Last updated 5/10/2007 - PawSafe Animal Rescue


Last updated 5/10/2007 - PawSafe Animal Rescue
Last updated 5/10/2007
Let me get this straight, you can just name another
location a little differently and the MDAR’s rules will
Maybe PawSafe should become SafePaw and see
what new rules would apply to us.
Class B applied for per suggestion of L. Harrod.
USDA denied application and said we do NOT qualify.
That UNITED STATES rules apply, not MA rules.
Many phones calls went back and forth to the USDA and I
explained over and over again what I was being told I
I was even told by MDAR that I could just wait and see
what happens and if they decide to require it I would “just
be fined”.
Explained that to USDA and they still said what we were
USDA returned the application.
NOTE intake date of Feb 7th.
These puppies went to RCC, got Health Certificates and moved to Holliston. Yet
some of these puppies, from KY, died of parvo when the following set of puppies
arriving from VA on 2/13/07 went to Holliston with a signed HC by Dr. Poling. They
were put into pens WITH dogs already there for weeks.
Once again, how is that PawSafe’s fault?
This puppy was from the exact same transport as the KY
pups above but came to PawSafe after release from
ISOLATION. He never got Parvo yet his companions died of it.
Mulan and Muggilan - the two puppies who broke with
parvo in ISOLATION.
Isn’t that the POINT of isolation?
MDAR is claiming it is, otherwise why are
rescues being forced to increase adoption fees
to cover an expense we don’t need but can not
operate without??
If they broke with parvo in isolation and Dr.
Poling deemed the other puppies healthy
enough to move Holliston and place for
-----Original Message----From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Thu 3/8/2007 9:46 PM
To: Mitchell, Brad (AGR)
Subject: FW:
Thank you Brad, I appreciate it.
I cc'd Leigh because she forwarded me the original email and I wanted her to
know I took action on it. I have learned that the only way to squelch
rumors is to make sure they can not start in the first place.
Kristin sent out emails and voice messages machines stating that PawSafe and
the Meadows were "plastered" all over News Channel 5 and were the highlight
of their evening news report due to the parvo puppies.
While you and I have not always seen things from the same point of view, I
hope that you know we're doing everything possible to meet and exceed the
emergency orders and that we run our organization to the very best of our
PawSafe Animal Rescue
3/8/07. I emailed Brad Mitchell regarding the puppies at the meadows.
Later that evening he responded with the statement that this has
nothing to do with my organization. So when it suits him, I am
responsible; when it doesn’t then I am not responsible. Either way, Dr.
Poling is not responsible and can operate but PawSafe gets a C&D???
-----Original Message----From: Mitchell, Brad (AGR) []
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:42 PM
To:; Mitchell, Brad (AGR)
Cc: Harrod, Linda (AGR)
Subject: RE:
Diane, if we have issues with Paw Safe actions, we will take them up
directly with you and not involve Kristin. Similarly, we will not involve
you in her or Poling issues unless they also involve your organizations
I'd prefer not to be cc'd with Leigh on such private matters as she has
nothing to do with any of this. Nothing against her, but its none of her
business and we are required to keep such matters confidential.
From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 12:42 AM
To: 'Rodney Poling'; '
Subject: Meadows / Parvo / ISO etc.
I am very sorry to hear about the puppies that have been lost to parvo over the last few days – and in
particular the smallest black and white puppy, Lilly. She was my favorite.
What worries me is that puppies from entirely different transports are being
infected and passing it along. The puppy, Bear, that died of parvo today
came to ISO on February 7th. He was adopted on the 13th and died on the
24th. He was from a transport ONE week EARLIER than the 3 black labs
puppies from VA puppies who broke 6 or 7 days into iso. To my knowledge,
the siblings placed before the VA litter came to Meadows were not infected
and remain healthy in that regard. 43 puppies in one ISO room for that length
of time makes it almost impossible to prevent cross contamination.
It has been brought to my attention several times now that comments have been
overheard while at the meadow (by Meadows staff) to the effect that the KY
puppies are not vaccinated, or vaccinated correctly. That is a statement
whose answer is easy to find by reviewing the record. The KY puppies come
from 6 different KY shelters. I am 100% sure these puppies are vaccinated
and that the sending shelter(s) knows how. But if you feel more
comfortable, please call the veterinarian who signs the health certificate and
ask more specific questions. Additionally you are more then welcome to
come with me to any of those shelters and personally meet the volunteers
and staff. They are always receptive to spay events and training classes of
any kind.
It is very disturbing when adopters call or email PawSafe stating that they overheard an employee state
that the puppies not being vaccinated in KY. This type gossip is detrimental to both PawSafe and
the Meadows. It is very important to realize that although everyone involved has the animal’s best
interest in mind and go through great lengths to provide foster and the best care possible, they are
shelter puppies who come from a wide range of situations. They are not adored little babies born
under the careful watch of a breeder. If the mother has ever had medical in her life it’s a
rarity. Equally important is the fact that 48 hours of ISO means very little. It is a number the state
has come up with. At the end of that time litters should remain isolated and the same care should
be taken to handle them as if they were contagious.
PawSafe has placed thousands of puppies over the last few years from the same shelters you are getting
them from now. Of course we have seen kennel cough, parvo, parasites etc – but never to this
extent over and over and over. That information can be verified by people outside of PawSafe and I
am happy to share contact information.
The reason for this note is NOT to place blame or point fingers at anyone. It should serve as way for us to
work together to STOP what is happening and a chance for stricter rules and regulations to be
implemented. Everyone involved wants to save these puppies – and not one of us wants to get
angry calls from an adopter when their puppy is ill and passes away. Additionally it is a large
financial drain on the over all program and very disheartening for all involved.
We all play a very great part in the success of this program and the overall safety of the animals we have
committed to care for. Let’s get this parvo and kennel cough stopped at the meadows and in ISO so
that puppies coming in will have their day at the spa and move on to find great adoptive families
who want to refer our services to those around them! If there is something I can help please let me
Diane Scuderi
PawSafe Animal Rescue
This puppy came in
as a single puppy –
she is not part of
the two she is lying
Siblings? Not even close!
