File - Bacchus Marsh Model Aircraft Association


File - Bacchus Marsh Model Aircraft Association
Edition 15
Web Site:
Presidents Report -September /October 2015
Hi to all Club Members
Welcome to the BMMAA September/October Club newsletter.
This month we had father’s day so happy father’s day to all the fathers in the Club and I
hope your got spoiled.
Your Committee has been working hard over the last 4 weeks in finding a new site
for the BMMAA Club. It’s looking very promising as Garry Thiele has found a site in the
Ballan Area which is around 86 acers. The Committee have been out to the proposed site
several times and pegging out proposed runways.
To see if this is viable for model aircraft operations, we scheduled a meeting with
the Moorabool Shire Planning Department and have gathered appropriate documents and
plans. Joe Finocchiaro has been in contact with the VMAA & the MAAA with Ken Mollison speaking with the MAAA
Secretary Kevin Dodd.
The details as you have been presented at the last Club meeting so we are all aware what has happened so far.
Based on those discussions, all present voted to move forward and see what we can achieve and do in acquiring the land.
Exciting times indeed.
On Saturday, 26 September, the VMAA executive visited the proposed site to see if the property could be
used as a new flying site and more importantly, be used to fly most if not all R/C disciplines. In attendance was Joe
Finocchiaro, Deb and Jim Hill and myself to answer any questions or concerns the VMAA may have. We are happy to
report that at the conclusion of our discussions, the VMAA are happy with the site and will recommend to the MAAA
to purchase the land. This was the support we needed to move to the next step.
So what happens from here?? Monday week the MAAA Council meets and our proposal table for discussions.
With any luck, we hope to hear something soon after that. So we still have a way to go but we are heading in the right
The VMAA Trophy Weekend is the 10th & 11th of October 2015 and we are looking to enter a team this year.
So please support the Club and have a go having fun with fellow aero modellers from other Clubs.
At present the Club has 30 financial Members in which three are life members. Not a bad start to the year and
one which I hope will continue to grow. No doubt if the new proposed site goes forward, then I think our numbers will
grow. Which is a good thing.
Next meeting of BMMAA will be held at the RSL Hall on Wednesday 14 October 2015, starting at
8:00 pm. This is our monthly meeting to discuss Club business and up and coming events.
Please come along and support the Club.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 1
The weather has not been too bad over the last 4 weekends so I have
been heading out to the field and having a fly with the old scanner, Pulse
& Spacewalker. The Spacewalker is still not right and a close inspection
while cleaning it down after a couple of flights found a couple of little
things that need to be address.
The field is still looking good and after the last working bee looks
great. Also the rabbits & roos have been busy digging holes around the
field and these have been filled so we do not disappear while walking
around. Big holes you know… It is an ongoing problem as we all know
and one that needs to be managed.
The new Participation Levy list is on the web site for this FY. So keep
an eye on it. There will plenty of opportunities once again to make up
your 4 participations that are needed.
And a quick reminded that all flying must be done forward of the centre
line of the runway. No flying over your head or behind the flight line No
exceptions. This is part of safety for you and others and we need to make sure these simply rules are followed by all
Members and visitors.
Please keep up the good work of taking all your rubberish home with you at the end of the day. It is pleasing to
see the field clean and tidy. It does make a difference.
Over and Out…..
Michael Whelan
BMMAA President
The landlord, Mr Hawk
just checking things out......
Editor’s Report – September/October 2015
A little bit late this month based on a number of things, one being the submission to the VMAA for the proposed new
flying field. It has certainly taking up most of my time, but you may have read already from Michael’s report, the VMAA have
approved the site and will recommend to the MAAA the site is suitable for R/C flight operations.
This is what the Committee has been working towards and the first major step as the recommendation is what the
MAAA are looking for. The photo in the newsletter shows the VMAA Executive and part of the Committee in attendance. You
can tell from the smiles it was a good meeting and we all left feeling quietly confident. I really hope for the Club and our sport
we are successful with our proposal. Have a look at the map in the newslette to see were the proposed new field location. Time
will tell….
Well another month gone already and spring has sprung as the saying goes… The weather has become warmer and it is
great to see the sun about for a change. But this time of the year the wind has also joined us. Morning are normally ok but by
afternoon things to do change. They are predicting a long hot summer and I hope they are wrong as bush fire season is almost
upon us.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 2
Attended the Shepparton Scale Mammoth in September and I must admit, the crowd, number of pilots and model
was up. Something like 100 pilots over the weekend with about 150 models on the deck. Throw in some magnificent
weather and you have a great weekend. Spectators were coming and going all weekend with never a dull moment. I did notice
more jets this year and the model are defiantly bigger. Some photos are in the newsletter so hope you enjoy.
