Report to the - Fauquier Hospital
Report to the - Fauquier Hospital
2 0 1 3 Report to the COMMUNITY 2014 is an exciting year for the Fauquier Health Foundation. For many years, the Fauquier Health Foundation served as a community-supported fundraising organization for the entire Fauquier Health system, providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for healthcare technology and capital improvements. When the Fauquier Health Board of Directors decided to partner with LifePoint Hospitals in October of 2013, the Foundation transitioned into a new entity, separate and independent from the hospital and its associated services. Because it is no longer supporting the hospital and its associated services financially, the Foundation is now able to provide expertise and funds toward other community health needs in its three-county service area (Fauquier, Rappahannock and northern Culpeper). As the Foundation’s scope has broadened, so has its responsibility to make the best use of the funds available, to have the most effective and far-reaching impact possible. After many months of soliciting and analyzing input from the community, the Christy Connolly Foundation’s board has identified the four priorities for the near future: • Access to healthcare; • Mental health; • Senior services; and • Childhood wellness and nutrition. I hope you enjoy this look back at the successes we have had, accept our gratitude for your continued support and generosity, and join us in looking toward the future. Our Mission The Fauquier Health Foundation strives Christy Connolly President and CEO Fauquier Health Foundation to enhance the health and vitality of our community. Fauquier Health Charity Care and Community Outreach for 2013 2013 Charity Care •Free Medical Care - $6,110,727 •Total benefit to Fauquier Free Clinic - $282,261 •Hours donated to Fauquier Free Clinic by community physicians and staff - 798 2013 Community Outreach Provided health education, classes, lectures and health screenings at 106 local events, benefitting 2,678 people. Thank You to Our 2013 DONORS Society of 1954 Titanium Level ($50,000.00 +) The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary* Virginia Emergency Medicine Associates, Ltd.* Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barker Dr. and Mrs. Rajat Chand Dr. Joseph Chu Dr. Michael Jenks Dr. John L. Jones Dr. Jeffrey A. Joseph Dr. Kenneth T. Larsen Dr. Aamir A. Latif Dr. Anita Maybach Dr. Patrick Meehan Dr. Jeanine Miller Dr. Kristy Reynolds Dr. Matthew Rhames Dr. Joseph G. Servideo Dr. Nasser I. Sitta Dr. Christine Snell Dr. Alexander Sutingco Dr. Gregory Wagner Society of 1954 Gold Level ($10,000.00 +) Anonymous The Fauquier Bank* Piedmont Pediatrics, PLC Dr. Katherine Bovee Dr. Diana Chalmeta Dr. Joshua A. Jakum Dr. Dennis M. Rustom Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association* Virginia Radiology Associates* Dr. Darshan Acharya Dr. Eugene K. Chough Dr. Namik Erdag Dr. Todd H. Hillman Dr. Amanda P. Hoang Dr. Hassan I. Huq Dr. Mohsin A. Husain Dr. Edwin H. Kim Dr. James R. Koepke Dr. Viabhav Mangrulkar Dr. Douglas Markert Dr. Philip N. Massey Dr. Stephen L. Miller Dr. Maria Pace Dr. David Reilly Dr. Michael B. Robins Dr. Ari Salis Dr. Trushar M. Sarang Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Dr. and Mrs. Duyanh T. Vu Dr. Jennifer Wargo Dr. Matthew Webber Dr. and Mrs. David R. