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THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Cvr 2010 1/13/12 10:08 AM Page 2 THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Cvr 2010 1/13/12 10:09 AM Page 3 Letter from the Director To my extended Ranch family, One of the greatest honors of my life is to serve the Ranch, children, and families in the largest mission field in America. I don’t come to work every day because I have to, I get to come to work every day to one of the most dynamic ministries in the world! What began as a dream of a 13 years old boy has grown into a living organization that touches more lives than we will know. My family and I are so blessed to stand and walk in Timothy’s dream as a vocation. As we come to the close of 2011, this year marks my 10th anniversary as the Ranch’s executive director. I want to thank all of you for standing and walking in Timothy’s dream as well. The Ranch could not do what it does every day without people like you. I often say we are all just spokes on a wheel. On a wheel there are no big ones and little ones, just spokes. Paul said it this way in I Corinthians 12:12 – Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. My only request in the upcoming year is that you keep the Ranch in your prayers and share Timothy’s dream with as many people as possible. May 2012 be full of blessings and God’s favor for you and your family. In His Grace, Thaddaeus Hill Executive Director Psalm 146:9 – The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow…. THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:10 AM Page 1 “build a place where kids could live, be loved, feel safe, and have wide open spaces to ride horses.” HISTORY OF THE RANCH Jerry Hill, the founder of THCR, was initially a preacher in Riverhead, NY throughout the 60's & 70's. He and his wife Fern opened their home and hearts to dozens of foster children who were homeless and in need of temporary housing. Their older son, Timothy, saw the painful hardships and emotional suffering that the children had endured, and was deeply affected. He told his parents he wanted someday to "build a place where troubled kids could live, be loved, feel safe, and have wide open spaces to ride horses." Timothy began working at age 12 to save money for the land where his dream could become a reality. He worked three paper routes and had already begun contacting real estate agents in search of property. Fern recalls fielding several return calls from disgruntled real estate agents. She simply explained to them that she could not discourage her son from following his dream. On May 11, 1972, a tragic bicycle-truck accident ended Timothy's life at the young age of 13. His mother, seeking a way to commemorate his life, wrote a book entitled, "Graduation to Glory," which recounted Timothy's altruistic years and his visionary dream of opening up a ranch for troubled children. Friends and neighbors responded spontaneously by creating a memorial fund earmarked "for Timothy's ranch". Jerry and Fern adopted their son's dream and God has blessed the journey ever since. Timothy Hill Children's Ranch (THCR) opened its doors for the first time on November 15, 1980. For more than 30 years, THCR has been a safe haven for hundreds of children during a desperate time of abuse, neglect, and crisis. It is a 70 acre, farm-style campus, located in Riverhead, NY. THCR is licensed by the NY State Office of Children and Family Services and is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. vision transforming hearts and changing lives mission strengthening character by modeling christ-centered values core values Faith in Christ * Passion * Integrity THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:11 AM Page 2 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER GROUPS March * Harding University * Goodman Oaks Church of Christ June * Highland Church of Christ July * University Church of Christ August * Altamesa’s Young Professionals WORDS FROM OUR VOLUNTEER GROUPS Rocky Hall (Harding University) “The closest we’ll ever come as a society to achieving the goals set forth by our Father are the opportunities we have to minister to the youth of this nation. Nowhere is this more evident than at Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch. In my two experiences with the residents of Timothy Hill, I’ve never grown closer to God. Upon first arrival, volunteers and residents approach each other with trepidation, preconceived notions are on display, and judgments are quickly passed. It is not hard to look at “troubled” youth with a negative mindset, and my thoughts generally gravitated toward a pessimistic outlook, “How can I even begin to speak to one of these kids? What can a southern kid from a privileged background share with the guys? I have one week, there is nothing I can possibly do to develop a relationship with anyone at the Ranch so should I even try?” The easiest way to avoid answering these questions was to be as equally distant to the residents as they seemingly were to me, but this is where the greatest mistake can be made. The residents of Timothy Hill are kids, and like most kids they want to be loved, they want respect, and they want to know you care. Through their youth, it is these over-worked questions I had asked myself that kept these kids from developing into men. When I should have been asking myself, “What is a leader if he cannot inspire youth? What is a man if he cannot relate to the experiences of others? What is time in the eyes of God?” We have opportunities in this life, as brief as they may seem, to impact the path of others. I genuinely learned more about the interpersonal relationship of adults to youth, and the impact it has on human spirituality than I have ever known before. I am encouraged by Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch because I have seen firsthand what these boys can become. They are like any other youth in this nation: future leaders, educators, disciples, men, husbands, and