Computerised Roulette Tips - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Computerised Roulette Tips - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Sacred Heart Church
Mass Schedule
4:00 PM
9:00 AM
Saturdays 3:00 PM
Saturday, 4:00 PM
& Sunday, 9:00 AM
Entrance Chant:
Christ in Me Arise
Mass of Christ the Savior
Presentation &
Preparation of the Gifts:
Prayer of St. Francis
Mass Setting:
Heritage Mass
#’s 62-67
Communion Chant:
Loving & Forgiving
Sending Forth:
Take the Word of God
With You
1115 S. 8th Ave E., PO Box 1478, Newton, IA 50208
Rev. William E. Reynolds — Ext #227
Rectory: 641-792-4625
Deacon Dan Goetz
Facebook Page:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Parish Office: 641-792-2050
FAX: 641-792-8639
Ann Ratliff, Administrative Assistant
Business Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Kathy Hammerly, Stewardship Coordinator,
Ext. #222
McCann Center Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Luke Gregory, Lifelong Faith Formation
Ext # 224
Renny Crawford, K-8 Faith Formation
Coordinator, Ext. #231
Emilee Steinbach, Sr. High Youth Ministry
SHARE Preschool: 641-792-8639
Web Pages:
Prayer to the
Sacred Heart
O Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I give myself to You.
Take all I do,
all my joys,
and all my sorrows.
Take all of me.
I want to be all
and do all things
for love of You.
Help me to do only what
pleases You.
Please make my heart
like Yours.
Mission Statement
We, the members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, as a caring Christian community,
help one another to live, to nurture, and to celebrate God’s gifts.
We encourage others on their faith journeys to join us in giving witness to our Catholic
faith and to grow as disciples.
We celebrate the sacraments and receive the gift of grace to strengthen our faith and to enrich our relationships with Christ and his Church.
We gather together to pray, to worship, to give thanks, to petition, to seek comfort, to share
joys and sorrows, and to experience God’s love, joy, and peace.
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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 30:
 3:00 PM Confessions will be heard
 3:30 PM The Rosary will be prayed in the church
 4:00 PM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Rachel Johns, wife of Don Johns
Sunday, January 31:
 8:30 AM The Rosary will be prayed in the
 9:00 AM Mass will be offered for the members
of the parish.
 10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts will be served in
McCann Center following Mass.
 10:15 AM First Sacraments Family Session will
be held in McCann Center
 10:15 AM Exploring the Catechism will be held
in McCann Center
 2:00—4:00 PM
Knights of Columbus Free
Throw Contest will be held at the Newton
 7:00 PM Sr. High Youth Group Ski Trip to
Seven Oaks Ski Resort in Boone
Monday, February 1:
 No Mass today.
 5:00 PM DKG Teacher’s Organization Meeting
will be held in McCann Center
 6:30 PM Liturgy Commission Meeting will be
held in McCann Center
Tuesday, February 2:
 10:00 AM Grinnell Deanery Meeting will be held
in McCann Center
 5:15 PM Communion Service followed by Adoration will be held in the chapel
 6:15 PM Girl Scout Troop will meet in McCann
Wednesday, February 3:
 6:30 AM Men’s Small Group “Be A Man” will be
held in McCann Center
 11:30 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Marita Duggan, friend of Lee Zmolek
 5:15 PM Parish Meal will be held in McCann
 5:30 PM Community Meal will be held at First
Methodist Church
 6:00 PM Parish Wide Enrichment will be held in
McCann Center
 6:00 PM K-6 Faith Formation will be held in
McCann Center
 6:30 PM Choir Practice will be held in the church
 7:30 PM Jr. High Faith Formation will be held in
McCann Center
January 31, 2016
Thursday, February 4:
 9:00 AM Grief Ministry Meeting will be held in
McCann Center
 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry will be held in
McCann Center
 No Mass today
 5:45 PM Social Action Commission Meeting will
be held in McCann Center
 7:00 PM Ava Marie Book Club will meet in
McCann Center
 7:00 PM RCIA Session will be held in McCann
Friday, February 5:
 9:00 AM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of Dorothy Castonguay, wife of Jerry
 9:30 AM Coffee & Visiting will be held in
McCann Center following Mass
Saturday, February 6:
 3:00 PM Confessions will be heard
 3:30 PM Rosary will be prayed in the church
 4:00 PM Mass will be offered for the repose of
the soul of
 5:00 PM Prayer for Vocations will be held in the
church following Mass.
 7:00 PM Mardi Gras will be held in McCann center
Sunday, February 7:
 8:30 AM Rosary will be prayed in the church
 9:00 AM Mass will be offered for the members
of the parish.
 10:00 AM Prayer for Vocations will be held in
the church following Mass.
 10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts will be served in
McCann Center following Mass.