Well, by the time you received this newsletter, we will have about 12 days before the VMAA Trophy weekend. We do
have a team, but we still have events not filled. If you want to give it a go, put your hand up. It is not too late and it is a lot of fun
on and off the field. If you are not taking part in an event, then come along to support the team. Every bit helps to we can give
back as much as they give us….. There is the list of events and when they are scheduled. Remember, we need to be at the State
Field by 08:00 am so we can be ready by the first event which starts at 9:00 am.
Well, that is it for now.
Until next time……….. Be safe, fly true............
Working Bees
Working bees are normally held on Sunday
after the Club Monthly Meeting starting at 9:30 am.
If this is changed or cancelled, you will be notified
via email as soon as possible.
5 Seconds of Madness...........
Whats the difference...
What’s the difference between inlaws and outlaws?
Outlaws are wanted.
One to many....
How do you know when you are too drunk to drive?
When you swerve to miss a tree then realize it was your air freshener.
Whats Cute...
When I see lovers’ names carved in a tree, I don’t think it’s cute.
I just think it’s crazy how many people bring knives on a date.
I told my dad to embrace his mistakes.
He cried. Then he hugged my sister & me.
I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 3
VMAA Trophy Weekend
10 & 11 October 2015
So the time has come to put our mouths were a heart lies. We do have a
team and we have events that are not filled. It is not to late to put your hand up and
give the events below a go.
We only have 12 days before the event so we do not have a lot of time, but just
enough to do some practice. Next weekend (3 and 4 Oct) will be the last trophy
The team list so far is below so thank you to all those that are trying an event. Some
pilots have doubled up as each pilot can only do a maximum of two events. You can
help out with as many as you like to support the pilot and team.
At the end of the day, I hope we have 12 pilots, one for each event so we can have max participation from the Club. Any
pilot who flies in any of the VMAA Trophy weekend, will count towards your yearly participation effort. So it does pay to take part.
We need the support from the whole Club so if you are not flying, you can still come out and help out. I know we have
some very good pilots with very good models to compete with. If anyone has any concerns or questions give me a call. All
documentation is on the VMAA Website in regards to rules and conditions so read up and get ready for a lot of fun.
Team Manager
"Helicopter (Heats 1 & 2)
Time & Novice Club Rules"
"Old Timer Duration"
Fun Scale
Scale Aerobatics
R/C Combat
Electric Glider
Musical Landings
Club Racing
Fun Fly
Sports Limbo
Thermal Glider
Joe Finocchiaro
Kevin Kurwood
Les Spaltman
Ken Mollison
Kevin Thomas
Syd Histed
Mark Peterson
Ken Mollison
Les Spaltman
Mark Peterson
Please remember, we need to be at the state field by 8:00 am so we can start flying at 9:00
am. Helicopter Heat 1 and Combat will be flying first on the Saturday. Events schedule can
change depending on the weather so we all need to be at the field.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 4
VMAA 2015 Scale State
Championships - TCMAC Albury
Article and photos by
Joe Finocchiaro
This year the VFSAA decided to hold the VMAA
State Scale Championships at Twin City Model Aircraft
Club which is located in Albury on 15 and 16 August.
The VFSAA do have a Sports Scale event schedule at this
event each year over a weekend and has proven to be very
successful. The State Championships is also a two day
event based on the flying categories available, however,
the problem has always been to find a Club that would
allow the VFSAA to hold this event. It has always proven
difficult to have this event close to Melbourne based on
accommodation and field availability.
Just a few of the model a the event being prepared for
their next round. My faithful Cub waits patiently
for out turn.
Considering we travel to Albury each year, it
seemed worthwhile to see if we could hold this event at
TCMAC and at the same time, invite all scale pilots to join
us. The weather in Albury was perfect for both days, with
the sun shining and feeling more like spring than winter
considering the cold weather we have been experiencing
in Melbourne. The atmosphere and hospitality of TCMAC
was first class with the runways being ideal considering
you had concrete or grass to choose from.
