The Student`s Pali-English Dictionary
The Student`s Pali-English Dictionary
The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions the United States on the use of the in text. THE STUDENT'S PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. BY MAUNG TIN. M.A., PROFESSOR or PALI, RANGOON COLLEGE. BRITISH BURMA PRESS, 1920. RANGOON. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For this Dictionary, of the Student's Pali - English published in 1920, I wish to thank the reprint first Breezewood Foundation, Hess Road, Monkton, Maryland, United States of America, for suggesting the publication and for its generosity in financing it. Pe Maung Tin (Professor Dr. Pe Maun Tin, M.A., D. Litt. Chairman, the Historical Commission, University Estate, Rangoon.) 11th. October, 1961. PREFACE. This Dictionary As have aimed I the minimum guided less intended mainly for students confining the maJiimum at of space, forms. Sanskrit is I And Burma. in of matter in have not made any reference to the arrangement of words l:as been by philological connections than by practical me considerations, and to save by grouping together under one heading space the abbreviation signs have enabled many words which might otherwise have required separate lines. I the have derived much benefit from Childers's Dictionary, of list Journals of Andersen's Pali the Words beginning Pali Glossary Text to with Society his Pali S and for 1907 Reader, H in the and 1909, Ledi Pandita's Pali-Burmese Dictionary. Pangoon College, jist August ig3o. ) J MAUNG TIN. Abbreviation. ad;. = adjective, ad'!). inter j. = adverb. = interjection, m. = masculine, CAMS. = causative, n.zs neuter. con/. = conjunction. nMW. = numeral, = particle, dat.=: dative, part. denom. = denominative, paw. = passive. /. = feminine PPp. =periect passive participle. fpp. ={uture ticiple. g'er. passive parpre/. = gerund. Pron. imper. = imperative, indeed. in/. stt/. = indeclinable. ^. = infinitive. = prefix. =: pronoun = suffix- = verb. voc. =vocative iistr.-- instrumentive. garahati, "h& cira,*kala = garahati, = cira, garaha ctrakala. THE STUDENT'S PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. — negative prefix an, before a vowel. m. (Jas) a portion of a part. aiiisa, ran. (N/am) tfie shoulder. arhsa, m. (J as) a part, portion, sliare; a period of time. a, arhsariisa, Amsena, amsaka, m. a aihsa-kuta, to. inst. in part. relative, heir; n. day. hump of an ox. (Jbhaj) a share, portion, inheritance. the shoulder-blade, the amsa-bhaga, to. ariisala, adj. strong, durable. artisa-hara, °harl, artisu, mn. a mfn. (Jhar) a share-holder. thread, ray, sunbeam, filament. arhsuka, n, a leaf, cloth. aitisu-jala, n. a net-work of rays. aiiisu-dhara, vi. the sun. artisu-pati, to. the sun. atiisumaphala, arhsu-mala, /. ariisu-mali, to. /. the plantain. a garland of raysthe sun. athsula, adj. radiant. amsu-vana, the sun. ariisu-hattha, to. the sun. aiiihati, °ti, /. a present, disease, abandonment. aka, TO. one who walks crookedly, an evil action. akaca, to. a banner. a-kanna, adj. deaf, lit. earless. a-katafiiiu, adj. (Jkar), ungrateful, lit. not kowing what has been done. (Jhs) knowing nibbana (lit. the unmade). akattana, mfn. a dwarf. a-kanittha, adj. greatest, highest, an epithet of spirits inhabiting the sixteenth or highest of the material brahma worlds. akata-niiij, adj. a-karani, to. failure, deficiency. a-kala, to. (Jkal) unseasonable time, wrong time. akala-jaladodaya, m. mist, fog. akala-saha, adj. (Jsah) haSty, urgent. freedom from cares. a-kuppa, adj. (Jkup) immovable; n. gold and a-kulina, adj. (Jkul) of low family. a-kiiicana, n. silver. a-kusaia 2 a-kusala, qdj. (iJkus) immoral, unskilful; m. immorality. m. the sea, ocean a tortoise a rock, stone. m. the betel tree. akka, m. the sun; the plant swallow-wort; copper; Sunday. akiipara, • ; akota, akka, /• the mother. akkosa, m. °ana, n. (is/kus) abuse. a snake; a the tical weight a born-blind the width of the earth n. a controlling faculty; the salt of the sea; vitriol. akkha, m. (Jakkh) the axle of a wheel; a law-suit the ; terminalia plant ; die; bellerica ; ; ; akkhaka, m. the collar-bone. akkhakanna, n. astronomy. akkhana, /. lightning. akkhata, n. fried grain a enuch. akkhata-yoni, /. a virgin. akkha-dassa, aka, m. (J das) a judge. akkha-devi, m. (J div) a dicer, gambler. akkha-dhutta, vi. >J{dhuv) a dicer, glambler. akkha-dhuttila, m. a beast of burden. akkha-pata, m. a law-court; boxing, wrestling. akkha-pataka, tika, to. a judge. akkha-mala, /. a rosary. a-kkhara, n. the imperishable, aibbana; austerity; ; sky ; the water. akkhara-janani, - lekhanl, f- a pen-holder, pencil. akkhai'a-mukha, m. a school-boy. akkhara-samaya, akkha-sutta, n. to. letters, reading and writing. a rosary. akkhagga, n. a carriage-front. akkhara-lavana, w. the sea-salt ; a morning meal. akkhi, n. (^/akkh) the eye. akkhi-kutaka, n. the eye-ball. akkhi-ga, n. the eye-lashes. akkhi-gata, mfn. that which comes into the field of vision an enemy. akkhi-gola, m. the akkhi-tara, /. akkhi-dala, - ; eye-ball. the pupil of the eye. patala, n- the eyelid. akkhiva, n. the sea-salt. akkhi-vikusita, n. a side-glance. akkhota, m. the walnut. akkhobhiiil, /. a complete army; a high numeral, ed by forty-two ciphers. i follow- aggibha a-kliaftclana, «. 3 tinw; promise; entirety. E'-khancJaphulla, adj. intact, unbrokep. akha.n4itutu, adj. fertile in crops. a-khata, mn. (Wkiian) a natural pond. a-khila, adj. all, entire. aga, TO. the sun a tree mountain, snake. a-gaccha, m. (J gam) a tree. a-gati, /. (Jgam) wrong course, misfortune^ a-gada, -m. medicine; adj. healtJiy. agadan-kara, m. (K^kar) a physician. ; ; a-gama, m. (J gam) a tree, mountain. agalu, mn. aloe wood. a-gadha, n. a hole, chasm ; adj. deep, bottomless. agadha-yoni, /. a woman lusting for sensuality. agara, n. a house. agina, to. the sun. agira, the sun, to. fire, evil spirit. aguru, mil. aloe woot^, teak tree. aguta-gandha, n. (Jgandh) asafoetida. agga, adj. first, chief, pre-eminent; n. top, summit; height; firstfruits. Aggato, goal sprout or bud of a plar^t ; ; adv. prep, in front of. agga-kara, to. the right hand, agga-ja, (Jja) the eldest brother; a brahmin, m. (Jja) a brahmin, to. agga-jana, - jati, aggaiiiia, adj. noble, principal, aggamahesi, /. the chief queen, agga-mariisa, n. the heart-flesh. agga-hara, to. (^/har) arable field or cultivated land, aggala, to. a door, wave, tusk, outer layer, aggi, to. fire, the god of fire, gold, aggi-kattha, n. aloe wood, fire-wood, aggi-kona. to. the east, aggi-gabbha, aggi-jala, 11. to. crystal, pepper, (Jjal) the flame of fire, aggi-jhapana, n. (Jjha) cremation, aggittha, n. a pot, pan. aggi-niyyasa, aggini, to. gold, to. fire. a lucifer match. smoke- aggi-patthara, aggi.bahu, to. to. aggi-bija, n. gold, aggibha, adj. ( J.bha) radiant like fire; m. gol<J. aggibhu 4 aggibhu, n. water. aggi-mukha, m. a brahmin. aggi-raja, m. {Jia]) ink, soot. aggi-ratlia, m. a railway train. aggi-vallabha, m. the wind. aggi-vana, m. a rocket. aggi-vaha, m. (iJvah) smokeaggi-visappa, m. a boil. aggi-sakha, m. the wind. aggi-sahaya, m. a pigeon, the wind. a fire-place, kitchen. aggi-slkha, a lamp, lantern, arrow, rocket, balloon. price, value, cost, offering of rice,, etc. n. (Jaggh) aggha, aggi-sala, /. ni. v. (Jaggh) to cost, be worth. agghapaniya, 711. (iJaggh) an appraiser, valuer. agghiya, w.fn. an oblation. agyagara, ni. a fire-place. agha, n. evil. a.ghamnia dama, w. the moon. aiika, m. (Jac) a mark, the flank or side, hip, place. agghati, arika-palika, anka-vijja, /. /. a nurse. (iJvid) arithmetic. /. a long cask. ankuta, m. a key. afikura, to. (Jac) a sprout, shoot. aiikuraka, m. a bird's nest. aiikusa, mn. (Jac) a hook to guide an elephant with. aiikusa-ggaha, to. (ijgah) an elephant-driver, mahout. aiiki, aiikola, afiga, 7Z. m. name of a plant. (iJaiig) a limb, member, body, division, quality, requisite, ahga-ggaha, m. (Jgah) disease. aiiga-ja, n. (Jja) blood, love, hair, disease, aiiga-jata, n. (Jia) membrum offspring, virile, angaria, n. (iJaiig) a court-yard, house-floor, sin. brahma, fire. angada, n. a dress with close filling sleeves, angana, /. a woman, anganappiya, TO. the amherStia tree, aiigati, to. angapaccariga, n. limbs big and small, aiiga-pali, to. embraceaiiga-m-afiga, n. limbs big ahga-mndda, to. and small, (Jmad) a shampooer. accha 5 aiiga-rakkhinl, /. (Jrakkh) a coat of mail, robe. anga-raga, m. (Jraj) besmearing the body with unguents. anga-ruha, n. (i>/ruh) the hairs of the body. aiigalota, m- green ^ing^r. angava, m. a dried fruit. anga-vikati, /. (ijkar) a swoon, stupefaction, apoplexy. anga-sanga, m. (ijsanj) sexual intercourse. aiiga-hara, m. (i»/har) deportment of the body. afigangi, n. boxing. angadhipa, m. (Jpa) a king. angara, mn. live coal, charcoal. angara-dhanika, /. a stove. angara-puppha, m. (Jphus) the plant canna indica. angara-mafijarl, - vallarl, /. a kind of tree. angarika, /. sugarcane, a butea flower. a small stove. shirt, bodice, shorts. n. a promise, mutual consent, contract. angfrasa, m. name of a buddha or a sage. anguttha, m. the thi^mb. angarini, /. a anglkarana. arigika, /. aiigula, m7i. a finger, finger's breadth, inch. angulitta, °tana, n. gloves. anguli-pabba, n. a finger-joint. anguli-motana, n. the cracking of finger-joints. angullka, °Iya, mn. a finger-ring. angulT-sambhuta, m. the finger-nails. angulyabharana, n. a finger-ring. angusa, vi. an arrow, elephant-goad. a-canda, /. a tame cow, gentle lady. a-cala, adj. (Jcal) imniovable m. a mountain, pin. a-cira, adj. short, brief. Acirena, inst. adv. before ; long, soon. acira-ppabha, /. (Jbha) lightning. a-cetaniia, n. (Jcit) forgetfulness. a-celaka, adj. unclothed; accana, /. m. a naked ascetic. offering, worship. accanta, adj. exceeding, extreme. °am, adv. very, ingly. accaya, m. t*ti Ji+a) mfn. a ray of acci-ma, m. fire. acci, lapse, death, offence, sin. light, sunbeam, jRame. /. (»ycu), the deathless, nibbana. accha, adj. clear, transparent; m. a bear, crystal. a-ccuti, exceed- ajjhapatti 6 snapping of a finger. /. a celestial nymph, the acchariya, adj. wonderful. acchadana, n. (Jehad) a covering, lid, clothes. acchadeti, v. (a Jehad) to wear (clothes), dress, cover, hide. acchara, ppp. Acchaana. /. the eye. acchindali, v. (a Jchid) to take away, rob, m. a robber, acchi, aja, in. (Jaj) a goat, vi. ajaga, m- fire. daka, ram. a goat's ear, aja-kanna, plunder, chilli leaf, ajagara, m. a boa constrictor, aja-jlvaka, m. (Jjiv) a goat-herd, an evil omen; adj. socially unbefitting, ajatakasa, m. the open space, ajanria, n. a-janani, (Jjan) a step-mother, /- ajapa, w- (J pa) a goat-herd, ajapala, m. the goat-herds' banyan tree, ajamoda, /. the radish plant, ajambha, m. a frog, ajaya, m. (Jji) defeat, lire; adj. unconquerable: the flax °nl, /. the /. plant, ajara, /• (Jjar, a spirit, the aloe plant, jir) ajaiambana, n. antimony, ajaji, / cumnjin seeds or plant, ajina, ;;. the hide of the black antelope, ajinapatta, a bat. /. a wild goat, large kind of deer, ajimhaga, m. (Jgam) an arrow, ajira, n. a court-yard, frog, wind, a-jivha, m. a frog. ajinayoni, »?;. a-jlva, adj. (fJjiv) lifeless; m- a corpse, ajja, adv. today. ajjatagge, adv. from today, henceforward, ajjatana, adj. of today, contemporary, modern. aorist tense, ajjuka, /. a courte;^an. ajjhakkha, m. a village head-man, superi^ntendent. ajjhatta, °tika, n. subjective, personal, internal, ajjhacarati, -j. (adhi+a Jcar) to pracCse, enjoin. °cara, an offence, ajjhapeti, v. (adhi ajjhapatti, /. +a + apaJi) (Jpad) an offence, to leach, instruct, transgression. m atavi ajjhaya, to. the chapter of a book. (Jmh) ajjharopeti, cans. to raise, transfer, apply; "rCilha, ppp. ajjhavasati, v. (N/vas) to dwell, inhabit. ajjhava-satha, m. (-Jvas) a covered place, house, dwelling ajjhavahanika, (-Jvah) a n. ajjhasaya, (adhi +a ajjhiiseti, v. (>Jsi) (o lie ajjhena, ii. dowry Jsi) intention, inclination, wish, vole. or rest upon. vedic learning- ajjhesati, v. (Jis) to request, invite. cijjhokasa, m. (iJkas) the open sky, .space. ajjhogalha, ppp. (Jgah) plunged, sunk, immersed. ajjhottharati, v. (Jthar) to strew about, scatter; °thata, ppp. ajjhosita, ppp- (Vsi) tjent upon; °sana, n. being bent upon, application. ajjhoharati, v. (Jhar) to swallow, eat; °hata, Pppancati, v. (s/anc) to honour. m. the fringe of a garment. (Janj) to anoint, smear aiijana, m. a tuktoo /. a chameleon; aiicala, anjati, v. ; anjanika, /• n. a collyrium, night. a white-bellied mouse. hollow of the joined hands, a respectful saluperformed by rafsing the joined hands to the forehead. Ahjalim karoti, pagganhdti or paiidmeti, to anjall, to. the ation salute respectfully so. afijasa, n. a road. anjittha, m. the sun- anjira, n. the fig tree or fruit. a second; *tara, adj. a certain, some, one; "attha, adv. elsewhere; *d-atthu, adv. surely, certainly *da, adv. at another time; *m-anna, adv. each other, mutually, reciprocally. anna, /. ( Jna) knowledge, fruition of arahantship. a-iinana, n. (Jna) ignorance. annadisa, adj. different. aiirioiina, adj. mutualafiua, adj. other, another, : atata, ii- a very high numeral. a^ati, V. iJii{) to atani, /- roam. the frame of a bedstead, the catch the bow-string. afavi, /. (Jal) a forest.. notch of a bow to atta a lawsuit; (.J at) a watch-tower, an upper storey of a house ad;, suffering; *yoga, m. (Jyuj) atta, TO. (-Jar) ; litigation, vi. (Jhas) violent laughter, attahasaka, to. the wild jasmine^, attala, to. (Jat) a watch tower; °lika, attahasa, /• a palace- attiyati, v. to loathe. attha, an octad, set of eight, Jkath) a commentary, num. eight; atthakatha, /- ', °aka, h. atthagadha, to. a spider, atthapada, to. a spider. atthami, /. the eighth day of a lunar half month, a-tthana, w. (Jtha) wrong place, wrong occasion. Atthanc, ad-v. lot. out of pl^ce, unseasonably, atthapada, mn. a picture-frame, a chequered board for dice worm, safety num. eighteen,! pin, gold, etc., spider, attarasa, a bone, kernel of a fruit *ka, a skeleton, seedto. a heap of bohes. atthija, *fifia, *sara, to. a mirror, glass, atthi-tunda, to. a bird. atthitoda, to. (Jtud) bone-disease, disease of the bones, atthi, n. ; atthikankala, atthi-thuna, atthi-mala, the bodyi a rosary of bones, to. /. atthi-minja-meda, fn. marrow, atthi-sarhharaka, vi. the adjutani bird, atthi-saficaya, tn- (Jci) a. heap of bones, from a cremated body, /. obtained causing the bones to dry up. an occurrence, atthi-sosa, to. (Jsus) a disease atthuppatti, ashes {>Jpat) the circumstances of half, wealthy. addha-tiya, adj. to and a half addha, adj. and ; -teyyasata, adj. two hundred teyyasahassa, adj. two thousand and addha-porisa, n. two cubits and one span, addha-ratta, n. midnight, fifty; - addhuddha, adj. three and a half "*sata, and fifty, ani, TO. the edge of a weapon, extremity, ; adj. three fifty, hundred limit of a field or province. anurh-thCda, adj. small and great, anu, TO. an atom; adj. minute, subtle, small, anda, n. an egg, a testicle *kosa, to. an egg-shell, boandary of a province. ; ati-raifha 9 an<Ja-ja, m. (.Jja) a bird. andalu, m. a fish. andira, m. a man. ancJupaka, n. a roll of cloth lo serve as a sland carried on the head. annq, m. (Jar) water, a message. for a vessel annava, m. the sea. annobhava, m. a bomb, shell. atata, m. a mountain-precipice. atati, (Jat) to go, •z). belaw the earth. atalamphassa, adj. bottomless. atasa, m. the wind, body, a weapon. atala, n. a hell atasi, flax. /. {with verbs) over, beyond; (with nouns) excessive, surpassing; {with adverbs) very exceedingly. ati-katha, /. ( Jkath) meaningless words. ati-kkamati, v. (N/kam) to step or pass, beyond, cross, stiiati, pref. pass, transgress; ppp. atikkanta. ati-kkama, m. °ana, n. (Jkam) passing away, transgression, a faulf, offence. {J gam) going beyond, escaping from. (Jgam) to overcome. ati-gandha, adj. si rong smelling; m. lemon-grass, champak, ati-ga, adj. ati-gacchati, v. brimstone. (Jcar) to .transgress, commit adultery. ati-carati. v. ati-cariya, /< - caia, m. (>s/car) transgression, adultery. aticchafha, v. (imp er. 2nd. pi.) this is the word for civilly refusing alms to a monk go and beg further onatichatta, m. a mushroom /. the anise plant. ' ; ; m. a guest, visitor. *knya, /. hospitality, duty wards guests. ati-dassana, adj. ( Jdas) beyond ken, invisible. atithi, ati-ppage, adv. too early. atibharaga, m. a donkey, mule, camel. ati-matta, adj. (Jma) exceeding, excessive, am, to- adv. ex- ceedingly. ati-marijada, adj. exceeding the limit. ali-nianusaka, adj. superhuman. atimutta, ?». the soap acacia creeper; aka, nt. tree. the jasmine plant; excessive icy- ati-modfi, /. ati-ratha, m. a chariot-army. the persimon horapataka 25I hTny, ppp, (J ha) wanting, deprived, base, vile. hinajacM, adj. low-boni. hinavddn, »n. wlio has lost his disputes. hinSdhimutta, "tika, adj. having low inclinations. hiyatlana, adj. belonging to \'esierday "nl, /. the imper; fect tense. hiyo, adv. yesterday. hira, »). a necklace, spainter, small piece; *hirarii karoti, to cut into small pieces, chop up. be vexed, to grieve, scorn, disdain V. to liiteli, ; hllana, n. ononi. huiti, hukku, sound uttered by a jack&l. m. hutikara, uttering the sound huiii, barking, roaring. Iiutavaha, °asana, m. hutta, );.. fire. sacrifice. hurarii, adj. in the other world; hurdhuraih, from existence to existence. /. a daughter-in-law. huhuhkajatika, m. a brahmin uttering the saund huyh,' hiiti, /. calling, challenging. he, a vocative particle. hetthato, abl. from below; hettha, adj. down, below. hetthabhaga, m. the lower part. hetthamafica, m. a platform outside a house under the eaves, husa, sty. hetthasisaka, adj. head downwards. iietthima, adj. lower, lowest; *ntena, at least. m, a robber; hetheti, v. to harass, worry, injure; hethaka, °hethana, /. a weapon. m. cause, reason; *ppabhava, adj. rising from a cause, heti, /. hetu, hema, n. gold. hemanta, m. the winter; °tika, adj. wintry, hemavantaka, m. belonging. to the Himalayas, heyya, fpp. (Jha) to be abandoned, herariiiika, m. a treasurer, hela, /. sport, dalliance, heva ; hi-eva, quite, exactly, just, hesati, v. to neigh; hesa, /; hesita, n. hessati,/"/. from Jbhu,orJhu, hehita, fut. from ^/bhii. hotabba, ppp. from Jbhu. homa, mn. oblation, .^-s^staii--. til. an astroloG^er, to be, and from >/ha, to leavQ. . lo ati-ritta ati-ritta, °aka, adj. (N'ric) superfluous, extra, in excess, atireka, adj. (Jfic) excessive, exceeding, ati-rocati, -d. (J rue) to outshineati-romasa, adj. very hairy m. a wild goat, ; ati-vattati, v. {•Jva.t) to go beyond, overcome, trans- pass, gress. subject to, submissive, ati-vakya, n. (iJvac) bad language, abuseati-viya, adv. very, exceedingly, ati-visa, ad/, able to counteract poison aU-vasa, adj. ; /. garlic, dried ginger, ati-vela, adj. unseasonable, late- ati-sajjana, n. (N'sajj) a present. ati-saya, atisara, excess, excellence. Atisaycna,insir. exceedingly, 17!. vu dysentery, past; atlta, adj. {J\) n. AlUe, adv. a story of the past. for- merl)'. ativa, adv. very, exceedingly- a-tula, adj. (Jtul) incomparable, now, accordingly, atta-ggaha, m. (Jgah) belief in the self, soul-theory, atta-ghosa, m. (Jghus) blowing one's own trumpet, atta-ja, adj. (^'ja) self-produced; m. a son /. a daugiiter. ato, adv. hence, ; atta-jaya, m. (iJji) self-conquest, m. one's own good, (Jdas) a looking-glass, m. atta-dassa, atta-d-attha, atta-ditthi, /. ( jdis) heresy of the self, soul-lheory. alone, lit. with self as a second com- atta-dutlya, adj. ' panion.' atla-niya, adj. belonging lo the self. atla-bandhu, vi- (N/bandh) one's relative; nephew, atta-bhava, vi. (Jbhij) intli\idualily, personality, atta-vada, m. doctrine of (he self, soul-lheory. atta-samapanidhi, m. (Jdlia) self-determinnlion (Jhan) suicide, m. one's own advantage. alla-haccji, /. atta-hila, attanopada, ii- the intransitive, reflexive {grawvuilicaJ). atlamana, adj. (-Vdii) delighted, joyful, allavlra, m. n brother-in-law, clown. atla, w. self, individuality, soul; /. mother, elder sister; *dhlna, adj. independent, relating to one's self; m. a brother-in-law, son- tallukkaifisnna, n. (Jkaihs) self-praise- 1 atha attupanayika, adj. (^/nl) making 1 self the example, consi- derate. atlov^da, m. (Jvad) self-instrnction. attha, adv. here. attha, adj. rich, skilled. attha, in. (Jar) need, matter, aim, purpose, reason, welfare, meaning. Attham, ace. ; althaya, dat. for the purpose Atthcna, instr. by reason of, on account of. atthakara, adj. (Jkar) m. beneficial. of. j^tthakusala, adj. clever in one's welfare. atthakkhayi, m. (.ykha) a friend who instructs one for good. atthacariya, /. (J car) wise conduct. atthapati, in. a king. atthappayoga, m. (s'yuj) usury atthabhata, adj. (is/bhar) drawing a large salary. atthabheda, m. ( Jbhid) destruction of one's welfare, classification of meaning atthalesa, adj. similar in in grammar. meaning. atthavada, m. benediction. atthasaiUhana, n. treasury, bank. atthasattha, n. ethics attha, n. (Jas) disappearance, destruction. v. {J gam) to disappear, to °gama, m. disappearance, destruction. atthahgacchati, atthana, /. (-s'ar) set (of the sun); a request. attham-eti, v. (Ji) to set (of the sun). attharana, n. (Jthar) a covering, carpet. attharati, v. (Jthar) to spread, lay out, cover; ppp. atthata. atthadhikara, m. a treasurer, accountant. atthantara, n. another meaning, opposite meaning. atthi, v. {Jas) to be, exist. (N/bhu) existence. atthika, adj. (Jar) desirous of; ni. a pauper, atthita, /. °tta, n. (Jas) existence. atthibhava, atthi, to. mfn. (Jar) a beggar, plaintiff, (Jar) to request, atyappa, adj. very few atra, adv. hereatriccha, adj. (Jis) covetous, greedy, atha, adv. and, but, then, now. atha kliti, adv. how so? why? atha kho, adv. indeed, then, attheti, v. atha va, conj. or. athabbana 12 athabbana, m. the atharva vcdaatho, adv. and, also, tlicn. adatlri, /. a virgin, unmarried lady, aditi, /. tiie mother of Gods, the earth, adinnadfma, n. theft, lit- taking "what is not given/ adii, adj. such and such. adukkha-m-asukha, /. neither painful or pleasurable ' feel- ing, neutral feeling, a-dutiya, adj. without a second, alone, adda, adj. wet. addaka, n. ginger, adda, /. name of a planet, addi, m. a mountain, addipavaka, m. a volcano, addita, adj. oppressed, afflicted, addha, adj. half, addhanisa, /. midnight. addhaga, °gu, in. (Jgam) a traveller. addha, m. a road, distance, lime addha, adv. truly, certainly. addhi, /. a long journey. addhika, mfn. a fai: traveller. adhama, adj. lowest, meanest, adhamaiiga, n. the foot. adhara, adj. lower, inferior m. the lower adharika, adj. opposing. adhi, f:rcp. above, superior to. ; lip. adhika, adj. exdfeeding, more than, excelling. adhikarana, n. (Jkar) reference, locative case in grammar, circumstance, special cause. adhikaranl, /. a smith's anvil. adhikara, m. (^/kar) office, authority, function, chapter. adtiikottana, n. (sfkutt) a adhigacchati, v. (Jgam) chopping block. to reach, attain. adhitthati, °thati, "thahati, v. (Jtha.) to estabhsli, resolve, undertake, appoint. adhitthayaka, m. supennlendent, directoradhipa, °ati, m. lord, chief, ruler. adhippaya, to. intention, wish, meaning. i adhibhavana, n. subjection. adhibhasati, v. (Jbhas) to address, speak. adhibtiu, to. lord, master, king. adltimatfa, adj. excessive. an-avasesa adliimuccati, v. (Jmiijc) be to inclined 13 to, intent upon, resolved. adliirohani, /. adhivacana, a ladder. n. a synonym. adhivasati, v. {Jvas) to dwell. adhivaseti, v. (Jvas) to consent, prove. comply willi, accepi, ap- adhivinna, /. chief wife. adhivedana, w, taking a lesser wife. adhisaya, m. place. adhisayani, /. fire-place, bellows. adhiseti, v. (n/sI) to lie down, rest, sleep. adhlte, adhlyate, v. (Ji) to re(id, study. adhina, adj. subject, dependent. adhuna, adv. now. adho, adv. underneath, below adhojivhika, /. the uvula. adhopatthara, vi. (Jthar) a bed clothadhobhaga, m. (Jbhaj) the lower portion. adhobhuvana, n- the lower region, hell. adhomukha, adj. face downwards adhovirecana, n. (Jric) a purgative. ana, n. a cart. an-agariya, /. asceticism, the homeless life of a monk. an-aggha, adj. {iJaggh) priceless, invaluable. an-afina, ac^- without another, alone; *pubba, /. a pure virgin. (Jna) unkown. anaduha, m. a bull. anati, v. (Jan) to breathe, an-atta, m. selflessness, soullessness. an-attha, m. disadvantage, misfortune. an-aiiiiata, adj. an-anta, adj. endless, infinite; *sisa, /. Visnu's wife. an-antara, adj. without an interval, immediately following, next. an-amatagga, adj. endless, (is/mar or whose end is Jman) revolving (in sarhsara), not known, without end or ginning (used of samsara). anaya, m. bad luck, calamity, sin, misfortune anayabyasana, n. destruction. anala, to. fire. an-avaya, adj- non-destruction. an-avasesa, adj. (rVsis) without a remainder, the whole. be- 14 an-asana an-a.sann, (^/as) fasting. /;. an-.-issava, adj. an-ak'iila, adj. (Jsu) disobedient. untroubled, unmixed. an-agata, adj. (is/garn) an-fitapa, a-niilha, /. tlie future- shadow, coohiesswidow. in. a a-nama, m. bamboo; "luikfi, /. the ring-finger. an-ayala, adj. short. an-fu'ata, adj. (Jram) continual. anfivaha, m. a cart-bullock. an-ahata, v. (Jhan) new clotii, tlial has not been washed yet. anikkhu, vi. a-nicca, adj. a reed, impermanent. a-nimisa, adj. not winking the eyes, anjruddha-palha, m. the sky. vi. god, a spirit, m. wind °anjasa, n. the sky. anilapariyaya, m. swelling of the eye-iids. anilasakha, m, fire, lit. 'friend of the wind. anilamaya, m. distending of the stomach, anilasayana, n. the sky. anika, mn. an army, battle anila, ; anikattha, m. body-guard, a musical band, anikadassana, n. a review of .soldiers, parade, anu, adv. prep, after, under, along, in consequence anuka, adj. greed)^ lustful, of. anukaddhana, n. (Jkaddh) referring back, agreeable .speech, words of compliance, anukantati, v. (Jkanl) to cut. anukatha, /. anukappa, m. a substitute, anukampati, ^i. (^/kamp) to pily. anukarana, n. imitation, anukassana, n. (iJkass) persuasion, anukamarii, adv. at will, anukfda, adj. suitable, agreeable, anukkama, m. (Jkam) series, anu-ga, m. a follower, servant, anugacchati, v. to followanuganhati, v. (Jgah) to favour; ggaiia, anugiddha, adj. greedy, anucara, m. an attendant, companion- in. favour anuccfivaca, adj. middling, neither too high nor too low. anucchavika, adj. suitable, fit. anunlodati 15 m/. a 3'ounger brother or sister. anujanati, v. (Jja) to grant, permit. anujivl, VI. a servant, retainer. aniijii, anuju, adj. crooked, wicked. anunna, /. (iJja) permission, sanction. anutthubha, /. a kind of metre. anutakketi, v- (N'lakk) to consider. anutappati, v. (Kytapp) to suffer, be anguished. anutara, lu freight. anutthunati, v. (Jthun) to be.wail. anuthCda, adj. small and big. anuthera, n. succession of elders. anudaya, /- compassion. anudinaiii, adv. daily. anudisa, /. an intermediate point of the compass. anuduta, "!. a travelling companion. anuddharhseti, v. (Jdhariis) to vex, harass. anudhamma, ni. minor doctrine. anudhavati, r. (Jdhav) to run. anunaya, m. compliance. anunada, tn. a continuous sound, echo. anunayaka, m. iJni) sub-chief, vice-presideni. anunasika, adj. nasalanupa, adj. watery. anupatati, v. (Jpat) to follow, meet, ily up. anupadarii, adv. after, behind. anupabbajati, v. (N/vaj) to give up he world in imitation of I another, anupariyati, v- (Jya) to walk round and round, watch over- anupavisati, (J vis) to enter upon, occup)'. anupassati, v. (Jpas) to contemplate- anupubba, adj. regular, successive; °bena, adv. regularly, one by one.luuppadajjali, v. ( Jda) to give in return, anubandha, ni. succession, consequence;/, hiccough, anuljandhali, r- (Jbandh) to pursue, wait upon;inubh;!vali, -;'- (s'bhii) to enjoy, experience, partake of. anubruheli, v. to de\elop, devote oneself anumali, /• {iv'man) to consent- anumatla, adj. small, to. least- aiuimasati, v. to touchanumaiia, 11. inference, duubl, uiuerlaiuty- anuinodali, v. (mud) to approve, express gratitude, thank anuyunjati 16 zealous, anuyuiijati, v. (N/yuj) to practise, exert oneself, be anuyoga, m. a question, zeal, application, anurakkhafi, v. (-Jrakkh) to guard, preserve, anurafijana, n. (Jraj) attachment, affection, anurava, in. (Jru) a continuous sound, reverberation, echo, anuradha, /. name of a constellation, anurujjhati, v. (-Jrudh) to approve- anurupa, adj. suitable, conformable, proper, anurodha, m. complianceanulapa, m- (^/lap) repetition, tautology, anulomam, adv. anulometi, in direct order, accordance with. (Jvatt) to follow, conform, attend upon, as- to v. anuvattati, v. be in sociate with, anuvadati, anuvasati, v. to blame, censure- v. to inhabit, anuvassam, adv. yearly, anuvatarh, adv. in the direction of the windanusandhi, m. connection, application, anusaya, m. repentance, latent bias- anusahagata, adj. subtle, refined, (Jsas) to teach, instruct, admonish; 'aka, m. a teacher; ppp. anusittha. anusara, m. conformity. AnuSdrena, instr- according to. anusasati, v. admonition, command, (Jsuc) to bewail, anussati, /. (Jsar) recollection. anussarati, v. (Jsar) to recollect, remember, anussava, m. (n/su) report, tradition, anusitthi, /. anusocati, v. call to mind- anussaveti, caus. (n/su) to proclaim, announce, an-una, adj. entire, complete, without deficiency, anupaja, n. green ginger, an-eka, adj. adv. in several, many, manifold, various. Anekaso, many ways, anekaja, m. a bird, anekapa, mf. an elephant, an-eja, adj. free from desire, an-esana, aneha, ;m-oka, tit. n. /. (J is) impropriety, time. the houseless state, anolattn, m. name of a lake- . andhabala anta, mn. end, intestine, 17 boundary, side, death, interior; bowels; "aka, m. death, the evil one. the mesentery limit, n. an antaguna, n. antamaso, adv. even. antara, adv. prep, within, between, among, in. antara, ti. interior, included space, interval, opportunity, ditterence, peculiarity, a hole, inner garment, the heart or mind, antaradhayati, v. (Jdha) to disappear, vanish; "ana, n. disappearance, covering; ppp- antarahita. antarantara, adv. from time to time, at intervals. antarabhogika.TO. a village headman, border chief, antaravasaka, m. an under-garment. antara, adv. prep, between, on the way. antaraparinibbayl, m. one who dies and attains nibbana before half the age he should have lived in a Brahma world is expired, antaraya, m. an obstacle, prevention, accident, end. antararati, denom. v. to run into danger, antarala, n. an interval, ppp. (Ji) hidden, antarlpa, n. an island, antarita, antariya, n. an under-garment. among, during, within, antarena, prep, between, except, antalikkha, n. the sky, air. antavanna, m. one of the working class, antare, prep, between, anti, /. antika, an elder sister. an elder sister, hearth; /. n. vicinity, antima, "aka, ad/, final, last, antepura, n. royal citadel, inner chamber for royal ladiesi harem antevasika, "si, m. a pupil. anto, adv. prep, within, inside, during, antogadhaj ad/, contained antojata, m. the child in, being among, of a slave, antonivesana, n. (Jvis) an inner room, antobhaga, m. (ijbhaj) interior, antobhava, m. (^/bhu) inclusion, andi^, m. a andha, adj. andhakara, andhabala. chain, blind, m. darkness, adj. silly, stupid, doting. andhabuta i8 andhabhuta, ad/, blind, unenlightened. andhika, /. night, mustard, a andhu, to. a well. anna, fi. (Jad) food, boiled woman. rice. annakottha, n. a meatsafe, granary. anna, /. a mother. anvattha, adj. according to the meaning. anvaddhamasa, mn. a fortnight. anvaya, to. connection, race, lineage, succession. anvacaya, adj. adding an object of secondary import. anvadheya, n. a wedding present given by the bridegroom's relatives, anvaya, ger. (Ji) following upon, in consequence of. anvassavati, v (anu + aN/su) to flow from, result from, anveti, v. {Ji) to follow; ppp. anvita. anvesati, v. ( Jis) to seek, search, apa, adv. prep- away, from, apakaddhati, v. (Jkaddh) to remove, put away, apakarana, to. a bad performance, apakkamati, v. (Jkam) to depart, apagacchati, v. (rjgam) to go away, depart from, apaga, /. a river. apaghana, apaiiga, to. to. a limb of the body. the corner of the eye. apacaya, to. (n/cI) loss, decay; honour, worship. apacayati, v. to honour. apaciti, /. (Jci) offering, worship; loss, decay. apacca, n. offspring. apaccada, /. a midwife. apaccasattu, to. a lobste'r, crab. ypeijita, ppp. (Jji) defeated. apati, /. a screen, door-curtain, apanna ka, adj. certain, absolute; true. apadana, n. a heroic action, tale, legend, the 13th book of Khuddakanikaya. apadisati, v. (/dis) to tell of, show. apadevata, /. an evil spirit. apadesa, to. statement, pretext, deception, stratagem, cause. apadharana, n. covering. apanidheti, v. (N/dha) to hide, conceal. apaneti, v. (Jni) to remove, put away. apanhana, n. bathing a dead body. apamara, to. epilepsy apaya 19 apayana, n. departure. aparam, adv. moreover, further. apara, adj. other, subsequent, western. aparagoyana, n. name of one of the four great continents. aparajju, adv. the next day. aparajjhati, v. (ijradh) to ofltend against, sin. aparanna, n- beans, vegetables. aparanha, n. the cool of the evening. aparanta, m. the futureaparabhage, adv. afterwards, subsequently. aparava, m. emulation, discord. aparadha, m. (i7radh) an offence, sin, crime, guilt. aparaparam, adv. on and on, successively, backwards and forwards. aparinlta, /. an unmarried woman. apala, n- a pin, peg, stake. a-palapa, m. («yiap) secrecy, silenceapalasika, /• thirstiness. apaloketi, v. (^/lok) to give notice ot, obtain consent. apavagga, m. completion, renunciation, deliverance. apavajjana, n. a present, sacrificing. apavana, n. a grove, garden. apavaraka, n. a sleeping room. apavahati, v. to carry away. apavada, m. (Jvad) blame, abuse. apaviddha, ppp. (Jvidh) thrown away, discarded. apasakkati, v. to depart. apasaggana, n. stopping, hesitation. apasavya, adj. right (not left), apasadeti, caus. v. (/sad) to upbraid, apasmara, m. epilepsy, apassaya, m. a pillow to lean on. apassena, n. basis, charityapahattha, n. shifting from one hand to another, pilfering, apahara, m. (Jhar) taking away, apakasaka, n. green ginger, apaci, /. the south *na, adj. southern, contrary, a-padaka, m. a snake, lit. ' without legs.' apadana, n. taking away, the ablative case, apana, n- respiration, breathing out. ; apamagga, m. a kind of plant. apaya, m. departure, disappearance, loss, misfortune, ruin, place of suffering or punishment. apayika 20 apayika, m. one suffering in a place of suffering. aparuta, /. crooked iron. apalamba, m. basis, a pillow to lean on. api, part, also, even, though, merely; expresses interrogation *ca kho pana, however, nevertheless *nu kho, expresses emphatic interi'Ogation *nama, perhaps. apidhana, n. (Jdha) concealment, a cover, lid. apupa, m. a cake. apekkhati, v. (Jikkh) to regard, mind, expect. apekkha, /• regard, care, affection, longing. apeti, V. ( Ji) to go away ppp. apeta, free from, deprived of,, apoha, m. giving up, shifting, excuse. appa, °aka, adj. little, slight, few. appacura, adj. little, few. appana, /. initial application of mind. appabodhati, v. (Jbudh) to despise. appamannati, v. (Jman) to despise, underrate. appamaiina, /. the Buddhist beatitudes. appa-matta, adj. little, slight. ; ; ; ; a-ppamada, m. vigilance, earnestness, zeal, non-negli- gence. appamarisa, m. a kind of plant. a-ppameyya, adj. (iJma) immeasurable, boundless. appahonaka, adj. insufficient. appabadha, m. good health. appekada, adv. sometime or other. appeti, V. to fit, fasten, deliver, assign appesakkha, adj. of little power apposukka, adj. free from care. appotheti, v, to clap the elbows apphota, /. a kind of jasmine. in ; ppp. appita. token of delight. a-phala, adj. barren, fruitless, unprofitable. aphena, n- opium. abaddha-mukha, adj. foul-mouthed, scurrilous. ababa, num. i followed by seventy-seven ciphers. abala, adj. weak /. a woman. abbati, v. ( Jabb) to go. abbahati, -y. (Jvah) to take away, remove; ppp. abbulha. ; abbula, adj. undisciplined. abbuda, n. a high numeral, canker, sore. abbha, mn. a cloud, sky. abbhaka, n. a tale. abbhakkhana, n. (^/kha) accusation, $lander, calumny. abhijappana 21 abbhanjana, n. (abhi .Janj) anointing. abbhattha, n. setting, declining. abbhanumodana, (abhi+anu Jmud) »7. rejoicing, thanks- giving. abbhantara, n. (abhi+antara) interval, loc. interior. Abbhantare, within. abbhagamana, v. (abhi abbhacikkhati, lumniate. v. +a (abhi+a J gam) approaching, •s/cikkh) to accuse, abbhana, n. rehabilitation of a monk. abbhasa, m. repetition, reduplication abbhuggacchati, v. (abhi + ud J gam) visiting. slander, ca- to ascend, approach, meet. abbhujjalana, n. (abhi + ud abbhunha, adj. warm, <y/jal) spitting fire. fresh. a-bbhuta, adj. marvellous, mysterious; n. a wonder, marvel. abbhokasa, m. (abhi+okasa) the open sky. abbhokkirana, n. (abhi+o Jkir) spreading out, bedecking. v. (abhi Ji) to restore a rtionk. abyata, /. the wild rarabontan. abyathi, m. a horse. abyathisa, m. the ocean, sun; /. the earth, midnight. abyaya, n. an indeclinable word, particle. abyayena, adv. without loss, safely. abyaseka, adj. charming, fascinating. abhabba, adj. unable, improbable. abbheti, (i^kir) to overwhelm. abhikirati, abhikami, adj. desirous. abhi-kkamati, v. (iJkam) to go forward, advance, approach ; ppp- "kanta. abhikkanta, adj. (ijkam) handsome, desirable; (Jklam) withered, exhausted. -c'. abhikkhanarii, adv. repeatedly. /. name, beauty, splendour; *ta, adj. renowned. approach. abhighata, w. striking, concussion. abhighara, m. butter. abhicara, m. a servant. abhicara,m. fascination by means of certain magfical influ- abhikhya, abhi-gacchati, v. to go to, ences. abhiccha, /- (Jis) desire, longing. abhijana, m. race, tribe. abhijappana, n- muttering spells, incantation. abhijata 22 abhijata, ppp- (Jja) well-born. abhijati, /. origin, race, birth. know, ascertain, perceive, admit. covetousness *lu, adj. covetoushigher knowledge, super-knowledge. abhijanati, v. to abhijjha, /. abhiiiiia, /• ; abhinfiana, n- a sign, token. abhinharii, adv. repeatedly. abhitatta, adj. scorched. abhilappeti, v. fo satisfy thoroughly. abhito, adv. near, in the presence of, on both sides. abhitoseti, v. (Jtus) to gratify, reward. abhittharati, v. (»/thar) to make haste. abhitthavati, v. (Jthu) to praise; ppp. "thuta. abhidosa, m. evening. abhidhamma, m. higher doctrine, metaphysics, abhidha, /. a name. Buddhist philosophy, abhidhana, n. name, appellation, noun, abhidhiyati, pass, (^/dha) to be declared, abhidheyya, n. (iVdha) a name, appellation, abhinadati, v. (Jnad) to roar, abhinandati, v. (Jnand) to be pleased with, approve of, welcome, abhinaya, m. a dramatic representation, abhinava, adj. quite new. abhinikkhamati, v. (Jkam) to go out, depart, abhininnameti, v. (Jnam) to turn, direct, abhinipajjati, v. (Jpad) to lie down, abhinipphatti, /. (Jpad) accomplishment, success, abhinipphadeti, v. (Jpad) to accomplish, effect, succeed, abhinibbattati, v. (i7vatt) to be re-born abhinibbatti, /. abhinimantetj, (Wvatt) rebirth, v. (Jmant) to invite, present, v. (Jma) to create, abhinimminati, 'mati, abhinillyati, v. (ijll) to abhinivisati, v. ( lie. hid, hide onself. Jvis) to settle down, devote oneself to. Ppp. "vittha. abhinivesa, m. inclination, laying to heart, abiiinisidati, v. to sit down, abhinlla, adj. deep blue, abhinlharati, v. (ij'har) to turn, direct, abhinlhara, m. earnest wish or aspiration, abhipatlhcti, v. {tja.tth) to pray for, wish for. abhividhi 23 abhipllita, ppp. (Jpi!) oppressed, afflicted. abhipujeti, v. (Jpuj) to offer, present. abhihavati, v. (JbhCi) to overcome, master, surpass. "bhuta. Ppp- abhibhava, w, defeat, abhbihayatana, n. a position of mastery, abhibhasati, v. («/bhas) to speak, address, abhibhu, adj. surpassing, mastering, vanquishing, abhimaiigala, n. high festival, solemnity, abhimatthati, v. (N/matth) to grind, crush, abhimaddita, ppp- (J mad) crushed, trampled, overthrown, abhimana, m. pride, haughtiness. abhimukha, adj. facing towards, opposite, in the direction of. abhimuda, /. .sympathetic joy. abhiyacati, v. (»/yac) to entreat, request, abhiyati, v. (Jya) to approach, attack, abhiyoga, m. ( Jyuj) charge, accusation, /. (J ram) delight. abhiramati, v. (Jram) to delight in. Pppabhiramma, °rama, adj. delightful, abhiraja, m. a supreme king, abhiradheti, v. (Jradh) to content, satisfy, abhirati, "rata, abhirucita, ppp. (s/ruc) pleasing, agreeable, liked, abhiruta, n. a sound, abhiruhati, "ruhati, "rohati, v. Ppp. (Jruh) to ascend, mount- "rulha. abhirupa, adj. handsome, beautiful, abhilakkhita, Ppp. (iJlakkh) marked, distinguished, abhilabhati, v. (Jlabh) to obtain, receive, get. abhilapa, m. talking, conversation, abhilava, m. (Jlu) reaping, abhilasa, m. desire. ppp. (is/lip) smeared, stained, polluted, abhilepana, n. (is/lip) pollution, smearing, abhivaddhati, v. (Jvaddh) to grow, increase, multiply abhilitta, abhivadati, v. (Jvad) to say, declare, abhivandati, v. ( Jvand) to salute, greet respectfully, abhivakya, n. humiliating speech, mean words, abhivadaka, adj. humiliating, rude, abhivadana, /. respectful salutation, greeting, abhivadeti, v. (Jvad) to salute, greet respectfully, abhivijayati, "jeti, v. (Jji) to conquer, overcome, abhividhi, m. arrangement, procedure. abhivinaya 24 abhivinaya, m* higher discipline. abhivuddhi, /• growtli, prosperity, increase. abhisajjati,, v- (JsJijj) to be angry, scold. abhisankharoti, v. (iJkar) to prepare, effect. Ppp. "khata. abhisankhara, m. effecting, accumulation, idea, conception. abhisanga, m. curse, imprecation. abhisaddahati, v. (ijdha) to confide, believe firmly. abhisandeti. v. (Jsand) to drench, wet, saturate. Ppp. "nna. abhisandhi, m. intention. abhisamaya, m. penetration, intuition, understanding. abhisamacarika, n. minor duties. abhisameti, v. (Ji) to comprehend, penetrate. Ger. "ecca. abhisamparaya, m. future abhisambujjhati, omniscient, v- state. (Jbudh) to be perfectly enlightened, abhisambodhi, /. (Jbudh) perfect knowledge, omniscience, abhisambhunati, "noti, v. (Jbhu) to attain, get. abhisammata, ppp- (tjman) approved, honoured, abhisavana, n. (Jsu) oozing, trickling, abhisapana, n. taking the oath at a law court, abhisarika, /• a woman who abhisificati, v. (Jsic) to Ppp' carries on an intrigue, besprinkle, anoint. Caus. °seceti. °cita, "sitta. abhisunoti, v. (Jsu) to hear, barken, abhisuta, n. vinegar. abhiseka, m. sprinkling, anointing, inauguration, abhissaiiga, m. attachment, abhihanti, v. (Jhan) to assail, strike, abhiharati, v. (s/har) to bring, acquire ; "hata, ppp offering, abhihita, ppp. (Jdha) called, said, named, abhjka, m. a husband, abhira, m. a cowherd. abhisu, m. colour, bridle, affection; /. a finger, abhuta, adj. false. Abhutena, instr. falsely, abhyagata, to. a guest, visitor, abhyasa, m. repetition, practice; adj. near, abhyupagama, ama, n. to. agreement, promise, a water-snake. amaiigala, adj. inauspicious, amacca, m. a minister, councillor, amajjha, /. uncleanliness. ; "hara, m. ambukirata amata, death lessness, ». nibbana, ij ambrosia, nectar; adj. deathless, undying, eternal, amatatarahgini, /. a ray of the moon, amatadidhiti, vu the moon. amatapa, m. a spirit, lit. one ivho drinks nectar-' amata, /. emblic myrobalan. ' amati, (Jam) v. to go. , a-mati, adj. foolish, unintelligent, amatta, n. a pitcher, vessel. a-matta-iiiiu, adj. (Jiia) amani, immoderate, intemperate, a road, path, way. a-raanussa, w. a demon, ogre, /. amanda, amara, a tree. to. to. amaravati, a spirit, /. name amaravikkhepa, to. quicksilver; /. a Iiouse-pillar, of Sakra'sciiy. womb, eel-wriggling, changeable view- aniala, adj. taintless, pure ; n. talc. amasa, m. time, disease, ama, adv. near, with, amavasi, /. the day of the new moon, a-mitta, TO. an enemy, foe. to. the plant Globe Amaranth, amisa, n. indulgence in sensual pleasures honesty, amu, *ka, adj. this, such, a-mukhya, adj. secondary, not principal, a-mutta, adj. (Jmuc) not shot; n. a non-missile weapon, amilata, ; amutra, adv. in that place, there, another world, hereafter a-mula, adj. without payment, unpaid, a-raoha, vu (Jmuh) non-delusicn, intelligeticc. amba, in- thr mango treeambaka, n. the eye, red coppei. kind of plant, ambattha, /. ambati, (Jamb) v. a to go. ambantara, to. a kind of mango, ambara, to. the sky, cloth, cotton, mica, amba, /. a mother, ambafaka, to. the hog-plum. ambika, /. a mother, ambila, adj. sour, acid, ambiluka, in. the tamarind tree. ambu, n. water, ambukana, /. a water-spray, ambukirata, m. a crocodjld ! atnbukisa 26 ambukisa, m. a porpoise. ambucamara, n. water-weeds. ambucarl, m. a fish. ambuja, m. a fish; n. a lotus plant. ambujakara, m. a pond. ambujini, a lotus-pond. /. ambuda, m. a cloud. ambudhara, m. a cloud. ambudhi, w. the ocean. ambunidhi, m. the ocean, sea. ambupaddhati. /. a current of water. ambura, m. the threshold of a door. ambusappini, /. a water-leech. ambha, m. a stone, pebble. ambho, Oh interj. ambhoja, n. I ! say ! lotus flower; to. the el moon, a crane. ambhojajani, m. brahma. amma, ijoc. mother lady madam ammana, n. a canoe, a measure of capacity. amtna, /. a mother. 