 10:15 AM Exploring the Catechism will be held
in McCann Center
 1:30 PM Altar Server Training will be held in the
Altar Server Training
There will be an altar server training on
Sunday, February 7th at 1:30 p.m. in the
church. This is for youngsters in the
fourth grade and above, and for adults of
any age. Also, any currently trained servers
who want a refresher course are encouraged to attend.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 3
Welcome Fr. Dennis Martin
Joe & Kay Fisher, Donna
Holland, Joanne Peterson,
LuAnn Lucas, Theresa Clark,
Catherine Zmolek, Lisa Cummins, Doug Price, Dorothy
Green, Bruce Hoffmeier, Carol Price, Francis
O’Roake, Mary Marnell, Ruth Stewart, Sharron
Hawkins, Adam McNeer, Deloris Klemm, Marcella
Karsten, Steve Haunsperger, Jerry Balek, Elaine
Stotts, Frank & Mary Brindza, Judy Lammers,
Bobby Tedrow, Shirley Dont, Lenette Swanson,
Jim Golik, Evelyn Tedrow, Vera Venenga, Pam
Rausch, Barb Poole, Carol Wilson, Dodie Wheeler,
Helen Hughes, Fanny Shores, Mike DePenning,
Richard Varnum, Joyce Sabel, Michelle McGill
(Colfax parishioner), Donna Baker (daughter of
Mary Marnell), Angi Reed (sister of Pam Zaabel),
Chris Schwanabeck (nephew of Joanie Lukavsky),
Mary Roper (daughter of JoAnn Shannon) Doris
Gironseth (sister of Alexzandra Anderson), Shawn
Bollhoefer (son of Mike & Linda Bollhoefer), Jacki
Aikeyns (uncle of Dana Determan), Madelyn Kecki
(great-granddaughter of Bill & Carmen Gill), Brad
Wiese (brother-in-law of Joanie Lukavsky), Robert
Wendell (brother-in-law of Lee Cochran), Mary
Ann Allspach (friend of Janet Cox), Tom Pope
(brother of Ruth O’Brien), Dan Byrd (son of Gene
& Diane Hoffman), Gail Lenhart (sister-in-law of
Charity Noe), Leland L. Cook (father of Virginia
Bennett), Matt Stanley (great-nephew of Donna
Holland), Celia Kennedy (granddaughter of Judy
Manusos), Joe D. McDermott (son of Joe A. &
Barbara McDermott)
Father Reynolds was scheduled to be on vacation this
past week and next week, serving as priest chaplain on
a ship in the Caribbean. With the illness and subsequent
surgery which was required, he had to give-up the previously scheduled vacation. However, a priest had been
scheduled to celebrate the weekend liturgies while Father Reynolds was supposed to be on vacation. He is
Father Dennis Martin, and he is a retired priest of the
Diocese of Davenport. He is here representing Unbound, formerly known as The Catholic Foundation
for Children and Aging. That agency had a representative here several years ago. Please welcome Fr. Dennis
Martin representing Unbound.
This is the time for the annual subscription drive for
the Catholic Messenger, our diocesan paper, published
50 weeks a year. It is a fine paper with an excellent national reputation. Events and people from Sacred Heart
are regularly featured in The Catholic Messenger. This
is the official means of communication for Bishop
Amos to communicate with the people of the Diocese.
Every Catholic household should have some Catholic
literature in it, and I highly recommend the Catholic
Messenger. Subscription information and envelopes are
Fr. Reynolds will slowly return to celebrating daily
Mass, with Mass scheduled on Wednesday and Friday
of this week.
Readings: February 1 through February 7:
2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13
Mk 5:1-20
Presentation of the Lord
Mal 3:1-4
Heb 2:14-18
Lk 2:22-40
2 SM 24:2, 9-17
Mk 6:1-6
1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12
Mk 6:7-13
St. Agatha
Sir 47:2-11
Mk 6:14-29
St. Paul Miki
& Companions
1 Kgs 3:4-13
Mk 6:30-34
Fifth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8
1 Cor 15:1-11
Lk 5:1-11
Page 4
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 6
4:00 PM
Lector: Bill Ehler
Craig Trotter
Hospitality: Steve & Rosie Murphy
Frank & Carolyn Campbell
Extraordinary Ministers:
Cathi Fouts
Kurt Funke
Cindy Humke
Mary Jane Justus
Barbara Majerus
Valerie Steinbach
Charity Noe
Marlis Strike
Mindy Weber
Altar Servers: Reagan Maple
Keith & Sadie Steinbach
Rosary: Barbara Majerus
Sunday, February 7
9:00 AM
Lector: T.J. Ratcliff
JoAnne Price
Hospitality: Ralph & Cindy Buchmeier
Jim & Mary Jane Spencer
Extraordinary Ministers:
Mark Allen
Clarissa Bloom
Claudia Bollhoefer
Margaret Ellis
John Lee
Chad Klein
Bruce & Karen Hoffmeier
Altar Servers: Mason Lee
Mitchell Faidley
Owen Muhs
Children’s Liturgy: Kim Didier
Coffee Host:
Community Meals
The Community Meals are held at
the First United Methodist
Church every Wednesday evening
from 5:30-6:30 PM. The menu
for February 3rd is:
Vegetable Soup, Bread, Crackers, Relish Tray,
Cookies & Beverage
February 3rd meal sponsored by
First United Methodist Church
January 31, 2016
Looking For Help for the Poor Again
Again we are getting ready for or annual Sacred Heart
Mission to El Salvador. This year we are going a couple
of weeks earlier so we are starting our collections now.
