Engineering made by Polysius. Polysius


Engineering made by Polysius. Polysius
Engineering made by Polysius.
Polysius-Report 2000.
April • April • Abril
Juli • July • Julio
Oktober • October • Octubre
Februar • February • Febrero
Mai • May • Mayo
August • August • Agosto
November • November • Noviembre
März • March • Marzo
Juni • June • Junio
September • September • Septiembre
Dezember • December • Diciembre
A company of
Krupp Polysius
Januar • January • Enero
Into a new millennium.
We will accompany you into
the future.
Dear business friends,
Having to write the year 2000 at the top of our letters certainly
takes some getting used to at first, but we are accustomed to
living in a world of rapid changes and will presumably adjust quite
quickly to using this »magic number«, just like we did after every
routine turn of the year in the past. No turn of the year brings an
abrupt shift in the course of the world, but it does give cause to
stop and reflect on the months gone by, and to think about
wishes, ideas and intentions for the future. And it is natural that
the millennium date change prompted a more intensive contemplation of times past and future than is normally the case.
In keeping with this spirit, this Polysius-Report reviews the most
significant events of our past business year and informs you
about numerous interesting orders and plant commissionings.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all our customers very
sincerely for the trust shown in our company in the past. At the
same time, may I assure you that we regard your confidence in
our firm as an obligation for the future.
It is, and will remain our aim to develop and build on existing
business relationships that are based on many years of mutual
trust and respect by providing convincing supplies and services,
while simultaneously winning new business partners by demonstrating our capabilities.
The world in which we meet as supplier and customer has altered
substantially in the last few years and we can be sure that it will
continue to change. However, independently of these market phenomena, the universal desire for quality and reliability will always
be an essential factor in the selection of a plant supplier. Modern
technologies that are tailored to the respective requirements will
continue to be our company’s strength. For this reason, we will
maintain our position as one the leaders in the research and development field. Our R & D work will guarantee the further development of essential plant components and the designing of effective new products, ensuring the ongoing availability of a comprehensive range of top-quality supplies and services.
We very much look forward to implementing the industrial
projects of the new millennium in trusting co-operation with your
Sincerely yours,
3,000 tpd
cement production
line during
final assembly
at Cementos y
Concretos Nacionales in Mexico.
Juergen Bauer
Board Chairman
Krupp Polysius AG
At a glance.
Highlights 1999.
Turkey: Order for a 120 tph cement
grinding plant.
Brazil: 20th order for a SEPOL® highefficiency separator within 6 months.
England: Start of commissioning of a
static primary grate.
France: A roller mill for granulated blast
furnace slag grinding starts production.
Germany: Krupp Polysius Cement Day;
commissioning of a POLAB® AMT laboratory automation system.
Brazil: Start of a cement grinding plant
India: Order for a POLCID® NT process
control system.
Japan: Commissioning of a POLYCOM®
high-pressure grinding roll for coal finish
Germany: Order for a QUADROPOL® roller
mill for raw material grinding; throughput:
130 tph.
Brazil: 1,250 tpd cement production line
starts production; order for 2 cement
grinding plants for throughputs of 95 and
105 tph.
United Arab Emirates: Order for a
POLCID® NT process control system for
controlling 3 cement production lines.
Indonesia: Start of commissioning of a
600 tph raw material roller mill.
Brazil: Handing-over of a 20 tph coal grinding plant.
South Korea: Commissioning of 2 wet
grinding plants for limestone.
Germany: 2 Polysius technology forums;
Order for a kiln-control POLEXPERT® KCE
Turkey: Handing-over of a cement grinding
plant; throughput: 144 tph of trass cement.
England: Handing-over of a 44 tph cement
grinding plant.
Uzbekistan: Order for a 450,000 tpy phosphate ore calcining plant.
Iran: Order for an autogenous mill.
Spain: Order for a POLAB® AMT, 2 POLCID® NTs and 3 POLEXPERT® systems for
mill and kiln system control.
Germany: Order for a POLAB® AMT laboratory automation system and a POLAB®
CNA online analyser.
Uzbekistan: Order for a POLCID® NT
process control system for a calcining
Spain: Order for a kiln line conversion for
raising production capacity from 1,350 to
1,700 tpd.
