RAD, London - Royal Academy of Dance
RAD, London - Royal Academy of Dance
LEARN TEACH DANCE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE Prospectus —2011/12 ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE Faculty of Education Prospectus—2011/12 PATRON HM Queen Elizabeth II PRESIDENT Dame Antoinette Sibley DBE Royal Academy of Dance 36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 email: faculty@rad.org.uk www.radeducation.org.uk www.rad.org.uk Royal Academy of Dance® is a Charity Registered in England and Wales No. 312826 ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE® and RAD® are registered Trade Marks of the Royal Academy of Dance. The use or misuse of the Trade Mark or any other content of this publication, without prior written permission from the Royal Academy of Dance, is strictly prohibited. All photographs included in this prospectus are present and past students and staff members of the Faculty of Education, unless otherwise stated. If you require this prospectus in large print please contact Registry, Faculty of Education, tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8086, email: faculty@rad.org.uk WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK INTRODUCTION WELCOMETOTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE WELCOMETOTHEROYAL ACADEMYOFDANCE After 90 years in the business of educating and training dance teachers and examining young people, the Royal Academy of Dance has firmly established itself as a leader in the field. LUKE RITTNER Chief Executive Royal Academy of Dance PROFESSOR JOAN WHITE MA, BA, CERT.ED. FRSA Everyone remembers a good teacher! Director of Education Royal Academy of Dance Perhaps you are reading our prospectus because your dance teacher is helping you to make one of the most important decisions of your life. In making your decision you will need answers to questions such as what shall I study and where, what sort of qualification will I get, will I get a job when I finish, where shall I live, and how much will it all cost? Dance and dance teaching is central to the work of the Royal Academy of Dance and we are here to help you with answers to your questions. Founded in 1920 by an international group of dancers and teachers, the Academy remains rooted in the dance profession and is a centre of excellence in the field of teacher education. This unique combination makes the Royal Academy of Dance one of the most sought-after education and training institutions. All of us at the Academy are dedicated to ensuring that we provide the best programmes designed and delivered by the best tutors. We are now an established international organisation with over 13,000 members worldwide, but we maintain the belief that every individual student should be supported and encouraged within a professional, considerate and sympathetic learning environment. The Academy is seen by many as an extended global family and many remain part of the institution long after their student days. With the Academy’s commitment to Continuing Professional Development, the link between students and the Academy will strengthen. At the Royal Academy of Dance we offer a unique portfolio of internationally acclaimed dance and dance teaching qualifications. The degrees, diplomas and certificates that we offer, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, university-validated or validated by the RAD as a Chartered Body, enable student teachers, teachers, and professional dancers to gain qualifications, either at the Academy’s London headquarters or by distance learning. If you choose one of our distance learning programmes, you will have the opportunity to study at times and in places to suit your specific life style and career aspirations. One thing of which you can be certain is that at the Royal Academy of Dance, dance, dancing, dance teaching and the study of dance will be central to all that you do. In addition to first class education and training, students on our London based programmes benefit from our location at the heart of one of the world’s greatest centres of artistic activity. There can be few cities in the world that can match London for its cultural facilities and for the wealth of performances and exhibitions that take place every day. This extraordinary resource is another reason for considering one of the Academy’s London based programmes. I hope to have the opportunity to welcome you to one of our programmes. I commend this prospectus to you. If you are considering a career in dance teaching, then I do not believe you could do better than start by enrolling on an Academy course and you will find within the pages of this document all that you need to know about all that we provide. Enjoy it, and I look forward to welcoming you as a student at the Royal Academy of Dance. Photo: F.A. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: F.A. CONTENTS SAFEGUARDING The Academy is committed to safeguarding children and expects all staff to share this commitment. We follow safe recruitment practices to protect children and vulnerable adults. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Royal Academy of Dance is fully committed to eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity where prejudice and harassment are not accepted. We aim to ensure equal opportunities for all employees, potential employees, students, potential students, examination candidates, clients and customers and continue to work with other institutions and with the local and wider community to tackle discrimination, promote diversity and disseminate good practice. For full details of our Equal Opportunities see the RAD website. A hard copy can be obtained on request from the: Quality Assurance Manager Faculty of Education Royal Academy of Dance 36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 02–03 02 – 03 04 – 05 06 – 07 08 – 09 WELCOMETOTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE All around the world Our history and heritage Which programme is for you? Why choose us? 10–11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 17 18 – 19 20 – 21 22 – 23 S TUDYINGATTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE,LONDON Living in London Facilities and resources BA (Hons) Ballet Education Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching 24–27 STUDENTPROFILES 28–29 30 – 31 32 – 33 34 – 35 STUDYINGFROMYOUROWNHOME Being a distance learner BA (Hons) Dance Education Master of Teaching (Dance) 36–37 STUDENTPROFILES 38–39 40 – 41 42 – 43 44 – 45 46 – 47 48 – 49 50 – 51 52 – 53 54 – 55 S TUDYINGFROMHOMEINYOUROWNLANGUAGE Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies – Portuguese – Italian – Spanish – Greek – German – Japanese – Mandarin 56–57 58 – 59 60 – 61 62 – 63 64 – 65 66 – 67 68 – 70 GENERALINFORMATION Your success: Graduation Day What the external examiners say How to apply Fees for entry in 2010/11 Contact us International offices 01 WELCOME TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE ALL AROUND THE WORLD ALL AROUND THE WORLD THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE Approximately 1,000 students from 47 countries are enrolled on Faculty of Education programmes. We currently have international students studying at RAD London, studying from their own homes, and studying in their own first languages. Whilst many of you will be able to access the information in this prospectus in English, we have provided information on the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies in the eight different languages which represent most of our students. This can be found at the back of the prospectus. If you require programme information in any other language you can contact any one of the Academy’s 34 offices worldwide. See page 68 and 70 for details. Unsere internationalen Studenten sind uns wichtig. Daher wenden wir uns in den acht Sprachen, in denen die meisten unserer Studierenden vertreten sind, an so viele wie möglich unter Ihnen. Falls Sie Informationen über unsere Studienprogramme in einer anderen Sprache wünschen, können Sie sich an eines der 34 Büros der Royal Academy of Dance weltweit wenden, um Informationen in Ihrer eigenen Sprache zu erhalten. Siehe Seiten 68 – 70 für die Kontaktangaben. Oltre 1,000 studenti provenienti da 47 nazioni sono inseriti nei programmi della Faculty of Education. Al momento abbiamo studenti di provenienza internazionale che studiano presso la sede centrale della RAD, dalle proprie nazioni di residenza e nelle proprie lingue di appartenenza. Mentre molti di voi potranno avere accesso alle informazioni di questo prospetto in inglese, abbiamo previsto di fornire anche informazioni riguardanti il Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies (CBTS) nelle otto diverse lingue che maggiormente rappresentano i nostri studenti. Queste informazioni si trovano sul retro del prospetto. Per informazioni sul programma in qualsiasi altra lingua, potrai contattare qualsiasi dei 34 uffici rappresentanti la RAD, presenti in tutto il mondo. Vedi a pag 68 – 70 per i dettagli. 本アカデミーにとって海外からの受講生は重要な存在です。 そこで世界のほとんどをカバー することができる8ヶ国語を用いて、 できる限り多くの方々にコースを紹介しています。 8ヶ国語以外の言語でのコース情報が必要な場合は、全世界に34個所あるアカデミーオフ ィスにご連絡の上、希望する言語での情報を入手してください。 拥有多元化学生对我们而言十分重要,因此,我们尽可能以8种语言向学生提供教学,这 8种语言代表我们学生所使用的大部分语言。 舞蹈学院在全球拥有34个办事处, 如果您需要任何其它语言的课程信息,可与其中任何 一家办事处联系,索取您本人使用语言的信息。 有关详情,请参阅第68至70页。 A nossa comunidade internacional de estudantes é importante para nós e por isso tentamos chegar o mais próximo possível de si em oito idiomas, que abrangem a maior parte dos nossos estudantes. Se solicitar informação sobre os programas de estudo noutro idioma, pode contactar um dos 34 escritórios da Academia em todo o mundo para obter informação no seu próprio idioma. Consulte as páginas 68 – 70 para mais informação. Mas de 1.000 alumnos de 47 paises están matriculados en los Programas de la Faculty of Education. Actualmente tenemos alumnos internacionales estudiando en la sede central de la RAD, alumnos que estudian desde su propio pais y en sus idiomas. Mientras muchos de ustedes podrán acceder a la información de este folleto en Inglés, nosotros hemos dado información sobre el Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies en los ocho idiomas diferentes que representan a la mayoría de nuestros alumnos. Esta información se puede encontrar al reverso del folleto. Si usted necesita información del programa en cualquier otro idioma, puede contactar cualquiera de las 34 oficinas de la Academy disponibles internacionalmente. Ver página 68 – 70 para mas detalles Περισσότεροι από 1000 μαθητές από 47 χώρες παρακολουθούν τα Εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα της Ακαδημίας. Αυτή τη στιγμή υπάρχουν μαθητές από διάφορες χώρες οι οποίοι παρακολουθούν τα προγράμματα της Ακαδημίας μελετώντας εξ αποστάσεως στην μητρική τους γλώσσα. Αν και πολλοί από εσάς θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να πάρουν τις πληροφορίες από το φυλλάδιο στα Αγγλικά έχουμε επίσης πληροφορίες για το Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies στις οκτώ διαφορετικές γλώσσες των χωρών από τις οποίες προέρχονται οι περισσότεροι από τους μαθητές μας. Πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στο πίσω μέρος του φυλλαδίου. Εάν επιθυμείτε πληροφορίες για το πρόγραμμα σε κάποιες άλλες γλώσσες μπορείτε να έρθετε σε επαφή με ένα από τα 34 γραφεία της Ακαδημίας παγκοσμίως. Δείτε σελίδα 68 – 70 για τις λεπτομέρειες. 詳細は、68ページと70ページをご覧ください。 WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 03 WELCOME TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE OUR HISTORY & HERITAGE OUR HISTORY & HERITAGE The Academy exists to promote knowledge, understanding and practice of dance internationally. OUR HISTORY Dame Ninette de Valois with PDTC students, 1980 Photo: Jennie Walton NEW DIRECTIONS Faculty of Education 10th Anniversary Conference Photo: Mark Lees In 2001, the Faculty of Education launched a new distance learning degree in Dance Education and, in 2002, the Academy was granted Initial Teacher Training Accredited Provider Status, enabling us to train government-recognised teachers. The year 2004 proved to be a watershed. Not only did we launch the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany but we received, for the first time, government funding for students on the BA (Hons) Ballet Education programme. The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) is one of the world’s largest and most influential dance education, training and membership organisations. With approximately 13,000 members, its influence has now spread to 79 countries represented by a network of 34 international offices. The Academy aims to build on its historic foundations by responding to the needs and aspirations of its members and students in today’s world. In 2005, our international status enabled us to establish partnerships with Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, and Tong Ji University in China, providing access to RAD Registered Teacher Status for students on their dance programmes. In the same year, the Royal Academy of Dance celebrated 60 years of dance teacher education and training, a remarkable and unique wealth of experience which we share through our diverse range of high quality programmes. The Royal Academy of Dance was established in 1920, at the Trocadero Restaurant in Piccadilly, London, by a small group of eminent dance professionals. Brought together by Philip Richardson, former editor of The Dancing Times, the group represented the leading European schools of ballet: Adeline Genée (the Danish School), Tamara Karsavina (the Russian School), Lucia Cormani (the Italian School), Edouard Espinosa (the French School) and Phyllis Bedells (the English School). Their concern about the poor quality and badly organised state of dance teaching in Britain at the time led to the emergence of the ‘Association of Teachers of Operatic Dancing in Great Britain’. In 2009, the Faculty of Education celebrated its 10th anniversary with an international conference at London headquarters. Students and members from around the world enjoyed a day of presentations and teaching lecture-demonstrations reflecting the pioneering work undertaken by the Faculty of Education in its first decade. Over the next decade, the Association flourished, growing rapidly in size and influence and, at the last Privy Council Meeting of King George V (in 1935), it was granted a Royal Charter and became the Royal Academy of Dancing. On the death of Queen Mary in 1953, HM Queen Elizabeth II became Patron of the Royal Academy of Dancing. Rachel Cameron, BPhil (Hons) FRAD, with Faculty of Education students Photo: Mark Lees DANCE TEACHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING The Academy was granted charitable status in 1963 and continued to develop its syllabi with the introduction of a new children’s syllabus devised by the then President, Dame Margot Fonteyn. As the RAD expanded within the UK, moving to its present headquarters in Battersea, London, it began to spread its wings and in 1983 the first international office outside of the UK was established in Australia. Pamela May with PDTC, 1984 Photo: Chris Davies The work of the Academy in the 21st century has outlined a way forward for a more diverse, dynamic and influential organisation. This began with a small but significant change of title from Royal Academy of Dancing to Royal Academy of Dance, granted by the Privy Council in 2000. Since then, a number of changes have encouraged a broader concept of dance, a unique relationship with both public and private sector dance education, and recognition of the cultural diversity of the Academy’s international membership. In 1991 Antoinette Sibley was elected President of the Academy. A year later the first full-time university-validated degree programme, the BA (Hons) Art and Teaching of Ballet, commenced, replacing the three-year Teacher Training Programme. 