Conference Program - International Symposium on River


Conference Program - International Symposium on River
Conference Program
Sponsors and Supporting Institutions
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Institutional Support
Welcome Address
Organization and Committees
General Conference Information
Presentation Guidelines
Conference Program at a Glance
Scientific Program: Monday, September 19
Scientific Program: Tuesday, September 20
Scientific Program: Thursday, September 22
Poster Presentations
Social Events
Technical-Tours on Wednesday, September 21
Local-Tours on Wednesday, September 21
Useful Information
Maps of Conference Facilities
Welcome to the 13th International Symposium on River
Sedimentation at the University of Stuttgart
Prof. Silke Wieprecht
Head of the Organisation
Committee for the ISRS 2016
The symposium aims at providing a
platform for scientists, engineers and
opinion leaders for an in-depth and
stimulating exchange of information.
The objectives are to develop sustainable revitalization and management strategies that address the
ongoing negative effects of anthropogenic activities whilst improving river
systems towards a healthy ecological
status. The fundamental research
and understanding of interactive processes between water and sediments
is as important as the sharing and
exchange of knowledge in applied
On behalf of the entire Local Organization Committee, we
would like to express
our delight of having
you here in Stuttgart
for the ISRS 2016. It
is our great pleasure to host the Symposium which is organized and established as a triennial event. Under the
auspices of UNESCO-IRTCES (International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation),
the ISRS symposia have been successfully held in Beijing, China (1980),
Nanjing, China (1983), Jackson, USA
(1986), Beijing, China (1989), Karlsruhe, Germany (1992), New Delhi, India (1995), Hong Kong, China (1998),
Cairo, Egypt (2001), Yichang, China
(2004), Moscow, Russia (2007), Stellenbosch, South-Africa (2010) and
Kyoto, Japan (2013). Since the foundation of the „World Association for
Sedimentation and Erosion Research”
(WASER) during the ninth symposium
in 2004, the ISRS serves as the official symposia series of WASER.
Sediment dynamics in fluvial systems
are worldwide of great ecological,
economic and human-health-related
significance. Appropriate management strategies are therefore needed
to limit maintenance costs and to minimize potential hazards on the
aquatic and adjacent environment.
Human intervention, ranging from
nutrient and pollutant release to physical modifications, has a large impact on sediment quantity and quality
and thus on river morphology as well
as on ecological functioning. Truly
understanding sediment dynamics
requires as consequence a multidisciplinary approach.
nation of science, research and application results in a productive and inspiring interaction.
The contributions presented at the
13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS 2016,
Stuttgart, Germany, 19-22 September 2016) report recent accomplishments in the six main topics;
theoretical developments, numerical
modelling, experimental laboratory
work, field investigations and monitoring as well as management methodologies. In addition to the six
main topics we are proud to present
five special sessions. We are pleased that the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
(BAW) and the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) are committed in the special session on
Navigation and River Morphology.
Reservoir operators and hydropower
companies have shown great interest in the reservoir management
session, and the presented measurement techniques play an important
role for both in-situ and laboratory
Yours sincerely
Silke Wieprecht
We are delighted that the university
provides the infrastructure for the
conference assuming the cross polli-
Organization and Committees
Conference Chair
• Silke Wieprecht, University of Stuttgart
Email: Wieprecht@iws.uni­
Local Organizing Committee
• Andreas Dittrich, Technische Universität Braunschweig
• Stefan Haun, University of Stuttgart
• Andreas Malcherek, Universität der Bundeswehr München
• Markus Noack, University of Stuttgart
• Holger Schüttrumpf, RWTH Aachen University
• Jürgen Stamm, TU Dresden
• Karolin Weber, University of Stuttgart
International Advisory Committee
• Robert M. Boes, Switzerland
• Subhasish Dey, India
• Giampaolo Di Silvio, Italy
• Rollin H. Hotchkiss, USA
• Pierre Y. Julien, USA
• Bruce W. Melville, New Zealand
• Anil Mishra, France
• Mathias J.M. Römkens, USA
• Manfred Spreafico, Switzerland
• Hans D. Thulstrup, China
• Leo C. van Rijn, Netherlands
• Desmond E. Walling, UK
• Zhaoyin Wang, China
• Sam S.Y. Wang, USA
• Ulrich C.E. Zanke, Germany
International Scientific Committee
• Ali A.S. Neyshabouri,
Islamic Republic of Iran
• Nils R.B. Olsen, Norway
• André Paquier, France
• Pawel M. Rowinski, Poland
• Nils Rüther, Norway
• Nicole Saenger, Germany
• Anton J. Schleiss, Switzerland
• Andreas Schmidt, Germany
• Thorsten Stoesser, UK
• Stefan Vollmer, Germany
• Roman Weichert, Germany
• Volker Weitbrecht, Switzerland
• Geraldo Wilson Júnior, Brasil
• Farhad Yazdandoost,
Islamic Republic of Iran
• Jorge D. Abad, USA
• Jochen E. Aberle, Norway
• Mustafa S. Altinakar, USA
• Aronne Armanini, Italy
• Markus Aufleger, Austria
• James E. Ball, Australia
• Kazimierz Banasik, Poland
• Alistair G.L. Borthwick, Ireland
• Benoît X. Camenen, France
• Roger A. Falconer, UK
• Norbert Fenzl, Brasil
• Rui M.L. Ferreira, Portugal
• Ana Maria Ferreira da Silva, Canada
• Naziano P. Filizola, Brasil
• Heide Friedrich, New Zealand
• Shoji Fukuoka, Japan
• Marcelo H. García, USA
• Valentin Golosov, Russian Federation
• Helmut Habersack, Austria
• Willi H. Hager, Switzerland
• Heather Haynes, UK
• Christopher S. James, South Africa
• Sameh A. Kantoush, Japan
• Pravin Karki, USA
• Rebekka Kopmann, Germany
• Stuart N. Lane, Switzerland
• Cheng Liu, China
• Gil M. Mahé, France
• Juan P. Martín-Vide, Spain
• Bijoy S. Mazumder, India
• Hajime Nakagawa, Japan
General Conference Information
Conference Facilities
Most confernce activities take place on the main
Campus of the University of Stuttgart in building
V47. Here, parallel sessions take place in the
lecture rooms 47.02, 47.03, 47.05, 47.06 and
4.282. In addition, the lecture room 9.02 in
building V9 is used for the parallel sessions.
You can find detailed maps of the conference
facilities at the end of this program.
University of Stuttgart
Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Building V47 on Campus Vaihingen,
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart
Campus Vaihingen
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Symposium Office
All participants are requested to check in at the Symposium Office and pick up
their name badge and conference package. Participants should wear their name
badge during the whole conference.
Opening times
Sunday, September 18
Monday, September 19
Tuesday, September 20
Thursday, September 22
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 1:30 pm
Phone number Symposium Office
+49 711 685 87998
General Information
Internet Access
During the conference you can connect your mobile devices with the Wi-Fi
network "konferenz" if you agree to the terms of the „User Regulations for
Digital Information Processing and Communication Equipment (IaC) at the
University of Stuttgart (December 18, 2006)”.
The complete user regulations can be found here:
If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, you may not use the Wi-Fi
Please note, that the password changes each day as follows:
• 18.09.2016:
• 19.09.2016:
• 20.09.2016:
• 21.09.2016:
• 22.09.2016:
Questions and Information
You have questions about the conference or need
information about the University and/or Stuttgart?
Feel free to ask any person of the conference staff
(persons in a green T-Shirt)!
General Information
Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentations
• All presentations must be in English.
• Contributed talks, including questions and answers, should last 15 minutes
at most.
• Speakers are requested to deliver their presentations (use the pdf or
ppt/pptx file format) to the student assistant in the lecture hall no later than
10 minutes before the session starts (Please note that it is not possible to
use your own computer).
Poster Sessions
• The presenter will be allocated a poster board. Possible poster sizes are
DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm (width x height) or Arch E (36 x 48 inch (width x
height)) in portrait orientation.
• Please check your board number in the final program and attach your poster to this board only.
• Your poster may be put up at the beginning of the symposium and remain
for the duration of the conference. If a presenter wishes to keep his/her
poster, these should be collected no later than 5 pm on Thursday, September 22, 2016.
Poster Slam
• The poster slam will be held directly after the keynote lecture by Weiming
Wu on Monday, September 19 at 11:30 am in room number V47.02.
• It is required to upload your slides prior to the keynote lecture in the same
room. In case you have not uploaded your slides on time, you have to
present your poster without any visual support.
• Each presenter may talk for 2 minutes at most.
• For a smooth transition please be ready for your presentation.