Poland: Order for a 150 tph cement grinding plant.
USA: Order for a 5,500 tpd kiln line.
Egypt: Follow-up order for a 4,300 tpd
cement production line.
Poland: Kiln line modernisation successfully concluded; production capacity
increased from 1,600 to 2,000 tpd.
Ireland: Start of a cement grinding plant
USA: Commissioning of a POLAB® AMT
laboratory automation system.
Egypt: Handing-over of a 4,300 tpd
cement production line.
Germany: Handing-over of a hot metal
desulphurisation and steel treatment plant.
USA: Polysius Technological Seminar in
Colorado Springs.
Poland: Follow-up order for a kiln line
conversion for raising production capacity
from 1,600 to 2,000 tpd.
Australia: Polysius seminar in Perth.
Malaysia: Start of commissioning of a 950
tph limestone crushing plant and a circular
blending bed with 29,000 t limestonestorage capacity.
Germany: Order for a POLCID® NT process
control system.
Spain: Preheater successfully converted
by integrating the PREPOL®-CC process.
USA: Order for a 5,400 tpd clinker production plant.
Australia: AT processor extracts first oil
from oil shale.
Tanzania: Order for one semiautogenous
and one tube mill for gold ore comminution.
South Korea: Two 25 tph limestone grinding plants (single-chamber wet mills with
hydrocyclones) handed over to customers.
Spain: Order for a turnkey granulated blast
furnace slag grinding plant comprising a
70 tph roller mill, a longitudinal blending
bed for 2 x 9,000 t storage capacity and a
storage silo; Order for modernisation of a
rotary kiln.
Peru: 3 POLYCOM® units handed over.
USA: Order for a 90 tph granulated blast
furnace slag grinding plant.
United Arab Emirates: Handing-over of
a cement production line converted from
2,500 to 3,300 tpd.
Egypt: Handing-over of a 4,300 tpd
cement production line; Production startup
of a 4,300 tpd cement production line.
Germany: Polysius Autumn Seminar.
Ivory Coast: Order for a tube mill.
England: 50 tph granulated blast furnace
slag grinding plant put into production.
Mexico: Start of commissioning of a
cement-grinding roller mill (output: 85 tph
OPC or 80 tph pozzolanic cement).
USA: Production startup of a 2,100 tpd
cement production line.
Turkey: Order for a POLCID® NT process
control system.
Poland: Order for a POLAB® laboratory
automation system.
Orders and plant commissionings –
12 months in the year.
…winter brings the first three.
Brazil: 12 February 1999
1,250 tpd cement production line inaugurated at
Companhia Minas Oeste de Cimento / Lafarge
In Arcos, in the Brazilian state
of Minas Gerais, approx. 230
km south-west of Belo Horizonte city with its 4 million
inhabitants, a new 1,250 tpd
cement clinker production
plant was officially put into
production on 12 February
1999. Krupp Polysius supplied the engineering up to
the clinker conveying equipment, as well as the following
main components for the kiln
line: a DOPOL® ’90 cyclone
preheater, a rotary kiln and
a REPOL®-RS reciprocating
grate cooler equipped with
a roll crusher.
In view of the fact that a substantial recovery is forecast
for the Brazilian market as
from the year 2003, which
will result in an increased
demand for cement, the plant
design allows for upgrading
to a capacity of 2,000 tonnes
per day.
3rd QUADROPOL® order
Rohrbach Zement GmbH & Co.
KG was the third purchaser of
the new but already proven
Krupp Polysius QUADROPOL®
roller mill.
Their unit has a nominal grinding table diameter of 3,200
mm, a roller diameter of 1,600
mm and an installed power of
1,470 kW.
As from April 2000 it will take
over raw meal production for
the rotary kiln, with an output
of 130 tph at a fineness of
18 % R 90 µm. The new raw grinding unit will replace a smaller
roller mill at the Dotternhausen cement plant.
20 SEPOL® separators sold to Votorantim inside 6 months
In the 6 months up to January 1999, the
Votorantim group, the biggest cement
manufacturer in Brazil, awarded the
Polysius member company in São Paulo
orders for the supply and installation of
20 SEPOL® high-efficiency separators.
The separators are for different petroleum coke grinding systems in various
Votorantim cement plants.
