Pangasinan Mission Trip Report - Gethsemane Bible


Pangasinan Mission Trip Report - Gethsemane Bible
Bible-Presby terian Church
‘Not my will, but Thine, be done’ (Luke 22:42)
Volume 24, Issue 19
Order oF Worship
Call to Worship Dn Lok Kwok Wah
*Love Divine (3)
* Invocation & Gloria Patri
* Responsive Scripture Reading (Psalm 40)
He Lifted Me (100)
Collection of Offerings Doxology & Prayer
Rescue the Perishing (452)
Scripture Memorization
Pastoral Prayer
Sermon Dr Paul Ferguson
"Unashamed of the Gospel"
(Romans 1:15-17)
O Zion, Haste (461)
* Closing Prayer & Threefold Amen
* Congregation Standing
•Come early and be seated 10 minutes
before worship.
•Prepare yourselves in silent meditation,
prayer and self-examination.
•Switch off your mobile phone and other
electronic devices, that the solemnity of
the service may not be disrupted.
•Refrain from unnecessary conversation
and movement during the service.
•Do not leave the worship till the end
(only after the benediction).
Scripture Memorization
Bride, The Church
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give
honour to him: for the marriage of the
Lamb is come, and his wife hath made
herself ready.
10th July 2011
(1-5 JUNE 2011)
Pr Dennis Kabingue
“And Jesus came and
spake unto them, saying,
All power is given unto
me in heaven and in
earth. Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:18-20).
The Lord Jesus Christ has established His Church to serve Him on earth.
The Great Commission is one of the tasks that the Lord wants us to
engage in. The world needs Christ. Men and women are living in darkness
without any idea of the great danger they face without Christ. Once their
time on earth is up, they shall be swept away into hell to suffer God’s
condemnation forever and ever. So we are called to leave our comfort
zones and go to a world that is dying; to preach the Gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ to every creature!
This is a big and solemn task. No one is able to fulfil it on his own. While
this is true, we should not shy away from this work, for in the midst of the
challenges that we shall face in the course of our service to the Lord, He
will prove Himself faithful and powerful! It is in this spirit that I would like
to make this report.
By the grace of God, on 1st of June, a group of brethren from our midst
joined me in my fourth mission trip to San Fabian, Pangasinan. Together
with my family, two brothers (Bros Eric Delina and Henry Maranan) and
two sisters (Sis Emelinda Villardar and Vicky Amor) accompanied me.
These brethren were a great help and blessing to me, for the Lord has sent
59 adults and 52 children from different age groups to attend the Bible
studies. Bro Eric took the older children and Sis Vicky taught the younger
group. Bro Henry was assigned to manage the logistics and accounts. He
was also the photographer. Sis Emelinda was an absolute blessing too.
She took care of the refreshments for the meetings. At times, it was very
challenging for her because of the unexpected size of the crowd, and also
because of the difficulty in controlling the children during the recess time.
Thank God that my family was around too. It was a great joy seeing them
serving the Lord in their little corners. My children had the opportunity
to interact with the children who came for the meetings, and the people
were very happy to have fellowship with my wife and kids.
Our Pastor: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (M: 9001 1119, H: 6788 1721, Email:
Our Office: 510 Geylang Road, #02-06, Singapore 389466. Tel: 6741 1910, Fax: 6741 1016
The Lord blessed us with six sessions of Bible studies. I
preached on the theme “Ang Sampung Utos” meaning “The
Ten Commandments”. We also had a time for Q and A.
This idea was from the Lord. It came to my mind that the
brethren whom we had led to believe in the Lord during our
previous visits might have some questions in their mind.
True enough, the brethren raised relevant questions. What
moved me was their desire to be baptized. They wanted to
be baptized in order to testify that they love the Lord Jesus
and that they have left the Roman Catholic Church.
Secondly, pray for Sis Margie. She is the sister of Sis Cecille
Batrina from the Filipino Service. She is one of the most
vibrant believers in Pangasinan. She helped us with the
transportation arrangements.