1 amha-maya, adj. amhadisa, adj. made ! ! of stone. like us. aya, tnn. iron. ayati, {iji) to 'v. go; °ana, n. a road. oneself, unborrowed. owned by a-yacitaka. adj, ayanaya, w. a countr}'. ayokara, m. a blacksmith. ayoghana, m. a sledge-hammer. ayya, m. a lord, master.; voc sir I my lady ayyaka, m. a grandfather, ancestor; ara, n. a wheel, aram, araka, /, lord I m. moss, araghatta, m. a water-pump. arailjara, m. a a araflfia, n. arafiiiatii, /. large pot, a large forest; wood ftratatapa, m. uiati, /. jar. forest, arani, mf. for kindling fire by a dog. dislike, discontehl. arama, adj. inferior, ei-ata, >rt/)i. a gate, dbor, cover, lid. madam t a grandmother, speedily, presently, ad'i). /. friction, my alattaka araru, 27 an enemy. ?n. aravinda, n. a lotus, red copper; Mini, /. a lotus-bunch, araha, adj. worthy, deserving, venerable, arahati, v. (Jarh) to deserve, be worthy of, fit ; arahita, arahatta, n. state of being an arahant or saint; fruition of arahantship ; ppp. *phala, n. *magga, m. the path of ara- hantship. arahanta, "ha, m. an arahant or saint, m. an enemy, m. an enemy, arati, ari, a heron, the nimba tree ; n- buttermilk, harem, happiness, aritta, n. a rudder. arindama, adj. (Jdam) foe-vanquishing, victorious* ariya, adj. noble, venerable, elect, holy, ariya-dhana, n. noble treasure, the cheek, ariya-phala, n. the noble fruition, viz., arahantship. ariya-magga, the noble path, ariya-sacca, ?i. the noble truth or fact, arittha, to. ariya-savaka, to. a holy disciple, hemorrhoids, arisa, n. aru, n. a wound. aruna, adj. light red; to. the dawn, aruna-kamala, n. the red lotus, aruna-locana, to. a pigeon, lit. the red-eyed.' ' arunuggama, n. the dawn, sunrise, arunopala, to. a ruby. arupa-bhava, to. formless existence, immaterial world, ariipavacara, adj. (Jcar) experienced in the formless immaterial realm, are, interj. here ! I say ! sirrah enough ! adequate, sufficient, alarh, adv. hold ala, ??. scorpion-poison, alaka, mn. a roll, fold, bundle, or ! ! alaka /. alagada, Kuvera's to. alaghupala, alankaroti, city, a snake, to. I', a rock, to decorate, adorn, embellish; "kara, ornament, decoration, rhetoric, a-lajjl, adj. shameless, alanjara, to. a large pot, jar. alattaka, m. lac. m. an alambusa 28 alambusa, m. the palm of the hand; sickness; /. a kind of crec. alavala, n. a pond at the foot of a tree. alasa, adj. idle, lazy, slothful, alata, n. a firebrand, alapu, n- a gourd, pumpkin, alabu, /. a gourd, pumpkin, alara, m. a gate, door, ali, in. a bee. alika, n. the forehead, falsehood; adj. false, untrue, atigaddha, m. a cobra. alipaka, m. the carpenter bee, scorpion, dog. alimaka, m. a cuckoo, frog. alika, n.. the forehead, falsehood; adj. false, untrue, from desire, a small water-pot. alia, adj. wet, moist; /. a mother, avamsira, ad/, head downwards, head foremost, ava, prep, away, off, down, a-llna, adj. free alu, /. avakathsa, m. inferiority, avakaddhati, v- (Jkaddh) to drag down, avakara, m. dust, rubbish. avakasa, m. place, room, space, opportunity, leave, leisure, avakujja, adj. upsidedown. avakkanti, /. (i>/kam) introduction, descent, avahara, m. a thief, uvapurana, n. a key. avarapara, m. the sea. a\'araparika, /. the coriander seed, avavata, m. a son of a lesser husband. avi, m. a ram, sheep, day, mountain, master, mouse, wind. avika, n. a diamond, avikata, m. a flock of sheep. a-vikkhepa, m. (Jkhip) non-distraction, balance of mind, aviggaha, m. the god of love, a-vijja, /. ignorance. a-v,iddasu, adj. ignorant, avidusa, n. sheep's milk, avipata, to. a coat made of sheepskin, avila, /. a female sheep, aviha, one of the brahma worlds, mercy; lit- non-cruelty.' m- one of the eight hells. /. a-vihirtisa, °hesa, /. avici. ' 20 assada avekkhati, v. (Jikkh) to look down upon, consider, contemplate. avecca, ger. (J'l) thoroughly, clearly, penetratively. avhaya, m. a. name, invocation. avha, /. a name, appellation. asakiili, adv. more than once, repeatedly, continuously. asaniiasatta. m. inhabitant of one of the hrnhma worlds. dSattha, TO. the tree of wisdom. asana, m/n. an arrow, food. asani, vif. the thunderbolt. a-santa, adj. unreal, false, wicked, bad. a-sayha, adj. (Jsah) invincible, unconquerable. asi, m. a sword. asita, mn. a sickle; adj. black. asipatta, to. the sugar-cane plant. asiputti, asilesa, asiti, a knife. /. name /. of a constellation. num. eighty. asu, TO. breath, life. asu, pron. this, that. asuka, adj. such and such. asura, to. a fallen god. asekha, to. an arahant, one who is no more a student. asecana, adj. charming, captivating. asesa, adj. all, without remainder. Asesato, adv. entirely, altogether. asoppa, a fairy, spirit. to. emerald. n. benzoin. asma, to. a stoneassa, TO. a horse, corner. assakanna, to. one of the seven circles of rock that sur/. asmagabbha, asmapuppha, round Meru. assatara, a mxile. to. assattharana, n. a saddle. assama, mn. a hermitage. assamedha, assayuja, to. to. horse-sacrifice. name of a constellation. assava, adj. (Jsu) obedient ; to. pus, matter. assasati, V. (Jsas) to inhale air, inspire, breathe; ppp. Caus. assaseti, to comfort, encourage. assada, w. "ana, n. tasting, enjoyment. assattha, assasa 30 m. (Jsas) inhalation, comfort, consolation, respiration *passasa, m. inhalation and exhalation, assu, n. a tear. Assumukha, with tearful face, aharhkara, m. arrogance, haughtiness, aham-aham-ika, /. conceit, egoism, assasa, ; aha, n. a day. ahata, n. (Jhan) a new cloth before ahaha, n. a high numeral, oh ahaha, inter j. alas is washed, ! ! mercy; a-hiiiisa, /. it lit. ' non-cruelity.' m. a snake. avaganeti, v. (Jgan) to neglect, disregard, avagata, ppp. {J gam) known, understood, avajahati, v. (J ha) to abandon, forsake, ahi, avajata, ppp. (Jja) low-born, avajanati, v. (Jja) to despise; avaniiata, ppp. avajiyyati, "jlyati, pass. (Jji) to be conquered, avajja, n. blame; adj. not to be avoided, harmless, avajjhayati, v. to waste away, perish, avail fia, /. disrespect, contempt, avaniiita, adj. despised, m. a avata, hole, hollow, well, astrologer, avatatika, in. market-place, ava^u, the neck, well, /. /. (Jtha) steadiness. avanna, m. dispraise, reproach. Avav-nam bhasati, to speak avatthifi, ill of. avatamsa, m. a crest, earring, avatarati, v. to descend, disembark; avatara, mn. a landing-place, avati, (Jav) -c'. "tirina, ppp. to protect, avattabbata, /. ineffability. a-vattha, adj. naked ; m. a naked ascetic, avattharati, v. (^/thar) to spread, cover, thata, ppp. avattha, /. state, condition, time, period, avatthana, nl standing-place, state, avatthapana, n. fixing, settling, avadata, adj. white, pure, avadarana, n. a spade, avadoha, m. sweetened milk, avadhfina, n. (*/dha) attention. scatter, pervade^ * - ahipiiena 31 a vadhareti, caws. (J dha) to ascertain; ment; avadhi, m. °rita, n. "raija, ascertain- ppp. limit. avana, n. wish, grace, entranceavani, /. the earth. m. a king. avani-ruha, m. a tree. avanejana, n. washing. avaplda, to. a snuff. avabodha, m. (^/budh) understanding; °ana, avamahgala, adj. inauspicious. avani-pati, avamana, n. instruction. n. disrespect. avamaneti, caus. (Jman) to despise. avaya, TO. loss, decay. avayava, to. a limb, member, part. avaratta, n. the whole night. avalambana, n. hanging, depending. avalekhana, n. a small piece of whittled bamboo or wood used in the bath-: com. avalepa, tn. (>Jlip) anointing, pride. avaloketi, v. to look, behold, survey. avasa, adj. unsubdued, independent, powerless, true, avasanna, ppp. languid, depressed. avasaya, m. leave, rain-fall, year. avasara, to. opportunity, turn. avasaratl, v. (Jsar) to go. avasana, n, end, conclusion. avasitfha, ppp. («Jsis) remaining, left. avasita, PPp. (Jsi) finished, ascertained. avasissana, n. (Jsis) remainder. avasina, mfn. a scorpion avaseseti, v. (tjsis) to leave, spare, avassaiii, adv. certainly, undoubtedly; *bhavl, adj. enewit- able. avassagga, m. relinquishment, abandonment. avassaya, rrt. support, help, refuge, protection. avassuta, ppp. (Jsu) lustful. avaharati, 1). {fj har) to take away, steal, draw down. ahi'kaficukaj to. the slough cast off by a snake* ahiigunthika) to. a snake charmer. ahichattaka) u. a musht'oom. ". a snake charmer. ehipheoa, n. opium, snake's poison. ahi>tuo4il^^> ahimartisu 32 ahimamsu, m. the sunahivata, to. the plagueahirani, m. a two-headed snake. aho, interj. oh ah alas *vata, indeed, ! ! ! Oh what I ahomani, m. the sun. ahomukha, n. the morning. ahoratta, m. a day and night. ahosesa, n. the .evening. aja, TO. a crab's finger. alakka, a, to. mad a dog. pfep' until, as far as. akaiikhati, v. (Jkaiikh) to wish, desire, long for. akankha, /. desire, longing. (ijkaddh) to draw towards, drag along. appearance, embellishment, disguise, disease. akara, to. a multitude, mine. akassa, to. dragging, a magnet. akara, to. appearance, countenance, form, sign, way, means, cause, purpose, factor, constituent part, akasa, to. (N'kas"* the sky, air, space, akasa-mandala, n. the open sky. akasa-yana, n. an aeroplaneakasa-valli, /. the orchid plant, akaddhati, akappa, v. tn- akasa-salila, n. rain. akasanaiicayatana, n. sphere of infinity of space, akiiicaniiayatana, n. sphere of^ nothingness, akirati, v. (Jkir) (o .scatter, sprinkle; ppf- akinna, crowded. akuAcita, ppp- (Jkuiic) bent, curved, akula, adj. crowded, confused, perplexed, troubled, akuli, /• a kind of plant, akha, to. a spade. akhanika, to. a thief, rat, pig, spade, akhu, TO. a rat, mouse, akhughata, to. the fourth caste, akhubhunja, m. a catakhetika, m. a hound, hunterakhota, m. the walnut tree, akhya, /. a name. akhySta, ppp. said, anhounced; n. a finite verb. mixed, ; apapeti akhyayika, a /. tale, story, 33 legend. come, arrive, return agamma, ger. agantu, *ka, adj. coming, occasional, adventitious, foreign agacchati, v. (Jgam) to ; m. a guest, visitor. agantukavatta, n. hospitality, duty towards guests. agama, m. advent, arrival, income, knowledge, Buddhist scriptures. agameti, cau:i. (Jgam) to cause to come, communicate, im- part, wait. agami, adj. coming, future. agara, n. a house, building; "rika, m. a householder. agilayati, v. (Jgla) to be tired, ache. agu, n. sin, guilt, crime *carl, mfn. a sinner. aghattana, n. (Jghatt) impact, touching. aghata, m. ill-will, malice, hatred. aghatana, n. slaughter-house, place of execution. acaka, m. a kind of plant. acamana, n. (Jcam) rinsing the mouth, washing. acaya, m. ( Jci) accumulation. acarati, v. (tJcar) to act, perform, treat, practise; acinna, ; ppp. a teacher, professor. acariya-mutthi, »/• a teacher's favourite or secret ficariya, in. lit- ' teacher's closed theme; fist.' acariya-vatta, n. a duty towards a teacher. acdma, m. scum of boiling rice. aCara, nt. (Jcar) conduct, practice. tell, announce. accumulate; acita, ppp. (Jci) to heap, acikkhati, v. (iVcikkh) to acinati, i). aja, n. butter. gjaka, n. a flock of goals. ajaniya, ajaneyya, adj. (iVja) of gcJod race or breedc ajaiifia, aji, /. battle, strife. ajlva, m. (»ijiv) livelihood, occupation, profession. m. a heron, duck. atavika, m. a forester. adambara, m. trumpeting ata, of an elephant, a war-drum. anaka, adj. inferior. anatti, ana, /. command, authority. an order, command, ordinance. /. aiia-desana, /. a discourse of authority, the Vinaya Pitaka. a?Tap«tl» cans, to order, command ; anatta, ppp. a»i 34 ani, peg, the pin of a wheel, linch-pin, /. the edge of a knife. atanlia, m. sickness, affliction. drum covered with leather on one side. atata-vitata, n. a drum covered with leather on both atatayl, m. a highwayman, criminal. atata, n. a sides. atapa, m. (iJtap) sunlight, zeal. atapatta, m. a parasol. atapabhava, m. a shade. atappa, n. zeal, ardour, exertion. atara, atara, m. freight. atapa, m. heat, burning, zeal. m. atapi, adj. (Jtap) ardent, zealous, active; Atdyi. atitheyya, n. {jr. atithi) m. a raft. atuma, w. the body hospitality ; a kite, also adj hospitable. atu, atura, adj. ill, ; another form of attd. diseased, afflicted. atojja, m. (Jtud) a musical instrument. athabbana, to. the fourth Veda. adara, m. esteem, regard, affection. adaraniya, adj. estimable. adati, adadati, n. {rida) to tnke, receive, seize; adaya, ger.; adinna, ppp-; adata, m. one who takes; adana, n. taking, attachment, clinging. adasa, adi, to. a mirror. m. begiiining, slarting-point ; suf. et cetera, and so from the beginning. beginning with, initial. forth. Adito, adv. adika, adj. first, adikammika, adj. a beginner, novice. adikara, to. brahma. adicca, to. the sun. to. the sky, the heavens. (Jdlp) to blaze, burn; aditta, ppp. adi-lDhuta, -ma, adj. first, initial. adicca-patha, adippati, v. adiyati, pass. adinava, to. (Jda) to take, receive, take to heart. disadvantage, evil, tribulation. adeti, v. to take, receive, obtain. adevaka', ntfn. a merry-maker. adevita, n. violent crying. adesa, to. (Jdis) information, direction, injunction, stitute in grammar. adesi, m. an infornianlj director. a sub- . abadhika 35 mn. beginning and end. adtiana, n. iceeping, placing, pawn, pledge. adliara, to. a support, stand, receptacle, water-basin round (he foot of a Iree, the locative relation in grammar, ticlyanta, adhipacca, n overlordship. adhuta, ppl>. (Jdhii) shaken. . JldhCinika, adj. new, first to arise, adheyya, mfn. a pledge, pawn, adhorana. to., an elephant-driver, mahout, ana, (ijan) inhaled air, inhalation, 11. fuianca, infinity. n. anaddha, adj. (Jnah) constipated; n. a drum, decoration, anana, /;. the mouth. ananda, to. joy, delight, a sea-monster, whale, ananda-pata, n. a wedding garment, anandi, m, joy, delight. anapatia, n. inhalation and exhalation, anaya, to. a fish-net. anaha, m. constipation, strangury, anisariisa, m. advantage, reward, good apa, TO. apaga, respiration, result, water, a river, /. apajjati, v. ppp; (^/pad) to enter, fall into, undergo; apanna, apajja, gcr. apana, m. a market, bazaar, shop, apanika, m. a tradesman, shop-seller, apatika, m. a hawk, apatti, /. offence, guilt, sin. apada, /. misfortune, necessity, apana, n. mustardapanika, m. a ruby, wild man. apannasatta, /. a pregnant woman apaka, to. a baking stove, apana, n. a drinking shop, tavern, apucchati, v. ( Jpucch) to ask leave, take leave, bid adieu ; "cha, /. a request, fipiipika, tnfn. a cake-seller, apurati, v. (iVpur) to be filled, increase. apQsa, n. tin. abajjhati, pass. (Jbadh) to ppp. abadha, m. illness, disease, abadhika, adj. ill, sick. be bound, fastened; abaddha, abharana 36 Sbharaiia, n. an ornament^ decoration. abhassara, adj. radiant, shitiing. abha, /. splendour, radiance, light; »kara, abhSti, V. ( Jbha) m. the sun, to shine. abhasa, m. light, introduction, preface. abhasana, n. greeting. gbhidha, /. a sound. abhimukhya, /. front, direction towards. fibhira, mf- a cowherd. fibhujati, V. (iJbhuj) to bend, turn into. Pallaii'ktlrii'dbhujii. ti, to sit cross-legged. a kind ot plant. abhoga, m. reflection, fulness, plenty. ama, interj. yes, indeed; adj. raw, uncooked. amaka, adj. raw, uncooked. Smaka-susana, n. a cemetery where dead bodies are thrown. fima-gandha, m. the foul-smelling corruptions. amajata, w. a son of a slave. Smanda, m. the castor-oil plant. amanta, interj. yes, certainly. amanteti, v- (Jmant) to address, speak, c;all, consult. fimaya, m. sickness, ill-health. atn&iaka, w/n. emblic myrobalan. amasana, n. ( Jmas) handling, touching, contemplating. amStisara, w. .dysentery. amglaka, mn. the foot of a hill, open ground. amisa, mn- flesh, meat, food, object of enjoyment, temptaabhuji, /. tion, lust. amisa-dayada, mfn. a donor of fleshly needs. amisappiya, w. a heron. amutta, ppp. (Jmuc) dressed, accoutred. amupa, m. the thorny bamboo. Smendita, n. repetition. amoda, m. (Jmud) joy, fragrance. amodanl, /. (i7mud) rejoicing. aya, m. gain, revenue, entrance. ayatacchada, /. the plantain tree. ayatana, n. abode, receptacle, mine, origin, cause, meetingplace. ayatanetta, m. ayati, /. a prawn. the future, length, majesty. Ayatirh, adv. in future. ayatika, adj. future. ayattatii, /. dependence. arati 37 Syamati, u. (»yyani) to draw, stretch, extend; ayata, ppp. long. ftyasa, adj. ayasma, made of iron. adj. venerable, reverend. ayacati, v. (N/yac) to ask, request; "ana, n. a request. Syati, V. (Jya) to go, approach, return. ayama, m. length. Ay^mato, adv. Syasa, m. trouble, suffering. Syu, n. at length. life. SyuJra, adj. living. ayukappa, m. the life-term. ayuta, ppp. (tJyu) endowed, furnished with. ayutta, *ka, m. a secretary, agent, manager, trustee. fiyu-dabba, n. medicine. ayudha, n. a weapon. ayudhika, m. a soldier. iyu-beda, m. the science of medicine. ayu-vaddhana, adj. life-prolonging. Syusa, n. duration of life- Ayusa, abl. as long as ayu-sankhara,/^w. maintenance of life. life lasts. ayijhana, n. striving, exerting. ayogo, m. (Jyuj) occupation. ayodhana, n. (iVyudh) battle. ara, n. a corner, end, brass. araka, adv. prep, far arakuta, mn. brass. arakkhati, v. ( off, from afar. Jrakkh) to guard, protect belonging to the forest, situated in the fbrest. n. the pure practice of a monk dwelling in the arafiiiaka, adj. arafiiiikariga, forest. arani, m- a whirlpool. arati, /. avoidance, abstinence. araddha, ppp. (Jrabh) striving, earnest, accomplished. araddha-viriya, adj. strenuous, making an effort. aranala, n- sour gruel. arabhati, v. (Jrabh) to begin, undertake, attempt, exert oneself; arabbha, ger. beginning with, from, concerning, with reference to. arambha, m. *na, n. commencement, effort, injury, mischief. arammana, n. an object of sense, support, basis, ground, cause. ara, adv. far off; arati, /. m. an enemy. an awl; aragga, n. the point of an awl. anldheti 38 aradheti, v. (Jradh) to propitiate, make favour witii, win, accomplish "dhana, n. propitiation, accomplishment; ; "dhita, ppp- arama, m. a garden, park, monastery, temple. aramika, m. a temple servant, gardener. aralika, mf- a cook. arfiva, m- (Jru) a sound, noise. arissa, in. the state of a sage. aru, m. a crab, pig, kettle. aruppa, adj. incorporeal, formless, immaterial. mount; aruUia, ppp; aniyha, aruhati, v. (N/ruh) to ascend, ger. aril, TO. the red or yellow colour. arogya, n. health- announce, declare. aroceti, v- (Jruc) to tell, aropeti, v. (Jruh) to establish, put, raise, introduce. lift, aroha, w. length, ascent arohaka, m. a rider. ; /• an elegant woman. arohana, w. 'ascent, ladder, stairs. aroha-parinaha, m. length and breadth. ala, Sidj. large, wide. alaka, /. Kuvera's city. alapati, v. (N/lap) to alambati, v. speak (Jlamb) to, to lean address. upon, take hold of; "ana, n. a support, object of sense, alambara, m. a drum, pride, arrogance, alavalaka, n. a basin round a tree to retain water, m. a house, dwelling, abode, longing, desire, attach- alaya, ment. alasiya, "sya, n. idleness, sloth, ".ssa, alata, n. a firebrand. alana, n. a state or post to which an elephant is tied, alapa, m. (J lap) speech, alapa-sallapa, all, TO. to. a scorpion conversation. ; /. a woman's female bankment, alikhati, v. (Jlikh) to draw, delineate, m. a small drum, aliiigati, v. (J ling) to embrace, enfold, alimpati, v. (lip) to besmear, anoint, alinda, m. a terrace or verandah, aliiiga, allnaka, n. alu, tin. mfn. a kettle; tow. a potato. friend, line, em- avisiti 39 alulati, V. (s/lul) to agitate, disturb, confuse; alolitfi. pf>p. alekha, m. (Jlilch) a drawing, painting, picture. alelihanl, /. a paint-brush, pencil. alepa, aloisa, m. m. (N/lip) besmearing. light, sight, look. aloka-sandhi, m. a window. alopa, m. a fragment, morsel, plundering. alojeti, caus. to mix. stir, jumble, confuse; avajja, adj. low, inferior. °iila, ppp. avajjati, v. (Jvajj) to reflect, consider; "ana, n. meditation. avajjeti, caws. (Jvajj) to bend, incline, upset. m. a whirlpool, circuit, adv. in circumference, avattani, /. a woman, flat cupel, avatta, circumference. Avattato, avapana, n. a cup, sowing, weaving, avarana, n. covering, obstruction, prohibition, avala, n. the trumpet-flower plant, avail, /. a row or range, avasati, v. (h/vas) to dwell, inhabit, avasatha, m. dwelling-place, abode, house, avasagara, n. a rest-house, avasita, adj. stored up, ripe, mature, avahati, v. (Jyah) to bring, avata, m. a hole, pit. avadha, mfn. pain, anxiety. avapa, m. a pond at the foot of a tree, sowing, cup, wristlet, avapana, mfn- a weaving loom, avari, m. a shop. avasa, m. ( Jvas) a house, dwelling-place, avaha, m. marriage, avahana, n. invitation, marrying, avi, adv. manifestly, evidently, plainly, avika, adj. woollen m. flannelavi-karoti, v. to make manifest, explain, avijjhati, v. to draw, drag, avittha, ppP- possessed by a devil, avita, adj. guarded, protected, aviddha, ppp. thrown, avidha, m. a bore or drillavi-bhavati, to become manifest, appear, avibhava, m. appearance, manifestation, ; avila, ndj. turbid, stained, avisati, v. (J vis) to approach, enter. avi 40 avi, /. pains of childbirth. avikarana, n. manifesting. avunati, "noti, v. to cover, inclose, string; ppp. avata, avuta. avudha, n. a weapon. avusa, indecl. friend sir 1 brother I avenika, adj. detached, independent. avesana, n. a .workshop, dwelling, fury, entrance. avesika, m. a guest; adj. entering, adventitious. aveja, /. a garland worn on the crown of the head, a kind ! of flower. m; avha, /. a name, appellation. asarhsana, n. hoping, wishing, publishing. asaihsa, /. a wish. avhaya, asa, m. eating. m. attachment. asaiiga, asajja, adj. attainable. asankati, v. (Jsank) to suspect, doubt. asanka, /. suspicion. asanki, adj. anxious, apprehensive. asatta, ppf. (»/sajj) attached, intent. asatti, /. ( Jsajj) attachment, desire. asada, w. approaching. asana, n. a seat, the withers of an elephant. asandi, /. a long or easy chair. asanna, ppp. (N/sad) near. asabha, adj. taurine, eminent. asaya, in. meaning, inclination, support, abode, haunt. m. the white anise plant. asava, m. spirituous drink, intoxicant, passion, drug, poison-drug *kkhaya, m. extinction of passion, asala, ; asavati, v. (^/su) to trickle, flow, asa, /. desire, longing, asatika, /. a fly's egg^ nit. m. a heavy shower, current, asalha, mf. name of a month, asara, asiitisa, /. (/sas) wish, hope, benediction. Ssi, /. blessing. asiiicati, V. (Jsic) to sprinkle, moisten, anoint; *** asittha, ppp. (fc/sas) wished for, asita, n. a seat, town asivada, m. blessing, asi, /. fang of a snake^ asitta inkSca 41 S snake. wishing. asu, adv. quickly. asivisa, tn, asisa, /. aseka, m. ( Jsic) sprinkling, anointing. asevati, v. (Jsev) to practise. asevi, adj. addicted to. ahaka, m. disease of the nose. ahacca, adj. (Jhar) adduceable, removable. aliaccapada, m. a bed or chair with removable legs. ahanati, v. (N/han) to strike, beat, reach; ahacca, get; ahata, ppp. aharati, v. (Jhar) to bring, plunder, fetch, relate; ihata, ppp. Atltarh aharati, to tell a story. ahava, m. war, battle. ahavaniya, fpp. (Jhu) sacrificial. ahara, m. food, nourishment, nutriment, cause. ahava, m. a trough. ahindati, v. (iVhind) to roam, wander. ahitundika, m. a juggler, snake-charmer. ahuneyya, adj. sacrificial, worshipful, worthy of offerings. alara, adj. wide, expansive. alarika, m. a cook. alahana, n. a cemetery, graveyard. aji, mjn. a crab, scorpion. a]inda, m. a portico. alhaka, m. a post to which an elephant is tied mn. a measure of capacity. ; ikka, tn. a bear. m. a kind of ikkhai.ia, m. (Jikkh) reed. ikkata, ikkhanika, ni. sight. a fortune-teller. ikkhati, «. (iVikkh) to look, see. ikkhu, tn. sugar-cane. iAga, tn. a gesture, sign. (JiHg) to move. lAgitUt n, ppp. gesturea kind of plant. iAgha, interj. come pray prithee iftgati, V. iilgudi, /. I I ! icchati, v. (h/is) to wish, desire, seek. iccha, desire, wish, /. icchacara, iiicaka, tn. desire, lust covetousness, ambition.. m. a prawn. 6 iBjati 4a (Jinj) lo move, budge. injali, V. l>l}ila, n, ppp- .noveincit. vacillation, iuh'aiii, adv. at will, as one wishes, ppp. (Jis) desirable, /. a brick. itthaka-vaddhaki, m. a bricklayer, mason, itthakanyasa, m. laying a brick foundalionittha, itthaka, itthagandha, adj. fraorant, ina, n. debt, inayika, m. a debtor, itara, adj. other, different, way. one and another, any whatever, this and that, and before a vowel ice, adv. thus, used as a mark of itaratha, adv. in another jtaritara, adj. iti, ti, indirect narration, itikatha, /. idle speech, itivuttaka, n. the fourth book of Khuddakanikaya. itiha, /. oral tradition. legendary lore, tradition. mean, poor. adv. thus; *bhuta, adj. such. itihasa, nt. ittara, adj. low, itthaih, hthatta, n. the present condition. itthannama, adj. so and so, such and such. itthagara, n, women's apartment, harem. itthi, itthlj /. a woman, female. itthindriya, n. feniiniety. idarh, n. this; adv. here, even. idani, udv, now. idha, adv. here, hither. iddhi, /. prosperity, power, magical potency. iddliika, imii, adj. possessed of magical powers. tddhi-pada, m. basis of magjcal powers. ina, m. the sun, lord, master. ina-sabha, inda, /. a government in. chief, office. king. bldaka, n. an assembly hall. iadakhila, m.. a cily-gate pillar, threshold. iiidagopaka, m, a sort of insect. indajilika, m* a juggler, magician. I'ndadhanu, iu the rainbow. Indanlla, nui. a sapphire. indabliesaj'ja, n. dried girigei'. jndayava, w. a kind of fruit. issara indalutta, 43 mn. sliaving the head. indavaruni, a species of gourd. /. indasala, m. a indanika, to. a salt-water muscle. kind of plant. indayudha, n. the rainbow. indindira, m. a large bee. indiiavara, indlvara, n. the blue water-lily. moon, camphor. indukamala, n. the white lily. indUj m. the indukalika, /. the screw-pine. indujanaka, m. the ocean. indumati, /. the full-moon day, indura, to. a rat. induratana, n. pearl. indulohaka, n. silver. indriya, n. a. controlling faculty. indhana, n. firewood, ftiel. ibbaru, ibbalu, to/, cucumber. ibbha, adj. wealthy. ibha, TO. an elephant. ibhamacala, to. a lion. irana, mfn. a desert. ira, /. the earth, water, word. iracara, to. hail. iru, /. the movement, posture, deportment. Rigveda. ilagola, the earth. iriyapatha, to. /. ilatala, n. ilika, /. . the surface of the earth. the earth. a bird. illala, TO. a dagger. illi, /. iva, va, part, like, as. isi, » m. a bear. isa, issa, m. a sage, anchorite. an elephant's eye, paint-brush. isina, /. isigili, tn. a mountain in Magadha. isipatana, n. a place near Benares. isipabbajja, /. the life of an anchorite. isira, m. fire. mf. an arrow. isudhi, mf. a quiver. issayati, v. to envy, be jealous. isu, issara, m. lord, chief. issariya 44 issan'ya, issera, v. dominion, supremacy. envy, jealousy. a bow. issuki, adj. envious, jealous. issa, /. issSsa, n. ilia, adv. here. iholokjka, adj. belonging to this world. I danger, turbulence. Tti, /. Idisa, adj. like this, such. freti, isa, (Jir) to utter, shake; ppp. -v. m. irita. lord, master. isakarii, adv. a little. Tsakkarn, adj. easy to do. shallow water. Tsaddassana, n. a smile. Isajjala, n. m, one isadhara, mountains surrounding of the concentric Meru. Isappurisa, m. a useless man. isa, /. the pole of a plough, axle, isadanta, m. the tusk of an elephant. )s5na, n. radiance. an elephant's eye, paint-brush, sprout,, government, a queen. Tsika, /. Tsitta, n. isf, /. Tha, /. exertion, endeavour. Jhamiga, w. a wolf, leopard. U U) ud, prep, only used as the first part of a the meaning ukanaha, uka, /. of ' upwards,' ' above ' compound, with or ' away.' a horse of a bay colour. tn. a louse. ukuiia, m. a bug. ukkaihsa, excess. vi. iikkartiseti, cans. (Jkaitis) to exalt; ppp. ukkajtha, exceed- ing, excellent. ukkaddhati, v. ukkapthati, 7;, ukkamana, n. (Jka(J4h) to cast out. to regret, pine, be discontented. (^/kam) stepnintr aside, oassinp-. (Jkanth) ugghatita-finu 45 ukkamapeli, cans- (N/kam) to cause to step fiside. ukkalapa, uklapa, in. sweepings, rubbish. ukka, /. a torch, firebrand; *pata, m. a meteor; *mukha, n. the mouth of a furnace, ukkara, m. dung, excrement, ukkasati, v. (»/kas) to hem, clear the throat, ukkujjeti, v. to set up again wliat has been overturned, ukkutika, adj. sitting on the hams, squatting, crouching; Vkkvtikarh ukkutthi, /. nisldati, to sit on the hams, squat, Ukkutlhim (kus) shouting, crying out. koroti, to shout, ukkusa, m. an osprey. ukkoca, m. a bribe. ukkoteti, caus. to disturb ukkha, what is settled, washed, ukkhatara, m. a big bull, adj. clean, ukkhali, /. a rice boiling pot. ukkhipati, v. (ijkhip) to throw upwards, lift, eject ; tiUkhttta, ppp. ukkhittaka, m. a ukkhepa, m, monk who lifting, raising has been excommunicated, °aka, m. one who excommu- ; nicates ; °ana, n. excommunication; °aniyakamma, excommunication of a monk for a grave offence, «. uklapa, see ukkalapa. ugga, adj. violent, severe, cruel, ugga-gandha, adj. strong-smelling; m. onions; n. asafce- tida. uggacchati, v. ( Jgacch) to rise, ascend ugganhati, v. {Jgah) to acquire, learn, ugganhapeti, caus. to teach, uggati, /. ascent, appearance, uggatthana, n. a garland of pearls, uggama, m; ; uggata, ppp. lift, pick up. "ana, n. rising, ascent, uggaha, m; °ana, n. learning, acquisition, uggatha, /. a stanza with a wrong metre, uggara, m. hiccough, vomiting. uggirana, n. vomiting, uggilati, V. to vomit, uggharati, ugghatana, v. ti. ( Jghar) to ooze, the rope and bucket of a well, ugghateti, caus. to open, unfasten, reveal, ugghatita-iinu, adj. understanding quickly. uggiinseti 46 proclaim; ugghoseti, caus. {•Jghus) to shout out, proclamation, "sa, m. uiikupa, m. a bug. ucita, adj. suitable, convenient, (Iccato, adv. in height, ucca, adj. high. /. pride, uccata, uccaya, m. (Jci) accumulation, uccara, m. excrement, uccarana, ii. utterance, pronunciation, uccareti, cans, to raise alcft, lift up. uccalinga, m. a caterpillar, uccavaca, adj. irregular, various, uccinati, v. (^ Jci) to choose, select, uccula, m. a flag of victory, ucchanga, m. the hip, flank, ucchadana, n. rubbing the body with perfumes, ucchittha, ppp. left, rejected, impure; *modana, n. bee's wax. ucchita, ppp. lofty, exalted, ucchindati, v. (Jchid) to cutoff, extirpate, destroy; ucchijja, ger ; ucchinna, ppp. ucchu, m. sugar-cane; *gu!ha. m. sugar, molasses, ucchuna, ad/, swollen, exalted, fat. uccheda, m. extirpation, annihilation *ditthi, /. heresy of ; annihilation, uju, ujju, adj. straight, upright, honest. straighten, correct, ujjalati, V. (ijjal) to flash up, shine; Ujum "ana, n. karoti, to lighting, burning, ujjota, m. (J jut) light, lustre, ujjotana, n. illumination, ujjh^ggika, loud laughter, abandon, throw. Ppp. ujjhita. /. ujjhati, V. to ujjhana, n. taking offence, ujjhayati, v. to be offended, ufichati, v. to seek, uta, m. thatch; *ja, beg for food, m. a hut or monastery roofed with thatch, uttanda, n. treasury, utthahati, utthati, v. (/tha) to rise, stand up, rouse oneself. be active; ger. utthaya; ppp. utthita. utjhahana, utthana, n. rising, origin, ejcertion. utthubhati, v. to spit out. ; uttunga 47 Uijna, /«. 'wool, hair between the eyebrows. unnata, n. a foreliead ornament or llower. unnanabhi, m. a spiderunha, adj. hot. un ha-rariisi, unhika, dusscli, lo grow hot. the sun. rice-gruel, porndgfe. /. mn. a unhisa, Unlidharam ni. crest, diadem, turban, frontlet, staircase, m. the menses; *ni, /. a menstrua= utu, mfn. season, time; woman. ting uttaihsa, m. el utta, adj. wet, uttata, re. chaplet, earring. damp. dried flesh. uttama, adj. best, highest, eminent. uttamafiga, n. the head; *ruha, m. hair of tlie head- uttamanna, nifn. a creditor. uttamattha, m. the highest object, arahantship. uttara, adj. higher, superior, northern, subsequent uttarana, n. (Jtar) crossing over, passing across. escape from; cauS' ultareti, uttarati, v. (Jtar) to cross over, to save; Ppp. uttinna. uttarappacchada, m. a cover, uttaravatti, /. lid. a small syringe, pump, uttarasakkhr, m. a defendant's witness, uttarasanga, m. the upper robe of a monk. uttarasadhaka, mfn. friendship, help. uttaradhikarl, mfn. an heir, uttari, adj. excessive, superior, uttafitara, adj. exceeding, better adv. beyond, further, more. uttarlya, n. an outer garment, cloak, uttarirh, m. the upper uttarottha, uttarottara, lip. adv. more and more, further and further; a- reply, be alarmed, lying on the back, open, evident, easy ultina, adj. supine, *mukha, m. an open face, sweet expressionutlasati, v. (w'tas) to Utlapeti, cmts. (^/tap) to heat, uttara, m. vomiting, ejection, uttillaj adj. swift, Uttavikamitta, tittasa, m. n. high ; i)i. a monkey. manifestation, terror. Ulti, /. speech, ulLerauce. uttunga. adj. higti. making clear, a uttusa 48 uttusa, m. fried grain. uda, indecl or, on the other handuda, tidaka, n. water. udaka-niddhamana, w. a sluice, runnel. udaka-maiiika, /. a large warter-pot. udaka-saka, w. water-vegetables. udakadhara, m. a well, pond, tub. uda-kumbha, m. a water jar. udakodara, n. the dropsy. udagga, adj. high, delighted, elated. udadhi, w. the sea. udadhikkama, m. a sea-voyage. udadhimekhala, /. the earth. udanta, m. news. udapatta, n. a water-cup, finger-bowl. udapana, mn. a well. udabindu, m. a drop of water. udaya, m. (ud <Ji + a) rise, beginning, appearance. udayabbaya, n. rise and fall, birth and death. udara, n. the stomach, belly. udafattapa, n. a coat of mail, a waist-ornament. udaramaya, m. dysentery. udaravatta, m. the navel. udaravettha, to. a crooked iron, crooked stick. udariya, n. the stomach. udavasita, n. a house. uda-haraka, m. a rain-cloud. udana, n. aspiration, utterance, a Khuddakanikaya. Uddnarh ud&neti, an ecstatic utterance, to ecstatic book of the breathe forth udaslna, adj> indifferent, neutral, udahara^ia, n. an example, instance, udaharati, v. (Jhar) to utter, recite; udahafa, ppp. udahu, indecl. udikkhati, 'o. or. ( Jikkh) to look at, udita, ppp. (iJi) high, risen, udici, /. the north, udlrana, «.. utterance, udireti, v. (Jlr) to speak, utter, udukkhala, n. a mortar, udumbara, m. the udosita, m. a uddathsa, tn. fig tree, shelf, a bug. survey, iipakarana 4g uddalomi, tn. a woollen coverlet with a fringe uddana, n. binding, politeness, fireplace. uddapa, m. foundation of a house. uddama, ad^. freed from bondage, wild. uddala, m. the tree cassia fistula. uddina, n. noon. at each end- uddisati, v. (^ydis) to point out, declare, appoint; uddittha, ppp. uddipa, m. lighting. uddesa, m. ordinance, period, occasion, recitation, uddesika, adj. pointing to, illustrative of. uddehika, /. a white ant. uddharh, adv. up, above, after, uddhampada, adj. heels upwards, uddhambhagiya, adj. belonging to the upper part, uddhaitivirocana, n. sneezing. uddharhsota, m. one who goes up the stream (of life)- uddhaka, m. a kind of drum, uddhacca, n. distraction of mind, uddhana, n. an oven, uddhamma, m. wrong dhamraa. uddahrati, v. (Jhar) to draw out, lift ppp. uddhara, m. pulling out, debt. uddhumayati, v. to be bloated, swollen uddhuyati, v. to be driven away, undura, m. a rat. up, ; raise; uddhata, uddhumata, ppp. unna, ppp. wet. unnata, PPp. raised, unnati, /. haughtiness, unnadati, v. (Jnad) to shout, roar, unnata* m. elevation, height. unnaman, v. (^/nam) to rise up, ascend; ppp. unnata. unnala, adj. proud, insolent, unnahana, /. binding talk, unnada, n. a shou|, echo, unnaha, n. vinegar, upa, prep, below, less, upakattha, ppp. near, approacliing. upakaddhati, v. (iVkaddh) to drag down, upakappana, n. preparation, upakappati, n- to serve, profit, upakarana, n. help, service, instrument, furniture. iipakara 50 upakara, m. help, service; a benefactor. upakQla, n- vicinity of a river bank. upakkama, m. putting fortii effort, beginning. upakkamati, v. (Jivani) to approach, begin ppp- upakkanLa. upakkilittha, ppp. stained, corrupted, depraved. ; upakkilesa, m. depravity, corruption, sin. upakkuttha, ppp. blamed, reproached. upakkosa, m. blame. upakkhata, ppp. got ready, prepared. upakkhara, m. tlie thill or shaft of a cart. upaga, adj. going to, entering, undergoing. upagacchati, v- to approach, visit, undergo, undertake, begin. upaga, m. approaching, entering uppn. upagayati, v. to sing. upagul.ha, ppp. embraced. upaguhana, to. embracing, an embraceupaggaha, m. capturing, helping. upaghattita, ppp. knocked against. upaghata, m. injury. Upacaya, m. (Jci) accumulation, increase. upacara, m. approach, entrance; a present, offering, prac- tice, civility. upacika, /. a white ant. upacinati, v. to heap up, accumulate; ppp. upacita. upaccaka, /. land at the foot of a mountain. upaccaya, m. passing away, transmigration. upacchindati, v. (Jchid) to cut off, interrupt. upaccheda. m. cutting off, interruption. upajaneti, v. (ijjan) to produce. upajapa, m. danger, sowing dissension. upajivha, /. the uvula. Upajivati, V. to subsist by, maintain life. upajjhaya, m. a spiritual teacher, preceptor. upariiiasa, m. an exordium, hint. upattha, adj. near, close to; ra. the hip. upatthaka, m. a servitor, personal attendant. upatthati, upatlhahati, -c. (s/lha) to serve, wait on, support. npatlhana, upatihahana, n. attendance, service, Upaddha, adj. half, partial. Upatapa, m. vexation, disease. tipatapeti, v. (Jtaj)) to v(>x, torment. upatthambha, m- support, prop. upayama upatthambliati, v. to 51 support, help, prop. upadassaka, m. a guide, gate-keeper. upada, /. a present. upadisati, v. (Jdis) to upadi, /. command,, direct. a creeper. upadesa, m. instruction, direction. upadeha, in. a medical ointment. upaddava, m. accident, misfortune, distress. upadduta, ppp. distressed, oppressed, annoyed. upadhana, n. a pillow, cushion. upadhareti, v. to consider, reflect, ascertain, investigate. upadhavati, v. (Jdhav) to run after. upadhij m. a wheel, element of being. upanaya, m. bringing near, initiation. upanayhati, v. (isynah) to tie, wrap up. upanameti, caus. (N/nam) to offer, present. upanayika, adj. referring or belonging to. upanaha, m. enmity. upanikkhipati, v. (Jkhip) to deposit, lay up. upanikkhepa, m. a deposit, pledge. upanighaiiisati, v. to rub up against. upanijjhana, n. meditation. upanidhi, m. a deposit, pledge. upanibandhati, v. (Jbandh) to tie, fasten. upanisidati, v. to sit beside. upanissaya, m. a basis, sufficfng condition, faculty, tendency upanissaya, ger. near, close to. upanti, adv. before, in the presence of. upantika, adj. close to, adjoining; n. vicinity. upapajjati, v. (Jpad) to come to, attain, be reborn. upapati, m. a paramour. upapatti, /. birth, rebirth. upaparikkhati, v. (^/ikkh) to investigate, ascertain. upaparikkha, /. investigation. upapataka, n. a criminal offence. upaparami, /. minor perfection or virtue. upapllaka, adj. oppressive. upappadana, n. giving of bribe. upabhoga, m. enjoyment. comparison, illustration, aprable, a upamana, n. resemblance. upayama, m. marriage. upamii, /. upamata, /. upayati C2 upayati, v. (Jya) to approach. upayoga, m. employment, use. uparati, /. cessation. uparamati, v. to cease. uparava, m. noise, clamour. uparaga, m. eclipse of sun or moon. uparaja, m. a viceroy. further. upari, adv. above, upon, over, beyond, uparitana, adj. upper. uparima, adj. uppermost, overhead. uparujjhati, v. (./rudh) to cease, be stopped. uparupari, adv. higer and higher. uparodha, m. obstacle, detriment. upala, m. a stone, rock. upalakkhana, n. synecdoche. upalakkheti, v. (Jlakkh) to regard, note, look upaladdhi, at. acquisition, knowledge. /. /. thirst, oppression. upalimpati, v. ( Jlip) to smear, defile "lepana, n. upavanneti, v. ( Jvann) to describe fully. upavadati, v. (Jvad) to blame; "vadana, /; "vada, m. upavana, n. a park. upalasika, ; upavasatha, m. a village. upavahati, v. (Jvah) to bring about. °vesana, n. sit down upavlna, m. the neck of a lute, vellum. upasamharati, v. (Jhar) to bring together. upasarhhita, ppp. (Jdha) accompanied by, furnished with. vpasagga, m. trouble, misfortune, preposition. upasankamati, v. (Jkam) to approach; "ana, n. upasappati, v. to ^.pproach. upasampajjati, v. ( Jpad) to attain, reach, enter upon "pan- upavisati, v. to ; ; na, ppp. upasampada, upasammati, /. acquiring, full ordination of a monk. be calm, cease; °sama, m. v. (Jsani) to upesiiighati, v. to kiss. upasussati, v. [Jsus) to dry up. upasevati, v. (Jsev) to serve, honour, practise; "va, upasobbeti, caus. ( Jsubh) to adorn, beautify. uppassattha, ppf. oppressed, beset. upassaya, m. a dwelling-place, asylum. upassuti, /. listening to, eaves-droDDincf. /. . uppada 53 upahanti, v. (Jhan) to hurt, injure, vex; ger. upahacca; ppp. upahata; °nana, n. upahara, m. a present, offering, sacrifice, oblation, upagacchati, v. to come to, arrive at, reacfi. upanta, adj. adjoining. upadana, n. firewood, grasping, attachment, upadaniya, adj. connected with grasping or attachment, apadiyati, v. to take hold of, cling to, grasp; upadaya, ger. upadisesa, adj. having the elements of existence remaining (used of nibbana). upaya, m. means, expedient, way, stratagem. Updyena, by stratagem upayana, n. a present, upayasa, m. despair. uparambha, m- hate, grudge, resentment, upasaka, m. a lay devotee, upasaiiga, m. a quiver. upasati, v. {Jas) to attend, wait upon, serve; °sita, ppp. upasana, n. archery, attendance, upahana, /. a shocj sandal, upahara, m. bringing forwaro, adding, upitthi, /. a concubine, lesser wife, upekkhati, v. ( Jikkh) to be indifferent, neutral, upekkha, upekha, /. indifference, equanimity, neutrality, upeti, V. (Ji) to approach, enter, incur, undergo; upecca, ger. upogghata, m. an example, upodika, /. a vegetable, uposatha, m. the fast-day, lent, uppajjati, V. (udJpad) to arise, originate, appear, be born uppajja, ger; uppanna, ppp. uppatipati, /. disorder, irregularity, uppandeti, v. to ridicule. uppatali, V. (J pat) to rise up, spring up, uppatti, /. jump ; "aria, n. arising, birth, production, uppatha, m. wrong path, error, mistake, uppabbajati, v. to leave the priesthood, turn layman, upparikkhati, v. to investigate, uppala, n. a lotus, water-lily, uppalini, /. an assemblage of lotuses, uppateti, caus. to root out, tear out. uppata, m. a portent, omen, uppada, m. appearance, birth, omen. ; uppilavana 54 uppilavana, n. frivolousness, levity. uppljeti, V. to press together. iilibattana, n. shampooing the body. uhliahati, v. (iVvali) to raise, remove, drive ha, away; iibbay ubbajha, ppp- ,s;er; ubbigga, adj. terrifying, fearful, frightened, be afraid, iihbijjati, v. to m. wrong or iibbinaya, false vinaya. ubbillapita, ppp. puffed up, elated, ubbi, /. the earth, ubbldhara, to. a mountain. ubbejanTya, adj. causing alarm, terrifying, ubbega, to. excitement, agitation, ubbedha, to. height, ubbhata, ppp. thrown up. ubbhava, to. birth, origination, ubbhida, n. kitchen salt, ubha, ubhaya, adj. both, ubhato, adv. on both sides,- in both ways, ubhatobyaiijanaka, adj. of both sexes, ubhayattha, adv. in both places, ubho, pron. both, umanga, to. wisdom, a cave, uma, /. radiance. ummagga, m. an underground passage, ummajjana, n. shampooing the body, ummatta, ummattaka, adj. mad. umma, /. ummada, flax, to. ummadeti, ummara, ummlleti, madness, v. to to. it. madden, a threshold, to open the eyes, ummuka, n. a firebrand, ummukha, at^/." expecting, ummugga, adj. emerging, ummujiati, v. to emerge, ummuleti, v. to root up. umhita, adj. smiling, rise out of. uyyati, v. (/ya) to go forth, uyyana, n. a garden, uyyama, to. exertion. uyyuiijati, V. (Jyuj) to exert oneself; ppp. un yutta uyyoga, m. departure, decay. 55 ussada uyyojana, n. instigation. uyyodliii<a, n. a fight, warfare, conibai. ura, mn. the breast, chest. uraga, m. a snake. uragari, m. a gam la bird. uracakka, n. a razor-wheel. uracchada, m. a mail armour, breast-ornament. urana, m. a ram. uratthala, n. the breast. urasiloma, adj. hairy-breasted. uru, adj. large, eminent; /. sand. uruvuka, /. the castor-oil plant. urokkhata, n. consumption. uroghata, m. asthma. ulati, V. to wander. ulupi; m. a porpoise. ulumpa, 771)1. a raft. uluka, in. an owl. ullanghati, v. to leap up. uilapati, V. to lay claim to. ppp. shining. ppp. smeared. uUuficana, n. shaving. ullekhana, n. writing, peeling ofl. ulloketi, 1!. (Jlok) to lookup. uUoca, mn. a canopy, awning. ullola, m. a wave, surge. ullasita, ullitta, uUolita, ppp. disturbed, stirred up. usa, m. early morning, salt ground. usana, n. mustard. usabha, m. a bull; hence eminent, best; usabhanga, n. the hump of a hull. usa, /. a cow, heat, night. usakala, m. a cock. usira, mn. a kind of root. usu, mf. an arrow. usuma, ?i. TO. heat. usuyyati, usuyatij v. to be envious, jcaloub- usma, musmabha, heat. in. the sun. ussanga, m. the hip, companionship. ussaiikita, alj. anxious, distrustful. ussada, m. name of a hell a mea.sure. ussanriri 56 ussanna, ppp- extensive, prevalent, rife. ussava, m. a festival, holiday. ussahati, v. (N'sah) to be able, endeavour. ussapeti, v. to lift up, exalt, raiseussava, m. dew, hoar-frost. ussaha, m. strength, effort, endeavour. ussificati, v. (Jsic) to bale out. usslsaka, n. a pillow, the head of a bed. ussuka, adj. zealous, eager, active. ussukka, n. zeal, eagerness, energy. ussussati, V. (ijsus) to be dried up. ussuraseyya, /. sleeping till after the sun has risen. ussojhi, /. uhuhkara, ujara, /. exertion. n. an owl. great, lofty, eminent, gross- /. a lunar mansion. ulunka, m. a ladle. u!u, tj mf. a louse. storing up. una, unaka, adj. deficient, less. unudara, adj. empty-stomached. umi, mf. a wave. ijka, uti, /. stitching, umika, /. a finger-ring, wave, buzzing of bees. uru, m. the thigh. urutthambha, m. stupefaction; /. the plantain tree. ppp. destroyed. uhadeti, v. to befoul with excrement. ijhata, uhana, arrangement, synthesis. broom. life, thought, midnight. n. ijhani, /. a iJha, /. ekartisa, mn. absolute, true. Eliamscna, verily, undoubtedly. ekamsa, n. on one shoulder (said of a robe). ekamsika, adj. certain. 6ka, adj. one, single, alone, one by oneekaka, adj. alone, solitary, ekakkhattum, adv, once. a certain, same. Ekaso, ahl. etihya 57 ekagga, adj. calm, tranquil, bent on one subject. ekaggata, /. tranquillity, one-pointedness of mind' ekagharia, adj. of one density, solid. ekacara, adj. solitary: m, a rhinoceros. ' ekacca, adj. one, a certain. ekajjharh, adv. in the same place, together. ekatama, adj. one out of many. ekatara, adj. one out of two. ekato, adv. together, on one side, apart. ekatla, n. unity. ekada, adv. once, one day. ekadesa, m. a part, portion. Ekadesena, partly ekaninnada, m. a simultaneous shout or reverberation. ekanta, mn. one end, one side. ekapadf, /. a path. ekappaharena, instr. in unison, simultaneously. ekamano, adj. unanimous. ekamanta, n. on one side, apart. ekaraula, /. the flax plant. ekameka, adj. each. ekarajja, n. sole kingship. ekavacana, n. the singular number. ekavira, m. an army's general. ekasapha, m. a horse. ekaseyya, /. a couch for a single person. ekaki, adj. alone, solitary. ekatapatta, n. one dominion. ekadasa, num.. eleven; °sl, /. the eleventh day of the lialf month, ekabaddha, adj. continuous, contiguous, ekayana, mn. the only way. ekarasa, num. ekasanfkanga, eleven. n. ascetic practice of eating at one sitting, ekika, adj. alone, solitary, ekiina, adj. (eka+una) less by one. ekeka, adj. one by one, each, eja, /. desire, lust, ena, m; eni, etadagga, n. etarahi, adv. a kind of antelope, pre-eminence, the chief, /. now. eladisa, etarisa, adj. such, eti, V- {Ji) to come, go, attain, etihya, n. oral tradition. etta 58 etta, *ka, adj. so much, so man}'. ettavata, adv. so far, to that extent, thereabouts. etto, adv. hence. now- ettha, adv. here, *kkha, *sa, adj. such. edha, m. firewood. edhati, v. (Jidh) to prosper, increase. eranda, m. the castor-oil plant. edi, eravata, m. the oraiige tree. eravati, /. lightning, the Irrawaddy ela, /. evarii, cardamons; river. n. fault, sin. adv. thus- eva, adv. just, quite, even, only. evamadi, adj. beginning thus, such and the evameva, *rn, adv. even thus. evarupa, adj. such, of this sort. esaka, m. an arrow. esanika, /. goldsmith's scales. esati, V. (Jis) to seek, search; esana, like- /. a pillar. eso, esa, pron. this, that. ehipassika, adj. inviting. elaka, m. a ram, threshold. esika, /. elamuga, adj. deaf and dumb. etalu, n. cucumber. O oka, mil. a house, water. okana, m. a bug. okappanlya, adj. suitable, proper, okara, m. vileness. okasa, m. place, foom, occasion, mission, opportunity,- leave, okirati, v. (Jkir) to sprinkle; "raija, per- n; okinna, ppp. okula, VI. bread, okkacara, m/. a decoy cock. okkatt'na, ppp. (Jkaddh) lowered, low. okkanti, /. descent, conception, okkainati, v. Ukam) to descend, disembark, fall into; ana, n. okkassa, ger. (Jkaddh) having dragged away or abducted, okkhitta, ppp. (Jkhip) cast down, lowered. Qgadha, adj. belonging to, connected with. opapatika 59 ogahati, ogaheti, v. (.Jgah) to dive, plunge into, enter; ogalha, p[>p; ogaylia, f:;er ogaha, m. ; "ana, n. ; ogilati, (Jgla) 1;. (o swallow, ogunthita, ppl>. covered, veiled, wrapped up. ogha, m. a flood, torrent, overtlow, multitude, quantity, ocikkhati, -v. (iJcikkh) to point out, draw attention to. ocitya, fn. suitableness, ocinati, :'. (Jci) to gather, pick; "ana, n. oja, mf. sap of ojadipa, m. life, vitality, juice, strength, vigour, t'eylon. v. (Jha) to leave, forsake, abandon, ohaya, ger ohiyati, pass. ofiata, ppp. (>Jja) low-born, /. an earthen pot. ottlia, m. the lip, camel oitha-sakuna, m. an ostrich, ojahnti, renounce; ; ; oddeti, V. (»yda) to set (a snare or trap), ppp. (Jtan) covered, overgrown, (J tar) to descend, dsiembark, "arana, n; otinna. ppp- otata, otarati, v. otara, m. depart,, enter; descent, entrance, landing-place, defect, fault, otu, »H. a cat. ottappa. ". fear of blame, r. (.Jthar) to spread, scatter, pervade; otthata, ottharati, ppp. odaka, adj. watery; ??. water, odakantlka, tn. a deep pit in the earth reaching to the waters below, odagya, 1:. elation. odana, vin. boiled rice; "nika, in. a cook. odahati, v. fJdah, dhii) to put in, deposit, apply; "ana, n ohita, ppp. Sntam odahati, to give ear, listen, ; odata, adj. white, odissa, ger. (^/dis) expressly, oddalaka, odhi, m. n. honey. limit, district, division; *so, v. (iJuRh) to cover, adv. ultimately, bind; onaddha, ppp onandhati, dhana, n. onamati, v. (Jnam) to bow, stoop; onata, ppPonlta, ppp. (Jm) removed, opakriya, /. a hut, pavilion, opadheya, n. a cart-wheelopanayika, adj. conducive, leading to. ; opapatika, adj. apparitional, phenomenal, accidental, onan- opamma 6o opamma, «. a simile, conipaiison, melapiior, analogy, illus- tration. opa\ayfia, adj. inleniJed i'or riding on. pund. opana, opayika, adj. proper, n. a well, fit. together, ( jpufij) lo heap opunjati, v. opunaii, v. (Jpu) to winnow, .sift, opuppha, n. a flower that hang.s down. obhagga, ppp. broken. obhasati, v. (Jbhas) to shine, speak, obhasa, m omaka, adj. low, vile, inferior, light, lustre, radiance, hint, appearance- v. (J mas) to revile, reproach, omasavada, m. reproachful speech, omana, m. irreverence, sauciness. omasati, omuficati, v. (Jmuc) lo take off, removemake water upon, orautteti, v. to the hither bank, oraiii, n. era, adj. below, later, hither, on this orato, adv. side- and the thither bank, orabbhika, m. a butcher. oramattaka, adj. belonging to the present life, mundane, orammati, v. to abstain, orapararh, n. the hither orasa, adj. own, legitimate, oraso, adv. on this side, orima, adj. hither. oruhati, v. (Jruh) to descend, disembark, orodha, m. harem, seraglio, oropeti, cans-. (Jruh) to cause to descend, put down; pana, n. oi'ohali, V. (Jruh) to descend, disembark; "ana, n. oro- hanging down, (Jlamb) to hang down "beti, cans to su.spend; "ba, to. an appendage; "baka, adj. hanging, olagita, ppp. olambati, 1). , oligalla, m. a dirty pool, v. {Jlok) olokati, oloketi, to look, see, watch, consider; "ana, n. ovattha, ppp. wet with rain. ovadati, T. (Jvad) to admonish, ovajja, fpp. exhort, instruct, ovaraka, m. an inner room, store room, ovada, m. (iVvad) admonition, exhortation. advise; Icakkasa ovijjhati, v. (Jvidli) to pierce, 6J annoy. m. a ray, beam. osakkali, v. to draw back, retreat, refuse. csadha, n a herb, drug, herb used as medicine. OsadhT, /. a herb, plant, annual; the morning star. osadhisa, -m. the moon. osarati, v. (s/sar) to go to, resort, approach "ann, n. osa, ; resort, haunt. osadeti, v. (iv/snd) to cause to sink, depress. osana, n. end, conclasion. osapeti, caws, to finish, complete. osarana, mf. restoration of a monk after temporary seclusion. osincati, v. (Jsic) lo sprinkle; °ana, n. (Jsad) to settle down, sink; "ana, osumika, adj. relating to heat- osTdati, V. n. ossajjati, ossajati, v. (Jsaj) to give up, relinquish; ossaj ja, ger ; ossattha, ppp. remove; oharana, n. dragging down. ohareti, caus. (Jhar) to oharl, adj. ohina, adj. left olapuppha, over. n. the shoe-flower. ojarika, adj. large, gross, coarse. olumpika, *». a raft-man. K kaitisa, in. metal, bronze, a gong, bowl. kaihsakuta, n. counterfeit metal. m. brahma, fire, wind, mind; kakaca, m. a saw. kakantaka, m. el chameleon. kaku, m. the hump of a bullkakuta, m. a pigeon, dove. ka, n. head, w.iter, hair.