messages to Afghanistan are difficult at present. I have tried the CSM and Personnel Sergeant without success. I requested feedback from Chaplain Pundt while informing him that our membership loves to hear about our troops, the things they do, how they live, what they eat, the hardships, their accomplishments and maybe a sad or funny story. Ken Hamill, 508th Website and E-Mail. Chaplain Pundt responded - Hi, Ken. I'd be happy to help you garner some info from our Paratroopers. Our link to the 508th lineage and history is, I believe, vital to continued high morale and professionalism in the execution of our mission. I will pass on the website URL to our 508th Paratroopers. You should get some "hits" from presently deployed "Red Devils." Blessings All the Way! LARRY PUNDT A reminder in the August Devils Digest of the Clarksville Reunion brought the following response Thanks for the invite but as you know the 508th Commander and myself are deployed. We both would like to thank all members of the Association for their efforts and encouragement to our troopers located all over the battlespace. Many of our troopers are members of the association and know you guys and gals care about them and the job they are doing. So, please keep us in your prayers and we look forward to seeing you at AAW 2008. CSM Richard R. Flowers, 4th BCT CSM, 82nd Abn Div. Page 4, Devils Digest, November 2007 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 508 AIRBORNE CHAPTER VICE-CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN Joe Montoya 62 Bel Air Blvd. Clarksville, TN 37042-4061 Tel: 931-552-0741 Email: David Burns Angela Hospice, Room 111 14100 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48154 Telephone: 734.953.6074 SECRETARY TREASURER Jim Lutes 307 Rio Pinar Drive Ormond Beach, Fl 32174-3707 Tel: 386- 673-7445 Email: Frank Seif PO Box 1462 Sun City, AZ 85372-1462 Tel: 623-875-9016 Email: WEBSITE & E MAIL QUARTERMASTER Ken Hamill 2207 Coventry Drive Columbus, GA 31904-5034 Tel: 706-327-3207 Email: Ken Glynn 836 Glendale Street Lakeland, FL 33803-4122 Tel: 863-682-3382 Email: TAPS - 508th PARATROOPERS RECENTLY DECEASED Charles L. Hale, All American Member, Irving, TX, K Co. 52-56, 24 August 2007 Arward L. Maness, Mobile, Alabama, E Co. 53-56, 15 May 2005 NEW MEMBERS John McCants, Aiken, SC, Svc Co, 53-57 James Beebe, Durand, MI, E Co, 51-54 NEW ALL AMERICAN MEMBERS Anthony Giardino, Port St. Lucie, FL, M Co, 51-53 Charles Haycock, New Smyrna Beach, FL, C/3, 62-65 (Transferred from Central Jersey Chapter) MEDICAL REPORT David Burns, Chapter Vice Chairman, Pancreatic Cancer Jim Lutes, Chapter Secretary, Continual outpatient care and surgery of foot recently Frank Seif, Chapter Treasurer, Internal bleeding in September All American Life Members…………... 315 Annual Members………………………..124 Affiliate Members………………………..15 Page 5, Devils Digest, November 2007 A PARATROOPERS MEMORY By Ron Behrens RA 16400468 This jump was made at Fort Benning, Georgia, M-Co 508th ARCT 1952. This was a T-5 parachute, nearly the same as a T-7 only it did not have a quick release, just two snaps in the same place. The chute had a bellyband attached to the backpack, about eight inches wide in the back to one and a half inches in the front. My weapon, a carbine was slung over my right-shoulder, barrel down. The bellyband was pulled around and tightened at the front. The carbine muzzle reached knee level. Prior to boarding the plane we rehearsed in a mockup and took up our positions in the stick. We boarded according to stick number, two 16 men sticks loading the aircraft, high numbers first. The doors of the plane were opened and remained open throughout the flight and jump. When the Pilot gave the C-119 full power we all leaned to the rear of the plane. This will bring back memories for most of you. When we got into the air with the doors open the roar of those big radial engine’s came right through. The number one man standing in the door could look across to the next plane in that V. He could see the number one man in that plane. You wave to him and he waves back. Sometimes, air turbulence could make us paratroopers sick, and I mean puking sick. The