Nouveau Catalogue CRAM anglais
Nouveau Catalogue CRAM anglais
Responsable droits étrangers / Foreign Rights contact Directeur éditorial / Editorial director Pascale Patte Wilbert Pierre Lavigne Agence Ambre Communication Tel. : 514-598-8547 ext. 229 Tel. : 05 45 85 79 00 Cell. : 514-212-5757 Directeur commercial / Marketing director Distribution Guillaume Lavigne Canada : DIFFUSION PROLOGUE Tel. : 514-598-8547 ext. 224 Europe : DG Diffusion (France) SERVIDIS (Suisse) CARAVELLE, S.A (Belgique) Nous reconnaissons l'aide financière du gouvernement du Canada par l'entremise du Fonds du livre du Canada pour nos activités d'édition. Gouvernement du Québec - Programme de crédit d’impôt - Gestion SODEC. Psychology Helping Relationship and Self-Love (Relation d’aide et amour de soi) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D Over 100 000 copies sold in french ISBN 978-2-922050-85-1 454 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA $ all rights available Helping Relationship and Self-Love, a basic book in human psychology which has been used as an important reference in helping relationship, in psychotherapy and in education, since nearly twenty years. In this deeply human book, the author gives us the most secret part of her being through the basic of a method she developed, Creative non-directive approach (CNDA). Indeed, this book first and mainly appears as the result of personal and professional experiences of an individual who knew how to use her sufferings, her fears, her emotional deprivation as a stepping-stone to learn how to love herself and feel inner freedom. Genuine Communication NEW EDITION (La communication authentique / N.É. ) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D To ensure one’s blossoming and continuity, it is absolutely necessary to learn to communicate genuinely. ISBN 978-2-923705-32-3 280 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Genuine communication depends on a will to deepen one’s affective relationships through communication. You will discover in this book the different communication levels, the main hurdles to genuine sharing, the "Facilitators" of a genuine relationship and concrete means to ensure that your important relationships find notable and lasting improvement. Reading it, is risking getting closer to your loved ones and living with them the rewarding experience of a living, deep and free communication. Three great secrets for a successful love life (3 grands secrets pour réussir votre vie amoureuse) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D Do you dream of a successful love relationship? If so, this book is for you. ISBN 978-2-923705-28-6 198 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 17 CA$ Whether you are currently going through a spousal crisis, that the love flame weakens or that you simply wish to deepen your relationship, this book will meet your needs. If you read it with the intention to get involved in implementing the "secrets" it contains, your love life will undoubtedly be transformed. all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Inner Healing, a Meaning to Suffering Psychology (La guérison intérieure, un sens à la souffrance) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D ISBN 978-2-922050-76-9 312 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ October 29, 1999 – The date Colette Portelance was told that she was suffering from an « incurable » illness. This diagnosis and mainly the physical and psychic sufferings caused by this ordeal have completely changed her life. Struggling during many years for the recovery of her body, life finally oriented her towards inner healing where she found peace and serenity, what she was looking for. Over 10 000 copies sold in french all rights available Internal healing by acceptance and letting go (La guérison intérieure par l’acceptation et le lâcher-prise ) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D An Hymn to peace, internal peace as well World peace, this book offers various accessible paths to dissolve wars in one’s self as well as in one’s environment, and to soothe the suffering of one’s wounds caused by abandonment, rejection, humiliation, power, guilt, treason and self discrediting. ISBN 978-2-922050-80-6 304 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Between resignation and resistance in facing life’s ordeals, it introduces a third way: that of acceptance and letting go. No rights available The 7 stages of the Letting go (Les 7 étapes du lâcher-prise ) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D In reality, letting go forms part of a process which consists of several stages all equally important. In this practical guide, these stages are introduced in such a way that you can apply them directly and without effort to a current difficult situation. ISBN 978-2-923705-01-9 112 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 15 CA$ No rights available Living Happily Together as a Couple is Possible (Vivre en couple et heureux, c’est possible) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D ISBN 978-2-922050-83-7 288 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ After living 45 years with the same man, and having a joyful and successful married life, Colette Portelance reveals the secrets that will allow to cultivate that lovely feeling, even after many years as a couple. She claims that, even at the dawn of the third millennium, it is quite realistic to dream about a satisfying and lasting married life, even if the rate of divorces and separations is increasing. The author proposes practical means so that spouses will solve these problems together easily in their daily