Panda (brown/white) came in
ALONE. Here he is playing
outside of a pen, with another
puppy – on the FLOOR!
Beagle came in as a litter
of three beagle mixes –
no black siblings at all.
This dog came in alone –
no littermates – but
mixed in Holliston pens.
From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 9:42 AM
To: 'Rodney Poling'
Subject: RE: Intake List
Thank you for taking the steps to end the problem with sick puppies in both
Sterling's protocol has called for two vaccinations for several years now and
is very successful. When dealing with numbers, many people, several
transports to and from iso to Meadows etc, and multiple litters being
placed together, Sterling’s protocol tends to be a safer route to
take. This is one of the topics you, Kristin, and I talked about early
January when we met in Milford. The risks of moving 8 week old pups
is high - especially since most are not surrendered early enough to get
vaccinated on a protocol that is effective and most shelters do not have
funds for Neopar.
Do you have any interest at all in setting up a test program with two of the
shelters in VA that I can monitor more closely? We can outline a
detailed protocol for puppies, provide what they need, and require a
more through exam before leaving the state. I often pass through the
Richmond area on the way home. Maybe there is a possibility of using
a clinic of Dr. xxxxs referral for this? Potentially even getting it funded
through the vaccine manufacturer etc?
I have cancelled the transport due in on March 3rd. We will have to work
with the rescues and cover fees on this as 28 puppies were pulled from
shelters, fostered, and had medical to meet the protocols. Additionally
many have had a second vaccination since the date of transport was
moved from Wed (2/27) to Saturday (3/3).
I do have 4 PawSafe puppies in ISO that I would like to pick up at the end of
the 48 hours. I am happy to hold them at my house for an additional
period after release. Would that be acceptable?
**-**-**-**-**-**-**-** According to the news reports, Dr. Poling
wants people to think PawSafe can’t be
PawSafe Animal Rescue
trusted and that we brought young puppies to MA with clear disregard for protocols – when
**-**-**-**-**-**-**-** exactly the opposite is true. He originally
wanted 100 eight week old pups each week
and stated one vaccination was fine. I
refused. I said over and over again that high
numbers of young puppies would bring
illness. He said he wanted “cuter and younger
puppies then Sterling”
1. PawSafe contracts a transporter and reimburses
other rescues for medical and Health Certificates.
PawSafe does NOT sell puppies to Holliston
Meadows or RCC. There is NO SALE OF
2. Puppies are transported to RCC (isolation in
Milford). Dr. Poling signs a health certificate
stating they are free of contagious diseases
to the best of his knowledge and moves
them to Holliston.
Is this paragraph stating that I have responsibility
for a DVM not knowing they have parvo?
Is it stating that they had an UNOBSERVABLE
disease that Dr. Poling did not catch but that I am
somehow responsible for?
Is this stating that either Dr. Poling or MDAR had
concerns with Health Certificates on dogs coming
to ISO and no one followed up? The sending
shelter or vet has NOT been contacted.
• How is this related to PawSafe?
Do any PawSafe volunteers work at RCC (isolation)
where we can verify proper disinfection procedures?
Does PawSafe PAY RCC for the board, isolation and
examination of our dogs? YES
Has MDAR previously gone to ISO and had problems
with disinfection procedures? YES
Did PawSafe’s volunteers examine the dogs and sign
their Health Certificates? NO
Did PawSafe volunteers move the dogs to Holliston
Meadows for adoption and mix them in pens with dogs
that were there from several weeks prior -- causing an
outbreak of Parvo that KILLED dogs already in
Holliston – dogs that had been there for weeks???
NO and it should IMPOSSIBLE for us to be held
responsible for that.
Did Dr. Poling deem them healthy enough to move to
Holliston, sell, and receive entire payment for? YES
a) either Brad is implying Dr. Poling could not
have known disease was present but that PawSafe is
still responsible for it…
b) Dr. Poling moved puppies he knew were sick,
to his facility, let his staff mix them, and that PawSafe is
still responsible for it…
• True. A puppy in 1995 went home and despite
our requests to have the puppy returned, it was
New emergency orders were issued. PawSafe’s
director left her current job to work at one of the
few isolation facilities the MDAR approved.
The facility was filthy, yet it was approved by
MDAR. These pictures, and many more were
submitted to the parent company, OSHA, and
MDAR when animals starting getting sick. MDAR
was informed that CLIENTS dogs, boarded in the
kennel, shared the same air exchange as isolation
dogs. Rescue dogs got sick and my repeated
requests for help, by all 3 parties, were rejected. I
left the company.
Please see letter to Brad Mitchell from previous
COO of Healthy Pet – the hospital’s parent
company - confirming that I asked for help from
OSHA and Healthy Pet - but was denied
• If MDAR feels PawSafe is importing disease
than why are we not allowed to rescue local dogs.
A dog placed by the Meadows several months
ago needed to be re-homed. PawSafe asked
permission from MDAR, and Brad Mitchell
DENIED it. Why?
Hundreds more of these photos
can be viewed here:
is always crawling with flies and cockroaches despite the number of times we have Terminex treat
room is always crawling with flies and cockroaches despite the number of times we have Terminex treat
the hospital. They come from the drain, the large gaps in the kennel doors and due to the fact that the room is
the hospital. They come from the drain, the large gaps in the kennel doors and due to the fact that the room is
so hot and moldy that the animals would die without a door being open to give them a chance at fresh air. We
so hot and moldy that the animals would die without a door being open to give them a chance at fresh air. We
can not control disease in an area where flies and cockroaches can crawl through the feces of one animal and
can not control disease in an area where flies and cockroaches can crawl through the feces of one animal and
then infect others as well as leave disease everywhere they land or crawl into. Dr. xxxx has removed a
then infect others as well as leave disease everywhere they land or crawl into. Dr. xxxx has removed a
cockroach from an exam room in front of a client. While one of our techs corralled a mouse in reception before
cockroach from an exam room in front of a client. While one of our techs corralled a mouse in reception before
it ran by a client. Terminex visits our facility on a regular schedule and can not control the infestation due to the
it ran by a client. Terminex visits our facility on a regular schedule and can not control the infestation due to the
conditions of the hospital…..
conditions of the hospital…..
