PDF Physician Directory
PDF Physician Directory
PHYSICIAN DIRECTORY 2015–2016 Boulder County Medical Society bcms.net The besT place To go when you need ouTsTanding healTh care. L U H Silver Beacon Award for Excellence Intensive Care Unit American Association of Critical-Care Nurses CareChex Medical Excellence Awards Gallbladder Removal*, Hip Fracture Repair*, Joint Replacement*, Top 10% in the Nation* Healthgrades Awards & Recognitions General Surgery Excellence AwardTM, Gastrointestinal 2015 Five-Star Rated for Gallbladder Removal Surgery 2015 Five-Star Rated for Hip Fracture Treatment 2015 Five-Star Rated for Treatment of Pneumonia2008-2013, 2015 Outstanding Patient Experience AwardTM 2010-2011, 2013 Top 10% in the Nation for Patient Experience Five-Star Rated for Treatment of Bowel Obstruction 2011-2013 Best in Region** for Overall Cardiac Services2013 Changing The Caring Experience... ** Region is Boulder, CO as defined by the federal government’s Office of Management and Budget. find a physician 303.485.3553 luhcares.org 2 TA B L E O F Boulder County Medical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Officers of the Medical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hospital and Emergency Phone Numbers . . . . . 7 Help Lines - Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Community Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Community Health Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Physician Directory Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 List of Advertisers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Map of Boulder County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Alphabetical Membership Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Patient Rights and Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Physician’s Pictorial Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Medical Specialties of Member Physicians . . 67 CONTENTS ©2015 Boulder County Medical Society Every effort has been made to obtain and print the correct information in this directory. The Boulder County Medical Society will bear no responsibility for inadvertent errors or classifications. Acceptance of advertising in this directory in no way constitutes professional approval or endorsements of products or services advertised. Cover: Photograph of the Flatirons viewed from Chautauqua Park Photograph taken by Charlie Fellenbaum, Page One Photography Additional copies of this directory are available for $10.00 per copy through the Boulder County Medical Society. Please send payment with mailing information to: 6676 Gunpark Dr. #B Boulder, CO 80301 • 303-527-3215 www.bcms.net 3 Boulder County Medical Society Established 1902 The purpose of this Society is to bring into one organization the reputable and legally qualified doctors of medicine of Boulder County, to promote the science and art of medicine, the betterment of public health, and the unity, harmony, and welfare of the medical profession. (From the BCMS Constitution) Community Services Available through the Medical Society SPEAKER’S BUREAU Served by physicians interested in educational programs for service clubs, civic organizations, church clubs or groups, schools, health care facilities and support groups. (Advance notice of meetings is needed.) PHYSICIAN REFERRAL SERVICE The BCMS Office at (303) 527-3215 offers a free referral service to residents of Boulder County wishing specific services from BCMS member physicians. We can give additional assistance if your questions are not answered in the physicians’ listings enclosed. Boulder County Medical Society Laird Cagan, M.D. President 2014-2015 Cliff A. Gronseth, M.D. Past President 2013-2014 Judy Ladd, Executive Director Anita Albrecht, Executive Assistant Phone: 303-527-3215 Fax: 303-527-3216 6676 Gunpark Dr. #B Boulder, CO 80301 BCMedSoc@aol.com www.bcms.net For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website at www.bcms.net. 4 Officers of the Boulder County Medical Society PRESIDENT 2014-2015 LAIRD CAGAN, M.D. Dr Cagan is board certified in internal medicine. He graduated from New York University School of Medicine and completed his residency at Metropolitan Hospital Center in New York City. He practiced internal medicine for 12 years in Los Angeles before relocating to Longmont in 1992. Dr. Cagan’s primary clinical interest is the prevention of heart disease and stroke by treating risk factors that contribute to these diseases, treating early and actively. Throughout the 2000’s Dr Cagan has been interested in improving the quality of patient care while reducing costs. Since 1999 he has served as medical director of the Boulder Valley Individual Practice Association (BVIPA), an organization dedicated to assisting medical practices with delivering high quality affordable health care. He serves as a medical director for the Boulder Valley Care Network (BVCN), a local network of hospitals, clinics, and physicians who are working together to achieve more efficient health care. He is president of the Boulder County Medical Society (BCMS) and serves on the board of BCMS. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT 2013-2014 CLIFF A. GRONSETH, M.D. Dr. Gronseth attended Dartmouth College for his undergraduate studies, majoring in Earth Science. He attended the University of California: San Francisco Medical School, completing his residency training at the University of Michigan. He is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Electrodiagnostics, and Pain Medicine. Dr. Gronseth worked at the Univ. of Colorado developing the University Spine Center and developing rehabilitation clinics in Denver and outlying communities including Boulder, Aurora, and Steamboat Springs. He was Director of the University Spine Center and Medical Director of the Department of Rehabilitation’s Outpatient Services. Dr. Gronseth started Spine West in Boulder in 2002. His clinical practice consists mostly of outpatient musculoskeletal medicine, specializing in non-surgical spine care. He is Immediate Past President 2012-2013 and continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the Boulder County Medical Society. TREASURER JENNIFER CHRISTENSEN, M.D. Jennifer is a board certified internist at the Boulder Medical Center. Her primary interests include preventive medicine, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and women’s health care. She graduated from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and completed her residency at The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. After residency, she worked in a private practice affiliated with Rose Medical Center and served as a clinical educator for the University of Colorado for five years before moving to Boulder, CO. She is a past recipient of the runner up award for the Colorado Daily’s CU and Boulder’s best physician. Recently, her practice has been selected as one of 500 in the nation to participate in the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative to develop quality, cost effective medical care strategies. She is past president of the Boulder County Medical Society and serves on the Council of Legislation. She and her husband David Giarracco have three children, Ava, Emma and Alexander. They are actively involved with their children’s many activities. She is a past President of the Boulder County Medical Society and currently serves as their Treasurer. 5 Our Stroke Team brings together a broad range of expertise including, from left, emergency medicine specialist Jason Rozeski, MD, neurosurgeon Lee Nelson, MD, neurologist Alan Zacharias, MD, interventional radiologist Jie Mao, MD and physiatrist Jaclyn Arends, MD. BOULDER’S STROKE CARE EXPERTS Comprehensive Care At Nationally Certified Center Every second is vital when diagnosing and treating a stroke. That’s why having nearby access to thorough treatment is so important. We’re proud that Foothills Hospital has been certified as a Primary Stroke Center by the Joint Commission, the nation’s largest accrediting body in health care. The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval means we have met exacting national standards for our full range of stroke care, from diagnosis through rehabilitation. TI M E M AT T E R S ! Learn the signs of a stroke at bch.org/stroke 6 Emergency and Hospital Phone Numbers All of Boulder County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911 Police - Non-Emergency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-4444 and 303-651-8555 Avista Adventist Hospital Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1000 24-Hour Emergency Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1111 Admitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1190 Ask A NURSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-777-6877 Home Care Hospice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-561-5000 Obstetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1100 Medical Surgical Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1200 Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1210 Radiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1130 Rehabilitation Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-673-1240 Boulder Community Health Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-2273 Emergency Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-2037 Home Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-0444 Mapleton Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-2273 Rehabilitation Physician, Dr. Cambe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-0506 Boulder Community Health - Foothills Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7000 Emergency Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7600 Mammography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7517 Maternity & Obstetrics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7100 Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7820 Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center Main switchboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-689-4000 Emergency Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-689-4444 Labor & Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-689-4730 Medical Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-689-4130 Outpatient Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-689-6110 Longmont United Hospital Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-5111 Emergency Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-5000 Birthplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-485-4224 Health Center of Integrated Therapies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-5188 PrestigePLUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-5080 Health Ambitions Gym. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-485-4161 Summertree Cares (Home Care) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-5224 7 Help Lines and Medical Assistance Colorado Board of Medical Examiners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-894-7690 Department of Social Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1240 Emergency Family Assistance Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-442-3042 Emergency Psychiatric/Crisis Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-447-1665 Grillo Health Care Info. Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720-854-7293 Narcotics Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-832-DRUG (303-832-3784) Our Center (Longmont) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-772-5529 Rocky Mountain Poison Control Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-332-3073 Safehouse for Women-Crisis Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-444-2424 Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley-Crisis Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-772-4422 Sexual Abuse Team (Department of Social Services) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1240 Suicide Prevention: Boulder (24 hr). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-447-1665 Community Services AIDS Testing & Counseling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-413-7500 Addiction Recovery Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1275 Detox Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1281 American Cancer Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-758-2030 American Lung Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-388-4327 American Red Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-442-0577 Arthritis Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-756-8622 Boulder County Dental Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-499-7010 Boulder County Health Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1100 Boulder County Medical Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-527-3215 Boulder County Mental Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-443-8500 Boulder County Safehouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-449-8623 Boulder County Shelter for the Homeless. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-442-4646 Boulder Medical Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-3000 Boulder Medical Center Patient Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-3015 Boulder Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-3148 Boulder Valley IPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-530-3405 Caring Pregnancy Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-494-3262 Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR Associates) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-442-7367 Child & Family Advocacy Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-652-0744 Child Care Referral Boulder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-3544 Colorado Medical Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-654-5653 Community Food Share. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-652-3663 Counseling Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-449-7898 Crimestoppers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-440-7867 Health Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-1100 Lafayette Senior Citizens Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-665-9052 Life Choices Pregnancy Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-2050 Longmont Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-776-1234 Longmont Medical Research Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-776-8718 Mental Health Center Boulder County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-443-8500 Mental Health Center Longmont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-684-0555 Mental Health Center Lafayette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-665-2670 Meals on Wheels Boulder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-3908 Longmont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-772-0540 8 Community Services (Cont.) Narcotics Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-832-3784 Parenting Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-449-0177 Planned Parenthood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-447-1040 Rapid Transit Department (RTD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-299-6000 Red Cross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-442-0577 Senior Citizens Center East. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-4150 Senior Citizens Center West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-441-3148 United Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-444-4013 Volunteer Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-444-4904 Youth Center - Children and Youth Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303-651-8580 Boulder County Clinics Providing health services to low income, uninsured and minority patients. Fees are based on ability to pay. The Boulder County Medical Society extends our thanks to these clinics for their ongoing service to our community. 2855 Valmont Rd., Boulder, CO 80301 www.bvwhc.org 303-442-5160 (clinic) Clinica Family Health 2000 W. South Boulder Rd., Lafayette, CO 80026 Services - Lafayette 303-650-4460 Mountain Family Longmont Salud Family Health Center Clinica Family Health Services People’s Clinic 320 Beard Creek Road, Edwards 81632 303-582-5276 220 E. Rogers Road, Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-3250 2525 13th Street, Boulder, CO 80304 303-650-4460 9 ADDITIONAL BCMS PHYSICIAN’S DIRECTORIES We hope you find this Physician’s Directory very helpful. It is our privilege to make these copies available at no charge to anyone. Thank you for the generous support of our individual physicians listed in the pictorial section and other advertisers. It is through their patronage that these copies are available at no cost to you. Mailed copies will be sent to you, upon receipt of your check for $10 per copy. If you would like bulk copies, please call BCMS to arrange pick up from our office. The following locations will have copies available for free pick-up. Quantities are limited. (Occasionally these locations run out of copies). Please CALL FIRST to be sure copies are still in stock: In Boulder: 1. Boulder Community Hospital, Broadway & Balsam, Info Desk 303-440-2186 2. Boulder Community Hospital, Foothills Campus, Info Desk 720-854-7010 3. Boulder Medical Center, 2750 Broadway, Front Desk in Lobby 303-440-3114 4. Boulder Chamber, 2440 Pearl Street 303-442-1044 x 101 5. Boulder County Medical Society, 6676 Gunpark Dr., Suite B 303-527-3215 In Longmont: 1. Longmont United Hospital, Information Desk 303-485-4185 2. Longmont Clinic, Patient Registration 303-776-1234 3. Longmont Chamber, 528 Main Street 303-776-5295 In Louisville: 1. Avista Adventist Hospital, Front Desk 303-673-1193 2. Louisville Chamber, 901 Main Street 303-666-5747 In Lafayette: 1. Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center, Front Desk 303-689-5765 2. Lafayette Chamber, 1290 S. Public Road 303-666-9555 A special thank you to these organizations The Boulder County Medical Society thanks these fine organizations for their advertising sponsorship. This community resource directory is made possible through their support and participation. Boulder Community Health COPIC Insurance Company Boulder Heart (BCH Cardiovascular Services) Longmont Clinic Boulder Valley IPA Longmont United Hospital Conceptions Reproductive Associates Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 10 Faster Scans When You Have Plans Advanced diagnostic medical imaging offering: • 64 detector CT • 1.5 T MRI • Ultrasound • Digital X-ray • Fluoroscopy 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 155 Longmont, CO 80501 | (720) 494-4777 www.TwinPeaksImaging.com Convenient, Accessible, and Economical Map of Boulder County To Lyons N 36 y. Hw NIWOT o ag Di 52 Iris Ave. 287 BOULDER 95th St. Canyon 28th St. Valmont Foothills Pkwy. Broadway LONGMONT 119 l na Main St. Hover Rd. To Berthoud Arapahoe Rd. Baseline Rd. LAFAYETTE Bro To Golden adw ay S. Boulder Rd. 36 Bo LOUISVILLE uld er/ De nve r Tu rn pik e BROOMFIELD 11 Boulder County Medical Society Membership Roster Abair M.D., Christine H. Aberle M.D., Katherine Ilene Aberle M.D., Nicholas Sebastian Abrams M.D., Pamela R. Ahnen M.D., Dennis Albrecht M.D., Bruce Albuisson M.D., Jeska Allen M.D., Shawn Armstrong M.D., Charles Armstrong M.D., Leslie Leanne Anderson M.D., Brad D. Anderson M.D., C. Cragin Andorsky M.D., David J. Andrews M.D., Karen Andrews M.D., Peter R. Andrick M.D., Jonathan James Ansell M.D., Julie Antell M.D., Andrew Anton-Schnell M.D., Kristina A. Apple D.O., David G. Arends M.D., Gregory Arends M.D., Jaclyn Arvinte M.D., Cristian Audet M.D., Isabelle Aulakh M.D., Jatinder Austin M.D., Daniel Bachmann M.D., Peter Backup M.D., Linda D. Bailey M.D., Brian N. Bair M.D., Sarah Baird M.D., Kristin Ballantine-Talmadge D.O., Sherrie Barbe M.D., David J. Barfield D.O., Lawrence Barnett M.D., J. Mark Barre M.D., Lisha C. Barrett M.D., M. Therese Baumgardner M.D., Jan F. Baumgartner M.D., Ronald Beasley D.O., Kara Becker M.D., Todd C. Beetham M.D., Ronald Begley M.D., Colleen P. Bein M.D., Robert H. Benedict M.D., William L. Benson M.D., Eric Michael Berg M.D., Kevin R. Berger M.D., Paul Berger M.D., Scott M. Bergeron M.D., Kimberly Berman M.D., Jonathan Berry M.D., William Bersentes M.D., Korina Bickford M.D., Eileen G. Bierbrauer M.D., David Mark Biffl M.D.,Walter L. Bilello M.D., Vincent Bissell M.D., Mary Beth Bjerke M.D., Randal Blackwood M.D., C. Brian Blanchet M.D., William L. 12 Blattner M.D., Jennifer Blomquist M.D., Matthew H. Bock M.D., S. Allan Bolles M.D., Gene Bolt M.D., Evelyn Bonacci, M.D., Paul Daniel Booth M.D., Michelle Bos M.D., Rachel A. Boseman M.D., Peter Bowles M.D., Charles R. Boyle M.D., Sheila R. Brandt M.D., David Brave M.D., Lauren Brett M.D., Matthew S. Bright Hoffmeyer, M.D., Heather Bright M.D., David Britt M.D., David W. Britton M.D., James Brown M.D., Elise C. Brown M.D., Stephen E. Browne M.D., Hillary Brubaker M.D., William Bruce D.O., Aaron M. Brudenell M.D., Dina M. Brummel M.D., Catherine Brunschwig M.D., Pierre J. Bucknam M.D., Robert C. Bulmahn M.D., Lora Burgess M.D., Andrea Burnett M.D., Barry A. Burrow M.D., Claude H. Burton M.D., William Busby M.D., Leslie T. Bush M.D., Marie E. Bush M.D., Mark Bushard M.D., Patrick J. Busse M.D., Daniel Butler M.D., Laura B. Cabeen Md., Martha Caffrey M.D., Richard Cagan M.D., Laird P. Cannell D.O., Jason Carlson M.D., Alyssa Carnahan M.D., Jill C. Carpenter M.D., Julie A. Carr M.D., Alfred N. Carsey M.D., Eben D. Carson M.D., John M. Carter M.D., Jeffrey E. Carter M.D., John E. Cassara M.D., Joseph E. Castro M.D., B. Andrew Cavanaugh M.D., Cheryl Cavanaugh M.D., Kevin Cavender M.D., Catherine Chaudhary D.O., Prateek Chetham M.D., Steven T. Christensen M.D., Carole A. Chistensen, M.D., Eric T. Christensen M.D., Jennifer Christiansen D.O., Ammie Christopher M.D., Diane A. Chu M.D., Eugene S. Ciccone M.D., William Cieslik M.D., Laura A. Clark M.D., Gary B. Clark M.D., James E. Clark M.D., Scott D. Clemensen M.D., Scott E. Clover M.D., Geoffrey Colton M.D., Albert Conklin M.D., Cristina F. Conyers M.D., David J. Cool, M.D., Carlyne D Cooney M.D., William Cooper M.D., Paul Coryell M.D., Laurie Cruse M.D., Susan “Elizabeth” Cuervo M.D., Julia Curry M.D., Margaret Alise Daarud M.D., R. Scott Damek M.D., Herman A. Dave’ M.D. Shoban A. Davis M.D., Scott W Delgado M.D., Jose Denham M.D., Melody F. Dent M.D., Chloe Melissa Di Carlo M.D., Joshua B. Dichard M.D., Arthur J. Dickerson M.D., Maureen A. Dietrick D.O., Julie Dobija M.D., Cezary Dodson M.D., William Harold Dolan M.D., Robert Dolbeare M.D., Dirk W. Dorfman M.D., Todd A. Doucet M.D., Jamie J. Dragan M.D., Laryssa R. Drake M.D., Daniel P. Drescher M.D., Murry Dueber M.D., Katherine Dughi M.D., Coco Duiker M.D., Susan Dunn Md., Melissa S. Eastman-Gallo M.D., Dawna L. Edgerley-Gibb M.D., Laura Eickmann M.D., Thomas Ejaz M.D., Kanwal Elder M.D., Meighan W. Emdur D.O., Joshua Emdur M.D., Abby Close Emig M.D., Marshall Brian Epstein M.D., Clara Erben M.D., Laura Erickson M.D., Jon Michael Evans M.D., Ake S. Eyster M.D., Darlene L. Faini M.D., Mary Elizabeth Fan M.D., Grace C. Fanestil M.D., Bradley Ferguson M.D., Michele Anne Fernandez M.D., Lynne Boulder County Medical Society Membership Roster Fier M.D., Jennifer M. Figge M.D., Johanna Finer M.D., Richard M. Finnegan M.D., Patrick Fischer M.D., Julie Ann Fish M.D., Eileen Fisher M.D., Robert E. Fitzgibbons M.D., Robert E. Flanagan M.D., Clint Fleagle M.D., John T. Flynn M.D., R. Kevin Forsythe M.D., Robert C. Fowler D.O., Star Fox M.D., Christopher Fox M.D., Jenny Fox M.D., Richard Frankel M.D., Zara Fretwell M.D., James M. Freudenburg M.D., James Fries M.D., Stephen Fueston M.D., John Fulkerson M.D., Lorri J. Gagliano M.D., Jeffrey Roy Gallagher M.D., Eileen Gallagher M.D., T. Casey Garas M.D., Wael Foukeh Garmany M.D., George P. Gatof M.D., David Gawart M.D., Matthew J. Gedenberg M.D., Carole Geer M.D., Geoffrey A. Gehrs M.D., Mindy George M.D., Sara Gerber D.O., Christopher Gerding M.D., David D. Gerlach M.D., Matthew R. Gibson M.D., Jill Giesen D.O., Anne M. Gill M.D., Eva P. Glowney M.D., Jason Goldman M.D., Andrew Goodbee M.D., David Gould M.D., Jacquelynn M. Govaerts M.D., Timothy C. Graff M.D., Karin B. Grant M.D., Michael Grantham M.D., J. Geary Grasmick M.D., Gary Grathwohl M.D., Patrick J. Grauer M.D., J. David Gray D.O., Alice D. Grayson M.D., Timothy E. Green M.D., Justin Deric Greenwood M.D., Ariana W. Griffith, M.D., Brian C. Gronseth M.D., Cliff Grossman M.D., Bruce Grotefend, M.D., Megan Guerra M.D., Frank Gustave M.D., Bradley Witt Gustofson M.D., Robert Gutierrez M.D., Hilarie Gutierrez M.D., Horacio Hadley M.D., Daniel C. Hagen, M.D., Susan Skaff Haimes M.D., Mark D. Halbrecht M.D., Joanne Hall M.D., Lisabeth C. Hall M.D., Wyatt J. Hallgren, Scott E. Halterman M.D., Richard K. Hamilton M.D., Frances Hanley M.D., Kevin W. Hansen M.D., Christine Harker M.D., Eric J. Hart M.D., Ralph W. Hartley M.D., Winfield Jr. Hawkins M.D., Matthew T. Heinrichs M.D., Wade Helgans M.D., Robert Hennesy M.D., Michael Hern M.D., Warren Hernandez M.D., Eric J. Herrmann M.D., Glenn Hersch M.D., L. Brian Hess M.D., Brian D. Hess M.D., Stephanie Hickey M.D., Mark G. Higgins M.D., Thomas Ho, M.D., John Eugene Hoerler M.D., Stephen D. Hogan M.D., James Holland M.D., Matthew R. Holt M.D., Peter B. Holtgrewe M.D., Jeffrey Hong M.D., Steven R. Horner M.D., Jillian E. Hoskinson M.D., Mark S. Howland M.D., William Hrutkay M.D., Jeffrey M. Hrywnak D.O., Virginia Hsin M.D., Joseph Huang M.D., Shirley A. Huang M.D., Stephen Hughes D.O., Brian Hunter M.D., Mark A Huynh M.D., Long P Imig M.D., John R. Iqbal M.D., Nuzhat Isaacson M.D., Heather Isuani M.D., Gustavo Jacobi M.D., Richard E. Jamroz M.D., Lisa D. Jensen D.O., Eleanor R. Jensen M.D., Jonathan E. Jensen M.D., Lori Johanos M.D., Andrew M. Johnson M.D., Amy Johnson, M.D., Jennifer Myia Johs M.D., Stephen M. Jones M.D., Charles G. Jones M.D., David W. Jordan M.D., Jon-Paul Juenemann M.D., Shane A. Kakkar M.D., H. Rai Kallgren M.D., Diane L. Kamath M.D., Vinaya K. Kamerling, Barbara Kamon M.D., Jill Kang M.D., John S. Kanoff M.D., Justin M Kanniganti M.D., Rohini Kaplan M.D., Jeremiah Issac Karageorge M.D., Krystie M. Karbassi M.D., Mohammad Karowe M.D., Matthew W. Katuna M.D., Bruce Katz, M.D. Martin D. Kaufman M.D., Karen E. Kaye M.D., Peter S. Keene M.D., Heather Kefer M.D., John C. Keidan M.D., Benjamin Keller M.D., Donald J. Kelley M.D., Nancy Price Kerr-Layton M.D., Jeffrey A. Kesten M.D., Jeffrey Kidd D.O., Lucina Avilla Kidd D.O., Matthew Charles Kierein M.D., Rebecca D. Kim M.D., Jalpa King M.D., Justin M. King M.D., Mark D. King M.D., Paul D. King M.D., Spencer M. Kinnard M.D., Theresa L. Kinnard M.D., William V. Kingston M.D., Brian Joseph Klish M.D., Marie Knapp M.D., Karin R. Knudson M.D., Kelly P Koch M.D., Robert Koelzer D.O., Anita S. Koger D.O., Cathy Koh M.D., Kilsan Kohara M.D., Michelle M. Kolb M.D., Joseph R. Koldenhoven M.D., Gregg Kraft M.D., Steven Kreidl M.D., Ken Krell Hall M.D., Julie Krenz M.D., Stefanie Lauren Kuhr M.D., Micheline Afif Kuisle M.D., Hans R. Lababidi D.O., Sami D. Lafferty M.D., Margaret Lahm M.D., Michael C. Lajaunie M.D., Michele Lalwani M.D., Geeta A. Lamoureux M.D, Christine Landblom M.D., Jerome C. Lane M.D., Kim R. Lansing M.D., Mary Beth 13 Boulder County Medical Society Membership Roster Larson M.D., Susan A Latifzai M.D., Khoshal Laughlin M.D., Janelle Lawrance M.D., David P Leddon M.D., Jeanie Lee M.D., Garrett B Lee M.D., Michele Yeeting Lee M.D., Mira Leibovitz M.D., Ross M. Leland M.D., Robert Leonard M.D., Curtis L. Leonard M.D., John D. Lepine M.D., Lisa Lerner M.D., Kimberly D. Levine M.D., Richard Levine M.D., Robert Lewis M.D., Holly Lindholm M.D., Laura A. Ling M.D., Sheila Lipetz M.D., Valerie Lischwe M.D., Thomas J. Liston M.D., Derek C. Litoff M.D., David Lochhead M.D., Karen M. Long M.D., Lori Luce M.D., David W. Lund M.D., Deborah Sue Lutt M.D., Joseph R. Ma M.D., Debora Mackell M.D., Paul Macsalka M.D., Mary A. Macsalka M.D., Robert Madden M.D., Christopher C. Magsamen M.D., Karl E. Mahnke M.D., Daus Maiocco M.D., Amy Malcom D.O., Troy J. Mall M.D., Alison Leigh Mancini M.D., Diana Mandagere M.D., Kelly Manion M.D., Sean P. Mann M.D., Thomas Mao M.D., Jie Maran M.D., Lori L Margolis M.D., Michael Martin M.D., Ann Catherine Maslanka M.D., Alex Mason M.D., Alexander Massone M.D., John G. Master M.D., Daniel L. Matthew M.D., Thomas Mazzola M.D., Timothy J. Mccarty D.O., David W. Mccarty M.D., Eric Mccarty D.O., Michael C. Mcceney M.D., Michael H. Mccormack M.D., Donald Mcgarvey M.D., Kevin W Mckenna D.O., Michael Mckinley M.D., Sarah J. Mcneil M.D., John 14 Mead M.D., Daina Meditz M.D., Amie Lynne Melchior M.D., Julie A Melouk M.D., Sameh H. Mendes M.D., Paula Menich M.D., Mark Mertz M.D., Andrea M. Meyer M.D., John Meyers M.D., Joel S. Meyers M.D., Timothy J. Mezarina M.D., Karrin Middleton-Hoang D.O., Lauren E. Miller M.D., David Michael Miller M.D., Denise M. Miller M.D., Merle Miller M.D., Janice Miller M.D., Stephen M. Minor M.D., Thomas A. Mitchell M.D., Donna F. Mitchell M.D., Douglas Moeller M.D., Loralie D. Moeller M.D., Mark S. Moinuddin M.D., Shiraz Monahan M.D., Michael J. Mondrow M.D., Erik M. Montbriand M.D., Joel R. Mooney Jr. M.D., Herbert S. Mooney M.D., Thomas G. Moran M.D., Patrick Morgan M.D., Douglas Morreale M.D., Joseph Morrison M.D., Allison Elise Morrissey M.D., David D. Moseley M.D., Richard H. Mouchawar M.D., Judy Mouchawar M.D., Maurice A. Mousavi M.D., Shahla Muckle M.D., Andrew M. Munch M.D., Larry C. Muzny M.D., Lise C. Mydler M.D., Thomas T. Myers M.D., Rebecca Nekoorad-Long M.D., Haleh Nelson M.D., Brian S. Nelson M.D., E. Lee Nelson M.D., Scott M. Nichols M.D, Brian Nichols M.D., Roger Nissim M.D., Joseph J. Nordstrom-Lane M.D., Robyn J Northcote M.D., Kent S. Nortier M.D., Edward John Nouhan M.D., Robert Nuhfer M.D., David Nunn M.D., Rachel A. Nusser M.D., Christopher Oakes M.D., Maria Regina Oberwetter M.D., James Ocel M.D.,L Daniel Odehnal M.D., Marek Ogden M.D., Herbert Ogle M.D., Heather Ogle M.D., John Olijnyk M.D., Irene Olson M.D., Jill M. Oppenheimer M.D., David Otteman D.O., Shawn Oza M.D., Sameer Paddack M.D., Angela Pagett M.D., Cristina M. Pane M.D., Robert D. Patel M.D., Meera Pater M.D., Timothy Patterson M.D., Kimberly M. Paul M.D., Stephen Dana Pavot M.D., Dawn Rosenblum Pavot D.O., Pierre Pena M.D., Ricardo L. Pepper M.D., Michelle L. Perkins M.D., Jeffrey Perry M.D., Luke Peshock M.D., James Robert Petrak M.D., Betty Ann Pfeifer M.D., Lyle M. Phair M.D., Neva Pierson M.D., Ashley E. Pinto M.D., Randolph Pittenger M.D., Sharon Pivetta D.O., Fabio Platnick M.D., K. Barry Plonska M.D., Joanne M. Podlecki M.D., David A. Pohlman M.D., Christopher Pomfret M.D., Heidi Ann Poole M.D., Mary B. Pothuloori M.D., Antara P. Powell M.D., Robert Lewis Price M.D., Brenda Printz M.D., Joseph L. Pujet M.D., Heather Pulliam M.D., Jennifer Quallick M.D., Matthew R Quarles M.D., Leto Que M.D., Leon Railsback M.D., Alison J. Rajpal M.D., Sharad Raju M.D., Ramu P. Rampy M.D., Thomas Rao M.D., Arathi P. Rao M.D., Satish C. Ray M.D., Steven Raybin M.D., James Rector M.D., James B. Redal M.D., Leif Reid M.D., James G. Reims M.D., Randolph Reish M.D., Alex Reitinger M.D., Russell G. Rentschler M.D., Lindsey M. Repine M.D., Michael J. Replogle M.D., Scott L. Reynolds M.D., Bryan Boulder County Medical Society Membership Roster Reznickova-Klein, M.D., Nora A. Rhodes M.D., Robert J. Ripoll M.D., Emilia