- kakuda, mn. the hump of a bull, a symbol of royally. kakundara, n. a lion's den. kakeruka, m. a worm. kakka, m. paste, soap, sediment adj. white. kakkata, m. a crab. kakkati, /. a kind of cucumber, snake, pot. kakkara, adj. hard, strong; m. a mirror. ; /. a kettle. kakkasa, adj. rough, cruel, hard. kakkarl, kakkarl 62 kakkari, /. red cucumber. kakkareti, v. (Jkar) to express disgust. kakkotaka, m. the bael tree, sugar-cane. kakkha, m. the armpil, dried grass, buffalo; /. a woman's girdle, kakkhata, adj. harsh, cruel kakkhala, adj. harsh, cruel. kaiika, m. a heron, kankata, m. a coat of mail, ; /. white chalk, kaiikana, n. a bracelet, kaiikani, /. a small bell with a tongue, kankata, m. a tree, kahkamukha, m. kanka, /• fire tongs, the scent of lotus, m. a kind of paddy, kankoli, m. the amherstia tree. kaiiku, kahkha, m. the fruit pigeon /. doubt. kankhati, v. (h/kankh) to doubt, kaiigu, /. a kind of paddy, kaiiguli, m. the hand. kaca, m. the hair, cloud; /. a she-elephant, beauty, kacaiigana, n. a market free from tax., kacamala, m. smoke, kacavara, m. sweepings, rubbish, kaccati, v. (Jkac) to shine, ; kaccara, adj. dirty, old. part, perhaps, surely (used in interrogation); *nu kho, particles for interrogation, kacci, the armpit, a creeper, swamp /. a girdle. bandhati, to gird up the loins, kacchaka, m. aloes wood, kacchantara, n. a private room, private parts, kaccha, m- ; Kac- cliaih kacchapa, m, a tortoise. /. a female tortoise, pimple, wart, kacchabu, /. swampy ground, kacchu, /. the scab, kaja, adj. watery ti. a lotus, kajjala, m. a cloud; n. coilyrium. kacchapi, ; kaiicana, n. gold, kaficika, n. vinegar, kaiicuka, m. the slough of a snake, a jacket, envelope, kaiicukita, adj. having the hairs bristling wifh i'<->" sheath, aknaya 63 kancuki, /. an atlendant on the women's apartments, snake, a kind of bean, kanculika, /. a short jacket, bodice. kanjara, m. the sun, stomach, elephant, kanjiya, n. vinegar, kannakacchala, kafiiiasa, n. kidnapping of girls, m. a younger brother; /. the small kafiila, a girl, maid, virgin, the orchid plant, /. finger, kaiinaggahana, n. marriage. m. the middle room of a house, ladies' room, kafiiiapati, m. a son-in-law. kata, n. victory, female organs, a mat, season, grave, kaiiiiata, kataka, vm. a bracelet, mountain-side, kata-kata, onomatopoetic. kataki, m a /. katakola, to. ountain. aspittoon. katakhadaka, m. a glass, crow, jackal. katacchu, to. a spoon, ladle, katana, n. thatch. katambhara, /. black hellebore, she-elephant, katasaraka, /. a rush mat. katasi, /. a grave, kataha, «. a jar, vase, flower-pot. kati, /. the small of the back, hip, waist, katu, /. black hellebore; adj. harsh, severekatuka, adj. harsh, severe, pungent, acrid; /. to. camphor; black hellebore, w. a mosquito, katuklta, katura, /. buttermilk, katurava, m. a frog, katola, TO. an outcast. katthissa, n. a silk coverlet embroideied with gemS. kattha, adj. miserable, bad; n. a piece of wood, stick, jungle, /. white chalk, kathina, adj. hard, solid, severe, kalhika. kaddhati,D. (Jkaddh) to draw, difficult. drag; °ana, n. dragging, resigning, kana, m. the fine red powder between the grain of rice and the husk, particle, bit, atom adj. little, small, ; kanajiraj n- the kanati, v. kanaya, cummin (Jkan) to. to a fork. seed, sound, katiika 64 kanika, /• a kind of plant, ear^rnament. kanikara, m. the bauhinia tree. kanittha, adj. smallest, younger. kanera, /. a harlot. kaneru, mf. an elephant. kantaka, m. a thorn, enemy, horripilation, obstacle, pest. kantakagara, m. the porcupine. kantakaphala, tn. the jack fruit, doorian. kantha, m. the neck, throat. karithaja, adj. guttural (letters). kanthabhusa, /. a necklace. kanthamani, m. the crop or craw of a bird, a jewel necklace. kanthapasaka, m. the bridle-reins. kanthalata, /. kanda, mn. a coat-collar, bridle. a stalk, arrow, section of a book, portion, season, kandara,, /. a blood-vessel, the itch. /. kanduti, /; kanduvana, n; kanduya, kanduvati, v. to scratch, kandola, m. a basket, store-room, kanna, m. the ear, rudder, corner. /. itching, kannajai>a, m. a tale-bearer, kannajaluka, /. a centipede, kannadhara, m. a steersman, pilot. kannapura, m. the black lily. kannabhusa, /. an ear-ring. kannasukha, adj. pleasant to the ear. kannasula, n. ear-ache. kannika, m. a steersman; of the iotus, the /. an ear-ornament, the pericarp peak of a hut. kannikara, m. the pericarp. kanha, adj. black, dark, evil ; to. Vi?nu, the kanhagotamaka, m. a cobra. kanhajina, n. the skin of a black leopard. kanhavattani, m. fire. kataka, m, the nut plant; adj. artificial. katanjali, adj. saluting respectfully. kataniiu, adj. grateful "nuta, /. gratitude. ; katanta, m. the king of death. katama, adj. what ? which ? katamala, to. a kind of tree. katara, adj. what ? which ? evil one ; n. sin. 05 kappnti katjikata, adj. kati, mterr. done and not done. pron. Iiow many? m. the kusa grass. katipaya, adj. a few, some, several. katika, katipaharh, adv. a few days. katu, m. a sacrifice, oblation. Icattara, to. weak a or old man ; *yattlii, /. the walking stick of a mendicant. kattarika, /. scissors, a sailor. kattariya, n. scissors. kattareti, t\ to kattika, kattii, /. be loose, weak. of a constellation. name m. an agent, doer, nominative ciise, minister. where? whither? *ci, adv. anywhere, some- kattha, adv. where. katthati, v. to praise, boast; "ana, kathaih, adv. kathamkatha, /. how? /. doubt. kathaiici, adv. scarcely, with difficulty. speech, discourse, conversation, story, account. kathana, n. a high numeral.. katharambha, m. a preface, introductory discourse. kathavatthu, n. a subject of discourse, one of the abhikatha, /. dhamma kathika, /. books. talk, parley, agreement. kathina, adj. hard, solid, severe, difficult. katheti, v. (iv/kath) to speak, say, relate, converse; katha- na, n. kathojja, n. quarrelling in words. kada, vi. a rain-cloud. kadakl, /. a rain-protector, water-proof. kad-anna, n. bad food. kadamba, in. the coffee-wort, mustard. kadara, m. the white mimosa, a saw. kadariya, adj. stingy, miserly. /. the plantain or banana tree, a flag, antelope. kada, adv. when? at what time? kadacana, kadaci, adv. sometimes, perhaps. kadalT, kaddamd, m. mud. kanaka, n. gold; *tthall, /. a gold mine. kanakarasa, to. yellow orpiment. kanakkhara, m. borax. kanavira, m. the periwinkle tree kaniltha 66 kanittlia, adj. sni;illest, youngest. /. a young maiden. kaninika, /. the small finger, the pupil of the eye. kanta, ppp. (Jkam) charming, delightful; m. a husband; kani, /. a wife, kantati, v. to cut, spin; "an;i, n; kanlita, pppkantjira, m. a forest, wilderness; *khinna, adj. travel-worn, kanti, f. beauty, wish, the bastard sandal tree, kanda, m. a bulb, kandata, n. the white lily. kandatl, v. (Jkand) to cry, wail, weep, kandamfila, n. the radish plant, kandara, m. a cave, grotto, kandarakara, m. a mountain, kandarala, *ka, m. the walnut, kandala, m/n. the temple, the inside of the cheek, an omen m. ; kandali, /. evil gold, warfare. see kadall. kandallkusuma, n. the mushroom, kalidu, mfn. a large pan. kanduka, m. a spinning top. kandota, m. the white lily. kandhara, mf. the neck, rain-cloud. kandha, m. the sea, neck. kapata,, mn. fraud, deception, kapaiia, adj. miserable, poor: °nT, m. a pauper, kapata, mfn. the leaf of a door, kapala, mfn. the skull, a potsherd. kapi, m. a monkey, kapikacchu, /. a kind of plant. kapikanduka, n. the skull, kapittha, m. a kind of tree. kapila, adj. reddish; m. a dog; /. the prickly-pear, a leech, kapilavatthu, v. the birth-place of Gotama Buddha, kapiloha, n. brass. kapisa, /. mixed blapk and yellow colours, kapisi, *ka, /. spirituous drink. m. the door-post, kapitana, m. the bete! tree. kaponi, m. the elbow. kapisTsa, kapota, m. a pigeon, dove, kapotaka, n, antimony. kapotafi, m. a hawk. kambi 67 kapola, m. the cheek. kappa, adj. period, fit, suitable, worthy, lesembling, like; m. time, usage, permission, chapter of a book, rule, thought, kappaka, m. a barber, kappata, in. torn kappati, v. to be clotii, rags. fitting, permissible, right, proper, kappana, m. the trappings of an elephant; /. preparing, thought n. cutting, caparisoning an elephant or horse. kappabindu, m. a black spot attached to a monk's new ; robe to disfigure it. Icappara, m. the skuU, the elliow. kapparukkha, m. a wish-yielding tree, kappasa, inn ; "si, /. cotton, kappiya, fpjy. right, suitable, appropriate, kappura, inn. camphor. kappeti, cans. (Jkapp) to arrange, make, think, cut. kapha, in. phlegm, kaphani, mf. the elbow, kaphari, m. ginger, kabandha, mn. a headless body, kabara, adj. variegated, mixed *main, mn. the masaragalla ; stone, kabala, m. a mouthful, morsel, kabalikara, adj. made into balls or mouthfuls. kabya, n. poetry; *k«ra, m. a poet. Itarh, n. water, the "head, kama, in. order, succession, method. Kamena, instr. adv. by degrees, in due course. Kaviato, abl. adv. respectnvely. kamattha, m. a tortoise, porcupine, bamboo, kamandalu, mn. a waterpot used by ascetics, liamandha, m. water, kamala, 11. a lotuskamalacchada, m. a heron, kamalakara, m. a pond, kamalasana, vi. brahma. lotus-leaf, kamalottara, n. the safllower. kamuka, m. the betel tree, kampati, v. to shake, tremble; "a, in; kampaka, m. wind, kambala, mn. a blanket, kambi, /. a spoon, bamboo shoot. °ana» «• kambu 68 kambu, vi. gold, conch, elephant, neck, vein. kambuglva, /. a neck marked with three lines like a shell. kamnia, n. action, labour, business, deed, merit, karma. kammakara, in. a workman, servant. kammaja, adj. produced from karma. kammaiiiia, n. adaptability, wieldiness, workableness. kammatthana, n. basis of action, station of religious exer- cise. kammanta, m. business, work, occupation, profession. kammapatha, m. a course of action. kammavaca, /, an ecclesiastical vote or resolution. kammavipaka, m- the result of action or karma. kammasa, m. dirt, stain. kammassaka, adj. owned by karma, having karma as one's property. kammayatana, n. handicraft. kammara, m. a blacksmith. kammaruddhana, n. a smithy. kammasa, adj. variegated, spotted. kaya, m. purchase; *'vikkaya, m. purchase and sale, barter, trade. kayirati, pass. (Jkar) to be. made. m. the hand, an elephant's trunk, tax, a ray karaka, m. a kettle, the pomegranate tree; /. hail. kara, of light. karakandaka, karaja, m. the finger-nail. karakaraka, m. revenue secretary. karaggaha, m. marriage. karanga, m. the head, human bone. karangana, n. a market. karacchada, tn. the teak tree. karajala, n. a ray of light. karaiija, m. a kind of tree. karana, n. action, instrument, the body, an organ of sense. karanlsuta, /. an adopted daughter. mn. a box, casket. karantaklphala, m. the jack tree. karatala, n. a cymbal. karaijda, karapatta, n. a saw. karapalika, /. a wooden sword. karapufa, m. the cavity formed by joining the bent palms of the hands. karabha, m. a camel, the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers. kalapaka karabhaUa, m. the betel 69 tree. karabhira, m. a lion. kaiabhfisana, n. a bracelet or bangle. karamadda, karamara, karamfila, karavlka, a kind of plant. a prisonpr. 111. in. m. smoke. m. the cuckoo. karavira, m. oleander, graveyard. karasakha, /. a finger. karahaci, adv. sometimes. karahata, n. a bulbous root. kari, w. an elephant, jar. karfsa, n. excrement. /. a storm. karuna, /. mercy. karenu, mf. an elephant. karota, mf. the skull. karisaiigasa, karoti, v. (^/kar) to act, do, cause, make, perform; kayira, opt; katurii, inf ; katva, kariya, ger ; kayyati, kayirati, pass; kattabba, kicca, i^ayira, kariya, kayya, fpp ; kata, ppp. kala, adj. soft, indistinct. kalakanda, m. a dove, pigeon, swan. kalakujika, /. a courtezan, harlot. kalaiika, m. a spot, mark, blemish, rust, defamation. kalankura, m. a whirpool, reflex current. kalaiija, /. tobacco. kalatta, n. the hip, a wife. kaladhuta, n. gold and silver, a soft sound. kalandaka, m. a squirrel. kalandara, m. a person of mixed birth. kalabha, mfn. a young elephant. kalama, m. a penholder, thief, a kind of paddy. kalambaka, vi. a kind of potherb. kalambi, /. the back of the neck. mn. the embryo immediately kalaviiika, m. a .sparrow. kalala, after conception, mud. kalasa, /"; "sT, /. a waterpot. kalaha, mii. quarrel, strife, battle. kalahala, m. clamour. kala, /. a part, fraction, division of time, art. kalapa, m. a bundle, bunch, peacock's tail, tuft, quiver. kalapaka, in. a string or row. kalapF 70 m kaiapT, a peacock. . kalara, adj. tawny. kalalapa, m. a bee. kalaya, m. a chick pea. kali,%n. sin, demerit, defeat, a die; *yuga, m. an age of the world, kalika, /- a flower bud. kalinga, m. the fork-tailed shrike, kalingara, m. chaff, kaliiija, in. a rush mat, kallra, m. the shoot of a plant, m. a cymbal; /. a restaurant. kaUisa, adj. polluted, impure; n. sin, impurity, kalukka, lialevara, n, a body, corpse. kalyana, adj. auspicious, fortunate, beautiful, good, kalla, adj. skilful, possible, ready, heaithy; n. dawn, kallati, v- to sound indistinctly, kallahara, n. the white water-lily. kalli, adv. tomorrow, m. a billow; mjn. an enemy, kallola, kavaca, mn. a coat of mail, charm. kavandha, wv. a headless trunk. kavata, inn. a door, trap-door, window. kavi, adj. wise; m. a wise man, poet, monkey. kasaka, m. a ploughshare. Icasata, adj. sour, acid, insipid, tasteless. (Jkas) kasati, v. to plough, till the ground; kattha, kasita, fpp. kasambii, n. sweepings, rui>bish. /. a whip. kasaya, kasava, adj. astringent; mn. astringent taste, the yellow colour, stain, impurity, sin. kasa, itasi, /. ploughing, agriculture. kasina, adj. all, entire; mn. a meditation-device or artifice. kasipu, m. food, dress. kasima, m. a husbandman, rnltivator. kasira, adj. painful, grievous; n. trouble, distress. Knsirena, instr. adx>. kaseru, mn, the with difficulty. rain tree. kasmira, m. Cashmere. kasmlraja, n. saffron. kassaka, m. a husbandman, cultivator, farmer. kamana 71 kassapa, m. one of the 24 Buddhas, a lamous disciple of the Buddha, kahaiti, adv. where? whither? kahapana, mn, a coin, m. a crow. kakacchada, m. the magpie robinkakanika, f: a farthing, kiika, kakataliya, adj. accidental, kakatittha, /. the ganja plant, kakatinduka, m. a sort of ebony. kakapakkha, m. a tuft of hair left on the shaved head, kakapeyya, /. a river fuU wiih water so that a crow may drink from the bank, kakapuccha, "puftha, m. the cuckoo, kakabhiru, m. the owl. kakamaggu, vi. water-fowl, kakala, n. a necklace; /. a bird's song, kakali, /. a soft sound in music. kakavaiijha, ./. a woman giving birth to an only child, kakasiua, m. lit. " a crow-hero," a shameless fellow, icakodumbarika, /. the opposite-leaved fig tree, m. a raven. kakolukika, /. enemies like the crow and the owl. kaca, m. soap, soda, glass, ophthalmia; n. waxkacana, n. a fence, enclosure, kacakupi, /. a bottle, kaja, kaca, «i. a pingo or carrying pole, a pole placed over one shoulder with a rope fastened to each end. kathina, m. the date treekana, adj. blind of one eye. kadamba, m. the large horned owl. kadambara, n. cream of milk /. wine, kadambini, /. a cloud in the form of a flag", kanana, ?i. a forest, grove, kanina, mf. illegitimate ofifspring. kamaiii, adv. at pleasure, voluntarily, indeed, kama, m. wish, desire, the god of love, sensual pleasure, kama-keli, m. indulgence in sensual pleasure, kama-guna, m an object or constituent of sensual pleasure, kama-cchanda, tn. sensual desirekamajala, m. the cuckookamattha, m. a tortoise, kakola, ' ' ; kamana, adj. lustful. kamabliava 72 kamabhava, m. existence a world of sense. kamayali, (N/kam) lo desire, love; ppp- kahta. kamaloka, m. a world or realm of sense, sensuous realm. in v. kamasakha, ni. the winter. kamavacara, adj. frequenting a sensuous realm. kami, adj. desirous; m. the moon, a sweetheart, sparrow. kamuka, adj. desirous; m. a husband. kaya, m. the body, multitude, group, house, city. kayakamma, n- an act of the body, deed. kayapasada, vi. the sensitive body, the skin. kayabandhana, n. a waist-band, girdle. kayavinnatli, /. intimation by means of the body. kayavifineyya, n. the tangible body. kara, m. action, a prison, song of praise, revenue. karaka, n. a grammatical case. karana, n. a cause, destruction /. agony. karana, adv. on account of, for the sake of. karanika, adj. investigating, judging; m. a guardian of hell. karandava, m. a sort of duck. karamihika, /. camphor. ; m. the momordica plant. karagara, mfn. a prison. karika, /. work, a memorial verse, metrical explanation. karavella, kareti, caws. (Jkar) to make, perform. Rajjam kareti, to reign, karu, *ka, m. an artisan, karuja, m. machinery, an ant-hill, karuiina, n. compassion, karundl, kala, /. a water leech. m. time, season, death. Kalam kalaka, karoti, to die. m. a water-snake, kalakanda, m. a water-fowl, sparrow, peacock, kalakannf, /. misfortune, ill-luck, kalakiriya, /. death, m. an uproar. kalaklla, kalakuta, ni. one of the Himalayan peaks, a kind of poison. Kalakhanda, anjana, n. the liver, kalakkhandha, m. the Chinese persimon. kalakkhepa, m. wasting timekalacakka, m. a clock, kalaniia, m. an astrologer, cock, to. an evil spirit, kalanemi, kalapakkha, m. the dark half of a month. ! kincikkha kalasutta, m. one of the eight 73 hells. kaldguru, kalaguiii, n. aloes wood. kalatipatti, /. the conditional tense. kalanukalaih, adv. from time to time. kalapa, m. the hood of a snake. kalindaka, n. the water-melon. kalusiya, n. pollution. kaveyya, n. poetry. kaverij mf. the Cauvery river, a courtezan. kasa, m. cough. kasati, v. to shine. kasamadda, m. a kind kasaya, m. a pond. of plant. kasaya, "ava, n. the yellow robe. kasi, m. the Kasi kingdom. kaslsa, n. vitriol. kasu, /. a hole, pit, multitude. kalasiha, m. a bear. kalahathsa, vi. the large horned owl. the scammony plant. /. kalanusirl, m. the black sandal wood. kaja, kalayasa. n. iron. kalavaka, m. a kind of elephant. kirn, adv. why ? what ? pana, adv. pray kirti-purisa, m, a harpy. kirti-vadanti, /• report, rumour. kirft va, adv. or else. kirhsaru, to. paddy-ear, an arrow. kirii kiih su, adv. how? m. the butea tree. kiki, /; *diva, m. the blue jay. kiki, /. the pheasant, the Burmese lapwing. kihkara, kihkara, m. a servant. kliikarana, adv. why? on account of what? kiiiisuka, kihkinika, mn; °ni, /. a small bell. kicca, n. fpp. work, duty, service, need. kicci, adv. how so? kiccha, adj. difficult, laborious, painful. kiiicana, n. anxiety, attachment; adv. anything, something. kincapi, adv. however kiiici, adv. a little, kincikkha, n. a much, although. rather. trifle. ! kiiijakkha 74 kifijakkha, m. a filament, especially of the lotus. growing corn. kittha, n. m. a primary derivative. kitava, m. a gambler, rogue. kita, kittaka, adj. how much ? how many ? kittana, n. mention, report. kittavata, adv. how far ? to what extent ? fame, report. kitti, /. kittima, adj. artificial, false. proclaim, celebrate, publish, announce. kintanu, m. a small insect. kin tt, adv. how ? pray kitteti, V. to ! kinnara, mf. a harpy, nymph. kin nu, adv. how? what kibbisa, n. fault, sin. kimaAga, more. ad-y. far kimatthatti, adv. for worm, "kimi, tn. a what purpose ? insect. kimija, adj. silken. kirn iva, adv. the reason being, because. kimu, *ta, adv. like this and kimpaka, adj. childish. kira, adv. like that ; how much more ? is said, they say. a ray of light. kirata, m. a wild hillman, aborigine. kiri-kiri, onomatopoetic, the chirping of birds. kiri^ia, mn. a diaden), medal. kiriya, fn. action, performance, work. kila, another form of kira. kilaiija, m. a mat. it kiraiia, tn. kilanta, ppp. (klam) wearied, exhausted. kilamati, v. (Jkiam) to be tired, exhausted, worried; "ana, n. kilamatha, m. fatigue. kilasa, w. ring-worm. kllittha, ppp. (^/klis) afflicted, depraved, corrupted, soiled, vicious, kilinna, adj. wet. kilissati, v. (Jklis) to be aflflicted, corrupted, depraved, m. corruption, depravity, sin, lust, kilomaka, «. a membranaceous tissue, kisa, adj. thin, emaciated, poor, mean, kilesa, kisalaya, tt. kisora, adj. a sprout, shoot, young m. a ; colt, child. . kutta 75 m. a reed, bamboo. w. an insect, worm; *ja, n. silk. kidisa, klrisa, adj. like what? of what sort? kira, m. a parrot. kicaka, kfta, kila, "?. a pin, stake. ppp- bound. kilita, kiva, adv. how? how much? kilati, V. (Jkil) to play, sport; "ana, n ku, a prefix meaning bad, kukutthalva, ?);. inferior, ; kila, wicked; /. /. the earth. the cro\v pheasant. kukola, n. the jujube tree. kukiiu, n. a cubit. kukkucca, n. worr}"^, remorse; Vayati, kukkuta, to. a cock. kukkura, m- a dog. kukkula, in. hot ashes, embers. kukkuha, m. an osprey. kuhkuma, ;'. to be worried. n. saffron. kuca, m. the female breast, the pomegranate. kuccha, /. blame, contempt ; n. the white lotus. kucchi, m/. the belly, womb, cavity, interior. kucchittha, m. wind in the stomach. kucchita, adj. contemptible. kuja, TO. a tree. (ijkudh) to be angry; ppp. kuddha. ra. the trumpeting of an elephant, kuiicika, /. a key; *vivara, n. a keyhole, kuiicita, ppp. bent, crooked. kufija, mn. a place overgrown with creeping plants, mountain bend, elephant's tusk, kujjhati, -J. kuncanada, kufijara, m. an elephant. kufa, mn. a waterpot; 'dharika, ku^aru, n. a canvas-tent, /. a maid-servant, kutala, n. a roof, kutika, /. a hut. kutikara, m. a carpenter, kutila, adj. crooked, deceitful, /. a smithy, a house, hut, tent, shed, /. kutifa, n. a box, kennel, kutuiikaka, m. a bush, kutumba, n. family, property, estates, kutta, n. a wall, fence, enclosure. kutilika, kuti, . kultana 76 kuttana, n. grinding, thrashing. kuttima, mn. a mine of precious stones. kuttira, m. a mountain. kuttha, n. leprosy. kutthaku, m. a woodpecker. kuduba, m. a measure of capacity. kudumala, m. an opening bud. kudda, n. a wall. kunapa, mn. a corpse. kunala, m. a cuckoo. kuni, ad/, crooked in a limb. kuntha, ad/, slow, lazy. kunda, to.. an iguana; n. a waterpot, well. kundaka, m. the red powder between the grain of rice and the husk, kundala, kundikaj a ring, earring, the waterpot of an ascetic, n. /. tumuU, vehemence. whence? how? much less; kutuliala, n. kuto, adv. kiitta, *ci, "from any place, m. behaviour, conduct, kuttaka, n. a large carpet, kutfi'ma, adj- artificial kuttha, adv. where? mn. a woollen blanket, howdgh. kuda, adv. when; "canarii, adt) ever, sometirnrs kudara, to. a bad wife, kudari, mfn. an axe, hatchet. kuddala, mn. a spade, kudrusa, m. a sort of grain kunati, /. red tourmaline, the coriander seed, kunabhi, to. a whirl-wind, kunta, TO/, a lance, insect, kuntani, /. a curlew. kuntala, m. hair, a waterpot. kuntha, to. a sort of ant. kunda, n. the man5'^-flowered jasmine, kunnadi, /. a very small stream, kupini, /. a fish-net, snare, kutha, . kuppa, n. any metal except gold or silver, kuppati, V. (^kup) to be angry, disturbed, ruffled; "ana, n; kupita, ppp. kumara, to. a child, youth, the god of war; adj. young, kumarabhacca, /. midwiferv, nursing. kussumbha kumasa, m. barley bread. kumina, n. a funnel-shaped basket 77 fish-net. kumuda, n. the white water-lily, a high numeral. kumudabandhava, m. tht moon. kumbha, m. a waterpot, elephant's forehead, a measure capacity, kumbhaka, n. the mast of a ship, kumbhanda, ni. a class of demons, water-melon, kumbhathuna, n. a kettle-drum, kumbhl, /. a pot. kumbhila, m. a crocodile, kumma, m. alligator, a tortoise; * kapala, mn. a tortoise-shell, kummala, m. a bud. kurandaka, m. a sort of amaranth, kurara, m. an eagle, kuravika, m. the Indian cuckoo, kurunga, m. an antelope, kuruvinda, to. a ruby, kurura, adj. cruel, severe, formidable, kula, n. a flock, herd, family, species, house, lineage, kulata, /. an unchaste woman, kulabhacca, kulala.' m. a kulala, TO. a mid-wife, nurse, /. kite, falcon, a potter, jungle-fowl, kulavaka, n- a nest, kulahaka, to. a chameleon, kuliya, to. a flying squirrel, kulisa^ TO»J Indra's thunderbolt, kullna, adj. of good family. prawn, a family friend, kulTra, to. a crab, kulupaka, to. mn. a winnowing basket, kuvaifi, adv. where? kulla, raft, kuvalaya, n. the water-lily, kuveni, /. a funnel-shaped basket fish-net. kuvera, to. Vessavana. kusa, m. a blade of grass, sacrificial grass ; /. a rope, kusala, adj. skilful, happy, meritorious, good, kusi, n. one of the four cross seams of a Buddhist robe, kusinara, /- a town in Indiajwhere the Buddha died, kusidu; °ita, adj. lazy, slothful, kusuma, n. a flower. Kusumbha, n. safflower. of kusula 78 m. a granary. Icussubbha, n. a small pond, puddle. k-iihani, adv. when? whither? kusuta, kuhaka, kuhana, adj. deceitful kuhana, /. deceit, hypocrisy. kuhara, kuhira, n. a hole, cavity. kuhirh, adv- where? whither? kuhincana, "ci, adv. anywhere, somewhere. ; kuheti, deceive. V. to kuhelika, /. fumigation. kujana, n. the singing of birds. kuta, mn. top, peak, mass, sledge-hammer, trap, deception, fraud; adj. deceitful, false, having a peakkutatta, m. a false law-suit. kutagara, n. a gabled house, attic. kiipa, *ka, m. a well, pit, mast of a ship. kura, n. boiled rice. kula, n. a bank, slope. kuvara, adj. beautiful, charming. keka, m. the chaste tree. kekara, adj. squinting. keka, /. the cry of the peacock. keki, m. a peacock. keja, n. a water-lily. ketubha, w. the art of prosody. ketaka, m fkl, f. the screw-pine. ketana, n. a sign on a flag, banner, house, ketava, n. gambling, fraud. ketu, m. a banner. ketumala, /. a halo, ray of glory. kedara, m. a field, mountain. kenipata, m- a rudder. keyura, n. a bracelet or bangle for the arm. kerava, n. the white water-lily. keratika, adj. miserly. kelayana, n. play, sport. keiasa, adj. white; m. name of a mountain. keli, /. amusement, sport. kelika, "ad/, sporting; kelikuiiclka, /. /. a lute, violin. a sister-in-law. kevatta, m. a fisherman. kevala, ad/, only, mere, alone, only, kevalakappa, adj. all, all, whole, entire. entire, whole; n. adv. komudi kevali, Mt. a saint kesa, m. who has mastered 79 all, all-accomplished. hair. kesam^jjaka, m. a comb. kesara, m. the filament of a lotus or other plant, the of a lion or horse ; n. asafoetida. mane m. a maned lion, horse, kesava, m. Vishnu, koka, m. a wolf, frog, lizard, kesarl, kokadeva, m. a pigeon. kokanada, n. the red lotus *bandhu, m. the sun. kokasaka, to. the red lotus, kokila, m. the Indian cuckookoci, pron. any, some, koccha, n. a cOmb, grand couch, kojava, m. a coverlet made of goat's hair, korica, m. a heron, crane, kota, m. a fort, strong-hold, kotara, mn. the hollow of a tree, koti, /. point, tip, summit, ten millions *ppakotr, /. a high numeral, kotiya, to. a mongoose, kotilla, n, crookedness, deceitfulness. kottima, mn. a pavement made of pounded stone, kotteti, V. (Jkutt) to strike, break, pound; cut; kottaka, ad;/ ; ; kottana, n. mn. a granary, room, kotthaka, to. a store-room, kotthagara, n. a store»room, treasury, kotthasa, to. a portion, lot, destiny, kotthu, TO. a jackal, kona. TO. a corner, angle, bow for a musical instrument) the blade of a sword, kotuka, n. a wonder, wedding-ring, kotuhala, n. clamour, noisy confusion, kottha, kodanda, n. a bow. kodha, TO. (i7kudh) anger, wrath, kodhanai adj. angry, passionate, kontika) to. a lancer, kopa, TO. (n/kup) anger, ill-temper, kopina, n. the private parts. komala, adj. soft koinudi, /. ttioonlight. koiaka 8o koraka, mn. a flower bud. mn. the jujube fruit, a pig, kola, raft. koiaka, n. pepper. kolamba, m. a pot. kolavalll, /. a sort of pepper. mn. uproar, tumult, /. a married woman. kolahala, kolitthi, /. the jujube tree. koleyya, adj. of noble family kovida, adj. skilled, wise. kovilara, m. a sort of ebony. koll, ; vi. a house-dog. a sheath, bud, treasure, testicle, shout, kosa, mn. call, measure of 500 bow-lengthskosajja, n. laziness, sloth, kosaphala, n. bdellium, kosambi, /. capital of Kosamba. kosala, adj. belonging to Kosala. knowledge, kosalla, n. skill, proficiency, kosataki, kosi, /. m. a merchant ; /. a sort of vegetable plant, the sheath of a sword, m. the chebula tree, bdellium, m. Indra, an owl; adj. silken, m. the mango tree; mfn. a shoe, kosika, kosiya, kosi, koseyya, adj. silken n. silk, kriya, /. action, the verb, kva, adv. where ? kvaci, adv. sometimes, in some ; ciases. Kh kha, n. the air, sky, zero. khaga, m. a bird, arrow, sun, wind. khagga, m. a sword, rhinoceros. khacara, m. cloud, wind, sun, bird. khacita, ppp. inlaid. khaja, m. a spoon, ladle. khajapa, m. butter. khajala, vi. hoar-frost, rain-watef. khajja, h. fpp. (.^khad) eatable, food. khajju, /. itching. khajjura, n; "rl, /. silver, the date khajjopanaka, m. a khanja, adj. lame. fire-fly. palm. a khalita 8i khanjakhota, khafijana, khanjarita, m. the wagtail, robin. khataka, in. the fist. khatakhadaka, m. a glass tumbiei-, jackal, crow. khatika, /. white chalk. khattana, adj. short in height. khattasa, nif. the spotted civet. khana, m. a moment, leisure, opportunity. khanati, v. (Jkhan) to dig; "ana, n. khanika, adj. momentary. khanda, adj. broken, fragmentary ; mn. a fragment, lump, sugar, khandakanna, m. sweet, potato root, khandeti, v. to break, divide; "ana, n. khatamala, m. smoke, cloud, khatta, mn. a prince, nobleman, khatta, in. a door-keeper, charioteer, khattiya, m. a prince, nobleman, khadira, m. the cutch tree, moon, khadhupa, in. a rocket, khanati, v. (Jkhan) to dig; khata, ppp. khanti, /. patience, forbearance, endurance, khandha, m. the shoulder, trunk of a tree, multitude, gregate of being, khandhavara, m. a stockade, fortified camp, khappa, m. the tear. khama, ad], patient, enduring, forgiving, favourable, ting; /. ag- fit- the earth, (Jkham) to endure, have patience, forgive; khanta, ppp ; "ana, adj. and n. khaya, m. a dwelling, loss, diminution, end, destruction, kharaati, v. khayakasa, m. consumption, khara, adj. solid, sharp, hoarse; m. an ass, saw. kharakhanda, n. a water-lily, kharati, v. to flow, kharattaca, m. the pine-apple, kharadala, /• the prickly-pear, khafu, m. a horse, tooth; adj, white, khala, adj. mischievous, vile; mn. a threshing-floor, oilcake, paste, khalati, v. to stumble, fall, khalapu, mf. a sweeper, khalamutti, ni. mercury, khalita, )t. stumbling, fall, error, fault, failing. khaliiia 82 vm. the khalina, bit of a bridle. khalu, adv. Ineed, truly. Ithalunka, m. a rough horse. khalopi, khalla, /. a pot. m. a runnel, dress made of skin; adj. cracked, broken, khallata, adj. bald, khallika, /. a frying-pan. khavassa, m. hoar-frost, khavari, »m. rain-water, khati, /. a scar, coffin, khanu, khanu, mn. the stump of a tree, khata, «. (J khan) a pond, khattahii, n- a moat, canal, khadati, v. (Jkhad) to eat, chew; "aniya, n. fpp. eatable, ana, «; "aka, m. eater, khara, adj. salty, alkaline, kharaka, m. potash, soda, a bud. kharl, /. a measure of about three bushels, khijjati, 1). to be afflicted, distressed; khinna, pi>p. *dasaka, m. ten years of age charkhi(i(Ja, /. play, sport ; acterized by play, khita, ppp. exhausted, khidira, m. the moon, a penitent. khipati, D. (Jkhip) to throw, shoot; "ana, n; khitta, ppp> khippa, adj. quick, speedy "am, adv. quickly, ; khila, Mrfn. waste land, obstinacy, sulkiness. khina, ppp. (Jkhi) khiijaSava, m. one come in to an end, ceased. the poison-drugs have whom beetl purged, saint, khira, n. milk; 'dharl, wt. the breast; *sara, m. butter. khirika, /. a kind of date tree, khumsana, n. abuse, khujja, adj. hump-backed, crooked, khudda, adj. small, vile, miserable n. bee's wax /. a harlot, ; ; bee. khuddajantu, m. an insect, worm, khuddanukhuddaka, adj. small and trifling, minor lesser, khudha, /. hunger, khuppipasa, /. hunger and thirst, khura, m. a razor, sharp blade, hoof, khurakkhepa, M. the kick of a horse or such animal. and 83 kanaka khuragga, n. a shaving room for monks. khurati, v. to cut, scratch. khuranasa, adj. snub-nosed. khurappa, in an arrow with a horse-shoe head. khuramaddl, mfn. a barber, khuUa, adj. small, vile. khuUatata, m. an uncle. khullama, m. a road. kheta, m ; *ka, n. a shield. m- a wandering musician. khetta, n. a field, region, wife, body. khettajiva, m. a cultivator, farmer, husbandman. kheda, w; "ana, n. affliction, suffering. khepeti, caus. (Jkhip) to throw, spend, pass; "pa, m. throw ing, abuse, blame; "pana, n; °paka, m. an archer, khema, adj. safe, secure, prosperous n, safety, khela, m. saHva, phlegm, khelamallaka, m. a spittoon, khe^itala, ; kho, adv. indeed; *pana, adv. verily, khonda, adj. lame. khobheti, caus. (*/khubh) to stir, agitate, shake; °bha, m. khoma, adj. flaxen, khora, khola, adj. lame, an helmet, tray, ant-hill, kholaka, m khyata, ppp- (ikha) known, famous. gagana, n. the sky. gaggara, onomatopoetic, a gurgling sound. gaggarl, /. a churn, bellows. gaiigeyya, adj. relating to the Ganges; w. a sort of ele- phant. gaccha, m. a shrub, plant. gacchati, v. {J gam) to go, depart, proceed; ganta, ppp. gaja, ni. an elephant *ta, /- a herd of elephants. gajamacala, gajari, gajamolana, m. a lion. gajjati, f. to roar, thunder; "ana, n; "jita, m. a must elephant, n. thunder. ganja, mfn. a mine of precious stones. ; gana, m. a multitude, number, monks. ganaka, m. (.^gan) an accountant, herd, troop, chapter treasurer, astrologer. of jranana » 84 gannna, /n. counting, .arithmetic wild cattle. gani, adj. having a number of disciples; m. a ganeti, v. (Jgan) to count, reckon, value, regard. ganeru, /. a harlot, she-elephant. ganthi, m. a joint, knot, tie, bond; *paya, m. a snare. ganda, m. the cheek, elephant's temples, gandaka, m: a rhinoceros, sort of fish. gandakupa, m. a dimple- boil. gandagatta, n- the custard apple. gandi, m. the swelling of the neck, the stalk of a tree. gandu, m. a pillow. gandula, adj. humpbacked. gandu, /. a knot, joint. n an earth worm. going, journey, course, refuge, issue, destiny, prudence. gatta, n. the body, limb. gandupada, ganduppada, . gati, /. gada, m. disease. gadati, v. to speak* gada, /. a club. gaddabhanda, to. a species of banyan gaddha, m. a vulture. gadrabha, to. an ass, donkey. tree. gadhita, adj. clinging, desiring. gantha, TO. to. a bond, tie, Jiterary composition, book; a writer, author. *kara, v- to tie, bind, connect, compose. gandha, to. smelJ, odour, perfume, fragance. gandhakattha, n. the sandal wood, aloes wood. gandhakuti. /. the fragrant chamber occupied by the Bud- ganthati, gantheti, dha. gandha jif5§^ /. the nose. gandhapasana, w. brimstone, sulphur. gandhabba, m. a celestial musician. gandhamadana, to. name of a mountain, a beetle. gandhalolupa, /. a fly. gandfiavaha. to. wind; /. the nose. gandhasoma, n. the white land lily. gabba, TO. pride; "bita, adj. proud. gabbha, m. the womb, interior, embryo, sprout, bedroom, calyx of a flower; °bhini, /. a pregnant woman. Gabbham gai},hdti, to conceive, become pregnant, gabbhaparissaya, w. the secundines. gfvrnanlya 85 gabbhara, u. a cave in. gabbhilika, m. a round pillow. gabbhuppatti, /. conception, pregnancy. gama, in. journey, march; adj. going. gamatha. m. a way, road. gamaniya, adj. transient, fleeting. gamika, mfn. a traveller. gambhira, gabhira, adj. deep, profound, abstruse, weighty. gayhupaga, adj. useful, serviceable. gara, mn. poison, antidote against poison. garala, n. the venom of a snake. garahati, v. to blame, disparage; °ha, /; °ana, n. garu, adj. heavy, weighty, important, venerable; parent, teacher, religious preceptor, m. a a bird's wing. Garukaroti, to respect, revere, garuka, adj. heavy, severe, important, a garu a, m. a fabulous bird, I gala, m. the throat, debt, rope, galacinita, n. throttling. galati, V. to swallow, vanish, flow away; "ana, n. sralantatthi, n. the collar-bone, galla, m. the inside of the cheek, gavakkha, m. a round window, air-hole, bull's eye. gavaja, gavaya, m. a species of ox, gayal. gavampati, m. owner of cattle, the bull of the herd, gavala, m. wild buffalo, gavi, m. butter. gavesati, v. to seek, search; °aka, adj ; °ana, /; °si, adj. gavya, adj. bovine, gaha, mn. a house, taking, holding, gahattha, vi. a householder, layman, gahana, n. holding, grasping, learning, desire, clinging, eclipse, gahani, /. the belly, internal fire promoting digestion, gahati, gaheti, v. to dive, enter, wade, gahana, adj. impenetrable, impervious n. a jungle, forest, gahapati, m. a householder, master of a house, layman, ; /. a verse, stanza, gadha, adj. fairly deep, fathomable, gadhati, v. to stand fast, to take a firm footing, gama, m. a village, multitude. gamani, adj. chief; m. a village headman; /; a harlot, gamaniya, m. an elephant or horse trainer. gatha, gamata 86 gamata, /. a collection of villages. gamamiikha, m. a bazaar, market. gayati, v. (Jga.) to sing; "aka, ?n. a singer -"ana, , n ; gita, ppp. /• name of a metre, the cutch tree. garayha, adj. contemptible, I^ase, blameworthy. garava, m. respect, reverence, authority, importance. gavuta, 11. a league distance. gaha, TO. taking, seizure, a demon, crocodile, idea, attach- gayatti, ment galha, adj. tight, firm. gijjha, m. a vulture. (Jgidh) to be greedy. a brick, tile. giddha, adj. greedy. gijjhati, V. gifijaka, /. gini, VI. fire. gimha, m; gimhana, n. the hot season, summer. gira, /. voice, speech. m. a mountain. girikandaka, to. a thunder-bolt. girikannika, /. the earth giridhhatu, m. red earth, sandstone. gila, TO. devouring, citron. gilati, V. (Jgla) to swallow, devour; "ana, n. gilana, adj. sick, ill; n. illness: w. a sick person. gilanasala, /. a hospital. gini, m. a householder, layman. gita, n. a song, hymn. giva, /. the neck, throat, debt "vatthi, n. the collar-bone. guggulu, n. bdellium. guccha, m. a bunch, tuft. gunja, TO. a branch with flowers; /. a 5eed used as the jeweller's weight. guna, m. a string, bow-strmg, quality, characteristic, progiri, ; perty, virtue. gunita, ppp. multiplied. guntheti, v. to ensnare, cover. gutta, ppp. (Jgup) protected, hidden, preserved; /. a prison. keeping, guarding. guda, TO. the anus *kna, m. the piles. gunda, /. a kind of creeper. gumba, TO. a bush, thicket, multitude, troop. guyha, TO. a secret, pudendum.; "ariga, m. a tortoise. gutti, /. ; gomaya 87 guyhapurisa, m. a spy. guyhamethuna, m. a crow. guru, adj. heavy; m. a teacher; «. topaz. guruvara, to. Thursday. gurusara, /. orchid. gula, /. a pimple, pock. guha, /. a cave, the heart. gulaka, 7)1. a ball. guheti, V. to hide, conceal geijdu, *ka, gedha, geyya, to. m. a ball, gulha, pppspinning-top. ; a secret. greed, desire. mixed prose and n. ni. one of the 9 divisions of verse, the three Pitakas. gerika, n. red chalk. gelafiiia, n. sickness, illness. geha, mn. a house. gehamani, to. a lantern. a bull /. cow, the earth, speech. gokantaka, m. the hoof of an ox, a kind of bramble. gokanna, to. the elk, span, snake. gokila, m. a plough, pestle. gokula, n. a cattle-shed. gocara, m. pasture, sphere, resort, prey, object of sense. gocariya, adj. brown, reddish. gocchaka, m. a bunch, cluster. g-ottha, n. a cattle-shed. gona, »>i. a bullock, ox. gonaka, )it. a woollen coverlet with a long fleece. go, TO. goni, /. ; rags, house-corner. gotta, «. family, lineage. gotrabhu, m. one who is fit to be adopted as a saint. godha, /. an iguana. godhuma, m. wheat, gram. gonaiigula, m. the black-faced monkey. gonasa, m. a kind of venomous snake, buffalo. gopa, Ml a cowherd, herdsman. ' ' . gopati, m> a bull. gopati, gopeti, gopayati, gopayati, v. (.J gup) to guard, protect ;°aka^ HI /"ana, n ; g^tta, gopita, ppp. gopanasi, /. the rafters of a roof. gopura, ;l. gopphaka, a town gate, watch-tower, battlements. til. the {inkle. gonlaya, mni cowdung; *cchatta, n. mushroom. gomika 88 gomika, m. a owner. cattle gora, adj. white. gorakkha, to. a cowherd. ghee, butter gorasa, to. produce of the cow, as milk, curds, milk, butter, golomi, /. name of a plant; a hailot. govinda, in. a cattle owner, gosagga, m. dawn, 'lime for releasing cattle), gosala, /. a cow-stable. gosiiiga, TO. the champak tree; n. cow's horn, gosisa, n. yellow sandal wood, gohira, n. the heel, gola, *ka, TO. a ball or lump, gojika, adj. prepared with molasses; m. a sugar seller. Gh ghathsati, i). to rub, grind. ghanfia, n. destruction. ghata, Tu. ajar, bowl; /. multitude, troop. ghatati, v. to strive, join, adopt; °ana, n. ghati, /. a jar, clock. ghatteti, v. to touch, shake, annoy, join; "tana, fn. ghanta, to. a bee; /. a bell, clock. ghandka, m. a ballad singer. ghata, 11. butter. ghatakumari, /. the aloe plant. ghatasana, to. fire. ghana, adj. dense, solid, firm to. cloud, body ; ; n. a musical instrument, ghanakapa, w. ghanajala, /. hail, lightning, ghananabhi, w. smoke, ghanapadavi, /. the sky. ghanapallava, to. the drum-Stick ghanapasanda, m. a peacock, ghanarasa, ghanasara, to. camphor ; tree, wn. water, camphor, ghanaruna, adj. deep red. ghanoparuddha, adj. dusky, overcast with clouds, ghanopala, to, hail, ghamma, to. to. heat, ghammati, sweat, v. to go. cakkhu 89 ghaniinajjuti, m. the sun. gliara, mu. a house. gliaragolika, gliarnni, /. lizard. ;i n wife. /. gharavasa, m. the Imuseholder or layman's ghasati, gliasi, life. to eaf, Z'. food, r)i. ghasmara, adj. gluttonous. ghala, ghati, ghaiika, m. ihc hack of the neck. Jhan) to kill ghatipakkhi, m. a hawk. giiateli, cutis. ( ; ghatn, m. slaughter ;ghatana, n ghaluka, adj. destructive. ghana, n- the nose. ghayati. ghasa, (Jgha) v. r>i. to smell; °ana, n. fodder; food, ghuna, m. wood-insect. ghilka, m. a kind of owl. ghotaka, m. a vicious horse. ghona, /. the nose. ghoni, m. a pig. ghora, adj. ilreadful, terrible; night »J. poison, ghoradassana, in. the owl. ghola, rt. buttermilk, the while, colour; vt. /. the ; ghoseti, V. (is/ghus) "sava, adj : "sa, to m: proclaim, shout; °sana, /; °sana, ghosita, gluitiha, ppp. ca, cow/, and. but, even. cakora, m. the curlew. cakka, n. a wheel, circle, disc, army, multitude, domain, cakkapani, vi. Vishnu, cakkapada, m. a carl, carriage, elephant, cakkamukha, m. a pig. cakkavatlJ, m. a universal monarch, rakkavaka, tn. the ruddy goose, cakkavata, m. limit, boundary, lamp-stand, cakkavata, nt. the whirl-wind, cakkavaja, mn. a world. Sphere, cakkavha, m. the ruddy goose. cakkhu. «. the eve, insiffht. Dercention. region, cakkhupatha go cakkhupatha, m. range of vision. cakkhupasada, in. tlie sensitive orgaiiism of Ihe eye. cakkhumohana. n. (Jniuh) jugglery. caiikamati, v. (Jkam) lo walk up and down; "a, m.- "ana, )!, a covered walk, cloister, arcade, portico, caiikura, n. a cart, carriage, tree. canga, adj. beautiful, clever, healthy, cartgotaica, «!. a casket. caccara, n. a square, courtyard, house-flooring, cajati, V. (Jcaj) to abandon, resign, sacrifice, give away; "catta, ppp. (J car) a bee. cancala, adj. (Jcal) unsteady, shaky, frivolous, canculati, v. (Jcal) to move to and fro, dance, wander, cancari, /. rancu, mfn. the beal< of a bird, m. a sparrow, canaka, m. a chick-pea. canda, adj. passionate, harsh, cruel, savage, candala, m. a man of the lowest caste, cataka, candila, calu, in. a barber, num. four. catukka, n. a square, place where four roads meet, catuttha, adj. fourth, catura, adV. skilful, clever, catta, ppp. (Jcaj) relinquished, sacrificed, an elephant, moon, camphor, snake, cadira, ?n. canda, m. the moon. candaka, m. an eye in a peacock's tail adj. pleasing, candakanta, vm. sandal wood, the white water-lily /. night, ; ; candakapuppha, n. the clove flower, candaggaha, m. (Jgah) eclipse of the moon, candana, mn. the sandal wood, candanika, /. a dirty pool, candaloha, n. silver, candikfi, /. moonlight, capala, ad], fickle, unsteady, camara, m. the yak. cammu, m. a kind of deer. camu, /. an army; *pati, m. a general, commander-in-chief, campaka, m. the champac tree, campa, /. the modern Bhagulpore. camma, n. leather, skin; *kara, mfn. a tanner, cammapatta, /. a bat. cittaka 91 caya, m. (Jci) a lieap, bundle, quantity. cara, adj. (Jcar) moving, going; 'h. a spy- m. the wagtail, magpie robin. caiana, n. (Jcar) the toot, conduct, practice. carata, caranayudha, m. a cock. carati, v, (s/car) to walk, wander, behave: ppp. cinna. act. caracara, adj. (Jcar) movable. Carita, n. (^/ca^) action, conduct, lifesubsequent. ( Jcar) walking, observance, conduct. (Jcal) to'move, shake; "a, adj "ana, n. carima, adj. cariya, /. calati, V. last, : calani, /. a flying antelope. calu, m. water in (Jcu) cavati, v. the hollow of the hand. to disappear, vanish, pass ppp "ana, n. casaka, vm. a drinking away, die; cuta, : caga, cati, /. catuka, vessel. (N/caj) self-sacrifice, liberality. )ii. an earthenware vessel, f. jar, waterpot. praising, flattering. caiupatu, m. a clown. cataka, «i. the kingfisher. catumniahabhiitika, adj. consisting of the four elements. catura, adj. artful, clever. capa, mn. a bow. capika, m. an archer. camara, n. a yak's tail tan. camarapuppha, m. the betel tree. camikara, n. gold. cara, adj. (Jcar) walking, roaming; m. a spy. carana, m. ( Jcar) a traveller, actor. carika. /. (Jcar) moving, wandering. caritta, n. (Jcar) practice, observance, conduct. caru, adj. agreeable, charming; *iocana, in. an antelope. cikka, /. the white-bellied mouse. cikkhalla, n. ciiigala, swamp, mud. mf. a prawn, ciccitiiyati, v. to splash, hiss, cinca, /. bubble; la, n. the tamarind tree. citaka, mf. (Jci) a funeral pile. cilta, w. (Jcit) the mind, heart, thought, will, intention; adj. variegated, marvellous, cittaka, m. (Jcit) a painter, counterpane; 11. artist, animal; /. a woollen a sectarial mark on the forehead. cittakaiitha g2 cittakantha, cittagiva, n. a pigeon- cittakamma, n. painting. m. a tiger, leopard. m. a lizard. cittakkhepa, m. distraction, madness. cittadandaka, m. the cotton tree. cittapila, /. swooning. cittakaya, cittakola, cittalekha, /. a picture. cittagara, n. a picture gallery. m. cittabhoga, cinta, /. sensitiveness, awareness, reflection. to paint, variegate, diversify. citteti, V. (fjcint, cit) thought. cinteti, v. (Jcint) to think, devise, regard, mind; cintita, ppp- n. a thought, cinii, m. a parrot. cira, adj. long, lasting *kala, n. a ; long period, cirakriya, adj. dilatory, cela, n. cloth, a garment, cirantana, adj. old, ancient, cirappabhuti, adv. long since, cirarattarii, cirassaiii, adv. for a long time, cirayati, v. to tarry. cirarodha, to. cilamilika, /. cillabha, to. a mound of earth thrown up for defence, a necklace, fire-fiy, lightning, a pick-pocket, civi, civu, TO. the chin, cihana, n. a mark, sign, cinapittha, n. red lead, cinarattha, n. China, cira, n. bark, fibre, ciri, /. a cricket, civara, n. a monk's robe, cukkara^ a lion's roar, cuci, to. m. the female breast, cucuka, cucuka, cucuka, cQcukka, m. a nipple, cucij, cuccii, /. a radish, cunna, m. dust, powder, lime, cement; n. aromatic powder, cunneti, v. (Jcunn) to grind, crush, pulverize, cuti, /. (Jcu) disappearance, death, cuddasa, num. fourteen, cundakara, to. a turner, cubuka, m. the chin, lower lip. toilet chatta 93 cumbaka, m. a magnet, load-stone. cumbata, n. a pillow, roll of cloth used as a stand for a vessel carried on the head, cumbati, v. (K/cumb) to kiss; "ana, n. culla, cula, cula, adj. small. a porpoise, waterpot, thither bank, a fire-place, cuta, in. the mango tree, cula, /. a top-knot, crest, diadem; *mani, m. a jewel worn cuUaki, /. culli, /. in a crest, /. root of an elephant's ear. even, if. adv. ce, a slave cetl, /. m. ceta, ceta, mfn. { Jcit) the mind, heart. cetaka, adj. (Jcit) scheming, thinking; m. a decoy bird, culika. ; cetana, /. (Jcit) will, intention, volition, (Jcit) mental. cetasika, cetlya, n. a sacred object, shrine, temple, tomb, -adj. celala, m. cucumber, celika, /. a bodice. cokkha, adj. clean, clever, delightful, coca, n. the bark of a tree, skin, plantain tree, a Burmese petticoat, coddasa, adj. fourteenth. codeti, r. (Jcud) to urge, rouse, exhort, remind coti, /. cora, cola, »n. m. (J cur) a thief, robber, bandit, cloth. colaka, w. a breast-ornament, colaki, m. a bamboo sprout. Ch. cha, nutn. six. chaka, ". dung, excrement. chakana, n. the dung of animals. chakala, m. a goat. chagana, mn. dried cow-dung. chagala, mf. a goat. chajja, tin- a chata, /. sound like the cry of a peacock. radiance, heap, line. chataphala, m. the palmyra tree. chattha, *ma, adj.. sixth. ; "dana, /. chaddeti g4 chaddeti, (.Jchadd) to throw away, abandon, cast v. vomit ; olT, "ana, n. chaaa, m. festival, chatta, w. a parasol, /. umbrella, sovereignty, corpse, body; mushroom, m. a kingfisher, musiiroom. mjn. thirty-six. cover, leaf, wing, chada, m. (Jehad) chadi, n. ( jchad) a covering, roof, chattak'a, chattiriisa, :i chadda, n. a roof. chaddanta, m. an elephant with six tusks or six-rayed tusks chanda, m. wish, desire, intention, consent; win. the Vedas, prosody, chandasa, adj. knowing the Vedas, a brahmin, channa, to. an ordinance; ppp. (i>/chad) concealed, private, suitable, chappada, m. a beechappaiifiasa, /. chamanda, m. a chama, /. num. fifty-six. fatherless son. the earth. chambhati, v. (Jchambh) to tiemble, be alarmed, chala, n. fraud, pretext. chain, /. the skin, bark of a tree, chava, m. a corpse; adj. vile, chavi, /. the skin. chaga, m. a goat; *bhoji, m. a wolf, chata, adj. hungry, famished, chadeti, v. (Jehad) to cover, conceal "dana, n. ; channa, chadita, ppp; TO. the young of an animal, child, chaya, /. shade, shadow, reflection, pretext umbrella, chayadassana, n. a cinema show, bioscope, chapa, ; *kara, to. an charika, /. ashes chikka, chikkana, n. sneezing, chiggala, n. a hole, chidaka, n. adamant, an axe, hatchet, fire, sword, chidura, m. a swindler, enemey. chidda, n. a hole, gap, defect, chindati, 7;. (Jchid, chind) to cut, stop, destroy; chinna ppp; chijja, fpp ; chijjati, pass; chijjitva, ger. chidi, /. chidira, to. Janata Q5 chuddha, adj. contemptible, vile. chupa, m. a bush, wind, lighting. chupati, V. ( Jchiip) to touch "ana, n. chura, /. lime. churika, /. a knife. cheka, adj. skilful, clever, expert. ; m; cheda, °ana, /;.. cutting, loss, destruction, waste. cheppa, m. the lower end of the backbone. chemanda, in. a fatherless son. chotika, /. choti, a fisherman. /. chorana, the snapping of the fingers. abandonment. m. citron, lemon n. cholaiiga, fruit. J akuta, the cocoanut tree. n. akkhana, agati, n. eating. the earth. /. agatippana, aganu, agara, to. to. fire, the wind; Hi. 'Ike breath of the earth-' a being. a coat of mail. to. iiggati, V. ( Jjagar) to watch, keep. aggahana, n. laughing. aghana, n. the buttocks, waist. angamati, v. (^/gam) to go about, move about; "a, adj. aiigala, to. a jungle, thicket. aiigala, to. a ridge of earth, boundary, bank. aiigula, n. poison. aiigha, /. the leg; *vihara, to. walking for exercise. aiighala, adj. quick; to. a deer. accandha, adj. born blind. ata, /. matted hair, tangled branches, lust. atajala, to. a lamp. atadhara, jatila, to- an ascetic with matted hair. aihara, to. the bell)'. atu, n. lac. atuka, /. a bat. back of the neck, collar-bone. a man, being, the world; *kaya, multitude of people, janaka, adj. producing to. a father. attu, n. the; ana, to. (>s/ja, jan) ; Janata, /. («7ja, jan) mandkind. to. the . ianatta 96 finatta, /. a parasol, iimbrelifi- / ananT, a niothei'. anar.tika, secret wliispering- '/• anapada, v,. a province, district. anappiya, ni. line coriander seed. analaya, m. a pavilion. anika, /. (^'ja, jan) a mother. aneti, caus. {^J ]a} to beget, prcKJuce, cause; ''nana, Jja, jan) a mother. nntaghara, n- a firo-Juit. r(jom aneItT, antu, /. adj. ( creature, animal, a 1)!. where man. a fire is kept. aniuka, vifii. lac. antunasana, Ji.asafcelida. annu, janu, n. llie knee. apa, m, (J 'yap) incantation of charms; /. the China rose. apati, V. (-J jap) to whisper, mutter; "ana, n. iapamala, /. a rosary. jappati, V. (Jjapp) to speak, whisper, mutter; "ana, n ; "a, speech. VI. amana, n food. ambava, n. the rose-apple fruit. ambala, vi mud. ambira, m. the lemon treeamhu, / the rose-apple tree. ambuka, m. a jackfil. ambunada, n. gold. ambha, m. a tooth, lemon fruit, food, heap. ambhi, infn. citron, lemon. . . amma. adj. base, worthless, reckless; n. birth. ayati, v. (Jji) to conquer, win, excel jetabba jaya, in. jayampatT, m. pi. husband and wife, jara, m. fever; /. old age, decjiy. jarantapa, m. an old man, bufTalo. ; jarayu, m. the womb, jala, n. water, jalaka, n. a bivalve shell- jalakantaka, m. a crocodile, jalakapi, m. a porpoise, jalacara, m. a fish- jalaja, adj. water-born, jalajantuka, jalajivha, nt. /. a water-leech a crocodile. ; ppp. jita; fpp. jeyya, y . ; . janipati <'• jalflii. i;il;ida, lull n, III Ml.. hl.-izc, A\ iHin-i'I(.)ii(i ;i i;ilH<-liinr;i, j<il;i(ilii, j.-ilyilhiga, /. a |al;in;ikula,. m. m. •jalanidhi, 'i' lliodcoan. in. rivpi". lalabandhakn, oiloi ,in orran. llic a da"ii, I'lnlMnkmciii. in. j.ilamagJTu, in. a iving-lislierj,-i!ainutl ika, /, j.ilai'a^a, / jnlalata. jala.sutli. a billow '• jiilaklui. liail. salt. III. ;i hivaKc an III., jnlatana, «t. a Iiernn m jakldh,"!!";!, shell oilrr. ; Writf r-li^t- rh /. a (lond, re^t^rvoii . woini). jalahu, ". ilie jalavhaya, v. Ihe water-lilyjalfika, /. a leech jalogi, in. loddy. jalodara, n. the drop.'^v Javcmi, Java, m.. speed- iiist. mlr. ?pefdily. javati, V. to hasten, huri-y. javana. adj. quick; m. a racer; n. apperception. javanika, /. a curtain. (Jha) jahati, v. to forsake, leave; jaha, adj. jala. adj. dull, stupid. wake, watrh Viya, /; °a, in. vigil. (Jja) birth, binh-sim jatcirupa, n. gold. jataveda, m. fire. jatassara, m. a natural pond. lake. jatapacta. /. a woman about to bring tonh h cliih! jiigarati. v. {*/jagar) to jataka, soit, family. jati, /. (^/ja) birth, jatiphala. n. nutmeg. nutmeg. jatisumana. /. jalikosa, fit. jatissaia, adj. iatu, 17. -.'