NJ Pilot Report Appendics
NJ Pilot Report Appendics
Testing Potential MAP-21 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendices October 2014 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors ABOUT THE NJTPA THE NJTPA IS THE FEDERALLY AUTHORIZED Metropolitan Planning Organization for 6.6 million people in the 13-county northern New Jersey region. Each year, the NJTPA oversees more than $2 billion in transportation improvement projects and provides a forum for interagency cooperation and public input. It also sponsors and conducts studies, assists county planning agencies and monitors compliance with national air quality goals. DISCLAIMER THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority, Inc. with funding from the Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Highway Administration and technical contributions from the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The NJTPA is solely responsible for its content. The document is meant for informational purposes only. PROJECT TEAM BRIAN FINEMAN , NJTPA, Director, Systems Planning KEITH MILLER , NJTPA, Principal Planner, Data Analysis and Forecasting SUTAPA BHATTARCHARJEE , NJTPA, Principal Transportation Planner JOHN ALLEN , NJDOT, Section Chief, Commuter/Mobility Strategies Appendix A Draft Scope of Work New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY A-1 New Jersey’s Pilot Study of Using AASHTO’s Performance Measure Methodology for MAP-‐21 (Secondary Effort -‐ Partners in Using Archived Ops Data “Shared” Measures) Proposed Scope Outline July 26, 2013 (Note: All measures, alternatives, and variations discussed in this scope are to be investigated, and performed where possible) Background/Context Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-‐21) establishes these national (system) performance goals for Federal Highway programs (among others): Congestion Reduction -‐ to achieve a significant reduction on congestion on the NHS System Reliability -‐ to improve the efficiency of the surface transportation system To date, USDOT has not formalized performance measures for these goals; however, AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Performance Management (SCOPM) recommends these national-‐level system performance measures in their Findings on National Performance Measures document (11.09.2012): Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) – travel time above a congestion threshold (defined by State DOTs and MPOs) Reliability Index (RI80) – the ratio of the 80th percentile travel time to the agency-‐determined threshold travel time These measures are to be calculated for Interstate and the National Highway System (NHS) corridors within each State. At the kick-‐off NJ MAP-‐21 Performance Measure Committee (called for and hosted by NJDOT), John Allen (NJDOT) expressed concern of the SCOPM’s PM methodologies, in terms of data availability, level of effort and usability of results in “telling the story” of project effectiveness and prudent fiscal expenditures for New Jersey. John suggested that a pilot corridor be chosen to “test” the proposed methodologies to answer some or all of these concerns. Subsequently, Keith Miller of the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) took the lead in assembling a Scope of Work for a Pilot Study of two corridors in New Jersey – an Interstate (I-‐78) and a non-‐ Interstate NHS (NJ Route 18). The following SOW, a collaborative effort between NJDOT and the NJTPA, lays out general procedures, assumptions, and some up-‐front issues and decision points for evaluating the corridors. To the extent possible, this scope also covers “shared” measures, as agreed to by the Partners in Using Archived Operations Data Committee, a multi-‐state group essentially aligned with the I-‐95 Corridor Coalition. ICON KEY Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 1 Corridors All performance measures will be calculated on a TMC level, and then aggregated up to sub-‐corridors and corridors using appropriate weighting factors (straight summation for AHD, weighted average for RI80 and travel time (see below)). Only the mainline will be evaluated (no ramps/interchanges). • I-78 (Interstate; rural to urban; local & express lanes; toll & free) 78-C 78-B 78-A o • 78-D Entire length (I-‐78 Toll Bridge/PA border to Holland Tunnel/NY Border – 67.8 miles), subdivided into 4 sub-‐corridors: § PA border to I-‐287 (30.8 miles) § I-‐287 to GSP (22.6 miles) § GSP to NJ Turnpike (5.4 miles) § NJ Turnpike to Holland Tunnel (9.0 miles) NJ 18 (NHS freeway & arterial; limited access & traffic signals; urban, commercial, semi-‐rural) 18 -D 18 -C 18 -B 18-A o Entire length (NJ 138 to Hoes Lane – 45.3 miles), subdivided into 4 sub-‐corridors: § NJ 138 to GSP (14.3 miles) § GSP to US 9 (16.1 miles) § US 9 to NJ Turnpike (9.5 miles) § NJ Turnpike to Hoes Lane (5.4 miles) Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 2 Analysis Period • Calendar year 2012 (Jan 1 through Dec 31) Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) – National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) and Freight System Performance, CMAQ Traffic Congestion & Shared Measure • Data: o o o o o o o Obtained hourly average travel times for each day of an “average week” using the VPP Suite Massive Raw Data Downloader for the entire calendar year 2012 Calculate average travel times by day of week and hour of day over entire year (e.g., average 8:00-‐8:59AM Mondays, average 8:00-‐8:59AM Tuesdays, etc.) to create “synthetic average week” Obtained hourly vehicle volumes from the NJCMS (manually conflated to the corridor’s TMCs) Obtain hourly truck volumes from the NJCMS and/or Weigh-‐in-‐Motion (WIM) data Obtain hourly bus volumes from NJ TRANSIT, private carrier schedules Obtain vehicle occupancy from sources such as Plan4Safety, NJ TRANSIT and the NJRTM-‐E Considerations/Issues: § Concept of “average week” from AASHTO recommended method, but how this is to be determined was unspecified. • Intention is to calculate a “synthetic average week” from averaging days of week over 52 weeks in a year (e.g., an “average Sunday”, “average Monday”, etc.). • While we could possibly look for a specific week that closely matches the “average week” (avoiding major/minor holidays, school vacation, special events, weather events, etc.), there would still be a concern whether that same week would be “average” from year to year. § NJCMS does not distinguish between days of week, but does provide estimated hourly volumes for a “typical weekday.” • Assume that all weekdays are identical. § Investigate whether weekend factors can/should be used (both weekend day to “typical weekday” and weekend hourly breakdown). § Conflation effort is underway for the two pilot corridors. This is a time-‐consuming, carriageway-‐by-‐carriageway process, but it results in an SRI (standard route identifier), and beginning and ending mileposts for each TMC segment. This can then be used to calculate an “average volume” for each TMC (weighted by segment length). § The NJCMS does not provide separate volumes for express and local lanes of I-‐78, whereas INRIX provides distinct travel times for these TMC links. • Initial approach is to use the number of lanes (3 in local and 2 in express) to divide the NJCMS volume. • CMS-‐21 may have a breakdown of volumes for local and express. § Limited NJ TRANSIT bus service on I-‐78 and NJ 18 § Some private carrier bus service on I-‐78 and NJ 18, but passenger volumes may be difficult to obtain for private carriers Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 3 Investigate vehicle occupancy (from crash data) by link/subcorridor/corridor, or county & functional classification Incorporate bus passenger volumes § § • AASHTO Recommended Calculation Method (Assumptions): AASHTO Example (pg 25): “…use…Threshold Speed in comparison with a dataset of hourly speeds for each day of the average week… Any of the 168 speeds (7 days x 24 hours) that are below the…threshold speed would be determined ‘experiencing delay’; the vehicle-‐miles of travel for that hour on that road section would be multiplied by the minutes of extra travel time…” o Don’t count “negative delay” (travel time less than threshold) o “Volume” can be vehicle volumes or person volumes (vehicle volume x vehicle occupancy) o Threshold can be constant (e.g., freeflow travel time) or based on hour of day and day of week (e.g., hourly medians; see TT Threshold Variations below) o • AASHTO Recommended Calculation Method (Calculations): o !"#$%!! !" !"#,!"# !" !""# = !"#!! !" !"# ×!"# 0, !!!! !" !"#,!"# !" !""# − !ℎ!"#ℎ!"# !!!! !" !"#,!"# !" !""# !"# o !!!" !"# = 52× !"# !" !""#!!"# • !! !" !"#!!"!" !"#$%!!,!""#$%& Alternate Calculation Method: Rationale: using an “average week” may underestimate actual annual delay; using actual hourly data may give a fuller representation of delay. o Instead of using a synthetic “average week”, calculate delay for all 8,760 hours in the year (24 hrs/day x 365 days) o Volume would correspond to hour of the day, and can be vehicle volumes or person volumes o Threshold can be constant or based on hour of day and day of week o !"# = !!!" !"# !" !! !"!" !"# ! !"#!! !" !"# ×!"# 0, !!! − !ℎ!"#ℎ!"# !!!! !" !"#,!"# !" !""# • • Considerations/Issues: o Travel Time Threshold Variations (all capped by travel time at posted speed): § Freeflow travel time § Median travel time (for each hour of day and day of week) § Maximum throughput travel time (e.g., at 70% posted speed) § “Acceptable travel time” – Based on area type (assigned for each TMC segment) and time of day, travel time at “acceptable speeds”, e.g., Area Type Urban Suburban Rural Issues/Considerations Percent of Freeflow Speed Peak Off-‐peak 60% 75% 75% 85% 90% 95% Progress This table is merely a starting point, and needs to be examined in context of specific segments (e.g., Route 18 in New Brunswick) to determine whether adjustments are appropriate, and whether different factors are needed for freeways vs. arterials. Assumptions Calculations Page | 4 o o o o Measurement Unit Variations: § Vehicle-‐hours of delay § Person-‐hours of delay (shared measure) § Delay per capita/traveler (per capita may require definition of roadway catchment area) § Delay per mile/lane-‐mile Measurement Period Variations: § All Day • Default AASHTO recommendation. • Captures any congestion that might occur during off-‐peak or weekend time periods (e.g., construction-‐ or incident-‐related), to the extent that they show up in the probe data. • In the future, more hours may have real-‐time probe data, as number of probes increase (or other sources of travel time are made available). • Including off-‐peak/weekend delay shouldn’t dilute the impact of any congestion that occurs during the weekday peak periods. (However, it would be inappropriate to divide the AHD by 365 and present this as average daily delay.) Peak/off-‐peak § AASHTO mentions that it may be useful to present total annual delay during peak periods and off-‐peak periods separately. Vehicle Type Variations: § All Vehicles (NHPP Performance Measure) § Trucks only (Freight System Performance Measure) § Buses only Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 5 Reliability Index (RI80) – NHPP and Freight System Performance & Shared Measure • Data: o o o • Downloaded five-‐minute travel time data for one year – VPP Suite Massive Raw Data Downloader § Required for AASHTO-‐recommended method. § Captures short-‐lived delay. § Only consider records with some real-‐time probe data (confidence > 20) Volumes – NJCMS (as above) Vehicle occupancy – Plan4Safety, NJ TRANSIT, NJRTM-‐E (as above) AASHTO Recommended Calculation Method (Calculations): Represents the multiplier needed to be on time 80 percent of the time if you happen to be traveling in the worst five-‐minute period of the day (compared to a threshold travel time for that segment, regardless of time of day). o Divide the day into 288 five-‐minute intervals (24x12=288) o For each five-‐minute interval (e.g., 8:00-‐8:05AM), array travel times from all days (either calendar days or workdays) in ascending order o Calculate 80th percentile travel time (TT80) for each five-‐minute interval, across all days (either calendar days or workdays) o From the 288 values of TT80, select highest value over the entire day (or just over the peak period) !"