From federated to aggregated search
From federated to aggregated search
From federated to aggregated search Fernando Diaz, Mounia Lalmas and Milad Shokouhi Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 1 Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography Introduction What is federated search? What is aggregated search? Motivations Challenges Relationships 2 A classical example of federated search One query Collections to be searched A classical example of federated search Merged list of results 3 Motivation for federated search Search a number of independent collections, with a focus on hidden web collections Collections not easily crawlable (and often should not) Access to up-to-date information and data Parallel search over several collections Effective tool for enterprise and digital library environments Challenges for federated search How to represent collections, so that to know what documents each contain? How to select the collection(s) to be searched for relevant documents? How to merge results retrieved from several collections, to return one list of results to the users? Cooperative environment Uncooperative environment 4 From federated search to aggregated search “Federated search on the web” Peer-to-peer network connects distributed peers (usually for file sharing), where each peer can be both server and client Metasearch engine combines the results of different search engines into a single result list Vertical search – also known as aggregated search – add the top-ranked results from relevant verticals (e.g. images, videos, maps) to typical web search results A classical example of aggregated search Structured Data News Homepage Wikipedia Real-time results Video Twitter 5 Motivation for aggregated search Increasingly different types of information being available, sough and relevant e.g. news, image, wiki, video, audio, blog, map, tweet Search engine allows accessing these through so-called verticals Two “ways” to search Users can directly search the verticals Or rely on so called aggregated search Google universal search 2007: [ … ] search across all its content sources, compare and rank all the information in real time, and deliver a single, integrated set of search results [ … ] will incorporate information from a variety of previously separate sources – including videos, images, news, maps, books, and websites – into a single set of results. Motivation for aggregated search 25K editorially classified queries (Arguello et al, 09) 6 Motivation for aggregated search Motivation for aggregated search 7 Challenges in aggregated search Extremely heterogeneous collections What is/are the vertical intent(s)? And Handling ambiguous (query | vertical) intent Handling non-stationary intent (e.g. news, local) How many results from each to return and where to position them in the result page? Slotting results Users looking at 1st result page Page optimization and its evaluation Ambiguous non-stationary intent Query - Travel - Molusk - Paul Vertical - Wikipedia - News - Image 8 Recap – Introduction federated search aggregated search heterogeneity low high scale (documents, users) small large user feedback little a lot Terminology 1. federated search, distributed information retrieval, data fusion, aggregated search, universal search, peer-to-peer network 2. resource, vertical, database, collection, source, server, domain, genre 3. merging, blending, fusion, aggregation, slotted, tiled 9 Problem definition Present the “querier” with a summary of search results from one or more resources. General architecture User Raw Query Search Interface/ Portal/ Broker Query Query Query Query Query Source/ Server/ Vertical Source/ Server/ Vertical Source/ Server/ Vertical Source/ Server/ Vertical Source/ Server/ Vertical 10 Peer-to-peer network Peer Directory Server Peer to Peer (P2P) networks Broker-based Single centralized broker with documents lists shared from peer (e.g. Napster, original version) Decentralized Each peer acts as both client and server (e.g. Gnutella v0.4) Structure-based Use distributed hash tables (DHT) (e.g. Chord (Stocia et al, 03) ) Hierarchical Use local directory services for routing and merging (e.g. Swapper.NET) 11 Federated search Merged results Query Broker Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum A B C D E Query Query Query Query Query Collection A Collection B Collection C Collection D Collection E Federated search Also known as distributed information retrieval (DIR) system Provides one portal for searching information from multiple sources corporate intranets, fee-based databases, library catalogues, internet resources, userspecific digital storage Funnelback, Westlaw, FedStats, Cheshire, etc (see also" 12 User Metasearch Raw Query Metasearch engine Query Query Query Query WWW 13 Metasearch Search engine querying several different search engines and combines results from them (blended), or displays results separately (non-blended) Does not crawl the web but rely on data gathered