. /. , rcUainlv. .a.safoetida. (is/na) fieyya, jam, the jasniini-. remembering lonnei existences. adv. surel\ jiiiuka, janati, ; ii. l<> knuu , recognize; "nana, fffi. h)ss, decay. rn. husband and wife. ri ; fiata, ppp japa 98 japa, m. incantation. jamata, to. jamT, a /. a son-in-law. sister. jameyya, m. a sister's son, jayati, v. (Jja) to be born, jaya, nephew. grow, arise; jata, ppp. a wife /. m. an actor. m. pi. husband and m. a paramour. jayajiva, wife. jayapati, jara, a flame; n. a net, web, window, accumulation. ft. a bud, net. jalakara, m. a spider. jalapada, m. a duck, goose. jalika, m. a fisherman, fowler; /. a coat of mail. jala, /. jalaka, jalini, desire, lust. /. jigirhsati, v. to jigucchati, "cha, v. wish, take. (J gup) to loathe, dislike, despise; "ana, n; /. jighacchati, v. (Jghas) to be hungry; cha, /. jighaiina, adj. lowest, inferior, jinna, ppp. (Jjlr) old, aged, decayed. jiti, /. (iJji) victory. m. a conqueror, Buddha. jimha, adj. crooked; *ga, m. a snake. jiya, /. a bowstring. jivajiva, m. the edible-nest maker. jina, adj. (Jji) victorious; jivha, /. jira, m. the uvula. m. smoke. the tongue; *muliya, jimuta, TO. a cloud; *vahT, m. cummin seed. jirati, jfyati, jiyyati, v. jiva, adj. (JjTv) living; mn. old, decay a being, creature, ; "ana, n. life. a kind of medicinal herb. live, subsist; °ana, n. (Jjiv) a son; /. the orchid flower; n. jivaka, TO. jivati, V. grow (Jjlr) to (ly/jiv) (Jjiv) to jivana, to. life, sub- sistence. jivamandira, to. the body. jivasadhana, n. food, paddy. jivasumana, n. the china rosejivika, /. (Jjiv) life, means livelihood, of subsistence. Jlvikarh kappeti, to earn a living. jivita, n. ( Jjiv) life. jlvitindriya juijha, /. V'. controlling faculty of mo nn lit moonlight, ' i i life, vitality. ; jhola 99 juti, /. (Jjul) spendour, ray; *kara, adj. splendid, radient. jutindhara, m. light-giver. juhuvana, to. fire, tree. juhoti, V. (Jhu) to huta, sacrifice; ppp ; hotabba, fpp "hana, n. mn. gambling, juta, je, inter j. man i dicing, woman I jeguccha, adj. contemptible, loathesome. jettha, adj. eldest, chief; /. one of the lunar mansions, jetthasassu, /. a wife's elder sister, jeyya, ad/, better, elder, jotati, V. (iJjut) to shine, be bright; "ana, "aka, adj ; "ana, n; "ayati, "teti, "talati, caus. to illumine, glorify, joti, mn. (Jjut) light, star, jotipatha, m. the sky. m. a wish-yielding jewel, jotirasa, jotisattha, n. astronomy. Jh jhankara, jhajjhari, jajjha, jhati, a sound like the buzzing of a bee^ name of a plant. to. /. a rain-storm. /. m. a bush. adv. quickly, at once. jhampaka. m- a monkeyjhatiti, jhampasi, to. a kingfisher. jhari, /. a fountain of water, river. jhala, /. a daughter, the sun's ray. jhali, /. the betel nut. jhallaka, to. a cymbal. jhallakantha, to. a pigeon. jhalli"ka, /. a cricket. jhasa, TO . a fish. jhasati, v. (Jjhas) to hurt. jhata, TO. an evergreen shrub. jhatatthaka, m. the water-melon. jahana, n. Mjha) mystic meditation, trance, ecstasy. jhapeti, caus. (Jjha) to consume; °pana, n. jhayati, v. (Jjha) (i) to burn, meditate, contemplate, jharl, jhiruka, /. a dragon-fly. jhoja, m. the betel tree. consume; jhama, ppp; (2) to . 100 firtttl N announcfMTicnt, decimal ion. fiatfi, /. nana, n. knowledge; caus. iiApeti, make knuwn, ; "paka, adj tagara, adj. squinting ; "pana, ; "i- ii chisel. a house lizard. jesting, kettle-drum. / taddari, /. a horse. tara, in. tika, a Pali commentary on an AtthakathS, /. pro ; borax. mn. borax, spade, knife, lankaka, m. coined money. taiika, tatani, declare, inform, nana, ppp. method, manner, means. claim fiava, in. "ni, adj. (Jnfi) to gloss. Th thakkura, in. an image of the Buddha. thaga, adj. shameless, craft) thagi, /. a betel box. thana, n. (Jthii) stopping, place, situation, station, appoint- ment, subject, basis. thanantara, n- an appointment, office. thanaso, adv. (Jtha) causally, suddenly. thaniya, adj. (iJtha) based upon n. a town. ; thiti, (tJtha) /. stability, durability, existence; *ka, adj. lasting. thivana, n. spitting. D darhsa, m. a gad-fly. daihsati, v. (Jdartis) to bite; "ana, n. damaya, mf. confusion, revolting. daka, ran. a vegetable, potherb. dalima, m. the pomegranate tree. dahati, v. (.ydah) to burn, consume by fire, ppp. daha, ra. (Jclah) burning, conflagration, diihuka, m. a water-fowl. torment ; daddha, t.-inhakkhaya loi young maiden. m. a servant, bad man. dikkari, J. a t.iihgara, (liniJiramodaka, liimba, h. garlic. a sound oi" (error, heap. dimbika, /. a bubble while rising in water. dundula, m. the owl. dunduka, m. water-fowl. in. young duli, /. a (Jdi) deti, V. demana, m. lo lly. a! bird. Dh dhamara, /. a duck, goose, a shield. uhrda,-:??. dhunthana, n. investigation, enquiry dhola, m. a big drum. takka, m. (i«/takk) thought, reason, date fruit "kika, ; m. a logician, lakkala, m. a thief, takkaslla, Taxila. /. rakkalam, adv. at that time, immediately, takkola, n. bdellium, sort of perfume, takkhaka, m. .1 carpenter, tagara, mn. a kind of shrub, lobster, taggha, adv. certainly, verily, tankhanarii, adv. at that moment, in.siantly. taca, in. skin, bark, rind, m tacasara, a bamboo, . tacclia, n. truth, reality, tacchati, v. "ani, tajja, adj. tajjani, tajjari, tajjeti, tata, ( /. Jtacch) to hew, chop, cut ; "aka, m. a carpenter a hatchet, corresponding, suitable, the finger of scorn,' forefinger, lit. a measure of weight, V. (il/tajj) to revile, scorn, scold, threaten, ' /. /. mn; tatini, /. a tati, /. a bank, shore, river, tandula, m. rice, tanhakkhaya, vi. extinction of craving, nibhana. ; tanha I02 (Jtas) lust, desire, craving. tatapatti, /. the plantain tree. tanha, /. tatiya, adj. tliird. tato, adv. thence, therefrom, thereafter, further, moreover. many, as tattaka, adj. as great. case. tattha, tatra, adv. there, thither, in that accurately. adv. Ta.tvato, iatva, n. essence, reality. tatha, adv. thus also so-, ; tathagata, m. a Budhda, *pi, his notwithstanding. or Order. Law tadanga, adj. partial, by parts. tadantare, adv. meanwhile. tadahu, "he, advj on that day. tada, adv. then, at that time. n. lit. ' that object, tad-arammana, ' registered object. tadupiya, adj. suitable, corresponding. taddhita, m. secondary derivative (grammar). tanaya, m. (J tan) a son. tanu, adj. thin, slender, delicate, small /. the body, skin. ; tanuja, m. a son. tanuttana, n. a coat of mail. tanoti, V. (J tan) to stretch. *vaya, m. a n. a thread, treatise, literary work weaver, spider, tanti, /. a string, line, cord, text, passage of a text. tantu, in. a thread; *klta, to. a silk-worm. tandi, /. drowsiness, sloth "dita, adj. lazy, slothful. tapa, mn. (Jtap) religious austerity, glow, self-mortifica- lanta, ; ; lion, piety. tapati, V. (Jtap) to burn, blaze, shine, torment ; 4:atta, ppp. tapana, to. (J tap) thf sun. tapanlya, n. gold. tapanettha, n. copper. tapassi, TO. ( Jtap) a mendicant, hermit. tappati, pass, to be tormented, suffer ; "ana, n. tappara, adj. diligent, subsequent. tappeti, cans, (^/tapp) to satisfy, refresh ; "pana, n. tama, mn. darkness, gloom. tamala, to. a kind of tree. tamonuda, adj. dispelling darkness. tamomaiii, to. a fire^fly, glow-worm. tamba, adj. coppery, red; to. a sort of elephant; n. copper. tamba-ciila, -sikhl, to. a cock. tambaloha, n. copper. ; t§yati tambula. n. the betel nut layo, num. m. three; tissa, tara, to. (J tar) a taranga, m . "11, ; /. 103 a betel garden, /• raft, a wave ; *ginT, /. a river, taraccha, ni. a leopard, panthef, hyena, tarani, /. a boat. taranda, mfn. a boat mn. a raft, float, oar. a>. (Jtar) (i) to cross, traverse, escape; tinna, ppp lareti, caus. to save; (2) to tremble, be hurried; turita, ; tarati, PPP. tarambuja, a water-melon, unsteady; n. n. tarala, adj. trembling, rice gruel, tarahi, adv. then. tari, /. a boat taritaka, n. a tarlsa, ; *ka, m. a ferry-man. bark garment worn by ascetics, the ocean, sky, >?i. raft, taru, VI. a tree. taruna, adj. young, fresh, new. /. a flying squirrel, tarunakha, m. a thorn, tarumiga, m. a monkey, taluraja, m. a palmyra tree, taruruha, /. an orchid plant, tarusanda, m. a grove of trees, tarutulika, tarusara, tala, m. camphor, surface, level> plane, n. talaci, /. a mat made of a pond, lake; /. a key. talla, TO. tallika, tasati, V. (ijtas) to reeds. 11. a pit, hole; /• a maiden, boat, tremble, be afraid of. tasara, to. -a shuttle, tasina, see tanha. tassana, »i. (^/tas) thirst, adv. there, talaka, ni. a pool, pond, lake, tahirii, taiuna, adj. tender, delicate, tana, n. defence, shelter, refuge, nibbana. tata, adj. beloved, dear; m. father, term of endearment, tadikkha, tadisa, adj. such. tapa, TO. (Jtap) heart-burning; °ana, n. self-mortification, tapasa, to. (Jtap) a hermit, ascetic, tapiiicha, to. a kind of plant, tayati, v. (Jta) to protect, preserve, saye. '*''^ 104 high tara, adj. shrill, (of a musical sound); /. a staf. pupil of the eye. taraka, a star, pupil of the eye. m. the moon, /. tiradhipati, m. the sky. m. the palmyra plant, mensure tarapalha, tala, of the short span, gong, cymbal *ki,- /. toddy, talavanta, m. a fan. ; talisa, nuvi. forty, a kind of measure, tall, /. striking a musical instrument, musical tree, talu, n. the palate ; *ja, adj. palatal (letters), m. the uvula, telujivha, crocodile, m. a whirlpool. talura, tava, adv. at once, just, now, indeed, yet, tavataka, adj. so niuch, so many, still, tavata, adv. so far, to that extent, tavatiiiisa, the m, pi. the thirty-three spirits of whom Sakka is first, tavara, w. a bow-string, tala, m. a key. taleti, V. (iJtal) to talaveli, ti, the /. beat, strike; "lana, n. main village road, pref. three, tiriisa, num. tika, n. a thirty, triplet, triad, tikicchati, v. (Jkit) physician, tikiccha, /. to cure, treat medically; "aka, m. medicine. tikhina, tikkha, tiijha, adj. sharp, pungent, acute, clever, titthati, thati, v. (Jtha) to stand, remain, stay, stop, abide, live; thatva, ger; thaturh ; ; thita, inf ppp. tina, n. grass, herb, tinaketu, weed, m. a bamboo tinagodha, tree, a chameleon, tinava, m. a sort of drum, tipukka, /. a torch of hay. tit^ha, /. see tikhina. titikkha, / (^tij) patience, forbearance, long-suflfering. ^ tittaka, adj. bitter. tittasara, titti, /. tittira, m. the cutch tree, satiety, fulness, m. a partidge. a landing-place, harbour, ford, religious belief. tittha, n. m. a sect-founder. titthakara, m. litha, fire, time, love. a lunar day. lidasa, in. a deva, spirit. tidiva, TO. the deva world, heaven. tinisa, m. a kind of tree. tinta, ppp. (Jtim) wet. tintina, n. reproach, scorn. tintiiii, /. the tamarind tree. tinduka, m. the Chinese date. tithi, m'j. tipu, n. tin, lead. tiputa, /. the scammony plant. tibba, adj. sharp, keen, acute, intense, severe. timandala, n. the three circles, viz., the navel and the two knees. timi, *nda, *ngala, to. a fish of enormous size. timira, n. darkness "rayitatta, n. gloominess. timisa, n. darkness; °sika, /. a dark night. timbaru, to. the Chinese date. tiracchana, m. an animal, beast. tiriyaih, adv. across. tirltaka, n. a bark garment worn by ascetics. tiro, adv. across, beyond, on the other side. tirokarani, /. a curtain, screen. lirokkara, to. disrespect, blame, abuse. ; tirodhana, n. a cover, veil, lid. m. the sesamum plant. tila, mole, freckle, sectarial mark lilaka, to. a tilakalaka, tiliccha, m. a mole, w. a tivuta, /. the on the forehead. freckle. sort of snake, buffalo. scammony plant. tisarana, n. the three refuges, viz., the Buddha, the law, the order, tira, n. a shore, bank. tireti, v, (Jtir) to finish, decide, accomplish; °rana, n. tivara, to. the ocean, hunter, fisherman, never used at the beginning of a sentence and sometimes meaning now,' but,' * indeed and some- tu, particle, ' ' ' times with no meaning, lunga, adj. high, prominent, tuccha, adj. empty, vain; *dhar\naka, t,.ttu^ AAA (Jtiisl deliffhted. elad. n. straw. tuttdi io6 /. (Jtus) delight, joy. tunda, n. a beak, snout. tundila, adj. harsh in speech, having a beak. tuijna, adj. quick; adv. n. quickly. tutthi, *bhava, m. silenqe. an elephant-goad. tudampati, m. husband and wife, tunhi, adv. silently ; tutta, n. tunda, n. the belly /. the navel. tunnavilya, m. a tailor. ; tumula, mn, an affray, clamour. tumba, m. a kettle, a measure of grain. tumburl, /. the coriander seed. tura, adj. quick, fast; *ga, a horse, courser, turi, /. mind. a paint-brush. ppp. (Jtar) swift, hurried, eager; *ih, adv. quickly, turita, hastily, turiya, n. a musical instrument, turukkha, m. Indian incense, (N'tul) a balance, pair of scales, equality, rafter or beam, measure or weight *dhata, m. an oar. tulika, /. a paint-brush or pencil, tula, /. ; tuliya, w. a flying tuleti, V. ( fox. Jtul) to weigh, measure, consider, tulya, adj. (^/tul) equal, .similar, tuvatam, adv. quickly, tuvattati, v. to lie down, tuvi, /. the gourd, tusa, w. substance, wealth, tusara, vi. hoar-frost, cold, snow, lusita, w. pi. devas of the fourth celestial mansion, tusodaka, n. vinegar, tussati, V. (Jtus)to be pleased, satisfied; toseti, cans; tuttha, PPPtuhina, n. dew, frost, trina, tmi, tunua, m. a quiver, tula, mn. cotton; "lini, /. the cotton plant, tulika, /. a mattress. tuvara, m. a hornless ox, beardless man. tekiccha, adj. curable, teja, mn. flame, lire, light, power; *ssT, adj. ^ejana, n. an arrow, shaft, tejala, w^ a parti idge. splendour, majesty, influence, thighosa 107 sharpen. tejeti, V. to Jtim) to wet, moisten; 'mana, m. an oil manufacturer. mfn. a cockroach. teineti, caus. tela, w. oil lelacorikj), ( n. "lika, ; lelancana, n. lampblack. 11. sandal wood. a wasp. telapannika, lelati, /. tomara, mn. a lance, spike. toya, n. water *ppasadana, n. soap acacia. ; toyasuttika, /. mother-of-pearl, torana, n. an arch, gateway. tosa, m. (Jtus) satisfaction, joy. Th thaketi, v. to cover, conceal; "kana, n. thanria, n. mother's milk. thaddha, ppp. (Jthambh) firm, hard, solid, stubborn. thana, m. the female breast; *pa, mfn. a suckling child. thanita, adj. thundering; n.* thunder. thapati, w. a carpenter. thabaka, m. a bunch of flowers. thabha, m. goat, sheep. thamba. m. a bush, thicket. thambakari, to. paddy. thambha, to. pillar, column, stupor. thara, to. a layer, house-site. tharima, to. a bed, couch. tharu, TO. the hill of a sword. thala, mn. land, dry ground. thava, TO. (Jthu) praise. thavaka, m. a bunch, cluster. thavika, /. a purse. thavira, adj. firm, strong, elderly. thama, m. strength. thala, n. a metal bowl, plate, basin, dish. thali, /. a cooking pot, kettle, boiler. thavara, adj. stationary, stable, firm. thira, ady. firm, hard, solid, permanent; m. a mountain, tree ; /. the earth, a woman, thighosa, m. the dawn. thi, /. iliuti io8 ihiiti, /. (n'iIiu) praise, thanks. ihiilhi, Ihuln, adj. thick, coarse, stupid; "kumari, an old /. maid, thusa, m. husk of grain. Ihuna, mf. a pillar, column, post. thupa, m. a memorial mound, lope, pagoda; °pika, summit of a pagoda or tope, n. the w. a hog. thulapada, w. an elephant, thiilanasika, theneti, v. to steal ; "n:t, m. a thief, theyya, n. theft. thera, m. an elder, senior monk, theva, m. a diop of water. *m, adv. n thoka, adj. small, slight ; little a while, short (ligtance. iliomeli, V. (Jtho) to praise; 'ma, m; "mana, n. D n. water; *jaj n. the water-lily. dakkha, adj. clever, skilful. dakkhina, adj. right, southern, dexterous; /. a gift, offering, dakkhinapatha, in. the southern country, Deccan. dakkhineyya, adj. worthy of offerings. danda, ?n. a staff, stick, handle, stalk, stem, punishment, penalty. Dandavi pafjreti, to inflict punishment, dandadlpika, mfn. a torch, daka, dandaniti, /. the penal code, dandapala, 771. a gate-keeper, dandl, m. a mendicant, dandeti, v. (Jdand) to punish, datti, /. {J da) offering, dattu, adj. stupid dadati, deti, dajjati, v. (da) to give, grant, allow ; dinna, ppp. daddarl, m. a sort of drum, daddallati, v. to blaze, shine. daddu, m. ring-worm, daddura, m. a frog. dadhati, dahati. v. (ijdha) to put, hold, bear; hita, dadhi, n. milk curds, danu, /. mother of the asuras. danta, m. a tooth,, ivory. ppp, dasa d.nnl.n-k^tUhH, »; -poI1,^, rn . log a too(h-stick, looth-brush. cUint.ikara, Ju. a dentist. dantamaiiisa, n. gum. the dantasaiha, m. the lime, lemon. dantaliasaka, m. a sour fruit. dantavarana, n. tiie lip. danti, in. an elephant. dantuia, adj. having uneven teeth. dappa, m. dappana, m. dabba, ti. a mirror. object, thing, substance, material, wealth, pro- perty. dabbimukhadija, dabbi, /. dabbha, in. a pelican. a spoon. in. kusa grass. dama, to. (Jdam) self-subjugation, self-control. damaka, m. (Jdam) one practising self-mortitication by living on remnants of food. damatha, m. (Jdam) self-control, subjugation. damija, m. a Tamil, Dravidian. dameti, cans. Jdam) to tame, subdue, ovenome, convince. dampati, m. husband and wife. dambha, vi. pride, boasting. dammati, r. (Jdam) to be tamed, subdu,»d danta, ppp. dayati, v. (Jday) to give, allot, protect. ( ; dayii, /- mercy, dayapanna, compassion. -"apara, adj. merciful, compassionate. °al(i, dayita, ppp. {Jday) beloved;/, a dara, to. pain, suffering. darl, dala, /. woman, wife. a cavern, chasm. mn. a leaf. dali, mf. a clod of earth. dalidda, adj. poor,' needy. dava, m. f(uick motion, sport, aniu.sement, inflammation, forest. davatliu, m; davana, v. burning, heat. davata, adj. very far. davikarana, «•. melting. dasa, num. ten. dasana, m. a tooth. dasabala, in. the Buddha possessed of the ten kinds of knowledge. (I.'isa, f. the skirt or border of a garment, period, age. no dassati dassati, fntiire of dadrui. dassana, n. (Jdass) seeing, perception, insight. dassanTya, "neyya, adj. beautiful. dasseti, caus. to show, point out, daha, m. a lake. dahana, n. burning. dahara, adj. young. dallia, adj. firm, hard; n. ad,v. firmly, make dal.hayati, u. (hy(lah)to strongly. firm, ronfirm. daUiTkarana, n. making firm, stiengthening, dathii, /. a canine looth, tusk, fang. data, ppp. (Jda) conlirmation. ciil. datia, n. a sickle. dfityilha, dana, n. m. a gallinule, water-fowl. (Jda) giving, gift, charity, almsgiving, cutting, purification (Jdai). danava, m. an asura. danasonda, adj. profusely liberal, munificent, dani, adv. now. diima, n. a rope, string, wreath. dayati, v. ( Jda) to give °aka, to. giver, benefactor, donor, dayajja, to. dowry, inheritance, dayada, m. a kinsman, heir, dara, tnf. a wife; *kamma, n. marriage, daraka. m. an infant, child, boy; "rikfi, /. a girl, ; darita, ppp. (^/dar) torn, divided, split, daru, "ka, n. wood, daruna, adj. severe, terrible, dreadful, daruhalidda, /. name of a plant, dalima, to. the pomegranate tree, dava, TO. a forest. dasa, TO. a slave, servant; *vya, n. slavery, servitude, daha, to. (Jdah) burning, torment, dahajjara, to. the plague, dlkka, TO. a young elephant, dikkha, /. worship, sacrifice, to. a naked ascetic, digambara, digu, pi. the numeral dinka, to. a nit. compound in grammar, dicchati, desid. {J da) to wish to give; v. (-^dis) to see, dittha, adj. hostile, hateful; to. an enemy, ditthadhamma, of things. to. the present conditions, the present state du diilhanla, m. example, 111 illustration. (Jdis) sight, view, the eye, doctrine, opinion. ditta, adj. proud, arrogant, blazing, radiant. ditlhi, /. dittalocana, ditti, /. m. a cat. (fJdip) splendour, light. dlddha, ppp. smeared; m. a poisoned arrow. didhisu, m. a second husband. dina, n. day dinarambha, ; *kara, m. the sun. Dine dine, daily. morning; "avasana, n. evening. in. dindibha, in. a pheasant. dibba, adj. (Jdiv) celestial, heavenly, divine. dibbati, v. (^/div) to play, sport. diyaddha, num. one and a half. dilTra, diva, m. mushroom. m. ( Jdiv) the sky, heaven. divasa, win. a day. by day *kara, m. the sun. dLVabhita, m. an owl, thief, lit. day-jrightened.' divi, m. a jay. divoka, m. a deva. disa. m. an enemy; /. a country, region, point diva, adv. ; ' of the compass, m. a king. disaj>amokkha, adj. world-famous, digha, adj. long. dighanikaya, m. the long discourses of the Sutta Pitaka^ dighapitthika, wi. a snake, dighavanta, m. the Indian trumpet flower, disampati, dighasutta', adj. slow, dilatory, dighayuka, adj. long-lived, dighika, /. a moat, didhiti, /. a ray, light. dIna, adj. poor, wretched, m. a lamp; tnn. island, shelter, nibbana. dipaka, m. an island; adj. expounding, illustrating, dipakitta, n. lampblack, soot. dipakhorJ, /. a wick, dipali, /. a lights festival. dipika, /. a lamp, torch, dipi, m. a panther, dipa, dipeti, caus. (fJdip) to illuminate, illustrate, declare, publish; °pana, adj. du, pref. meaning ' bad,' ' and difficult.' n. expound, show, duka 112 duka, 11. a pair, couplet. dukula, 11. fine cloth. dukkata, dukkata, ii. (Jkar) an offence, sin. dukkara, adj. ( Jkar) difficult to perform. dukkha, ad], miserable, painful, unpleasant, pain, suffering; *ta, difficult; n. /. dukkhapeti, v. to cause to suffer, afflict; "kliita, ppp. du-gga, adj. (.J gam) difficult to pass; n, a strong-hold, bad road. du-ggata, adj. {J gam) distressed, wretched, poor; "ti, j. distress. du-ccarita, adj. (Jcai) misbehaved, ill-f:onducted ; n. conduct. dujjana, m. a bad man. duttha, ppp. (fJdus) corrupt, wicked, depraved, angry. dutfhu, adv. Ill, badly. dutthuUa, adj. wicked, lewd. dutiya, adj. second. du-ddittha, adj. (Jdis) misguided, foolish. duddina, n. a cloudy day. duddha, n. (^/duh) milk. dundubhi, m. a kettle-drum. dunnamaka, n. hemorrhoids. dubbaca, adj. (J vac) abusive, obstinate. dubbanna, adj. (Jvann) ugly. dubbala, adj. weak. dubba, /. the earliest grass. dubbinlta, adj. (Jni) uncultured, wild. dubbutthi, /. (^vas) drought. dubbhaga, adj. (bhaj) unfortunate. dubbhikkha, n. famine. duma, m. a tree. dumuppala, m. the bauhinia plant. dumbarika, /. the opposite-leaved fig tree. dummati, adj. (Jman) unintelligent, foolish. dummana, adj. sad. dummukha, adj. foul-mouthed, dummedha, adj. foolish. scurrilous. durita, n. (Ji) sin. durutta. adj. (^/vac) ill-spoken, abusive. dussa, n. cloth. dussati, ^. Udus) to offend, dussaha, adj. (Jsah) wrong; duttha, ppp. insui^^^^^Mi^MB^^^i^ mis- , dovacassa 113 dussila, adj. immoral, wicked. duhita, duta, /. a daughter. m. a messenger. dura, adj. far, distant, remote. duradassana, n. a telescope. duseti, caws. («/dus) to pollute, spoil, ruin; "saka, adj '^sana, n. deddubna, m. a water-snake. dendima, m. a kind of drum. deti, V. (is/da) to give. deva, m. a spirit, celestial being, angel, sky, king, death. devakaddama, n. fragrant ointment. devakamma, n. spirit-worship. devakuiijara, m. Sakra. devakula, n. a non-Buddhist temple, royal family. devakusuma, n. cloves. devakhata, n. (ijkhan) a natural pond, lit. dug by devas.' devatthana, n. (Jtha) a holy place, shrine. devata, /. a deva, deity, angel, spirit. devatada, "asa, m. a Cape jasmine. devadatta, m. the cousin of the Buddha. devadundubhi, to. devas drum,^ i.e. thunder. devaduta, m. a celestial messeager, messenger from death. devana, n. (»7div) sport, custom, praise. devara, m. a husband's brother, brother-in-law. nevasikarh, adv. daily. devayudha, n. the rain-bow. devalaya, m. a Hindu temple. desa, m. a place, region, country, part, side. desana, /. (Jdis) instruction, discourse, sermon. deseti, cans. (Jdis) to instruct, teach, show, preach; °saka, adj ; °sika, m. a preacher, teacher, guide, ' ' dessa, m. an enemy. deha, mn. the body; °hi, m. a creature, animal, dehada, m. mercury, dehadharaka, n. (Jdha) the bone, dehadhi, m. a wing, dehani, dehali, /. a threshold, dona, mn. a measure of capacity, doni, /. a trough, tub. coffin, domanassa, n. grief, sadness, dola, /. a swing, palanquin, dovacassa, n; *ta, /. (from dubbaca) obstinacy. dovanka 114 dovarika, m. a gale-keeper, porter. dosa, m. (^/dus) offence, crime, defect, injury, hate, anger, dosafmii, adj. (J ha) expert, wise, physician, dosina, adj- moonlit. dohati, V. (N/duh) to milk; "a, damage, m. milk duddha, ppp ; duyhati, ; pass- dohala, m. longing, desire; "!ini, /. a pregnant woman. drava, m. liquid. dravaja, m. molasses. dravarasa, dvanda, lac /• n. a couple; m. a copulative compound; *carl, m. the ruddy dvaya, adj. of two kinds; n. a pair, couple'. dvapara, n. one of the yugas or great periods. dvara, n. a door, gate, entrance, avenue. dvarakotthaka, m. gate-towers. dvarabandhana, n. the terrace before a house, house-front. dvarabaha, /. door-post. dvi, pref. two. dvikakuda, m. a camel. dvija, adj. twice-born; m. a brahmin, bird, tooth. dvijivha, adj. double-tongued, treacherous; in. a snake. dviduggama, nj. a four-legged creature. dvidhapatha, m. a road-junction, misgiving, doubt. dvipa, dvirada, m. an elephant. dvirutta, ady. (Jvac) stammering, stuttering. dva, duve, num. two. dvejjha, n. duplicity. dvejhaka, n. doubt. dharhseti, v. (Jdhariis) to fell, destroy; "saka, "si, adj. des- tructive. dhaiika, m. a crow. dhaja, m. a flag, mark, symbol; adorned with flags. dhajl, m. a dhafina, n. signaller, peacock, grain, corn; adj. "jini, /. ; °jalu, adj. brahmin, chariot. fortunate, lucky; *masa, m. measure of a grain. dhannambila, n. sour rice-gruel. dhana, n. wealth, property, treasure. dhanagama, m. revenue. dhanika, m. a lender, creditor. dhani, ; *ta, n. a sound, m an army dhaturatha 115 dhaniyaka, n. the coriander seed. dhanu, v. a bow, a measure of four cubits; ''ggaha, m. an aiclier. dhanumagga, m. a crooked road. dhanvantari, m. ihe sun. dhamaka, m. a l)lacksmith. dliamali, i'. (Jtihani) to blow (a musical instrument, elc.) a reed, dhamana, m. dhaniani, /. a vein, nerve, dlianima, inn. (>7dliar) nature, quality, piienomenon, object, thing, doctrine, law, virtue, justice, religion, the scriptures, dhammalcarana, n. a water-filler, dhammaklchandha, m. branch or unit of doctrine. dhninniatakl<a, n. wheel or dominion of tlie law, kingdom of righteousness, dhammacakkhu, n. tlie eye of the law. dhammacariya, /. dhammallha, adj. (Jlha) religious life, just, piety, righteous; m. a judge, nature, custom, habit, a rat-snalvc m. dhammani, dhammatfi, /. dhammapatanf, /. the first dammadhikara, m. a court wife, faithful wife, of justice, parliament; "ri, in. a judge, dhammasana, n. a pulpit, dhammilla, m. biaided hair, dharana, m. the sun, measure, dharaiii, f. world, rice; n. bearing, a weight the earth, dharati, v. (s/dhar) to live, dharadhara, w. a mountain, dhava, m- a husband, man. dhavaia, adj. white, glistening, dhati, /. a nurse, woman servant, dhatu, mf. primary substance, element, property of an element, remains of the body after cremation, sacred relic, metal, dhatugabbha, m. a relic-chamber, reliquary, dhatughata, n. vinegar, dhfituppadipa, m. electric light, dhatumarini, mfv. borax, dhatuyana, m. a motor car. dhaturatha, w. an electric tram-car. dhatuven ii6 dhatuveri, m. brimstone, sulphur. dhatusekhara, m. green vitriol. dhana, /. fried barley. dhani, /. the coriander plant, granary, abode. dhania, n. the body, horse, house. dharaka, m. a water-pot. dhara, /. a torrent, stream, shower, edge of a sharp instru- ment. dharadhara, m. a cloud, sword. dhavati, v. {Jdhav) to run; "ana, n. to. disrespect, reviling. dhikkara, dhiti, dhi, wisdom, fortitude- courage. knowledge, intellect inlerj. fie /. /. dhita, ; /. dhima, ! shame ! a daughter. adj. wise. dhlra, adj. wise, resolute, brave. dhlrakkhanda, m. dhlvara, vi. a buffalo. a fisherman. dhuta, ppp. (Jdhu) shaken off, removed; "anga, n. an ascetic practice. dhutta, adj. fraudulent; m. a gamester. off, removedhura, ran. a yoke, burden, trust, chief, front, head /. a load, burden. dhurandhara, m. a beast of burden, office-bearer. dhuya, adj. firm, stable, permanent, certain; adv. n. firmly. dhunati, (iJdhu) to shake v. ; dhuta, m. the wind, swindler. dhupa, m. incense. dhupati, dhupayati, v. (Jdhup) to fumigate, "pita, dhupanga, m. turpentine, dhupika, /. smoke; pitch. hoar-frost. dhuma, m. smoke, cremation of a dead body; *ketu, m. comet. dhfamika, /. dew, frost. dhumyata, m. the fork-tailed shrike. dhulaka, /. dhiili, dust. /, spit ppp. suffering pain, heated. poison. dhulikuttima, n. a mound of earlh, dhuliddhaja, to. the wind. dhusara, adj. grey. dhenu, /. a milch cow. dheyya, n. ( Jdhfi) renlm. ve.ff\on. dam. fire, namassati 117 dhevata, m. one of the Hindu musical notes. dhorani, /. a traditional saying. dhorayha, m. a beast of burden; 'sTla, endurance, dhovali, V. (Jdhav) to wash, cleanse; "ana, n infn. ; patience, "dhota, ppp. N na, neg. not. nakuta, n. the nostril. nakula, m. a miingoose. nakka, pi. a crocodile. nakkhatta, n. a star, constellation. nakha, mu. a nail of the finger or toe. nakhadarana, vi. a hawk. nakhayudha. m. a tiger, lion. naga, m. a mountain, tree. nagara, n. a town, city *sobhini, n. a harlot. nagga, adj. naked *cariya, /. going naked. nahgala, n. a plough. nanguttha, n. the tail of an animal. naccati, v. (Jnat) to dance; ''a, 11 ; °aka, adj. nata, *ka, r?. a dancer, acrobat. ; ; natapattika, /. the brinjal. nana, n. dancing (is/nat); *ka, m. a dancer, acrobat. nattha, ppp. (Jnas) lost, destroyed, ruined. natta, in. a grandson, descendant. natthu, /. nad^ti, v. nadi, /. the nose. ( Jnad) to sound, shout, roar. a river. naddha, ppp. (Jnah) bound, fastened. nananda, /. a husband's sister. nanu, a particle used in asking questions expecting an allfirniative answer, nandati, v. (Jnand) to be pleased, rejoice; "ana, n. nandi, /. ( Jnand) joy. nandi, /. a leather thong or strap, napurhsaka, adj. of no sex, of neuter gender, uabha, mn. tlie sky, the air; *cara, m. a bird, cloud, nabhi, t?i. a cart. naniakkara, m-. veneration, worship. namati, v. (Jnam)tobow, be inclined "meti, cans, [o bend. nam.issati, v, to honour, worship, revere^ "sita, ppp ; "sa,/. ; I nanuici [8 namuci, m. name of Mara. namo, m. honour, reverence, sahitatini!. nammada, /. the river Nerbudda. naya, m. (Jnl) guidance, conciucL, policy, method, ence; nayato, adv. I)y infer- implicaiion. nayati, neti, (N/ni) to lead, guide, conduct, the eye; nita, ppp. sTha, m. lion nara, m. a man ; among men, infer; °ana, n. greatest of men. naraka, m. hell. naraiiga, m. a pimple. naramalini, nala, nal.a, /. a m. a woman growing reed, cane, rush ; a beard. 'kara, m. basket maker. /. honey. nalamina, m. a prawn. nalada, nalata, n. the forehead. nalina, n. a lotus flower; "ni, /. a lotus pond. nava, num. nine; adj. new, fresh. navanita, n. butter. navamalika, /. the Arabian jasmine. navina, adj. new, fresh. navuti, nu7n. ninety. nassati, v. (Jnas) to perish, disappear; naltha, ppp. nahataka, m. (Jnha) 'bathed" i.e., one whose sins are washed away, who has finished his course of spiritual training. nahayati, v. (Jnha) to bathe; nahata, ppp. nahuta, n. a vast number. naka, m. heaven. naga, m. a serpent, snake, dragon, elephant, iron-wood tree, chief. nagajivana, m. tin. nagara, vi. a townsman, citizen. nagalata, nagavalll, /. the betel vine. nataka, m. (Jnat) a dancer. natika, /. time, hour. natya, n. (Jnat) scenic art, drama. natha, m. a protector, saviour, lord, master. nada, m. (Jnad) a sound, cry, shout. nanata, /; nanatta, n. variety, diversity. nana, mdec/. various, diverse, different ; "kara, ence. nanariipa, adj. different, various, diverse. nabhi, /. the navel, nave of a wheel^ centre, nama, adv. namely, indeed; v. a name, I'lOun. wj. clifTer- ug iiikkhipatf naniadhi-yya, v. narnej appelUition. n.-lyaka, m. i^iu) a chict, lord. naraka, in. a hell-heing, oik- i^iilTeriiig naranga, m. an oiaiige (ree. naraca, in. an iron weapon. naradlia, in. a pointed iron; narr, /. a /. in licli. a small pair of scales. woman. nala, n. ihe stalk of a water-lily, tube. nalT, na!i, a sialk, tube, pipe, a measure of rapacily. f. m. nalinilhania, goldsmith. a nalipatia, m. a covering lor the head, caj). navS, /. a ship, boat; "pakkha, navika, w. a sailor, pilol. nasa, in- ( Jnas) loss, ruin. nasanahga, n. a sin in. a sail. involving expulsion from ihe Order. nasa, n;isika,/. the nosenajikera, m. the cocoanut tree. ni, and before vowel a nir, prcf. with a negative or pri- \ati\o force, nikata, near. cJ(//. nikalthe, adv. loc. near, shortly, soon, nikata, pfp. (Jkav) base, ignoble, stingy; fraud, nikanti, ''ti, /. baseness.. (N/kam) desire, wish. /. nikara, m. a multitude, quantity, m. a touchstone, whetstone, nikameti, :. (Jkam) to long" for, care hw, desire; nikasa, °ma, hi. desire; man'i, adv. voluntarily, willingly, nikilya, m. a multitude, collection, group, house, nikasa, adv- resembling, nikiitha, adj. \ile, base, low. at/;, overturned, upside down, nikunja, mn. a thicket, bower, na, n. a. house, dwelling, nikei.i. nt : mkujjita, nikkaddii^ti. ^- (N/kadcih) to e.xpei, dismiss, cast out. nikka.sfua, adj. free from sin. nd<kesa, adj. bald, nikkha, »ni. gold, gold ornament, nikhanati, r. (^/khan) to dig, bury; />/)/). nikhata. nikkhamati, V- (-^kam) to go out, set out, depart; nikkhanta. p/)/) ; ''a, nikkhipati, deposit w V. ; ; 'ana, n. (Jkhip) to put down, throu "ana, h. nikkhepa, m. deposit ; aside, tiikHiitta, keep, ppp. nikhila 120 nikhila, adj. entire, all. nigacchati, v. (Jgani) to enler, undergo. nigantha, m. a naked ascetic. nigadati, v. {J gad) to tell, declare, explain; "a, m. speech. nigama, ni. a lijwn, the Veda. nigaja, m. a chain, tetter. niguhita, ppp- {Jguh) covered, concealed. nigganhati, v. (sfgah) to subdue, coerce, rebuke, punish; niggahita, °hana, «; niggaha, m. coercion, punishment ; ppp ; nigg^yha, ger. niggata, ppp. (Jgam) departed, gone out. niggundl, /. name of a shrub, nigghosa, m. noise, uproar, nigrodha, to. the banyan tree, nigha, m. a tree. nighandu, m. a vocabulary, lexicon, dictionary, nighateti, v. to kill, destroy, sheep, heap, accumulation, nicita, ppp. (Jci) piled up. nicula, m, a kind of evergreen tree, niiika, to. a sort of deer, nicaya, to. (J'ci) a nicca, adj. perpetual, lasting, niccala, adj. firm, steady, nicchaya, in. (is/ci) immovable, decision, conviction, ascertainment, niccharati, v. (Jcar) to proceed, go out. Ydcarh *,to utter speech, nicchinali, °ita, nija, adj. v. (Jci) to ascertain, decide, resolve, inquire; ppp. own. nijigirhsati, v. to wish to take, covet; "sana, /; "sita, adj. nijjata, adj. disentangled, nijjara, adj. not growing old ; m. a deva. nijjivha, to. a water-fowl, nijjhara, m. a cascade, nijjhana, n. insight, perception, nittha, (Jtha) completion, end, disappearance. Nittham come to a conclusion, nitthati, v. (Jtha)to finish, terminate; nitthita, ppp ; "ana, n. /. gacchati, to nitthubhati, v. to spit out. nitthura, adj. harsh, hard, niddha, n. a nest. ninnaya, m. decision, inquiry, consultation, nitamba, m. the buttocks, slope of a hill or bank. nipatha I2i adv. everytime. not flat,' spherical. nittharatii v. to get across, escape; "ana, n; nitthinna, ppp. nitthunati, v. (ijthun) to bewail. nida, m. poison. nidasseti, v. (Jdis) to point out, show, indicate, advise; tiitaraifi, nittala, adj. ' °sana, n. (Jdah, dha) to deposit, enget. nidhaya, ppp nidagha, m. the hot season, drought, heat. nidana, n. origin, source, introduction. nididdhika, /. a sort of the egg-plant. niddaya, adj. merciless. niddara, adj. painless. nidda, /. sleep, slumber, sloth. nidahati, nidadhati, nidheti, shrine, hide ; nihita, t;. ; niddayati, v. to sleep ; "ana, n. "aslll, adj. sleepy, slothful. niddalu, niddisati, v. (»Jdis) to point out, mention, describe, explain; "ittha, ppp; niddesa, m. niddhana, adj. poor. niddhamati, v. to remove, get rid of; niddhanta, PpPniddharana, n. singling out, specifying. niddhunaka, n. throwing about the hands in eating. niddhota, ppp. (Jdhav) washed, clean, niddhana, mn. death. nidhana, n. depositing, treasure, receptacle, store; *vsi, adj. precious, nidhi, m. (Jdha) a receptacle, treasure, nidhura, m. a bracelet. ninada> m. (ijnad) noise, nindati, v. (/nind) to blame, despise, ninda, /. blame, abuse, reproach, nindu, /. mother of a still-born child. ninna, adj. lowlying; n. depth, low ground; *ga, /. a river- ninnaya, m. certainty, ninnahuta, n. a high numeral, ninnada, «i. (^ynad) echo, ninnejaka, m. a washerman, nipa, mn. a waterpot. nipaka, adj. experienced, prudent, mature, nipaccati, pass. (Jpac) to be settled) laid down, nipaccakara, vi. subjection, servitude, m. (.ypath) reading, studying, reader. nipatha, nipatha, ; nipatati 122 down, descend, rush about. nipanna, ppp. (Jpad) lying down. nipata, m. (J pat) descending, a particle or indeclinable. nipatati, v. (N/pat) to fall nipuna, adj. subtle, clever, abstruse. nippakka, adj. (^/pac) boiled, infused. nippajjati, 'l;.(^/pad)lobe accomplished, succeed; nipphanna, ppp. nippava, m. winnowing, clearing, nippileti, v. (Jpi!) to vex, oppress; °!ana, n. nippesika, m. a slanderer, nipphala, adj. fruitless, useless. nipphadeti, cans. (Jpad) to accomplish, perform; °dana, n; °dita, ppp. nibaddharh, adv. continually, constantly, alv/ays. nibandhati, v. (Jbandh) to bind, continue; °a, m; "ana, n. nibba, n. the eaves of a roof, nibbattati, v. (Jvatt) to spring up, arise, be born; °a, ppp; °ana, n; nibbatti, /. birth, nibbana, *tha, nibbana, adj. free from the corruptions, sins, nibbandhati, v. (Jbandh) to press hard, keep a firm hold on. nibbati, nibbayati, v. ( Jva) to be extinguished or calm, cease nibbuta, ppp. nibbana, v. (Jva) arhantship, sanctity, cessation of human passion, nibbikara, adj. unchanged, free from emotion, nibbikkheparti, adv. without confusion, nibbijjati, v. (s/vid) to be disgusted, wearied of the world, nibbijjhati, v. (Jvidh) to pierce, transfix, wound; nibbiddha, ppp. nibbida, (Jvid) disgust or weariness of the world, i>. (Jvid) to be disgusted, wearied of the world; nibbinna, ppp. nibbuddha, n. wrestling, /. nibbindati, nibbuti, /. peace ; tranquillity, calm. nibbetheti, v. (Jveth) to untwist, unravel, nibbedheti, cans. (iJvidh) to pierce, deny; "thana, n. penetrate; "dha, to; "dhaka, adj. nibbematika, adj. unanimous, nibbesa, m. wages, salary, nibbharaiii, adv. excessively, nibha, adj. ardently, resembling, nima, m. a short stake driven in the ground to mark the of a building or to catch something stretched out. like, site nirakula 123 nimantett, v. (Jmant) to invite, offer; nimantana, n, nimi, m. the circumference of a circle. nimitta, n. a sign, mark, token, reason. m. the closing of the nimisa, moment. eyes, a nimileti, v. to close the eyes. nimba, m. the nimb tree. nimbuka, in. the orange tree. nimmathitai, ppP- (J math) stirred, agitated. nimmaddeti, v. (J mad) to crush, subdue; "dana, n. ntmmanthya, adj. to be stirred or rubbed. nimmala, adj. stainless. nimmata, m. (Jma) a creator. nimminati, nimmayati, v. (Jma) to create, fashion, make; nimmita, Ppp. nimmujjati, v. to sink, plunge, dive nimmugga, ppp. nimmoka, m. the slough or cast-off skin of a snake, ; niya, adj. own. niyata, ppp. (Jyam) fixed, certain, temperate, assured, niyati, /. destiny, fate, niyanta, to. a guide, steersman. niyameti, -o. (Jyam) to niyama, m. way, fix, ordain, restran ; °ma, m; "mana,?!. manner, fixed order; *ka, m. a sailor, helmsman, nijrutta, ppp. attached, joined, m. a bracelet. niyoga, w» (•^yuj) injunction, niyura, niyojeti, order, appointment, cans. (»/yuj) to appoint, enjoin, ordain, decree; "jana, n. niyyati, v. (iJya) to go out, depart, niyyadeti, caus, to restore, give back, nijryana, n. (Jya) setting out, departure, niyyanika, adj. leading out to salvation, niyyasa, m. gum, resin, juice, niyyuha, m. a crest, clothes-peg, gum, sap, door, niraggala, adj. unobstructed, nirata, ppp. (J ram) pleased, delighted, nirattha, *ka, adj. useless, vain, nirantaraiti, adv. without interval, continuously, niraya, to. hell. niravasesa, adj. without a reminder) nirasana, n. rejection ; adj. fasting, nirakati, /. rejection, contradiction, nirakula, adj. undisturbed, tranquil. all. nira tanks ,.. 124 nirataiikoi, adj. free niratapa, /. niramaya, adj. safe. liealtliy. adj. niramisa, from disquieU nighl. free from fleshy tlie needs of the world, disinterested, (Jrudfi) to cease, perish; niruddha, ppp. glossology, derivation of words, ninijjhati,-.'. niriitti, /. nirupakara, adj. useless, niroja, adj. tasteless, m. (Jrudh) cessation, nibbana. nilaya, "i. a dwelling, abode, nest. nilina, ppp. niliyati, v. (-Jli) to settle down, alight, hide; nirodha, shameless, nillajja, adj. m. (Jleh) nilleliaka, licking, nillopa, TO. (^/lup) plundering, nivattati, v. (-'vatt) to turn back, return, depart, halt, cease; °ana, ?i ; nivatta, ppp: nivatti, /. nivattha, ppp. (Jvas) dressed, nivara, /. a virgin. nivasati, v. (Jvas) to dwell, live; nivuttha, ppp. nivaha, m. a i-nultitude, quantity, nivata, m. nivapa, lowliness, meekness, to. spirit-oflfering, charity, provision, food, nivara, to. prevention. nivareti, to -v. keep off, prevent, hinder, ; "rana, n. abode. nivaseti, v. to put on, dress; cans. (Jyas) to cause to dwell. nivisati, v. (Jvis) to Settle, enc;\mp; nivittha, pppnivuta, ppp- hindered, surrounded, liivasa, to-; *na, n. residence, nivuttha, ppp- (x/vas) inhabited, nivedeti, cans- (Jvid) to inform, 11; "di, announce, relate; "dana, adj. niveseti, cans. (-Jvis) to introduce, place, establish, build; "sana, n. residence, nisagga, nisajja, to. natural state, nature, /. (Jsad) sitting, session, nisada, mj. a grindstonee. nisanti, /. careful attention, w. observation, consequence, nisammakarl, adj. careful, cercumspect. nisa, /. night; *kara, m. the moon; *cara, m. a ghost, thief. nisajala, n. frost, dew. nisada, vi. n musical note^—SQiiiijdl nisanda, result, — nigha nisadassT, nisadi, /. 125 m. a cat, tiger, owl. evening. nisameti, cans, to attend, listen to, mind, observe nisaratana, m. the moon. nisita, ; "mana, n, ppp- sharpened, whetted. nisinua, ppp. (Jsid) seated, settled. nisTtha, m. midnight. nisidati, v. (VsTd) to sit nisiidana, down, settle, alight ; "ana, n. destroying, slaughter. 77. to prevent, prohibit, dissuade; nisedha, »n; "dhana, ?j. nisevati, :'. (Jsev) to serve, follow, practise, resort to. nisedheti, v. nissatiisaya, adj. undoubted, certain, nissakka, vi. the ablative case, nissakkana, n. going out. nissagga, m. giving up, abandonment, give up, abandon, surrender; "ana, n. (.Jsaj) nissajjati, v. {Jsaj) to nissatta, adj. unsubstantial, powerless, m. a sound, noise, nissanda, m. consequence, result, nissaya, m. shelter, help, protection, nissana, nissayati, v. (Jsi) to requisite, gloss, depend on, belong to. depart, escape; "ana, n. departure, salvation, outcome, result, nissaya, ger. (•Jsi) dependent upon, near, on account of. nissarati, 7J. (is/sar) to nissara, adj. sapless, nissarana, n. expulsion, nissava, m. the scum of boiled rice, nissasa, m. (^/sas) breath, nissita, ppp. to; *ka, (i^si) m. dependent on, connected with, devoted a pupil, adherent, nissirlka, adj. inglorious, unfortunate, ill-fated, nisslma, adj. outside the boundary, nissila, adj. irreligious, nisseni, /. a ladder, stairs, nissesa, adj. (Jsis) without a remainder, all, entire ; *to, adv. entirely, nihanti, v. (^han) to destroy, put an end to, settle; ppp. (^/han). nihita, ppp- (Jdha)laid down, treasured up. nihlna, ppp. (Jha) low, vile, mean, nihiyati, pass. ( Jha) to deteriorate, decay, nlgha, m. grief, suffering, woe. nihata, "'<=* 126 nica, adj. low (not high), inferior. nicabhojja, m. onion. natural meaning. nita, ppp. Utii) led, inferred; "attha, polity ; *sattha, n. nfti, /. ( Jnl) guidance, behaviour, pratice, statesmanship, m. a species of asoka tree, nira, n. water. nlla, adj. dark blue, blue-green, nilagiva, m. a peacock, nilabha, in. the moon, beetle, nlpa, nllaloha, n. steel, m. a whip-snake, moss, indigo, nill, /. the indigo plant, nilasappa, nllika, /. nilinl, nivarana, n. (Jvar) hindrance, obstaclenivara, m. wild paddy, nlsara, m. a niharati, blanket, curtain, v. (Jhar) to draw out, remove, release ; "ana, n; nihata, ppp. nihara, m. way, manner, fog, frost. nu, indecl. now, pray I wonder. (Jnud) to dispel, remove, put away ppp; °ana, n; °a, "aka, adj. ! nudati, v. ; nutta, nunna, nuta, ppp. praised. nuti, /. praise. nutana, adj. new, fresh. niimi, /. the prickly-pear. nuna, adv. surely, I suppose. nupura, m. an anklet. neka, *ka, adj. several, many. nekatika, adj. fallacious, dishonest. nekayika, adj. versed in the Nikayas. nekkhamma, n. («ykam) forsaking, renouncing the world, entering the monkhood. negama, m. a townsman, trader, produce. neta, m. (Jni)a guide, leader. neti, see nayati. netta, n. the eye; *tara, /. the pupil of the eye. nettika, to. one who makes conduits for irrigating rice-fields. nettiriisa, adj. merciless; m. a sword. nepakka, n. prudence, discrimination. nepaccha, n. adornment of the person, costume. nepuiifia, n. cleverness. 127 pakkamati nemi, /. the circumference of a wheel. nemittaka, m. a fortune-teller. neyyayika, m. a student of the Nyaya philosophy, dailecticina. nerayika, m. a hell-being, one suffering in hell, neru, m. Meru. neruttika, m. an etymologist, philologist, nevasailrianasanna, sciousness. /. neither consciousness nor hon-coii- rievasika, adj. (Jvas) inhabiting, nesajjika, n. practice of the sitting posture, m. a hunter, fisherman, nesada, nela, adj, innocent, blameless, no, indecl. no, not plural of the no ce, adv. if ; pron. a substitute for the oblique cases person pronoun, first not. nonita, n. see navanita. nyasa, nharu, m. a deposit, pledge, mortgage, multitude, mn. a vein, artery. paihsu, nt. dust, dirt; *kulika, m. one who wears clothes made of rags taken from a dust heap, pa, pref. meaning pakaroti, "O. away.' pakattha, adj. excellent, eminent, prominent, pakanda, m. the trunk of a tree. pakati, /. origin, natural state, the crude stem of a word, pakampita, ppp. (Jkamp) shaken, pakarana, «• dissertation, thesis, literary composition, pakara, m. ' forth', * (ijkar) to make, perform, sort, kind, pakasati, v. («/kas) to manner, become explain, declare; "sana, ti; clear,. visible; "seti, caus, to "saka, adj. pakinnaka, adj, particular, miscellaneous, pakitteti, v. (.>/kitt) to proclaim, pakujjhati, v. ( Jkudh) to be angry, pakuppati, v. (iJkup) to be angry, pakottha, m. the fore-arm. pakoti, /• a high numeral. pakopa, m. (h/kup) anger, fury, ebullition, effervescence, pakka, ppp, (<v/pac) cookedi mature, ripe, pakkamati, v, (Jkara) to depart, start, set out; "ma, m. pakkosati 128 pakkosati, v. (^/kus) to call, summon, send for; "ana, /. pakkha, m. a cripple, wing, side, faction, fortnight. pakkhantara, adj. of the opposite parly, changeable.^ pakkhandati,t).(Jkhand) to.spring forth; "nta, ppp pakkhandika, /. diarrhoea, dysentery. pakkhandi, adj. bold, braggart. ; ana, n. pakkhapata, m. paialytic attack. pakkhapasa, m. the kyestone of a roof, duck's feather. pakkhabilala, m. a flying fox. pakkhalati, v. (^/khal) to trip, stumble, stagger. pakkhaleti, v. to wash, cleanse. pakkhika, adj. belonging to a party; m. a fowler. pakkhipati, t). (Jkhip) to throw, insert; interpolate; "itta ppp. pakkhi, TO. a bird. pakkhepa, TO;*na, n. insertion, interpolation, pakhuma, n. an eyelash, pagabbha, adj. impudent, forward, bold, pagamana, n. (Jgam) moving off, going away, paguna, adj. straight, familiar, known by heart "am to learn by heart, pagumba, m. forest, jungle, ; karcti, page, adv. in the morning, early, pageva, adv. much more, paggaiihati, v. (is/gah) to hold out, exert, grasp, favour, uphold, support; paggahita, ppp. paggaha, to. (ijgah) energy, striving, favour, patronage, paggharati, v. (Jghar) to ooze, trickle; "ana, n. paghana, to. a covered terrace before a house, panka, mn. mud, sin; *ja, n. a lotus; *danta, m. a hermit, pahkeruha, n. a lotus, pangu, *la, adj. lame, crippled, pacaodati, v. {Jcand) to be furious, pacati, V. {^Ipac) to cook,, dress, food; paccati, pass, to be tormented; "ana, n; pakka, pacita, ppp. pacaya, to. (n/cI) a heap, accumulation, pacara, m. (J car) wandering, a road, pacala, adj. ( Jcal) shaking, trembling, pacalayika, /. nodding, dozing, paca, /. (^ipac) ripeness, maturity, pacita, TO. (tVpac) a cook. pacinati, v. (jci) to gather, pick, collect; pacessati, fut. pacura, adj. much, many, frequent. 129 paccupatthana paccakkosali, v. (Jkus) "ana, n. to revile in return, recriminate; paccakkha, adj. visible, evident, present, paccakkhati, v. (Jkha) to refuse, deny, repudiate; "ana, n. paccaggha, adj. new. paccaiiga, n. minor limb, minor requisite, paccatta, adv. singly, individually, paccattharana, n. (Jthar) a carpet, cushion, mat. paccatthika, adj. hostile, adverse ; m. an enemy, paccanlka, adj. hostile, adverse, paccambhoti, v. (JbhCi) to enjoy one by one. paccanta, adj. bordering on, adjacent "aiii, adv. finally, paccantima, adj. bordering on, adjacent, paccaya, m. cause, requisite, motive, conviction, tl'ust, gram; matical affix, paccayakara, m. causal chain, chain of causation, paccayika, adj. trusting, trusworthy. paccarl, /. a raft, paccavekkhinti, 7;. (N/ikkh) to reflect, contemplate, look at; "ana, n. paccagacchati, v. (Jgam) to return; "gamana, n. paccacikkhati, v. (Jcikkh) to repudiate, reject, paccajayati, v. (Jja) to be reborn, paccadana, n. (Jda) taking back. pacCadesa, m. (Jdis) refusal, rejection, paccamitta, m. an enemy, adversary, paccaya, m. revenue, tax. paccavattana, n. (Jvatt) retreating, receding, paccaroceti, v. (J rue) to say in return, pnccasanna, adj. near. paccasa, /. hope, expectation. paccasiriisati, v. (Jsaifis) to desire, expect, look for. paccahaih, adv. daily, paccaharati, v, (Jhar) to bring back, take back; "hara, m. refusal, paccuggacchati, v. {tjgam) to go out to meet, set out; ''gamana, n. paccutthati, v. ( Jtha) to rise (in token of respect), reappear ; "ana, n. paccuttara, n. reply. paccudavattati, v. (pati + ud + a Jvatl) to retreat, paccupakara, m. (pati + upa Jkar) service in return, requital, paccupatthana, «. manifestation, visible appearance. paccupatthapeti 130 provide, v. (pati + upas/tha) to ppp. imminent, approaching, paccupatthapeti. "thita, obtain; paccuppanna, /i/ip. (pali 4- udJpad) existing, ready, present, «i. morning, dawn, paccuha, ?n. an obstacle. pacceka, adj. (pati + elva) single, each one, individual, pacceti, v. (patiJi) to return, come back; patita, ppp. paccusa, paccoriihati, v. (pati + ON/ruh) to come down again, paccosakkati, v. to retreat, pacchada, m. (Jehad) cover, awning. paccha, pacchato, adv. behind, back, afterwards, westwards, pacchatapa, m; pacchanutapana, n. (J tap) repentance, remorse, pacchanipati, adj. retiring to bed after another, pacchanubandha, m. {^/bandh) closely following, pacchabandha, m. rudder-box. pacchabhattari:, adv. after meal, in the afternoon, pacchabhattika, m. one who eats a late meal, Jbhaj) the hind quarters, westward, pacchaya, fn. a dense shade, pacchasamana, m. an attendant novice, pacchilbliaga, to. pacchamukha, pacchi, /. ( adj. looking a basket. pacchijjati, pass. (Jchid) to be cut off, to cease; "inna, ppp. pacchima, adj. last, western- pajappa, m. (Jjapp) muttering, jabbering, pajahati, v. (JhH) to forsake, give up, escape; pahina, ppp. paja, /. progeny, race, mankind, pajana, n. (Jfia) knowledge, know, understand, discern; pajanati, v. (Jfia) to paiifiata, paiiniiyati, pass. PPP; pajfipati, m. Brahman, Mara; /. a wife. pajja, m. dress, road; n. a verse, water for the feet, pajjalati, v. (-Jjal) to burn, blaze, pajjunna, m. a cloud, pajjotati, V. (,ijut) to shine; 'a, to. light, "aka, adj. panca, num. pancagutta, five, 7U. a tortoise. paficasikha, to. name of a lieavenlv musician, paficassa, to. a lion, paficapa, to/w. the Punjab, pafijara, mn, a cage, frame. lamp, lustre; ; paticchada hands pafijalika, adj. raising the joined 131 to the forehead in salutation. paiiiiatti, /. derlaration, enactment, ordinance, precept, regu- lation. parina, wisdom, understanding. mark, sign, knowledge. paniiapeti, (caus. pajdnfiti) to make known, declare, appoint (^/^a) knowledge, /. paiifiajia, n. a pafinatta, ppp. be known, paiifiayati, {pass. pajanCiti) to to appear, exist. num. fifty. panha, m. a question. pata, mn. cloth, garment. paiifiasa, patanga, w. a moth, grasshopper. patala, n. a covering, membrane, thatch, heap. pataha, m. a kettledrum. pati, pref. towards, against, back, in return. patikankhati, v. (N/kankh) to expect, await. patikamma, n. cure, repairs, atonement. patikaroti, v. (Jkar) to make amends, repair; "kara, n. patikassana, n. drawing back. patika, white woollen cloth. /. patikujjeti, v. to cover (as a bowl.) patikutati, v. (Jkut) to bow, bend. patikkamati, v. ppp ; (Jkam)to "a, TO. retreat, depart, step back "kanta, ; reverse order. patikkQla, adj. contrary, disagreeable. patikkosati, v. {^/kus) to blame, revile, scorn; "ana, n. ' patikkhanarh, adv. every moment. patikkhipati, 0. (Jkhip) to refuse, oppose; "khepa, m. patikhamapita, ppp. ( Jkham) forgiven in return. patiganhati, v. (i>/gah) to take, receive, welcome, assent "ggahana, n; "ggaha, patigha, mn. anger, m; "ggahita, ppp. hatred. patighata, m. concussion, repulsion. patighosa, m. (ijghus) echo. paticikkhati, v. (^ycikkh) to resolve. paticodeti, caws. (-Vcud) to blame, reprove. paticca, gcr. (Ji) on account paticcasamuppada, m. of, by reason of. chain of causation, causal genesis. padcchati, v. (J is) to take, receive. paticchada, m. (Jehad) a covering, shelter. ; paticchadeti 132 paticchadeti, v. (N/cliad) to cover, conceal, deny, clothe oneself "channa, ppp; 'dak-d., adj ; °dana, n; "daniya, n. soup, the flavour of meat. paticchaya, /. an image, photograph. patijaggati, v. to watch over, look after, tend; "ana, v. ; patijanati, v. (Jna) to acknowledge, confess, approve, cognize; patinnata, ppp. patiiina, /. ( Jna) agreement, promise, to redeem one's promise. vow "nam re- moceti, ; palidanda, m. retribution. patidadati, patideti, v. (Jda) to give in return, restore. paiideseti, cans. (Jdis) to confess. patinandati, v. (^/nand) to welcome, express gratification. m. image, patinidhi, likeness. patinivedeti, cans, (is/vid) to announce, bring back news. patinissagga, m. forsaking. patinissajjeti, cans. (Jsajj) to forsake, renounce patipakkha, m. an opponent, enemy, hostility. patipajjati, ; "attha, ppp. ii.