General Information
Conference Program at a Glance
September 19 - 22, 2016
Sept. 19
Sept. 21
Sept. 22
D.M. Paterson
B.W. Melville
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
B, C, SS1, E,
D, SS4
A, B, C, SS3
W. Wu
Sept. 20
Poster Slam
B, C, E, D,
WISA, B, A, F,
SS1, SS5
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
B, C, E, D,
B, C
Technical/ Local-Tours
A, B, C, SS3
Coffee Break
Assembly &
Program at a Glance
Conference Topics
A Integrated Sediment Management at the River Basin Scale
• Sediment Sources and Management Strategies Influencing Sediment Yield
• Coupling of Watershed Processes with Stream Dynamics
B Sediment Transport
• Mechanics of Sediment Transport
• Local Scour, Bank Erosion and Protection Measures
• Measurement Techniques and Monitoring Strategies
C River Morphodynamics
• River Morphology and Morphodynamics
• Numerical Modelling of Fluvial Processes
• River Training and Management
D Hydromorphology meets Ecology
• Ecological Aspects of Hydraulic and Transport Processes
• From Macro- to Microscale to Impact Stability
• Morphology and Water Quality
• Modelling Tools for River Habitat Management
• River Restoration Measures
E Reservoir Sustainability
• Reservoir Sedimentation and Density Currents
• Reservoir Management Strategies
F Social, Economic and Political Aspects of Sediment Management
• Competing Uses of Rivers
• Assessment and Policy on Hydro-Environment
• Natural Hazards and Extreme Events
WISA Workshop on International Sediment Advancements
SS 1 Hydropower and Sediment Management
SS 2 Navigation and River Morphology
SS 3 Innovative Measurement Techniques
SS 4 Sediment Transport in Fluvial, Estuarine and Coastal Environment
SS 5 Sustainable Land Management
Program at a Glance
Special Sessions
SS 1: Hydropower and Sediment Management
Reservoir sedimentation is one of the main challenges in dam engineering today.
As a result of the construction of artificial barrages flow velocities decrease and
sediments start to settle. These sediment depositions not only reduce the reservoir volume, but may also block bottom outlets and/or enter the intakes, which
results in abrasion of the turbine blades and in damages of hydraulic structures.
The special session “Hydropower and Sediment Management” deals with sedimentation problems in hydropower reservoirs and management strategies to
mitigate against sedimentation and to increase operation and lifetime of power
SS 2: Navigation and River Morphology
Safety and ease of shipping traffic is the first priority on waterways. Artificial waterways such as channels are easy to maintain whereas navigable rivers are under permanent influence of natural processes. In order to optimize the
hydraulic-morphological processes, certain measures have to be planned and
implemented. In this context, aspects of floodwaters, water supply management
and ecology for example have to be considered. Furthermore, the navigation
itself influences morphological processes. The special session “Navigation and
River Morphology” addresses the specific processes in waterways and gives the
opportunity to present various methods which are applied to investigate and predict the interactions of multiple influences, including short-term and long-term
morphological impacts.
SS 3: Innovative Measurement Techniques
Advanced measurement devices and techniques are important to determine sediment transport mechanisms and sedimentary processes in rivers and reservoirs. An accurate evaluation of these processes in high temporal and spatial
resolution is fundamental for understanding a fluvial system. This includes both
the quantification of suspended sediments and bed load transport as well as
morphological changes and morphologically relevant processes such as bed armouring, colmation and resuspension. The special session “Innovative Measure-
Program at a Glance
ment Techniques” has a particular focus on recent advances in the use of single
and combined measurement devices and techniques in open water environments.
SS 4: SEDITRANS – Sediment Transport in Fluvial, Estuarine and Coastal
SEDITRANS is a Multi-ITN (Multipartners Networks for Initial Training) under the
Marie Curie Actions of the 7th Framework Programme. The research theme is
sediment transport in the fluvial, estuarine and coastal environment
( This special session will accommodate
contributions that involve all scales of work pertaining to sediment and fluid mechanics. These include Lagrangian and Eulerian grain-scale approaches and
their upscaling to larger engineering scales, developed both experimentally and
numerically. Specific topics of interest include (but are not restricted to): mechanics of granular material, interaction between fluid flow and grain motion, suspended sediment, bed armoring, segregation and stratification, sediment budget
in rivers, estuaries and coastal reaches, morphology of singularities and local
scour, insights on bedload and suspended load transport formulae, derivation
and solution of conservation equations, and advances in numerical approaches
for sediment transport.
SS 5: Sustainable Land Management
The conversion of land for agricultural use is increasing rapidly. Therefore, the
development and implementation of practical solutions for global and regional
challenges regarding land use changes and the consumption of natural resources becomes more and more important. This special session deals with the
challenges of monocultures and land-use changes in monoculture dominated
areas as well as in arid areas with a high vulnerability. It has a special focus on
sediment loss due to monocultures, on sustainable land management based on
inter- and transdisciplinary approaches as well as on management strategies for
sustainable irrigation concepts and on sustainable utilization of natural ecosystems.
Program at a Glance
Scientific Program
Monday, September 19, 2016
Opening Ceremony
Room 47.02
Coffee break
sponsored by IUB-Engineering
Keynote: Weiming Wu
Room 47.02
Poster Slam
Room 47.02
Conference Lunch
Coffee break
sponsored by IUB-Engineering
Program at a Glance
Program Opening Ceremony
Room 47.02
Musical Framework
The Academic String Quartet of the University of Stuttgart
Welcome message from ISRS 2016 Chair
Prof. Dr.­Ing. Silke Wieprecht (Professor of Universität Stuttgart)
Welcome message from the Rector of the University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr.­Ing. Wolfram Ressel (Rector of Universität Stuttgart)
Welcome message from the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and
the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg
Mdgt Peter Fuhrmann (Head of Department Water and Soil)
Welcome message from the City of Stuttgart
Dr. Hans­Wolf Zirkwitz (Head of Office for Environmental Protection)
Welcome message from the President of WASER
Prof. Giampaolo Di Silvio (Professor of Universita di Padova, Italy)
Welcome message from IRTCES
Prof. Liu Guangquan (Deputy Director and WASER Secretary­General)
Musical Framework
The Academic String Quartet of the University of Stuttgart
Program Monday, 9:00-10:00
Keynote Speaker:
Weiming Wu, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY (USA)
Weiming Wu is Professor at Clarkson University, NY, USA. His
research interests include sediment transport in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters; surge and wave attenuation by vegetation; dam/levee breaching; and pollutant transport. He has
developed several empirical formulas for sediment settling,
deposit porosity, movable bed roughness and non-uniform sediment transport, as well as a number of one-, two- and threedimensional computational models for free surface flows, sediment transport,
pollutants, aquatic ecosystems, vegetation effects and dam/levee breaching. He
published a book "Computational River Dynamics" through Taylor & Francis, UK
in November 2007. He is a Fellow of ASCE, and a member of IAHR and WASER. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Hydraulic
In his keynote "Advances and Challenges in Mixed Cohesive/Noncohesive Sediment Transport Research", Prof. Wu will present a state-of-the-art review of recent advances in laboratory experiments, field measurements and computational
modeling of mixed cohesive/noncohesive sediment transport.
Topics of the Parallel Sessions for Monday, September 19, 2016
B1/B2 Sediment Transport
C1/C2 River Morphodynamics
D1/D2 Hydromorphology meets Ecology
E1/E2 Reservoir Sustainability
Navigation and River Morphology
Program Monday
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Nakagawa H. and Itoh T.
Discussion of the impact of pressure fluctuations on local scouring
W. Schanderl, M. Manhart & O. Link
Numerical modelling of scour – the influence of small scale
morphological processes
L. Zhou & R.J. Perkins
Numerical simulation of local scour around three circular cylinders in
staggered array
H.S. Kim, M. Park, I. Kimura, Y. Shimizu & M. Nabi
Contraction rate of the flow, velocities, river bed stratification impact
on the scour at the guide banks
B. Gjunsburgs & M. Bizane
Combination of permeable and impermeable spur dikes to reduce
local scour and to create diverse river bed
A. Tominaga & S.H. Sadat
Experimental study on local scour protection of piers for Hangzhou
Bay Bridge by using twisted duplex blocks
Z. Li, Y. Shi, R. Wang, J. Zhang & J. Wang
Control of bridge abutment scour using triangular vanes
M. Shafai­Bejestan & N. Raee
Monday 19, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Cao Y. and Västilä K.
