Newsletter - Horsham College


Newsletter - Horsham College
Volume 21 No: 18
November 14th 2014
“Learning Achieving and Growing Together”
WEBSITE – to view the latest edition of the Newsletter
November 17 & 18
Wednesday November 19
Thursday November 20
Friday November 28
Monday December 1
Tuesday December 2nd
Tuesday December 2
Friday December 5
Wednesday December 3
Tuesday December 9
Wednesday December 10
December 11 to 15
Tuesday December 16th
Tuesday December 16th
Wednesday December 17th
Wednesday December 17th
Friday December 19th
PO Box 508
Ph: 5381 7100
Fax: 5382 6105
Email Address –
Year 11 SWOT Vac
Year 11 Study Day
Year 11 Exams commence
Casual Dress Day - $1.00 to SRC
Accountability & Improvement Sub Committee Meeting – 6.00pm – Administration Building
Finance Sub Committee Meeting – 6.00pm – Administration Building
Grounds & Facilities Sub Committee Meeting – 7.00pm – Administration Building
Last day for Year 10 students
School Council Meeting – 6.00pm – Wimmera Trade Training Centre
Year 6 Orientation Day
Year 11 Call Back Day
End of Year Activities - Year 7, 8 & 9 students
Year 9 Presentation Afternoon – Ian Maroske Assembly Hall – 1.30pm
Year 10 & 11 Presentation Evening – Ian Maroske Assembly Hall – 7.30pm
Year 7 & 8 Presentation Afternoon – Ian Maroske Assembly Hall – 1.30pm
Year 12 Graduation – Ian Maroske Assembly Hall – 8.00pm
End of Term 4
Sports Dates
on back page of
From the Principal
Building Update
The College building program has continued to move forward. Work has begun to move the Administration of the College to the Wimmera Trade Training
Centre which will allow for works to begin on converting the Administration Building into the Year 9 Centre.
Architect Selection Process for Building Program - The College has hosted tours of the three architectural firms which have been invited by the Department
of Education to tender for our building program. Interviews and the selection of the successful firm will take place before the end of the month.
McKenzie Creek – The burnt out portable at McKenzie Creek is in the process of being removed/demolished. The McKenzie Creek Team have selected from
a range of portable building designs provided by the Department for a new building to replace the building. The program is expected to be operational from
the start of the 2015 School Year.
Horsham College Leadership 2015
The College has been through a significant process in determining its Leadership Team for the main campus in 2015. The members of the Leadership Team
in 2015 are:
Mrs. Kim Drummond – Assistant Principal – Campus Head
Mr. Carlos Lopez – Assistant Principal – Campus Head
Ms. Melissa Twaddell – Assistant Principal – Building Teacher Capacity
Ms. Brandi Galpin – Leading Teacher Senior School
Ms. Meg Woolford – Leading Teacher Middle School
Mr. Gordon Poultney – Leading Teacher School Operations
Mr. Chris Wallis – Leading Teacher Pathways and Transition
Mr. Lachlan Yeates – Leading Teacher Teaching and Learning
Currently there are two positions advertised to complete the Leadership Team - Assistant Principal Alternative Programs and Leading Teacher ConnectEd.
These positions are currently advertised and will be filled in coming weeks.
End of school year
As the end of year approaches each year level it is important to note the College expects all students to attend until the designated dates. These dates are
published above for parents’ information. The College is required to provide a purposeful and engaging education for the students and there is significant
planning which is undertaken by staff to ensure this is the case. If parents or guardians have concerns or need any clarification regarding the end of the year
I would encourage you to contact Mrs. Kim Drummond, Mr. Carlos Lopez or myself.
College Council
The College Council will meet next week. Items for discussion will be:
College Leadership Team
VIVO Presentation – Ms. Brandi Galpin
NAPLAN and Parent and Staff Opinion Surveys
Draft Program Budget 2015
Rob Pyers, Principal
Commercial & Domestic Builders
Year 7 Showcase & Maths Olympics
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Last week the College hosted the local schools Grade 6 Maths Olympics following the successful
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showcases of what is on offer at the College and highlighted many of the great things which
the teaching and
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learning which is occurring. The energy and buzz in the Olympics was fantastic to see and oshowed
problem solving and be challenged by practical mathematics
Hours – Term 4, 2014
12noon to 2.00pm
Term 4 – Week 7: November 17 21 2014
Senior School Canteen
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Term 4– Week 7 and 8: November 17 to 28 2014
Canteen Roster 2014
Janine Launder
Jill Warren
Jennie Emmerson
Tracey Miller
Glenda Smith
Trudy Joyce
If volunteers are unable to attend on their appointed day, could they
please swap with someone else and leave a message on 5381 7131.
