In The Breeze - Bluebonnet Miata Club
In The Breeze - Bluebonnet Miata Club
In The Breeze November 2015 Official Newsletter of the Bluebonnet MX-5 Miata Club Still Free! BBMC’s 20 Years Full of Memories, More to Come! Dave & Marilyn Hamilton Share Their Top 10 Memories From 15 Years of Club Membership: 1. We will always remember our first club meeting. It was held upstairs at the old Selma Jailhouse Café. This building was originally the Selma City Jail and is now a Hooter’s. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. The next day we told our good friends Larry & Carol Vervack how much we enjoyed the meeting and club members. Two weeks later they went out and bought a Miata. 2. The Dave & Marilyn Halloween Runs/Parties. These included visiting haunted houses, pumpkin patches and fun loving club members wearing great and memorable costumes. Prizes were always awarded for the funniest, scariest and sexiest costumes. One year Jimbo’s unique costume could of won any of the three categories. 3. The Cuero Turkey Fest Parades in Cuero, Texas followed by great food and fun at Paul & Judy’s home. 4. The Progressive Dinners we did for our club Christmas Party. These included traveling from house to house for appetizers, main meal and dessert. 5. The Hamilton New Years Eve Party. Rohm fell asleep at 10:00 p.m. Marilyn cooked a midnight breakfast. 6. Participating in the George Washington Birthday Parades in Laredo. Approximately 100,000 people would line the parade route. After the parade, Jose and Irma would throw a fantastic party at their home. 7. The Statewide Miata Events our club conducted at the Y.O. Conference Center. The best statewide events ever! No Texas club does it better. Great teamwork by our club members to put on these memorable events. 8. Tech Days at Jack’s Paint Place organized by Jeff. Always enjoyed photographing all the amazing modifications club members made to their cars. In addition there was always great food and lots of fellowship. Marilyn loved to help Jack grill burgers. 9. The great weekend in Fort Worth at the National Miata Event. Memories included staying at the awesome Gaylord Texan at the same time the Dallas Cowboys were holding cheerleading tryouts. Also, driving 100+ mph at Texas Motor Speedway, getting Tom Matano to autograph our car, and meeting Miata owners from all over the country. 10. Head For The Mountain runs in West Texas. These introduced us to the beautiful Big Bend area which we have grown to love. Staying at the Antelope Lodge was certainly a memorable experience. We now return to Big Bend at least three times a year thanks to the Miata Club. And, from Mark Hungerman: Years ago, when we met at the Selma City Hall Bar and Grill, now that Hooters on I35N, there was an evening with storms rolling in, and it even looked ‘green’ like it does before a tornado. Members with OTM vehicles ferried those of us in our Miatas from the under bridge parking at I35 and 1518/Evans road. After the meeting, I happened to catch a ride with Dave Swartz, and along with me were John Turner (JT) and a former member named LeAnn who had a 94 or 95 black Miata. We were heading up the access road, and Dave apologized for any smell we might be smelling. He said that Margaret’s saddle had been in the back recently. LeAnn cheekishly asked “You rode Margaret…?” Laughter ensued. NOVEMBER PAGE 2 2014 Club Officers President Mark Hungerman Vice President Welcome New Members! Edward and Sandy Phelps 2011 Stormy Blue Mica San Antonio Jim “Jimbo” Treat Chris and Diane LeClair 1999 Sapphire Blue Secretary SanAntonio Stephanie Turner Justin Ruiz 2015 Crystal Pearl White Mica (Club Car) Treasurer Austin Joe Knight Garry Saulnier and Louise Raimondi Membership Lisa Martin 2015 Soul Red Boerne Will and Judy Herndon 2003 Garnet Red Mica Newsletter Editor Schertz George Lucas Inside this Issue… 20 years (Cover Story)..…………………..……………………………………………………………………………………Cover Officers…………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 New Members……………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 Velocity Read ……………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3 President’s Message……………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Joe and Cheryl Knight’s Anniversary Run…………………………………………………………………………………….4, 5 Regency Bridge Run….....…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6 What are the Odds???.........................................................................................................................................................7 Re-COOPER-ate Run………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 Rednecks Do It In The Rain………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Painted Churches Tour...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Princess Picks (New!)