Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful! Grant them the gifts
Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful! Grant them the gifts
May 19, 2013 Feast of Pentecost C ONTACT I NFORMATION 6415 South Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Tel: 1-773-363-7409 • Fax: 1-773-363-7824 • S HRINE C LERGY & S TAFF Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz STD, JCL, Rector & Vicar General Reverend Canon Matthew Talarico, Substitute for Provincial Reverend Canon Denis Buchholz, Provincial Bursar in Residence Reverend Canon Michael Stein, Vice-Rector Abbé Kevin Kerscher, Sacristan Abbé Colin Brown, Co-Director of Music Program Abbé Matthew Serafino, Co-Director of Music Program Mrs. Mary Hall, Secretary Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful! Grant them the gifts of R EGULAR M ASS S CHEDULE Weekdays except Tuesday Tuesday Saturday Sunday Low Mass High Mass 8:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am C ONFESSIONS Daily Sundays: 30 minutes before Mass 7:30-7:55am & 9:00-9:55am M ONTHLY M ASS ON 25 TH D AY IN H ONOR OF I NFANT K ING Mass is followed by Procession with the statue of the Infant King, blessing of children, and veneration of the relic of the Holy Crib of Bethlehem. D EVOTIONS FOLLOWING Fear of the Lord Piety Knowledge Fortitude Counsel Understanding & Wisdom M ASS Tuesday 6:30 pm Novena to St. Therese & Benediction Saturday 8:00 am Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 17th - 25th of each Month Novena to the Infant Jesus Wednesday 8:00 am Litany and Devotions to Saint Joseph Sunday 6:00 pm Vespers and Benediction MASS OF INFANT KING, SATURDAY MAY 25 10:00AM HIGH MASS W/RENAISSANCE CHORALE MUSIC DIRECTED BY MRS. MICHELLE MISUI Procession & Blessing of Children Today, May 19, Feast of Pentecost; Society of the Sacred Heart meeting following the 10am Mass Tuesday, May 21, 4:45pm Last Children’s Catechism Saturday, May 25, 10am Infant King High Mass, Chorale Music, Procession and Children’s blessing Thursday, May 30, 7pm Mass with organ Sunday, June 2, Solemnity of Corpus Christi 10am “First Mass” of Canon Valadier followed by Eucharistic Procession, 1st Blessings and Coffee Social, 2pm Baroque Concert, free admission Friday, June 7, 7pm High Mass of the Sacred Heart Sunday, June 9, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart Tuesday June 11 “Getting Acquainted with Aquinas”, 6:30 Mass, followed by last conference & dinner buffet June 14-16, Society of Sacred Heart Annual Retreat Sunday, June 16, 10am Solemn High Mass celebrated by Msgr. Gilles Wach, founder & Prior General of the Institute of Christ the King, followed by reception. Tuesday, June 25, 7pm Infant King Mass, Renaissance Chorale Music, Procession & Children’s Blessing SPRING BAROQUE CONCERT SUNDAY, JUNE 2 AT 2:00PM F REE A DMISSION WWW . CLASSICALCONCERTS . ORG HOLY CROSS WEATHER BLESSING: FRIDAYS AFTER MASS From May 3rd, traditional feast of the Finding of the Cross, until September 14th, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a special blessing beseeching God’s protection against violent and damaging storms may be given with a relic of the True Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This blessing from the Roman Ritual will be given after Mass on Fridays during this time. THE BURSAR’S BOX Gifts to the Shrine Due to a change in banking policy/regulation, our bank has requested that all checks to the Shrine be made out to our legal name “The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.” Last Sunday’s Collection: Loose: $482 Envelopes: $1,075 Total: $1,557 (+$699 from the Ascension) Month to date: $3,902.75 Monthly Collection Goal $6,000 Shrine expenses not yet included in this goal are covered for the present time by Institute’s Headquarters. Building a Home for Our Infant Campaign Phase 2 Project Goal: $300,000 Pledges and Gifts: $161,750 Grant Award, Retirement Research Foundation: $30,000 BUILDING A HOME FOR OUR INFANT KING We have raised a combine total of $191,750 toward our Phase 2 goal of $300,000. We have recently received confirmation that a new Hauptwerk organ will be donated to the Shrine by a very good benefactor. Great news! This system is currently being built and assembled by the organ company according to the specifications of our Shrine. The new organ should be installed in late summer in the Shrine choir loft. Another project of Phase 2 is making an accessible restroom in the church vestibule. For this endeavor the Retirement Research Foundation has awarded us an Accessible Faith Grant in the amount of $30,000. In order to accomplish this and other essential vestibule improvements in the next months, we need to raise $108,000. $11,000+ from the April 27th Evening in Tuscany Event has greatly helped us move forward toward this goal. We invite you to join us in praying for continued