Home Depot Merchandising with CMS
Home Depot Merchandising with CMS
Home Depot Merchandising with CMS March 12, 2014 ITEM DESCRIPTION BROADLEAF EVERGREENS BOXWOOD ASSORTED # 1 BOXWOOD ASSORTED # 2 EUONYMUS ASSORTED # 2 EUONYMUS EMERALD GAIETY EUONYMUS EMERALD N'GOLD RHODODENDRON ASSORTED # 3 GLOBE BOXWOOD GIANT PYRAMIDAL PATIO BOXWOOD SPREADING EVERGREENS DENSE YEW GLOBE CEDAR # 1 GLOBE CEDAR ASSORTED # 2 HEATHER ASSORTED DENSE YEW JUNIPER BLUE RUG JUNIPER BLUE STAR JUNIPER OLD GOLD JUNIPER SEA GREEN MUGO PINE # 2 AD Item X X X X ARTICLE # SIZE Cs Pk Farm 2014 Article List ONTARIO UPC 1000176259 1000176276 1000164436 1000184851 1000184845 1000402755 1000684890 1000684891 # 1 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 1 POT # 1 POT # 3 POT # 7 POT # 7 POT 24 15 15 24 24 10 5 5 4BGV111 4BGV122 4EFMIX122 4EFEG111 4EFG111 4RMIX133 4GBG177 4PB177 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR 775551005070 775551038153 775551235842 775551005667 775551005674 775551019039 775551239000 775551194750 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8.99 21.99 18.99 9.99 9.99 34.99 38.99 89.99 1000420654 1000418559 1000163701 1000402690 1000733029 1000174004 1000403273 1000185144 1000184883 1000402748 # 3 POT # 1 POT # 2 POT # 1 POT # 5 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT 10 24 15 24 10 15 15 15 15 15 3TMD133 3TOLG111 3TOLG122 4EASS111 3TMD155 3JHW122 3JSBS122 3JCOG122 3JCPS122 3PM122 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR 775551124429 775551005063 775551100133 775551234708 775551178712 775551122739 775551080961 775551000365 775551043591 775551001294 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 34.99 8.99 19.99 9.99 49.99 21.99 21.99 21.99 21.99 22.99 BTN CODE RETAIL AD ITEM DESCRIPTION Item UPRIGHT EVERGREENS CLIPPED CONE YEW DWARF ALBERTA SPRUCE # 2 X HICKS YEW HICKS YEW ASSORTED JUNIPERS EMERALD CEDAR # 1 EMERALD CEDAR # 5 PROMO 6' CEDAR (Promo ONLY) X TREES JAPANESE MAPLE X SHADE TREE JAPANESE MAPLE # 5 X JAPANESE MAPLE ACCENT SERIES # 5 OPTIMUM ACCENT SERIES # 7 STANDARD TREES FRUITING WEEPING MULBERRY FRUITLESS WEEPING MULBERRY ROSE TREE #3 POT DWARF KOREAN LILAC STD WEEPING PEASHRUB EUONYMUS EMERALD N'GOLD STANDARD EUONYMUS EMERALD GAIETY STANDARD PURPLELEAF SANDCHERRY STANDARD ARTICLE # SIZE Cs Pk BTN CODE Farm 2014 Article List ONTARIO UPC 1000168850 1000101081 1000732967 1000732968 1000734203 1000418557 1000159508 1000113070 # 3 POT # 2 POT # 7 POT # 10 POT # 7 POT # 1 POT # 5 POT # 7 POT 10 15 10 5 5 24 25 10 3TCC133 3PGC122 3TMHK177 3TMHK181 3ASSJUN177 3TOSM111 3TOSM155 3TOSM117 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR - 775551234760 775551067542 775551150923 775551149378 775551093404 775551005049 775551072812 775551198680 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47.99 21.99 69.99 79.99 53.99 8.99 25.99 Varies 1000733032 1000733031 1000412937 1000684888 1000163702 1000114737 # 2 POT 15 # 7 POT 5 # 5 POT 5 # 10 POT 5 # 5 POT 5 # 7 POT 5 2APMIX122 1SHADE177 2APB155 2APB181 1LTA112 1LTAP112 TR BK TR TR TR TR 775551088158 775551239444 775551061960 775551239017 775551174110 775551202486 $ $ $ $ $ $ 24.99 59.99 49.99 129.99 79.99 149.99 1000133868 1000133869 1000420225 1000174001 1000401186 1000101778 1000401174 1000734202 # 5 POT # 5 POT # 3 POT # 5 POT # 5 POT # 5 POT # 5 POT # 5 POT 7MAP115 7MAPC115 7ASSRTR133 7SMP115 7CAP112 7EFG112 7EFEG112 7PC112 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR 775551076599 775551027119 775551239468 775551051916 775551121916 775551105497 775551056645 775551110361 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 64.99 64.99 34.