….XXXX Animal Hospital has put every animal they care for in constant danger since the day the program
….XXXX Animal Hospital has put every animal they care for in constant danger since the day the program
started. Clients choose our facility for the safety of their animals and we have failed, in many ways, to provide
started. Clients choose our facility for the safety of their animals and we have failed, in many ways, to provide
any level of the safety we charge them for.
any level of the safety we charge them for.
From: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 9:15 PM
To: Mitchell, Brad (AGR)
Subject: RE: Bureau of Animal Health - Information Received
Hi Brad
Thank you for the email. I have to be honest and tell you that
Lorraine was harsh but also extremely unprofessional and the
"tantrum like" behavior shown was something I would of never
expected from someone who represents our state. I have never
in my life witnessed such erratic behavior from someone in a
"political position" and I have never been so offended.
[additional content deleted but available]
-----------------From: Mitchell, Brad (AGR) []
Sent: Mon 5/8/2006 1:52 PM
To: xxxx
Subject: RE: Bureau of Animal Health - Information Received
I agree that Lorraine was way out of line for portions of the
meeting. There is little I can do about this except
apologize. I am dealing with hiring freezes, unions and a
host of other issues that prevent me from taking any
serious action.
“…At the same time I was also trying to address the poor
conditions of the XXXXX Hospital and how animals were
dying due to these conditions. Additionally staff members
sustained injuries and as the conditions grew worse our
employees got sicker and sicker. We were reported to OSHA
by a client not affiliated with the hospital and when I tried to
comply with their requests I was told by the OSHA rep that
XXXXX agreed to work with them and that they would not
accept any further information or reports from me. I asked
them to review photos and they said that I was not to address
it any further. You can view the photos here:
I continually brought such issues to the attention of XXXXXX
and was told over and over that the issues were being
addressed. Months went by and these issues were left
unresolved – despite my pleadings and questions for over 4
months. Finally I gave my notice on July 14th, 2006 due to
the fact that my health was deteriorating and the animals in
my hospital were dying due to illnesses picked up in our
From: Tavares, Joao (AGR)
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: Animal Health - Isolating Animals
Dear Shelter Rescue Organization
The Department of Agricultural Resources has determined
that your organization has a facility that is adequate to isolate
animals per Emergency Order 1-AHO-05.
A number of shelter and rescues who do not have isolation
facilities have asked if we could provide them with a list of
groups with the approved isolation facilities with the hopes
that they could make use of existing, approved facilities. The
Department has said that would query those with approved
facilities and if the organization were willing to consider
isolating animals for other groups.
If you woul like to be listed as an organization that would
consider isolating animals for other groups, please let us
know via email.
Thank you
Not only was this
facility approved,
Joao P. Tavares
MDAR thought we
MDAR – Tech Support
should share it with
251 Causeway Street, Boston MA 02114other rescues.
Phone: (617) 626-1719
From: Kristin Ruggiero []
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 9:35 PM
Subject: Kristin Ruggiero-Confidential
Hi Brad
Thank you for speaking with me today. Below are
emails to show problems Diane Scuderi was having
with Healthy Pet not addressing the safety and
maintenance issues at Belmont. Due to this she left
Healthy Pet. Many are huge OSHA violations and also
it was causing her puppies to become sick when they
were staying for their quarantine time at the
hospital. Cultures were down and 10 plus bacteria's
were present (many dangerous to animals and to
humans). When Healthy Pet did not respond, Diane
was forced to leave and is currently looking to work with
another group before she is able to continue her rescue
program. I am trying to help her find another hospital. I
am going to forward you some more emails for you to
review and also a breakdown of the things we
discussed earlier. Thank you and I look forward to
speaking to you more about the companion animal
Kristin Ruggiero
PawSafe used foster homes prior to having to isolate puppies
In APPROVED MDAR isolation facilities.
From: Kristin Ruggiero []
Now without isolation facilities,
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:28 AM
PawSafe was forced to search
Subject: Follow up
for new options. We located a
facility that would work, but to
gain MDAR’s approval we had
Hi Brad,
to agree to form a coalition that
I just wanted to thank you for our conversation yesterday.
I was
after I
spoke with you and would love to set a time next week
is a
emergency orders.
need and want for this type of program and to hear you say that made me much more
motivated to pursue this. I spoke with Diane, and we discussed at length forming a
coalition and working with pet stores, rescues and the Dept of Ag. It was a great
conversation and it can be done and the right way. It will be tough to try to unite the
groups but not impossible.
Also to consult for both rescues and pet stores will only have positive results for
everyone. It all comes down to the presentation & contacts.
I had a question about non profit coalition vs profit. Do you or your department have
guidelines or preferences to which one would be most appropriate to work with.
Also you had mentioned members that you would like to see in this group last time and I
would like to contact those individuals to see if they are interested in joining.
If you prefer me meet before that and go over everything , that is fine also.
I have many larger veterinary corporations and private practitioners in Massachusetts who
are willing to help also to see this through. Many are already working with rescues & pet
stores (in combination).
Also the appropriate political contacts to help with what was discussed.
Now that I have more time & the support of Diane-paw safe, it will result in a much more
efficient and quicker process for everyone.
Plus working closely with the state is something that I think would be a fantastic and
positive experience too.
Dr. Ulrich's # is 413-329-1572. He will be very open and honest about Belmont and the
conditions there. He can also verify that the paw safe program was being forced to work
in poor & unhealthy conditions which resulted in the sickness or death of many puppies
and employees.
Again, thank you for your time and if you could let me know a day that will work for you, I
will plan on making a trip up your way.