success in our campaign! Thank you! NATIONAL RETREAT FOR THE SOCIETY OF THE SACRED HEART June 14-16 Wisdom from the St. Francis de Sales: “It is no wonder that the Blessed Virgin’s Heart was quite full of love and desire for the salvation of people, since She bore within Her chaste womb Love Itself, the Redeemer.” † NEXT MONTH WELCOME FRIENDS OF THE INSTITUTE FROM ACROSS AMERICA S UNDAY , M AY 19, P ENTECOST S UNDAY I NFANT K ING N OVENA The Stein Family, requested by Miss Karen Connell Mr. and Mrs. Weber, requested by Dolores Weber 8:00 am Low Mass 10:00 am High Mass 6:00 pm Vespers and Benediction M ONDAY , M AY 20, P ENTECOST M ONDAY I NFANT K ING N OVENA Mrs. Madeleine Jordan 8:00 am Low Mass T UESDAY , M AY 21, P ENTECOST T UESDAY I NFANT K ING N OVENA Matthew O’Neill, requested by ICRSS 6:30 pm Mass w/organ & Devotions W EDNESDAY . M AY 22, E MBER W EDNESDAY AFTER 8:00 am Low Mass P ENTECOST I NFANT K ING N OVENA Andrew Hall, requested by Mrs. Mary Hall T HURSDAY , M AY 23, P ENTECOST T HURSDAY I NFANT K ING N OVENA Andre Suka, requested by The Wilsons 8:00 am Low Mass F RIDAY , M AY 24, E MBER F RIDAY AFTER 8:00 am Low Mass P ENTECOST I NFANT K ING N OVENA †Msgr. Hoffmann, requested by The Webers S ATURDAY , M AY 25,E MBER S ATURDAY AFTER P ENTECOST I NFANT K ING N OVENA 8:00 am Low Mass & Devotions The parents of Frank Morsovillo, requested by the Morsovillos 10:00am Infant King High Mass, Procession & Children’s Blessing I NFANT K ING N OVENA S UNDAY , M AY 26, S OLEMNITY 8:00 am Low Mass 10:00 am High Mass 6:00 pm Vespers and Benediction OF THE H OLY T RINITY Thomas Murphy II, requested by Mrs. Denise Altiere Mr. Schumacher, requested by Mr. Ed Schroeder F ROM THE V ICE -R ECTOR : C ANON M ICHAEL S TEIN Dear Shrine Faithful, Happy feast of Pentecost! I wish to leave you with two beautiful prayers to the Holy Ghost; may He fill your heart with the Love of God! “Holy Spirit, be with me today. Be my teacher, my guide, my counselor, my friend. Fill me with your gifts, especially the gifts of wisdom, discernment, knowledge, understanding, compassion, love, and awe in God's presence. In all that I think, say, and do, let it be in accordance with your most holy and perfect will. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.” “O Holy Ghost, divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my understanding, my heart and my will, my whole being for time and for eternity. May my understanding be always obedient to Thy heavenly inspirations and the teachings of the holy Catholic Church, of which Thou art the infallible Guide; may my heart be ever inflamed with love of God and of my neighbor; may my will be ever conformed to the divine will, and may my whole life be a faithful following of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Thee be honor and glory for ever. Amen. Sursum Corda: calling all Young Adults! For the third year in a row, Sursum Corda is offering a social & spiritual weekend for young people ages 18 and up, June 21-24, 2013. The event will be held on the beautiful grounds of Mundelein Seminary just north of Chicago, Illinois. Please register online at The cost is $250 per person with a $100 deposit required at registration. The number of participants is limited, so register today! † SERVER SCHEDULE Sunday, May 19 10am High Mass MC: Nathan Hanners Thurifer: Justin Hanners AC1: Anthony Boudreau AC2: John Beitia Crucifer: Andrew Beitia Tuesday, May 21 6:30pm Mass w/organ AC1: Andrew Beitia AC2: John Beitia Saturday, May 25 10am Infant King Mass MC: Jim Taylor Thurifer: Vincas Raciunas AC1: Nathan Hanners AC2: Justin Hanners Crucifer: Francis Hovland Sunday, May 26 10am High Mass MC: Vincas Raciunas Thurifer: Patrick Vitale AC1: Jordan Glidewell AC2: Xavier Boudreau Crucifer: Dominic Hanners USHER SCHEDULE Sunday, May 19 8am Low Mass Mr. Marty Brongel 10am High Mass - Mr. Wojack - Mr. Morsovillo Sunday, May 26 8am Low Mass Mr. Nicholas 10am High Mass - Mr. Vitale - Mr. Thompson COFFEE SOCIALS June 2 & June 16 Reception Save the dates for this summer’s I NSTITUTE Y OUTH S UMMER C AMPS For Boys: July 15-19 (Wausau, WI) For Girls: July 22-26 (Wausau, WI) Young Adults: June 21-24 (Mundelein, IL) Register through St. Mary’s Oratory or in the Vestibule! 5th Annual Society of Sacred Heart National Retreat: June 14-16 Friends of the Institute from the four corners of the United States will gather here at the Shrine on the weekend of June 14-16. MONSIGNOR WACH, FOUNDER AND PRIOR GENERAL OF THE INSTITUTE, WILL OFFER MASS ON SUNDAY, JUNE 16 AT 10AM. Volunteer help is needed for the reception on Sunday. Please kindly sign up in the vestibule. It is an excellent occasion to show our gratitude to our Prior General and Founder, without whom our Shrine would not exist, and to welcome members of the Institute’s family from around the country. Patronize our Advertiser of the Week