1999 saw the appointment of Luke Rittner as Chief Executive and the formation of the Faculty of Education under the leadership of the Director of Education, Professor Joan White. Both appointments signalled a period of unprecedented review and change. Shelly Saint-Smith, Lecturer in Dance and Notation Photo: Mark Lees CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) As part of its dynamic expansion, the Faculty of Education has introduced new programmes which reflect a commitment to a broader concept of dance and dance education and meet the needs of a changing profession. The BA (Hons) in Dance Education is designed to reflect the diversity of dance today and the range of contexts in which dance teachers can now work. Our Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching provides students with the qualification they need to teach dance in schools and colleges for the 14-19 age range. We are currently the only London based provider of this qualification. Most recently, we launched our first Masters level programme, the Master of Teaching (Dance), which supports experienced dance teachers in their professional development, whether they work in the private or state sector, in the UK or elsewhere. At the same time, the Academy continues to value its heritage and offers a number of programmes and qualifications which focus on ballet. These include the BA (Hons) Ballet Education (validated by the University of Surrey), the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies and the Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance (both awarded by the RAD). The Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma, which provides a career change opportunity for dancers coming to the end of their performing careers, is another programme in which ballet is central. The RAD is committed to providing long term career opportunities for its teachers. In today’s climate it is likely that a dance teacher will have not one, but several, different career changes. We offer structured, innovative and progressive opportunities for professional development, tailored to meet individual needs and circumstances. Our Continuing Professional Development units of study will ensure that wherever you are, and whatever qualifications you currently hold, we can support you in extending your knowledge, understanding and skills. Pas de Quatre choreography by Keith Lester, 1970 Photo: Jennie Walton Photo: Cléon Daniel WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 05 WELCOME TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE WHICH PROGRAMME IS FOR YOU? WHICH PROGRAMME IS FOR YOU? NB: Our programmes are designated at levels consistent with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in which first-year undergraduate is Level 4 and Masters qualifications are Level 7. Studying at the Royal Academy of Dance, London Studying from your own home POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION: DANCE TEACHING BA (HONS) BALLET EDUCATION LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE PROFESSIONAL DANCER’S TEACHING DIPLOMA MASTER OF TEACHING (DANCE) BA (HONS) DANCE EDUCATION DIPLOMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION: DANCE EDUCATION CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: DANCE EDUCATION CERTIFICATE IN BALLET TEACHING STUDIES LEVEL 6 –7 6 6 5 7 6 5 4 4 DURATION I want to commit to 36 weeks of full-time study starting in September including 24 weeks placement I want to commit to three years full-time study starting in September I want to study full-time for 5 weeks (June–July) once a year for three years I want to study full-time for three months from June to September I want to be able to study for 2-3 years part-time starting in September I want to be able to study for six years part-time or three years full-time starting in October I want to be able to study for four years part-time or two years full-time starting in October I want to be able to study for two years part-time or one year full-time starting in October I want to study part-time for two years starting in January LANGUAGE I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in English I want to study in my own language LOCATION I want to study at the RAD in London under experienced tutors and gain government recognised Qualified Teacher Status I want to study at the RAD in London and train with RAD teachers I want to study at the RAD in London and train with RAD teachers I want to study at the RAD in London and train with RAD teachers I want to study from home in my own country I want to study from home in my own country I want to study from home in my own country I want to study from home in my own country I want to study from home in my own country TIME COMMITMENT I can commit to one year of full-time study I can commit to three years of full-time study I do not want to commit to a full year of study but I can commit to an intensive programme for 5 weeks each summer for three years I can commit to an intensive three-month programme I want a flexible programme so that I can combine my personal and professional commitments I want a flexible programme so that I can combine my personal and professional commitments I want a flexible programme so that I can combine my personal and professional commitments I want a flexible programme so that I can combine my personal and professional commitments I want a flexible programme so that I can combine my personal and professional commitments REGISTERED TEACHER STATUS I want a UK Government recognised teaching qualification I want to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want a UK Government recognised qualification I want the option to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want the option to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want the option to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD I want to gain Registered Teacher Status of the RAD GOAL I already have, or am about to complete, a degree majoring in dance and want to teach dance in state schools at secondary level (14 to 19 age range) I have just finished my A levels or equivalent and would like to get a degree in dance. I want to train as a dance teacher alongside developing my performance skills I want to teach dance in the vocational sector. I want to gain an internationally recognised RAD teaching qualification I want to continue my career by becoming a dance teacher and would like to gain an RAD qualification specifically designed for professional dancers I already hold an honours degree majoring in dance and want to gain an M level qualification I want to study for a degree in dance that opens up other horizons I want to broaden my expertise in dance teaching and dance education I want to study dance education and have the choice to continue to degree level if I choose I want to teach the RAD syllabus and enter candidates for RAD examinations VALIDATED BY WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 07 WELCOME TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE WHY CHOOSE US? EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Our programmes are delivered by highly qualified, experienced tutors. HIGHEST PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS We have an international reputation for forging a path in professional standards in dance teacher education and training. RECOGNITION Our degrees are equivalent in academic standard to those from any other UK university and will allow you to compete on equal terms for entry to postgraduate programmes and research degrees. Our professional qualifications are respected internationally by employers and professional bodies alike and will provide you with an essential platform for your career. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK CHOICE Our range of programmes is designed to include your interests and needs. FLEXIBLE LEARNING We offer full-time and part-time programmes, on site study and distance learning from your own home. STUDYING IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE We recognise that many students would like to become RAD qualified teachers but need to study in their own language. AN INTERNATIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY Becoming a student on an RAD programme means becoming part of an international learning and teaching community. LIFELONG LEARNING We cater for the needs of our students and qualified teachers at different stages of their education and professional development - we’ll support you all the way! 09 STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON PROGRAMMES DELIVERED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE: WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK – BA (Hons) Ballet Education – Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance – Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma – Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching 11 STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON LIVING IN LONDON ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE Students come from far and wide to study at the Academy’s headquarters in London, attracted by the programmes we offer, the expertise of our highly qualified staff, the superb resources and our location close to the capital’s centre. The Royal Academy of Dance sits on the bank of the River Thames in Battersea Square with bars and cafés on the doorstep and a short journey away from the lively activity of the city centre. LIVING IN LONDON London has something to offer students of all ages, from venues which host a wide variety of international dance tours, to art galleries, open air concerts and the famous ‘West End’ home of the musical. There are thousands of shops, bars, restaurants and cinemas within the city, and many stunning sights. Our students benefit from a thriving London dance scene with many opportunities to see some of the leading dance companies in the world and to take part in the cultural diversity of dance in the UK. In 2012, London will host the Olympics, promising an eventful, exciting and exhilarating experience of a lifetime! Photo: F.A. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: Sue Barnes 13 STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON FACILITIES AND RESOURCES The Academy has superb facilities and resources which make it a centre of excellence for the study of dance. STUDIOS AND PERFORMANCE SPACE PILATES STUDIO WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Students studying at the RAD benefit from seven fully equipped dance studios named after key figures in its history. The Fonteyn Centre offers two professional, company size, studios (Ashton and de Valois), whilst the Genée Studio transforms into a studio theatre for student and community dance performances. The Pilates studio is run by Pilates Performance, offering a range of exercise and teacher training programmes designed to suit the individual. Academy students are eligible for special discounts. THE PHILIP RICHARDSON LIBRARY The Philip Richardson Library attracts dance scholars and researchers worldwide. The book collection comprises more than 5,000 titles covering all aspects of ballet and other dance genres, anthropology, biography, education, history, notation, medicine and psychology. The library is also home to a unique collection of 500 Benesh Movement Notation scores, a large collection of videos, DVDs and CDs and extensive runs of more than 30 international dance journals. The Library Archive comprises an enviable range of rare photographs and artefacts including programmes, playbills and costume designs. INFORMATION LEARNING TECHNOLOGY SUITE AND COMPUTER SUITE The Information Learning Technology Suite and Computer Suite are used to support student study and, in particular, to develop ICT skills in dance education and teaching. Both suites contain a wide range of hardware and software including Benesh Editor, Labanwriter and Lifeforms. AUDIO-VISUAL RESOURCES To enhance the development of teaching and self-evaluation skills, on site students have access to digital video cameras and playback facilities to film and assess teaching. This may be used on site and, with prior arrangement, may be taken into schools/colleges to record work with different groups of students. Lecture rooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, laptop computers and screens. The video collection housed in the Philip Richardson Library enables students to use a range of professional dance works for resource-based teaching. MUSIC/RECORDING SUITE Recently upgraded digital recording and editing facilities in the Academy’s music technology suite enable students to produce professional-standard sound and video resources in multiple formats using programmes such as Sibelius, Cubase, Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere. These can be used for teaching, performing, and as part of students’ programme work. In addition, large, resonant studios provide excellent, ambient spaces for live recordings. STUDENT SUPPORT All students studying on the Academy’s programmes are supported by teaching and administrative staff in the Faculty of Education. The Student Support Officer provides individual advice and additional support for students whether they are studying on site or from home. 15 Validated by STUDYINGATTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE,LONDON BA(HONS)BALLETEDUCATION BA(HONS)BALLET EDUCATION COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start September 2011 (new students) October 2011 The BA (Hons) Ballet Education is a full-time modular degree programme designed to prepare you for the demands of a career in dance teaching and beyond. (continuing students) CONTENT This programme combines the study of ballet and other dance forms with teaching. Each module is an integration of practical and theoretical study delivered through technique classes, repertoire workshops, choreographic workshops, lectures and seminars. Whilst ballet remains a focus, the programme is designed to locate it within a broader concept of dance, providing you with a wider platform for a successful career in teaching. YEAR 1 (LEVEL 4) Modules (all modules are valued at 20 credits): The Dancing Body (1), Frameworks and Perspectives, Postmodernism and Dance, Ballet Classicism, Dance Modernism and Dance Teaching Contexts. In the first year, you will spend a significant amount of time securing your own dance technique and learning to perform selected repertoire. You will also take part in visits to observe dance teaching in a variety of different contexts, including schools (both public and private sector), community dance projects and dance company education. YEAR 2 (LEVEL 5) Modules (all modules are valued at 20 credits): The Dancing Body (2), RAD: A Question of Style? Ballet: Genre and Style, Choreographic Craft and Form, Professional Placement (1) and Professional Placement (2). As a second year student you will continue to work on your own dance skills, develop your choreographic skills and study dance from historical and critical perspectives. You will also undertake two Professional Placements in order to make the journey from observing, to assisting and teaching, a group of students yourself. During this time you will be supported by qualified, experienced staff from the placement organisation and the RAD. YEAR 3 (LEVEL 6) Modules: Performance Practice (20 credits), Choreographic Practice (20 credits), Critics and Scholars (20 credits), Dissertation (40 credits), Education Studies (20 credits), Professional Placement (3) (20 credits) and Portfolio Career Management (20 credits). In your final year you will be able to choose whether to focus on performance, choreography or critical studies. You will also undertake a dissertation which is individually tutored and draws on knowledge gained in Years 1 and 2. Your teaching skills will be further developed through a final professional placement supported by theoretical study of education policies and practices as relevant to the dance teacher. The Portfolio Career Management module prepares you for entry to the world of work and today’s professional dance environment. DELIVERY The programme is three years full-time and delivered across three terms each year. In Year 1, you will spend most of your time in classes, lectures and workshops at the RAD. In Years 2 and 3, the amount of independent study increases, as does the number of hours spent ‘off-site’ on teaching placements. ASSESSMENT Modules are assessed through a variety of practical examinations, written assignments and assessment of teaching. AWARD Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of BA (Hons) Ballet Education, validated by the University of Surrey. Graduates are also eligible for Registered Teacher Status (RTS) of the Royal Academy of Dance. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Students enrolled on the BA (Hons) Ballet Education may apply for a place on the Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance (LRAD) programme and study for this award alongside their degree. For more information on the entry requirements for the LRAD see page 18. Duration 3 years full-time Level/Credits Levels 4-6 (360 credits) Location RAD, London Language English Apply by 15 January 2011 Funding Funded places are available for this programme. Entry requirements – Three GCE A Level passes or equivalent. (Candidates with two GCE A Level passes and a strong dance background will be considered). – RAD Intermediate or equivalent standard in Ballet. Appropriate English Language Proficiency Test for students whose first language is not English. (Please see page 63 for further information). Application Via UCAS (see page 62). Audition Following a successful initial application, prospective students will be invited to attend an audition and interview. Following successful completion of the BA (Hons) Ballet Education, graduates may wish to apply for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching. For more information on this programme see page 22. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 17 Validated by STUDYINGATTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE,LONDON LICENTIATEOFTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE LICENTIATEOFTHEROYAL ACADEMYOFDANCE For those who hold, or are completing, a dance degree this programme offers the opportunity to specialise in the work of the Royal Academy of Dance. On successful completion, you will be eligible to apply for Registered Teacher Status (RTS) and enter candidates for RAD examinations. Graduates from this programme will have passed the RAD Advanced 2 examination and are unique in being able to use the initials ‘LRAD’ after their names. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start June 2012 Duration 5 weeks full-time, annually for 3 years Level/Credits Levels 4-6 (60 credits) Location RAD, London Language English Apply by 31 January 2012 Application Via Registry, Faculty of Education, RAD (see page 62). Audition Applicants who are not enrolled on the BA (Hons) Ballet Education may be required to undertake an audition and interview with a member of the programme staff. Students whose application indicates they may be a suitable candidate for the programme might be asked to complete a Concessionary Entry Task to demonstrate the ability to undertake study at the level for which they are applying. Entry requirements RAD Intermediate or equivalent in Ballet plus credits at the appropriate HE Level as outlined below, through a dance degree or equivalent. LRAD 1 – 120 credits at Level 4 (or equivalent). LRAD 3 – LRAD 2 plus 360 credits including a minimum of 120 credits at Level 5 and 120 credits at Level 6. – Evidence of experience in dance or ballet teaching. Appropriate English Language Proficiency test for students whose first language is not English. In order to qualify for the LRAD award students need to have been successful in the RAD Advanced 2 examination. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: Cléon Daniel LRAD 2 – LRAD 1 plus 240 credits including a minimum of 120 credits at Level 5 or above (or equivalent). CONTENT You will complete three modules which increase in the level of demand from a basic knowledge and understanding of RAD syllabi and its use in teaching, to a critical appreciation of current issues in ballet education and training. The programme involves intensive practical study supported by lectures, presentations, peer teaching and seminars, but does not include practical teaching placements. For this reason, you will need to have some previous dance teaching experience. YEAR 1 (LEVEL 4) Module LRAD1 (20 credits): In the first year of study, you will gain basic knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to teaching ballet, focusing on the graded syllabi and young people in the initial stages of vocational training. YEAR 2 (LEVEL 5) Module LRAD2 (20 credits): In your second year of study you will increase your knowledge, understanding and skills by assessing the differing aims and requirements of the Graded and Vocational Graded syllabi and examinations. YEAR 3 (LEVEL 6) Module LRAD3 (20 credits): In the final module, you consolidate and develop your learning by analysing the needs of young people in the final stages of vocational training and preparing for a professional career. You are also expected to engage in current debates within the UK vocational training sector on meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse dance profession. DELIVERY The programme is delivered over three years in 5-week intensive periods of study, usually in June and July. During these weeks, you will be expected to study full-time and attend all timetabled sessions. ASSESSMENT Each module is assessed through practical examinations and short essays designed to demonstrate accuracy of technical demonstration, understanding of teaching and education theory, and the ability to debate selected issues. AWARD Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance and eligibility for Registered Teacher Status (RTS) of the Royal Academy of Dance. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Holders of the Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance may be eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching. For more information on this programme see page 22. 19 Validated by STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON PROFESSIONAL DANCER’S TEACHING DIPLOMA PROFESSIONAL DANCER’S TEACHING DIPLOMA COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start June 2012 Duration 12 weeks full-time intensive study (June-August) Level/Credits Level 5 (60 credits) This programme is designed to meet the needs of the professional dancer wishing to gain the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in order to teach and extend career and employment opportunities. Graduates from this programme are eligible for Registered Teacher Status (RTS) of the Royal Academy of Dance, enabling them to enter candidates for RAD examinations anywhere in the world. The programme also provides a platform for further study towards a degree, postgraduate award and/or a UK government recognised teaching qualification. CONTENT This programme provides a focussed study of dance teaching which will equip professional dancers for entry into the teaching profession. The programme comprises three interrelated modules which are studied concurrently so that each module can support the others in an integrated and coherent learning experience. PD1 Professional Values and Practice (10 credits). This module covers the structure and requirements of the dance teaching sector, including professional standards for teachers, codes of conduct, and the concepts of lifelong learning and continuing professional development. The module builds on prior knowledge, understanding and skills in order to redirect focus from performance to teaching. PD2 Dance Curricula (20 credits). This module is designed to extend dance knowledge beyond individual performance careers to embrace a range of dance and ballet syllabi, curricula and examination frameworks, including the work of the RAD. You will study through lectures, practical sessions and observation of teaching in different contexts. Location RAD, London PD3 Learning and Teaching (30 credits). You will gradually build the skills needed to teach dance through observation of teaching, peer teaching and teaching practice. In-depth knowledge of ballet technique provides the basis for developing skills in the planning, delivery and assessment of effective teaching. You are supported with on-going verbal and written feedback on your progress throughout the programme: the module is assessed through a practical teaching examination followed by a brief discussion of the class. Language English Apply by 31 January 2012 Entry requirements To apply for this programme you will need to have significant professional experience with a dance company and be able to study in English. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: Cléon Daniel Application Via Registry, Faculty of Education, RAD (see page 62). DELIVERY The programme is delivered full-time Monday-Friday for twelve consecutive weeks. Students are required to attend all timetabled sessions but have allocated time for independent study either at the Academy or from home. ASSESSMENT Two of the modules are assessed through written assignments. PD1 module assessment involves a Professional Development Portfolio comprising a CV and career plan, whilst in PD2, you are required to plan teaching for a specific context. In PD3 you will undertake a practical teaching examination followed by a short interview with your Examiners. AWARD Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma. Holders of this award are eligible to apply for RAD Registered Teacher Status. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Students who complete the Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma may be eligible to continue their studies in order to gain an undergraduate or masters level degree, Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status (QTLS). 21 QTS awarded by PGCE: DT validated by STUDYINGATTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE,LONDON POSTGRADUATECERTIFICATEINEDUCATION:DANCETEACHING POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEINEDUCATION: DANCETEACHING This programme provides you with the opportunity to acquire the expertise to become a dance specialist teacher for the 14 –19 curriculum and gain UK government recognition as a teacher. Our graduates have gone on to enjoy highly successful careers working at the forefront of dance education as teachers and heads of department in schools and colleges across the country. CONTENT COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start The programme comprises three interrelated areas of study: Dance Studies. During the programme you will extend your knowledge of dance as a subject in secondary education and study a selection of dance specifications, courses and curricula. Whilst on site, you will have the opportunity to work with the Faculty of Education’s highly qualified teaching staff, study alongside other students on the programme and benefit from the Academy’s specialist dance facilities. September 2011 Duration 1 year full-time Level/Credits Professional Studies. In preparation for teaching, you will be introduced to selected education theories and pedagogies and study the professional standards and requirements for all teachers working in the UK state sector. In order to gain Qualified Teacher Status, you will be required to demonstrate achievement of all of the Standards legislated by the UK government. Working towards these outcomes will form a dominant part of your study on-site and your teaching placements in school. Level 6-7 (120 credits) Location RAD, London Language English School Experience and Teaching. The third strand of the programme takes place in our Partnership Schools and Colleges in the form of two different School Experience and Teaching placements. During this time, you will build your experience by taking on different roles and responsibilities, undertaking carefully supervised teaching and becoming integrated in the life of the department and the school/college. Apply by GTTR opens early October 2010. You are advised to apply as soon as possible. Entry requirements Undergraduate degree in dance or a related subject with a substantial dance component. Minimum grade C in GCSE English and Mathematics. OUR PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Our Partnership Schools and Colleges are based in inner and outer London and the home counties of Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Berkshire and Hertfordshire. These provide diverse cultural environments for school experience and teaching placements. Many of our Partnership Schools’ and Colleges’ achievements in dance are recognised through Arts Mark, Beacon Status and Specialist Performing Arts Status awards. DELIVERY The programme involves 12 weeks of full-time study on site at the RAD in London and 24 weeks in professional placements within schools or colleges. Modules located at the Academy are delivered through taught sessions including practical workshops, lectures and seminars. During your placements you will work with School-based Tutors who are dance specialists. You will further develop your knowledge and skills through a combination of observation, teaching and discussion with your tutors who will provide support on planning, teaching and self reflection. ASSESSMENT Students are assessed against the QTS Standards throughout the programme. In addition, students complete two assignments: PGCE: DT 1 Resource Portfolio (20 credits), which is assessed at undergraduate level (Level 6) and PGCE: DT 2 Professional Practice Research Project (40 credits), which is assessed at postgraduate level (Level 7). AWARD The programme leads to two awards: Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) awarded by the RAD as an Initial Teacher Training Accredited Provider and the Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching (PGCE), validated by the University of Surrey. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Students who gain the PGCE: DT with QTS may continue their studies at M level or pursue a number of opportunities for continuing professional development in a variety of dance and education contexts. Following a period of teaching experience, PGCE: DT graduates may apply for enrolment on the Master of Teaching (Dance). Audition If your initial application is successful you will be invited to attend an interview day which will include: a practical audition including a modern dance class, the performance of a solo and the teaching of a short extract of the solo, an interview, an Information Communications Technology (ICT) and Literacy exercise, a group discussion and a teaching and subject knowledge Preliminary Needs Analysis. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: Karel Polt www.karelpolt.com Application GTTR on-line application form (see page 62). 23 STUDYINGATTHEROYALACADEMYOFDANCE,LONDON STUDENTPROFILES SABRINA WEBSTER BA (Hons) Ballet Education Past: I trained at Bird College and then worked as a dancer, my most recent contract being in Disneyland Paris. I wanted to prepare for a teaching career so decided to take the BA (Hons) Ballet Education to give myself an in-depth knowledge of dance. As the RAD is recognised in 79 countries it also enables me to teach overseas. Present: After just a short time on the programme I have already developed an understanding of how classical steps can be recorded through notation and how to analyse dance works from different perspectives. I feel my technique as a dancer has also improved. We are currently studying Ballet Classicism and Dance Modernism which is my favourite module so far. I am fascinated by how ballet was created and how it has developed over the years. Future: After gaining experience, I hope to travel and teach at a vocational college. MANG YU MAY KWOK BA (Hons) Ballet Education Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance Past: I rediscovered ballet as an adult, so deciding a career change after working in a completely unrelated industry was a difficult choice to make. I was encouraged to look into RAD programmes and found that the BA (Hons) in Ballet Education and LRAD fit the bill perfectly. Present: The programme not only teaches us how to teach, it also provides technique classes and contextual modules which are backed up by placements offering an excellent introduction to the professional teaching world. The variety is well balanced, which I find essential as we have to understand what dance is, and where dance has been, before we can help shape what dance will be. Future: The RAD has shown me that a career in dance is much more than a syllabus. It can also include working with community groups and within public sector education, among others. I am looking forward to exploring all these possibilities and excited about what I could do with my new career. STEPHANIE ROSS BA (Hons) Ballet Education Past: I wanted to combine my love for dance and my ambition to teach with a degree, but found that difficult to do in Scotland, so I began looking further afield. Perusing the RAD’s prospectus, I found exactly what I was looking for. Present: The programme has taught me so much about ballet. Not just an in-depth knowledge of the RAD syllabus but also a tremendous amount about ballet from the past and present. My dance technique has improved, as have my teaching abilities. With the RAD, I’ve had the opportunity to do a huge range of things, from teaching Bollywood dance and West End jazz on placements to watching The Royal Ballet in rehearsals. One of the best things about the RAD is the location. Not only are the facilities amazing but London itself is the best place for a dance student. It’s a city which never fails to amaze a small-town girl like me. Future: Plans for the future: the dance world is my oyster. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 25 STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON STUDENT PROFILES LITSA SAVVIDES Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance teaching SARAH MORGAN Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance teaching Past: I studied for a BA dance performance degree at Middlesex University. Whilst working as a freelance dance teacher I decided that I wanted to specialise in teaching dance in the secondary school sector. Present: Studying at the RAD has helped me to develop my teaching skills very quickly. The PGCE course is intense and challenging but has allowed me to excel within my placements in preparation for a professional career. The lectures and workshops demonstrate a combination of building on subject knowledge as well as assisting our understanding of the professional studies factors. My placements have provided me with diverse experiences in which I have worked as part of a performing arts department and a PE department. Future: My plans for the future are to become head of dance and eventually set up dance departments within more schools in order to make it more accessible to all students. The RAD has helped me to stand out from the crowd and to be active about my passion for dance in the education sector. Past: I graduated at Roehampton University two years ago with a BA (Hons) degree in Dance Studies. Since then I have worked as a freelance dance teacher (teaching Contemporary and Street dance) and as an Inclusion Assistant at a local secondary school. I loved working in the school environment and felt I was really making a difference so decided to follow this career path and train to become a teacher. Present: I looked at the different institutes offering the PGCE programme and after my audition at the RAD, I knew that this is where I wanted to study. The course has taught me far more than I ever imagined and I look back with pride at the progress I have made since September. The year is incredibly intense and quite a rollercoaster but the supportive tutors help us through and encourage our every step. Future: I am looking forward to my future career teaching dance and feel prepared to tackle any challenges that arise. SAMANTHA MOORE Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance teaching Past: In 2009 I graduated from Middlesex University, London, where I achieved a 2:1 in BA (Hons) Dance with Performing Arts. I chose to study at the RAD because I believe it to be a professional establishment of dance excellence. Present: Having very little teaching experience I was concerned that I would not be able to handle the workload and achieve what was expected of me. I needn’t have worried as the support and encouragement I have received from both teachers and peers during my time here has been invaluable. I have found this to be the most challenging course I have taken so it is essential to develop great time management and organisational skills. Future: I have found the experience of working with children second to none. As the PGCE qualification is internationally recognised it will allow me a wider scope for opportunities in my future teaching career. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 27 STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME PROGRAMMES STUDIED VIA DISTANCE LEARNING: WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK BA (Hons) Dance Education – Diploma of Higher Education – Certificate of Higher Education Master of Teaching (Dance) 29 STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME BEING A DISTANCE LEARNER BEING A DISTANCE LEARNER MEANS... –You can study full-time or part-time, combining your studies with work commitments wherever you are in the world –You can plan your studies around your other life commitments –You can focus your studies to reflect your own cultural surroundings, using examples of dance education and teaching in your own country of residence –You will receive support from your tutors by email, the Faculty of Education website and telephone – You will have access to our Faculty of Education on-line forum as a means of communication with your fellow students throughout the world Our distance learners are a growing community of dedicated students, many of them working professionals, with diverse experiences and interests. ur distance learning programmes are about increasing O access to education, providing a flexible learning experience and sharing our expertise internationally. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 31 Validated by STUDYINGFROMYOUROWNHOME BA(HONS)DANCEEDUCATION –DIPLOMAOFHIGHEREDUCATION:DANCEEDUCATION –CERTIFICATEOFHIGHEREDUCATION:DANCEEDUCATION BA(HONS)DANCE EDUCATION – Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education – Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start October 2011 Duration 1–3 years full-time 2–6 years part-time Level/Credits Level 4 (Certificate) (120 credits) Level 5 (Diploma) (120 credits) Level 6 (Degree) (120 credits) This exciting distance learning degree has something for everyone. Whether you want to teach in schools, open your own private dance studio, work in the community or generally further your own professional development, the BA (Hons) Dance Education programme is designed with you in mind. Unlike traditional ‘on-campus’ degrees, you can study part-time or full-time from your own home or place of work. The degree programme consists of three levels of study. Each level may be taken over one year of full-time or two years of part-time study and you can exit at any level after study. These options are available both nationally and internationally. Location At home in your own country (attendance at an CONTENT Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education (Level 4) (120 credits) Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education (Level 5) (120 credits) Compulsory Modules (all modules are 20 credits): The Nature of Dance, Learning and Teaching, How Children Learn, Safe Practice and Enhancing Performance, Module Options: Dance Analysis, Dance Teaching Societies, Perspectives on Music and Dance, Managing Yourself in Dance, Dance in the Community. At diploma level you will be able to extend your knowledge of philosophical, pedagogical and professional issues in dance teaching, as well as developing your research skills. At this level, you will be able to choose from a range of module options which are studied alongside four compulsory modules. BA (Hons) Dance Education (Level 6) (120 credits) Compulsory Modules (all modules are 20 credits except the dissertation): Dance, Art and Education, Dissertation (40 credits), Module Options: Reading Dance and the Avant Garde, Ballet: its Diversity and Influence, Classicism, Classical and Classics, Dance Within Higher Education, Designing Dance Curricula, Managing Others in Dance, Vocational Dance Training: Issues and Debates, Optimising Performance. At degree level you are required to complete two compulsory modules to the value of 60 credits and choose from a range of module options which cover a breadth of interests from dance analysis to assessment issues in dance, optimising dance performance and dance management. DELIVERY Each level of the programme can be studied full-time (one year) or part-time (two years). The programme is modular and is divided into three terms of 10 weeks’ duration which begin in October and end in June. You are required to attend a compulsory Intensive Study Seminar at the RAD, London, in October of the first year of study. All modules are supported by Module Study Guides which are accessed online and contain key source materials, tutor guided tasks and suggestions for further study. You are allocated a tutor for each module, with whom you will have regular contact by telephone, email or fax. The programme is delivered in English. Students who do not have English as a first language must pass an appropriate English Language Proficiency test (see page 63). ASSESSMENT All modules are assessed through a written assignment which is tutored by telephone, fax and e-mail. Written assignments include essays, case studies and portfolios. At degree level, all students submit a substantial written dissertation on a selected area of interest. AWARD Successful completion of Level 4 leads to the award of Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education. Successful completion of Level 5 leads to the award of Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education. Successful completion of Level 6 leads to the award of BA (Hons) Dance Education. Please note that students may hold only one of the above awards. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Students who gain a minimum of 120 credits at Level 1 can apply to have their teaching assessed in order to be eligible for RAD Registered Teacher Status. Students who gain the BA (Hons) Dance Education may be eligible to apply for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching. See page 22 for information on this programme. Graduates with teaching experience may also apply for the Master of Teaching (Dance) (see page 34 for information on this programme). intensive one-week study seminar at the RAD in London is required in Term 1) Language English Apply by Full-time 15 Jan 2011 Part-time 30 April 2011 Entry requirements Entry to all levels requires: Two GCE A Level passes or equivalent. RAD Intermediate or equivalent in any dance genre. Appropriate English Language Proficiency test for students whose first language is not English. Entry to HE Level 2 also requires completion of Level 1 or Accredited Prior Learning. Entry to HE Level 3 also requires completion of Level 2. Application The Registry, Faculty of Education, RAD (see page 62) Applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis in accordance with the Faculty of Education Accredited Prior Learning Policy (see page 63) and credit may be given for relevant skills and experience already gained. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Modules (all modules are 20 credits): Frameworks and Perspectives, Syllabi and Examinations: Dance Teaching Societies, Dance in National Curricula, Dance Education: Concepts and Contexts, The Healthy Dancer, Music in Dance and Dance Education. On the certificate programme you will gain a broad perspective on dance education across private and public sectors, including the work of dance teaching societies and dance in school curricula. You will also be introduced to educational concepts which are fundamental throughout your studies, as well as gaining knowledge and understanding of health, fitness and safety in relation to dance teaching. 33 Validated by STUDYINGFROMYOUROWNHOME MASTEROFTEACHING(DANCE) MASTEROFTEACHING (DANCE) COURSE REQUIREMENTS Start September 2011 Duration 2-3 years part-time Level/Credits Level 7 (180 credits) With over a decade of delivering high quality dance teacher education, the RAD launches its first Masters programme, validated by the University of Surrey and accredited by the Teacher Development Agency for Schools. The Master of Teaching (Dance) is comparable with other M level qualifications but is distinguished by an emphasis on workbased research which impacts on the learning environment. CONTENT The programme is designed to meet the needs of dance teachers from a variety of education contexts across private and public sectors. All students complete two compulsory modules to the value of 90 credits, plus module options to the value of 90 credits (or 30 credits for QTS holders). THE PROGRAMME COMPRISES COMPULSORY AND OPTION MODULES Dance, Education and Research (compulsory) (30 credits) In this module, you will have an opportunity to broaden and deepen your knowledge and understanding of dance as an academic discipline and a cultural practice. The reading materials and tasks focus on recent developments in dance studies at postgraduate level, including major paradigm shifts and cutting edge research. The essay assignment allows you to draw on selected research and evaluate its application to your own teaching environment. Location Dance Pedagogy (module option) (30 credits) This module builds on current knowledge and understanding of dance pedagogy to allow for a deeper, critically informed engagement with issues and debates in the delivery of dance curricula. Topic areas include curriculum design and delivery, dance education models and frameworks, learning perspectives, teaching strategies and concepts of creativity. The assignment will enable you to evaluate your own teaching and plan for progression in a specified aspect of pedagogy. Distance learning with a compulsory two-day, on-site study seminar at the start of the programme Leading Learning (module option) (30 credits) This module supports dance teachers in developing the professional and managerial skills needed to lead learning in the school/work environment. Key topics include the nature of teaching as a profession and a career, the role of the teacher, theories and models of collaborative practice, concepts of leadership and the development of effective management strategies. You will be encouraged to initiate change through innovative practice which has a measurable impact on your work environment. Language English Apply by 30 April 2011 Inclusive Dance Practice: Disability and SEN (module option) (30 credits) All dance teachers need to be fully engaged in inclusive practice informed by current legislation and recent research. The work in this module draws on the combined experience of the RAD and Candoco Dance Company in changing attitudes towards disability and difference, in order to develop new models and practices in inclusive dance education. You will engage in work-based research on a selected issue arising from the needs of your own students. Entry requirements A good honours degree in dance or with a significant dance component. You should hold a recognised dance teaching qualification and be employed as a dance teacher for the duration of the programme. The RAD welcomes applications from professional dance teachers who do not hold traditional academic qualifications but have equivalent experiential learning. Successful applicants with a PGCE and QTS will be accredited for 60 credits at M Level, and will be required to complete the remaining 120 credits for the Master of Teaching (Dance) award. Research Project (with research methodologies) (compulsory) (60 credits) The research project comprises a critical appraisal of relevant research frameworks and methodologies, followed by an extended work-based research assignment. The precise nature of the research will be determined by a number of factors, including the needs of the school/work environment, the dance curriculum being delivered and the knowledge and skills of the researcher. You will be guided in identifying an appropriate research proposal by the module tutor and supported via distance learning throughout the research process. Application The Registry, Faculty of Education, RAD (see page 62). WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Photo: Ioulia Horeftari (NB: new module options will be added to the programme if there is sufficient student interest. Please see the Faculty of Education website for the latest information). AWARD Successful completion of 60 credits leads to Postgraduate Certificate: Teaching (Dance) Successful completion of 120 credits leads to Postgraduate Diploma: Teaching (Dance) Successful completion of 180 credits leads to Master of Teaching (Dance) FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Holders of the Master of Teaching (Dance) are eligible to progress to studying at doctoral level. 35 STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME STUDENT PROFILES DESMOND WILLIAMS BA (Hons) Dance Education Past: I was interested in dance from an early age, developing my own unique style on the streets and in clubs. Winning dance competitions inspired me to attend formal dance lessons and become a professional dancer. After a successful professional dance and choreography career, I moved into dance teaching and have since taught in various secondary schools and at a wellknown theatre school as a street-dance teacher for over 15 years. Present: I decided to study the BA (Hons) in Dance Education because I want to gain an accredited qualification and widen my theoretical knowledge of dance. I chose the Royal Academy of Dance because of its excellent reputation as a learning institution and because of the flexibility the course offers to full-time workers. The best thing about the programme is the friendly support and encouragement I receive from highly-knowledgeable and experienced tutors. Future: In the future I would like to open my own dance school, passing on my knowledge and enthusiasm to the next generation of dancers. DEBORAH MCFADDEN BA (Hons) Dance Education Past: I have been teaching in the private sector since the tender age of 19. In my early twenties I got married and started a family. Throughout both my pregnancies I continued to teach and started training for my qualifications. By 25 I had completed the RAD Teaching Certificate as well as AIDT in Modern Dance Advanced Teachers. Present: After meeting the RAD’s Director of Education at a talk in Cape Town, South Africa, the idea of completing a degree was re-visited. Though it took a few more years to finally start the process I am very excited to be on the programme at last. Future: This is a personal goal and a challenging one. As I run a full-time studio as well studying I find that good time management is key. However, striving to continuously move forward and learn has always been my motto. GAYNOR ZWAAGSTRA WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Candoco Dance Company. Photo: Ros Chesher Master of Teaching (Dance) Past: I completed my dance training at the Royal Ballet Upper School in London and went on to work as a professional dancer in Switzerland. When I returned to Liverpool, I qualified as an RAD teacher and opened the Dance Art Studio with my husband. I completed the Faculty of Education’s BPhil (Hons) programme and then went on to study a PGCE in Liverpool. I now teach full time in a secondary school whilst continuing to run my own school. Present: When I read about the Master of Teaching (Dance) programme I saw it as the next logical step in my career and felt that in this way I could contribute to the collective responsibility we share as dance teachers to enhance the profile of our profession. I am thoroughly enjoying the programme and the challenge of academic study. Future: I would definitely consider study beyond this programme as an option for future career development. 