kolenu - Torah Academy of Minneapolis
kolenu - Torah Academy of Minneapolis
KOLENU c''qa eplew Volume VI, Number 19 News and Views of TORAH ACADEMY Yisro 18 Shevat 5765 January 28, 2005 Hadlokas Neros - 4:58 P.M. Attention All Parents! Now is the time to come to school & Sign up for conferences starting Tuesday night, Feb. 1 from 6-8 p.m. Conference sign-up continues Wednesday-Friday, Feb. 2-Feb. 4 during school hours Conference sign-up ends Friday, Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. Early Dismissal: Wednesday, February 2 •Teacher Inservice • Students dismissed at 2:30 p.m. • NO SLP SCHOOL BUS Inside this Kolenu... Re-Enrollment Due Tuesday, Feb. 1 February 1 is the deadline for re-enrollment. Any returning students who are not re-enrolled by February 1 will be considered NEW students and will be billed accordingly. Please let us know your plans for 2005-06 so we can prepare now. Thank you for supporting Torah Academy! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Important Dates, Cookbook Special Price Mazel Tovs, Sponsor, Photographer Coming Dean’s Message, School News From the Principal School News The Rebbe’s Corner Berochos Bee Results Place an ad in the Banquet Journal Banquet Honorees 2800 Joppa Avenue South · St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone [952] 920-6630 · Fax [952] 922-7844 · office@torahacademymn.org A Proud Beneficiary of The Minneapolis Jewish Federation KOLENU NEWS AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY 2 Volume VI, Number 19 January 28, 2005 Important Dates Tuesday, February 1 Conference Sign-Up Begins 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, February 1 •Re-enrollment forms due for all returning students •Chess class begins at 4:20 p.m.in Bais HaKeneses Tuesday, February 1 & Thursday, February 3 •Basic Skills Tests for 8th Grade Wednesday, February 2-Friday, February 4 Conference sign-up during school hours Order Kosher Wednesday, February 2 •Teacher Inservice •Students dismissed at 2:30 p.m. •NO SLP SCHOOL BUS Sunday, March 6 (note change) •Torah Academy Banquet Please correct your school calendar now! Monday, March 14 Science Fair by Design Entertains now for $27.99! Be the first on your block to get the newest cookbook by Susie Fishbein. Any order for Kosher by Design Entertains received by February 1 will receive 20% off the regular price of $34.99! Order by February 1 and you pay only $27.99. You only have a few days to reserve your copy at this special pre-publication price. Don’t miss this window of opportunity. Please call the Torah Academy Gift Shop at [952] 285-8618 and leave a message OR fax your order to the Gift Shop at [952] 922-7844. Kosher by Design Entertains is an elegant new cookbook by the author of Kosher by Design. The new cookbook has over 250 brand-new recipes, over 200 stunning color photographs, nine different party formats complete with menu suggestions and a special index indicating over 70 recipes appropriate for Passover. In this new cookbook, Susie Fishbein has created an inviting array of recipes written for the average person who desires above-average entertaining. Each recipe is simple yet elegant enough for any Shabbat, holiday, or everyday meal. The book is divided into menu courses with an index to find just the right recipe for any occasion. From engagement parties, bridal and baby showers, and housewarming parties to anniversary celebration and family get-togethers, there is something for everyone in Kosher by Design Entertains. From Mesorah Publications. sugu vkscvku aushek ihh KIDDUSH,HAVDALA & MORE Torah Academy Gift Shop Open Sunday: 10:00 a.m.–Noon Thursday: 8:30–10:30 p.m. Come See Us Soon Use the 28th Street Entrance [952] 285-8618 Torah Umesorah ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU NEWS 3 Volume VI, Number 19 VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY January 28, 2005 Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. David and Moran Beker of Yerushalayim on the birth of a son. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zemano. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Dr. and Mrs. Jerry and Emily Beker. Mazel Tov to Mr. Neale Hirsh & Mrs. Ashira Hirsh on the engagement of their daughter Yocheved to Mr. Daniel Rose of Baltimore. May the wedding take place b’shaah tovah u’mutzlachas. Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Tzipi Weinberg on the engagement of their daughter Raizy to Mr. Yudi Lieber of Brooklyn. May the wedding take place b’shaah tovah u’mutzlachas. Send your announcements, simchas, & news to kolenu@torahacademymn.org or call [952] 285-8603. Dear Parents, This Kolenu is sponsored by Lauren and Leah Reuteler in honor of their Savta and Papa’s 42nd wedding anniversary! The love you show each other every day is an inspiration to all who know you! May you enjoy another 42 years of happiness together. We can’t wait to see you! The photographers of Act One will be at school on Tuesday, st February 1 , to capture our students’ smiles while they learn. These pictures will be used for various marketing tools and we would appreciate it if your child(ren) would dress accordingly. If you choose NOT to have your child included, be sure to let Mary know at [952] 285-8609 by Monday, January 31. Wanted for Science Classes: Old, unwanted, or broken toys – especially from building games – are needed for science classes. Train tracks, wheels, gears, building blocks, clay, etc. are useful for constructing Science Fair “Rube Goldberg” contraptions. Torah Umesorah AND Wanted for Kindergarten: Kindergarten needs gently used dress-up clothes (i.e. Purim costumes, etc.) for its playhouse. Please check with Morah Bella Smith [952] 927-9670 or Morah Chaya Rena Weinberg at [952] 925-9216 before sending anything to school. Thank you. ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU Volume VI, Number 19 NEWS 4 AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY January 28, 2005 Dean’s Message Rabbi Ginsberg is in Israel this week attending the Torah Umesorah Principals’ Conference. His column will resume when he returns. Re-Enrollment Deadline~February 1, 2005 Please send your form for returning students to the office ASAP. The re-enrollment fee is $275 per family and there is an additional fee of $20 to receive a scholarship application. Any returning students who are not re-enrolled by February 1 will be considered NEW students and will be billed accordingly. Please let us know your plans for 2005-06 school year by February 1 so we can begin planning next year’s classes now. Men’s Taharas Hamishpacha Review Course this Sunday Evening Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff will be giving review courses for the Worldwide Taharas Hamishpacha/Family Purity Shovavim Project 5765. All married people are invited to review the fundamental halachos and haskafos that preserve the sanctity of the Jewish home. Men’s Course: This Sunday January 30th at 7:30 p.m. at Bais Yisroel, 4221 Sunset Blvd. Women’s Course: Sunday, February 6th at 7:30 p.m. at Bais Yisroel. Thank you to everyone who ordered from Dougie’s Grill to support the 8th Grade! Please remember: You must pick up your order on Sunday, February 6th at Torah Academy between 11 a.m.—12 noon. Torah Umesorah ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU NEWS AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY 5 Volume VI, Number 19 January 28, 2005 From the Principal... Arctic Explorer Visits Torah Academy Last week Mr. Bob O’Hara gave presentations to our 5th-8th students on exploring Canada’s Arctic. Mr. O’Hara is widely recognized by canoeists as an expert on paddling the rivers in that part of the world. These talks coincided with the middle-school research project on explorers and just followed the fifth-graders’ trip to Westwood Nature Center. At Westwood, our students learned some survival skills, such as starting a fire in 10°F weather. Students had a number of questions on a variety of issues. After giving a short talk on the nature of Arctic travel, Mr. O’Hara took some questions from the audience. Our students had some excellent questions for him. Among them: “Why do you do this? Do you hope to become famous or rich?” “What do you do with your garbage?” “What is the most dangerous experience you had?” “Have you ever tipped your canoe over? What did you do?” “What if that polar bear got mad after you took its picture?” Many of Mr. O’Hara’s comments and answers will linger with students for some time, and some may fade away. But everyone who heard his talk recognized that this is a remarkable person who has “If the American Indians had had the technology to bend seen things and been places that few people can boards, they would have made canoe paddles just like this