The following people have money to collect from the Uniform Shop:
 Atkins, Teena
 Freak, Jane
 Kosch, Amanda
 Radford, Sue
 Atwood, Rosalie
 Gregory, Anne
 Krahe, Marcia
 Rentsch, Holly
 Bamford, Cathy
 Griffin, Trudy
 Kruger, Deb
 Roach, Janice
 Barnes, Chris
 Hanson, Sue
 Ladlow, Alice
 Robson, Inge
 Barnett, Carolyn
 Harrison, Gina
 Launder, Janine
 Rook, Chris
 Bell, Kerrie
 Hateley, Deb
 Liston, Maree
 Roy, Joy
 Blackwell, Peter
 Hinge, Robyn
 Luff, Mandy
 Ryan, Erin
 Brown, Monica
 Hobbs, Dianne
 Lynch, Kathy
 Schmidt, Julie
 Carine, Judy
 Hunter, Maddison
 Macchia, Charisma
 Scott, Debbie
 Carter, Dianne
 James, Wendy
 Margetts, Pauline
 Sleep, Delwyn
 Carter, Jenny
 Johns, Donna
 McAlpine, Darren
 Sudholz, Gianna
 Chamberlain, Sarah
 Johnson, Judy
 McCourt, Lea
 Taylor, Sharon
 Clark, Tara
 Johnston, Sharon
 McDonald, Diana
 Taylor, Leanne
 Coutts, Nikki
 Jorgensen, Andrea
 McInnes, Jenny
 Thompson, Jan
 Cross, Debbie
 Jorgensen, Linda
 Mellington, Di
 Thompson, Jan
 Dempster, Paige
 Kamikazi, Senita
 Miller, Nadine
 Tucker, Olivia
 Dixon, Mandie
 Kemp, Vicki
 Norton, Debbie
 Voigt, Liz
 Dymke, Sharon
 Khan, Saif
 Nuzum, Julie
 Williams, Janice
 Egan, Diane
 King, Kelly
 Oliver, Nerida
 Wilson, Elizabeth
 Ellis, Katherine
 Kitchen, Sandra
 Pirouet, Mandy
 Wynne, Fiona
 Ervin, Jenny
 Knight, Dana
 Price, Fiona
Helpers are no longer required in the Senior Canteen…
Middle School Canteen
Jennifer Hopper
Stacey Ellis
Rohan Dalgleish
Sue Roberts
Melissa Hamerston
Term 4 – Week 8: November 24 to 28 2014
Senior School Canteen
Helpers are no longer required in the Senior Canteen…
Middle School Canteen
Maree Dalziel
Rosemary Oliver
Dawn Pannan
Jenny Sherry
Vanessa Sonnberger
If volunteers are unable to attend on their appointed day, could they
please advise Shirley Wylie by phoning 5381 7136.
Cyberbullying – Managing Sexting
Sexting is the sending of provocative or sexual photos, images, messages or
videos using a mobile phone, via email or posting online. Young people often
consider sexting as a way of connecting in a relationship.
Support your child’s safe online experience by considering the following.
There is a good range of secondhand uniform available at present. Prices
range for $5.00 - $30.00
Lay-By facilities are available if desired
Think about the legal ramifications. If anyone in the photo is under 18
they may be committing a crime. Viewing it or sending it to others may
also be a crime.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Uniform Shop Manageress
Marg Gunning – 5381 7131
Report it. If the image/video is online, you may then contact the
webmaster (a person who designs, develops or operates a website) and
ask them to remove it.
Seek help. Ask the school to help track who might have the image and
where it might be posted. Ask them to provide support to your child and
others involved as the negative impacts of sexting can affect grades and
Be reasonable about consequences. Sexting is not uncommon behaviour
and your child is not alone in being negatively impacted. Rather than
adding to the distress, implement clear consequences for your child
instead. For example, by limiting phone and internet use.
Friends are critical. Help them stay connected to friends online and
offline for support. Other trusted adults can also check your child’s
wellbeing and help them manage peer reactions.