by other search engines Dogpile,Metacrawler,, etc (see Aggregated search User Angelina Jolie Query Query Results Query Query WWW Index (text) 14 Aggregated search Specific to a web search engine “Increasingly” more than one type of information relevant to an information need mostly web page + image, map, blog, etc These types of information are indexed and ranked using dedicated approaches (verticals) Presenting the results from verticals in an aggregated way believed to be more useful All major search engines are doing some levels of aggregated search Data fusion Query One ranked list of result (merged) Merging Different document representations Different retrieval models BM25 KL Inquery Anchor only Title only GOV2 One document collection (e.g. Voorhees etal, 95) 15 Data fusion Search one collection Document can be indexed in different ways Title index, abstract index, etc (poly-representation) Weighting scheme Different retrieval models Rankings generated by different retrieval models (or different document representations) merged to produce the final rank Has often been shown to improve retrieval performance (TREC) Terminology - Resource Source Server Database Collection (federated search) Server Vertical (aggregated search) Domain Genre 16 Terminology - Aggregation Merging Blending Fusion Slotted Tiled Aggregated search (tiled) 17 Aggregated search (tiled) Aggregated search (slotted) 18 Others Clustering Faceted search Multi-document summarization Document generation Entity search (see special issue – in press – on “Current research in focused retrieval and result aggregation”, Journal of Information Retrieval (Trotman etal, 10)) Yippy – Clustering search engine from Vivisimo 19 Faceted search Multi-document summarization 20 “Fictitious” document generation (Paris et al, 10) Entity search 21 Recap Shown the relations between federated, aggregated search, and others Exposed the various terminologies used In the rest of the tutorial, we concentrate on federated search and aggregated search Focus is on “effective search” Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 22 Architecture: what are the general components of federated and aggregated search systems. Federated search architecture 23 Aggregated search architecture Pre-retrieval aggregation: decide verticals before seeing results Post-retrieval aggregation: decide verticals after seeing results Pre-web aggregation: decide verticals before seeing web results Post-web aggregation: decide verticals after seeing web results Post-retrieval, pre-web 24 Pre and post-retrieval, pre-web Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 25 Resource representation: how to represent resources, so that we know what documents each contain. Resource representation in federated search (Also known as resource summary/description) 26 Resource representation Cooperative environments Comprehensive term statistics Collection size information Uncooperative environments Query-based sampling Collection size estimation Resource representation (cooperative environments) STARTS Protocol (Gravano et al, 97) Source metadata Rich query language 27 Resource representation (cooperative environments) Different types of term statistics (Callan et al, 95; Gravano et al, 94a,b,99; Meng et al, 01; Yuwono and Lee, 97; Xu and Callan, 98; Zobel, 97) Anchor-text HARP (Hawking and Thomas, 05) Resource representation (uncooperative environments) Query-based sampling (Callan and Connell, 01) Select a query, probe collection Download the top n documents Select the next query, repeat Query selector Query Sampled documents 28 Resource representation (uncooperative environments) Query selector (Callan and Connell, 01) Other resource description (ord) Learned resource description (lrd) • Average tf, random, df, ctf Query logs (Craswell, 00; Shokouhi et al, 07d) Focused probing (Ipeirotis and Gravano, 02) Resource representation (uncooperative environments) Adaptive sampling (Shokouhi et al, 06a) Rate of visiting new vocabulary (Baillie et al, 06a) Rate of sample quality improvement (reference query log) (Caverlee et al, 06) Proportional document ratio (PD) Proportional vocabulary ratio (PV) Vocabulary growth (VG) 29 Resource representation (uncooperative environments) Improving incomplete samples Shrinkage (Ipeirotis, 04; Ipeirotis and Gravano, 04): topically related collections should share similar terms Q-pilot (Sugiura and Etzioni, 00): sampled documents + backlinks + front page Resource representation (Collection size estimation) Capture-recapture (Liu et al, 01) Sample A (Capture) Sample B (recapture) 30 Resource representation (Collection size estimation) Resource representation (Collection size estimation) Multiple queries sampler (Thomas and Hawking, 07) Random-walk sampler, and pool-based sampler (Bar-Yossef and Gurevich, 06) Collection overlap estimation (Shokouhi and Zobel, 07) 31 Resource representation (Updating summaries) (Ipeirotis et al, 05) (Shokouhi et al, 07a) Resource representation in aggregated