37 STUDYING FROM HOME IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE ertificate in Ballet Teaching Studies C – English – Portuguese – Italian – Spanish – Greek – German – Japanese – Mandarin WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 39 STUDYING FROM YOUR HOME, IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE IN BALLET TEACHING STUDIES CERTIFICATE IN BALLET TEACHING STUDIES The Certificate in Ballet Start Teaching Studies gives January 2012 you an opportunity to Duration study ballet teaching 2 years part-time in preparation for a Level/credits professional career. Level 4 (120 credits) On successful completion, Location you will be able to teach At home in your own ballet and be eligible country. Attendance at a six-day to apply for Registered Intensive Study Seminar required during Teacher Status (RTS) each year of study. These are normally held in your country of residence. of the Royal Academy Language of Dance, enabling you Own language to enter candidates for Apply by RAD examinations 1 August 2011 anywhere in the world. For video applicants 1 June 2011 CONTENT YEAR 1 Knowing the RAD Syllabus Part 1 (January–April) The Healthy Dancer (April–July) Planning for Effective Teaching (August–October) In Year 1 you will be able to increase your knowledge and understanding of RAD ballet vocabulary, begin to understand the principles of progression in learning and study ways of supporting young people of different levels of ability. You will also study common causes of injury, the importance of good nutrition, fitness and well-being, and ways in which ballet training can be modified or supplemented in order to improve performance. Much of this will be done by studying from your own home but the Intensive Study Period means that you will have a chance to work ‘face-to-face’ with tutors and other students on the programme. YEAR 2 Knowing the RAD Syllabus Part 2 (January–April) Practical Teaching (January-October) The Freelance Dance Teacher (April-July) In Year 2 you will build on knowledge and skills gained in Year 1 and learn how to plan your teaching. You will also gain teaching experience (which will be supervised by tutors) and learn how to prepare for a teaching career. A second Intensive Study Period provides another opportunity for you to demonstrate RAD syllabi with accuracy and understanding. DELIVERY This programme is part-time, enabling students to study alongside their personal and professional commitments. The programme starts in January of each year and is delivered over two years, with three modules studied each year. Each module is delivered over a period of ten weeks during which you should expect to study for a minimum of 20 hours per week. COURSE REQUIREMENTS All students are required to attend two six-day Intensive Study Periods, one in each year of study, usually in the country of residence. For the Practical Teaching module in Year 2, students are required to set up a Practical Teaching Placement in a local dance school with a teacher (mentor) approved by the Faculty of Education. All modules are supported by Module Study Guides containing key source materials, tutor guided tasks and suggestions for further study. Students are allocated a tutor for each module, with whom they will have regular contact by telephone, email or fax. COUNTRY AND LANGUAGE OF DELIVERY Entry Requirements One of the following RAD examinations: The programme is delivered in the first language of the teaching centre country. If more than one language is spoken, the RAD retains the right to determine the language of delivery. Please note that if the language of delivery is not your first language, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to read, write and speak proficiently in that language. – Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2, Intermediate, Grade 8, or an equivalent examination from a recognised dance teaching society. – Applicants without formal qualifications may be considered on submission of video/DVD evidence. – Candidates admitted with Graded examinations should ensure that they are capable of physical demonstration at a level equivalent to the Vocational Graded examinations. Application The Registry, Faculty of Education, see page 62. The programme is currently delivered in the following teaching centres: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and the USA. It is sometimes possible for students from other countries to study at one of these centres; however, in any given year, the programme will only run in a specific country if there are sufficient numbers. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK ASSESSMENT Students submit essays, portfolios, case studies and projects for assessment during the programme, as well as being assessed in Practical Teaching. Students also complete a practical assessment as part of the Intensive Study Period. AWARD Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies with eligibility for Registered Teacher Status (RTS) of the Royal Academy of Dance. FURTHER STUDY AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT Following successful completion of the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies students able to study in English may wish to transfer to the BA (Hons) Dance Education programme at HE Level 5 by undertaking an additional ‘access’ module. See the BA (Hons) Dance Education programme section for further details. 41 STUDYINGFROMYOURHOME,INYOUROWNLANGUAGE CERTIFICADOEMESTUDOSDEENSINODEBALLET CERTIFICADOEM ESTUDOSDEENSINO DEBALLET Este programa actualmente é ministrado nos seguintes Início países: Austrália, Brasil, Espanha, Itália, Alemanha, Janeiro 2012 Japão, Grécia/Chipre, Portugal, Hong Kong, África do Sul, Duração países agregados (Filipinas, Indonésia, Malásia, Singapura Dois anos em regime e Tailândia), EUA com Canadá, Bélgica, Países Baixos e de tempo parcial Luxemburgo com Reino Unido. O programa destina-se a Localização candidatos que pretendem tornar-se professores associados da País de residência Royal Academy of Dance e é ministrado no primeiro idioma Idioma do país de residência do estudante. Idioma do país de residência COMO É MINISTRADO? O programa é ministrado em tempo parcial, à distância, durante dois anos, com início em Janeiro de cada ano. Cada módulo possui um Guia de Módulos de Estudo específico que inclui materiais originais, tarefas orientadas e sugestões para estudo avançado. Cada estudante realiza um estágio prático de ensino no segundo ano de estudos, durante o qual terá de apresentar um plano de ensino prático orientado. O local de estágio e o orientador devem ser aprovados pela Faculty of Education na sede da Royal Academy of Dance em Londres. Em cada ano, os estudantes devem assistir a Períodos de Estudo Intensivo de seis dias, no seu país de residência. Para cada módulo, cada estudante terá um orientador nomeado pela Faculty of Education. A orientação é efectuada através de correio electrónico, fax ou telefone. QUAL É A DURAÇÃO DO PROGRAMA? Dois anos em regime de tempo parcial. EM QUE IDIOMA IREI ESTUDAR? O programa será ministrado no primeiro idioma do país de residência do estudante. Se o idioma em que o programa for ministrado não corresponder ao primeiro idioma do estudante, o aluno deve certificar-se de que é capaz de ler, escrever e falar fluentemente o idioma em que o programa é ministrado. COMO É AVALIADO? A avaliação efectua-se através de ensino prático, estudos de caso, projectos, portfólios e dissertações. QUIS SÃO AS CONDIÇÕES DE ACESSO? QUALIFICAÇÕES CONVENCIONAIS DE ACESS A entrada no programa equivale ao UK National Qualifications Framework (Quadro de qualificação nacional do Reino Unido) nível 3 e inclui Ballet da RAD ou equivalente em ballet, para os seguintes Vocational Graded examinations (exames vocacionais com classificação) e Graded Examinations (exames com classificação): Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1 e 2, e Grade 8* (Nota 8) Também será tido em conta o nível Intermediate RAD. BREVE DESCRIÇÃOS Candidaturas 1 de Agosto 2011 *É exigido aos alunos recrutados para o programa CBTS (Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies) um nível de desempenho confiante e seguro, de forma a garantir que a demonstração em ensino prático possui um nível suficientemente elevado. Os candidatos admitidos com capacidades e competências de Graded examinations (em vez de Vocational Graded examinations) devem ser capazes de demonstrar possuir o nível exigido para o nível 3 de Vocational Graded examinations. Aceites até 1 de Junho 2011 para candidaturas com vídeo A Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) é uma das maiores e mais influentes organizações de ensino e formação de dança. Oferecemos uma gama variada de programas de estudo que irão maximizar as oportunidades de emprego para os nossos formandos. Por isso, o nosso objectivo consiste em educar e formar professores de dança que darão um contributo importante para a dança e para o ensino da dança no domínio das artes, da educação e do lazer. QUALIFICAÇÕES NÃO-CONVENCIONAIS DE ACESSO Os candidatos ao programa que não cumpram as condições de acesso convencionais acima mencionadas, podem ser admitidos mediante a apresentação de provas em vídeo. QUE IDADE TENHO DE TER? As qualificações de ensino oferecidas pela RAD correspondem às qualificações de Educação Superior do Reino Unido. Os estudantes que seguiram o percurso escolar no Reino Unido para obter uma qualificação no Ensino Superior terão normalmente 18 anos na altura de admissão. Contudo, a RAD reconhece que os candidatos possuirão diferentes graus de maturidade e aprendizagem anterior, independentemente da idade da candidatura e irá avaliar cada candidatura com base no mérito. Cada candidatura está sujeita a exigências legais das pessoas responsáveis pela supervisão dos menores em causa. QUE QUALIFICAÇÃO IREI OBTER? Os estudantes bem sucedidos receberão o Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies (Certificado em Estudos de Ensino de Ballet). TEREI O ESTATUTO DE PROFESSOR ASSOCIADO? Sim. A QUEM SE DESTINA ESTE PROGRAMA? PARA AQUELES QUE PRETENDEM Trabalhar como professores de dança a tempo inteiro, utilizando a linguagem da RAD Ensinar ballet, utilizando os programas de estudos da RAD em todo o mundo Abrir a sua própria escola Incentivar alunos a realizar exames da RAD. A próxima secção fornece informação sobre o Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies (Certificado em Estudos de Ensino de Ballet) nos idiomas em que o programa é ministrado actualmente. EM QUE É QUE CONSISTE? O programa abrange seis módulos, três em cada ano lectivo. Os módulos do ano 1 consistem em: Conhecer a primeira parte do programa de estudos da RAD, O Dançarino Saudável; Planeamento para um Ensino Eficaz Os módulos do ano 2 consistem em: Conhecer a segunda parte do programa de estudos da RAD, Ensino Prático; O Professor de Dança Freelance. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 43 STUDYING FROM YOUR HOME, IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE CERTIFICATO PER L’INSEGNAMENTO DELLA DANZA CLASSICA CERTIFICATO PER L’INSEGNAMENTO DELLA DANZA CLASSICA PROFILO PROGRAMMA Inizio Gennaio 2012 Durata 2 anni parte tempo Locazione Nel tuo paese di origine Il Certificato per l’Insegnamento della Danza Classica (CBTS) offre l’opportunità di studiare l’insegnamento della danza in preparazione ad una carriera professionale. A completamento del programma sarai in grado di insegnare danza classica e presentare allievi agli esami RAD in qualsiasi parte del mondo. CONTENUTI Il programma della durata di due anni comprende sei moduli come elencati di seguito: PRIMO ANNO Conoscere il Syllabus RAD parte 1 (Gennaio – Aprile) La salute del ballerino (Aprile – Luglio) La programmazione per un insegnamento proficuo (Agosto – Ottobre) Durante il primo anno di studio sarai in grado di incrementare la tua conoscenza e comprensione del vocabolario di danza RAD, iniziare a capire i principi della progressione nell’insegnamento ed approfondire i modi per supportare i giovani con diversi livelli di capacità. Si studieranno anche le più comuni cause di infortuni, l’importanza di un’ alimentazione corretta, della forma e benessere fisici e i modi in cui l’allenamento alla danza può essere modificato al fine di migliorarne il risultato. La maggior parte di questo verrà fatto studiando da casa ma il Periodo di Studio Intensivo significa che si avrà l’opportunità di lavorare a stretto contatto con i Tutor e gli altri studenti del programma. SECONDO ANNO Conoscere il Syllabus RAD parte 2 (Gennaio – Aprile) insegnamento pratico (Gennaio – Ottobre) Il danzatore come libero professionista (Aprile – Luglio) Durante il secondo anno di studio utilizzerai le nozioni acquisite durante l’anno precedente e imparerai a programmare il tuo insegnamento. Inoltre acquisirai esperienza di insegnamento (supervisionata da un Tutor) ed imparerai come prepararti ad una carriera da insegnante. Un secondo periodo di studio intensivo offre un’altra opportunità per dimostrare il syllabus RAD in modo più consapevole ed accurato. STRUTTURA DEL PROGRAMMA Questo programma è part-time, abilita gli studenti a prepararsi contemporaneamente ai loro impegni personali e professionali. Il programma inizia a gennaio di ogni anno ed è distribuito in due anni, suddivisi in tre moduli per ogni anno. Ogni modulo si svolge lungo un periodo di 10 settimane durante le quali si dovrà studiare un minimo di 20 ore a settimana. Lingua La tua lingua Iscrizioni 1 agosto 2011 per chi deve inviare un video 1 giugno 2011 Tutti gli studenti sono tenuti a frequentare 2 periodi di studio intensivo della durata di sei giorni l’uno, uno in ogni anno di studio, solitamente nel paese di residenza. Nel secondo anno di studio, il programma prevede un modulo di tirocinio pratico che gli studenti dovranno programmare in una scuola a loro scelta e con l’assistenza di un mentore approvato dalla Faculty of Education. Tutti i moduli sono supportati dalla guida allo studio che contiene il materiale chiave, compiti assegnati dal tutor e ulteriori suggerimenti per lo studio. Agli studenti viene assegnato un tutor per ogni modulo, con il quale avranno contatti regolari via telefono, e-mail e fax. Requisiti d’Ammissione Superamento di uno dei seguenti esami RAD: – Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2, Intermediate, Grado 8. – Verrà considerato anche un esame equivalente rilasciato da una istituzione di danza riconosciuta. – I candidati sprovvisti di qualifica potranno essere valutati attraverso un filmato video/dvd. – I candidati ammessi con esami Gradi dovranno dimostrare di essere ad un livello professionale. NAZIONE E LINGUA DI DISTRIBUZIONE Il programma è attualmente distribuito nei seguenti centri di insegnamento: Australia, Canada, Germania, Grecia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italia, Giappone, Malesia, Messico, Nuova Zelanda, Filippine, Portogallo, Singapore, Sud Africa, Spagna, Taiwan, Tailandia, Inghilterra e Stati Uniti. A volte è possibile che studenti da altri paesi possano studiare in uno di questi centri; in ogni caso il programma verrà attivato solo se ci sarà un numero sufficiente di iscritti al programma in quel dato paese. Il programma è distribuito nella prima lingua della nazione prescelta. Se viene parlata più di una lingua la RAD si riserva il diritto di determinare la lingua che potrà essere usata. Si prega notare che se la lingua usata non è la tua lingua madre o scelta per il programma, è tua responsabilità assicurare che sei in grado di leggere, scrivere e parlare fluentemente nella lingua usata. VALUTAZIONE Durante il programma gli studenti dovranno consegnare dei compiti scritti, progetti di lavoro, ricerche ed altro che verranno valutati, così come verrà valutato l’insegnamento pratico. Gli studenti verranno inoltre valutati in sessioni pratiche previste dai Seminari di Studio Intensivo. RICONOSCIMENTO Il completamento del programma con successo comporta l’assegnazione del certificato per l’insegnamento della danza classica e della qualifica di insegnante registrato (RTS) della Royal Academy of Dance. COME ISCRIVERSI Gli studenti internazionali dovranno contattare il loro amministratore locale. I dettagli di tutti gli amministratori nazionali si possono trovare sul retro di questo prospetto. 