fathers. We are all made in God’s image. All of us. I believe in the future of this country because there are kids out there like the boys of Timothy Hill, and I appreciate the Ranch for its dedication to getting these kids back on the path that God had originally intended for them.” THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:11 AM Page 3 SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEER GROUPS Jeff Childers (Highland Church of Christ - Abilene, TX) “For a year and a half, our group did everything we could in Abilene, Texas to raise money so we could travel to the Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch on Long Island and the Timothy Hill Christian Camp in Massachusetts. Travel is expensive, and we needed money for materials and supplies too. We mowed lawns, made quilts, held garage sales, did babysitting, and worked longer hours at our jobs. But when June 2011 came, would it all be worth it? Absolutely! Our time with Jim Buker, helping to renovate the Camp in the woods, was like a joy-filled, sweaty family vacation. And our time at the Ranch with the Hill families and all their boys was icing on the cake. At the Ranch, one of the most impressive things to me was seeing how boys were being mentored for responsible leadership amongst their peers. They are doing it right it the Ranch.” Dena Hollowell (Highland Church of Christ – Abilene, TX) “I just want to express our appreciation for letting us come and serve at the Ranch. In the short time we were there, we got to meet and eat and interact with the boys and the staff. My family and I came with a mission team from Abilene, TX. We came to give, to help out, but it was all of you who touched our hearts and gave to us. We were invited into the boys’ homes and got to share a meal. They were excited and open with us. They showed us their weight room/game room. My son Trey enjoyed playing basketball with them and really just fell in love with the whole idea of being there. He wants to come back every year and help in some way! At 13 years old, when most boys are more self-centered, it is nice to see that he has a “Timothy” heart, and his time at the Ranch helped bring that out. I think one of my favorite times was watching Thaddaeus with the boys. I love how he shares his children, his most precious possessions, with the boys at the Ranch. How this must instill a sense of trust and respect with hose young men, they truly are a family there.” THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:12 AM Page 4 this year at the ranch LEARNING CENTER 90% of the boys that arrive at the Ranch are behind by three or more years in Math. We have had seniors in High School with a first grade reading level. Most have given up all hope of succeeding in school. They have only known failure and do not believe they are capable of anything else. How can a street tough guy ask for help when algebra is so confusing? How does he admit he cannot read well? They need a nurturing environment that is safe enough for them to try again. This summer we built such a haven in our administration building which we call our Learning Center. The Learning Center is comprised of three classrooms for new residents to attend school before moving to the local public school. The boys at the Learning Center receive one to one attention and constant “you can do it”, “I’m proud of you” encouragement. We still see frustration turned to anger at times but slowly the seeds take hold. One after another our boys see there is hope and their grades improve because of that. Planting seeds of success... Michael began in the Learning Center. He struggled at first. His behaviors seemed self sabotaging. When required to write an essay, he just couldn’t find the place to start. Over time, Michael earned the points needed to attend the local high school. For many this familiar setting promotes previous bad habits and results in poor behaviors. This was not the case for Michael. He was able to succeed. Just yesterday, he threw a test on the counter and said, “Look at this!” The grade was 100%. He then said, “I’ve had so many of these now, I’ve lost count.” You may read more about Michael in our sample Dream Rancher letter. THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:12 AM Page 5 Become A Dream rancher For more information about becoming a Dream Rancher, please visit our website at and click on Ways to Help. THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:12 AM Page 6 Become A Dream rancher Here is a copy of the most recent letter written from a resident to our Dream Ranchers. ForthisDreamRancherLetter,wewantedtosharewithyouthecollegeessaythatourresident,Michael,wrote. MichaelarrivedattheRanchsevenmonthsago.Afterreadingthisletteryouwillseethetransformationthathas occurredinthisshortamountoftime.MichaelwasveryexcitedtobeselectedasthefirstDreamRancherletter andwasthrilledtolearnthathecansharehiscollegeessaywithallofyou. ResidentName:Michael Age:17 I’vealwaysdonethingsforothersnomatterwhatimpactithadonme.Ifmygirlfriendsaidsheneeded totalkinperson,Iwouldblowoffschool,family,homeworkorworktobethereforher.Ifmyfriends neededanything,Iwoulddeliberatelydisobeymymothertomeettheirneeds.Ididn’tthinkabout consequencesortheeffectitwouldhaveonme.MylifeseemedgoodandIdidn’tseeanyneedfor change. However,despitemybeliefthatthetroubleIwasgettingintowasinsignificant,itwasreallystartingto causeproblemsinmylife.Ididn’tactuallycareaboutgettingintotrouble.Thethreatsfromthecourt, probationofficerandmymomhadlittlemeaningtome.Ithadnoeffectonmybehavior.Thenoneday IwenttoschoolandwastoldIwasbannedfromcampus.Thatsameday,IwenttocourtandIwassent awaytotheTimothyHillChildren’sRanchforoneyear.Gettingsentawaywas,Ithought,theworst thingthateverhappenedtome. AtfirstIwasright,itwastheworst.Myoutlookonlifewasdismal.Ifeltlikeeveryoneelsehadcontrol ofme.Myfreedomsweregone.Iwastoldwhenandhowtodoeverything.Iwastoldwhattowear.I hadnochoiceinwhattoeat.Icouldgetcallsforfifteenminutesadayfromonlymyfamily.Ifelt