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Adam B. Winick Dr. Patrick F. Zazzaro Wise Foundation* Society of 1954 Silver Level ($5,000.00 +) Cheek Family Foundation* Doeller Family Fund at the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation* The Gale Foundation The Ernest M. Oare Family* Society of 1954 Bronze Level ($2,500.00 +) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Servideo Marvin Sheldon* Evelyn E. Smith* Mary Smith* Donna and Bart Staton* Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Strittmatter* Lois and Jerry Sutphin* The Warrenton Garden Club Children’s Education Fund at the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation John and Mary Beth Waldeck* Rodger and Sue Baker* William D. Doeller Fund of The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region* Estate of Patricia Z. Miller Great Harvest Bread Company Marie L. Mahler* Dr. Christopher M. Ward and Dr. Amy L. Trace Warrenton Middle School Friend of the Hospital ($499 and under) Society of 1954 ($1,000.00 +) Anonymous 136 AAPC/Warrenton Chapter Molly C. Abraham Brenda J. Adams Kenneth and Patricia Adams Melandie Adams* Tammy R. Adams* Donald and Diana Akers Courtney Albrecht Martha, Rick and Abigail Allen* Nadiya Allen Dr. David W. Allison Erica J. Allman Brianna J. An Leona Arbogast Lillian C. Argueta Kathy F. Arrington Kathleen M. Backer* Esther K. Bahk* Jennifer Ball* Melissa C. Ballenger* Adelia Banagan Barbara J. Banks* John and Suzanne Barber Megan H. Barbour* Joaquina Barrientos* Karen L. Barton Amanda Bateman* Kathleen B. Beaver* Terri R. Beavers* Michael J. Bednar Joyce M. Beeler* Kimberly A. Belcher Colleen Beres* Sherrie Beres Alice Berger Beta Sigma Phi Kappa Upsilon Bethel United Methodist Church Sally A. Biondi Tineshian M. Bishop Dianna and Paul Blackmer* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bland Susan C. Blevins Skip and Brenda Bohon* Charles and Christine Boise Erica Bombard Donna M. Booth Laura Brent William Brent* Eleanor and Charles Brocato Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Brown Melondy E. Brown Rebekah N. Brown* Virginia Brown Walter and Erbie Brown* Wanda and Tom Browning Susan Ann Brubaker Charles R. Bryant, Jr.* Samantha L. Bull Pamela J. Burns* Vanessa Campbell Shannon Cantrell* Chris and Rebecca Caperton* Christine Caporale Anonymous Judith Almquist Rob Marino and Diana Chalmeta Karen S. Darby Robert M. Darby Norma J. Erny Richard and Hilary Gerhardt Anne and Til Hazel Heritage Hunt Ladies 9 Hole Golf League Charities Heritage Hunt Women’s Organization Dr. Maria E. Juanpere Mr. David Dodd and Dr. Diane L. King* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Lynn* Marshall United Methodist Church Women* Mary Leigh McDaniel* Mr. and Mrs. D. Carl McMillen* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Myers, Jr.