Best Regards,
Kristin Ruggiero
From: "Mitchell, Brad (AGR)"
To: xxxxxxx"
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 5:59 PM
Subject: RE: Shelter groups
People should put their skepticism aside and worry
more about what THEY can bring to the table, not
just what they will get about it. If the shelter rescue
community has learned nothing in the last year it
should be that they
need a lot of help. The expertise listed should be
enough to convince them that their is value in it to
them. Meaning well is no longer enough. Their
are too many amateurs in the shelter rescue
community who desperately need guidance and
"Mitchell, Brad (AGR)"
<> wrote:
xxxx called,
I told her I had encouraged you and
Diane to move forward in starting an
association , had given you input on what I
thought the role of such a group might be,
and beleived you were both well under way
to getting an initial meeting together and I
was confident that you both could do it.
I think you and Diane make a good team.
When doing what Brad wants, I
am part of a good team! When I
disagree, PawSafe pays the price
with a Cease and Desist.
Are these the kind of replies
that someone in Brad
Mitchell’s position should send
out via email?
-----Original Message----From: xxxxxx
Sent: Wed 9/13/2006 7:42 PM
To: xxxxx; Mitchell, Brad (AGR)
Subject: Re: Shelter groups
the reason I say not to bring them
in to it yet, is because ALOT of
groups have been promised alot of
things in the past by people
/hospitals /medical
directors /vendors etc...only to
have it never come about, fall
through, or be forgotten about.
Many of these same groups have
done alot of work to try to make
contacts and get help... followed
through on their end, only to have
someone pull the rug out from
under them.
"Mitchell, Brad (AGR)"
you state
>" And no one should expect
anything for free on either side."
So, what are these shelter and
rescue groups bring to the table to
You might want to consider asking
WHY the rug has been pulled out
from under them. This is business,
non-profit or otherwise. No free
lunch for anyone. My
experience with a lot of
these groups is that they
expect a free lunch and for
people to simply bow to
them because they are
doing gods work. Time for
an attitude change.
What did MDAR want us to do?
Form an association to support their Emergency Orders.
PawSafe’s approval for isolation approval hinged
on our support.
• Massachusetts Animal Health &
Safety Association
• Work with legislature to implement
potential changes in DAR shelter &
rescue legislation
• Educate Massachusetts Pet Stores &
Breeders on why the protocols &
procedures are in place & are needed.
• Work with the Department of Agriculture
to pass legislation on these protocols
• Creating the standard isolation model &
• Work with smaller rescues on obtaining
isolation spaces & veterinary assistance
in Massachusetts
2) 1 and 2 were done. Why doesn’t he know this as we could not have gotten a signed
approval without it! Additionally he had a PawSafe volunteer pick him up from his
Boston Office and drive him HOME after he came to this facility and made it clear that
we needed to start a coalition to back the emergency orders if this facility was going to
be approved.
3) there is NO regulation for the size of a sink!!!!
1) How can the request for an approval be withdrawn when we were ALREADY
Does he not read what he is signing?
Slide 38
1) How can the request for an
approval be withdrawn when we were ALREADY GRANTED AN APPROVAL - SIGNED BY LINDA HARROD.
This would indicate we were either operating without one until this time and that Brad did not shut us
down (which is NOT the case - he was fully aware and had been to the Everett location), or that he has
no idea what he is signing.
Diane Scuderi, 5/5/2007
11:12 Monday,
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 8:43 PM
A p ri l
30, 2
To: d PM
Hey Diane,
I just want to let you know that
s ...
hat a
I was devastated to hear the
jerk t
hat g
news about what happened!
I think you all do a wonderful
conc hould be
job and it is too bad that one
person wrecks all the work
resta rned abo
you and Bonnie do.
rescu rants in B the rats
intere s alone. ston and the
as pa ted in tha would be eave
perso vo is not story....s ore
of ba can get omething eing
your can happ UT a wh
en w
ith ra e lot
ts i n
RE : Pawsafe
Reply to:
Date: 2007-05-03, 9:36AM
I too adopted from Pawsafe. In fact I have
adopted 3 dogs over the years from them. I
referred them to my family and all of my friends. I
do not have a single bad word for this group.
I believe that they have gotten a lot of unfair bad
press where the whole story has not been told just
to make it seem as though they are doing
something wrong.
Which is far from the truth.
Please get your facts straight before bashing a
group who has saved hundreds of puppies over
the years with out problems.
Date/time puppies came to RCC and last
contact I am able to have with them.
They were still In iso on
the 26th?
Health Certificate dated the same day
as COUGHING written on medical
record (prev sheet). Meaning pups are safe to move to
HOLLISTON – where dogs are boarded for paying
clients. Is PawSafe responsible for this too?
MDAR has copies of these!!!! Guess they forgot to
mention it.
So PawSafe is somehow responsible for the
movement of dogs to Holliston only when parvo, a
disease that can not be detected until outbreak, gets
moved and spread but NOT responsible when any
other observable illness gets moved.
On Friday, April 26th, Dr.
O’Connor stated these
puppies were hardly over
7 weeks. She did not
touch them, examine
them, did not look at their
teeth, yet implied that the
vet who signed the HC’s in
VA must be lying. Not
many beagle mixes weigh
10.5lbs at 7 weeks and
have TWO vaccinations
two weeks apart! That
would suggest they were
vaccinated at THREE
WEEKS. Most shelters do
not have 3 weeks old pups
who make it out alive.
This is the same state vet, employed by MDAR, who
has stated “…do
not want that southern
trash in my state”.
Seems like a lot of wonderful rescue groups, with many great
volunteers, must give up a tons of their time, to move trash
like this around!
Photo take in adopters home. Do they look ill?
Can you tell they have parvo? WHY NOT?
RENTED?? No that is not correct. We PAY to
BOARD each and every puppy. RENT implies
we have access and can care for them. We
board our dogs, for a fee and the facility is
staffed by employees of Dr. Polings. The dogs
remain in RCC's care the entire time.