Thirdly, pray for Bro Mario Naranjo and his wife, Rowena,
and children. They have been a great help for this work in
Pangasinan. Bro Mario has been serving as our cook. Sis
Rowena has been helping in the marketing. They are blessed
with two children. The eldest is named Judy Anne. She is
hoping to study for a degree course. Pray for God’s guidance
in her life and provisions.
Lastly, pray for Rev Luis Hitosis and his wife, Rose. Thank
God for their hospitality. They have opened their church
to our brethren and received them well. Sometimes, he
comes to visit our brethren in their homes to conduct
Bible studies.
As I thought about it, truly God has called us to preach the
whole counsel and also to baptize His people in the name
of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Lord Jesus Christ
made this clear in Matthew 28:18-20. Indeed, our set-up in
Pangasinan is still in its beginning stage and it needs much
strengthening. Through our preaching over the last four
years, people have come to believe on the Lord and hence
there is an urgent need to have a shepherd to lead the flock.
We must earnestly pray for God’s provision of a faithful
I would like to request your prayers for some brethren in
Pangasinan. Firstly, pray for Bro Nestor. He is the driver
that we have engaged to ferry the brethren that they may
be able to attend church twice a month. This church is
pastored by Rev Luis Hitosis. He was an unbeliever then.
Though he was not compelled to listen to God’s Word, on
his own accord, he attended the worship services and Bible
studies; and the Lord so convicted him of his sins that he
turned to Him in repentance. Today, he is like the Samaritan
woman who ran to the city to call other Samaritans to see
Christ. Thank God for him that the Lord is using him to
invite both the old and the children to come to church. In
this trip, we had the opportunity to conduct a Bible study
in his home where the Lord saved his wife, Emilda; daughter,
Vivian; and a certain niece who lived next door.
Before I end my report, I would
also like to thank the Lord for the
opportunity to visit Leyte, my
hometown. My last visit was in
2000, together with Pastor Koshy
and Bro Kenneth Wong. That was
Pastor’s first visit to the Philippines
that opened the door for our
church to do something for Him
in the land of the Philippines. I have been to the Philippines
many times since then but due to my hectic schedule, I did
not have the opportunity to visit my hometown. Thank
God for giving me the privilege to visit my hometown
and to preach the Gospel to our relatives, friends and
neighbours, who are staunch Roman Catholics. We also had
the opportunity to visit two home-bound elderly ladies.
Praise God that He was merciful to save them from their
sins as we preached the Gospel to them. It was a great joy
watching them trusting the Lord. I received a report that
one of the elderly ladies was taken home to be with the
Lord last week. I am so relieved to think that she did not
end up in hell, for Christ has saved her to the uttermost.
After Leyte, we went up to Manila. I thank God for the
opportunity to meet up with a cousin who attends a
Reformed church. He brought his pastor, Rev Edwin
L. Puzon. We had a blessed fellowship. It was a great
encouragement to meet up with a reformed pastor because
the majority of the fundamentalist conservative churches in
the Philippines are Baptists.
As I come to the close of this mission report, I praise God
for His Word. Everyday, we meditated on Matthew 28:1820 with the mission team. Truly, the Lord is faithful to His
promises and He blesses those who go for missions with His
presence too. Let us go out into the highways and byways
of life. Christ is coming soon. There is no more time to
procrastinate! There is no more time to waste!
Our Church Session: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (9001 1119), Elder Mah Chin Kwang (9675 4031),
Elder Alan Choy (9853 9556), Dn Arvind Pawa (9642 8954), Dn Daniel Lim (9385 0371),
Dn Lok Kwok Wah (9022 5508) & Dn Kelvin Lim (8268 2828).
Junior Worshipper’s Devotion
DVBS 2011 Testimonies
On the third day, we were very restless, so I would
like to apologize to you. I enjoyed the art & craft
and games the most. It is a pity that I did not come
for the performance.