Roller mill for granulated blast furnace slag
grinding started up in France:
5,000 cm2/g achieved right from the outset
Damp, abrasive, rich in iron and difficult to grind
– these properties of granulated blast furnace
slags represent a challenge for any grinding
The fact that Krupp Polysius roller mills consistently achieve high finenesses and low energy
consumption. was impressively proven once
again at a new slag grinding plant at Les
Moulins du Littoral in Dunkirk, France. Even
during commissioning, the roller mill with its
drive power of 1,200 kW ground 25.5 tph of
blast furnace slag to a fineness of 5,000 Blaine
from the outset and before any optimisation
measures. The
warranted fineness was 4,500
Blaine. Moreover,
the feed material
moisture content
exceeding 14%
was reduced to
max. 0.3% in the
finished product.
Apart from the
high moisture
level, the iron
content of 3% in
the feed material
places special demands on the
grinding system.
In addition to the iron separators installed in the feed equipment, two magnetic drums
are connected in series in the
external ground material circuit
after the bucket elevator.
With this system, preground
material passes the magnetic
drums four times (recycle ratio
of 4), ensuring highly effective
removal of the iron, the main
cause of wear.
Winter landscape in
the Muensterland.
Turkey: Bastas Baskent Cimento awards
order for cement grinding system
Polysius S.A., the French Subsidiary of Krupp
Polysius A.G., were contracted by Bastas
Baskent Cimento Sanayii ve Ticaret A.S. to
supply a new cement grinding system of
120 tph capacity for its Elmadag plant, close
to Ankara.
The closed-circuit hybrid grinding plant consists of a POLYCOM® high-pressure grinding
roll, a two-compartment separator tube mill
running on sliding shoe bearings and driven
by a 1,800 kW COMBIFLEX® drive unit and
a SEPOL® high-efficiency separator.
The plant design makes possible a future
conversion to combi grinding mode by installing a disagglomerating separator.
…interesting activities in the springtime.
Egypt: The Egyptian Cement Company (ECC) orders its
3rd plant
The ECC again entrusted Polysius S.A. (French Subsidiary of
Krupp Polysius A.G.) with the realisation of a turnkey
cement production line for 4,300 tpd, and thus
confirmed once more its confidence in the
competence of Krupp Polysius.
This was far-sighted decision –
not least because with the
commissioning of the new production line in 2001, there will
no longer be any need for
Egypt to import cement.
The agreed scope of supply
and services is based on the
identical plant configurations
already ordered by ECC from
Polysius S.A. and covers a circular blending bed with a storage capacity of 50,000 tons, a
350 tph raw material ball mill
with a SEPOL® high-efficiency
Uzbekistan: Order for 450,000 tpy
phosphate ore calcining plant
separator, a raw meal blending
silo, a five-stage single-string
DOPOL® ’90 cyclone preheater
with PREPOL®-AS-CC calciner
system, the rotary kiln, a
REPOL®-RS reciprocating grate
cooler, a 50,000 t clinker store
as well as a 220 tph cement
grinding ball mill with SEPOL®
high-efficiency separator. Also
included in the scope of supply
are a cement silo with 16,000 t
storage capacity, cement loading and rotary packing stations
as well as a POLAB® semi-automatic laboratory automation
Cementos Alfa S.A., Spain:
Conversion project raises production
capacity from 1,350 to 1,700 tpd
In May 1999, a customer in Uzbekistan
awarded Krupp Polysius the supply contract
for a calcination plant for 450,000 t of
phosphate ore per year.
The ore is first broken and dried in a
hammer mill with flash dryer and subsequently calcined in the POLCAL® gas
suspension thermal reactor. The calcined
material is cooled in a multi-stage flash
cooler. The hot gas is utilised in compound
operation, making the plant particularly
Commissioning of the new plant is due to
start in the second half of the year 2000.
the second plant
conversion phase at their
Mataporquera factory, aimed at boosting
kiln production capacity from 1,350 to 1,700 tpd,
Cementos Alfa S.A. commissioned Krupp Polysius in June 1999
to increase raw mill throughput from 110 tph to 130 tph by
integrating a new SEPOL® high-efficiency separator and modifying
the preheater. Commissioning is due to start in September
Iran: Autogenous mill ordered for
iron ore comminution
Thanks to the customer‘s positive experience
with an existing iron ore dressing plant, Krupp
Polysius received a follow-up order in May 1999
to supply an AEROFALL mill with a diameter of
9 m and an installed drive power of 3,000 kW.