ADOPTING. Not selling.
LESS LIKEY to be infected?? But it's still
a complete possibility - yet we're being told
we HAVE be able to stop it. Meadows is
only being required to be "less likely".
Why is that?
But one, from the same litter, went to Angell Memorial
showing parvo symptoms a DAY earlier and was admitted.
Another littermate was returned to Holliston showing
the same symptoms...
Neither of the 2 PawSafe puppies went to Holliston but
littermates that did go to Holliston were ill. If not, why was
Holliston also put under quarantine??
Information Sheet
Canine Parvovirus
Table of Contents
Diagnosing Parvovirus
Limiting the Spread of Parvovirus
Parvovirus and puppy socialization
Client Information
Overview of diagnostic testing for Canine Parvovirus (CPV)
Printable Infectious disease profile sheet -Canine Parvovirus
Frequently Ask Questions about Canine Parvovirus
Read Shelter Medicine Director Dr. Kate Hurley's article
The Virus that Never Dies?
published in Animal Sheltering Magazine Nov/Dec 2006
The title should speak for itself.
Parvovirus is highly contagious, incredibly durable in the
environment, and capable of producing severe or lifethreatening disease in dogs. It is critical to prevent
transmission of the disease and rapidly identify infected
animals in order to provide medical care as deemed
appropriate and protection to other dogs in the shelter.
Full article here:
Per this article, Kent Lage
makes the following quote.
What confuses Mr. Lage? Dr. Poling, another PawSafe volunteer, and Brad
Mitchell had several face to face sit downs outlining the program.
Documentation was submitted for MDAR’s review. Feedback from MDAR is
clearly shown below. How is it that Kent Lage is not aware of what happens in
his department when formal documents are sent out from his department?
ODD. When it suits Brad Mitchell, he seems to forget this as well – email from
him to follow.
This was sent to Brad Mitchell on March 8th, 2007.
I was told it had nothing to do with me and if so I would be
Funny how one month later, PawSafe got a Cease and
Desist for something that had NOTHING TO DO with me.
Also – please note my cell number, although crossed out,
was listed.
-----Original Message----From: Mitchell, Brad (AGR) []
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 9:26 AM
If you are going to change phone numbers, you need to let us
know. We ask for this in case there is a situation (like you
have now) and we need to contact you (which we do now)
-----Original Message----From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 9:13 AM
To: 'Mitchell, Brad (AGR)'
Subject: RE:
The number you had listed was my HOME PHONE. I sent notes
several times - starting from the Belmont days -over 1.5 yrs
ago- asking for that to be changed. The phone number for
PawSafe has been the same for several years now
781.350.3304 - it just never got changed on your end.
PawSafe Animal Rescue
Didn’t I just provide my
personal cell phone to
him several times as
More emails to MDAR on
protocols remained
From: Rodney Poling
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007
Subject: RE: ISO / Transports
…. I did indicate in my emergency
plan that if we had a break at RCC
and a shipment on the way that we
would deliver to HM. I asked for a
comment on the plan twice but
have received no comment. I will
call again today….
Request and confirmation of pre-inspection to
have MDAR check a small isolation center so
that PawSafe could care for their own puppies.
From: Harrod, Linda (AGR) []
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:31 AM
Subject: RE: Prelim inspection
I can meet you out there on Monday, probably between 9-9:30 if that works
for you.
From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Thu 3/22/2007 11:06 AM
To: Harrod, Linda (AGR)
Subject: Prelim inspection
Hi Linda,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about taking a peek at my
garage. I would love to set something up for next week if that fits your
schedule at all. I have a contractor lined up to get water to the area
should you give it the pre-ok!
I will make myself available to you on any schedule that works best for
you. I am in xxxxx, right on route xx, just a few moments off on Route
PawSafe Animal Rescue
From: "Diane @ PawSafe“
Reply-To: "'Rodney Poling'“
Subject: our next BG transport -- 20 Puppies...
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 23:50:12 -0400
MDAR is saying I should
“check my source” and that
they are looking into it as well.
To date, the rescue has not
been contacted by MDAR.
I have been in touch with the
rescue many times since. And
of 114 dogs that were rescued
by over 20 groups, the only ill
puppies were in an isolation
facility where a parvo puppy
(from a group that is NOT
related to PawSafe) had
passed away a week earlier.
WHAT? Another parvo from a
rescue group that IS NOT
PawSafe. How can that be?
Hi Dr. Poling,
The Bowling Green transport for next Saturday, the 14th of April,
is coming together nicely. These pups all were vaccinated and
moved to foster care for us today. 20 in total. 4 are for
PawSafe. As long as all goes well in foster they will get health
certs on the 13th of April and arrive in ISO on the 14th.
From: Rodney Poling
[Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 To:
Subject: RE: FW: our next transport -- 20 Puppies...
This looks fine. We maybe should try for 35 if you are
taking some and we always have 2-5 holdbacks. We can do the
20 easily for us just not 29 as we have in the past.
>From: "Diane @ PawSafe" <>
>To: "'Rodney Poling'" <>
>Subject: RE: FW: our next BG transport -- 20 Puppies...
>Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 11:55:05 -0400
We're running low numbers on this one because it was an
emergency transport due to the 200 surrenders last weekend. To
make our 10day hold it was as many as the group could get
fostered out of the shelter in one afternoon. Once we have a
handful of shelters using your vaccines and back on the rotation
we can get the numbers below! Since the comment made about
doing business as usual and "just fining" us does not make me
comfortable …
….also using caution until I hold the USDA licenses I want to be
above reproach - I would prefer to have them work with us vs.
against us.
From: Rodney Poling []
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 8:24 AM
Subject: RE: FW: our next BG transport -- 20 Puppies...
this is the correct approach. I am telling them to tell me what to do
and I will do it
MDAR wanted
PawSafe to hold
licenses that the
USDA said NO
WAY to granting.
Yet here we
state we are
trying to work
with the MDAR.