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10 Picture This………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11 Remember When?................................................................................................................................................Back Page Upcoming Events………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Back Page 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 PAGE 3 Velocity Read This is the last printed issue of this year. While I’ve never had a December issue because we don’t meet in December, have no fear. I’ll be doing a web-only issue in December. Even though you can get most of the information about rides, runs and other events right on the website, I’ll still provide an update on line in a format you are all accustomed to. Tonight is officer nomination time. I think almost all the officers are going to remain in place. Lisa Martin is stepping down from her membership position and unless someone else is willing to take her place, I’ve offered to fill in. While membership is a pretty labor intensive position, it pretty much goes hand in hand with my newsletter chores, so I’m happy to do it. After finally getting some much needed rain, we now seem to be shifting to some cooler weather. I was going to say that should get more people to want to lead more runs, but look at the calendar’s FULL! Soon we’ll be having our annual planning meeting and if you have ANY inclination to lead a run, you’d better sharpen your pencil and get on the 2016 calendar! Mark will have more on when the planning meeting occurs. Our club keeps growing and we’re fortunate to continue to get enthusiastic newcomers! I love it! What I’d also like to see is our veterans getting back into the picture. Where have they gone??? You know who you are. :-) Don’t forget to take a look at the Upcoming runs and events on the back page. We’ll have the Toys for Tots in December at North Park Mazda. Please show up and let’s show North Park how much we support them in this very worthwhile endeavor. I hope you all have the best of holiday times and thanks for your participation submitting stories and photos for the newsletter. A special thanks to Ed Smith and David Hamilton for their excellent photography work. There are others that contribute as well and my thanks goes out to you too! Happy Holidays! Zoom Zoom! George Lucas, Editor President’s Message What beautiful Fall weather we’re having as our calendar for the year is winding down. Other than the very late sunrises (I had to leave home beforehand for the Regency Bridge run), it doesn’t seem much different than early September. We have had wonderful runs, and no fall weather cancellations as this goes to press. I had a dozen or more cars show up for a run only posted ten or eleven days beforehand. Not so unbelievably, unless you go by the weather, the Christmas party is almost upon us. From the meeting tonight, you’ll only have nine days or so to reserve your room at the discounted club rate if you want to stay at the YO and party with us. The rooms will be released from our block on November 5th at noon, so don’t forget to make your reservation. You are, of course, free to attend the party and drive back and forth, and if you stay on I-10, you should be OK. Venture onto the back roads at night at your own risk, though. Just ask Paul Wilson. If you’re new, the details for the Christmas party are all on the calendar entry for the event, and you can give your check (made out to the Bluebonnet Miata Club) for the meal, in the amount of $29.32 per person to Marilyn Hamilton when you see her on a run or at a monthly meeting. You can also pay me, and I’ll make sure Marilyn has you on the attendee list, and that Joe gets your check. One other thing I’ve been asked to remind you of is the 2016 planning meeting. It will be at our monthly meeting location, Bigz Burgers, and will be at 3:30 PM on Sunday January 10th 2016. It normally lasts a couple of hours. Come and put a fun run, or something new on our calendar, and amaze the club with your derring-do! Mark Hungerman NOVE MBER 2015 PAGE 4 The Knights Anniversary Run Our wedding anniversary was September 27th. On the 26th we celebrated with a run through the Hill Country only made better by the 27 cars that joined us, the wine tasting and the views! With an after-lunch start in Blanco we headed towards Luckenbach and then up to Messina Hof Winery on Hwy 290. The group enjoyed mingling with the two bus loads of other oenophiles and eventually made our way to a nice covered patio for some relaxation and visiting. We then headed north and drove some sweeping country roads east towards Hwy 281 whereupon we headed south to the Arc De Texas. There we enjoyed a light dinner and the views! Thanks for making our celebration run a huge success!! NOVE MBER 2015 The Knights Anniversary Run Photos PAGE 5 PAGE 6 NOVE MBER 2015 Led by Ed and Barbara Smith The Regency Bridge, locally known as the "Swinging Bridge," is a one-lane suspension bridge over the Colorado River in Texas. It is located at