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Results 2012 Topics Contacts Brazilian and Regional Economy 40 03 Profile and Corporative Governance Sustainability 08 38 Highlights Conglomerate 36 Financial Information 19 Operational Features 15 Brazilian and Regional Economy Brazilian Economy Inflation IPCA- % GDP - Variation % 6.56 6.1 7.5 5.84 4.18 5.2 4.55 2.7 0,9 -0.6 2008 2009 2010 2011 2008 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: IBGE Source: IBGE Earnings Per Capita (R$) Unemployment - % 22.402 21.483 19.509 11.2 15.992 16.918 14.183 4.6 9.511 10.720 11.709 12.769 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: IBGE Source: IBGE 4 Brazilian Economy – Projections Indicators median- added 2013 2014 National Extended Consumer Price Index (%) 5.69 5.50 General Prices Index - DI (%) 5.17 5.00 General Prices Index -M (%) 5.20 5.20 Consumer Price Index-Fipe (%) 5.32 5.00 Exchange Rate – End of period (R$ / US$) 2.00 2.05 Exchange Rate – average in the period (R$ / US$) 2.00 2.04 Goal Special System for Settlement and Custody rate – End of period (% a.a.) 7.25 8.25 Goal Special System for Settlement and Custody rate – Average in the period (% a.a.) 7.25 8.25 Clear Debt of the Public Sector (% GDP) 34.50 33.20 GDP (% growth) 3.10 3.60 Industrial Production (% of growth) 3.10 3.50 Current Account (US$ Billion) -63.10 -68.35 Balance of Trade (US$ Billion) 15.20 15.60 Direct Foreign Investiments (US$ Billion) 60.00 60.00 Managed Price (%) 3.25 4.35 Source: Focus Report of Central Bank of Brazil – 22/02/2013 5 Mid-West Region and Federal District’s Economy 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 Economic Activity Index of Central Bank of Brazil – IBC – seasonal adjustment Mid-West Credit (R$ million) Dec/12 212.420 Credit - Individuals Credit - Companies Total Credit Dec/12 122.505 IBC-Br-CO Dec/12 89.915 IBC-Br Fonte: BACEN GDP – FEDERAL DISTRICT GDP distribution - DF R$ billion 116,45 129,48 0,5% 142,57 6,8% Animal/Agriculture Industry 55,4% 37,4% Services and Trade Public Administration 2009 2010 2011 Source: IBGE and Codeplan Data-basis: 2011 6 Banking Sector 60 Credit evolution and Default - National Financial System - % Dec/12 4.5 53.5 5 50 4 40 3.2 35.2 3.6 3.2 30 Special System for Settlement and Custody -% nov/08 13.64 Dec/08 11.18 3 ago/09 8.65 2 20 Credit/GDF jul/12 Default Brazilian Preferential Rate – TPB (%) Average Spread in the Credit Operations (p.p) Dec/08 20.8 27.43 24.7 Total 7 19.75 July/11 17.5 Nov/05 18.6 Nov-12 11.2 out/07 11.9 Individuals Companies Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12 Oct-12 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 dez/12 7.16 out/12 jan/12 abr/12 jul/11 out/11 jan/11 abr/11 jul/10 out/10 jan/10 abr/10 jul/09 out/09 jan/09 abr/09 out/08 jul/08 0 jan/08 0 abr/08 10 1 jul/10 10.32 jul/11 12.25 Source: BACEN Dec/09; 12.4 Profile and Corporative Governance Brazil – Brasília/DF Brazil Brasília. DF 9 Mid-West Region and Federal District Mid-West Area 1.606.371.505 km2 Population 14.5 million inhabitants Population Density GDP per Capita HDI 8.26 inhab/ km2 R$ 24.939 0.815 Federal District Area 5.802 km2 Population 2.6 milliion inhabitants Population Density 450 inhab/ km2 GDP per Capita R$ 57.033 (The highest in Brazil) HDI 0.844 (The biggest in Brazil) 10 Banco de Brasília – Brief history Banco