* Angela and James Neal†* Dr. and Mrs. Jerold J. Principato* George and Sybil Sasser* Mark and Nancy Scheffel* Page D. Styles Anita D. Sutherland* Paul G. Teleki* Edward and Karen Wachtmeister* Mrs. Margaret R. Weiss* Drs. Jason and Jennifer Woodside* Patron of the Hospital ($500.00 +) Michael and Jennifer Ackerman Greg and Carol Bengston* Karen Breckley* Larry E. and Deborah C. Brown* Ms. Kathryn A. Carter* Dr. Sinath Chhay John and Christy Connolly* David and Lisa Cooper* Dr. and Mrs. David E. Couk* Fauquier County Dispatch Office James M. Ferrari Globecomm Systems Inc. Greenville Elementary School The Groux Family Fund Robin C. Gulick* Nancy K. Herman* Jerry Hoke* Cabell and Jane Maddux* Narmada Winery LLC Old Town Athletic Club* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Parker Chris and Sarah Pearson* Lionel and Anne Phillips* James C. Rees, IV Katy Reeves* John and Sonia Ritter Margaret V. Rowe* Anne D. Schwartz Jamie D. Segrest* w w w. Fa u q u i e r H e a l t h Fo u n d a t i o n . o r g † deceased Crystal N. Carpenter Ginger Carpino* Donna Carroll Robert D. Carroll* Carol Casavecchia* Heather N. Cassette Amy Caudill Jennifer Chamberlain Dr. Nivedita Chander and Family M. Travis Chaney Carla Jean Chapman Linda D. Chapman Robert T. Chappell Lorraine Chun, MD Anne M. Clagett Judith E. Clair Col. Robert S. Clark* † Christina Clayton* Angela R. Clore* Thomas A. Cobert Michelle Coe Franklin D. Colclough Carol Ann Cole* Nellie Coleman Doris Collado Lynnette O. Collins* Naomi Congdon Nicole L. Conrath Carmen M. Contreras* Mindy Cook* Marsha Cooke* Megan Ruth Cooke Elena Cooper Rebecca R. Coppage Edna Cordner Marie A. Cordy Rainier Cortez Linda Costello* Kelly K. Cottrell* Erin Cox* Lisa A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Ward D. Crawford Deborah J. Crone Ron and Becky Crouch Cheryl and Richard Crow Gary E. Cubbage* Gloria O. Curtis* Michael and Diane Cushman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cutting, Jr.* Elizabeth R. Daniels* Donna Darconte* M. Elizabeth Darrough* Tammy L. Dattilio Taylor L. Davidson Wilma L. Davidson June A. Davis Yvonne Davis Lisa Day* Thomas M. Day Nicole Deane* Jacqueline B. Delclos Penny DelSignore Sybil Thompson Dennis* Felix and Debra Diaz* Linda Dickinson* Heather M. Dodd Aren S. Dodge* Lisa M. Doidge* Jemy Dominic Claudia W. Dornin Sheila J. Douglas Sarah V. Dovell Charlotte W. Drone* Angela Duckworth* Trish Duckworth Colin and Kirsten Dueck* The Dulevitz Family * indicates that the donor has supported the Foundation for five or more consecutive years. Thank You to Our 2013 Donors Robin Earl* E. Lauri Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Edwards, III* Sherry Edwards* William and Geraldine Enloe Kristy M. Estes Julie A. Fainter* Donna Farrell* Debbie Feltner* John I. Ferguson, Sr.* Sharon and Harry Ferrence* James and Melissa Finley* Mr. and Mrs. Jud A. Fischel Fred and Debra Fisher Gunda Fisher* Johnette and Richard Fisk Shelby Forgacs* Dennis W. Fortney Frank Mangano Foundation Michelle L. Freas Amanda L. Frederick Veronica and John Frederick* Sara Dent Freeman* Lynn Freemantle Monica V. Fulcher Barbara Funkhouser Helen Mae Gaines* Rebecca Garner Maury and Linda George Gregory G. Gibson* Mary P. Gibson* Karen Gilbert* Debbie Gillespie* Frank and Carol Gilliam* Linda Marie Godfrey* Carlos A. Gonzalez Dr. Carmen T. and Mr. Gregory Gonzalez Missy and Frank Good* Tammy S. Good Mary Gough Deborah and William† Gouldthorpe Willi and Ellen Grabowski Karen Grace* Bunnie Grant David and Marjorie Graves Sonya B. Gray* Greenwich Presbyterian Church Wendy and Richard Greenwood* Jennifer L. Gregory Shannon G. Griffith Dawn Grimm Iva and Harold Groves Kimberly G. Guigley Nettie Guy Peggy and Frank Haldeman* Jeanna M. Hale John† and Anne Hall* David M. Hall Jammie Hall* Nancy and Donald Hall Terri A. Hallett* Esther