Custom-Designed Wastewater Treatment Plants
Custom-Designed Wastewater Treatment Plants
DESIGN AND BUILD CUSTOM WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS (EXTENDED AERATION) Step 1: Design the WWTP and coordinate with other professionals and contractors Step 2: Fabricate the precast concrete tanks and components Dutchland, Inc. has over 25 years of experience designing, manufacturing, and constructing wastewater treatment plants. During this time, Dutchland, Inc. has manufactured and constructed hundreds of wastewater treatment plants in a number of states. Typical services include: • Design the structures, equipment, instrumentation, and controls. • Produce plans, process design report, and submittals. • Manufacture precast concrete structures and other related components. • Pre-assemble equipment. • Assemble the precast concrete structures and plant mechanics. • Complete start-up / equipment operation verification. • Provide the plant start-up session, operator training, and option for contract operations. Plants are designed to meet various limits, including: • Pretreatment for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) • Secondary (20 mg/l BOD, 20 mg/l TSS) • Tertiary (< 20 mg/l BOD, 20 mg/l TSS) • Biological nutrient removal (Total Nitrogen 8 mg/l and phosphorus 0.5 mg/l). Step 3: Install the precast concrete structures Dutchland, Inc. has extensive experience with designing, manufacturing, and constructing Wastewater Treatment Plants INTERFACING WITH OTHER PROFESSIONALS AND CONTRACTORS The Project Engineer provides influent and effluent limits to Dutchland, Inc. For private projects, Dutchland, Inc. provides a proposal to design, manufacture, and construct the plant. Ultimately Dutchland, Inc. provides design information required to approve the WWTP (plans, process design report, submittals and specifications). The Project Engineer submits the information provided by Dutchland, Inc. to the necessary approval agencies. The Project Engineer provides the other parts of the facility design, including E&S / site, building, and electrical. Step 4: Install the mechanical, plumbing, instrumentation, and controls Dutchland, Inc. provides the process design information to the Project Engineer to expedite the approval process OPERATIONS AND SERVICE When the construction phase of the project is complete, Dutchland, Inc. provides a start-up / training session for the owner and operators of the facility. Step 5: Completion of the Construction phase Dutchland, Inc. provides the owner’s of local facilities the option for contract operations (approximately 100 mile radius from Lancaster County, PA). Operations by Dutchland, Inc. insures the highest level of complete turn-key service by Dutchland, Inc. Service personnel are on call 24 hours a day and are equipped to be able to handle small and largejobsquicklyandefficiently. Dutchland, Inc. provides contract operations and service Step 6: Provide start-up services and operator training BNR AND THE BIO-D™ EXTENDED AERATION PROCESS Effluent requirements from wastewater treatment plants continue to become more stringent. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR), i.e. total nitrogen and phosphorus is a concern in many states by Environmental Activists, Engineers, State Regulatory Agencies and the EPA. Dutchland, Inc. is prepared to address BNR requirements by utilizing the BIO-D™ Extended Aeration process. The Bio-D™ Process can easily be designed for new and existing facilities. Retrofitting an existing facility for BNR requirements can be done with little modification to the existing facility. New Anoxic Tanks are installed in the area of the existing facility. With minor plumbing revisions and the addition of a recycle system, the retrofit can be done quickly and cost-effectively. The BIO-D™ Extended Aeration Process has many benefits, including: 1. The technology is easy to understand, making the plant operation simple and consistent. 2. The raw wastewater provides the natural energy (carbon) source required for denitrification. Chemicals such as methanol are not required. 3. The BIO-D™ process is a cost-effective way to meet BNR requirements, typically costing less than competing technologies. Replacement parts for items such as diffusers, pumps, mixers, etc. are readily available and are non-propriotary. 3. The BIO-D™ process can be easily implemented into existing facilities. 5. Incorporating the BIO-D™ process provides biological benefits, including the reclaimation of alkalinity, BOD consumption as an energy source for denitrification, biological reduction of phosphorus, and more. HOW DOES THE BIO-D™ EXTENDED AERATION PROCESS WORK? The BIO-D™ Process is a version of Extended Aeration utilizingModifiedLudzackEttinger(MLE)principals,within tolerances, guidelines, and standards established by Dutchland, Inc. The MLE process is a proven technology that has been in existence since the early 1970’s. The process incorporates dual environments of both oxic (aerated) and anoxic (nonaerated, mixed) conditions in separate areas of the plant to firstaccomplishnitrificationthendenitrification.Nitrification occurs in the aeration tanks of the extended aeration process. A recirculation system is implemented to pump the nitraterich contents in aeration to the anoxic zone at the head of the plant, directly downstream of equalization. At this strategic location, the anoxic tanks receive all of the energy rich BOD oftheinfluentwastewateraswellastherecyclednitraterich contents of the aeration process. The biological culture within the anoxic zone utilizes a portion of the BOD as a carbon food source, and utilizes the nitrates as a source of oxygen, as no oxygen is added in the anoxic zones. The nitrates are converted to a harmless nitrogen gas in the process. Mixers in the anoxic tanks provide the necessary suspension and mixing of the wastewater, and facilitate the release of the nitrate gas bound within the wastewater to the atmosphere. The recycle rate of aeration to the anoxic zone is designed forapproximately400%oftheaveragedailyflow.Dissolved oxygen levels of 1.0 to 2.5 need to be maintained within the aerationtanksfornitrification.Theanoxictankdissolved oxygenlevelsneedtobelessthan0.5fordenitrification,with the preferable range being 0.15 to 0.3. The BIO-D™ process is generally capable of reducing the total nitrogen level (NO2 + NO3-N + TKN) to average monthly rangesof6.0mg/lto8.0mg/l,dependingontheinfluentconcentration of ammonia nitrogen, temperature, and other factors. In addition, by utilizing a phosphorus precipitation chemical such as alum, phosphorus can generally be reduced to 0.5 or less. The BIO-D™ technology facilitates biological phosphorus reduction, therefore less chemical, such as alum is required, while providing a greater level of phosphorus reduction. SOUTH WOODBURY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NEW ENTERPRISE, PA 0.25 MGD Designed, Manufactured, and Constructed by Dutchland, Inc. Dutchland, Inc. provides in-house design work for Extended Aeration wastewater treatment plants, as well as manufacturing and construction. Extended Aeration plants can meet most of the effluent limits established today, including tertiary treatment and BNR treatment. For wastewater treatment plants other than Extended Aeration, Dutchland, Inc. provides the structural design and tankage, with an option to install the equipment, instrumentation, and controls. Additional Information is available for Rectangular PostTensioned Structures, Circular Post-Tensioned Structures , and Operation / Service Contracts. DUTCHLAND, INC. FACILITY ABOUT DUTCHLAND, INC. •Dutchland,Inc.isaNPCAcertifiedprecastconcretemanufacturingfacility withACIcertifiedQualityControlpersonnelandPTIcertifiedinstallation personnel. •Dutchland,Inc.isrecognizedbytheNPCAasoperatingoneofthehighest quality precast concrete manufacturing Facilities in the United States. •AllprecastconcreteismanufacturedinLancasterCountyPennsylvaniaand delivered to the job site. •Dutchland,Inc.specializesinmanytypesofprecastpost-tensionedconcrete structures, including circular, rectangular, and elliptical structures. •Precastpost-tensionedconcretestructuresareusedforwaterstorage, wastewatertreatment,effluentstorage,andmanyotherpurposes. 160 Rt. 41 • PO Box 549 • Gap, PA 17527 • Phone 717.442.8282 • Fax 717.442.9330 •