This unit will dry and grind up to 800 tph of iron
Daffodils – the first
messengers of spring
in Germany.
USA: 5,500 tpd kiln plant
Lehigh Portland Cement
Company, a member of the
Heidelberger Zement Group,
commissioned Polysius to install a 5,500 tpd kiln plant in
Union Bridge in the state of Maryland, approximately 100 km
north of Washington.
The new plant comprises a one-string, five-stage DOPOL® ’90
cyclone preheater with PREPOL®-CC-MSC precalciner system.
The 5.2 m x 70 m rotary kiln will be driven via a self-aligning
drive pinion.
… great activity in summer too.
5,400 tpd clinker production
plant for the USA
19 August 1999: the
first oil flows…
Rich in oil shale… poor in conventional
oil deposits – this situation forced Australian
companies to search for solutions for extracting
oil from oil shale – economically and by environmentally compatible means. The co-operation of many partners
from all over the world made this ultra-modern project a reality at
the Stuart plant, operated by Suncor Energy Management Pty. Ltd.
Krupp Polysius delivered and installed the AT (Alberta-Taciuk) processor, a gigantic
prototype with 8.2 m rated diameter, 62 m length and 2 x 1,250 kW drive power, designed
for an input of 211 tph of oil shale and the production of 4,500 barrels of oil per day. The cold
trials began on 1st June 1999, followed by hot trials and then by oil production on 19 August.
3 POLYCOM® units go into operation in Peru
100 % Petcoke with the
PREPOL®-CC calcining system
Aiming for the exclusive use of petcoke in the
precalciner of their Mataporquera cement plant,
Cementos Alfa S.A. of Spain decided on the
PREPOL®-CC process. Krupp Polysius installed
2 combustion chambers in the preheater. Since
the middle of August 1999 the kiln plant has
been firing 100 % petcoke and producing outstanding operating results.
In September, 3 POLYCOM® high-pressure
grinding rolls, plus disagglomerators and
SEPOL® separators were handed over to Cementos Lima S.A. Their decision to make exclusive use of POLYCOM® high-pressure grinding rolls for raw material and cement clinker
grinding in the Atocongo plant resulted in part
from a desire to install identical and interchangeable modules for energy-efficient grinding, and to reduce the spare parts inventory.
The high availability of the 6
grinding rolls now
installed at the
plant makes this
Holnam Inc., the largest of
the Holderbank Group’s companies, is expanding its
Portland plant in Florence in
the state of Colorado. The new
5,400 tpd production plant for
cement clinker has the following main components: a 450
tph roller mill for grinding raw
material, a five-stage DOPOL®
’90 cyclone preheater with
PREPOL®-MSC calciner system,
and the rotary kiln. For cement
grinding at an output rate of
220 tph a combination system
comprising a POLYCOM® highpressure grinding roll and a
tube mill with STATOPOL®-Cand SEPOL® separators will be
installed. The order also
includes a cement cooler and
a roller mill for grinding 41 tph
of coal.
USA: St. Lawrence Cement
orders large Polysius roller
mill for granulated blast furnace slag grinding
St. Lawrence Cement Inc. commissioned Polysius Atlanta to
install a granulated blast furnace slag grinding system in its
new granulated blast furnace
grinding facility currently under
construction in Camden, N.J.
Once the plant is up and running, it will be producing 90
tph of ground blast furnace
slag, using a Polysius roller mill
with 4,200 kW drive power
and a SEPOL® high-efficiency
separator. The feed material
has max. 15 % moisture
content and max. 2 % iron
Heavy load… one of four roller units
for a QUADROPOL® roller mill on its way
to Arizona Portland Cement Co. in Rillito,
USA. Each unit is 4.30 long, 3.00 m wide
and 4.30 high, and weighs approx. 80 (!)