Roach M.D., Susan I. Roberts M.D., William A. Robinson M.D., Irina Robinson M.D., Sara D. Robinson M.D., Terry E. Rogers M.D., Charles P. Rogers M.D., Nina V. Rolfson M.D., Debra H. Romary M.D., Molly Rooney M.D., Anna Roos M.D., Kimberly Rosen M.D., Gary B. Rosenbaum M.D., Terri F. Rosenthal M.D., Lila Rosquist M.D., Patti Ross D.O., Ethan Michael Rothstein M.D., Micah Rountree M.D., Robert C. Royer M.D., Kristen M. Rozeski M.D., Jason E. Rupp M.D., Gerald R. Rush M.D., Adam J. Russell M.D., George R. Russell M.D., Sunniva Ryan M.D., Colleen Marie Ryan M.D., Melanie Samuelson M.D., Lisa S. Sancetta M.D., Robert L. Sanders M.D., Carolyn J. Sarko M.D., Daniel R. Sato M.D., Randall E. Scatena M.D., Lisa H. Schaffner M.D., Rita C. Schane M.D., Mark D. Schaten M.D., Robin L. Schieve M.D., Catherine Schilling M.D., Don H. Schmid D.O., Peter M. Schoech M.D., Honor Schultz D.O, B. Alison Schutte M.D., Warren P. Schutz M.D., John Seng M.D., Khemarin Serlen M.D., Melissa G. Shafer M.D., David A Shah M.D., Jignesh S. Shah M.D., Nirav R. Shea D.O., Kerry E. Sheets M.D., Alison Leslie Sherick M.D., Stephen V Shimoda M.D., Mako Shiovitz M.D., William D. Shriver, Rene Siegfried M.D., Jill Simmonds M.D., Craig Michael Simmons M.D., Rachel Nichole Simmons M.D., Suzanne Simpson M.D., C. Kelley Sinoway M.D., Patricia Sisson M.D., C. Bradley Sitarik M.D., Mark Smith M.D., Dana J. Smith M.D., Hunter Smith M.D., Samuel Edward Smith M.D., Sarah B. Smouse M.D., Jason Sneddon M.D., Wallace Snyder M.D., Aaron Sorensen M.D., Lief Spears M.D., Karin G. Sperberg D.O., Jason T. Spine D.O., John M. Sprague M.D., Jonathan Reid Stamm M.D., Mariaelena Stapleton M.D., Julie A. Stathis M.D., John Stawski M.D., Phillip Alexander Steinbaugh M.D., John R. Steitz M.D., David L. Stella M.D., Alejandro Carlos Stewart M.D., Richard M. Stilp M.D., Sonja Stjernholm M.D., Melvin R. Stoll Jr. M.D., E. Jordan Stormo M.D., Alan C. Stone M.D., Pamela Jb Stovall M.D., Christina E. Suding M.D., Paul Sullivan M.D., Paul R. Susnow M.D., Nathan Jeremy Susskind M.D., Karin Nicole Swail M.D., Jeffrey Swartz M.D., Nathan D. Talusani M.D., Sachin Tamblyn M.D., Jennifer M. Tangel M.D., Douglas J. Tanner D.O., David Tawa M.D., Charles Taylor M.D., Angela C. Taylor M.D., Sandra Taylor M.D., Susan L. Terkonda M.D., Raj P. Terpenning M.D., Laura Thayer M.D., David O. Theiss M.D., Nicholee Thompson M.D., Roy W. Tilton M.D., Elisha P. Tivorsak M.D., Tanya Lyn Tobey M.D., John Toney D.O., Judy A. Tracy D.O., Michael B. Traister M.D., Eric Andrew Tran M.D., Nguyet-Anh Tripp M.D., Warren Trojanovich M.D.,Mph, Christopher Trujillo M.D., Nelson P. Tsai M.D., Katherine Tuckerman M.D., Myra Turner M.D., Lisa A. Turner M.D., Todd D. Tusek M.D., David Updike M.D., John Andrew Valencia M.D., Warren Henry Van Buskirk M.D., Cathleen Vance M.D., Heather B Van Hook M.D., Charles Van Konynenburg M.D., Kristin Vanderveldt M.D., Hendrikus Vidas M.D., Michael Villavicencio M.D., Alan Von Wald M.D., Tiffany A. Voss M.D., Lynn Andrew Wahl M.D., Brent W. Walker M.D., K. Lynn Wallace M.D., Hilary F. Wang M.D., Dale S. Ward M.D., Joshua James Ware M.D., Molly Warm M.D., Emily F. Warren M.D., James D. Wear M.D., Kelley Weber M.D., Megan E. Weber M.D., Phil Webster M.D., Christopher J. Weinberg M.D., Ruth K. Weisman M.D., Stuart Weksler M.D., Juan E. Wertz M.D., Michael P. Wetherall M.D., Sharon L. White M.D., Daniel Whitling M.D., David M. Wickersham M.D., Nicholas W. Wiebe M.D., David Peter Wieder M.D., Drigan Wilcox M.D., Carrie Wilcox D.O., Thomas Williams M.D., William J. Wilson M.D., Mark Edward Winters M.D., Diane M. Wisner D.O., Mark A. Wittenberg M.D., Wayne Wolf M.D., Howie C. Wolfe M.D., Laird S. Wolsko M.D., Laura Wood M.D., Peter D. Wright M.D., Derek Wright M.D., Edward David Wright M.D., Michael Wu M.D., Ming-Jay Jeffrey Wynett M.D., Jana Yardley M.D., Molly Yurth M.D., Elizabeth Zabihi M.D., Nasim Zacharias M.D., Alan Zacharias M.D., Eric N. Zeligs M.D., Michael Zhu M.D., Yan Zona M.D., Michael A. 15 Patient Rights and Responsibilities Your Rights Receive appropriate care, treatment and consideration. Be treated with dignity and respect. Participate actively in decisions regarding health care. Receive full consideration of privacy during health care and treatment. Have confidential handling of all communications and records. Receive a reasonable response to any reasonable request. Receive complete information about health condition, proposed treatment, and alternatives, including non-treatment or second opinion, in order to give “informed consent” or to refuse treatment. Leave the hospital at any time, even against medical advice, unless you have a contagious disease. Be informed about continuing health care requirements. Your Responsibilities Know and utilize basic first aid skills. Seek professional care when appropriate. Cooperate with health care provider. Make preferences known clearly. Keep personal and family records and share them with health care provider. Question the reason for the presence of anyone not directly involved in care. Ask what information is public record and can be released without written permission. Seek additional information if request is not honored. Refuse service from unidentified personnel. Ask for clarification of anything not understood. Understand risks of treatment and non-treatment. Understand the intended effects of a prescribed drug, in addition to known side effects. Sign “Leaving the Hospital Against Medical Advice” form, if that is your decision. Examine your bill. Ask for an explanation of care and treatment costs. Accept responsibility for health care and recovery. Utilize community resources as needed. Know your insurance plan and its coverage. Tell your physician’s office staff if you have a change of address or insurance coverage. 16 Physicians listed in this directory are members of the Boulder County Medical Society. Each doctor’s application, accredited training, licensure and board certification(s) are verified and reviewed by the Society’s Board of Directors. Physicians are listed alphabetically with a photograph when available. Medical specialties, year of certification, medical education, addresses and phone numbers are provided to assist patients in making an informed decision when selecting a physician. When doctors have multiple areas of expertise, their primary specialty is designated with an asterisk (*). A map of Boulder County is shown on page 11, for your convenience. For additional copies of this Physician Directory please see page 10. CHRISTINE ABAIR, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2010 M.D.: Univ. of TX Med School, San Antonio – 2005 Intern/Resid: Univ. of TX Med Branch Hospitals – 2009 Boulder Medical Center 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 200 Louisville 80027 303-665-1045 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com KATHERINE ABERLE, M.D. Otolaryngology - Cert. 2012 M.D.: Rush Univ. Med. Cntr. - 2007 Intern/Resid: Univ. of NE - 2012 Peak ENT & Voice Center 403 Summit Blvd., #204 Broomfield 80021 1030 Johnson Rd. #350 Golden 80401 720-401-2139 www.peakentandvoicecenter.com PAMELA R. ABRAMS, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1992, 1998, 2004 DENNIS J. AHNEN, M.D., AGAF, FACG Gastroenterology M.D.: Wayne State Univ. – 1973 Resid: Hutzel Hospital - 1977 Fellow: U. of CO – 1980 Research Fellow: Stanford U. – 1982 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th Street, Suite 100 Boulder 80301 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations: Lafayette, Lakewood, Broomfield and Longmont BRUCE H. ALBRECHT, M.D., FACOG Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 1980; Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Cert. 1983 M.D.: University of Colorado - 1974 Fellow: Harvard University – 1980 9800 Pyramid Court, #310 Englewood 80112 720-420-1570 Fax 866-657-9471 www.albrechtwomenscare.com JESKA ALBUISSON, M.D. Internal Medicine Hospitalist*– Cert. 2013 M.D.:Univ. of Colorado - 1989 Intern:Phoenix Baptist Hosp. - 1990 Resid: Phoenix Baptist Hosp. - 1992 M.D.:Univ. of Colorado - 2012 Intern/Resid: U. of Colorado - 2012 Family Practice Associates 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 260 Louisville 80027 303-673-9090 www.ourfpa.com Foothills Hospital 4747 Foothills Ave. Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists 17 SHAWN B. ALLEN, M.D. Dermatology* - Cert. 2004; Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery/ Cosmetic Dermatology PETER R. ANDREWS, M.D. Ophthalmology* - Cert. 2005; Cornea M.D.:Wake Forest Univ. - 1999 Intern: Carilion Health Systems -2000 Resid/Fellow: U. of FL - 2004 M.D.: U. of TN - 2000 Resid/Fellow: Washington U., MO - 2005 1400 Dry Creek Dr. Longmont 80503 Dermatology Specialists of Boulder, PC 2880 Folsom Street, Suite 200 Boulder 80304 303-442-6647 Fax 303-442-2696 www.dsboulder.com BRAD ANDERSON, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1988, 1994 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois -1985 Intern: MacNeal Mem. Hosp. - 1986 Resid: MacNeal Mem. Hosp. - 1988 Family Practice Associates 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. 260 Louisville 80027 303-673-9090 www.ourfpa.com C. CRAGIN ANDERSON, M.D. Urology - Cert. 2000 M.D.:Louisiana Univ. - 1991 Resid:Emory Univ. - 1993 Resid: Emory Univ. - 1997 90 Health Park Drive, Ste. 340 Louisville 80027 303-666-4343 www.alpineurology.net DAVID ANDORSKY, M.D. Oncology - Cert. 2009 M.D.:Harvard, MA – 2002 Intern/Resid: Brigham – 2005 Resid: UCLA, CA – 2009 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 www.RockyMountainCancer Centers.com KAREN ANDREWS, M.D. Allergy & Clinical Immunology* - Cert. 2005; Internal Medicine – Cert. 2003 M.D.: Loyola-Stritch - 2000 Resid: Univ. of Wisconsin - 2003 Fellow:Nat’l Jewish - 2005 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3083 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 18 300 Exempla Cir, #120 Lafayette, 80026 303-772-3300 Fax 303-682-3380 www.eyecaresite.com JULIE ANSELL, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado School of Medicine - 2001 Intern/Resid: McLennan County Med. Educ. & Research Found., TX – 2004 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3102 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com ANDREW G. ANTELL, M.D. Radiation Oncology Cert. 1997 M.D.: Washington Univ., St. Louis - 1992 Intern:Chestnut Hill Hosp., Philadelphia -1993 Resid:Univ. of Pennsylvania - 1996 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com KRISTINA ANTON-SCHNELL, M.D. Internal Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Sint Eustatius School of Med. - 2002 Intern/Resid: Stamford Hosp., CT - 2006 Internal Medicine Associates Foothills 4820 Riverbend Rd., Ste. 100 Boulder 80301 303-415-7272 Fax 303-415-7197 www.bch.org DAVID G. APPLE, D.O. Family Medicine D.O.: Univ Osteo Med & Health Science - 1998 Intern/Resid: Grandview Hosp & Med Cntr - 2001 Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Parkway, #150 Superior 80027-8645 303-425-9581 www.bch.org/northwest GREGORY N. ARENDS, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab.* - Cert. 2000; Interventional Spine BRIAN N. BAILEY, M.D., Ph.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2009 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois - 2005 Intern: Washington Univ. - 2006 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2009 Ph.D: Univ. of Illinois - 2004 M.D.:Wayne State Univ. - 1995 Intern:Northwestern Univ. - 1996 Resid: Rehab. Instit. of Chicago - 1999 Fellow: Georgia Pain Physicians, GA Cert. 2000 Bailey Dermatology 335 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 3 Louisville 80027 303-666-8288 www.BaileyDermatology.com Colorado Center for Spine Medicine 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder 80301 303-444-2955 JACLYN C. ARENDS, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab Cert. 2000, 2010 M.D.: Virginia Commonwealth Univ. - 1994 Intern: Luthern General Hosp. - 1994 Resid: Rehab Instit. of Chicago - 1998 BCH Inpatient Rehabilitation Services 1100 Balsam Ave., 4th Floor Boulder 80304 303-441-0492 www.bch.org DANIEL C. AUSTIN, M.D. Obstetrics / Gynecology Cert. 1990 - Present M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1984 Brigham & Women’s Hosp., Boston - 1985 Brigham & Women’s Hosp., Boston - 1988 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-665-1045 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com PETER M. BACHMANN, M.D. Dermatology* - Cert. 1998, 2004, 2014; Internal Medicine Cert. 1997 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Zurich - 1988 Regional Hosp., Rheinfelden - 1991 Univ. of Zurich - 1994/1998 St. Francis Hosp. - 2000 Northwestern Univ. - 2004 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3118 www.LongmontClinic.com LINDA D. BACKUP, M.D., FACC Cardiology* - Cert. 1979; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1977 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: Univ. of WA, Seattle - 1974 Univ. of Oregon - 1975 Univ. of Oregon - 1977 Univ. of Colorado - 1979 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3117 www.LongmontClinic.com SARAH BAIR, M.D. Dermatology M.D.:U. of Nebraska, Omaha - 2006 Intern:Pres. St. Luke’s, Denver - 2007 Resid:U. of S. Florida, Tampa - 2010 Lake Loveland Dermatology PC 776 W. Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland 80537 970-667-3116 Fax 970-669-0159 LakeLovelandDermatology.com KRISTIN M. BAIRD, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2002 M.D.: VA Commonwealth Univ. - 1998 Intern: VA Commonwealth Univ. - 1999 Resid: VA Commonwealth Univ. - 2002 Dermatology Center of the Rockies 1551 Professional Lane, #135 Longmont 80501 303-532-2810 SHERRIE BALLANTINE-TALMADGE, D.O. Sports Medicine - Cert. 2009 D.O.: Chicago College of Osteo Medicine - 2005 Intern/Resid: Resurrection Medical Cntr. - 2008 Boulder Center Sports Medicine East 1000 W. South Boulder Rd, #220 Lafayette 80026-2752 303-926-2665 www.bcsm.org LAWRENCE F. BARFIELD, D.O. Dermatology - Cert. 1986 D.O.:Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine - 1975 Intern:Botsford Gen. Hosp., MI-1976 Resid:Botsford Gen. Hosp., MI (Family Practice)-1978 Resid: Wayne State U, Detroit, MI (Dermatology)–1986 Columbine Dermatology, PC 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 390 Louisville 80027 303-404-0200 www.ColumbineDermatology.com 19 J. MARK BARNETT, M.D. Hematology/Oncology Cert. 2006 M.D.: S. Illinois Univ. - 2000 Intern: Brown Univ. - 2001 Resid: Brown Univ. - 2003 Fellow:Brown Univ. - 2006 Rocky Mtn. Cancer Centers 2030 West Mountain View, Ste. 210 Longmont 80501 303-684-1900 Fax 303-267-4470 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com LISHA C. BARRE, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab - Cert. 2004, 2014; Addiction Medicine – Cert. 2012 Cert. 2010 M.D./PhD: Emory Univ. - 2005 Intern: Emory Univ. - 2006 Resid: UCLA - 2010 Fellow: UCLA - 2011 Dermatology Center of the Rockies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont 80501 303-532-2810 WILLIAM L. BENEDICT, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1991; Retina - Cert. 1993 M.D.: Tulane Medical School - 1999 Intern: Tulane Medical Center - 2000 Resid: Weill Cornell Med. Center & Columbia U. - 2003 M.D.:Univ. of Cincinnati - 1987 Intern: The Cleveland Clinic - 1988 Resid: The Cleveland Clinic - 1991 Fellow: Texas Tech. Univ. - 1993 Fleur-de-Lis Pain Recovery 11184 Huron St., #8 Northglenn 80234 303-431-0755 www.PainJane.com 1400 Dry Creek Dr. Longmont 80503 303-772-3300 Fax 303-682-3380 www.EyeCareSite.com M. THERESE BARRETT, M.D. Gynecology Infertility ERIC M. BENSON, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1999 M.D.: Univ. of South Dakota - 1985 Resid:Sacred Heart Hospital - 1987 Resid:St. Paul Ramsey Med. Center - 1989 M.D.:Vanderbilt Univ. -1996 Intern:Univ. of Washington - 1997 Resid:Univ. of Washington - 1999 Centennial Women’s Health Cntr. 231 E. 9th Ave., Ste. 1A Longmont 80504 303-651-2800 Fax 303-774-9100 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 Fax 720-494-3108 www.LongmontClinic.com RONALD BAUMGARTNER, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1986 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois - 1981 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1982 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1984 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com KARA BEASLEY, D.O. Neurological Surgery - Board Eligible D.O.: AZ Coll. of Osteo. Med. - 2004 Intern: Tempe St. Luke’s Hosp. - 2005 Resid: PA Coll. of Osteo. Med. - 2010 Fellow: Cooper Univ. - 2010, Cleveland Clinic - 2011 Boulder Neurosurgical and Spine Associates 4743 Arapahoe Ave, Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com Offices in Lafayette and Longmont 20 TODD C. BECKER, M.D., Ph.D. Dermatology/Moh’s Surgery - KEVIN R. BERG, M.D., F.A.C.S. General Surgery - Cert. 1985, 1993 M.D.: Mayo Med. School - 1979 Intern: Univ. of Iowa - 1980 Resid: Univ. of Iowa - 1984 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3135 www.LongmontClinic.com PAUL A. BERGER, M.D. Family Medicine* - Cert. 1997, 2003; Holistic Medicine - Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of MN, Duluth - 1992 Resid: Poratello, Idaho - 1996 Boulder Holistic Medical Center 805 S. Broadway, #103 Boulder 80305 303-449-3100 Fax: 303-494-1841 www.BoulderHolisticMedical center.com KIMBERLY BERGERON, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2006 C. BRIAN BLACKWOOD, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery M.D.: Creighton Univ., NE - 2000 Intern/Resid: Creighton Univ., NE - 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Washington, Seattle - 2006 Resid: Univ. of New Mexico - 2011 Fellow: Coon Joint Replacement Inst. - 2012 Women’s Health Wise 630 15th Avenue, Suite 200 Longmont 80501 303-776-5820 www.WomensHealthWise.com Mapleton Hill Orthopedics, P.C. 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 Fax 303-440-7586 www.BoulderHipAndKnee.com WILLIAM R. BERRY, M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.: Univ. of TX, Galveston – 1973 Resid: Univ. of TX, Galveston – 1976 Fellow: U. of CO – 1983 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 290 Longmont 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations: Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood & Broomfield KORINA R. BERSENTES, M.D., FACP Gastroenterology M.D.: Univ. of Washington - 1991 Resid: Univ. of CA, San Diego -1994 Fellow: Univ. of Arizona - 1997 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 200 Lafayette 80026 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations: Boulder, Longmont, Lakewood & Broomfield DAVID BIERBRAUER, M.D. Orthopedics, Hand Specialist - Cert. 2006 WILLIAM L. BLANCHET, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1984 M.D.: Louisiana State Univ. - 1980 Resid: Univ. of Missouri - 1983 Boulder Internal Medicine & Front Range Preventive Imaging 2880 Folsom St. #100 Boulder 80304 303-327-7047 Fax 303-443-7168 BoulderInternalMed.com BoulderScan.com JENNIFER BLATTNER, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2009 M.D.: Emory Univ. - 2002 Resid: Naval Medical Center San Diego - 2006 Boulder Medical Center 4745 Arapahoe Rd., Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 Fax 303-541-0807 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com S. ALLAN BOCK, M.D. Allergy* - Cert. 1977; Pediatrics - Cert. 1977 M.D.: Rosalind Franklin Univ. - 1999 Intern: U. of IL, Chicago - 2000 Resid: U of IL, Chicago - 2004 Fellow: Christine M. Kleinert Institute - 2005 M.D.: Univ. of Maryland - 1972 Intern: Univ. of Maryland Hosp. - 1973 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1974 Fellow: National Jewish - 1976 Cornerstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 80 Heath Park Drive, Suite 230 Louisville, 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com 3950 Broadway Boulder 80304-1199 303-444-5995 AllanBockMDAllergy.com www.BV-Allergy.com MARY BETH BISSELL, M.D. Obstetrics / Gynecology - Cert. 1993 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1987 Intern: Univ. of Vermont - 1988 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1991 Boulder Medical Center 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville, 80027 303-665-1045 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com GENE E. BOLLES, M.D. Neurological & Spine Surgery M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Michigan - 1963 Univ. of Colorado Medical Center - 1964 Univ. of Colorado Medical Center - 1970 P.O. Box 20530 Boulder 80308 303-550-5263 21 EVELYN BOLT, M.D. Sleep Medicine – Cert. 2011 Cert. 2010 M.D.: UCLA – 2003 Intern/Resid: Rush Univ. Medical Center – 2007 Fellow: Oregon Health & Science Univ. – 2010 M.D.: Univ. of Kansas - 2004 Intern: Grant Med. Cntr. Travis AFB - 2005 Resid: Univ. of CA Davis - 2008 Colorado Sleep Institute 1000 Alpine, Suite 105 Boulder 80304 Offices in Broomfield & Longmont 720-279-9098 coloradosleep.org Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Rd., Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com PETER BOSEMAN, M.D. Nephrology - Cert. 2009 M.D.: U. of Utah - 2002 Resid: U. of Iowa - 2005 Fellow:Mayo Clinic, MN - 2009 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-776-7759 Fax 303-776-3958 SHEILA BOYLE, M.D. DAVID BRITT, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. 1991, 1998, 2005 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1988 Resid: Mem. S.W., Univ. of Texas - 1991 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com JAMES A. BRITTON, M.D. Dermatology M.D.:Med. Coll. of PA - 1993 Intern:Nat’l Naval Med. Cntr - 1994 Resid:Med. Coll. of PA - 2000 Boyle Family Dermatology 9101 Harlan Street, Suite 155 Westminster 80031 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Suite 211 Louisville 80027 303-426-5000 Fax 303-426-5031 LAUREN BRAVE, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2006 M.D.: Washington Univ., St. Louis - 2003 Intern/Resid: Stanford Univ. - 2006 Boulder Medical Center 4745 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com MATTHEW S. BRETT, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. 2009 22 HEATHER BRIGHT HOFFMEYER, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology - Orthopedics - Cert. 1983 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1971 Intern:Cleveland Metro Gen. Hosp. - 1972 Resid: Univ. of Mississippi - 1980 Fellow:Scottish Rite Hosp. -1981 PO Box 473 Longmont 80502 303-746-1494 HILLARY BROWNE, M.D., F.A.C.P. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1992, 2002, 2012 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1988 Intern:Pres./St. Luke’s, - 1990 Resid:Presbyterian/St. Luke’s, Denver - 1992 2575 Spruce St. Boulder 80302 303-449-3594 www.bch.org WILLIAM BRUBAKER, M.D. Internal Medicine Cert. 1975 M.D.: NY Med. Coll. – 1998 Intern/Resid: U. of WY Family Practice -2001 M.D.: Jefferson Med. Coll, PA - 1972 Intern/Resid: Pres. Med. Center, Denver - 1975 Milestone Medical Group 303 Main Street, Suite C Lyons 80540 303-823-6535 Fax 303-823-6650 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org Internal Medicine Associates of Boulder 1155 Alpine Ave., Ste. 360 Boulder 80304 303-442-8840 Fax: 303-440-9629 www.bch.org PIERRE J. BRUNSCHWIG, M.D. Family Medicine* - Cert. 2000 Holistic Medicine - Cert.2000 Integrated Medicine - Cert. 2000 WILLIAM V. BURTON, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. until 2022 Sports Medicine Helios Integrated Medicine 2525 4th St., Ste. 205 Boulder, 80304 303-499-9224 HeliosIntegratedMedicine.com ROBERT BUCKNAM, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1992 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 wburtonmd.com LESLIE BUSBY, M.D. Oncology*/Hematology Cert. 2003 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1999 M.D.: USC - 1988 Intern: St. Joseph’s Hosp. - 1989 Intern: Children’s Hosp. - 1990 Resid: Children’s Hosp. - 1992 M.D.: Univ. of Nevada - 1996 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Missouri KC - 1999 Fellow: Univ. of Utah - 2002 Cornerstone Pediatrics 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. 160 Louisville 80027 303-673-9030 Fax: 303-604-1095 www.CornerstonePeds.com LORA BULMAHN, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. until 2019 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado School of Med. - 1981 Intern/Resid: Texas Tech Univ., Amarillo - 1984 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1988 Intern/Resid: Mercy Med. Ctr. - 1991 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com MARIE BUSH, M.D. Cert. 1996 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1987 Urgent Care* M.D.: USUHS - 1993 Intern: Eglin AFB, FL - 1994 Resid: Eglin AFB, FL - 1996 M.D.:Jefferson Med. Coll. - 1982 Intern:Allentown Affil. Hosp. - 1983 Resid: Reading Hosp. & Med. Cntr. - 1985 Advanced Family Health, PLLC 325 South Boulder Rd., Ste. #1 Louisville 80027 303-666-4949 Fax: 303-666-4950 www.AdvancedFamilyHealth.org Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3136 www.LongmontClinic.com mbush@LongmontClinic.com HARRY A. (BARRY) BURNETT, M.D., M.P.H. Family Medicine - Cert. 1980 M.D.: Wayne State Univ - 1977 Intern: Butterworth Hosp., MI - 1978 Resid: Univ. of Colorado, Denver -1980 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-1982 www.bch.org/familymedical CLAUDE H. BURROW, M.D. Plastic Surgery* - Cert. 1981; General Surgery - Cert 1979 M.D.: Univ. of Mississippi - 1973 AOA Intern:U of Texas Southwestern - 1974 Resid:U of Texas - 1978; U of Tenn. - 1980 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303-1133 720-854-7000 www.bch.org MARK R. BUSH, M.D. Reproductive Endocrinology*/ Infertility - Cert. 2001; OB/Gyn. - Cert. 1999 M.D.:Georgetown Univ. - 1991 Fellow: Duke Univ. - 1998 300 Exempla Cir., Ste. 370 Lafayette 80026 Skyridge Campus, Lone Tree 303-449-1084 www.ConceptionsRepro.com PATRICK J. BUSHARD, M.D. General Neurology* - Cert. 2009; Vascular Neurology/ Stroke - Cert. 2011 MD: Washington U. St. Louis – 2005 Resid: Barnes-Jewish Hospital – 2009 Fellow: Washington U. St. Louis – 2010 SCLHS Neurosciences Lafayette Neurology 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 300 Lafayette, CO 80026 303-689-6591 23 LAIRD P. CAGAN, M.D. Internal Medicine - JOHN M. CARSON, M.D. Nephrology - Cert. 2013 Cert. 1976 M.D.: NYU -1973 Intern: Metropolitan Hosp, NY - 1974 Resid: Metropolitan Hosp, NY - 1976 Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd #104 Longmont, 80501 303-776-1532 Fax 303-776-3109 JASON CANNELL, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 2007 2655 Crescent Drive, Suite D Lafayette 80026 303-443-4200 Fax 303-443-5470 JEFFREY E. CARTER, M.D. Hospitalist* Internal Medicine D.O.: Western Univ. - 2004 Intern/Resid: Tripler Army Med. Cntr. - 2007 M.D.: Tufts Univ. School of Med, Boston- 2001 Inter/Resid: Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Cntr – 2004 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th Street, Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 www.bch.org Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists ALYSSA CARLSON, M.D. Family Medicine M.D.: Univ of Colorado - 2009 Intern/Resid: Exempla St. Joseph Hosp - 2012 Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, #210 Boulder 80303-2318 303-443-2544 Fax 303-443-6476 www.bch.org/dakotaridge JILL C. CARNAHAN, MD, ABFM, ABIHM Family Medicine - Cert. 2006; Integrative Holistic Medicine – Cert. 2005 M.D.: Loyola Univ., IL – 2003 Resid: Univ. of Illinois – 2006 75 Manhattan Dr., Suite 1 Boulder 80303 303-443-9590 Fax 303-443-9787 www.JillCarnahan.com ALFRED N. CARR, M.D. Otolaryngology (Ent*) Cert. 1974 Head & Neck Surgery M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1967 Intern: Univ. of Oregon - 1968 Resid: Univ. of Oregon - 1974 2030 Mountain View, Ste. 500 Longmont 80501 303-772-3204 ac@ancarr.net 24 M.D.: Jefferson Med. College - 2008 Resid: Thomas Jefferson Med. Hosp. - 2011 Fellow: Univ. of CO - 2014 B. ANDREW CASTRO, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2006 M.D.: Univ. of South Carolina - 1996 Intern: State Univ., New York - 1998 Resid: State Univ., New York - 2002 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 2002 Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com CHERYL L. CAVANAUGH, M.D., F.A.A.P. Pediatrics - Cert. 1996, 2004, 2013 M.D.: Univ. of Iowa - 1993 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Kentucky 1993 - 1996 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2720 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com KEVIN CAVANAUGH, M.D. Otolaryngology* - Cert. 2000; Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery M.D.: Loyola Stritch Sch. of Med - 1995 Intern: Loyola U., Chicago - 1996 Resid: Loyola U., Chicago - 2000 Fellow: U. of TX, Houston - 2001 Front Range Otolaryngology & Facial Plastic Surgery 1325 Dry Creek Drive, Unit 103, Longmont 80503 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 200, Lafayette 80026 720-494-9111 www.FrontRangeOto.com CATHERINE E. CAVENDER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1999 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Maryland - 1996 St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver - 1997 St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver - 1997 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com PRATEEK CHAUDHARY, MD Rheumatology – Cert. 2013 M.D.: U. of N. TX, Fort Worth - 2007 Intern/Resid: U. of TX Med School, Houston - 2010 Fellow: Duke U., Durham - 2013 CO Center For Arthritis & Osteo Medicine 2095 West 6th Avenue, #106 Broomfield 80020 3555 Lutheran Pkwy, Bldg 9, #360 Wheat Ridge 80033 720-494-4700 STEVEN T. CHETHAM, M.D., F.A.C.P. Gastroenterology M.D.: Albany Med. College - 1985 Resid: Tripler Army Medical Center - 1988 Fellow: Boston Univ. - 1995 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1551 Professional Ln., Ste 290 Longmont 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other Locations at: Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood & Broomfield JENNIFER CHRISTENSEN, M.D. Internal Medicine Cert. 1996, 2006 M.D.: Johns Hopkins Univ. - 1993 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1994 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1996 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3268 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com AMMIE E. CHRISTIANSEN, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 2003 D.O.: Kirksville Coll. of Osteo. Med. - 2000 Resid: Christus Santa Rosa Fam. Practice - 2003 205 S. Main, Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-772-6244 DIANE CHRISTOPHER, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2012 M.D.: Univ. of CO HSC - 2003 Intern/Resid.: McGaw Med. Cntr. Northwestern Univ. - 2011 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Rd., Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com EUGENE SHU-SEN CHU, M.D., F.H.M Director, Hospital Medicine Service Boulder Community Hospital M.D.: Resid: Tufts Univ. Sch. of Medicine - 1997 Univ. of Colorado Internal Medicine - 2000 Boulder Community Health 4747 Arapahoe Ane. Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists WILLIAM CICCONE II, M.D. Orthopedics – Cert. 2001 Sports Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Colorado – 1993 Intern: Penn. State U. – 1994 Resid: Penn. State U. – 1998 Fellow: Sports Medicine UCSD - 1999 Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com JAMES E. CLARK, M.D. Urology - Cert. 1987 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1979 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1980 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1985 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 104 Boulder 80303 303-444-9000 www.AlpineUrology.net SCOTT D. CLARK, M.D., FABD Dermatology - Cert. 1984 M.D.: Baylor Coll. of Medicine - 1980 Intern: Baylor Coll. of Medicine - 1981 Resid: Baylor Coll. of Medicine - 1984 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3118 www.LongmontClinic.com 25 GEOFFERY CLOVER, M.D. Hospitalist; Internal Medicine – Cert. 2000; Infectious Diseases – Cert. 2000 M.D.: Med. Univ. of SC, Charleston – 1996 Intern: Tulane Univ. Hosp., New Orleans - 1998 Resid: LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans - 2001 Fellow: Mt. Sinai Med. Center – 2003 4747 Arapahoe Ave Boulder, CO 80303-1133 303-415-7610 www.bch.org/hospitalists LAURIE CORYELL, M.D. Family Medicine* - Cert. 1987 Urgent/Emergency Care M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1984 Resid: North Co. Family Practice, Greeley - 1987 Community Medical Center 1000 W. South Boulder Rd. Lafayette 80026 303-666-4357 www.bch.org DAVID J. CONYERS, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2000, Hand M.D.: McGill Univ., Montreal – 1979 Intern: Montreal Gen. Hosp. – 1980 Resid: McGill Univ., Montreal – 1984 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado – 1985 Boulder Orthopedics and Hand, PC 777 29th St., Ste. 100 Boulder 80301 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder 80304 1000 S Boulder Rd, Suite 218 Lafayette 80026 303-449-2730 www.BoulderOrthopedics.com WILLIAM P. COONEY, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2009; Sports Medicine/Joint Replacement M.D.: St. Louis Sch. of Med. - 2000 Intern/Resid: Mayo Clinic Dept. of Orthopedics - MN - 2005 Fellow: Amer. Sports Med. Inst - AL. - 2006 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 www.FrontrangeOrthopedics.com PAUL L. COOPER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2000 M.D.: Baylor Coll. of Med. - 1995 Intern: U. of Rochester - 1996 Resid: U. of Rochester - 1999 Buffalo Ridge Medical Associates 16677 Lowell Blvd. Broomfield 80023 303-938-3498 www.bch.org JULIA CUERVO, M.D. Internal Medicine M.D.: Univ. of TX, San Antonio - 2003 Intern/Resid: Banner Good Samaritan, Phoenix - 2006 Milestone Medical Group 2030 Mountain View Ave, #310 Longmont 80501 720-652-8400 Fax 720-652-8415 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org MARGARET ALISE CURRY, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1996 M.D.: Univ. of TX, San Antonio - 1989 Intern: Portsmouth Naval Hosp. - 1990 Resid: Naval Hosp., San Diego - 1996 Boulder Dermatology 3575 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-449-0933 400 S. McCaslin, Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-5261 www.BoulderDermatology.com R. SCOTT DAARUD, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. since 1983 M.D.: Loma Linda U., CA - 1979 Intern/Resid: Sioux Falls Family Practice - 1983 Avista Family Medicine 611 Mitchell Way, Suite 103 Erie 80516 303-269-2780 HERMAN A. DAMEK, JR., M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004 Resid: Michigan State Univ. - 2000 M.D.: Univ. of Texas Southwestern, Dallas – 2001 Intern/Resid: Univ. of MO, Columbia - 2004 205 S. Main, Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-772-6244 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1982 www.bch.org M.D.: St. Geroge’s University West Indies - 1997 26 ELIZABETH CRUSE, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 2000 SHOBAN A. DAVÉ, M.D. Allergy and Immunology Cert. 2008 M.D.: Penn State Univ. - 2001 Resid: Med. Univ. of SC - 2004 Fellow: Mayo Clinic - 2008 Flatiron Allergy & Asthma Center 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 170 Louisville 80027 303-862-3303 Fax 303-862-3308 www.FlatironAllergy.com JOSE M. DELGADO, JR., M.D., FACP Internal Medicine - ANTHONY DOBIJA, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 2012 M.D.: Med. Univ. of Silesia, Poland - 1985 Intern: Danbury Hospital - 1996 Resid.: Columbus Hosp., Chicago - 1998 Internal Medicine Associates Lafayette 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 214 Lafayette 80026 303-604-6669 Fax: 303-661-9496 www.bch.org WILLIAM H. DODSON, III, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1996, 2006 Cert. 2001, 2008 M.D.: U. of Miami - 1993 Intern/Resid: U. of Miami, Jackson Mem. - 1996 Chief Resident:U. of Miami - 1997 M.D.: U of TX Southwestern Med. Sch. at Dallas - 1992 Intern: Univ. of NM - 1998 Resid: Univ. of NM - 2000 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3082 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com Dakota Ridge Family Medicine PC 2995 Baseline Rd., Suite 210 Boulder 80303 303-443-2544 www.bch.org/dakotaridge MELODY DENHAM, M.D. Interventional Pain Mgmt. Anesthesiology - Cert. 1996, 2009 M.D.: UCLA - 1989 Intern: Univ. of Colorado – 1990 Resid: UCLA, 1993 Fellow: Mayo Clinic – 1996 Boulder Pain Institute, P.C. 3445 Penrose Pl., Suite 140 Boulder 80301 303-413-0100 CHLOE M. DENT, M.D. Pain Medicine - Cert. 2012, 2013 M.D.: Case Western Reserve Univ - 2004 Intern: Case Western Reserve Univ - 2005 Resid: Univ Hospitals Case Med Cntr - 2007 Resid: The Medical College of WI - 2009 Fellow: Univ of Colorado - 2010 Mapleton Pain Management 311 Mapleton Avenue Boulder 80304-3979 303-441-0506 Fax 303-441-2166 www.bch.org MAUREEN A. DICKERSON, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1994, 2009 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1991 Children’s Mercy Hosp., Kansas City, MO - 1991 Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1994 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2720 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com ROBERT P. DOLAN, M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.: Vanderbilt Med. School - 1983 Resid:National Naval Med. Center, MD - 1998 Fellow:Univ. of S. Florida - 1992 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1551 Professional Ln. #290 Longmont 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other Locations at: Boulder, Lafayette, Broomfield, Lakewood DIRK W. DOLBEARE, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2012 M.D.: Univ. of Arkansas – 2004 Intern: Univ. of Arkansas – 2005 Resid: Med. College of Virginia – 2009 933 Alpine Street Boulder 80304 1000 W. South Boulder Rd. Ste. 218 Lafayette, 80026 303-449-2730 www.BoulderOrthopedics.com JAMIE J. DOUCET, M.D. Interventional Cardiology Cert. 1999 M.D.: LSU, New Orleans - 1992 Intern: U. of TX, Houston - 1993 Resid: U. of TX, Houston - 1995 Fellow: TX Heart Institute, Houston 1999 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 27 MURRY DRESCHER, M.D. Cardiovascular Medicine – Cert. 1987 KANWAL EJAZ, M.D. Internal Medicine MBBS: King Edward Medical Univ - 1994 Intern/Resid: Salem Hospital (MA) - 2001 M.D.: Mount Sinai School of Med, NY – 1981 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Miami – 1985 Fellow: Univ. of Miami – 1987 Internal Medicine Associates – Boulder 1155 Alpine Avenue, #360 Boulder 80304-3400 303-442-8840 www.bch.org/imaboulder Milestone Medical Group 2030 Mountain View Ave, #310 Longmont 80501 720-652-8400 Fax 720-652-8415 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org KATHERINE DUEBER, M.D. Pediatric Medicine - ABBY EMDUR, M.D. Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery - Cert. 2009 Cert. 2007 M.D.: NY Med. College - 2004 Resid: Phoenix Children’s Hosp. - 2007 M.D.: U. of S. California - 2002 Intern/Resid: U. of CA, San Diego - 2008 Carbon Valley Medical Center 6600 Firestone Blvd. Firestone 80504 303-833-8880 www.CarbonValleyMedical.com COCO DUGHI, M.D. Internal Medicine* - Cert. 1998, 2008; Geriatric Medicine Cert. 1999 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Longmont 80501 720-494-3120 JOSHUA EMDUR, D.O. Hospitalist* Family Medicine - Cert. 2007 D.O.: Western Univ. - 2004 Intern/Resid: Arrowhead Regional Med. Center - 2007 M.D.: Univ. of Hawaii - 1995 Resid: Mayo Graduate Sch. of Med. - 1998 Fellow: Mayo Graduate Sch. of Med. - 1999 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Ave Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3169 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com S. SHEVAUN DUIKER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1990, Internal Medicine - 1996, 2002 Cert. 2010 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1986 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1989 M.D.: Univ. of Miami - 1998 Intern: Jackson Mem. Hosp, Miami - 2006 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2009 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org THOMAS EICKMANN, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2007 28 LAURA ERBEN, M.D. Boulder Medical Center, P.C. 2750 Broadway Boulder, 80304 303-440-3082 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com AKE SPENCER EVANS, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab – Cert. 2012 M.D.: Loma Linda University - 1999 Intern: Loma Linda University - 2000 Resid: Loma Linda University - 2004 Fellow: Anderson Orthopaedic Research Institute - 2005 M.D.: NY Medical College - 2004 Intern: Sound Shore Med Cntr, Westchester - 2005 Resid: Loma Linda Univ., Rancho Los Amigos Nat’l Rehab Cntr - 2011 Fellow: Spine & Pain Tx Med Cntr - 2012 Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com Center for Spine & Orthopedics, P.C. 9005 Grant Street, Suite 200 Thornton 80229 303-287-2800 www.CenterForSpineAndOrthopedics.com MARY E. FAINI, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1994, 2000, 2007 M.D.: Georgetown U. - 1986 Intern: Wilford Hall U.S.A.F. Med. Center - 1987 Resid: Duke U. - 1994 Cert. 1993, 2007-2014 M.D.: Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1986 Maricopa Med. Center/St. Joseph’s Hosp. & Med. Center, Phoenix, AZ - 1990 Longs Peak Family Practice Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3130 www.LongmontClinic.com GRACE C. FAN, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics - Cert. 1991, JULIE A. FISCHER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1309 Sunset St. Longmont 80501 303-772-5578 LongsPeakFamilyPractice.com 1999, 2006, 2012 1995, 2002, 2009-2016 M.D.: Univ. of CA, LA - 1988 Intern: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center - 1989 Resid: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center - 1991 M.D.: UCLA Sch. of Med. - 1992 Resid: Kaiser Permanente, Riverside, CA - 1995 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com Carbon Valley Medical Center 6600 Firestone Blvd. Firestone 80504 303-833-8880 www.CarbonValleyMedical.com BRADLEY D. FANESTIL, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011 EILEEN M. FISH, M.D. Nephrology - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Kansas Univ. Medical Sch. Kansas City - 1987 Intern/Resid: - UCLA - San Fernando Valley, CA - 1990 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado – 1988 Resid: Univ. of Colorado – 1990 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado – 1993 Internal Medicine Assoc. - Foothills 4820 Riverbend Rd. Boulder 80301 303-415-7272 Fax 303-415-7197 www.bch.org 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont 80501 303-776-7759 Fax 303-776-3958 LYNNE FERNANDEZ, M.D. Physical Medicine/ Occupational Health/Rehab* - Cert. 1985 M.D.: Howard U., Washington, DC - 1984 Intern: NY Med. College, Valhalla - 1985 Resid: NY Med. College, Valhalla - 1987 Occupational Health Services 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #220 Lafayette, 80026 303-604-4660 Fax 303-604-4662 www.bch.org JENNIFER FIER, M.D. OB/Gyn PATRICK A. FINNEGAN, M.D., FACOG Obstetrics/Gynecology - ROBERT E. FISHER, M.D. Hematology/Medical Oncology* - Cert. 1989 M.D.: Univ. of Cincinnati, College of Medicine - 1983 Resid: Johns Hopkins - 1986 Fellow: Univ. of Maryland, Cancer Center - 1988 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., #210 Longmont 80501 303-684-1900 Fax 303-267-4470 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com ROBERT E. FITZGIBBONS, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1995, 2005, 2013 M.D.: Univ of Colorado – 2010 Intern: Univ of Hawaii – 2011 Resid: Lutheran Gen Hosp, Parkridge, IL - 2014 M.D.: Loyola-Stritch School of Med., IL - 1987 Resid: Northwestern Medical Center, IL - 1992 Fellow: Methodist Sports Medicine Center, IN - 1993 Boulder Medical Center – Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Ave, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 FrontRangeOrthopedics.com 29 CLINT R. FLANAGAN, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center - 2001 Intern/Resid: St. Mary’s Hospital - 2004 North Vista Medical Center 4943 State Hwy 52, #240 Frederick 80514 303-501-2600 Fax 303-833-7017 JOHN T. FLEAGLE, M.D. Oncology* - Cert. 1983 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1981 M.D.: Univ. of Intern: Michael Resid: Michael Fellow: Univ. of Illinois - 1978 Reese - 1979 Reese - 1981 Colorado - 1983 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com STAR FOWLER, D.O. Internal Medicine – Cert. 2012 D.O.: Midwestern Univ., Glendale, AZ - 2009 Intern/Resid: Univ. of NM, Albuquerque - 2012 Milestone Medical Group 2030 Mountain View Ave, #310 Longmont 80501 720-652-8400 Fax 720-652-8415 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org CHRISTOPHER R. FOX, M.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 2003, 2013; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1995 Intern: Univ. of Utah - 1996 Resid: Univ. of Utah - 1999 Fellow: Univ. of Virginia - 2003 892 W. South Boulder Rd. Louisville 80027 303-586-5200 www.BouldErendo.com JENNY R. FOX, M.D. Oncology* - Cert. 2003, 2013 Hematology - Cert. 2003, 2013 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1996 Resid: Univ. of Utah - 1999 Chief Resid: Univ. of Utah - 2000 Fellow: Univ. of Virginia - 2003 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com 30 RICHARD J. FOX, M.D. General, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery - Cert. 2003 M.D.: Chicago Med. Sch. - 1997 Resid: Loyola Univ. - 1998 Alpine Surgical 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 102 Boulder 80303 Avista location: 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 250 Louisville 80027 303-449-3642 Fax 303-440-7298 AlpineSurgical.net ZARA FRANKEL, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2003 M.D.: SUNY Stonybrook - 2000 Intern: U. of CO, Denver - 2001 Resid: U. of CO, Denver - 2003 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th St., Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 www.bch.org JAMES M. FRETWELL, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1997 M.D.: Resid: Northeastern Ohio Univ. College of Medicine - 1994 Barberton Citizens Hosp. Barberton, Ohio - 1997 205 S. Main St., Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-772-6244 JAMES FREUDENBURG, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. 1977, 1989, 1996, 2002 M.D.: Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center - 1974 Intern: Univ. of Nebraska Affiliated Hospital - 1975 Resid: Univ. of Nebraska Affiliated Hospital - 1977 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com STEPHEN FRIES, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1981 M.D.: Ohio State Univ. - 1977 Intern: Univ. of Michigan - 1978 Resid: Univ. of Michigan - 1980 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Rd., #200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JOHN C. FUESTON, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2004 M.D.: U. of Cincinnati, OH - 2000 WAEL F. GARAS, M.D. Hospitalist*; Internal Medicine – Cert. 2004 Intern/Resid: U. of Cincinnati, OH - 2004 M.D.: Ohio State Univ. – 1999 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Nebraska - 2004 Fellow: Univ. of Arizona – 2011 Twin Peaks Dermatology, PC 205 South Main Street, Suite E Longmont 80501 303-485-8913 Fax: 303-485-8914 www.TwinPeaksDermatology.com Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 LORRI J. FULKERSON, M.D. Orthopedics* Sports Medicine - Cert. 1993 M.D.: Univ. of CA, Davis - 1986 Intern: Swedish Hosp., Seattle, WA 1987 Resid: San Fran. Orthopedic Res. Training Program - 1991 Boulder Orthopedics, P.C. 933 Alpine Avenue Boulder 80304 303-449-2730 www.BoulderOrthopedics.com JEFFREY GAGLIANO, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Cert. 2010 MD: Univ. of Colorado - 2002 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CA San Francisco - 2007 Fellow: Steadman Hawkins Sports Med. - 2008 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 303-665-0286 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder 80301 303-449-4545 CASEY GALLAGHER, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2001 M.D.: Univ. of CA, San Fran - 1997 Intern: Univ. of CA, San Fran - 1998 Resid: New York Univ. - 2001 Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology 1140 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 202 Lafayette 80026 Offices in Boulder, Brighton and Lafayette 303-604-1444 Fax 303-666-0911 www.BVDerm.com EILEEN GALLAGHER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2003, 2012 M.D.: Univ. of CA, Irvine - 2000 Resid: Oregon Health & Science Univ. - 2003 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3102 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com DAVID GATOF, M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.: Univ. of Florida - 1997 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2000 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 2003 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1551 Professional Ln. Ste 290 Longmont, 80501 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at: Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood & Broomfield MATTHEW J. GAWART, M.D. General & Vascular Surgery M.D.: Univ. of NE Med. Cntr - 2007 Resid: Univ. of IL Chicago - 2012 Alpine Surgical LLC 4743 Arapahoe Ave, Suite 102 Boulder 80303 Avista Location: 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 250 Louisville 80027 303-604-5000 Fax 303-440-7298 AlpineSurgical.net CAROLE GEDENBERG, M.D. Pedatrics - Cert. 2013 M.D.: Palacky U, Czech Republic - 2008 Resid: Nassau Univ. E. Meadow, NY - 2013 Doctor At Your Door PO Box 3350 Boulder 80307 720-418-1705 MINDY GEHRS, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab Cert. 2003; Level II - Accredited 2002; Medical Acupuncture Cert. 2008; Sports Medicine & Rehab - Cert. 2010 M.D.: U. of AL, Birmingham - 1998 Resid: U. of CO Denver Health - 2002 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com 31 SARA A. GEORGE, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004 M.D.: American Univ. of Caribbean -1997 Resid: Univ. of Texas - 2003 Sage Family Medicine 413 Summit Blvd. Unit 201 Broomfield 80021 303-464-7243 Fax 303-469-2898 www.SageFM.com CHRISTOPHER GERBER, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004, 2011; Urgent Care* D.O..: Des Moines Univ. - 2001 Intern/Resid: S. Illinois University - 2004 E. PATRICIA GILL, M.D. Infectious Disease* – Cert. 1994, 2004, 2014; Internal Medicine – Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011; Travel Medicine M.D.: Baylor College of Med., Houston – 1988 Intern: Baylor College of Med. – 1989 Resid/Fellow: Baylor College of Med. – 1993 Milestone Medical Group 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., #310 Longmont 80501 720-652-8400 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org JASON GLOWNEY, M.D. Sports Medicine* - Cert. 2010 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2010 Emergency Medicine Cert. 2010 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois - 2004 Resid: Univ. of Illinois Hosp. - 2009 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 2010 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3136 www.LongmontClinic.com MATTHEW R. GERLACH, M.D. Orthopedics* – Cert 2009; Spine Surgery ANDREW C. GOLDMAN, M.D. Otolaryngology* - Cert. 2003 Facial Plastic Surgery Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ of MN- 2001 Resid: Med. Coll. of Wisconsin - 2006 Fellow: Rocky Mtn. Spine Clinic - 2007 M.D.: Rush University - 1996 Resid: SUNY - Downstate - 2001 Fellow:Inselspital - Bern, Switzerland - 2002 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 130 Boulder 80303 Main: 303-443-2771 300 Exempla Cir, #210 Lafayette 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. 220 Louisville 80027 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 www.FrontrangeOrthopedics.com JILL E. GIBSON, M.D. Rheumatology* - Cert 2010 Internal Medicine - Cert 2008 MD: Washington U., MO - 2005 Intern/Resid: Washington U., MO - 2008 Fellow: Washington U., MO - 2010 1551 Professional Ln, Ste 235 Longmont 80501 720-494-4700 1-877-508-5510 (toll free) Fax 720-494-4706 Offices in Longmont and Wheat Ridge ANNE M. GIESEN, D.O. Geriatric Medicine Cert. 2000, 2013; Hospice/ Palliative Medicine - Cert. 2013 D.O.: U. of New England COM – 1996 Resid/Fellow: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – 2000 Wisdom Health PC 350 Ponca Place, Suite 250 Boulder 80303 303-938-1110 Fax 303-938-1145 www.WisdomHealthBoulder.com 32 Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Avenue Boulder 80304 303-544-5700 www.bch.org/sportsmedicine DAVID G. GOODBEE, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 2000 M.D.: Chicago Medical School -1995 Resid.: U. of Colorado HSC- 2000 Fellow: (Neuroradiology) U. of Colorado HSC- 2001 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax 720-494-4771 www.TwinPeaksMedicalImaging.com JACQUELYNN GOULD, M.D., F.H.M. Family Medicine - Cert. 2008 Hospitalist* MD: University of Colorado - 2005 Intern/Resid: Ft. Collins Family Medicine - 2008 Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., Suite 540 Longmont, CO 80501 303-651-5302 TIMOTHY GOVAERTS, M.D. Nephrology* - Cert. 1997 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1994 ALICE GRAY, D.O. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of Ne Coll. of Med. - 1991 Resid: Univ. of MI Med. Center - 1995 Fellow: Univ. of MI Med. Center - 1997 D.O.: Resid: 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite B Longmont 80501 303-776-7759 Fax 303-776-3958 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 320 Boulder 80303 303-441-0587 Fax 303-996-0801 J. GEARY GRANTHAM, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology* - Cert. 1985; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1981 M.D.: U. of Missouri - 1977 Resid: Mayo Clinic - 1977-80; 1982-85 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3029 BoulderMedicalCenter.com GARY GRASMICK M.D. Family Medicine Cert. 2001, 2008 M.D.: Univ. of CO - 1998 Resid: Univ. of CO Hospital - 2001 Northwest Family Medicine Assoc. 500 Discovery Pkwy., Ste 150 Superior 80027 303-425-9581 Fax 303-425-9259 PATRICK GRATHWOHL, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. pending M.D.: Creighton Univ. Sch. of Med. - 2009 Intern/Resid: Dell Children’s Med. Cntr. - 2012 Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Ste. 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com J. DAVID GRAUER, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011; Sports Medicine/ Arthroscopic Surgery M.D.: Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, OH - 1982 Intern: UCLA Med. Center - 1983 Resid: UCLA Med. Center - 1988 Fellow:Salt Lake City - 1989 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 303-665-0286 4820 Riverbend Boulder 80301 303-449-4545 Touro Univ. of Osteopathic Med. – 2010 Exempla St. Joseph Hosp., Denver – 2014 JUSTIN D. GREEN, M.D. Phy. Med. & Rehab.* - Cert. 1992; EMG/Electrodiagnosis Cert. 1993; Acupuncture M.D.: Hahnemann Univ. Medical School, Philadelphia - 1987 Resid: Univ. of Michigan, - 1991 5277 Manhattan Cir., Ste. 100 Boulder 80303 720-304-8154 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 www.JustinGreenMD.com CLIFF A. GRONSETH, M.D. Phys Med & Rehab, Sports Med., Electrodiagnostic Med., Pain Med. M.D.: Univ. of California: San Francisco - 1992 Intern: UCSF - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Michigan - 1996 Asst. Clinical Prof.: Univ. of Colorado Spine West 5387 Manhattan Cr. Boulder 80303 303-494-7773 Fax 303-494-1104 www.SpineWest.com MEGAN “SOMA” GROTEFEND, M.D. Family Medicine- Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of NM, Albuquerque – 1995 Intern/Resid: Memorial Family Practice, South Bend, IN - 1998 Milestone Medical Group 4943 Hwy. 52, #100 Frederick 80514 303-833-1900 Fax 303-833-7342 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org BRADLEY W. GUSTAVE, M.D. Ophthalmology M.D.: UCHSC - 2009 Intern: CO Health Found. St. Luke’s Hosp - 2010 Resid: UCHSC – 2013 Fellow: Weill Cornell Med College, NY - 2014 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80303 303-444-3000 Fax 303-444-3226 33 HILARIE J. GUTIERREZ, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 2000 M.D.: Eastern Virginia Med. Sch. -1995 Resid.: U. of Colorado - 2000 Fellow: (Women’s Imaging) U. of Washington - 2001 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax 720-494-4771 www.TwinPeaksMedicalImaging.com HORACIO GUTIERREZ, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 1999 M.D.: SUNY, Buffalo, NY - 1994 Resid.: U. of Colorado - 1999 Fellow: (Body & Breast Imaging) U. of Colorado - 2000 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax 720-494-4771 www.TwinPeaksmedicalImaging.com DANIEL HADLEY, M.D. Family Medicine M.D.: Indiana Univ. - 2004 Intern/Resid: Colorado U./Rose Med. Cntr - 2007 Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline, Suite 210 Boulder 80303 303-443-2544 www.bch.org/dakotaridge SUSAN S. HAGEN, M.D. General Surgery Cert. 2012 Vascular & Thoracic Surgery M.D.: Univ. of SC - 2006 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Iowa - 2011 Anderson Medical Center Foothills Hospital 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 100 Boulder 80303 303-443-2123 Fax 303-443-9497 www.BoulderValleySurgery.com MARK D. HAIMES, M.D. Internal Medicine - 34 JOANNE HALBRECHT, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1998; Sports Medicine M.D.: NY Medical Coll. - 1990 Intern/Resid: Albert Einstein, Montefiore Med. Cntr, Gen Surg.1991, Orth. Surg.1995 Fellow: Instit. for Bone & Joint Surg. - Sports Medicine - 1996 3000 Center Green Dr., Ste. 150 Boulder, 80301 (303) 449-8807 Fax 303-247-1232 LISABETH HALL, M.D. Internal Medicine- Cert. 2006 M.D.: Univ of Washington - 2003 Intern/Resid: Univ of Washington Med Cntr - 2006 Internal Medicine Associates Lafayette 1000 W. South Boulder Road, #214 Lafayette 80026-2089 303-604-6669 www.bch.org/imalafayette RICHARD K. HALTERMAN, M.D. Nephrology* - Cert. 2006 M.D.: Ohio State University - 1991 Intern: Ohio State University - 1992 Resid: Ohio State University - 1994 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 1997 2655 Crescent Dr., Ste D Lafayette 80026 4743 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 104 Boulder 80303 303-443-4200 Fax 303-443-5470 FRAN I. HAMILTON, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1993, 1999, 2005 M.D.: Resid: Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S. - 1989 Wilson Memorial Hosp., NY - 1992 Holistic Family Practice 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 360 Boulder 80304 303-442-8843 www.bch.org CHRISTINE C. HANSEN, M.D. Cert. 1980 Gynecology*- Cert. 1999 Surgery, Infertility M.D.: Univ. of Illinois - 1977 Intern/Resid: Evanston Hosp., NW Univ., IL - 1980 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1997 Internal Medicine Associates Boulder 1155 Alpine Ave., Ste. 360 Boulder 80304 303-442-8840 Fax 303-440-9629 www.bch.org Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 110 Boulder 80303 303-444-5110 Fax 303-444-7457 www.BoulderWomensClinic.com WINFIELD HARTLEY, M.D., F.A.C.S. Plastic Surgery* - Cert. 2002; Cosmetic Surgery - Cert. 2003 M.D.:Emory Univ. - 1997 Intern: Parkland Hospital - 1998 Resid: Parkland Hospital - 2000,2002 Fellow: Melbourne, AU - 2003; Baptist Medical Center - 2003 2525 4th St., Suite 202 Boulder 80304 303-443-2277 www.boulderplasticsurgery.com WADE HEINRICHS, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2004 M.D.:Univ. of Pittsburgh - 2001 Intern:Univ. of Arizona - 2002 Resid:Univ. of Arizona - 2004 Carbon Valley Medical Center 6600 Firestone Blvd. Firestone 80504 303-833-8880 Fax 303-682-8007 www.CarbonValleyMedical.com WARREN M. HERN, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. Abortion Services* Preventive Medicine Cert. 1978 STEPHANIE HESS, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2002 M.D.: Ohio State U., Coll. of Med. - 1999 Intern: UCHSC - 2000 Resid: UCHSC - 2002 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th Street, Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 www.bch.org MARK G. HICKEY, M.D. Sleep Medicine – Cert. 2009 M.D.: U. of S. FL – 2003 Intern: Good Sam, AZ – 2005 Resid: Mayo Clinic, AZ – 2008 Fellow: Louisiana State U. – 2009 Colorado Sleep Institute 1000 Alpine Ave., Ste. 105 Boulder 80304 720-279-9098 Fax 720-540-4250 Offices in Boulder, Broomfield and Longmont coloradosleep.org JOHN EUGENE HO, M.D. Internal Medicine – Cert 1994, 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1965 M.P.H.:Univ. of N. Carolina - 1971 Ph.D.: Univ. of N. Carolina - 1988 M.D.: Univ. of MI, Kansas City – 1991 Intern: Wilford Hall USAF, TX – 1992 Resid: Wilford Hall Med Center, TX – 1994 1130 Alpine Ave. Boulder 80304 303-447-1361 (800) 535-1287 Fax 303-447-0020 www.drhern.com Avista Internal Medicine 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville 80027 303-269-2700 Fax 303-269-2690 ERIC HERNANDEZ, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2011 STEPHEN HOERLER, M.D. Internal Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor - 2007 Intern/Resid: Family Medicine Spokane, WA - 2010 M.D.: Wayne State Univ School of Med - 1979 Intern/Resid: Detroit General Hosp. - 1982 Milestone Medical Group Internal Medicine Associates – Boulder 1155 Alpine Avenue, #360 Boulder 80304-3400 303-442-8840 www.bch.org/imaboulder 6800 N. 79th St., Ste. 102 Niwot 80503 720-494-7100 Fax 303-652-0518 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org GLENN E. HERRMANN, M.D., F.A.C.S. Plastic Surgery* - Cert. 2007 General Surgery - Cert. 2005 M.D.:UCHSC -1997 Intern: U. of FL, Gainesville - 1998 Resid: U. of FL, Gainesville - 2003 Fellow: U. of IL, Chicago - 2006 Coal Creek Plastic Surgery 130 Old Laramie Trail East Lafayette 80026 303-664-9400 www.CoalCreekPlasticSurgery.com MATTHEW HOLLAND, M.D. Interventional Cardiology* Cert. 1999; Cardiovascular Disease - Cert. 1991 M.D.: Johns Hopkins - 1985 Intern: Johns Hopkins - 1986 Resid: Johns Hopkins - 1988 Fellow:Univ. of Utah - 1992 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3057 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 35 STEVEN R. HONG, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1989 MARK A. HUNTER, M.D. Otolaryngology M.D.: Univ. of CO, Denver - 1982 Intern: Univ. of Utah, SLC - 1983 Resid: Univ. of Utah, SLC - 1985 Resid: Stanford Univ. - 1989 Fellow:Univ. of Utah, SLC - 1986 M.D.: Univ. of Vermont - 2009 Resid: Albany College of Medicine - 2014 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3013 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JILLIAN HORNER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1992; Ultrasonography Fellow - Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway St Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3073 