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 69.99 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 RETAIL ITEM DESCRIPTION FRUIT TREES / FRUITS COMBO FRUIT TREES FRUIT TREES SHRUBS AZALEA ASSORTED BARBERRY ASSORTED # 1 BARBERRY ASSORTED # 2 BURNING BUSH BUTTERFLY BUSH DIABLO NINEBARK FORSYTHIA ASSORTED HYDRANGEA ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA ASSORTED (BLUE & PINK) HYDRANGEA PEE GEE POTENTILLA PINK POTENTILLA WHITE POTENTILLA YELLOW PURPLELEAF SANDCHERRY ROSE OF SHARON SILVERLEAF DOGWOOD SPIREA BRIDALWREATH SPIREA GOLDFLAME SPIREA GOLDMOUND WEIGELA ASSORTED # 2 SPIREA FIRELIGHT AD Item ARTICLE # X X X X X X X X SIZE Cs Pk BTN CODE Farm 2014 Article List ONTARIO UPC 1000101493 1000101462 # 5 POT # 5 POT 15 15 6FTCP15 6FTP15 TR TR 775551202516 775551202493 $ $ 39.99 32.99 1000163705 1000124205 1000142817 1000175716 1000117186 1000175708 1000411634 1000113128 1000151599 1000411626 1000411635 1000113127 1000151264 1000151864 1000177251 1000151865 1000175466 1000151603 1000418442 1000149729 1000733035 # 2 POT # 1 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT 15 24 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2RANL122 2BTMX111 2BTMX122 2EAL122 2BMIX122 2POD122 2FONG122 2HAA122 2HMA122 2HPG122 2PFPQ122 2PFAB122 2PPG122 2PC122 2HSR122 2CAE122 2SVH122 2SBGF122 2SJGM122 2WMIX122 2SBFL122 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR 775551005094 775551234777 775551234784 775551002505 775551025863 775551002529 775551004462 775551004493 775551234791 775551004509 775551004585 775551004561 775551004578 775551001331 775551148920 775551001324 775551092148 775551002536 775551033844 775551235859 775551223016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 22.99 11.99 28.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 12.99 15.99 18.99 15.99 11.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 19.99 14.99 11.99 15.99 15.99 15.99 14.99 RETAIL 2014 Article List AD Item X X ARTICLE # SIZE 1000733036 # 2 POT 1000732972 # 2 POT 1000733026 # 2 POT 1000733027 # 2 POT 1000733028 # 2 POT 1000460790 #2 POT 1000132883 #2 POT 1000684684 # 5 POT 1000684894 # 2 POT 1000463260 # 2 POT 1000508344 # 2 POT 1000732970 # 2 POT 1000732971 # 1.5 POT Cs Pk 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 15 15 15 15 24 BTN CODE 2SJS122 2HPFI122 2HPBS122 2HMAS122 2HPPD122 2ASSSH122 2SIHN122 2GS155 2SVC122 2RRM122 2ASSRRE122 2RRPR122 2CDROSE1.5 TR TR TR TR TR TR TR BK BK TR TR TR TR ONTARIO UPC 775551074915 775551239451 775551239284 775551235361 775551217770 775551166481 775551147220 775551238980 775551086291 775551039983 775551088370 775551235767 775551239482 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RETAIL 14.99 19.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 14.99 10.99 29.99 15.99 15.99 15.99 19.99 11.99 1000118992 1000170142 1000118997 1000118999 1000177255 1000119004 # 2 POT # 1 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT # 2 POT 15 24 15 15 15 15 5PTV122 5CMIX111 5LDS122 5LG122 4HHT122 5PQ122 TR TR TR TR TR TR 775551051817 775551028291 775551120681 775551145943 775551021452 775551145950 $ $ $ $ $ $ 15.99 12.99 15.99 15.99 15.99 16.99 1000411614 1000411615 # 2 POT # 2 POT 15 10 2LA122 3TONG122 TR BK 775551109808 775551075066 $ $ 15.99 12.99 Farm ITEM DESCRIPTION SPIREA SHIROBANA HYDRANGEA FIRE & ICE HYDRANGEA BOMBSHELL HYDRANGEA ALL SUMMER BEAUTY HYDRANGEA PINK DIAMOND ASSORTED SHRUB DAPPLED WILLOW OPTIMUM GIANT SHRUBS COMMON LILAC POTTED ROSE #2 POT EXPLORER / HARDY ROSE #2 POT PREMIUM ROSE #2 POT CANADA DAY ROSE #1.5 POT VINES BOSTON IVY CLEMATIS # 1 DROPMORE SCARLET HONEYSUCKLE GOLDFLAME HONEYSUCKLE THORNDALE IVY VIRGINIA CREEPER HEDGING AMUR PRIVET HEDGE BLACK HEDGING CEDAR ITEM DESCRIPTION NEW ARTICLES IN 2013 OBELISK PATIO CLEMATIS DISH GARDEN PATIO POT ROSE NURSERY PLANTER PATIO HICKS YEW KNOCKOUT ROSE BLUE STAR JUNIPER HICKS YEW RHODODENDRON ASSORTED DWARF ALBERTA SPRUCE