share. one.” Mr. Gary E. Parnes The explorers students learn about in history texts are mostly European men who sailed to foreign lands several centuries ago as a precursor to colonization. Modern day explorers, like Mr. O’Hara, are driven to go where few, if any, people have gone before them. He shared with the students that he started school at age four, then taught high school for thirty-seven years before retiring. The lure of the Arctic is that, unlike school, there are no bells, no phone calls, and no orders to follow. His expeditions typically start in June, a few days after school lets out. He and his fellow travelers paddle forty strokes a minute, 50-55 minutes an hour, eight hours a day for about fifty days. continued in next column Torah Umesorah Winter Ice & Slush Alert Please send your children to school dressed for the weather. Make sure they have hats, gloves, warm jackets, and snow pants and boots when appropriate. This way your children will be able to enjoy their recess times even in the cold and snow. Sponsor the Kolenu YOU TOO can insert a personal greeting for $10, sponsor an issue for $36 or publish a non-profit flyer for $20. Business advertising is $50 for a full page ad, $30 for a half page ad, and $18 for a quarter page ad. For more information, contact Bethaviva Cohen at [952] 285-8603 or kolenu@torahacademymn.org . ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU NEWS AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY 6 Volume VI, Number 19 January 28, 2005 Science Fair Prep Continues WITS Shabbaton Next Shabbos Middle school continues to learn about simple machines as they prepare for the “Rube Goldberg” science fair, coming March 14. The students below learned about compound pulleys last week. Due to an increased interest in exploring the educational opportunities available at the Wisconsin Institute of Torah Studies in Milwaukee, WITS announces a Shabbaton planned for Twin Cities 7th and 8th grade boys February 4th-6th. Transportation is being arranged, and all meals and activities associated with the weekend are included. Please contact the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yehudah Cheplowitz at [414] 963-9317, or Wendy Runge [952] 927-5644, for more information. Troop 613 Cub Scouts Shlomo Miller (2nd from R) was able to overcome Hillel Kasowitz (L) and Moshe Dovi Roberts (R) in a tug-of-war because he had an unfair advantage, a compound pulley of sorts. Looking for an enriched summer academic program for a current 5th or 6th grader? Then ExplorSchool is for you! 2 week – all day program sponsored by Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth held at Ramsey Junior High near Macalester College in St. Paul Excel Cleaning Services •Roof snow removal •Carpet cleaning Dates: June 20–July 1, Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Tuition: $450 •House cleaning •Interior house painting For an online catalog and application visit: www.mity.org Or call 651-696-6590. Some financial aid is available. Registration deadline April 20. Contact Moshe Vorotinov [952] 922-6112 www.excelenterprises.us E-mail: mity@macalester.edu Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth 1600 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 Torah Umesorah January 30-Parents/Committee Meeting January 31- Den meeting February 3-Round Table for Pack Representative Sunday, February 6-Winter Survival Experience outing. ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU NEWS AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY 7 Volume VI, Number 19 January 28, 2005 The “Rebbe’s” Corner Please Keep Sick Children Home! This week’s parsha relates the wondrous experience of receiving the Torah at Har Sinai. The last of the ten commandments is “Do not covet your friend’s wife, his servant...his donkey and all that belongs to your friend.” An obvious question is raised. Why does the possuk emphasize not to desire specific objects and then state a collective statement; nor anything that belongs to your friend? In fact, the Torah is giving us a helpful tip in controlling our envy and desires for others’ possessions. When we see someone with more wealth, greater talents, a better job, more friends, a charming personality, wellbehaved kids, a calmer disposition, or anything that we wish we had, “do not desire his servant... donkey,” we must look at the next half of the possuk. “Nor