#$%&% !!!" o !"!" = !ℎ!"#ℎ!"# !! o Note that the shared measures discussion coalesced around using median speed as the threshold speed for reliability. However, only non-‐time-‐dependent threshold travel times can be used in this formulation (one value per segment), and thus median travel time would need to be calculated over the entire day (or just the peak), not by time of day and/or day of week. • Alternate Calculation Method: Rationale: to account for variations in median travel time (used as a threshold) over the course of a day. Varying the threshold over the day may be more reflective of the road users’ perception of reliability. o Represents the multiplier that is needed to be on time 80 percent of the time, compared to the typical/expected travel time for that segment for the time of day that you’re traveling. o For each of the 288 five-‐minute intervals, calculate the median travel time (either over all calendar days or just workdays), !!!" o For each five-‐minute period over entire year (288x365=105,120 periods), calculate Travel Time Ratio (!!"! ), using the median travel time corresponding to that five-‐minute period (!!!" ! ) !!! !!"! = !!!" ! o o Array values of TTR for entire day (or just peak period) from all days (either calendar days or workdays) in ascending order Calculate the 80th percentile value of TTR. Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 6 • Considerations/Issues: o o o o o o Travel Time Threshold Variations (all capped by travel time at posted speed): § Freeflow travel time § Median travel time (shared measure) • Over entire day or peak period – for AASHTO formulation • For each five-‐minute interval within a day – for Alternate formulation § Maximum throughput travel time (e.g., at 70% posted speed) § “Acceptable travel time” (see discussion under AHD) § Consider pluses/minuses of using same or different thresholds for AHD and RI80 Measurement Period Variations: § All Day (365 days) § Workdays1 § Peak/off-‐peak Segment/Corridor Aggregation Variations: § VMT § PMT § Peak period volumes Vehicle Type Variations: § All Vehicles Trucks only (Freight System Performance Measure) Buses only 1 AASHTO cites “240 days” as the number of workdays in a year, which is the typical citation for the number of workdays in a year. However, that includes accounting for vacation/sick days; we can really only exclude weekends and major holidays, so the number of workdays is closer to 250 days (260 weekdays, minus 10 major holidays—New Year’s, MLK Birthday, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 7 Travel Time – Shared Measure • Data: o o o • Calculation Methods (compute all): o o o • Vehicle volumes Person volumes Measurement Unit Variations: o o o • Freeflow travel time § Reference speed from VPP Suite hourly travel time database “Usual” travel time § Median travel time calculated for thresholds • for AHD (by hour of day and day of week) • for RI80 (over entire day or just peak period) • for Alternate reliability measure (by hour of day) “Worst day of the week” travel time § Maximum TT80 calculated for RI80 § 80th percentile travel time from five-‐minute travel time database (over entire day or just peak period) Segment/Corridor Aggregation Variations: o o • Downloaded hourly and five-‐minute average travel times for one year – VPP Suite Massive Raw Data Downloader Volumes – NJCMS (as above) Vehicle occupancy (by time of day?) – Plan4Safety, NJ TRANSIT (as above) Aggregate travel time Travel time per vehicle Travel time per capita/traveler (per capita may require definition of roadway catchment area) Measurement Period Variations: o o All Day Peak/off-‐peak Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 8 Pilot Study Logistics There are several logistical elements of the Pilot Study that will be employed to ensure successful completion: • VPP Suite Users Group Participation …to make this effort successful here in NJ as well as elsewhere, we will engage and coordinate with the VPP Suite Users Group (via facilitation through the I-‐95 Corridor Coalition) to leverage the experience, talents and expertise of group members. By doing this, we will achieve a better overall process that can be used in other States successfully. • Step-‐by-‐Step Documentation/Presentations…as we move through each task, there will be thorough and comprehensive documentation of each step of the processes, to ensure that it can be replicated elsewhere. Also, presentations will be done to highlight and summarize efforts at key junctures, through webcasts or other means. A feedback loop may be established to receive comments, as well as provide information to AASHTO and the USDOT of our experiences, problems and challenges as they occur. • Lessons Learned…this piece may turn out to be one of the most important sections in the document, as capturing how we dealt with problems and challenges, and what we learned from the overall process will help establish better analytical methodologies, visualizations, and ultimately, effectiveness of MAP-‐ 21. • Additional Evaluations…this scope provides for just one of the possible tests that could be done of SCOPM’s methodologies and the overall philosophy of asset management (performance measurement, target-‐setting and achieving real results). For example, multi-‐year analyses should be conducted to see what PM changes occur over time, and whether those changes are meaningful, at varying scales (sub-‐ corridor, corridor, state). It would also be very beneficial, indeed critical, to conduct analyses of roadways that have had projects recently completed, to see the effects of the improvement in terms of PM changes. Issues/Considerations Progress Assumptions Calculations Page | 9 Appendix B Detailed Tables of Results by Sub-corridor and Corridor New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY B-1 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Free-flow Vehicles 1,191,000 470,400 721,100 31,570 16,440 15,130 4,781 1,212 3,569 703,800 330,800 373,000 451,300 121,900 329,300 2,969,000 1,940,000 1,029,000 365,200 181,300 184,000 308,700 183,300 125,500 714,900 243,100 471,800 1,580,000 1,332,000 247,700 Persons (no transit) 1,595,000 632,700 962,100 40,020 20,840 19,180 6,111 1,549 4,561 960,500 451,400 509,100 588,200 158,900 429,200 4,126,000 2,702,000 1,425,000 517,800 257,000 260,800 405,000 240,400 164,600 987,600 335,800 651,800 2,216,000 1,868,000 347,500 Annual Hours of Delay (AASHTO Method) "Acceptable" Speed Persons (w/ transit) 1,666,000 663,700 1,002,000 40,400 21,050 19,350 6,206 1,574 4,632 1,018,000 478,500 539,400 601,100 162,600 438,600 4,392,000 2,823,000 1,569,000 563,900 277,900 286,000 440,800 260,400 180,400 1,130,000 384,100 745,700 2,257,000 1,900,000 356,900 Buses Trucks Vehicles 2,222 58,470 489,200 1,014 18,580 160,300 1,208 39,890 328,900 16.68 1,429 0.70 9.112 820.3 0.70 7.573 608.5 0.00 4.386 425.7 2,418 1.208 69.45 763.7 3.178 356.2 1,654 1,795 47,840 269,900 898.5 14,440 122,800 896.7 33,400 147,100 405.8 8,774 216,800 105.5 3,255 36,690 300.3 5,519 180,200 7,440 213,700 1,008,000 3,263 130,700 743,200 4,177 82,990 264,500 1,288 46,160 240,200 576.1 23,920 105,000 711.5 22,240 135,200 1,118 19,650 32,600 583.9 9,062 13,940 534.4 10,580 18,660 4,085 51,100 39,610 1,389 17,820 2,090 2,696 33,280 37,520 949.6 96,770 695,300 714.1 79,890 622,200 235.5 16,880 73,060 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Persons (no transit) 654,100 216,500 437,700 0.88 0.88 0.00 3,090 976.1 2,114 368,400 167,700 200,700 282,600 47,820 234,800 1,413,000 1,043,000 370,600 340,600 148,800 191,800 42,760 18,280 24,480 54,720 2,888 51,840 975,200 872,800 102,500 Persons (w/ transit) 684,300 228,400 455,900 0.90 0.90 0.00 3,135 993.1 2,142 392,300 178,000 214,300 288,800 49,390 239,400 1,474,000 1,071,000 402,800 370,600 160,400 210,200 46,460 20,250 26,210 66,640 3,576 63,060 990,500 887,200 103,300 Buses 894.9 370.0 524.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.188 0.84 1.342 713.4 332.7 380.7 179.3 36.47 142.8 1,639 738.8 900.4 885.3 347.0 538.3 128.2 53.96 74.20 281.9 15.47 266.4 343.9 322.4 21.53 Trucks 21,580 6,216 15,360 0.07 0.07 0.00 225.8 48.06 177.7 17,690 5,222 12,470 3,668 946.1 2,722 75,400 50,090 25,310 32,620 15,320 17,300 2,756 871.3 1,884 2,515 71.72 2,443 37,510 33,830 3,685 Page 1 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles Vehicles 76.43 172,300 38.29 68,730 38.14 103,600 17.61 2,798 8.69 757.3 8.92 2,041 32.75 3,484 16.56 1,024 16.18 2,460 17.90 85,520 8.89 46,730 9.01 38,790 8.18 80,540 4.15 20,220 4.03 60,320 155.58 1,165,000 79.18 637,600 76.40 527,900 61.45 252,100 30.05 122,600 31.39 129,500 54.58 230,900 28.38 149,000 26.20 81,910 21.36 340,600 10.34 117,200 11.02 223,300 18.19 341,900 10.40 248,800 7.79 93,130 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Annual Hours of Delay (AASHTO Method) Day/Hour Median Maximum Throughput Persons (no transit) 229,700 92,400 137,300 3,547 960.0 2,587 4,453 1,309 3,145 116,700 63,780 52,940 105,000 26,360 78,610 1,610,000 880,100 730,300 357,500 173,900 183,700 302,900 195,400 107,500 470,500 161,900 308,500 479,600 349,000 130,600 Persons (w/ transit) 239,000 97,490 141,500 3,576 971.3 2,605 4,521 1,330 3,191 123,400 68,310 55,140 107,500 26,880 80,590 1,754,000 941,300 812,600 390,700 188,900 201,800 331,800 212,500 119,300 541,400 186,600 354,800 490,000 353,300 136,700 Buses 279.5 139.2 140.3 1.064 0.42 0.63 3.200 1.061 2.139 194.1 120.6 73.49 81.12 17.11 64.02 4,023 1,673 2,350 978.7 432.7 546.0 839.7 480.7 359.0 1,957 662.6 1,295 247.3 96.75 150.5 Trucks 8,413 2,853 5,559 101.0 41.56 59.45 318.7 63.65 255.1 6,149 2,108 4,041 1,844 640.1 1,204 95,790 50,910 44,880 35,560 18,200 17,370 13,220 7,410 5,813 23,680 8,086 15,600 23,310 17,210 6,101 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Vehicles 686,000 232,000 454,000 243.4 14.61 228.8 1,713 379.6 1,334 385,600 179,000 206,600 298,500 52,660 245,800 2,018,000 