PINKY WINKY HYDRANGEA TREE QUICKFIRE HYDRANGEA TREE LIMELIGHT HYDRANGEA TREE Patio 3 in 1 Blueberry PATIO HYDRANGEA ESPALIERED COMBO APPLE ACCENT PLANT # 3 POT NEW ARTICLES IN 2014 PATIO FLAMINGO TRUMPET VINE PATIO BLUE MOON WISTERIA DOUBLE BERRY PLANTER PATIO FIG PINK DIAMOND HYDRANGEA TREE AD Item X X ARTICLE # SIZE Cs Pk BTN CODE 1000765106 1000765107 1000765108 1000765109 1000765112 1000737959 1000765113 1000765114 1000765115 1000765116 1000755632 1000755633 1000764277 1000775000 1000775460 1000775235 1000775176 #3 POT #5 DISH #3 POT #3 POT #3 POT #2 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #1 POT #5 POT #5 POT #5 POT 10" SQ 10" SQ # 5 POT # 3 POT 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 24 24 24 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5CLOBEP133 9DISHG155 2RMIXPP133 9NURPLA133 3TMHKP133 2RKO122 3JSBS111 3TMHK111 4RMIX111 3PGC111 7HPPW155 7HPQF155 7HPLI155 6ASSBLU031 9HYDPAT12 6ADCE115 9APA133 1000794141 1000794142 1000794143 1000793763 1000794053 10" SQ 10" SQ 10" SQ 10" SQ # 5 POT 5 5 5 5 5 5CRFM10 5WMBM10 6BLUSTR12 6FICH122 7HPPD155 Farm 2014 Article List ONTARIO UPC RETAIL TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR BK BK BK BK TR TR TR 775551240457 775551240464 775551240471 775551240488 775551240501 775551227526 775551080183 775551202547 775551017721 775551005032 775551240372 775551240341 775551123460 775551240952 775551240969 775551240976 775551233152 $ 24.99 $ 29.99 $ 19.99 $ 29.99 $ 24.99 $ 15.99 3 FOR $20.00 3 FOR $20.00 2 FOR $20.00 2 FOR $15.00 $ 54.99 $ 54.99 $ 54.99 $ 39.99 $ 39.99 $ 39.99 $ 39.99 TR TR TR TR TR 775551242055 775551241836 775551240532 775551240563 775551215639 $ $ $ $ $ Another addition to the article list this year will be the 1g Assorted Flowering Shrubs – Still in Set Up Phase 29.99 29.99 19.99 19.99 74.99 New Item Pictures Globe Cedar Double Berry Planter Japanese Maple (Bloodgood) Patio Fig Patio Flamingo Trumpet Vine Pink Diamond Hydrangea Tree Patio Blue Moon Wisteria Heritage Birch Clump New Item Pictures Pin Oak PJM Rhododendron Red Sunset Maple October Glory Maple Autumn Blaze Maple New Item Specs Common Name Latin Name Height Globe Cedar Sun / Shade THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'WOODWARDII' 3' Globular form becomes wider than high Dark green foliage turns brown in winter - will return to normal colouring in Spring Japanese Maple Full Sun ACER PALMATUM 6M Full Sun / Partial Shade Light green foliage changing to a yellowish-bronze to purplish red in Fall Does well planted in well drained soils Flamingo Trumpet Vine CAMPSIS RADICANS 'FLAMINGO' 2-3' Attractive to hummingbirds Consists of red trumpet-shaped flowers with orange throats Full Sun / Partial Shade Blue Moon Wisteria WISTERIA MACROSTACHYA 'BLUE MOON' 2-3' Full Sun Full sun is needed for best flowering Fragrant blue flowers blooming in June with another 1-2 flushes of bloom occuring in summer Double Berry Planter Patio Fig DOUBLE BERRY PLANTER 2-3' Beautiful planter containing blueberries and strawberries HARDY FIG TREE Bears fruit 4-5' Full Sun Full Sun / Partial Shade New Item Specs Common Name Latin Name Height Sun / Shade Pink Diamond Hydrangea Tree HYDRANGEA PANICULATA 'PINK DIAMOND' Flowers start out white but turn to rich pink Flowers bloom from July through to September 6-7' Full Sun / Partial Shade Heritage Birch Clump BETULA NIGRA 'HERITAGE' CLUMP Avoid pruning in Spring when sap is running Blooms April to May 40' Full Sun / Partial Shade Pin Oak QUERCUS PALUSTRIS Fall colour is beautiful Tolerates high pH soils and heavy clay 80' Full Sun Red Sunset Maple ACER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET' Orange to brilliant red fall colour Form is pyramidal to round 50' Full Sun ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' 