45 STUDYINGFROMYOURHOME,INYOUROWNLANGUAGE CERTIFICADOENBALLETTEACHINGSTUDIES CERTIFICADOENBALLET TEACHINGSTUDIES A SIMPLE VISTA Comienzo Enero 2012 Duración 2 años a tiempo parcial El Certificado en Ballet Teaching Studies te da la oportunidad de estudiar preparándote para una carrera profesional como profesor de Ballet. Una vez que lo completes satisfactoriamente podrás enseñar ballet y presentar alumnos a los exámenes de RAD en cualquier parte del mundo. CONTENIDO Los dos años del programa comprenden seis módulos como sigue: AÑO 1 Conociendo el Syllabus RAD Parte 1 (Enero – Abril), El bailarín saludable (Abril – Julio) Planificación de una enseñanza efectiva (Agosto – Octubre) En el año 1 tendrá que ampliar su conocimiento y comprensión del vocabulario de ballet RAD, empezar a comprender los principios de progresión en el aprendizaje y métodos de estudio para ayudar a los alumnos jóvenes según los diferentes niveles de habilidad. Usted estudiará también las causas mas comunes de las lesiones, la importancia de una buena nutrición, la puesta en forma y bienestar, y formas en las que la enseñanza del ballet puede ser modificada o suplementada para mejorar la representación. La gran parte de lo anterior se hará estudiando desde su casa, pero el Periodo de Estudio Intensivo (ISP) significa que usted tendrá la oportunidad de trabajar “cara a cara” con tutores y otros alumnos del programa. AÑO 2 Conociendo el Syllabus RAD Parte 2 (Enero – Abril), Enseñanza Práctica (Enero – Octubre) Professor de danza independiente (freelance) (Abril – Julio) Durante el año 2 trabajará sobre el conocimiento y habilidades. Obtenidas en el año 1 y aprenderá como planificar su enseñanza. También ganará experiencia en la enseñanza (que será supervisada Por los tutores) y aprenderá a prepararse para una carrera de Enseñanza. Un segundo Periodo de Estudio Intensivo le dará otra Oportunidad para demostrar el Syllabus de RAD con conocimiento y Comprensión. ENTREGA Este programa es a tiempo parcial, permitiendo a los alumnos estudiar a la vez que cumplen con sus obligaciones profesionales y personales. El programa comienza en Enero de cada año y dura dos años, con tres módulos en cada año. Cada módulo se desarrolla en un periodo de diez semanas durante el cual usted tendrá que estudiar un mínimo de 20 horas por semana. Todos los alumnos tendrán que asistir a dos cursos de seis día de duración, Periodos de Estudio Intensivo en cada año de estudio, normalmente en el país de residencia. Para el módulo de enseñanza práctica en el año 2, los alumnos tienen que elegir un Lugar de Enseñanza de Prácticas, en una escuela de danza local con un profesor (mentor) aprobado por la Facultad de Educación. Todos los módulos comprenden una guía de estudio que contienen claves en las materias tratadas, tareas guiadas por el tutor y sugerencias para posterior estudio. Se asigna un tutor a los alumnos para cada módulo, con el cual tendrán contacto regularmente por teléfono, email ó fax. PAÍS E IDIOMA DE ENTREGA El programa se ofrece actualmente en los siguientes centros de enseñanza: Alemania, Australia, Brasil, Canada, España, Filipinas, Grecia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italia, Japón, Malasia, Méjico, Nueva Zelanda, Portugal, Singapur, Sudáfrica, Taiwan, Tailandia, UK y USA. Es posible a veces, que algún alumno de estos países estudie en cualquier otro centro; no obstante en todos los años de programa, solo se ofrecerá el programa si hay un número suficiente de alumnos interesados en ese país. El programa se ofrece en el primer idioma del país. Si se hablara mas de un idioma, la RAD se reserva el derecho a determinar el idioma del programa. Por favor tenga en cuenta que si el idioma del programa no es su primer idioma, es responsabilidad suya asegurarse de su capacidad para leer, escribir y hablar con seguridad en dicho idioma. EVALUACIÓN Los alumnos tendrán qu enviar ensayos, portfolios, estudios de casos y proyectos, para la evaluación durante el programa, también, al ser evaluados sobre enseñanza práctica, los alumnos deberán completar una evaluación práctica como parte del Periodo de Estudio Intensivo. TITULACIÓN Cuando el programa se completa satisfactoriamente se concede el Certificado en “Ballet Teaching Studies” que le conferirá el estatus de Profesor Registrado de la RAD. COMO MATRICULARSE Los alumnos del Reino Unido deben contactar con: Admissions Officer, The Registry, Faculty of Education, Royal Academy of Dance, 36 Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8086 fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 e-mail: faculty@rad.org.uk Lugar En su propio domicilio Idioma El suyo Matrícula 1 Agosto 2011 Para los que envían video 1 Junio 2011 Requisitos de entrada Cualquiera de los siguientes exámenes de RAD: – Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2, Intermediate, Grado 8, o cualquier otro examen. – Equivalente de otra organización reconocida en la enseñanza de danza. – Los aspirantes que no posean ninguna calificación formal pueden ser considerados si envían un video/DVD. – Los candidatos admitidos con una calificación de Grados (G-8) deben estar seguros de que son capaces de demostrar fisicamente un nivel equivalente al de los exámenes Vocacionales de la RAD. Los alumnos de cualquier otro país deberán contactar con su Administrador Nacional para que les aconseje sobre el programa y el proceso de matrícula. Los nombres y detalles de contacto de todos los Administradores Nacionales de la RAD, se pueden encontrar en el reverso de este folleto. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 47 STUDYINGFROMYOURHOME,INYOUROWNLANGUAGE ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ ΜΠΑΛΕΤΟΥ ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ ΜΠΑΛΕΤΟΥ Το Πιστοποιητικό Σπουδών ∆ιδασκαλίας Έναρξη Μπαλέτου σας δίνει την ευκαιρία να σπουδάσετε Ιανουάριος 2012 τη διδασκαλία του µπαλέτου ως προετοιµασία Διάρκεια για την επαγγελµατική σας σταδιοδροµία. Με την 2 έτη μερικής επιτυχή ολοκλήρωση του προγράµµατος, θα είστε παρακολούθησης σε θέση να διδάξετε µπαλέτο και να προετοιµάσετε Τοποθεσία και να παρουσιάσετε σπουδαστές για τις εξετάσεις Στο σπίτι της RAD οπουδήποτε στον κόσµο. σας στη χώρα Απαιτήσεις εισαγωγής διαμονής σας Μία από τις ακόλουθες εξετάσεις της Βασιλικής Ακαδημίας Χορού: Advanced Foundation, εμπειρία (υπό την εποπτεία καθηγητών) και θα μάθετε πώς να προετοιμαστείτε για τη σταδιοδρομία σας ως δάσκαλος. Μια δεύτερη Περίοδος Εντατικής Μελέτης σας προσφέρει άλλη μια ευκαιρία να επιδείξετε την ύλη της RAD με ακρίβεια και κατανόηση. ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΟΠΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΟΣΗΣ ΜΕ ΜΙΑ ΜΑΤΙΑ Γλώσσα Στη γλώσσα σας Προθεσμία υποβολής αίτησης 1η Αυγούστου 2011 Για τους υποψήφιους που υποβάλλουν βίντεο 1η Ιουνίου 2011 Advanced 1, Advanced 2, Intermediate, Grade 8, ή ισοδύναμες εξετάσεις αναγνωρισμένου φορέα διδασκαλίας χορού. Οι αιτήσεις εισαγωγής ατόμων χωρίς επίσημα προσόντα μπορούν να εξεταστούν εφόσον συνοδεύονται από βίντεο/DVD. Όλοι οι σπουδαστές πρέπει να παρακολουθήσουν δύο Περιόδους Εντατικής Μελέτης διάρκειας έξι ηµερών, µία σε κάθε έτος σπουδών, συνήθως στη χώρα διαµονή τους. Για το µάθηµα της Πρακτικής ∆ιδασκαλίας του 2ου έτους, οι σπουδαστές πρέπει οργανώσουν µια Πρακτική Εξάσκηση ∆ιδασκαλίας σε µια τοπική σχολή χορού µε έναν καθηγητή (προσωπικό σύµβουλο) εγκεκριµένο από το Τµήµα Εκπαίδευσης. Κάθε µάθηµα έχει έναν Οδηγό Σπουδών του Μαθήµατος ο οποίος περιλαµβάνει τη βασική διδακτέα ύλη, εργασίες που θα πραγµατοποιηθούν µε την καθοδήγηση του επόπτη καθηγητή και προτάσεις για περαιτέρω µελέτη. Για κάθε σπουδαστή ορίζεται ένας επόπτης καθηγητής για κάθε µάθηµα. Οι σπουδαστές θα έχουν τακτική επαφή µε τον εν λόγω επόπτη µέσω τηλεφώνου, ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδροµείου ή φαξ. ΧΩΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ Οι υποψήφιοι που θα γίνουν δεκτοί με εξετάσεις διαβάθμισης θα πρέπει να διασφαλίσουν ότι μπορούν να κάνουν μια επίδειξη η οποία θα έχει επίπεδο ισοδύναμο με το επίπεδο των εξετάσεων Επαγγελματικής Διαβάθμισης. 2ο ΕΤΟΣ KNOWING THE RAD SYLLABUS PART 1 (ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΕΑ ΥΛΗ ΤΗΣ RAD ΜΈΡΟΣ 1) (ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ – ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΣ) THE HEALTHY DANCER (Ο ΥΓΙΗΣ ΧΟΡΕΥΤΗΣ) (ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΣ – ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ) PLANNING FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING (ΣΧΕΔΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ) (ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΣ – ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ) Στο 1ο έτος, θα μπορέσετε να αυξήσετε τις γνώσεις σας και να καταλάβετε καλύτερα το λεξιλόγιο μπαλέτου της RAD, θα αρχίσετε να αντιλαμβάνεστε τις αρχές της προόδου της μάθησης και θα μελετήσετε τους τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε νέους με διαφορετικά επίπεδα ικανότητας. Επίσης, θα μελετήσετε τις συνηθέστερες αιτίες τραυματισμού, τη σημασία της καλής διατροφής, της καλής σωματικής κατάστασης και της ευεξίας, καθώς και τρόπους με τους οποίους μπορεί να τροποποιηθεί ή να συμπληρωθεί η διδασκαλία του μπαλέτου προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί η χορευτική απόδοση. Πολλά από αυτά θα τα μάθετε διαβάζοντας στο σπίτι σας, αλλά με την Περίοδο Εντατικής Μελέτης θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να δουλέψετε μαζί με καθηγητές και άλλους σπουδαστές του προγράμματος. KNOWING THE RAD SYLLABUS PART 2 (ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΕΑ ΥΛΗ ΤΗΣ RAD ΜΕΡΟΣ 2) (ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ – ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΣ) PRACTICAL TEACHING (ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ) (ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ – ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΣ) THE FREELANCE DANCE TEACHER (Ο ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΣ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΑΣ ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ ΧΟΡΟΥ) (ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΣ – ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ) Το 2ο έτος, θα ενισχύσετε τις γνώσεις και τις δεξιότητες που αποκτήσατε στο 1ο έτος και θα μάθετε πώς να σχεδιάζετε το μάθημά σας. Επίσης, θα αποκτήσετε διδακτική Το πρόγραµµα προσφέρεται επί του παρόντος στα ακόλουθα κέντρα διδασκαλίας: Αυστραλία, Γερµανία, Ελλάδα, Ηνωµένο Βασίλειο, ΗΠΑ, Ιαπωνία, Ινδονησία, Ισπανία, Ιταλία, Καναδά, Μαλαισία, Μεξικό, Νέα Ζηλανδία, Νότια Αφρική, Πορτογαλία, Σιγκαπούρη, Ταϊβάν, Ταϊλάνδη, Φιλιππίνες και Χονγκ Κονγκ. Ενίοτε είναι δυνατόν σπουδαστές από άλλες χώρες να σπουδάσουν σε ένα από αυτά τα κέντρα, ωστόσο, το πρόγραµµα θα λειτουργεί µόνο εάν εισαχθεί ικανοποιητικός αριθµός ατόµων στην εν λόγω χώρα. Το πρόγραµµα προσφέρεται στην πρώτη επίσηµη γλώσσα της χώρας όπου βρίσκεται το κέντρο διδασκαλίας. Εάν οµιλούνται περισσότερες από µία γλώσσες, η RAD διατηρεί το δικαίωµα να καθορίσει τη γλώσσα διδασκαλίας. Επισηµαίνεται ότι εάν η γλώσσα παράδοσης δεν είναι η πρώτη σας γλώσσα, αποτελεί δική σας ευθύνη να φροντίσετε ότι είστε σε θέση να διαβάζετε, να γράφετε και να µιλάτε καλά την εν λόγω γλώσσα. ΠΕΡΙΕΧOΜΕΝΟ ΤΟ ΔΙΕΤΕΣ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΙΤΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΕΞΗΣ 6 ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΑ: 1ο ΕΤΟΣ Αυτό το πρόγραμμα είναι μερικής παρακολούθησης, δίδοντας τη δυνατότητα στους σπουδαστές να σπουδάσουν παράλληλα με τις προσωπικές και επαγγελματικές τους υποχρεώσεις. Το πρόγραμμα ξεκινά τον Ιανουάριο κάθε έτους και διαρκεί δύο έτη, με τρία μαθήματα σε κάθε έτος σπουδών. Κάθε μάθημα προσφέρεται εντός περιόδου δέκα εβδομάδων κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων θα πρέπει να υπολογίζετε ότι θα διαβάζετε τουλάχιστον για 20 ώρες την εβδομάδα. ΑΞΙΟΛΟΓΗΣΗ Κατά τη διάρκεια του προγράµµατος οι σπουδαστές υποβάλουν εκθέσεις,, µελέτες περιπτώσεων και εργασίες προς αξιολόγηση, ενώ αξιολογούνται παράλληλα και στην Πρακτική ∆ιδασκαλία. Οι σπουδαστές υποβάλλονται επίσης σε µια πρακτική αξιολόγηση στο πλαίσιο της Περιόδου Εντατικής Μελέτης. ΤΙΤΛΟΣ Η επιτυχής ολοκλήρωση του προγράµµατος οδηγεί στην απονοµή του Πιστοποιητικού Σπουδών ∆ιδασκαλίας Μπαλέτου και τη δυνατότητα αίτησης για το Καθεστώς Εγγεγραµµένου Καθηγητή (RTS) της Βασιλικής Ακαδηµίας Χορού. ΤΡΟΠΟΣ ΥΠΟΒΟΛΗΣ Οι βρετανοί υποψήφιοι θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσουν µε τον: Admissions Officer, The Registry, Faculty of Education, Royal Academy of Dance, 36 Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA. Τηλ +44 (0)20 7326 8086 e-mail faculty@rad.org.uk φαξ +44 (0)20 7326 8040 Οι ξένοι σπουδαστές θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσουν µε τον Εθνικό Συντονιστή τους για πληροφορίες σχετικά µε το πρόγραµµα και τη διαδικασία υποβολής αιτήσεων. Τα ονόµατα και τα στοιχεία επικοινωνίας όλων των Εθνικών Συντονιστών της RAD µπορείτε να βρείτε στο πίσω µέρος του παρόντος φυλλαδίου. 49 STUDYINGFROMYOURHOME,INYOUROWNLANGUAGE CERTIFICATEINBALLETTEACHINGSTUDIES CERTIFICATEINBALLET TEACHINGSTUDIES AUF EINEN BLICK Studienbeginn Januar 2012 Dauer 2 Jahre (Teilzeitstudium) Ort Wohnsitz des Studenten Sprache Sprache am Wohnsitz des Studenten Das Programm wird zur Zeit in Australien, Spanien, Italien, Deutschland, Japan, Griechenland/Zypern, Portugal, Hong Kong, Südafrika, einer Gruppe von Ländern (Philippinen, Indonesien, Malaysia, Singapur und Thailand), in den USA zusammen mit Kanada und in Belgien, den Niederlanden und Luxemburg zusammen mit dem Vereinigten Königreich durchgeführt. Der Studiengang ist auf diejenigen zugeschnitten, die den Status „Registrierter Lehrer der Royal Academy of Dance“ erwerben möchten, und wird in der Sprache des Landes durchgeführt, in dem der Student wohnt. Bewerbungsschluss 1. August 2011 Bewerbungen mit Video 1. Juni 2011 WORIN BESTEHT DAS PROGRAMM? WIE WIRD DAS PROGRAMM DURCHGEFÜHRT? WIE LANGE DAUERT DAS PROGRAMM? Zwei Jahre, Teilzeit. IN WELCHER SPRACHE WIRD DER STUDIENGANG ABSOLVIERT? Das Programm wird in der Sprache des Landes durchgeführt, in dem der Student wohnt. Falls die Sprache, in der der Studiengang durchgeführt wird, nicht die Muttersprache des Studierenden ist, so liegt es in dessen Verantwortung sicherzustellen, dass er/sie in der Studiensprache kompetent lesen, schreiben und sprechen kann. WIE SIEHT DIE BEWERTUNG AUS? Die Bewertung erfolgt durch praktischen Unterricht, Fallstudien, Projekte, Portfolios und schriftliche Arbeiten. WELCHE ZUGANGSVORAUSSETZUNGEN SIND ZU ERFÜLLEN? STANDARDZUGANGSQUALIFIKATIONEN Der Zugang zum Programm entspricht dem „Level 3“ des „National Qualifications Framework“ des Vereinigten Königreichs und beinhaltet die RAD – oder gleichwertige Ballettprüfungen der folgenden Vocational Graded-und Graded-Prüfungsstufen: Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2, sowie Intermediate. RAD Grade 8* wird ebenfalls berücksichtigt. *Studenten, welche in das CBTS-Programm aufgenommen werden, müssen über ein sicheres und zuverlässiges Niveau in der Tanzdarbietung verfügen, damit sichergestellt ist, dass ihre eigene Demonstration im praktischen Unterricht ein ausreichend hohes Niveau hat. Kandidaten, welche sich mit Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten, welche eher einer Gradeddenn einer Vocational Graded-Stufe entsprechen, bewerben, sollten sicherstellen, dass sie zur Demonstration auf einem Niveau fähig sind, das dem „Level 3“ der Vocational GradedPrüfungen entspricht. ANDERE ZUGANGSQUALIFIKATIONEN Bewerber für das Programm, welche die oben aufgeführten Standardzugangsvoraussetzungen nicht erfüllen, können nach Einreichung eines Videos berücksichtigt werden. WELCHES ALTER SOLLTEN BEWERBER HABEN? Die Lehrerausbildungen, die von der RAD angeboten werden, entprechen dem Standard der Höheren Bildung im Vereinigten Königreich. Studenten, die die Zugangsvoraussetzungen zur Höheren Bildung im Vereinigten Königreich erworben haben, sind daher zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme in die Studiengänge in der Regel 18 Jahre alt. Die Royal Academy of Dance ist eine der weltweit größten und einflussreichsten Tanzunterricht- und Tanzausbildungsorganisationen. Wir bieten eine Reihe von Studienprogrammen an, die unseren Absolventen größtmögliche Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt eröffnen. Wir konzentrieren uns daher auf die Ausbildung und Schulung von Tanzlehrern, die einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Tanz und zur Tanzausbildung in den Bereichen Kultur, Bildung und Freizeit leisten werden. Der folgende Abschnitt informiert über das Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies in den Sprachen, in denen der Studiengang zur Zeit angeboten wird. Der Studiengang umfasst sechs Module, drei pro Studienjahr. 1. Studienjahr Modul-Themen: Der RAD-Lehrplan Teil 1, Der gesunde Tänzer; Planen für effektives Unterrichten 2. Studienjahr Modul-Themen: Der RAD-Lehrplan Teil 2, Praktischer Unterricht; Der freischaffende Tanzlehrer. Der Studiengang wird in Form eines zweijährigen Fernstudiums in Teilzeit durchgeführt. Studienbeginn ist jeweils im Januar. Für jedes Modul gibt es einen speziell für das Modul ausgearbeiteten Studienführer, der Quellenmaterial, vom Tutor betreute Aufgaben und Anregungen für vertiefende Studien beinhaltet. Die RAD ist sich bewusst, dass sich Bewerber zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen befinden und unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse mitbringen. Jede Bewerbung wird aufgrund ihrer individuellen Leistungen hin bewertet, unter Berücksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften für Personen, die mit der Betreuung von Kindern betraut sind. WELCHER ABSCHLUSS STEHT AM STUDIENENDE? Den erfolgreichen Studenten wird das Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies verliehen. BERECHTIGT DER ERFOLGREICHE ABSCHLUSS ZUM STATUS „REGISTRIERTER LEHRER DER RAD“? Ja. FÜR WEN IST DAS PROGRAMM GEDACHT? FÜR ALLE, DIE: – als freischaffender Tanzlehrer arbeiten und dabei den RAD-Lehrplan unterrichten wollen – weltweit Ballett unterrichten und dabei den RAD-Lehrplan benutzen wollen – ihre eigene Schule aufmachen wollen – Kandidaten zu RAD-Prüfungen anmelden möchten Jeder Student absolviert im zweiten Studienjahr ein Unterrichtspraktikum, für das er/sie sich um einen unter Aufsicht eines Mentors stehenden Lehrpraktikumsplatz kümmern muss. Die Praktikumsstelle und der Mentor bedürfen der Bestätigung durch die Faculty of Education der RAD. Studenten sind verpflichtet einmal pro Jahr an einer sechstägigen IntensivStudienwoche in dem Land, in dem die Studierenden ihren Wohnsitz haben, teilzunehmen. Für jedes Modul steht jedem Studenten ein von der Faculty of Education verpflichteter Tutor zur Verfügung. Die Betreuung durch den Tutor erfolgt per Email, Fax oder Telefon. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 51 STUDYINGFROMYOURHOME,INYOUROWNLANGUAGE バレエ教授法資格 バレエ教授法資格 概要 コース開始 1月 コース期間 パートタイムで 2年間 場所 居住国 このコースは、現在、オーストラリア、スペイン、イタリア、ドイ ツ、日本、ギリシャ/キプロス、ポルトガル、香港、南アフリカ、 諸島地域(フィリピン、インドネシア、マレーシア、シンガポー ル、タイ)、米国/カナダ(カナダを拠点とする)、ベルギー/オラ ンダ/ルクセンブルグ/英国(英国を拠点とする) で開かれていま す。