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com LONG PHI HUYNH, M.D. FACOG Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2010 Cert. 1993 M.D.: University of Kansas– 1989 Resid: N. Colorado Family Med., Greeley - 1992 Fellow: Harvard Univ. - 1993 M.D.: Med. College of VA, Richmond - 2004 Intern/Resid: Univ. of AZ, Tucson - 2008 Gunbarrel Medical Center 6685 Gunpark Drive, Suite 110 Boulder 80301 303-530-3062 www.bch.org Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville 80027 303-439-8910 WILLIAM W. HOWLAND, M.D., FCAP, FASD Anatomic & Clinical Pathology* - Cert. 1981; Dermatopathology Cert. 1982 M.D.: U. of Colorado School of Med. – 1977 Intern: U. of Colorado HSC – 1978 Resid/Fellow: U. of Colorado HSC – 1982 BCH Lab 1100 Balsam/ PO Box 9019 Boulder 80301-9010 303-415-7825 JOSEPH HSIN, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1997, 2006 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1990 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1991 Resid: Rancho Los Amigos, CA - 1993 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 1995 Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com BRIAN HUGHES, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 2003 D.O.: Resid: Midwestern Univ. Chicago Coll. Osteo. Med. - 2000 Botsford Gen. Hosp. Farmington Hills, MI - 2003 205 S. Main, Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-772-6244 36 JOHN R. IMIG, M.D. Gynecology - Cert. 1977 M.D.: Univ. of Iowa - 1971 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1972 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1975 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com NUZHAT IQBAL, M.D. Internal Medicine Cert. 1999; Gastroenterology/ Hepatology* - Cert. 2000; Nutrition Resid/Fellow: SUNY @ Stony Brook - 1996 Fellow: U. of AL, Birmingham - 1999 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3123 www.LongmontClinic.com HEATHER N. ISAACSON, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics - Cert. 2000, 2008 M.D.: Univ. of Arizona - 1996 Intern: Univ. of CA, San Diego - 1997 Resid: Univ. of CA, San Diego - 1999 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com RICHARD JACOBI, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1989, 1995, 2001, 2007 M.D.: Univ. of PA - 1986 Intern: Univ. of Rochester, NY - 1987 Resid: Univ. of Rochester, NY - 1989 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com LISA D. JAMROZ, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 1998 M.D.: Resid: Texas A & M College of Med. - 1991 U. of Arkansas for Med. Sciences - 1995 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 320 Boulder 80303 303-441-0587 Fax 303-996-0801 JONATHAN E. JENSEN, M.D., FACP, FACG, AGAF Internal Medicine - Cert. 1992, 2006; Gastroenterology* - Cert. 1995, 2005 M.D.: Albany Med. - 1984 Resid: Albany Med. - 1988 Fellow:Yale Univ. - 1991 JENNIFER M. JOHNSON, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2007; Holistic/Integrated Medicine - Cert. 2013 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado – 2003 Intern/Resid: St. Anthony’s Family Med. – 2007 Milestone Medical Group 6800 N. 79th Street, Suite 102 Niwot 80503 720-494-7100 Fax 303-652-0518 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org STEPHEN M. JOHS, M.D., FACS General Surgery* - Cert. 1989, 1998, 2008 M.D.: UCLA School of Med. - 1983 Intern: Harbor-UCLA Med. Center, Torrance - 1984 Resid: Harbor-UCLA Med. Center, Torrance - 1988 Boulder Medical Center 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2632 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com CHARLES G. JONES, M.D. General Surgery* - Cert. 1981, 1991, 2011 Vascular & Thoracic Surgery M.D.: CU Medical School - 1974 Intern/Resid: CU Med. School - 1980 Member AASLD/AGA/ACG; LUH, BCH, Volunteer Faculty UCHSC 1994-present; Peak Performer 2012, 2013 Anderson Medical Center Foothills Hospital 4743 Arapahoe Ave. Ste. 100 Boulder 80303 Office: Longmont 303-776-6115 www.GastroMD.com 303-443-2123 Fax 303-443-9497 www.BoulderValleySurgery.com JON-PAUL JORDAN, M.D. LORI JENSEN, M.D. Hematology/Oncology - Pediatrics - Cert. 2003 M.D.: Univ. of TX, San Antonio 1988 Intern: Univ. of CO - 1989 Resid: Univ. of CO - 1991 Fellow:Univ. of CO - 1996 M.D.: Loma Linda Univ. Sch. of Med. - 2000 Resid: Univ. of Louisville - 2003 Cert. 1996 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com AMY JOHNSON, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 1999 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1992 Resid: St. Joseph’s, Arizona - 1996 Cornerstone Pediatrics 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. #160 Louisville 80027 303-673-9030 SHANE JUENEMANN, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2003; Sports Medicine - Cert. 2004 M.D.: PA State University - 2000 Resid: Reading Hosp., PA -2003 Fellow: Hennepin County Med. Cntr - 2004 Milestone Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View, Ste. 400 Longmont 80501 303-702-5910 Fax 303-702-5935 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org Gunbarrel Medical Center 6685 Gunpark Drive East, #110 Boulder 80301 303-530-3062 www.bch.org 37 H. RAI KAKKAR, MD Neurology - Cert 1993 M.D.: Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India - 1971 Intern/Resid: Harlem Hospital Center, NY, NY – 1977 Fellow: Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY – 1978 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway St Boulder, CO 80307 303-440-3216 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com DIANE L. KALLGREN, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1992, 1999, 2011 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of MO - Columbia - 1984 Naval Hospital, San Diego - 1985 Nat’l Naval Medical Center Bethesda, MD - 1992 Kallgren Dermatology Clinic, PC 3434 47th St., Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-444-8100 Fax 303-444-8113 www.kallgrenderm.com VINAYA KAMATH, M.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 1997, 2008; Internal Medicine Cert. 1995, 2005 M.D.: JNM Med. Coll, India - 1989 Intern: St. Vincent Hosp., MA - 1992 Resid: Santa Clara Valley Med. Ctr., San Jose, CA - 1994 Fellow:Stanford Univ. - 1996 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville 80027 303-586-5200 www.BouldErendo.com JILL KAMON, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1986 M.D.: Tulane Univ. - 1981 Intern: Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles - 1982 Resid: Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles - 1985 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 310 Boulder 80303 303-442-2913 thepediatriccenter.net JEREMIAH I. KAPLAN, M.D. Internal Medicine – Cert. 2000, 2010 M.D.: Med. College of WI, Milwaukee – 1997 Intern/Resid: Univ. of NV, Reno – 2000 BCH Inpatient Rehabilitation Services 1100 Balsam Avenue Boulder 80304 303-440-2250 www.bch.org 38 KRYS KARAGEORGE, M.D. Hospitalist*, Family Medicine M.D.: Michigan State Univ. - 1997 Intern/Resid: Maine Dartmouth Family Practice - 2000 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Road Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists MOHAMMAD KARBASSI, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1998, 2008; Cornea M.D.:George Wash. Univ. - 1988 Resid: Boston U. Med. Cntr - 1996 Fellow: U. of Rochester - 1997 Front Range Eye Physicians Burlington Medical Bldg. 205 S. Main Street Longmont 80501 303-772-3611 Fax 303-772-3609 MATTHEW W. KAROWE, M.D. Gastroenterology MD: State Univ.of NY 1989 Resid: NY University 1992 Fellow: Emory Univ. 1995 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th Street, Ste 100 Boulder, 80301 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at: Lafayette, Lakewood, Broomfield & Longmont www.gastrorockies.com KAREN KAUFMAN, M.D. Gynecology - Cert. 2004, 2011 M.D.: Case Western Reserve - 1997 Resid: Northwestern Univ. - 2001 The Thayer Group for Women’s Care 1155 Alpine Ave., Suite 230 Boulder 80304 303-443-2010 www.ThayerMD.com PETER S. KAYE, M.D., FACG Gastroenterology M.D.: Albert Einstein Coll. of Medicine - 1989 Resid: Univ. of CA,, San Diego - 1992 Fellow: Univ. of CA.,San Diego - 1994 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th St., Ste. 100 Boulder 80301 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at: Lafayette, Lakewood, Broomfield & Longmont HEATHER M. KEENE, M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology JEFFREY KESTEN, M.D. Physical Med & Rehab Cert. 1997; Pain Medicine - Cert. 2009; Addiction Medicine - Cert. 2010 M.D.: State Univ. of NY - 1995 Resid: Providence Hosp., MI - 1999 Milestone Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Avenue, Suite 400 Longmont 80501 303-702-5910 Fax 303-702-5935 Milestonemedicalgroup.org Urology Alpine Urology 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 250 Lafayette 80026 303-776-9400 www.AlpineUrology.net BENJAMIN KEIDAN, M.D. Internal Medicine Cert. 2002 M.D.: Wayne State Univ. - 1999 Resid.: George Washington U. - 2002 Chief Medical Resident: George Washington U. - 2003 Internal Medicine Assoc. - Foothills 4820 Riverbend Rd. Boulder 80301 303-415-7272 Fax 303-415-7197 www.bch.org DONALD KELLER, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1997 M.D.: Univ. of Nebraska - 1991 Intern: Creighton Univ. - 1992 Resid: Univ. of Nebraska - 1995 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 100 Boulder 80303 303-444-3000 Fax 303-444-3226 www.BouderEyeSurgeons.com NANCY P. KELLEY, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1989 M.D.: Univ. of CO School of Medicine - 1986 Intern/Resid: Wake Forest Univ. Sch. of Med. - 1989 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 310 Boulder 80303 303-442-2913 ThePediatricCenter.net Colorado Clinic LLC 3000 Center Green Drive Boulder 80301 303-444-4141 LUCI KIDD, D.O., F.A.A.F.P. Family Practice – Cert. 2010 JOHN KEFER, M.D. M.D.: Loyola Stritch School of Med. - 2003 Intern/Resid: Cleveland Clinic - 2009 M.D.: Medical College of OH - 1991 Intern: Medical College of OH - 1992 Resid: Univ. of CO HSC - 1995 D.O.: Midwestern Univ. – 2006 Resid: Univ. of Washington, TFM-2010 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Road, Suite 110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1982 www.bch.org/Family MATTHEW KIDD, D.O. Neurologist - Cert. 2010 D.O.: Arizona Coll. of Osteo Med. – 2006 Intern/Resid: Madigan Army Medical Cntr - 2010 Associated Neurologists of BCH 4865 Riverbend Road, #100 Boulder 80301-2632 303-415-8800 www.bch.org/neurology REBECCA D. KIEREIN, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1995 Intern: Univ. of Colorado at Rose Medical Center - 1996 Resid: Univ. of Colorado at Rose Medical Center - 1998 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JALPA “JENNY” KIM, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 2005 M.D.: Univ. of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ - 1999 Intern/Resid: Albert Einstein Coll. of Med., Bronx, NY - 2003 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3130 www.LongmontClinic.com 39 J. MICHAEL KING, M.D. Otolaryngology* - Cert. 2009; Voice Disorders M.D.: Northeastern OH Univ. – 2003 Resid: Univ. TX, San Antonio – 2008 Fellow: Univ. TX, San Antonio – 2009 KELLY KNUDSON, M.D., FACS General Surgery - Cert. 2009 Vascular, Thoracic, Laparoscopic Surgery, Breast Surgery M.D. Univ. of CO Health Science Ctr. - 2003 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CO Health Science Ctr. - 2008 Peak ENT and Voice Center 403 Summit Blvd., Ste. 204 Broomfield 80021 BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 400 Lafayette 80026 303-689-6560 1030 Johnson Rd., Ste. 350 Golden 80401 720-401-2139 Fax 303-469-4439 MARK D. KING, M.D. Infectious Disease* - Cert. ROBERT B. KOCH, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2009 2001, 2011 M.D.: McGill Univ. Faculty of Med. Montreal, Canada - 1994 Intern: RI Hosp., Brown Univ. - 1995 Intern: MCP Hahnemann Univ., Philadelphia, PA - 1997 Resid: MCP Hahnemann Univ., Philadelphia, PA - 2001 Internal Medicine Cert. 1997, 2007 M.D.: U. of Texas, Houston - 1994 Intern/Resid: Harbor UCLA Med. Center, CA - 1998 Fellow: Emory U., Atlanta - 2001 Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases 4800 Riverbend Road, #200 Boulder 80301-2636 303-415-8850 www.bch.org/beaconcenter SPENCER M. KING, M.D. Urgent Care, Family Medicine, Cert. 1991, 1997, 2003, 2013 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3036 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com CATHY L. KOGER, D.O. Dermatology D.O: A.T. Still University - 2010 Resid: Northeast Regional Medical Center – 2014 M.D.: SUNY, Brooklyn - 1988 Intern: Highland Hosp., Univ. of Rochester, NY - 1989 Resid: Highland Hosp. Univ. of Rochester, NY - 1991 Kallgren Dermatology Clinic, PC 3434 47th Street, Suite 200 Boulder, 80301 303-444-8100 Fax 303-444-8113 www.kallgrenderm.com Boulder Mobile Acute Care P.O. Box 17483 Boulder 80308 303-569-9938 KILSAN KOH, M.D. MARIE KLISH, M.D. Radiation Oncology - Cert. General Surgery - M.D.: U. of NC, Chapel Hill - 2000 Intern: Latter Day Saints, UT - 2001 Resid: U. of UT, SLC - 2005 M.D.:Loma Linda Univ. - 1983 Intern: Pontiac Gen. Hosp (Affil. U. of Michigan) - 1984 Resid: Pontiac Gen. Hosp., MI - 1989 Hope Cancer Care 1950 Mountain View Longmont 80501 303-651-5252 3601 Arapahoe Ave., Suite D176 Boulder 80303 303-337-6919 Fax 303-695-6762 2006 KARIN R. KNAPP, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2008 M.D.: U. of CO – 2004 Resid: U. of Cali., LA - 2008 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 40 Cert. 1990, 2000, 2011 GREGG KOLDENHOVEN, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2003, 2014; Foot and Ankle M.D.: Univ. of Iowa - 1993 Resid: St. Louis Univ. - 1998 Fellow:OPA, Seattle, WA - 1999 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 www.FrontRangeOrthopedics.com STEVEN W. KRAFT, M.D. Nephrology* - Cert. 2004 MICHAEL C. LAHM, M.D., M.S. Diagnostic Radiology Cert - 2010 M.D.: Rush Med. College - 1999 Resid: Rush Univ. Med. Cntr. - 2002 Fellow: Rush Univ. Med. Cntr. - 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Toledo Med. Coll. - 2004 Resid: St. Josephs Milwaukee WI - 2010 Fellow: (MSK & Body) Med. College of Wisconsin - 2011 2655 Crescent Dr., Ste. D Lafayette 80026 303-443-4200 Fax 303-443-5470 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax 720-494-4771 TwinPeaksMedicalImaging.com KEN O. KREIDL, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert, 2006 M.D.: Stanford Univ. - 2000 Intern: Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - 2001 Resid: Stanford Univ. - 2004 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3049 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com STEFANIE KRENZ, M.D. Hospitalist*, Internal Medicine M.D.: Wayne State Univ, MI - 1998 Intern/Resid: Univ of Colo Health Sciences, Aurora - 2001 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Road Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/Hospitalists HANS R. KUISLE, M.D. Plastic Surgery* - Cert. 1985; General Surgery - Cert. 1979; Cosmetic Surgery - Cert. 1985 GEETA LALWANI, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 2007 MD: MCP-Hahnemann SOM, Drexel Univ. Resid: Case Western Reserve Univ. Fellow: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Univ. Miami Rocky Mountain Retina Assoc. 4430 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 115 Boulder 80303 1330 Vivian St. Longmont 80501 303-900-8507 RMRetina.com JEROME C. LANDBLOM, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1986, 1992, 1998, 2005 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of North Dakota - 1983 Univ. of N.D. Family Practice Center - 1984 U. of N.D. Family Practice Center, Bismark - 1986 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com KIM R. LANE, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Obstetrics/Gynecology - Cert. 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009 M.D.: Northwestern Univ., Chicago, IL - 1973 Intern: Parkland Hospital, Univ. of Texas - 1974 Resid: Dallas, TX - 1978, 1984 M.D.: UT Southwestern - 1993 Intern: Methodist Hospital Dallas - 1994 Resid: Texas Tech. Amarillo - 1997 2525 4th St., Suite 202 Boulder 80304 303-443-2277 Fax 303-443-7124 www.BoulderPlasticSurgery.com Women’s Health Wise 630 15th Avenue, Suite 200 Longmont 80501 303-776-5820 www.WomensHealthWise.com MARGARET LAFFERTY, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2003 M.D.: U. of NY @ Buffalo - 1999 Intern/Resid: Kosair Children’s Hosp., Louisville KY - 2003 Boulder Medical Center 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com MARY B. LANSING, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1992 Retina/Vitreous M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: Fellow: George Washington U. - 1986 George Washington U. - 1987 Temple University - 1991 Johns Hopkins Hospital, Wilmer - 1988 The Retina Institute of Maryland - 1992 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-1800 Fax 303-666-8830 www.EldoradoRetina.com 41 SUSAN LARSON, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2004, 2010 ROSS M. LEIBOVITZ, M.D. General Surgery - Cert. 1988 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1982 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1985 Resid: Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center - 1987 M.D.: Univ. of HI at Manoa - 1985 Intern/Resid: Univ. of HI, Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children - 1988 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe, Ste. 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4750 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JANELLE C. LAUGHLIN, M.D. Rheumatology* - Cert. 2005 Internal Medicine - Cert 2003 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 370 Louisville 80027 303-666-9839 ROBERT H. LELAND, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery*- Cert. 2000, 2010 Foot and Ankle Surgery M.D.: Chicago Med. Sch. - 2000 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Chicago - 2003 Fellow: Univ. of Chicago - 2006 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: Fellow: Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain Ave. Longmont, 80501 720-494-3158 www.LongmontClinic.com JEANIE C. LEDDON, M.D., Ph.D. Dermatology Ph.D.: M.D.: Intern: Resid: 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 Fax 303-440-7586 CURTIS LEONARD, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1998, 2009 Univ. of North Carolina - 1990 Cornell Univ., N.Y. - 1996 Yale, New Haven - 1997 New York Univ. - 2000 M.D.: Univ. of Iowa - 1991 Intern: Kansas Univ. Med. Cntr. - 1992 Resid: Kansas Univ. Med. Cntr. - 1996 Boulder Valley Cntr. for Dermatology 1140 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 202 Lafayette 80026 Offices in Boulder, Brighton & Lafayette 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 www.FrontRangeOrthopedics.com 303-604-1444 Fax: 303-666-1982 www.bvderm.com MICHELE Y. LEE, M.D., M.A. Geriatric Medicine M.D.: Thomas Jefferson Univ. - 1997 JOHN D. LEONARD, M.D., FACS, FRCS(C) Surgery - Vascular & General- Cert. 1980, 1992, 2007 M.D.: Univ. of Alberta - 1970 Resid: Univ. of Iowa Hospital & Clinics - 1980 Fellow:Univ. of Iowa Hospital & Clinics - 1981 Resid/Fellow: Univ. of New Mexico - 2002 Wisdom Health PC 350 Ponca Pl., Suite 250 Boulder 80303 303-938-1110 Fax 303-938-1145 www.WisdomHealthBoulder.com Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3135 www.LongmontClinic.com LISA LEPINE, M.D. MIRA LEE, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1999 42 Wayne State Univ. - 1990 Wayne State Univ. - 1992 Wayne State Univ. - 1996 Baylor Coll. of Med. - 1997 Universitai Carl Gustav Carus - 1997 Gynecology/Gyn. Surgery - Cert. 1998 M.D.: Ohio State Univ. - 1996 Resid: Univ. of Illinois, Ravenwood - 1999 M.D.: U. of CA, San Diego - 1990 Intern/Resid: U. of CA, San Diego - 1994 Public Health, CDC EIS Program – 1996 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1982 www.bch.org Boulder Gynecology & Minimally Invasive Surgery 3434 47th Street, Suite 101 Boulder 80301 720-382-2621 info@bouldergynecology.com KIMBERLY D. LERNER, M.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 2012; Internal Medicine – Cert. 2009 Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011 M.D.: USC Keck Sch. of Med. - 2006 Resid: Brown Univ. IM Res. - 2009 Fellow:Stanford Univ. - 2012 M.D.: Harvard Med. Sch. - 1986 Intern & Resid: Univ. California, San Diego - 1989 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3216 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com Spruce Street Internal Medicine 2575 Spruce St. Boulder 80302 303-449-3594 Fax 303-449-3112 RICHARD G. LEVINE, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1997 VALERIE E. LIPETZ, M.D., F.A.C.P. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011 M.D.: U. of Western Ontario - 1992 Intern: Mt. Sinai Hosp., Toronto -1993 Resid: McGill U., Montreal - 1997 M.D.: U. of Colorado HSC - 1988 Intern/Resid.: Providence Med. Center, Portland, OR - 1991 Mountain View Dermatology 2935 Baseline Rd., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-444-3152 Internal Medicine Assoc. - Foothills 4820 Riverbend Rd., Ste. 100 Boulder 80301 303-415-7272 Fax 303-415-7197 www.bch.org ROBERT H. LEVINE, M.D. Gastroenterology* - 2001, 2003, 2013; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011 M.D.: Boston Univ. - 1987 Intern: Morristown Mem. Hosp., NJ Columbia Univ. - 1988 Resid: Morristown Mem. Hosp., NJ Columbia Univ. - 1990 Fellow:Bridgeport Hosp., CT Yale Univ. - 1992 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3216 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com HOLLY LEWIS, M.D. SHEILA L.T. LING, M.D. Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1995 Intern/Resid: Providence Medical Center, OR - 1998 Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. 104 Longmont 80501 303-776-1532 Fax 303-776-3109 LAURA LINDHOLM, M.D. Obstetrics / Gynecology - Cert. 1995, 2005, 2011- 2014 THOMAS LISCHWE, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1988, 1994, 2001, 2008 M.D.: Northwestern Med. School, Chicago, IL - 1985 Intern: Mercy Medical Center Denver - 1986 Resid: Mercy Medical Center Denver - 1988 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com W. DAVID LUCE, M.D. Internal Medicine M.D.: Harvard Medical School - 1974 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80302 303-444-5689 Fax: 303-449-2933 www.DrDavidLuce.com JOSEPH R. LUTT, M.D. Rheumatology* - Cert 2009 Internal Medicine - Cert 2007 M.D.: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1986 Intern: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1987 Resid: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1990 MD: U of Nebraska - 2004 Resid/Fellow: Oregon Health & Science U. - 2009 Northwest Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare 1225 Cimarron Drive, Suite 101 Lafayette 80026 720-204-1870 Fax 720-438-7844 3434 47th Street, Suite 201 Boulder 80301 720-494-4700 1-877-508-5510 (toll free) Fax: 720-494-4706 Offices also in Broomfield and Longmont 43 DEBORA MA, M.D. Plastic Surgery; Cosmetic Surgery; Breast Surgery M.D.: Resid: Resid: Fellow: KARL MAGSAMEN, M.D. Diagnostic/Interventional Radiology - Cert. 2005 M.D.: Creighton Univ., NE -1998 Intern/Resid: PSL, Chicago - 2003 Fellow: (Interventional Radiology) Stanford Med. Center - 2004 Univ. of Rochester - 1993 Case Western Reserve Univ. (Gen. Surgery) - 1998 Yale Univ. (Plastic Surg.) - 2001 USC (Hand & Microsurgery) - 2002 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax: 720-494-4771 www.TwinPeaksMedicalImaging.com 2668 North Park Dr., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-6336 Fax 303-666-0616 PAUL MACKELL, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1983, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2009 DAUS MAHNKE, M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.: Vanderbilt Univ. - 1999 Resid: Yale Univ. - 2002 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 2005 M.D.: Indiana Univ. - 1980 Intern: Ball Hosp.. IN - 1981 Resid: Ball Hosp.. IN - 1983 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 200 Lafayette 80026 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at: Boulder, Lakewood, Longmont & Broomfield 588 U.S. Hwy. 287, #204 Lafayette 80026 303-666-4606 Fax 303-666-4610 MARY MACSALKA, M.D. Gynecology/Infertility Cert. 1981, 1991 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Illinois - 1967 St. Luke’s Hosp., Denver - 1968 Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1978 Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 110 Boulder 80303 303-444-5110 Fax 303-444-7457 www.BoulderWomensClinic.com ROBERT MACSALKA, M.D. Gynecology/Infertility Cert. 1975, 1986, 1997 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1967 St. Luke’s Hosp., Denver 1968 Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1971 Boulder Women’s Clinic 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 110 Boulder 80303 303-444-5110 Fax 303-444-7457 www.BoulderWomensClinic.com CHRISTOPHER C. MADDEN, M.D. Family Medicine* Sports Medicine 44 AMY MAIOCCO, M.D. Internal Medicine Cert. - 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 2001 Intern: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 2002 Resid: Maine Med. Cntr. - 2004 Boulder Internal Medicine 2880 Folsom St. #100 Boulder 80304-3769 303-327-7047 Fax 303-443-7168 www.BoulderInternalMed.com TROY MALCOM, D.O. Urology - Cert. 2008 D.O.: Des Moines U. - 2001 Resid: Michigan State U. - 2007 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Longmont 80501 720-494-3137 www.LongmontClinic.com DIANA L. MANCINI M.D. Hospitalist*; Internal Medicine - Cert. 2007 M.D.: Univ. of NE - 1996 Resid: Univ. of NE - 1999 Fellow:Univ. of Pittsburgh - 2000 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 2003 Intern:Univ. of Colorado - 2004 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2007 Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont 80501 303-772-5578 www.LongsPeakFamilyPractice.com Boulder Community Health 4747 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 www.bch.org/hospitalists KELLY A. MANDAGERE, M.D. Endocrinology - Cert. 1998 M.D.: Univ. of Intern: Univ. of Resid: Univ. of Fellow: Univ. of Kansas Kansas Kansas Kansas - 1993 1994 1996 1998 ALEXANDER M. MASON, M.D. Neurological Surgery Board eligible M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: Ohio State Univ. - 2000 Univ. Hosps. of Cleveland - 2001 Cleveland Clinic & Univ. Hosps. - 2007 Emory Univ. - 2008 Offices in Lafayette, Longmont and Louisville 892 W. South Boulder Rd., Louisville 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com SEAN P. MANION, M.D. Urology - Cert. 1999 M.D.: Loyola Univ. - 1991 Resid: Loyola Univ. - 1997 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3137 www.LongmontClinic.com THOMAS MANN, M.D. Orthopedics/Sports Medicine - Cert. 2000 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com DANIEL MASTER, M.D. Orthopedic Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery M.D.: Univ. of Connecticut – 2006 Intern: Case Western Reserve Univ. - 2007 Resid: Case Western Reserve Univ. - 2012 Fellow: Stanford Univ. Med. Center – 2013 Mapleton Hill Orthopedics, P.C. 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 TIMOTHY MAZZOLA, M.D. Sports Medicine Cert. 2004-2014 M.D.: Jefferson Medical Coll. - 1992 Intern: Penn State Univ. - 1993 Resid: Penn State Univ. - 1997 Fellow: Ohio State Univ. - 1998 M.D.: Penn. State U. - 1994 Intern/ Resid: David Grant Med. Cntr - 1997 Fellow: Univ. of CO, Denver - 2004 Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.cornerstoneorthopedics.com LORI L. MARAN, M.D. Rheumatology - Cert 2006 M.D.: MCP/Hahnemann School of Medicine - 2001 Resid: Rhode Island Hosp. - 2004 Fellow: Roger Williams Hosp. -2006 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3137 Fax 303-440-3251 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com DAVID W. McCARTY, D.O. Internal Medicine*, Geriatrics D.O.: College of Osteopathic Med. & Surg. - 1973 Intern: St. Luke’s Hosp., Denver - 1974 Resid: St. Luke’s Hosp., Denver - 1976 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3126 www.LongmontClinic.com ERIC C. McCARTY, M.D. ANN MARTIN, M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology M.D.: Resid: Univ. of MN Med. Sch., Twin Cities - 1990 Univ. of TX Med. Sch. at Houston Herman Hosp. - 1994 Milestone Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., #400 Longmont 80501 303-702-5910 Fax 303-702-5935 MilestoneMedicalGroup.org Orthopedic Surgery* Cert. 2001; Sports Medicine, Shoulder Surgery M.D.:Univ. of Colorado - 1993 Resid: Vanderbilt Univ. - 1998 Fellow: Hosp. for Special Surg., NY - 1999 CU Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder 80304 303-441-2219 www.cusportsmed.org 45 MICHAEL COREY McCARTY, D.O. Family Medicine – Cert. 2004 D.O.: Kirksville College of Osteo. Medicine - 2001 Intern/Resid: Eastmoreland Hospital - 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Texas -1999 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Texas – 2002 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 2006 Gunbarrel Medical Associates 6685 Gunpark Dr. E., Ste. 110 Boulder 80301 303-530-3062 Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases 4800 Riverbend Road, #200 Boulder 80301-2636 303-415-8850 www.bch.org/beaconcenter DONALD L. McCORMACK, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1991 M.D.: Univ. of Iowa College of Medicine - 1985 Intern: St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis - 1986 Resid: Univ. of Iowa Hosp. - 1990 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3049 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com MICHAEL McKENNA, D.O. Family Medicine* Aviation, Osteopathic JOHN McNEIL, M.D. SAM H. MELOUK, M.D. Urology - Cert. 2000 M.D.: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1992 Intern: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Oklahoma - 1997 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 104 Boulder 80303 303-444-9000 www.AlpineUrology.net PAULA MENDES, M.D. Neurology - Cert. 2003; George Washington U. - 1995 George Washington U. - 1996 Mayo Grad. School of Med. - 1999 Thomas Jefferson U. Hosp. - 2000 D.O.: U. of Health Sciences, MO - 1974 Intern: Navy Reg. Med. Ctr., CA - 1975 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: Care Plus Medical Center 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 140 Longmont 80501 303-776-2001 600 S. Airport Rd., Bldg. B, Ste. E Longmont 80503 720-491-3322 Fax 720-684-6715 www.LongmontNeurology.com Interventional Cardiology* - Cert. 2005; Nuclear Cardiology - Cert. 2005 M.D.: Med. Coll. of Ohio - 1998 Intern/Resid: Dartmouth Hitchcock Med. Center - 2001 Fellow: Dartmouth Hitchcock Med. Center - 2005 Boulder Heart 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 216 Lafayette 80026 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 DAINA MEAD, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1989, 1996, 2003 M.D.: Med. College of Wisconsin 1986 Intern: Univ. of CO HSC - 1987 Resid: Univ. of CO - 1989 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 46 AMIE L. MEDITZ, M.D. Infectious Disease* – Cert. 2005 Internal Medicine – Cert. 2002 MARK D. MENICH, M.D. Allergy/Immunology* Cert. 2003, 2013; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1991, 2002; Travel Medicine* - Cert. 2005, 2014 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois - 1987 Intern: Maricopa Med. Center - 1988 Resid: Walter Reed Med. Center - 1990 Fellow: Walter Reed Med. Center - 2000 3950 Broadway Boulder 80304-1199 303-444-5995 www.bv-allergy.com ANDREA MERTZ, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2013 M.D.: Univ. of TX Med School, Houston – 2010 Inter/Resid: Case Med Center, Univ. Hospitals, Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hosp - 2013 Boulder Medical Center 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2720 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JOEL S. MEYERS, M.D. Ophthalmology* - Cert. 1991 Orbital Surgery/Plastic Surgery DONNA FLEITZ MITCHELL, M.D. Anesthesiology* - Cert. 1988 Acupuncture M.D.: Jefferson Med. College, Philadelphia, PA - 1985 Intern: Nassau Cnty. Med. Society, NY - 1986 Resid: Long Island Jewish Med. Cntr., New Hyde Park, NY - 1989 Fellow:U. of AZ HSC, Tucson - 1992 M.D.: U. of Louisville - 1983 Intern/Resid: U of Louisville - 1986 1400 Dry Creek Dr. Longmont 80503 303-772-3300 Fax 303-682-3380 www.EyeCareSite.com KARRIN MEZARINA, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 2001 Intern: Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Center - 2002 Resid: Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Center - 2004 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. 