Lots of good that
HOLLISTON - A pet care facility plans to lift a two-week quarantine today that it imposed on a group
of puppies brought in from other states after eight of its dogs, adopted and taken home by new owners,
died from a virus.
Holliston Meadows Pet Resort on Summer Street quarantined 17 puppies after learning about the
deaths from parvovirus. Ten dogs got sick, eight of which died, said founder Dr. Rodney Poling.
Poling said stricter procedures now in place will ensure families are not taking home fatally ill dogs.
"I don't ever want to see this happen again," he said. "We will not have a situation where they look
great today and die in two days.“
The owners of all 10 dogs were refunded the $400 adoption fee. Of the eight dogs that died, four
owners elected to get replacement dogs. Poling declined to provide customers' names.
After receiving two complaints about the sickened dogs, the state Bureau of Animal Health is requiring
additional testing for parvovirus before Holliston Meadows Pet Resort call sell puppies again.
The facility expects to receive state approval for selling the puppies today after it receives the latest test
PUPPIES? Plural?
MDAR is claiming that
During a routine inspection in February before the dog deaths were reported, state inspectors found
violations regarding ventilation and cleanliness of foodonly
and water
dishes, Capone said.
The Bureau of
Animal Health ordered the problems corrected.
in parvo. Since we’re
"At this point, he has not received a clean bill of health from the state and is not allowed to sell or
not Hopkinton, could
receive dogs until then," Capone said.
Holliston Health Director Ann McCobb said the incident
did not fall under
office's jurisdiction.
Lisa Capone, spokeswoman for the state Department of Agricultural Resources, said the pet resort will
not get the go-ahead from the state until the facility is reinspected.
"I'd like to know more about it myself," she said.
Parvovirus infected adopted puppies from a Hopkinton kennel last
summer, according to customers who contacted the Daily News.
Holliston Meadows Pet Resort offers a range of pet services, including day care, grooming and
training. The adoption program, started about five months ago, has found new homes for about 300
puppies, Poling said.
The dogs slated for adoption come from humane societies and shelters in Kentucky, Virginia and
Indiana. The infected puppies were exposed to the virus while in the care of a Kentucky organization
that Poling said he will no longer deal with.
The pet resort also runs an operation in Milford on Sumner Street that takes in rescued dogs from the
same organizations in the South. The puppies are vaccinated and quarantined and then given to humane
societies in Massachusetts for adoption.
NO. The infected puppies were from VA
and died in Milford Isolation. Improper
Under cleaning
the new procedures,
puppies up for adoption
will be
more than once, Poling said.
They also will be held longer in isolation in both their home states and when they arrive at the pet
resort to
ensure they
are healthy
before being
of) and
the released.
mixing of exposed
The rules
will apply at to
the Milford
and Holliston facilities,
KY puppies
Poling is
the quarantined
are not
putting other dogs at the pet resort at risk. The puppies are
in a separate facility, which has its own ventilation system and its own staff.
"People need not fear for their pets. And I don't want this to taint the rescue effort," he said. "This is
something that can be prevented and done well.“
PawSafe had nothing to do with the
and exposure
in an
(David cleaning
McLaughlin canprocedures
be reached at 508-626-4338
isolation center that none of our volunteers
work at.
-----Original Message----From: Diane @ PawSafe []
PawSafe’s email to
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:56 PM
MDAR for insight /
To: Mitchell, Brad (AGR); 'Harrod, Linda (AGR)'
Subject: Parvo litter
Brad and Linda.
Just wanted to give a little background on the parvo litter that our adopter contacted you
and channel 5 about.
Prior to MA arrival this litter was vaccinated and put into foster care in KY – out of the
shelter for 10 days. During the period before they were adopted or showed any
symptoms, they had been in foster for close to a week, seen by two different vets for
routine medical procedures such as spay/neuter, booster vaccinations etc. Our two
even saw a vet AFTER adoption while in the owners care and were not declared
ill. From the period they were with us and three subsequent vet appointments, there
were no signs or causes for concern at all.
I would welcome Dr. O’Conner’s feedback on this case. I truly feel we have tried just
about everything possible to keep our puppies safe and healthy. They were well
wormed twice, vaccinated twice, isolated well past the 48 hour mark, and spayed after
ISO release. PawSafe’s two spent the additional time with me in an x-pen in my
kitchen. They ate normally, passed solid stools, and were some of the healthiest
puppies we’ve seen! They left us on Thursday night and were diagnosed with parvo on
Monday. I did ask the adopter to return the second puppy but she declined. I have
attached the email chain to this note. I understand that my last response annoyed her
but there is only so much harassment I will let her dish out to the volunteers.
Is there something else my protocol is missing? I am at a loss. Not one other rescue
who took puppies or dogs from that transport (in other states) had anything more than
sniffles. The only way Dr. Poling’s and my pups can both have parvo after such a long
separation is to be exposed on transport or in ISO. Not one other dog is sick
elsewhere. ISO?
Linda, are we still on for tomorrow? I truly want to just take in a small number of
puppies and isolate them where *I* can care them the entire time. I have everything set
for you to peek at my isolation tomorrow and hopefully can start taking pups into my
care and getting Health Certificates done outside of Milford Isolation.
There are no remaining puppies from that litter for adoption and there are no other
puppies in our care.
PawSafe Animal Rescue
From: Mitchell, Brad (AGR) []
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 8:52 AM
To:; Mitchell, Brad (AGR); Harrod, Linda (AGR)
Cc: O'Connor, Lorraine (AGR)
Subject: RE: Parvo litter
So you were aware of unsafe practices (aware enough to document the practice with a
photograph), but you continued to put your dogs through there and adopt them out?