isolatedfromthepeopleIlivedfor.IwasangryatmyselfforgettingintothissituationbutIwaseven angrierattheworldfortreatingmeunfairly. Idon’tknowwhenithappened,butsomewhereduringmystay,IrealizedthatthewayIlivemylifenow ismorebeneficialtomethanthewayIlivedlifeprior.Ilearnedhowtotakecareofmyself.I appreciatedmyselfmore.IknownowIamgoodatworking.I’mdiligent.IrealizeI’mintelligent.I inspirepeople.I’mgoodatrelationships.Iamhonest,open,andapproachable.Inowrealizethevalue inthesetraits.Inoticeandappreciatethelittlethingspeopledoforme,bothstaffattheRanchandmy familyathome. Ilearnedthatinlifeyourarelygetsecondchances.TheRanchwasmysecondchance.Destinygaveme anopportunity;Imadethebestofitandturnedmylifearound.Ilearnedtheimportanceinhaving integrity.Inowseehowimportantitistodothingsformyself,tobettermyselfandtheimportanceof tryingtoachievemygoals. MyultimategoalsaretogotoSuffolkCommunityCollegefortwoyearsandthentransfertoastate schooltostudypsychology;specificallypsychopathologyandtheeffectsofdrugsonthebrain.Iwould hopefullyliketoresearchanddevelopnewmedicationswithfewersideeffects.Iwouldalsoliketostart afamilyandbeagoodfathertomyfuturethreechildren. TimothyHillChildren’sRanch 298MiddleRoad,Riverhead,NY11901xPhone(800)322Ͳ1190xFax(631)369Ͳ THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:13 AM Page 7 2010/2011 Wagon Wheel Club There was a time when a wagon wheel was used to help propel people and supplies forward over mountains and through rivers all across this great land. However, that wheel was only as strong as the spokes that supported it; so it is also with the contributors who support the mission of THCR. They allow a place to exist for children to travel safely forward in a direction of faith, hope and love. From October of 2010 through 2011, the following have given $1,000 or more to support the wheels of Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch: Aberdeen Church of Christ, Aberdeen, MD Dr. and Mrs. Frank Adipietro & Liam, Shelter Island, NY Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Albanese, Manhasset, NY Dr. and Mrs. Brian Alexander, Little Rock, AR Mrs. Doris Alexander, Franklin, TN Mr. R.C. Alexander, Franklin, TN Allensville Church of Christ, Allensville, KY Altamesa Church of Christ, Fort Worth, TX Ambassadors for Timothy Hill, Zanesville, OH Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Anderson, Edmond, OK Mr. and Mrs. William C. Attaway, Birmingham, AL Bank of America Matching Gifts, Charlotte, NC Beacon Light Foundation, Peconic, NY Teresa Beck, Columbia, TN Berkeley Springs Church of Christ, Berkeley Springs, WV Biblical Publishing Corporation, Carlsbad, NM Mr. and Mrs. Gary Billingsley, Cedar Hill, TX Mr. & Mrs. R.E. Boone Jr., Birmingham, AL Bridgehampton National Bank, Bridgehampton, NY Bridgehampton Presbyterian Church, Bridgehampton, NY Deborah Brown, Ridge, NY Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce, McKinney, TX Mrs. Jeanne Burch, Dresden, TN Camp Creek Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Cannada, Smyrna, TN Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cardillo, Punta Gorda, FL Mr. Joseph F. Carini, Shirley, NY Central Church of Christ, Little Rock, AR Mr. and Mrs. Leicle Chesser, New Milford, CT Church of Christ, Waxahachie, TX Church of Christ in Concord, Knoxville, TN Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Clark, Shelter Island, NY Mr. John N. Clayton, Niles, MI Mr. and Mrs. John Clovis, Lawrenceville, GA College Church of Christ, Searcy, AR Commack Church of Christ, Commack, NY Conestoga Valley Church/Christ, Lancaster, PA "Cook Hall & Hyde, Inc.", East Hampton, NY Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooke, Sagaponack, NY Crieve Hall Church of Christ, Nashville, TN Cusseta Road Church of Christ, Columbus, GA Mr. Jonathan Dahlstrom, West Simbury, CT The Estate of Aline C. Derbyshire, Manchester, NJ Miss Madeline B. Deschon, Freehold, NJ Mr. & Mrs. Bob Diles, Searcy, AR Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dorris, Brentwood, TN Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dorris, Franklin, TN James D. Dougherty, Shelter Island, NY Mr. Don Drennan. Abilene. TX East End Church of Christ, East Hampton, NY Echo Lake Church of Christ, Westfield, NJ Ecmo, Murfreesboro, TN Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Ewing Jr., Westbury, NY Mr. Robert E. Ferguson Sr., San Antonio, TX Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Cincinatti, OH First Choice Medical, PLLC, Holbrook, NY Mr. & Mrs. Gynnath Ford, Nashville, TN Mrs. Mary Formby, Searcy, AR Mr. Dallas Foster, Pulaski, TN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster, Batesville, AR Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Frank, Columbia, TN Frazier Foundation, Minden, LA Golden Pear Cafes, Southampton, NY Miss Martha Goodpasture, Brentwood, TN Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Gordon, Columbia, TN Grace Gospel Church, Patchogue, NY Mr. and Mrs. William Graham, Yorktown, VA Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Cincinnati, OH Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hackenberg, Lewisburg, PA Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Hardison, Columbia, TN Dr. & Mrs. Huntley Hardison, Philadelphia, PA Mr. & Mrs. James Harmon, Searcy, AR Mr. & Mrs. David Harris, Zanesville, OH Heritage Church of Christ, Franklin, TN Sherri D. Herndon, Clementon, NJ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hill, Riverhead, NY Mr. and Mrs. Thaddaeus P. Hill, Riverhead, NY Mrs. Barbara Hobson, Nashville, TN Deirdre Hogan, New York, NY Mr. & Mrs. Shane Hutchinson, Heber Springs, AR J&S Construction, Cookeville, TN Dr. Doug James, Mobile, AL Mr. and Mrs. Tywan Johnson, North Babylon, NY Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Kenney, Burnham, ME Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamb, Maumelle, AR Lambs Chapel, Center Moriches, NY Mrs. J.K. Langsdon, Columbia, TN Leaf It To Me Landscaping Corp., Calverton, NY Lehigh Valley Church, Bethlehem, PA LSM Development