1,394,000 623,400 97,540 35,200 62,340 107,000 67,250 39,720 490,100 104,200 385,900 1,323,000 1,188,000 135,400 Persons (no transit) 917,700 313,400 604,300 308.5 18.52 290.0 2,190 485.2 1,705 526,200 244,200 282,000 389,000 68,630 320,400 2,812,000 1,948,000 863,500 138,300 49,900 88,390 140,300 88,210 52,110 677,000 143,900 533,100 1,856,000 1,666,000 189,900 Persons (w/ transit) 961,900 330,900 630,900 310.7 18.82 291.9 2,223 494.3 1,729 561,600 259,800 301,700 397,800 70,570 327,200 2,974,000 2,013,000 961,500 150,600 53,700 96,890 151,400 95,660 55,740 784,400 170,100 614,300 1,888,000 1,694,000 194,600 Buses Trucks 1,304 30,950 543.5 9,084 760.3 21,860 0.08 7.687 0.01 1.395 0.06 6.292 1.651 188.5 0.45 32.68 1.196 155.8 1,050 25,550 496.9 7,669 553.4 17,890 251.8 5,198 46.12 1,380 205.7 3,817 4,442 129,100 1,631 82,470 2,811 46,580 347.6 12,300 102.3 4,413 245.3 7,892 374.6 7,355 212.7 2,986 161.9 4,369 2,987 32,720 700.4 6,640 2,286 26,080 733.4 76,680 616.1 68,430 117.2 8,246 Page 2 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Annual Hours of Delay (AASHTO Method) Annual Median Miles Vehicles 76.43 877,900 38.29 297,700 38.14 580,200 17.61 14,440 8.69 6,853 8.92 7,591 32.75 4,158 16.56 1,212 16.18 2,945 17.90 458,800 8.89 199,100 9.01 259,700 8.18 400,500 4.15 90,510 4.03 310,000 155.58 2,287,000 79.18 1,482,000 76.40 805,300 61.45 357,600 30.05 175,700 31.39 181,800 54.58 289,500 28.38 172,400 26.20 117,100 21.36 446,800 10.34 135,300 11.02 311,400 18.19 1,194,000 10.40 998,700 7.79 194,900 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Persons (no transit) 1,172,000 400,000 771,900 18,310 8,687 9,623 5,314 1,549 3,765 626,200 271,800 354,400 522,000 118,000 404,100 3,178,000 2,063,000 1,115,000 507,000 249,200 257,800 379,800 226,200 153,700 617,200 186,900 430,200 1,674,000 1,401,000 273,300 Persons (w/ transit) 1,224,000 420,100 804,000 18,480 8,776 9,701 5,394 1,574 3,820 666,400 288,800 377,600 533,800 120,900 412,900 3,398,000 2,163,000 1,235,000 552,200 269,500 282,700 413,800 245,200 168,600 720,400 218,400 502,000 1,711,000 1,430,000 281,800 Buses Trucks 1,575 41,900 630.8 12,000 944.2 29,900 7.093 598.0 3.879 340.1 3.214 257.9 3.743 365.4 1.208 69.45 2.535 296.0 1,206 33,400 545.4 9,173 660.6 24,220 358.2 7,542 80.32 2,421 277.9 5,121 5,921 163,500 2,578 98,320 3,343 65,130 1,277 45,610 565.0 23,450 712.5 22,160 1,050 18,290 549.6 8,384 500.1 9,903 2,736 29,680 818.1 8,885 1,918 20,800 857.5 69,870 645.1 57,600 212.4 12,270 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Annual Hours of Delay (NJTPA Method) Free-flow Vehicles 1,241,000 496,100 744,800 36,890 18,820 18,070 16,790 7,119 9,674 717,600 339,900 377,700 469,600 130,200 339,300 3,223,000 2,067,000 1,156,000 459,400 230,900 228,500 411,900 238,200 173,600 728,300 250,200 478,100 1,623,000 1,348,000 275,300 Persons (no transit) 1,660,000 666,600 993,000 46,760 23,860 22,900 21,460 9,099 12,360 979,300 463,900 515,500 612,000 169,700 442,300 4,475,000 2,876,000 1,598,000 651,400 327,400 324,000 540,300 312,500 227,800 1,006,000 345,600 660,500 2,277,000 1,891,000 386,100 Persons (w/ transit) 1,732,000 698,700 1,034,000 47,210 24,100 23,110 21,840 9,271 12,570 1,038,000 491,800 546,000 625,400 173,500 451,900 4,767,000 3,011,000 1,756,000 709,700 354,900 354,900 588,400 338,700 249,700 1,150,000 394,700 755,000 2,320,000 1,923,000 396,500 Page 3 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Annual Hours of Delay (NJTPA Method) "Acceptable" Speed Day/Hour Median Vehicles 597,100 202,900 394,300 1,037 162.7 874.1 11,030 4,974 6,059 312,900 145,200 167,800 272,100 52,560 219,600 1,701,000 1,112,000 588,700 380,300 184,900 195,400 231,100 135,900 95,200 210,500 54,720 155,800 879,200 736,900 142,300 Persons (no transit) 797,200 273,200 524,000 1,314 206.3 1,108 14,100 6,358 7,744 427,100 198,100 229,000 354,700 68,500 286,200 2,366,000 1,550,000 816,800 539,200 262,200 277,000 303,100 178,200 124,900 290,800 75,600 215,300 1,233,000 1,034,000 199,600 Persons (w/ transit) 832,700 287,600 545,100 1,323 208.5 1,115 14,360 6,479 7,880 454,500 210,500 244,000 362,500 70,400 292,100 2,515,000 1,618,000 897,700 587,800 284,500 303,300 330,800 193,500 137,200 340,400 88,230 252,200 1,256,000 1,051,000 205,000 Vehicles 386,400 158,200 228,200 13,890 6,111 7,782 15,800 6,990 8,814 188,500 97,880 90,590 168,200 47,240 121,000 1,778,000 1,003,000 775,200 385,000 192,600 192,400 357,200 214,800 142,400 447,200 157,700 289,500 588,800 437,900 150,800 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Persons (no transit) 514,300 211,800 302,400 17,610 7,747 9,865 20,200 8,934 11,270 257,200 133,600 123,600 219,200 61,560 157,700 2,458,000 1,387,000 1,071,000 545,900 273,100 272,900 468,600 281,800 186,800 617,800 217,900 399,900 825,900 614,300 211,600 Persons (w/ transit) 534,900 222,400 312,500 17,780 7,828 9,954 20,560 9,104 11,460 272,400 142,600 129,800 224,200 62,840 161,400 2,659,000 1,476,000 1,183,000 595,800 296,700 299,000 511,900 306,100 205,800 708,200 249,600 458,700 843,500 624,100 219,500 Page 4 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Annual Hours of Delay (NJTPA Method) Maximum Throughput Annual Median Vehicles 763,600 268,100 495,500 1,621 258.7 1,362 7,637 3,376 4,261 417,200 195,700 221,500 337,200 68,810 268,400 2,590,000 1,689,000 901,300 298,000 142,100 155,900 281,800 167,000 114,800 579,400 149,000 430,400 1,431,000 1,231,000 200,100 Persons (no transit) 1,021,000 361,400 659,300 2,055 327.9 1,727 9,761 4,315 5,446 569,400 267,000 302,300 439,500 89,690 349,800 3,600,000 2,353,000 1,247,000 422,500 201,500 221,100 369,700 219,000 150,700 800,400 205,800 594,600 2,007,000 1,726,000 280,700 Persons (w/ transit) 1,068,000 380,800 687,700 2,069 331.6 1,738 9,945 4,396 5,549 607,100 284,000 323,000 449,400 92,010 357,400 3,830,000 2,451,000 1,379,000 461,900 219,100 242,800 402,900 237,600 165,300 921,900 239,800 682,100 2,043,000 1,755,000 288,900 Vehicles 943,500 332,300 611,200 22,830 10,970 11,860 16,270 7,119 9,150 480,900 212,400 268,600 423,500 101,800 321,700 2,629,000 1,658,000 970,700 453,000 226,300 226,800 396,500 229,400 167,100 512,700 167,000 345,800 1,267,000 1,036,000 231,100 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Persons (no transit) 1,258,000 445,500 812,500 28,940 13,910 15,030 20,790 9,099 11,690 656,300 289,800 366,500 552,000 132,700 419,300 3,648,000 2,305,000 1,343,000 642,400 320,800 321,600 520,100 300,900 219,200 708,300 230,600 477,700 1,777,000 1,453,000 324,100 Persons (w/ transit) 1,313,000 467,400 845,600 29,210 14,040 15,170 21,160 9,271 11,890 698,400 308,200 390,200 564,300 135,900 428,400 3,902,000 2,422,000 1,479,000 700,000 347,800 352,200 566,800 326,400 240,400 819,300 266,300 553,000 1,816,000 1,482,000 333,800 Page 5 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Min. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.14 1.14 1.18 1.00 1.00 1.02 Max. 5.26 5.26 4.76 1.32 1.32 1.22 1.11 1.08 1.11 4.09 4.09 3.46 5.26 5.26 4.76 7.53 7.53 4.53 3.22 1.82 3.22 3.71 2.22 3.71 4.53 2.17 4.53 7.53 7.53 3.80 Travel Time Length 1.61 1.51 1.31 1.24 1.93 1.80 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.83 1.75 1.90 1.82 1.76 1.70 2.14 2.13 1.28 1.26 3.19 3.18 1.47 1.39 1.54 1.41 1.40 1.36 1.22 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.19 1.19 1.24 1.23 1.16 1.15 1.33 1.32 1.66 1.65 1.33 1.33 1.96 1.96 2.36 2.12 2.91 2.69 1.48 1.37 Reliability Index-RI80 (AASHTO Method) Free-flow Average Weighted By Vehicle Person Vehicle- Person- Vehicle- Person- Bus Truck Direct Vol. Vol. Miles Miles Hours Hours Vol. Vol. Calc. 1.83 1.83 1.67 1.68 1.86 1.87 1.95 1.61 1.26 1.27 1.32 1.33 1.43 1.45 1.43 1.24 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.06 2.07 2.30 2.31 2.47 1.98 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.02 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.80 1.80 1.87 1.87 2.00 2.00 1.81 1.69 1.89 1.89 1.97 1.97 2.10 2.10 1.87 1.78 1.67 1.71 1.71 1.77 1.77 1.90 1.90 1.73 1.64 1.56 2.05 2.06 2.18 2.18 2.30 2.30 2.28 1.90 1.20 1.20 1.31 1.31 1.38 1.38 1.25 1.16 1.00 3.17 3.17 3.24 3.24 3.30 3.30 3.12 3.12 1.00 1.50 1.49 1.40 1.40 1.57 1.56 1.38 1.40 1.52 1.51 1.43 1.42 1.69 1.68 1.28 1.41 1.44 1.48 1.48 1.37 1.37 1.43 1.43 1.47 1.39 1.33 1.21 1.20 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.19 1.18 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.26 1.27 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.26 1.16 1.15 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.14 1.14 1.20 1.35 1.35 1.26 1.26 1.28 1.27 1.33 1.33 1.24 1.24 1.18 1.17 1.19 1.19 1.21 1.21 1.17 1.47 1.47 1.35 1.34 1.37 1.36 1.44 1.44 1.29 1.64 1.64 1.62 1.62 1.66 1.66 1.65 1.67 1.40 1.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.36 1.41 1.88 1.89 1.86 1.87 1.90 1.91 1.94 1.97 2.02 2.44 2.43 2.24 2.23 2.73 2.73 1.75 2.20 3.00 2.98 2.81 2.79 3.27 3.27 2.04 2.73 2.43 1.64 1.64 1.40 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.35 1.57 1.40 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Page 6 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Min. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Max. 4.47 4.47 4.05 1.20 1.20 1.13 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.48 3.48 2.94 4.47 4.47 4.05 8.13 8.13 5.82 2.73 1.54 2.73 3.15 1.89 3.15 5.82 3.45 5.82 8.13 8.13 3.23 Travel Time Length 1.45 1.37 1.20 1.16 1.71 1.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.58 1.52 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.48 1.88 1.87 1.19 1.17 2.73 2.72 1.36 1.28 1.42 1.29 1.29 1.26 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.08 1.08 1.22 1.22 1.56 1.52 1.20 1.19 1.87 1.83 2.18 1.95 2.72 2.49 1.32 1.23 Reliability Index-RI80 (AASHTO Method) Maximum Throughput Average Weighted By Vehicle Person Vehicle- Person- Vehicle- Person- Bus Truck Direct Vol. Vol. Miles Miles Hours Hours Vol. Vol. Calc. 1.64 1.64 1.50 1.51 1.65 1.65 1.73 1.46 1.19 1.19 1.22 1.22 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.16 1.00 2.17 2.17 1.81 1.82 2.01 2.01 2.16 1.76 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.61 1.61 1.62 1.62 1.73 1.73 1.61 1.52 1.67 1.67 1.71 1.71 1.81 1.81 1.66 1.59 1.42 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.65 1.65 1.56 1.49 1.33 1.82 1.82 1.91 1.91 2.00 2.01 2.00 1.70 1.14 1.14 1.21 1.21 1.26 1.26 1.17 1.11 1.00 2.71 2.71 2.77 2.77 2.82 2.82 2.68 2.67 1.00 1.42 1.42 1.29 1.28 1.45 1.44 1.31 1.31 1.42 1.41 1.31 1.30 1.56 1.55 1.20 1.30 1.25 1.43 1.43 1.26 1.26 1.32 1.32 1.43 1.32 1.15 1.10 1.10 1.12 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.09 1.09 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.11 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.12 1.12 1.14 1.13 1.07 1.07 1.02 1.24 1.23 1.17 1.16 1.18 1.18 1.22 1.22 1.14 1.13 1.10 1.09 1.11 1.10 1.12 1.12 1.00 1.34 1.33 1.24 1.24 1.26 1.25 1.32 1.32 1.09 1.67 1.67 1.50 1.50 1.56 1.57 1.68 1.63 1.37 1.37 1.22 1.22 1.24 1.24 1.35 1.29 1.26 1.99 1.99 1.75 1.76 1.82 1.83 2.03 1.97 1.89 2.30 2.28 2.08 2.07 2.55 2.55 1.65 2.04 2.88 2.86 2.64 2.62 3.10 3.09 1.96 2.58 2.18 1.47 1.46 1.25 1.25 1.42 1.42 1.23 1.41 1.23 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Page 7 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Min. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.16 1.00 1.00 1.02 Max. 5.26 5.26 4.76 1.25 1.25 1.18 1.08 1.08 1.07 3.84 3.84 2.98 5.26 5.26 4.76 7.07 7.07 4.34 3.22 1.82 3.22 3.71 2.19 3.71 4.34 2.08 4.34 7.07 7.07 3.37 Travel Time Length 1.57 1.48 1.27 1.21 1.90 1.77 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.69 1.64 1.75 1.69 1.63 1.59 2.12 2.11 1.26 1.24 3.17 3.16 1.42 1.35 1.46 1.36 1.37 1.34 1.21 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.19 1.19 1.24 1.23 1.15 1.15 1.32 1.32 1.57 1.57 1.26 1.26 1.86 1.85 2.10 1.93 2.52 2.37 1.42 1.33 Reliability Index-RI80 (AASHTO Method) Annual Median Average Weighted By Vehicle Person Vehicle- Person- Vehicle- Person- Bus Truck Direct Vol. Vol. Miles Miles Hours Hours Vol. Vol. Calc. 1.80 1.80 1.64 1.64 1.81 1.81 1.89 1.57 1.24 1.24 1.28 1.29 1.38 1.39 1.37 1.21 1.00 2.46 2.46 2.03 2.03 2.25 2.25 2.42 1.93 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.01 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.64 1.64 1.73 1.73 1.82 1.82 1.65 1.55 1.74 1.74 1.82 1.81 1.91 1.91 1.72 1.65 1.56 1.55 1.55 1.64 1.64 1.73 1.74 1.56 1.50 1.48 2.04 2.05 2.16 2.16 2.27 2.27 2.27 1.89 1.19 1.19 1.29 1.29 1.35 1.35 1.24 1.15 1.00 3.16 3.16 3.22 3.22 3.28 3.28 3.11 3.11 1.00 1.45 1.44 1.37 1.36 1.50 1.49 1.34 1.36 1.45 1.44 1.39 1.38 1.58 1.57 1.26 1.36 1.41 1.44 1.44 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.40 1.43 1.36 1.32 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.18 1.18 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.26 1.15 1.15 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23 1.13 1.13 1.20 1.35 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.27 1.27 1.33 1.33 1.24 1.23 1.17 1.17 1.19 1.18 1.21 1.21 1.17 1.46 1.46 1.34 1.34 1.36 1.36 1.44 1.44 1.28 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.57 1.57 1.54 1.57 1.33 1.33 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.34 1.75 1.75 1.76 1.76 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.85 1.91 2.21 2.20 2.03 2.02 2.40 2.40 1.64 2.00 2.66 2.65 2.49 2.47 2.82 2.81 1.88 2.41 2.20 1.57 1.56 1.36 1.36 1.53 1.52 1.32 1.50 1.36 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Page 8 of 9 Calculation Method-> Threshold-> Corridor/ Subcorridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18 Corridor 18A 18A 18A 18B 18B 18B 18C 18C 18C 18D 18D 18D 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78 Corridor 78A 78A 78A 78B 78B 78B 78C 78C 78C 78D 78D 78D Direction BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTH EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Miles 76.43 38.29 38.14 17.61 8.69 8.92 32.75 16.56 16.18 17.90 8.89 9.01 8.18 4.15 4.03 155.58 79.18 76.40 61.45 30.05 31.39 54.58 28.38 26.20 21.36 10.34 11.02 18.19 10.40 7.79 AppendixB_DetailedTables.xlsm Min. 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.04 1.01 1.01 1.07 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.07 1.13 1.06 1.06 1.07 Max. 4.01 4.01 3.42 1.23 1.23 1.14 1.06 1.06 1.05 3.20 3.20 1.72 4.01 4.01 3.42 4.82 4.82 3.62 3.12 1.78 3.12 3.22 2.06 3.22 3.62 2.00 3.62 4.82 4.82 2.45 Travel Vehicle Time Length Vol. 1.41 1.36 1.61 1.21 1.18 1.20 1.62 1.55 2.09 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.43 1.41 1.41 1.56 1.52 1.55 1.31 1.30 1.27 1.81 1.82 1.81 1.20 1.19 1.17 2.56 2.57 2.64 1.33 1.30 1.37 1.35 1.30 1.37 1.31 1.30 1.37 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.18 1.18 1.16 1.23 1.23 1.33 1.17 1.16 1.24 1.31 1.30 1.41 1.47 1.46 1.46 1.23 1.23 1.30 1.68 1.68 1.62 1.68 1.60 1.75 1.93 1.86 2.04 1.27 1.26 1.34 Reliability-TTRMax (NJTPA Method) Time-Dependent Median Average Weighted By Person Vehicle- Person- Vehicle- Person- Bus Truck Direct Vol. Miles Miles Hours Hours Vol. Vol. Calc. 1.61 1.46 1.46 1.55 1.56 1.67 1.43 1.21 1.23 1.23 1.29 1.30 1.29 1.18 1.19 2.09 1.71 1.71 1.83 1.83 2.05 1.67 1.13 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.02 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.41 1.46 1.46 1.51 1.51 1.43 1.33 1.55 1.62 1.62 1.68 1.68 1.54 1.48 1.49 1.27 1.31 1.30 1.33 1.33 1.27 1.25 1.16 1.81 1.83 1.84 1.88 1.89 1.98 1.70 1.17 1.22 1.22 1.26 1.26 1.20 1.15 1.42 2.64 2.58 2.58 2.57 2.57 2.61 2.62 1.42 1.37 1.31 1.31 1.38 1.38 1.31 1.31 1.36 1.32 1.31 1.42 1.42 1.25 1.31 1.19 1.37 1.31 1.31 1.34 1.34 1.37 1.31 1.20 1.21 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.19 1.19 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.22 1.16 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.22 1.14 1.14 1.19 1.33 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.31 1.31 1.24 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.22 1.22 1.18 1.41 1.32 1.32 1.34 1.34 1.39 1.40 1.24 1.46 1.44 1.44 1.47 1.47 1.46 1.48 1.29 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.62 1.61 1.61 1.63 1.64 1.66 1.69 1.58 1.75 1.67 1.66 1.84 1.83 1.47 1.63 2.03 1.94 1.93 2.09 2.09 1.62 1.89 1.41 1.34 1.27 1.27 1.31 1.31 1.27 1.32 1.21 New Jersey Pilot Study Appendix B Page 9 of 9 Appendix C Downloading and Processing Archived Travel Time Data New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-1 C-2 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY The following steps document the process that we undertook to download archived travel time data from the I-95 Corridor Coalition’s Vehicle Probe Project Suite (VPP Suite). 1. Download from VPP Suite Massive Raw Data Downloader a. Log into RITIS VPP Suite page b. Select the Massive Raw Data Downloader NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-3 c. Select your road segments (in this case, the entire stretch of I-78 and I-78 express); date range, days of week and hours of day (in this case, all times for all days in 2012); fields (we were using travel time, so we didn’t need speed), averaging time (we downloaded both 5 minute—shown here--and 1 hour data—shown in the next screen shot). C-4 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Two Issues with INRIX “Reference Speed” Attribute: The INRIX data set includes a “reference speed” for each link. INRIX defines this attribute as “the calculated ‘free flow’ mean speed for the roadway segment in miles per hour (capped at 65 miles per hour)…calculated based upon the 85th percentile point of the observed speeds on that segment for all time periods.” The reference speed attribute is included for each link for each reporting time. At the outset of the NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-5 project, it was our intention to use the reference speed attribute to calculate a free-flow travel time. In examining the data, however, we noticed two issues. The first issue was that the value of the reference speed was not constant over time. From the data tables, it appears as if INRIX recalculated reference speeds on 11/14/12, resulting in slight increases or decreases (depending on TMC link) for several TMC links. Our assumption, that the later reference speeds (after 11/14/12) are more “accurate,” since they are based on more data, was confirmed by Rick Schuman at INRIX. The second issue with using the INRIX reference speed was that we noted some instances where the reported reference speed was lower than the calculated median speed for that TMC (conversely, the “reference travel time” was higher than the calculated median travel time), which should not be the case. As stated above, the reference speed is supposed to represent the 85th percentile speed, and thus should by definition be higher than the median speed. In some cases it seemed to be a matter of rounding (the reference speed attribute is presented as an integer), but in other cases the reference speed was much lower than the median speed. This might be due to the use of more data in calculating the reference speed, but it still means that, for those specific TMCs, using the median speed as a threshold for calculating delay would result in more delay than that using the reference speed as a threshold, which is counter-intuitive. The most extreme example of this issue is TMC 120N04417 (I-78 westbound near exit 58). The reported INRIX reference speed for this link is 37 mph. However, the median speed for all hourly data during 2012 on this link was 52 mph. Because of these apparent discrepancies, we choose to use a free-flow travel time calculated from the 15th percentile travel time (85th percentile speed). We calculated the 15th percentile travel time using both the 1-hour and 5-minute data. For all TMCs on I-78, the 85th percentile speed using the 5-minute data was higher (or exactly the same for two TMCs) than that from the 1-hour data. Moreover, in almost all cases (all but 5 for the 1-hour data and all but 3 for the 5minute data), the calculated 85th percentile speeds were higher than INRIX’s reference speed (although some 85th percentile speeds were above INRIX’s 65 mph cap). For the example link cited above (TMC 120N04417), the 15th percentile travel time (85th percentile speed) equates to 56 mph (compared to the 37 mph “reference speed”). 2. Retrieve CSV files from VPP Suite 3. Unzip into two files (Readings.csv, TMC Identifiation.csv) C-6 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY 4. Import CSV files into Access a. Create new “RAW” database (filenames: RAW_I78_2012_5min.accdb, RAW_I78_2012_1hr.accdb, RAW_NJ18_2012_5min.accdb, and RAW_NJ18_2012_1hr.accdb) b. Import Readings.CSV file into the new “RAW” Access database i. On the “External Data” ribbon, in the “Import & Link” group, click on “Text File”. ii. ”Browse” to the appropriate CSV file and choose to “Import”. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-7 iii. Select “Delimited”. iv. Choose “Comma” delimited, the “First Row Contains Field Names” option. On subsequent screens, note the data type options used, to minimize the database size, and no fields are indexed at this point. C-8 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY v. tmc_code: text vi. measurement_tstamp: has to be imported as a text field (Date/Time does not work!) NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-9 vii. average_speed: integer is sufficient viii. reference_speed: even though it is shown with decimal points, it appears as if they have been rounded to the nearest integer in all cases. C-10 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY ix. ”travel_time_minutes”: single is sufficient x. confidence_score: again, it appears as if they’ve all been rounded to integers NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-11 xi. Because this is just the “raw” database, no indexes or keys are needed. xii. Give the table an appropriate name. C-12 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY xiii. Saving the import is not necessary, but can make it easier if you need to repeat the import for some reason. c. Convert the “RAW” database into “DB” database i. Create a new blank database (named “DB” instead of “RAW”) NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-13 ii. Create a new table and save it with an appropriate name. C-14 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY iii. Add fields as shown below. 