Quasi-three dimensional computations for flows and bed variations in
curved channel with gently sloped outer bank
T. Sasaki & S. Fukuoka
Landslide dam breach during 2015 earthquake in Nepal:
Computational modelling of hydraulic and morphological effects
S. Giri, M. Nabi, J.D. Bricker, B.R. Adhikari & W. Schwanghart
Long-term numerical investigations of the effects of training
structures in a river reach with ongoing river bed deepening
A. Kikillus, L. Seitz, S. Haun & S. Wieprecht
A novel engineering desilting measure – „auto-desilting gallery”
S. Li, Q. Yi, W. Cheng & Q. Liu
Study for restoring bank protection functions of longitudinal dikes
existing in the river with alternate bars
S. Kato, T. Gotoh & S. Fukuoka
Conceptual modeling of bank retreat processes in the Upper
Jingjiang Reach
S.S. Deng, J.Q. Xia, M.R. Zhou & J. Li
Restoration of the Eggrank bend at the Thur River in Andelfingen ZH
M. Mende, M. Müller, P. Sieber & M. Oplatka
Monday 19, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Kantoush S. and Ehrbar D.
Development of a management strategy based on in-situ observation
for Agongdian Reservoir
C.C. Li, Y.J. Tsai, T.H. Wu & H.C. Tai
Experiences of controlled sediment flushing from four alpine
M.L. Brignoli, P. Espa, S. Quadroni, G. Crosa, G. Gentili &
R.J. Batalla
The monitoring of empty flushing operation at Agondian Reservoir,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Y.J. Tsai & C.C. Li
Controlling sediment flushing to mitigate downstream environmental
S. Quadroni, G. Crosa, S. Zaccara, P. Espa, M.L. Brignoli, G. Gentili
& R.J. Batalla
Density driven underflows with suspended solids in Lake Constance
S. Mirbach & U. Lang
Hydrodynamic instabilities in shallow reservoirs: Implications for
sediment management
Y. Peltier, A. de Cuyper, S. Erpicum, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton &
B. Dewals
Improving the RESCON approach
N. Efthymiou, S. Palt, P. Pintz, P.K. Thapa, G.W. Annandale &
P. Karki
Monday 19, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Dai C. and Schletterer M.
Effects of sediment bypass tunnels on sediment grain size
distribution and benthic habitats
C. Auel, S. Kobayashi, T. Sumi & Y. Takemon
The effect to the river environmental preservation of artificial flood in
Satsunai River
Y. Watanabe, K. Sumitomo, S. Yamaguchi & H. Yokohama
Current status, sources and effects of fine sediments in Upper
Austrian streams
S. Höfler, C. Scheder, C. Gumpinger, B. Piberhofer & C. Hauer
Analysing sediment characteristics of the alpine River Brixentaler
Ache (Austria) including in-situ measurements of dissolved oxygen
L. Seitz, M. Noack, S. Haun, R. Reindl, G. Senn & M. Schletterer
Coarse sand as a specific problem for aquatic ecosystems in granitedominated landscapes
S. Höfler, C. Gumpinger & C. Hauer
Correlation between the shelter of juvenile salmonids and bed
M. Szabo­Meszaros, N. Rüther & K. Alfredsen
Flow patterns, turbidity and sediment size distribution on the
Luneplate tidal polder, Lower Weser
E. Kemayou Tchamako, B. Koppe & U. von Bargen
Monday 19, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 9.02
Chair: Söhngen B. and Wurms S.
Scour geometry and flow velocities induced by an experimental ship
propeller jet
F. Núñez­González, K. Koll, B. Söhngen & D. Spitzer
Turbulence based approach for the transported particle size
concerning ship induced propulsion flux
R. Zimmermann, J. Stamm, T. Beck & B. Söhngen
Analysis of sedimentation of theYangtze Estuary channel, China
X.P. Dou, Z.X. Jiao, X.Y. Gao, L. Ding & J. Jiao
Evolution characteristics of the north branch of theYangtze Estuary
X.Y. Gao, X.P. Dou, L. Ding, Z.R. Gao & J. Jiao
Adaptability of numerical model for siltation in the Yangtze Estuary
T.L. Li, L.M. Chen, X.Z. Zhang, W.Y. Zhang & X.Y. Gao
Back siltation in Bach Dang navigation channel, Nam Trieu Estuary,
V.T. Nguyen, M.D. Do & M.T. Vu
Monday 19, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Zanke U. and Sun D.
Experimental investigation on local shear stress and turbulence intensity over a rough bed with and without sediment using LDA and PIV
P. Lichtneger, C. Sindelar, H. Habersack, J. Kitzhofer & E.A. Prager
Near-bed turbulence characteristics in unsteady hydrograph flows
over mobile and immobile gravel beds
J. Kean, A. Cuthbertson & L. Beevers
Turbulent hydrodynamics through cross-sections at upstream, interior
and downstream of sparse vegetation patch in open channel flow
D. Pal, S. Maji, P.R. Hanmaiahgari, M.D. Bui & P. Rutschmann
Turbulent flow and its characteristics over submerged obstacle marks
B.S. Mazumder & H. Maity
Analysis of the sediment hydrography by modeling hyperconcentrated flow and sediment transport
Y.Y. Chiu & K.C. Yeh
Simulation of sediment hyper concentration in the lower Yellow River
using variational data assimilation method
R. Lai, M. Wang, M. Wang & H. Wang
Monday 19, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Weitbrecht V. and Nunez­Gonzalez F.
Laboratory experiments on gravel deposit erosion
F. Friedl, V. Weitbrecht & R.M. Boes
Numerical simulation of gravel deposit erosion
L. Vonwiller, D.F. Vetsch & R.M. Boes
Laboratory experiments on the influence of the length of a sediment
replenishment applied with alternated geometrical configuration
E. Battisacco, M.J. Franca & A.J. Schleiss
Experimental study on sediment control function of river narrowsection
C.H. Lin, C.L. Shieh, C.J. Liu, S.H. Lin & Y.J. Tsai
A physically-based model of individual step-pool stability in mountain
C.D. Zhang, Z.L. Wang & Z. Li
Bed-slope-related diffusion of an erodible hump
S. Maldonado, M.J. Creed & A.G.L. Borthwick
Monday 19, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Sumi T. and Quadroni S.
The aging of Japan’s dams: Innovative technologies for improving
dams water and sediment management
S.A. Kantoush & T. Sumi
Modelling deposition, consolidation and erosion of cohesive
sediments in the Upper Rhine
T. Hoffmann, G. Hillebrand & M. Noack
Long term simulation of reservoir sedimentation with turbid
G. Petkovšek
Reservoir sedimentation issues in India as a part of Dam Rehabilitation
and Improvement Project (DRIP): Field reconnaissance and modelling
S. Giri, M. Nabi, P. Cleyet­Merle & B.R.K. Pillai
On the vertical turbulent interaction of non-Newtonian fluid mud
O. Chmiel, A. Malcherek & M. Naulin
Designing reservoir sediment management alternatives with
automated concentration constraints in a 1D sediment model
S. Gibson & P. Boyd
Monday 19, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Gerbersdorf S. and Liu C.
Mechanics of biofilm-coated sediment transport
H.W. Fang, H.M. Zhao, W. Cheng, M. Fazeli, Y.S. Chen, Q.Q. Shang,
G.J. He & L. Huang
The analysis of sediment diameter with biofilm
G.J. He, H.W. Fang, Q.Q. Shang, F. Mahede & L. Huang
The role of surface adhesion in biostabilization processes
M. Thom, H. Schmidt, S. Wieprecht & S.U. Gerbersdorf
Microbial biostabilization and flocculation – what can we learn for
sediment transport modelling?
S.U. Gerbersdorf, H. Schmidt, M. Thom & S. Wieprecht
Explicitly salinity and sediment concentration on flocculation
processes in estuaries
A. Mhashhash, B. Bockelmann­Evans & S. Pan
Analysis of tidal effects on heavy metal transport in coastal aquifers
A. Tao, S.G. Liu, S. Lou, C.M. Dai, B. Tan, R.S. Chalov & S.R. Chalov
Monday 19, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 9.02
Chair: Stamm J. and Tujinder A.