Many have already been working to make and to collect
items to give to the Salvadorans but we still need many
more things. In addition to the many prayers and financial support needed here is a list of other items. Thank
you for your faithful support to this effort.
Here is a list of needs:
List of Non-medicine Supplies for El Salvador
Oral Hygiene:
Toothbrushes and tooth
Toiletries: shampoo (no conditioner please),
soap, combs, brushes, etc. (no lotions needed)
Educational supplies: Books in Spanish, paper,
notebooks crayons, folders, rulers, pencils, sharpeners, glue, etc.
Baby bundle supplies:
cloth diapers, diaper pins,
onesies, t-shirts, receiving blankets, wash
cloth/towels, caps, baby outfits, pajamas
Recreational items:
stickers, bubbles, jump ropes, sidewalk
chalk, balloons, Frisbees, soccer items
Suitcases: medium or large size, sturdy
We will be collecting supplies through
February 21st. Our departure date is February 27th.
Baby Bundle Making Time
If anyone would like to help with
the beautiful honor of creating the
baby bundle gifts for the young
mothers of rural El Salvador, please
let me know. I am planning to work on
them again on Saturday morning, Jan 30th starting
around 9 and working till we have put together about 30
or so. Veronica Mangrich 792-0082, just leave me a message if you cannot reach me.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Collection for Sacred Heart Cathedral
Bishop Martin Amos has
2nd Sunday in February as
Cathedral Sunday, an event
recognizing Sacred Heart as
the Mother Church of our
diocese! Dedicated November 14, 1891 this beautiful
church deserves the recognition, support and monetary
benefits to preserve its spiritual and architectural integrity. Please join Bishop Amos and Catholics throughout
the Diocese with your personal support of Cathedral Sunday and help our Mother Church of the Davenport Diocese maintain our spiritual presence in the
Midwest .
Housecleaning Position Available
Sacred Heart is seeking someone for cleaning and light
housekeeping at the rectory every other week. Apply at
the parish office.
Page 5
Catholic Scholarship Program
St. Ambrose University, continuing its mission of
service to the Diocese of Davenport, announces the
Catholic Scholarship Program for the 2016-2017
academic year. This program will continue to award
the Monsignor Menke scholarship, but we are expanding our efforts to include endowed, Catholic
scholarships. Scholarships may be awarded to students who are active members of parishes, who
graduate from a Catholic high school and/or who
intend to be involved in campus ministry during
their time at St. Ambrose. To qualify, Catholic students must be nominated by their pastors, and meet
the admissions and financial aid requirements of St.
Ambrose University. The scholarship can only be
used for undergraduate work. An online scholarship
application is available at
Catholicscholarships. Contact Fr. Reynolds to receive more information. Deadline for receipt of
nominations from pastors is January 31, 2016. Admittance to the university is required for eligibility.
Prospective students may qualify for multiple scholarship opportunities, grants and financial aid. For
more information, call 563-333-6300.
Dueling Pianos of Andy & Mike
Saturday, February 6, 2016
5 – 6 PM
Hors d’oeuvres Hour
6 – 7 PM
Dinner followed by Dessert Auction
7:30 PM
Dueling Pianos of Andy Anderson & Mike Leeds
Tickets go on sale this weekend, January 9th & 10
Tickets $35 each
Proceeds to benefit the VBS and the Youth Group.
Page 6
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Knights of Columbus ..... Why
should you consider joining?
On Ash Wednesday, we will take up the Collection for the
Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter
and training for seminarians in a region that stills struggles
from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care,
catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the collection next week.
First Sacraments Family Session
This Sunday, January 31st
10:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Get to know the other men of the Parish
Make a difference in the community
Support our church
The founding principles of the Knights are
Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism
Help us provide assistance to:
 Parish members
 Pro-life causes
 Special Olympics
 Community
 More!!
Strengthen your faith
We know everyone is busy. Don't feel like you
have to give up something to join the
Knights. We only meet once a month. We
have a meal together and meet for an hour to
see how we can help the church and community. Join us for activities that you are interested in. No pressure to "Do it all". Join us to
meet more members of the church. Join us to
help the community. Join us to help the
church. Join us for yourself.
Have questions? Talk to one of the knights in
the gathering space or feel free to e-mail Cody
Muhs at
K of C Fish Fry
Each Friday of Lent, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a fish fry at the McCann center. Knights interested in working at one or more event are asked to contact Mark Pollastrini: Phone: 641-792-4512 or mail the form below to:
Mark Pollastrini, 710 E 12th St S, Newton, IA 50208.
Fish Fry
Please indicate the shift(s) and date(s) that you will be available by checking the appropriate lines.