コースはロイヤルアカデミーオブダンスの認定講師の資格 取得を希望する人向けで、受講生の居住国における第一言語 で行われます。 言語 居住国での 言語 応募期限 8月1日 ビデオによる応 募の提出期限 は6月1日 WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK ロイヤルアカデミーオブダンスは、世界でもっとも規模が大きく、影響力のあるダンス教 育 • 研修組織のひとつです。 本アカデミーの多様な学習コースは、修了後の就職の可能性を最大限に引き伸ばします。 そのため、コースでは、芸術、教育、レジャー産業でのダンスとダンス教育に大きく貢献 するダンス教師の教育と研修に力を注いでいます。 次のセクションでは、現在コースが開かれている言語でのCertificate in Ballet Teaching Studiesの情報を示します。 コース内容 コースは6つのモジュールから構成され、各年に3つジュールを学習します。 1年目の学習内容:RAD講義内容第1部の知識、ダンサーの健康、効率的な指導計画 2年目の学習内容:RAD講義内容第2部の知識、実地指導、フリーランスダンス教師 学習方法 コースはパートタイムの通信教育として2年間で学習し、1月に開講します。 各モジュールには、資料、チューターの指導によるタスク、より高度な学習の提案などを含 む、特別に考案されたモジュール学習ガイドが設定されています。 2年目に実地指導研修を受ける際には、指導者の指定された実地指導の配属が必要とな ります。配属と指導者は、 ロンドンRAD本校の教育学部での承認を必要とします。 毎年、受講生は、居住国で行われる6日間の集中学習期間に参加する必要があります。 各モジュールについて、受講生には教育学部から指定されたチューターがつきます。 チュー夕による指導は電子メール、ファックス、電話を通して行われます。 学習に使用する言語 コースは、受講生の居住国における第一言語で行われます。実施言語が受講生の第一言 語でない場合、その言語での読み書き、会話能力があることは受講生の責任となります。 評価方法 実地指導、ケーススタディ、プロジェクト、ボー卜フォリオ、論文が評価の対象となります。 受講資格 標準受講資格 コースへの登録は英国資格指標のレベル3に相当し、RADバレエまたは次のバレエ のVocational GradedおよびGradedの試験に相当します。Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1 および 2、Grade 8* RAD Intermediate も考慮 *実地指導に必要なハイレベルのデモンス卜レーションを保証するため、CBTSコースに採 用されるには、自信に満ち、確実なパフォーマンスのレベルが受講生には必要とされる。 Vocational Gradedのスキルおよび能力以外のグレードを提示する受験者は、Vocational Gradedレベル3の試験内容にき記述されているレベルのデモンス卜レーシヨンができる能 力を有すること。 標準外受講資格 上記の標準受講資格を満たさない応募者は、ビデオを提出することによりコースへの受 け入れ検討が可能です。 応募年齢 RADによる教師資格は英国の高等教育標準に従います。そのため、英国での高等教育資 格に従う受講生の入学年齢は通常18歳です。ただし、応募者の成熟段階や、学歴は年齢 に関係ない場合があるため、RADでは児童の監督責任に関する法的な要請に従いつつ、 各応募者の受け入れを決定します。 取得可能な資格 コースを修了した受講生にはCertificate in Ballet Teaching Studiesが与えられます。 認定教師の資格 与えられます。 コース対象者 以下を希望する人: RADの講義内容を使用するフリーランスのダンス教師になること 世界各国でRADの講義内容を使用してバレエを教えること 個人のスタジオを開くこと RAD試験を生徒に受けさせること 応募方法 英国の受験者は、RAD本校の登録課にて申し込みます。英国外からの応募者は、まず各 国の管理者にお申し込みください。連絡先は61ページをご覧ください。 53 STUDYING FROM YOUR HOME, IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE 芭蕾教学课程证书 芭蕾教学课程证书 英国皇家舞蹈学院是全球最大和最具影响力的舞蹈教育和培训机构。 我们提供各种学习课程,将为我们的毕业生创造最大的就业机会。因此,我们注重教导 和培训舞蹈教师,他们将为艺术、教育和娱乐行业的舞蹈和舞蹈教学做出重要贡献。 以下部分提供芭蕾教学课程的证书信息,以及这门课程目前提供的教学语言。 课程结构是怎样? 该课程由6部分组成,每学年学习三个部分。 第1年学习的部分:本学院课程提纲第1部分(RAD Syllabus Part 1),健康舞蹈者 (The Healthy Dancer);有效教学计划 (Planning for Effective Teaching) 第2年学习的部分:本学院课程提纲第2部分(RAD Syllabus Part 2),实用教学 (Practical Teaching);自由舞蹈教师(The Freelance Dance Teacher)。 如何学习课程? 该课程在业余时间教授,从每年的1月开始,共两年远程学习。 每一部分都有特定的学习指导(Module Study Guide),包括材料来源、导师指导作业和 进一步学习建议。 在第2学年,每位学生进行实际教学实践,要求学生开展一项由导师指导的实际教学任 务(Practical Teaching Placement)。教学任务和导师均须经本学院伦敦总部的教育 学院认可。 每年要求学生在其居住国参加为期6天的强化学习阶段(Intensive Study Periods)。 对于每个学习部分,每位学生均有教育学院指定的导师,通过电子邮件,传真或电话给 予指导。 居住国语言 课程为期多长时间? 2年业余学习 申请: 用什么语言学习? 课程将使用学生居住国的母语教学。如果使用的语言不是学生居住国的母语,学生须负 责确保自己能熟练读、写和说课程所使用的语言。 如何评估学习效果? 通过实际教学、个案研究、项目、代表作选辑和论文进行评估。 入学要求是什么? 入学录取资格 该课程的入学标准相当于英国国家资格体系(UK National Qualifications Framework)的第3级,包括英国皇家舞蹈学院芭蕾舞或下列职业级别和业余级别的同等 芭蕾舞考级: 专业初级(Advanced Foundation), 专业1级和2级(Advanced 1 and 2), 业余8级(Grade 8)* 英国皇家舞蹈学院中级(RAD Intermediate)也会被考虑 *为保证实际教学达到足够高的水平,要求招收的CBTS课程学生必须达到其所保证的表 现水平。用级别而不是专业级别技能来确认候选人,将保证他们能达到3级专业考试所 要求的表演水平。 非标准入学资格 申请该课程的学生如果没有达到以上所列录取条件,可以考虑提供录像证明。 年龄有什么限制? 英国皇家舞蹈学院提供的教学资格符合英国高等教育标准。因此,接受英国常规教育直 至接受高等教育资格,通常要满18岁才行。但是,本学院认识到申请者处于不同的成长 阶段,可不考虑申请者的年龄而接受提前学习,我们将依据成绩评判每位申请人,并遵 守法律关于个人承担儿童监管责任的规定。 我会得到什么证书? 优秀学生会被授予芭蕾舞教学课程证书 我能得到注册教师资格吗? 是的 这门课程适合谁报读? 适合有如下目标的人士: 成为一名自由舞蹈教师,使用本学院课程大纲进行教学 在世界各国使用本学院课程大纲教芭蕾舞 开设个人舞蹈工作室 培训学生参加本学院的考试 如何申请? 英国学生应通过学院总部教育学院的注册处申请。所有其它申请人则应首先通过面向其 所在国的国家协调管理人申请。请参阅第61页的联系方式。 要点概览 开学 : 1月 学期: 2年业余时间 地点: 学生居住国 该课程目前在澳大利亚、西班牙、意大利、德 国、曰本、希腊/塞浦路斯、葡萄牙、中国香 港、南非、若干亚洲国家(菲律宾、印度尼西 亚、马来西亚、新加坡和泰国)、美国与加拿 大、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡和英国提供教学。 该课程面向希望成为英国皇家学院注册教师的 学生,以学生居住国的母语授课。 语言: 8月1日 6月1日录像 申请 WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 55 GENERAL INFORMATION Your success What the external examiners say How to apply Fees for entry in 2010/11 Contact us WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 57 GENERALINFORMATION YOURSUCCESS GRADUATIONDAY Our degree graduates enjoy taking part in the official conferment of awards by the University of Surrey at Guildford Cathedral. Graduates gaining qualifications awarded by the RAD take part in a prestigious RAD Awards Day with students from all over the world. Both ceremonies normally take place in June or July. GRADUATE DESTINATIONS Graduates from our programmes are teaching worldwide in a range of different dance and educational contexts. Some of the organisations include: – Alberta Ballet Company, Canada – Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand – Ballet Black – Barking Abbey School – Central School of Ballet, London – Dagenham Park School – Ecole Ballet and Dance Theatre, Sydney – Elmhurst Ballet School – Hipperholme & Larkcliffe High School, Halifax – Kingston University – Laban – Lewisham College, London – London School of Contemporary Dance – London Studio Centre – Northern School of Contemporary Dance – North London Collegiate School – Northumberland LEA at Blyth Community College – Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance – Royal Academy of Dance, London – Royal Swedish Ballet, Stockholm, Sweden – Sota School of the Arts, Singapore – South East Dance Agency – The Sixth Form College, Farnborough – Tring Park School for the Performing Arts WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Many graduates have also gone on to postgraduate study at institutions such as: – Alvin Ailey School of Dance, New York – Brunel University, West London – Middlesex University – Roehampton University – University of Chichester – University of Cologne – University of Edinburgh – University of Missouri, Kansas – University of Surrey GRADUATE PROFILES BEN COLE JADE PRITCHARD (PGCE:DT 2009) Having achieved his degree, Ben now works as a Teacher of Dance at Hendon School in North London. His role involves implementing dance into the KS3 Curriculum, introducing GCSE Dance to KS4 and delivering the Dance units of BTEC at level 2 and level 3. He has also recently become the school’s assessor for Arts Awards. (LRAD 2009) After successfully completing her LRAD, Jade is now teaching ballet at the Janet Marshall Dance Studios in Cheltenham and working as a freelance choreographer for shows and competitions. She has also gone on to complete her Imperial ballet and modern theatre teaching qualifications. JUSTINE BERRY (BABE 2009) Holly was one out of 500 applicants to get a prized job teaching dance, music and drama for Artis Education. She has also set up her own dance school and is now busy auditioning and providing choreography for the musical ‘Hairspray’ with a cast of around 100. (PDTD 2003) After graduating Justine taught at the Urdang Academy and then worked in Italy for a year. Since returning she has taught at the RAD Dance School, the London Studio Centre and Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance. Justine now tutors for the Academy, both in the UK and internationally. HEATHER CAVE GLORIA GRIGOLATO (BABE 2009) Graduating successfully with her degree at the RAD, Heather is now studying at the prestigious Alvin Ailey School in New York. She was offered one of 90 places from 2,000 applicants. (PDTD 2009) Following a career as a professional dancer, Gloria completed the PDTD programme and is now enjoying teaching at the Elmhurst School for Dance in Birmingham. SANDRA MADGWICK HANNAH FITZGERALD (PDTD 2009) Formerly a principal dancer with Birmingham Royal Ballet, Sandra now runs her own dance school with 80 students and is also teaching at Performers College and on the RAD CBTS module 106. She has also been a guest teacher for The Mark Morris Dance Company and Dance East. (PGCE:DT 2005) Upon completing her PGCE Hannah taught for 4 years at the Harris Academy in London where she went on to become Head of Dance. She recently joined the academic staff of the Faculty of Education of the RAD as a Lecturer of Dance. HOLLY KENT JOANNE DE SOUZA (PDTD 2005) After completing her PDTD Jo was engaged as a Junior Conservatoire teacher at Tring Park School (formerly known as the Arts Educational School, Tring Park). She now teaches at various children’s weekend workshops throughout the UK and is currently the Principal of her own dance school, the DeSouza Dance Centre. 59 GENERAL INFORMATION WHAT THE EXTERNAL EXAMINERS SAY BA (HONS) DANCE EDUCATION “An impressive feature of the course is the way in which students are encouraged to examine, critically, their own practice as dancers and teachers of dance.” BADE external examiner, University of Durham “An exemplary course; well conceived, organised and implemented. Outstanding assessment procedures and feedback to students.” External examiner, University of Edinburgh BA (HONS) BALLET EDUCATION “Clearly there is total professional commitment from tutorial staff, and the teaching methods employed give students optimum opportunity to develop and realise their potential.” External examiner, Manchester Metropolitan University PROFESSIONAL DANCER’S TEACHING DIPLOMA “The PDTD course offers an invaluable learning experience to professional dancers making the transition from performing to teaching or who are already teaching.” External examiner, Head of Degree Studies, Urdang Academy POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION: DANCE TEACHING “I would like to commend the RAD on a very good programme which fully prepares and supports trainee teachers for their future careers.” PGCE external examiner, University College Falmouth “Key strengths are the high level of commitment shown to trainees by all tutors and the very good support for trainees’ individual needs.” Ofsted Inspector 2007/2008 “This programme is unique MASTER OF TEACHING (DANCE) in content and focus. It is also “The standards achieved exemplary in its clarity of compare well with those I see on structure, assessment procedures, other courses at Masters level.” and commitment to quality External examiner, Liverpool John Moores University at every level.” External examiner, Laban WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 61 GENERAL INFORMATION HOW TO APPLY HOW TO APPLY UK STUDENTS SHOULD CONTACT Admissions Officer Registry, Faculty of Education, Royal Academy of Dance, 36 Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8086 e-mail: faculty@rad.org.uk fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 www.radeducation.org.uk INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS University-validated programmes of study An overall score of 7 or more in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is required, with 7 being gained in the written element of the test. To find out more about this examination and how to contact your local test centre, please contact the British Council in your country. If you have another recently-achieved English language qualification, please check with Registry to establish acceptability. International students should contact their National Administrator for advice on the programmes and the application process. The names and contact details for all RAD National Administrators can be found on pages 68 –70. REGISTRY, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, RAD RAD-validated programmes of study An ability to understand and communicate in English is required for all RAD-validated programmes with the exception of the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies and will be assessed at audition and interview. The Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies will be delivered in the first language of your country of residence, subject to there being viable numbers recruited to the programme in that country. Please note that the RAD retains the right to determine the language of delivery for the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies in countries where more than one language is spoken. Applications for RAD-validated programmes should be made directly to Registry at the Faculty of Education where staff will be able to help you with any enquiries and send you the relevant application form. Applications for our degree programmes and the Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching should be made on-line to one of the following: BA (Hons) Ballet Education Applications through UCAS should be made online at www.ucas.ac.uk UCAS Institution Code – R55 UCAS Institution Name – RAD UCAS Course Code – W540 BA (Hons) Dance Education Applications through UCAS should be made online at www.ucas.ac.uk UCAS Institution Code – R55 UCAS Institution Name – RAD UCAS Course Code – W541 DipHE/DE – W590 CertHE/DE – W591 Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching Applications through GTTR should be made online at www.gttr.ac.uk GTTR Institution Code – R55 GTTR Institution Name – RAD – W5X1 GTTR Course Code ACCREDITED PRIOR LEARNING The Faculty of Education is keen to recruit students from a wide range of backgrounds. If you do not hold traditional academic qualifications, but may have prior certified or experiential learning, which can be credited, you should contact Registry. VETTING AND BARRING SCHEME AND CRIMINAL RECORDS DISCLOSURE All applicants for programmes of study requiring contact with young people and vulnerable adults will need to comply with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 to ensure that they will not be putting at risk young people or vulnerable adults in their care. For UK residents this includes registration with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) for compliance with the Vetting and Barring Scheme. They will be assessed using data gathered by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB), application for which will be made on their behalf by the RAD. Applicants from other countries will need to provide a satisfactory police check or equivalent from their country of residence. For more information please contact Registry. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK For students who do not have English as a first language: AUDITIONS AND INTERVIEWS International students applying for a London-based programme who are unable to attend an audition in London may supply video/DVD and other evidence in place of an audition. TERMS AND CONDITIONS All students will be required as a condition of enrolment to abide by, and submit to, the procedures and regulations of the Royal Academy of Dance and, for validated programmes, the University of Surrey, as amended from time to time. Copies of regulations are available, on request, from the Registrar. The regulations are issued to each student on enrolment. AGE Teaching qualifications offered by the RAD are of UK Higher Education standard. Students who have followed the UK route to a Higher Education qualification will therefore normally be 18 years of age on admission. The RAD recognises, however, that applicants will be at different stages of maturity and prior learning irrespective of age on application and will judge each application on merit, subject to the legal requirements on individuals charged with the supervision of children. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES In assessing applicants for admission to programmes of study consideration will be given to the potential of the applicant to be successful in that programme of study. Entry requirements and selection criteria will not exclude applicants on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, socio-economic background, nationality, ethnic origin or disability. It is the responsibility of the applicant to be confident that they can cope with the physical demands of the programme. The Faculty of Education will consider each application in a fair, efficient and transparent manner. Places on Faculty of Education programmes are limited. Offers will be made to applicants with the highest academic and/or professional potential. 63 GENERAL INFORMATION FEES FOR ENTRY IN 2010/11 FEES FOR ENTRY IN 2010/11 The following information relates to fees for entry in September 2010 or January 2011 and is printed as a guide for students applying for entry in September 2011 or January 2012. For up-to-date fee information as it becomes available please visit the website: www.radeducation.org.uk STUDYING AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE, LONDON MASTER OF TEACHING (DANCE) – INFORMATION ON MODULE TUITION FEE Module Code MTD401 MTD402 MTD403 MTD404 MTD405 STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME IN YOUR OWN LANGUAGE Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies (UK students) £4,800 plus £75 registration fee on enrolment. STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME (FULL-TIME) Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education £4,660 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education £4,660 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. BA (Hons) Dance Education £4,660 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. BA (Hons) Dance Education Access Module £540 STUDYING FROM YOUR OWN HOME (PART-TIME) FEES AND FUNDING From 2006/2007 changes were made by the UK government to the fees regime in UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Primarily, this will mean that subject to the approval of the government’s Office for Fair Access HEIs will be able to charge a fee of between £1,310 and £3,290 per year of study for full-time undergraduate programmes to UK/EU students. The RAD is a charitable organisation with limited support from state funds in specifically defined areas. It is the policy of the RAD to encourage and support applications from all candidates regardless of financial concerns. To do so we charge the lowest possible fee for each programme. By commencing a programme of study at the Royal Academy of Dance students are also giving an assurance that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, they have sufficient funds to complete the programme. We realise, however, that circumstances beyond the individual’s control will often affect ability to meet the costs of the programme. Under these circumstances we will do all we can to assist individual students. This will be done on the basis of assessed need and may take the form of a grant or loan. Where additional funding may be available it is allocated on the basis of assessed ability to contribute to the programme and need. The RAD will look favourably on candidates who can demonstrate that they have sought funding from other sources. Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education £4,870 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education £4,870 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. BA (Hons) Dance Education £4,870 plus £100 registration fee on enrolment. Master of Teaching (Dance) £4,125 (full self-funding fee) plus £75 registration fee on enrolment. WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK Fee £675 £675 £675 £750 £1,350 Fees are correct at time of going to press. The RAD reserves the right to vary fees after publication. Further information is available by contacting Registry or via the Faculty of Education website. Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Dance £1,600 per module. Discount for students already enrolled on an RAD programme. Professional Dancer’s Teaching Diploma £5,500 plus £75 registration fee on enrolment. Credits 30 30 30 30 60 Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies International – Fees available from National Administrators and CBTS Information Booklet. BA (Hons) Ballet Education UK/EU students: £1,750. International students: £9,550. A fee of £40 is payable if the applicant is invited to audition for this programme. Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching with UK Qualified Teacher Status UK/EU students: £1,750. Fully funded by UK government, plus £4,000 training bursary, and in addition UK students receive a maintenance grant. Name Dance, Education and Research Dance Pedagogy Leading Learning Dance and Inclusive Practice: Disability and SEN Research Project (with research methodologies) 65 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT US FOR AN APPLICATION FORM Registry Faculty of Education Royal Academy of Dance WANT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT... 36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA How to become a Member tel: +44 (0)845 371 0574 email: membership@rad.org.uk tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 Examinations email: faculty@rad.org.uk www.radeducation.org.uk Teachers’ courses & student activities email: exams@rad.org.uk tel: +44 (0)845 371 0578 email: courses@rad.org.uk Sales tel: +44 (0)845 371 0579 Visit our websites www.radeducation.org.uk www.rad.org.uk www.benesh.org www.radenterprises.org.uk www.radacadabra.org ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Text by Carol Martin Photography Johnny Carr Produced by Lorraine Nicholson Designed by L&K Brand Communications Printed by Team Impression Thank you to all the students, past and present, who contributed to this prospectus by sharing their views and experiences. The Master of Teaching (Dance), BA (Hons) Ballet Education, Certificate of Higher Education: Dance Education, Diploma of Higher Education: Dance Education, BA (Hons) Dance Education and Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Dance Teaching programmes lead to an award of the University of Surrey. All students registered for awards of the University of Surrey are bound by appropriate general regulations of the University. Students registered for the programmes are issued with copies of those general regulations of the University which apply to them and are governed by the University’s appeals procedures prescribed therein. Students who wish to raise any matter touching upon the relationship of the University and the Royal Academy of Dance should contact either: Zofie Fraser Assistant to the Director of Education Royal Academy of Dance 36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8066 fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 Mrs J F Challis Senior Assistant Registrar (QS – AIs) Registry University of Surrey Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH tel: +44 (0)1483 689 254 fax: +44 (0)1483 683 811 Information correct at time of print. The Royal Academy of Dance reserves the right to make changes to the published information. For more information visit www.radeducation.org.uk WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK 67 INTERNATIONALOFFICES WWW.RADEDUCATION.ORG.UK ANDORRA Mrs Maria José Antón Royal Academy of Dance SL Ventura i Gassol 3, 5é-3a 43203 Reus,Tarragona, Spain tel: (34) 977 34 24 89 fax:(34) 977 34 19 35 email: info@rad.org.es www.rad.org.es AUSTRALIA Ms Bronwyn Watkins Royal Academy of Dance 20 Farrell Avenue, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010 tel: (61) 2 9331 4111 fax:(61) 2 9360 6677 email: info@rad.org.au www.rad.org.au AUSTRIA Herr Horst Vollmer Royal Academy of Dance gGmbH Waldenserstr. 2-4 10551 BERLIN DEUTSCHLAND tel: +49-(0)30-32 29 93 59/60 fax: +49-(0)30-32 29 93 61 email: info@royalacademyofdance.de www.royalacademyofdance.de BAHAMAS Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax:(001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm BAHRAIN Sonali Deodhar The British Council, Academic City Dubai English Speaking College Campus, PO Box 2002, Dubai,UAE tel: (971) 4 4259 547 email: sonali.deodhar@ ae.britishcouncil.org BARBADOS Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax:(001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm BELGIUM Mrs Jacqueline Spence Royal Academy of Dance asbl 21 Cité Joseph Bech, L-6186 GONDERANGE, Luxembourg tel: (352) 787225 fax: (352) 787217 email: rad-benelux@pt.lu BERMUDA RAD headquarters tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk BRUNEI RAD headquarters tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk BOTSWANA Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za BRAZIL Mrs Maria do Carmo de Kenny Royal Academy of Dance S/C Ltda Rua Duque de Caxis 83, 13930 000 Serra Negra-SP, Brazil tel: (55) 193 892 3985 fax: (55) 193 892 3985 email: mckenny@ royalacademyofdance.com.br www.royalacademyofdance.com.br ECUADOR Mrs Maria do Carmo de Kenny Royal Academy of Dance S/C Ltda Rua Duque de Caxis 83, 13930 000 Serra Negra-SP, Brazil tel: (55) 193 892 3985 fax: (55) 193 892 3985 email: mckenny@ royalacademyofdance.com.br www.royalacademyofdance.com.br HONG KONG Examinations only Hong Kong Examinations & Assessment Authority International & Professional Examinations Division 17 Tseuk Luk Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon tel: (852) 3628 8761 fax: (852) 3628 8790 email: ie3@hkeaa.edu.hk CANADA Mrs Jan Garvey Royal Academy of Dance 1200 Sheppard Avenue East. Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario, M2K 2S5 tel: (1) 416 489 2813 fax: (1) 416 489 3222 email: info@radcanada.org www.radcanada.org EL SALVADOR Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP, 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx INDIA RAD Headquarters tel: 44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: 44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk CHILE Mrs Maria do Carmo de Kenny Royal Academy of Dance S/C Ltda Rua Duque de Caxis 83, 13930 000 Serra Negra-SP, Brazil tel: (55) 193 892 3985 fax: (55) 193 892 3985 email: mckenny@ royalacademyofdance.com.br www.royalacademyofdance.com.br CHINA (Shanghai only) RAD Chinese Rep Office Villa 86 Xin Feng Cheng 1500 Nong Kong Jiang Lu Shanghai 2000093 Tina Chen (Chief Representative) Tel: 86 21 6957 6399 Fax: 86 21 6957 6399 tc@radchina.org Wang Ying (Shanghai & Adjacent areas) Yw@radchina.org Shuai Shuai Wang (all other areas) Ssw.radchina.org COSTA RICA Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx CYPRUS Mr George Shantos 19 Vassa Kilaniou, 4771 Limassol Cyprus tel: + (357) 99 477 887 fax: +(357) 24 818 351 email: info@rad.com.cy www.rad.com.cy DENMARK Catherine Solaas Tjernes, 1890 Rakkestad, Norway tel: +47 69 22 10 70 fax: +47 69 22 10 70 Email: csolaas@royalacademyofdance. no www.royalacademyofdance.no DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax: (001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm FRANCE Mrs Jacqueline Spence Royal Academy of Dance asbl 21 Cité Joseph Bech L-6186 GONDERANGE, Luxembourg tel: (352) 787225 fax: (352) 787217 email: RAD-France@pt.lu GERMANY Herr Horst Vollmer Royal Academy of Dance gGmbH Waldenserstr. 2-4, 10551 BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND tel: +49-(0)30-32 29 93 59/60 fax: +49-(0)30-32 29 93 61 email: info@royalacademyofdance.de www.royalacademyofdance.de GHANA RAD headquarters tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk GIBRALTAR Mrs Maria José Antón Royal Academy of Dance SL Ventura i Gassol 3, 5é-3a, 43203 Reus,Tarragona, Spain tel: (34) 977 34 24 89 tel/fax: (34) 977 34 19 35 email: info@rad.org.es www.rad.org.es GREECE Mr Vlassis Klitsiotis The British Council 17 Kolonaki Square, Athens 10673 tel: (30) 210 364 3691 fax: (30) 210 363 0332 email: vlassis.klitsiotis@britishcouncil.gr GUATEMALA Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP, 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx HONDURAS Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx INDONESIA Mrs Lala Salendu Yayasan Royal Academy of Dance Indonesia, Jl.Angur III no: 1 Cipete Jakarta Selatan 12410 tel: (62) 21 75909363 fax: (62) 21 75909370 email: radindonesia@cbn.net.id REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Beverley Dinsmore Royal Academy of Dance Holly Lodge, Pidgeon House Lane Julianstown, Co Meath, Ireland tel: (353) 419 811 915 email: bdinsmore@rad.ie ISRAEL Maya Shoham Simtat Hayakinton 4B Pardes-Hanna, Israel tel: (050) 779 6439 maya@rad.org.il ITALY Mrs Maria Pia de Luca Royal Academy of Dance Srl Via Vannetti 12, 38122 Trento tel: (39) 0461 985 055 fax: (39) 0461 985 054 email: info@raditaly.it www.raditaly.it JAMAICA Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8 tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax:(001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm JAPAN Noriko Kobayashi Royal Academy of Dance Commerce Building 5F, 2-39-3 Mejiro, Toshima-Ku Tokyo 171-0031 tel: (81) 3 3987 3750 fax: (81) 3 3987 3649 email: radjapan@nifty.com / radjapan_assistant@nifty.com KENYA Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za SOUTH KOREA Mrs Hyun Joo Ham # 1703 Artnouveau Palace, 7-1 Songpa Dong, Songpa Gu, Seoul 138-848, Korea tel: (82) 2 532 1910 fax: (82) 2 593 1910 email: hjhradkr@msn.com www.radkorea.org LEBANON RAD Headquarters tel: 44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: 44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk LESOTHO Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za LUXEMBOURG Mrs Jacqueline Spence Royal Academy of Dance asbl 21 Cité Joseph Bech, L-6186 GONDERANGE, Luxembourg tel: (352) 787225 fax: (352) 787217 email: rad-benelux@pt.lu MACAU RAD Headquarters tel: 44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: 44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk MALAYSIA Mrs Zafriah Ahmad RAD Dancing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd PO Box 8344 Kelana Jaya 46788 Petaling Jaya, Selangor tel: (60) 3 6259 4641 fax: (60) 3 6259 1648 email: radmalaysia@gmail.com MALTA Ms Sandra Mifsud 8 Guze Ellul Mercer Street SLM1281, Sliema, Malta tel: (356) 7993 8584 email: smifsud@rad.org.uk www.rad.org.mt MAURITIUS Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za MEXICO Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP, 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx MUSCAT AND OMAN Sonali Deodhar The British Council, Academic City Dubai English Speaking College Campus, PO Box 2002 Dubai, UAE tel: (971) 4 4259 547 email: sonali.deodhar@ae.britishcouncil.org NAMIBIA Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za NETHERLANDS Mrs Jacqueline Spence Royal Academy of Dance asbl 21 Cité Joseph Bech, L-6186 GONDERANGE, Luxembourg tel: (352) 787 225 fax: (352) 787 217 email: rad-benelux@pt.lu NEW ZEALAND Mrs Janet Taylor Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 11718, Manners Street Wellington, 6142, New Zealand tel: (64) 4 382 8924 fax: (64) 4 382 8200 email: info@rad.org.nz www.rad.org.nz NORWAY Catherine Solaas Tjernes, 1890 Rakkestad, Norway tel: +47 69 22 10 70 fax: +47 69 22 10 70 email: csolaas@royalacademyofdance.no www.royalacademyofdance.no PANAMA Miss Julieta Navarro Royal Academy of Dance de Mexico AC, Amates 18, Fracc alconfores San Mateo, Naucalpan CP, 53240, Mexico tel: (52) 55 5560 5355 fax: (52) 55 5373 4069 email: radmexju@prodigy.net.mx PAPUA NEW GUINEA Ms Bronwyn Watkins Royal Academy of Dance 20 Farell Avenue, Darlinghurst, NSW 2010 tel: (61) 2 9331 4111 fax: (61) 2 9360 6677 email: info@rad.org.au www.rad.org.au PERU Mrs Maria do Carmo de Kenny Royal Academy of Dance S/C Ltda Rua Duque de Caxis 83, 13930 000 Serra Negra-SP, Brazil tel: (55) 193 892 3985 fax: (55) 193 892 3985 email: mckenny@ royalacademyofdance.com.br www.royalacademyofdance.com.br PHILIPPINES Aileen Ruzano The British Council, 10th Floor, Taipan Place, F. Ortigas Jn Road (formerly) Emerald Avenue, Ortigas Centre, PASIG CITY PHILIPPINES tel: 00 63 2 914 1011 - 14 fax: 00 63 2 637 3231 e mail: aileen.ruzano@britishcouncil.org.ph www.britishcouncil.org.ph PORTUGAL Mrs Margarida Sa Fialho Royal Academy of Dance Rua 4 Infantaria 86, 1350-241 Lisboa tel: (351) 21 383 1849 fax: (351) 21 383 1849 email: radportugal@rad.org.pt QATAR Sonali Deodhar The British Council, Academic City, Dubai English Speaking College Campus, PO Box 2002, Dubai, UAE tel: (971) 4 4259 547 email: sonali.deodhar@ ae.britishcouncil.org ST LUCIA Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax:(001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm SINGAPORE Mrs Mona Lim Royal Academy of Dance Singapore Pte Ltd, Farrer Road Post Office PO Box 106, Singapore 912804 tel: (65) 6762 8993 fax: (65) 6762 4031 email: mona.lim@rad.sg www.rad.sg SLOVENIA RAD Headquarters tel: 44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: 44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk SOUTH AFRICA Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance, PO Box 200, Bramley 2018, Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za SPAIN Mrs Maria José Antón Royal Academy of Dance SL Ventura i Gassol 3, 5é-3a, 43203 Reus,Tarragona, Spain tel: (34) 977 34 24 89 tel/fax: (34) 977 34 19 35 email: info@rad.org.es www.rad.org.es SRI LANKA Mrs Ranmali Mirchandani The British Council, 49 Alfred House Gardens, Colombo, 0030 tel: (94) 11 452 1538 fax: (94) 11 258 7079 email: ranmali.mirchandani@ britishcouncil.org SWAZILAND Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za SWITZERLAND Mr Peter Von Gunten Royal Academy of Dance Stapferstrasse 19, CH-8615 Wermstswil tel: (41) 1 941 7744 fax: (41) 1 941 1444 email: radswitzerland@yahoo.com SWEDEN Catherine Solaas Tjernes, 1890 Rakkestad Norway tel: +47 69 22 10 70 fax: +47 69 22 10 70 email: csolaas@royalacademyofdance.no www.royalacademyofdance.no SYRIA RAD Headquarters tel: 44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: 44 (0)20 7924 3129 email: info@rad.org.uk TAIWAN Ms Shu-Yu Lin 5F, No 122, Sect 7 Chung Shan N. Road, Taipei tel: (886) 22 871 5615 fax: (886) 22 874 7783 email: linshuyu82@hotmail.com www.rad.org.tw THAILAND Mr Glenn van der Hoff Royal Acadmey of Dance 121/12 Moo 10, Chiangmai - Hangdong Road, Tambon: Pae Dad Ampur: Muang, Chaingmai 50100 Tel: (66) 53 016 110 Email: radthailandglenn@gmail.com TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Mrs Diane Bernard PO Box 1433, 8 Rockhampton Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica tel: (001) 876 755 0612 fax:(001) 876 755 0612 email: dianebernard@rad.org.jm TURKEY Fatma Sahin The British Council Maya Akar Centre , No 100 - 101 Buyudere Cad, Esentepe 80280 Istanbul tel: 90 212 355 5664 fax: 90 212 355 5659 email: fatma.sahin@britishcouncil. org.tr UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Sonali Deodhar The British Council, Academic City Dubai English Speaking College Campus, PO Box 2002, Dubai tel: (971) 4 4259 547 email: sonali.deodhar@ ae.britishcouncil.org UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mrs Patti Ashby Royal Academy of Dance 1412 17th Street, Suite#259 Bakersfield, CA 93301 California tel: +1 661 336 0160/61 fax: +1 661 336 0162 email: info@radusa.org www.radusa.org ZIMBABWE Mrs Olivia Lume Royal Academy of Dance PO Box 200, Bramley 2018 Johannesburg, South Africa tel: (27) 11 887 0459 fax: (27) 11 887 0561 email: info@rad.org.za www.rad.org.za www.radeducation.org.uk ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE Faculty of Education 36 Battersea Square London SW11 3RA tel: +44 (0)20 7326 8000 fax: +44 (0)20 7326 8040 email: faculty@rad.org.uk www.radeducation.org.uk www.rad.org.uk