40' Shiny green leaves turning to brilliant orange / red in fall Leaves stay on until early winter, becoming duller in colour Full Sun October Glory Maple New Item Specs Common Name Autumn Blaze Maple PJM Rhododendron Latin Name Height ACER X FREEMANII 'AUTUMN BLAZE' pp#4864 50' Requires little pruning Summer foliage is green leading to orange/red in the Fall RHODODENDRON 'PJM' 1.2M Hardiest Rhodo, tolerating sun/shade and drought Flowers are lavender, blooming in early Spring Sun / Shade Full Sun Partial Shade / Full Shade Category Definitions Evergreen: A plant that has leaves in all four seasons, which are always green. These can consist of trees and shrubs. BTN also breaks their evergreens into 3 separate categories: • Broadleaf • Spreading • Upright Tree: A tree typically has many secondary branches that are supported by a center trunk. Some trees will bear fruit or flowers. Standard Tree: Refers to a tree that has a single, upright, clear stem before the canopy starts. Fruit Tree: Fruit trees are grown in a variety of different shapes, but are mainly used to produce fruit. We supply 2 different categories of fruit trees: Combo (contains multiple fruits on 1 tree) and single fruit trees. Fruit trees will require pollination to ensure optimum results. Shrubs: A shrub is differentiated from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. Most shrubs will require pruning to keep their shape and promote new growth. Vines: Refers to a plant with a growth habit of trailing or climbing. Another word used to refer to a vine is climber. Hedging: Refers to a row of closely spaced shrubs/trees, planted and trained to provide a barrier or mark a boundry. Watering Watering Frequency Category Frequency Time of Day Roses Every Second Day Anytime but avoid peak sunlight hours 11- 3 Shrubs Every Second Day Anytime but avoid peak sunlight hours 11- 3 Trees Every Third Day Anytime but avoid peak sunlight hours 11- 3 Merchandising Tips & Techniques ▪ Locate BTN's product upon arrival. Our racks and pallets will either be in the garden centre already or outside the locked gates .If necessary, locate a key holder and ask them to unlock the outside gate. ▪ Once the racks and pallets are in the appropriate location, cut shrink wrap and merchandise the product. It is usually a good idea to assess the amount of product there is, and have a plan as to where everything will go. It is necessary to condense the existing product on a regular basis to make room for the new product. ▪ Try not to park racks in the aisles when merchandising. If you have to have the rack in an aisle, try to leave a space for shoppers to pass through, and move the empty rack out of the aisle as soon as it is empty. ▪ Make use of valuable end caps to display product that is in bloom and full of colour -this attracts shoppers from afar. ▪ When possible, use the natural colours of the shrubs to merchandise in a creative "colour striping" effect. Place goldmound spirea's beside purpleleaf sandcherry's for example, to have the most striking colours side by side on the bench. This makes for effective, creative merchandising, therefore increasing sales. ▪ Group the same types of plants together, for example all evergreens together, flowering shrubs together, etc keeping consistency throughout the benches. Refer to your sku list as the shrubs are categorized in this way on it. ▪ For larger merchandise that is too big for the benches, use pallets to create a "tree run". Try to keep the line as straight as possible, with the same technique of keeping all varieties together. Use a sign stand to sign these products. Merchandising Tips & Techniques ▪ Ensure the sign card is easily visible with the retail showing, and the appropriate sign above the