With this event, two flight lines were established
and ran for both days. This proved to be very successful
with most pilots completing at least 5 flights in Sport
Scale Only (ARF) which was the largest category. At the
end of the competition, David Law won the Scale F4C
category with his Pitts with a score of 5558.17 points and
Roger Carrigg winning the Sport Scale section with his
Waco with a score of 2284.87. Well done to both.
Garry Sunderland and his Pfalz on takeoff. Flew very
well and sounded great.
The competition was close all weekend with
myself coming 5th overall. Gary Sunderland came 3rd in
Scale F4C but lost his Pfaiz bi plane. Not sure if it was
radio issue or something else, but it was a real pity to see
this model being damaged and i think beyond reverery.
This was the only real mishap which is good to see apart
from the normal engines won’t start or some other small
issue along the way. There was some great flying by many
with some fantastic models. It was also good to see the David Law’a Pitts on takeoff. Another great performa.
local Club Members taking part and having a good time. David one the Scale F4C category. Well done once again.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 5
Looking forward in going next year and taking part.
Hopefully, improve my standing in the overal placings.
Well that is it for now. Hope to do some more flying
as the weather becomes warmer. All we have to worry
about now is the wind….. for a couple of months
See you at the field.... Ed.
Noel Finlay helping out Noel Whitehead by holding on to his CT4.
Had an issue of its wheels not staying on the axial.....
Roger Carrigg (BRCFC) and his WACO. Roger took out
the Sport Scale category. Well done.
Tony Greigor’s Gee Bee going through its paces.
Tim Dehann (NFG) is new to scale and given it a go.
Flew well and the only way is up.....
David Balfour and Tony Small doing some judging ont he day.
Not an easy job, but one that needs doing... Thank you
Ken Osborne
(Right) and
his Robbins
One of our
older flyers
from TCMAC
and did a
great job. Well
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 6
Be part of the Australian Model Flying Day 24 – 25 October
Buy a $5.00 badge to support the Royal Flying Doctor Service
▶ Register your club’s participation with the MAAA Secretary
▶ Let the MAAA Secretary know how many badges your club would like to purchase.
▶ Send a cheque with your request or receive a tax invoice for badges. (Cheques made
out to MAAA Australian Model Flying Day)
▶ Receive MAAA Australian Model Flying Day 2015 badges
▶ Plan one day during the weekend of 24 - 25 October and organise a club activity: flying
event, BBQ, swap and sell day, indoor, display or just a get together of members.
▶ Badge purchases are the only form of RFDS donation for the day
▶ When you donate $5.00 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and receive your badge, you
are participating with modellers around Australia in a worthy cause similar to other
charity events, (Red Nose Day, Pink Ribbon Day etc.)
▶The event does not need to be a flying display (unless your club wishes to do so)
therefore no approvals are required. It would be great however, to see members of the
public encouraged to come along and take part in our sport!
‘Fully Approved and Supported by the Royal Flying Doctor Service’
Come on, join in, and show that aeromodelling as a sport can give something back to the
community, especially such a worthy cause.
Club Name:
Contact Name:
Postal Address:
Number of Commemorative badges required:
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Above ad from the MAAA is
what this is all about in regards
to our sport and to help out a
fantastic course.
So what we doing..... BMMAA
will hold it own Fun Fly on
Saturday, 24 Oct to help out.
Come along with $5 and enjoy
a fly, BBQ and just getting
together to have a chat. Sounds
like a plan and a day we can
have a few laughs along the
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 7
Handy info for troublesome Walbro carburettors.
By Syd Histed
For some time I’ve had quite a tempestuous relationship with my 260 Extra, 53cc twin.
Some of you may have heard my woes with this engine. The analogy of my turbulent
experience with the 260 Extra, can be correlated to the experience of having a close
relationship with someone you love. I.E. One day you’re flying high, not a cloud in the sky
everything is purring along as it should be, - the next day you’re in the pits cursing, ready to
trade her in on a new model, or worse, wishing you had a hammer in reach so you can
perform some “percussive maintenance”.
In the case of the 260 Extra, the engine had become increasingly difficult to start, erratic
running, lots of dead stick landings ;( many of which ended badly), and finally the engine
dying, a result of a big end bearing letting go. Thankfully I had fellow Club member Garry
Thiele come to my rescue, sub sequentially we rebuilt the engine.
However, the reliability I was after was still elusive, the motor still being hard to start and
cutting out on occasion. I had two options available to me:
 Call around to see my hunting friend Jeffro, and borrow his 12 gauge pump action
Mossberg to perform some “instant relief surgery” to this troublesome engine.