Although Brad Mitchell is well
-----Original Message----aware of the reasons PawSafe
From: Diane @ PawSafe []
asked for their own ISO, he still
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 8:31 AM
To: 'Mitchell, Brad (AGR)'; 'Harrod, Linda (AGR)'implies I put the dogs in danger
Cc: 'O'Connor, Lorraine (AGR)'
and did nothing about it – when
Subject: RE: Parvo litter
in fact it is the opposite course of
I contacted Linda to do an inspection for this very reason. I fully explained to her and to
Dr. O’Connor that all I wanted was a place where one or two litters could come at a time
because I did not want to put my pups in group isolation. When the pups were all mixed,
the ones I have photographs of, I went to Dr. Poling and addressed it. He was receptive
but at that point Holliston’s Parvo issue followed a few days after. I know he made
attempts to fix the situation but I can not speak as to what they are.
It was at that point I contacted Linda. Linda, I am not trying to put you on the spot –
but I DID tell you that I needed to go back to being the small rescue I wanted to be – and
NOT do the numbers that I was required to by Healthy Pet and the numbers that Kristin
had originally agreed to with Dr. Poling. I said it to you and again on Friday that I needed
to be responsible for the care of my own dogs and not rely on kennel staff in any facility. I
asked what I needed to do and did all of that.
Brad, I know you are aware of the reasons I left Healthy Pet. If not, please contact
OSHA. I left because I was made to bring in numbers of puppies over and over that they
were causing to get sick. When I found out they lied about the air exchange and that the
same vents were pumped into the kennel, along with other issues that they would not fix I
left. When I had the Everett facility we did not have a parvo case. But to support that we
needed VCA to come through with the clinic and for reasons that are not related it didn’t
happen. We closed the facility and weeks later got in a notice signed by you that MDAR
was denying my request for an inspection due to the size of the sink. Not even sure what
that was about since we had paperwork with an approval and were no longer isolating or
operating when the denial was issued.
I had submitted our protocols last week and have re-attached them to this note as well. I
know that Dr. O’Connor was not aware they were attached at that time and agreed to look
at them when she had a chance.
PawSafe Animal Rescue
-----Original Message----From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:52 PM
To: 'Mitchell, Brad (AGR)'; 'Harrod, Linda (AGR)'
Cc: 'O'Connor, Lorraine (AGR)';; 'K R'
Subject: RE: Parvo litter
> I hear conflicting stories from all parties (HP, you, Poling).
If you believe this to be the case then all you need to do is ask me. I have stated
many times that OSHA was contacted – call them, call Kristin, call Cheryl Sonic of
HP. I have emails from OSHA, my resignation to HP stating these issues, Dr’s notes
confirming this, lawyer notes, etc. I can go on and on – all have a solid paper trail that
you are welcome to gather and review. While I am sure you are busy, these seem to
be important items to have inquired about if confusion since my employment dates at
HP still exist.
> Your relationship with Poling relative to these dogs is confusing to say the least.
From our perspective thus far, the boundaries of your responsibility for these animals
is somewhat outside of where you would like to beleive it lies.
I am not trying to be combative – really I’m not – but if there are things you did not
understand than wouldn’t you ask for clarification? I have told Linda Harrod how the
pups were crossed in the Meadows –not with any malice by their employees I am
sure. This is at a facility where I DO NOT WORK or have NO EMPLOYMENT
WITH. You sat with Kristin and Dr. Poling while this arrangement was being set
up. While I was not present at those meetings I would assume you had time to ask
additional questions and contact me if confusion remained.
Additionally I contacted you at the time of the parvo outbreak in Holliston and was
curtly told, per your email, it had nothing to do with me and you would not discuss it.
So from my understanding, you are stating that the whole time MDAR was reviewing
and advising changes to the forms and contracts for this program, you had confusion
about it and didn’t ask? Since I was never contacted by your department and didn’t
know you even had questions, I will outline the relationship in more detail.
1) PawSafe participated in a joint adoption event at Holliston Meadows the last
weekend of December 2006. The puppies for this event were isolated at RCC, altered
at Holliston Animal Hospital, and moved to Holliston Meadows for adoption. PawSafe
placed the pups and photos on Petfinder and PawSafe’s volunteers screened and
invited potential adopters. PawSafe’s volunteers went to Holliston Meadows for this
event. The Meadows received the entire adoption fee for each puppy. VASA was
paid by the Meadows and in turn reimbursed the transporter and the medical/HC/vet
fees from the sending shelter.
2) Dr. Poling, Linda Harrod and Kristin worked together to have isolation meet MDAR
standards and get approval to offer ISO for Meadows Dogs, PawSafe dogs, and
outside groups.
3) At that point Dr. Poling stated, in a room with Kristin present, that he wanted young puppies,
who met MA protocol, but were just 8 weeks and older with one initial vaccination, to come to RCC
for their program.
All puppies were vaccinated at least 7 days prior to transport, wormed, treated for anything else
needed, assigned wearable ID’s that matched HC/records, and rcv’d Health Certificates a day or
two before transport. PawSafe worked with shelters to who had animals in need matching these
protocols, and VASA was then contracted to transport them.
4) Initially receiving staff at RCC was not fully in place and Kristin assisted with kennel care for the
first few transports of puppies and trained new staff as hired. At intake the animals were microchipped with RCC/Holliston’s ID’s and started on a worming protocol depending on what needed to
be done. It was recorded on their intake sheets.
While the Heath Certificates and incoming medical records were made out to RCC, the paperwork
used at RCC had PawSafe’s name on the top since at that point PawSafe already had detailed
sheets that we used. During this time Dr. Poling was submitting paperwork to MDAR for review
and changes. As he got feedback from MDAR, I made updates to the forms so that we both could
further the separation between PawSafe being a rescue and Meadows being a “pet store”. Our
paperwork was completely split in the February-ish time frame. Many these changes took several
revisions in accordance with the faxes from MDAR and re-submittals by Dr. Poling to make sure
they were correct.
5) Once the pups were delivered to RCC, VASA billed RCC for their transport and any medical
care they had incurred. Using language that is more consistent with MDAR’s view – the puppies
become the property of RCC and then offered for sale, with proper “330 CMR” warranty verbiage
on the contract. All monies collected and sales done at the Meadows were in no way connected to
PawSafe’s Adoption program.
