for lease - BridgePort
for lease - BridgePort
westboro connection W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M ` CLASS ”A” OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE WESTBORO IN THE HEART OF 1 5 , 2 1 0 S F O F C L A S S ” A” O F F I C E S PA C E F O R L E A S E AVA I L A B L E W I N T E R 2 0 1 5 A joint development by 2 W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M SC T TS RE ET NUE n o r o ctio stb w e nne co AVE OT EA MCR A NEW STANDARD RI CH MO ND Westboro Connection is truly a unique development that is centered around providing a higher quality of life to its tenants. Imagine being steps away from everything that has made Westboro Ottawa’s most vibrant community. RO AD Whether you are looking to have lunch at a number of Ottawa’s finest restaurants, pick something up from one of the many boutique retail shops or go for a run along the Ottawa River, Westboro Connection offers all this and much more. Westboro Connection is located in the heart of Westboro steps away from major public transit routes, restaurants, shopping and recreation. With housing and services within short walking distance from the office, you can avoid the dependence on cars for simple errands, staff functions and client entertainment. 3 Westboro Connection is an exceptional mixed-use development totalling 256,909 square feet of rentable area with 114,517 square feet of class “A” office space (LEED Silver designed), 38,038 square feet of retail, and 140 residential units. 114,517 SF CLASS “A” OFFICE 140 UNIT LUXURY APARTMENT 38,038 SF PRIME RETAIL EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN MEETS OTTAWA’S HOTTEST NEIGHBOURHOOD Westboro Connection is located in the heart of Westboro along McRae Street and is the first of a multi-phase development that will create a pedestrian link from the Westboro Transit Station, located approximately 200 metres from the site, to Richmond Road, Westboro’s main arterial street. The combination of nearby amenities and the exceptional quality of life that Westboro has to offer creates a live/work/play lifestyle that the downtown core simply does not offer. 4 W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M BUILDING HIGHLIGHTS EFFICIENT DESIGN LEED-SILVER CERTIFICATION With a central core design and an average floor plate of 20,000 square feet, Westboro Connection is efficiently designed to maximize useable space and improve profitability by lowering your annual real estate costs. Westboro Connection incorporates such building features as secure bicycle storage, shower facilities and high efficiency building systems. Westboro Connection focuses on life cycle solutions that encourage tenants to consider the environment. The office tower will be designed for LEED-Silver Certification. AMAZING VIEWS COMPETITIVE R ATES & INCENTIVES The proximity to the Ottawa River and the downtown core provides not only excellent access to nearby amenities, but they also provide inspiring views from Westboro Connection. With starting rental rates of $22.00 psf (net), operating costs estimated at $15.66 psf (2013), and a tenant improvement allowance of $35.00 psf, Westboro Connection is committed to attracting tenants that enhance the profile of the development and add to Westboro’s vibrant community. 5 LEASING INFORMATION BUILDING STATISTICS SPACE AVAILABLE There are units available ranging from 2,500 to 15,210 square feet. PROPERTY INFORMATION LEASE RATES The rates start at $22.00 psf (net) and includes a tenant improvement allowance of $35.00 psf. OPERATING COSTS Designed for LEED-Silver Certification, Westboro Connection provides a very competitive operating statement at an estimated $15.66 psf, including a property tax component of $7.42 (2013 estimate). SIGNAGE There are potential signage opportunities for tenants on both pylon and building signage. OCCUPANCY Projected occupancy is December 2015. BASE BUILDING CONDITION Completed T-bar ceiling with lighting, fire alarm, fire protection and exit lighting. Perimeter and interior walls and elevator lobby will be taped, sanded and primed. The core washroom and service rooms will be completed and ready for use. Address 319 McRae Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario Site Size 64,532 square feet Office SF 114,517 square feet Available Office SF 15,210 square feet # of Storeys 6 storeys Ceiling Height 12’2” (slab to slab) Zoning GM[1674] General Mixed-Use Zone Elevators Two highspeed