Corp., Westhampton, NY Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Lyon, Greenville, NC Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Mangrum, Dickson, TN Maran Insurance Agency, Southampton, NY B. Marascia Construction Corp., Riverhead, NY Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Martin, Smyrna, TN Mr. & Mrs. Walter Maxwell, Uniondale, NY Mr. and Dr. K.S. McAfee, Burleson, TX Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McCain, Hurst, TX Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClendon, Mesquite, TX Dr. and Mrs. Robert McClure, Columbia, TN Mr. & Mrs. Claude McCormick, Snyder, TX Memorial Road Church of Christ, Edmond, OK Jane A. Merryman, Nashville, TN Mr. & Mrs. George A. Mester, Nashville, TN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller, Mableton, GA Millview Church of Christ, Franklin, TN Mary Katherine, Moody, Memphis, TN Mrs. Sara L. Morris, Plano, TX Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mosing, Broussard, LA Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moss, Holbrook, NY Mt. Juliet Church of Christ, Mt. Juliet, TN Mr. & Mrs. William P. Muir, Hampton Bays, NY Mrs. Earl Nelson, Mobile, AL New Brick Church of Christ, Hillsboro, TN Northside church of Christ, Rochester, NY Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oates, Acampo, CA Mr. and Mrs. Scott Paskiewicz, Center Moriches, NY Mrs. Michael Phelan, Columbus, NJ Pitman Church of Christ, Sewell, NJ Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Dallas, TX Prime Diagnostic Imaging Corp., Ronkonkoma, NY Mr. & Mrs. William Prince, Oxford, GA Princeton Church of Christ, Princeton, NJ Michelle Putnam, Nashville, TN Mr. & Mrs. William Quigley, Austin TX Dr. and Mrs. P. Laray Rector, D.D.S., Columbia, TN Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rensing, Jamesport, NY Ridgecrest Church of Christ, Midwest City, OK Riverhead Building Supply, Shirley, NY Riverhead Rotary, Riverhead, NY Mr. Robert A. Roffee, Leominster, MA Roosevelt Church of Christ, Roosevelt, NY Rotary Club of Riverhead, Riverhead, NY Mrs. Robin Sapanski, New Canaan, CT Mr. and Mrs. Webster W. Schott, Woodside, NY Shelter Island Lions Club, Shelter Island, NY Shelter Island Run, Inc., Shelter Island, NY Shiner Church of Christ, Williamsburg, KY Mr. & Mrs. George Sloan, Saltillo, MS Sonquest Holly Hill Church of Christ, Holly Hills, FL South Ferry, Inc., Shelter Island, NY Southtowns Church of Christ, Hamburg, NY Dr. David S. Sowell, Dallas, TX Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stewart, Hermitage, TN Mr. & Mrs. John D. Stites II, Cookeville, TN Stiversville Church of Christ, Culleoka, TN Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Stroop, Murfreesboro, TN Suffolk County National Bank, Riverhead, NY Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thomas, Sunbury, PA Timothy Hill Children's Ranch, Riverhead, NY Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Towell, Beavercreek, OH Trumbull Church of Christ, Trumbull, CT United Way of Central & Hartford, CT Village Church of Christ, Hot Springs Village, AR Wading River Congregational Church, Wading River, NY Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh, Shelter Island, NY Nancy L. Warner, Vienna, WV Mr. and Mrs. Rob Weimer, Amityville, NY Mr. & Mrs. Harry Westerholm, Hot Springs, AR White Station Church of Christ, Memphis, TN Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Whitehead, Franklin, TN Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wilburn, Columbia, TN Mr. Harold D. Williams, Searcy, AR Mr. & Mrs. J. Randall Wilson, Columbia, TN Mr. & Mrs. Dale Work, Cookeville, TN Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Youngs, New Woodstock, NY Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Zvolenski, Manorville, NY Zvolensky Family Foundation, Greensboro, GA THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:13 AM Page 8 memorial and October 2010 Memorials JERLINE BARNES Marie Barnes, Rochester, NY SHIRLEY BOYD, Searcy, AR Gwen Anderson, Searcy, AR MARY ANN CARRAS, Freeport, NY Cecilia Surerus, Shelter Island, NY NAEME CLARK, Shelter Island, NY Frank and Chrystyna Kestler, Mattituck, NY OLETHA DAVIDSON, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BERNICE DYER, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN JOHN F. FARRELL, Aquebogue, NY Neil and Kathy King, Schaumburg, IL BUFORD HUSKEY, Tullehoma, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN ROGER MEFFORD, Morristown, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN JOYCE B. MOORE, Rochester, NY Joyce B. Moore, Rochester, NY VIRGINIA MORRIS, Somerset, KY Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MILTON PERRY, Columbia, TN Jim and Terri Baker, Columbia, TN MAGGIE PORTER, Rochester, NY Carl and Ida Akins, Rochester, NY OPAL SCOTT, Celina, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN PAT WHITE John and Sherri Hall, Ashdown, AR\ H.D. WHITESIDE, Columbia, TN Columbia Machine Works, Columbia, TN RENEE’ WIGGINGTON, Nashville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN honor gifts Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN CLARENCE KING, JR., East Hampton, NY Shirley Anderson, East Hampton, NY BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY COLEMAN SCOTT MILLER Michael and Sheila Gann, Alexandria, TN JAMES W. MILLS, Searcy, AR Cleve and Deanna Brooks, Searcy, AR JAMES MOON, Nashville, TN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN Alice Faye Patton, Nashville, TN ELAINE MOORE, Nashville, TN Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY ELIZABETH B. ROBERTS, Celina, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, II, Cookeville, TN RACHEL STARDEN, Pulaski, TN William and Barbara McClellan, Lubbock, TX MICHAEL WOMACK, Memphis, TN James Luna, Memphis, TN November 2010 Honors ELDON AND BRENDA AMONETT, Denver City, TX J.R. and Kay Rodriguez, Abilene, TX CHARLES GOLDEN, Glenwood, AR John and Sherri Hall, Ashdown, AR JACK GARDNER, Glenwood, AR John W. Hall, Ashdown, AR JOHN AND