floor of the plane got so slippery that we troopers had to hold on to the static line cable to stand up. Some guys are laughing so hard it’s the best show they’ve seen in a long time. Personally, I have been so sick I would have left the plane where ever we were, “Jump master, just say, GO!” Paratroopers have seven jump commands necessary to make the jumps as safe as possible. “Get Ready”, “Stand Up”, “Hook Up”, “Check Your Equipment”, “Sound Off For Equipment Check”, “Shuffle and Stand In The Door” and “Go”. The Airborne Shuffle to some may mean a form of PT. The real reason for the airborne shuffle was very important, the stick going out the left door has their right foot forward at all times. The stick going out the right door does the same thing, but has their left foot forward at all times. This makes sure that the proper foot is forward when the jumper gets to the door. At which time he does the airborne stomp and then out he goes. Many planes had a worn shinny spot on the floor that was left by the troopers jump boots when they did the airborne stomp. Editors Note: I thought Ron’s memory was flawed when he sent this article. Old jumpers told me that the T-5 had snaps rather than a quick release mechanism, the T-7 had a quick release and the T-5 was replaced by the T-7 in the late 1940’s. However Bob Murray, a 1952 era rigger believes Ron’s story may be correct. The 508th Airborne Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association will meet at All American Week 2008. The Winter Paraglide will announce the host hotel, dates, times and schedule. Plan to join us next May for the Fort Bragg and Fayetteville Festivities and Airborne Demonstrations. Associate member Tony Peralta of Yuma, Arizona sent his business card with a newspaper photo and article that had been published in the Arizona Republic. The photo depicts his Arizona license plate that displays “We Jump”. The article follows: Tony Peralta of Yuma has a family of “jumpers”: Tony, an Army paratrooper and skydiver; a daughter, granddaughter, nephew and niece, all skydivers; and two brothers-in-law and eight cousins, all Army paratroopers. Thank you Tony! Search for William L. Gowan: A review of 82nd Airborne Division Association Historical Membership Files revealed that William L. Gowan, 248-22-7762, served with Company D, 508 Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR) from October 1942 to January 1944 as a Private First Class. He was also a member of the Association from 1988 - 1999 and then he faded away. His son reported that the National Records Center still had records of his later service in the 88th Division, but have lost all records of his service in the 508th of the 82nd. If any Chapter Members remember William L Gowan, his son, T. Dave Gowan, Ph.D. of Crawfordville, Florida requests feedback. Contact info is e-mail or reverse charges (850) 567-2470. Page 6, Devils Digest, November 2007 HISTORICAL DONATIONS ITEM #5 Thank you Richard George, MG Pearson and Jack Damron for donating these Historical Documents. The fifth items I’ll describe are two quarterly 508th Abn RCT Command Reports from April thru June 1953 and July thru September 1953. The reports state that the 508th ARCT, 508th AIR, 320th AFA Bn and 598 Engineer Co. were activated on 1 August 1951. The 19th QM Detachment was activated on1 August 1952. The Major Unit Commanders and Staff were: ARCT Cdr - COL G.O. Pearson; XO – LTC W.F. Lowrey; S1 – MAJ J.E. Dunn; S2 – MAJ L.F. Felder; S3 – MAJ A.D. Nicolette; S4 - MAJ P.B. Ward; 1st Bn CO – LTC M.L. Harvey & MAJ R.A. Matthews; 2nd Bn CO – MAJ G.P. McLendon & LTC F.B. Keller; 3rd Bn CO – LTC C.A. Krebs; 320th AFA Bn CO – LTC E. Bourke; 598th Abn Eng Co CO – 1LT J.E. Munnelly; 519th QM CO – 1LT L.R. Landreth. The assigned strength of the ARCT at the end of the second and third quarters was: 229 & 215 Officers; 27 Warrant Officers; 2356 & 1826 Enlisted. 25 men reenlisted both quarters. 