1. tmc_code: type=text, size=9 2. average_speed: type=integer NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-15 3. travel_time_minutes: type=single 4. confidence_score: type=integer C-16 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY 5. Date_Time: type=Date/Time iv. Select both tmc_code and Date_Time fields and click “Primary Key” NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-17 v. On the “External Data” ribbon, in the “Import & Link” group, click on “Access” vi. ”Browse” to the RAW database file, and choose to “Link”. C-18 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY vii. Select the RAW table and click “OK” viii. Create a new query (used to copy records from the “RAW” table into the new, properly formatted table) 1. In the Create ribbon, select “Query Design”, and add the “RAW” table to the design. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-19 2. Make the query an “Append” action query, and select the table created above. 3. Set up the query as shown below (appending the fields “tmc_code”, “average_apeed”, “travel_time_minutes”, and “confidence_score” into the samenamed fields in the destination table, and creating a date/time field out of the “measurement_tstamp” field using the equation C-20 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY “CDate(Left([measurement_tstamp],19))” 4. Save the query. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-21 5. Run the query 6. Note that there will be “key violations” because of the primary key that was set up (on the “tmc_code” and “Date_Time” fields) This is because of the return from daylight savings time to standard time, where there are technically two times that “2:00AM” (and “2:05AM” and so on) occurs. The second occurrence will simply be ignored. 5. Repeat above steps (importing “RAW” table, converting to “DB” table) for the hourly data, and for other corridor(s). 6. Compact your database if you delete a large table, to avoid hitting the 2Gig file size limit. (Note that it is good practice to do the “Compact & Repair” step often, particularly when handling large C-22 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY databases). 7. Create a new blank database (we called it “MasterDatabase.accdb”) and link each of your tables from your “DB” databases. As a practice (in order to keep file sizes below the 2GB file size), this “MasterDatabase” contains mostly links to tables stored in “child” database files, along with queries to process those tables. When queries took a long time to process, we made them “make table” queries and stored the resultant table either in the MasterDatabase file (when it was a limited number of records) or in a “child” database file (when it contained many records). Some queries (particularly those that calculated percentile values) took several hours (even up to days) to run. 8. Import TMC Identification.csv file, using similar steps as above. Remember to limit the size of the fields to keep file sizes down: “tmc” should be 9 characters, “state” should be 2, “zip” should be 5, road_order should be “long integer”, and the lat/long and miles can be single or double precision. We examined the remaining text fields and used appropriate number of characters: “road” was 25, “direction” was 20, “intersection” was 50, and “county” was 20 characters. 9. In order to calculate percentile values in Access, you need to add a custom function. We customized a “database” percentile function found on-line as follows: Function DPercentile(PV As Single, expr As String, domain As String, Optional criteria As String) As Double 'Uses linear interpolation method for percentile values. Dim dbs As Database Dim rst As Recordset Dim lowIndex As Long Dim numberOfRecords As Long Set dbs = CurrentDb If Len(criteria) <> 0 Then NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-23 _ Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("select " & expr & " from " & domain & " where " & criteria & " order by " & expr) Else Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("select " & expr & " from " & domain & _ " order by " & expr) 'Make sure the spaces inside the quotes are preserved, otherwise your SQL will 'not be syntactically correct and Access will complain! End If If rst.BOF Then numberOfRecords = 0 Else rst.MoveLast numberOfRecords = rst.RecordCount 'You need the Movelast to get the correct record count out of a recordset End If If numberOfRecords = 0 Then DPercentile = 0 'We assume that the percentile is 0 when the number of records is zero ElseIf numberOfRecords = 1 Then DPercentile = rst(expr) 'If the number of records is 1, the value of the expression in that record is the percentile Else trueIndex = (PV / 100 * numberOfRecords) + 0.5 lowIndex = Int(trueIndex) 'lowIndex now points to the position below (or at) the correct percentile value. rst.MoveFirst rst.Move (lowIndex - 1) DPercentile = rst(expr) 'if the number of records is odd, we are done If lowIndex <> trueIndex Then 'the percentile value doesn't fall exactly on a record rst.MoveNext DPercentile = DPercentile + (trueIndex - lowIndex) * (rst(expr) - DPercentile) 'Do the linear interpolation between the two values. End If End If rst.Close Set rst = Nothing dbs.Close Set dbs = Nothing 'Cleanup everything before leaving the function End Function 10. We also created custom Maximum and Minimum functions as follows: Public Function iMax(ParamArray p()) As Variant ' Idea from Trevor Best in Usenet MessageID rib5dv45ko62adf2v0d1cot4kiu5t8mbdp@4ax.com C-24 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Dim i As Long Dim v As Variant v = p(LBound(p)) For i = LBound(p) + 1 To UBound(p) If v < p(i) Then v = p(i) End If Next iMax = v End Function Public Function iMin(ParamArray p()) As Variant ' Idea from Trevor Best in Usenet MessageID rib5dv45ko62adf2v0d1cot4kiu5t8mbdp@4ax.com Dim i As Long Dim v As Variant v = p(LBound(p)) For i = LBound(p) + 1 To UBound(p) If v > p(i) Then v = p(i) End If Next iMin = v End Function 11. As an example of how we used the “DPercentile” function, below is a view of the design grid for a query that calculated 80th, 50th, and 15th percentile values for each tmc, for each five-minute time interval, by day of week (the TT50 and TT15 fields are calculated similar to the TT80 field, replacing “80” with “50” or “15”). NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY C-25 Appendix D Conflation New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-1 D-2 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY To calculate Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) it was necessary to acquire travel time data and integrate it with corresponding volume data for the two travel corridors analyzed in this study. Travel time data and volume data were available from two different datasets which were not completely in sync with each other on the basis of feature representation, positional accuracy and feature segmentation. The primary objective of this approach is to integrate these two different datasets so that the travel time data of a road segment can be accurately associated with the corresponding volume data. Data: The datasets required for this approach are as follows: 1. NJDOT Congestion Management System’s (CMS) road network: NJDOT’s CMS provides traffic volume data of road segments. The system provides information such as morning peak period traffic volume, evening peak period traffic volume, and 24 hour traffic volume, all of which was used in this study. The system provides direction specific data, such as eastbound or westbound and northbound or southbound. The data is associated with a GIS shapefile where road segments are represented in the form of lines. These lines are also known as ‘centerlines’ and represent the bi-directional traffic flow. They are identified on the basis of State Route Identifiers (SRIs), beginning and ending mile posts and CMS number. 2. Vehicle Probe Project (VPP) Suite data: University of Maryland’s CATT Lab provides vehicular travel time and vehicular travel speed data of the road segments through the VPP suite. This dataset is also associated with a GIS shapefile in which the road segments are represented in the form of lines. These lines are known as TMC links/paths. However, they represent the unidirectional flow of traffic. Hence more than one line represents one highway such as I-78 is represented by I-78 East and I-78 West. In this dataset there are also separate lines for local lane and express lane traffic. The TMC links are identified by codes that are very different from the CMS numbers used to identify road segments in NJDOT’s CMS. The TMC links/paths also do not have SRIs and mileposts associated with them. 3. NJDOT’s Straight Line Diagrams (SLD): According to NJDOT, SLD’s are a method of viewing the road segments as lines. They are also associated with a GIS shapefile. In this case, again, there are multiple lines representing one highway such as I-78 is represented by I-78 East and I-78 West. The SLD’s also have SRIs and beginning and ending mileposts associated with them. The SLD data were used in this approach because it has common characteristics of both the above mentioned datasets and also because it is a non-segmented data layer. Study Area: In this study, two highways of northern New Jersey have been taken into consideration—one interstate (I-78) and one arterial (NJ 18). Traffic volume and vehicular travel time of both the directions of the highways were taken into consideration. However, since CMS does not differentiate between the traffic volumes of the express lanes from the local lanes, the express lanes were excluded from the TMC dataset. Problems of integrating TMC links with CMS links: The task of integrating the data associated with the TMC links with the data associated with the CMS links was not simple because of the following reasons: NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-3 Feature representation: One CMS link represents bi-directional traffic flow. For instance, one CMS link represents both I-78 East and I-78 West (Figure 1). On the other hand, one TMC link represents uni-directional traffic flow. For instance, one TMC link represents I-78 East and another one represents I-78 West (Figure 1). The CMS links are identified by CMS number, SRIs and mileposts whereas TMC links are identified by TMC codes which are different from the CMS numbers. Figure 1: Differences between the TMC links and the CMS links Positional accuracy: None of the CMS links overlaps the TMC links. If precisely positioned, I-78 West TMC link should overlap I-78 CMS link. Segmentation: The CMS links and the TMC links are segmented differently. Hence, the length of the CMS links are not equal to the TMC links. The CMS links are usually longer than the TMC links and hence there are multiple TMC links corresponding to one CMS link which arises the problem of joining one traffic volume data to multiple travel time data. The Suggested Approach: On the basis of an extensive literature review, an approach to accurately integrate the two different datasets is suggested in the following narration. It