The Phoenix Flyer
The Phoenix Flyer
SAN DIEGO CADET SQUADRON 144 CHARTER # PCR-CA-441 The Phoenix Flyer NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015 SAN DIEGO CADET SQ. 144, CIVIL AIR PATROL, P.O. BOX 600864, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 -0864 SQ144.CAWGCAP.ORG ANOTHER GREAT YEAR! I NS I DE T HIS ISS U E: End of Year Recap 1 Astronomy Night 2-3 Cadet Recognition and Awards 4-5 Miramar Air Show 6-7 Orientation Day 8 Events & Snapshots 9 Wreaths Across America 10-11 Visitor Information & 12-13 Cadet and Senior Staff Listing UPCOMING EVENTS Winter Bivouac 5-7 February 2016 Mtn Palomar Fry Creek Campground 1Lt Laurie Bresnahan Another great year in Civil Air Patrol has come and gone. San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 personnel participated in some outstanding events and activities with enthusiastic participation. We benefited from: Emergency Service Training Bivouac, Palomar Mountain; Orientation Rides all year long at Gillespie Field; Air Show San Diego, Gillespie Field; Miramar Air Show, Marine Corps Air Station; Los Angeles County Air Show, Lancaster, CA; Non-Commissioned Officer School, March Air Reserve Base; California Wing Encampment, Camp San Luis Obispo, CA; Pararescue Orientation Course (PJOC), Phoenix, Arizona; National Emergency Services Academy (NESA), Camp Atterbury, IN; Cadet Officer Basic Course, Dublin, CA; Night Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREx), Salton, CA; Astro Nite Bivouac, Terra Del Sol, CA; Wreaths Across America, Ft. Rosecrans Nat'l Veterans Cemetery; Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Training, Escondido, CA; Chino Air Show, Chino, CA; San Diego Air & Space Museum, San Diego, CA; & the numerous 2015 Aerospace Education guest speakers. We finished up the 2015 year at our Annual Awards Banquet held 15 January 2016. Congratulations to the following recipients: 2015 Cadet Airman of the Year: C/SrA Derek Tingey 2015 Cadet NCO of the Year: C/TSgt Michael Becker 2015 Cadet Officer of the Year: C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico 2015 Cadet of the Year: C/TSgt Russell Woo 2015 Most Improved Cadet of the Year: C/SrA Chad Lawhorn 2015 Enthusiasm Award: C/A1C Jackson McCluskey 2015 Senior Member of the Year: 2Lt Eric Ferdinandwalters 2015 C/2Lt Bobby A Coeur Sports Award: C/TSgt Mark Ferdinandwalters Air Force Association Cadet of the Year: C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico Air Force Sergeants Association Cadet of the Year: C/CMSgt Michael Bresnahan Riverside Air Show 2 April 2016 Save the date! March Air Fest 2016 16-17 April 2016 March Air Field Save the date! Check for future events 1 What an outstanding group of cadets! We look forward to another great year! C/2dLt Haddon William, former Cadet Commander, giving out going speech. November/December 2015 Issue Congratulations to the The Phoenix Flyer C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico, new 2016 Cadet Commander for Squadron 144. San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 ASTRO NIGHT Cadets View the Heavens During the 9th Annual Astro Nite On Saturday, 10 October 2015 ten members and two guests of our squadron drove out to Terra del Sol (TDS) where the San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) dark sky viewing site is located. Weather permitting, this is an annual autumn event to learn about astronomy from the members of this fine organization. TDS is a one hour drive located about five miles SW of the Golden Acorn Casino and one mile from the Mexican border, well away from the city lights where one can still see part of the Milky Way. Cadets Madeleine Angquico, Matthew Angquico, Zachery Fletcher, Brian Vogel, Mark Ferdinandwalters, and Alex Davenport were present plus Senior Members Jennifer Davenport, Eric Ferdinandwalters, Reginald Angquico, and Dennis Ammann. This year we had two guests, Gary Vogel, father of Cadet Vogel and Annette Brown, sister of Dennis Ammann. As soon as we arrived, a safety brief was