6) It is my understanding that during this period Dr. Poling was in the process of getting a PetPoint
and PetFinder ID set up for the Meadows so that RCC/Meadow’s puppies could be listed entirely
under Holliston as they entirely belonged to Holliston. While that was taking place PawSafe did list
the pups on our site as a “courtesy posting” with Holliston’s Logo and a statement that those
puppies would only be available through Holliston Meadows. A link to fill in an adoption application
for Holliston puppies was included with their bio. When clicked it brought them to a page that had a
Holliston logo, address and application. Once they submitted it, an auto reply went back to them.
The following is what they got:
Thank you very much for considering a rescue dog!
Your application for a dog available through Holliston Meadows has been received. We will do our
best to review it and contact you in a timely manner. A scheduled appointment is required to meet
any dog or puppy in their care.
Many of your questions may be answered in this email - please take the time to read this
information!!! The web has an endless amount of data on topics such as breeds, training and
diseases. Please take time to research topics that are important to you.
Your adoption fee of $400 includes:
• Two health examinations prior to release
• 30 days of FREE Health Insurance
• Microchip and FREE registration through 24 Hour Pet Watch
• Spaying/Neutering
• Wormings (or several!)
• Distemper Combo Vaccination(s)
• Rabies Vaccination (if 4 months & older)
• Heartworm Disease Test (if 6 months & older)
• Heartworm Preventive
• Flea & Tick Treatment
• Discount on training or boarding at Holliston Meadow Pet Resort
Please note: All parties involved in the care and transportation of your dog/puppy and have
done everything to ensure that your puppy / dog is as healthy as possible at the time of
adoption, but there are diseases that your puppy can harbor and show no signs of at this time.
It is important that you understand the protocols all parties adhere to meet and exceed those
required by all regulations but there are incubation periods that you need to be aware of.
Young puppies need lots of socialization. The rule of thumb is that the pup should not be left
alone for more than one hour for every month of age. So a two month old puppy should not be
left for more than two hours, a three month old for three hours, and so on. Obviously, you
cannot leave an 8 month for 8 hours so the dog will need to be walked mid-day.
Please note that although PawSafe has listed this puppy/dog on websites in which they are
associated, there is no further relationship between Holliston Meadows and PawSafe
Animal Rescue. PawSafe believes that lives are important regardless of the origin of an
animal’s birth. The common link is that they are unwanted in the area they come
from. To this extent we have offered to list their animals in need on sites where
PawSafe’s dogs may be listed. In all cases they are marked by Holliston or
PawSafe. Should you have any questions on this topic please ask prior to adoption or
making an appointment.
--------------------------------7) After the initial mixing of pups at the Meadows I worked with Dr. Poling to streamline
procedures. We did talk about older puppies and he said that he would send vaccines to each
of the rescues we worked with. I provided him a contact name and number for every rescue so
that he could personally contact them directly to verify the rescues would meet his protocols as
the pups were coming directly into his adoption/sale program. Not PawSafe’s.
He did make a few calls to them initially but never spoke with them, their vets, and never
followed up. Vaccines were never sent. Prior to the last transports once MDAR cleared him
for ISO and prior to The Haven’s parvo puppy (NEITHER PawSafe’s puppy nor Holliston’s
puppy), I emailed and called several times in regard to vaccines. I specifically asked how he
wanted the groups to meet his vaccine protocol with vaccines. At that time he did state that
as long as they had one vaccine he wanted us to transport them for his program. The
puppies in isolation now exceed that request anyway. All have had two vaccinations, with
what they generally use, and wormed once or more.
Does this clarify the relationship for you? We picked up dogs, charged for transport, billed
RCC, paid shelters and transporters, and put photos on sites associated with us WITH a
disclaimer and separate application form/auto responder.
Please ask should you not fully understand what is outlined above.
PawSafe Animal Rescue
Spelling errors were not edited in any way.
From: Mitchell, Brad (AGR)
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007
PMaddresses Dr. O’Connor using
her title but Dr. Poling is just called
Subject: RE: Parvo litter “Poling”? In an email? Politically correct?
Its not a matter of our asking or your stating something. You
story is different from Polings. I have no reason to believe
you over him, or vice versa. In addition, neither of your
stories are completely address our findings. Your
relationship with Poling is much more complicated than you
portray - you certainly do have (maybe had now) a
financial relationship wiht him. You brokered and
transported his dogs. Your name is all over his adoption
paperwork. His adoptees are contacting you for returns.
You brought parvo dogs up here, even if you did want to
argue they weren't yours. .
We are dealing with facts and evidence,
not statements and protestations.
Further emails from you are neither
helpful or necessary.
WHAT??? I Iwas
thenI Iam
necessary.” From
DIRECTOR of the Massachusetts Departmentof
Agriculture? Unacceptable,
and harassing.
Emails to Kent Lage
remain un-acknowledged
From: Diane @ PawSafe []
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 4:58 PM
To: ''
Subject: Actions of Brad Mitchell
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red
Mr. Lage,
I am writing to you from PawSafe Animal Rescue. A MA rescue group recently given a cease and desist
order by Brad Mitchell.
I fully intent to comply and work with the state on the matter, but I feel I am being unfairly treated and
targeted by Brad Mitchell. In response to a question he asked, I provided a detailed answer. This is
the one of the lines in his response to me minutes ago:
“We are dealing with facts and evidence, not statements and
protestations. Further emails from you are neither helpful or
I am happy to forward all of the correspondence from the last week, as well as discuss (and provide
documentation for) other events in the past that will show a history of how we have been treated by
Mr. Mitchell.
My personal cell phone number is 781xxx-xxxx should you want me information. Otherwise I can be
contacted via email at
Thank you for your time.
Diane Scuderi
PawSafe Animal Rescue
phone: 781-350-3304
Is Massachusetts so privileged that we have lost all compassion?
That the efforts of countless volunteers are ONLY considered hot
news when a sliver of puppies are ill, compared to the
THOUSANDS of healthy ones who find homes yearly.