de Brasília S/A – BRB, a mixed economy company, whose major shareholder is the Government of the Federal District, was established on December 10th. 1964 by a Federal Law and it was authorized to operate by Central Bank of Brazil on July 12th. 1966. It is the financial agent of the Government of the Federal District, which acts as a retail bank as well as a regional development one. Brasil Brasília. DF 11 It holds 106 Branches, which include the capitals São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Cuiabá and Campo Grande, not to mention that it offers 758 ATMs, 48 thousand shared ones (among which there are 24 hour ATMs, other associates such as Banco do Brasil, and also 231 Non-bank Correspondents). Besides these channels, BRB also provides internet services (BRB Banknet) and Call Center services (BRB Telebanco). Shareholders Structure Minor shareholders 96.85% 3.15% ON = 27.130.856 PN = 8.028.940 Total = 35.159.796 ON = 883.794 PN = 261.060 Total = 1.144.854 BSLI 3 (ON) BSLI 4 (PN) Total = = 28.014.650 = 8.290.000 36.304.650 99.0% 100% 69.74% 1% 100% 3.18% 99.9% 12 Organization Chart General Assembly of Shareholders Fiscal Council Audit Committee Administration Council Audit Superintendency Remuneration Committee Board of Directors Credit Analisis Management Presidency Control Director 13 Financial Director Branches Director Credit Director Government and Development Director Administrative Director Technology Director Ratings – Local Currency A- A2.br* 9.35 Perspective: Neutral Perspective: Stable Normal Risk - *Bank Deposits NSR (National Scale Rating) – Local Currency 14 Operational Features BRB’s Business model Retail Pillars Wholesale Credit – Individuals Investiments/ Others Credit – Companies Corporate Operations Credit on Consignment* Bank Deposit Certificate/ Savings Working Capital Civil Construction Financing Personal Credit Advance on Receivables Investiment Funds Agribusiness (Micro and Small Producer) Mortgage Agribusiness Credit Cards (Medium-sized and Major Producer) Insurance Business Support Mission “ To act as a public bank inductor of sustainable development of the Federal District and regions of influence. providing innovative financial solutions with excelence in dealing with costumers”. 16 * Financeira BRB offers the product to customers who do not hold a current account. Structured Operations Collection Market Participation RANKING PER BRANCHES AND CUSTOMER CARE LOCATION IN THE DF1 Institution BB Branches CCL 108 65 58 43 MARKET SHARE OF CREDIT – Mid-West Mid-West Oct/2011 Mid-West Oct/2012 2,8% 3.0% 97,2% BRB 58 97.0% Others BRB 30 CEF 54 14 Bradesco 44 11 Santander 34 54 HSBC 12 06 MARKET SHARE OF CREDIT – Federal District2 11,1% BRB 88,9% 1Source: Central Bank of Brazil. data-basis February/13 2Source: 17 Others Central Bank of Brazil. data-basis October/12 Ohters Financial Institutions Clients O BRB serves approximately 534 thousand clients: Clientele Individuals 1% 82,4% 58% 7,2% Pir 41% Individuals Companies Private Sector Public Servants Others Source: BRB 18 Financial Information Main Economic Indicators R$ Million 2012 2011 4Q12 3Q12 2Q12 1Q12 4Q11 Credit Portfolio 6.382 4.880 6.382 6.020 5.667 5.321 4.880 6.0% 30.8% Total Assets 9.767 8.669 9.767 10.109 9.625 8.960 8.669 -3.4% 12.7% Total Deposits 6.655 6.405 6.655 7.285 7.093 6.543 6.405 -8.6% 