corresponding product. The benches will have a slot above the top shelf which holds the sign cards nicely. It may be necessary to shift signs from week to week, as the placement of the product will shift. ▪ Keep the product in a straight line on the benches as much as possible. This creates a crisp, clean effect. Maintain the benches throughout the day, straightening the product, pulling it forward whenever possible. ▪ Use the entire bench to make the space look as full as possible, never leave an empty hole. If inventory is low, spread the product further apart to fill the bench, until the next shipment arrives. ▪ Always maintain a clean working space, putting all plastic and garbage into an empty shopping cart. When leaving, take all garbage to the receiving area or to an area specified by an associate Keep your tool kit close at all times, never leaving your tools (exacto knife, pruning shears) unattended. ▪ Only use the garden centre space that is allocated to us. Our benches and ground space should already be identified early in the season, we need to respect other vendors and their space as well. ▪ Prune our product when necessary, removing kill back and dead leaves. It is essential that our plants and trees look as attractive and healthy to potential customers. Photo’s How product looks when delivered Photo’s Example of Generic Tags that will be made and printed at BTN’s shipping facilities Photo’s Example of signage supplied by Home Depot Photo’s Example of Category Signage Photo’s Promo Cedars Photo’s Promo Item on Rolling Rack at Front Entrance Photo’s Good example of an end cap in the early Spring season Photo’s Good End Cap # 1 Photo’s Good End Cap # 2 Photo’s Landscape Event Front Apron Example Photo’s Boxwood Set (Landscape Event Item) Photo’s Example of how to set up Opening Order items Photo’s Good Set # 1 Photo’s Good Set # 2 Photo’s Tree Run Example Photo’s Example of a bad end cap – there should only ever be 1 item on an end cap Photo’s Here is an example of a bad set – signage is hidden underneath the branches Photo’s Example of bad merchandising in the aisle – product should be sorted by category so it doesn’t look too cluttered Photo’s Example of a bad tree run Ad Planner Article Description WEEK 10 - AD STARTS APR 10 1000411634 2G FORSYTHIA 1000402690 1G HEATHER WEEK 11 - AD STARTS APR 17 (EASTER PROJECT WEEKEND EVENT) 1000113070 PROMO CEDAR ASSORTED LANDSCAPE EVENT ITEMS 1000775457 3G BOXWOOD 1000125406 3G HICKS YEW 1000174297 BABY BLUE SPRUCE 1000792853 2G PJM Rhododendron 1000145944 5G MAGNOLIA 1000792858 5G HERITAGE BIRCH CLUMP 1000792857 5G PIN OAK 1000792915 RED SUNSET MAPLE 1000792856 OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE 1000792874 AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE 1000101493 5G COMBO FRUIT TREE 1000101081 2G DWF ALBERTA SPRUCE 1000403273 2G BLUE STAR JUNIPER Markets Retail ONTARIO, ATLANTIC (NOT MKT 408) ONTARIO, ATLANTIC (NOT MKT 408) 2 FOR $20 3 FOR $20 ONTARIO, ATLANTIC, QUEBEC VARIES BY MKT ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC ONTARIO, ATLANTIC 21.99 21.99 21.99 21.99 34.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 49.99 39.99 21.99 21.99 Front Apron Planogram Key Events of 2014 ITEM DESCRIPTION HICKS YEW BABY BLUE SPRUCE MAGNOLIA ASSORTED GLOBE CEDAR # 3 POT BOXWOOD # 3 POT JAPANESE MAPLE HERITAGE BIRCH CLUMP PIN OAK RED SUNSET MAPLE OCTOBER GLORY MAPLE AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE PJM RHODODENDRON AD Item X X X X X X X X X X X ARTICLE # 1000125406 1000174297 1000145944 1000794139 1000775457 1000794140 1000792858 1000792857 1000792915 1000792856 1000792874 1000792853 SIZE # 3 POT # 3 POT # 5 POT # 3 POT # 3 POT #1 POT 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 2 GAL Cs Pk 