German guidelines for designing alternative bank protection
B. Söhngen, P. Fleischer & H. Liebenstein
The potential of alternative technical-biological bank protection
measures on federal waterways – an applied research approach
K. Schmitt & L. Symmank
Tension between bridge and waterway in the middle of Yangtze River
with its countermeasures
D. Li & L. Chen
Sediment budget of the Rhine River as basis for optimizing
navigation along the Mittelrhein waterway
S. Vollmer, G. Hillebrand, J. Hoffman & S. Schriever
River Rhine between Mainz and Bingen – Morphodynamic analysis of
a navigational bottleneck
S. Wurms
Design of bank protection for inland waterways with GBBSoft+
C. Gesing, B. Söhngen & K. Kauppert
Monday 19, 15:30-17:00
Scientific Program
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Keynote: David M. Paterson
Room 47.02
Coffee Break
sponsored by Hunziker, Zarn & Partner
Conference Lunch
Coffee Break
sponsored by Hunziker, Zarn & Partner
Program Tuesday
Keynote Speaker:
David M. Paterson, University of St Andrews, St Andrews (UK)
David M. Paterson is Professor of Coastal Ecology at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. He is also Executive Director
of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland
(MASTS), a national organization promoting interdisciplinary
marine science, and is a member of Marine Scotland’s Science
Advisory Board. In terms of research, he directs the Sediment
Ecology Research Group at the Scottish Oceans Institute whose work involves biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem service relationships, global change biology and the effects of multiple stressors (acidification,
temperature and hypoxia). He has a long record of examining interaction between physical drivers and the biologic mediation of depositional habitats, developing new techniques to research these interactions, working in the laboratory
and in the field.
In his keynote “Form, function and physics”, Prof. Paterson will assess the state
of recent research on the physical and biological coupling in aquatic ecosystems
while discussing the ecological and evolutionary concepts of niche construction
as well as classical and cooperative ecosystem engineering.
Topics of the Parallel Sessions for Tuesday, September 20, 2016
A1 Integrated Sediment Management at the River Basin Scale
B3/B4/B5/B6 Sediment Transport
C3/C4 River Morphodynamics
D3 Hydromorphology meets Ecology
E3 Reservoir Sustainability
F1 Social, Economic and Political Aspects of Sediment Management
SS1 Hydropower and Sediment Management
SS4 Sediment Transport in Fluvial, Estuarine and Coastal Environment
SS5 Sustainable Land Management
Program Tuesday
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Rüther N. and Schwarzwälder K.
Suspended sediment dynamics of an allogenic dryland river channel
G.A. Yu, M. Disse & Z.W. Li
Suspended load monitoring for sustainable hydropower development
M. Guerrero, A. Antonini, N. Rüther & S. Stokseth
Highly seasonal suspended sediment and bed load transport
dynamic in tropical mountain catchments
S.B. Morera, A. Crave & J.L. Guyot
Bedload monitoring in a steep alpine stream: Results from the 2014
measurement campaign
R. Rainato, L. Picco & L. Mao
Integrated investigation of space-time variability in bed load transport
rates using remote sensing
M. Bakker & S.N. Lane
Influence of high Paraná’s River dunes variability in Itaipu’s Reservoir
P.E. Gamaro, L.H. Maldonado, J.L. Castro & V.P. Bastolla
Tuesday 20, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: James C. and Pisaturo G.
Formation of river dunes by measurement, linear stability analysis
and simulation with Bmor3D
P. Mewis
Numerical modeling of antidune formation and propagation
N.R.B. Olsen
On the effect of different upstream schemes on the simulation of the
antidunes propagation
E. Rademacher & A. Malcherek
Computations on bedform by DEM-URANS coupling with two-way
I. Kimura, K. Horiuchi & Y. Shimizu
Critical discharge of erosion-deposition process of mid-channel bar
head in anabranching channel
Z.W. Li, G.A. Yu & C.D. Zhang
How fast evolve the river-bottom profile and grain-size composition at
basin scale
G. Di Silvio, M. Franzoia & M. Nones
Sensitivity of deposition and erosion to bed composition in the
Iffezheim reservoir, Germany
Q. Zhang, T. Speckter, R. Hinkelmann, G. Hillebrand, T. Hoffmann &
H. Moser
Tuesday 20, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Dewals B. and Peteuil C.
Field calibration of bedload monitoring system in a sediment bypass
tunnel: Swiss plate geophone
I. Albayrak, M. Hagmann, C.R. Wyss & R.M. Boes
Improvement of a bedload transport rate measuring system in
sediment bypass tunnels
T. Koshiba, C. Auel, D. Tsutsumi, S.A. Kantoush & T. Sumi
Integrative monitoring approaches for the sediment management in
alpine reservoirs: Case study Gepatsch (HPP Kaunertal, Tyrol)
M. Schletterer, B. Hofer, R. Obendorfer,A. Hammer, M. Hubmann, R. Schwarzenberger, M.
Boschi, S. Haun, M. Haimann, P. Holzapfel, H. Habersack, B. Brock, B. Schmalzer & C. Hauer
Measuring sediment fluxes in periglacial reservoirs using water
samples, LISST and ADCP
D. Ehrbar, L. Schmocker, D.F. Vetsch, R.M. Boes & M. Döring
Flow field and sediment flux measurements at alpine desanding
C. Paschmann, J.N. Fernandes, D.F. Vetsch & R.M. Boes
Development of oblique flow in barrages due to shoal formation
K. Mishra
Tuesday 20, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Holuba K. and Haas C.
River restoration: The need for a better monitoring agenda
M. Nones
River restoration in sand-dominated lowland streams – a comparison
of morphodynamic impacts and response
V. Berger, A. Niemann & C.K. Feld
Reconnection of the Danube floodplain channels as a vital step to
restore river morphology and fluvial dynamics
K. Holubová, M. Čomaj & K. Mravcová
Application of the hydromorphological assessment framework Valmorph to
evaluate the changes in suspended sediment distribution in the Ems Estuary
C. Borgsmüller, I. Quick & Y. Baulig
Reconciling the debate on the impact of vegetation density on river
channel braiding
I. Pattison & R. Roucou
Characterizing natural riparian plant stands for modeling of flow and
suspended sediment transport
K. Västilä & J. Järvelä
Tuesday 20, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 9.02
Chair: Ferreira R. and Battisacco E.
Coupling of large eddy simulations with the level-set method for flow
with moving boundaries
F. Kyrousi, A. Leonardi, F. Zanello & V. Armenio
River morphodynamics under the effect of flow variability
B. Oliveira & R. Maia
A particle counter prototype and video imaging techniques for
calculation of bedload fluxes
F. Antico, P. Sanches, L. Mendes, R. Aleixo & R.M.L. Ferreira
Numerical investigation on the effect of suspended sediment load on
flow field around a cylinder
T. Paone, R.M.L. Ferreira, A.H. Cardoso & V. Armenio
Impact of placer mining on suspended sediments in rivers of the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russian Federation) and the Selenga River basin (Mongolia) and its modeling
E. Promakhova & N.I. Alexeevsky
Failure by overtopping of earth dams: Novel methods to determine
the breach effluent hydrograph
S. Amaral, T. Viseu, J.E. Santos, A. Lopes, A.M. Bento, L. Caldeira,
R. Cardoso & R.M.L. Ferreira
Tuesday 20, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Di Silvio G.
Introduction to WISA Session:
"Hydraulic, Morphological and Biological Interactions in Sediment
G. Di Silvio, WASER
Eco-sedimentology: A new area in sediment studies
Z. Wang, IAHR
Changing perspectives on the suspended load of rivers
D. Walling, IAHS
Hydrological processes in soils of sloping lands as a basis for
sediment production and sediment yield
I. Pla Sentis, CONSOWA
Developments in reservoir sediment management
R. Hotchkiss, UNESO ­ ISI
Tuesday 20, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Kopmann R. and Vonwiller L.
Effect of proportion of wash load to suspended load on river erosion
and deposition
C.T. Liao, K.C. Yeh, G.H. Liu & K.W. Wu
Discharge coefficients derived from sediment concentration to
estimate discharge across a Sabo dam
K. Kawaike, H. Nakagawa, N. Kim & H. Zhang
Study progress of bottom-block scour on Yellow River
Y. Cao, E. Jiang, J. Li & Q. Zhang
Comparison of capacity and non-capacity sediment transport models
for dam break flow over movable bed
J. Zhao, I. Özgen, R. Hinkelmann, F. Simons & D. Liang
Estimated response of Nieuwe Waterweg Rotterdam to deepening of
the navigation channel
A.P. Tuijnder, L.M. Perk, R.C. Steijn, B.T. Grasmeijer, J. Adema,
N. Geleynse, J. Cleveringa & L.C. van Rijn
Transport of sediment in the presence of stable clast
M.S. Sulaiman, R. Zainal Abidin & S.K. Sinnakaudan
Tuesday 20, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Albayark I. and Paschmann C.