These 3 days at DVBS were very fun. Thank you for
organizing DVBS.
Grace Ho: I was very happy that I could attend
the DVBS. I was very excited that my teacher,
Aunty Ruth, taught me new things like the memory
verses and Bible stories. I thank God for the games
organized by Aunty Sarah and Uncle Kian Seng. I
also thank God for the aunties who prepared the
refreshments. Thank you for all your labour of love.
Jolyne Tan: The DVBS was very fun. I also learnt
new things like singing and making crafts. I enjoyed
the DVBS very much. I would like to thank Aunty
Dorothy for helping us
to do many things.
Titus Ho: I would like to thank you for the
fruitful time in DVBS. I have learnt a lot of things at
the DVBS such as we must pray to God even if He
does not answer our prayers; I also learnt that we
must be kind and patient even if bad things come
our way.
The things that I enjoyed most were the rehearsals
and games sessions.
Most of all, I would like to thank the committee
and volunteers who helped and conducted this
There will be more testimonies uploaded in our
website. Look out for them.
Xinyi: I was very
happy to attend the
DVBS because I could
learn many things and
get to play too! Thank
you, all the uncles and
aunties, for the food,
games, Bible lessons
and the art & craft
Changes to
our Church Programme
Because of the new regulations of URA, from July onwards, there
will be changes to the place and time of our church programme.
All fellowship meetings will now be held on Sunday afternoons.
We encourage all worshippers to take note of the changes and
make necessary preparation to attend the meetings.
Adults' and Children's Choirs (Auditorium, Level 5)
Catechism Class (Level 6)
Chinese Service (Foyer, Level 5)
English Service (Auditorium, Level 5)
Filipino Service (Auditorium, Level 5)
Bible Study cum Fellowship (Level 5)
- Gethsemane Children's Ministry (North Lobby)
- GYAF & GAF (Foyer Area)
- GYBH (South Lobby)
Mission Trip to Cebu
A Mission Team comprising 21 brethren and
Pastor Koshy will be attending the combined
Mission Churches’ Anniversary and the
Inauguration of Gethsemane Bible Institute
(Cebu). The first team of 14 brethren will be
leaving for Cebu on Thursday, 14 July. A second
team of 6 brethren will leave on Friday, 15 July
followed by Pastor Koshy, who will leave on
Saturday, 16 July. Bro Donald dela Cruz who is
now in the Philippines will join them in Cebu.
Elder Mah Chin Kwang will be leading the
Mission Team. All participants are requested
to meet Elder Mah, immediately after today's
worship service.
Our Staff: The Gethsemane Care Ministry Bro Jerah 9337 2337, Chinese Service Dn Daniel Lim 9385 0371,
Filipino Service Pr Dennis Kabingue 9648 0004, Children’s Ministry Pr Kelvin Lim 8268 2828, Seniors' Ministry Pr Jeremiah Sim 8333 9483
Church Office Diana Koh, Bible Witness Dn Kwok Wah, Kenneth, John, Melissa Mah, Eric, Ruth & Arnold.
Sunday Activities
July 10
July 17
Church Choir
& Children's Choir
Church Choir
& Children's Choir
Worship Leader:
Gan Chin Hwi
Gethsemane Chinese Service
Pr Daniel Lim
3,699.60, 2,770.00
Pr Kelvin Lim
Pr Daniel Lim
Ethiopia Bldg Fund
Sarah Yap
Eunice Choy
Pangasinan Mission
Robert Ooi & Cayson Chok
John Peh & Jerry Chan
Lee Kim Lei
Ivy Seah Soh Luan
Ivy Seah
Jenn Lee
Worship Leader:
Dn Lok Kwok Wah
Dn Arvind Pawa
Dr Paul Ferguson
Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo
Gethsemane Filipino
Service (1.00pm)
English Service
Sunday Collection
(July 03 - English Service)
Jasmine Low & Jollyn Low Chu Seong Yeng & Chloe Pawa
Beng Wee, Chip Hung, Francis Lim,
Kwan Teng, Andy, Jason,
Aileen Yan (Greeter)
Luan Kheng (Eunice Choy);
Junior Worship:
Annie Ho (Cornelius),
Jenny Lok
Joseph, Danial, Kee How,
Johnny, Randy, Jeremiah,
Winnie Yap (Greeter)
Jeremiah (Mabel Lim);
Gina Sim (Corliss Tan),
Andy Lee
Pastor Koshy (400.00);
Kelvin Lim (300.00); Kenneth Wong (800.00).