10 5 5 5 5 48 5 5 5 5 5 15 BTN CODE 3TMHK133 3PPBB133 2MAS155 3TOW133 4BGV133 2APMX111 1BNHC155 1QP155 1ARRS155 1AROG155 1ARAB155 4RPJM122 Farm • Promo Cedar in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada in weeks 11, 12 & 13 • Landscape Event (articles listed below) in weeks 11, 12 & 13 TR BK TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR ONTARIO UPC 775551124436 775551187905 775551135173 775551099956 775551181330 775551242048 775551242062 775551242079 775551242109 775551242096 775551242086 775551016717 RETAIL $ 21.99 $ 18.88 $ 34.99 $ 21.99 $ 21.99 $ 18.88 $ 49.99 $ 49.99 $ 49.99 $ 49.99 $ 49.99 $ 18.88 • 1g Assorted Evergreens and Boxwood Event in week 14 • 2 FOR $___ will start week 15 and run through to week 19 (not confirmed with HD yet) Store Velocity Ont Ad Distribution Store Size # of Stores 1 gallon 2 gallon AAA 3 288 180 A 10 192 120 B 27 96 90 C 27 72 45 D 17 48 30 E 1 24 30 85 8160 5925 We will try to use this for all ad distributions, but that is not always the case Store Velocity STORE # LOCATION STORE # LOCATION Velocity Market Morningside B 79 7030 Newmarket B 79 7033 London S. B 215 Velocity Market AAA AAA AAA 79 79 79 7027 7011 7013 7073 Etobicoke S. Stockyards Leaside 7007 Ancaster A 79 7079 Barrhaven B 123 7022 Sudbury A 384 7105 Waterloo B 215 7026 Nepean A 123 7118 Orleans B 123 7081 Kingston A 194 7123 Oshawa B 79 7106 Richmond Hill A 79 7129 Yorkdale B 79 7108 Kanata A 123 7132 Mississauga N. B 79 7116 Peterborough A 194 7135 Aurora B 79 7133 Belleville A 194 7136 Markham E. B 79 7137 Orillia A 79 7138 Brantford B 215 7161 Richmond Hill N. A 79 7142 Guelph B 215 7001 Ellesmere B 79 7157 Trafalgar B 79 7002 Woodbridge B 79 7158 South Keys B 123 7003 Oakville B 79 7167 Orangeville B 79 7008 Hamilton B 79 7228 Windsor B 215 7009 London N. B 215 7241 Milton B 79 7012 Curity B 79 7249 Whitby North B 79 7023 St.Catharines B 215 7004 Markham C 79 7024 Barrie B 79 7005 Whitby C 79 Store Velocity STORE # LOCATION Velocity Market STORE # LOCATION Velocity Market 7006 Brampton S. C 79 7237 London E. C 215 7017 Kitchener C 215 7239 Brampton E. C 79 7021 Burlington C 79 7240 Bowmanville C 79 7025 Gloucester C 123 7251 Cobourg C 79 7034 Sault Ste.Marie C 384 7075 Cornwall D 123 7107 Eglinton E. C 79 7078 Dufferin D 79 7109 Ajax C 79 7085 Brockville D 123 7110 Brampton N. C 79 7114 Rexdale D 79 7112 Mississauga S. C 79 7178 Chatham D 215 7115 Burloak C 79 7184 Windsor E. D 215 7130 Mississauga W. C 79 7226 Parry Sound D 384 7134 Castlefield C 79 7236 Timmins D 384 7153 Sarnia C 215 7238 Pickering D 79 7154 Owen Sound C 384 7242 Pembroke D 123 7160 North Bay C 384 7244 Huntsville D 384 7164 Bracebridge C 384 7247 Midland D 384 7166 Cambridge C 215 7256 Hamilton Mountain D 79 7174 Niagara Falls C 215 7262 Markham N. D 79 7179 Kitchener W. C 215 7263 Carleton Place D 123 7182 Woodstock C 215 7264 Bradford D 79 7234 Collingwood C 384 7269 Bolton D 79 7080 Gerrard Square E 446 Challenges vs Successes Challenges of 2013: • Weather • Associates • Other Vendors! • Specific Stores (Curity, Markham area, Timmins, Gerrard Square) Successes of 2013: • 8% comp over 2012 season in our category (Trees & Shrubs) • Promos help to drive the business • Timed deliveries by product readiness Deliveries Google Drive is what we use as our dispatching system. We will be providing CMS with this link before shipping starts for the season. Contact Information: SCHOMBERG LOCATION (TR): 877-939-1047 Dispatcher: Marc PORT HOPE LOCATION (BK): 877-786-2191 Dispatcher: Kevin Dispatch Example 2014 Set Dates OPEN 2ND Mkt 79 215 194 446 Date 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-14 31-Mar-14 Mkt 79 215 194 446 Date 7-Apr-14 7-Apr-14 7-Apr-14 7-Apr-14 123 384 7-Apr-14 7-Apr-14 123 14-Apr-14 384 