conducted, CAP tent city was erected, and everyone was invited to SDAA’s annual BBQ dinner. After dinner we visited SDAA’s VP, Mr. Greg Farrell, who told us all about how he built his small observatory. We continued to tour the entire ten acre complex until sunset. About 30 minutes after sunset, our host, amateur astronomer, Jerry Hilburn gave us his wonderful walk across the sky, using his laser pointer to point out the various constellations, center of the Milky Way, and Andromeda Galaxy, the farthest object one can see with the unaided eye at 2.5 million light years away. Armed with red light flashlights, the cadets were given free rein of the facilities, viewing through the various high power telescopes of the club members along the two 60 foot cement slabs. Saturn was the first stop because it would soon be setting with the sun. The SDAA members are more than happy to share their vast knowledge of the universe and telescopes with us. The club opened their Lipp Observatory to all who wanted to see the planets, nebulae, stars, etc. through their giant 22” reflecting telescope. This is the best view of the heavens one can obtain through this giant light bucket at TDS. 2 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 ASTRO NIGHT Since there is no turn-in time (taps), most of the cadets went to sleep about midnight. Cadets Madeleine and Matthew Angquico were the most enthusiastic, laying awake most of the night flat on their backs watching the stars and constellations drift by. At 05:15 hours, I woke up as many CAP members as I could for the grand finale: a thin crescent moon just above the eastern horizon, with Mercury right above, next was Venus, Jupiter, and Mars, all blazing away in a line above us. Each cadet was able to view each planet and the moon through my 10” reflecting telescope. This is a rare sight, especially to see Mercury because it never rises very far above the horizon before the sun’s light erases it. With Neptune and Uranus visible in the early evening, we had the opportunity to view every planet in the solar system this visit with our SDAA friends. As the sun rose above the east, we started to break down CAP tent city, and stow our gear back in the cars. We conducted a FOD walk-down, picking up trash, then emptied the trash cans, and took most of it back with us to show our appreciation to SDAA for allowing us to camp out each year. We then thanked Mr. Jerry Hilburn for his hospitality by opening up his observatory to us, and sharing his knowledge of astronomy. Looking back over the nine trips we’ve made out to SDAA’s dark site, this might have been the best astronomical experience we had, with a clear dark sky, no moon, dry atmosphere, free BBQ, telescopes big and small galore, and an opportunity to get to know each other better while sitting at CAP tent city under the stars. By Maj Dennis Ammann, AE Officer 3 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 CONGRATULATIONS BASIC TRAINING FLIGHT GRADUATES: C/SSgt Jacob A Colton C/SSgt Jacob M Richards C/TSgt Mark A Ferdinandwalters C/TSgt Michael P Becker C/MSgt Matthew Angquico C/2Lt Terence J Belprez CADET John Lindsey C/Amn Andrew Vasbinder CADET Brian Vogel PROMOTIONS: RECOGNITIONS: C/A1C Nicholas Adams C/A1C Bryce B Braxmeyer C/A1C James P Braxmeyer C/A1C Jonathan M Chabot C/A1C Jackson Paul McCluskey C/SrA Bryant Y Chanthirath (not pictured) C/SrA Archer C Lai C/SrA Damon M Schubert C/SrA Derek J Tingey C/SrA Amber R Webb C/SrA Aaron M Williams CADET John Lindsey C/CMSgt Barrett Lo was selected to be our squadron’s Cadet Advisory Council (CAC) representative who will report to the group CAC, C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico. There are also California, Pacific Region, and National representatives. Congratulations all the cadets for these promotions, recognitions, and prestigious positions. WAY TO GO EVERYONE! SO PROUD OF YOU! C/Amn Andrew Vasbinder C/A1C Bryce B Braxmeyer C/A1C James P Braxmeyer 4 C/2Lt Terrence Belprez received his Mitchell Award November/December 