KIM GARRETT, Plano, TX Jack and Stephanie Leedy, The Woodlands, TX DAVID AND BRENDA HILL, Memphis, TN Larry and Mary Houk, Germantown, TN JERRY AND FERN HILL, Riverhead, NY Charles and Donna Conley, Paragould, AR GIL JIMENEZ, Riverhead, NY Charles and Donna Conley, Paragould, AR ASHLI KOMISTEK, Knoxville, TN Martin Paul and Susan Brownfield, Knoxville, TN John and Karen Hoffarth, Knoxville, TN Chris and Hannah Cox, Knoxville, TN JANE MERRYMAN, Nashville,TN Ray Ball, Gallatin, TN CLARA SHANNON, Centerville, TN Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY MRS. JIMMIE VAUGHAN, Lebanon, TN Martha Fish, Nashville, TN November 2010 Memorials December 2010 Memorials WILMA HUDGINS AYEDELOTT Leon and Linda Barnes, North Little Rock, AR SHIRLEY BOYD, Searcy, AR H. Glenn Boyd, Searcy, AR VAUGHN BURTON, TX Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM MOTHER OF RENNE CASTO, Buffalo, WV Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY NAEME CLARK, Shelter Island, NY Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY CHESTER CROW Teresa Layden, Williamsburg, VA OLETHA DAVIDSON Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN FRANCES DUGAN, Edmond, OK Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN PATRICK FENNELL, Honesdale, PA Ron and Patty Collins, Honesdale, PA Brian and Marie Ward, Hobbsville, NC WILMA HUDGINS JOHNSON Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY ADDIE JONES Connie Cannon, Maggie Valley, NC CLYDE KING, Clay County, TN R.C. ALEXANDER, JR., Franklin, TN Friends at Alexander Ford, Franklin, TN Auto Dealers Accounting Professionals of Tennessee, Cookeville, TN Sue Birks, Spring Hill, TN Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Corlew, Burns, TN Friends at Crown Ford, Nashville, TN Mr. and Mrs. Barry Foster, Franklin, TN Friends at Franklin Heating & Cooling, Inc., Franklin, TN John B. Guffee, Lewisburg, TN Friends at Gupton Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Springfield, TN Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harms, Culleoka, TN Friends at Henry Drilling & Pumps, Inc., Franklin, TN Friends at Hickman County Broadcasting Co., WNRX-FM, Centerville, TN Lillian Hill, Franklin, TN Barbara Holt, Franklin, TN Mr. and Mrs. Donny Jackson, Thompsons Station, TN Kevin and Michele Lanham, Franklin, TN The Larry Dry Sunday School Class at Thompson Station Baptist Church, Thompson Station, TN Calvin and Marilyn Lehew, Franklin, TN Friends at Linkfour Enterprises, Inc., Franklin, TN Guy and Carolyn Mobley, Thompsons, Station, TN Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ratcliffe, Nashville, TN Friends at Shuff’s Music Sales and Studio, Franklin, TN Friends at Trickett Honda and Reed Trickett, Madison, TN OCTOBER 2010 HONORS THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:13 AM Page 9 Mary Ann Ward, Spring Hill, TN Mary Ann Weakley, Spring Hill, TN Bradford and Cammie White, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN Cameron Worley, PC, Brentwood, TN Anita Yancey, Columbia, TN JOHN ANDERSON Jane Merryman, Nashville, TN RITA ANN ARMER Ben Schreiber, Columbus, IN ANN DORIS “DOTTY” BEASLEY, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN HOMER DAN BEASLEY, Hendersonville,TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN CLARISE ANGLEA BENNETT, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN EVELYN WRIGHT BOGLE, Alexandria, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN RAYMOND, BROTHER OF CAROLE BRANDENSTEIN Grace Colombo, Patchogue, NY JAMES HUBBARD BYRAM, Nashville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN KATIE CHAPPLE Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM RANDY L. CLAYBROOKS, Nashville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN SAMUEL LEE “SAMMY” CRAWFORD, Chapel Hill, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN PATSY MAJOR CROSS, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN IRVING DAHLSTROM, Salisbury, MD Martha and Walter Ekwall, Bloomfield, CT Nancy O. McIntyre, West Hartford, CT DORIS J. DAY, Henderson, TN Everett C. Day, Jr., Henderson, TN ANNIE LOU CRUTCHER DEASON, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN ALFRED DOMINGUEZ Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM RAYMOND HARRIS DONOHO, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN FRANCES DUGAN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MAURICE ETHRIDGE, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN PAT FENNELL, Honesdale, PA Drivers and Staff at Wayne County Transportation, Honesdale, PA CHARLIE FOX, JR., Arrington, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN MARY LOU LYNCH FOX, Arrington, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN ARTHUR CALVIN HARDISON, Columbia, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN RODNEY PORTER HARDISON, Columbia, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN EDWARD DALE HARRIS, Brentwood, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN LUCY MAE HELMS, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN MYRTLE RUTH WARF HENRY, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN TREY HICKS, Cookeville, TN The Jim Hicks Family, Cookeville, TN JAMES KENNETH HOSFORD, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN NANCY ELLEN ISENBERG, Franklin,TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN DOLLY SUMMERS JENKINS, Nolensville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN LEMMA W. KECKLEY, Brentwood, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN JAMES ARTHUR LADD, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN CHUCK AND JOHANNA LEE Heather Lee, Shelter Island, NY BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY J.T. McFARLIN, Nashville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN MARY FRANCES NEILL, Holly Springs, MS J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN CHARLES RAY OWENS, Nashville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN OLIVER W. PANTALL, Columbia, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN CHRISTINE “PEGGY” PARKER, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN LAWRENCE GUY PHILLIPS, Franklin, KY J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN CARROLL PULLEN, Nolensville, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN WALTER BERNARD POLK, Chapel Hill, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN ANTHONY “TONY” PRATT, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN DR. HAROLD F. PRESTON Connie Cannon, Maggie Valley, NC MARY RICKMAN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN RAYMOND A. RIDDLE, Columbia, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN LANCE ROY SCOTT, Ardmore, AR J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN RONALD V. SERFOSS, JR., Brentwood, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN THEDA HULETT SMITH, Newport, AR J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN MARY ETHEL McCOY SULLIVAN, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN BRYAN CURTIS SWEENEY, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN LEON THORNTON, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN JOHNNY THRONEBERRY, Murfreesboro, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN JEWELL TRIMBLE, Falls, PA William and Sara Brizzi, Pinellas Park, FL EVELYN C. VADEN, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN ELIZABETH VAUGHN, Smyrna, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN KATHRYN HOLT VERNON, Franklin, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN AARON “BIMBO” WALES, Toney, AL J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN DAVID R. WALES, Toney, AL J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN DENNIS WELCH Ron and Barbara Chitwood, Dallas, TX ROBERT A. WHITE, SR., FRANKLIN, TN J.T. and Jeanette Whitehead and Family, Franklin, TN DON BRUCE WINTERS, Springfield, TN Jerry and Loretta Winters, Springfield, TN WILLIAM WOODSON, Lawrenceburg, TN Fred and Faye Stroop, Murfreesboro, TN CHERRY DAVIS YOUNG, Smyrna, TN Beth Throneberry, Murfreesboro, TN December 2010 Honors LOIS ALLMON’s 100th BIRTHDAY Linda Walden, Manchester, TN RAY BALL, Gallatin, TN Jane Merryman, Nashville, TN CORY AND CHRISTY BARNES, Shawnee, OK Ricky and Susan Barnes, Searcy, OK LINDA BATEMAN, Cordova, TN Jerry and Debra Sisson, Germantown, TN MR. AND MRS. ED BUCKNER, Fayetteville, GA Tom and Emily Murray, Newman, GA TISH CLARK, Shelter Island, NY THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:14 AM Page 10 Dale P. Clark, Shelter Island, NY KEITH AND ANN DAVIS, Hampton Bays, NY Friends at the First Presbyterian Church, Southampton, NY DANIEL GILMARTIN Corinne Gilmartin, Eastport, NY ALAN AND DEBRA HARDISON, Belle Fourche, SD H. Huntley Hardison and Margaret Nivan, Philadelphia, PA HAROLD AND OLIVYN HARDISON, Columbia, TN H. Huntley Hardison and Margaret Nivan, Philadelphia, PA ROSS HARDISON AND DEBBIY SMITH, Bellefonte, PA H. Huntley Hardison and Margaret Nivan, Philadelphia, PA KATHY LEE, Shelter Island, NY Heather Lee, Shelter Island, NY JANE MERRYMAN, Nashville, TN Pam Newby, Gallatin, TN PATRICK HUNTER, Waldoboro, ME Wayne and Valerie Tipps, Lookout Mountain, TN RUSTY AND DANA PETTUS, Columbia, TN Ed and Donna Self, Columbia, TN PATRICIA QUIGLEY, Shelter Island, NY Cecilia Surerus, Shelter Island, NY OAKLEY AND ALTHEA SLAUGHTER, Perry, FL Candace Blankenship, Nashville, TN TYLER SMALLS, Matawan, NJ Elijah Smalls, Matawan, NJ January 2011 Memorials R.C. ALEXANDER, JR., Thompson Station, TN Anonymous, Franklin, TN Gwendolyn, Eddie, Tim and Myra Bowden, Lewisburg, TN Jerry and , Riverhead, NY Mr. and Mrs. Gerald LeCroy, Franklin, TN Friends at Linkfour Enterprises, Inc., Franklin, TN Sterling and Paula Marlin, Columbia, TN Friends at J. Michaels Clothiers, Nashville, TN Friends at Mid-State Industrial Supply, Inc., Nashville, TN George and Janice Mester, Nashville,TN Guy and Carolyn Mobley, Thompson Station, TN Tim and Kay Neal, Thompson Station, TN Friends at TCAA, Cincinnati, OH Herb and Jan Thurmond, Greensboro, GA Friends at U.S. Bank Dealer Commercial, Minneapolis, MN Friends at J.B. Welmar, Inc, Nashville, TN Brad, Cammie, Carlisle and W.T. White, Nashville, TN The Wiles Family, Lewisburg, TN LLOYD ALLEN, Antioch, TN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN WILMA H. AYDELOTT Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN EDNA BOGGS, Cookeville, TN Jack and Mary Stites, Cookeville, TN JIM BOZEMAN, Murfreesboro, TN Roger and Mandy Myers, Nashville, TN THOMASRENE BRAY, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN DON CHAFFIN, Gainesboro, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN KATIE CHAPPLE Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM IRVING DAHLSTROM, Salisbury, NC Jane Bartoszewicz, Portland, CT Harold and Doris Carlson, Farmington, CT Nan Dahlstrom and Family, Farmington, CT Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ekwall, Bloomfield, CT Jerry and , Riverhead, NY Jewel Mashburn, Dallas, GA Nancy McIntyre, West Hartford, CT Joyce Erlandsen, South Glastonbury, CT James and Joyce Webber, Colchester, VT CHARLIE AND MARYLOU FOX, Franklin, TN Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Derryberry, Thompson Station, TN ALMA AND VERNON GILLIAM Tom and Kay Gilliam, Blacksburg, VA WALTER GILMORE Lonnie White, Pine Bluff, AR BILL HATFIELD, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN ELECTRA HATFIELD, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN COWBOY JONES, Albany, TX Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM SPUD JONES, Timberon, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM JESSE LAMB, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY JANIE MANIER, Gainesboro, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN AGNES ROBINSON Bill and Barb McClellan, Lubbock, TX JACK SLOAN, Columbia, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN W.T. TIVIS, Eunice, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM JEWELL TRIMBLE, Falls, PA Albert Bergeson, Brevard, NC Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall, Pittston, PA