(Jpad)to enter upon, follow, pratise "panna, ; ppp. (Jnam) to bend down again. (Jpad) performance, practice, conduct. patipatha, m. a confronting road. patipadam, adv. step by step, in due order. patipanameti, v. patipatti, /. patipada, the /. accessi path, progress, conduct, the first day of waxing moon. patipatij /. succession, order. patipada, 7M. a support, foundation; *na, n. (»/pad) im- parting. patipuggala, m. a rival. patipucchati, v. (^Jpucch) to inquire, counter-question /; "ana, n. ;''cha, palipilana, n. (Jpil) pressing, punching. palippassambhati, "saddha, Ppp 7). ; (Jsambh) to be calmed, to subside; °ana, n. palibaddha, ppp. (Jbadh) bound, obstructed. patibala, adj. competent, adequate. patibimba, n. a reflection, image. patibahati, °heti, v. (.Jvah) to reject, put away, avert n. patibujjhati, v. (^budh) to awake; "bodha, m. patibhaya, adj. terrible, fearful. ; "hana, ; patisartkhati 133 patibhaga, m. an enemy, one who is of the opposite party adj. equal, similar. paUbliHti, V. (is/bha.) to appear, occur. patihhana, »». ready wit, repartee, prompt speech. patibhu, in, a surety. patima, /. counterpart, image, picture. Appatima, adj. matchless. palimSseti, v. (Jmas) to explore, search. patimukha, adj. opposite, patimuiicati, v, (Jmuc) to at hand, present. put on, fasten, bind, accoutre; "ukka, ppp. patiyadeti, v. (Jyat) to prepare, provide; "yatta, ppp. patirava, m. (x/ru) echo. patilabhati, v. (Jlabh) to receive, regain; "labha, m. acquisition. patilekhana, n. (Jlikh) a reply letter. patiloma, adj. contrary, reverse. pativacana, n. (J vac) answer, rejoinder. to roll someting against, v. (Jvatt) knock, pafivatteti, strike. patvadati, v. (Jvad) to answer, retort; "vatta, m. one answers. pativasati, v. {»/vas) to dwell, live. who pativakya, n. (Jvac) reply. pativana, n. opposition, resistance. pativatarii, adv. against the wind. palivirhsa, m. portion. (Jvidh) to penetrate, split, acquire, mas»; "iddha, ppp. pativibhatta, ppp. (Jbhaj) divided, distributed. pativineti, v. ( Jni) to subdue, repress. pativijjhati, v. ter; "ana, (Jnud) to remove, dismiss; (Jram) abstinence. pativinodeti, v. pativirati, /. "dan.i, >?. pativiruddha, ppp- (Jrudh) hostile, opposed. pativissaka, adj. neighbouring. pativedeti, v. (iJvid) to announce, assist. pativedha, vi. (Jvidh) penetration, comprehension. patisarhyutta, "saiifiutta, ppp- (-Jyuj) connected with. patisatiiharati, v. (Jhar) to draw back, fold, patisankharoti, v. («/kar) to repair, mend, m; change. restore; "khara, "rana, n. patisankhati, v- (/>/kha)to reflect, meditate; °ana, n. patisancikkhati J34 paiisancikkhaii, v. (Jc\kkh) to consider, revolve a matter mind, in the m. an enemy, patisattu, patisanlharati. v. (Jtliar) to greet, be to ; mv- (Jdha) favourably disposed °thara, paiisandaiiati, patisama, adj. equal to he reiiorn, conceive: 'dhi, m. to. patisambhida, /. (^/bhid) discrimination, analysis, patisammajjati, v. (Jmaj) to sweep over again, patisammodana, n. (Jmud) friendly greeting in return, paiisamvedeti, "diyati, v. (Jvkl) to feel, experience, enjoy, perceive; "vidita, ppp ; "dl, adj. patisarana, n. refuge, help, defence. patisameti, v. <Jsam) to put away, set in order; "mana, n. patisari, adj. trusting in, leaning on. patisiddha, ppp- (Jsidh) forbidden, patisunati, v. («/su) to assent,, reply, patisedheti, v. (N/sidh) to prohibit, ward off, restrain; "dhana, n. patisevati, v. (Jsev) to receive, practise; "ana, n. patisotaiti, adv. against the stream. Vivi, adj. willpatissava, m. ( Jsu) assent, promise, reply ; ing, ready. paii, coarse cloth, canvas. sharp, skilful, sensible, /. adj. patu, healthy; *bhava, m. skill. m. a species of cucumber. m. a strip, slip, riband, tablet, patola, patta, slab, cloth, bandage, turban. pattaka, m. a cloth. pattana, n. a port, seaport, pattika, a slip, tablet, bandage, ribbon. /• patthapeti, v. ( Jtha) to establish, furnish, provide, set going patthana, n. (iJtha) departure, origin, causal relation. patthaya, ger. beginning from, since, from. pathati, v. ( Jpath) to read. pathama, pathavi, adj. first, earliest, best. /. the earth. pana, m. a bet, wager, hire, wealth, trade, shop. panaka, m. a water-plant, moss. panakha, m. the tip of a finger. panaganthi, m. house-bazaar. panamati, v. (Jnam) to bend; panata, ppp. patitnandita 135 panaya, )H. allection, confidence. panava, m. a small drum or tabor. patiama, m. bending, salutation. panall, a runnel, water-pipe. /. panidahati, direct (Jdha) "dheti, v. panihita, ; ppp ; " wish for, pray, aspire dhana, n °dhi, m. to to, ; panipatati, v. to prostrate oneself; "p^ta, to. paniya, adj. saleable. panita, {ppp- paneti) accomplished, exalted, excellent, paneti, v. to bring, accomplish, perform, pandaka, »i. a eunuch, pandara, adj. white, pale, yellowish. pandava, m. a descendant of Pandu, name of a mountain, panda, /. knowledge, wisdom, pandicca, n. scholarship, learning, pandita, adj. wise, learned; *ka, in. a pedant, pandu, adj. light yellow; *kanibala, in. Sakka's throne; *roga, m. jaundice, panna, in. a leaf, epistle, pannatti, see pannatti. paiinasala, /. a leaf-hut, hermitage, paanakara, m. a present. paiinasalia, n. a collection of fifty, pannuvlsati, panha, n. num. twenty -five, morning, panhi, mf. the heel; adj. variegated, patanga, patanta, m. a bird, patati, V. (Jpat) to fail, alight, patatta, n. a wing, a flag, banner, patapa, m. (Jtap) heat, majesty, patapana, m. one of the eight hells, pataka, /. patarana, n. elevation, aggrandisement, patareti, caus. (»Jtar) to mislead, deceive, pati, in. master, lord, husband, patikittha, ppp' contemptible, vile, interior, patikula, n. husband's family, giving medicine, remedying, i'Jg'i) to approve, permit, patitthati, patitthahati, v. (Jtha) to stand tifmly, fix, svt up; "tha, /. fixity, stay, asylum; "ana, n; "thita, ppp. patibbata, /. a devoted wife. patimai?4ita, PPP\ (i^nlaij<^) adorned, decoratedi patikriya, patiginati, /. <)• patimanteti 1^6 (Jmant) patimanteti, v. to discuss, refute. patimaneti, caus. to reverepatirupa, adj. suitable, proper; *ka, adj.^ resembling. patisallana, n. (^li) solitude, seclusion; "lina, ppp. patisibbati, v. (^/siv) to sew, embroider. patisunfta, a widow. /. patissata, ppp. thoughtful, recollecting. patissaya, m. i>Jsi) a house, dwelling. patissa, patTcT, assent, obedience. /. the west. /. patfra, n. a shore, bank. Jtud) a goad. monk's bowl; n. a wing, leaf; *pani, m. mendicant. patoda, patta, m.. ( HI. a a pattakalla, n. timeliness, seasonableness. pattaiiga, n. red sandal. pattapindikanga, n. the ascetic practice of eating out of one dish only. pattapufa, n. a small basket made of leaves. pattapuppha, m. a croton plant. pattayana, m. a birdpattanika, n. infantry. a foot soldier; patti, tn. pattidana, n. sharing /. (Jap) attainment, gain. of one's merit, transfeience of merit. m. an arrow. pattunna, n. woven silk cloth. pattha, m. a measure of capacity, table-land on a mountaintop adj. secluded, solitary. patthaddha, adj. stilT, stark. patthana, /. desire, wish, prayer, aspiration. patti, ; pattharati, v. ppp ; < "a., paithavana, /. Jthar) to spread, strew, overspread; patthata, m. a flat surface. a prologue. patthiva, m. a king. pattheti, patthayati, v. m. a path, patha, pathaddhi, /. ft. Jatth) to wish for, pray. way. a street, thoroughfare. pathavi, pathika, pada, ( road, course, m. a traveller. step, stride, footprint, trace, track, rank, abode, business, part, foot of sentence, the foot. padaka, w. an etymologist. mark, site, office, a stanza ; m. word, I37 papacla padcikkhina, m/n. walking round a person or tfiing on one's right in salutation, padaga, m. a foot-soldier, padacetiya, n. a holy foot-print, padatthana, n. a proximate cause padara, m. a plank, crevice, chasm, padavi, /• a roadpadahati, v. ( Jdha) to strive, exert, padati, m. a pedestrian, peon, foot-soldier, padana, »v (Jda) giving, imparting, padanuga, m. a follower, attendant, padaleti, caus. (iJdal) to break, burst, tear, padika, m. a pedestrian, foot-soldier. padipa, m. ( Jdip) a lamp *ka, adj. illustrating, explaining, ; padipeti, v. (»ydTp) to kindle, paduttha, ppp- (t/dus) corrupt, wicked, lotus, name of a hell, a high numeral; *ka, paduma, mn. a n. a lotus ornament in architecture, padumaraga, in. red ruby, padumini, /. the lotus plant, padumuttara, m. one of the Buddhas. padussati, v. (Jdus) to be corrupt, wicked; 'ana, n. a place, spot, region, country, padodaka, n. water for the feet. padesa, in. padosa, ni. ( paddhaf, /. Jdus) fault, sin, twilight, a road, line. padhana, adj. principal, pre-eminent pana, adv. now, but, however, panatta, in. a grandson, panasa, m. the jack tree, panali, /. ; n. exertion, striv ing. water course, gutter, pipe- panudati, d. (Jnud) to remove, dispel; °unna, ppp; 'ana, n. panta, m. border, verge, end. panti, /. a row, range, seriespantha, m. a road; *dusaka, in. a highway robber; ''thika, in. a traveller, panna, ppp. fallen, gone- pannalia, m. a snake, pannarasa, num. papanceti, fifteen, v. to linger, tarry, delay, down, papatati. v. (J pat) to fall papada. m. the ihe foot, toe. lip of fall ca, m. from; "ana, n. papa 138 papa, a shed oh the roadside where travellers are supplied. with water, /. papata, m. a precipice, declivity, papitamaha, m. a paternal great-grandfather, paputta, m. a grandson, descendant, papupphaka, n. a flower-tipped arrow, pappotheti, cans, to shake, strike, knock, papphasa, n. the lungs, paphulla, adj. blossoming, budding, joyful, pabandha, m. (Jbandh) a series, narrative, literary com- position, pabala, adj. strong, powerful, pabujjhati, v. (Jbudh) to wake up, be awake, enlightened; pabodheti, caiw ; pabuddha, ppppabba, n. a knot, joint *ja, adj. made of reeds or rushes, pabbajati, r. (Jvaj) to go forth, exile oneself, take the robe; "ana, n; °jja, /. ordination, : pabbata, m. a mountain; "teyya, adj. belonging to moun- tains, pabbu, m. a cat, mongoose, pabbhara, m. a cave, cavern, pabhaiikara, adj. light-giving, pabhaiiguna, n. dissolution, break-up. pabhavati, v. (iJbhu) to arise, originate pabhassara, adj. bright, radiant, pabha, /. (Jbha) light, radiance, pabhati, v. (Jbha) to become light, ; "a, dawn; m. "ta, pabhava, m. power, might, dignity, pabhasati, (Jbhas) to talk, prate "seti, cans, -.'. ; illuminate; pabhijjati, 1). "a. birth, origin, ppp. to enlighten, m. illumination, (Jbhid) to be split, to burst, open, perish; "inna, ppp. pabhuti, /. commencement; adv. since, subsequently pabhutta, n. lordship, to. pabhfi, adj. able, powerful, pabheda, m. (Jbhid) difference, sort, kind; *na, n. the juice from a must elephant's temples, pamajjati, v. (Jmad) to be negligent, remiss, heedless; ana, n. pamatta, ppp. (J mad) negligent, heedless, pamathita, ppp. (iJmath) agitated, pamada, m. pleasure, patnada, /. a woman, paramniimmittavasavaftkleva pamaddana, panifi, /. pamana, 139 adj. crushing, destroying. true knowledge. n- measure, scale, of the size of ; size, authority, motive; *ka, adj. "nika, adj. comparable, pamata, m. an authority; /. a mother's mother; *maha, m. mother's grandfather, pamada, pamiti, (Jmad) negligence, heedlessness; vi. f. pamukha, "dl, *va, adj. correct knowledge, certainty, comparison, adj. in front of, facing, first, principal, (ijmuc) to emit, utter, loosen, release; "ukka, "utta, ppp. pamuda, m. (Jmud) joy; "dita, ppp. joyful, pleased, pamuyhati, v. (Jmuh) to swoon, be bewildered, pamussati, v. (Jmus) to forget, leave behind; °uttha, ppp. pampaka, pampataka, m. a loris. pamuticati, pamha, v. n. see pakhuma. pamhita, adj. smiling, laughing, paya, mn. water, milk, payata, adj. pure. payatana, n. putting forth effort, striving, payaga, m. a river bathing-place, payati, v. (Jya.) to proceed, advance; "ta; ppp. payama, m. length, payirupasati, (pari v. + y + upaJas) to sit beside, attend, associate with, serve, Jyuj) to yoke, harness, employ, behave ; °utta, caus : "yojana, n. appointment, command, object, aim. payoga, m. (Jyuj) motive, means, use, instrumentality. ge sati, when occason requires, payoghana, m. hail, ice. payoda, m. a cloud. payodhara, m. a cloud, woman's breast, payodhi, in. the ocean, pararh, adv. beyond, more than, payunjati, v. ppp; ( "^yojeti, para, adj. distant, other, opposite, highest ; *to, adv. further, afterwards, parakiya, adj. belonging to others, parakula, n. the family of another, parakkamati, v. (Jkam) parattha, adv. elsewhere to strive, exert, oneself; "a, ; m. m. the public good, paranimmittavasavattideva, m. of the deva worlds. pi. inhabitants of the highest parantapa 140 parantapa, adj. tormenting others. to. the Indian cuckoo. parabhaga, m. superiority, pre-eminenceparama, adj. highest, first, best, principal, exceeding. paraputtha, parabhata, paramatta, m. the heresy of the soul-theory. paramattha, to. the highest sense, the ultimate truth- paramanna, paranianu, n. rice boiled in milk. a particle, atom. to. paramayu, n. the longest period of life. parampara, adj. successive, repeated /. series, lineage. ; parammukha, paraloka, to. paravada, adj. averse from, avoiding. the next world. rumour, gossip. to. parasuve, adv. the day after tomorrow. parassapada, n. the active voice or transitive verb. parahita, n. the good of others. para, prep, back, away, aside. paraga, to. the pollen of a flower. parajayati, TO "jeti, v. (Jji) to succumb, be conquered; °jaya, °jita, ppp. paranha, n. afternoon, evening, paradhina, adj. subject to another, parabhava, m. decay, loss, humiliation, paramasati, v. (Jmas) to touch, rub, stroke^ handle; ; tha, ppp ; "mat- °ana, n. parayatta, adj. dependent on another, parayana, n. final aim, destiny, support supported by. pari, prep, around, about. parikatha, /. parikappa, ; adj. dependent on, exposition, to- inclination, determination, parikamma, n. preparation, preparatory work, dressing, parikara, to. a girdle, parikitteti, v. to declare, publish, parikirana, n. (Jkir) strewing about, parikkamana, n. (^kam) a path to or round a house, parikkhata, ppp. (Jkar) adorned, prepared, parikkhati, v. (Jikkh) to inspect, investigate; "aka, adj. parikkhaya, to. < Jkhi) loss, decay, ruin, parikkhipati, v. (^/khip) to throw around, surround, encircle, parikkhina, -^^/), (Jkhi) decayed, wasted, extinct, parikkhepa, w. (Jkhip) enclosure, surrounding, fence. ; paridahnti 14! parikkha, /. (s/khan) a trench, moat. pariganhati, v. (ijgah) to grasp, take hold of, embrace, possess, treat kindly, occupy, comprehend, ascertain, include; "ggahaka, adj ; "hana, n ; "ggahita, ppp "ggaha, TO. favour, occupation, pariganeti, v. (^/gan) to calculate, parigalati, v. (Jgal) to sink down, slip off. (Jguh) parigiihati, v. paricaya, m. ( to conceal, Jci) acquaintance, accumulation, (f^car) to attend, serve, minister to; "cinna, ana, n; "cara, m. ppp; paricaraka, m. an attendant, servant. paricumbati, ('. (^ycumb) to cover with kisses, paricca, ger. (Ji) having grasped, understood, pariccajati, v. (caj) to surrender, sacrifice, expend; "catta, paricarati, v. " ppp "caga, to. ; paricchada, w. (fVchad) a cover, paricchindati, v. (Jchid) to limit, °nna, ppppariccheda, (J chid) to. define, discriminate; separation, division, definition, chapter of a book, parijana, w. attendants, suite, parijapati, v. (J jap} to whisper, mutter spells, limit, v. (na) parijanati, ppp ; perceive, to know parijinna, ppp. (iv/jir) decayed, decrepit, pariiina, /. (J iia) ascertainment, exact paridayhati, parinamati, parinama, parinaha, exactly; parinfiata, "nana, to. :'. knowledge, (dah) to be scorched. v. to stoop, bend down ; "ri'i'a, change, event, digestion, to. breadth, extent, compass, paritassati, v. (Jtas)to tremble; "ana,/; ppp. ppp. ripe, mature, to. "si, adj; paritasita, fearful, (Jtap) heat, inflammation, anguish, on every side, paritoseti, caus. (Jius) to satisfy, please, gratify; "sana, n paritapa, to. pari to, adv. around, "sika, adj. paritta, fn. protection, defence; ppp. small, parittaka, adj. lesser, small, limited, limited, parittana, n. protection, defence, parittasa, m. (»ytas) fear, dread, anxiety, paridahati, "heti, "dheti, "dadhati, v. "dahana, «• (Jdha, dah) to put on; paridaha 142 paridalia, m. hurning, pain. {J dip) to explain, describe; "palca, ad/; "pana, n. paridevati, "veli, i'. (Jdiv) to wail, lament ;"va, m; "vana, /. paiiddava, m. (/dav) lamentation. paiidhavati, v. (Jdhav) to run about. paridhi, m. (Jdha) circumference, circle, halo. paripakka, ppp. (Jpac) fully ripe. paripanhati, v. to weigh, compare, consider. paripatati, v. (Jpat) to fall down. paripantha, m. an obstacle, misfortune; "thi, m. an enemy. paripaceti, cans. («/pac) to bring to maturity, complete, achieve; "cana, n; "aka, m. maturity, perfection, paripaleti, caus. (-Jpal) to protect, guard, pariclTpeti, v. paripucchati, °chita, (ijpucch) to question, v. inquire; paripunna, ppp. (Jpfir) full, complete, perfect, paripiirati, v. (Jpur) to be full, perfect; "aka, adj ppp; "cha, /; m. questioner, °T\, f. ; "punna, fulfilment, perfection, paribaddha, ppp. (Jbadh) bound together, paribahira, adj. external, paribbajati, v. (»/vaj) to mendicant; "bajaka, wander about, to be a wandering m. a wandering monk, paribbaya, m. expense, expenditure, paribbulha, ppp. surrounded, attended, furnished with, paribbhamati, v. (^/bham) to walk round, revolve, make a circle; "ana, n. paribhanda, w- a girdle, belt, ring, zone, paribhata, ppp- (^/bha^) nourished, paribhava, m. disrespect, contempt, humiliation, paribhasati, v. (^/bhas) to censure, revile; "ana, n;'sa, /. paribhasana, n. light, lustre, paribhindati, v. (bhid) to split, create divisions, paribhufijati, v. (f>/bhuj)to enjoy, use, possess, eat; "ana, n; "utta, ppp. paribhuta, ppp. ( Jbhu) despised, disregarded, paribhoga, m. (^/bhuj) enjoyment, use, possession, parimajjati v. {Jmaj) to handle, stroke, polish, cleanse, parimandala, adj. circular, round, spreading around, parimaddati, v. to excel. parimadda, m; *na, n. crushing, kneading, shampooing, parimala, m. fragrance, parimasati, ^•.•(Jmas) to touch, stroke, parimana, n. measure, extent, duration. parivara 143 parimukhaiti, adv. in front, before. parimuccali, v. (Jmuc) to escape; "utta, ppp. parimutti, /. (Jmuc) release. parimeyya, fpp. (J ma) measurable. parimoceti, cans- (is/muc) to release; "cana, n. pariyaiika, see pallanka. pariyattaiii, adv. voluntarily, willingly. pariyatta, ppp. (Jap) able, sufficient, learnl by heart. pariyatti, /. (Jap) adequacy, sufficiency, learning by heart, the text of Buddha's word, the three pilakas. m. boundary, pariyanta, border, limit, term, end; ''va, adj. accurate, definite, discriminating, ( Jya) to attend on, serve, pariyadati, v. (Jda) to seize, lay hold of; ana, n. taking up, finishing, gasping; ''dinna, ppp. grasped at. pariyati, v. pariyapanna, ppp. (Jpad) included, contained, pariyapunati, v. (Jap) to learn thoroughly, learn by heart; "yatta, ppp. m. succession, pariyaya, turn, synonym, way, leaching. enclosure. pariyuUhita, ppp. (pari-y-ud Jlha) arisen, possessed, pariyetthi, /. ( Jis) search. pariyesati, v. (Jis) to search, seek; "aka, pariyoga, m. a curry dish, plate, pariyogalha, ppp. ( Jgah) dived into, pariyodapeti, cans. (Jdai) to cleanse, n; adj ; °ana, si, purify; "pana, /. dana. "data, ppp. pariyonandhati, v. to cover, envelop; pariyonaddha, ppp: "ana, n. pariyosana, n. termination, end; 'sita, ppp- concluded, parirakkhati, v. (Jrakkh) to preserve, retain, maintain, parirundhati, v. (Jrudh) to beset, plot against, parivaccha, n. preparation. parivajjeti, cans, to avoid, shun, forsake, put parivatta, m. parivanneti, v. parivattati, away circle, succession, revolution; n. v. ( Jvann) to praise, (Jvatt) to exchange, barter; "a, turn, ; 'jana, n. embrace, describe, revolve, change; ana, m. change, return, parivasati, v. (Jvas) to dwell, parivada, w. (Jvad) censure, accusation. parivadirtT, /. a lute of seven strings, parivara^ nt. (Jvar) covering, scabbard, retinue, pomp. u, ; parivareti 144 parivaretl, cutis. (fVvar) to accompany, atLend, surround; "raka, adj. parivasa, m. (fivas) living apart, being put under restraint, parivasita, ppp. (Jvas) perfumed, parivaseti, caus. to put on a robe, parivitakketi, v. (Jtakk) to reflect; "ka, m. (^/vis)to present, wait upon. parivisali, parivTmaiiisati, v. to examine, search, i'. parivetheti, v. (fs/veth) to envelop, parivena, n. a hermit's cell. parivesa, m. a halo round the sun or moon, pariveeana, fn. distribution of food, attendance, parisakkati, v. (Jsakk) to go about; "ana, n. parisankati, v. (Jsahk) to suspect; "ka, /. parisandeti, caus. to drench; "nna, ppp. parisappati, v. to run to and fro, creep about, parisamatta, ppp. (fJap) finished, parisambahati, v. to stroke, rub. parisartivuta, parisara, parisa, /. ppp. (h/var) restrained, guarded, m. neighbourhood, precinct, assembly, company, parisiiicati, v. ( Jsic) to sprinkle all over, bathe, parisuddha, ppp. (Jsudh) pure, innocent, intact; "dhi, parisussati, v. (Jsus) to dry up, waste away, parisodheti, caws, (s/sudh) to purify, parissaiiga, m. embrace, parissajati, v. (-Jsaj) to l)arissama, m. (Jsam) /. embrace. fatigue, exertion, parissaya, n. danger, risk. parissaveti, caus. {Jsu) to strain or filter; "vana, «. a filter, pariharati, v. (Jhar) to move, advance, practise,use, tend, embrace, take care of, surround; "ana, n; "harika, adj "hara, m. attention, ceremony, avoidance, parihani, decrease, decay, diminution, (Jha) to waste, deteriorate; "hina, ppp. parupaghata, m. (para + up") injuring others, cruelty. /. parihayati, v. parCipa\ada, m. (para. up") reproaching others, paruiha, ppp. grown up, increased, pareta, ppp. (Ji) dead, destroyed. paro, adv. beyond, more than, i- parokkha, adj, invisible, perfect tense, parodati, u. (Jrud) to burst into tears, palagaiida, m. a mason. l^S palanrtii, »(. oniuii. palambheti, deceive- v. to cheat, trirU, palaya, m. dissolution, death, destruction of tlie world. paiavanga, m. a monkey. palavati, i'. m. swim. (^/[)kl) to float, nonsense, chalT of corn. palayati, paleti, v. to run away, ileo, retreat, escape n: apcti, cans; jjalata, jiaU'iyita, ppf^palapa, paialn, prattle, ; 'ana, mn. straw. the butea tree, green colour; n. a jialasa, in. leaf. palfisada, vi. a rhinoceros. paligunlhita, ppp. (-Jgunth) entangled. f)aligha, m. an iron beam tor fastening up a door, obsiacie. mfn. grey hair. miry road, c(uagmire, slougli. palibuddhati, ;'. (N/bandh) to hinder; "ana, n. palibodha, ?/. obstacle, impediment. palivetlieti, v.C Jveth)to wrap up. cover, encumber; 'thana.K. palujjati, V. (Jruj) to crumble, fall down. palepana, n. (Jlip) ointment, unguent. ))alobheli, taK.v. (Jlubh) to allure, tempt, seduce; "bhana, n. pallanka, m. a couch, sofa, throne, litter, *)ii abujali, or |)alita, l)alipatha, n. a bandbati, to pallattiiika, pallala, n. a /. sit silting cross-legged. on the hams. pond, pool. pallaxa, mn. a sprout, shoot. palhka, /. a hamlet, lizard. |)ava, m. winnowing grain, purification. pavakkhati, pavajjati, .'. fiit. to (Jvnc) will fell. sound (music)- pavaliati, v. to re\olve, whirl v. pavattati, (Jvatt) to arise, 'O. round. (^/vaddll) to grow, increaN-, pa\addhati, start, set out, become, exist; "ana, «. |)a\*atta, /. (<Jvac) informant, /. occurrence, i)rocedure, oslabiishnunt. pavana, n. declivity, height, iiill-stde; nt.aii-. wind- pavatti, pavara, adj- chief, best, excellent, pavassati, 'd. (^/vas) to rain, pavahana, n. a ship s boat, pavaka, /. whirUwind. pavata, n. a draught of air, pavati, V. lireeze. (va) to waft, diffuse- ; pn\iui;t 146 paviida, m. (JvatI) dis|)ukition "di, ni. a dispulaiil. pavaia, m. woollen cloth. pavarana, /. invitation, prohibition, ceieinony at end of pavareli, caus. (Jvar) to give a choice, invite, oiler. ; pavaia, pavasa, mn. a sprout, germ. in. absence from home, foreign residence ; lent. "si, adj. Ijavaha, m. current, stream, occupation. pavaheti, caus. (ijvah) to lloat in a stream. pavaia, mn. coral. pavicaya, m. (n/ci) investigation. pavijjhati, v. (^/vidh) to throw down. pavisati, v. (Jvis) to enter; "ana, n. entrance pavissilesa, ; pavillha, /'/>/'. m. separation, opposition, pavina, adj. clever, skilful. pavira, adj. heroic. pavuccati, pass. (iJvac) to be spoken of, said. pavecchati, v. to give. /. a long braid of hair, series, custom, pavedhati, v. (Jvidh) to tremble, pa\eni, m; pavesa, *na, n. (Jvis) entrance, pasariisati, v. (^saihs) to praise; "sita, rt ; "sa, / pasakha, /• lineage, tradition, ; "si, pasallha, />/>/>; "ana, adj. a branch, twig, m. attachment, pasata, m. the palm hollowed pasaiiga, out. pasada, tn. a barking deer, pasamati, r. (.ysam) to alJay. pusanna, ppp. ( Jsad) clear, tranquil, serene, pasayha, m. ( Jsah) force, violence, pasara, to; *ai.ia, n. (./sar) stretching out, extension, pusavati, v. (^sii) to beget, produce; pasula, ppp: "anil, a woman in childbirth, /. pasahati, v. (./sah) to conquer, overcome, dare, pasakha, m. the abdomen and thighs, pasada, hi. (./sad) clearness, favour, conviction, faith; *na, n. clearing, propitiating, gratifying, |)asadheti,t;dHi-.(^/sadh)loputon, wear ornaments ;"dhana, pasiti, /. a fetter. Ijasiddhi, /. 11. (Jsidh) fame, celebration, accomplishment. !)afiibbaka. inii. a bag, sack. luisklati, X'. (sisad) to be clear, pleased, gracious, to belie\e pasanna, pppi patipail.'i 147 ])asu, in. Ciittie, Soast, goal. adj. [Jfiu, si» intent iijKJn, |);isiila, pasu, a mother, plantain /. nnsfiti, /. (iJsfi) birtli, devoted to. iiee. bringing forth; ^ku, I. a woman in childbirth. passa, TOM. side, tlaniv passati, v. (Jpas) to passaddhi, /. pa.s.sambhati, addha, .see, »»i. know, find; 'ana, n. pass- />/>/>. passaya, vi, a liermit's ]>assava, look, Jsambh) serenity, repose. i'. (Jsambh) to cahn down, be serene; ( cell, nunnery. urine. m. (Jsas) breath, eshalation. pahamsati, to .strike, rub. pahaUha, /»/)/). dJhas) dehghted, glad. paharati, V. (Jhar) to strike, hurt; pahara, w. a stroke; "ana, n. a weapon pahata, />/>/>. pas.sasa, -.'. ; pahuna, n. (iJha) rejection, abandonment. I^ahasa, »m, loud laughter. pahinuti, r. (Jhi) to send; direct; 'ita, />/>/>. l)ahfna, />/>/>. (K/ha) abandoned, forsaken. pahfita, (/)/>/). pahoti) much, abundant. paheriaka, n-. an offering of food, present. onaka, pahoti, V. («/bhii) to suffice, be competent ; palaccara, n. old clothes, rags. paka, m. («/pac) ripeness, maturity, re.sult ; adj. *tthana. n. a kitchen, pakaia, adj. evident, manifest, public, pakara, m. (Jkar) enclosure, wall, fence, pagunna, n. familiarity, experience, pdcaka, m. ( Jpac) a cook, pficana, n. (J a]) d goad, pacariya, m. a pupil. jwcittiya, adj. expiatory, requiring expiation, paci, /. the east ; *naka, adj. eastern, patala, adj. pink, light red. patali, n. the patava, jKiiikankha, patika, trumpet flower, n. skill- /. //>/). (iJkaiikh) to be expected; "khl, adj. a slone step. paiipada, adj. belonging to the night. first day of (he lunar fort* paiibliogn 148 pfitibhoga, m. a surety, sponsor, paliyekka, adj. indi\ idual, separate, piitihariya, "hera, "liira, v. a miracle, pfitha, in. reading, recitation, text, pfithina, «?. the fresh-water herring, patheli, f. (Jpath) to leach. m. (Jan) breath, life, vitality, living being; *ka, m. worm, insect; 'ghfita, w, life-taking; biiuta, m- a living being, panasama, adj. a wife, dear-as-Hfc' pfina. a small creature, ' pfinatipala, vi. life-taking. p:lni, m. the handful, panimuila, hand; "*ggaha, m. marriage: n. a missile sound paiiissara, n. '^matta, adj. weapon, of hand-clapping, panihita, adj. kind to living lieings. panT, m. a living being. paiuipeta, adj. (pana + upetaj living, possessed of panyaiiga, 71. the navel, patabba, fpp. {J pit.) drinkable, pfilarasa, m. morning meal, breakfast, patavyala, /. injuring, destroying. life, lower world, infernal regions, naga world. {J pa) to protect, patimokkha, ?i. Vinaya precepts. pati, /. a cup, bowl. patiila, n. the pati, V. patu, patur, adv. manifestly, clearly, evidently, n. production, manifestation; "karoti, v. to produce, patubhavati, v. to be nanifcst, to appear, arise; "bhava, m, palo, patar, adv. early, at dawn, patheyya, m. provisions for a journey, pada, m. a foot, ray of light, quarter, base. j'jfilukarana, jKidakatnka, 7n. an anklet. m. the ankle, padahguttha, m. the great toe p;xdagantlii, padachidda, w. a stride, pada pa, m. a tree, padaparicarika, /. a wife, padajjitha, n. a footstool, padaphota, m. a tumour on the foot, paduka, padfi, /. a shoe, slipper, pfidrKtnrn, ni. a snake, ;; pava i/45 ;i. (Jpa) drink, beverage *kupn, in. a drinking wi^li *mandala, v. a tavern; *saklia, m. a thinking com- pjina, ; panion. panAgara, n. a lavern. paniya, adj. {J pa) drinkable; l^apa, adj. evil, wicked, sinful; n. beverage, water. a sinner; n. e\il, w. sin. papanika, ?i. shop-refuse. papana, n. (Jap) attainment. p^ipiccha, adj. papima, having sinful desires- adj. sinfuil. papunati, '\ioti, pappoti, I*, (ijap) to atl.Tin, arrive, rea( li palla, ppt>; pattabba, fpp: "nana, n. allainment. pribhata, n. a present, price. pama, ??. scab. pamokkha, adj. principal, eminent. paniojja, pamujja, n. joy, delight. paya, m. abundance ad/, drinking; payo, adv. abimdantly. payasa, m. milk-rice, rice porridge. payu, in. the anus. ; ]iara, it- tiie further bank, nibbana; *gu, od;. (gam) arrived bank, accomlpished, versed parangato, adj. accomplished, versed in. parada, m. quicksilver. paradarika, »?!-. an adulterer. paradesika, adj. foreign. parapata, ni. a dove, pigeon. at the further jjaraml, /. in. perfection. parampariya, n. tradition. parajika, adj. meriting expulsion. paricariya, /. service, ministration. paricchattaka, parijataka, m. the coral tree. parijunna, u. decay, loss. accomplishment. parisajja, adj. belonging to an assembly. parupali, papurati, v. to dress, put on garment; parula, ppp; paripiiri, /. fulfilment, ''ana, ^'^na, n. dressing, a cloak, (Jpa) a guardian, keeper, a line, row, ridge, causeway, sacred to guard, keep, maintain, pala, palaka, in. pfdi, paM, paleti,- /- cflw.s". pavaka, m. fire. (Kivacana, ». the holy scriplure.s. pavadati, v. (-ivad) to speak out, express, p.'iva. /. a ciiv near Riijagaha in Magadh.t. fexl. pfivAra 150 pAv.irn, a cloak or mantle. ni. paxusa, ni. ihc rai:) v season, a sort of belonging to the rainy .season. pasa, m. a noose, string, sn.'ire, felter. (Jasaka, m. a die. i'lsli ; "ssaka, adj. pasancja, ^dika, adj. heretical. pusana, m. a stone, rock; (ilialaka, m. a stone-slal). ptusada, vi. a terrace, tower, palace, man.sion. pasika, adj. connected with snares, caught in a snare. pahuna, m. a guest; "neyya, adj. worthy of being guests or of hospitality. pahuna, adj. sulTicient. nika, m. the Indian cuckoo. pinga, "la, adj. brown, tawny. m. cotton. ])icula, m. the ( |)icu, a peacock ptcchi, ". picchihl, tree, dre.s.sed cotton. tail, tuft of hair; »t. tail; /. cotton. the silk-cotton tree. /. pinja, n. a feather of a peacock's tail, wing. pinjara. adj. yellow, lawny. pinjula, the wick of a lamp. II. pitaka, m- a basket, lUiddhist scriptures. pittha. n; iiiithl, /. the back, .surface. pitthaka, in. a cake made of flour, meal. porridge. pitthikii, /. pitthimaiiisika, vifii. back-biiing. pitthara, m. a pot, rice-pot. pinda, m. a lump, piiidaka, ball, mass, morsel, food. m. incense. |)indapata, i». alm.s-food, lumps of food received in the nlm.s- bowl of a monk, pindika, /. the nave of a wheel, pindiyalopa, m. morsels of food, pindeti, v. to roll into a lump; '\Iann, n. pitamaha, m. grandfather, pituccha, father's sister, aunt, /. pitta, M. bile. |)ithlyati, ^'. to be shut, covered, pidahati, c. {Jdhii, dah) to cover, shut, close, ppp : °ana, n. covering, a lid. pidh.ina, n. |)in.isa, 7)1. pipasfi. f. (Jdha) covering, sheath, cold in (Jpa) llie lid. nose, catarrh, thirst; "sjla, ppp. Ihir.siy, guard ; 'pil''<fi, (I. lull, |)i|)|)lial;i, pipphali, lit. /. (lie sacreil liguoc; 151 I /'. sci.Ysur.s the wuve-leavud tig lioo, long pepper. (;lear, beloved, kind, loving; m. an oar. piyaka, m. spotted deer, a species of colTee-wort. piya, adj. piyajigu.. /. panick seed. piyala, tlic piyal tree- piyayati, v. to be fond of, to iionour. pilakkha, m. the wave-lcaveil llg tree. pilandhati, v. to put on, wear, deck oneself; pilava, m. a kind of duck. /.a pilotikii, cloth, "an,i, bandage. piluNati, V. ("Jptu) to lloat. pillaka, ni. pisanga, young Ji. of an animal. brown, lawny. m. a goblin, pisacaj pisita, a child, aiij. sprite. flesh. pisuna, adj. calumnious, slanderous- pihaku, n. piha, desire, envy. /. the spleen. ppp. (Jdha) shut, closed. envy. pilaka, /. a boil, pimple. ))ilha, *ka, n. a chair, stool, bench. pihita, piheti, V. to desire, pIthasajjpT, m. a erijiple. pita, adj. yellow , adj. delighted. ()itaka, adj. yellow. pitana, h. yellow or|)iment. pitanaka, piti, /. in. the hog plum. joy, delight. pTneti, cans- to gratify, cheer, jjlease ; "nita, />/>/i. pina, adj. fat, bulky. piyiisa, pilu, }}]. ambrosia, the guava m. an elephant, |)Tvara, adj. fat, pileti, V. tree. arrow.' bulky. (Jpi|) to crush, vex, hurt; m. masculine gender. pukkusa, m, a man of tiie lowest *^!a, /- puitilinga, caste. pukkhara, n, the sky, water; m. a pond, sun. pukkhala, adj. nobles abundantpuggala, m. a person, indi\ idual. punkha, in. the feathered part of an arrow. pungava, vi. a bull; adj< l)cst) ]>re^minenl. puccba, mn. a tail. 1;. . 1 pucimanda ^x- ])iicim.'inda, »i. tlic iiiiiih wipe; Ijufichali, r, to punja, m. Iieaj), puhna, l)Uta, mn. a cup, /. nicril. basket. vessel, a small l)askot. 11. pulabhedana, puli, mass, muUitiidi'. just, virtuous; n. vittuc, good, adj. putaka, irw. ";uia, v. n. emporium of trade, trading town. a vessel, cup. a basket. ,/. l)undaiika, m. a fragaiit kind of putoli, |)undarTkini, mango, Liger ; n-. a wliile numeral. lotus, liigii a pond of while lotuses, /. puniia, ppp- (^'pur) full, fulfilled, complete. ))utta, 'H. a son, child, puthu, puthag, adv. .separately, without, puthu, adj. big, numerous, extensive, puthuka, VI. a child, rice in the ear. puthukkarana, )/. .separation, segregation, puthugattata, /. iliscrimination. )iutluijjana, m. an average person. |)uthubhuta, adj. separated, jiuthula, adj. broad, large, pu'-huloma, m. a lisli. puno, adv. again, afresh, puna|)puna, adv. repeatedly, again and again, |)una, jiunad, punar, punabbhava, punaruili, /. vi. ren(nved existence. tautolog) repetition, punfiti, V- ("ipu) to |)urify punnanava, furtjier, ; pCita, /)/>/>. iiogweed. /. pu|iplia, n. a flo\\e;. pupphati, V. pupphavati, lo blossom "ana, ii. menstruous woman. flower-juice, honey, ; a /. pu[)phiisava, n. pupphi, adj. bearing llowers. pubba, ad/, fore, first, earlier, eastern, ancient; m. *rii, adz\ formerly, before, pus; imbbarigama, adj. going before, prior, preceding. |)ubbanna, ». grain, pubbaiUia. ni. pubbaddha, rice. fore-noon, ni. upper parr. |)ubbanta, m. beginning, the east, toubbapara, adj. finst and last, mutual, pubbutihayl, ,/. a witV who rises earlier successive than her hu.Un..A ; petti ka 153 pubbuttara, adj. north-eastern. puma, m. a male, man. pumbhava, m. masculine sex, masculinity. pura, n. a town, fortress, house. purakkharoti, v. to put in fi-ont, make a person the leader, revere, honour; "ata, ppp ; "khara, m. purato, adv. before, in front of, in the presence puratthato, adt'. estwards ; "tha, adv. of. formerly; in front, "thima, adj. eastern. purassara, adj. going in advance, preceded by. pura, adv. formerly, previously. purana, puratana, adj. ancient, old. purindaka, m. Sakka. purima, *ka, adj. previous, former, eastern. m. a man, individual, male; *tta, purisamedha, m. human sacrifice. purisajafifia, m. a man of noble birth. purt, /. a town. purisa, *na, ji. excrement. purisa, n. manhood. pure, adv. formerly, previously, first, in front, before; *bhattarh, adv. before meal ; *kkhara, m. precedence, preference. purohita, m. a chaplain. pulina, n. a sand-bank. pulinda, m. a savage, hill-manpullinga, n. masculine gender. pulava, m. a worm, maggot. puga, m. a multitude, areca nut tree. pujeti, ». (Jpuj) to honour, offer, worship; "ja, °jana, /; °jaka, adj. puta, ppp. (Jpu) purified, clean, puti, *ka, adj. stinking, putrid, foul ; 'mutta, n. urine of cattle, puya, m. pus. purati, V. (Jpur) to get full, be fulfilled; "ana, n. and adj ppp. puva, *ka, to. a cake, sweetmeat; °vika, m. a confectioner, pekkhati, v. (»7ikkh) to look, observe, watch, expect; "kha, /. pekhuna, n. a wing, °rita, pecca, ger. after death, hereafter, petaka, in. a small basket peta, ppp- (n/i) dead, departednettika, r)ettiya, petteyti, adj. (>aternal. : pema j54 penia, n. affection, love; *niya, adj. affectionate. peyya, adj. beloved, (jcyyala, n. et cetera, clear. words omitted. pelaka, m. a hare. pelava, adj. delicate, tender. |)esakara, m. a weaver. pesala, adj. beautiful, amiable, skilful. pesika, /. rind, shell. meatspit, piece of flesh. pesunna, pesuneyya, n. slander. pesi, /- send peseti, V. to ; "sana, n. pessa, pessika, m. a servant, messenger, menial. pokkhara, n. a lotus, tip of an elephant' s trunk, water, body, head of a drum *nl, /. a lotus- pond, pokkharata, /• beauty, pokkharasataka, n. a sort of water bird, poiikhanuponkham, adv. shot after shot, successively, ; potheti, V. to crack, snap, knock, pona, adj. sloping. potn, m. the young of an animal, boat, pottha, n. plastering, working in clay; *kara, m. modeller in clay, potthaka, m7t. a manuscript, book, working clay, cloth a doll, pujjpet. pothujjanika, adj. belonging to an average person, potheti, caus. to strike, beat "thana, n ; v. to speak many made potthanT, /. potthalika, in of fibre. a knife, /. ; languages, ponobhavika, adj. connected with rebirthpora, adj. urbane, polite, porana, *ka, adj. ancient, former, m. a human being, man. porohicca, n. the office of a chaplain, porisa, posa, (Jpus) to feed, nourish, bring up; "aka, n; puttha, pppplava, m. a raft, float, plavaka, m. an acrobat, gymnast, plavahga, *ma, m. a monkey, plavati, (Jplu) to float, hover. phaggava, M. a sort of pot-herb, phaggu, /. the acacia tree, falsehood. phana, m, the hood of a snakes ''ka. "ni. m. a snak-p. posati, •u. "ana, °savana, adj phcnn i|i^ m. a quail. m. wind. phaijileUha, phaiiipiya, phaiida, the belly, stomach. 7)1.. phandati, (n/phand) to throb, palpitate, tremble; °anH, adj., thrill, pervade, diffuse, emit; °ana, n, v. phaiati, v. to pharasu, a hatchet, axe. ??!. phariivaka, a betel box. pharusa, adj. harsh, rough, severe, cruel. phala, n. a fruit, result, profit, testicle, a measure. phalaka, mn. a board, slab, shield. phalakesara, m. the cocoanut tree. phaiati, v. to split, break, burst, bear fruit phuUa, ppp. /. ; m. tiie common citron. phalasatava, m. the pomegranate. phaladana, "asana, m. a parrot. phalapijra, phalaphalaiii, n. wild fruits. phalika, mf. crystal, quartz. phalita, adj. fruitful, grey-hnired. phalina, "ll, adj. bearing fruit. phalu, m. a knot in a reed. phaloppatijTO. the mango tree. phallati, v. to bear fruit. phassa, m. touch, contact. phanita, n. molasses. phati, /. increase, growth. pharusaka, w. name of one of Indra's groves. phala, m. a ploughshare. phasu, *ka, adj. agreeable, pleasant, comfortable; *vihara, m. comfort, phasuka, °ulika, /. a rib. phiyai m. an oar. phita, adj. prosperous, phuka, m. a bird. phuta, adj. thrilled, pervaded; m. the hood of a snake, phutana, n. tearing, bursting, phulinga, n. a spark. phulla (/>/>/>. phalali) expanded, blossoming, phullita, adj. blossoming. phusati, V. ( Jphus) to touch, reach ; split, °ana, /; phuttha, ppp, phusitaka, n. a water-drop, phussita, adj. blossoming. pheggui adj. empty, vain ; phena, m. foam, froth. /. the opposite.leaved fig tree, pho.nila iS6 phenila, Lidj. froihy ; m. the soap plant, phera, "ru, «;. a jackal, phevara, adj. cunning, liarmful. phota, 7)1. a boil, tumour, photthabba, n. a tangible object. B baka, w. a crane. bana, m. a sound. badara, m; "rj, /'. the jujube fruit; "ra, /. cotton, baddha, fpp. ( Jbadh) bound, continuous 7i. a leather strap, ; badhira, adj. deaf. bandha, m. binding, bond, union, bandage, bandhaki, /. an unchaste woman, bandhati, v. (Jbadh) to bind, fasten, fix, embank, get; baddha, />/>/? "ana, n. binding, fetter, snare, slalk of ; a leaf, bandhanagara, n. a prison, bandhava, m. a kinsman, bandhu, ra. a relative, kinsman, bandhuki, /. a species of mistletoe. bandhujTvaka, m. a kind of plant, bandhura, adj. imeven, undulating, bappa, in. a tear. babbaja, m. a sort of coarse grass, babbu, a cat, mongoose, in. bariha, n. a peacock's tail, barihisa, n. sacrificial grass. barihi, in. a peacock, crow; n. strength, power, in. an army. bala, in. a force, army, troops; *kaya, balakk:"ira, in. violence, balakkha, in. the white colour, baiagga, n. troops in array, battle-front, balaja, n. a field, gate, fruit, warfare; /. a beautiful woman, earth, m. the generalissimo, (Jbal) to live. balattha, m. a royal messenger, palace servant, balaha, m. phlegm, balajjhakkha, balati, v. balaka, ball, m. /. a crane, religious offering, oblation, *bhuja, ra. a crow ; revenue, tax; *puttha, *ma, adj. receiving offerings. I)inclu halimukha, balivadd.i, in. ;i m. an 137 monkey. ox. balisa, vi. a fish-hook. ball, adj. strong. m. a scorpion. bahala, adj. thick. bahi, bahim, bahiddha, adv. outside, out. balina, bahu, adj. many, large, ample. bahuka, m. a prawn, crab, water-fowl. bahujjana, ?». the world, multitude. bahuppada, adj. liberal, munifirent. bahubbihi, m. an adjectival compound. I)ahubhaiil, adj. garrulous. bahubheda, tidj. various, multiform. bahumnta, adj. esteemed, venerated. bahumala, m. lead. bahuvacana, n. the plural number. bahula, adj. much, abundant. bahulTkaroti, v. to increase, extend. bahuso, adv. abundantly. bahussuta, adj. having wide knowledge, erudite. bakuci, /. a kind of plant. bana, m. an arrow; *dhi, m. a quiver. badhati, v. to obstruct, annoy, oppress; badha, /. barasa, num. twelve. baranasi, ;'. Benares. bala, adj. young, foolish; m. a child, fool; ''ka, m. a boy. young of an animal. I)alakimi, m. a louse, balakka, fn. the rising sun. balatapa, m. rays of the rising sun. balisa, adj. young, ignorant, balisika, vi. a fisherman, balya, n. childhood, folly, bahati, bahetj, v. to remove, put away, bahira, *ka, adj. external, foreign, heretical adv. from outside, bahu, m. the aim ; *ja, m. a prince, bahuka, m. a servant, dependant, bahumula, n. the armpit. bahuUa, n. abundance, bindu, m. a drop, spot, dot, high numeral. ; °ra, °re, "rato, himhn li^S bimba, mn. the disc of the sun or moon, figure, image; /. "S'asodhara. bimbu, "I. the lietel tree, bimbohana, n. a pillow. bila, 71. a hole, chasm, bilaiiga, m. sour gruel, vinegar, by bilaso, adv. bit bit. bilala, n. a sort of salt, bilara, bilala, to. a oat. bija, ". a germ, kingdom, m. the common bijaka, bijakosa, vi. a origin seed, ; *gama, m. the vegetable citron, seed-pod. bijani, /. a fan. bijapijra, m. the citron, pomegranate, bljodaka, n. hail. bibhaccha, adj. loathesome, horrible. bujjhati, V. (»/budh) to know, understand; "ana, n; bodheti, cans. buddha, ppp. (.ibuddh) old, aged. buddha, vi. the omniscient Buddha. buddhi, /. (Jbudh) understanding, intelligence. budha, adj. wise. budhavara, vi. Wednesday. bunda, m. the root of a tree. bundi, m. the body. bundikabaddha, m. a sort of bed-stead. bubbula, *ka, n. a bubble, blister. bubhukkhati, v. (Jbhuj) to wish to eat, be hungry; "khita, adj ; °kha, /. beluva, m. the vilva tree, bael tree. bella, n. the citron, pine-apple fruit. bojjhanga, m. constituent of wisdom, factor of knowledge. bodha, m. knowledge, wisdom; *ka, m. a spy. bodhakara, w. one who wakes a prince with music. bodhati, v. (budh) to know; "ana, n. bodhi, mf. supreme wisdom, omniscience, Buddha's knowledge, the .Wisdom Tree. bodhipakkhiya, adj. accessory to wisdom. bodhimandala, n. the region surrounding the Wisdom Tree. bodhisatta, m. /uture Buddha. bondi,TC. trhe body. by, fo words beginning with by see under vy bhali 159 braha, adj. large, big; "hati, /. the pierardia fruit, brahma, n. the Vedas; adj. exalted, noble; *cariya, n. ihe noble life of a monk, chastity *bandhu, m. a brahmin ^vihara, m. divine state, exalted state *ssara, m. ; ; ; Brahma's voice, brahma, "i. Brahma, brahmaiiiiata, /. brahminhood. brahmana, m, a brahmin. Bh bha, n. a star; /. a ray of light. bhakkheti, v. (Jbhakkb) to devour; *khaka, adj. voracious; "khana, n. bhaga, n. power, fortune, glory, virtue, love, bhagandala, /. fistula, bhagava, adj. worshipful, blessed, bhagini, /. a sister, bhagga, ppp. (Jbhaj) broken, bhanga, adj. hempen, /. a bat. bhangura, adj. crooked, dishonest, bhacca, m. (Jbhar) a servant, attendant, bhajati, v. (Jbhaj) to follow, serve, honour, associate with, bhajjati, v, to fry, roast; bhattha, ppp. bhafijati, v. (Jbhaj) to break, crush; bhagga, ppp {"ana, n. bhangari, bhata, m. a soldier, bhattha, ippp- bhassati) fallen, bhanati, v. (^ybhan) to speak, tell, bharinati, recite; pass: "ana, n. bhane, voc. I say bhantakl, /. the brinjal plant, bha^da, m. a clown n. *ka, n. utensil, I ; goods, wares, property, bhandaka, m. the wagtail, robin, bhandati, v. to quarrel, abuse, bhanclagara, n. treasury. bhandika, m. a kind of plant; bhandila, m. a kind of tree, ; /. °ana, n. an article, utensil, bundle, bhandu, adj. bald. bhataka, m. (Jbhar) a servant, hireling, bhrtti, /. support) labourer maintenance, wages, hire ; *ka, m. a bhatU t60 meal; bhatta, n. food, food, bhattagga, bhatta, *k-ara, n. m. a cook; *kicca, eating a refectory, ii. m. a husband, division, service, devotion, bhadda, bhadra, adj. good, fortunate, auspicious, blest, bhaddaka, adj. good, happy, bhatti, /. bhaddanama, m. a woodpecker. bhaddanta, m. lord, master, reverend person ; voc. 'lord.' "te, n. a kind of grass. bhaddamutta, bhadde, voc. madam dear lady bhanta, ppp. (N/bham) whirled, rolling, I I bhante, voc. bhabba, lor-d ! reverend sir ! adj. right, proper, future. bhama, m. Jbham) whirling, a lathe, (Vbham) to whirl about, revolve, ( drain ; *kara, m. a turner, bhamati, v. roam; bhanta, ppp. bhamara, m. a bee. bhamu, *ka, m. an eyebrow, bhambha, to. smoke, n. fear, fright, danger, calamity, bhayaiikara, adj. fearful, dreadful, bhayattha, adj. terrified, bhaya, bhayanaka, adj. frightful, horrible, bhara, adj. (Jbhar) supporting; bharati, i). ( Jbhar) to bear, vi. a load, support, maintain; "ana, n. bharanda, m. lord, master, husband, bull, bharita, adj. filled with, green (colour), bearing, bhariya, /. a wife, bharutaka, n. roasted meat, bhalla, ni. a bear. m; bhallataka, "kl, "H, /. the marking nut plant, bhavaiii, n. lord, sir. bhava, m. being, existence, becoming, birth, increase, bhavaiiga, n, life-continuum, bhavati, v. (Jbhu) to be, exist, become, befall; bhuta. ppp: "ana, n. bhavaditthi, /. heresy of believing matter and being to be everlasting, bhavanetti, /. bhavissanti, bhasira, /. /. craving, lust, the future tense, a kind of beet. bhavitta i6l biiasQcaka, m. an abtronomor. I)hast£i, a bellows. /, bhasma, n. a shes camphor. ; *kai"a, washerman; 'vcdhaka, »i. a bhasmlbhavali, v. to be reduced l<i m aslies. I)hassa, n. talk. bhassati. v. (^/bhass) to fall; bhaiiha, j^pp. bhassara. adj. shining, brilliant. splendour; *kar;i, m. the sun. frowning, knitting the eye-liruw^ bhii, /. light, ray, bhfikuii, /. bhaga, m. a portion, share, region, lime, lot gi, adj. partak ing in, undergoing; 'giy^'i ^'^Z- conducive to, connected ; with. bbagadheyta, »i. an Iieir, revenue; ». destiny, bhagineyya, m. a sister's son, nepbi-w. bhaglrathi, /. the Ganges. bhagya, n. fortune, lot, destiny. bhajana, n. a vessel, bowl, jar, distribution. bhajeti, v. to divide, distriiiute. bhanaka, m. a jar: adj. reciiing, saying. bhani, adj. speaking, talking. bhata, adj. shining, bright. bhatabya, m. a brother's son, nephew. bhata, m. bhati, V. a brother. ( Jbha) bhatika, 'tuka, to shine, appear. wi. a brother. bhanavara, n. recitation, recital. bhanu, m. a ray of light, sun; *ma, in. tire, light. bhanuvara, m. Sunday. bhama, m. anger, light, sun, brother-in-law. 