search Vertical content samples or access to vertical API represents content supply Vertical query logs samples or access to historic vertical searches represents content demand 32 Vertical content includes text NEWS Vertical content includes structure SPORTS 33 Vertical content includes images IMAGES Issues with vertical content Dynamics some vertical becomes stale fast Heterogeneous content heterogeneous ranking algorithms Non-free text APIs affects query-based sampling 34 Addressing content dynamics sample most recently indexed documents (Diaz 09) assumes users more likely to be interested in recent content (Konig et al, 09) in practice, only need a fraction of the corpus to perform well Addressing heterogeneous content 1. use text available with documents (e.g. captions) 2. manually map to surrogates (e.g. wikipedia pages) performance of two different methods of dealing with heterogeneous content (Arguello et al, 09) 35 Vertical query logs Queries issued directly to a vertical represent explicit vertical intent Is similar to having a large body of labeled queries Issues with vertical query logs Dynamics some verticals require temporally-sensitive sampling for example, we do not want to sample news query logs for a whole year Non-free text APIs affects query modeling 36 Hybrid approaches Should only sample documents likely to be useful for vertical selection/merging e.g. a document which is never requested is not useful for representing a vertical Suggests log-biased sampling (Shokouhi et al, 06; Arguello et al, 09) Recap – Resource representation federated search aggregated search Representation completeness low low-high Representation generation sampling/shared dictionaries sampling, API Freshness important critical 37 Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography Resource selection: how to select the resource(s) to be searched for relevant documents. 38 Resource selection for federated search Query Broker Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum A B C D E Query Query Collection A Collection B Query Collection C Collection D Collection E Resource selection (Lexicon-based methods) “Big-document” bag of word summaries Collection A Collection B Collection C CORI (Callan et al, 95) GlOSS (Gravano et al, 94b) CVV (Yuwono and Lee, 97) Sampling Sampling Sampling Broker 39 Resource selection (Lexicon-based methods) CORI GlOSS Resource selection (Document-surrogate methods) Sample documents with retained boundaries Collection A Collection B Collection C ReDDE (Si and Callan, 03a) CRCS (Shokouhi, 07a) SUSHI (Thomas and Shokouhi, 09) Sampling Sampling Sampling Broker 40 Resource selection (Document-surrogate methods) ReDDE ReDDE assumes that the topranked sampled documents are relevant. Broker ReDDE estimates the size of collections by sample-resample Ranking Assuming that all collections have the same size we have: yellow > blue > red CRCS is inspired by ReDDE but assigns different probability of relevance based on document position: red > yellow, blue Query Resource selection (Document-surrogate methods) SUSHI 41 Resource selection (Document-surrogate methods) SUSHI Resource selection (Document-surrogate methods) SUSHI Different regression functions for each collection and query Scores are comparable (estimated over the same index) 42 Resource selection (Supervised methods) Utility maximization techniques Model the search effectiveness DTF (Nottelmann and Fuhr, 03), UUM (Si and Callan, 04a), RUM (Si and Callan, 05b) Classification-based methods Classify collections/queries for better selection Classification-aware server selection (Ipeirotis and Gravano, 08), classification-based resource selection (Arguello et al, 09a), learning from past queries (Cetintas et al, 09) Resource selection in aggregated Search Content-based predictors derived from (sampled) vertical content Query string-based predictors derived from query text, independent of any resource associated with a vertical Query log-based predictors derived from previous requests issued by users to the vertical portal 43 Content-based predictors Distributed information retrieval (DIR) predictors Simple result set predictors numresults, score distributions, etc (Diaz 09; Konig etal, 09) Complex result set predictors Clarity (Cronen-Townsend et al, 02) Autocorrelation (Diaz, 07) Many, many more (Hauff, 10) Issues with content-based predictors DIR (usually) assumes homogeneous content types performance predictors (usually) assume text corpora assumes ranking function consistency between verticals between vertical selector machine and vertical ranker machine verticals have different dynamics (e.g. news vs. image) 44 String-based predictors Dictionary lookups terms correlated with a vertical (e.g., movie titles) Regular expressions patterns correlated with explicit vertical requests (e.g., obama news) Named entities automatically-detected entity types (e.g., geographic entities) String-based predictors Issues curating lists and expressions (manual or