JERI WEEKS, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN WILLIE ED “BILL” WILLIAMS, Hobbs, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM January 2011 honors GRAY AYDELOTT, Centerville, TN Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN LINDA BATEMAN, Cordova, TN Jerry and Beverly Midyett, Germantown, TN ASHLI KOMISTEK, Knoxville, TN Gregory and Deanna Gray, Knoxville, TN John and Linda Mason III, Cookeville, TN GREG MOSING, Broussard, LA Olivia Padgett, Midland, TX DR. AND ROBERT AND KAREN SHAW, Falls, PA Albert Bergeson, Brevard, NC February 2011 Memorials DR. AND MRS. A. R. BROWN, Searcy, AR Rob and Carol Daniel, Heber Springs, AR J. Ray and Ruth Anne Toland, Heber Springs, AR JACK CARDWELL, St. Clair Shores, MI Clyde and Patsy Copeland, Jr., Dover, NJ Friends at the Randolph Church of Christ, Randolph, NJ BRUCE CHOWNING, New Albany, IN Mary Duke, Franklin, TN ADAM CUMMINGS, Texarkana, AR John and Sherri Hall, Ashdown, AR IRVING DAHLSTROM, Salisbury, NC Stephen and Susan Der Margosian, Farmington, CT Bill Lowe, West Simsbury, CT Mabel Radcliff, Winter Haven, FL Donald and Dorothy Strickland, Plainville, CT BILL R. HARPER Gene and Edith Sutterfield, Mesquite, TX JAN HARRIS, Nashville, TN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN INEZ HUDSON, Lafayette, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY ALYNE MEADS Randy and Patti Necessary, Irving, TX JOE PREJIAN, Somerville, NJ Don and Annie Lou Grimes, McKinney, TX DONALD RICE, Riverhead, NY Terry, Anne-Christine, Caroline and Aleanor Rice, Medford, MA MARSHALL STOTT Friends at the Bethpage Church of Christ, Bethpage, NY THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:14 AM Page 11 WILLIAM (BILLY) WALKER Edwin and Shirley Derryberry, Thompson Station, TN DONNA WHITE, Nashville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MRS. BRUCE WILSON, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN February 2011 Honors KATHY LEE, Shelter Island, NY Heather Lee, Shelter Island, NY March 2011 Memorials BERNICE BEESON, Jonesboro, AR John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN BERT CLAYTON, Harrison, AR Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM CHARLES COWARD Ron and Barbara Chitwood, Dallas, TX IRVING DAHLSTROM Friends at Connecticut Valley Service Manager Association, Weth, CT BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY WILLIAM McKALLIP, Vero Beach, FL Shirley Anderson, East Hampton, NY HERSHAL MORGAN, Carlsbad, CA Jack and Shirley Moore, Maumelle, AR ESTER MUNOZ, West Islip, NY Milagros Dombkowski, Commack, NY GEORGE SOUTHERLAND, Edmond, OK LaVerne Southerland, Edmond, OK CONNIE SULLIVAN, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN WYNELL TERRY, Livingston, TX Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN LOTTIE S. WARREN, Idabel, OK Charlotte W. Palmer, Edmond, OK ANN WILSON, Ashdown, AR John and Sherri Hall, Ashdown, AR Agnes Jones, Annandale, VA April 2011 Memorials SUE BACHMAN, Westhampton Beach, NY Donald and May Griffin, Westhampton Beach, NY WAYNE GRAY, Hobbs, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs NM KAREN JAUSCHNEGG Larry and Barbara Adamson, Franklin, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY LARRY PARKER, Centerville, TN Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN FLOYD PARNELL Donald and Floy Roark, Gainsboro, TN ROBERT PETTY Virgil and Gwen Trout, Ardmore, OK KEITH RALL Joe Glenn and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM MILLIE TAMMARO Toni DeMott Karen A. VanWagner BILLY THURMAN TIDWELL, Jackson County, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN ANN VANNOY Ron and Barbara Chitwood, Dallas, TX DON BRUCE WINTERS, Springfield,TN Jerry and Loretta Winters, Springfield, TN May 2011 Memorials MARY ANN CARRAS, Freeport, NY Cecilia Surerus, Shelter Island, NY CHESTER CROW Reggie and Terri Layden, Williamsburg, VA SOREN DAHLSTROM, Lubbock, TX Nathalie Alenski, Riverhead, NY TIMOTHY HILL, Riverhead, NY Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN MARY HILL LUNA Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY WILLIAM McDANIEL, JR. Ralph and Rosemary Fox, Hermitage, TN NICK SVERCEL Christian Killoran, Remsenburg, NY MILLIE TAMMARO, Corning, NY Mark and Audry Dailey, Chester, VA The Staff at DCMO BOCES, Gulford, NY DCMO BOCES Teacher’s Association, Sidney Center, NY Karen, Barry, Kevin and Kristen Erickson, Fairport, NY Howard K. Martin, Buckhead, GA Charles and Doreen Rowe, Norwich, NY Robert and Patricia Shaw, Owasco, NY Karen Van Wagner, Wilmington, NC Mary L. Weeks, Afton, NY JoAnn Winsor, Norwich, NY FAY WOODS, Fairview, TN Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN May 2011 Honors JOHN AND SHEILA GRAY Randy and Sheila Morreale, Jamesport, NY JOHN W. MOORE, Patchogue, NY Joseph and Betty Cannon, Memphis, TN June 2011 Memorial CINDY ARTHUR Randy and Patti Necessary, Irving, TX BARBARA BRESCIA Mary Corliss, Davis, CA BILL HATFIELD, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN DON HORN, Texarkana, AR Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM GLADYS HORN Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM EVA HUDGENS, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN ROGER KNIGHT, Tyler, TX Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY MOTHER OF DOROTHY ROBERTS, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN ALFRED AND VIOLA RICHERT Louis and Anita Cicero, Shelter Island, NY George Richert, Shelter Island, NY MILLIE TAMMARO, Corning, NY Fredda Mae Baxter, Norwich, NY DIANE THRASH Annie Lou Grimes, McKinney, TX THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Inside 2010 1/13/12 10:15 AM Page 12 June 2011 Honors JIMMY AND MARILYN ALLEN, Searcy, AR Rick and Susan Barnes, Searcy, AR DAVID AND JAN CRAMBLETT, Searcy, AR Rick and Susan Barnes, Searcy, AR MELANIE LOWERY, Searcy, AR Rick and Susan Barnes, Searcy, AR July 2011 Memorials HOBART N. ANDERSON, Sayville, NY Caroline Hoffmann, Shelter Island, NY BARBARA