life. all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Psychology Educate to Ensure Happiness (Éduquer pour rendre heureux) COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D Educating a human being to ensure his happiness, is teaching him to be himself, to be in relationship with others, to be creative of his life, his dreams and the world. ISBN 978-2-922050-97-4 332 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ Especially written by a human relations specialist for educators of every walk of life, this book is mostly intended as a practical guide that provides parents and teachers with concrete and realistic means to fulfill their mission towards the educated. all rights available Strong Couple, Close Family (Un couple fort, une famille unie) YVAN PHANEUF ISBN 978-2-923705-00-2 292 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ In spite of the high percentage of married couples who separate and families breaking apart, a strong couple within a close family is more than ever possible. However, to come to that point, some relationship « rules » have to be respected. How should a man and a woman «structure» their union to get a harmonious family life? The author answers to that question — with profundity, but with simplicity —, as this comprehensible book provides real and clear means which guide the couple towards its flowering and a happy and close family in the making. all rights available Becoming an Authentic Man... not Just a Man (Devenir un homme «vrai»... plutôt qu’un «vrai» homme) YVAN PHANEUF ISBN 978-2-923705-07-1 292 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available This book results from a study about the emotional side of men, which started from this question: « How and why, do I, as a male, hide my feelings? » The author confides in you with great complicity, very deeply, warmly and humanly. Emotion stays right in the middle of the pain a man is experiencing, because it remains there imprisoned, leaving him feeling guilty for being insensitive, feeling lonely, with a lack of identity. By being aware and accepting his masks and their sources, he will have the opportunity to recover his sensitivity and his identity. Thus, he will be able to improve his personal and professional relationships and will then become an authentic man instead of being just a man, a male. Inspiring and Imparting Respect, The Educational Challenge of this Century (Inspirer le respect et le transmettre, le défi éducationnel du siècle) MARIE PORTELANCE ISBN 978-2-923705-14-9 328 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ The value of respect is unanimously approved. Nevertheless, at the dawn of this new century, after having condemned with legitimacy some values of authoritarianism and having tested those which led to the reign of children-kings, many parents, teachers and educators find themselves deprived in their search for respectful relationships with their children, their teenagers or their students. Why do some educators gain respect while others don’t and are made ridiculous, ignored and bring on disrespect? How should we inspire respect to our children and impart it to them? all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Psychology Mothering or Day Nursery The child bonding and separation processes (Maternance ou garderie : Les processus d’attachement et de séparation chez l’enfant) CLAUDETTE RIVEST ISBN 978-2-923705-18-7 312 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ When the time comes to choose between maintaining of the mothering or entrusting the child to day care, parents face important issues : For educators working in day care centers, are the theories of bonding being put into practice? Why are there more and more children with emotional and behavioral problems? all rights available The Ordeal of Abandonment and the State of Emotional Insecurity (L’épreuve de l’abandon et l’état d’insécurité affective) CLAUDETTE RIVEST ISBN 978-2-922050-53-0 356 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ The harmonious relationship with the mother as the premier narcissistic object constitutes the foundation of the sense of emotional security, while contrariwise, troubled relations at a critical time form the basis for the feeling of abandonment and reactions of insecurity, sadness and aggressiveness which are inextricably linked. Sensitive to the adaptation and learning difficulties of children unable to comply with the expectations of adults in authority, I resolutely decided to examine the marks left by their separation experiences. all rights available Tales for Children, and for Those Who Still Have a Child’s Soul (Contes à l’usage des enfants, des adultes qui ont une âme d’enfant... et de toute personne soucieuse de l’âme des enfants) SUZANNE GRAVEL ISBN 978-2-923705-10-1 176 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 20 CA$ all rights available The tale is connected with the unconscious through its imaginary and projection. By concerning, at the same time, reason and emotion, it calls for the sensitivity of the individual and contributes to his or her transformation. In this collection of 18 tales, the parent, the therapist, the educator – or any other intervener –, will get a nice tool to bring the child through traditional characters and contexts proper to the tale, to identify some mechanisms or functions that prevent him from satisfying basic needs and, through the allegory, to recognize the tracks that could help him getting out of those unsatisfying behaviours. Tales (allegories) for Parents and Adults Who Care about Children’s Happiness (Contes à l’usage des parents et autres adultes soucieux du bonheur des enfants) CLAUDETTE GUILMAINE ISBN 978-2-922050-40-0 168 