Sediment management for sustainable hydropower development
M. Omelan, J. Visscher, N. Rüther & S. Stokseth
Ensuring sediment continuity through a reservoir: Challenges and
methodology applied to define favorable hydraulic scenarios
C. Peteuil, D. Alliau, T. Frétaud, M. Decachard, S. Roux, S. Reynaud,
N. Boisson, A. Vollant & Y. Baux
HPP Vrhovo operation under reservoir sediment management
L. Javornik, A. Kryžanowski & M. Mikoš
3D fully coupled numerical modelling of local sediment flushing scour
at dam bottom outlets for sustainable hydropower operation
O. Sawadogo & G.R. Basson
Experimental analysis of the interaction between hydroelectric sluice
gates and sediment transport
G.R. Pisaturo, M. Righetti, F. Amante & E. Bigliotti
Challenges facing Atbara Dam Complex (ADC) operation
A.A. Ahmed
Tuesday 20, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Kawaike K. and Borgsmüller C.
Overlooked costs of dams: Barrier to sustainability
M. George & R. Hotchkiss
Sediment management at Sukkur Barrage – How competing needs
and uses of the structure impact the design
S. Aziz, M. Roca­Collell & I. Heijne
Responsible management of alpine rivers: The Arly Basin/Savoie,
P. Ergenzinger & C. de Jong
Development of sediment control structure for dam sedimentation
counter measurement approach
J. Zulfan, N.S. Slamet & A. Prasetyo
Impacts of recent climate and land use dynamics on spatial and temporal changes of sediment budget and reservoir siltation in small agricultural catchments
V. Belyaev & A. Malyutina
Tuesday 20, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 9.02
Chair: Yazdandoost F. and Berger V.
Managing rubber plantations towards improved water protection
G. Langenberger, H. Liu, S. Blagodatskiy, G. Cadisch, M. Krauss,
J. Wang, T. Aenis, S. Min & H. Waibel
Mitigation of forest to rubber change impact on soil erosion and
stream quality by integrated land management
H. Liu, X. Yang, S. Blagodatskiy, C. Marohn & G. Cadisch
Reduction of fine sediment infiltration into rivers by implementing riparian
buffer strips in an agricultural dominated area in Southwest China
L. Seitz, S. Wieprecht, M. Krauss, N. Azizi & H. Steinmetz
Dynamics of soil erosion in rubber plantations and its mitigation by
herbicide management
H. Liu, S. Blagodatskiy & G. Cadisch
Research-praxis integration in South China – the rocky road to implement
strategies for sustainable rubber cultivation in the Mekong Region
T. Aenis, J. Wang, S. Hofmann­Souki, T. Lixia, G. Langenberger,
G. Cadisch, K. Martin, M. Cotter, M. Krauss & H. Waibel
Tuesday 20, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Hotchkiss R.
Influence of morphological changes on ecology: a cascade of scales
S. Wieprecht, LOC
A hydro-, morpho-, bio-dynamic model for long-term, basin-scale river
G. Di Silvio, WASER
Plenary Discussion
­ G. Di Silvio,
­ Z. Wang,
­ D. Walling,
­ I. Pla Sentis,
­ R. Hotchkiss,
­ S. Wieprecht
Tuesday 20, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Vollmer S. and Friedl F.
Development of a bedload sensor for continuous measurement and
its applicability
T. Itoh, T. Nagayama, R. Utsunomiya, M. Fujita, D. Tsutsumi,
S. Miyata & T. Mizuyama
Effects of bed-load on flow resistance and stability in step-pool
B. Hohermuth & V. Weitbrecht
Quartz silt deposition
S. Capapé, J.P. Martín­Vide & F. Colombo
Processes and effects of reversing currents on the erosion stability of
wide-graded grain material
A. Schendel, N. Goseberg & T. Schlurmann
Tuesday 20, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Boes R. and Okada S.
Estimation for the riverbank collapse volume with sandy-riverbank in
the desert reach of the upper Yellow River
A. Shu, X. Zhou, G. Duan, F. Li & S. Wang
River embankment failure and resultant flood and sediment inflow
discharges due to overtopping river flow
H. Nakagawa, H. Mizutani, Y. Wang, K. Kawaike, O. Kitaguchi &
H. Zhang
Evolution of Modaomen Bar at Pearl River Estuary
Y. He, C. Lu, J. Deng, Y. Yang & L. Yang
Impact of a single dam on sediment transport continuity in large
lowland rivers
Z. Babiński & M. Habel
Riverbank erosion rates prediction incorporating soil erodibility and
soil properties relationship: Bernam River, Malaysia case study
S.L. Ibrahim, J. Ariffin & A. Saadon
Tuesday 20, 15:30-17:00
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Römkens M. and Efthymiou N.
Computational modelling of secondary flow on unstructured grids
M. Nabi, W. Ottevanger & S. Giri
Numerical modelling of the Danube river channel morphological
development at the Slovak–Hungarian river section
M. Lukac & K. Holubová
Two-dimensional river bed configuration analysis of the Hii River and
diversion channel flood in September 2013
R. Akoh, S. Maeno, S. Hirashita, K. Yoshida & T. Matsumoto
Morphodynamic modelling of a meandering sand bed river using
M.S. Banda, A. Dittrich & J. Pervez
Application of 2D numerical modelling to determination of sediment
transport in a Mexican river
G. Cardoso­Landa
Numerical assessment of the interactions between hydrodynamics,
bed morphodynamics and bank erosion
E.J. Langendoen, M.E. Ursic, A. Mendoza, J.D. Abad, R. Ata,
K. El Kadi Abderrezzak & P. Tassi
Tuesday 20, 15:30-17:00
Scientific Program
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Keynote: Bruce W. Melville
Room 47.02
Coffee Break
Conference Lunch
Coffee Break
WASER Assembly
Room 47.03
Closing Ceremony
Room 47.03
Program Thursday
Keynote Speaker:
Bruce W. Melville, The University of Auckland, Auckland (New Zealand)
Bruce W. Melville is Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Auckland. He is a founding member of the Centre for
Infrastructure Research and is Associate-Editor of the (ASCE)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, has served on local and international research committees, and has been a member of
many tribunals for water consent hearings. He received the
2002 ASCE Hydraulic Structures Medal, in recognition of his
contributions in the field and was elected to fellowship of the Royal Society of
New Zealand in 2006. In 2007, he received the R.J. Scott Medal from RSNZ for
his research contributions, followed by the Dobson Supreme Technical Award in
Transportation Infrastructure in 2012. In 2011, he was promoted to Distinguished
Fellowship of IPENZ and was awarded a Hood Travelling Fellowship.
In his keynote "Local scour at hydraulic structures", Prof. Melville will present recent research findings related to local scouring, where the relation between the
depth of local scour and its dependent parameters will be discussed. An emphasis is given to the underlying physics of local scour formation and the general
knowledge limitations of the processes. The keynote focuses on dependent parameters describing the flood flow and bed sediment characteristics, the geometry of the hydraulic structure and the rate of development of local scour.
Topics of the parallel sessions for Thursday, September 22, 2016
A2/A3 Integrated Sediment Management at the River Basin Scale
B7/B8 Sediment Transport
C5/C6 River Morphodynamics
Innovative Measurement Techniques
Program Thursday
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Wilson Jun. G. and Hoffmann T.
Incipient motion for gravel particles in cohesive mixture of clay-siltgravel
U.K. Singh, Z. Ahmad & A. Kumar
A data-driven fuzzy approach to simulate the critical shear stress of
cohesive sediments
A. Schäfer Rodrigues Silva, M. Noack, D. Schlabing & S. Wieprecht
Study on the incipient velocity of biofilm-coated sediment
L. Huang, H.W. Fang, Q.Q. Shang, Y.S. Chen & G.J. He
Investigation on sandy riverbank failure eroded by water level rising
R. Arai, K. Ota, T. Sato & Y. Toyoda
Experimental investigation of a cantilever failure for cohesive
S. Patsinghasanee, I. Kimura & Y. Shimizu
Experimental study on scouring characteristics of cohesive bank soil
in the Middle Yangtze River
Q.L. Zong, J.Q. Xia & Y. Zhang
Monitoring topography of laboratory fluvial dike models subjected to
breaching based on a laser profilometry technique
I. Rifai, S. Erpicum, P. Archambeau, D. Violeau, M. Pirotton,
K. El Kadi Abderrezzak & B. Dewals
Thursday 22, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Bockelmann­Evans B. and Nehlsen E.