3.9% 901 814 901 809 763 706 814 11.4% 10.7% Term Depositis 3.868 3.950 3.868 4.655 4.579 4.186 3.950 -16.9% -2.1% Court Deposits 634 509 634 606 575 506 509 4.6% 24.6% Savings Deposit 1.255 1.074 1.255 1.215 1.175 1.149 1.074 3.3% 16.8% 946 780 946 917 870 830 780 3.2% 21.3% 215.4 96 52.8 47.5 71 44.0 -57 11.2% 124.4% NIM * 17.9% 18.5% 17.9% 18.4% 20.4% 20.0% 18.5% -0.5p.p. -0.6 p.p. ROAA* 2.3% 1.2% 2.3% 2.0% 2.8% 2.0% 1.2% 0.3 p.p. 1.1 p.p. ROAE * 24.9% 12.9% 24.9% 20.8% 32.8% 21.2% 12.9% 4.1 p.p. 12.0 p.p. % PDD 4.5% 6.0% 4.5% 4.6% 5.2% 5.6% 6.0% -0.1 p.p. -2.5 p.p. BIS Ratio 13.4% 13.5% 13.4% 12.7% 12.9% 12.9% 13.5% 0.7 p.p. -0.1 p.p. Tier I 11.2% 12.2% 11.2% 11.4% 11.5% 11.5% 12.2% -0.2 p.p. 1.0% Tier II 2.2% 1.3% 2.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 0.9 p.p. 0.9 p.p 61.85% 62.21% 61.85% 61.10% 59.67% 64.40% 62.21% -0.36 p.p. 0.75 p.p. Deposists in cash Equity Capital Net Income 4Q12/3Q12 2012/2011 Rates Eficiency Rate *Accumulated Value Source: BRB – Accounting Data 20 Assets and ROAA Ativo 3,1% 2,8% 2,7% 2,2% 2,0% 2,0% 1,2% 9.625 8.668 10.109 2,3% 9.767 8.959 7.734 6.612 4.999 CAGR = 18.2% R$ Thousand 2008 2009 2010 2011 Assets Source: BRB 21 1Q12 2Q12 ROAA 3Q12 4Q12 Composition of the Credit Portfolio 100,0% 5,1% 2,5% 5,9% 2,9% 6,7% 18,2% 7,0% 6,5% 6,0% 5,8% 6,4% 3,4% 3,8% 3,5% 4,0% 3,9% 4,3% 15,8% 15,4% 17,0% 17,4% 16,5% 16,1% 74,2% 75,2% 74,4% 72,2% 72,6% 73,5% 74,2% 72,3% 2008 2009 2010 2011 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 Companies Agribusiness 90,0% 80,0% 16,7% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% Individuals Source: BRB 22 Mortgage Composition of the Credit Portfolio 2012 2011 (R$ thousand) Part. (%) (R$ thousand) Part. (%) ∆% 5,674,990 88.9% 4,348,901 89.1% 30.5% 4,611,495 72.3% 3,520,571 72.1% 31.0% Companies - Trade 433,902 6.8% 297,005 6.1% 46.1% Companies – Industry 114,876 1.8% 103,564 2.1% 10.9% Companies – Others 514,717 8.1% 427,761 8.8% 20.3% Rural Credit 273,183 4.3% 185,628 3.8% 47.2% Mortgage 405,816 6.4% 343,364 7.0% 18.2% 1,127 0.0% 1,791 0.0% -37.1% 27,103 0.4% 222 Comercial Credit Individuals Increase in Loans in 2012 30.7% 16.3% State Public Sector – Industry Interbank TOTAL 6,382,219 100.0% 0.0% 12,109% 4,879,906 100.0% 30.8% BRB Source: BRB 23 SFN Credit Operations Credit Operations x Provision (% Portfolio) 6% Quality of the Portfolio* 5.6% 5.2% 4.6% 4.5% 6,382 3.3% 3.3% 6,020 5,667 2.4% 5,321 H 4,880 G F NFS¹ = 92.43% E 3,793 AA – C = 91.72% D R$ millions 3,156 C 2,771 B A AA CAGR *= 23.2% *Operações de Crédito 66 104 2008 2009 125 2010 295 2011 Credit Portfolio *Resolution CMN 2682/99 Source: BRB 24 296 1Q12 293 2Q12 Provisions 279 3Q12 288 4Q12 4Q2012 ¹Source: Bacen Credit Operations – Coverage Index Coverage Index Default Dec/2011 Dec/2012 Dec/2011 Dec/2012 NFS 157% 152% 3.57% 3.64% BRB 125% 169% 4.85% 2.66% Coverage Ratios x NFS (National Financial System) x BRB 161% 161% 169% 149% 157% 124% 152% 153% 152% 114% Default x Provision (R$ million) dez/11 295 set/11 247 set/11 218 ago/12 271 Default 25 dez/12 288 dez/11 237 ago/12 182 Source: BRB set/12 279 set/12 173 Provision dez/12 170 Sept Dec Ago Sept Dec Sep-11 Dec-11 Aug-12 Coverage Ratios BRB Sep-12 Dec-12 Coverage Ratios NFS Source: Central Bank of Brazil and BRB Composition of Funding 100,0% 90,0% 2,2% 20,1% 1,2% 0,9% 1,1% 0,9% 1,3% 1,3% 17,9% 