1144 men went on sick call second quarter and 1308 third quarter. There were 3069 jumps and 3 men hospitalized in second quarter. There were 3726 jumps and 23 men hospitalized third quarter. There were two cases of venereal disease reported during both quarters. There were 64 AWOL’s and 248 DR’s during both quarters. Promotion quotas during both quarters were more than adequate with the exception of E-7. Prison chaser detail for the Infantry Center and guard duty required 160 enlisted personnel daily. A shortage of personnel threatened the effectiveness of the unit. The Red Devils competed in several sports on Post and away, football - defeating the Jacksonville Naval Air Station 13 – 7. PIO and Religious activities were reported. Each report included staff submissions and assigned unit reports, an officers roster, mission assignments, school attendance, unit exercises, historical reports, disaster area support in Columbus, redesignation and reorganization of certain units and the Commanders Summary. Provided by RAO Bulletin 1 Oct 07 - VA HEADSTONES & MARKERS UPDATE 01: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) published a final rule to amend VA regulations applicable to Government-furnished headstones or markers for placement in a national, State veterans, or private cemetery. The final rule specifies that a veteran's spouse or surviving spouse, whose remains are unavailable for burial, and who died after 11 NOV 98 is eligible for a memorial headstone or marker for placement in a national or State veterans cemetery. This final rule also specifies that a veteran's dependent child, whose remains are unavailable for burial, and who died after 22 DEC 06 is eligible for a memorial headstone or marker for placement in a national or State veterans cemetery. Lastly, this final rule extends for 1 year the authority to provide a Government-furnished headstone or marker for already marked graves of eligible veterans whose deaths occurred on or after 11 SEP 01 for placement in private cemeteries. This final rule is necessary to incorporate statutory amendments into VA regulations. [Source: Federal Record 19 SEP 07 ++] Jack Swarm & Don Johnson at Clarksville Cary & Dewey Peel at Clarksville Reunion Page 7, Devils Digest, November 2007 Veterans Day Ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery By Ken Hamill Past Chairman Bob Murray and current Chairman Joe Montoya authorized 508th Chapter support for the Veterans Day Ceremonies these past two years. The 508th PIR Association had co-hosted the event along with the Washington, DC and Colonel Tucker Chapters, with some assistance from the 82nd Abn Div Association. The retirement of the 508th PIR Association in 2004 determined that organization unable to support the event as they had in the past. The 1SG Funk Chapter assumed the costs for some items associated with the activities. Our 508th Chapter assumed the cost of $100.00 for a wreath. This is a very worthy cause. We have a commitment to support these Veterans Day Ceremonies in the future. Robert A. Farver, Sr. of the Colonel Tucker Chapter was very helpful to me in explaining the activities and arranging my accommodations. My internet provided MapQuest Directions were excellent. I did not miss a turn and arrived at the Arlington Days Inn at 1:00 PM on Thursday. The nice lady at the registration desk was very efficient and had me in a room by 1:15. The room was clean and comfortable and I was able to park in front of my room. I checked the hospitality room at 2:00. There were a dozen people setting up tables and chairs and decorating the room. The Washington D.C. and Colonel Tucker Chapters set up display and sales areas for their Chapter QM items. The 82nd Association National Sales Managers Charlie and Sandy Wagner were very impressive. They had a full display and were very friendly while doing a great job of selling their hats, pins, ties and other mementos. I bought a 82nd magnet ($5.00) and pennant ($10.00) for my car. A decent crowd assembled by 5:00, about the time the bar opened. Manny De Jesus asked me to say a few words when our wreath was uncovered on Friday. A few of us went to dinner at the hotel restaurant called Rudy’s. We got decent meals at fair prices, but the one person working as waiter / cashier made the service a little slow. After dinner, I went straight to my room to prepare a few words for Friday. I slept well and went