Fine Print - the Hastings Fine Art Association website.


Fine Print - the Hastings Fine Art Association website.
April 2014
No 338
Fine Print
Hastings Valley Fine Art Association Inc.
In this issue
Closure of Murray St Gallery
Entry form Spirit of the Camden
Haven Exhibition
Comboyne and Uralla results
PO Box 8044 Port Macquarie 2444
email editor:
In conjunction with Slice of Haven
The Spirit of the Camden Haven
Exhibition & Sale
Laurieton United Services Club
Seymour Street
23th -25th May 2014
10 am – 5 pm daily
Delivery of works: Thursday 22nd May, 2014
To: Laurieton United Services Club (side entrance
Seymour Street) 1.00 pm- 1.30 pm (
Collection: Monday, 26th May, 2014, 9 am- 10.00
Entry form: with this issue
Note: No prizes.
Enquiries: Rita 65863836 or 0418284583
Ruth Bergin’s wonderful modernist painting “The Swimmers”
was one of 14 paintings by HVFAA artists chosen for the Northern
Exposure Exhibition currently on display at the Glasshouse. Don’t
miss it. Isn’t that red bathing cap a clever touch.
Dates for your Diary
17-22 April
13-27 April
27 April
3 May
23-25 May
3 June 1pm
1 July
5-13 July
Port Macquarie Easter Art Exhibition
Great Lakes Open Exhibition
Final day for Murray St Gallery
Life Drawing Bonny Hills
Spirit of the Camden Haven Exhibition
HVFAA bi monthly meeting Rotary
Lodge Hamilton Green Hastings River
Dr. Port Macquarie
AGM HVFAA Wauchope
Taree Open Art Exhibition
AGM 1 July –All positions will be vacated and you are invited
to nominate or renominate. Experience and new ideas make
an unbeatable combination. Forms next Fine Print.
Murray St Gallery Closure
You can collect you paintings from the gallery from
3.30 pm to 4.30 pm Sunday 27th April and 9.00 am
to 10.00 am Monday 28th April.
The library will be relocated to Fran Daly’s home on
22nd April if you need to return DVD’S or Books you
should do so before this date. Fran will arrange for
you to also return and borrowed items to the
Wednesday Group and at our General Meetings.
If anyone can store some of the gallery furniture
and equipment please let Jan Farrell know.
Upside Down on Wednesday April 30
St Peter’s hall Laurieton 9-2 $6
Terri Maddock will lead us through an exercise using
pastels to improve our value and tone skills. Details March
Fine Print. Be brave. Even if you’re not a pastellist, this is a
real skill building exercise. Don’t have pastels? Share with
a friend and trade a cappuccino.
President Brian Barker 6586 3236 Secretary Karen Cornish 65848489 Treasurer Yvonne Little 65594064
Vice-Pres & Editor Kim Madden 6586 3185 Vice-Pres Jan Wilson 0401847858
President’s Report
Dear Members, as reported at the general meeting the committee have decided to increase the membership fees . While
the Constitution allows the committee to do this we will put a resolution to the June General Meeting for debate and
approval, to increase the annual membership fee by an extra $5.00, that is for a single member it will be $35 and $40 a
double, from the July annual General Meeting. We made this decision because of our expenditure over the last few
months on the new stands, the 30th dinner celebrations and expenses related to the Under the Influence exhibition, this
has depleted our working funds. The Summer Show Case only generated $900 this year as sales were the lowest for some
years and we had to match the prize money as we didn’t receive enough Sponsorship. We are thinking of other ways to
raise money including grants that Vanessa has applied for- but we haven’t been successful. I must thank Vanessa for all
the work she is putting into the applications. We are open to money raising suggestions such as garage sales and anything
else people can think off and we are seeking someone who is willing to take on fund raising including Sponsorship.
This year’s Spirit of the Camden Haven Exhibition will not attract prize money or be judged, further details are in this
edition, as well as the entry form. We will also be active with the Slice of Haven day so I hope you get involved.