 Or pull the carby off the motor myself, and try to diagnose the problem.
It was an easy decision initially, but I decided to go for the latter.
The information I offer to all who are interested is a basic guide only. I don’t claim to
have great knowledge, far from it, this is my first foray into petrol powered models, I can
only provide info to you that has worked for me, and may help solve your petrol model
problems, should they occur: this rebuild experience has been a huge learning curve for me
to. The problems, diagnostics, and maintenance of petrol engines is vast, and there’s lots of
info out there if you want to get into the intricacies of Walbro carburettors.
There are some members in the club with great knowledge on petrol powered engines, so
seek them out, they would only be too helpful in assistance, but also, if your engine’s got the
blues, have a go at fixing it yourself.
The joys of aeromodelling is not confined to just flying, but also being able to fix and repair
things yourself when they go wrong; there’s great satisfaction in knowing you’ve done it
yourself. It can be a real confidence booster.
Some of the info and photos is referenced from Walbro carburettor’s online manual.
RCforumsincluding:Flying Giants
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 8
As with diagnosing problems with any internal combustion engine.
problem spark? Or is the problem petrol?
Determine: is the
Through a process of elimination: I checked there was sufficient spark, - fired at T.D.C.,
checked H.T. leads for cracks, checked spark plug gap, tried new spark plugs.
Nowthepetrolside: working from the fuel tank forward.
 Flush out fuel tank, clean filter on clunk, if one is used.
 Check fuel tank bung seals properly, no leaks, replace if its more than a couple of
season’s old, (some replace it at the end of every season), petrol will perish the rubber
and fuel lines over time.
 Secure all fuel lines to inlets with clips or cable ties.
 Check fuel dot seals properly, no air leaks. Clean inline fuel filter. ( a must have)
What I discovered most about these Walbro carbs is the entire function of them is
dependent on an expected amount of vacuum being formed, if its not present, it will not
function correctly.
That being the case, it was possible also the pump diaphragm may have hardened over time
and need replacing. Getting a rebuild kit for the Walbro was no problem, I went to my local
mower shop and a complete kit was on hand for around $20.
All the parts you need, and then
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 9
Inspect the inside fuel inlet side
and remove fuel diaphragm and
Note: the little fuel screen that
can become blocked with buildup. Either clean it with cotton
bud or prize it out and replace.
Important: never use metal instruments on the carb itself, it can be easily damaged and
alter its function. Flush out in petrol or use low pressure compressed air.
Remove cover on fuel
metering side.
Here, screwed in place the fuel
metering needle, spring & lever
arm. I didn’t pull this out as it
could have been tricky to get
adjusted again. These parts can
wear over time, but I didn’t feel it
was warranted. If pain persists
consult your specialist!!
Replace gasket and diaphragm,
replace in same order. 2 piece.
If you look carefully in the bore
you can see tiny fuel port holes. I
thought they were defects when I
first saw them, - so small. You
will find a idle fuel port and a
high speed fuel port.
toothbrush will help clean if
clogging up.
After carb has been cleaned and reassembled, the Reed
valve block that is located between crankcase and carb
needs a going over. Essential: to ensure adequate
sit flat
on block,
little plastic
If you see
from give
the reed
block, reeds
its nota
sealing properly, again, this can cause inadequate
see in
the photo.
Left not
of reed
to suck
and push fuel
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 10
A lot of these Chinese motors don’t have adequate quality control, this is
evident on the front and rear face of the reed block, not seating flush
between the crankcase and the carby. A mod that I performed was to
place very fine grit sandpaper on a glass surface, and gently sand both
faces of the block until block surface was evenly flat.
The Walbro may be a simple carb, but it is a precise piece of engineering with tiny pieces
and tiny orifices and channels running through it that can get blocked. Keep it clean and the
fuel going into it. I hope this basic guide on Walbro carbs has been interesting and
enlightening enough that if trouble occurs that you can have ago at fixing it yourself. Either
that, or this info is boring enough to help you get to sleep at night.
Some more handy hints at no extra cost:
It is worth buying another carb, test it on your donk, take it off and keep in your field box.
Because one day if you’re out at the field and your engine inexplicably starts to play up,
simply change over carbys. If the problem persists after replacing the carb, you know it’s not
the carburettor at fault, but something else. A new Walbro can be purchased for around $40$50.
I know I would rather spend my precious time at the field flying, rather than wasting it trying
to diagnose problems that could take the rest of the day to sought out. Meanwhile, the old
carby can sit on the workshop bench until a cold wet day motivates me to pull it apart to
sought it out.