Would you like to receive the Newsletter by email each
If you would like to receive the Newsletter by email, please contact Mrs. Judi
Landwehr in the Administration Office by phone 5381 7114 (direct line) or by
Parents are reminded that if your child is going to be absent from
school you can call the school’s Absence Hotline to advise details of
the absence.
If your child is distressed about something that’s happened to them online,
seek professional help through the Cybersmart Online Helpline
( or call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
Mrs. Tara Crowe, Teacher Librarian
The number is 5382 1191
Free Maths Tutoring for students will be held as follows:
Middle School students - Wednesday nights after school in the
Library from 3.30pm to 4.15pm – Ms. Denise Vallance
Senior School students – Monday nights after school in Room 1
from 3.30pm to 5.00pm – Mr. Steve Hu
Students who need assistance with their Mathematics or just a supportive
environment to complete their work are invited to attend at any time.
Just a reminder that there are two Lost Property boxes located at the College.
One is in the Senior Administration Office and the other in the Chaplain’s
office on the Middle School Site.
Often we find jumpers and items of school uniform without labels which
makes it hard to track down the owner.
Any enquiries on Lost Property please call Mrs. Susie Penny, Chaplain at the
College on 5381 7175.
Mrs. Susie Penny, Chaplain
Senior School Update
Middle School Update
The past two weeks have passed at an extremely fast pace. I have had the
pleasure of helping Mr. Ben Hobbs interview House Captain candidates. I was
impressed with the maturity and leadership I observed. I would like to
congratulate every student who participated in the interviews. Each student
showed courage to put themselves outside their comfort zone and participate
in an interview. Every student I met displayed the qualities to lead their
house. In the end, the final decision was close and difficult for us on the panel.
Year 7 students have had the great opportunity to visit one of Australia’s
premiere sites of significance at Lake Condah. It was a great honour for our
students to be invited and hosted by the traditional landowners to experience
this wonderful resource. Horsham College would like to thank the traditional
landowners for the time and effort they have put in to give our students these
Students in the Middle and Senior school were involved in the Remembrance
Day ceremonies. It is important that students recognise the human cost to
our country in conflicts over our short history. Horsham College would like to
acknowledge these sacrifices and the suffering to families and communities
that the loss of our soldiers has incurred. Below is the poem “In Flanders
Field” written by John McCrae as well as details regarding Remembrance Day.
A reminder to parents the last day of school this year is December 19th.
Over the weekend of November 1st and 2nd Ms. Ros Mathews, Mr. Will Hehir
and Mr. Graeme Wilkinson participated in the Wimmera Challenge. This was
an activity for our Koorie students and their families that involved paddling
from Horsham to Dimboola along the Wimmera River. Well done to all of
those who participated.
Last Friday Ms. Sharon Warrick and her marvellous
VCAL students helped to organise and conduct the
Try-A-Trade day at the Rasmussen Campus of
Horsham Primary School. Over the day, students
from Wimmera Primary schools visited varying
hands on displays and were given the opportunity
to participate in trades such as building,
landscaping. Staff from Horsham College were
proud to see some of their past students now
employed and showing the students what is
involved in their trade.
Last Friday I was the judge for the Year 9 World War I poetry competition.
Courageous students had learnt poems and performed them to the whole
Year 9 cohort. I could not decide between three outstanding students and
each of these students was selected to present their poem on Monday at
assembly. At this assembly the whole school took time to consider the loss
and grief associated with war and reflected during the solemn Last Post
skilfully played by Mr. Nick Shirrefs.
On Tuesday our new school captains Maddie
Crough and Carl Gasparini along with Elly
Blakeley represented Horsham College at the
Remembrance Day ceremony at Sawyer Park.
Ms. Brandi Galpin should also be mentioned for
her moving performance of the French national
anthem that she performed in French. Tuesday
concluded for me with the End of Semester
Concert. I would like to commend Mr. Nick
Shirrefs, Mrs. Angela Facey, Mrs. Julia Chen and
Ms. Brandi Galpin and all of the students
involved for their commitment to bringing us
performances of such a high quality.
Finally, I ask that all students continue to study conscientiously until the end
of term. Attendance at school is still compulsory for students in Years 10 and
11, unless a student has a Year 12 exam on a particular day. I would like to
emphasise to parents that there are still important lessons being delivered
that are a vital part of the students’ total educational program. Good luck to
Year 11 classes who are about to start exams and could all students who ride
bikes to school, please to use a bike lock.