Annual change of water environment and topographic feature at
urban river mouth
K. Uno & S. Kishimoto
Sediment transport and evolution at Pearl River Estuary
J. Deng & H. Deng
Bed variation during floods in the Chikugo River Estuary with
complex structures of bed layers
Y. Kaneko & S. Fukuoka
Dynamic state of river-mouth bar in the Yuragawa River and its
control under flood flow conditions
H. Miwa, K. Kanda, T. Ochi & H. Kawaguchi
Morphological development of tidal tributaries in relation to turbidity
and sediment concentration of the main estuary river
E. Nehlsen & P. Fröhle
Study on sediment transport of silt coast by wave and tidal current
J. Mu & C. Yin
Coastline change of theYellow River Delta since 1855
S. Yu & S. Tian
Thursday 22, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Skripalle J. and Kuksina L.
More bed load in rivers. Achieving a sediment balance close to the
nature state in the Canton of Bern
M. Pauli, L. Hunzinger & O. Hitz
Analyses on trends and reasons of runoff and sediment load of
Yellow River stem
H.L. Shi, C.H. Hu, A.J. Deng & Q.Q. Tian
Variability of total sediment supply of the Chao Phraya River,
B. Bidorn, S.A. Kish, J.F. Donoghue,W. Huang & K. Bidorn
An overview of hydro-sedimentological characteristics of intermittent
rivers in Kabul region of Kabul River basin
N. Sadid, S. Haun & S. Wieprecht
Stream flow modeling for a karst basin using coupled hydrologicalhydrodynamic models: Case study of Lijiang River, China
Q.F. Wu, Y. Cai, S.G. Liu, Y.M. Jiang, A.N. Makhinov &
A.F. Makhinova
Study on strategy of wide floodplain training in the Lower Yellow River
J. Li, E. Jiang & X. Zhang
Integrated sediment transport modelling for rivers feeding lakes and
F. Yazdandoost & N. Khorami
Thursday 22, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Hillebrand G. and Szabo­Meszaros M.
Comprehensive measurement techniques of water flow, bedload and
suspended sediment in large river using ADCP
S. Okada, A. Yorozuya, H. Koseki, S. Kudo & K. Muraoka
Suspended sediment measurements with multi-frequency
backscatter acoustics
J. Skripalle, T. Hies & H.H. Nguyen
Combining in-situ laser diffraction (LISST) and vibrating tube densimetry
to measure low and high suspended sediment concentrations
D. Felix, I. Albayrak & R.M. Boes
Densitometric probe based on non-differential pressure: A monitoring
technique for high suspended sediment concentrations
D. Petrovic, A. Marescaux, J.­P. Vanderborght & M.A. Verbanck
Continuous grid monitoring to optimize sedimentation management
T. Van Hoestenberghe, R. Vanthillo, M. De Paepe, N. Dezillie &
N. Van Ransbeeck
Thursday 22, 10:30-12:15
Parallel Session
Room 47.03
Chair: Olsen N. and Langendoen E.
Mathematical description of flow memory effects on graded bedload
K. Hassan & H. Haynes
Modeling of non-capacity bed load transport in swash zone
Z. He, L. Tan & P. Hu
Reliability analysis of a 2D sediment transport model: An example of
the lower river Salzach
F. Beckers, M. Noack & S. Wieprecht
Proposing BEHI-NBS method for the estimation of river bank erosion
on a river in Nepal
S. Pakuwal & S. Panthee
Homogeneous two-dimensional Poissonian model applied to the suspended
movement of pollutant and non uniform fine sediment in open channel flow
G. Wilson Júnior & C.S.G. Monteiro
Application of Euler-Euler method in estimation of hydraulic
structures scour
Sh. Basirat & S.A.A. Salehi Neyshabouri
Thursday 22, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.05
Chair: Fang H. and Yi A.
Historical and current uses of the Morvan’s Rivers (central France):
Impacts on bedload transport and fluvial morphology
L. Gilet, F. Gob, E. Gautier & C. Virmoux
Dynamics of sediment storage in non-alluvial channels
C.S. James
Features of recent scouring and silting of the river channel of the
Jingjiang River downstream of the Three Gorges Project
Y.H. Zhu, X.H. Guo, G. Qu, F. Tang & L.H. Gu
Analysis of the interaction between the Yangtze River and Poyang
Lake, China based on Chaos theory
J. Hu, Z.L. Wang & Y. Lu
Effect of the Three Gorges Dam and other upstream factors on the
hydrological conditions of Yichang reach, Yangtze River
H. Liu & Y. Lu
Recent channel adjustments in the Jingjiang Reach controlled by
various boundary conditions
J.Q. Xia, M.R. Zhou, S.S. Deng & J.Y. Lu
Bedrock channel morphological modeling on the river in Taiwan
K.W. Wu, K.C. Yeh, C.T. Liao & Y.G. Lai
Thursday 22 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 47.06
Chair: Xia J. and Lichtneger P.
Mechanical effects of vegetation in soil conservation and soil erosion
P.Q. Xiao, W.Y. Yao, Z.Z. Shen & C.X. Yang
Erosion on irregular slope surface: A full N-S equation based
numerical study
Y. An & Q.Q. Liu
Van Deemter’s analysis of drainage to incised ditches in lowland
M.J.M. Römkens
Suspended sediment yield transportation by rivers of the Kamchatsky
Krai into the Pacific Ocean
L.V. Kuksina & N.I. Alexeevsky
The International Sediment Initiative (ISI) and its case studies
C. Liu, D.E. Walling, M. Spreafico, J. Ramasamy, H.D. Thulstrup &
A. Mishra
Impact of sediment management on integrated water resources
F. Yazdandoost & F. Farahani
Erosion risk mapping for Hulu Langat River basin
R. Zainal Abidin, N. Yusoff, M.S. Sulaiman & T. Mohamed Mustafa
Thursday 22, 13:15-15:00
Parallel Session
Room 4.282
Chair: Gjunsburgs B. and Aziz S.
UAV based determination of grain size distribution at River Jachen,
C. Haas, P. Thumser & L. Seitz
Feasibility tests to airborne gravelometry for prealpine rivers
M. Detert, L. Kadinski & V. Weitbrecht
Experimental study on development and migration of sand waves in a
C. Liu, W.H. Cao, L. Xu, J. Lu & L. Liu
Bathymetry of Zipingpu Reservoir by earthquake and flood induced
turbidity currents
A. Ruidong, L. Jia & Y. Zhongluan
Estimation of sediment deposition in Koyna Reservoir by integrated
bathymetric survey
R.A. Patil & R.V. Shetkar
Thursday 22, 13:15-15:00
Poster Presentations
Lower Floor Building V47
A. Integrated Sediment Management at the River Basin Scale
1 Identifying the sources of fine sediment to quantify the success of sustainable
flood risk strategies
S. Twohig & I. Pattison
2 Study on sediment regulation approaches of Liu River
L. Lin, X. Guan & T. Yu
3 Contribution in the study of sediment transport in northern Algeria *
M. Meddi
4 Application of airborne gamma-ray imagery to assist soil survey in the upper
Pasak basin, Thailand *
R. Moonjun, D.P. Shrestha & K. Duangkamol
B. Sediment Transport
5 Experimental study on energy dissipation and beach protection effects of a new
type of penetrating frames
Y.F. Xia, H. Xu, Z.M. Fu, K.H. Chen & F. Chen
6 Estimation of maximum local scour depth around submerged spur-dike
S.Y. Hao, Y.F. Xia & H. Xu
7 Erosion and seepage failure around sheet-pile using two-phase WC-SPH
model *
A.M. Abdelrazek, I. Kimura & Y. Shimizu
8 Study on the bed coarsening and limit scour depth of the lower reaches of the
Three Gorges Reservoir
J.­X. Mao & X. Geng
9 Observation evaluating water and sediment runoff at Sabo dam in Kiso River basin
S. Matsuda, T. Nagayama, T. Ikeshima, K. Goto, Y. Nishi & T. Itoh
10 Sensitivity analysis of measured sediment fluxes in a reservoir *
S. Haun & L. Lizano
Poster Presentations
11 Comparison of acoustic backscatter to turbidity for suspended sediment
estimation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in California *
M. Ozturk & P.A. Work
12 The influences of water-sediment conditions on the sediment delivery rate
D. Zhandi, L. Qin, H. Haihua & J. Zuwen
13 The response of riverbed erosion and deposition adjustment to the flow and
sediment process in the lower Yellow River
X. Zhang, D.P. Sun, Y. Sun & M.X. Liu
14 Sediment transport along the Deepwater Navigational Channel of Changjiang
Estuary, China
S. Lou, S.G. Liu, G.H. Zhong & G.F. Ma
15 Sediment transport in the middle reach of the Huaihe River
B. Yu, J. Ni, H. Zhou, J. Sui, P. Wu & R. Juepner
16 Study on sedimentation velocity in transition zone
Y. Guo & L. Gao
17 Characteristics of sediment movement and river-bed morphology at mountainous
stream confluence region
X.K. Wang, E. Huang, X.N. Liu, X.F. Yan & H.F. Duan
18 Research of bed load distribution density based on image recognition
technology *
D.P. Sun, H. Chen, Y. Sun, A. Gao, M.J. Dong, L.Q. Han & M.X. Liu
19 Super Deltaflex – Advanced development of transit time acoustic flow