Name _________________________________________
___ Thur 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm ___ Fri 8:30 am – 10:30 am
____ February 12
____ February 19 ____ February 26
___ Fri 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
____ March 4
___ Fri 5:30 pm -7:30 pm
____ March 11
____ March 18
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 7
Don't Give Up Chocolate This Lent... Have The Best Lent Ever!
Dear Sacred Heart Sisters and BrothersAsh Wednesday is only days away.
As I am, you might be asking yourself the question,
"What am I going to do for Lent this year?"
A great question and one that no matter how young
or old we are - we all should consider.
Lent is not about giving something up; it's about
transformation. It's about doing something bold.
This Lent you might consider joining me and many
of our fellow parishioners for Best Lent Ever, a free
email program from Dynamic Catholic that is based
on Mathew Kelly's book " Rediscover Jesus"
The book "Rediscover Jesus " is available for free if
you visit
Each day you will get an inspirational email with a
short video featuring Mathew Kelly and a member
of the Dynamic Catholic Team. Throughout Lent,
they will guide you through each of the 40 chapters
in Rediscover Jesus and share simple ways to bring
Jesus into your everyday life.
This is free! All you have to do is sign up at
Do something life changing this Lent. Take a 40 day
spiritual journey to encounter Jesus - and ourselvesin a deeply personal way.
Let's all have the Best Lent Ever!
— Deacon Dan
Did You Know…
The Faith Formation Office has a twitter
page? We do! Go to and search SHFF
Newton and click on our account.
There you will have access to all
that we “tweet” or, post. We tweet
things such as: links to articles in
the Catholic world today, spiritual
quotes, short videos from Catholic
speakers across the country, and
updates as to what is going on at
our parish!
Advertising Space Available
There is advertising space available on the
back of the bulletin. Besides being printed weekly,
the bulletin is also published on our website. We are
currently creating a separate page on the website featuring our advertisers. The small ad cost is $250 per
year and $400 per year for the large ad. This can be
paid monthly, quarterly, or yearly, whichever you
prefer. Payment can also be set up as an automatic
deduction. All we need is the information and any
picture or graphics that you want in the ad and it can
be set up for you. If interested contact Ann in the
parish office, 792-2050 or
Page 8
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 9
Prayer Chain
To have someone added to the Sacred
Heart Prayer Chain, contact Marilyn
Lamb at 275-0020, Mary Pritchard at 792-3518 or
Theresa Stewart by e-mail: stewart4@iowatele If no one can be reached, you may call
Margaret Dimon at 792-9819.
A thought or two on stewardship in the Sunday readings
In today’s
second reading we find one of the most beautiful and familiar passages in the Bible; a recitation of fifteen characteristics of Christian love typically read at
weddings and anniversary celebrations. Of course, this
was not what Saint Paul had in mind when he was chastising the Christian community at Corinth for its lack of
love. He admonished the members of the community to
exercise better stewardship of Christian love. The practice of patience, humility, joy, truth, peace, affirmation,
and hope are ways good stewards put love into action.
Might there be one or two of these attributes we can
work on in order to grow in our love for God and others?
Mass Attendance
Saturday, January 23rd at 4:00 PM
Sunday, January 24th at 9:00 AM
Life After Loss
“Contrary to what a lot of people believe (or hope), comfort doesn’t take the pain away. Comfort slides in beside
the pain, pulling up a chair so that we have something
more than sorrow in our hearts. Comfort gently expands
our spirits so that we can breathe again. Comfort opens
our eyes so that we can see possibility again. And on those
days, whether it is the next day or five years removed, on
that day when grief rears its dark head again, comfort
helps us remember that pain is not all there is”
― Peggy Haymes, Strugglers, Stragglers and Seekers: daily devotions for the rest of us
Knights of Columbus
Free Throw Contest
The Knights will be hosting a free
throw contest at the Newton
YMCA this Sunday, January 31st at
2 pm. Contact Matthew Riney
( for
more information.
On Saturday, Feb 13,2016, The Jasper County Kids
Against Hunger program will again package food to
be sent to feed families in parts of the world where
there is a shortage of food. In the past years the Jasper County KAH has packaged 438,774 meals. The
food was sent to countries such as Nicaragua, Haiti,
Honduras and also here in Iowa.
Our host for the Feb 13, 2016 packaging will be the
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Newton. The address is 1409 S 8th Ave E. Gather a team of 12 people and collect $360 in donations .Then come to
help package the food to feed the hungry people. All
are welcome, such as churches, service clubs, businesses, Scout troops, students and individuals who
are willing to help with the packaging.
Deadline for registering of a team or a single individual who is willing to work with others is Feb 9, 2016
Contact Bill Bennett at to
register or to receive more information about the
Page 10
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
In Thanksgiving
for God’s Blessings,
We return to the Lord:
January 23rd & 24th
Votive Candles
Sunday Coffee
Initial Offering
Catholic Messenger
Thank You
Thank you for your generous donations to the US Disaster
Collection last weekend. $1251.87 was collected to go towards this worthy cause. Thank you.