Mrs. Kim Drummond, Acting Assistant Principal, Senior School
Mr. Carlos Lopez, Assistant Principal, Middle School
In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, May 1915
In Flanders’ fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders’ fields
Take up our quarrel with the floe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders’ fields
During the second Battle of Ypres a Canadian artillery officer, Lieutenant
Alexis Helmer, was killed on May 2nd 1915 by an exploding shell. He was a
friend of the Canadian Military doctor Major John McCrae. John was asked to
conduct the burial service owing to the Chaplain being called away on duty
elsewhere. It is believed that later that evening John began the draft for his
famous poem ‘In Flanders’ fields’.
In Australia November 11th is a day to remember those who died in war.
November 11th 1918 saw the end of the First World War. Remembrance Day
was originally called Armistice Day. After the After the end of the Second
World War in 1945, the Australian and British Governments changed the
name to Remembrance Day as an appropriate title for a day which would
commemorate all war dead.
As Australians we observe one minutes silence at 11.00am on November 11th.
We reflect on and thank the men and women who served during war, many of
whom made the ultimate sacrifice ensuring the freedom of our great land.
The Horsham College Deb Ball will be held on Friday March 27th 2015.
Interested students need to register their interest this week, by completing a
Deb Registration by this Friday. Registration forms can be collected from Ms.
Claire Breed in the Year 11 Office, or Ms. Sharon Warrick in the Year 12
Office. All forms are to be returned to the Year 11 Office. There is a fee of
$50.00 to be paid to the Administration Office by Friday November 28th to
register your interest and pay for Deb Training.
Training nights will commence on Wednesday February 18th 2015 and will
occur every Wednesday and Sunday night until the Deb Ball. Deb Training
commences at 7.15pm at the Horsham College Assembly Hall. Students are to
wear their dancing shoes, bring water and be appropriately dressed.
All students are to complete the Registration form, which is also a student
conduct agreement before they commence training.
If students would like to register for the Deb, but do not have a partner please
see Ms. Sharon Warrick for assistance.
If you have any queries or concerns please contact Ms. Sharon Warrick at the
College by phoning 5381 7112.
Ms. Sharon Warrick, Teacher in Charge
Hands on Learning have been experimenting with the construction of rammed
earth walls.
Mr. Leon Barents, Hands on Learning Coordinator
Firstly well done to all students who have been working so hard in the last few
weeks to make sure they are up to date in all work requirements. To all
students, take the initiative to go and ask your teachers if you have any work
to hand in. Also it might pay to be extra nice as teachers are now starting to
write your Reports. I am sure that students enjoyed the Lake Condah
Excursion for Humanities and Science. Thank you to students for their
behaviour and efforts. Also thank you to the teaching and non-teaching staff
who attended making this wonderful opportunity possible.
As students move from Year 7 to Year 8 there is the possibility that some
students may change Form Groups (with the exception of SEALP students).
This is determined by a number of factors including: music elective, language,
student performance and class dynamic. Changes are not made lightly, and
your understanding and support is important.
A reminder that students need to be wearing hats during Term 4 at Recess
and Lunchtime and will need to bring a hat for PE classes.
Finally, I can’t stress enough the importance of letting the school know if you
are going to be away for any reason. This can be done via the Absence Hotline
(5382 1191) or a written note in advance would also be appropriate.
Ms. Megan Woolford, Year 7 Team Leader
(Both netbooks and notebooks will be referred to as ‘notebooks’)
Year 12 students
As the end of the Year 12 year is fast approaching we would like to take
this opportunity to inform students that their Notebooks will need to be
returned to the College by Friday November 21st 2014.f November,
Year 9 students issued a notebook at the beginning of
this year
Students currently using a notebook (not the smaller ‘netbook’) will
need to return it to the ICT Office by Wednesday December 10th 2014 for
maintenance and reimaging to Windows 8. Please ensure that you back
up/save your work before handing in the notebook.
These notebooks will be available for collection by students at the
beginning of Term 1, 2015.
2015 Year 7 students
Just a reminder that due to Apple’s product launch of the iPad Air 2, the
planned 4th Generation iPad is no longer available, and the 2015 Year 7
iPad Program will be supplying the iPad Air 32GB 1st Generation. New
documentation was sent out on October 21st and was due back on
October 31st 2014. If you have not returned this information please do
so as soon as possible. If you have not received this new information
please contact the college.