2015 Issue CADET Brian Vogel C/A1C Jonathan M Chabot C/A1C Jackson Paul McCluskey The Phoenix Flyer C/A1C Nicholas Adams C/SrA Archer C Lai San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 CONGRATULATIONS SepTember-December Promotions C/SrA Damon M Schubert C/SSgt Jacob A Colton C/MSgt Matthew Angquico C/SrA Derek J Tingey C/SSgt Jacob M Richards C/2Lt Terence J Belprez C/SrA Amber R Webb C/SrA Aaron M Williams C/TSgt Mark A Ferdinandwalters C/TSgt Michael P Becker C/CMSgt Barrett Lo, reC/2Lt Terence J Belprez ceiving green cord to receiving the Mitchell Award. representing our squad1st Lt Reggie Angquico ron for CAC. Administration Officer 5 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 Miramar Air Show, the Ultimate in Aviation Action Miramar Air Show, the Ultimate in Aviation Action By Maj Dennis Ammann, AE Officer This year’s three day Miramar Air Show hosted by Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar was back to its top rated performance, having been cancelled two years ago and almost no USAF presence last year. It was a three ring circus again with civilian aerial acts, military air demonstrations from all branches of the service, and tons of aircraft to view and walk around inside the static display area. Again, Maj Roy Knight, Commander, Fallbrook Senior Squadron 87 arranged for their Cessna C-182 Skylane to be part of the CAP ‘Recruiting Magnet’ for this year’s recruiting booth. This is a real crowd pleaser as this aircraft is one of the few civilian aircraft where people of all ages are allowed to sit inside and learn what it’s like in the pilot’s seat and learn what the various instruments and flight controls do. This also gives our new cadets and potential cadets a hands-on learning laboratory about light aircraft too. Added to the CAP static display area was the squadron’s CAP vehicle, prepositioned by Maj Ross Veta. This was the first year a CAP vehicle was provided next to the CAP aircraft to show the public the complete picture of how a ground search is conducted using both air and ground assets. This was our largest exhibit to date. CAP personnel from all San Diego County squadrons were represented this year. In particular was 2Lt Kenneth Bobby from San Diego Senior Squadron 57 who is an active duty Marine Maintenance Officer with a V-22 Osprey squadron. He gave a few of our cadets an excellent walk-around tour of one of these tilt rotor aircraft and their mission. 6 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 Miramar Air Show, the Ultimate in Aviation Action The two highlights of the air show are: the Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) demonstrating how this tactical force secures an inland enemy target. Pyrotechnics and ear plugs are the order of the day for this demo and near supersonic fly-bys of F/A-18 Hornets. The other aerial presentation was the Navy’s Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron with their close formation flights and low pass fly-overs. Even Robosaurus returned after a long absence from Miramar, destroying cars by blowing flames on them and cutting them in half with his claws. CAP receives three benefits from this annual air show here in San Diego: (1) Positive public relations where the public can see and sit inside a CAP aircraft or vehicle and learn about our three missions. (2) Show the public how well their taxes are spent and how we search for missing aircraft/personnel. (3) How this air show provides an aerospace education show case for both cadets and senior members with so much aviation history, aircraft, and aviators to learn from. Here at Squadron 144, we are so fortunate to be located next to such a great American military asset and attend the Miramar Air Show each year. 7 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 C/Amn Andrew Vasbinder and Pilot David Jardine Pilot David Wallace and C/A1C James Braxmeyer Pilot Virgil L Hathaway and C/A1C Chabot C/Amn Noah Turner and Pilot Virgil L Hathaway Orientation Rides otherwise known as “O” Rides