automatic) terms included in dictionary manually vetted for relevance high precision/low recall 45 Log-based predictors Classification approaches (Beitzel etal 07; Li etal, 08) Language model approaches (Arguello etal, 09) Issues verticals with structured queries (e.g. local) query logs with dynamics (e.g. news) (Diaz, 09) Comparing predictor performance (Arguello et al, 09) 46 Predictor cost Pre-retrieval predictors computed without sending the query to the vertical no network cost Post-retrieval predictors computed on the results from the vertical requires vertical support of web scale query traffic incurs network latency can be mitigated with vertical content caches Combining predictors Use predictors as features for a machinelearned model Training data 1. editorial data 2. behavioral data (e.g. clicks) 3. other vertical data (Diaz, 09; Arguello etal, 09; Konig etal, 09) 47 Editorial data Data: <query,vertical,{+,-}> Features: predictors based on f(query,vertical) Models: log-linear (Arguello etal, 09) boosted decision trees (Arguello etal, 10) Combining predictors (Arguello etal, 09) 48 Click data Data: <query,vertical,{click,skip}>, <query,vertical,click through rate> Features: predictors based on f(query,vertical) Models: log-linear (Diaz, 09) boosted decision trees (Konig etal, 09) Gathering click data Exploration bucket: show suboptimal presentations in order to gather positive (and negative) click/skip data Cold start problem: without a basic model, the best exploration is random Random exploration results in poor user experience 49 Gathering click data Solutions reduce impact to small fraction of traffic/users train a basic high-precision non-click model (perhaps with editorial data) Other issues Presentation bias: different verticals have different click-through rates a priori Position bias: different presentation positions have different click-through rates a priori Click precision and recall ability to predict queries using thresholded click-through-rate to infer relevance (Konig etal, 09) 50 Non-target data have training data no data Non-target data Data: <query,source vertical,{+,-}> Features: predictors based on f (query,target vertical) Models: generic model+adaptation (Arguello etal, 10) 51 Non-target data (Arguello etal, 10) Generic model Objective train a single model that performs well for all source verticals Assumption if it performs well across all source verticals, it will perform well on the target vertical (Arguello etal, 10) 52 Non-target data adapted model (Arguello etal, 10) Adapted model Objective learn non-generic relationship between features and the target vertical Assumption can bootstrap from labels generated by the generic model (Arguello etal, 10) 53 Non-target query classification average precision on target query classification; red (blue) indicates statistically significant improvements (degradations) compared to the single predictor (Arguello etal, 10) Training set characteristics What is the cost of generating training data how much money? how much time? how many negative impressions as a result of exploration? Are targets normalized? can we compare classifier output? 54 Training set cost summary Online adaptation Production vertical selection systems receive a variety of feedback signals clicks, skips reformulations A machine-learned system can adjust predictions based on real time user feedback very important for dynamic verticals (Diaz, 09; Diaz and Arguello, 09) 55 Online adaptation Passive feedback: adjust prediction/ parameters in response to feedback allows recovery from false positives difficult to recover from false negatives Active feedback/explore-exploit: opportunistically present suboptimal verticals for feedback allows recovery from both errors incurs exploration cost (Diaz, 09; Diaz and Arguello, 09) Online adaptation Issues setting learning rate for dynamic intent verticals normalizing feedback signal across verticals resolving feedback and training signal (click≠relevance) (Diaz, 09; Diaz and Arguello, 09) 56 Recap – Resource selection federated search aggregated search Features and content type often textual diverse Collection size unavailable (uncooperative) Training data none some-much Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 57 Resource presentation: how to return results retrieved from several resources to users. Result merging (Metasearch engines) Same source (web) different overlapped indexes Document scores may not be available Title, snippet, position and timestamps D-WISE (Yuwono and Lee, 96) Inquirus (Glover et al., 99) SavvySearch (Dreilinger and Howe, 1997) 58 Result merging (Data fusion) Same corpus Different retrieval models Document scores/positions available Unsupervised techniques CombSUM, CombMNZ (Fox and Shaw, 93, 94) Borda fuse (Aslam and Montague, 01) Supervised techniques Bayes-fuse, weighted Borda fuse (Aslam and Montague, 01) Segment-based fusion (Lillis et al 06, 08; Shokouhi 07b) Result merging in federated search Merged results User