2nd conversion phase at Fujairah Cement Ind.
successfully concluded; output raised
to 3,300 tpd
In its first stage, the cement production line was
upgraded from 1,600 to 2,500 tpd. The second
conversion stage, taking the plant to an output of
3,300 tpd, was handed over to Fujairah Cement
Ind. in Dibba, United Arab Emirates, in September
1999. The 2nd phase involved: increasing the
raw material throughput from 120 to 220 tph by
installing a tube mill, constructing a 110 tph
cement grinding plant and installing a POLCID®
NT process control system. The alterations to the
kiln plant included: addition of a new DOPOL®
dust collection stage, tertiary air duct and precalciner and conversion of the cooler.
Egypt: Two at the same time – »A brilliant feat«
2nd ECC plant starts clinker production
For the Egyptian Cement Company (ECC) and Krupp Polysius
the 30th September 1999 is a day to remember. It marks the
achievement of completing performance tests for the 4,300
tpd cement production line 1
and starting clinker production
with the 4,300 tpd kiln line 2
on one and the same day.
Milad Bishay, General Project
Manager of ECC, put it like this
in his congratulatory fax to
Krupp Polysius: »I appreciate
and admire the great effort
made to complete the performance tests of kiln line I and
also commence clinker production on kiln line II on the
same day… It is a great event
for Polysius, Orascom (OCI)
and for ECC. In fact this is a
Wet grinding plant for Tanzania
A Tanzanian customer ordered a wet grinding
plant from Krupp Polysius for gold ore
comminution comprising a SAG mill (8 m diameter, 6,200 kW drive power) and a tube mill
(6.1 m diameter, 6,000 kW drive power). Both
units incorporate the innovative and patented
HYFLEX concept, comprising a sliding shoe
bearing arrangement and COMBIFLEX® drive
unit. This order raises the number of Krupp
Polysius mills built according to this principle to
over 130.
Poppies in the
cereal crop.
… autumn’s events.
Poland: Conversion of 2nd kiln line boosts
production from 1,600 to 2,000 tpd
Immediately after Krupp Polysius completed the
successful modernisation of their first kiln line in
July 1999, Cementownia Nowiny S.A., owned by
Dyckerhoff Zement International GmbH, decided
on a conversion of their second kiln line.
In September 1999, Krupp Polysius therefore
received the follow-up order for quick upgrading
of the plant using innovative solutions. The aim
was to incorporate the new equipment with
minimum interruption of production and to raise
the output of the second kiln line from 1,600
to 2,000 tpd. The modernisation work, which
affects the preheater, rotary kiln and cooler,
will be concluded by July 2000.
A two-compartment separator mill will also be
installed as the cement grinding plant. For an
output of 150 tph at 3,000 Blaine this
plant will have a rated specific power
requirement of only 34.5 kWh/t. After
the production startup in early 2001
it will supersede the existing 7 mills.
A short look at technology…
to be continued in the year
8-10 October 1999, USA.
The great success of the previous technical seminars
organised annually by the
Polysius member company in
Atlanta prompted over 80
participants plus accompanying
persons to attend this year’s
event in Colorado Springs.
This seminar brings attendees from the American
cement and minerals
industries together. The
initial joint session consisted of a series of interesting papers. This was
followed by specific
papers and intensive
discussions for each
industry. Naturally, the seminar
was concluded by a lighterhearted programme of events
that reflected the famed
»American Way of Life«.
Polysius factory automation: there are some moments that create
a lasting impression...
The few moments devoted to introducing
POLAB® CNA automation components
at the 1997, 1998 and 1999 Krupp Polysius Cement Day symposiums impressed
the market in a big way. After all, these
system components were not just
marginal modifications of their predecessors, but completely new generations
(in fact, the POLAB® CNA is a totally
new development), that can be linked
up to form a unified factory automation
system with no interface problems.
Just in the year 1999, Krupp Polysius
booked 27 orders for POLAB® analysis
systems and modernisations, as well
as 33 orders for POLCID® process
control systems, modernisations and
extensions. In addition, Polysius commissioned 17 POLAB® and 14 POLCID®
2,100 tpd cement production line for Florida Rock
started production
In December 1999 commissioning commenced at the
2,100 tpd cement production line of Florida Rock
Industries Inc.
