September 14
September 14
LCCHS MORNING HOWL! Latest news and updates! Wednesday September 14, 2016 DAY 4 STM The STM photo session will be taking place in the LCCHS Games Room on September 22nd. Please see the office for more information. Sports Wrestling! The L.C.C.H.S. Wrestling Team will begin its season this October. All students are welcome to come join up whether they want to compete against wrestlers from other schools or just learn some basic self defense. Our first meeting will be in the small Gym on Wednesday September 14th after school, practice schedule to follow. Sports continued... Bantam boys soccer: First game tomorrow at Riverside against College St.Anne. Check your calendar. Juvenile girls soccer : Next game tomorrow. Bantam girls soccer : First game Sept 19th Bantam Boys Basketball tryouts today right after school in the big gym. Come prepared with shorts and tshirt and a positive attitude too! St.John Brebeuf Halloween Challenge: St John Brebeuf is looking for a team of responsible, dedicated, and organized senior students to help organize its’ annual Halloween party. Please see Mr.Sicoli for more information Volunteers Needed! Volunteers needed at St. John Brebeuf on the 24th of September. See bulletin board outside room B218 for more information. Community and service continued... This Saturday volunteers for the Lauder Day Saints food collection are expected to be there for 8:30 am to help to prepare the boxes before they go out to collect the food. PARENT DRIVERS NEEDED!! CWA CORN ROAST!! A big thank you to all those who participated. The principal there was very impressed at how well you represented your school! Congratulations from the admin team. TERRY FOX Once again LCCHS we will be hosting our annual Terry Fox Run on September 28th, 2016 (miniday). Pledge forms are expected back by September 26th, 2016. This year we are hoping to raise at least 5000$ so please get out there and collect as many donations as possible. (Collect, collect, collect) There will be a pizza lunch provided to each student who raises a minimum of 10.00$ However, to make things interesting and raise money for a great cause, we are going to make this our first competition of the year. The homeroom class that raises the most money (per cycle) will win a movie in the auditorium. The class out of the two winning ones will get to select the movie. May the odds be ever in your favor. HIKING SEC V FIELD TRIP This is a reminder to all secondary 5 students that we need you to bring in your permission forms and $14 for the SEC. 5 hiking trip this September 21st". Money and forms are due by September 16th!!!! Please see your homeroom teachers for your forms. Sec. 4 and 5 : Boston & New York Trip! Meeting this Friday September 16th in room C249 at 1:00pm. FIRST NATIONS CULTURAL FAIR During both lunch hours on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 LCCHS will be hosting a First Nations Cultural Fair. All teachers are encouraged to submit projects for display in the mall. All students are invited to come check out an Aboriginal drumming performance, get information at the Kahnawake Tourism Centre kiosk or play some Lacrosse with the West Island Lacrosse Association. For all information please see Ms. Beaudoin.
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