$ 3,732.00
$ 198.98
$ 1,390.00
$ 272.60
$ 50.65
$ 54.00
$ 437.00
Thanks to Kurt Konek of Konek, PC
for being a bulletin sponsor.
See ad on back of bulletin.
Back to our Roots:
Rediscovering our Faith!
In our sixth Faith Enrichment session for all adults
of the parish on Wednesday, February 3 from 6:00 –
7:00 PM, we will be learning and discussing what a
Catholic moral vision means. The word morality is
often viewed as something negative today. It is associated with “rules” that keep us from having too
much fun. But that’s not the Catholic view of morality. For the Catholic Church, morality is the all
about the quest for happiness. In Catholic teaching,
living a moral life means following the plan of the
God who made us so that we can be fully alive. It
means becoming all that God has created us to be.
How do we talk about morality in a relativistic world that says, “You can have your truth and I can have my
truth. But there is no truth to which we are all accountable”? A Catholic moral vision helps us rise out of this
self-centered worldview and leads us on the true path to human happiness. So, please join us as we learn that
morality is simply following our Maker’s plan for our lives and in doing so, we become authentically whole and
“Love never fails.” Trust the love of God and follow your heart. (1 Corinthians 12:31-13:4-13) If you think God
is calling you, call Fr. Thom Hennen, diocesan vocations director at 563-324-1911, or write: HennenT@
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
have let to record breaking
collections. In
2015 for a second consecutive year, the CRS Rice Bowl collection broke
records in our Diocese. Parishes in the diocese raised a total of $84,353, up from
$64,386 in 2014 and $53,831 in 2013.
At this breakfast we:
 will share a simple rice bowl breakfast and
information on how to make for a successful Rice Bowl campaign and collection.
 will hear from CRS Rice Bowl grant recipients, folks across the Diocese who
have used the 25% that stays here to support hunger programs.
From the Funds collected 75% will go to support the many international development programs that CRS oversees in 100 countries
around the world. 25% stays in the Diocese
to fund hunger fighting projects in communities all across our 22 countries.
We encourage each parish to have either one
person or a two-person team attend the
breakfast. We will provide Fair Trade shirts
to these parish promoters.
In order to help our host parishes and make
sure they have enough food please RSVP as
soon as possible and provide us with T-shirt
Saturday, February 13, 2016
St. Mary Church
9:00—11:00 a.m.
730 Benton Ave. W., Albia
RSVP to Esmeralda Guerrero
January 31, 2016
Page 11
Am I a good Christian?
Can I be a better Christian?
How can I live a better Christian Life?
Many are Seeking these Answers
You will find some here
Join others who are on the same journey
And experience a retreat you will not forget!
All are welcome . . . Limited space so respond
Quickly to this once a year weekend.
Women’s Weekend: February 19-21
Contact: Carrie Seberger, Lay Director
Ph: 641-750-9822
Men’s Weekend: February 26-28
Contact: Marty Stratton, Lay Director
Ph: 641-831-9440
Lodging, Food, Fellowship, Sharing & Life Changing
Page 12
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lotsa Helping Hands
Meals Ministry
Sacred Heart Church is in
need of volunteers to OCCASIONALLY be asked to donate cookies
or bars for social activities at church or to make a
meal for a family in need. We have become partners
with a website that will send a request to your email
when there is a need. If you want to help, all you
need to do is to reply to the email once it is sent
out. If you are unable to help, then you don't need
to do anything for that request. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. To have your name added to the list of people who would be willing to help out by preparing
food, just send your name and email address to
Tina Stammeyer at and a
link will be sent to you to sign up.
Thank you for helping us to meet the needs
of the parish through this volunteer ministry.
January 31, 2016
The Rosary
Parenting Pointers
It's cold outside. Have a memory party inside.
Pull out old photographs and enjoy. Maybe
even organize those loose photos.
Welcome to Our Parish
If you are new to our parish, please fill out the following information and drop it in the collection basket or mail to the parish office.
Name __________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City __________________________________________
State______________________ Zip ________________
Phone ________________________________________
Email ________________________________________
Are You Ill
or Homebound?
Anyone who is ill or homebound
please let me know so I can
schedule a visit. Contact Lori Ward at 7924242.
Missing Any Dishes?
If you have any dishes from funeral
luncheons, other parish activities or
from taking meals to the ill and
homebound they are available to pick up in
the kitchen on the counter by the microwave.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
SHARE Preschool
We are Special! That is the title of our upcoming
week at SHARE. Our instruction will be going in
many different directions this week, which goes to
show how diverse and “special” we can be! Following is a list of planned activities for the week:
meet “K” letter person
participate in “K” activities with sticks and dry
erase board
participate in a “Listening Exercise” and identify sounds
 complete “K” paper
 paint a valentine dot heart
 discuss ground hogs and
ground hog day
 crawl through the ground
hogs tunnel
construct a ground hog popping out of his
decorate a valentine bag
play upstairs with balls in the McCann Center
complete “K” letter person
paint students' feet for a valentine wish
complete “K” is for koala
2016 Calendars
Everyone is welcome to take a 2016 Catholic Liturgical calendar. They are available in
the Gathering Space. Special thanks to our
sponsors for providing them for us:
Clemon-Maki Insurance, Edward Jones, The Floor Store,
and Maxim Advertising.