D. Halvorson Jim and Katie Hamilton* Jerome Hansel* Susan Harpole Russell and Sarah Harris Michelle L. Harrison Dorothy M. Hartle* Carol A. Hawker Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hayes Haymarket Quilters Unlimited James† and Margie Heflin Amie E. Helmick Christine E. Helsel Tammy Henderson Ancel and Melba Hendrix Sandra S. Henley Elizabeth and David Henrickson* Elaine A. Hensley Doug and Fran Higginbotham* Teresa T. Highley Stuart and Daphne Himelfarb Ingrid Hinckley Lindsay Leisa Hirtle* Taylor Hitt Traci K. Hoeting Char Holland Gloria J. Hoobler Della F. Hoosier Maria Hornich Khanh T. Horst Jennifer L. Howton Gregory H. Huddleston Silvia Tepeque De Huecias* Tana Hunsley Kimber L. Hurdle Angela M. Hurst* Diana L. Hutchinson IBM Corporation Laura Incavo* Amy Inskeep Elsie Jackson* Sylvester G. Jackson Colleen Jacobs* Stacey M. Jarrell Franny Jaynes* Patricia A. Jeffries* Pamela C. Jenkins* Tamela Jenkins* Anika N. Johnson Karen Johnson* Rachel A. Johnson* Tacy and Doug Johnson Wendy D. Johnson Carol Jones Peggy A. Jones* Angela F. Kallio* Kent Kelly Cindy Kelly* Karla J. Kenefake-Hymans* Arlene M. Keplinger Jennifer L. Kerns Gretchen M. Key Carla M. Keyser Mr. and Mrs. J. Khadke Mr. and Mrs. Lata V. Khadke Cheryl R. Kidd Maureen and Henry Kievenaar Bertha Kinder* Laurie E. King Lisa M. Kinney Cynthia Knight Valeria J. Knotts Maria Kopek Patricia Koval* Karen R. Kuhn Joan H. Kuhns Shino Kurian* Pamela W. Laird Debra Larsen* Kenneth T. Larsen, M.D. Trenna Larson* Lynn E. Lauritzen* Delma Leach* Michele Leblanc* Lauretha Lee Tonya R. Lee Heidi Lesinski* Robin Lintz* Erin Littleton Leanne Lockridge-Griffith* Bridget L. Loebs Tedric Lolis Jason M. Long Amelia Lopez* Sonya Louderback Robert and Shirley Lounsbery Creola Loyd Yak and Claire Lubowsky John and Lisa Lum Patti Mabry* Carol Maiello* Melissa M. Mainville* Jason Marti Shelley Martin Garciela Martinez* Sandra J. Masaitis Sarah Mawyer* Al Maxey Paula S. Maxey Sun Maxey* Sharon E. Mayer Holly McAllister* * indicates that the donor has supported the Foundation for five or more consecutive years. Harold E. McCarty and Marlene M. Hahn* Michelle A. McCloskey Joe and Kay McClure* Tucker McCrum James A. McCulley LeAnn McCusker* Madeleine C. McDonald Tina McLean* Danielle S. McNeal Susannah McNear* Angela M. Meeks Brett R. Mello Bethann P. Mendez Pamela Menefee* Charlene V. Merica John and Marsha Metz* Beth Michael* Cynthia Millard* Jill K. Miller Brenda Mills* Pat Minor* Samuel and Martha Mitchell Jennifer L. Mittendorff Kevin M. Molina Mirna Monahan* Amy C. Moore* Sylvia L. Moore* Victoria B. Moore* Lisa Morgan Lisa P. Morrison Sheena Mosley* Nancy L. Murphy Alyson R. Myers Jim and Susan Necci* Tina Nedrow* William Neil Stephanie H. Nicholas* Lori Niesslein, RN Takia A. Nitto Alissa and Phillip Nobblitt Lillian Norman Jennifer O’Brien* Laurie S. O’Connor Susan J. Orr Stephen and Joan Osborne Joan M. Oswald Edna Ouellette Elizabeth A. Owen Debbie Pacilio* Dr. and Mrs. Susheel P. Patil Christine Patterson* Brenda S. Payne* Sandy Payne Ora Pearson* Larry and Betsy Peccatiello Ted and Carole Pechie* Nancy and Darryl Peebles Mark and Lisa Pence* Dawn M. Pennington Chadwick B. Perkey Glenn and Amy Petty* Terry Pfautz, RN* Caryn D. Phillips Melanie Phillips* Treche Phipps* Phung Kim Phung Luu Linda F. Pickeral Douglas B. and Barbara Z. Pickering* Kristen L. Pierce* Herbert C. and Joanne S. Pinkerton* Judith Pohodich Alicia Poles Roy and Bonnie Pool* Beth Potter Karen E. Powers Linda Louise Powles* Prince William/ Raleigh County Animal Rescue Wanda L. Pritekel Mr.