'ka. m. bhara, m. a weight, burden, charge, dut\ ; ,i, burden, speech. /. elephantiases of the leg. bhilrayatthi, /. a carrying pole or bamboo bharati, /. bharapadata, bhara va, n. bow-string. bharika, adj. grievous, seriou.s, heavy; nc ;i porter. bhariya, adj. grievous, serious. bhava, m. properly, state, inieniion, gesture, substance. thing, bhavana, bhavita, /. culture, deveiopnieni, ineditauDn. {ppp- perfumed- bhdvelt) developed, increased, perfected, ; bliavT 1(32 bhavi, adj. future. bhasa, »?i. a vulture. bhasaci, v. (Jbhas) to speak, address; "sa, bhasati, v. to shine; "ana, n; "sa, /. /. speech. light, radiance. bhasura, adj. shining. bhikkhati, ;'. (^/bhikkh) to ask for, beg. bbikkha, /. begging, alms; *cariya, /. going the rounds for alms, bhikkhu, m. a beggar, mendicant, Buddhist monk, m. a young elephant, bhihkara, m. a golden vase. bhitti, /. a wall of earth or masonry; *ka, /. a house lizard, bhidaka, w. a knife, bhida, /. difference, kind, bhindati, v. (ijbhid) to break, injure, separate; bhinna, ppp bhiiika, ; "ana, n. bhindivala, m. a fork, bhinnaka, adj. schismatic, bhiyyo, bhiyo, adv. again, adv. more and more, bhirhsapeti, {caus. bhdyati) "sana, adj ; "sika, bhisa, n. the film /. further, to liesjdes; *somattaya, frighten, terrify ; °pana, n; an alarm, or fibres of a lotus-stalk; *puppha, n. a lotus flower, bhisakka, m. a physician, /. a mat, mattrass. bhisi, hhita, ppp. bhiti, (/bha) frgihtened, afraid, fear. /. bhima, adj. dreadful, cruel, bhimanada, m. a lion, bhimara, m. a battle, warfare, bhiru, *ka, ad;, timid, bhiruhadaya, in. a deer, baisila, adj. timid. bhuja, mf. the arm; *kotara, m. ihe arm-pit. bhujnga, bhujanga, to. a snake, bhujasira, -m. the shoulder. m. a freed man. bhunjati, V. (^/bhuj) to eat, enjoy, I)hujissaj bhuttti, ppp; bhuttava, eavi, pari. bhutti, /. possess; n; "ji, adj. adj. having eaten, "ana, eating, enjoying. bhotturh, inf l)herand;i bhuhhu, onom. the bark 163 of a clog. hhumma, adj. terrestrial; *ttharaKa, n. a carpet. bhuvana, 11. the world. bhusaiti, adv. much, exreedingly. bhiisa, n. chaff of corn. hhu, the earth, eyebrow. /• bhulvuti, frowning', knitting /. tiie eyebrow.s. bhujantu, m. an earth-worm. lihiijapatta, m. a kind ot birch. bhuta, ppp. (x/bhii) past, real, true;m)!. a spirit, vegetation, aggregales of l)eing. bluitagama, bhutadhara, the animal in. living being, kingdom. the the earth. /. biiijtanasana, m. marking nut plant, mustard. bhfitapubba, adj. that has existed l)efore adv. formerlv. ; bhutavjidi, adj. speaking the truth. bhutari, /. knowledge m. asaf tida. bhuti, welfare, birth. bhutavijja, /. of spirits; "vejja, adv. an exorcist. bhutina, *ka, n. a fragrant gniss. bhijdara, m. a pig. bhudhara, m. a mountain. bhunatha, m. a king. bhupa, *ti, "pala, m. a king. bhCibhuja, m. bhumaka, adj. king. a having stages or stories. bhumajjha, m. space i)etween the eyebrows. bhfimi, /. the earth, stage, ground, story of a house, plane. bhumika, /. a stage, story. bhiimicala, m. earth-quake. bhiiminda, bhumipa, bhumipala, m. a king. bhumipisaca, in. the palmyra tree. iihumilabha, m. death. much, abundant. wisdom, earth. bhiisapeti, "set?, v. (Jbhus) to ment; "sata, ppp. bhiiri, adj. bhuri, bheka, /. in. atkirn ; "sa, /,• "sana, 11. orna- a frog. m. (Jbhid) one who bheda, m. division, breach, bhetta, breaks. destruction, kind, sort. bhedeti, cows. (»Vbhid) to break, divide; 'dana, m; "daka, m. one who breaks; "danaka, adj. breakable. bherarida. m. a jackal. hheravn i64 bherava, adj. tearful, terrible; i?. terror. bheri, /. a kettle-drum; *m carapeLi, to proclaim by best of drum, bhesaja, "jja, bhesama, n. a medicine, drug, adj. terrible, bho, interj. oh say bhoga, m. a snake's ! ! sir ! expanded hood, fold, food, wealth, enjoyment, bhogavasa, m. women's apartment, bhogin, /. a royal concubine, bhogiviallabha, 11. the sandal-wood, bhogl, a snake, village headman, l^hogga, n. wealth, properly. l)hojaka, m. a village headman. l)hojana, "nlya, n. food, bhojja, adj. edible. l)hatta, m. one eats or enjoys. who says hlw, brahmin, non-F^uddhist. I'hovada, m. one M mamsa, n. flesh, meat ; *cakkhu, n. the fleshy eye, naked eye. makara, m. a mythical fish, sea monster. makaranda, m. the nectar of a flower. makarakara, m. the sea. makasa, m. a mosquito; *kuli, /. a mosquito curtain. makuta, mn. a, diadem, top-knot; *m mnceti, to dis- hevel the hair. makura, "ula, m. a flower bud. makkata, m. a monkey. makkataka, m. a spider. makkola, m. white chalk. makkha, m. hypocrisy. makkhika, /. a fly. makkhl, odj. concealing one's vices, hypocritical. makkheti, v. to swear, anoint, rub-out; "kharia, n. maga, m. a deer, antelope. f'^^gg^, "I- track, path, course. maggati, "geti, v. (Jmagg) to seek, trace out; "ana, maggamagga, m. the righf and the wrong path, maggika, m. a traveller. maggura, m, the torpedo-fish. fn. 165 manibij.'i maghava, m. SaUkn. mankila, m. a jungle-fire. manku, adj. troubled, put out, discontented, ashamed. manga, to. the prow of a boat. maiigala, adj. auspicious, festive; »;. blessing, festivily. mangini, /. a boat. macca, //)/>. m. (^/mar)a mortal; adj. maternal. maccu, TO. death. maccha, *ka, m. a fish. macchandl, /. treacle, sugar-cane juicemacchanasaka, m. an eagle. macchabandha, m. a fishermanmacchara, n. avarice, stinginess. maccharafiga, »i. a king-fisher. maochavedhani, /. a fish-hook. macchika, to. a fisherman. majja, m. strong drink, licjuor, spirits; *pa, vi. a wineliihlier. ana, ?!. raajjati, v. (iJmad) to be intoxicated; matta, ppp : (Jmaj) majjati, v. majjara, th. to rub, polish; mattha, /)/)/); ana, ». a cat. majjha, mv. middle, centre, interior, waist. majjhanha, m. noon, midday. majjhatta, adj. neutral, impartial 'ta, /. majjhantika, to. midday, noon. majjhima, adj. central, middle, medium. ; manca, *ka, to. a bed. mancadhara, m. a bedstead. maiijari, mafijika, /. /. mafijittha, a sprout. a harlot. w. Bengal madder. maiijira, to. a bangle, foot-ring. mafiju, adj. beautiful, lovely; *gamana, m(n. a goose, duck. manjusa, /. a box, casket. manjeltha, adj. light red. mafif\ati, T'. mata, (Jman) />/>/>; to think, suppose, imagine, consider; manturti, maniturii, inf mattha, matta, ppj). (Jmaj) mani, mf. a gem, jewel- manika, n. a waterpot. manikantha, to. a jay. manidhanu, m. a rainbow, manibandha, to. the wrist, manibija, n. the pomegranate. ; "ne, methinks! iTindliiikantlin t66 manivedha', m. adamant, diamond, manisappa, m. green snake. manda, m. scum. mandana, n. an ornament, adornment. mandapa, n. a pavilion. mandala, n. a disc, circle, rirciiil, circumference, region, multitude. mandalagga, m. a sabre. mandall, a disc, circle. /. a frog. manduka, mandura, mn. iron rust. ni. mandeti, v. (N'mand) to adorn; "dita, ppp'. mata, ppp. n. dJman) opinion, wish, doctrine. mataka, adj. dead. matangaja, m. an elephant. niati, /. (Jman) mind, understanding, thought, wish, opinion; 'ma, adj. wise, intelligent. matta, /. measure, atom, quantity, moderation; n. measure, mere; adj. intoxicated, charming woman. extent, only, mattakasini, a adj. mattanfiu, 'nuta, mattasita, /. moderate, temperate, joyful. 'extent knowing'; /. moderation /. mtatika, adj. maternal in eating. /. ; earth, i~lay, mud. mattiya, "teyya, adj. maternal. matthaka, mn. the head, top, end, eminence. matthalunga, n. the brain. matthu, n. whey. mathati, r. (^/math) to churn, stir up, crush, destroy; "ana, «;"thita, ppp. n. buttermilk. mada, m. intoxication, pride, enjoyment, juice from the temples of a must elephant. madana, m. the god of madanalekha, /. a love love. letter. madani, /. scent water. madara, m. an elephant madira, /. madiya, adj. maddati, v. maddala, in rut. spirituous liquor. mine. (Jmad) to. to rub, crush, tread, trample ; °ana, n, a sort of drum. maddava, ii. suavity, softness. madhu, n. honey, nectar of flowers; *ka, madhukahtha, to. a cuckoo. adj. sweet. manlana 107 madhukantila, m. the wild jasmine. madhukarai m. a bee; adj. sweet. madhukosa, m. a honey-comb. madhukkhira, m. the date tree. madhucchittha, n. bee's wax. madhupa, m. a bee. madhubbata, m. a honey bee. madhumakkhika, / a bee. madhumeha, m. diabetes. madhura, adj. sweet, agreeable. madhuraka, m. the jivaka plant. madhurasa, /. a grape. madhulatthika, /. liquorice. madhuliha, m. a bee. madhvaluka, n. the sweet-potato root. manarii, adv. a little. mana, mn. the mind, intellect, heart. manakkara, m. sensitiveness. manasa, tiu lust. manasicchati, v. (manasi Jis) to wish, desire. manasikaroti, v. to mind, attend, bear in mind, ponder. take to heart; "kara, to; "ata, ppp. manaso, adj. mental, manassi, adj. sensible, prudent, manapa, adj. pleasing, charming, pretty, manuja, m. a man; "jadhipa, m. a king, manunna, adj. beautiful, pleasing, delightful, nianussa, m. a human being, man; *ka, adj. human, guessing the thoughts of others, manokamma, n. an act of mind, manotapa, m. heart-burning, manodvara, w. the door of mind, manopubbaiigama, adj. preceded by mind, manobhu, m. the god of love, manomaya, adj. sprung from or caused by mind. manoratha, m. desire of mind, craving, manesika, /. manorama, manosila, adj. pleasant, delightful, /. manohara, realgar, red arsenic, adj. captivating, fascinating, t liarming, nlanta. m. deliberation, design, plan, artitm', (harm. hymn. incantation, mantanfia, m. a mantana, n, V'edic .spy. (Jmant) deliberation, consuit.itai. n.^ohiUun mantayoga i68 mantayoga, m. incantation, recitation of charms. manta, /. wisdom. manti, m. a counsellor, minister. manteti, ^^ (Jmant) to consult, discuss, deliberate. mantha, vi. a churning-stick, rice cake. manthani, /. a churn. manthara, adj. slow, stupid. manda, adj. slow, stupid, small, slight. mandakini, /. name of a celestial river, or a great Himalayan lake. mandarava, m. a mandira, celestial flower. a house, edifice, town. ?i. mandibhava, m. slackness, dulness. mandhata, to. the first king of the world. niamaka, ad. mine. mamayati, v. to be devoted to, conceited, egoistic; mammacchedaka, adj. breaking the joints. maya, ad], made of, consisting of. mayu, m. a harpy, deer. mayukha, m. a ray of -light. mayiira, ppp. a peacock. to. mayuraka, "y'l". n. vitriol. mayurari, to. a chameleon. marana, n. (rJmar) death. (Jmar) marati, v. to die; ma(ta, ppp. maramma, adj. Burmese. marara, m. granary. marica, n. pepper. mariyada, marici, /. a boundary, limit, rectitude. a ray of light, mirage. marrcika, /. mirage. maricimali, to. the sun. maru, /. to. mala, n. a sandy desert, mountain, spirit. dirt, filth, stain, fault, defect, impurity, sin, a sweeper. malakka, to. a small cup. malaya, to. name of a mountain, garden, jungle. malayaja, m. sandal-wood. malina, adj. dirty, black; n. fault. malakassi, to. malinambu, m. ink. malimasa, adf. dirty, polluted; m. iron. malla, to. a wrestler *yuddha, n. mrestling. mallaka, m. a cup. ; rust. mahika mallika, m. a sort of goose, 169 weaver's shuttle ; /. Arabian jasmine, malligandhi, in. aloes wood, mallipatta, mushroom, masakkasara, m. Sakka's city, masahari, /. a mosquito curtain, masira, *ka, m. sapphire, emerald, mas&ragalla, n. a cat's eye. nt. soot, ink ; 'kupi, /. ink-pot *patha, m. pen-holder, masika, m. a snake hole, masura, m. a sort of lentil, masuri, /. the small-pox., n. beard, maha, mn. a festival. mahaggha, °ghiya, adj, of great value, costly, valuable, mahati, v. (Jmah) to revere, worship, mahatta, /. greatness of soul, magnanimity, masi, ; mahanta, maha, adj. great, big, much, mahapphala, adj. very fruitful, maballaka, adj. old, aged, bigmahakaccha, m, the sea, mountain, mahakathana, n- a high numeral, mahakanda, m. garlic, mahagada, m. a plague, mahagiva, m. a camel, mahajana, m. the people, public, mankind, mahaiimi, m. a mythical fish monster, mahana, *sa, n. a kitchen, mahanisa, /. midnight, mahabodi, m/. the great Wisdom Tree. mahSbhuta, mn. a primary or essential element, mahamatta, m. a great minister. mahiraUha, n. Siam. mah&raha, adj. superb, splendid, maharoruva, m. one of the eight hells, mahivireka, m. the cholera, mahivega, m. a monkey, mahasatta. m. future Buddha. mahasammata, m. the Great Elect, the first king of the worki. mahasah§, /. globe amaranth, mahisala, m. a man of great wealth and position. mahik&, /. tendon, mabika, /. frost. mahiccha. ijo mahiccha, adj. of great desire, lustful. mahinda, m. Sakka. niahindhara, m. a mountain. m. the sun. mahira, /. a woman. mahisa, m. a buffalo. mahlssara, m. a king, Vishnu. mahi, /. the earth, land. mahldhara, m. a mountain. mahlpa, *ti, °paa, m. a king, inahira, mahiruha, a tree. to. an earth-worm. mahesakkha, adj. powerful, eminentmahesi, m. great sage, Buddha mahilata, /. mahesi, /. chief queen. tuahogha, m- a torrent. tnahodadhi, m. the ocean. mahosadha, n. dry ginger. ma, m. the moon; particle of prohibitionmagavika, m. a deer-stalker, huntsman. mSghata, m. interdiction of slaughter. maghya, n. blossom of the many-flowered jasmine. macala, m. a robber, crocodile, disease. macika, /. a Hy. mapava, *ka, m. a lad, novice. mipika, /. a weight, measure. matahga^ in. an elephant, out-caste. matali, m. Sakka's charioteer. mata, /. a mother; *maha, m. maternal grandfather. matapettika, adj. belonging to father and mother. matika, /. a conduit, water-course, canal, table of contents, outline, (hatiya, adj. maternal, matugama, m. womankind, female, matuccha, niatula, mother's /. m. a mother's matulani, Ijrother. a mother's brother's wife. /. matuluiiga, sister, m. the citron tree- mada, in. pride, madaka, nt. water-fowl. madana, it- delighting, cloves, madisa, marisa, ad], like miidhavilata) /. me the soap acacia creepero migadaya mailurl, rnana, spirituous, drink. /. m. r;} pride, conceit; n. a measure. inanaknta, n. a false measure. manana, fn. honouring, revering. minaniya, adj. venerable, honourable. manava, vi. mankind, man. manasa, n. the mind, intention, purpose; mnnita. "sika, adj. mental. ^pp. mdncti) revered, honoured. ( mSnusa, *ka, adj. human- maneti, {caus. m&nhati) to honour revere. mlpeti, {c<ius. viinSti) to make, create; "paka, adj ; °pana, n. maya /. illusion, jugglery, magic, deceit ; *kara,m. a juggler. liiayavl, adj. deceitful. mayu, m. bile, gall. mara, m. death, the evil one; *ka, m. a slayer. maraji, m. a conqueror of Mara, Buddha. m. a venerable person. maruta, a wind. iii.ila, m. a pavillion, one-peaked building; /. garland necklace, row, line; *ka, m. enclosure, yard, terrace, nimo marisa, tree. malati, /. the great flowered jasmine. malatitiraja, n. borax. malakara, w. a gardener. malaguna, °u!a, m. a garland of flowers. mSlika, m a gardener, florist; f. a garland, double jasmine. mail, jw. a gardener. maluta. m. wind. air. malutana, m. the armadillo. maluva, /. n creeper. raalura, m. the bael tree- malya. n. a garland of flowers. masa, mn. a month, kidney-bean. masaka, m. a bean or vetch, weight, measur©, coin. masara, m. the scum of boiled rice. masuri, /. the beard. miga, m. a deer, wild beast. migakkhi, /. a woman with lovely eyes like those of the deer. migaka, in. the moon. :nigacelaka, a wild cat. migatanhika, /. mirage. miganabnj lyz migan&bhi, m. musk. migapti, m. a lion. migamada, m. musk. migam^tuka, /. a bison. migava, m. hunting, chase. migadana, m. a hyena. migari, m. a lion, tiger, blood-hound. micchatta, «. falsity, misconduct, wrongness. wrong conduct miccha, adv. falsely, wrongly; 'cara, m. or living. /. wrong views. micchSsaiikappa, m. wrong thought or intention. mita, {ppp.miniti) measured, moderate; *bhaiji, adj. speaking in moderation. mitta, m. a friend; *ddu, *du, dubhl *dubhika, adj. micchaditthi, treacherous, perfidious. mithu, mitho, adv. mutually, privately, reciprocally. mithuna, n. a couple. middha, n. torpor, drowsiness. v. (Jma) to measure, gauge, survey: mStabba, metabba, meyya, fpp; mita, ppp ; mapeti, caus; min. minati, ana, n. milakka, *ka, m. a barbarian, foreigner, hillman. milana, m. mixture, association. milayati, v. (Jmla) to languish, milita, adj. fade, wither; milsita, 'ppp. mixed, associated. missa, *ka, adj. mixed; *ti, "seti, v. to be mihita, w. a smile. mihira, m. the sun, moon, cloud, wind. mina, m. a fish. mllati, V. {Jmi\) to wink; °ana, n; mil ha, n. excrement. "lita, mixed ; "sita, ppp. ppp. mukandaka. m. red onion. niukura, m. a mirror. mukula, mn. a bird. mukha, n. the mouth, face, front, entrance, brim, means, commencement, mukhadhana, n. the bit of a bridle, mukhapata, m. a veil, mukhapStha, m. oral recitation, mukhappiya, n. an orange, mukhara, adj. garruloas, noisy, scurrilous. musati J mukkhavaUi, /• brim, fringe, edge. mukhaviUha, /, a cockroach. mukhya, adj. chief, true. mugga, m. a sort of kidney bean. muggara, m. a hammer, mallet, club. mucchati, v. to become faint; °chita, ppp ; mucchanS, /. a musical tone. v. (Jrtiuc) to muRcati, forth; mutta, ppp loose, ; "ana, n; °cha, release' dismiss, omit, 73 /. send moceti, caus. munja, m, a sort of grass, the banded snake-headmufijaka, m. testicle. mutthasacca, muUhi. lapse of memory. handful, smith's hammer; 'ka, m. a "ssati, n. forgetfulness, nif. the fist, boxer. mun(?a, ad/, bald, tonsure, bare, shaved; *ka, m. a shaveling; muta, {ppp. mundti) thought, considered, mvti, /. understanding, intelligence. mutiAga, m. a small drum, tabour. mutta, n. urine; /• a pearl. muttakaficuka, m. a snake that has east off muttaguna, "anara, m. a string of pearls, its n. skin, mother-of-pearl, muttaphala, n. the custard-apple, camphor, mutti, /. release, deiiverance, nibbina. muttapasii, /. muttika, n. a pearl, muda, /. mudita, joy. /. sympathy, mudu, adf. soft, slow. mudda, ;. a seal, signet, seal-ring, conveyancing. muddSyanta, n. a printing press, muddika, /. the vine, grape, seal-ring, signet, stamp, print; muddeti, v. to muddha, adj. stupid, foolish; *ta, muddhaja, m. a celebral °dita, ppp/. letter. muddha, m. the head, top; *bhisitta, m. an anointed king mudha, adv. in vain, gratis, muni, m. a sage, saint, muniputtara, m. a wagtail, robin. mubba, /. a kind of creeper, muraja, m. a tambourine- musaka, m. a rat. musati, V. (^mns) to steal, plunder. musala '74 musala, mn. a club, pestle. musaluttara, nt. a pig. musa, adv. falsely; *vada, m. falsehood. muhu, muhurii, adv. momently, repeatedly. muhutta, m. a moment. mulala, inn. a lotus-stalk. muga, adj. dumb. mula, n. a root, origin, base, cause, amount, price, capital. mulaka, mn. a radish. mulya, n. price, wages. musa, /. a crucible. musika, m. mouse. mulha, ppp. (Jmuh) misguided, deluded, ignorant, foolish. mekhala, /. a girdle zone. megha, m. a cloud, rain. meghajala, meghanala, m. talc, mica, meghajjoti, /. lightning. meghapasana, n. hail. meghavanna, /. the indigo plant, mecaka, adj. black, dark-blue; m. root of an animal's tail. mejjha, adj. pure. men<Ja, m. a sheep, ram. metta, /. love, good-will. metya, n. friendship. inethuna, n. sexual intercourse. meda, m. fat. medinl, the earth. /. medha, m. sacrifice; /. intelligence. medhaga, m. strife, quarrel. medhsvi, ad;, intelligent, wise. menika, 7n. a fisherman. meraya, n. intoxicating drink, liquor. melaka, m. as.semblage. mela, /. ink. mesa, m. a ram. meha, m. urine. moka, n. hide, skin peeled off from an animal. mokkha, adj. principal, pre-eminent m. release, delivcrence mokkhacika, n. acrobatic feats. mogha, adj, useless, vain. moca, m. the drum-stick tree; n. banana fruit. ; moceti, cans, (^muc) to release, detach; °cana, n. mocSta, m, banana or plan: : yadidam fyt mona, m. a aried fruit, snake-chamer's basket. modaka, vi. a sort of sweet-meat, ferment. modati, (Jmud) v. modayanti, mona, /. to rejoice; °ana, n; mudita, ppp. a species of coffee-wort- n. silence. momuka, mora, m. mad. adj, silly, a peacock. moli, mf. a top-knot, chignon, crest, diadem. mosa, VI. (^/mus) theft, roFjbery *ka, m. a thief. ; (Jmuh) delusion, folly. mohita, ppp. (/muh) deluded, infaluatad. moha, TO. Y who, which, what, pa, pfon. lie, who, whoever. yakana, n. the liver. yakkha, n. an ogre. yakkhadhiipa, w. resin, yagghe, indecl. indeed, (Jyaj) to yajati, V. sacrifice, offer; "ana, « ; yittjia, ppp. n sacrifice, yance, adv. than if, rather than. (Jyaj) a sacrifice, yannartga, m. the glomerous yaiifia, vi. yatthi, /. a staff, stick, yatthimadhuka, yati, /- m. a monk, fig-tree, pole, stem, measure of length, liquoiice. /• caesura, yato, adv. since, inasmach as, because, yaltaka, adj. however much, of whatever size, yatra, yattha, adv. where, whither, since, as. yatha, adv. as, how. like; yathattarh, adv. rightl)', exactly. yathatatha,.arf/. real, true- ascetic; yathabuddham, adv. according to seniority. yathabuhuccatti, "bhutam, adv. according to the reality, yatharaharii, adv. according to worth, property, yatharucirh, adv. according to one's pleasure, at yathasaka, adj. each his own, respective, yathasattirh, adv. according to one's ability will, yathasukharti, adv. as one likes, at pleasure, yathicchitam, adv. to one's liking, to one's heart's content yadi, indecl. yadiccha, /. if. self-will, independence; achaka, n. whatever one wishes, yadidarti, adv. namely, that is to say. ya"^ ^76 yanta, n. machine, engine* appliance. yama, m. temperance, pair, couple, restraint, king ot the infernal region, adj, double, twin, pair, couple. yamaka, yamala, n. a pair- yamavahana, m. a yameruka, yava, /. buffalo, a gang, to. barley, yavalasa, m. saltpetre, yavasa, m. pasture, fodder, fame, renown, pomp; yasassi, adj. adv. where, wherever, m. yasa, yahirti, yaga, m. yagu, /. ( Jyaj) a rice sacrifice, gruel. ^ yacati, v.'(Jyac) toask, beg, entreat ;°aka, to. yatana, /. begger; ana, /. torment. undergo; yata, ppp. what sort? conveyance, carriage, proceeding; yana, n. a yati, y. (f^ya) to go, yadikkha, °isa, adj. of *patta, n. a boat, yapeti, caus. (Jya) to maintain oneself; "p^na, n. mainten- ance, living, yapayayana, n. a palanquin. ySma, w. restraint, watch of three hours, name of a class of devas. yamaghosa, m. a cock yamavati, /. ; /. clock, night, yayi, adj. going, temporary, yava, *rti, adv. until, as long as. yavaka, m. lac. yivajlvarti, adv. as long as life lasts, yavata, adv. as far as, inasmuch as, because; *yukaih, adv. as long as life lasts, yavadattharh. "dicchakarh, ddv. as much as desired, ppp. (Jyaj) n. a sacrifice, yuga, n. a pair, couple, a generation, age of the world; wn. yitfha, yoke, yugakkhaya, to. destruction of the worlb. yugapatta, to. mountain ebony, yugala, n. a pair, couple. yujjhati, v. battle. (Jyudh) to fight, make war; yuddha, ppp. ». ; 1-anku yunjaLi, V. ( Jyuj) to 177 apply oneself ilevole, be Zealous; to, yutta, ppp. yutta, />/>/>. (Jyuj) devoted to, yoked, engaged. yuttaka, adj. wonhy, proper, right. yutti, /. use, application, fitness, propriety. yuvati, a girl, maiden- /. yuvaraja, in. a crown prince. yuva, adj. young. yuka, mf. a louse. yiiti, /. mixture, association. yutlia, mn. a herd of animals. yCithika, /. a sort of jasmine. yuna, udj. young. yupa, m. a pillar, column. yusa, inn. juice. yenakamam, yenicchakaiii, adv. wherever one likes, at will. yebhuyya, adj. abundant, numerous; "yena, adv. instr. generally, mostly. yoga, junction, union, method, application, devotion; m. an ascetic. yogakkhema, m. security, nibbiina. yogavahi, m. mercury. yogavacara, m. a religious applicant or aspirant. yogga, adj. worthy, proper; /. training, practice; n. a car»»i. "gi, riage, conveyance. yojana, 71. junction, union, measure of length; *gandha, /. musk. yotta, n. the tie of a yoke, rope. yodha, yodhi, m. (N/yudh) a warrior. yona, yonaka, yavana, adj. Ionian, Greek. yoni, /. the womb, origin, knowledge; *So adv. causally, wisely. yobbana, yobbaiina, n. youth. yobbanakandaka, m. a pimple, yosa, /. a woman. R. raiilsi, /. a ray of light; *ma, adj. radiant; rakkhati, v. to protect, ward ana, n. "i. a demon, ogre, m. a species ot deer. rakkhasa, rafiku, off, m. guard; "kha, the sun. /; "aka, adj 1 ranga 78 m. colour, paint rariga, rarigajiva, m. a ; *sala, /. theatre. painter, actor. -y. (Jrac) to compose, prepare; °ana, /./. literary composition, racayita, to. composer, author, raccha, /. a carriage road or street, raja, mn. dirt, dust, pollen of flowers, impurity, sin. racati, m. a washerman, rajakkha, adj. having impurity or passion, rajaka, rajala, n. silver, (Jraj) to rajati, v. colour, dye; ratta, fpp; raiijeti, caus; "ana, n. rajani, night; rajanicara, m. a ghost, thief; rajanijala, n. /. frost, rajanlya, adj. lustful. rajavatti, /. minute particles of dust or vapour, /. a menslruous woman, rajassala, to. a buffalo; and dirt, m. wind, rajohara, m. a washerman, rajovajalla, n. dust rajosarathi, sovereignty, royalty, monarchy, rajja, n. kingdom ; "aiiga, n. requisite of royalty, rajju, /. a rope, string. raiijeti, rattha, caus (Jraj) to dye, illuminate, gratify; °jana, n. realm, country "thika, "thiya, m. mn. kingdom, ; an inhabitant, rana, w. sin, battle, raodaka, m. a fruitless tree, ratakila, w. a dog. rataguru, to. a husband, ratatali, to/, ratana, a lustful person, jewel; *kandala, a M. to. coral; *mukhya, diamond, ratayani, /. a harlot. pleasure, delight, sexual intercourse, ratta, ppp. (Jraj) coloured, dyed, impassioned; n. nighl. rattatunda, «. a parrot, rati, /. rattaniiu, adj. experienced, rattapa, /. a leech, rattapuppha, mf. the cotton tree, rattalocana, to. a pigeon, rattavaddhana, to. the brinjal. ratti, mjn. night; "indiva, to. a day and a nignt. n. '79 rahita m. a car, carriage, chariot. ratharenu, m. a mite, a minute measure of weiglit. rathanika, n. an array of chariots. ratha, m. one who rides a chariot; m. 'lord of charioteers,' *na, m. a tooth. m. an elephant. rathilva, rathesabha, rada, radi, randha, n. a hole, cavity, randheti, v. to hurt, make a carriage road- /. a king. fault. subject to. ramattha, n. asafaetidaramati, 1). (J ram) to enjoy, delight in; rata, ppp ; adj. pleasing; °aniya, ppP- delightful; 'ani, "twya., /. a woman, rampanna, 7nn. a cucumber, rambha, /• a plantain tree, ramma, adj. delightful, beautiful, m. speed. rallaka, m. a woollen blanket, eyelash, raya, (Jru) to cry, shout; rava, mf. ravati, v. ravi, m. the sun, Sunday; *natha, n. a lily; *sannaka., n. copper, rasa, m. sap, juice, essence, taste; *ka, m. a cook^ rasakesara, n. camphor, rasagabbha, n. vermilion, rasaggasa, /. a nerve of sensatio. rasana, n. taste; rasanatha, /. tongue, woman's zone, m. mercury, rasaphala, to. a cocoanut tree, rasavati, /. a kitchen, rasasadhana, m. borax, rasatala, n. the infernal region, rasala, in. sugar-cane, rasika, adj. spirited, witty, tasteful, rasita, n. thunder; adj. gilt, rasopala, n. a pearl, rasmi, to. a rope, bridle, ray of light, rassa, adj, short. raha, to. solitude, secrecy, privacy; raho, adv. privately, rahada, to. a lake, rahasa," to. the sea, sky. rahassa, '.adj. secret, private; secretly, rahita, ppP- deprived of, without. n. a secret; °sena, adv, raka l8o raka, /. the full moon, itch. raga, w. dyeing, colour, passion, lust. rajaka, m. a king. rajakara, n. royal revenue. rajakkhaya, m. royal house, palace. rajangana, n. a palace yard/ m. a prince. rajanna, rajatala, m. the rajadhani, /. betel tree. a royal city. rajarariga, n. silver. raja, m. a king. a streak, line, row. a queen. rajila, adj. stupid; m. a water-snake. radhita, ppp. accomplished, performed. rama, to. joy, delight. raji, /. rajinJ, /. r'amaiieyyaka, adj. delightful. a heap, quantily, sign of the zodiac. rittha, n. sin, misfortune. rite, adv. except, without. rasi, TO. ritta, *ka, adj. empty. ripu, TO. riri, /. an enemy. brass. custom, habit. rukkha, to. a tree; adj. rough, cruel. rukkhacara., to. a tKonkey. riti, /. rukkhadhupa, to. varnish. rukkhamakkatika, /. a squirrel. rukkharuha, /. the orchid plant. rukkhasa, to. a chameleon. ruci, /. light, splendour, pleasure, inclination; *ma, adj. brilliant, rucira, adj. brilliant, beautiful, agreeable, Jruc) to appear good,be pleasing ;°anii, n. choice, ache; "ja, /; "jjana, n. pain, ruttha, ppp. (Jtus) enraged, rundika, /. the battle ground, runna, n. (iJiud) weeping, lamentation, rudda, adj, furious, ruddha, ppp. (Jrudh) obstructed, ruccati, v. ( rujati, V. to suffer, rudhira, n. blood. rundhati, v. (Jrudh) to restrain, obstruct; ruddha, ppp, ruta, n. cry, noise. lakara i8i m. a sambhur. ruvathu, m. sound, noise. ruha, adj. growing ruru, growth, metaphor. rulhi, /. riipa, n. form, matter, shape, body, visible object, objective; *ltkhandha, m. aggregate of matter, rupaka, n. an image, representation, ruparammana, n. a visible rupi, *ya, m. silver, rupika, /. object, an image, statue. rCipI, adj. beautiful. rupQpajivini, /. a harlot, re, interj. rekha, /. heigh ! halloa ! a line, streak, recana, fn. diarrhoea. renu, mf. dust, pollen; *vasa, m. a bee; *sara, to. camphor, sand, roka, n. a hole, roga, m. (iJruj) disease; "gl, ad/, ill, sick; *santaka, to. a doctor, physician, rocati, v. (^/^uc) to be pleasing, appear good; roceti, cans. to choose, rocana, adj. shining; m. a sort of cotton, rodati, v. (Jrud) to weep, wail; "ana, n. rodha, n. a bank, dam; to. stopping; *na, obstruction, retaja, /. ropa, m. an arrow, planting. up; V'^na, n; "pita, ppp. on the body; "afica, to. horripilation, chewing the cud. ropeti, cans, to plant, set roma, n. the hair romantha, n. violent crying, roruva, to. one of the eight hells. rosaiTisa, /. desire, wish, roruda, /. rosa, TO. anger. rosaka, rosana, a(^j. (Jrus) angry, rosaneyya, adj. irritable, roseti, cans. (Jrus) to annoy, irritate. roha, TO ; *na, n. mounting, ascending, a bud. rohini, /. a red cow. rohita, adj. red. rohisa, to. a kind of deer. L lakara, to. a mast. takuntaka i82 lakuntaka, m. a dwarf. characteristic, lakkha, n. a mark, target; *na, n. mark, sign, property, fortune-telling, lakkhaiina, adj. auspicious, beautiful, lakkhl, /. prosperity, splendour, beauty, lakkheti, v. to mark, characterize, dicern. laguja, TO. a club, mallet, laggati, lagati, v. (Jlag) to adhere, stick fast; lagga, lagita, ppp, "geti, caus. laghu, adj. light, quick, small; *kaya, m- a goat, lafika, /. Ceylon, laf.khani, /. the bit of a bridle, langati, v. to deteriorate, fall off. langi, /. a bolt or bar. disregard; langhati, v. to jump, step over, jump over, lift up. laiighi, /. "gheti, v. to a rain-cloud. lajjati, V. (Jlajj) to lajjita, lajji, adj. be ashamed ; "ana, n; "ja, /. shame, ashamed, modest. laSca, TO. a present, bribe. lanchati, "cheti v. to seal; °cha, to; °chana, n. a mark, seal, lafija, m. a foot, tail, bribe, lafijika, /. a harlot, lata, TO. a vile or mean person, latukika, /. the Indian quail, latthi, *ka, /. a staff, stick, offshoot, plant, landa, n. the dung of animals, lata, /. a creeper, branch, latajivha, m. a snake, palm latataru, to. the tree, cocoanut tree, latamani, to. fossilized branch, lattaka, n. lac. lattika, /. a lizard, laddhaka, adj. delightful, pleasing, laddhi, /. religious belief, heresy, lapaka, to. one lapati, 7). who fawns (fc/lap) to talk, or intrigues, prattle, whine; 'ana, «. the mouth, lapanaja, m. a tooth, lapayati, v. to talk, prattle, whine, iapita, n. talk, voice, labuja, TO. the mountain jack, labbha, indecl, allowable, permissible, possible. talking, llAga labhati, 1). ppp 183 (Jlabh) to obtain, acquire, get a chance; laddha, lacchati, jut. ; lamba, adj. pendulous, long, large *kanna, m. Hong ears,' a goat, hare, lambati, v. to droop, fall, hang down °ana, n. lambika, adj. hanging, suspended, lambhana, n. abuse, bad language. laya, m. a brief measure of time> time in music and dancing, V. (rjlal) lalati, to sport, dally; lalita, ppp; °ana, f. a ; ; woman, lalata, n. the forehead. lalama, adj. delightful ; n. a sign, flag, horn, ornament, an ear-ornament, lalita, ppp. ((Vial) beautiful, sporting, lava, ?». reaping, a chip, drop, piece, lalami, /. lavanga, n. cloves. lavana, n. salt; "nuttama, n. "saltpetre, lavitta, 11. a sickle, lasati, V. to shine, sport, lasika, /. the fluid that lubricates the joints, lasuna, n. garlic. lahu, adj. Ught, quick, vain, flighty; * lahutthana, n. bodily vigour, /. lac lakharukkha, m. the butea laja, mf. parched grain, lapa, m. a sort of quail, labu, m. a pumpkin, rn, adv, lightly, lakha, labha, tree, m. gain. lamaka, adj. low, inferior, "ana, n. layati, v to reap vile, ; . lalana, n. dalliance, sport, lalappati, lalapati, v. (<Jlap) to lament, lalasa, /. ardent desire, lala, /. saliva, lasana, dancing, 71. m. a sort of bread fruit, likocaka, m. the oleaster plum, likuca, likkha, likhati, /. a measure of weight, louse-egg. "0. (Jlikh) to write, inscribe, scratch; *ana, n. m. an animal, bad man. ligu, n. the heart; liAga, «. a dum. mark, sign, characteristic, sex, gerider, puden* lingf i84 adj. having gender; m. an elephant. ppp. (n/Hp) smeared, plastered. lirigl, litta, lipi, /. writing, letter of the alphabet. liha, TO. licking. Una, {ppp- liyati) attached, adhering, inherent, hidden; *cara, to. a thief, hunter. llha, /. sport, play, dalliance. ll]ha, /. grace, facility, ease. lujjana, n. break-up. luricati, v. to pull up or out. lunthana, n. rolling on the ground. ludda, *ka, m. a hunter. luddha, ppp. (ijlubh) greedy, covetous. lunati, V. (Jlu) to cut, reap; lima, ppp. luyati, pass. lupyati, pass. (Jlup) to be elided; lutla, ppp; "pana, n. luiaya, to. a buffalo. lukha, adj. rough, harsh. luta, lutika, /. a spider. lijma, mfn. a tail ; *visa, to, a scorpion. lekha, to. a letter, epistle, inscription, writing, drawing; a line, scratch; *ka, to. a scribe, secretary. lekhana, n. writing, a letter; "nika, to. amanuensis, /. post- man. lekheti, cans, (ijlikh) to write, delineate. lekhyapatta, mfn. letter-paper. Jeddu, TO. a clod of earth. lena, n. a cave, cavern, refuge. lepa, TO. mortar, plaster; *na, n. plastering. lepya, n. modelling in clay, plastering. leyya, {fpp. lehati) n. a foodstuff that is licked, lapped or sipped. lesa, TO. a bit, atom, trick, stratagem. lehati, v. (Jlih) to lick; lilha, ppp; leyya, fpp. lehina, to. borax. ioka, tn. the world, universe, mankind. lokagaru, to. the Buddha. lokadhamma, to. worldly condition. lokadhatu, /. a world element or system. lokantarika, adj. belonging to the space between worlds. lokayata, n. casuistry. lokuttara, adj. transcendental, spiritual. lokesa, TO. Brahman. three vahka locaka, m. a piece of flesh, pupil by a snake, 185 skin cast off of the eyei locana, n. the eye. lona, n. salt. lopa, m. cutting off, apocope, m- greed, cupidity; °aniya, lobha, adj.- connected with greed, loma, n. the hair of the body; *kupa, to. a pore of the skin, lotnabhumi, /. the skin. loniasa, adj. hairy; *panaka, to. a caterpillar, lomasara, to. emerald, lomahatiisa, to. horripilation ; "hattha, adj. tremulous, agitated, desirous; *ta, lolupa, adj. desirous, covetous, greedy, loha, TOn. iron, any metal, agallochum. lohakanta, n. a magnet, lohaja, n. brass, bronze. lola, adj. /. eagerness. lohaddavl, m. borax, m. a heron, lohavamma, n. a coat of mail, lohapittha, lohavara, n. gold, lohita, adj. red. lohitanka, w. a ruby, lohitatunda, w. a parrot, lohitaya, n. copper. Vatttsa, Ml. a bamboo, dynasty, history. race, lineage, vathsakkama, m. lineage, pedigree. vartisavanna, m. the vejuriya gem. vathsika, m. a flute player, piper. vaka, TO. a wolf. vakka, n. the kidney adj. crooked vakkanga, m. the ruddy goose. ; ; *giva, to. a camel. vakkala, mn. bark of tree, bark garment of ascetics. vakkha, to. a tree; n. the chest. vakkhoja, ". a woman's breast. vagga, m. a class, company, multitude. vaggu, adj. pleasant, beautiful. vaiika, «<^/' crooked, cunning; m. a fish-hook, river -bend. 1 vahkativangaiii 86 vaiikativangarii, adv. crookedlycomplaint. vahga, m. Bengal, cotton, cutaneous vaca, m. speech, saying. vacana, n. speaking swordvaci, /. speech; *kamma, n. of speech; act j *bheda, m. *. . uttering words. vacca. mn. lustre, excrement; *kuti, vaccha, m. a calf; *ka, m, /• a privy. m. bullock, steer. a calf; *tara, vacchara, m. vear. a cow fond ot vacchala, adj. affectionate; m. affection; /her calf, vaja, m. a cow penvajati, v. {^/vaj) to go, walk, adamant; tunda, a vajira, mn. the thunderbolt^ diamond, m^. a pig, rat*danta, mosquito; garuia, vulture, "ana. v. avoiding. instrument; musical vajja, n. a fault, sin, shun, remove, vajjeti, cans, to avoid, abstain, vajjha, (Jvadh) execution, /. vaficeti, v. to deceive, delude; "cat;' "^^' ' y2n)na,"an/. barren, sterile. vatarfisaka, n. a vafa, m. kind of flower. the banyan tree. m. a cord, garland of flowersvatuma, n. a roadvatta, m. expenditure; adj. round; n. vatakara, circle of existence, sariisara. vatlaka, /. a quail, behove, be right, vattati, V. to fringe, valli, /. rim, wick, lump ; *ka, /. a thong, wick, pill, vattula, adj. circular, vathara, adj. fat, stout, grow, increase, multiply, prosper; "dhi, /; vaddha, vuddha, vuddha, buddha, ppp, old, wise; vacjcjhati, v. to °ana, "aka, adj ; "ana, n. vaddhaki, m. an artisan, carpenter, mason, vana, mn. a soie, wound, boil, vanijja, /. trade, vanita, adj. vaiiippatha, wounded, m. trading town, mart, vanta, n. a stalk, vanthara, m. a palmyra bud, bosom, dog, cloud. ; vanatha vannn, 187 appearance, colour, loinplexioii, beauty, vowel, »}. syllable, quality ; *m kathet], to praise, vannaka, ». paint, rouge, vannakupika, /. an ink-pot. vannadasT, f, a prostitute vannana, /. description, explanation, commentary, vannapatha,;))!. a desert, vannamata, /. a nib. vanni, n. gold. ad/.:having the colour of; vanrii, to. a painter; vanneti, v. to descricb, depict, praise, explain, O! indecl. vata, /. a beauti- woman, ful alas! indeed; mn. comment, duty, observance, habit, rite, vati, /. vatta, a fence. the mouth, face; J7. vattati, /. one who says, to begin, proceed, 1'. go on, ppp ; exist, practise, tend; vatta, take place, say, be, n. duty, vattana, n. livelihood, subsistence, wages, vattani, /. a road, vattamana, adj. the present, vattarama, m. a plantation. to speak, address; vatva, ^er;avoca, aor ID, (J vac) vakkhati, fut ; vatturh, inf ; vuccati, pass; vutta, ppp. vattha, n. clothes; m. a goat. vatthaguyha, n. the pudendum, 'to be hidden by clothes.' vatthi, »»/. the abdomen, bladder, vatthu, n. substance, thing, matter, cause, subject, story, vatti, m. a m. Sakha, narrative vatrabhfi, ; site, floor, vadaiinu, adj. bountiful, affable, (Jvad) to speak, declare; vada, m. speaking; ud ppp; vadeti, caus- to sound (musically), vadana, n. speech, mouth, face, vadati. u. vaddalika, /. vaddhamaya, vadhati, rainy weather, adj. leathern, strike, kill; °aka, adj a, m. slaughter, murder, adhuka, /. a daughter-in-law. vadhu, /. a bride, girl, daugther-ih-law. vana, n. a wood, forest, water; *gahana n. forest, vanacaraka, m. a farester. vanatha, m. undergrowth in a forest, bru.«(hwood, lust. r. to ; vanada i88 vannda, m. a rnin-cloud. vaiiappati, vanaspali. vi. 'lord oj iha fnrcst,' Iree towering above olhevs. vanappiya, m. the cuckoi). vanaraji, /. a forest glade, vanabhu, m. a rabbit, vanita, /. a woman, vanussaha, m. a rhinoceros. vanta, ppp. (iJvam) vomited, ejected, deprived vantasika, adj. eating what has been vomitedvandati, v. to salute, revere, venerate; vandaka, /. a species of mistletoe, of. "anri, In. vandi, m. a bard, panegyrist; /. prisoner, vapati, XI. to sow, shave; vatta, vutta, ppp; "ana, n. vapa, /. at spreading among the muscles, vapu, 71. the body. v.iDna, m. sowing, river-bank. ; ana^ "n. emetic, vamati, v. to vomit, eject vanta ppp "a, ; ; ; w vamathu, m. vomiting, vambhana, n. ridicule, vamma, n. armour, vammika, mn. an ant-liill. vammita, adj. wearing armour, vaya, mn. youth, age; *ttha, adj. young; *ppatta, adj. come of age. vayassa, m. friend. vara, m. a boon, favour; adj. excellent, best, noble, varaka, n. the Indian corn, varanga, m. the head. varahgana, /. a noble or beautiful woman. varafifiu, adj. knowing the best, the Buddha, varana, to. a wall, rampart, varata, m. a foreigner, wild man, swan, varanda, to. a pimple, refuse, a strap, thong, yarapbala, to. the cocoanut tree, varatta, /. m. a wasp, varavacchala, /. mother-in-law. varan nini, /. lac. varala, varaka, adj. wretched, miserable, to. a rope. vararoha, to. a mahout /. a woman of excellent form, varaha, to. a boar, varata, ; . vasTbhava varisa, a year; n. /. 1S9 rainy season. variha, m. a peacock. varihisa. n. the kusa grass. varuna, hi. the ocean. m. a wooden fender round m. a sort of fish. variitha, valaja, valafijeti, v. (v/lanj) to use, n ; valaya, a chariot. spend, resort to ;''ja. to ; "jana, "jaka, adj. mn. a bracelet, ring, circle, valayita, adj. encircled, valahaka, vi. rain-cloud, mountain. a fold of the skin, wrinkle, streak valittaca, adj. wrinkled, vali, /. ; *ta, adj. wrinkled, valira, adj. squinting, vallmukha, m. a monkey, /. an Indian lute. vallaki, m. vallabha, adj. beloved; vallari, /. vallava, vaJlibha, a compound a favourite, overseer, pedicle, m. a cook, cow-herd. m. the pumpkin, valli, /. a creeper, vallura, mfn. dried flesh, vavakattha, />/>/>• (Jkas)- withdrawn, secluded, vavatthapeti, cans, to place, fix, settle, establish; "ana, °apana, n; "thita, ppp. vasa, mn. wish, desire, authority, power, control. Vase vasena, adv. by means of, vattati, to be under control for the sake of- *ga, adj. subject, obedient, vasati, v. to dwell, live, spend time; vacchati, fnl vatthurii, ; ; in; vuttha, vusita, ppp; °ana, n. dwelling, /. dwelling, abode, vasana, n. cloth, clothes, vasati, m. spring (season), vasantaghosi, m. the cuckoo, vasabha, m. a bull, vasala, m. an oul-cast, reprobate, vasanta, vasavatti, adj. bringing into subjection, Mara, vaSa, /, a barren cow, obedient wife, serum, fat. vasada, m. a lion, vasika, adj. subject to *ta, /. vasikaroti, v. to bring into subjection, ; vasibhava, m. Subjection, self-control, subjugation; "bhuta' ndi . vasu igo ray of ligh1, tree; n. wcaltli. a gem. vasudha, vasumati, vasundhara, /. the earth. vasati, to keep leni. vassa, m. a goat; mn. a year, rain; *wi vasu, adj. sweet; m. .-. vassakara, m. a rain cloud. vassaggarh, adv. in order of seniority of monks. a cry; v. to rain; vassati, -v. to utter a cry, vassita, ppt>. n. °ana, n; vatta, p/)^ Dcvo vassati, vassavara, vassadhara, m. a eunuch. vassaghosa. m. a frog. vassana, m. the rainy season. it rains. vassanara, m. fire. vassapabhatijana, m. a storm. vassamada, m. a peacock. vassavasa, m. rainy residence, lent. vassikasatika, /. a waterproof. vassiki, /. great-flowered jasmine. vassupanayika, /. entrance upon lent. vnssokasara, /. Sakka's city. vaha, adj. carrying; jh. shoulder of an ox. vahati, v. (ijvah) to carry, bear, possess; vuyhati,vulhati, pass ; ana, i. vahitta, n. a raft, boat. valabanala, m. a submarine fire at the wSoulh Pole. vaiabhamukha. n. a whirlpool on the way to Mount Meru. valabhi, /• a roof. va.iava, /. a mare. va, conj. or. vaka, n. bark of a tree "cira, n. bark-garment vakara, /. a net or snare. vakkarana, n. talk, assertion. vakya, n. speech, sentence; "yarambha, m. prefatory words. vagura, /. a net or snare; "rika, m. a sportsman using nets. , vacaka, adj. speaking. vacana, fn. recitation, reading, teaching. vacasika, adj. verbal. vaca, /. word, speech. Vacam nicchareti, to utter speech. vacadana, n. repartee. vacapeyya, n. lovely speech. vacala, ad], talkative. vacika, n. news. vacikaharaka, m. a love-letter, messenger, postman. vacuggata, adj. learnt by rote, verbally acquired. vayuapala 191 w. tlie feather of an arrow n. butter. vana, m. an arrow, pipe; *dhi, m. a quiver of arrows; "nasana, n. a bow. vanijja, n. trade; "ija, m. a trader, vajaj ; van!, /. vata, m. the wind, speech, voice, vatakeh", /. whistling, vatanda, n. elephantiasis of the scrotum, vatadhaja, m. a rain-cloud, vatapana, n. a window, vatamiga, to. a swifi antelope, vatabadha, m. rheumatism, vatamoda, /. musk, vataya, n. a leaf, vatayana, n. a window, vatika, adj. rheumaticvatingana, m. *J"= brinjal. vatuli. /• 3 bat. ,atta, /. rumour, vattaki, /. news, the egg-plant, vada, TO. speech, controversy, dispute doctrine, creed; vidJ, adj. disputing, asserting, vadaka, adj. playing (music), vadana, n. music. vaditta, n. a musical instrument, instrumental music, vana, 11. desire, lust, sewing, vanapattha, to. a brahmin, anchorite, vanara, to. a monkey, vapa, TO. sewing, vapi, /. a reservoir, lake, vapita, ppp. shorn. vama, adj. left (hand), reverse, beautiful, vamana, adj. dwarfish, vaya, the wind, air. to. vayati, vati, r. to blow, breathe forth, emit, vayanaji n. weaving. vayamati, v. to strive, vayasriri, to. endeavour; vayama, an owl. to. a crow, vayu, TO. air, wind, vayuketu, m. dust, vayukona, m. north-west corner, vfiyuphala, n. the rainbow, hail. vayasa, n. endeavour. vayusakha 192 vayusakha, m. fire. vayosariivatta, m. destruction of the world by fire. vayha, n- a conveyance. m. time, occasion, turn, day of the week, vara, varata, n. cultivated field, varana, m. an elephant; m. resistance, varanavallabha, /. the plantain tree, varavana, mn. armour, shield, varavilasini, vari, a harlot, /. water, -n. m. a water-leech, m. a fish n. a lotus. varikimi, varija, ; varittasila, «. abstinence from what is forbidden, m. a cloud, varidhi, m- the sea. varida, varipavaha, to. a fountain, spray, varimagga, m. a varuni, , /. sluice, water-course, spirituous liquor. m. hair, hairy tail; n. water. valagga, n. the tip of a hair. vala, m. a horse's or cow's valadhi, a yak's valavijani, /. valavedhi, m. a valika, valuka, vasa, m. tail tail. fan. hair-spitter, acute arguer. /. sand. clothing, dwelling, abode, perfume; *cunna, «. perfume. vasana, /. impression remaining on the mind from past deeds; n. perfuming the person. vasayoga, to. toilet powder. toilet vasara, mn. day, quill of a shuttle. vasava, m. Sakka. vasagara, n. a bed-room. vasada, to. a lion's den. vasi, /. a razor. v&sita, vasi, /. ppp. scented, perfumed. an axe, hatchet. vasuki, TO. king of snakes. vasudeva, m. Vishnu. vasura, /. night, woman. vaha, TO. a bearer, horse, vehicle, measure of capacity. vahaka, TO. a horseman. vahana, n. carrying, vehicle, 'monture.' vigacchati 193 vahasa, w. a boa constrictor, or python. /. a river, army. vala, m. a snake, beast of prey *gahi, m. 3 snake ciiarmer. vikarilcata, m. name of a plant. vikaca, adj. blossoming. vikata, adj. changed, reversed; n. filth. vikati, /. change, emotion, kind, product. vikatika, /. an embroidered woollen coverlet. vikappa, m. option, uncertainly, thinking over. vikappeti, cans, to apportion, assign; °pana, n. option, alternative "pana, /. assignment, vikampana, n. tremulalion, shaking, vahini, ; ; m. vikara, disease, vikaroti, v. to alter; vikata, ppp. vikala, adj. defective, deprived of. expand; vikasa, Bengal madder, vikasati v. to blossom, vikasa, /. vikara, m. change, vikala, m. wrong vikirati, v. to rre. alteration, perturbation, time, afternoon, scatter, sprinkle, overwhelm mixed, assorted, scattered, vikirana, adj. dispersing, squandering; swallow- work, vikubbana, n. magical transformation, ; vikinna, ppp. m. the gigantic vikujati, V- to chirp, warble. vikppeti, caus. (Jkup) to inflict pain, annoy; "pana, n. vikkanta, ppp. (Jkam) stepping out, heroic, vikkanti, /. galloping of a horse, heroism, vikkama, m. advancing, heroism, prowess, vikkaya, m. sale; "yika, m- a vendor, vikkinati, v. (Jki) to sell vikketa, tn. a vendor; "eyya, {pp. ; for sale, m. (Jkus) proclamation, moment, vikkhambha, m. diameter; °ana, n. discarding; vikkosa, vikkhanatfa, adv. for a "bhita, ppp. discarded, vikkhayitaka, n. a corpse vikkhaleti, v, to wash ; gnawed by animals, °lana, n. vikkhipati, v. to scatter; vikkliitta, ppp- distracted. Vikkhepa, m. distraction, scattering, disorder, vikkhobheti, v. to agitate, vikhyata, adj. famed, renowned, vigacchati, v. to depart; viggata, ppp: vigania, m. ; vigarahati i94 vigarahali, v. to rebuke, reproach. vigiti, /. a song out of tune or time. vigahati, °heti, v. to plunge into, wade, enter; vigayha, ger. vigunthita, ppp. arrested, foiled. viggaha, m. the body, strife, analysis; *va, adj. handsome. viggahaka, adj. quarrelsome. viggha, m. an obstacle. vighateti, v. to remove, overthrow; "tana, n. m. destruction, vexation. vighata, vighasa, m. remains of iood, scraps ; °sa da, m, one who eats much, vicakkhana, adj. knowing, wise, skilful, vicakkhukamma, n. magic, deception of the eyes, vicaya, m. investigation, search, vicarati, v- to walk about; °ana, n; vicareti, ca,us. to carry on, investigate; "rana, fn. investigation, doubt, vicaraka, m. investigator, judge, vicikicchati, v. to hesitate, viciti, /. doubt; °cha, /. examination. vicitta, vicitra, adj. variegated, ornamented, painted, vicinati, v. to seek, search, gather, collect; "ana, n. vicinteti,, v. to think, devise; vicintaka, adj. viceyya, adj. discriminate, viccuta, ppp. fallen down, vicchaddeti, v. to throw away, vicchika, m. a scorpion, vicchiddaka, n. a fissured corpse, v. vicchindati, to break off, interrupt; vicchinna, Ppp viccheda, m. vijateti, v. to comb out, disentangle, unravel, explain ; "tana, w. vijana, adj. lonely, vijanana, n. birth, production, vijambhati, v. to rouse oneself, besport oneself, vijaya, -ni. victory, triumph, vijala, n. vinegar, vijana, n. understanding, vijanati, «. to discern, distinguish, understand, ascertain; vifinaya, ger; viiiiiatuiii, inf ; vifiiiata, ppp. vijayati, V. to give birth to vijata, ppp.f.a woman ; has had a child. Vijigucchati, v. to loathe, vijitavi, adj. victorious, vijiti, /. victory J viieta, iw> a rnnnupmi who T95 vitthata vijivita, adj. dead. vijjamana, adj. existing, vijja, real, evident. knowledge, learning, wisdom. /. vijju, *ta, /. lightning; *llata. /. forked lightning. vijjotati, V. (-Jjut) to shine. vijjhati, V. to pierce, perforate, strike; "ana, vijjhayati, v. to n; viddha, ppp. burn out, he extinguished. a row, series. m. the Vindhya mountain. vinjoli, /. virijha, viiifiatti, /. intimation, information. thought, perception. consciousness or vifiiiana, n. consciousness, rhind, vifiiianancaj'atana, n. sphere of infinite perception. vifin.inatthiti, /. vinnanadhatu, abode of consciousness. /. the element of consciousness or percep- tion. vifiiiapana, adj. informing, instructing. vififiu, adj. Intelligent, wise, discreet; * ta, /. intelligence. vitaiika, »nn. a dove-cote. m. the fork of a vitapa, tree, "thicket /. the fork a tree. TO.