Domino’s Fundraiser
Domino’s Pizza will donate $1 to our
youth group for each weekly church bulletin they receive with each order. Just give
the bulletin to the driver when he drops
off your pizza.
January 31, 2016
Page 13
Prayer for the Year of
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us
to be merciful
like the heavenly Father,
and have told us that
whoever sees you
sees Him.
Show us your face
and we will be saved.
Your loving gaze freed
Zacchaeus and Matthew
from being enslaved by money;
the adulteress and Magdalene
from seeking happiness only in created things;
made Peter weep after his betrayal,
and assured Paradise to the repentant thief.
Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us,
the words that you spoke to
the Samaritan woman:
“If you knew the gift of God!”
You are the visible face of the invisible Father,
of the God who manifests his power above all
by forgiveness and mercy:
let the Church be your visible face in the world,
its Lord risen and glorified.
You willed that your ministers
would also be clothed in weakness
in order that they may feel compassion
for those in ignorance and error:
let everyone who approaches them
feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God.
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us
with its anointing,
so that the Jubilee of Mercy
may be a year of grace from the Lord,
and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm,
may bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed,
and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this of you, Lord Jesus,
through the intercession
of Mary, Mother of Mercy;
you who live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
Copyright: Pontifical Council for the
Promotion of New Evangelization.
Page 14
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
2016 Lenten Adult Small Groups
By hearing together the readings from the upcoming Sunday liturgy, gaining an appreciation of
their biblical context, and sharing their insights with their brothers and sisters, it is hoped that participants may enter more fully into the Word of God as it read in the Christian community. The
emphasis of this format is not in-depth of scholarly study or (conversely) a “Bible sharing” class,
but rather one that emphasizes growing in familiarity with Sacred Scripture guidance in understanding it in the mind of the Catholic Church, and as an opportunity to gather for Christian fellowship in order to grow in their faith and to share their faith with one another. Participants will
gather weekly for six weeks throughout Lent, beginning Sunday February 14, and ending Sunday
March 20.
Beginning Sunday February 14, 2016
Sunday evening: 7:00 p.m.
There is no preparation necessary prior to meeting each week. It is encouraged to read the
upcoming Mass readings prior to meeting, but not necessary.
Registration is required!
Adult Small Groups: Sunday Scripture Study
Name____________________________________________________ Phone _________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________ State _________ Zip Code _______________
*There is no fee for joining this study!
no later than February 12, 2016
Return registration form
Luke Gregory, Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Call: 641-792-2050 ext. 224 or Email: for more information.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 15
2016 Lenten Adult Small Groups
This Emmaus Journey Bible Study invites readers
to study the seven short sentences uttered by Jesus
as he endured his crucifixion, bringing the real
meaning of Easter alive! Appropriate for individual
and group use, readers will find seven sessions that
explore the Scriptures and allow God's word to
more deeply penetrate their hearts. Developed and
tested in Catholic parishes, these studies will help
people to grow in their walk with Christ. Each Bible study is supplemented with pertinent quotes
from Pope John Paul II, saints, spiritual writers, and
encyclicals and church documents.
Participants will gather weekly for seven weeks
throughout Lent, beginning the week of Ash
Wednesday and ending the week of Holy Week.
Beginning the week of February 7, 2016
Monday evening: 6:30 p.m. (Childcare provided!)
Thursday afternoon: 1:30 p.m.
Friday morning: 9:45 a.m.
Participants are encouraged to read and complete exercises in between sessions.
Registration is required!
Adult Small Groups: The Seven Last Words of Christ
Name____________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Email _______________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________ State _______ Zip Code __________
Please check day:
Monday evening
Thursday afternoon
 Friday morning
_____ I will need a copy from the Church and will pay $10
_____ I will need a copy and I have paid with my Faith Formation family fee!
Return registration form no later than January 29, 2016 to:
Luke Gregory, Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Call: 641-792-2050 ext. 224 or Email: for more information.
Page 16
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Labels for education.
All Saints Catholic School in Davenport appreciates all your efforts in saving the Campbell’s Labels For Education
for their school. We have an updated list
of Campbell’s labels on the bulletin board in McCann center. Did you know that the pen you use to write your grocery list could be on the list of upc’s to save?? How about
the soup you are eating or even the baggie that you may put
left over soup in to freeze!! Even a magazine you are reading!! Campbell’s has expanded its list with more great things
that we may use everyday. Juices, yogurt, cereal, nuts, popcorn, salsa, prego, bread, and of course their soups, broth,
and gravies.