160 Louisville 80027 303-673-9030 Fax 303-604-1095 www.CornerstonePeds.com LAUREN E. MIDDLETON-HOANG, D.O. Neurology D.O.: Lake Erie College - 2010 Intern/Resid: Univ of Pittsburgh - 2014 Associated Neurologists of BCH 4865 Riverbend Road, Suite 100 Boulder 80301-2632 303-415-8800 www.bch.org/neurology DAVID M. MILLER, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1991 M.D.: USC, L.A. - 1988 Intern: Children’s Hosp., L.A., - 1989 Resid: Children’s Hosp., LA - 1991 Cornerstone Pediatric Assoc. 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 160 Louisville 80027 303-673-9030 Fax 303-604-1095 www.CornerstonePeds.com DENISE M. MILLER, M.D., F.A.C.S. General Surgery Cert. 1984, 1992 M.D.: Creighton Univ. - 1978 Intern: Creighton Univ. - 1979 Resid: Creighton Univ. - 1983 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3135 www.LongmontClinic.com Body Point Medicine 916 South Main Street, Suite 205 Longmont 80501 720-204-6960 Fax 720-491-3649 BodyPointMedicine.com DOUGLAS C. MITCHELL, M.D. Anesthesiology* - Cert. 1989 M.D.: Univ. of Louisville - 1983 Intern: Univ. of Louisville - 1984 Resid: Univ. of Louisville - 1986 Front Range Orthopedic Surgery Center 1551 Professional Dr., Ste. 100 Longmont 80501 720-494-3200 LORALIE MOELLER, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology Cert. 1996, 2006 M.D.: George Washington Univ. – 1990 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Colorado, Denver – 1994 Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville 80027 303-439-8910 SHIRAZ MOINUDDIN, M.D. Rheumatology*- Cert. 2010 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2007 MD: U. of Tenn, Memphis - 2004 Intern: George Washington U. - 2005 Resid: George Washington U. - 2007 Fellow: George Washington U. – 2010 Colo. Center for Arthritis & Osteoporosis 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 235 Longmont 80501 720-494-4700 1-877-508-5510 (toll free) Offices in Wheat Ridge and Broomfield JOEL R. MONTBRIAND, M.D., FACG, FACP Gastroenterology M.D.: Univ. of Minnesota - 1982 Resid: Hennepin Cty. Med. Cntr., Minneapolis - 1985 Fellow:Univ. of Michigan - 1987 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th St., Ste. 100 Boulder 80301 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at Lafayette, Lakewood, Longmont and Broomfield 47 HERBERT S. MOONEY, JR., M.D., F.A.C.S. General Surgery* - Cert. 1966 M.D.: Univ. of Pennyslvania - 1959 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1960 Resid: Univ. of California San Francisco - 1965 M.D.: Intern: Resid: 1350 Tulip St. Longmont 80501 303-776-6001 Dermatology Center of the Rockies 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 135 Longmont 80501 303-532-2810 THOMAS G. MOONEY, M.D. Nephrology* - Cert. 2006 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Rush Medical College. Chicago - 1991 Resid: Rush Pres., Chicago - 1994 Fellow: Med. Ctr. Hosp., VT - 1996 1960 Ken Pratt Blvd, Ste. B Longmont 80501 303-776-7759 Fax 303-776-3958 PATRICK MORAN, M.D. Oncology* - Cert. 1987 Hematology - Cert. 1988 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1982 M.D.: Univ. of Intern: Univ. of Resid: Univ. of Fellow:Univ. of Chicago - 1979 CO, Denver - 1980 CO, Denver - 1982 CO, Denver - 1988 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 Fax 303-444-1839 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com DOUGLAS MORGAN, M.D. Hospitalist,* Internal Medicine - Cert. 2002 M.D.: Case Western Reserve Univ. - 1988 Resid: George Washington Univ. - 1991 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax: 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists JOSEPH MORREALE, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2012 M.D.: Jefferson Med. College, PA – 2003 Intern/Resid: Temple Univ. Hosp. - 2008 Fellow: Yale New Haven Hosp. - 2009 Center for Spine & Orthopedics, PC 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 360 Louisville 80027 9005 Grant Street, Ste. 200 Thornton 80229 303-287-2800 Fax 303-287-7357 www.centerforspineandorthopedics.com 48 ALLISON E. MORRISON, MD Dermatology – Cert. 2008 Med. U of SC – 2004 U of Utah – 2005 Virginia Commonwealth U. - 2008 DAVID D. MORRISSEY, M.D. Otolaryngology* - Cert. 2000 Head/Neck Surg. M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1994 Intern: Oregon Univ. - 1995 Resid: Oregon Univ. -1999 Main: 303-443-2771 4745 Arapahoe Ave, #130 Boulder 90 Health Park Dr, #220 Louisville 300 Exempla Cir. #210 Lafayette RICHARD H. MOSELEY, M.D., FACP, FAASLD, AGAF Gastroenterology M.D.: U. of New Mexico - 1979 Resid: The New York Hospital - 1982 Fellow: Yale U. – 1985 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th Street, Suite 100 Boulder 80304 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations: Lafayette, Lakewood, Broomfield & Longmont JUDY MOUCHAWAR, M.D. Preventive Medicine*, Cancer Genetics, Genetic Counseling M.D. McGill Univ. – 1992 Intern: Presbyterian St. Luke’s, Denver - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Colorado – 1998 P.O. Box 761 Louisville 80027 720-593-2427 cancergeneticsandprevention.org SHAHLA S. MOUSAVI, M.D. Family Medicine M.D.: Faculty of Medicine (Tabriz, Iran) - 1991 Intern/Resid: Univ of Wyoming Family Med Residency - 2011 Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, #210 Boulder 80303-2318 303-443-2544 www.bch.org/dakotaridge LARRY MUNCH, M.D. Urology - Cert. 1990, 2000, 2010 E. LEE NELSON, M.D. Neurological Surgery Cert. 2008 M.D.: Univ. KY Coll. of Med. - 1983 Intern: Univ. KY Med. Cntr. - 1984 Resid: Univ. KY Med. Cntr. - 1988 Fellow:Univ. KY Med. Cntr.- 1990 M.D.: Baylor Coll. of Med. - 1998 Intern: Baylor Coll. of Med. (General Surgery)- 1999 Resid: Baylor Coll. of Med. (Neurosurgery)- 2004 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 80 Health Park Drive, Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-440-3093 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com LISE C. MUZNY, M.D., Ph.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2000 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com BRIAN NICHOLS, M.D. Ophthalmology* Cert. 2000 M.D.: U. of CO - 1997 Intern: St. Anthony, Denver - 1998 Resid: St. Anthony, Denver - 2000 M.D.: Univ. of Iowa - 1995 Intern: Univ. of Iowa - 1996 Resid: Univ. of Iowa - 1999 Fellow:Univ. of Iowa (Pediatric Ophthalmology) - 2000 Dakota Ridge Family Medicine 2995 Baseline Road, Suite 210 Boulder 80303 303-443-2544 www.bch.org/dakotaridge REBECCA MYERS, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2011 Sports Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Iowa Carver Coll. - 2008 Resid: Univ. of CO - 2011 Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont 80501 303-772-5578 www.longspeakfamilypractice.com HALEH NEKOORAD-LONG, M.D., P.C. Psychiatry (adult) - Cert. 2001 Psychiatry (geriatric) - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Tenn. Sch. of Med. - 1995 Resid: Emory Univ. - 2000 Fellow: (geriatrics) Emory Univ. - 2001 AltaVita Living 800 S. Fordham Longmont 80503 303-682-9197 FAX 303-682-9306 AltaVitaLiving.com BRIAN S. NELSON, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology* Urogynecology M.D.: George Washington Univ. - 1997 Intern: Univ. of Utah - 1998 Resid: Reading Hospital PA - 2001 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3130 www.LongmontClinic.com 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 100 Boulder 80303 303-444-3000 Fax 303-444-3226 www.BoulderEyeSurgeons.com JOSEPH NISSIM M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1987 M.D.: Rush Med. Coll. - 1984 Intern/Resid: Pres. St. Luke’s Denver - 1987 Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Suite 104 Longmont 80501 303-776-1532 Fax 303-776-3109 ROBYN NORDSTROM LANE, M.D. Family Medicine – Cert. 2007 M.D.: Mayo Clinic College of Med – 2004 Intern/Resid: Swedish Health Services – 2007 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway St Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3102 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com ROBERT NOUHAN, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2001 M.D.: Resid: MI State Coll. of Human Med. - 1998 Swedish Family Med., CO – 2001 Carbon Valley Medical Center 6600 Firestone Blvd. Firestone 80504 303-833-8880 Fax 303-682-8007 www.CarbonValleyMedical.com 49 JAMES M. OBERWETTER, M.D., Ph.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 1994 Internal Medicine SAMEER OZA, M.D. Cardiac Electrophysiology* - Cert. 2005; Cardiovascular Diseases - Cert. 2003; Nuclear Cardiology - Cert. 1993 M.D.: Baylor Coll. of Med., Houston - 1987 Intern/Resid: Baylor Coll. of Med., Houston - 1990 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 1993 M.D.: Med. Coll., Baroda, India - 1996 Fellow: U. of Louisville, KY - 2003 U. of Oklahoma - 2004 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville 80027 303-586-5200 Fax 303-586-5201 DANIEL OCEL, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2004; Foot and Ankle Specialist M.D.: Creighton Univ. - 1996 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Illinois, Chicago - 2001 Military: U.S. Navy (2001-2004) Fellow: St. Leonard, NSW Australia, 2004 Fellow: Miller Orthopedic Clinic - 2005 ANGELA COGBURN PADDACK, M.D. Otolaryngology – Cert. 2014 Head & Neck Surgery M.D.: Texas Tech Univ. – 2008 Resid: Univ. of Arkansas -2013 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80303 303-440-3073 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com Cornerstone Orthopedics 80 Health Park Dr., #230 Louisville 80027 303-665-2603 www.CornerstoneOrthopedics.com MAREK ODEHNAL, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1987 CRISTINA M. PAGETT, M.D. Hospitalist*; Internal Medicine, Cert. - 2009 M.D.: Medical Univ of Silesia, Poland – 1996 Intern: St John’s Episcopal Hosp, Far Rockaway, NY – 2003 Resid: St John’s Episcopal Hosp, Far Rockaway, NY – 2005 M.D.: Rush Medical College - 2006 Resid: Rush University Medical Center - 2009 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway St Boulder, CO 80304 303-440-3082 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com IRENE OLIJNYK, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1981 M.D.: Loyola Stritch School of Medicine - 1977 Resid: Loyola Univ. Hosp. - 1980 M.D.: NY Medical College - 1974 Intern/Resid: Nassau County Medical Cntr-1977 1400 Dry Creek Dr. Longmont 80503 303-772-3300 Fax 303-682-3380 www.EyeCaresite.com Internal Medical Associates Lafayette 1000 W. South Boulder Road, #214 Lafayette 80026 303-604-6669 www.bch.org SHAWN B. OTTEMAN, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 1995, 50 ROBERT D. PANE, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1975 MEERA PATEL, M.D. Radiation Oncology - 2002, 2009 Cert. 2007 D.O.: Chicago Coll. of Osteo. Med. - 1991 Resid: U. of Cincinnati - 1994 M.D.: Univ. of Saskatchewan - 2001 Resid:Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton - 2006 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80303 303-385-2000 RockyMountainCancerCenters.com TIMOTHY J. PATER, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 2007, Hand Surgery* M.D.: Univ. of Kansas - 1999 Resid: Med. Coll. of WI - 2004 Fellow: Cleveland Clinic, OH - 2005 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 300 Exempla Cir., Ste 200 Lafayette 80026 720-890-8292 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com STEPHEN D. PAUL, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 1995 Sports Medicine/ Arthroscopic Surgery M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1980 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1992 Fellow:Univ. of Colorado - 1993 Fellow:Rocky Mtn. Sports Medicine, Aspen 933 Alpine Boulder 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com PIERRE V. PAVOT, D.O. Neurology - Cert. 2001, 2010; EMG/Electrodiagnostic Medicine - Cert. 2002, 2012 D.O.: Western Univ. of Health Sciences - 1996 Intern: Cook County Hosp. - 1997 Resid: Med. Coll. of Virginia - 2000 Fellow:Med. Coll. of Virginia - 2001 600 S. Airport Rd., Bldg. B, Ste. E Longmont 80503 720-491-3322 www.longmontneurology.com JEFFREY D. PERKINS, M.D., Ph.D. Rheumatology* - Cert. 1998, 2008; Internal Medicine Cert. 1996, 2006 M.D.: U. of Texas, Houston - 1993 PhD: U. of Texas, Houston - 1993 Intern/Resid: Johns Hopkins Hosp. - 1996 Fellow: U. of Colorado HSC - 1998 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 235 Longmont 80501 720-494-4700 1-877-508-5510 (toll free) Offices in Longmont & Broomfield BETTY A. PETRAK, M.D. Asthma, Allergy* & Clinical Immunology - Cert. 1987 M.D.: NY Med. Coll. - 1982 Intern. Resid: N. Shore U. Hosp. - 1995 Fellow: NY Hosp. - 1987 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., #211 Louisville 80027 720-890-9904 Fax 720-890-1440 3434 47th St., Ste 250 Boulder 80301 303-443-3307 Fax 303-443-3300 www.AllergyCenterOfColorado.com LYLE M. PFEIFER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1989, 1996, 2003, 2013 M.D.: Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center - 1986 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1987 Resid: Ft. Collins - 1989 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3121 www.LongmontClinic.com RANDOLPH PINTO, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1987, 1993, 1999, 2006 M.D.: Wayne State Univ. - 1984 Intern: Bon Secours Hospital MI - 1985 Resid: Bon Secours Hospital MI - 1987 Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Ste. 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com SHARON T. PITTENGER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1989, 1995, 2001, 2008 M.D.: Michigan State Univ., E. Lansing - 1985 Intern/Resid: St. Joseph Hosp., Flint - 1988 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org FABIO B. PIVETTA, D.O., FAAFP Family Medicine - Cert. 1998, 2000, 2001 D.O.: Michigan State Univ. - 1997 Intern: Sparrow Hospital - 1998 Resid: Sparrow Hospital - 2000 Milestone Medical Group 549 Mountain Ave. Berthoud 80513 303-651-5100 Fax: 970-532-0608 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org K. BARRY PLATNICK, M.D., F.A.C.S. General Surgery - Cert. 1995 Vascular, Thoracic, Laparoscopic, Varicose Vein Surgery, GI Endoscopy M.D.: Oregon Health & Science - 1989 Intern/Resid: Kern Medical Center - 1994 BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Cir., Ste. 400 Lafayette 80026 303-689-6560 51 JOANNA M. PLONSKA, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. - 2012 ROBERT POWELL, M.D., FACS General Surgery - Cert. 2012 M.D.: Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland - 2007 Resid: Univ. of Wyoming - 2012 M.D.: Indiana Univ. - 2005 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CO - 2011 Fellow: Univ. of CO (Minimally Invasive Surgery and Bariatric Surgery) - 2012 Gunbarrel Medical Center 6685 Gunpark Dr., Ste. 110 Boulder 80301 303-530-3062 www.bch.org Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3135 www.LongmontClinic.com DAVID A. PODLECKI, M.D., FACE, CPI Endocrinology* - Cert. 1983 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1981 M.D.: Loyola Univ. - 1977 Intern: Michael Reese Hosp. - 1979 Resid: Loyola Univ. - 1981 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3119 Fax: 720-494-3171 www.LongmontClinic.com CHRISTOPHER R. POHLMAN, M.D. General Surgery* - Cert. 2005; Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery M.D.: Univ. of CO, Denver - 1999 Resid: Loma Linda Univ., CA - 2004 Fellow:North Shore Univ., NY - 2005 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3093 www.bouldermedicalcenter.com HEIDI POMFRET, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology - BRENDA C. PRICE, M.D. OB/Gyn. - Cert. 2007 M.D.: U of CO School of Med. - 2000 Resid: Franklin Square Hosp. Ctr. - 2004 Boulder Women’s Care 4745 Arapahoe, Suite 320 Boulder 80303 303-441-0587 Fax: 303-996-0801 HEATHER PUJET, M.D. Infectious Disease* - Cert. 2003 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2001 M.D.: UC Irvine College of Medicine - 1998 Intern/Resid.: Brigham & Women’s Hosp., Boston - 2001 Fellow: Mass. Gen. Hosp., Boston - 2003 Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases 4800 Riverbend Road, #200 Boulder 80301-2636 303-415-8850 www.bch.org/beaconcenter JENNIFER R. PULLIAM, M.D. Pediatrics – Cert 2004 Board Eligible M.D.:Univ. of CA at Davis Sch. of Med. - 2008 Resid:Univ. of CO - 2012 M.D.: Creighton Univ. School of Med. – 2000 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Texas, Houston – 2003 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3130 www.LongmontClinic.com Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 South McCaslin Blvd., Suite 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com MARY B. POOLE, M.D. Internal Medicine - LETO QUARLES, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2001 Cert. 1981 52 M.D.: U. of Edinburgh, Scotland - 1978 Intern: Vancouver Gen. Hosp. - 1980 Resid: U. of Colorado - 1981 M.D.: Ross Univ. Sch. of Med. - 1998 Intern.: Univ of IL, Rockford - 1999 Resid.: Univ of IL, Rockford - 2001 Fellow: Univ. of UT, SLC - 2002 Frontier Internal Medicine 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. 104 Longmont 80501 303-776-1532 Fax 303-776-3109 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th Street, Ste. 200 Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 www.bch.org LEON T. QUE, Jr., M.D. Psychiatry - Cert. 2011 STEVEN RAY, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2007; Urgent Care* M.D.: Univ. of Chicago - 2002 Intern: St. Francis Hosp., IL - 2003 PGY-2 only Radiology: Santa Barbara - 2004 US Navy Flight Surgeon: Multiple Locations 2004-2008 Resid: Johns Hopkins Hosp. - 2011 M.D.: Univ. of Illinois, Urbana – 1997 Intern/Resid: Indiana Univ. - 2000 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3136 www.LongmontClinic.com 3445 Penrose Place, Suite 130 Boulder 80301 720-491-8355 www.LeonQueMD.org SHARAD RAJPAL, M.D. Neurological Surgery – JAMES RAYBIN, M.D. Psychiatry - Cert. 1971 Board eligible M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: M.D.: Western Reserve Univ. - 1965 Intern: Univ. Hosp., Cleveland - 1965 Resid: Yale Univ. - 1969 Univ. of WI - 2002 Univ. of WI - 2003 Univ. of WI - 2008 Cleveland Clinic - 2010 Offices in Lafayette, Louisville, Longmont, Brighton 737 29th St., Ste. 102 Boulder 80303 303-449-1939 Cell 720-841-8185 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com RAMU P. RAJU, M.D. Gastroenterology M.D.: Grace Univ. Med. - 1999 Resid: Western Reserve Care - 2003 Fellow: Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy, Maine – 2008 Fellow: Advanced EUS, MD Anderson – 2010 JAMES B. RECTOR, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 1979 Sports Medicine M.D.: Ohio State Univ. - 1973 Intern: Ohio State Univ. - 1974 Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1978 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 16677 Lowell Blvd., Ste. 200 Broomfield 80023 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations at Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood & Longmont ARATHI RAO, M.D. 933 Alpine Ave. Boulder 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com LEIF REDAL M.D. Infectious Disease* - Cert. 2005 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2003 Family Medicine - Cert. 1990, 1997, 2005 M.D.: Kasturba Medical College – 1998 Intern: Western Reserve, OH – 2003 Fellow: Brown Univ., RI – 2005 M.D.: Univ. of Washington - 1988 Resid: Tacoma, Washington - 1990 Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases 4800 Riverbend Road, #200 Boulder 80301-2636 303-415-8850 www.bch.org/beaconcenter SATISH RAO, M.D. Neurologist M.D: Univ of Louisville School of Med - 2003 Intern/Resid: Rochester Methodist Hosp - 2007 Fellow: Rochester Methodist Hosp - 2009 Associated Neurologists of BCH 4865 Riverbend Road, #100 Boulder 80301-2632 303-415-8800 Fax 303-415-8801 www.bch.org/neurology Northwest Family Medicine Assoc. 500 Discovery Pkwy., Ste 150 Superior 80027 303-425-9581 Fax 303-425-9259 JAMES REID, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 2000, 2010; Upper Extremity; CAQ Hand Surgery - Cert. 2009 M.D.: Chicago Med. School - 1992 Intern: Univ. of Vermont - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Vermont - 1997 Fellow: UT San Antonio - 1998 4820 Riverbend Road Boulder 80301 303-449-4545 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 303-665-0286 53 RANDOLPH REIMS, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1984; Occupational Medicine BRYAN J. REYNOLDS, M.D. Interventional Cardiology - Cert 2000; Cardiology* Cert. 1998 M.D.: Baylor Coll. of Med. - 1981 Resid: Baylor Coll. of Med. – 1983 Resid: U. of VA - 1984 M.D.: U. of NM, Albuquerque - 1991 Intern/Resid: U. of NM, Albuquerque - 1994 Fellow:U. of NM, Albuquerque - 1997 Boulder Heart 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. 104 Longmont 80501 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 BCH Occupational Health Services 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 220 Lafayette 80026 303-604-4660 www.bch.org ALEX G.P. REISH, D.O. Pain Management - Cert. 2008 Urology - Cert. 1994, 2004 D.O.: U. of New England Coll. Osteo. Med. - 2004 Intern: E. Maine Med. Cntr. - 2005 Resid:Exempla St. Joseph - 2005 Resid:U. of New England - 2007 Fellow: NMM U. of New England - 2008 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado- 1984 Intern: Univ. of Colorado- 1986 Resid: Baylor College of Med. - 1990 Fellow: Baylor College of Med. - 1992 Creekside Physical Medicine 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder 80303 303-494-2705 Fax: 303-494-2706 www.CreeksideMedical.com Choices in Health, Inc. 4790 Table Mesa Dr., Ste. 202 Boulder 80305 303-444-0840 FAX 303-444-0838 www.choicespc.com RUSSELL G. REITINGER, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology*; Infertility SUSAN I. ROACH, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1986, 1993, 1999, 2006 M.D.: Univ. of Texas Southwestern - 1983 Intern: Univ. of Texas HSC Dallas - 1984 Resid: Univ. of Texas HSC Dallas - 1987 M.D.: Univ. of Michigan - 1977 Intern: Univ. of Missouri - 1978 Resid: Univ. of Missouri - 1980 Milestone Obstetrics & Gynecology 2030 Mountain View Ave., Ste 400 Longmont 80501 303-702-5910 Fax 303-702-5935 MilestoneMedicalGroup.org Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont 80501 303-772-5578 www.LongsPeakFamilyPractice.com LINDSEY RENTSCHLER, M.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 2010; Internal Medicine - Cert. 2008 M.D.: U. of NE, Omaha - 2005 Intern/Resid: U. of NE, Omaha - 2008 Fellow: U. of NE, Omaha - 2010 892 W. South Boulder Road Louisville 80027 303-586-5200 www.boulderendo.com MICHAEL J. REPINE, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery Cert. 2005 M.D.: Intern: Resid: Univ. of Colorado School of Medicine - 1997 U. of Colorado HSC - 1998 U. of Colorado HSC - 2003 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3036 Louisville: 303-666-2710 www.BMCOrtho.com 54 EMMEY RIPOLL, M.D. IRINA ROBINSON, M.D. Endocrinology* - Cert. 2006 M.D.: Kirov State Med. Acad., Russia - 1997 Resid: NY Med. College/OLMMC, NY - 2004 Fellow: Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque - 2006 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3119 www.LongmontClinic.com SARAH ROBINSON, M.D. Medical Oncology* – Cert. 2010; Internal Medicine M.D.: Univ. of TX, Houston – 2007 Intern: Baylor College of Medicine – 2008 Resid: UCHSC - 2010 Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers 2030 Mountain View Ave., Suite 210 Longmont 80501 303-684-1900 www.rockymountaincancercenters.com TERRY E. ROBINSON, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 1984 M.D.: Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE - 1979 Intern: LA Co. USC Medical Center Los Angeles, CA - 1980 Resid: Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE - 1983 500 Coffman St., Ste. 109 Longmont, 80501 303-776-EYES (3937) Fax 303-772-8760 longmonteyecare.com CHARLES PETER ROGERS, M.D., F.A.C.C. Cardiology* - Cert. 1993 LILA ROSENTHAL, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2007 M.D.: Ben Gurion U. of the Negev - 2002 Intern: Baylor College of Med. - 2003 Resid:Lawrence Family Practice Resid. - 2005 My Family Doctor, PLLC 1225 Cimarron Drive, Suite 102, Lafayette 80026 303-444-7150 Fax 303-557-6274 www.myfamilydoctor.us info@myfamilydoctor.us PATTI R. ROSQUIST, M.D., F.A.A.P. Pediatrics - Cert. 1997 M.D.: Univ. of Vermont - 1977 Intern/Resid: Case Western Reserve -1980 Fellow:Brown Univ. - 1991 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1994 Intern: Vanderbilt Univ. - 1995 Resid: Vanderbilt Univ. - 1997 Fellow:Denver Children’s Hospital - 1999 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com NINA VERGARI ROGERS, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2009 M.D.: Univ of Chicago Pritzker School of Med - 2006 Intern/Resid: MacNeal Hospital - 2009 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th Street, #200 Boulder 80301-2712 303-494-5263 www.bch.org/tablemesa DEBRA H. ROLFSON, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1996 M.D.: University of Utah - 1993 Intern: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1994 Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1996 Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Ste. 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com ANNA ROONEY, M.D. Family Medicine Cert. 1999, 2005; Pediatrics, Adolescents, Well Woman Care M.D.: Albany Medical Coll. - 1995 Resid: E.W. Sparrow Hosp., MSU - 1998 Gunbarrel Medical Center 6685 Gunpark Drive East, #110 Boulder 80301 303-530-3062 www.bch.org MICAH W. ROTHSTEIN, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 2004 M.D.: U. of S. Carolina - 1999 Intern: Georgetown Univ. - 2000 Resid: George Washington Univ. - 2003 Fellow: U. of FL (glaucoma) - 2004 Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont 80503 303-772-3300 Fax: 303-682-3380 www.EyeCareSite.com KRISTEN M. ROYER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1988, 1995, 2002, 2009 M.D.: UCLA Med. School - 1985 Intern/Resid: Ventura County Medical Center - 1988 Fellow: American Academy of Family Practice - 2000 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org GERALD R. RUPP, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 1977 Office Practice M.D.: Univ. of N.D. & Univ. of Minnesota - 1969 Intern: Brooke Army Hosp., TX 1970 Resid: Tripler Army Medical Center Honolulu, HI - 1974 1551 Professional Ln., Ste. 200 Longmont 80501 303-772-1600 www.frontrangeorthopedics.com 55 GEORGE R. RUSSELL, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1972 M.D.: Univ. of Texas - 1967 Intern: Georgetown Univ., DC General - 1968 Resid: Univ. of Texas - 1971 1120 Alpine Avenue, Suite D Boulder 80304 303-444-4864 grrmd@aol.com COLLEEN RYAN, M.D. Hospitalist*; Family Medicine - Cert. 2005 M.D.: Pennsylvania State Univ. - 2002 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CO Rose Medical Center- 2005 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists MELANIE RYAN, M.D. Hospitalist*; Internal Medicine - Cert. 1995 M.D.: University of Colorado - 1992 Intern/Resid: Oregon Health Sciences University - 1995 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists LISA S. SAMUELSON, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1996 M.D.: U. of NE – 1993 Intern: U. of CO HSC - 1994 Resid: U. of CO HSC – 1996 Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd., Ste. 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com ROBERT SANCETTA, M.D. Aviation Medicine M.D.: Univ. of CO - 1992 Intern: Poudre Valley Hospital, Ft. Collins - 1993 Resid: Poudre Valley Hospital, Ft. Collins - 1995 1803 S. Foothills Hwy., Ste. 200-S Boulder 80303 303-499-5228 56 CAROLYN SANDERS, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1986, 1993, 2000, 2007 M.D.: Resid: Harvard Medical School 1983 Cleveland Metro. General Hospital - 1986 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-7555 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org DANIEL R. SARKO, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2004 M.D.:Univ. of Cincinnati College of Medicine - 2001 Resid: Univ. of Maryland Medical System - 2004 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 310 Boulder 80303 303-442-2913 thepediatriccenter.net LISA H. SCATENA, M.D., F.A.A.D. Dermatology* - Cert. 2007 Internal Medicine Cert. 2003 M.D.:Univ. of CO - 1999 Resid.:Univ. of CO - 2006 Chief Resid: Univ. of CO - 2007 Rocky Mountain Dermatology 2400 Spruce St., Ste. 101 Boulder 80302 303-444-0833 Fax: 303-444-0803 www.rockymtndermatology.com RITA C. SCHAFFNER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2013 M.D.: Univ. of Texas Medical Branch - 2010 Intern: Memorial Fam. Med. Residency - 2011 Resid: Memorial Fam. Med. Residency - 2013 Northwest Family Medicine 500 Discovery Parkway, Suite 150 Superior 80027-8645 303-425-9581 Fax 303-425-9259 www.bch.org/northwest MARK D. SCHANE, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine - Cert. 1994, 2001, 2008 M.D.: Univ. of S. Florida - 1991 Intern: Univ. of New Mexico - 1992 Resid.: Univ. of New Mexico - 1994 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com ROBIN L. SCHATEN, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics - Cert. 1988 MELISSA SERLEN, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 2002 M.D.: Duke Univ. - 1983 Intern: Children’s Hosp. of Dallas, Parkland - 1984 Resid: Children’s Hosp. of Dallas - 1986 M.D.: Vanderbilt Univ. School of Medicine - 1999 Intern/Resid: Johns Hopkins Hospital - 2002 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2720 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com PETER M. SCHMID, D.O. Plastic Surgery* - Cert. 1994 Head and Neck Surgery ENT DAVID A. SHAFER, M.D. Neurosurgery D.O.: U. Health Science, MO - 1986 Intern: Doctors Hospital, OH - 1987 Resid: Doctors Hospital, OH - 1991 Fellow: Methodist Hospital, IN - 1991 M.D.: Drexel University – 2007 Intern/Resid: University of Colorado - 2014 1305 Sumner St., Ste. 100 Longmont 80501 Cosmetic: 303-651-6846 Medical: 303-651-6770 Fax 303-651-6794 www.iaprs.com Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Assoc. 4743 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 www.bnasurg.com B. ALISON SCHULTZ, D.O., M.B.A., F.A.C.O.G. General Obstetrics/ Gynecology - Cert. 2011; Minimally Invasive Gynecology Specialist JIGNESH SHAH, M.D. Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology M.D.: Seth GS Medical College, India - 1997 Intern/Resid: Univ Hosp - SUNY Health Science, Syracuse NY - 2001 Fellow: Univ of Louisville School of Med, Louisville, KY - 2004 D.O.: KS City Univ. of Med. - 2005 Intern/Resid: Case Western Reserve Cleveland Clinic - 2009 Fellow: AAGL St. Elizabeth Med Cntr. - 2011 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 www.bch.org/boulderheart Boulder Medical Center Avista 80 Health Park Dr., Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-665-1045 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JOHN A. SCHUTZ, M.D. Cardiology* - Cert. 2004 M.D.: Univ. of Missouri - 1998 Intern/Resid: Loyola Univ. - 2001 Fellow:Univ. of Missouri - 2004 NIRAV R. SHAH, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery* - Cert. 2013; Sports Medicine M.D.: Washington Univ. - 2005 Resid: Washington Univ. - 2010 Fellow: Southern California Ortho Institute - 2011 Boulder Heart 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 216 Lafayette 80026 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 KHEMARIN R. SENG, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery - Cert. 2009; Sports Medicine M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: University of Colorado - 2001 Harvard University - 2002 Harvard University - 2006 Taos Ortho. Instit. of Sports Med. - 2007 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 Fax 303-440-7586 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont 80501 303.772.1600 Offices also in Lafayette and Frederick www.frontrangeorthopedics.com KERRY SHEA, D.O. Obstetrics/Gynecology – Cert. 2009 D.O.: Kirksville Coll. of Osteopathic Med. - 2003 Intern/Resid: Henry Ford Hosp. - 2007 4745 Arapahoe, Suite 320 Boulder 80303 303-441-0587 Fax 303-996-0801 57 JILL L. SIEGFRIED M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. MARK SITARIK, M.D. 2004, 2014 Oncology* - Cert. 1987 Hematology Internal Medicine - Cert. 1985 M.D.: Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Medicine - 2001 Resid: Univ. of Wisconsin - 2004 M.D.: Hahnemann Univ. - 1982 Intern: U. Hosp. of Cleveland - 1983 Resid: U. Hosp. of Cleveland - 1985 Fellow: Univ. of Colorado - 1987 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3102 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com Rocky Mtn. Cancer Centers 4715 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder 80303 303-385-2000 rockymountaincancercenters.com RACHEL N. SIMMONS, M.D. Dermatology – Cert. 2013 LIEF A. SORENSEN, M.D. Interventional Pain Management M.D.: U. of Florida - 2009 Intern: Presbyterian St. Luke’s – 2010 Resid: U. of Colorado - 2013 M.D.: Loma Linda Univ., CA - 2004 Intern: St. Joseph’s Med. Center, CO - 2005 Resid/Fellow: Univ. of CO - 2009 Dermatology Specialists of Boulder 2880 Folsom Street, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80304 303-442-6647 Fax: 303-442-2696 www.dsboulder.com Dimensions Pain Management 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 50 Louisville 80027 303-661-4100 Fax: 303-269-2094 C. KELLEY SIMPSON, MD KARIN SPEARS, M.D. Obstetrics and Gynecology - Radiation Oncology - Board Cert. 1997 Certified M.D.: Univ. of Mississippi - 1986 Intern: Univ. of Tennessee - 1987 Resid: Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Univ. of Colorado - 1990 Creekside Cancer Care 120 Old Laramie Trail E. Lafayette 80026 303-926-9800 www. ColoradoCyberKnife.com PATRICIA A. SINOWAY, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 1992, 2001, M.D.: Baylor College of Med, Houston – 1991 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1995 Avista Women’s Care 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 290 Louisville 80027 303-439-8910 JON SPRAGUE, M.D. Hospitalist*, Internal Medicine 2012 M.D.: Emory Univ., Atlanta - 1987 Intern: Hartford Hosp., CT - 1988 Resid: Univ. of Louisville - 1992 M.D.: Univ of Colo School of Medicine - 2010 Intern/Resid: Univ of Colo Hosp - 2013 Foothills Family Dermatology 361 2nd Ave. Ste.101 PO Box 1086 Niwot, 80544 303-652-9222 Fax 303-652-9333 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists CHARLES BRADLEY SISSON, MD, DABA, DABPM Pain Medicine - Cert. 1997 Anesthesiology - Cert. 1995 Sports Medicine M.D.: U. of TN, Memphis – 1990 Resid: U. of Chicago - 1994 Fellow: Northwestern U. - 1998 Colorado Clinic LLC 3000 Center Green Dr. Boulder 80301 303-444-4141 58 JULIE STAPLETON, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab - Cert. 1990 M.D.: Univ. of Michigan - 1985 Intern: Univ. of Michigan - 1986 Resid: Univ. of Michigan - 1989 5277 Manhattan Circle, Suite 100 Boulder 80303 303-499-9950 JOHN P. STATHIS, M.D., F.A.C.C. Cardiology* - Cert. 1989 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1986 MELVIN R. STJERNHOLM, M.D. Endocrinology* Cert. 1975, 1981 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1972 M.D.: Univ. of Guadalajara - 1981 Intern: Mt. Sinai, NY - 1983 Resid: Mt. Sinai, NY - 1985 Fellow:Mt. Sinai, NY - 1987 M.D.: Univ. of Colo. School of Medicine - 1967 Intern:D.C. Gen. - Georgetown Div. - 1968 Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 1972 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3117 www.LongmontClinic.com JOHN R. STEINBAUGH, M.D. Dermatology* - Cert. 1985 Moh’s Skin Cancer Surgery Family Medicine - Cert. 1978 105 Windwood Circle Breckenridge 80424 303-717-2324 diabetes8@aol.com E. JORDAN STOLL, M.D. Orthopedics* Sports Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Virginia - 1983 Intern: U. of Calif., San Fran. - 1984 Resid: U. of Alabama, Birm. - 1990 Fellow: American Sports Med. Inst. - 1990 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1975 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1978 Resid: Univ. of N. Carolina - 1985 Fellow:Univ. of Tennessee - 1991 3575 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-449-0933 400 S. McCaslin, Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-5261 www.boulderdermatology.com DAVID L. STEITZ, M.D. Pediatrics M.D.: UT Southwestern Medical School, TX - 1991 Intern: UT Southwestern; Children’s Medical Center - 1992 Resid: UT Southwestern - 1994 90 Health Park Dr., Suite 160 Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-9030 Fax: 303-604-1095 www.cornerstonepeds.com RICHARD STEWART, M.D., M.S.P.H. Ophthalmology - Cert. 2006 M.D.: Tulane Univ. - 2000 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CO - 2004 Fellow: Tulane Univ. - 2005 (Glaucoma) Eye Assoc of Rockies/Specialty Eye Insight LASIK 4430 Arapahoe Ave, Suite 155 Boulder 80303 303-402-1000 Other locations: Denver, Longmont, Louisville SONJA K. STILP, M.D. Physical Med. & Rehab.* - Cert. 2004; Pain Mgmt. Cert. 2004, Sports Medicine M.D.: Amer. Univ., BWI - 1998 Resid: Loyola Univ., IL - 2002 Fellow:Univ. of Colorado - 2003 RISE Boulder Center for Sports Medicine 311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder 80304 303-448-8843 Fax: 303-635-6859 www.RiseRestore.com 4820 Riverbend Rd. Boulder 80301 303-449-4545 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 303-665-0286 PAUL SUDING, M.D. General Surgery – Cert. 2009; Minimally Invasive Surgery M.D.: Univ. of CO Health Science Cntr – 2003 Intern/Resid: Univ. of CA, Irvine – 2009 Fellow: Univ. of CA, Irvine – 2010 BlueStone Advanced Surgical Care 300 Exempla Circle, Suite 400 Lafayette 80026 303-689-6560 NATHAN J. SUSNOW, M.D. Gastroenterology/Hepatology M.D.: Univ. of TX (UT) Southwestern Med. School - 2004 Resid: Univ. of CO - 2007 GI Fellow: Univ. of WA – 2010 Transplant Hepatology Fellowship: Northwestern Mem. Hosp – 2011 Gastroenterology of the Rockies 1755 48th Street, Suite 100 Boulder 80301 303-604-5000 www.gastrorockies.com Other locations: Lafayette, Lakewood, Broomfield & Longmont KARIN SUSSKIND, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 1999, 2006 M.D.: Univ. of Cincinnati - 1996 Intern & Resid: St. Joseph Hosp., Denver - 1999 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3102 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 59 JEFFREY T. SWAIL, M.D., F.R.C.S.C. Plastic Surgery - Cert. 1995 ANGELA TAYLOR, M.D. Family Medicine/Hospitalist* – Cert. 2006 M.D.: Univ. of Manitoba - 1989 Intern: Queens Univ., Ontario - 1992 Resid: Dalhousie Univ., Nova Scotia - 1994 M.D.: Thomas Jefferson University – 2003 Resid: Northridge Family Medicine – 2006 Boulder Valley Plastic Surgery 2575 Pearl St., Ste. 300 Boulder 80302 303-449-6666 Longmont Hospitalist Group 2030 W. Mountain View Ave., #540 Longmont 80501 303-651-5302 SACHIN TALUSANI, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 1999 M.D.: U. of TX, San Antonio - 1994 Resid: U. of Colorado HSC - 1999 Fellow: (Body Imaging) U. of Colorado HSC - 2000 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax 720-494-4771 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com JENNIFER M. TAMBLYN, M.D. Internal Medicine – Cert 2008 SANDRA TAYLOR, M.D., F.A.C.S. General Surgery - Cert. 2009 M.D.: U. of Colorado - 2002 Intern/Resid: U. of CA, Davis - 2008 Boulder Medical Center Foothills 4745 Arapahoe Rd., Ste 200 Boulder 80303 303-938-4710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com LAURA B. TERPENNING, M.D. Pediatrics - Cert. 1989, 1997, 2003, 2010 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado – 2005 Intern: Univ. of Colorado – 2006 Resid: Exempla St. Joseph - 2008 Avista Internal Medicine 90 Health Park Drive, Suite 350 Louisville 80027 303-269-2700 Fax 303-269-2690 DOUGLAS J. TANGEL, M.D. Pulmonology* - Cert. 1991 Internal Medicine - Cert. 1987 M.D.: U. of Chicago School of Med. - 1984 Intern: U. of CO School of Med. - 1985 Resid: U. of CO School of Med. - 1987 Fellow:U. of CO School of Med. - 1991 Longmont Pulmonary & Critical Care 2030 Mountain View Ave., Ste. 540 Longmont 80501 303-651-5302 Fax 303-651-5303 DAVID E. TANNER, D.O. Pain Management - Cert. 2006 60 M.D.: Univ. of Chicago - 1985 Resid: Case Western Reserve Univ. - 1988 Chief Resid: Case Western Reserve Univ. - 1989 Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd. Ste. 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com DAVID O. THAYER, M.D. Gynecology - Cert. 1981 M.D.: Jefferson Med. Coll. - 1975 Intern: St. Francis Medical Center, Hartford, CT - 1976 Resid: St. Francis Medical Center, Hartford, CT - 1979 The Thayer Group for Women’s Care 1155 Alpine, Suite 230 Boulder 80304 303-443-2010 www.thayermd.com ROY W. THOMPSON, M.D., F.A.C.C. Cardiology* - Cert. 1989 D.O.: U. of New England Coll. Osteo. Med. - 1997 Intern: U.S. Family Med. Cntr. - 1998 Resid:Osteo. Med. Cntr. of TX - 2000 M.D.: Univ. of CO, Denver - 1983 Intern/Resid: Hennepin Cty. Med. Cntr., Univ. of MN - 1986 Fellow: Loma Linda Univ. - 1990 Creekside Physical Medicine 5387 Manhattan Circle, Suite 201 Boulder 80303 303-494-2705 Fax 303-494-2706 www.creeksidemedical.com Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 ELISHA P. TILTON, M.D. Ophthalmology - Cert. 2009 Retina/Vitreous ERIC TRAISTER, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. 2013; Sports Medicine - Cert. 2014 M.D.: U. of Vermont - 2004 Intern/Resid: U. of Virginia - 2008 Fellow: Lahey Clinic - 2010 M.D.: Univ. of Arkansas - 2010 Intern/Resid: Rose Medical Center - 2013 Eye Care Center of Northern Colorado 1400 Dry Creek Drive Longmont 80503 303-772-3300 Fax 303-682-3380 www.eyecaresite.com TANYA L. TIVORSAK M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 2011 Longs Peak Family Practice 1309 Sunset St. Longmont 80501 303-772-5578 LongsPeakFamilyPractice.com NGUYET-ANH (THERESA) TRAN, M.D. Rheumatology* - Cert 2009 Internal Medicine - Cert 2007 M.D.: Univ. of Rochester NY - 2006 Intern: Exempla St. Joseph, CO - 2007 Resid: Univ. of CO - 2011 Fellow: Nat’l Orthopedic Imaging Assoc. CA - 2012 Special Training: Musculoskeletal Radiology MD: U of Tenn, Memphis - 2004 Intern/Resid: Wake Forest U. - 2007 Fellow: U. of Washington - 2009 2095 West 6th Avenue, #106 Broomfield 80020 720-494-4700 1-877-508-5510 (toll free) Offices also in Broomfield and Longmont Health Images Boulder 2425 Canyon Blvd. Ste. 150 Boulder 80302 303-440-1000 healthcareimagingnetwork.com JOHN E. TOBEY, M.D. Phys Med & Rehab Sports Med/EMG Interventional Spine M.D.: Univ. of Utah - 1999 Resid: Univ. of Colorado HSC - 2003 Fellow:Sports and Spine, Univ. of Colorado HSC - 2004 Spine West 5387 Manhattan Cir. Boulder 80303 303-494-7773 Fax 303-494-1104 spinewest.com JUDY A. TONEY, D.O. Family Medicine - Cert. 2004 D.O.: Midwestern Univ. - 2004 Intern: Mayo Clinic, AZ - 2005 Resid: St. Joseph’s Hosp., AZ - 2007 Family Medical Associates 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., #110 Lafayette 80026 303-666-1982 Fax 303-666-1962 www.bch.org/FamilyMedical MICHAEL TRACY, D.O. Interventional Spine, EMG’s, Physical Medicine/ Rehab – Cert. 2009 D.O.: Western Univ of Health Sciences – 2004 Intern: Arrowhead Regional Med Center – 2005 Resid: Rehabilitation Instit. Of Chicago – 2008 Integrated Sports & Spine, LLC 380 Empire Road, Suite 200 Lafayette 80026 303-578-7050 www.integratedsportsandspine.com WARREN TRIPP, M.D. Ophthalmology – Cert. 1985 M.D.: Loma Linda Univ. – 1978 Intern: Kettering Medical Center -1979 Resid: Loma Linda Univ. – 1983 2575 Pearl Street, Suite 1C Boulder 80302 303-442-6260 www.PearlStreetEye.com CHRISTOPHER TROJANOVICH M.D., M.P.H. Internal Medicine – 2008-2018 M.D.: U. of Colorado - 2004 Resid: Jewish Hosp., Cincinnati - 2007 M.P.H.:Harvard School of Public Health - 2011 Fellow: Harvard Med. Sch. (General Med.) - 2011 Buffalo Ridge Medical Center 16677 Lowell Boulevard Broomfield 80023 303-938-3498 Fax 303-938-3499 www.bch.org NELSON TRUJILLO, M.D., F.A.C.C. Interventional Cardio. - Cert. 2000; Cardiology* - Cert. 1998; Nuclear Medicine - Cert. 1996 M.D.: George Wash. Univ. - 1988 Intern/Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1993 Fellow:Univ. of Colorado - 1996 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 61 KATHERINE S. TSAI, M.D. Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology - Cert. 2009 M.D.: Washington U., St. Louis - 2003 Intern/Resid: Washington U., St. Louis - 2006 Fellow: Washington U., St. Louis - 2009 Colorado Allergy and Asthma Centers, P.C. 340 East First Avenue, Suite 307 Broomfield, CO 80020 303-428-6089 www.coloradoallergy.com MYRA TUCKERMAN, M.D. Hospice and Palliative Medicine* – Cert. 2012 Family Medicine – Cert. 1995 M.D.: Univ. of S. CA, Los Angeles – 1981 Intern: Glendale Adventist Med Center, CA – 1982 Resid: Univ. of AL, Huntsville – 1995 Family Hospice 1790 30th Street, Suite 308 Boulder 80301 303-440-0205 www.FamilyHospice.net LISA A. TURNER, M.D., FAAP Pediatrics - Cert. 1989, 1997, WARREN VALENCIA, M.D. Internal Medicine* - Cert. 1976 Family Medicine M.D.: S.U.N.Y., Downstate - 1973 Intern: S.U.N.Y., Buffalo - 1974 Resid: S.U.N.Y., Buffalo - 1976 2030 Mountain View, Ste. 220 Longmont 80501 303-702-5995 Fax 303-702-5990 CATHLEEN S. VAN BUSKIRK, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgery/Spine Surgery - Cert. 2002, 2012 M.D.: Medical Coll. of Wisconsin - 1991 Resid: U. of New Mexico - 1996 Fellow: Thomas Jefferson U. - 1997 Fellow: St. Vincent de Paul - 1998 Alpine Spine Center 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 300 Boulder 80303 303-546-6600 Fax 303-546-6500 www.AlpineSpineCenter.com HEATHER B. VANCE, M.D. Family Medicine – Cert. 2013 2004, MOC M.D.: Resid: Univ. of Texas HSC, San Antonio - 1986 Univ. of Texas HSC, San Antonio - 1989 Longmont Clinic 1925 W. Mountain View Ave. Longmont 80501 720-494-3133 www.LongmontClinic.com TODD TURNER, M.D. Infectious Disease* - Cert. 2005 Internal Medicine - Cert. 2002 M.D.: U. of Louisville - 1999 Resid: George Wash. U. - 2002 Fellow: George Wash. U. - 2005 Beacon Center for Infectious Diseases 4800 Riverbend Road, #200 Boulder 80301-2636 303-415-8850 www.bch.org/beaconcenter JOHN ANDREW UPDIKE, M.D. Hospitalist*, Internal Medicine M.D.: Tulane Univ School of Med - 2010 Resid: Brown Univ. (Rhode Island Hosp) The Miriam Hosp. - 2013 Foothills Hospital 4747 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder 80303-1133 303-415-7610 Fax 303-415-7618 www.bch.org/hospitalists 62 M.D.: The Ohio State Univ. - 2009 Resid: Univ. of Michigan - 2013 Boulder Medical Center - Avista 80 Health Park Drive, Suite 100 Louisville 80027 303-666-2710 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com CHARLES VAN HOOK, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 1985 Pulmonary Med.* - Cert. 1988 Critical Care Med. - Cert. 1991, 2001, 2011 M.D.:U. of Med & Dent. of NJ - 1982 Intern:Johns Hopkins Balt. City Hosp. - 1983 Resid:Univ. of Wisconsin - 1985 Fellow:Univ. of Wisconsin - 1988 Longmont Pulmonary & Critical Care 2030 Mountain View Ave., Ste. 540 Longmont 80501 303-651-5302 Fax 303-651-5303 KRISTIN van KONYNENBURG, M.D. Family Medicine* - Cert. 1998; Amer. Board of Holistic Med. - Cert. 2007; Homeopathy School of CO - Cert. 2007 M.D.: U. of CA, Davis - 1995 Intern/Resid: Contra Costa Health Serv. - 1998 Whole Family Health Care PLLC 600 S. Airport Road, Unit AG Longmont, CO 80503 303-776-0467 www.doctorvank.com MICHAEL VIDAS, M.D. Otolaryngology - Cert. 1979 HILARY F. WALLACE, M.D. Internal Medicine - Cert. 2000, 2010 M.D.: U. of Chicago, Pritzker School of Med - 1978 Intern/Resid: Hosp of Univ. of PA – 1983 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1997 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1998 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2000 Peak ENT & Voice Center 403 Summit Blvd., #204 Broomfield 80021 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3268 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 1030 Johnson Rd., #350 Golden 80401 720-401-2139 ALAN T. VILLAVICENCIO, M.D. Neurological Surgery - JOSHUA WARD, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehab* Electrodiagnostic Med. Interventional Spine Cert 2005 M.D.: Harvard Univ. - 1995 Intern: Duke Univ. - 1996 Resid: Duke Univ. - 2001 Fellow: Cedars-Sinai - 2002 M.D.: Univ. of WI – 2002 Resid: Univ. of WI – 2006 Spine West 5387 Manhattan Circle Boulder 80303 303-494-7773 Fax 303-494-1104 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Suite 202 Boulder 80303 303-938-5700 Office also in Longmont www.bnasurg.com LYNN A. VOSS, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 2000, 2010; Sports Medicine, Trauma M.D.: Intern: Resid: Fellow: MOLLY G. WARE, M.D. Cardiology* - Cert. 2006; Nuclear Cardiology - Cert. 2008; Echo Cardiography Cert. 2006 Chicago Medical - 1992 Brown Univ. - 1993 Brown Univ. - 1997 Brown Univ. - 1998 M.D.: U of CO, Denver - 2000 Intern/Resid: Brigham & Women’s Hosp, Boston - 2003 Fellow: Boston Med. Cntr - 2006 Boulder Heart 4743 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 201 Boulder 80303 1000 W. South Boulder Rd., Ste. 218 Lafayette 80026 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com BRENT WAHL, M.D. Diagnostic Radiology Cert. 1993 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 J. DOUGLAS WARREN, M.D. Otolaryngology - Cert. 1990; Head/Neck Surgery M.D.: Creighton Univ., NE - 1985 Resid: Creighton Univ., NE - 1989 Resid: (Radiology) U. of Kansas - 1993 M.D.: U. of MO, Columbia - 1984 Intern/Resid: Washington U. School of Medicine - 1990 Rocky Mountain Medical Imaging Twin Peaks Medical Imaging 1551 Professional Lane, #155 Longmont 80501 720-494-4777 Fax: 720-494-4771 www.twinpeaksmedicalimaging.com K. LYNN WALKER, M.D. Family Medicine* Cert. 1998, 2005 Main: 303-443-2771 4745 Arapahoe Ave., Ste. 130 Boulder 80303 90 Health Park Dr., #220, Louisville 80027 KELLEY WEAR, M.D. Hand Surgery - Cert. 2008 Under Grad.: Northwestern U. - 1990 M.D.: Univ. of Louisville - 1994 Resid: Lancaster General Hosp., PA - 1998 MD: Saint Louis University - 1998 Resid: New York Hosp. - 2002 Fellow: Columbia P&S (Wound Healing) - 2003 Fellow: Univ. of CT (Hand Surgery) - 2004 Care Plus 1551 Professional Lane, Ste. 140 Longmont, 80501 303-776-2001 The Hand Center 80 Garden Center Suite 223 Broomfield 80020 303-957-7116 63 MEGAN WEBER, M.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2009 M.D.:Univ. of CO - 2005 Intern.:Health One/Presbyterian St Lukes - 2006 Resid: Mayo Clinic Scottsdale - 2009 Rocky Mountain Dermatology 2400 Spruce St., Ste. 101 Boulder 80302 303-444-0833 www.rockymtndermatology.com J. CHRISTOPHER WEBSTER, M.D. Urology M.D.: Case Western Reserve, Cleveland - 1982 Intern: Univ. of Vermont - 1983 Resid: Univ. of Vermont - 1987 80 Health Park Dr., Suite 270 Louisville 80027 303-665-0286 1032 S. 88th Street Louisville 80027 4820 Riverbend Dr. Boulder 80301 303-449-4545 DANIEL S. WHITE, M.D., FACC Cardiology* - Cert. 1998; Nuclear Cardiology - Cert. 2005 M.D.: Univ. of S. Florida Med. - 2002 Intern: Univ. of S. Florida Med. - 2003 Resid: Univ. of S. Florida Med. - 2007 M.D.:Univ. of Colorado - 1992 Intern/Resid: Lackland AFB, TX - 1995 Fellow:Lackland AFB, TX - 1998 Alpine Urology 2030 Mountain View Dr., Ste. 420 Longmont 80501 303-776-9400 www.AlpineUrology.net Boulder Heart 2101 Ken Pratt Blvd., Ste. 104 Longmont 80501 303-442-2395 Fax 303-442-1073 RUTH WEINBERG, M.D. Gynecology – Cert. 1996 M.D.: U of WA – 1988 Intern: U of WA – 1993 Resid: U of WA - 1996 Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center 2855 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-5160 www.boulderwomenshealth.org STUART WEISMAN, M.D. Rheumatology* - Cert. 2002, 2012; Internal Medicine Cert. 2000, 2010 M.D.: Univ. of So. California School of Medicine - 1997 Intern: Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital - 2000 Resid: Univ. of CA San Diego - 2002 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3137 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com JUAN WEKSLER, M.D. Interventional Cardiology & Vascular Med. - Cert. 2005 M.D.: Texas A&M - 1998 Resid: Indiana University - 2001 Fellow: Med. Coll. of VA - 2004 Interventional training: St. Vincent Hospital, IN - 2005 Flatirons Heart and Vascular 90 Health Park Dr., Ste. 190 Louisville 80027 303-269-2905 64 MICHAEL WERTZ, M.D. Orthopedics* - Cert. 1989, 1999, 2009; Sports Medicine DRIGAN WIEDER, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1992 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado, Denver 1986 Intern: Univ. of Utah, SLC - 1987 Resid: Univ. of Utah, SLC - 1992 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 Fax 303-440-7586 WILLIAM J. WILLIAMS, M.D. Orthopedics - Cert. 1986, 1996, 2006; Sports Medicine M.D.: Univ. of Minnesota - 1978 Intern: Hennipen County Medical Center - 1979 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1984 933 Alpine Boulder 80304 303-449-2730 www.boulderorthopedics.com MARK A. WISNER, D.O. Family Medicine* - Cert. 2007; Osteopathic Medicine D.O.: Touro U. Coll. of Osteo. Med. - 2004 Resid: St. Anthony’s Denver - 2007 Table Mesa Family Medicine 1755 48th Street, Suite 200, Boulder 80301 303-494-5263 Fax 303-494-5265 www.bch.org MICHAEL J. WRIGHT, M.D. HOWIE WOLF, M.D. Family Medicine - Pediatrics - Cert 1998 M.D.: State Univ. of Iowa - 1959 Intern: Univ. of Texas Med. Branch 1960 M.D.: Univ. of Colorado - 1994 Intern: Phoenix Children’s Hospital - 1995 Resid: Phoenix Children’s Hospital - 1997 Family Medicine Associates 8853 Fox Drive, Suite 200 Thornton 80260 303-487-8817 Centennial Valley Pediatrics 400 S. McCaslin Blvd. Ste 103 Louisville 80027 303-666-7337 www.cvpeds.com Cert 1972, 1979, 1985, 1990, 1996, 2002 PETER D. WOOD, M.D. Orthopedic Surgery* - Cert. 1994 2002, 2009 Sports Medicine M.D.: Univ. of CA, San Diego - 1986 Resid: Univ. of CA, San Diego - 1991 Fellow:Emory Univ. , Atlanta- 1992 1551 Professional Lane, Suite 200 Longmont 80501 303.772.1600 Office also in Frederick www.frontrangeorthopedics.com DAVID WRIGHT, M.D., FAAD, FASDP Dermatology - Cert 1995; Dermatopathology - Cert. 2000 M.S.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology - 1982 M.D.: University of CO School of Medicine – 1987 Dermatology Resid: University of UT - 1995 Dermatopathology Fellow: University of VA - 1999 mtnderm@gmail.com Please call Boulder County Medical Society for new practice location and phone: 303-527-3215 DEREK L. WRIGHT, M.D. Family Medicine JANA L. WYNETT, M.D. Family Medicine - Cert. – Cert. 1999 M.D.: Univ. of Utah, Provo – 1996 Resid: Univ. of WY, Cheyenne - 1999 M.D.: Resid: Resid: Washington Univ. School of Medicine - 1999 Health Partners Institute for Medical Education - 1999 Univ. of Michigan - 2002 Avista Family Medicine – Erie 611 Mitchell Way, Suite 103 Erie 80516 303-269-2780 www.AvistaFamilyMedicine.org ELIZABETH F. YURTH, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation* - Cert. 1993 Sports Medicine M.D.: U. of S. California - 1988 Intern: U. of California, Irvine - 1989 Resid: U. of California, Irvine - 1992 Fellow: Stanford, CA - 1993 Mapleton Hill Orthopedics, P.C. 975 North St., Ste. 201 Boulder 80304 303-440-7941 Fax 303-440-7586 ALAN ZACHARIAS, M.D. Neurology* - Cert. 1996 Electrodiagostic Medicine, Neurophysiology, Neuromuscular Disease M.D.:Univ. of Mississippi - 1991 Resid:Univ. of Virginia - 1995 Fellow: Emory Univ. - 1996 Milestone Medical Group 4943 Hwy. 52, #100 Frederick 80514 303-833-1900 Fax 303-833-7342 www.MilestoneMedicalGroup.org Associated Neurologists of BCH 4865 Riverbend Road #100 Boulder 80301-2632 303-415-8800 Fax 303-415-8801 www.bch.org/neurology 65 ERIC ZACHARIAS, M.D. Internal Medicine MICHAEL ZONA, M.D. Psychiatry - Cert. 1994 - Cert. 1996, 2006 M.D.: St. Louis Medical School -1988 Intern/Resid: U.C. Irvine - 1992 Fellowship: USC, Forensic Psychiatry - 1995 M.D.: Vanderbilt Univ. - 1993 Intern: Univ. of Colorado - 1993 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 1996 Boulder Medical Center 2750 Broadway Boulder 80304 303-440-3082 www.BoulderMedicalCenter.com 6654 Gunpark Drive, Suite 101 Boulder 80301 310-261-0035 www.michaelzonamd.com YAN ISABEL ZHU, M.D., Ph.D. Dermatology - Cert. 2005 Ph.D.: Cornell Univ. - 1997 M.D.: Columbia Univ. - 2001 Intern: Columbia Univ. - 2001 Resid: Univ. of Colorado - 2005 Skin Wise Dermatology Clinic 12207 Pecos Street, Ste. 500 Westminster 80234 4810 Riverbend Rd., C-2 Boulder 80301 303-427-0432 Fax 303-255-6008 www.skinwiseclinic.com Clinical excellence, outstanding results. Lafayette, CO • 303.449.1084 • Littleton, CO • 303.794.0045 Denver, CO • 303.720.7887 • Lone Tree, CO • 303.586.6598 Conceptionsrepro.com Mark R. Bush, MD, FACOG, FACS Michael S. Swanson, MD, FACOG Dana R. Ambler, DO, FACOOG Ryan M. Riggs, MD, FACOG BOULDER VALLEY INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION Boulder Valley IPA’s purpose is to coordinate the delivery of high-quality, affordable health care services through a physician-directed, market responsive, and accountable system. This system is designed to provide physicians the tools to enhance the viability of, and satisfaction in, independent medical practice. 303.530.3405 | 303.530.2441 fax 66 6676 Gunpark Drive, Suite B Boulder, Colorado 80301 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Boulder County Medical Society physicians who are listed in the pictorial section, are listed by location under their specialty practices. Each of the following specialties have Certifying Boards. Page numbers refer to the corresponding pictorial listing. ALLERGY The Allergist is trained to diagnose and treat allergy problems. The most common symptoms include itching of the eyes and nose, sneezing, coughing at night or with exertion, wheezing, shortness of breath, recurrent respiratory infections, itchy rashes and abdominal upsets. Boulder: Andrews Karen, M.D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bock M.D., S. Allan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Menich M.D., Mark D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Petrak M.D., Betty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Broomfield: Tsai M.D., Katherine S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Louisville: Davé M.D., Shoban A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Petrak M.D., Betty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ANESTHESIOLOGY The Anesthesiologist renders the patient unconscious and/or insensitive to pain and stress during surgical, obstetrical and other procedures and at the same time is responsible for protecting life functions and providing medical care. The Anesthesiologist is also capable of handling patients requiring intensive care and patients with respiratory and pain problems. Longmont: Mitchell M.D., Donna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mitchell M.D., Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 AVIATION MEDICINE Boulder: Sancetta M.D., Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Longmont: McKenna D.O., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 CARDIOLOGY The Cardiologist diagnoses and treats disorders of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels as well as treating hypertension. Boulder: Doucet M.D., Jamie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Holland M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Oza M.D., Sameer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Rogers M.D., Charles Peter. . . . . . . . . . 55 Shah M.D., Jignesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Thompson M.D., Roy W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Trujillo M.D., Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Ware M.D., Molly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lafayette: McNeil M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Schutz M.D., John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Longmont: Backup M.D., Linda D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Drescher M.D., Murry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Reynolds M.D., Bryan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Stathis M.D., John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 White M.D., Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Louisville: Weksler M.D. Juan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 DERMATOLOGY Dermatologists are trained in the medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the skin, mouth, hair, and nails and work with the removal of moles, warts, cysts, benign tumors and skin cancers. Many are also trained in certain surgical and cosmetic procedures. Boulder: Allen M.D. Shawn B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Curry M.D., Margaret Alise. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gallagher M.D., Casey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hong M.D., Steven R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kallgren M.D., Diane L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Koger M.D., Cathy L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Leddon M.D., Jeanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 67 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians DERMATOLOGY (CONT.) Boulder (cont): Levine M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Russell M.D., George R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Scatena M.D., Lisa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Simmons M.D., Rachel N . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Steinbaugh M.D., John R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Weber M.D., Megan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Wright M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Zhu, M.D., Yan Isabel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Brighton: Gallagher M.D., Casey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Leddon M.D., Jeanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lafayette: Gallagher M.D., Casey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Leddon M.D., Jeanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Longmont: Bachmann M.D., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Baird, M.D. , Kristin M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Becker M.D., Todd C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Clark M.D., Scott D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fueston M.D., John C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Morrison M.D., Allison E. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Loveland: Bair M.D., Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Louisville: Bailey M.D., Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Barfield D.O., Lawrence F.. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Boyle M.D., Sheila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Curry M.D., Margaret Alise. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Steinbaugh M.D., John R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Niwot: Sinoway M.D., Patricia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Westminster: Boyle M.D., Sheila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Zhu, M.D., Yan Isabel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 EMERGENCY MEDICINE These physicians specialize in immediate recognition, evaluation and treatment of acute illnesses and injuries. 68 Boulder: Glowney M.D., Jason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ENDOCRINOLOGY The Endocrinologist treats diseases such as diabetes, thyroid and adrenal gland malfunctions and other diseases including hormone disorders. They have training in internal medicine and several years of specialty training in endocrinology and metabolism. Breckenridge: Stjernholm, M.D., Melvin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Boulder: Lerner, MD., Kimberly D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Louisville: Fox M.D., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Kamath M.D., Vinaya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mandagere, M.D., Kelly A . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Oberwetter, M.D., James M. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Rentschler M.D. ,Lindsey . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Longmont: Podlecki M.D., David A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Robinson M.D., Irina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 FAMILY MEDICINE This specialty encompasses the care of patients, usually as a family group, of all ages, and a vast range of medical problems. This allows for continuity of care for the individual and integration of care for the family as a whole. Berthoud: Pivetta D.O., Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Boulder: Ansell M.D., Julie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Berger M.D., Paul A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Brunschwig M.D., Pierre J.. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Burton M.D., William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cannell D.O. Jason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Carlson M.D., Alyssa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Carnahan M.D., Jill C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dodson M.D., William H. III. . . . . . . . . . 27 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Frankel M.D., Zara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gallagher M.D., Eileen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hadley M.D., Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Hamilton M.D., Fran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Hess M.D., Stephanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Horner M.D., Jillian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Juenemann M.D., Shane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 McCarty D.O., Michael Corey. . . . . . . . 44 Mousavi M.D., Shala S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Muzny M.D., Lise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Nordstrom M.D., Robyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Plonska M.D., Joanna M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Quarles M.D., Leto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rogers M.D., Vergari Nina. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Rooney M.D., Anna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Siegfried M.D., Jill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Susskind M.D., Karin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Wisner D.O., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Broomfield: George M.D., Sarah A,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Erie: Daarud M.D., Scott R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wynett M.D., Jana L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Firestone: Fischer M.D., Julie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Nouhan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Fredrick: Flanagan M.D., Clint R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Grotefend M.D., Megan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Wright M.D., Derek L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Lafayette: Burnett M.D., Harry A. (Barry). . . . . . . . 23 Damek Jr. M.D., Herman A. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Duiker M.D., S. Shevaun. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Kidd D.O., Luci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lee M.D., Mira. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mackell M.D., Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Otteman D.O., Shawn B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Pittenger M.D., Sharon T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Rosenthal M.D., Lila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Royer M.D., Kristen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Sanders M.D., Carolyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Toney D.O., Judy A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Longmont: Benson M.D., Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Britt M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cavender M.D., Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Christiansen D.O. Ammie E.. . . . . . . . . . 25 Cooper M.D., Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Faini M.D., Mary E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Fretwell M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Freudenburg M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gerber D.O., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hughes D.O., Brian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Jacobi M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Landblom M.D., Jerome . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Madden M.D., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . 44 McKenna D.O., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Myers M.D., Rebecca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Pfeifer M.D., Lyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Ray M.D., Steven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Roach M.D., Susan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Traister M.D., Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Valencia M.D., Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Van Konynenburg M.D., Kristin . . . . . . . 62 Walker M.D., K. Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Louisville: Abrams M.D., Pamela. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Anderson M.D., Brad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bulmahn M.D., Lora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Kierein M.D., Rebecca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lischwe M.D., Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Mead M.D., Daina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pinto M.D., Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Vance M.D., Heather B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Lyons: Brett M.D., Matthew S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Niwot: Hernandez M.D., Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Johnson M.D., Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Superior: Apple D.O., David G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Grasmick M.D., Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Redal M.D., Leif. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Schaffner M.D., Rita C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Thornton: Wolf M.D., Howie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 GASTROENTEROLOGY Gastroenterologists specialize in problems with the esophagus, 69 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas. They have training in internal medicine with two years of specialty medical training in gastroenterology. Most Gastroenterologists have had extensive training in fiberoptic endoscopy. Boulder: Ahnen M.D., Dennis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Berry M.D., William R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bersentes M.D., Korina R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chetham M.D., Steven T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dolan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gatof M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Karowe M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kaye M.D., Peter S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Levine M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Mahnke M.D., Daus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Montbriand M.D, Joel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mosley M.D., Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Raju M.D., Ramu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Susnow M.D., Nathan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Broomfield: Ahnen M.D., Dennis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Berry M.D., William R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bersentes M.D., Korina R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chetham M.D., Steven T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dolan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gatof M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Karowe M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kaye M.D., Peter S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mahnke M.D., Daus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Montbriand M.D, Joel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mosley M.D., Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Raju M.D., Ramu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Susnow M.D., Nathan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Lafayette: Ahnen M.D., Dennis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Berry M.D., William R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bersentes M.D., Korina. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chetham M.D., Steven T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dolan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gatof M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Karowe M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Kaye M.D., Peter S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Mahnke M.D., Daus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Montbriand M.D, Joel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 70 Mosley M.D., Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Raju M.D. Ramu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Susnow M.D., Nathan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Lakewood: Ahnen M.D., Dennis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Berry M.D., William R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bersentes M.D., Korina R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chetham M.D., Steven T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dolan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gatof M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Karowe M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kaye M.D., Peter S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mahnke M.D., Daus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Montbriand M.D, Joel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mosley M.D., Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Raju M.D., Ramu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Susnow M.D., Nathan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Longmont: Ahnen M.D., Dennis J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Berry M.D., William R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bersentes M.D., Korina R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chetham M.D., Steven T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dolan M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gatof M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Iqbal M.D., Nuzhat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Jensen M.D. Jonathan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Karowe M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kaye M.D., Peter S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mahnke M.D., Daus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Montbriand M.D, Joel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mosley M.D., Richard H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Raju M.D., Ramu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Susnow M.D., Nathan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 GENERAL SURGERY A field dealing with the operative treatment of diseases not responsive to medical management or created by trauma.The general surgeon may be trained in surgery on the body in general. Boulder: Burrow M.D., Claude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gawart M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hagen M.D., Susan S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Jones M.D., Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Koh M.D., Kilsan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Kuisle M.D., Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Pohlman M.D., Christopher R.. . . . . . . . 52 Taylor M.D., Sandra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Lafayette: Herrmann M.D., Glenn E.. . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Knudson M.D., Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Platnick M.D., Barry K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Suding M.D., Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Longmont: Berg M.D., Kevin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Leonard M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Miller M.D., Denise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mooney M.D., Herbert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Powell M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Louisville: Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gawart M.D., Matthew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Johs M.D., Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Leibovitz M.D., Ross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 GERIATRIC MEDICINE An Internist with special knowledge of the aging process and special skills in the diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and rehabilitative aspects of illness in the elderly. This specialist cares for geriatric patients in the patient’s home, the office, long-term care settings such as nursing homes, and the hospital. Boulder: Dughi M.D., Coco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Giesen D.O., Anne M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Huang M.D., Shirley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Lee M.D., Michele Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Longmont: McCarty D.O., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 GYNECOLOGY The Gynecologist is trained in the medical and surgical treatment of female reproductive organs and functions. Boulder: Hansen M.D., Christine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Imig M.D., John R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Kaufman M.D., Karen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Lepine M.D., Lisa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Macsalka M.D., Mary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Macsalka M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Thayer M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Weinberg M.D., Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Longmont: Barrett M.D., Therese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Louisville: Schultz D.O. B. Alison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 HAND SURGERY A surgeon with expertise in the investigation, preservation, and restoration by medical, surgical and rehabilitative means, of all structures of the upper extremity directly affecting the form and function of the hand and wrist. Boulder: Reid M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Broomfield: Wear M.D., Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lafayette: Pater MD., Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Longmont: Pater MD., Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Louisville: Reid M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 HOLISTIC/INTEGRATED MEDICINE Holistic and/or integrated medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person and body, mind, emotions, and spirit. The practice of holistic and/orintegrated medicine integrates conventional and complementary therapies to promote optimal health and to prevent and treat disease. Boulder: Berger M.D., Paul A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Brunschwig M.D., Pierre J.. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Carnahan M.D., Jill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Longmont: Van Konynenburg M.D., Kristin . . . . . . . 62 Niwot: Johnson M.D., Jennifer M . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 71 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians INFECTIOUS DISEASE These subspecialists deal with infectious diseases of all types and in all organs. Conditions requiring selective use of antibiotics call for this special skill. Patients with fevers which have not been explained, are often diagnosed and treated by these subspecialists. Maiocco M.D., Amy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Odehnal M.D., Marek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Wallace M.D., Hilary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Zacharias M.D., Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Boulder: Clover M.D. Geoffery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 King M.D., Mark D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Meditz M.D., Amie L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pujet M.D., Heather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rao M.D., Arathi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Turner M.D., Todd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Lafayette: Dobija M.D., Anthony. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Hall M.D., Lisabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Pane M.D., Robert D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Reims M.D., Randolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Longmont: Gill M.D., Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 INTERNAL MEDICINE These physicians are concerned with the complete non-surgical care of the adult. They are experts in medical diagnosis and treatment of adult disorders, health maintenance and wellness.There are multiple subspecialties within internal medicine which include allergy, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology, infectious disease, nephrology, pulmonary diseases and rheumatology. Boulder: Anton-Schnell M.D., Kristina . . . . . . . . . 18 Blanchet M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Browne M.D., Hillary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Brubaker M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Christensen M.D., Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Delgado M.D., Jose M. Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ejaz M.D., Kanwal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Erben M.D., Laura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fanestil M.D., Bradley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Haimes M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Hoerler M.D., Stephen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kaplan M.D., Jeremiah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Keidan M.D., Benjamin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Ling M.D., Sheila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Lipetz M.D., Valerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Luce M.D., W. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 72 Broomfield: Cruse M.D., Elizabeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ho M.D., John Eugene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Trojanovich M.D., Christopher. . . . . . . . 61 Longmont: Cagan M.D., Laird. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Cuervo M.D., Julia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fowler D.O. Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Lewis M.D., Holly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 McCarty D.O., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Nissim M.D., Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Poole, M.D., Mary B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Valencia M.D., Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Louisville: Ho M.D., John Eugene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tamblyn M.D. Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 NEPHROLOGY The medical treatment of acute and chronic kidney disease. Boulder: Halterman M.D., Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lafayette: Carson M.D., John M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Halterman M.D., Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Kraft M.D., Steven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Longmont: Boseman M.D., Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fish M.D., Eileen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Goaverts M.D., Timothy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mooney M.D., Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 NEUROLOGY The Neurologist treats nerve diseases and conditions medically. Some diseases include multiple sclerosis, chronic back pain, headaches and stroke. Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Boulder: Kakkar M.D. H. Rai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kidd D.O., Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Middleton-Hoang D.O., Lauren E. . . . . . 47 Rao M.D., Satish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Zacharias M.D., Alan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Lafayette: Bushard M.D., Patrick J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Longmont: Govaerts M.D., Timothy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mendes M.D., Paula. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pavot D.O., Pierre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 NEUROSURGERY The Neurosurgeon specializes in diagnosis and surgical treatment of the nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and nerves) and the surrounding bony structures. Boulder: Beasley D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bolles M.D., Gene E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mason M.D., Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nelson M.D., E. Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rajpal M.D., Sharad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shafer M.D., David A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villavicencio M.D., Alan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 21 45 49 53 57 63 Brighton: Rajpal M.D., Sharad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Lafayette: Beasley D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mason M.D., Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Rajpal M.D., Sharad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Longmont: Beasley D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mason M.D., Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rajpal M.D., Sharad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Villavicencio M.D., Alan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 45 53 63 Louisville: Mason M.D., Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Rajpal M.D., Sharad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY This specialty involves the care and management of women during pregnancy. They also treat infertility as do Gynecologists who give medical and surgical treatment of female reproductive organs and functions. Boulder: Blattner, M.D., Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bright Hoffmeyer M.D., Heather . . . . . . . . 22 Christopher, M.D., Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fier M.D., Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gray D.O., Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Jamroz M.D., Lisa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Price M.D., Brenda C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Shea D.O., Kerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Englewood: Albrecht, M.D., Bruce H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lafayette: Lindholm M.D. Laura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Longmont: Bergeron M.D., Kimberly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Finnegan M.D., Patrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Johnson M.D., Amy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Keene M.D., Heather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kim M.D., Jalpa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lane M.D., Kim R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Martin M.D., Ann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Nelson M.D., Brian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Pomfret M.D., Heidi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Reitinger M.D., Russell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Louisville: Abair M.D., Christine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Austin M.D., Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bissell M.D., Mary Beth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Huynh M.D., Long Phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Moeller M.D., Loralie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Schultz D.O., Alison B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Spears M.D., Karin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE These physicians treat illness and accidents that occur in the work place. Lafayette: Fernandez M.D., Lynne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Reims M.D., Randolph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 73 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians ONCOLOGY The Oncologist diagnoses and treats cancer patients as a subspecialist in internal medicine.This specialty includes Hematology as well, treating diseases of the blood system. Boulder: Andorsky M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Busby M.D., Leslie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fleagle M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fox M.D., Jenny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Jensen M.D., Lori. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Moran M.D., Patrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Patel M.D. Mira. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sitarik M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Longmont: Barnett M.D., J. Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Fisher M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Klish M.D., Marie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Robinson M.D., Sarah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 OPHTHALMOLOGY This specialty involves the diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders with glasses, contact lenses and surgery utilizing surgery and other corrective techniques in the management of eye disease. Benedict M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Karbassi M.D., Mohammad. . . . . . . . . . . 38 Lalwani M.D., Geeta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Meyers M.D., Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Olijnyk M.D., Irene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Robinson M.D., Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Rothstein M.D., Micah W.. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Stewart M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tilton M.D., Elisha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Louisville: Lansing M.D., Mary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Stewart M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ORTHOPEDICS The Orthopedic Surgeon diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries of the bones and joints, muscles and tendons.This also includes congenital, developmental, and acquired musculoskeletal deformities, such as spinal curvatures and arthritis. The Orthopedist is specifically trained to care for fractures, sprains and severe injuries, including all sports injuries. Lafayette: Andrews M.D., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Boulder: Blackwood M.D., C. Brian. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Conyers M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Dolbeare M.D., Dirk W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Fulkerson M.D., Lorri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Gagliano M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Grauer M.D., J. David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Halbrecht M.D., Joanne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Koch M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Leland M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Master M.D., Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 McCarty M.D., Eric C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Paul M.D., Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Rector M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Reid M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Repine M.D., Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Seng M.D., Khemarin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Stoll M.D., E. Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Van Buskirk M.D., Cathleen S. . . . . . . . . 62 Wertz M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Wieder M.D., Drigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Williams M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Longmont: Andrews M.D., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Frederick: Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Boulder: Gustave M.D., Bradley W. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Keller M.D., Donald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Kreidl M.D., Ken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lalwani M.D., Geeta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 McCormack M.D., Donald. . . . . . . . . . . 46 Nichols M.D., Brian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Stewart M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tripp M.D., Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Denver: Stewart M.D., Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 74 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Lafayette: Conyers M.D., David J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Cooney M.D., William P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Dolbeare M.D., Dirk W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 FitzGibbons M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gerlach M.D., Matthew R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Koldenhoven M.D., Gregg. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Leonard M.D., Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Pater M.D., Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Voss M.D., Lynn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Longmont: Britton M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cooney M.D., William P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 FitzGibbons M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gerlach M.D., Matthew R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Koldenhoven M.D., Gregg. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Leonard M.D., Curtis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Pater M.D., Timothy J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Rupp M.D., Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Wood M.D., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Louisville: Bierbrauer M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Castro M.D., B. Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ciccone M.D, William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Eickmann M.D., Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Gagliano M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Grauer M.D., J. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Hsin M.D., Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mann M.D., Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Morreale M.D., Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Ocel M.D., Daniel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Reid M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Repine M.D., Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Stoll M.D., E. Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Wertz M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Thornton: Morreale M.D., Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is a hands-on system of diagnosis and treatment designed to preserve health and facilitate healing. Berthoud: Pivetta D.O., Fabio B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Boulder: Beasley D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cannell D.O., Jason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Emdur D.O., Josh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Giesen D.O., Anne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gray D.O., Alice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Kidd D.O., Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Koger D.O., Cathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 McCarty D.O., Michael Corey. . . . . . . . 46 Middleton-Hoang D.O., Lauren. . . . . . . . 47 Reish D.O., Alex G.P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Shea D.O., Kerry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Tanner D.O., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Wisner D.O., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Lafayette: Ballantine-Talmadge D.O., Sherrie . . . . . 19 Beasly D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Kidd D.O., Luci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Otteman D.O., Shawn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Toney D.O., Judy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Tracy D.O. Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Longmont: Beasly D.O., Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Christiansen D.O., Ammie . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fowler D.O., Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gerber D.O., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hughes D.O., Brian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Malcom D.O., Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 McCarty D.O., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 McKenna D.O., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pavot D.O., Pierre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Schmid D.O., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Louisville: Barfield D.O., Lawrence. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Schultz D.O. B. Alison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Superior: Apple D.O. David G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 OTOLARYNGOLOGY (ENT) This specialty encompasses medical and surgical treatment of ear, nose and throat disorders. It may include facial, 75 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians OTOLARYNGOLOGY (ENT) (CONT) cosmetic, and reconstructive surgery, problems in the head and neck, cancer surgery or reconstructive ear surgery for hearing loss or chronic infection. Boulder: Goldman M.D. Andrew C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hunter M.D. Mark A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Morrissey M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Paddack M.D., Angela Cogburn. . . . . . . . 50 Warren M.D., J. Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Broomfield: Aberle, M.D., Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 King M.D., J. Michael .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Vidas M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Golden: Aberle, M.D., Katherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 King M.D. J. Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Vidas M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lafayette: Cavanaugh M.D., Kevin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Goldman M.D. Andrew C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Morrissey M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Longmont: Carr M.D., Alfred N.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Cavanaugh M.D., Kevin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Emdur M.D., Abby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Louisville: Goldman M.D., Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Morrissey M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Warren M.D., J. Douglas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 PAIN MANAGEMENT The physician who specializes in pain management has competence to provide care either as a primary physician or consultant for patients experiencing problems with acute or chronic pain in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Boulder: Denham M.D., Melody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Dent M.D., Chole M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gronseth M.D., Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 76 Kesten M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Reish D.O., Alex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Sisson M.D., Charles Bradley. . . . . . . . . 58 Stilp, M.D., Sonja K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tanner D.O., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Lafayette: Stilp, M.D., Sonja K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Louisville: Sorensen M.D. Lief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 PATHOLOGY The science that deals with the causes, mechanisms of development and effects of disease. Pathology involves two major areas, anatomic pathology and clinical pathology. The function of the anatomic Pathologist is to render a diagnosis on the basis of examination of a tissue specimen and to determine as precisely as possible the extent of the disease. The clinical Pathologist is in charge of the medical lab in which a wide variety of diagnostic studies are performed. Boulder: Howland, M.D., William W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 PEDIATRICS Caring for the health of children from birth to adolescence is the purpose of pediatrics. Pediatrician’s interest and responsibilities span such areas as infectious diseases, newborn care, hospital care of children, environmental hazards, school health problems, nutrition, accident prevention, children with handicaps, drugs, allergy, cardiology, and pediatric pharmacology. Boulder: Baumgartner M.D., Ronald. . . . . . . . . . . 20 Brave M.D., Lauren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fries M.D., Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gedenberg M.D., Carole. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Kamon M.D., Jill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kelley M.D., Nancy P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Knapp M.D, Karin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lafferty M.D., Margaret. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Larson M.D., Susan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Sarko M.D., Daniel R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Firestone: Dueber M.D., Katherine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Heinrichs M.D., Wade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Longmont: Fan M.D., Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Isaacson M.D., Heather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Rosquist M.D., Patti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Schane M.D., Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Schaten M.D., Robin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Turner M.D., Lisa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Louisville: Bucknam M.D., Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cavanaugh M.D., Cheryl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dickerson M.D., Maureen. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Grathwohl M.D., Patrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Jordan M.D., Jon-Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Mertz M.D., Andrea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mezarina M.D., Karrin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Miller M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Pulliam M.D. Jennifer R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rolfson M.D., Debra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Samuelson M.D., Lisa S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Serlen M.D., Melissa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Steitz M.D., David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Terpenning M.D., Laura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Wright M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 PHYSICAL MEDICINE/REHAB The medical specialty concerned with diagnosing, evaluating and treating patients with impairments and/or disabilities which involve musculoskeletal, neurologic, cardiovascular, or other body systems. Physiatrists are practitioners of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Boulder: Arends M.D., Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Arends M.D., Jaclyn C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Green M.D., Justin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Gronseth M.D., Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Kesten M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Stapleton M.D., Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Stilp, M.D., Sonja K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tobey M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Ward M.D., Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Yurth M.D., Elizabeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Lafayette: Fernandez M.D., Lynne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Tracy D.O., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Longmont: Gehrs, M.D., Mindy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Louisville: Green M.D., Justin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Northglenn: Barre M.D., Lisha C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Thornton: Evans M.D., Ake Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 PLASTIC SURGERY Plastic Surgery includes the operative repair of defects by graft, tissue transfer, or cosmetic alteration of tissue. The Plastic Surgeon specializes in burns, congenital defects, hand and extremity reconstruction as well as skin wounds and lesions, aesthetic surgery of the face, and body contouring. Boulder: Burrow, M.D., Claude H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Goldman M.D., Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hartley M.D., Winfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kuisle M.D., Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Swail M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Lafayette: Goldman M.D., Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ma M.D., Debora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Herrmann M.D., Glenn E . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Longmont: Meyers M.D., Joel S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Schmid D.O., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Louisville: Goldman M.D., Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE A Preventive Medicine specialist focuses on the health of the individual to protect, promote and maintain health and well-being, and to prevent disease, disability and premature death. Boulder: Hern M.D., Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Louisville: Mouchawar M.D., Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 77 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians PSYCHIATRY mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.The Psychiatrist, unique among mental health professionals, treats complex interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors that affect patients. Boulder: Que M.D., Leon T. Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Raybin M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Zona M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Longmont: Nekoorad-Long M.D., Haleh. . . . . . . . . . 49 PULMONARY MEDICINE Wahl M.D., Brent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 RADIATION (ONCOLOGY) A radiologist who deals with the therapeutic applications of radiant energty and its modifiers and the study and management of disease, especially malignant tumors. Boulder: Antell M.D. Andrew G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Patel M.D., Meera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Lafayette: Simpson M.D., C. Kelley. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 The Pulmonologist treats conditions and dis- Longmont: eases concerning the lungs as a subspecialist Klish M.D., Marie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 in internal medicine. They perform a wide variety of testing to diagnose lung disease. REPRODUCTIVE Boulder: ENDOCRINOLOGY Fellowship trained in obstetrics and Longmont: gynecology, and specializing in the Tangel M.D., Douglas J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 management of hormonal, surgical and Van Hook M.D., Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 infertility issues in women. Expertise in treatment of infertility such as insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization RADIOLOGY (DIAGNOSTIC) (IVF), and pre implantation genetic The Radiologist uses X-rays for diagnosis screening. Requires four years of training and treatment of disease. A Diagnostic in Obstetrics-Gynecology and three Radiologist specializes in using X-rays, years in Reproductive Endocrinology. ultrasound, nuclear medicine, computer axial tomography (CAT) and magnetic Englewood: resonance imaging (MRI) for detection Albrecht, M.D., Bruce H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 of abnormalities through-out the body. Lafayette: Therapeutic radiology involves the use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of cancer Bush M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 and other tumors. Lone Tree: Boulder: Grantham M.D., J. Geary. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Tivorsak M.D., Tanya L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Longmont: Goodbee M.D., David G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gutierrez M.D., Hilarie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Gutierrez M.D., Horacio. . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lahm M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Magsamen M.D., Karl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Talusani, M.D., Sachin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 78 Bush M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 RHEUMATOLOGY This specialty involves the care of patients with any type of arthritis as well as other conditions including tendinitis, bursitis and connective tissue diseases. It requires 1-2 years of additional training beyond internal medicine residency. Boulder: Lutt M.D., Joseph R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians Maran M.D., Lori L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Weisman M.D., Stuart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Broomfield: Chaudhary M.D., Prateek. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Lutt M.D., Joseph R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Moinuddin M.D., Shiraz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Perkins, M.D., Jeffrey D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Tran, M.D., Nguyet-Anh (Theresa). . . . . 61 Longmont: Gibson M.D., Jill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Laughlin M.D., Janelle C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lutt M.D., Joseph R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Moinuddin M.D., Shiraz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Perkins, M.D., Jeffrey D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Tran, M.D., Nguyet-Anh (Theresa). . . . . 61 Wheat Ridge: Chaudhary M.D., Prateek. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gibson M.D., Jill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Moinuddin M.D., Shiraz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 SLEEP MEDICINE Physicians with expertise in diagnosis and management of clinical conditions that occur during sleep, disturb sleep, or are affected by disturbances in the wake-sleep cycle. A specialist is skilled in the analysis and interpretation of comprehensive polysomnography, and well-versed in emerging research and management of a sleep laboratory. Boulder: Bolt M.D., Evelyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hickey M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Broomfield: Bolt M.D., Evelyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hickey M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Longmont: Bolt M.D., Evelyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hickey M.D., Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 SPORTS MEDICINE These physicians are trained in the field of sports medicine, for the enhancement of health and fitness and for the prevention of injury and illness. Knowledge about the special areas of medicine such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, nutrition, psychology, physical rehabilitation and epidemiology are essential to this practice. Boulder: Burton M.D., William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fulkerson M.D., Lorri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Glowney M.D., Jason. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Grauer M.D., J. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Halbrecht M.D., Joanne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Juenemann M.D., Shane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 McCarty M.D., Eric C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Paul M.D., Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Rector M.D., James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Seng M.D., Khemarin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sisson M.D., Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Stilp M.D., Sonja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Stoll M.D., E. Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tobey M.D. John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Wertz M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Williams M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Yurth M.D., Elizabeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Fredrick: Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Lafayette: Ballantine-Talmadge D.O., Sherrie . . . . . 19 Cooney M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Voss M.D., Lynn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Longmont: Cooney M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gehrs M.D., Mindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Madden M.D., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . 44 Myers M.D., Rebecca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Shah M.D., Nirav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Traister M.D., Eric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Wood M.D., Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Louisville: Ciccone M.D., William. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Grauer M.D., J. David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mann M.D. Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Mazzola M.D., Timothy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Stoll M.D., E. Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Wertz M.D., Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 79 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians THORACIC SURGERY Surgical care of coronary artery disease, cancers of the lung, esophagus and chest wall, abnormalities of the trachea, abnormalities of the great vessels and heart valves, congenital anomalies, tumors of the mediastinum, and diseases of the diaphragm. Boulder: Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Hagen M.D., Susan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Jones M.D., Charles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lafayette: Knudson M.D., Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Platnick M.D., K. Barry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Louisville: Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TRAVEL/TROPICAL MEDICINE Information and advice, personal protective measures and immunization for people with disorders related to travel (especially to tropical or developing countries). Also for travelers returning with illnesses. Boulder: Menich M.D., Mark D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Longmont: Gill M.D., Patricia E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 UROLOGY This specialty treats cancers, diseases, and disorders of kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, testicle, and penis. Men with impotence and infertility are seen by Urologists. Female and male incontinence (urine leaking) is also treated by these specialists. Boulder: Clark M.D., James E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Melouk M.D., Sam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Munch M.D., Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ripoll M.D., Emmey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Lafayette: Kefer M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Longmont: Malcom D.O., Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Manion M.D., Sean P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 80 Webster M.D., J. Christopher. . . . . . . . . 64 Louisville: Anderson M.D., C. Cragin. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Munch M.D., Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 VASCULAR SURGERY A Surgeon with special qualifications in the management of surgical disorders of the blood vessels, excluding those immediately adjacent to the heart, lungs or brain. Boulder: Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gawart M.D., Matthew J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Hagen M.D., Susan S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Jones M.D., Charles G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Lafayette: Knudson M.D., Kelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Platnick M.D., K. Barry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Longmont: Leonard M.D., John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Louisville: Fox M.D., Richard J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Gawart M.D., Matthew J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 OTHER SPECIALITIES Medical specialties not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties: COSMETIC SURGERY Cosmetic Surgery is a subspecialty of medicine and surgery that restricts itself to the enhancement of appearance through surgical and medical techniques. It is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance, restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal. Cosmetic Surgery is a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach directed to all areas of the head, neck and body. Boulder: Hartley, M.D., Winfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kuisle, M.D. Hans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lafayette: Ma M.D., Debora. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Medical Specialties Of Member Physicians HOSPICE/PALLIATIVE MED. Hospice programs provide palliative care to terminally ill patients and supportive services to their families and significant others, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in both home and facility based settings. Palliative medicine manages patients with active, progressive, and sometimes far-advanced disease for whom the prognosis is limited and the focus of care is the quality of life. Boulder: Giesen D.O., Anne M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tuckerman M.D., Myra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 HOSPITALISTS Dedicated to comprehensive medical care to hospitalized patients. Practitioners of hospital medicine include physicians (“hospitalists”) and non-physician providers who engage in clinical care, teaching, research, or leadership in the field of general hospital medicine. Boulder: Albuisson M.D., Jeska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Carter M.D., Jeffrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chu M.D, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Clover M.D. Geoffery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Emdur D.O., Joshua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Garas M.D., Wael F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Karageorge M.D. Krys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mancini M.D., Diana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Morgan M.D., Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Pagett M.D., Cristina C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Ryan M.D., Colleen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Ryan M.D., Melanie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Longmont: Gould M.D. Jacquelynn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Krenz M.D., Stefanie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Sprague M.D., Jon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Taylor M.D., Angela. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Updike M.D., John Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . 62 URGENT CARE The delivery of ambulatory medical care outside of a hospital emergency department on a walk-in basis without a scheduled appointment. Urgent Care physicians focus on the treatment of non-life-threatening acute illness and injury. Their practices often make them available outside of normal business hours. Boulder: King M.D. Spencer M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lafayette: Coryell M.D., Laurie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Longmont: Bush M.D., Marie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Gerber D.O., Christopher. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ray M.D, Steven.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 RETIRED These physicians have recently retired from practice, congratulations to them for their many outstanding contributions to our community in Boulder County: Beasley, Dean MS Benson, Alan MD Beuf, Francesco MD Brandt, David MD Cambe, Phil MD Carpenter, Julie MD Cavanaugh, Kenneth MD Christensen, Carole MD Cletcher, John MD Cohen, Paul MD Erfling, William MD Ewing, Peter MD Gelman, Lloyd MD Grady, James MD Guy, Reginald MD Hackney, Terry MD Hibbard, David MD Hickman, Gerald MD Higgins, Thomas MD Jacobson, Jacob MD Johnson, Michael J. MD Kelley, Severance MD Koelsch, Hartmut MD Knopper, Morton DO Lillydahl, William, MD Murphy, James MD Replogle, Scott MD Rosenbaum, Terri MD Russell, Sunniva MD Seale, William MD Shimoda, Mako MD Simons, David MD Swanson, Michael MD Tanenbaum, Marc MD Turvey, B. Edward MD Watts, Clifford MD Woodrum, Jacqueline DO Yost, Byron MD 81 Boulder Heart FOOTHILLS PKWY Our primary location is in the Anderson Medical Center on the Foothills Hospital campus. 28TH STREET Clinic locations in Boulder, Lafayette and Longmont. BROADWAY Boulder Heart provides your patients with top quality cardiac care with Board Certified specialists in Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology, Electrophysiology and Thoracic Surgery. Boulder ARAPAHOE BASELINE U. S. 36 4743 Arapahoe Ave • 303.442.2395 • www.boulderheart.org 82 callcopic.com 83 Good Health What’s More Important? Nothing is more important than your health or the health of your loved ones — so knowing where to turn for exceptional medical care is crucial. Let our team of highly-trained, knowledgeable and personable doctors travel with you on the road to good health. PRIMARY CARE SPECIALTY CARE URGENT CARE Medical Specialties Allergy/Asthma • Cardiology • Dermatology • Endocrinology • Family Medicine • Gastroenterology General Surgery • Head & Neck/ENT Surgery • Infectious Disease • Internal Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology • Occupational Medicine • Orthopedic Surgery • Pediatrics Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation • Rheumatology • Urgent Care • Urology • Vascular Surgery Health Services Anti-Coagulation Clinic • Audiology • Diabetes Care Team • Laboratory • Nuclear Medicine Nutritionists and Dietary Services • Osteoporosis Center • Pain Management Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging • Skin Care • Travel Medicine 1925 West Mountain View Avenue, Longmont, CO 80501 303.776.1234 :: www.longmontclinic.com Visit our web site for more detailed information on our programs and physicians.
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