-Sakka. vidoja, vitamsa, m. a cage for animal. vitakketi, v. to reflect, reason, ; *pT,lm. altree. vitabhi, argue; "ka, m; "kana, n. reasoning. vitacchika, /. scabies- vitacchita, ppp. planed, vitanda, /. smoothed. frivolous discussion, captious argument; m. an elephant. ppp. (Jtan) extended, tdiflFused with leather on both sides. vitata, ; n. a drum covered vitatha, adj. false, unreal. vitarati, v. go through, perform, acfrom, crossed over, escaped vitinna, ppp. (Jtar) to continue, complish free from "ana, n. donation, escaping, vitana, mn. expansion, canopy, multitude, ; ; vitunnaka, n. vitudati, TJ. to vitriol, strike, sting; vitunna, potherb, vitta, n. property, wealth, possession, vitti, /. joy, feeling, vitthata, ppp- (>Jtliar) extended, wide. ppp. n. a sort of vitfhambhang 1^6 vitlliamhhana. v, inslabilil/- expami, villhfireli, v. to m. ampliJication. de- diffused extended, adj. "rika, tail; detail; "ra, ; vitthinna, ppp. extensive. vidaddhata, /. vidati, V. to vidatthi, vidita, ppp. a span. /. vidahati, gallantry, wit. know, ascertain; (Jdah, dha) v. to allot, assign, appoint, provide; vihita, pppm; "ana, n. tearing; "rita, ppp. (iJdar) rent, vidaleti, cai(>r. (jdal) to break open, split, rip up; vidara, fix, split, °lna adj. vidisa, /. an intermediate point of the compass, vidura, adj. wise, vidu, adj. knowing, wise, vidura, adj. very far. viduraja, n. a precious stone, vidusita, ppp. videsa, (Jdus) corrupted, m. a foreign land, viddasu, adj. skilled, wise, vidduma, m. coral, m. enmity, hatred; "si, m. an enemy. viddha, ppp. (Jvidh) piecred, penetrated, thrust into. viddhamseti. v. caus. to crush, destroy, overthrow, scatter, disperse; "sa. "sana, n; "sita, ppp- viddesa, m -, viddhasta., ppp. broken, fallen to pieces. vidha, form, sort, part, fold; /. pride. m vidhamati, v. to. scatter, dispel ; "ana, n. vidhava, /. a widow. vidhana, n. arrangement, disposal, precept, ceremony* vidhavati, v. to run about. vidhi, m. rule, precept, cereriiony, luck, destiny. vidhu, m. the moon. vidhura, n. absence, seclusion. vidhunati, v. (Jdhii) to shake. vidhupana. n. a fan. vinattha, ppp. (Jnas)lost, perished, destroyed. vinata, ppp. (Jnam) bent, inclined;/, mother of the Garulas. vinandhati. v, (Jnah) to cover, encircle; vinaddha, pppvinaya, m. discipline, training, rules and regulations for monks. vinassati, v. (.Jnas) to be lost, to perish; vinaft/ia, ppp. ; vipubbaka adv. wilhoiil, except vinameti, v. to bend, twist. villa, ; viniiyaka, ni. leader, chief, vinasa, m. 197 bliava, m separation. Buddha. loss, ruin; "si, adj. destructive. vinikkliepa, m. throwing down. viniggama, m. departure. vinicchinati, a. (>s/ci) investigate, to try, judge, decide; "chaya, m. m. punishment or suffering, do away with, destroy. vinibandha, m. bondage, vinipata, vinipateti, state of v. to vinimutta, fPP- (o/muc) released, discharged, vinivattati, v. to roll back. (Jvidh) to pierce through and through, vinivethana, n. unwrapping, explaining, refuting, vinivijjhati, v. vinilaka, adj. purple, vineti, v. vinodeti, remove, to vinTta, put away, convert; ppp(iJnud) to dispel, put i'- conquer, train, away ; "daka, udj. \lana, n. vindati, see. vidati. vipakkha, adj. opposite, hostile; m. an enemy, be cooked, tormented, suffer, vipaccati,, pass. (>jpac) to vipaccanika, adj. hostile. (Jpad); vipanna, ppp. to fall, perish, vipana, m. sale; "ni, m. a trader; /. shop, market, vipajjati, v. vipatti, vipatha, /. misfortune, failure, wrong road, bye-path, bad road, ??z. f. danger. vipanna, ppp- (Jpad) failed to attain, without; m. a snake, viparamosa, m. highway robbery, viparavatta, ppp- reversed, changed, viparinameti, cans. (Jnam) to reverse, transform °ma, iv. vipada, ; "nata, ppp. vipariyaya, m. reversal, change. viparfta, />/>/>. reversed, changed, contrary, wrong; Vipallasa, vipariyasa, m. reversal, vipassati, v. to see clearly, "aka, "si ; 'la, /. change, have insight; "ana, /. insigiit adj. vipaka, m. result, ripening, fruii; vipateti, v. to crush, vipadika, /. swelling of the legs, vipina, n. a grove, wood, vipubbaka, «. a festering corpse. "kl, adj. resulinnt. Iq8 vipula vipula, adj. broad, extensive, vippa, m. a brahmin, vippakatlhaka, adj. distant. vippakata, ppp. imperfected, done, left unfinished, vippakara, m. change of state, impropriety, vippakirati, v. to scatter; "inna, pppvippakkhitta, ppp. ("ikhip) thrown about, scattered, vippahina, ppp. ( Jha) to abandon vippatipanna, ppp. (J pad) behaved wrongly, vippatisara, m. remorse, regret; "ri, adj. vippanattha, ppp. (Jnas) smile, lost, ruined, vippamuficati, v. to cast off, free oneself; "utta, ppp. vippayoga, m. separation "yutta, adj. vippaladdha, ppp- (Jlabh) disappointed, deceived, vippalapati, v. (Jlap) to chatter, lament; "klpa, m. wranglvippajahati, v. ; ; ing, grumbling, vippalambheti, vippavasati, v. to v. to mock, delude, home, go abroad leave ; 'Vuttha, ppp ; m. absense- °vasa, vippaviddha, ppp. (Jvidh) pierced through and through, vipphandati, v. to struggle, writhe. Ditthi'vipphandita, n. sceptical agitation, n. thrilling, pervading; vippharika, adj. vipphurati, v. to vibrate, flash; "ana, n. vlpphulinga, n. a sparJc of fire. vippharana, viplava, m. (Jplu) floating, fault; vipluta, adj. viphala, adj. fruitless, vibadha, /. sickness, disease, vibuddhi, /. enlightenment, vibudha, m. a wise or learned man, deva. vibodhana, n. awakening. vibbhamati, v. (Jbham) to roam, wander; "ana, n. roaming; °a, m. whirling, agitation, hurry vibbhanta, ppp. confused, ; vibhaiiga, m. division, Abhidhamma vibhajati, v. vibhatta, vibhatti, /. (N/bhaj) ppp analysis, distinction, one of the books, ; to °ana, n. divide, distinguish, analyse; sharing with others, grammatical inflexion. vibhava, m. prosperity, property, wealth, non-existence, vibha, /.light, lustre; *Iiara, m. fire, sun. vibhaga, m. division, part, vibhati, n. (Jbha) to glitter, glow ; "ta, n. day-break. viravati 199 vibhava, m. condition or sentiment, friendship. vibhavari, /. night. vibhavasu, m. wind, fire, moon. vibhaveti, n. to understand clearly, ascertain; "vana, n; "vi, adj. wise; Vita, ppp. vibhasa, /. an alternative, light, vibhinna, ppp. scattered, divided, ma; "ki, /. beleric rhyrobalon. vibhTsana, adj. terrific, fearful, vibhu, m. a lord, ruler, vibhuti, VI. splendour, dignity, vibhusana, n. adornment; °sita, adj. vibhedana, n. (Jbhid) division, vibhedika, /. the palmyra tree, vimattha, ppp. (Jmas) soft, burnished, vibhitaka, vimati, /. vimana, perplexity, distressed, adj. vimala, adj. pure, spotless, vimata, /. a step-mother, vimana, mn. a mansion, pagoda, abode, vimanana, /. showing, disrespect, vimukha, adj. averted, neglectful. vimuncati, v. to release, give up, spend; vimutta, ppp. vimutti, /. release deliverance, vimuyhati, v. (Jmuh) to be bewildered, deluded, vimoka, m. the slough cast off by a snake, vimokha, m. release, escape, devilerance, emancipation, vimocana, «• emancipating, releasing, vimohaka, adj. deluding, vimba, mn. an image, figure, vimhaya, m. astonishment. vimhapeti, cans, to astonish ; vimhita, ppp. astonished, ppp; viyoga, m. viyojeti, caus. (o/yuj) to separate; viyutta. vajcita, ppp- (x/rac) composed, made, vraja, adj. untainted, passionless, virajjati, v. to be displeased, loathe; viratta, ppp. detached, turning from, virajjhati, v. virati, /. (Jradh) to fail, go wrong, miss, abstinence. viramati, v. to abstain, desist; refrain; °ana, n. virala, adj. delicate, fine viravati, v. ; °aii-jana, adj. thinly (Jru> to shout, cry out jungle; °a, peopled, m. clamour' virahita 200 virahita, ppp. bereft of, exenipL from. viraga, m. absence of lust, saintship. shine virajati, v. to ; "jita, ppp. vinidheti. caus. (Jradh) to fail, miss. energy, vigour; *va, adj. energetic. pass. {•^Iru]) to decay, fall to pieces. virujjati, virujjhati, pass. (Jrudh) to be obstructed, annoyed, disturbed; viruddha, ppp- annoyed, hostile, opposite; viriya, n. "ana, n. virudhanaka, adj. growing. virQpa, adj. deformed, ugly. m. the Regent of the West. grown, blossoming; "him dpajjati. to be full grown. yireka, m. purging, diarrhoea. virijpaklvha, virulha, ^p/). (Jruh) "hi,/, growth; virecana, n. (Jric) purging, a purgative. (Jruc) to shine, be conspicuous; "ana, adj. n. opposition, contradiction, inconsistency "dhi. adj. adverse. virocati, v. m;*na, virodha, ; virodhotti, contradiction, quarrel. /. vilagga, ppp. (o/lag) fastened; m. the waist. vilapati, D. (Jlap) to lament, wail; vilapa, m. vilambati, v. {^/lamb) to tarry, loiter, hang on; "bita, ppp^ n, delay. vilaya, m. destruction; vilata, n. vilasa, *rii, neti to kill. a hearse. m. pastime, sport, dalliance, charm; "sini, /. a charming woman. vilimpati, v. (J lip) to smear, anoint; vilitta, ppp, vilina, ppp. (n/Ii) Villva, n. split clinging, adhering. *kara, m. a basket-maker. bamboo; vilumpati, v. (Jlup) to plunder; vilutta, ppp. viluna, ppp. ("ilu) cut off. vilekha, m. perplexity. Vilekhana, v. writing, scratching. vilepana, n. (Vlip) toilet perfume. viloketi, u. ppp. ( Jlok) to look at, examine; "kana, rt;"kita, n, a look. vilocana, n. the eye. vilopa, m. plunder, viloma, adj. demon, pillage; *ka, adj, against the grain, reversed, v. to viloleti, V. to stir, oppose, invert, thwart. move about. contrary ; ''metii Visayha 201 villa, n. a hole, pit, asafoetida. vivaccha, /. meaning, implication, vivajjeti, v. to avoid, forsake; "jana, n. one who has -Buddha. vivatta, w. renovation, beginning again to. rolling back, part of a monk's dress, absence of the round of births. vivata, ppp. (Jvar) opened; opened the *cchada, n. veil (of passidn), ; vivattati, v. to roll on, revolve. vivanna, adj. discoloured, wan; *ka, vivadati, v. to dispute, quarrel vivara, n. a hollow, gap, ; "ana, vacuum, n. dispraise, contempt. ?i. flaw, defect. vivarana, n. explanation, comment. (Jvar) to open. vivarati, v. vivasa, adj. unrestrained, independent. vivada, m. dispute, contention, litigation. vivaha, m; *na, n. marriage. viviccati, v. (vie) to separate or seclude oneself, vivitta, ppp. solitary; vivicca, ger. vividha, adj. various, manifold. viveka, m. (Jvic) separation, seclusion. viveceti, caus. (Jvic) to separate, seclude; "cana, tt. retire; investi- gation. m. (Jyuj) separation, disjunction; visaitiyoga, visafinoga, "yutta, °nutta, pppvisaiiivadeti, caus. to break one's word, deceive, disappoint; "da, TO ; °daka, adj. venom Visena hanti, to poison a person. visakanthaka, n. molasses. visaiikhara, m. absence of complexes or of dispositions. visahkhita, ppp. ( Jkar) taken asunder, disintegrated. visa, n. poison, : visafina, adj. unconscious; nita, /. visata, pPp- spread, diffused. visattha, /. emission. visattika, /. desire, lust. visada, adj. pure, clear, manifest; *tta, n. visadhara, visappana, to. n. snake. a spreading. visabhaga, adj. dissimilar, different. visama, ady. uneven, unequal, unjust; n. uneven ground, inaccessible place. visaya, w. region, realm, domain, sphere, object of sense. visayi, n. an organ ot sense. visayha, adj. competent, capable. visara 202 visaia, rn. a mullitudc. visalla, adj. free visaci, from grief or misery. casting a side glance. /. visana, n. a horn, tusk. visada, in. dejection. visarada, adj. confident, bold, self-possessed. spreading. visarl, adj. visaia, adj. wide, e.xtensive, great; the bitter apple; /. *la, breadth. /. a spade, street, road; m. an arrow. visittha, ppp. (Jsis) excellent, superior, distinguished. /. visikha, unsew. be afflicted. adj. immoral. visibbati, v. to visldati, v. to vislla, warm visfveti. V. to oneself; "vana, n. visum, adv. separately, iiidividually. visuka, 11. a thorn, bolt. visujjhati, V. (ijsudh) to be jjure, clean; visuddhi, visuddha, ppp. purity, nibbana. /. visuka, n. a show, spectacle, theatre. /. cholera. visucika, visesa, m. destruction, speciality, sort, kind, merit, excel- lence. Visesena, adv. specially. visesaka, m. a sectarial mark on the forehead. viseseti, caus. to distinguish, specify; "sana, n- visessa, adj. chief, principal. visoka, adj. free from sorrow. visodheti, cans. (Jsudh) to purify, cleanse; "dhana, n. visoseti, cans- (Jsus) to dry- vissa, adj. whole, entire; n. a smell like raw-meat. vissakamma, ni. the celestial 'architect. vissajjati, v. (Jsaj) to spend; °ana, tha, ii. send forth, throw, a gift; "ana, /. dismiss, answer, a reply, answer; vissat- ppp. vissandati, r. (Jsand) to flow, overflow. vissamati, v. (Jsatn) to vissambha, vissarati, ':'. in. resl, re|)ose trusl, coniidence, ; "ana, ;i. intimacy. (Jsiw) to forgel. vissavati, v. (Jsu)tQ ouzevissasati, n. to trust, confide in; \ issattlia, ppp. vissasa, nt. vissanana, n. gift, donation. vissasika, °iya, adj, intimate, confidential, trustv. confident; ; vQpakattha ipnowncd vissula, ppl>- ; "li, , 203 fame, renown. /. vissussati, v. (Js'is) To be dried up. vihanga, viliangama, m. n bird. (Jlian) to be afflicted, vexed; tj. impaired, viliaga, vihaiinati, vihata, ppp. viliattha, ndj. perplexed, viharati, v. to live, dwell, vihayasa, m. the vihayita, /;. air, sky. a gift, m. dwelling, .s(ate of life, monastery, sojourn; "ri, "riya, adj. dwelling. vihara, vihiriisati, v. (/hiriis) to hurt, vihetheti, v. injure; "sa, (J hath) to annoy, recreation /. harass, hurt; "thana, n; "thaka, adj. vihesaka, adj. annoying, troubling; "sa, /. a wave, leisure; *mrili. to. the ocean. vTccha, /. succession, vljati, V. (is/vfj) to fan; "ani, /. a fan. vici, in/, vTna, /. vita, ppp. devoid a lute. vitilvkamati, v. of, free (Jkam) from, to exceed, transgress; "a, m. vftinameti, v. to spend the time, wait; "manaka, adj. vTtipatati, V. to fall away, transgress. pfp- past, exceeded, vftisareti, caiis. (Jsar) to remind mutually, vTtivalta, vfthi, /. a row, line, road, bazaar, mighty, heroic, paddy, vutthi, /. rain; *bhu, to. a frog, vuddha, ppp. (Jvaddh) aged, old; vuddhapaciiyj, honouring the aged, vuddhi, /. growth, increase, vfra, adj. strong, vihi, TO. rice, vunali, restrain, to prevent; vareti, adj. caus ; variyati, pass varita, ppPpoints of conduct, vutla, {ppp- vapati) shaven; (Jvac) said; spoken, vutapada, n. vuttanta, m. tidings, vutti, /. conduct, behaviour, business, profession, gloss, vuttha, ppp. (Jvas) lived, vuddhi, /. increase, growth; *jlvika, vusa, to. a bull- yfipakattha, adj. distant, removed. /. usury, rhythm, vupassmmati 204 vupasammati, "sama, m v. ; (Jsam) to becalmed, cease; be quieted, "samana, n. ve, indecl. indeed, truly. vekalla, n. deficiency. vega, m. speed, velocity, impetus, speedily ; "gi, to. a courier. vejjayanta, to. Sakka's palace. impulse; vegena, adv. veja, TO. a physician. vejjha, n. a target. vetheti, v. to surround, envelope, wrap; °tha, to; "thana, n; "thaka, adj. vena, to. venavika, a worker in bamboo or wicker work. to. a flute-player. /. a woman's topknot. venivedhani, /. a water-leech. venu, TO. a bamboo tree, flute; *hara, veni, m. a worker in bam*dhama, to. a flute-player. vetana, n. hire, wages; °nika, to. a hired servant, labourer. boo vetaranl, vetasa, ; /. ra. the river of hell. the ratan reed. vetalika, to. one vetala, n. a who wakes magic a king with music and song, art. vetta, n. stick, staff. veda, TO. knowledge, emotion, Veda; *gu, adj. knowing the VedaS; *jata, adj. excited, joyous. vedana, fn. sen.sation, feeling, perception ; *ttha, adj. ago- nized. vedalla, n. one of the nine divsions of the Buddhist tures. vedi, vedika, vedi, /. a bench, altar, cornice, eaves. vedha, vedhi, adj. piercing. vedhati, v. to tremble, quake; vedhi, adj. vedhavera, to. a widow's son. vedhan}, /. a gimlet. venateyya, to. a garula. venayika, adj. versed in the Vinaya. veneyya, ppp. (iVni) tractable, convertible. vepa, *thu, m; *na, n. trembling, tremor. vepulla, w. development. vebhassa, n. threatening language. vebhutiya, n. slander. vema, to. a loom. vemajjha, n. the middle centre. scrip- vossajjati 205 vematika, adj. inconsisleni, variable. vematta, n. difference. vematika, adj. born of a differenl mother. veyyaggha, m. tiger's skin. veyyakarana, m. a grammrian ; n. exposition, an.swer. veyyavacca, "vatika, n. service, duty. vera, n. wrath, hatred. veraka, n. camphor. verajjaka, adj. belonging to various provinces, veramarii, /. abstinence. hating; verocana, w. the sun. verT, adj. hostile, m. an enemy. garden; /. time, shore, boundary, multitude. m. the red-pepper plant. vela, n. a vellaja, ppp. crooked, shaken. vevacana, n. a synonym. vevanna, adj. various, different, diverse; "niya, vellita, n. change, diversity, vesa, m. dress, appearance, equipment, disguise, vesana, n. a house, entrance, vesama, v. inequality, vesarajja, n. confidence, vesiya, ves^ /. a harlot, m. a mouse, one of the merchant class; *kriya, vesnia, n. a house; *nakula, vessa, VI. vessanara, m. /. trade, fire, vehapphala, m. name of the inhabitants of the tenth brahma- loka. vehasa, *ya, m. the sky, air. ve!u, venu, m. a bamboo, reed, flute, veluriya, m. a precious stone, cat s eye. vokara, m. the aggregates of life, worthlessness, dfflFerence. vokinna, ppp- (Jkir) mixed, vochijjati, v. (Jchid) to be cut off. vodapeti, v. to purify; vodana, n. purification, vomissaka, adj. miscellaneous, voropeti, caus. to deprive of; "pana, n; "pita, ppp. vosana, n. end, consummation, vosasati, v. to give orders, assume authority, vosita, ppp. (Jos) ended, consummated, vossakamma, n. castration, makfng a man a eunu(?h. vos«agga, m. relinquishment, gift, vossajjati, V. (Jsaj) to relinguish; "ana, n. voharati 2o6 voharali, v. to give currency to, express, use. vohdra, m. usage, custom, business, currency, vernacular, appellation, voharika, m. a magistrjite. sa, pref. meaning sa-utlaracchada, 'with,' 'common to', 'same', 'own.' awnings above it. the same womb, uterine, a carpet with 11. sa-udariya, adj. born of sa-upadisesa, adj. having The elements of life remaining, sarh, pref. implying, 'conjunction' 'completeness', samyala, sannata, ppp. (iJyatn) restrained, fastened, sarhyattika, to. a sea-trader. sarhyamanT, /. a i<ind of ornament, saihyuga, n. union, harness, strife, sarhyutta, ppp- (>Jyuj) joined, connected, tied, samyujha, sannulha, ppp- uttered, reciled. sariiyoga, m. (<Jyuj) union, association, conjunction, bond, fetter, intercouse. saihyojana, n. bond, fetter; "aniya, adj. fasourable to the fetters, put together, prepare, sartiyojefi, v. to sarhrakkhana, n. preservation, sariirambha, m. impetuosity, rage, devoid sariirahita. adj. of. sarhraga, m. passion, sariirava, m. uproar. grow, prosper.- "u!ha, ppp. sariirQhati, u. to sariivacana, n. sentence. sarhyacchara, mn. A year; m. an astrologer, samvattati, v. to pass away, be dissolved; °a, m. rolHng uj) or destruction °a-vivatta, n. rolling up and rolling out, a period within which dissolution and evolution of the ; world takes place; "aihka, adj. turning to, being reborn, sanivaddhati, v. (Jvadtlh) to grow up; "dheA'x, cans, to nourish, rear, sarhvanneti, v. to discribe, explain, praise "nana, v. samvattati, v. to lead, conduce, be subject to; "anika. adj. ; conducive sariivadati, v. to. to agree; °ana, harmony, saihvaddhana, n. increasing. n. i\ magic act to produce sarhsaha m. Saiiivara, samvari, /. 207 restraint; *na, n. coveiing. night. samvasati, v. to live, associate. samvasatha, m. a village. samvati, v. (Jva) to blow, be fragrant. sariivasa, m. co-residence, co-habitation; *ka, adj. living together with. saiiivigga, ppp. excited, agitated, grieved. be agitated, excited, to exist, find. sariividahati, v. (Jdha) to dispose, arrange, appoint; sariivijjati, v. to sarhvihita, ppp. sarhvidhana, n. (Jdha, dah) arrangement. sartividhavahara, m. concerted theft. samvibhajati, v. to divide, share, communicate; ppp "bhaga, m ; "bhagl, adj. generous. "bhatta, ; grow up, sprout; "uiha, ppp. noisy talk, thundering. Sariiviruhati, v. to Samvilapa, tn. Sarhvissandati, v. (»/sand) to ovei'flow. sariivunati, "noti, to cover; v. saihvuta, ppp. closed, res- trained. sariivega, m. agitation, anxiety, anguish, emotion, grief. samvejeti, caus. to agitate; °jana, n. sariivetheti, caus. to wrap. sarhvedita, adj. admonished. samvedhita, adj. trembling. saihvelli, /. a kind of dress, ordinary undress. sarhvesana, /. sleeping, lying down. sarhvohara, m. business, traffic. sarhsagga, m. contact, connexion, association. saitisati, v. to proclaim, point out. saiiisattha, ppp. mixed, associated, contiguous. saifisatta, adj. adhering, clinging. sariisada, mf. assembly, session. sarhsandati, v. to run together, associate; °deti, caus. to put together; "ana, n. comparison. samsanna, ppp. depressed. sariisappati, v. to creep along, move; "a, °pl, adj. sarhsaya, m; "yita, n. doubt. satiisarati, v. to come continually, transmigrate; setiisita, ppp. sariisarana, n. a curtain or blind that can be samsava, m. flowing. Saiiisaha, adj. able. drawn aside. ; sartisadiya 2o8 samsadiya, a kind of rice, /. sariisameti, v. to tidy up, set right, samsara, transmigration, round of births, tn. samsita, adj. dependent ;' ppp of samsarati. . be fulfilled, sarhsibbati, v. (Jsiv) to entwine; "ana, n. sarhsidati, v. (w'sad) to sink down, lose heart, sariisijjhati, v. to sathsina, ppp. withered. "dhl, *gahanika, adj. of pure descent pure; sarhsuddha, ppp/. samsunibhati, t. to beat. samsucaka, adj. indicating; satiiseda, "ceti, v. *ja. adj. born of moisture. attending, worshipping. m. sweat, moisture; sariiseva, m.' associating ; /. samhata, adj. from compact. saihhati, /. assemblage, mass- (Jhan) joining together. satiihacca, get. sartihanana, n. joining together, closing. sathharati, (Jhar) to X). collect, fold up ; "hirati, /)as5. curbed, attached, "ana, n. removing. samhani, /. shrinking, subsidence. sarhhara, m. abridgment, compilation; *ka, is m. drawing together, mixing. samhira, adj. conquerable, refutable. saka, adj. own. mn. a cart, cartload *mukha, adj. cart-front. sakatavyuha, m. the waggon array. sakannajappaka, adj. whispering in the ear. sakattha, m. own advantage. sakadagami, m. one who will not return to earth more than sakata, ; once. sakaraniya, adj. having sakala, adj. sakalika, /. all, still something to do. whole; m. a portion, potsherd. a splinter, bit. sakasata, adj. wrong. sakasa, adj. near; *rti, adv. saki, sakirti, adv. once, to, towards; *se, adv. before. once more, once for all; Sakid evai once only, sakiccaya, n. Saktficana, own adj. passionate. Sakiya, adj. own. duty. wealthy, 'with something*; *karr, adj. saiikappa m; Sakuna, °nika, /. 209 a bird; *gghl, /.a kind of hawk; *vatta, ?n. freedom of a bird; *vijja, /. knowledge of birds. sakunita, ppp. distorted. sakunta, m. a bird. sakumara, m. a playmate. sakka, 111. lord of the devas, Buddha's race. sakkacca, adv. respectfully, carefully, thoroughly. sakkata, sakkata, m. the Sanskrit language. 7'. (^/sak) to go; to be able or competent (also, sakkunati, sakkoti). sakkatta, n. the position as Sakka. sakkaroti, v. to honour, receive hospitably. sakka, indccl. to be able, possible. sakkaya, m. theory of the self. sakkara, m. honour, hospitality, worship. sakkati, sakkhara, /. gravel, sugar. sakkharika, /. a lancet. sakkharilla, adj. stony. sakkhali, *ka, sakkhi, /. m. an the orifice of the ear, a sort of cake. eyewitness; *m karoti. to see with one's own eyes. sakhi, n; sakhi, ]. "i, friendship. m. a companion, friend. sakhila, adj. congenial, friendly in speech. sakhya, n. friendship. sagabbha, m. a brother; adj. pregnant. sagameyya, adj. hailing from the same village. saguiiaiii karoti, v. to put together, upon each other. sagula, n. a cake with sugar. sagocara, in. companion, mate. sagotta, n. a kinsman. sagga, m. heaven. sagguiia, m. good quality, virtue. saghacca, /. an impartial, sentence. saiikati, r. to doubt, hesitate, mistrust; sahkiyati, sahkacchika, n. a kind of cloth, bodice, vest. sahkata, adj. narrow. sankatira, n' dust heap. sahkaddhati, v. to collect, think out. sahkatha, /. conversation. saiikanti, saiikappa, /. pass. transition, passage. in. thought, fancy, intention, aspiration, hope. ; 2IO sankappeti v. to imagine, wish, strive after, think about, sahkamati, v. to go, pass over, join, transmigrate; "a, m. passage, bridge; "ana, a path, avenue, sarikampati, v. to tremble, shake, saiikara, m. confusion, sankalana, n. addition, sahkalaha, m. inciting w^ords. saiikasayati, v. to accommodate oneself to circumstances, sankassara, adj. doubtful, wicked, saiika, /. doubt, uncertainty, fear, sankapayati, i;. to live in seclusion. sankara, m. rubbish *kuta, n. a rubbish heap, dust heap *cola, n. a rag from a dung-hill *dhana, n. a dust heap. sankasa, adj. like, similar. sankasana, j. explanation, illustration. Sankinna, ppp. mixed, impure; *parikha, ad/, having the trenches filled, said of one who is free from samsara. saiikita, "ki, adj. anxious. sankappeti, ; ; sankitti, /. hodge-podge. sankiya, adj. anxious. sankirana, n. act of calling in of debts. saiikilissati, v. ( Jklis) to become impure, foul, corrupt ; "ana, n. corrupting. sankilesa, m. corruption, sinfulness, impurily; "sika, adj. sinful, baneful. sport or joke together. sanku, *ka, m. a stake, spike. sankucati, v. to shrink, be contracted. sankutika, adj. doubled up. sat^kilati, v. to sahkutila, adj. curved, winding. saAkundita, ppp. contorted distorted. saiikuddha, adv. angry. , safikupita, ppp. (s/kup) enraged. sahkuppa, adv. moveable, shakeable. sai'ikula, adv. crowded, full. sankulya, n. a kind of cake. sarikusumita, adj. in blossom. sanketa, m. intimation, perception, engagement, rendezvous. saiikoca, m. *na, n. contraction. sahkha, mn. a shell, chank, conch; *kutthl, m. a whose body turns white as mother-of-oearl. leper 211 sangiima saiikhata, (ppp. sarii kharoti) put compound, together, created, conditioned. sajjkhati, /. cookery. sahkhadhama, *ka, m. a trumpeter. sanklianakiia, m. a kind of small shell. sai'ikhapat|.a, n. mother-of-pearl. saiikhaya, m. destruction, loss, consumption, end. !>. to prepare. sankharoti sahkhala, "lika, /. a chain. , sarikhalikhita, adj. bright, perfect. sahkha, saiikhya, gacchati, is /. enumeration, styled, called; calculation; sankham sankham nopeti, does not, cannot. sahkhati, v. to appear, discriminately. sankhadati, calculate; °aya, ger. deliberately, v. to masticate. sankhana, n. calculation, strong leash. saiikhayaka, ?». a calculator. sahkhara, m. complex, compound, aggregate, synthesis. saiikharilla, adj. connected with the saiikharas. saiikhipati, v. to collect, heap together, shorten, with- draw; saiikh'uta, /Jf />. concsie, brief; "ittena, in short. saiikhiyadhamma, m. the trend of talk. saiikhubhati, n. to be agitated, stirred up. saiikhepa, m. abridgment, abstract, quintessence. sankheyya, adj. calculable; n. a hermitage; *kara, m. one who acts with a set purpose. sankhobha, m. (Jkhubh) commotion, disturbance. sanga, m. clearing, clinging, attachment, bond. sahgana, adj. sinful. sahganika, /. communication, association, society. sanganhati, v. (^/gah) to seize, collect, abridge, restrain, favour, help. sangati, /. meeting, intercourse, union, combination, an ac- cidental occurrence. saiigama, m. meeting, intercourse, association. sangara, m. a promise, agreement. sangaha, m. collecting, accumulation, recension, compendium, summary, protection, help, kindness, favour, conjunction; n. hinderance, bond. firm, well grasped. safigatiga, adj. free from attachment. sangahana, adj. sangama, m. fight, battle. ; sangamaji 212 saiigamaji, adj. victorious in battle. sangamavacara, adj. quite at home on the battle field. saiigayati, v. to chant, rehearse. saiigaha, m. collecting, restraining, adj. compiling, compassionate; self-restraint m. a ; *ka, charioteer- sangahika, adj. including, comprising, comprehensive. chanting together, choir, rehearsal. sangujika /. a cake. sangha, to. multitude, assemblage, community; *kamnia, n. an act performed by a chapter of monks. saiighaitisati, v. lo rub, together or against. sanghatita. adj. sounding, resonant, pieced together, con- saiigiti, /. structed. saiighattati, v. to knock against, sound, ring, provoke; °ana, n. impact. saiighathera, to. the eldest thera. saiighabhatta, n. food given to the sanghabhinna, m. a schismatic. community of monks. sanghabheda, m. division among the priesthood. bring together, collect, accumu- saiigharati, v. (iJhar) to late, crush. sahgharaji, /. a row, contention in the community. sanghata, to. a raft, union, aggregate, multitude. saiighatl, sanghani, sanghata, /. /. one of the three robes of a monk, waist-cloth. a loin-cloth. m. striking, killing, knocking, snapping the one of the eight hells fingres, aggregate, multitude, *nika, *niya, adj. binding together, decisive. saiighadisesa, adj. requiring suspension from the brother- hood. sanghanussati, /. meditation on the Order. sangharama, w. a residence for the community. saiighl, adj. having a multitude of disciples. sanghuttha, ppp. (Jghus) resounding. sacaca, adv. ii indeed. saciva, to. a minister. sace, adv. if. sacetana. adj. animate, conscious, rational. sacca, adj. real, true; n. truth, solemn vow; *ih, adv. truly; *kiriya, /. a solemn asseveration ; *sammata, /. maxim, saccakara, to. ratification, pledge, saccanikkama, adj. truthful, saccavacana, "vajja, n. veracity. . sari copal 213 i saccavadi, adj. truthful. saccasandha, adj. truthful, saccapeti, v. to make reliable. true, verify, fulfil. saccabhinivesa, in. inclination, to dogmatize. saccabhisamaya, m. comprehension, realization of truth. laCchanda, adj. self-willed ; "dl, adj. headstrong. saccika, mfn. real, true; *ttha, m. truth. sacchikaroti, v. to realize, see with one's own eyes, experience; "rana. n; "sacchikiriya, /. sajati, V. to embrace. sajjati, V. (Jsaj) to be attached; satta, ppp, sajjana, m. a kinsman. sajati, adj. of the same caste. sajatibhfita, ddf. flaming, ablaze, aglow. sajja, m. the sajju, *m, adv. instantly, suddenly. sal tree. m. sajjulasa, resin. sajjeti, V. (iJsajj) to pared, ready ; equip, prepare, fit up; sajja. sajjha, n. silver; *kara, m. a silversmith. sajjhayati, T». to rehearse, study, read aloud; petition adj. pre- "jjana, n. "a, m. re- rehearsal , sajjhu, n. silver. w. accumulation, quantity. go about, wander, unite, spring together, move ^a, m. passage, medium "ana, n. meeting saficaya, saiicarati, v. to ; ; place. going backwards and forwards, acting as go- sancaritta, n. between. saticara, m. movement, passage, entrance. saiicaleti, "v. to shake. sancayati, v. (Jci) to accumulate; °cita, ppp. saricicca, ger. discriminately, purposely. nimb. saficinteti, v. saficunnayati, v. to crush; "a, adj ; °nita, ppp. saficumbita, ppp. kissed. sancetana, /. thought, intention, cogitation; "nika, adj. in tentional. saficetayati, v to find out means, devise means; reflection, ppp- instigated., saficopati, v. to move, start. saficodita, "yitatta, n. sancopana 214 sancopana, touching, handling, striking. /. safichadeti, v. to cover, hide. saiichindati, v. to cut. sanjagghati, v. to joke, sanjambhariih jest. liaroti, v. to tease, abuse. sanjati, /. birth, origin, produce. saiijadiya, a grove, wood. to v. sarijanati, know, perceive, knowingly. recognize; "n^^na, fn. "nanto, pres. part, sanjayati, to TJ. be born, to arise: 'janana. n; "janani, /. progenetrix. sanjinna, ppp. decayedsanjiva, adj. alive; m. one of the eight hells. saiijlvana, ad/, remaining. evening, *ghana, m. an evening cloud; *tapa, m. evening sun. "ti, informing, convincing, safifiatta, n. perceptibility /. appeasing. saniia, /. sense, perception, discernment; *gata, ad;, per- sanjha, /. ; ceptible. sailiiana, n. perception, knowledge, token, monument. saiinapana, remonstrating. saiinigabbha, m. animate production. safiiil, m; safininl. /. adj. conscious, thinking. sata, mn. a heap of things fallen, removed, or satthi, num. left. sixty; *hayana, adj. sixty years old. satha, adj. crafty, fraudulent; *ta, /. sathila, adj. loose, inattentive. sathesana, /. foolish wishes. Sana, n. a kind of hemp. sanati, v. to sound. sanikam, sanirh, adv. softly, gradually. santha, a reed. santhapana, /. fixing, settling. santhati, samthahati, samtitthati, v, to stand, remain, continue; "thita, ppp. santhana, n. position, figure, shape, form. santhapana, n. arranging, fixing. santhiti, /. stability, sanda, m. a heap, firmness. multitude, swarming. sandasa, to. a long pincers. grove; *sandacarT, adj. sattandha sahha, *ka, adj. smooth, *karinl, /. a 215 soft, gentle, mild, delicate, subtle; wooden instrument for smoothing the ground, sat, being, existing, good, num. hundred; adj. mindful, conscious, satakkaku, adj. having a hundred corners, sata, *m. adv. continually, m. the Indian crane, satata, adj. continual; satapatta, satapadi, a centipede. /• sataporisa, adj. of the height of m. the sun. satavartika, m- a kind of hundred men. satarariisi, satavallia, fish, an under garment arranged /. like a row of jewelry, satadhipateyya, n. mastering recollection, satavarl, /. asparagus racemosus. mindfulness, recognition; sati, /. memory, *ma, adj. thoughtful, satindriya, n. the controlling faculy of mindfulness, satipatthana, n. application of mindfulness, sativepullappatta, adj. having tittained a clear conscience, satisammosa, m. loss of self-control, sati, /. woman. being, chaste satuUapakayika, a class of devas. satekicha, adj. curable, pardonable, saterata, satta, lightning, /. m. a living seven ; person, entity, rational being; num- *ka, n. a collectiom of seven, sattakkhatturh, adv. seven times, sattaguna. adj. sevenfold, sattanga. m. a conch with seven parts, sattati, num. seventy, sattadina, n. a week, sattadha, adv. in seven pieces, sattapada, m. way, manner of being attached to the objects of sense, sattama. adj. best, excellent, seventh, sattami. /. sattaratta, sattarasa, the locative case, optative rt. a week, num. seventeen, sattala, /. a kind of jasmine, sattandha, adj. sevenfold. mood, sattagarika 2l6 sattagarika, m. one who turns back from his round as soon as he has received alms at seven houses, m. one who does not sattalopika, mouthfuls. sattaha, n. a week, satti, /. ability, power, spear, more than seven eat javelion ; *parijara, mn. a lattice-wcrk of spears, a knife, dagger, sattu, m. an enemy, flour, harley-meal sattussada, adj. teeming with sattha, 11. a weapon, sword, m. a caravan ; ; *ka, m. an enemy, life, treatise, book, lore, science; adj. able, satthaka, n. scissors, satthakavata, m. cutting pain, satihakaraka, m. an assassin. satthavasa. m. encampment "sika, ; °si, m. caravan people, satthavaha, m. a caravan leader, merchant, sattliaharaka, sattha, m. a m. an assassin, teacher, master. satthi, fn. the thigh. satthu-d-anvaya, m. the master's successor, m. a friend, satthuvanna, m. gold, satthuna, sathera, adj. including the theras. m. one's own welfare, sadatthuta, adj. always praised, sadara, adj. unhappy, fearful. sadattha, sadasa, n. a seat. sadassa, m. a horse of sada, adv. always, good breed, m. good behaviour, sadatana, adj. eternal, perpetual, sadadara, adv. always reverential, sadacara, sadisa, adj. similar, like, equal saduma, ; *ta, /. n. house. Sadevaka, adj. with the deva World, sadeha, m. own body, sadosa, adj. sinful, sadda, m. sound, noise, voice, word, saddaggaha, m. ear. saddana, n. making a noise, saddala, adj, grassy, saddahati, v. (Jdha) to believe, have faith; "ana, /. 217 santi saddayati, v. to make a sound, call, summon; saddita, adj. sounded, called, saddula, m. a loepard. saddha, adj. believing, faithful, credulous; n. a funeral or offering in honour of departed relatives, saddhamma, m. the good religion, rite saddha, /. faith; indecl. in faith; *ta, m. a believer, a gift of faith, saddhadeyya, adj. trustworthy, saddhaytka, adj. believing, saddhalu, saddhavlmutti, /. emancipation through faith. saddhiiii, adv. with, together with *cara, m. a companion, saddhiviharika, °ri, m. co-resident, fellow-priest, pupil, sadhana, adj. rich, wealthy, n. ; sadhammika, w. co-religionist, san, m. a dog; si, nom. sanathkumara, w. Brahma, 'eternal youth.' sanacca, n. dancing, sanantana, adj. eternal, primeval, sanita, adj. sounding. sanidassana, adj. visible. santa, adj. tranquillizing, peaceful, tired, wearied ; n. peace. santaka, adj. belonging to, limited; n. property. santaca, /. bark. santajjeti, v. to frighten, menace. santatath, adv. continually. santalakari, adj. consistent. santata, santati, goodness. /. /. continuity, series, duration. santappati, pass. («/tap) to be heated, grieved. santappeti, v. to satisfy. santarati, v. to hasten, be in haste. santarabahira, adv. within and without. santaruttaro, adj. inner and outer. santavutti, adj. living a peaceful life. santasati, v. to fear; "sita. santatta, PPP- santSna, m. (Jtan) continuity, succession, lineage; *ka, offspring; n. a cobweb. santapeti, caus. (Jtap) to m. burn, torment; °pa, m. heat, tor- ment, santarana, adj. conveying to the other shore, santasa, m. trembling, fear "si, adj. ; santi, /. tranquillity, peace. santika 2i8 santika, n. vicinity, presence; "kena, instr. along with. santikattha, adj. adjoining. santikamma, n. a vow to the gods to obtain something. . santika, /. a kind of play, spellicaus. santindriya, adj. having senses calmed. ' santlrana, n- decision. /. (Jtus) satisfaction, contentment; *ta, /. santuleyya, adj. commeasurable, comparable. santussati, ^. (Jtus) to be pleased, happy, content santutthi, uttha, santosa, ppp ; ; sant- "blieti, caus. °aka, adj. m. contentment, santhatika, adj. sleeping on a rug. Eanthana, n. appeasing, satisfaction, santhambhati, 7). to restrain oneself, take heart; to make stiff, numb; "ana. /. intentness. santhara, m. a couch. santharati, v. to spread, strew; "santhata, ppp; n. a rug. santhava, m; *na, n. acquaintance, intimacy, santhagara, m. a council hall, mole hall, santhana, n. nature, configuration, market-place, santhara, m. covering, flooring, spreading, santhuta, adj. acquainted, familiar, sanda, adj. thick, coarse; n. wood, forest. sandattha, ppp- bitten, compressed, sandati, v. to flow; sanna, ppp. sandana, n. trappings, sandamanika, /. chariot, sandassnka, "ana, adj. showing, sandahati, n. to apply, ppp. sandana, n. put together, "ana, n; fit; sanhita, a cord, tether, fetter, sandaleti, v. to break, sanditthi, /. the visible world, worldy gain ; *ka, adj. visible, actual, of this world, sandita, adj. tied, bound, sandiddha, ppp. smeared, husky, indistinct, sandissati, pass. (Jdis) to be seen together with, to tally, agree; sandiltha, ppp. m.a friend sandasseti caus. ; to teach, sandipeti, v. to kindle, sandesa, m. news, message, sandeha, m. accumulation, the body, doubt, sandosa, m. pollution, defilement. , 319 sannivareti sundhana, n. property, belongings. sandhamati, v. to blow, fan. sandhana, n. friendship, combination. sandhareti, v. to hold, resist "rana, ; bear, support, carry, curb, check, 11. sandhavati, v. to run through, transmigrate. sandhi, to/, union, junction, agreement, joint, hole, chasm, euphony; sandhim chindati, to break into a house. sandhiccheda, to. house breaking, one who has cut off con- nection with rebirth. sandhibhedaka, adj. causing discord or discussion. sandhisamala, to. a dust bin. sandhunati, v. sandhiipayati, ( Jdhu) to shake. denom. from dhupa, smoke. to sannata, ppp. (Jnam) bent, prepared. sannayhati, v. (Jnah) to tie, bind, fasten, sannaddha, ppp. armed, accoutred. arm oneself; sannameti, caus. (Jnam) to bend. sannaha, to. armour, mail. sannikasa, adj. resemblirjg. -sannigganhati, v. (tjgah) to restrain, sannighata, »i. concussion, knocking against each other, sannicaya, ni. accumalation, hoarding "cita, ppp. sannit;thanfl, n. conclusion, consummation, resolve, con; viction, sannitajeti, v, to strike, sannitodaka, n. (Jtud) instigating, jeering, sannidhiina, n. proximity, sannidhi, m. putting together, storing up. sanninna, adj. bent, inclined, sannipatati, v. (Jpat) to assemble, come together, sannipata, to. union, coincidence, assemblage, collocation, union of the humours sannipalika, adj. resulting from the of the body, sannibha, adj. resembling, sanniyojeti, v. to appoint, command, sanniyyatana, n. resignation, handing over, sannirumbhati, sannivatta, sannivasati, w. v. °hati, v. to restrain, block; °hana, n. returning, to live together, associate; "vuttha, "vasa, TO. association, sannivareti, v. to restrain, check, keep togetner. p P; ; sannivesa 220 sannivesa, m. preparation, station ; *na, n. position, settle ment. sannisajja, /. meeting-place. sannisidati, v. (Jsad) to subside, to calm; "sinna, ppp. sannissayata, /. connexion, dependency, sannissita, ppp. based on, connected with, attached to. sannihita, ppp. (Jdha) put down, placed, stored up, ready, sapati, V. to swear^ curse, sanneti, v. (Jni) to mix, knead, sapafiiia, adj. wise. having same husband, a rival wife, m. a rival, foe; *ka, adj. hostile, sapatti, /. a co-wife, sapatha, m. an oath, sapadana, n. taking alms straight on from house to house *carl, adj. begging from house to house, sapati, /. sapatta, adj. hostile, rival ; sapadi, adv. instantly, sapallavita, adj. sprouting, sapaka, m. an outcast, sappa, TO. a snake. sappaccaya, adj. correlated, having a cause, sappatiga, adj. reacting. sappatipuggala, m. having an equal, comparable, friend, sappatibhaga, adj. resembling, like, sappatisarana, adj. safe-guarded, restorable. sappatissa, *va, adj. reverential, deferential ; *vata, /. sappana, n. gliding on. sappabha, adj. brilliant, sappabhasa, adj. shining, brilliant, sappaya, adj. likely, beneficial, suitable, sappi, n. clarified butter, ghee ; *manda, m. the scum of clarified butter sappurisa, m. a good man. sapha, n. a horse's hoof, saphala, adj. fruitful. sabala, adj. spotted *kari, adj. acting inconsistently, sabana, adv. with arrows. sabba, *ka, adj. whole, entire, all; *to, adv. trom all sides sabbangapaccangi, adj. complete in all parts, sabbarinu, adj. omnicient; *ta, "riuta, /. sabbatthaka, m. a general minister, ; sabbattha, adv. everywhere, under sabbatthika, adj. always useful. all circumstances, 1 samanu ddesa 22 sabbatha, sabbathatta, adv. in every way. sabbada, adv. always; *cana, adv. at any time. sabbadhi, adv. everywhere, in every respect. sabbabhumma, m. a universal monarch. sabbavidu, adj. all-wise. sabbaso, adv. altogether, throughout. sabbassa, n. the whole of one's property. sabbotuka, adj. corresponding to all the seasons. sabbyohara, m. business, intercourse. sabbha, adj. polite, honourable. sabrahmacari, m. a fellow student. sabha, /. a hall, assembly-room. sabhaga, adj. common, equal, similar. sabhajana, n. salutation, honouring. sabhavo, m. own state, nature, reality; *m. adv, sincerely, devotedly, sabhoga, adj. wealthy, sammati, v. (Jsam) to be appeased, calmed, to cease; santa, ppp; sameti, cans, to appease, stop, sama, m. tranquiljity, calmness, toil, fatigue; adj. level, even; samena, justly, saihaka, adj. equal, like, same; *m. adv. samakkhata, ppp. counted, known, samagga, adj. harmonious, samaiigi, adj, endowed with, possessing; "gibhuta, adj. provided with, samacariya, /. living in spiritual calm, saniacaga, adj. equally liberal, samacitta, adj. possessed of equanimity, samacchati, v. to sit down, samacchtdagatta, adj. with mangled limbs, saniacchinna, ppp- cut off. samajana, m. an ordinary man, common people, samajlvita, /. regular life, samajja, m. a festival, assembly, samaficati, v. to "tthana, fair; n. the arena; °ja, /. bend together, samancara, adj. pacified, calm. samafifia, /. designation, name; *ta, ppp. designated, samana, m. wanderer, recluse *ka, m.a contemptible ascetic; *kuttaka, m. one who wears the dress of a samana. samanaguttaka, m. a thief, gamanuddesa, m. a novice. ; sainatala 222 samatala, adj. level. samata, /. equality, evenness. samatikkamati, v. to cross over, transcend; "mma, ger; kanta, ppp ; "a., mfn. samatigganhati, v. (Jgah) to reach beyond, stretch over. samatittika, adj. brimful, overflowicg. samatimafinati, v. ( Jman) to despise. samativijjhati, v. to penetrate. samatta, n. equality, justice; ppp. accomplished, entire. samattha, adj. able, strong. samatthita, adj. unravelling. samatthiya, adj. able. samatha, m. calm. samadhigacchati, v. to attain. samadhigganhati, v. to reach, obtain; "ayha, .ij-gr. samadhura, adj. bearing an equal yoke, equal. samana, n. suppression. samanantara, adv. immediately. samanugahati, v. to ask for reasons, question closely. samanujanati, v. to approve; 'uniiata, ppp; 'ufifia, adj. samanupassati, v. to perceive, regard "ana, /. samanubandhati, v. to pursue. samanubhasati, v. to remonstrate with, admonish "ana, samanumaniiati, v. approve. samanumodati, v. to rejoice at, approve. samanuyuiijati, v. to question, admonish. ; ; /. samanussarati, v. to recollect. samanta, adj. all, entire; "ta, 'tena' on all sides. samantacakkhu, adj. all-seeing. saniandhakara, m. the dark of night. samannagata, adj. endowed with. samannaneti, samanvaneti, v. (sam-anu-a Jni) to lead, conduct properly. samannahata, ppp. played upon. samannaharati, v. to concentrate, reflect, honour; "hara, m. samannesali, samanvesati, v. (sam-anu J is) to seek, ex- amine ; "ana, /. samapekkhati, v. (Jikkh) to consider; "ana, n. samappeti, v. to hand over, give, put; "pita, ppp. samabhivaddheti, v. to encourage. samabhisata, adj. joyful, samabhisincati, v, to anoint king. samaniya 223 samaya, m. gathering, multitude, time, occasion, cause, coincidence, samara, m. battle, samala, adj. impure, samalaiikaroti, v. to decorate, adorn, saniavatthita, ppp. ready, samavattasariivasa, m. living on equal terms or with equal duties, samavadhana, n. concurrence, co-existence, samavaya, m. annihilation, termination, samavapaka, n. a store-room, samavaya, m. combination; "yena, in common, samavibhatta, ppp. in equal shares, samavekkhati, v. to consider, examine, samavepakl. adj. promoting a good digestion, samavossajjati, v. (sam-ava-ud i>/sajj) to transfer, entrust, samavhaya, m. a name, samasama, adj. exactly the same, samassasati, v. to be refreshed; samsassattha, ppp; "samassasa, m. relief, samassita, adj. leaning towards, sama, /. a year. samakaddhati, v. to pull along, entice, samakinn a, covered, />/>/). filled, samakula, adj. filled, crowded, samagacchati, r. to meet together, assemble, samagama, m. meeting, intercourse, assembly, samacarati, v. to behave, act, practise; "cinna, ppp. "cara, m. samatapa, m. ardour, zeal. samadapaka, ddj ; °pana, samadapeta, m. adviser, samadahati, v. (Jdha) "^ahita, samadana, samadiyati, n. instructing, arousing, instigator, to put together; "dhiyati, pass; pppundertaking, undertake; "inna, ppp; "dapeti, n. taking, bringing, v. (Jda) to caus. to incite, rouse, samadhi, m. concentration, samadhika, adj. excessive, abundant, satnana, adj. similar, equal, same, a kind of devas. samanatta, adj. equanimous, of pacified mind; *ta, /. equanimity, samanavassika. adj. having spent the rainy season together, saniuniycl} adv. all equally. samaneti 224 samaneti, v. to bring together, put together, compare, enumerate. samapeti, v. to complete, conclude. samapajjati, v. (ijpad)to come into, attain; °ana, n; "panna, ppp. samapatti, /. attainment; *Ia, adj. that has acquired. samayoga, m. combination, conjunction. samarabhati, v. to begin, undertake; "raddha, ppp. samarambha, m. undertaking, injuring. samaruhati, v. to ascend, enter; °rulha, ppp. samalapati, v. to speak to, address. samasa, in. a compound, abridgment. samasajja, ger. (iJsad) having got. samasati, v. to sit together, associate; "ana, n. company. samasanna, adj. near. samasama, adj. exactly the same. samaslsl, adj. one who has simultaneously attained an end of human samahata, ppp. passion and of hit, life. struck. samaharati, v. to collect; "hara, m. samijjhati, v. ( Jidh) to succeed, prosper, take effect samita, adj. like, equal, quiet, appeased. samitam, indecl. continually. samiti, /. assembly. samiddha, adj. rich, niagnificent. samiddhi, /. success, prosperity. samiddhika, adj. rich in, abounding samihita. ppp- composed. ; "ana, n. in. samipa, adj. near, recent *ga, adj. approaching. samlrati, •z). to be moved. samira, *na, m. air, wind. samlhati, v. to move along. ; samukkaiiisati, v. to extol; "kauha, ppp. exalted. samugga, m. a box, casket. samuggata, ppp. {Jga.m) arisen. samugganhati, v. {•Jgah) to grasp, embrace; samugghata, m. uprooting, removal. °ahita, ppp. samucita, adj. suitable. samuccaya, Jrt. collection, accumulation. Samucchita, ppp. infatuated. samucchindati, v. to extirpate, abolish: "nna, ppp; *cheda, m. sarnujjala, adj. resplendent. satiiubbluita saniujju, adj. 225 straightforward, peifcct. baiiiufichkka, n. glieaning. samutthati, r. to rise up, originate; "ana, samuUhapaka, t? ; "anika, adj. adj. causing, occasioning. samuttarati, v. to pass over. sanjuttejeti, v. to excite, samiitthala, pl>fy. samudayati, v. gladden; "jaka, adj. struck. to arise, come togeiiier; sainudaya, hi. origin, produce, revenue; "dita, ppp. saniudagacchati, v. to come out, result, rise; "gama, in. samudacarati, r. to turn up, originate, occur, l)cfall, beliave, address, vindicate; "cara, m; "cinna, ppp. saniudaneli, v. to bring out. samudaya, vi. multitude, quantity, satnudavnta, ppp- restrained, -saniudahata, ppp. brought forward, samudrdiara, m. talk, conversation, samudirana, 'U moving. samudda,m. quantity of water, ocean, sea. samuddittha, ppp. pointed out. samuddesa, in. summar}-, statement, samuddhata, ppp. pulled out, eradicated, samuddhata, ppp. filled with, abounding in. samuddharati, ;•. to take out, lift up, carry away, save; ana, n. saniunna, ppp. moistened, wet. samunnadati. v. (Jnad) to utter loud samupagacchati, v. to approach, samupatthati, cries, v. to serve, help, samupadhavati, v. to run towards, samupabbfiiha, ppp- joined, samupama, samupayati, adj. resembling, approach, attain, sainuparulha, ppp. (Jruh) ascendedsamupasobhila, ppp. adorned, samupagacchati, v. to come to. samupadika, adj. level with the water, samupeta, ppp. endowed with. samuppajjati, v. (Jpad) to arise; "patti, samupphosita, ppp, sprinkled, samubbnhali, i\ to carry v. to samubbhava, to. production, samubbhufa, ppp. borne from /; "pada, m. . saniuyyuta 226 samujyuta, adj. energetic. samuUapati, v. to talk, converse; "ana, n samussaya. m. accumulation, complex. saniussahita, ppp. instigated. samusseti, ^. (Jsi) to raise, lift up; "sita, liipa, ; w ppp- samuhanati, -v. to remove, abolish; °hata, Ppp i ana, lu samuheti, v. to gather, collect; °ha, m. multitude, mass. samekkhati, -c. (Jikkh) to consider. sameta, adj. connected with, associating with. sameti, v. (Ji) to come together, meet, assemble, associate, correspond to; samiUniu continually 'v. to sprinkle; "inna, ppp. samotata, ppp. strewn all over, samotarati, v, to descend, Siuiiokirali, samodakarn, adv. at the water's edge, samodahati, v. (h/dha) to draw back, put together; samohiia, ppp. saniodita, ppp. united, samodhiina, n. combination, collocation ; "ncti, deiwvi. lo join, samoruyha, ger. (./ruh) having descended, samorodha, m. barricading, torpor, samosarati, v. to flow down together, gather; ^ana, n. samoha, ppp. infatuated, sampakompati, v. to tremble, shake, sampakasita. ppp. displayed, sampakopa, m. indignation. sampakkhandati, s. to aspire to, enter into; "ana, «. sampagganhaii, -v. to grasp, seize; "aha, m. support, sampaggaha, m. assumption, sampaghosa, m, sound, noise, sampacura, adj. very many, sampajana, adj. thoughtful, mindful, conscious "jafiiia, « "nati v. to know. Sampajjalita, adj. blazing, burning, sampatike adv. now. ; ; sampaticchati, v. to receive, accept; "ana, n. sampativijjhati, v. to penetrate; vedha, in, sampatisaiikha. adv. deliberately, sampatati, v. to go away, fly along, adv. now. sampatinipajja, /. sitting down, sampatta, ppp. reached, present. saflipati, sampasada sampatti, success, attainment, magnificence. /. sampatthana, sampajjati, />/>/). 