† and Mrs. Theodore Pruiksma Sonia E. Quiles* Shawna Racey* Rebecca Ramsburg Heather Ramser* † deceased Leslie K. Rankin* Cindy J. Rattan John and Sue Ravn* Becky and George Reaves Ann Rechin Christina Remaley Brenda Richardson* Major and Mrs. William A. Richardson* Christina L. Rinderle, NNP* Priscilla and Lance Rittenhouse* Megan Rivenburg Kym Roarke Patricia A. Roberts* Charlotte Robey* Elizabeth M. Rodemsky Lynne Rodgers* Rosa E. Rodriguez Rosa Emilda Rodriguez Carolyn and Loren Rodway Amy J. Rogowski* Marcie and Julius Romagnoli Julie B. Romine Julie L. Ross* Jeannie Rossi Vincent Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowzie Iva L. Rusnak Carl and Susan Ryals Jean A. Ryan Karen L. Ryan Azman K. Sabet* Coni Sandoval* Suzanne Schardein Donna Schmiedeknecht* Mr. and Mrs. S. Eric Schneider Alesia and Richard Schraf Kari A. Schwind* Jeffrey W. Scott Dorothy J. Seibert Jackie and James Sellers Laury J. Settle Miranda Settle Robin and John Shafer* Robert and Trina Shannon Christie and Matt Shaw* Jeff and Karen Shazer Nancy Shea Dawn Wright-Shears* Robert and Kay Shiner Catherine Shore* Hurley and Bonnie Shortt Kimberly A. Shuler Jori L. Sienkiewicz Gabriela Sine* Patricia Skipper Anne M. Skube Michael R. Smith Roger L. Smith Thom Smith Aubrey Smoot* Dr. and Mrs. David M. Snyder David C. Sobkowiak Betty and George Southard Lois and Daniel Spoden* Joyce Starks* Starlight Children’s Foundation - MidAtlantic Erin Steele Alice Steinemer Christina Stephenson Bram Stevens Ms. Barbara M. Still* Deborah Stoker* Paul A. Stolzenbach Amanda B. Street Linda Strope* David S. Stubbs John and Linda Suter Dr. Alireza Tajick and Ms. Mina Anane Jenifer E. Taylor Marcus and Patricia Taylor Mary A. Tharp* Brett K. Thomas* Ann L. Thompson* Brenda L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Thompson Teresa O. Thompson Report to the Community Ann Thornsbury* Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunton Tiffany Justin Timpane Lisa Tines Jaclyn R. Tjaden Angela S. Tolley* Kristin Toman* Susan Tomasino* Anthony E. Trice* Melissa Trice Mary Trussell Tracy and Amy Turman* Diane Turner Timothy N. Turner* Peggy Tyson* Michael J. Udell Vanessa Urchek VA Beta Epsilon Alpha Delta Kappa Emily Van Wyen Gayla VandenBosche* Dean P. Verardo Kimberly R. Vest* Mark J. Vignoe Nina Voorhies Lauren K. Walker Mary Ellen Walker Sherry D. Walsh Betty A. Walter* Carrie Waltz Elizabeth W. Ward* Katherine Warzinski Dana Waters Eunseok G. We Jane A. Weatherford* Michelle Weaver Victoria Wedding Robert and Patricia Weikle Ashley R. Wharton Darryl White* Doris M. White Ruth E. White* Wendy D. White* Karen Wicklund* Tammy C. Wiedenhaefer Lewis S. Wiley* MaryBeth Wilkinson* Carol Williams* Jennifer P. Williams John L. Williams* Pamela V. Williams* Beth Wilson Ruth B. Wilson* Linda Wise* Karen L. Wise-Colgrove Danielle Wojtasik* Joan B. Wolf* Michelle Wolfe* Rebecca J. Wolfrey Judith Wood Mercedes A. Wood Kimberley Woodard* Kasha L. Woolf Margaret Wright* Debbie Wyant* Erin S. Yates Nancy Yon-Ovando Ruth S. Young Carol J. Zabrosky* Anne Ziegler, RN* Memorial Gifts In memory of Nancy S. Allen Harry and Susan