The Have Brush Will Travel week went very well with some twenty two members including partners in attendance a good
time was had by all and a theme song was penned and performed by Gwen and Allen Cause “The Musk Duck Ramblers” in
recognition of a very exotic Musk Duck that was performing some very erotic Manoeuvres out on the lake. There are two
videos available to view on demand. Some good art was done by all.
We are in the process of reaching an agreement with the Great Lakes, Taree Artists groups and the Manning Regional
Gallery about having a joint exhibition it will be some time off probably towards the end of 2015, Also the Glasshouse has
invited us to have another exhibition we are working on a theme so let us know your suggestions, it has to have a
direction and be something we normally would not do and that encompasses our varied skills.
Finally I know I have reported on the “Under the Influence Exhibition “a number of times but we received a very
supportive letter from Niomi Sands- I have included some of her remarks for you but not all she said, The Exhibition was a
great success, the Gallery enjoyed high visitations numbers overall it was seen by 5,234 people with large numbers leaving
written feedback, here are some.
“Highly Stimulating and original thinking, what a great concept and a wealth of local talent, Inspirational, Bountiful,
Inspired me to join the Club, Brilliant Interpretations, Skilled Artists engaged in a thought provoking exercise , and Wow”.
There are more but I have just put some I will copy the letter and leave it at the gallery.
Regrettably we have been given notice to vacate our Gallery in Murray St by the end of April . We will stay open till after
Easter ,please come and pick up your paintings on the Tuesday 29th of April , and those who can help pull it down please
contact me as we will need a couple of box trailers and help, we are attempting to get new premises but this will take
time. If the support keeps declining we will close the life drawing group as we can’t afford it without membership support
so May could be the last day. Brian Barker
Brian Barker
Hastings Gallery News April 2014
Upcoming Exhibitions
Unfortunately the lease on our beautiful Murray Street gallery has
run its course and we will have to close by the end of the month.
We knew it was temporary, on a month to month basis, and we’ve
had almost two very successful years which has seen a rise in
membership numbers, very good exposure for our association and
excellent feedback from the public. We have a few options for
new premises and we’re working very hard but nothing is concrete
at this stage. If any member or interested party has some ideas to
share we would like to hear from you. Many thanks to Rita
and the hard-working roster people who have made the last two
years so
pleasant and rewarding. We hope for some good
news in the near future regarding new premises.
Sincerely Jan Farrell
Port Macquarie Easter Art Exhibition 17 April22
Great Lakes Art Exhibition 13-27 April
Taree Open Art Exhibition 6-13 July Entries close
4 June enquiries Christine Long 65543007
Mid North Coast Local Portrait Prize entries
close due 9 June enquiries email Haven Fine Arts North
Daphne Young Watercolour Prize 21 Jun- 31 July
Armidale. Google to download entry form
Life Drawing : monthly, first Sat. 9-1 Improve your drawing and tonal skills. Restarts 1Mar Brian Barker 6586 3236
Wednesday Painters - St Peters Hall Ocean Drive Laurieton : 9am-2pm every Wednesday. Join a friendly untutored group
to draw and paint, for $6 a day. Call by for a look. BYO painting gear drinks & lunch. Contact Kim Madden 6586
Jan Farrell - Gallery Co-ordinator 6583 6693.
Mixed Media Painters : St. Peters hall Laurieton- last Wednesday each month. 9am-2pm, $6 only. Explore abstract
themes, try new techniques. BYO painting gear, drinks, lunch. Guided. Restarts April Contact Elsa Toms 6585 1525.
Thursday Painters – Wauchope Country Club King St, Wauchope, every Thursday. Sign in at reception. Paint and draw from
10am – 1pm. Tutors available for minimal fee. Contact Hilma Dagger 65504045
Have Brush will Travel Myall Lakes March 2014
Twenty two artists and partners turned up for the paintout over the first three days and twelve stayed for five in what was
probably our best attended yet. Yes the weather was overcast and it rained sometimes but that didn’t dampen enthusiasm for
painting in this peaceful and secluded location. Musk ducks were spotted, ditties composed, wine was drunk and quite a few
fine artworks created. Bring on 2015-inland next time. Suggestions welcome.
Yes it rained but Jen Andrews, Robyn
Toms and Jean McGurren still had plenty
to smile about.