were offered on 24 October 2015 at Gillespie Field to cadets in order to expose them to a small single engine aircraft. Cadets are offered 5 free “O” Rides before the age of 18 in hopes to instill a love to fly. Each “O” Ride is tailored to educate the cadet on specific flight training objectives. This is where the love of flying really begins. To learn more, read CAPP 52-7 Flight Syllabus on e-services. Thank you volunteer CAP Pilots for your time and expertise! We appreciate you! 2dLt Eric Ferdinandwalters, Super Star “O” Ride Coordinator 8 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 SOCIAL FUN AND SNAPSHOTS SOCIAL TIME: Non-CAP EVENT AT KROC CENTER: ICE SKATING ON 19 DECEMBER 2015. Super great fun! Join us next time! Great time with all the following families: Fletcher, Lawhorn, Davenport, Angquico, Adams, Chabot , Williams, Colton, Woo , and Zeigler. Snapshots from the Annual Awards Banquet 15 January 2016 9 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 Three CAP Squadrons Lay Wreaths at Fort Rosecrans with Wreath Across America By Dennis Ammann, Maj, CAP On Saturday, 12 December 2015, three CAP squadrons were represented at Fort Rosecrans to assist with laying wreaths upon the graves of Veterans who have passed on. Members of San Diego Cadet Sq. 144, South San Diego Cadet Sq. 201, and San Diego Senior Sq. 57 were represented among the other organizations who were present. A total of 16 cadets and 8 senior members were present. The organization titled, ‘Wreaths Across America’ (WAA) provides the wreaths for hundreds of volunteers across America to conduct ceremonies and lay them on the graves of our dearly departed Veterans who either died in combat or of natural causes on this day across the nation. Maj Dennis Ammann filled in as CAP Project Officer coordinating this event with the WAA director so that the Civil Air Patrol would be there helping behind the lines. Lt Dina Swift represented South San Diego Cadet Sq. 201, and Maj David Wallace represented San Diego Senior Sq. 57. Each year, CAP is called upon to arrive two hours early in order to wipe down the chairs so that they will be clean and dry for the general public. Cadets also hand out programs at the entrance to the ceremonial area. Just before the ceremonial programs starts, CAP personnel formed ranks next to the Navy contingent to listen to the dignitaries speak at 09:00 hours. The ceremony started with the presentation of the colors by the USMC Color Guard, followed by a Revolutionary War Color Guard, complete with muskets. The colors were posted and the National Anthem was played by the Navy Band. A dignitary spoke about our veterans who served our country so valiantly in the defense throughout the years. Then two representatives, one officer and one enlisted from each branch of the service present a ceremonial wreath and place it in front of the podium. Also included each year is the Merchant Marine and a representative for the POW/MIA veterans. A three-volley rifle volley was fired by the Marine Honor Guard, saluting the departed Veterans there. After the benediction, the cadets broke ranks and proceeded to their next task, laying of the wreaths. Each year we are given nine special gravesites to attend to. Five Veterans were Killed in Action (KIA) during combat actions in Iraq as follows: Sgt Alejandro Dominguez, U.S. Army; Capt Brian Freeman, U.S. Army; Pv2 Devon Jones, U.S. Army; Cpl Jorge Gonzalez, USMC; and Sgt Cody Legg, U.S. Army. We also laid wreaths on four Medal of Honor recipients’ gravesites: Lt(jg) Albert David, USN; Cpl James Day, USMC; Capt Jesse Dyer, USMC; and VAdm Middleton Elliott, USN. Each cadet was given a wreath and instructions how to lay the wreath at a 45 degree angle next to the white headstone and salute the departed veteran. It’s always a very touching evolution to go through, to show our gratitude and respect for them, and in some cases, a written placard was placed next to their tombstone informing all just what they did. After we were finished laying