elevators (1.78 m/s) Security Secure building and garage with card access readers HVAC 2 central air handling unit systems with par tial redundancy Life Safety Monitored fire alarm and fully sprinklered Retail 38,038 square feet Storage Secure storage room/lockers LEED Minimum Leed Silver Cer tification Parking Ratio 2.25 per 1,000 square feet Floor Plate 20,000 square feet (typical) 6 W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M LOCATION Westboro has become one of Ottawa’s most vibrant neighbourhoods. The proximity to the downtown core combined with its amazing selection of boutique and national retailers and the number of quality restaurants has created an exceptional quality of life for residents, businesses and their employees. Westboro is a vibrant and attractive neighbourhood for employees offering an exceptional quality of life, which begs the question; why live where you want to work when you can work where you want to live? PUBLIC TR ANSPOR ATION ACCESS TO DOWNTOWN Westboro Station is located approximately 200 meters from the site with access to the City’s major transit routes. Tunney’s Station is located nearby and will be a major LRT station expected for completion in 2018. This is an opportunity to attract and retain employees to a higher quality of live/work lifestyle as well as provide clients with excellent access to your organization. Located approximately 5.9km from Parliament Hill, the downtown core is easily accessibly by car, public transportation or bicycle. There are several routes that can be utilized to avoid high traffic times. Working in a vibrant neighbourhood like Westboro, but retaining easy access to all of the downtown amenities provides a productive environment for employees. NEARBY AMENITIES ACCESS TO GATINEAU Whether it is boutique retail shops, quality restaurants, parks or recreational activies, Westboro Connection is located in the heart of Westboro with access to all of its outstanding amenities. These amenities will provide the basis for strong team building and collaboration within your organization, while also improving your ability to retain employees by providing such a high quality work environment. Located steps from the Ottawa river, downtown Gatineau is conveniently accessed by one of four major bridges to Quebec. Westboro Connection is an excellent opportunity for your organization to attract clients and employees through its convenient and central location. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W e s t b o r o Tr a n s i t S t a t i o n Q - We s t Co n d o / Re t a i l D eve l o p m e n t Real Canadian Superstore Gazzelig Restaurant The Savoy Restaurant Juniper Wine Bar 7 . Tr i o R e s t a u r a n t 8. LCBO 9. Fratelli Restaurant 10. Lululemon 1 1 . Tr a i l h e a d 12. Bushtaka B 7 L we ro bo c s t ne n co C n t io M D G I J H E K F WESTBORO DEVELOPMENT Condo development has been the focus along Richmond Road and Wellington Street West, as developers have been capitalizing on the strong demand from residents. There are currently 6 projects in various stages of development, adding 673 units to the market by 2016. 8 W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M REMAINING AVAILABILITY 9 4TH FLOOR (15,210 SQUARE FEET AVAILABLE) 10 W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M SITE PLAN 11 DEVELOPMENT TEAM COLONNADE BRIDGEPORT Colonnade BridgePort is a full service real estate company with more than 5 million square feet of space under management in Ottawa. For more information visit FIERA PROPERTIES Fiera Properties is a Canadian real estate investment management company that provides direct real estate investment opportunities to institutional investors, foundation and endowment clients, and high net worth investors. For more information visit BROCCOLINI CONSTRUCTION Broccolini is a single-source provider of construction, development and real-estate services for the industrial, commercial and industrial markets. For more information visit RODERICK LAHEY ARCHITECTS INC. Roderick Lahey Architects Inc. focuses on urban architecture and design for residential, commercial and institutional developments. For more information visit westboro connection W E S T B O RO CO N N E C T I O N . CO M COLONNADE BRIDGEPORT REALTY INC., BROKER AGE 100 Argyle Avenue, Suite 100 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B6 Phone 613 271 1566 Fax 613 271 1580
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