WSTE celebrates 75 years of service to members
WSTE celebrates 75 years of service to members
RESIDENTIAL RATE COMPARISON PER 1000 KWH Dr. Francis Cefalu President Charles Hill General Manager Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative P.O. Box 697 Franklinton LA 70438 (839-3562) • 2013 Rate Comparison 1000KWH 140.00 120.00 WSTE celebrates 75 years of service to members 100.00 80.00 CLECO ENTERGY WST 60.00 40.00 20.00 r r em be De c er ob ct em be No v r O st em be pt gu Se Au ly Ju ne Ju M ay ril Ap M ar ch ry ru a Fe b Ja nu ar y 0.00 In the Board Room Regular Board Meeting TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 2012, AT 4:30 P.M. The Board of Directors of Washington St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc., held a board meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. at the Franklinton, WST office. Rev. Hickman gave the report of the Bid Committee, noting an extensive list of bids received by the Cooperative for various projects. Six different bids were received for right-of-way work, with some bidders submitting a bid on all circuits and some on only certain circuits. After review of the bids, motion was made by Mr. Jourdan, seconded by Mr. Bateman to take the bids under advisement and review bids on a circuit basis, awarding the contract to the lowest qualified bidder meeting technical requirement. Motion passed unanimously. Bids were also received for the Hackly and Clifton substation site work. Bids were received for fencing at the Hackly and Clifton substations. Board President Francis Cefalu called upon finance committee chairman, Mr. David Shaw to present the report of the budget committee. Mr. Shaw presented a packet of materials to the board regarding the 2013 operating and capital purposed budget. The documentation reviewed purchases and sales, capital budget operating revenue and expense projections as well as projections concerning employees, employee additions, budget projects and statement of cash flows. The board reviewed charts and other information reflecting expenses and revenues. Mr. Walt Sylvest gave a substantive presentation concerning this information along with Mr. Shaw. Manager Charles Hill gave the managers report. (Acct. No. 70305102) Manager Hill presented the administration and finance report including a review of the RUS Form 7. The board reviewed the year-to-day key ratios which reflected 9.8 consumers for mile of line and cost for KWH purchased at 4.55 cents. Motion was made by Rev. Hickman, seconded by Mr. Singletary to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed unanimously. Executive session was held. Motion made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Glass to come out of executive session. Motion passed unanimously. Manager Hill gave the engineering and operation report which reflected a total of 153 staking jobs conducted in the month of October. Aid to construction totaled $5,378.00. Total system peak for the month of October totaled 181.646 MW, a slight increase over last October. The board reviewed WST and Contractor overhead and underground work in both the southern and northern district, with Mr. Hill noting that the crews remain busy completing work orders and service orders throughout the cooperative’s territory. Overhead and Contractor areas of concentration was at HWY 25 North, River Road Clifton Substation and South Fitzmorris Road. The board also reviewed the 2012 rightof –way maintenance report which reflected right-of-way maintenance work in the Enon, Folsom, Savannah Branch, Bolivar, Eastfork, Isabel, Lacombe, Pearl Acres and Angie substation areas. Mr. Hill presented the marketing and safety report, with review of the marketing department’s efforts being made in the cooperative’s service area. Manager Hill noted that Chad Angelo is the new Safety Director having moved over from the staking operation of the cooperative. Safety meetings were held in both the northern and southern districts with the main topic of the month being bucket truck rescue presented by ALEC. All operations employees attended the training. Manager Hill noted that the annual meeting for the NRECA is scheduled in New Orleans from February 14-21. Mr. Chuck Hughes presented the legal report including a discussion of possible bylaw amendments for the cooperative. Information was distributed for consideration and possible future action by the Board. Page 6 • Louisiana Country • February 2013 Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. received its charter from the State of Louisiana to operate as a non-profit corporation on Feb. 4, 1938. The name of this new corporation was Washington St.Tammany Electric Membership Corporation. On Oct. 25, 1940 the corporation was converted to a cooperative and changed its name to Washington St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. In 1938, WST opened its first office and began its commitment to the service of its