the wreaths, we gathered next to Master-at-Arms Petty Officer Second Class Michael Monsoor, USN gravesite to reflect about what our Veterans have sacrificed throughout America’s history. MA2 Monsoor was a Navy SEAL who received the Medal of Honor in Iraq by shielding his shipmates from an exploding hand grenade by laying on top of it, receiving mortal wounds while in combat in Iraq. Maj Ammann explained why there were pebbles placed on top of his tombstone and the various items his shipmates would leave behind on top of the grave. This concluded our annual support of WAA and our traditional visit to MA2 Michael Monsoor’s gravesite. A very worthwhile event each year to take some time off and reflect who these people were and why we have the freedoms now and should never take them for granted. 10 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 11 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 SAN DIEGO CADET SQUADRON 144 COLOR GUARD The San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 Color Guard were invited to the 147th Combat Communication Squadron retirement party for Major Morabe on Saturday, 9 January 2016 at the VFW in Kearny Mesa. They asked them to post the colors, fold the flag, read the folding of the flag ceremony and present the flag to Major Michael Morabe. It was beautiful and very moving. The cadets were outstanding! Major Morabe was very grateful. He presented each cadet with a Challenge Coin to show his appreciation for their dedication to Civil Air Patrol and honoring him with posting the colors and folding the flag. Thank you C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico, C/CMSgt Barrett Lo, C/MSgt Matthew Angquico, C/TSgt Alexander Davenport, and C/TSgt Mark Ferdinandwalters for volunteering your time for this event. And thank you Maj Dennis Ammann, Capt Reggie Angquico and 1Lt Jennifer Davenport for coordinating and supporting the cadets. 12 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 BRING A VISITOR Visitors must notify Maj Dennis Ammann NO LATER THAN Monday before 12:00 PM to be placed on the security gate roster for entrance into the military base. Drivers must be preapproved to be allowed on base and must show their Driver’s License or CAP ID to the Gate Guard. General Contact: Maj Dennis Cell: (619) 247-2457 Ammann, Security Officer, Email Address: Meeting Location: 147TH Combat Communications Squadron, CA Air National Guard Base, 7288 Convoy Terrace, San Diego, CA 92111-7901. Map Note: Please check the squadron calendar for the most current information about the meeting location, Mailing Address: San Diego Cadet Sq. 144, Civil Air Patrol, P.O. Box 600864, San Diego, CA 92160-0864 NEW CADET STAFF FOR 2016 SENIOR MEMBER STAFF CADET EXECUTIVE STAFF: Maj Ross Veta, Commander & Emergency Services Officer Cadet Commander: C/2dLt Madeleine Angquico 1st Lt Jennifer Davenport, Deputy Commander & Public Affairs Cadet Deputy Commander: C/SMSgt Ryan Ziegler Capt Reginald Angquico, Admin/Personnel Officer Cadet Executive Officer: C/CMSgt Barrett Lo CADET LINE STAFF: First Sergeant: C/MSgt Michael Bresnahan Maj Dennis Ammann, Aerospace Education & Security Officer 1st Lt Laurie Bresnahan, Leadership Officer 2d Lt James Bankston, Character Development Officer 2d Lt Eric Ferdinandwalters, Communications Officer Alpha Flight Commander: C/TSgt Marco Jewell 2d Lt Edward Lai, Testing & Leadership Officer Alpha Flight Sergeant: C/SSgt Michael Becker Senior Member Octavius Blackwood, Safety Officer Bravo Flight Commander: C/TSgt Russell Woo Bravo Flight Sergeant: C/SSgt Jacob Colton AEM Philip Blanco, Aerospace Education Training Support Cadet Sponsor Member Scott Becker, Support Staff Cadet Sponsor Member Mattawan Lai, Support Staff NCO Flight Instructor/Commandant: C/1st Lt Everett Costello Cadet Sponsor Member Marty Richards, Support Staff Cadet Sponsor Member Ralph Zeigler, III, Support Staff Thank you to all who submit photos for the newsletter! 13 November/December 2015 Issue The Phoenix Flyer San Diego Cadet Squadron 144