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert These tales are intended for parents, but also for those who keep close to children and care about their happiness. Being grand-parents, godfathers, godmothers, babysitters, neighbours or kindly friends, you might draw from these tales some ways of thinking, to tackle with young adults subjects they worry about and which are linked to their family or personal actual experiences. And we didn’t forget the teachers, animators, coaches, educators in kindergartens, youth centres or community organisms, because of their particular contact with children. A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Mourning, a Relational Wound Psychology (Le deuil, une blessure relationnelle) LOUISE RACINE ISBN 978-2-923705-15-6 224 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Mourning, a relational wound is the first book of a series of three, which will be about mourning process (the second book will be about acceptance and the third one about rebirth and resiliency). Death is here described as a relational wound, indicating at the same time the different mechanisms to which the bereaved person will have to turn to come to healing, mainly self-listening (emotion-reason opposition, personal inheritance, false beliefs, lacks and sorrows), and the rituals (funeral rituals, but also family, personal or private rituals). all rights available Mourning, accepting, letting go and choosing life (Le deuil, accepter, laisser partir et choisir la vie) LOUISE RACINE ISBN 978-2-923705-23-1 224 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Mourning, accepting, letting go and choosing life is the second in a series of three dealing with the grieving process (the first referred to the relational injury and the third will deal with the rebirth, creating one’s life). The bereaved may eventually accept the loss; facilitate the "letting go", through private or public rituals, in order to resolutely turn to the other polarity of mourning, the light and life that continues… How to choose life? The author outlines the various mechanisms that will allow the bereaved to find meaning to his new life without the other, and the happiness that will be found at the end of the road. all rights available Mourning, rebirth and creation of life (Le deuil, renaître et créer sa vie) LOUISE RACINE ISBN 978-2-923705-26-2 212 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Logical sequence to the two previous books (Mourning, a relational injury and Mourning, accepting, letting go and choosing life), this third and latest book by Louise Racine refers to the mission of life that the bereaved must now choose and specify, in order to harmoniously "close" his loss healing process, following a bereavement, separation, illness, relationship pitfall or depression. The author invites the reader, to explore, for a last time, at his own pace the paths of rebirth and self-fulfillment, and to implement the various exercises that will lead the reader into the creation of a whole new life, after his own image, in his path to fulfillment. The Search for Self / The Autobiographical Ritual (À la recherche du Soi / le rituel autobiographique) GINETTE BUREAU, Ph.D ISBN 978-2-923705-25-5 224 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ According to researchers, the autobiography would be a bridge that connects the inner world to the outer world. Reviewing a past experience and then giving it a signification by relating it, opens a door on transcendence. These days of spiritual emptiness and in search for meaning, my approach explains a more direct contact with one’s inner Self. I voluntarily use different vocabulary words, some linked to science and others linked to feelings, in order to help passing this duality and reach emotional intelligence. all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Health Fat Burners Secrets (Les secrets des brûleurs de graisse) DANIEL EAMER Through a delightful and humorous tale, Robert, a weight loss specialist, teaches his customers, Dan and Michelle that burning fat is not a rocket science. He humorously delivers, chapter after chapter, the secret he brought to light through the years and that evolved, through 10 years of research and experimenting into a truly revolutionary method: the FOOD FILTERS. ISBN 978-2-923705-05-7 388 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Over 3000 copies sold in french English translation available for this book all rights available New Paths to Curing Cancer (De nouvelles pistes pour guérir le cancer) DR BERNARD HERZOG ISBN 978-2-922050-18-9 394 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Cancer is not solely attributable to medical causes, its development is also linked to the psyche of the human being, to what has built it and still does. If medicine makes no headway in its quest for a cure, it is partly because it has neglected this aspect of things. Dr. Herzog, an excellent popularizer, develops a solid reflection, based on forty years practice of humanism, with a scientific character to the forefront of all that has been achieved thus far. all rights available Philosophy for Everyday, Life Meaning and words Philosophy (Philosopher pour vivre au quotidien) DANIÈLE GEOFFRION, Ph.D ISBN 978-2-922050-92-9 164 pages / 15 x 15 cm. 15 CA$ Thoughts taken from this book will allow us to find a personal, conscious and unconditional research. The author invites us to share her reflection on the meaning of life and the complexity of human relationships, to explore the area of desire and hope and finally to get used to happiness. all rights available Thoughts for Everyday Life (Pensées pour vivre au quotidien) DANIÈLE GEOFFRION, Ph.D ISBN 