Broker Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum A B C D E Query Collection A Query Query Collection B Collection C Collection D Collection E 59 Result merging CORI (Callan et al, 95) Normalized collection score + Normalized document score. Result merging SSL (Si and Callan, 2003b) A B Broker Ranking L R C D D F E Q Selected resources F G H Query 60 Result merging Broker score Source-specific score Result merging - Miscellaneous scenarios Multi-lingual result merging Merging overlapped collections SSL with logistic regression (Si and Callan, 05a; Si et al, 08) Personalized metasearch (Thomas, 08) COSCO (Hernandez and Kambhampati 05): exact duplicates GHV (Bernstein et al, 06; Shokouhi et al, 07b): exact/near duplicates 61 Slotted vs tiled result presentation Images on top Images at top-right 3 verticals 3 positions 3 degree of vertical intents Images in the middle Images at the bottom-right Images at the bottom Images on the left (Sushmita et al, 10) Slotted vs tiled Designers of aggregated search interfaces should account for the aggregation styles for both, vertical intent key for deciding on position and type of “vertical” results slotted accurate estimation of the best position of “vertical” result tiled accurate selection of the type of “vertical” result 62 Recap – Result presentation federated search aggregated search Content type homogenous (text documents) heterogeneous Document scores depends on environment heterogeneous Oracle centralized index none Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 63 Evaluation Evaluation: how to measure the effectiveness of federated and aggregated search systems. Resource representation (summaries) evaluation – Federated search CTF ratio (Callan and Connell, 01) Spearman rank correlation coefficient (SRCC), (Callan and Connell, 01) Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL) (Baillie et al,06b; Ipeirotis et al, 2005), topical KL (Baillie et al, 09) Predictive likelihood (Baillie et al, 06a) 64 Resource selection evaluation – Federated search Result merging evaluation – Federated search Oracle Correct merging (centralized index ranking) (Hawking and Thistlewaite, 99) Perfect merging (ordered by relevance labels) (Hawking and Thistlewaite, 99) Metrics Precision Correct matches (Chakravarthy and Haase, 95) 65 Vertical Selection Evaluation – Aggregated search Majority of publications focus on single vertical selection vertical accuracy, precision, recall Evaluation data editorial data behavioral data single vertical selection Editorial data Guidelines judge relevance based on vertical results (implicit judging of retrieval/content quality) judge relevance based on vertical description (assumes idealized retrieval/content quality) Evaluation metric derived from binary or graded relevance judgments (Arguello etal, 09; Arguello et al, 10) 66 Behavioral data Inference relevance from behavioral data (e.g. click data) Evaluation metric regression error on predicted CTR infer binary or graded relevance (Diaz, 09; Konig etal, 09) Test collections (a la TREC) quantity/media text image video total size (G) 2125 41.1 445.5 2611.6 number of documents 86,186,315 670,439 1,253* 86,858,007 Statistics on Topics number of topics 150 average rel docs per topic 110.3 average rel verticals per topic 1.75 ratio of “General Web” topics 29.3% ratio of topics with two vertical intents 66.7% ratio of topics with more than two vertical intents 4.0% * There are on an average more than 100 events/shots contained in each video clip (document) (Zhou & Lalmas, 10) 67 Test collections (a la TREC) existing test collections ImageCLEF photo retrieval track Image Vertical TREC web track Blog Vertical INEX ad-hoc track Reference (Encyclopedia) Vertical …… …… Shopping Vertical TREC blog track topic t1 doc d1 d2 d3 … dn judgment R N R … R topic t1 vertical V1 doc d1 d2 … dV1 judgment R N … R t1 V2 d1 d2 … dV2 N N … R General Web Vertical (simulated) verticals …… Vk d1 d2 … dVk N N … N Recap – Evaluation federated search aggregated search Editorial data document relevance judgments query labels Behavioral data none critical 68 Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography Open problems in federated search Beyond big document Classification-based server selection (Arguello et al, 09a) Topic modeling Query expansion Previous techniques had little success (Ogilvie and Callan, 01; Shokouhi et al, 09) Evaluating federated search Confounding factors Federated search in other context Blog Search (Elsas et al, 08; Seo and Croft, 08) Effective merging Supervised techniques 69 Open problems in aggregated search Evaluation metrics slotted presentation tiled presentation metrics based on behavioral signals Models for multiple verticals Minimizing the cost for new verticals, markets Outline Introduction and Terminology Architecture Resource Representation Resource Selection Result Presentation Evaluation Open Problems Bibliography 70 Bibliography J. 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