back to Rudy’s at 8:00 in the morning for breakfast. Eggs over corned beef hash with coffee hit the spot. We lined up our cars behind the hotel at 9:30. I went to the lobby and got our wreath from Bob Farver and put it into my trunk. The wreath was very well done, approximately 3 feet in diameter, with beautiful flowers and attached to a metal A frame that could be firmly anchored to the cemetery sod. At approximately 10:30, the Arlington Police escorted our 20 car convoy to Arlington National Cemetery. We parked at curbside near our monuments. We placed the wreaths at the appropriate sites with covers in place. Ceremonies were conducted at the Tomb of the Unknowns, the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Monument and the 1SG Leonard Funk Gravesite. The Tomb of the Unknowns was the most impressive with the Third Infantry “Old Guard” professionals and U.S. Army Band Bugler performing. I did a three minute pitch and removed the cover from the 508th P.I.R. wreath which was a signal for the 82nd Airborne Division Color Guard to Present Arms and Bugler to perform “Taps”. Keith Householder did the honors at the Funk Gravesite. Ceremonies continued throughout the weekend without me. Next year I will get my reservation in early enough to be able to enjoy all three days with this group. Don Bailey, Keith Householder & Manny De Jesus with a duplicate of our 508th wreath at Arlington National Cemetery on 9 November 2007. Don Bailey, Keith Householder& Manny De Jesus with a duplicate of our 508th Chapter wreath at Arlington National Cemetery, 9 November 2007. 82nd Color Guard at Arlington – SGT Kirkland, SPC Gockerell, SPC Wolf, SPC Conger, PFC Gardner, PFC Gorham on 9 November 2007. Page 8, Devils Digest, November 2007 Jim Lammle at 508th Chapter Auction Auction Participants 2 Auction Participants 4 Auction Participants 1 Auction Participants 3 Auction Participants 5 Page 9, Devils Digest, November 2007 Jack Damron & Jim Jackson Dr. Claude Brown Leone Jacobson & Joan Ducharme Maria Jackson, Bonnie Furek & Jim Jackson Bill McCreedy & Gus Guzenski Toney Trent & Ed Jaffie Page 10, Devils Digest, November 2007 Juanita Chavez, Speedy Gonzales, Rich Chavez and Mack Adams Old Medics - Jack Greene, Jim Lammle, Ray Fitch & Jack Harkins Lawrence & Ruth Whitehouse Jan & Jack Swarm Linda Fitch & Juanita Greene Leonard & Fay Kraft Page 11, Devils Digest, November 2007 Alex Elliott & Toney Trent Fred Rapp & Jim Jackson AC York & Jean Ashcraft AC York & Jean Ashcraft Bob Johnston & George Piasecki Jack & Jan Swarm Kathy & Bob Johnston Page 12, Devils Digest, November 2007 Color Guard Tom Archibald Joe Montoya & George Piasecki Chapter Chairman’s Toast Jim & Maria Jackson, Waitress And Mack Adams Ben & Carmen Floyd Page 13, Devils Digest, November 2007 Joe & Sheryl Lewis Bud Keebler & SSG Goodson Don Johnson Ron Sugi & Roy Bivolcic Skip Myler & Bud Keebler Dewey & Cary Peel Page 14, Devils Digest, November 2007 SPC Rice SGT Gibson, Ted Thompson & David Tiedt David Tiedt & Mike Wade Skip Myler & SSG Goodson Jim Jackson Mary Lou & Henry Groat Page 15, Devils Digest, November 2007 Dorothy & James Jochims Jack & Ruth Damron Joan & Walt Ducharme Laura Valdez & Dr. Claude Brown Joe Montoya Sue Montoya & Laura Belle Valdez Page 16, Devils Digest, November 2007 Bonnie Furek & Ken Hamill Bonnie Furek & Ken Hamill 320th Artillery Color Guard Color Guard 320th AFA, 101st Abn Div Color Guard Jean Ashcraft & Jack Swarm Page 17, Devils Digest, November 2007 Louie Botto, Carol Ticer & Faye Botto Jack Greene, Ray Fitch, Jim Lammle AC And & PatJack York, Jane & Jean Ashcraft Harkins Arnold Belcher & Johnell Boykin Mack Adams AC & Pat York, Jane & Jean Ashcraft Alex Elliott, Toney Trent & Ikuko Elliott Page 18, Devils Digest, November 2007 Bill Ashcraft Picnic Western Kentucky & Tennessee Chapter 101st Association Clubhouse Janice Lynch at Saturday Picnic Picnic Serving Line Ashcraft’s, York’s, Ducharme’s Peel’s, Elliott’s, Jacobson’s, Ducharme’s Page 19, Devils Digest, November 2007 Johnston’s, Groat’s, Wells Greene’s, Fitch’s, Lammle, Tyler Clubhouse Center & Bar Area Clubhouse Bar Area Clubhouse Eating Area Jim Lammle, Jack Greene & Ray Fitch Page 20, Devils Digest, November 2007 Western Kentucky & Tennessee Chapter of the 101st Airborne Division Association Clubhouse Dr. James Jackson – Auction Originator, Organizer, Principal Donor, Buyer and Auctioneer. Thank You from the 508th Airborne Chapter. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PLEASE PRINT) 508TH Airborne Chapter, 82nd Airborne Div Assn, Inc. All American Renewal New Member Reinstatement Enclosed is $15.00 for my annual membership dues for the year _______ to include a subscription to the PARAGLIDE. Name: ________________________________ Street: _________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ________ Zip Code: ______________ Telephone Number: __________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________ Last Rank Held: ___________________ Serial Number: ____________________ 508th Unit (Fill In) Company: __________ Battery: __________ Battalion: __________ Major Unit (Select One) Second Airborne Infantry Brigade: _____________________ 82nd Airborne Division: ____________ 508th Airborne RCT: __________________ 193rd Infantry Brigade: _____________ Golden Brigade: ______________________ SETAF: _________________________ 173rd Airborne Brigade: _______________ Dates of 508th Service: From Month: ______ Year: ______ To Month: ______ Year: ______ Present Spouse’s # of Occupation: _______________ Single: ___ Married:___ Name: ______________ Children: ___ (Please Fill In Application Completely) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP I am presently a member of the _________________________ Chapter, 82nd Airborne Div. Assn. Enclosed are my reduced dues of $8.00. I do ___ do not ___ wish to transfer my membership from the ________________________________________ Chapter to the 508th Airborne Chapter. Signature: ____________________________________________________________ MAIL TO: 508th Airborne Chapter, P. O. Box 1462, Sun City, AZ 85372-1462 LIFE MEMBER INFORMATION 25 years continuous Association membership………………………..…………..………………..$60.00 On active duty with the 82nd Airborne Division…………………………………………………….$82.00 20 years continuous Association membership……………………………………………………..$90.00 50 years of age or older…………………………………………………………….……………….$100.00 49 years of age or younger………………………………………………………………………….$150.00 You will receive a permanent plastic membership card and certificate suitable for framing. National Association requires rank, serial number and copy of DD214 or orders indicating the award of the Parachutist Badge from initial applicants. Name _________________________Address________________________________________ City________________________________ State_____ Zip____________________________ Quartermaster Sales Form----(Members Only) Complete this form and mail your check payable to Kenneth Glynn along with your name and address in the box above to: Ken Glynn, 836 Glendale St., Lakeland, FL. 338034122. Please include shipping and handling charges in the amount colum to the right of each item ordered. ITEM/DESCRIPTION Hat, White, Maroon Bill, Chap Logo, Embroidered Hat, White, Maroon Bill, Chap Logo Screened Sweatshirt, Grey, Chapter Logo Screened Sweatshirt, White, Chapter Logo Screened Shirt, T, White, Chapter Logo Screened Shirt, Polo, Abn Maroon, Chap Logo Embroidered Patch, 508th Abn Chapter (See 1, below) Patch, 508th ARCT (See 1, below) Patch, Para Red Devil (See 1, below) Patch, 320th Abn FA Bn QTY SIZE COST SHIPPING/HANDLING AMOUNT (CIRCLE) One size fits all $14.50 $1.50 Each One size fits all $12.00 $1.50 Each M L XL *XXL *XXXL M L XL *XXL *XXXL M L XL *XXL *XXXL M L XL *XXL *XXXL $22.00 $3.50 +$2 Ea additional $22.00 $3.50 +$2 Ea additional $12.00 $2.00 Each $22.00 $3.50 + $1.Ea Additional $5.50 $1.00 Each (3/$1.50) $5.50 $1.00 Each (3/$1.50) $5.50 $1.00 Each (3/$1.50) $5.50 $1.00 Each (3/$1.50) Pin, 508th ARCT $3.00 No Charge Pin, Para Red Devil $3.00 No Charge TOTAL $ * Add an additional $2.00 for each X above XL (XXXL size is a special order) 1. All patches can be purchased for 3 for $15.00 + Shipping and Handling. PLEASE ALLOW 2-4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY
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