measurement *
W. Stedtnitz & T. Schott
20 State of the art on remote sensing methods for suspended sediment concentration
in inland coastal waters
A.E. Holdefer & K. Formiga
21 Experiment for bed erosion focusing on combination of horizontal distance and
overlapping height between main and counter Sabo dam
H. Watabe, K. Kaitsuka, M. Sugiyama, T. Itoh, H. Muramatsu, T. Nagayama,
H. Ogawa, T. Miike, A.Miyamoto, Y. Yamada & T.Mizuyama
Poster Presentations
22 Effect on bed load transport discharge of Chongqing reach by backwater of Three
Gorges Reservoir in upper Yangtze River
X. Fu, S. Yang, Y. Chen, J. Hu, S. Tong & Y. Xiao
23 Variation in total sediment rate prediction using different fall velocity
methods *
S.I. Waikhom & S.M. Yadav
24 Flow and riverbed erosion-deposition simulation around submerged water intake
Z.F. Cui & D.C. Hu
25 Distributional characteristics of sediment concentration in the lotus-root-shape
compound channels
Z. Ji, C.H. Hu & F. He
C. River Morphodynamics
26 Experimental study on velocity pattern and bed morphology around a model patch
of vegetation
C. Liu, D. Wang, K. Yang & X.N. Liu
27 Experiments on the channel plane form with nodes and anti-nodes *
S. Yamaguchi, Y. Watanabe & K. Sumitomo
28 Characteristics of flow and sediment at the confluences of mainstream and
tributary of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River
P.Y. Wang, L.F. Han, C.Y. Yang & T. Yu
29 Braided channel evolution in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
after operation of the Three Gorgers Reservoir
S. Yao, G. Qu & H. Wang
30 Study on the flow around the Baguazhou Island in the lower reach of the Yangtze
D. Liang, X. Wang, P. Yu & H. Tang
31 A look to valley types developed along the Göksu River (between Mut and Silifke:
Southern Turkey)
A. Turan
32 A comparison of two total sediment transport models for rivers *
V.K. Yadav, S.M. Yadav & S.I. Waikhom
Poster Presentations
33 A cellular automata model for riverbed evolvement
M.J. Dong
D. Hydromorphology meets Ecology
34 Study on sediment desilting operation mode and structure layout of Pakistan Karot
hydropower project
J. Zhao, X.N. Liu, B. Fan, G. Wei, M. Wang & Z. Jin
35 Sedimentation in rivers and reservoirs following the eruptions of Kelut
Volcano, Indonesia *
F. Hidayat, P.T. Juwono, A. Suharyanto, A. Pujiraharjo, D. Sisinggih & D. Legono
36 Economic assessment of the effects of sediment replenishment to rivers and the
effectiveness of sediment management
K. Tomita, T. Homma & T. Sumi
37 Impact of biofilm on the sediment properties and its environmental effects
H.M. Zhao, W.H. Cao, L.Q. Tang, C.H. Wang, Y.H. Wang, D.B. Liu, C.S. Guo,
J. Lu & Y.F. Zhang
38 Compensatory measures at a Heavily Modified Waterbody (HMWB) improve the
hydromorphological quality, a practical example from the Moselle
D. Gintz & Y. Baulig
39 Heavy metal concentrations and enrichment of sediment cores: Correlation
between geochemistry and geoaccumulation index
F. Fernandes & C. Poleto
* Attendees in the Poster Slam on Monday, September 19, 11:30-12:15
Poster Presentations
Social Events
will be the performance of the folk
dance group "Frommern Schwäbischer Albverein". The Symposium
Banquet is included in the symposium
fee (except for the one-day student
registration fee). Accompanying persons are welcome to participate the
Symposium Banquet if they are registered. For the Symposium Banquet
formal wear is requested.
On Monday, September 19, 2016, at
5:30 pm, we would like to invite you to
an Icebreaker Party in the main conference building V47. All participants
of the symposium are invited to join
and to get to know each other in an
informal setting while enjoying assorted drinks and snacks.
The Icebreaker is sponsored by
TIWAG ­Tiroler Wasserkraft AG.
Address and directions
Symposium Banquet
The "Kursaal Cannstatt" is located in
Stuttgart's municipality "Bad Cannstatt". It can be easily reached from
the main station ("Hauptbahnhof").
Take the S-Bahn to the main station
and change to subway U2 in the direction of "Neugereut". Get off at the
9th stop named "Kursaal". It is only a
short walk to the location of the conference banquet. To get back to the
main station take the subway U2 in
the direction of "Botnang". It runs
every 10 minutes until 8:00 pm and
every 15 minutes until 12:30 am.
A Symposium Banquet will be held on
Thursday, September 22, 2016, at
7:00 pm, in the "grand pump room" in
Bad Cannstatt. During the Symposium Banquet you will be offered an exquisite dinner buffet and a variety of
alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The evening's cultural highlight
Kursaal Cannstatt
Königsplatz 1
70372 Stuttgart
The „grand pump room” (Kursaal Cannstatt) in
Bad Cannstatt © Horst Rudel
Social Events
Technical Tours on Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Technical Tour
Schluchseewerk AG
Meeting time: 07:45 am
Meeting point: Bus station loop "Universität (Schleife)" on the Campus
Vaihingen in front of the Commundo
Hotel (see red meeting point in map)
Visit to the Schluchseewerk AG located in the south of the Black Forest.
Presentation of the company’s hydropower system. Guided tour of the
pump storage system Säckingen including the upper reservoir, the cavern powerhouse and the outlet area
into the river Rhein. For lunch the
Schluchseewerk AG will serve sandwiches.
Meeting time: 07:15 am
Meeting point: Bus station loop "Universität (Schleife)" on the Campus
Vaihingen in front of the Commundo
Hotel (see blue meeting point in map)
Important Information for the
Technical Tours
For the technical tours it is absolutely mandatory to wear proper footwear
Participants without appropriate footwear e.g. sandals, high heels, flip
flops may be excluded from the tour.
Certain sections of the tours will be
outside, therefore it is strongly recommended to bring adequate clothing (for cold and rainy conditions)
as well as sunscreen as the weather
may be unpredictable.
Technical Tour Iffezheim
Visit of the waterways and navigation
administration. Presentation on artificial sediment feeding. Ride on a
hopper barge to see an artificial sediment feeding. Afterwards, a visit to
the run of river power station Iffezheim managed by EnBW, with a guided tour through the power house.
For lunch the EnBW will serve sandwiches.
Technical Tours
Local Tours on Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Local Tour Stuttgart
the "Königsstraße" which is Stuttgarts
big pedestrian shopping street starting
just opposite from the main station.
Guided city tour through the centre of
Stuttgart in the morning followed by
the visit to the hydraulic laboratory of
the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic
and Environmental Systems on the
Campus, including presentations and
explanations of ongoing experiments.
Afterwards sandwiches will be served
for lunch in front of the laboratory hall.
In the afternoon the tour will visit the
Porsche museum, not only known for
the car exhibition of Stuttgart's famous
car manufacturer but also an architectural highlight. There will be two different meeting points in the morning:
One on the campus and one in the city centre.
Local Tour Tübingen
After the visit to the hydraulic laboratory of the Institute for Modelling
Systems, including presentations and
explanations of ongoing experiments,
you will be driven to the beautiful medieval town of Tübingen to join a traditional "Stocherkahnride" on the
River Neckar. Sandwiches will be
served for lunch on board of the barges. Afterwards you will be offered a
guided city tour through the medieval
centre of Tübingen before the bus takes you back to Stuttgart.
1. Meeting Point Campus
Meeting time 1: 8:30 am
Meeting point 1: S-Bahn station "Universität" on the Campus Vaihingen in
front of the conference building (see
yellow meeting point in map)
Meeting time: 10:00 am
Meeting point: In front of the laboratory hall (see green meeting point in
2. Meeting Point City Centre
Meeting time 2: 9:00 am
Meeting point 2: In front of the Tourist
information at the very beginning of
Local Tours
Important Information for the Local Tours
The city tours and the “Stocherkahnride” will be outside, therefore it is strongly
recommended to bring adequate clothing (for cold and rainy conditions) as well
as sunscreen as the weather may be unpredictable.