16,8% 17,4% 16,4% 16,5% 18,6% 8,1% 8,0% 80,0% 5,7% 7,6% 8,0% 8,2% Time Deposits - Distribution 0% 9,4% 3% 70,0% 60,0% 31% 37% 50,0% 55,1% 59,6% 61,7% 40,0% 63,2% 64,0% 63,1% 57,3% 27% 2% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 16,9% 13,2% 12,7% 10,7% 10,7% 11,0% 13,4% 2010 2011 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 0,0% 2009 Demand Deposits 26 Time Deposits Judicial Deposits Saving Deposits Others Individuals Companies Related Companies Government of the Federal District Term Deposit with Special Guarantees Others Subordinate Financial Bills + Term Deposit with Special Guarantees 191.885 131.301 103.000 105.965 SFB 108.639 TDSG 81.035 4Q 2011 R$ Thousand Source: BRB 27 1Q 2012 2Q 2012 3Q 2012 4Q 2012 Equity Capital and ROAE 37,9% 1500 40,0% 32,8% 30,0% 28,3% 1300 24,9% 21,2% 20,8% 12,9% 20,0% 1100 946 917 900 780 30,0% 826 870 10,0% 0,0% 707 700 581 500 -10,0% 424 -20,0% 300 CAGR = 22.2% 100 -100 -40,0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 1T 12 Equity Capital (R$ million) R$ million Source: BRB 28 -30,0% 2T 12 ROAE 3T 12 4T 12 -50,0% ROAE - Brazilian Banks BR* 13.0% 13.4% 16.2% 14.8% 18.7% 16.1% 17.4% 16.7% 15.9% 15.8% 20.8% 11.7% EC** 25.0 0.9 1.2 66.0 4.9 70.0 2.2 74.2 1.7 1.9 65.9 2.5 19% 19% 18% 18% 17% 27% 25% 18% 14% 8% 6% -15% * BIS Ratio Caixa BRB ** Equity Capital - in R$ billion 29 Pine Banco do Brasil Banrisul Bradesco Daycoval Itaú ABC Brasil Bicbanco Santander Panamericano ROAE - Average Brazilian Banks 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 BR* 13.5% 13.4% 18.5% 16.2% 17.2 18.7% 16.5% 17.4% 15.6% 15.9% 18.1% 15.8% 10.23 11.7% EC** 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 4.4 4.9 1.9 2.2 1.5 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.2 2.5 25% 22% 17% 18% 19% 19% 18% 17% 14% 12% 9% 6% 2% -15% * BIS Ratio ** Equity Capital BRB - in R$ billion 30 Pine Banrisul Daycoval ABC Brasil Bicbanco Panamericano Diversification of Revenue Revenues by Source 100% 12% 4% 0% 5% 0% 4% 2% 5% 2% 5% 2% 5% 2% 0% 11% 11% 11% 10% 10% 11% 6% 5% 4% 4% 5% 5% 10% 15% 11% 14% 10% 90% 80% 9% 6% 70% Others Compulsory Investiments 5% 12% 60% Participation in Controlled and Related Companies 50% Provision of Services 40% 30% 59% 63% 63% 67% 68% 67% 71% Fee Income Securities 20% 10% Credit Operations 0% 2009 2010 2011 1Q 2012 2Q 2012 3Q 2012 4Q 2012 Increase in Participation in Controlled and Related Companies Increase of fee income Fonte: BRB 31 Capital Structure Reference Equity (R$ million) 1,133 836 793 927 974 1,024 103 109 79 106 859 189 796 838 779 824 868 915 944 2Q11 3Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 3Q12 4Q12 R$ million Tier I Tier II Reference Equity Composition of BIS Ratio 15,80% 13% 16,40% 13,80% Tier II 2.23% 13,50% 13,39% BIS Ratio Tier I 11.16% Source: BRB 32 Gross Result of the Financial Intermediation and NIM 1.200 20.7% 21.9% 24.2% 18.5% 17.9% 30,0% 10,0% 1.000 -10,0% 800 -30,0% -50,0% 600 1,089 886 400 846 -70,0% -90,0% 712 561 -110,0% 200 -130,0% - -150,0% 2008 R$ million Source: BRB 33 2009 2010 2011 Gross Result of the Financial Intermediation 2012 NIM Efficiency Index and Administrative Expenses 68% 62% 59% 62% 58% 326 290 302 Eficiency Index 302 Other Administrative Personal Expenses 271 563 446 265 303 345 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Branches 100 99 103 102 