should be mentioned that none of the methodologies suggested in the literature were applied as is to integrate the two datasets. Instead, appropriate sections of the methodologies were selected, arranged and applied. It also requires mention that the use of a third dataset—SLD—is unique in this approach. As mentioned before, the SLDs were used because they share common characteristics with the TMC links and the CMS links and also they are non-segmented. D-4 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Step 1: Provide SRI and Mile post values to the TMC links As mentioned before, while the CMS links are primarily identified by SRI and mile posts, the TMC links are identified by codes. In order to have a common character/attribute between the two data sets, to facilitate the process of integration, it was decided to provide the TMC links with SRIs and mile post values through the SLDs. The SLDs were used for the purpose for two reasons. First, like the TMC links, the SLDs represent the uni - directional flow of traffic such as I-78 is represented by I-78 East and I-78 West. Second, the SLDs are not segmented. For instance, NJ 18 North is represented by a line which begins at mile post 5.14 and ends at mile post 45.30. As a result, the problem of two datasets being segmented differently does not exist. This step has several sub-steps as mentioned below: Step 1a: Convert TMC links into point features The TMC links that are represented by line features in ArcGIS are converted to point features by using the tool ‘Feature Vertices to points’ in ArcGIS 10.0 (ArcToolbox>Data Management Tools>Features>Feature Vertices To Points). For the purpose of simplicity, I-78 East and West and NJ 18 North and South were processed separately. The process was repeated four times and the final product was four separate point feature files as shown in the figure 2. End product: 4 point feature shapefiles Figure 2: Final product of Step 1a. Points to Remember: 1. As a pre-requisite of step 1a, it is necessary to isolate the links representing the different lanes of a roadway. For instance, in this case, four shapefiles were created representing I-78 West, I78 East, NJ 18 North and NJ 18 South. 2. While converting the line features to points features it is necessary to insert the parameters as shown in the snapshot below: NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-5 Remember: Point Type is BOTH_ENDS 3. The products will be saved in a geodatabase and hence the file name should not contain any space or characters. Step 1b: Snap the point features to the respective SLD line features The point features created from the TMC links did not overlap the corresponding SLD line features. For instance, the point features created from NJ 18 North did not overlap the NJ 18 North SLD line feature. Hence, it was necessary to snap the point features to the corresponding SLD line feature. This task was completed with ‘Snap points to the lines’ tool in Hawths Toolbox—an add-in for ArcGIS 10. In this step as well, for the purpose of simplicity, the four point features and the corresponding line features were processed separately. Hence the process was repeated four times and as the final product there were four output features. However, after this step, the four output files were merged to create one file for use in the later steps. Step 1c: Split the SLDs on the basis of the point features created from the TMC links The point features representing the extent of the TMC links were then used to split the non-segmented SLDs with the tool ‘Split Line at Points’ in ArcGIS 10.0 (ArcToolbox>Data Management Tools>Features>Split Line at points). As a result, SLD links similar in extent to the TMC links were created from the non-segmented SLDs and these links had SRIs and mile posts associated with them. However, the mile post values were incorrect. Hence, in a later step correct mile post values were calculated for each link created by splitting the SLDs. Points to remember: 1. Among the parameters to be included in Step 1b, the one to be most careful about is ‘Search tolerance distance’ which is determined on the basis of the largest distance between the point features, created from TMC links, and the SLD line feature. For instance, if the largest distance between the point features (TMC) and the line feature (SLD) is 73 feet, then the search radius can be 73 feet or can be rounded to 75 feet. After Step 1b, it is not necessary to be careful about search radius/search tolerance. Using a minimal search radius/search tolerance is sufficient for accomplishing the later steps. D-6 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY 2. In Step 1c, after one SLD is split into multiple segments, it is necessary to compare the number of SLD links to the number of TMC links of the respective roadway. The number of SLD links should be equal to the number of TMC links of the respective roadway. 3. The final products of Step 1b and 1c will be saved in a geodatabase and hence the file name should not contain any space or character. Step 1d: Spatially join selected attributes of the split SLD links and the TMC links Before recalculating the mile post values, we joined the TMC codes of the TMC links to the SRIs and mile post values of the split SLD links. This was done by spatially joining the TMC links, with the TMC codes in their attribute table, to the split SLD links with the SRI and milepost values in their attribute table, through the ‘Spatial Join’ tool of ArcGIS 10.0 (ArcToolbox>Analysis Tools>Overlay>Spatial Join). In the attribute table of the final product (also called ‘Split SLD links’ henceforth) there were few duplicate TMC codes which were manually identified and corrected. The duplication took place as some of the very small split SLD links were not joined to the corresponding TMC links. Step 1e: Provide correct mile post values to the split SLD links In this step, the beginning and ending mile posts were recalculated for each split SLD link through the tool ‘Locate Features Along Routes’ in ArcGIS 10.0 (ArcToolbox>Linear Referencing Tool>Locate features along routes). In this step, the reference layer was the original non-segmented SLD link that was split on the basis of the extent of the TMC links. The parameters included in this step are shown in figure 3, along with some important notes to be remembered: Split SLD links with TMC codes Original nonsegmented SLD link file Put a very minimal search radius because location of the files are the same. Figure 3: Parameters included while conducting ‘Locate features along routes’ NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-7 The final product of this step was a table as shown in Figure 4. The table had the TMC codes, SRIs and the correct mile post values of all the split SLD links. Recalculated beginning and ending milepost values SRI TMC Codes Figure 4: Final product of Step 1e. Step 2: Join the CMS links and the associated volume data to the split SLD links In this step the traffic volume data of the CMS links, primarily identified by SRIs and beginning and ending mile posts, were precisely joined to the split SLD links with TMC codes and correct SRIs and mile posts. This was not a simple join because the length of the CMS links were different from the split SLD links. Hence the traffic volume of one CMS link was attributable to multiple split SLD links. For convenience, this step was conducted in MS Access with the help of SQL queries. As a pre-requisite to this step it was necessary to create an Access database and link or import the attribute table of the CMS links (containing SRIs, mile post values and traffic volume data) and the split SLD links (with SRIs, correct milepost values and TMC codes). Step 2a: Joining the CMS links to the corresponding split SLD links In this step, the CMS links were joined to the corresponding split SLD links. Since the CMS links were not of the same the length as the split SLD links, the following three relationships were observed between them: Extension, Containment and Partial Overlap1. The relationships are clearly depicted in figure 5. 1 Safra et.al. 2006. Efficient Integration of Road Maps. D-8 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Figure 5: Three types of relationship between CMS links and split SLD links To capture the above relationships the following queries were conducted: To capture the first and second relationships, only those split SLD links were joined to the CMS links whose beginning (MP_Start2) and ending (MP_End2) mile posts were between the CMS link’s beginning (BEGIN_MP) and ending (END_MP) mileposts. To capture the third relationship, only those split SLD links were joined to the CMS links who’s either beginning milepost (BEGIN_MP) or ending milepost (END_MP) was between the CMS link’s beginning (MP_Start2) and ending milepost (MP_End2). After assigning the CMS links to the corresponding split SLD links which led to further fragmentation of the split SLD links, it was necessary to assign the correct beginning and ending mileposts to the links. For the purpose the queries shown in Figure 7 were used (queries in the example are for I-78East): NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-9 Start: IIf([BEGIN_MP]>[MP_START2],[BEGIN_MP],[MP_START2]) End: IIf([MP_END2]>[END_MP],[MP_END2],[END_MP]) Figure 7: Queries for calculating correct beginning and ending mileposts for the segments created after Step 2a. Step 2b: Apportionment of traffic volumes associated with the CMS links to the split SLD links As noticed in the third relationship of Step 2a, one split SLD link can be associated with multiple CMS links. Hence, in this step, the traffic volumes of multiple CMS links were accurately allotted to one split SLD link. The volumes of the CMS links were weighted by the length of the CMS links within the corresponding split SLD link. Then the weighted volumes were summed up to provide one traffic volume value to one split SLD link. The queries for the purpose are shown in Figure 8. 1. 2. 3. D-10 Morning Volume or Vol_AM: Sum(([ABVOLAM]*([Final_End_MP]-[Final_Start_MP])/([MP_End2]-[MP_Start2]))) Evening Volume or Vol_PM: Sum(([ABVOLPM]*([Final_End_MP]-[Final_Start_MP])/([MP_End2]-[MP_Start2]))) Off-peak Volume: Sum(([ABVOL24]-[ABVOLAM]-[ABVOLPM]*([Final_End_MP]-[Final_Start_MP])/([MP_End2]-[MP_Start2]))) NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY 1 2 3 Figure 8: Queries for accurately apportioning the traffic volume data of multiple CMS links to one split SLD link. The calculated volumes can finally be joined to the attribute table of the final product of Step1 if necessary. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY D-11 Appendix E Weigh-in-Motion Data Processing New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY E-1 E-2 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY In the pilot study, truck volume data were required for calculation of Annual Hours of Truck Delay (AHTD) and Truck Reliability Index (TRI). Whereas, private bus volume data, later converted to private bus passengers through the application of a loading factor, was required to precisely calculate Annual Hours of Delay (AHD) and Reliability Index (RI80). These datasets were extracted from the data points provided by Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) sites located on I-78 and NJ 18. From the WIM site data points it was possible to extract truck and private bus volume data at the sub - corridor level by hour of the day and day of the week. Background: The WIM sites provide continuous traffic count data as a part of New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (NJDOT) Traffic Monitoring System Program. In New Jersey, there are 90 permanent Weigh-in-Motion sites, among which seven lies on I-78 and NJ 18. Hence, data from those seven sites were used in this study. The locations of the seven WIM sites are as follows: I-78 A in Union Township I-78 D in Readington I-78 W in Watchung Borough NJ 18 in Marlboro NJ 18 B in Colts Neck NJ 18 C in New Brunswick NJ 18 D in Piscataway These WIM sites were the only sources for truck volume data. However, bus volume data were also collected from general transit feed specifications (GTFS) feeds. The location of WIM sites in non-NJ TRANSIT routes lead to the assumption that the bus volume data extracted from the WIM sites were primarily private bus and university bus volumes. Hence this data when added to the GTFS data, which provided the NJ TRANSIT bus volumes, provided a holistic view of bus volume along the study corridors. Software Resources: A data analysis software called ‘iANALYZE’ was used to view and convert the WIM sites data to excel file format. For this study, iANALYZE, processed traffic data files from 1060 series and iSINC data gathering system. Step-by-Step Process: Step 1: Specify some important parameters before running the software for viewing and extracting data: Select Classification Scheme: The vehicle classification scheme used for this study is ‘FHWA_DOS’, Scheme Type is ‘DOS’ for 1060 series and ‘Unix/iSINC’ for ‘iSINC’ data and Units is ‘Pounds/Inches’ Site Editor: Identify the folder where the raw data is being uploaded, add ‘-5’ hours to Vehicle Timestamps for iSINC data and ‘0’ hours to NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY E-3 Vehicle Timestamp for 1060 series data and identify the data source as ‘1060’ or ‘iSINC’ as is applicable. Step 2: Specify the filters used for extracting data for this study: E-4 WIM Sites: such as Piscataway 18 D Date and Time: such as Jan 01, 2012 00:00:00 to Jan 01, 2013 00:00:00 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Vehicle Class such as 4 (Buses) to 13 (Seven or More Axle Multi-Trailer Trucks) Direction such as northbound, southbound, eastbound and westbound Time interval, such as Daily and by hour NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY E-5 Step 3: The data for each site were extracted in Excel format as shown in the snapshot below. The data was formatted and exported to MS Access. E-6 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Step 4: Each WIM site data were associated with all the TMC links that lie within the sub – corridor containing the WIM site. There were sub-corridors that contained multiple WIM sites. In that case, the average of the WIM site data were considered as the truck and private bus volume of the sub-corridor and the associated TMC links. Final Product: The final product was a MS access file as shown below with the average number of private buses and trucks by hour of the day and day of the week for each TMC link along I-78 and NJ 18. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY E-7 E-8 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Appendix F NJ TRANSIT General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Processing New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-1 F-2 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY In order to get an estimate of the number of transit (bus) passengers on each TMC segment, by hour of day and day of week, we first needed to get the number of buses traveling on each segment each hour. To get that, we turned to the general transit feed specification (GTFS) files published by NJ TRANSIT. These files specify the (current) service pattern for NJ TRANSIT buses. While not entirely reflective of the service that was provided throughout 2012, this is a decent surrogate, and does provide a proof of concept for use of the GTFS files as part of performance measurement. We downloaded GTFS files for this project from the NJ TRANSIT server on November 15, 2013. They were downloaded as a compressed (zip) file (“bus_data.zip”) comprising seven distinct tables, as per GTFS specifications: Contents1 Table/File Name Agency.txt Calendar_dates.txt Information about the transit agency(ies) Dates associated with service patterns Routes.txt All unique bus routes/patterns. “A route is a group of trips that are displayed to riders as a single service.” Lists sequence of latitude/longitude for bus routes/trips Shapes.txt Stop_times.txt Stops.txt Trips.txt Comments Not used in this analysis Used to identify dates for “typical” weekday, Saturday, and Sunday service Combined with shapes.txt using ArcGIS tool “Display GTFS Route Shapes” Combined with routes.txt using ArcGIS tool “Display GTFS Route Shapes” Arrival and departure times for each stop on each trip Individual stop locations “Trips for each route. A trip is a sequence of two or more stops that occurs at specific time.” The first step in the process was to create an ArcGIS layer (“feature class”) of the GTFS data. To accomplish this, we downloaded the “Display GTFS Route Shapes” tool2. This tool is an ArcGIS “toolbox,” and has a simple interface, asking for the name of the input GTFS directory and the output feature class, as follows: 1 Quotations are from General Transit Feed Specification Reference, Revised June 20, 2012 (https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference) 2 http://www.transit.melindamorang.com/analysis_DisplayGTFSRouteShapes.html, created by Melinda Morang at ESRI NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-3 This created a shape file containing a shape for each unique bus route alignment in the GTFS file. As shown in the sample of the resulting shape attribute table below, the file has a record (shape) for each unique combination of GTFS “shape” and GTFS “route”. Note that, while the “shape_id” and “route_id” fields are somewhat arbitrary identifiers, the “rt_shrt_nm” field contains the NJ TRANSIT route number. F-4 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY We converted the stops.txt file into an ArcGIS point shape file using ArcMap’s “Add XY Data”. We then selected the routes and stops from the resultant shape files (named “NJTRANSITBusRoutes” and “NJTRANSITBusStops”) where they traveled on either I78 or NJ18, creating “I78BusRoutes,” “I78BusStops,” “NJ18BusRoutes,” and “NJ18BusStops.” We performed this selection step manually, but it could easily be automated using ArcMap’s overlay tools. The next step was to divide each roadway (I-78 and NJ 18) into “sections” divided by where buses enter or leave the roadway. We did this by visual inspection, but some automation may be possible by using GIS overlay techniques. Each bus route was tagged with the sections of roadway that it traveled on. The “sections” used for this pilot project are presented in the following table and depicted on the following maps. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-5 Roadway Section # I-78 1 I-78 2 I-78 Intersecting Roads/Interchanges (from and to) Mileposts (approx.) Bus Routes Garden State Parkway to Rts 1&9/21/22 Rts 1&9/21/22 to Port Newark Interchange 53.4 – 57.4 113/114 Express, 117 57.4 – 58.3 3 Port Newark Interchange to I-95/NJ Tpk 58.3 – 58.9 I-78 I-78 4 5 58.9 – 62.0 62.0 – 65.2 I-78 I-78 I-78 6 7 8 65.2 – 66.8 66.8 – 67.0 67.0 – 67.8 120 64 inbound, 120 120 NJ 18 NJ 18 1 2 31.8 – 33.6 33.6 – 34.4 138 (Hillsdale) 138 (Hillsdale), 818 NJ 18 3 34.4 – 35.6 68, 138 (Hillsdale), 818 NJ 18 4 I-95/NJ Tpk to Interchange 14A Interchange 14A to Columbus Dr. Exit Columbus Dr. Exit to Jersey Ave Jersey Ave to Rt 637/Henderson St Rt 637/Henderson St to Holland Tunnel/NYS Line Ferry Rd to Southwood Dr Southwood Dr to Rt 516/Old Bridge Matawan Rd Rt 516/Old Bridge Matawan Rd to Rt 617/Rues Ln Rt 617/Rues Ln to Racetrack Rd 113/114 Express, 113/114 Local (inbound), 117 107 Local, 113/114 Express, 113/114 Local (inbound & outbound), 117 63, 64, 68 63, 64, 68, 81, 120 35.6 – 36.2 NJ 18 5 Racetrack Rd to Ferris St 36.2 – 37.9 NJ 18 6 Ferris St to I-95/NJ Tpk 37.9 – 39.6 NJ 18 7 I-95/NJ Tpk to Rt 172/George St 39.6 – 41.4 68, 138 (Hillsdale), 138 (Spotswood), 811, 818 68, 138 (Hillsdale), 138 (Spotswood), 818 68, 138 (Hillsdale), 138 (Spotswood), 815, 818 815, 818 7 8 6 1 2 3 4 F-6 5 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For the next step, we examined each bus route and identified a “key stop” that could be used to reference for determining when buses would be traveling on the subject highways. That stop could be either before entering the highway, on the highway, or after exiting the highway. We did this by looking at the stops for each route near or within the subject highways. In addition, we estimated how much time (in minutes) it would take for the bus to arrive at each of the sections from that route’s “key stop” (“offsets”). We used Google Maps to help with these estimates. Those offsets could be either positive (if the key stop was before the bus traveled on the highway section), or negative (if the key stop was after the bus traveled on the highway section). For this pilot, we operationalized the above approach by adding fields to the GIS layer attribute tables (I78BusRoutes and NJ18BusRoutes), called “SECTn,” “OFFSETn,” and “KEYSTOP_ID” (where “n” was 1 through the number of sections for that particular roadway). NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-7 While this approach does not follow database normalization rules, we found it easier to enter the information into the database that way. We created subsequent Access queries to create normalized tables, as discussed below. The next step was to identify which TMCs were included in each of the highway sections. This had to be a manual process because the TMC endpoints did not always coincide with the section endpoints, so we had to use make some judgment calls to approximate the sections using the TMCs. In addition to the “Section” identifier, a “Direction_ID” field was added (0 for East/Northbound and 1 for West/Southbound). This yielded a table as shown below. F-8 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY We next had to deal with the issue of which day(s) of the week to use. As noted above, the “calendar_dates” file in the GTFS is used to identify which routes operate on which dates. NJ TRANSIT bus services operate on a variety of different schedules. For example, some routes treat some holidays like a Saturday, some like a Sunday, and some offer slightly different service on a holiday than any other day. The GTFS file used during this pilot effort included service for November 7, 2013 through May 5, 2014, and included 30 different “Service_ID” patterns. To simplify matters, we decided to use the service on Tuesday November 19, 2013 as a typical weekday, that on November 17 as a typical Sunday, and November 23 as a typical Saturday. We performed this step using an Access query as follows. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-9 SELECT Service_id, Switch([date]=20131117,"Sunday",[date]=20131119,"Weekday", [date]=20131123, "Saturday") AS DayType FROM Calendar_dates WHERE (((Switch([date]=20131117,"Sunday", [date]=20131119,"Weekday",[date]=20131123,"Saturday")) Is Not Null)); As discussed above, although the data on sections and offsets for each bus route were entered in a nonnormalized fashion for ease of data entry, we needed to normalize this data for use in subsequent queries. We did this using a “union query” in Access, using the following SQL. SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT1],1,Null) Where [SECT1] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT2],2,Null) Where [SECT2] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT3],3,Null) Where [SECT3] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT4],4,Null) Where [SECT4] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT5],5,Null) Where [SECT5] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT6],6,Null) Where [SECT6] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT7],7,Null) Where [SECT7] UNION ALL SELECT RTSHPNAME, IIf([SECT8],8,Null) Where [SECT8]; AS [Section], OFFSET1 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET2 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET3 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET4 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET5 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET6 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET7 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes AS [Section], OFFSET8 AS Offset from I78BusRoutes The “Display GTFS Route Shapes” tool created fields for “Shape_ID” and “Route_ID” fields in the GIS layer tables (e.g., I78BusRoutes) as text fields, while the same fields in the “Trips” GTFS file were imported into Access as numbers. In order to be able to have Access join these tables, we needed to create a query that converted those fields back to numbers, as shown below. F-10 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY SELECT RT_SHRT_NM, RTSHPNAME, Val([SHAPE_ID]) AS Shape_ID2, Val([ROUTE_ID]) AS Route_ID2, KEYSTOP_ID FROM I78BusRoutes; Now, we’re all set up to create a query that joins data from the Trips, Stops, and Stop_times tables along with the queries discussed above (qryServiceDayType to get routes for typical weekday/Saturday/Sunday, qryI78BusRouteSections for sections and offsets, and qryI78BusRoutes for the key stop) to obtain the hour of day that each bus travels on each section of roadway. The “KeyTime” field just converts the arrival_time field from the Stop_times table into a time field (note that the arrival_time field can have values above 23:59 to indicate that the time is on the following day). The “SectHr” field then adds the offset to the KeyTime and extracts just the hour of day. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-11 SELECT qryI78BusRoutes.RTSHPNAME, qryI78BusRoutes.RT_SHRT_NM, Trips.trip_id, Trips.service_id, Trips.trip_headsign, Trips.direction_id, qryI78BusRoutes.KEYSTOP_ID, Stops.stop_name, Stop_times.arrival_time, qryI78BusRouteSections.Section, TimeSerial(IIf(Left([arrival_time],2)>"23",Val(Left([arrival_time],2))24,Left([arrival_time],2)),Mid([arrival_time],4,2),Right([arrival_time],2)) AS KeyTime, qryServiceDayType.DayType, IIf([Section],Hour(DateAdd("n",[Offset],[KeyTime])),Null) AS SectHr FROM ((((qryI78BusRoutes INNER JOIN Trips ON (qryI78BusRoutes.Shape_ID2 = Trips.shape_id) AND (qryI78BusRoutes.Route_ID2 = Trips.route_id)) INNER JOIN Stop_times ON (qryI78BusRoutes.KEYSTOP_ID = Stop_times.stop_id) AND (Trips.trip_id = Stop_times.trip_id)) INNER JOIN Stops ON Stop_times.stop_id = Stops.stop_id) INNER JOIN qryServiceDayType ON Trips.service_id = qryServiceDayType.service_id) INNER JOIN qryI78BusRouteSections ON qryI78BusRoutes.RTSHPNAME = qryI78BusRouteSections.RTSHPNAME ORDER BY qryI78BusRoutes.RT_SHRT_NM, Trips.trip_id, Trips.direction_id; This results in a query that lists the hour that each bus is traveling over each highway section. There is one record for each bus on each section. We can now get a count of the number of buses on each section in each hour of each DayType by using a totals query. SELECT DayType, Section, direction_id, SectHr, Count(RTSHPNAME) AS BusCount FROM qryI78BusTripsSectHours GROUP BY DayType, Section, direction_id, SectHr; We can then expand this out into all seven days of the week by using the following Union query (qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour_Days): F-12 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY SELECT Section, direction_id, 1 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr AS HourOfDay, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Sunday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 2 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Weekday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 3 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Weekday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 4 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Weekday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 5 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Weekday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 6 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Weekday" UNION ALL SELECT Section, direction_id, 7 AS DayOfWeek, SectHr, BusCount FROM qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour WHERE DayType="Saturday"; The final step in the process involves joining the table of TMCs with section numbers to the query totaling the number of buses by day of week and hour of day. SELECT tmc, tblI78TMCSections.Direction_id, DayOfWeek, HourOfDay, BusCount INTO tblI78TMCBusCount_Days FROM tblI78TMCSections INNER JOIN qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour_Days ON (tblI78TMCSections.Direction_id = qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour_Days.direction _id) AND (tblI78TMCSections.Section = qryI78BusCountBySectionDirectionHour_Days.Section); Note that this last query creates a table (tblI78TMCBusCount_Days). We then used this table in the calculation of performance measures. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY F-13 Appendix G Plan4Safety Data Processing New Jersey Pilot Study Testing Potential MAP-21 System Performance Measures for Two Corridors NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY G-1 G-2 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY In this study, vehicle occupancy data—number of people traveling in a vehicle—were collected from a statewide accident/crash database and were then used to calculate the average vehicle occupancy (AVO) rate at the sub-corridor level for I-78 and NJ 18. Federal Highway Administration in one of its reports entitled ‘Improved Vehicle Occupancy Data Collection Methods’1 has identified the above mentioned method as one of the most valid and low cost methods of collecting AVO data and calculating AVO rate. The crash records often provide information about the number of people traveling in vehicles involved in a crash. Assuming that vehicles involved in crashes are representative of all vehicles in the region, the vehicle occupancy numbers were used to calculate the AVO rate along a facility and/or region. Data: New Jersey has an extensive crash database known as Plan4Safety developed and maintained by Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, Rutgers University on behalf of New Jersey Department of Transportation. This database provides information about a crash through multiple tables. The ‘crashes table’ provides location information and the ‘occupants table’ provides traveler information involved in the crash. Hence, these two tables were used in this study for collection of vehicle occupancy data and calculation of AVO rate. Study Area and Time period: The focus of this study is on I-78 and NJ 18 and hence from the crash database, crashes occurring along these two facilities were extracted on the basis of SRI. The mile post values were used to subdivide the data to the sub-corridor level. From the crash database, crashes of 2008, 2009 and 2010 were collected and averaged by the number of years to calculate AVO rate of each sub-corridor for I-78 and NJ 18. 1Heidtman,K., Skarpness, B., Tornow C. 1997. Improved Vehicle Occupancy Data Collection Methods. Office of Highway Information Management; Federal Highway Administration. Washington D.C. NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY G-3 Step-by-Step Process: Step 1: The ‘crashes’ table and ‘occupants’ table was downloaded from the Plan4Safety website on the basis of crash year and SRI as shown in Figure 1. A B C Select year and SRI as the filter D Name and save the filter E Figure 1: Steps for downloading crash data from Plan4Safety website G-4 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY Step 2: All the crashes tables and occupants tables were imported to one access database as shown in figure 2. Figure 2: All the tables imported to one access database. Step 3: With the help of SQL queries, the crash table was linked to the occupant table on the basis of ID number. The maximum number of vehicles and occupants involved in each crash was extracted as shown in figure 3. Figure 3: SQL queries Step 4: The maximum number of vehicles and the maximum number of occupants were summed at the sub-corridor level. The sub-corridors were identified on the basis of milepost values associated with each crash record. The following formula was then used to calculate NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY G-5 vehicular occupancy rate for each corridor/sub-corridor for each year as shown in the table below. 𝑂𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑜𝑟/𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑜𝑟 = ∑ 𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 ⁄∑ 𝑀𝑎𝑥. 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 Year Vehicular occupancy Corridor/Sub- No. of No. of No. of Rate: corridor Crashes Vehicles Occupants Vehicles/Occupants 2008 I-78 I-78A 2795 4702 6526 1.39 PA to 287 934 1,495 2,144 1.43 I-78B 287 to GSP 887 1459 1907 1.31 I-78C GSP to TPK 523 909 1,295 1.42 I-78D TPK to NY 451 839 1,180 1.41 2009 I-78 3057 5194 7075 1.36 I-78A PA to 287 950 1,535 2,156 1.40 I-78B 287 to GSP 1087 1876 2480 1.32 I-78C GSP to TPK 648 1,079 1,476 1.37 I-78D TPK to NY 372 704 963 1.37 2010 I-78 2613 4648 6345 1.37 I-78A PA to 287 688 1,172 1,658 1.41 I-78B 287 to GSP 946 1652 2155 1.30 I-78C GSP to TPK 602 1,087 1,477 1.36 I-78D TPK to NY 377 737 1,055 1.43 Table 1: Occupancy Rate, 2008 to 2010, I-78. Step 5: The vehicular occupancy rates of all the three years were then averaged by the number of years to get the AVO rate of all the sub-corridors from 2008 to 2010 for I-78 and NJ 18. G-6 NEW JERSEY PILOT STUDY