21-Apr-14 Subject to change 79 446 215 194 123 384 GTA Gerrard Square South West Ontario Peterborough, Belleville, Kingston Ottawa Region Northern Ontario Signage • We will have a sign card for every item on our Article List • Each item will also have an Item Tag – you can get all pertinent information about the item from that tag (ie: UPC, Article #, shade or sun, info about colouring, etc). Sign Card Example Vendor Responsibilities Vendor reps will work as a team with the Home Depot associates to drive sales, control markdowns and keep the department "Fresh, Full & Fragrant". Vendor reps will not operate any gas or electrical powered lift equipment. Hand lift jacks will be available for moving pallets and racks of merchandise within the store. Customer safety will be our #1 priority! Vendor reps will merchandise daily shipments as per the planogram agreed upon at the beginning of the season. Vendor reps will sign the product with the correct and current sign cards. It may be necessary to print a retail sticker from the mobile cart. Vendor reps, when in stores, will clean plant displays and remove any dead or unattractive leaves, blooms, and pull product if not up to standards. They will separate and record spoilage/damage and submit it to the Dedicated Live Goods Associate, or place in the designated area of the department. Vendor reps will merchandise, price product and ensure all items have sufficient signage. Vendor reps will place orders at store level for replenishment. Watering Frequency RTV Process An RTV (Return to Vendor) is a procedure that credits Home Depot for our products. This is only done in certain circumstances, and should always be approved by your supervisor first. An RTV would be done for the following reasons: ▪ Our product is dead or damaged upon arrival ▪ Our product is diseased We do not issue an RTV due to lack of watering resulting in plants dying over the season. This is very important, as the store may try to get a credit due to this reason. Once an RTV has been created, the plants must be either thrown out in the garbage, or picked up by one of our drivers to be brought back to the farm. Do not leave them in the garden centre as a customer may purchase them by mistake. RTV Procedure: ▪ Store or merchandiser will contact the sales rep to request a credit ▪ Rep will inspect the product and issue a credit if needed ▪ RTV form to be filled out in full and signed by the rep and store representative ▪ Fax or email the form to Lyndsay at head office ▪ The RTV form will be processed within 24 hours of receiving it and faxed back to the RTV department ▪ Store is to fax or email the p.o number back to Lyndsay once it's processed in their system ▪ File credit It is important that the forms are filled out completely, as we need this information to complete the credit process. We do not give out credits under the Home Depot "One Year Guarantee", this is a loss for the store not the vendor RTV Form HOME DEPOT RTV FORM BTN Phone # BTN Fax # Contact Email STORE NUMBER: STORE NAME: DATE: HD RTV ASSOC.: HD RTV FAX #: BTN CREDIT (RGA)# HD P.O # ARTICLE # ITEM DESCRIPTION SIZE QTY COST RETAIL REASON BTN REP SIGNATURE:_____________________________________ BTN REP PRINT NAME:_____________________________________ DM or ASM SIGNATURE:____________________________________ DM or ASM PRINT NAME:____________________________________ 1-800-668-5116 (ex 258) 905-859-4172 Lyndsay Dubois lyndsay.dubois@btn.on.ca Top Stores in 2013 # Store # Location 2013 Invoice $ # Store # Location 2013 Invoice $ 1 7073 Leaside $212,709.27 23 7079 Barrhaven $110,482.83 2 7011 Etobicoke S. $199,608.95 24 7129 Yorkdale $108,860.49 3 7013 Stockyards $163,088.29 25 7009 London N. $108,550.19 4 7106 Richmond Hill $146,309.97 26 7012 