106 Employees 2.283 2.379 2.474 2.638 3.073 Personnel Expenses + Others Administrative Expense Efficiency Index = Source: BRB 34 Result of the Financial Intermediation + Revenue from Services 2013 110 Net Profit and Return to the Shareholders Net Income (R$ million) 100,2 215,4 195 190,5 110,3 96 40 61 40 54 49 62 71 44 42 52,8 47,5 -57 2007 2008 2009 1Q 10 2Q 10 3Q 10 4Q 10 2010 1Q 11 2Q 11 3Q 11 4Q 11 Net Income Distribution (R$ million) 27.3 27.3 27.6 23.6 2011 1Q 12 2Q 12 3Q 12 4Q 12 Equity Value per Investments (R$) 23.9 20.2 21.9 16.8 9.5 Sep-10 19.27 Sep-09 15.17 Sep-08 11.57 Sep-11 23.11 2012 Dec-12 26.06 JCP Fonte: BRB 35 Dividendos Total dez/12 set/12 jun/12 mar/12 dez/11 set/11 jun/11 dez/10 mar/11 set/10 jun/10 dez/09 mar/10 set/09 jun/09 dez/08 mar/09 set/08 jun/08 1ºS08 2ºS08 1ºS09 2ºS09 1ºS10 2ºS10 1ºS11 2ºS11 1ºS12 2ºS12 mar/08 0.0 Highlights of the Conglomerate Highlights of the Related/Controlled Companies • The Financing portfolio has increased about 66% in the amount of contracts and 172% in balance in comparison with the same period in 2011. • The Public Consigned Credit has increased 1.095% and the Private one has increased 167% in comparison with the same period in 2011. • The concentration of credits has been reduced considerably. which means acting in a pulverized manner. In 2011. this concentration represented 36% of the portfolio; while in 2012 the percentual was only 2%. • The volume administrated by BRB DTVM reached R$ 1.6 billion. with increase of 22% (R$ 270 million) in 2012. • Emphasis to the growth of 76% in fundrainsing as far as institutional clients are concerned. There has also been a significant growth in clients. from 18 to 43 in the portfolio. which is significantly higher than it was in 2011. when the group increased 36%. meaning 5 new clients. • The company was established in order to operate in the field of Acquisition of Credit/Debit Cards in partnership with Global Payments Inc. • In the end of 2012 the clients portfolio was more robust. especially in terms of sales of the segments of car insurance. life insurance. Capitalization and moneylender. 37 Sustainability Social-Corporate Sustainability Partnership with waste recycling NGOs. Financial Education Warm Clothes Campaign Accessibility to the Handicapped Volunteer Work Campaign. Social Programs of the Government of the Federal District: 346.862 served beneficiaries; R$ 54.6 million paid in benefits 39 Contacts Contacts Chief Finance and Investor Relations Investors Relations - RI SBS - Quadra 1 - Bloco E - Ed. Brasília – 8th floor 70072-900 - Brasília (DF) - Brazil Telephone: (+55 61) 3412-8436 E-mail: ri@brb.com.br Disclaimer - This presentation mentions and makes statements about expectations. planned synergies. growth estimative. projection of results and future strategies about Banco de Brasília. Though these references and statements may reflect what the administrators believe. they may have some imprecision and some risks which are hard to predict. Therefore. there may be some results or consequences that differ from those presented here. These expectations are highly dependent on the conditions of market. the general economic performance of the country. sector and the international markets. Banco de Brasília does not take the responsibility for updating any estimative in the presentation. 41