The contract award in 1997 was the first in over 10
years for a completely new plant to be built on a green
field site in North America.
Krupp Polysius was commissioned to supply the
following main components: a roller mill for grinding
175 tph of raw material; the kiln line, consisting of a
two-support kiln, 4-stage
DOPOL® ’90 cyclone preheater including PREPOL®-AS
calcining system and reciprocating grate cooler; a POLAB®
CNA online analyser; a POLCID® NT process control system; a 125 tph tube mill for
cement grinding and conveying, storage and flow
regulating systems.
The wonderful
colours of autumn.
Control room with POLCID® NT
at the Florida Rock cement plant.
Turnkey granulated blast furnace slag grinding plant for North Spain
At the end of 1999 S.A. Tudela Veguín decided
to purchase a complete granulated blast furnace
slag grinding plant for their Aboño plant in North
Spain, and commissioned Krupp Polysius to
supply a turnkey system.
The contract signed on 2nd November 1999
includes: x a Polysius longitudinal blending bed
for storage and homogenisation of 2 x 9000 t
of granulated blast furnace slag x a roller mill
including recirculating bucket elevator for producing 70 tph of blast furnace slag meal with
a fineness of 4,500 Blaine x a storage silo
4,400 m3 blast furnace slag meal storage
capacity) – equipped with tanker truck loaders
and x conveying equipment to the individual
plant sections and to the seaport at Gijón.
Krupp Polysius – worldwide.
Krupp Polysius AG
Graf-Galen-Straße 17
59269 Beckum / Deutschland
Tel.: +49 - (0)25 25 - 99-0
Fax: +49 - (0)25 25 - 99-2100
A company of
ThyssenKrupp Engineering
Polysius Ltd.
The Brackens, London Road
Ascot, Berks. SL5 8BE / England
Tel.: +44 - (0)13 44 - 88 41 61
Fax: +44 - (0)13 44 - 88 64 38
Polysius S. A.
770, Avenue Guilibert de la Lauzière
13290 Aix en Provence / France
Tel.: +33 - 4 42 - 16 61 00
Fax: +33 - 4 42 - 16 61 02
Polysius S. A.
Pl. Manuel Gómez Moreno, s/n
Edificio Bronce
28020 Madrid / España
Tel.: +34 - (0)91 - 5 55 80 40
Fax: +34 - (0)91 - 5 55 47 89
Krupp Polysius Corp.
180 Interstate North Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30339-2194/USA
Tel.: +1 - 7 70 - 955 - 36 60
Fax: +1 - 7 70 - 955 - 87 89
Krupp Engineering de México S. A. de C.V.
División Polysius
Sierra Gamón # 120, 7° y 8° Pisos
Lomas de Chapultepec
11000 México, D.F. / México
Tel.: +52 - (0)5 - 2 84 01 00
Fax: +52 - (0)5 - 2 84 02 73
Krupp Projetos e Serviços Técnicos Ltda.
Divisão Krupp Polysius
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima
1572-14° andar
São Paulo / SP / Brasil
Tel.: +55 - (0)11 - 811 45 00
Fax: +55 - (0)11 - 8 67 81 44
Polysius de Argentina S.A.
25 de Mayo 596-Piso 14°
(1002) Buenos Aires / Argentina
Tel.: +54-11-43 11 60 46 / 7
Fax: +54-11-43 11 60 45
Krupp Polysius
a division of Krupp Engineering (Pty) Ltd.
71 Nanyuki Road
Sunninghill 2157
Republic of South Africa
Tel.: +27- (0)11 - 236 - 10 00
Fax: +27- (0)11 - 236 - 11 25
Krupp Engineering Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Division Krupp Polysius
1 Scotts Road # 16 - 06, Shaw Centre
Singapore 228208
Tel.: +65 - 7 35 01 22
Fax: +65 - 7 34 80 07
Krupp Polysius
Division of Krupp Engineering (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
8 Business Park Drive
Notting Hill, Vic. 3168/Australia
Tel.: +61 - (0)3 - 95 58 86 66
Fax: +61 - (0)3 - 95 58 84 88
Final assembly
of the large QUADROPOL®
roller mill at Arizona Portland
Cement Co., USA.