members in its service area covering the parishes of Washington, St. Tammany, and Tangipahoa in a building on Washington Street owned by Maurice Magee Furniture Store. The Cooperative has operated out of offices in the Waverley Rock House on Cleveland Street, the Warren Gas Building on 11th Avenue, the Prentiss Magee building on Main Street and since 1948 at the present location located on the corner of Pearl and Lee Streets. WST presently has three branch offices, all located in St. Tammany Parish. Locations are, Folsom Branch Office on Highway 40 in Folsom, Abita Springs Branch Office on Mire Drive in Abita Springs and Slidell Branch Office on Gause Boulevard in Slidell. WST’s first branch office opened in 1960 in Slidell and was located in a rented building on Highway 190 near the present North Side Shopping Center. In May 1960, WST purchased a house and property located in the Log Cabin Subdivision on Gause Boulevard. The property was large enough to house a pole yard and Branch Office operated out of the office build- Washington-St. Tammany Electric has operated out of its headquarters office on the corner ing. The Slidell of Pearl and Lee Streets since 1948. Branch Office points, two transmission switching stations and 33 suboperated out of these facilities until September 1979. In stations. (Acct. No. 32010000) September 1979, the present office building on Gause Boulevard in Pearl Acres Subdivision was dedicated. The Washington-St. Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc.’s main goal and objective since the establishment of the new property on Gause Boulevard contained six acres Cooperative is to provide its members with the best serthat now houses the Slidell Branch Office Building, pole vice at the lowest available cost. and equipment yards and the Pearl Acres Substation. In March 1974, WST purchased a site on Mire Drive near the Town of Abita Springs for the establishment of a branch office with a pole and storage yard. This office was opened to serve the members of this area in the summer of 1974. In January 1979, WST purchased a site on Highway 40 in the Village of Folsom for the establishment of branch office. This office was opened to serve the members of this area in April 1979. WST Electric Cooperative, Inc., serves residents and businesses located in the areas of Washington, St. Tammany and Tangipahoa Parishes. The Co-op has grown from an organization of two employees and no members and no electric lines to the present organization of 128 employees that serves over 50,000 accounts, has 183 miles of transmission lines, over 4,905 miles of distribution lines, seven delivery Notice to all members The Annual Membership Meeting of Washington-St Tammany Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2013, 10:00 A.M. at the Franklinton High School in Franklinton, Louisiana. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct the business of the membership and elect three (3) members to the Board of Directors. Election of members to the Board of Directors will be held by mail ballot. One-third (1/3) of the Washington-St.Tammany Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors (3 Directors) shall be elected to a three (3) year term on Saturday, May 4, 2013. Two (2) of the directors to be elected shall be a resident of St. Tammany Parish and one (1) of the Directors to be elected shall be residents of Washington Parish. Any incumbent director may be a nominee by filing a letter of intent with the Cooperative by 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, the 12th of March 2013, at which time nomination of such directorship is to be closed. Any other member of the Cooperative may be nominated by filing a petition, which can be picked up from the Administrative Assistant in Franklinton, La. at 950 Pearl Street between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Petitions must be returned to the Cooperative office by 4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, the 12th of March 2013, containing the signatures of fifteen or more members in good standing of the Cooperative as of that date. ALL NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORSHIP SHALL BE CLOSED AT 4:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013 Look for TWO lucky account numbers! Washington-St. Tammany Electric is offering its members two opportunities to win the Co-op’s monthly Lucky Account Number contest by publishing two account numbers somewhere on pages 6-7 of Louisiana Country. Look for your account number hidden somewhere on these pages. To win you must locate your account number (listed on your electric bill) on these pages and then contact the Co-op within seven working days of that issue. To claim your prize call 985-839-3562. February 2013 • Louisiana Country • Page 7 WSTE News Pages 6-7 • Feb. 2013 Vol. 29 No. 11 WSTE celebrates 75 years of service to members
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