the intersection of Mills County Road CR433 and San Saba County Road CR137, both gravel roads, near a small community called Regency. This area's first Colorado River bridge was at Regency, on Mills-San Saba County line. Built 1903, it served ranchers and farmers for going to market, but fell in 1924, killing a boy, a horse, and some cattle. Its successor was demolished by a 1936 flood. With 90 per cent of the work done by hand labor, the Regency Suspension Bridge was erected in 1939. It became the pride of the locality, and youths gathered there in the 1940s to picnic, dance, and sing. Bypassed by paved farm roads, it now (1976) survives as one of the last suspension bridges in Texas. NOVE MBER 2015 PAGE 7 WHAT ARE THE ODDS? By Andy Anderson We went on the 30-year anniversary run lead by Joe and Cheryl Knight. It was an enjoyable drive... not too fast... not too slow... plenty of time to see the scenery as we drove along the route. Seeing club members having so much fun was a major part of the great day we had. However, the drive home from the last stop at the Arc de Texas, was the high point of the day. We drove north on 281 to Johnson City, where we turned west onto 290 for the drive to Fredericksburg where we would go south to Kerrville. I noticed that there was a large diesel truck following us as we left Johnson City. He would get closer as we drove on level a road, and fall back as we went uphill. When we got to Stonewall, we slowed down to drive through town, and as we got the the western edge of town, the large white truck passed us on the left side, and while doing so, honked his air horn several times. I quickly assessed my driving... making note of my position in my lane... it was OK... my speed... also OK... I could not figure out why the driver would honk at me. I saw that the truck was a white Volvo pulling a long black trailer. Not very distinct, except, as it got in front of us, I noticed that there was a large picture of a new 2016 Miata ND painted on the back of the trailer. I flashed my lights and the truck changed lanes and got in front of me. Karen and I tried to figure out the odds of seeing a “Mazda” truck driving on a Texas road. We surmised that it must be a truck that delivers parts to Mazda Dealers. When we got to the edge of Fredericksburg we got beside him and he rolled down his window and we asked him if he had time to stop for a drink. He said he would look for a place, and we followed him. It was not long before we got to a Dairy Queen. He stopped at the side of the street, and we pulled into the parking lot. We walked over to the trailer and found a side door open. I looked inside and saw several golf carts and lots of boxes. The driver, who said his name was Todd, came out and gave us some Mazda Key Chains, neck lanyards, one cap, and some “THE MX-5 EXPERIENCE” cards. We found out that this was one of the two trucks that were touring the country advertising the new ND. I think they were at a race track in Austin on Friday and Saturday. As we were visiting, the second truck... the one with the cars in it... stopped, and the driver got out and walked up and asked Todd what was wrong. We took several pictures and the other driver was on his way and told Todd he would see him in Phoenix. We continued to visit with Todd and he told us he worked for Richard Petty, and that he toured the country advertising what ever car Petty had a contract for. He also said that our ND Launch Edition was the first one he had seen on the road. We told him we were in the Bluebonnet Club, and gave him one of the introduction cards for our club. I asked him to tell the “Mazda Home Office” that we were very happy with our ND Launch Edition, and that there were seven other ND Launch Editions in our club. Todd was on a schedule and said that he was going to get a “blizzard” for the road. We parted company, and we still can't figure out the odds of seeing a “Mazda” truck on the roads of Texas. Until next time... Keep the shiny side up. PAGE 8 Mark’s NOVE MBER 2015 Run NOVE MBER 2015 PAGE 9 How do you turn a fun Miata run into a Redneck Run? There were a few elements needed and it started with the rain! Given facts was the prediction of up to 12 inches for Sat in some areas of the SA. Yorktown did not begin receiving rain until about Sat 6 am. It rained but PF, the other element, decided to have the run amid the wonderment of many. So if you truly want to be with friends and eat good food, you leave the Miata at home and come in the redneck truck! Ours is red. As we were driving to Seguin we wondered who would venture out to join us. It is a delightful thought to anticipate a day punctuated with two of my favorite flavors: Jack-in-the-Box tacos and City Market BBQ ribs. Yum!! And the next element enters. Guess who turned out to run with us? We have Freda & Jimbo in their Miata, Jan & Ron Kendall in OTM, and Pablo & Brittney Sarabia and family in OTM. We ran for