I hope this information has been helpful or may assist in the future with your petrol powered
model, there’s a lot out there to learn, I’ve learnt a lot in recent times. And my Seagull Extra
is now far more reliable to start and fly. I’m so glad I bought such an unreliable engine, I
would never had learnt as much otherwise.
In next month’s exciting edition of tech talk, I will be discussing such diverse subject matter
The meaning of life.
Why your toaster has a setting that will turn your toast to charcoal.!
Why do 24 hour convenience stores have a lock on the front door? !!.
And why you should not connect high voltage LiPo batteries to your partner’s bedroom
Adios fellow stick slammers.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Syd Histed
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 11
F1D World Championships Team Trial
A Team Trial will be held in Adelaide by the Adelaide Aeromodellers Club, with support from MASA, to select
team members for the 2016 F1D World Championships to be held in the Slanic Salt Mines in Romania. A new
‘Boyd Felstead’ perpetual trophy will be awarded to the winner.
To find out more about competing, or to register, please contact the Contest Director preferably by email at (ph 0419 825 541).
Rubber-powered free flight F1D models are the slowest recognized fixed wing aircraft in the world. An F1L (EZB)
competition will be held concurrently. Come along and see a unique and unusual side of the hobby. Visitors are
welcome and admission is free.
Date: Sunday 29 November 2015 (3pm to 8pm)
Venue: The Gardens Recreation Centre, Parafield, South Australia.
MAAA Newsletter
The latest WingSpan newsletter is now available from the
MAAA website. Go to and have a read of
the latest news from around the nation for September 2015
The newsletter and MAAA web site contains plenty of information and articles
from a number of different areas. The Formula 1 Sandown event will be running
on 30 & 31 January 2016 and will be bigger and better. Great stuff....
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 12
Annual Auction
October 10th 2015
We plan to do it all again in October
Come along and make it our biggest auction yet!
Who knows, there might be something worth buying!
Time for a change – sell the old, buy another pre-loved treasure.
Everything must go.
The auction is scheduled to start around 12:00 pm, but
we will be registering goods for sale from 10:00 am.
$2 entry fee
Hot dogs and refreshments will be available from 10:00 also.
St. Andrews Uniting Church Hall
Barkly Street, Sunbury (Melway 382 E4)
Enquiries: John Sutherland 03 9338 4563
Or Bruce Palamountain 03 5428 7492
Ed’s Tib Bits
MAAA MOPs that you should read........
MOP001 - Accident Reporting
MOP055 - Alcohol, Drugs & Medical Conditions Policy
MOP018 - Night Flying
MOP027 - Award of Wings and Instructor Rating
Click on here to go to the MOP area of the MAAA Web Site
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 13
This dwelling not used.
393 meters from centre of runway
75 m
Boundary 4
275 m
rn B
200 m R/W
Car Pa
200 m
552 m
Eastern Boundary 224.3
Toilets and showers approx
20 meters back of shed
Sourthern side.
Above is a suggested layout of the proposed field. Once we know if the property will be bought we can
get to work. The VMAA is supporting us and will assist were they can. Good place to be....
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
Help keep the field clean and tidy take your
rubbish with you
Page: 14
The VMAA Executive visited the new site on Saturday, 26 Sept 2015. At the end of all the discussions,
the VMAA will support us and will recommend the purchase of the land as a new flying field. Well
done BMMAA so far.
Above from the Left, VMAA Sec. Norm Thompson, VMAA Tres. Brian Dowie, BMMAA Vice Pres,
Joe Finocchiaro, VMAA Pres, Greg Lepp, BMMAA Pres, Michael Whelan, BMMAA Committee
Member, Jim Hill and BMMAA Tres. Deb Hill.
BMMAA Committee 2015/2016
President: Michael Whelan Vice President: Joe Finocchiaro Treasurer: Debbie Hill
Secretary: Garry Thiele Contest Director: Andrew Pasco Public Officer:
Garry Thiele
Safety Officer: Ken Mollison
Newsletter Editor: Joe Finocchiaro
Committee Member: Jim Hill
Appointed as Working Bee Coordinator.
BMMAA Sept/Oct 2015
(0400 503 395)
(0425 708 654)
(0428 329 850)
(0419 667 226)
(0425 780 654)
Joe Buttigieg
Remember to be safe and fly safe
Always restrain your model on start up
Page: 15