Gwen & Allan Cause played their
ukuleles and composed a drinking song
which everyone sang lustily if not
Some artists will go to any lengths
to keep their work dry.
Dorothy Taylor
It looked like an ugly dead palm
to some but Jan Wilson did this
superb charcoal drawing proving
yet again it’s not what you see
but how you see it.
Beautiful paperbarks sensitively
depicted by Elsa Toms
Is that a boat?
and Rita Carosi did a lovely charcoal
drawing as well.
Artist trolley in search of artist
Yvonne Little captured the shapes
and tones of the paperbarks in her
first attempts outdoors. 3 on left
Member News
Judy Jelsma is having a solo exhibition at
Weswal Gallery Tamworth until 15 May.
Terri Maddock won a highly commended at
Bendemeer Art Show.
Jill Cairns sold her prize winning pastel at Port
Stephens Art show.
Fran Daly who just turned 70, is off with
husband Tony and a group of 4 wheel drive
enthusiasts to explore the Birdsville Track and
see Big Red (not a kangaroo).
Wendy Friend has just retired and is rejoiningwe look forward to her contempo style
returning to our exhibitions.
Ron Hicks has rejoined and is painting at
the Wednesday Group after a period of study.
Five new DVD’S are now in the library for all to borrow
at $1 per month. Such value for money!
“Taking Risks with Pastels” – John Tookey.
“Speed Painting” – Len Hend. Oil or Acrylic
“Dynamic Acrylics” – Soraya French
“Paint – Oil Pastels” – Tim Fisher
“Watercolour Rainbow” – Hazel Soan
Fran Daly 65860827
2014 Comboyne Show Art
Charles Sluga...WATERCOLOUR TO THE EDGE August 21
22 23. Cathie Hall $160 Full payment by July 31st.
Penelope Ng...PASTEL Sept 18, 19, 20. Cathie Hall Full
payment by Aug 25th.
Ph 65848210 0401847858
Paint out Pals
April 21
April 28
May 5
May 12
May 19
May 26
No Pop Public Holiday
No Pop
Town Green park in Short St and
walk through
North Haven car park opposite
Hibbard ferry and surrounds
Bransdon Rd Gum Scrub - river
views & more
Contact Jan Wilson 0401847858
Starts 9am. Contact Elsa Toms ph 65851525 or
0413861520 if in doubt re directions etc.
Uralla Rotary Art Exhibition Report
Judge Silva Vaughan Jones
Oil and acrylic 1.David David Little, 2 Elsa Toms
Pencil & Ink 1.Barry Beames
Watercolour 1. Ann Middleton 2. Barry Beames
1. Penny Treacy 2. Terri Maddock
Comboyne Scene Hilma Dagger
HVFAA’s Facebook page updates are being looked after by
Fran Daly 65860827
Kim Maclean. Send have any material (art related material
-photos or info) to
Harold Le Jeune was feature artist and sold 8 paintings. He
reports the exhibition was impressively organised and
attended with strong community support-some 62
paintings sold in total, including Phillip Thornton 3, Terri
Maddock 3, Brian Barker 1, Barry Beames1, Ruth Bergin 1,
Elsa Toms 1.
There were over 460 entries in the non judged show and
over 250 people attended the opening night.
Harold and Jan stayed the week on a property of a friend
Harold hadn’t seen for 50 years who was on the organising
Local Art Supplies and Framing
ALL ABOUT ART & FRAMING 231 Victoria St Taree 6550 0390 Discounts HVFAA members
MYSTIC BLUE Gift Shop & Masterpiece Framing and Gallery – Mystic Blue, Shop 7 25-27 Hay Street Port Macquarie (6583 1344).
Masterpiece Framing and Gallery is directly across from Mystic Blue. All your framing needs. . PORT MACQUARIE ART SUPPLIES &
FRAMING - Shop 5 Gore St. Port Macquarie. Art supplies and Specialised Custom Framing. Phone/Fax 6584 0184 Mobile 0412 196
HVFAA Sponsors.. A big thank you to our sponsors for their support!
Laurieton United Services Club 6559 9110 Longpoint Winery 65854598
Hastings Co-op 65888999 Higgins & Dix 65598845