978-2-923705-16-3 164 pages / 15 x 15 cm. 15 CA$ all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert Who here says Aphorism calls to inner equilibrium, wisdom and reflection, with an obvious feeling of hope in humanity, sometimes in spite of it. On the familiar walls of my life, from day to day, are pinned as butterflies-thinkers. Read. Listen to the mind (spirit). It will tell you something. These free and generous citations are just good to read, every one of them listening to humanity in search of happiness. Kind words, intuitions about politics, life to share with, learning of freedom. The best with Danièle Geoffrion comes from her answer to her helping instinct, without rushing, without arguing. Pleasure in shared thought. This is freedom for words in orbit. A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Hosting the Psychic Needs of the Aging Adult Gerontology (Accueillir les besoins psychiques de l’adulte vieillissant) VALOIS ROBICHAUD, Ph.D Today’s man and woman are growing individuals, in the process of development, from birth to death. Throughout the events, encounters and experiences, when his psychic needs are recognized and respected, the individual remains the subject and the creator of his own history. By proposing a new paradigm of care, based on the relationship with others ISBN 978-2-923705-20-0 and the understanding of the synergic functioning of the brain, the author goes farther: 168 pages / 15 x 23 cm. he rehabilitates the elderly and releases them from the expressions which reduce, 25 CA$ infantilize or ghettoize them. He proposes the self expression of the "adult" because he No rights available insists taking into account the latent capacities and the process of self-actualization, present in the depths of every living being in spite of the symptomatology of advanced age. Serenity in Retirement, A Moment of Self-Encountering (Vivre la retraite avec sérénité, un temps pour la rencontre de soi) VALOIS ROBICHAUD, Ph.D Does retirement arouse fears, uncertainties? How is it for you? Do you dread this period of your life? Do you feel like missing the greater part of your life? If you’re already retired, is this period more satisfying than the preceding one and do you succeed in giving a sense and a to-come to your life as a « project for living »? ISBN 978-2-923705-09-5 212 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ No rights available Retirement by itself does not exist. It is a period of time through the years, in order to « process our life again ». This free time allows the individual to encounter oneself for a last appointment. Fear of aging, a step towards euthanasia? (La peur de vieillir, un pas vers l’euthanasie ?) VALOIS ROBICHAUD, Ph.D Fear of aging, unique anteroom and first step towards euthanasia, is characteristic of a generation that rejects any form of helplessness, dependency and weakness; fear especially negates the radical inability when confronted with death which insidiously steals its growth, full consciousness and complete freedom. The all-mighty “baby boomer” generation cries its unrest! It is among these retirees and ISBN 978-2-923705-30-9 168 pages / 15 x 23 cm. elderly that suicide rate is highest. Anticipating dependency, decrepitude and death which they face powerless, they then “self-create” anxiety scenarios. 25 CA$ all rights available Other titles Why Don’t we Teach Hope? (Et si on enseignait l’espoir?) VALOIS ROBICHAUD, Ph.D I wrote this book at my students’ request, but mainly to testify to the double inheritance I received from my teachers at elementary school: the thirst for learning and the desire for personal surpassing. ISBN 978-2-923705-11-8 212 pages / 15 X 23 cm. 25 CA$ If school is the place where we start learning, it must also be the place where the student is confident and comforted. May we create a community-school where liberated light and speech from students would still delight? all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Other titles Yoga, meeting the tradition (Yoga, rencontrer la tradition) FRANCE BASTIEN Yoga, meeting the tradition introduces itself as the legacy of the lessons learned and as the integration of two traditions – « Rishi-kesh » tradition and « tantric » tradition of Kashmir that France Bastien learnt in depth during her (evolution) journey. This book demonstrates her progression in the art of yoga, and it is without pretention that the author takes you on the path she followed herself. It is designed for the neophyte as well as the seasoned fan; each will find tools to flourish in the practice of this art. ISBN 978-2-923705-29-3 224 pages / 21.6 x 27.9 cm. From the neophyte to the seasoned fan, EVERYTHING about yoga! 25 CA$ all rights available The spirit of the therapist / The psychoanalysis of Alice (L’Esprit du thérapeute : la psychanalyse d’Alice) DR BERNARD HERZOG « During a 1989 autumn evening, Alice had come to consult. [...] Quickly, I found that behind this massive aspect, lied a sensitive and fearful being, slipping between two waters, as wriggling as a fish, in short a deep gluttonous silver, because of her excess weight[...] » After having displayed the ins and outs of this analysis, after having displayed the methodology, the author introduces, session by session – and particularly by the in depth analysis of the Patient’s dreams –, Alice's psychoanalysis, who is going through a ISBN 978-2-923705-31-6 496 pages / 15 x 23 cm. huge bone of contention with her mother, inviting us to plunge deeply in the heart of the 30 CA$ human psyche. all rights available Messages from beyond (Messages de l’au-delà) DR BERNARD HERZOG Is there life after death? Under what form and for what purpose? ISBN 