Fellow Application
Fellow Application
2016 ACOFP FELLOW AWARD APPLICATION QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS The designation, Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (FACOFP), signifies the recognition of the member’s experience, dedication, and contributions of the highest order to the advancement of family practice by his/her peers. QUALIFICATIONS The Award of Fellow in the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians may be conferred on founder and active members who have: Contributed outstandingly through teaching, authorship, research, professional leadership, or as a moderator at ACOFP CME convention lectures. Has been an active dues-paying member at any level of the ACOFP for at least six consecutive years prior to nomination. Served a one-year AOA-approved internship, or its equivalent. In the event the nominee has not served a one-year AOA-approved internship or its equivalent, the nominee shall have been an active dues-paying member of this College for at least eight consecutive years prior to nomination. Be certified by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) or the American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS). Actively participate in local and state osteopathic organizations and ACOFP affiliate societies. Supported past and current hospital, state society, and national activities of the ACOFP. Nominees must have attended and registered as a family physician a minimum of at least six ACOFP or AOA/ACOFP Annual Conventions in the immediate past ten years. At least three meetings must be ACOFP Annual Conventions and the remainder may be OMED Annual Conventions. One ACOFP Annual Convention meeting during residency may be used for one of the three ACOFP Annual Convention meeting requirements. One ACOFP Intensive Update & Board Review in Osteopathic Family Medicine may be used in place of an OMED Annual Convention. Candidate may count the ACOFP Annual Convention they become a Fellow as one of the ACOFP Conventions attended. A nominee in the military who is unable to attend the ACOFP and OMED Annual Conventions may substitute up to three AMOPS (Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons) Conventions for AOA Annual Conventions. The AMOPS meeting substitution applies only to those on “active duty.” Completed applications are due to ACOFP by September 15, 2015 for the next Fellows Award Ceremony, taking place April 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Please notify ACOFP with the name of the sponsor and nominee prior to submission of application paperwork at fellowsinfo@acofp.org. Each Fellow application must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement by the sponsor and a letter of recommendation from the ACOFP state society, if applicable. If there is no state society, a letter from another ACOFP Fellow who practices in the area or state of the nominee is acceptable. The application must include the completion of an unpublished scientific paper pertinent to family medicine and suitable for publication. The candidate must attest that he/she is the primary author of the submitted, unpublished scientific paper. This paper will be submitted to the sponsor one month in advance for initial review, editing and approval. The sponsor must submit a written appraisal of the nominee’s paper, which must be included in the nominee’s file prior to consideration. All scientific papers that are submitted shall become the property of ACOFP. To receive consideration of a Crest Award or Outstanding Paper Award please follow the suggested guidelines for scientific papers: Text should be limited to 3,000 words. This should include a 250-word abstract, footnotes and references. If charts or pictures are referenced or copied from other sources, permission should be sought from the author in advance. A fee of $195 must be submitted by the sponsor of the nominee and shall accompany the Fellow nomination to cover administrative and Awards Committee expenses. A suitable portion of the fee ($195 or less), as determined by the ACOFP Board of Governors, shall be refunded to the sponsor of an unsuccessful candidate. Upon notice of approval by the Awards Committee and ACOFP Board of Governors, the successful nominee shall pay an additional $375 to cover administrative fees, nominee cap and gown rental, ceremony expenses and the Fellow presentation plaque. This amount will be due prior to the nominee receiving his/her award. The plaque will become the property of the nominee. Fellow Applications shall be sent to Fellow sponsors and Fellow application requests. Any active Fellow may nominate only one qualified member for the Award of Fellow each year. This Award shall not be conferred on any person outside of the osteopathic profession. Notwithstanding any of the requirements herein above stated, the ACOFP Board of Governors shall have the authority, in its discretion, to confer the Award of Fellow in the ACOFP on an Active Member, in addition to those nominated by the Awards Committee. The nominee shall be approved by majority of the ACOFP Board of Governors. Nominations shall be made as confidential as possible. Should the Awards Committee find that a candidate does not meet the requirements, the sponsor will be contacted for consultation. All completed applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2015 for the next Fellows Award Ceremony, taking place April 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist must be completed by the nominee and submitted before September 15, 2015 with documentation supporting the categories below. SPONSOR Enclose check for $195. MUST be submitted by the Sponsor. Completed application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Please do not write “refer to CV.” Letter of recommendation. Edited paper and completed Scientific Paper Appraisal Report Form. NOMINEE AOA#: Must be an ACOFP Active Member for six consecutive years. Letter of recommendation by ACOFP State Society, if applicable, or a letter from another ACOFP Fellow who practiced in the area or state of the nominee must be enclosed. Include a color photo (publication quality). Digital photos preferred. Send to ACOFP via email at fellowsinfo@acofp.org. Completed annual ACOFP and AOA Convention attendance form - must enclose AOA printout. Current Curriculum Vitae enclosed (CV should include public/community service). An original, primary author and unpublished paper enclosed. Send an electronic copy of paper to ACOFP via email at fellowsinfo@acofp.org. Refer to the Fellows “How to Write a Scientific Article” and “Suggestions for Article Types in Osteopathic Family Physician” to review all the steps required of a Fellow Nominee preparing a scientific paper, beginning with the rough draft manuscript to the published paper. ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION APPLICATION Please complete and submit before September 15, 2015. Certified by AOA? Name of Nominee: YES Name of Sponsor: Phone: Cell Phone: Office Phone: Fax: Email: Office Address: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Home Address: City: Nominee Signature Date Sponsor Signature Date Completed applications are due to ACOFP by September 15, 2015 for the next Fellows Award Ceremony, taking place April 2016 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Awards Committee 330 E. Algonquin Road, Suite 1 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 For questions call 800.323.0794 or email fellowsinfo@acofp.org NO ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION EDUCATION Pre-Professional College(s) Attended (Give degree earned): Name of School City STATE YEARS ATTENDED DEGREE City STATE YEARS ATTENDED DEGREE Professional College Attended: Name of School HONORARY DEGREES: List years and locations of general osteopathic medicine: List memberships in local, state, or national family medicine organizations and years: Nominee Signature: Date: ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION OFFICES & MEMBERSHIPS HELD List past offices held in these organizations: List current hospital affiliations: List current state osteopathic licenses held: List local, state, and national professional memberships: List offices held in all professional organizations and years: Use additional pages for Civic activities, offices held, and honors received. Enlarge on all credits held. Nominee Signature: Date: ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION CONVENTION ATTENDANCE List the last six ACOFP or AOA Annual Conventions attended and registered as a family physician in the past ten years. Indicate attended conventions on AOA CME report. • At least three MUST be the spring ACOFP Annual Convention • The remaining three may be fall OMED Annual Convention • One ACOFP Intensive Update may count as an OMED Annual Convention • May count the convention they become a Fellow as one of the ACOFP Conventions attended. CONVENTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. YEAR ACOFP FELLOW | AWARD APPLICATION SCIENTIFIC PAPER APPRAISAL REPORT Name of Nominee: AOA#: Name of Sponsor: Scientific Paper Title: As Sponsor of the above Nominee, I have read the attached scientific paper and feel that the paper is: Excellent Good Satisfactory Not very good Poor COMMENTS: Sponsor Signature: Date:
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