Curity $108,371.86 5 7024 Barrie $142,864.04 27 7158 South Keys $106,901.82 6 7133 Belleville $138,532.71 28 7001 Ellesmere $103,459.61 7 7081 Kingston $133,143.24 29 7138 Brantford $102,986.94 8 7161 Richmond Hill N. $132,612.74 30 7034 Sault Ste.Marie $100,887.46 9 7030 Newmarket $130,269.56 31 7132 Mississauga N. $100,574.56 10 7137 Orillia $127,017.09 32 7123 Oshawa $98,946.36 11 7116 Peterborough $123,357.96 33 7027 Morningside $98,686.36 12 7135 Aurora $122,714.86 34 7105 Waterloo $98,067.49 13 7022 Sudbury $120,556.31 35 7008 Hamilton $98,037.51 14 7167 Orangeville $119,307.19 36 7142 Guelph $94,527.09 15 7033 London S. $118,941.84 37 7025 Gloucester $94,489.64 16 7007 Ancaster $117,783.01 38 7241 Milton $91,197.83 17 7002 Woodbridge $116,011.84 39 7112 Mississauga S. $90,758.56 18 7026 Nepean $115,064.02 40 7134 Castlefield $90,079.09 19 7023 St.Catharines $114,697.84 41 7249 Whitby North $89,568.01 20 7157 Trafalgar $112,500.24 42 7160 North Bay $89,408.34 21 7003 Oakville $111,649.34 43 7110 Brampton N. $88,347.01 22 7108 Kanata $110,734.57 44 7115 Burloak $86,783.01 Top Stores in 2013 # Store # Location 2013 Invoice $ # Store # 45 7228 Windsor $85,408.37 67 7154 Owen Sound $69,617.92 46 7118 Orleans $84,740.82 68 7240 Bowmanville $69,054.48 47 7021 Burlington $84,575.91 69 7239 Brampton E. $69,050.78 48 7164 Bracebridge $84,570.69 70 7182 Woodstock $68,945.59 49 7109 Ajax $83,686.61 71 7006 Brampton S. $67,927.23 50 7174 Niagara Falls $83,115.09 72 7262 Markham N. $67,857.61 51 7166 Cambridge $83,072.59 73 7179 Kitchener W. $66,630.27 52 7130 Mississauga W. $82,167.66 74 7078 Dufferin $66,390.63 53 7269 Bolton $80,541.01 75 7244 Huntsville $65,125.32 54 7256 Hamilton Mountain $79,600.86 76 7085 Brockville $62,146.52 55 7136 Markham E. $79,267.38 77 7263 Carleton Place $61,425.07 56 7153 Sarnia $79,035.09 78 7075 Cornwall $61,221.92 57 7017 Kitchener $78,010.34 79 7234 Collingwood $61,107.52 58 7107 Eglinton E. $76,141.38 80 7178 Chatham $60,013.87 59 7251 Cobourg $75,787.81 81 7226 Parry Sound $57,961.27 60 7114 Rexdale $75,068.06 82 7242 Pembroke $56,962.77 61 7005 Whitby $74,788.61 83 7247 Midland $56,148.02 62 7238 Pickering $73,859.11 84 7236 Timmins $44,657.95 63 7237 London E. $73,412.62 85 7080 Gerrard Square $41,859.88 64 7004 Markham $73,310.61 65 7184 Windsor E. $71,664.37 66 7264 Bradford $71,448.06 Location 2013 Invoice $ Top Items 2013 Actual vs 2014 Projected # Item No. Article No. Item Description Quantity 1 3TOSM117 1000113070 Emerald Cedar 137,280 2 4BGV133 1000775457 Green Velvet Boxwood 35,511 3 3TOSM155 1000159508 Emerald Cedar 30,155 4 4BGV111 1000176259 Green Velvet Boxwood 19,402 5 3TMHK133 1000125406 Hicks Yew 18,294 6 5CMIX111 1000170142 Clematis Mixed 17,188 7 2APMIX122 1000733032 Assorted Japanese Maple 10,320 8 4EFG111 1000184845 Emerald 'N Gold Euonymus 9,108 9 2FONG122 1000411634 Northern Gold Forsythia 8,640 10 2HMA122 1000151599 Assorted Hydrangea 8,430 2013 Actual Invoiced Sales # Item No. Article No. Item Description Quantity 1 3TOSM117 1000113070 PROMO 6' CEDAR 134,784 2 4BGV133 1000775457 BOXWOOD # 3 POT 28,500 3 3TOSM155 1000159508 EMERALD CEDAR # 5 20,000 4 4BGV111 1000176259 BOXWOOD ASSORTED # 1 20,000 5 5CMIX111 1000170142 CLEMATIS # 1 18,000 6 2APMX111 1000794140 JAPANESE MAPLE 9,900 7 4RPJM122 1000792853 PJM RHODODENDRON 9,500 8 4EFEG111 1000184851 EUONYMUS EMERALD GAIETY 9,200 9 4EASS111 1000402690 HEATHER ASSORTED 8,500 10 3TMHK133 1000125406 HICKS YEW 8,425 2014 Projected Totals 2014 Road Show Dates Show Date 08/04/2014 09/04/2014 10/04/2014 15/04/2014 Show Location Toronto Barrie SWO Ontario Ottawa Show Store Location Innovation Centre 7024 Barrie 7033 London South 7025 Gloucester Time of Show 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm 9am - 5pm