978-2-923705-21-7 360 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 27 CA$ Such is the questioning of a modern medicine university Professor. The big contribution of this book resides in the quality of the exchange between the Missing - acclaimed scientific researcher - who, from the Home of the Dead, shares with his rationalistic son answers of high philosophical and scientific content. The philosophical "testament" of a tireless researcher. all rights available The encyclopedia of dreams (L’Encyclopédie des rêves : un conte psychanalytique) SOANA KRISTEN The Encyclopaedia is meant as an oriental story such as “Mille et une Nuits” “Thousand and One Nights” to reveal a few essential mysteries in the meaning of dreams. The “Encyclopaedia of dreams” urges us into the exploratory adventure which intertwines the threads of a dream love story and a police intrigue. ISBN 978-2-923705-09-5 320 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ Dreaming is a question of life or death because I bite into life and I’m dying to live. all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Guide for the Writer and the Scriptwriter (Guide de l’écrivain et du scénariste) Other titles NADÈGE DEVAUX The Guide for the writer and the scriptwriter is intended for anyone, whatever is your level of schooling. The future writer will find here the golden rules to write a novel or a script. How should you improve your sense of observation? How should you develop a subject and create a story? How should your characters come alive? How should you describe atmospheres by adding odours, sounds, colours, sensitivity, magic and dramatic effect? How should you submit a manuscript or a script? How do you get to be published? The Guide for the writer and the scriptwriter answers to all these questions and more. ISBN 978-2-923705-22-4 164 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available (except for Arabic) Reinvent rituals: celebrating inner life by Writing New releases (Réinventer les rituels : célébrer sa vie intérieure par l’écriture) GINETTE BUREAU Why did we stop believing in rituals filled with symbols which revealed our unconscious and nourished our spiritual life? My research on the evolution of autobiographic writing through centuries – and on the loss of the sacred sense of the rituals – lead me to the writing of these tales. I am especially interested in the most desecrated ritual of our era: the ritual of love. If our religious rituals neglected our body, on the other hand our love rituals ignore our soul. My quest, both human and spiritual, feeds on the wish to touch the inner Divine. ISBN 978-2-923705-33-0 336 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Be in Love, be Free (Aimer sans perdre sa liberté) NEW EDITION COLETTE PORTELANCE, Ph.D This book was specially written for men and women in love all over the world, for couples, for those who feel a great need for love and an enormous craving for freedom. It is intended particularly for those who hesitate to begin a love life, for fear of losing their precious freedom in being what they are, this freedom of living in conformity with their values and priorities. This book includes elements that may effectively guide in practice those who want to live intensively without loosing themselves through their beloved. Reading this book will give one the possibility to access to a deep, lasting and genuine love, without sacrificing her or his freedom. ISBN 978-2-923705-35-4 312 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Cease hiding your inner artist ! (Cessez de cacher l’artiste en vous !) MAGDA VANDENDORPE Leaning over the fate of the artists impeded by a too heavily charged inferiority complex, this essay tends to demonstrate, through the analysis of reasons and consequences of this state, the capacity of the artist to free himself from the complex, by the taking charge and the empowerment of his state, by knowing and accepting one’s self, through the lengthy introspection process. ISBN 978-2-923705-36-1 276 pages / 15 x 23 cm. 25 CA$ all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert Ultimately the author leads the artist with the inferiority complex to gently and progressively leave his state of loneliness and repression to create him in total freedom and to free the creativity which is at the heart of his life. A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Also available PORTELANCE, COLETTE Freedom in Emotional Relationship RIVEST, CLAUDETTE The Family Novel, a Psychological Legacy (La liberté dans la relation affective) ISBN 978-2-922050-98-1 / 24.95 CA$ (Le roman familial : l’héritage psychologique) ISBN 978-2-922050-41-7 / 26.95 CA$ all rights available all rights available RIVEST, CLAUDETTE Concealed Memories and Illness DR HERZOG, BERNARD The 7 Plagues, the Ecological Risk (Les 7 fléaux : le péril écologique) ISBN 978-2-922050-46-2 / 25 CA$ (Les souvenirs occultés et la maladie) ISBN 978-2-922050-45-5 / 21.95 CA$ all rights available all rights available DR HERZOG, BERNARD The Genetically Modified: the First Signs of Disaster RIVEST, CLAUDETTE Loving and Understanding our Child (0-4 years) (Le transgénique : les premiers signes d’une catastrophe) ISBN 978-2-922050-24-0 / 25 CA$ (Aimer et comprendre son enfant 0-4 ans) ISBN 978-2-922050-34-9 / 25 CA$ all rights available all rights available MATTEAU, ANDRÉE From Pornography to Eroticism (De la pornographie à l’érotisme) ISBN 978-2-923705-17-0 / 25 CA$ all rights available Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Notes... Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana Notes... Pascale Patt e Wilbert A gence Ambre Communic ation Tél . : 05 45 85 79 00 ppatte wilber t@ wana