Russell* In memory of Henry J. Carter Margaret L. Blank* Harry and Susan Russell* In memory of Shirley M. Cohrs Robert and Loretta Joines In loving memory of Melinda Cokley-Szlapak Matthew Szlapak In memory of Everett Corbin Crystal Taylor* In memory of Jerald L. Cruce Barbara S. Cruce Globecomm St. John Properties In memory of Randy L. Daymude David and Jeannie Pullen* In memory of Bessie Lane Dores Dollie L. Jackson* In memory of Merle Dovel Eva J. Dovel* In memory of my dad, Edgar Milton Freeborn Mary L. Celedonia* In memory of Patrick Ryan Gay Tom and Pam Gay* In memory of Bernardo Gonzales Barbara Gonzales In memory of Claire S. Hadden Casey and Eileen August Mimi Chang Suzanne Erez Nicole Gallo Jeanne and Kevin Jordan Members of WASP Model Club Frank Sedlarcik Andrew Tennent Yeen Tham Jeffrey Zachmann In memory of James and Reba Hardy Crystal Taylor* In memory of Mickey and Jo Hayes Barbara Crierie* In memory of Nancy Ford Helms Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Abrams In memory of Rufino Herrera Dollie L. Jackson* In memory of Marilyn J. Heuss Henry J. Bartelloni Patricia and Thomas Darr Robert and Anita Denger Joan L. Donnelly Mary L. Glascock Heritage Hunt Women’s Golf Association Barbara and Tom Kenefake Margaret and Paul Kume Susan I. Lucas Virginia S. McCardle Norma J. Smith Gerald and Doris Stuck Ann and Roger Van de Meulebroecke Jean Johnson Wimberly In memory of my father, Crescenciano Ibe Jennifer A. Vinluan In memory of Horace R. Johnson, Jr. Brenda A. Bailey* In memory of Jordan B. Jones Amber R. Jones In memory of Charlie and Ruby Kilby Sandy Kilby* In memory of Leeamon Kinder Christian Kutassy In memory of Clyde “Poppy” Law Allyson Law In memory of Bertha Lichliter Bekki Purdy LPN In memory of Marie I. List Anonymous In memory of Eugene Lofdahl Sandra L. Williams* In memory of loved ones Sandra Falls* In memory of Donna Meadows Sean and Beth Foddrell* In memory of Jack M. Merelman Shirley H. Crack James M. Ferrari Mary Ferrari Gannett Co., Inc. - IT Department Cynthia and Richard Goodale Heritage Hunt Little Theater John and Shirley Holland Donna F. Jackson Barbara and Tom Kenefake Ina J. Mayer Norma and George Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pullman Dorothy P. Schuetze Donna and Marshall Snyder Karen F. Williams w w w. Fa u q u i e r H e a l t h Fo u n d a t i o n . o r g † In memory of Patricia Z. Miller Francis Fauquier Garden Club Joanne and Don Page Christina and Phillip Whiteside In memory of Lettie B. Perry Ruth Voigt* In memory of Tyler Scott Rankin Tom and Dottie Williams* In memory of Doctor Ringholz Ricky Pauley In memory of Cali Rae Robinson Anonymous Joyce and Marshall Dantzler In memory of Gil Sargent Jo Sargent In memory of my husband, Bernard Schwartz Anne D. Schwartz* In memory of Jonathan Wade Seale Betty J. Seale* In memory of Sgt. Jason A. Shaffer Roger and Gwen Shaffer* In memory of Jennifer Nicole Shaffer Roger and Gwen Shaffer* In memory of William and Edith Shanney Colleen M. Shanney* In memory of Maybelle O. Smith Berkley Underwriting Partners Dr. Patrick Comyn family and staff Mrs. Thelma S. Davis Criminal Investigations Division of Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office Great American Insurance Group Susan S. Griffin Marie and Dale Hess Donald and Valerie Huffman Ruth Hazel Little Berman