BRESCIA Jay and Lotta Stewart, Marquette, MI MARIE CONCHELIK, Powell, OH Caroline Hoffmann, Shelter Island, NY JAMES CUMMINS, CA Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN PAULA HECKMANN, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN JENNIFER JACKSON Roy and Clara Shannon, Centerville, TN NANCY LETSCH, Blue Point, NY Caroline Hoffmann, Shelter Island, NY BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY RALPH MAXWELL, Baxter, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MILLIE TAMMARO Joseph and Priscilla Lorah, Moravia, NY JEWELL TRIMBLE Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cecil, Falls, PA EVA WHITEAKER, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN Gary and Gail Cardillo, Punta Gorda, FL FATHER OF DEBBIE COOK Steve and Dorothy Witt, Irving, TX PATRICK FENNELL Constance Hawkins, Hawley, PA LEWIS FRALEY, Hobbs, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM BILL HATFIELD, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN HUGH F. KEEDY, College Grove, TN Lewis, Luetta, David, Andrew and Nancy Morrison, Berkeley Springs, WV JOE LEWIS Steve and Dorothy Witt, Irving, TX DOMA LUNSFORD Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY GRANDMOTHER OF JOANNA MARTIN, Hobbs, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM JOHN B. PHILLIPS Ralph and Rosemary Fox, Hermitage, TN JAUNITA RABB John and Sherri Hall, Ashdown, AR SUZANE RINGERSEN, Punta Gorda, FL Gary and Gail Cardillo, Punta Gorda, FL MOTHER OF DOROTHY ROBERTS, Fairfield Glade, TN Dorothy Roberts, Fairfield Glade, TN PEARL TURNER, Sparta, TN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN JOHN WAYNE WINFORD Steve and Dorothy Witt, Irving, TX DON BRUCE WINTERS, Springfield, TN Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Winters, Springfield, TN September 2011 Honors JEANNE COOK, Brentwood, TN John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN GEORGE MESTER, Nashville, TN Bobbie and Danita Langley, Nashville, TN CLIFF CLARK, Shelter Island, NY Gary and Gail Cardillo, Punta Gorda, FL FRANK AND GRACE COLOMBO, Patchogue, NY Brian and Brenda Young, Sayville, NY CAROLYN DEMAREST, Carle Place, NY Eric and James Bilger, Westbury, NY August 2011 Memorials OCTOBER 2011 MEMORIALS July 2011 Honors BERNICE FITZPATRICK, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MARY HILDEBRANT Dr. and Mrs. Virgil Trout, Ardmore, OK DEMA LUNSFORD, Dallas, TX Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY FAY MOORE Dr. and Mrs. Virgil Trout, Ardmore, OK MARTHA SISK John and Orene Breeden, Brentwood, TN August 2011 Memorials CLIFF AND TISH CLARK, Shelter Island, NY Gary and Gail Cardillo, Punta Gorda, FL JOE AND PAT DEERKOWSKI, Mattituck, NY Thomas and Joanne Maguire, Cutchogue, NY September 2011 Memorials FRANCES BROCK Steve and Dorothy Witt, Irving, TX VIVIAN BURCH Steve and Dorothy Witt, Irving, TX GOVERNOR HUGH CAREY, Shelter Island Heights, NY JACOB BLACKBURN, Hobbs, NM Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM VICTORIA BURDEN, Ardmore, OK Virgil and Gwen Trout, Ardmore, OK EMMA LEE CHAPMAN Joe Glen and Jerry Wright, Hobbs, NM SOREN DAHLSTROM, Lubbock, TX Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY DORIS FICHTER, Calverton, NY Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY PEGGY IRELAND, Chattanooga, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN JUANITA JACOBS, Canton, OH Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY Glenn and Barbara McCort, Barnesville, OH Alleen Miller, Cambridge, OH Wayne Willison, Chattanooga, TN BARRY LYNN, New York, NY Friends at Ripley-Grier Studios, New York, NY SANDY MACK, Boerne, TX Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN MARY OCKENHOUSE, Jim Thorpe, PA Robert and Jill Marks, Alburtis, PA NEAL PRYOR, Searcy, AR Jerry and Fern Hill, Riverhead, NY KELLY TSCHUBARJAN, Hampton Bays, NY Joseph and Ellen Dunn, Hampton Bays, NY HERMAN WHITEAKER, Cookeville, TN Johnny and Rosemary Stites, Cookeville, TN THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Cvr 2010 1/13/12 10:09 AM Page 4 Timothy Hill Children’s Ranch FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2010-2011 Revenue Program Service Revenue: ....................................................................$3,484,000 Contributions, Including Non-Cash/In-kind:........................................$1,269,000* Miscellaneous Income: ................................................................................$69,000 Total Revenue: .........................................................................................................$4,822,000 Expenses Program Services:....................................................................................$3,116,000 Administrative Expenses: ...........................................................................$622,000 Fundraising Expenses: ................................................................................$385,000 Volunteer/Guest Expenses:..........................................................................$50,000 Total Expenses: ......................................................................................................$4,173,000** Net Gain: .....................................................................................................................$649,000 *Please note that $345,000 of contributions were in-kind donations (non-cash). **There Financials report operational expenses only. Capital expenditures are not shown. board members OFFICERS MEMBERS Howard Wright, President, Atlanta, GA Cliff Clark, Vice President, Shelter Island, NY Walter Maxwell, Secretary, Uniondale, NY Kevin Santacroce, Treasurer, Southold, NY Craig Amodemo, Remsenburg, NY Linda Bateman, Cordova, TN Anthony Cestari, Nesconset, NY Keith Davis, Hampton Bays, NY Josephine Ewing, Westbury, NY Scott Paskiewicz, Center Moriches, NY Dr. Huntley Hardison, Philadelphia, PA Harold Ruff, Uniondale, NY Jack Stites, Cookeville, TN THCR_Annual Rpt 2011_THCR_Annual Rpt Cvr 2010 1/13/12 10:08 AM Page 1