the fun and ate gooood BBQ. So the Just for Fun Run became both fun and Redneck Run, Oct 24. And we are enjoying the sight of much needed rain to this area. Thanks for coming. J And P NOVE MBER 2015 PAGE 10 Different Roads! Additional Churches! Piano Bridge Fun! Be there! Saturday, November 14th! After doing more research and a partial practice run, this year’s Painted Churches Tour promises to be fun and exciting! Going on an entirely new route with sweeping turns, rolling hills, we’ll be visiting two Painted Churches that we’ve not visited before! These churches, built practically by hand in the 1800’s will astound you with their beauty. You’ll be able to go inside most of them and gaze at the hand painted ceilings and murals. Stained glass windows you just don’t see anymore will amaze you. Be sure to bring your camera! We are going to meet at BUCEES just north of New Braunfels at 8:30 a.m. for a 9:00 a.m. departure. Now, this run isn’t a short run, but plenty of pit stops and a great place for lunch along with these historic churches makes this a run you won’t want to miss! Oh, and of course, the historic Piano Bridge will delight you all! Princess Picks For you adventurous Miata enthusiasts, mark your calendar for Saturday, November 21st. We will be leading an early starting run through the Hill Country to enjoy some of our favorite twisty roads (still working out the final details) and then we will head back to San Antonio for a culinary adventure. We will have lunch at Moroccan Bites located on Evans Rd.. This restaurant was featured on Diners, Drive Ins & Dives and is listed as one of Guy Fieri's Triple D Hot Spots. This neighborhood restaurant is run by two sisters and their mother (who does all the cooking). As such, they are happy to host our group and let us pay separately; however, we will need to have a headcount at least a week before the run, so they can plan accordingly for wait staff. So, if you are feeling adventurous, check out the website (they also have wonderful Mediterranean style pastry desserts not listed on the website) and let us know if you plan to attend. Email Cheryl at Oh, and for the culinary adventure-less, you can go on the run and skip the lunch....but you will sure be missing out on a unique experience!! Life's too short....join us! NOVE MBER 2015 PAGE 11 Photography by Chicky LeClair Info: Nikon D7100, Nikon DX 18-140mm @ 18-mm, ISO 100, f/5, 0.6 sec; 10/15/15 - 7:33pm. Grilled up an early dinner with my wife and friend then headed out to chase the crescent moon and the last vestiges of a vertical Milky Way. Took this as I got to my favorite spot in Utopia, TX about 30 minutes after sunset. I finally got to meet the owners of Bear Creek Ranch when they drove out from their house at the base of the hills to see what the red and white light was doing scampering around their entrance. We chatted for quite some time ... great folks. Now that I'm no longer trespassing, I can park the car further off the road and not worry when the traffic flies by at 70mph. Cheers! Chicky Please, Don’t forget our Sponsors! In The Breeze Bluebonnet Miata Club San Antonio, Texas To join club or renew dues, open the above web site and click on the membership tab Check your mailing label for your renewal date. Please renew your membership promptly! Remember When? Upcoming Runs and Events Tuesday, October 27th...that’s TONIGHT! We’ll celebrate this month’s Lunar Zoomer dinner right HERE at Bigz Burger Joint! After the meeting, we’ll all gaze at the full moon in the parking lot. Clear skies are predicted! Saturday, October 31st, Halloween Run, led by Paul and Judy Faulkner. Meet at the Valero’Jack in the Box, Hwy 46 @ IH10 East in Seguin, 4:30 p.m. for a 5:00 p.m. departure for the drive to the restaurant. And, would you DARE wear a costume??? Answer: REQUIRED! (for the best time) Monday, November 2nd, Sundaes on Monday, hosted by Rich and Gayle Sandenaw. This month it’ll be at the Dairy Queen, located at 2252 Thousand Oaks. As usual we’ll plan for 7:00 p.m., but come early to have dinner and socialize. Saturday, November 7th, Photo Safari, co-led by Pat Franklin and Diane Holbrook. Details to be divulged soon!!! Saturday, November 14th, Painted Churches Tour, led by George Lucas and Marilyn McCullen. This year we’ve got new churches added and a completely new route! While it’s still a pretty long run, it’ll be fun! We’re going to meet at 8:30 a.m. at Buc-ees just north of New Braunfels on IH35 North for a 9:00 departure. More details are in this issue of the ITB. Saturday, November 21st, Adventure Run, led by Joe and Cheryl Knight. Details soon! Tuesday, November 24th, Monthly meeting at Bigz Burger Joint, located at 2303 N. Loop 1604 West. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. , but come early to socialize! NOTE: Annual elections of officers for our club board are held at this meeting!
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