Please continue to save the UPC from your Campbell’s products. Items to save are; Campbell’s Soup at Hand,
Chunky Soups, Select Harvest Soups, Spaghettio’s, V-8
(Regular, Splash, Fusion), Pepperidge Farm
(bread, rolls, croutons, and stuffing) Gold Fish, Prego Spaghetti Sauce, and Swanson Broth. Thanks
Sample UPC Code:
Food Pantry Sunday
Are you ready to fight hunger right
here in our community? The first Sunday of each month has been designated as Food Pantry Sunday. Members of our parish are invited to bring
nonperishable food items or monetary
gifts on the first Sunday of each
month to donate to the food pantry. Place your donations
in the food pantry box in the vestibule of the church.
The Knights of Columbus annual
Cubs trip showcases a battle against the
dreaded Cardinals this year on Wednesday,
June 22. A luxurious motor coach will take
us to Wrigley for an afternoon game and return the same day. We have a limited number of seats available for this family friendly
trip… $50 deposit per seat with your reservation and $50 balance at the end of January
- total of $100 per seat – the game will be a
Contact Marty Stratton at to reserve your seat
for this great game.
This trip does require the ability to
climb steep steps and for people with mobility issues, this might cause some difficulty. The staff at Wrigley always provides
wonderful support for those needing extra
January 31:
February 2:
February 3:
If you are admitted to a hospital
please remember to inform the
parish office so that parish staff
can attempt to visit you. When you are admitted to a hospital please be sure to be identified as a Catholic at the time of
your admission.
February 4:
February 5:
Milan Underberg
Cristal Perez
Jerry Castonguay
Juana McConnell
Hunter Chandler
Ashley Illingworth
Francis Campbell
Daniel Townsend
For Birthdays to be listed in the bulletin, you need to
submit names and dates to Ann.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 17
In The Catholic Messenger the week of January 28:
Catholic Schools Week: coverage from throughout the diocese.
Sisters of St. Francis-Clinton celebrate and reflect on their roots.
SJV-Bettendorf and OLOR-LeClaire cancel Haiti mission trips.
Application, formation process for Deacon Class VIII begins this fall.
Fr. Doyle responds to a question about distractions at Mass.
March for Life marks 43rd anniversary of Roe decision.
Hope inspires Egyptian artist’s effort to seek peace.
Spanish page: Oskaloosa retreat in Feb.; columns on mercy, Unbound.
Opinions: Fr. Rolheiser explores blessings; C. Winter writes on Islam.
Messenger Editorial: get ready to caucus.
Great reading this week in a 14-page special edition!
Test-drive our E-edition for free, Jan. 15-Feb.15! Full-color reproduction of the print edition!
Go to:
Thank you for your support. Please let us know of any stories or suggestions you’d like to share with The Catholic
Start the New Year with WINE!
WINE: Women in the New Evangelization invites women of all ages
to the WINE: Catholic Women's Conference. And the timing couldn't be better: One month after the New Year starts and the Saturday before Lent begins!
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Mary, Mother of the Church
Burnsville, MN
Our theme, Mercy: Encountering Boundless Love, is inspired by Pope Francis' invitation to enter into an extraordinary jubilee, a holy
year of mercy. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. for coffee, shopping, and camaraderie. The day includes three inspiring talks, praise & worship
music, prayer, Confession, Adoration, laughter, lunch, chocolate, prizes, and a special sung version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. All are
welcome to stay for Mass with Bishop Andrew Cozzens at 4 p.m.
Page 18
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
dear Padre
What should spouses do if they
are being abused?
I know Catholics whose spouses cheat and
abuse them. What should they do?
If someone is in an abusive marriage, the
Church would want, tell, and help that person to do whatever is needed to reach safety. The Church doesn’t tolerate
anyone staying in a place where physical or mental abuse
occurs. Separation is often a first and necessary step. However, there is always hope for reconciliation. If a husband is
abusive and his wife leaves, but then he seeks treatment
and changes his ways, the Church would hope that the
marriage could be saved.
The same is true for an adulterous spouse. If he or
she is repentant and takes steps to change and make
amends, the Church hopes for and encourages reconciliation. But if a spouse refuses treatment or continues the affair, the next step would be a civil divorce. Even after a
civil divorce, there can be hope and reconciliation. It is only
after separation and a civil divorce that the annulment
process could begin.
It’s important to remember that when a couple gets
married they marry for better and for worse. This means
there is a call, an expectation, to work things out, to forgive
and to repair hurts, and not
to rush a divorce. But to be
sure, if you are dealing with
addiction, abuse, or infidelity in your relationship, the
Church supports your need
to be secure.
2012 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In
accordance with c.827, permission to publish has been granted by the Most Reverend
Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of St. Louis. All Rights
January 31, 2016
The Library’s Latest
Welcome to Sacred Heart Library’s
column of reviews of current books,
DVDs, and CDs that our available in our
library. Please come and check out these
You Baptize
an Extraterrestrial? is one of
newest items.
don’t laugh at
the title, after all
we try to please
the interests of
all our patrons.