227 /. entreating, imploring. v. to come successful, "padeti, cans, to, succeed, prosper, happen "panna, complete, perfect, endowed with; ; to procure, obtain, .strive. sampada, /. success, attainment, possession, perfection. sampadana, «. tlie dative relation, sampadalati, i(. to burst; "leti, cans, to tear, cut. sampaditta, ppp- kindled. sampadussati, v. to be corrupted, trespass; \iitlia. sampadosa, w. hate, abhorrence. sampaddavati, v. (Jdu) to run away; "duta, ppp, sampadhupayati, -v. to p.pp. send forth smoke. sarapaphulla, adj. blooming, blo.ssoming. sampabhasa, m. frivolous talk. sampabhasati, v. to shine. sampamilapeti, v. ( Jmia) to slarve, eniaeiatesampaniulha, ppp. confounded. sampamodati, v. to rejoice. sampayati, v. to go aWay, proceed; "ta, ppp. sampayojeti, 1'. 10 associate, keep company; "yulta, ppp; w. "oga, samparaya, m. future state,, tiie next world; samparikaddhati, v. to pull, drag along. samparikantati, v, to cut ail around. samparikinna, ppp. surrounded. .samparivajjati, 'i), to avoid, "yika, adj, shun. samparivattati, v. to turn, roll about; "aka, adj. samparivareti, v. to wail upon, surround, attrnd on. sampareta, ppp. surrounded, beset with. sampaHbodiia, m. awakening, continuation. sompalibhanjati, v. to break, crack; "bhagga, ppp. sampalimattha, ppp. (J mas) touched, handled. sampalivetheti, v. to wrap up, envelop; °thita. ppp. sampavahka, adj. intimate; *ta, /. intimacy, connexion. sampavatteti, v. to produce, set going; °tta, m. an instigator. to blow, be fragrant "ayati, to make fragrant "ayana, n. sampavareti, v. 10 cause to accept, to offer, regale, .sanipavedhati, v. to be shaken vioientlv". sampassati, 11. to see, behold, consider, sampasiida, m. serenity; *na, n. tranquillizing. sampaviiti, v. ; ; sampasareti 228 sampasareti, v, to distract. sampasidati, v. to be tranquilli/ied; "ana, n. satnpaharhsati, v. to be glad; "hattha, ppp, "seti, caus; "aka, adj. "ana, n. sampahattha, ppp. joined, made, gladdened. sampahara, m. striking, strife. sampaka, m. barleyfood. sampata, m. falling together, collision, descent. sampapunati, v. to reach, attain; sampatta, ppp. sampayati, v. to be able to explain. sanipaleti, v. to protect. v. to combine, knead together; °dana. n. sampiya, adj. friendly; "yena, in mutual love. sampiyayati, denom- to receive with lOve; °yana, n. samplleti, v. to press, pinch, worry; "la. "lita, m. troubling.sampucchati, v. to ask: °a, ger. samputa, m. a casket, cavity. samputita, ppp. shrunk, shrivelled. sampindeti, sampunna, adj. full, filled. sampurakkharoti, v. to honour. sampujeti, v. to venerate. sampurita, ppp. filled, full. samposita, ppp. nourished. sampha, nonsense; *ppalapa, m. frivolous talk. samphala, adj. abounding in fruits. samphassa, m. contact. sampbulla, adj. full-blown. samphusati, v. to touch "uuha, ppp ; "ana, /. sambandhati, v to bind together, unite; sambaddha, ppp; • ; sambajjhati, pass; sambarimaya, /. "a, m; "ana, n. jugglery. sambala, n. provision. sambahula, adj. many; ^rii karoli, to take a plurality sambadha, m. crowding, pressure, difificulty; "dhayati, be crowded. sambahati, v. to rub, shampoo; 'ana, n. sarabuka, m. a shell. sambujjhati, v. to understand, sambuddha, ppp. vote. v. to know perfectly "uddha, ppp. Buddha; "dhi, /. under; well understood, standing. sambojjhaiiga, m. constituent or factor of enlightenment. sambodhi. /. higfiest enlightenment. .^^^^^^-^^^^^u--. sambodhiyaiiga, w, — • . sammasati 229 sambhajati, v. to consort with, love, be devoted; "ana, sambhaiijati, v. to split; sambhagga, ppp. sambhata, ppp. brought together, stored up. sambhatta, adj. devoted, a friend. sambhatti, /. joining, consorting wilh. sambhanjati, '0. to revolve; ^a, m. confusion. /. meet with, be adequate; "a, m. production, semen virile; "ana, n. coming into existence; VesI, adj. seeking birth. sambhara, m. materials, constituent, preparation *.seda, sambhavati, v. to origin, arise, birth, ; means. sambhavana, n. supposition, assumption;/, honour,' reverbringing on sweating by artificial ence. sambhasa, /. conversation, talii. sambhinna, ppp- (Jbhid) broken, exhausted; *a, adj. clear, distinct. sambhita, adj. terrified. sambhufijati, v. to ?at together with, associate. sambhunati, "nati, "v. (Jbhu) to be able to, capable of. sambhusita, ppp. adorned, embellished. sambheda, m. breaking, splitting, confusion. sambhoga, m. eating, living together with. sambhoti, v. same as sambhavati. samma, a term of familiar address; m. a cymbal. sammaggata, m. perfect, one who has wandered rightly, saint. sammajjati, v. to sweep; sammattha, a broom. sammatala, m. a kind of cymbal. sammatta, maddenrd; intoxicated, ppp. ppp ; °ana, ii; "anT, /, correctness, ji- righteousness. sammada, m. drowsiness after a meal. sammadakkhata, ppp. well preached. sammadanria, /. perfect knowledge. sammaddati, v. to trample. sammaddasa, adj. having a right view. sammannati, to v. assent, consent, authorize, esteem; sammata, ppp. v. to sammantetL, sanmiapparma, sammasati, "sita, /. v. to n, consult together. right knowledge, true wisdom ; "ajana, adj- touch, master, contemplale, seize; °ana, n. one who touches, etc. samma 230 samma, a pin of the yoke; adv, thoroughl/, properly; sammad b&fore eva. sammadhara, /. a heavy ghower, sammana, «•• honour; na, /. " sammapasa, m. a kind of sacrifice, sainmiiijeti. v. lo bend back, double up; jana, «. sammita, ppf>. (^/ma) measured, just so much, no more norlesg. sainmiya, m. false friend. a sammillabliasinT. /. gently smiting, 'ta, /. sammissa. adj. mixed sammuklia, adj. face lo face with; °kha. obi. before; "khlb; ha\a, coming !u. sammujjani, samnuiiiha, a /. f>pf). into one's place, broom, confused, sammuti, /. conseni, permission, choice, delegation, tleierminalion (of boundary), opnion, doctrine, traditional lore, popular e.vpression. sammu.ssanala, f. obliviousness, sammuyhati, v. to bebewildcrd, muddle-hc;i<led ^samnifii; ppp. "ana, n. lia, s.unraegha, m. rainy or clou<ly \\ eat her. v. to rejoice, delight, greet; sainmoda, m. odour, fragrancesanimodati, sammosa, vi. rorruplion. confusion, sammoha, m. bewilderment, despair, saya, adj. one's own; "rii. sayartivara, «,. infatiiation. independent, sprung up spontaneously, self-choice, (Jyam) being sayatatta, n. adj. polite, self, sayariivasi, adj. self-controlled, sayartijata, adj. '^'aka, well restrained, .sayana, n. lying, sleeping, bed. sayanighara, «... a sleeping-room, say.'imbhii, adj. self-dependenl. sara, m. an arrow, saraka, ??.. sarakutti, sound, voice, mn. a lake, a drinking vessel, /. intonation, resonance, saraja, adj. dusky. sarana, n. shelter, remembrance, refuge; adj. harmful, sarati, v. (iJsar) to go, to remember, to crush, sarada, m. autumn, .sarahu, /. a lizard, .sarabha, to. a sort of deer Sallakatta a.-^l Sarabhanna, n. intonins'. sarabhasam, adv. eagerly, quickly. Sarava, adj. noisy. sarasa, ndj. with its essential qualities. sarasara. onom. imitation word. sarasi, /. a large pond. saraga, adj. passionate. sarava, m. a cup, saucer. sarasana, n. a bow. sarikkha. n. resetnbling. powdered Slonr -saritaka, n. sarita, f, a river. sarisa, adj. resembling. body, relics, corpse; *kicca, n. funeral rites; the skeleton *dhatu, corporeal relic; maitisa, n. the flesh of the body. sartri, adj. having a body, animal, man. sarTvanna, adj. resembling. sarupa, adj. of the same form, with a body, own form. Sarlra, n. the *tthaka, n. ; saroja, n. a lotus. Sarojayoni, vi. a .sarorulia, n. brahma a lotus. saiayati, v. to cause to shake; 'ana, ». saiabha. m. a moth. sala|a, m. a kind of .swcft-.scejited tree. an arrow, dart; /. a [jcg, blade of a grass, ribs of an umbrella, pencil, a stick of caustic, ticket fur voting; ""'lit gilhetij to issue tickets, take a vote; salakagga, room for distributing lood by tickets; salilka vatapnna, n. a winilow made wilii slips of wood ; salakabhaita, food distributed by tickets salaka-hattha, in. brush-hand, a kind of play, where the hand is dipped in lac or dye and used as a brush. salaka\'utta, adj. subsisting by means of pegs, n kind of famine when scraps of food are scraped together with pegs and cooked. s.ilaka, n. )!,. ; saUikodhaniya n. a case for the ointment-stick. salatuka, adj. unripe, salila, M. Water, s.illa, ". an arrow, pain, sallfika. in. sullakatta, a porcupine, m. a surgeon. Sallakkheti 232 mind; sallaUkheli, v. to ubseive, consider, examine, bear in asallakkhelvd, inadvertently ; "khana, /. saliapati, v. to talk with, sallallkala, adj. pierced, perforated. salla\ejja, m. a snrgeon. sallahuka, ati/. whose wants are easily lucky nights, on nakkhaltena, light; *vuttT, adj. met; */je)i« m. conversation. sallapa, salUna, ppp. bent together, cowering. salliyanA, /. cohering, stolidity, m. austere penance- sallekha, iavankd, m. a sort of fish. sasacanlya, n. a command issued by a bhikkhu to a junior, ppp. prohibiting him from going beyond. the bounds, or summoning him to come before the elders, savati, v. (Jsu) (o flow. savana, n. flowing, ear; 'HthCine, within hearing; °nlya, ppp. pleasant to hear. /. a river. savanti, savara, m. a savage. savali, adj. wrinkled. savidha, n. neighbourhood. adj. called, named. m. a hare; 'visana, 'hare's horn savhaya, sasa, , impossibility, ima- gination. sasakkait), adv. certainly. sasanka, m. moon. sasati, v. to slay; sattha, ppp; "ana, n. slaughter. sasi",- HI. the moon. Sasura, m. father-in-law. sassa, n. corn, crop. sassata, adj. eternal, perpetual *vadlj m. ; *ditthi, /. eternalism ; *mflla, eternalist. and ever. sound sarasaia. sassatisamatii, adv. for ever sassara, imitative of the sassiruka, adj. glorious, resplendent. .sassCl, su, /. mother-in-law. saha, prep, with, logetbernvith ; aci/. enduring sahakara, m. a sort of fragrant mango. sahagata, adj. accompanying, concomitant. sahaggana, adj. with his companions. sfihaja, adj. inborn, natural. sahajfiia, adj. connote, born at the same time. ; n. power. satakalakkhana sahati, v. to conquer, defeat, 233 overcome, endure, be able,- "ana, n. sahadhammiya, msahaparhs'dkllita, co-religionist. m. a play-fellow, sahabhavi, adj. at one's service, sahavatthu, n. living together with, sahavyata, /. companionship, sahavyiipaga, adj. coming into union with, sahasa, ado. forcibly, suddenly, inconsiderately: *kara, w. violence- sahassa, num. thousand, sahassakkha, m. thousand-eyed, Sakka: sahassarariiisi, m. the sun. sahassara, adj. having a thousand spokes, sahanukkama, adj. with what follows, sahaya, m- companion, friend, sahita, adj. accompanied with, united, consistent, sahindaka. ad/, together with inda. sahudaka, ady. together with water. sahoQlha, adj. together with the stolen goods, sahorodha, adj. with his harem, saka, n. vegetable, potherb. sakaccha, /. conversation; °cheti, denom. to converse with, sakatika, to. a carter, sakalya, n. totality, sakara, adj. with its characteristics, sakiya, sakya, sakka, to. the sakunika, sakuntika, sakkharappabheda, to. a adj. Buddha's clan, fowler together with the distinction of letters. sSkhalya, sakhalla, n. friendship, sakha, /. a branch; *nagaraka, n. a suburb, sakhamiga, m. a monkey, sagaiarh, indecl. welcome, sagara, m. the ocean, sagara, adj. living in a house, s&ngana, adj. full of lust. omens to be drawn from dogs.saciyoga, w. crooked ways, insincerity, sacakka, n. interpretation of sajiva, n. rule of life. sata, m. a garment, s&takalakkhafia, cloth. »t. cloth ; ""ka, to. prognostication a cloak, drawn from pieces of sateta 234 sateta, m. one who dispels. satheyya, n. craft, treachery. saija, n. hemp, hempen cloth; also sanavalca; adj. (sa-ina) indebted, subjected to the corruptions; *dhovana. n. a kind of play. sanika, /. a curtain. hemp-cloth, a screen, curtain, tent. sata, adj. pleasant, agreeable; n. pleasure, joy; piness; *cta, n. tastiness, sweetness. sani, /, satakumbha, n. gold. /. hap- • satacca, n. perseverance satatarii, *ta, ; *kari adj. persevering. adv. continually. satatika, adj, persevering. satava, n. sweet result (of good words). satiya, adj. pleasant. satireka, adj: having something in excess satisara, adj. trespassing. sattha, adj. with the meaning, in spirit. satthaka, adj. useful. sathallka, adj. lax, lethargic. sadana, n. place, house. sadara, adj. reverential; "riya, n; riyata, /. showing consi- deration.; sadana, adj. attached to the world, passionate. sadikkha, adj. like, similar. sadiyati, v. to accept, acquiesce; "ana, /. sadisa, adj. like, similar.. sadu, adj. sweet, nice; n. sweet things. sadhaka, adj. accomplishing, edecting. sadhana, n. enforcing, proving, settling up. sadharana, adj. common, general, joint. sadhika, adj. having something beyond. sadhu, adj. good, virtuous, meritorious; adv. well, thoroughly. *karii, adv. well, thoioughly. sadhukara, in. approval. sadhukljana, n. a festive play, sacred festivity. sadhurupa, adj. good, respectable. sadhusammata, adj. highly honoured. sadhuslliya, n. good character. sddheti, V. to arrange, prepare, recover, settle up a prove. sanu, mn. a ridge. sanucara, adj. together with followers. debt, si.rajjati 235 sanuvajja, adj. blameable. sSpa, m. a cuise. sSpateyya, n. property, wealth. sapathika, adj. one who has comrnitced a sin. sapada, n. a beast of prey. sapadesa, adj. illustrated by figures ot speech. sapekha, adj. longing for. sama, adj. black, dark, yellow, beautiful n. conciliation. samarh, self, of oneself. samaggiya, n. completeness. samaggT, /. completeness, a quorum, meeting, communionj unanimity, concord, ; samaflfia, adj. general, universal; n. unity, of a samanera, company, state monk. in ; a novice. "rl, /. .samattha, adj. able, competent; °thiya, n. .samanta, adj. neighbouring, bordering. samayika, adj. temporary. samaka, m. a kind of millet. samajika, >n. a member of an assembly. samayika, adj. in agreement, timely, temporary. samika. in. lord, owner, husband. samiya, m. husband. samivocana, n. the genitive case. samisa, adj. carnal. sami, m. lord, master, husband; saminJ, /. wife. samlcl, /. right or proper course *kamma, n komage. ; samukkarhsika, adj. principal, best. samudda, n. sea salt. samuddika, adj. seafaring. sSyati, V. to taste, eat saya, m. evening, morning, ; sayanlya, adj. savoury, tasty ; late ''rh, ; °ana, n. adv. at night; *patam, evening and and early; *masa, m. supper. sfiyanha, to. evening. sara, adj. essential, strong. saraka, m. a messenger. s&ragandha, m. the odour of the heart of a saragabbha, to. tree, a treasury. earajja, n. timidity : "jayati, denom. to be embarrassed, per- plexed, sarajjati, v. to be pleased with, attached to; "ang. tion. f. mfatua- sSratta 236 saratta, adj. impassioned, enamoured. strati ha, in. quintessence. m. saraihi, coachman. ciiarioleer, sarada, adj. autumnal ; m autumn the ;'deka, adj. autumnal. saraddha, adj. violeni, angry. sarameya, m. a dog. sarambha, m. impetuosity, anger, quarrel, °bhi sarasa, vi. ; adj. a crane. saraga, m. affection, infatuation; °gi, adj. saraniya, adj. courteous, polite, friendly. sari, m. chessman. saiikUha, adj. similar. sSruppa, adj. proper, suitable. fit, saropl, adj. healing, curative. saja, m. a sal tree. salaka, m. a brother-in-law, used as a term s31a, a hall, hospice, room. /. of abuser salakiya, n. ophthalmology. sali, m. rice. saliUa, /. a kind of bird. saliiiaka, n. slinging stones, sail, adj. hlaving, saliya,°ya, the throwing potsherds, etc. possessing. maina bird. saluka. n. the edible root of the water-lily. salijra, m. a dog. saloka, m. light. salohita, m. a kinsman, blood relation. sava, m. juice. savaka, m. a hearer, disciple. savajja, adj. blameabie, faulty savata, n. name ; *ta, /. of a certain throw at dice. savasesa, adj. with a remainder, incomplete. m. a porcupine. savi, sasati, v. to teach, instruct; sattha, ppp. sasa, m. astiima. sasanka, adj. dangerous. sasara, -TO. order, message, doctrine, teaching. sasapa, m. a mustard seed; *kutta, n. mustard powder. satia, m. six days. sahasa, adj. violent, hasty; n. violence ;*rh. adv ;°s\ka. adj. brutal. Sahara, adj. together with th6 suburbs, sahu, adj. good, well. siddha 237 $&hu|ac!vara, n. a coarse cloth. sahuijeyyaka, ppp. worshipped. sahunna, a strip of ragged cloth- w. m. salava, sweets, taste. sajika, TO. a bird; sita, /. maina the bird. declining, resting, clinging. (x/si) PPP- siihsaka, m. red sandal-wood. siriisapa, the dalbergia tree. /. sikata, /. sand. sikayasa-maya, adj. made of tempered sikka, steel. string, string of a balance. /. sikkhati, v. to learn, train oneself; °ana, n- sikkha, study, discipline, /. sikkhapada, n. a precept. sikkhita, m. a master, professor, adept. sikhanda, m. a lock of hair, peacock's tail. sikhandl, to. a peacock adj. tufted, crested, with tonsured ; hair, sikhara, w. the sikha, point, edge; *bandha, /. siklil, TO. fire; sigala, top, summit, crest, tuft, m. top-knot, n. peacock; adj. crested, tufted, m. a jackal. singa, n. a horn; siiigara, m. m. the young love, finery arf/. ; of an animal, elegant, graceful, singinada, m. gold, singila, m. a kind of horned bird, singilonakappa, m. the horn-salt license, sihgivera, n. ginger. sihgi, adj. having a horn, clever, sharp-witted, fiax; a kind of fish, sihghataka, m. a plani sihgu, /. gold, /. ; mn. a square, place where four roads meet, sifighanika, sijjati, V. siiicati, v. sita, /. snot, (Jsid) to boil. (Jsic) to sprinkle, bale out a ship; sitta. ppp. adj. sharp, bound, white; n. a smile. sitSkara, to. smiling, smile. sittha, ti. a lump ol boiled rice, beeswax, sithila, adj. loose, lax, yielding, sithilahanu, to. a kind of bird, sidali, -J. to sink, subside, siddha, ppp. dJsidh) accomplished, succeeded; "dhi,/. siddhattha 238 siddhattha, adj. one who has completed his task ; m. must- ard seed. ana, n; "ani, /. bath-powder. sinati, v. to bathe ;°ta, ppp ; siniyhati, v. to love, be attached; siniddha, ppp. oily, greasy, smooth, resplendent, charming, affectionate. sineru, n. Mount Meru. viscidity, sap, affection, desire; *ka, m. a friend; *na, n. oiling, softening; °hita, adj. lustful, covetous. sineha, m. sindura, n. red-lead. sindhava, m. a sindh-horse; n. rock-salt. sinoti, V (iJsi) lo bind; sita, pppsinna, adj. wet with peispiration, boiled. sipaUKa, /. pericarp, receptacle. sippa, n. art, craft; *tthana, "payatana, n. art, craft; "pika, m. sippi, artisan. a pearl oyster. /. sibba, n; sibbinJ, /. a suture of the skull. sibbati, v. to sew. sibbani, /. simbali, /.,' greed, lust. the silk-cotton tree' mn. head *m muncati, to loosen the hair. blood vessal, nerve, tendon, gut. siriitisapa, m. a serpent, reptile. sira, ; sira, /. a sirigabbha, m. bedroom. siripavesana, adj. lucky, bringing luck. sirivivada, m. a bed chamber quarrel. siri, /. splendour, beauty, glory, majesty, goddess of luck; *dhara, adj. glorious. sirlsappupha, n. a kind of gem. siroruha, sila, /. m. hair. a stone, rock, quartz. silaghate, v. to praise. silabhu, n, a whip snake. siliuha, adj. adhering, connected. siluccaya, m. a mountain. silutta, TO. a rat snake. attachment, embracing. siloka, TO. fame, a verse; 'ra, adj. famous. Siva, adj. auspicious, happy, fortunate n blees silesa, to. ; *vijja, /. knowledge of auspicious signs; ; /. a jackal slvika. /. • a palanquin, litter. siveyyaka, adj. hailing from the siva country, kind of cloth. sunati sisira, adj. cool, 339 cold; m. the cold season. m. a pupil. sikara, m. drizzling sissa, rain, sTgha, adj. quick, rapid, swift; "arh, adv. slla, adj. cool, cold; n. coldness. sitala, adj, cool, cold, tranquil; sita, /. coldness- ?i. a furrow. sitaiuka, adj. susceptible of cold. sUalu, adj. chilled. sitaloli, /. mud or loam from the furrow adhering the to plough, m. sitibhava, tranquillization. situnha, n, cold and heat, sina, adj. cold, frosty. sipada, n. morbid enlargement of the legs, simanta, m. a boundary, sin; *rika., /. interval between, simantini, sima, sira, Slla, a /. woman, boundary, m. a plough. parish. limit, /. n. character, nature, morality, precept; *va, adj. silabbata, good works and n. ceremonial observances, *paramasa, m. infatuation of ritual, the delusion that they suffice, silamattaka, n. a matter of mere morality, rite and ritual; rite and sllavatta, n. morality, vitue. wrong conduct. Siliya, n. sTii, adj. having a disposition or character, sivathika, sisa, /. n. lead a cemeiery. head, point, car (of crops); *ka, n. head, sisakataha, a skull, sisacola, m. a head-cloth, turban, sisavirecana, sisavpthana, 7;. purging to relieve the head, head-cloth, 11. sisavedana, /. headache, *nada, m. siha, >n. a lion ; i urban, lion's roar, song of ecstasy, shout of exultation. sIhapaiHjara, n. a sihala, window, m. Ceylon. ' sihavikkilita, n. the lion's play, attitude of the Buddhas. sihaseyya, /. lying like a lion, on the right side, sihasana, n. a throne. su, interj. shoo! adv. well, properly, suijali, V. (Jsu) to hear; sossafl, fut- sutfisumara i240 surfisumara, m. a crocodile. suka, m. a parrot. sukata, adj. good, virtuous, done well; n. a good deed. sukati, adj. fortunate. sukara, adj. easy, feasible. sukiccha, n. pain, great irouble- sukumara, adj. delicate, lovely. sukka, m. planet, star; n. semen; adj. white, pure, bright. sukkatiisa; m. bright lot, fortune. sukkapakkha, m the bright fortnight of a month. sukkavara, w. Friday. sukkha, ad/, dry *na, n. drying up; sukkhSpana. n. ; making dry. sukkhati, v. to be dried up, waste 3way. sukha, adj. agreeable, pleasant, happy n. ease, .happines; *rh, adv. in happiness j'sukhi, adj. ; sukhatihi, adj. longing for happiness, sukhadhamma, m. a good slate, sukhabbagiya, adj. participating in happiness, sukhabhumi^ / soil of bliss, source of ease, sukhayati, sukheti. v. to iriake happy, sukhatlikanuyoga, to. lujjujious living, sukhavihara, m. dwelling at ease, happy life, sukhayati, v. to be pleased. sukhita, adj. happy, blest, glad; *tta, adj. happy, easy, sukhudraya, adj. having a happy result, sukhuma, adj. subtle, minute, hop, exquisite; *tta, sukhumacchika, adj. iine-meshed. sukhumadhara, adj. with fine edge, sukhumala, adj. tender, delicate, refined, graceful, sukhedhita, adj. grown up in comfort, delicate, n. sugata, adj. faring well, happy, blessed, sugatalaya, m. imitation of the Buddha, sugati, /. happiness, bliss; "tl, adj. righteous, suggava, ad], virtuous. suhka, mn. toll, tax, customs, profit, purchase-price of a wife; *ghata, n. customs' frontier "kika, m. a receiver of customs; "kiya, n. price paid tor a wife. Suci, adj. pure, clean, white; n. merit, ; much, variegated, a sacrificial ladle. sucitta, adj. suja, ;'. sujjhatj, V, (Jsudh) to become pure; suddha, ppp caus. to purify, correct, search. ^ sodheti. supphassita suflflai *ta, adj. void, empty 5 341 *ta, /. sunnSgara, n. solitude. suUliu, adv. ^vell. sur.ia, m. a day. siiijisa, sunha, /. a daughter-iti-law. suta, n. learning, lore; m-. son. /. daughter. sutappaya, adj. easily contented. suti, /. hearing, tradition; *vasena, by rumour; *hlna, adj. deaf, sutta, n. a thread, discourse, string, string; "tika, adj, bound with sermon; *ka, n. a a thread, suttakara, m. a cotton-spinner, suttajala, n, a spider's web, web of thread, suttanta, »n. a discourse, dialogue; "tika, adj. versed in the suttantas. a good saying, sudassana, adj. well-looking, sudujj^iya, adj. very difficult to win. Suduttara. adj. very diificult to escape from, sudda, m. one of the poor class sutti. /. suddhaka, n. a minor offence. suddhanta, m. women's apartment; adj. well blown, suddhantaparivasa, m. a probation of complete purification, suddhi, /. purity. sudhamma, /. the council hail of the devas. sudha, /. the beverage of cement, sudhi, adj. wise, suna, adj. swollen ; the gods, whitewash, nectar, m. a dog. sunakha, m. a dog. sunaya, adj. easily understood, sundara, adj. beautiful, good. supati, suppati, soppati, v. to sleep; sottuih. inf supatittha, adj. easy to get down to. : sutta, supana, m. a dog. supana, adj, foregoing, supina, mn. suposat^, a dream; *ka, m. good nature. a winnowing basket; /. *ka, wt. a toy basket, suppa, »rt. suppata, /. pea-soup talk, sugared words, suppavattt, adj. thoroughly mastered, supliassa, w. a kind of musical instrument, suphassita, adj. agreeable to touchy very soft. ppp. subbata 242 subbata, adj. virtuous, devout. abundant rainfall. subbhu, adj. having beautiful, eye-brows, lovelysubbutthi, /. auspicious, lucky ; n, welfare, subhara, adj. easily supported, frugal; *ta, /. subhanupassi, adj. looking for pleasure, subhikkha, n. plenty *vaca, adj. called plenty, renowned subha, adj. shining, good, bright, subhaga, adj. happy, beloved, charming, subhagati, /. going to bliss, ; for great liberality. Suma, tn. the moonsumana, adj. glad, happy, sumana, /. the great flowered jasmine, sumedha, *sa, adj. wise, sumbhati, v. to strike, hurt, sura, m. god. surata, n. sexual intercourse, surabhi, adj. fragrant. /. spiritous liquor; *dhutta, m. a drunkardsurapana, n. a liquor shop, drinking strong liquor, suramada, m. tipsiness. suriya, m. the sun *»n uUkdpeturh, to go on till sunrise, suriyakanta, m. the sun-gem. suriyaggaha, wi. eclipse of the sun. suriyamandala, d. the orb of the Sun. sura, ; suruci, adj. resplendent, surunga, /. a subterranean passage. Surupa, adj. handsome, suladdha, n. a good gain, bliss. sulasi, /. a medicinal plant, sulopi, /. a kind of small deer. Suva, m, a parrot. suvaca, adj. of soft speech, compliant, suvanna, adj. beautiful; n. gold, suvanijahartisa, m. the golden mallard, suvatthi, suvaria, 7)1. well-being, m. a dog; also supatja, suvana. suvanaya, etdj, easy to catch, suvami, in, a master, suvutthika, /. abundance of rain", suve, see sve. sussati, ^. (•ysus)to be dried, to wither. supika 243 susSna, n. a cemetery. susira, adj. hollow, full of holes; n. a hole; wind instrument. susilai adj. moral, virtuous; also susill °lya, «#. susu, m. a boy, lad, a sort of water animal. susuka, m. an alligator, infant, porpoise; /. alligator. susumayati, v. to make the sound su-su. ; melodiousness of voice. wish to hear, listen. sussusa, adj. obedient /. obedience "si, suhajja, m. a friend. sussarata, /. sussijsati, des. v. to ; ; suhat5, /. happiness. suhada, adj. friendly; m. suhadaya, adj. friendly. a friend; /. a adj. woman with childc suhlta, adj. satiated. su-hu-ju, adj. very upright, conscientious, suka, m. the awn of barley, sukara, m. a hog, pig. etc. sijkarantakai n. kind of girdle- sukaramaddava, n. a plartt or tuber called 'pig-tender,' perhaps truffles. sQkarasall, /. a kind of rice. sukarika, m. a boar-hunter, sficayati, r.CJsuc) to point out, show, indicate; sQcaka, m. an informer, slanderer; sucana, n. suci, /. a needle, hairpin, pin to secure the bolt, railing, siicikattha, adj. with needle like bones, a needle, hunger, small bolt to a door, sucighatika, /. a small bolt to a door, sucinajika, /. a bamboo needle-case, sucika, /. sucimukha, 'needle-faced,' mosquito. sOciviji'hana, n. an owl. sijju, adj. suna, /. upright, conscientious, a slaughter-house, m. a charioteer, bard, panegyrist, sutighara, n. a lying-in-chamber, suta, suda, m. a cook, sudana, n, destruction, suna, adj. swollen. siinS, /. a slaughter-house. sQnu, m. a son, child. Supa, m. broth, soup, curry 'vyafijana, n. curry, supatittha, adj. easy of access, supika, m. a cook. ; suppoya 244 supeyya, n. curry •paijna, n. curry leaf, curry stuff *saka. m. potherb for carry m. a hero, the sun ; it. sura. adj. valiant, courageous j ; ; valour. suragajjita, n. a shout of defiance, heroic utterance, surata, adj. kindle disposed. surl, adj, wise. suriya, n. valour. mn. a sharp.pointed instrument, sula, stake. magnificent. sujara, adj. m. sprinkling. seka, gekata, n. a sandbank. sekha, adj. probationary, imperfect, under training, sekhara, m. a crest, chaplec. sekhiya, adj. connected with training. Segalaka, n. a jackal's cry. secanaka, n. sorinkling. settha, adj. best, excellent. setthi, TO. treasurer, wealthy merchant :/. ashes ; *tta, n, treasurership. sepi, /. a guild, a division of an army ; *mokkha, m. the chief of an army. seta, adj. white; *ka, adj. white, transparent. setaccha, to. a tree. setatthika, adj^ suffering from famine; /. mildew. a tree. setamba, m. a sort of mango. setu, TO. a casueway, bridge. setpanni, /• seda, TO. sweat, perspiration; *ka, n. sweating. sedaja, adj. springing from moisture, insect, worm, sedavakkhitta, adj. earned with the sweat of the brow. sedeti, v. (N/sed) to heat, steam. sena, m. a hawk. senaka, to. a carter, monkey. senagutta, to. a minister of war. sena, /. an army ; *nayaka, to, a general. senSnl, n. a general. senanikutilatS, /. strategy. sendpacca, n. generalship. senSpati, *ka, m. a general. scnSbyuha, m. a leview. senSsana, «, sleeping and sitting, dwelling ;"gaha, m. allot- ment of lodging places. 245 soijtia seniya, vi. a soldier. senupiya, /. a bed fellow. senesika, adj. greasy. semSnaka, adj. lying. semha, n. phlegm; "iiika, semhara, vi. a monUey. ?i. man a of phlegmatic humour. seyya, adj. better. seyyaka, adj. lying. seyyarhsa, m. the better part. seyyalha, adj. as, just as; "thidaili, namely, as follows. seyyaso, inderl. still better. seyya, /. a bed, couch. seri, ad/, self-willed, independent, self-possessed; vl. a god; serita, /, independence, emancipation of will, serivihara, >v lodging privately. sela, adj. rocky; m. rock, stone, crystal, gem. selissaka, n. noise, mad pranks, seleti, V. (/sel) to shout. Sevati, v. to serve, resort to, practise, em.brace, make use of; "aka, adj. serving, in. a servant, dependent; "anS, . seva, seveti, /. service. m. moss, sevala, v.. to throw down. remaining, sesa, *ka, adj. left. seseti, v. (Jsis) to leave; sissati, pass, to soka, m. sorrow, sokajjhayika, /. sokara-mariisa, a be left, remain, grief, woman comeaian. m. pork, sokika, soki, adj. sorrowful. sokhya, 11. sokhumma, happiness, n. fineness, minuteness, sogata, adj. Buddhist. sogandhika, m. purgatory; n. the white water-lily, "ana, n. ( Jsuc) to be grieved, sorrowful, to mourn socati, V. ; socitatta, n. sorrowfulness, sociya, adj. daplorable. soceyya, n. purity, sojacca, n. nobility, high birth. sooa, adj. red, crimson; m. a dog, a kind of tree, sonita, n. blood, soni, /. the buttock, bitchsonuttara, m. a hunter, sopda, adj. addicted to dirink, drunkard 'ka, m, a drunkard. ; SOT) 4^ 246 soij(Ja, mj. an elephant's trunk. m. a distiller and seller of liquor, a drunkard. sondikata adj, with expanded neck (of a serpent). son<[ika, /. tendril of a creeper, peppered meat. soncjika, soi?di> /• a natural sondT. /. pond in a rock. the neck of a tortoise. sonna, n. gold. sola, n. ear, nostril : mn. a stream, stream of flood, torrent, cravings, made with antimony, ppp. scorched. sotSnugata, adj. acquired by hearing, sotapaiti, /. entering upon the stream of salvation °anna, m. a convert, stream-winner, sotavadhana, n. giving ear, attention, sotti, /. a shell filled with chunam and lac for scratching sofanjana, n. ointment sotatta, ; the back, sottiya, m. a learned man. sotthana, n. blessing, well- fare, sotthi, /. well-being, blessing; "hotu hail ^rh gacchati, to go in safety; *na, safely; suvatthi, the same. sotthika, m. a brahmin. ! sotthik5ra, m. an utterer of blessings, herald, sotthigamana, n. a prosperous journey. Sotthibhava, m. safety, well-being, softhiya, jh. a learned man, brahmin, sotthivacaka, tn. utterer of blessings, herald, sotthis&ia, /. a hospital, sotha, VI. swelling, sodaka; adj. containing water, m. a uterine brother, sodhana, n. cleansing, examining, payment, sodhani, /. a broom, sona, m. a dog. sopacararh. adv, deferentially, sopadhlka, adj. together with the upadhi's or elements of being, sodara, "riya, sopaka, m. an outcast, sopana, mn. stairs, steps; 'phalaka, soppa, 'na, n. sleep, sopha, m. swelling. m. staircase; •kalirtgara, m, a step of a staircase, a flight of haih sobbha, n. a hole, pit, 247 water-pool. sobhagga, n. prosperity, beauty. sobhai:ia, n. beauty, ornament, edging on a girdle; &d/. adorning sobhati. v, (Jsubh) to shine, sobhanagaraka, n. fairy scenes, sobha, /. splendour, radiance, beauty, somanassa, n. joy, mental ease; "sita, adj. joyful, sombhl, /. a puppet, doll, somma, satisfied, adj. pleasing, agreeable, gentle, soracca, "ciya, n. gentleness, restraint, sorata, adj. gentle, kind, self-restrained, sovaggika, adj. heavenly, savacassa, n. gentleness, suavity; *ta, /; "sSya, °siya, ti. the same. sovanna, *ya, adj. golden, sovatthi, /. sovidalla, hail 1 safety ; *ka, adj. safe, m. an attendant on the harem, sovlraka, n. sour gruel. m. drying up, consumption; "na, n. causing to dry. sosanika, adj. bier like ; m. one who lives near a cemetery. sosa, sosika, adj. consumptive. soSita, adj. frozen. sohada, n. a friend; sohajja, n. friendship. sohicca, n. satiety, solasa, num. sixteen, sneha, m. oil, unctuous moisture, affection, lust, *virecana, n. oil as purgative. sy&mrattha, n. Siam. svai^na, n. gold, svappa, adj. very little, a few. svSkara, adj. of good disposition, svakkhata, ppp. well-preached, svagata, n. welcome, learnt by heart, svalana, adj. belonging to the morrow. svStivatta, adj. easily overcome. svana> m. a dog. sve, adv. tomorrow, salayatana, n. the six organs of senSe. H ha, an emphatic particle, an exclamation. hatfi, friend; hariisati 248 hariisati, v. to bristle, joyful haihsa, ; m. a °a, stand on end; haftha, ppp, brisUed, m. swan ; sheldrake, a kind of building, hacca, adj. killing, hajja, adj. beloved, hafici, adv. if, ha{a, m. a kind ot water-plant. iia{ahatakesa, adj. with dishevelled hair, hatthaioma, adj. with the hair of the body erect with joy or astonislied, horripilated, hatha, m. violence. hati, /. destruction. hattha, m. hand, forearm, elephant's trunk, handful, cubit; hand of. *gata, fallen into the hatthaka, m. a handful, hatthakamma, n. manual work, craft, hatthatthara, m. an elepliant rug. hatlhapajjotika, n. hand-illumination, by a scorching the hand tcrch. hatthapaiapaka, n. heating the hand over a coal-pan. hatthapasa, m. the side of the hand, vicinity, hatthabandha, m. a bracelet, m. ' hand wealth,' movable hatthacariya, m. elephant-trainer, hatthapalekhana, n. licking the hands hatthasara, propertj'. after eating to clean them, hatthabhijappana, n. incantations to make a man throw up his hands, hattharoha, w. mounted on an elephant, elephant-driver, hatthinakha, m. a sort of turret projecting over the approach to a gate; *ka, adj. provided with such turrets or supported on pillars with capitals of elephant's heads, hatthippabhinna, m. an elephant in rut. hatthibhanda, m. an elephant-keeper. m. an elephant's groom, hatthiyana, n. elephant vehicle, riding elephant, hatthiliiiga, m. a vulture with a bill like an elephant's trunk, hatthimei?da, hatthisutta, n. an elephant-trainer's manual, hatthisoncjaka, «. an under- garment arranged with append* ages like elephant trunks, hatthi, m. an elephant, hadaya, ft. heart, the physical organ, thought, mind. . hasita 249 hadayarigata, adj. gone to the heart, learnt by heart. hadayaiigama, adj. heart-stirring, agreeable. hadayabheda, m. cheating in measure. hadayavatthu, n. the heart-basis, substance of the hearthadayalu, adj. good-hearted. hadayi, adj. benevolent, kind. lianti, to strike, kill; "il. hafichati, /itt; haunati, pans; hata, ghateti, caus; hanana, ppp; ;i-. hanu, *ka, j. the jaw. hanusariihanana, n. jaw-binding, incantation to briiig on dumbness, handa, a particle implying resolution, grief, alas hanna, n. modesty. hambho. a particle expressing surprise or haughtiness, ! hammiya, haya, »»• n. a long, storied mansion a horse. harati, v. to carry, bring, steal, cure, kill; haranaka, harani, n. goods hata, take, ppp; remove, fetch, °a, in, abolish, siva; "ana, n. in transit. a passage. /. green, tawny hari, adj. ; m, Vishnu n. ; gold; *candana, n. yellow-sandal. m. a deer. Iiarina, hariijakalahka, harinahka, m. the nioon. harita, adj. green, fresh; n. green grass. haritaka, n. a potherb. harilala, n. yellow orpiment. haritupatta, adj. covered with green. hanttaca, adj. gold-coloured. haripada, m. yellow-leg, a deer. haritaka, m. yellow niyrobalan hareijuka. /. ;''ki, /. the myrobalan tree. ^ea. hala, n. a plough. halan'j, adi). halahala, nt. halidda, "di, enough of. a kind of deadly poison; n. tumult, uproar. /,, turmeric. hava, m. calling, challenge. havana, u. sacrifice. have, indecl. indeed, certainly, havya, n. an oblation, ofTering. hasati, v. to laugh, be merry; "ana, hasita, n. laughier, mirth. «. . hasScj 350 ai/. ridiculous hasba, ; ?i. Iauj,dUei-, mirtli, joke, jest; *vase- na, in jesl. ha, alas ! halaka, n. gold. *bhagiya, hana, n. falling off, relinquishing; ducive to relinquishing. hani, /. decrease, loss, waste. adj. con- hayati, pass. (Jha) to decrease, decay; "ana, n. hayi, adj. forsaking. hara, m. a haraka, /. haraharl, pearl necklace. carrying. /. adj. rapid, tearing. charming. hart, adj. attracting, harika, adj. carrying. harinika, m. a deer-hunter. harita, hari, m. Mahabrahma. m; °ini, /. adj. carrying, robbing. hariya, adj. carrying. halidda, adj. yellow. hava, m. coquetry, dalliance. havaka, in. one who performs a sacrifice. hasa, m, laughter, mirth, joy; *dhamma, >n. merriment. hasupaiiiia, adj. of bright knowledge, wise. hi, for, indeed, surely. hirhsati, v. to hurt, injure; "ana, n; "sa, /; °sita, n, one who hurts. hikka, /. hinkara, hiccough. m. uttering the sound him.. hingu, 11. the asafcEtida plant. hihgulaka, "li, m. vermilion ;"lika, hita, adj. useful, beneficial, friendly m. hitupacara, m. *kara, /. ; m. a friend ; n. benefit i a benefactor. beneficial conduct. desiring another's welfare. hintala, to. a kind of palm. hima, adj. cold, frosty; ii. ice, snov. hitesi, adj. hitnagiri, himava, himacala, m. the Himalayas. hiyyo, af'v. yesterday. gold "nolokanakamma, n. valuation of the gold. shume, conscientiousness; *ti, v. to blush. hirikoplna, it. a cloth to cover the pudenda. hirf, /. shame, bashfulm^ss, conscience; *ma, adj. bashful. hilada kl pie;isure. hiraiifia, n, hiriya, inn. j APPENDIX. agg&ss.vaka~-^two) chief disciples i. : Sariputta. Mog- 2. gallana. — immoral act i paadinnadana, tliefi. 3. kamesu micchacara, sensual vusbehaviour. 4. musava6. pharusa vaca, da, lying. 5, pisuna vaca, slander. fivolous talh. harsh language. 7. samphappalapa, 'o9. vyapada, ill-will, 8. abhijjha, covetousness. akusalakammapatha, micchaditthi, — akusaladhatU' hbst. wrong — abhidhamma— : views.. ill-will. 1. : lobha, greed. moha, delusion.. 3. (seven kama, 1. : 3. vihiriisa, crueliy. (three) roots of immorality dosa, hate. . 2. elements of imrnorality (three) vySpada, 2. akusalamula 2. (ten) courses of life-taking. natipata, books of) abhidhamma Dhamma- : Kathavatthu, Puggalapaiiiiatti, Dhatukatha, Yamaka, Patthana, sanganl, vibhariga, appamaniia-— (four) immeasurables or beatitudes i. metta, love2.karuna, piivmudita, sympathy. 3. 4. upekkha, equanimity. : abhithana, see paficanantariyakamma. ariyadhanam 2. — (seven) noble treasures": sila, virtue. i. saddha, faith. sense of shame. 4. ottappa, suta, learning. 6. caga, self-denial. 3. hirl, fear of blame. 5. 7. paniia, wisdom. ariyasacca 2. — (four) noble truths: i. dukkhasamudaya, origin of dukkha, suffering. suffering. 3. dukkha- nirodha, cessation of suffering. 4. dukkhanirodhagamini patipada, the path leading to the cessation of suffering. ariya atthaingika magga — the sammaditthij right views. noble eight-fold 3. i. path: sammasafikappa, right 3. sammavaca, right speech. 4. sammakammanta, right action. 5. samma ajiva, right living. 6. sammavayama, right exertion. 7. sammasatj, right mindfulness. H. sammasamadhi, right concentration, intention. . APPENDIX arupabrahmaloka — 253 immaterial bralima worlds (four) alvasanaiicayatana, sphere of space. infLiiile 2. i. : viiina- sphere 0) infinite consciousness. 3. akincafinayatana, sphere of nothiugness. 4. nevasafiiianasarifiayatana, sphere of neither perception nor non-perception. riaiicayatana, — — (ten) attributes of a saint i 8. same as the noble eight fold path. 9. sammanana, right under- asekha diiamraa standing. arammana — : sammavimutti, right emancipation. 10. (six) objects of sense sadda, sound. 2. phassa, contact. 5. iddhipada — base, (four) dhamma, 6. 4. rasa, tasle. idea. i.' chanda, magical potency 3. citta, thought. 4. vim- of : viriya, energy. 2. will, rupa, visible object. i. : gandha, odour. 3. amsa, investigation. — controlling faculties: i. saddha, faith. energy. mindfulness. 3. sati, 4. samaconcentration. 5. panna, wisdom indriyarii (five) 2. viriya, dh'i, ogha—(four) floods 3. kamma — (three) acts ma, speech. kavi i. : wrong ditthi, kama, i, : 3. lust. bhava, bpcowu'w.^. ignorance. 2. 4. avijja, 7icws. kayakamma, deed. manokamma, — 2. vaclkam- thought. (four kinds of) 'poets cintakavi, suta*, *attha„ *patibhana*, the poet of imagination, of tradition, of real : of wit. life, — kasina 2. (ten) devices apo, water. blue. for meditation i. : pathavi, vayo, wind. 3. tejo, fire. 4. yellow. lohita, earth5. nlla, red. 8. odata, paricchinnakasa, the sky seen through a narrozv aperture. white, 6. pita, g. aloka, light. 7. ' 10. kamaloka— (eleven) sensuous worlds 7. maussaloka, the world of -world of asuras. spirits. 10. : men. the six develokas' 8. asuraloka, the 9. petaloka, the world of departed iivacchanayoni, the animal hingdom. 11. nirayaj hell. — (four) warnings i. cakkavaitikoiahala, kolahala a hundred years before the birth of auniversal monarch. 2. buddha, a thousand years before the birth of a Buddha. 3. mangala; twelve years before the Buddha preaches : 4. moneyya; seven years explains the ordinances of saints. the tnarigala^utta. the Buddha before APENDIX iS-l Uosalla- (three) kinds of proficiency ya*, upaya,* konwledge of what i. : what khandha— (five) feeling. — cakka— aggregates i : is expeditious. is vedana, i. rupa, maf/rr. 41 sankhard, com. . perception. sanfia, 3. plexcs. gaha what injurlou.^, af is viiinana, consciousness. 5. JIva, Budha, Angara. Sura, Canda, Sukka, Asita, Rahu, Ketu. planets: (nine) ayakosalla, apa. advavtogeous, of patirupadesavasa, iblessings: 2. suppurisupanlssaya, assoelation with good men. 3. attasamma* panidhi, rj^/i/ resolutions. 4. pubbekatapunnata, good works done, (four) wheels or living in a suitable place. in a former existence. cakkhu (five sort of) vision martisacakkhu, dibb* paiiiia samanta* Buddha* the human eye, divine eye, eye of wisdom, universa.l eye, Biiddha's eye. — : — , ; ; cdalabhiilna ; powers: supernatural (six) magical powers. 2. i. dibbasota, divine ear. iddhividha 3. para- knowledge of other's thoughts. 4; pubbenivasanussatiflana, reminiscent knowledge of 6. aye. former existences. 5. dibbacakkhu, divine thf asavakkhayakaraiiana, knowledge which causes destruction of human passions. rittavijanana, tipitaka —three pline. — : [see also under each division], pkysic. devaloka discibaskets or scriptures i. vinaya, discourses. 3. abhidhamma, meta- sutta, 2. (six) tirhsa, worlds of devns CatummaharSjika, TavaTuslta, Nimmanarati, Paranimmitava: V^ama, savatti. dhatu — (four) elements sion. 3. dhutanga— (thirteen) ga, ; tejo, heat. pathavl, extension: 4. apo, cohe- vSyo, mobility. ascetic, practices refuse-rag-practice. 2. 2. : i. paitisukulikan- teclvarikaiiga, three-robe, 3. pindapatikanga, allms-/>racf;Vc. 4. supadanacSrikanga, house-to-'house practice. 5. ekasanikmga., cne-sitting practice 6. pattapin^ikanga, onc- tractice. . boivl practice. practice. 8. mulikanga, khalupacchabhattikariga, no-more arailflikanga, for est- practice. 9. rukkha7. tree-root- practice. open-sky-practice. lo. abbhokasikanga, practice. sos3,nikanga, burning-ground12. yathasanthatikartga, lodge-nowhere-prac- tice. nesajjikaftga, never^lie-down-practice. 13. 11. APPENDIX 355 luivangasasan.'i— ninefold religion-; i. sutta, diicoursea. - g'^yya. "'i.vvd prose and verse. 3. veyyakaraiiH, c.vt'ia'vii-. 4. gaihci, verses. 5. udana, ecstatic utterances. 6. iUvuttaksi, traditional sayings. 7. jataka, hirth stories. ders. nikaya — (five) abbhutadhamma, 8. nikayas utta*, anguttara*, paiicavaggiya )narvels and ivon- vedalla, miscellany. 9. dighanikaya, majjhima', i. : — rhe group of five Anfiakondafifia, Vappa, Assaji, Mahanama, diya, I. cide. 3. live sins retribu- immed'ate witn 2. pilughSta, -parriinatugliata, matricide. 4- lohituparahantaghata, killing a saint. shedding the Buddha's blood. pa.da, Bhad- : paticanantariyakanima— tion: bailiy- khuddaka*. among causing; dissension six deedly same wiUi aie the sins the order. saiighabheda, Abhithana—=the the addition of 5. aiiriasatthu-uddesa, following otiier teachers. patisambhida — atthapatisambhidl, analyses: i. patibhana*, analytical hiowledgr of the meaning, of the text, of etyvwlogy, of the first dhamma*, tlhrec. parikkharabowl. (four) nirutti", —-(eight) J— 4. requisites monk of a i. ; ticlv&Ta, the three robes ^ 6. vasi, a rasor. hana, t/;e ^'frd/e. parissavana, a ivater-strainer. 7. 5. suci, patta, the kayabanda needle. 8. pjirami bala — perfections: (ten) 3. wisdom, viriya, 5. sacca, truth. love. 10. — 8. energy. alms^gmng. retirement. 6. khanti, adhitthana, ^a resoUitian. 4. iiencc. 9. i> paflfia, 7. mett§, upekha, indifference. pawers, same as (five) dana, i, nekkhamma, sila, virtue, — tiie five indriya's, wisdom arc four sammappadhanas, four satipatthana, four bodhipakkhiya (thirty-seven) constituents of the iddhipadas, five indriyas, five balas, seven bojjhangas, and the ariya aUhangika niagga. bojjhaAga ness. ma,~ ddhi, — i.sati, mindfuU factors of wisdom: dhammavicaya, investigation of the dha^n- (seven) 2. 3. viriya* ener^'y, trariquilUty. upekha, indifference. 6. 4. piti, samadhi, rapture. 5. passa* concentration, y. APPENDIX 256 Buddha — (twenty four) Buddhas Dipanlcara, Kondanna, Sumana, Revata, Sobhita, AnomadassI Mangala, : Paduma, Narada, Padumuttara, Sumedlia, vSujata, Dhammadassi, STddhatlha, Plyadassi, Atthadassf Tissa, Phussa, VipassT, SikhT, Vessabiu'i, Kakusanddha, Konfigamana, Kassapa. — (five) buddha cycles buddhakap]:)a da*, vara*, sarainanda*, bhadda*, three, four, five Buddhas appear, brahmaloka : i . sarakappa, in man which one, two. — inhabitants of the sixtfeen brahmfi worlds are brahmaparisajja, brahmapurohita, mahabrahma, parittabha, appamanabha ahhassara, parittasubha, appa. manasubha, subhakinna, vehapphah'i, asaniiasattap aviha, atappa, sudassa, sudassT, akiniitha. : brahmavihara— (tour) divine states same as the four appa- : mafiiia. 1. sotapatti, niagga*—(four) paths: xtre'dm-winning. 2 sakadagami, once returning. 3. anagiimi, never-re' = iufning. maharaja 4. — -(four) arahatta. suintship. Regents i. i Virulha, regent north. regent pakkha, of the west. 2. Dhataral.tha, regent of the of the south. 3. Viru4. Vessavatia, regent of the east, rajakakudahbhanda the stiHird. diadem. — 2. symbols (five) chatta, paduka, 4. of royalty the iimbrella. the slippers. ; 1 . khagga, 3. unhisa, the 5. valavijanJ, the fan. i. rajjaliga,— (seven) requisites of regal administration: 2. amacca, the prime minister. sami, the monarch. 5. dugga, 4. kosa, treasure. 3. sakha, the friend. ar)> a ti^rritory. vijita, 6. 7. bala, a stronghold. army, — ratana, (seven) i. suvantxa, gold, precious stones 4. mani, gems. 3. mutta, peart, : rajata, silver, veluriya, cat's-eye. 6. vajifa, diartiend. 7. a. 5. pavaja, coral. rasa — (six) tastes; t- ka&ava, dstringvrit, 3. niadhltra, sweet, 6. katukaj acid- 4. lavana, Sail. 2. 5. titta, bitter. ambila, sour, APPENDIX rSsi—(twelve) signs of the zodiac usabha, hvXX. ito«. siha, 5- 3^. ram. ifee t, 4. kakiiata, crah. virgin, 7. tula, 6. kalii^a, 11. mesa, i. : tneth'jna, twtns. 8. vicchika, scorpion. Capricorn. 357 dlianu, bow. 9. kumbha, water-pot. balance. makara, mina, /isfe. 10. 12. — the basket of Discipline consisls of Pa.r4jika, Pacitti, MahSvagga, Culavagga, Parivara. vinayapitaka — anicca, dukkha, anatta, lakkhaua (three) characteristics selflessness. impermanence, sufftring, loka — : (three) worlds: of sense, of lokadhamma forrrij kimaloka, rupa*. arQpa*, the world and of absence of form. — r. ISbha, gain. (eight) worldy conditions 4. ayasa, dishonour. alabha, Zosf 3. yasa, /ame. blame. 6. ninda, pasathsa, praise. 7. sukha, 5. happiness. 7. dukkha, suffering. : 2. . kayanusatipatthana—(four) applicalions of mindfulness cittatiupassana, vedananupassanl, dhan^mapassanS, nupassana, meditation on the impurity of the body, on the evils of the sensations, on the evanescence of thought, on the conditions of existence. : sariiyojana—(ten) one's-self. fetters 2. misa, observance sensualpassion. passion of form. less. 8. : i. sakkayadit^hi, feerasy about doubt. 3. sllabbatapara- vicikicclm, mana, of rite 5. 7. and ritual. 4. kamaraga, 6. patigha, hatred. ruparSga. aruparaga, passion of the form' conceit. 9. uddhacca, flurry. 10, avijja, ignorance. saliyatana—six organs af sense sota, ear. k&ya, boy. — s 3. ghina, nose. 6. mana, mind. \> c&kkhxx, the eye, i, tongue. 5. 4. jivha, the eight holy personages are one in each of the four Paths {see raagga) and their respective Fruitions {phala). ariyapuggala BRITISH BURMA PRESS, 1920. RANGOON.
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