Local Tours
Useful Information
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart has been at
the very top nationwide for many
The main emphasis of the University
of Stuttgart is on engineering and
natural sciences combined with
humanities and social sciences. This
interdisciplinary research creates a
prestigious profile for the university.
Its excellent position is reflected in
both its projects, sponsored by the
excellence initiative of the Federal
Government and the States, the excellence cluster „Simulation Technology” and the graduate school
„Advanced Manufacturing Engineering”. Furthermore, the University of
Stuttgart is currently supported with
four special research areas by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG
(German Research Foundation), a
trans-regional special research field
as well as four transfer areas coordinating university. The ranking of
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
DFG (German Research Foundation)
and Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung CHE (Centre for Higher Education Development) regularly shows the
University of Stuttgart to be particularly strong in the field of research.
And in terms of third party funds the
Useful Information
Conference building V47 on Campus Vaihingen,
University of Stuttgart
Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
The department's particular strengths
involve both, fundamental and application-oriented research on topics
concerning sustainable water resources development.
One rather classical aspect deals
with design, construction, operation
and surveillance of dams. Physical
hydraulic models as well as analytical
approaches and structural numerical
FE-models are applied to assess the
reliability and safety of hydraulic
structures. In-depth examinations of
dams were carried out, containing hydrologic, hydraulic and stability analysis as well as risk analysis. Risk
assessment and risk management is
part of the department’s research.
Another focus is on flood protection,
an important feature in the management of river catchments. This includes planning as well as operating
protective dykes, reservoirs, and polders. Additionally, numerical 1D and
2D-simulations serve to predict in
high resolution the spatial and temporal distribution of a flood wave.
Transport processes of particles and
sediments have always been of particular interest in the management of
waterways ranging form sedimentation in reservoirs and harbours as opposed to erosion in recessed river
stretches. Although sediments are often associated with pollutants, they
are also vital to maintain ecological
health and functions of rivers. In the
department, we have a unique approach to account for the complexity
of the processes involved in bed
load/sediment dynamics that requires
more than one discipline: engineering
science is combined with biology,
chemistry and physics to complement
experimental work with numerical mo-
delling (1D, 2D, and 3D). Innovative
research is conducted on biostabilisation of fine sediments by microorganisms (bacteria, microalgae) as well
as on colmation of gravel beds by organic material.
Additional research is conducted in
using fuzzy approaches for habitat,
macrofauna, vegetation, and flood
plain modelling (e.g. CASiMiR). The
models are constantly developed to
obtain the best possible judgement on
habitat suitability for organisms that
are indicative for water quality. This
interdisciplinary approach ensures the
department produces cutting-edge
Hydraulic Laboratory of the Department of
Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources
Useful Information
Useful Information
Stuttgart lies in a lush valley, nestling
between vineyards and thick woodland
on the River Neckar. With a population
of about 600,000, the capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg is the urban center
of south-west Germany.
The Stuttgart area has the reputation
of being the 'cradle of the automobile',
and visitors associate it primarily with
technological innovation and thriving
industry. This is mainly because of the
University of Stuttgart's most famous
graduate student: Gottlieb Daimler, the
inventor of the automobile.
However, the Stuttgart region is not
only the home of large car companies
and research organizations but has a
wealth of historic buildings ranging
from medieval castles and Baroque
palaces to magnificent royal residences and picturesque ruins. There
are no fewer than 19 mineral springs
that spout some 22 million liters of crystalline mineral water daily. Since some are attributed with healing
properties, there is a booming local
spa industry. With its impressive car
Useful Information
Sepulchral Chapel on Wuerttemberg Mountain
© 2013 Bauer GmbH & CO. KG
museums, exclusive art exhibitions, its
fascinating history, famous architecture, and world-class ballet company,
the Stuttgart region has cultural activities for everybody, whatever their tastes and interests.
Stuttgart Marketing GmbH is the official tourism partner of Stuttgart. Please
visit for
more information.
Those who are up for more can feel
reassured: The most famous spots in
Germany like Heidelberg, the Loreley
on the Rhine, Cologne Cathedral, and
Neuschwanstein Castle are only a few
hours away.
We wish you an interesting and rewar-
Public Transportation
ding ISRS 2016 - but we also hope
that you find time to enjoy some of the
area's attractions, whether cultural, architectural, musical, culinary...
From Stuttgart main station, take the
S-Bahn (local train, stations
marked with the S-Bahn sign)
S1, S2 or S3 in the direction Herrenberg, Flughafen/Airport, Vaihingen or
Filderstadt and get out at the 4th stop
"Universität". This takes about ten minutes. Leave the S-Bahn station in the
direction marked with the exit sign
"Universität"; when you reach the top,
you will find the conference building in
front of you: Pfaffenwaldring V47.
In your conference bag you will find
some information with inspiring ideas
on what to do in Stuttgart in your free
time - Enjoy your stay and have a
good time!
In case you have booked your accommodation through the hotel department of Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH
you will receive a ticket for free public
transportation by email. Please make
sure to print out this ticket as it is valid
throughout the whole Stuttgart metropolitan area (VVS region) for the duration of your stay. It can be used to
get from Stuttgart main station to the
symposium venue and hotel. Otherwise you need to buy and acitvate a
ticket for two zones before boarding
the train.
Stuttgart Schlossplatz (Castle square)
© Stuttgart­Marketing GmbH
Cannstatter Volksfest
The Cannstatter Volksfest, by foreign
visitors also referred to as the Stuttgart Beer Festival, will start on September 23, 2016, spanning a period
over three weekends. Although the
Volksfest is not strictly speaking a
Beer Festival, it is considered to be
the second largest beer celebration in
the world after the Munich Oktoberfest.
Useful Information
Useful Information
Climate and Clothing
Stuttgart's climate is marked by its
position in the wide Neckar basin,
shielded by the Black Forest in the
West, the Swabian Alb in the South,
the Schurwald in the East and the
Stromberg and Heuchelberg region in
the Northwest. The city's position has
a significant influence on all climatic
elements like radiation, temperature,
humidity, precipitation and wind.
Stuttgart’s climate is mild with an
average annual temperature of about
10°C in the basin of the city and about
8.4°C in the more elevated outskirts
situated about 400 m asl. Besides the
Upper Rhine Valley, Greater Stuttgart
is one of the warmest regions in
September temperatures achieve
average highs of 20°C during the day
and lows of 10°C generally shortly
after sunrise. The daily mean
temperature in September is 15°C.
The average sunlight hours are 5.4 h
and the monthly rainfall in September
sums up to 62 mm in the long-term
average. In mid-September sunrise is
app. at 7:00 am and sunset app. at
8:00 pm.
Electrical sockets (outlets) in Germany
are one of the two European standard
electrical socket types: The "Type C"
Europlug and the "Type E" and "Type
F" Schuko. If your appliance's plug
does not match the shape of these
sockets, you will need a travel plug
adapter in order to plug in. Voltage:
220-240 Volts
Useful Information
Germany uses the Euro as currency.
Cash is all over accepted as method
of payment. Major credit cards (VISA,
Maestro) are widely accepted, except
in small stores or for only small
Foreign exchange can be performed
in banks and larger post offices. ATMs
are widely spread in the city and on
the University Campus.
Local time in Germany is GMT +1
(GMT +2 between April and October).
Maps of Conference Facilities
Map of Vaihingen Main Campus
1. Building V47 - Opening Ceremony, Keynotes, Parallel Sessions, Poster
Presentations, Poster Slam, Exhibitions, Lunch Breaks, Coffee Breaks,
Closing Ceremony, Icebreaker, Conference Office
2. Universitätsstraße 34 - Commundo Tagungshotel
S-Bahn Stuttgart, Stop: "Universität"
Maps of Conference Facilities
Map of Building V47 (Main Conference Building)
Ground Floor of Main Conference Building V47
(Rooms: 47.02, 47.03, 47.05, 47.06)
Maps of Conference Facilities
Map of Building V47 (Main Conference Building)
Lower Floor of Main Conference Building V47
(Rooms: 47.02, 47.03)
Maps of Conference Facilities
Directions to Room V4.282 and V9.02
Direction to Room
Map of Building V9 with Room 9.02
For room 4.282 please
take the elevator to the
4th floor. When you get
out of the elevator turn
right. Room 4.282 is the
last room on the right.
Room 9.02 is located in building V9. This is to the
left as you exit the main symposium venue
(Building V47). When you enter this building
please turn right, then turn left into the first aisle.
Room 9.02 is the second room on the left.