McAleer Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Oare* Jonathan S. Rabon E. H. and Rebecca Shelton Jonelle Mullen Stern In memory of Richard Leighton Smith Delia L. Pomeroy In memory of Nancy Sours Anonymous In memory of Susan Sprague Sarah Thompson* In memory of Squirrel Donna L. Hickerson* In memory of Dennie M. Sutherland Anita D. Sutherland* In memory of John Taylor Chris Kelleher* Cyndi Pardoe Lori D. Trimble* In memory of Laurilla H.Teleki Paul G. Teleki* In memory of Ralphine Tennant and Ida Tennant Larry and Janet Dunn* In memory of Nannette Thompson Beth Schloe In memory of John R. Trautman, Father Tom and Elizabeth Trautman In memory of Thomas Walbroehl Lucy G. Walbroehl In memory of Dennis White Alonzo N. White* In memory of James C. Wiley Susie Corrao Nancy and Harry H. Daugherty Stan and Ellen Einstein Marion E. Havard Darrell and Dorothy Mach Herb and Jane Myers In memory of Paul and Eleanor Winkelvoss Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Winkelvoss* In memory of John and Dorothy Yeager Jacqueline and Mike Drake* In memory of my father, Richard Young Nadine L. Clark* In memory of Pamela A. Zazzaro Mark F. Zazzaro deceased Honor Gifts In honor of Richard Lloyd Blackwell† Kristen Blackwell Graham In honor of Ina Bowman and Deb Larsen Fred L. Richardson, Jr. and Debbie M. Werling Maria Valencia* In honor of Frank and Ann Connolly Peggy Weiss* In honor of Everett Corbin Melissa Clark* In honor of Mary Cowan Peggy Weiss* In honor of the Daisy Foundation Dianna M. Fanning In honor of the ER Nurses Karen F. Chapman In honor of Fauquier Hospital and Staff Abby Bernard In honor of Rebecca Garner Deanna Baum In honor of Soo Sang Gong Brianna Jeonghyun An In honor of the wonderful Home Health staff Ann Baker, P. T. In honor of Infusion Center Sharon Wiley In honor of Mrs. Jane Maddux Mr. H. Cabell Maddux, Jr.† In honor of Doug Martin Anonymous In honor of Sharon Mason Ben and Sherrie Wampler In honor of my parents, Mitchell and Lauren May E. Lindsay Johnson In honor of Brenda McCarter Diane Plott In honor of my daughters, Michelle and Ashley McClanahan Nicole C. McClanahan In honor of my mom in Bangkok, Thailand Sunee L. Hansen* In honor of nurses Mary Anne and Michael Wassenberg In honor of Ethel Schilt Wanda G. Wiser In honor of Dr. Charles N. Seal Amy L. Walters In honor Dawn Wright Shears Deanna Baum In honor of the wonderful staff on 2S/2W Nancy Herman* In honor of Jay and Bernie Weiss Peggy Weiss* In honor of Jonathan Weiss Peggy Weiss* In honor of Karen Wickland Nathalee Matheny In honor of Dr. Adam Winick Dr. Thomas M. Sherman and Dr. Lisa D. Sherman * indicates that the donor has supported the Foundation for five or more consecutive years. A TRADITION of healing at Fauquier Hospital Fauquier Hospital was founded in 1925 as a 20-bed hospital in a former residence at 32 Waterloo Street in Warrenton. It was known as Fauquier County Hospital and admitted 344 patients that first year. One-hundred and eighty-four operations were completed along with 57 emergency treatments. Twenty-two babies were born. Since then, there have been many changes at Fauquier Hospital. •The 1960s: The free maternity clinic opened, as did the Tom Frost Wing; the hospital was accredited by the Social Security Administration to provide Medicare services and by the Joint Commission for Healthcare Organizations. •1972: Added this year were a newborn nursery and pediatric care unit; a new ICU, expanded radiology and physical therapy departments, pharmacy, operating room suite, and a new emergency room (with helipad), laboratory, central supply area, administration and business office. • 1979: The J. North Fletcher Wing opens. •1985: The Bill Green cardiac care unit opens. •1985: The hospital’s Home Care As demand for health care division is created. began to increase dramatically, •1986: A 60-bed expandable plans were made to purchase a bigger site and build a new hospital. The Hospital Hill facility, at 56 beds, was dedicated on November 16, 1958. long-term care facility, the Warrenton Overlook Health and Rehabilitation Center, is approved. (That facility has since changed its name to Fauquier Health Rehabilitation & Nursing Center and has 113 beds.) Report to the Community •1999: Work begins on a five-story patient tower. • 2000: Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary begins its popular Pet Therapy Program, part of the Planetree philosophy of care. •2007: Fauquier Hospital becames one of only five hospitals in the country to earn the Planetree philosophy of care designation. The hospital has been redesignated twice since then. •2008: Fauquier Health Wellness Center relocates to 419 Holiday Court in Warrenton. The hospitalist physician program begins. The Emergency Department expands to 33 beds. Fauquier Health opens the first of 10 physician offices. •2009: The Fauquier Health Wound Healing Center opens. Fauquier Hospital’s Medical Imaging Department begins using digital mammography. • 2010: The Villa at Suffield Meadows, an assisted living facility, opens with 67 units. Breast MRI is added. To coincide with the addition of a hematology/medical oncology physician, Fauquier Hospital renovates and expands its Infusion Center. •2013: Fauquier Hospital begins offering wide-bore MRIs, designed for larger patients or those who suffer from claustrophobia. A brand new interventional radiology suite is added. The Mars Family Special Care Nursery is established. A telemedicine partnership with the University of Virginia is put in place, allowing instant video access to neonatal specialists. In October, Fauquier Hospital makes another far-reaching change; the health system partners with LifePoint Hospitals. w w w. Fa u q u i e r H e a l t h Fo u n d a t i o n . o r g Fauquier Health Foundation 2014-2015 Board of Directors NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 902 98 Alexandria Pike Suite 43 Warrenton, VA 20186 Kevin Carter Christy Connolly, President & CEO Marshall Doeller, Chair Janelle Downes Rick Gerhardt Robin Gulick Joshua Jakum, MD Ray Knott John McCarthy, Vice Chair Mary Leigh McDaniel, Secretary/Treasurer Susan Rubin Susan Strittmatter Tom Tucker Mark Van de Water Diane von Goellner-Suppa Karen Wachtmeister Adam Winick, MD Patricia Woodward Powell Duggan, Legal Counsel Staff Christy Connolly President/CEO Kirsten Dueck Program Officer Elizabeth Henrickson Director of Administration and Programs Lorna Magill Controller Kay McClure Executive Assistant Susan Necci Database Manager Amy Petty Director of Communications The Foundation office has moved to our new location! 98 Alexandria Pike • Suite 43 • Warrenton, VA 20186 540-680-4100 •
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