anything that belongs to your friend” teaches us to look at the whole person, the whole situation. Look at all the baggage he carries with him. Remember, for all the problems we know about, there are more that remain behind closed doors. So next time we may desire something that someone else has, let’s try to see the entire picture. Would we ever give our lot for someone else’s full baggage?!? Good Shabbos! Rena Neuwirth Torah Academy follows these rules to decide if a child is well enough to be at school: •If a child has vomited or had diarrhea, the child should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode. •If a child has had a fever of 100°F or more, the child should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal. •If a child has any rash that is disease-related or you do not know the cause, check with your family physician before sending the child to school. •If the child is ill, please call the school to report the illness. We only request homework from teachers if you call the office to ask for it. Please be considerate of the staff and other students at school—do not expose other people to illness by sending your child back to school prematurely! The Health Office Staff Don’t miss the double-CD “Voices for Israel— Chazak Amenu: We Stand as One” .Features 35 songs, by such musical greats as Yehuda, Beat’achon, Avraham Fried, and more—each group has recorded one song to join their voices for Israel. $25 per double CD. Proceeds go equally to Torah Academy Discovery Room and victims of terror in Israel. Contact Ramie Delmoor [612] 987-2191 or Judy Shapiro [952] 927-4706 to purchase it. Torah Umesorah ~2004~ Shovel Away Your Problems By Calling the 8th Grade! $15 per driveway $8 per walkway $20 for both together Reservations call Adam Kass [952] 925-4571. Please leave a message with your name and phone number if there is no answer. Available Sunday mornings Monday–Thursday evenings Proceeds to benefit the 8th grade class! School of the Year KOLENU NEWS AND 8 Volume VI, Number 19 VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY January 28, 2005 Tu B’Shevat 5765 Berochos Bee Participant List 1A & 1B All the students participated! 2G Shira Mandelbaum Gila Grad Basya Geretz Sarah Frank (alternate) 2B Eliezer Weinreb Yechiel Yehuda Lefkowitz Eli Frishman 3 Akiva Frishman Miriam Kutoff Isaac Greenwood 4 Ozer Bar-Meir Dovid Zvi Weinreb Shoshana Bushee Moshe Goldberger Mordechai Prero Sruli Roberts Shimrit Cassuto 5G Avigayil Gres Liba Kutoff Shira Yardley 5B Avinoam Singer Elliott Blitenthal Yaakov Goldberger 6B Sruly Lieff Menachem Waxman Chaim Smith Shai Hillman (alternate) 6G Rivka Heisler Gitty Spero Esti Weinberg 7B Moshe Dovi Roberts Hillel Kasowitz Avrohom Akiva Prero 7G Annie Fishman Sara Weinberg Tali Etziony 8B Mendel Silver Binyomin Weinberg Leib Yardley 8G Elianna Mintz Chaya Tzipporah Waxman Layah Shagalow We grouped the students into three grade levels for the final Berochos Bees. In the First Grade Berochos Bee, the winners were Shoshana Kusnetz, Zeke Moffat, Esther Leah Greenberg, Simcha Borenstein, Shaindy Hutman, Elisheva Miller and Ashira Major. Thank you to Mrs. Weinberg for administering the First Grade Berochos Bee. In the 2nd–5th Grades, the first place winners were Gila Grad, Sarah Frank, Yechiel Yehuda Lefkowitz, Eli Frishman, Ozer Bar-Meir, Dovid Zvi Weinreb, Avigayil Gres, Liba Kutoff, and Yaakov Goldberger. The second place winner was Moshe Goldberger and the third place winner was Mordechai Prero. Thank you to Rabbi Yaakov Waxman for administering the 2nd–5th Grade Berochos Bee. In the 6th–8th Grades the first place winners were Sruly Lieff, Menachem Waxman, Esti Weinberg, Moshe Dovi Roberts, Sara Weinberg, Mendel Silver, Binyomin Weinberg, and Elianna Mintz. The second place winner was Tali Etziony and the third place winner was Hillel Kasowitz. Thank you to Rabbi Ari Neuwirth for administering the 6th–8th Grade Berochos Bee. It was an educational and fun experience for all the students! Photos from the First Grade Berochos Bee Torah Umesorah ~2004~ School of the Year KOLENU Volume VI, Number 19 Torah Umesorah NEWS 10 ~2004~ AND VIEWS OF TORAH ACADEMY January 28, 2005 School of the Year
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$30 for a half page ad, and $18 for a quarter page ad.
For more information, contact Bethaviva Cohen
at [952] 285-8603 or kolenu@torahacademymn.org .