Non-Sunday Collection
General Fund
Bible Witness
Bogo Mission Church
Gifts: Pastor Koshy (100.00); Kamala (400.00).
We warmly welcome Dr Paul Ferguson
(Calvary Tengah BPC) to our pulpit to
minister God's Word this morning.
Far Eastern Bible College
AV Ministry:
Crew 2
Crew 3
Diana Chan
Lee Kim Lei
Catherine Choy, Mabel Lim
& Meilanie
Lena Low, Stella Tan
& Chong Shu Mun
FEBC will resume on Jul 18, 2011. The
following are night courses available to
everyone. Monday night class: "New
Testament Introduction" by Rev Dr Jeffrey
Khoo; Thursday night class: "Gospel of John"
by Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy. Registration
forms are available at the reception table.
Worship Leader:
Eric Delina
Pr Dennis Kabingue
Ladies’ Prayer Group
Pr Dennis Kabingue
Pr Dennis Kabingue
Henry Maranan
Norefel Resuma
Chloe Pawa
Dorcas Koshy
Vicky Amor
Juvy Baybayanon
Song Leader
Sarah Yong
Carolyn Koshy
Neo Kian Seng
Choy Luan Kheng
Dn Lok Kwok Wah
Dn Daniel Lim
Young Adults' & Adults' Fellowship (2pm-4pm)
Venue: SingPost Foyer, Level 5
Gethsemane Youth Bible Hour (2pm-4pm)
Venue: SingPost Foyer, Level 5
Tue - Fri Activities July 12 - July 15
Tuesday Prayer Gathering (8.00pm)
Wednesday Lunch Hour Bible Study (1.15pm) Venue: Bible Witness Media Ministry Bookroom (Tel: 6438 0578), Hong Lim Complex
Thursday Seniors’ Ministry (11.00am) Venue: Please contact Pr Jeremiah Sim for more information at 8333 9483.
Friday Morning Prayer (6.45am - 7.30am) Cancelled
Young Adults’ Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday, 8.00pm)
Please contact Sis Kamala for more information at 9026 0401
Date: Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Time: 3.00pm
Speaker: Pr Jeremiah Sim
Topic: “Abiding in His Word,
Abounding in His Work”
Chairperson: Sis Sarah Yong
Venue: Home of Sis Gina Sim
Block 725 #06-167 Tampines St 71
YAF Retreat
Date: 30th July 2011, Saturday
Time: 9am to 8.30pm
Topic: Balancing Career and Christian Service
Speaker: Pastor Koshy
Please sign up the reception table.
Bible Conference
by the Chinese Service
Date: Sat, 13 August 2011
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Venue: SingPost Auditorium (Level 5)
Speaker: Rev Koa Keng Woo
(Pastor of Muar B-P Church, Johor, Malaysia)
Theme: “Choose Whom You Will Serve”
Message will be in Mandarin. We encourage
all worshippers to invite Mandarin-speaking
relatives and friends to come and hear the
Gospel. Lunch is catered at $4.00/set. Please
sign up at the reception table so that we
may know the number to order.
2010 Ethiopian Assignment
New Building Fund Target: $500,000.00
Total (as of 03 July 2011): $490,403.44
Our Place of Worship: SingPost Auditorium (Level 5), 10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600
Our Websites:;