C ons ol ma g na
and Fr. Paul
Mueller, are the scientists at the Vatican
Observatory, the official astronomical research institute of the Catholic Church.
With disarming humor they explore this
and other questions such as, How do we
reconcile the Big Bang with Genesis ? Was
the Star of Bethlehem just a pious religious
story or an actual description of astronomical event? What really happened between
Galileo and the Church and why do we still
discuss it today? This book will make you
laugh, think and reflect more deeply on science, faith and the nature of the universe.
The Library is open after weekend
Masses or Monday, Tuesday, & Friday
mornings. Contact Kay Fisher at 792-2863.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Page 19
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jer 1:4–5, 17–19 / 1 Cor 12:31—13:13 /
Lk 4:21–30
In my work as a pastoral associate, I frequently speak with couples preparing for marriage. They often ask
for suggestions about readings and desire to have something a little unconventional. When I ask what they mean,
they will say something like, “We’ve heard that love reading so many times, and some of the gospel readings we
have heard aren’t what we want to say.” I ask them what they think love is and, after
a pause, they begin to tell me what they believe about love. It usually includes words
like patient, humble, wanting the good of the other. We look at the reading from Corinthians again and they suddenly understand why so many choose it. It is one of the
more beautiful descriptions of love that we have, and the love Paul describes is
grounded in the Lord—God’s love for us and the love we must have for each other.
I think the ending of the passage is of greatest importance to marriage and
the Christian life. Marriage is a process of becoming known. We “put aside childish
things,” like unrealistic notions of romantic love, and work at loving a real person.
Spouses begin their marriage knowing each other only partially but grow in understanding with each passing day. That wisdom leads to unity and transforms the
spouses. This movement mirrors our life with God. We know very little as baptized
infants and children. But as we pray, worship, and serve, we come to know God
more and more until we meet him face to face and our lives are one with his.
Mary Katharine Deeley
2012 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with c.827, permission to publish has been granted by the Most
Reverend Robert J. Hermann, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of St. Louis. All Rights Reserved.
Ministry Schedule
Ministers who have a scheduling conflict for the Ministry Schedule
should contact Terry Townsend at 7923637 or by e-mail at by
the 15th. Lectors with a scheduling conflict should contact Monica Skokan at 641-792-9599 or by e-mail at by the 15th.
Lost and Found
There is a Lost and Found box located
by the west coat racks in the back of
the church. Clothing articles may also
be found on the coat rack in McCann
Center. If your missing any items, you
might want to check it out.
Pray for our Military
Please pray for the safety of these military
personnel who have ties to members of our
Zachary Geringer, Tyler Daly,
Joey Anderson, Sean Healy,
Nicholas J. Huggins,
Caitlin Huggins McCay,
Jordan Koser,
James Hovar, Tim Dodge,
Alexander Podol, Mark Modlin,
Joe Scranton, Scott Anderson,
Philip Mead, Bill Kopsa,
Curtis Worthy, Joshua Oberheu,
Jimmy Bennett, Jake Bennett,
& Jason Lee Bennett
220 1st Ave W., Newton, IA
Dale Maki
Chad E. Klein, O.D.
Kristi K. Rhoads, O.D.
Gary Clemon
Jeff Maki
100 N 4th Ave W
Newton, Iowa 50208
Cooking Shows - Catalog Shows
Fundraisers - Wedding Showers
Daniel Hanisch, O.D.
Thomas Hayden, O.D.
Independent Consultant
Optometry • Contact Lens
Treatment of Eye Diseases & Injury
Susan Metz
111 1st Avenue East
792-7375 or 1-(800) 247-7803
Each office independently
owned & operated
901 1st Ave W.
Newton, IA
Rhonda Bauer, Owner
120 N. 2nd Ave W., Newton, IA
Jo Jenkins, Broker
Barb Barr, Broker Assoc.
404 S. Commerce Dr. Suite 1
Prairie City, IA 50228
515.994.2822 Office
515.994.2841 Fax
Tax Planning and Preparation
Review, Compilation, Preparation,
and Payroll Services
Business Consultation & Estate Planning
The Floor Store
Call Us!
400 1st Ave. West
Attorney Adam D. Otto
General Practice Including
Estate Planning
(641) 792-7000
Mark W. Allen, Financial Advisor
1402 1st Ave E., Newton, IA 50208
Bus. 1-641-792-2525 TF. 888-944-2525 Cell 641-417-8107
Making Sense of Investing
RJ McCarey
(641) 275-9185
Carpet * Vinyl
Ceramic * Wood
Dan & Margaret Ellis
128 N. 2nd Ave E., Newton
Open 7 Days A Week
For Your Convenience
Scot & Francine Farver
Ad Space Available
See Ann
in parish office or
call 641-792-2050
Rob & Laura Satterfield
900 W. 3rd St. S.
Everything in sacred
Books and music
Musical Instruments
and Repair
Sheet Music, Hobbies
West Side of Square
792-3250 or 800-881-2231
To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-3622178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator,
563-349-5002; or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004.