If you require any further information please contact the Laptop
Coordinator, Karen Barnes or the IT Manager Carol Hale on 5381 7100.
8.30am – 9.00am
After school until 4.00pm
Watch this spot for more notebook information and tips…
Malaika Cafe
Serving Barista made Coffee,
Chai and Hot Chocolate
Breakfast club runs Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.00am to 8.50am in the Middle
School Canteen. Twice weekly we serve up a simple breakfast of toast,
cereals and milo - but be on the lookout for our special Pancake breakfasts
which are proving very popular with the students.
The Breakfast Club is funded by the Chaplaincy Committee and various
community organisations in Horsham. I want to especially thank our
volunteers who come in each week to help serve up breakfast and make sure
that our students are well looked after. Without them we couldn’t run the
Mrs. Susie Penny, Chaplain
Before School and at Recess - Senior Site Hall Foyer
TERM DATES – 2014 & 2015
Parents - Come in and get a coffee when you drop your child
Term 4 – 2014
October 6th – December 19th
Term 1 – 2015
Term 2 – 2015
Term 3 – 2015
Term 4 – 2015
January 28th – March 27th
Easter: April 3rd to 6th
April 13th – June 26th
Anzac Day Holiday – April 25th
July 13th – September 18th
October 5th – December 18th
Now serving Frappes! - Chocolate, Coffee, Mocha, Strawberry
and Caramel - $3.00
A friendly reminder that the College has compulsory uniform for Physical
Education classes in Years 7 to 10. Students that do not have uniform for
Physical Education classes will not be allowed to participate. (Please send
along a note if there is a temporary lapse in uniform – students may
participate in a change of casual gear for a brief time while any new uniform is
being sourced). It would be extremely helpful if all parts of uniform were
named and students had a light bag to keep their uniform contained in the
change rooms. There have been a number of uniforms left in the Gym,
students can see their PE teacher to retrieve it from the PE lost property.
End of Year Exams
The last day of classes for Year 11 students is Friday November 14th with
exams on November 20th & 21st and November 24th & 25th. Students are
required to attend their exams and treat them seriously, this will assist them
developing good study habits for Year 12. Exams allow students to display
their knowledge and consolidate their learning as well as give them much
needed practice for their Year 12 exams. Year 11 students studying Year 12
subjects are reminded that they need to attend all their Year 11 classes in the
lead up and during Year 12 final exams. However students are not required at
school on the day of their Year 12 exam.
Sunny Term 4 means that all PE students need to wear a hat during PE classes.
Students without a hat will not be allowed to participate. We are a SunSmart
school and we encourage students to be SunSmart with their hats, sunnies
and sunscreen in our outdoor classes.
Year 7 Swimming
All Year 7 classes are enjoying their swimming program at the Horsham YMCA.
As we near the end of our five week program we are aiming for maximum
participation from each student each lesson to make the most of our time left.
If a student is unable to swim, please bring a note or contact your PE teacher.
Sink or Swim Program
Year 7 students will be participating in the “Sink or Swim” program from Life
Saving Victoria next Tuesday November 18th. Students will gain valuable
information on water safety leading into the summer months where students
will be active in the water. We encourage parents to reinforce information
and skills covered at school with additional opportunities outside of school to
continue building on swimming skills and confidence for life. This could be
through activities like formal swimming lessons, joining a swim club or if you
are competent swimmers, being safe and active in our local river/lakes.
Year 7 and 8 students have been focusing on drug issues and harm
minimisation. We find that this topic may provide opportunities for
parents/guardians to have conversations with your child about this area. We
feel it is vital for all students to have accurate information and understanding
of these issues to reduce harm and prevalence. If you have any concerns or
wish to speak further with our PE/Health staff about this part of the
curriculum, do not hesitate to contact your child’s H&PE teacher or the
Coordinator below.
Miss Elizabeth Klinge, Learning Area Head – Health & PE
Year 10 exams will be starting in classes over the next few weeks. This is a
great opportunity for Year 10 students to develop the skills required for their
VCE exams in the coming years. Also a reminder that the Year 11 exams are
coming up, beginning on November 20th. Good luck to all Year 10 students
that are sitting exams for their Year 11 subjects in the coming weeks. As the
Year 11 students are finishing up this Friday we would like to remind Year 10
students that they are still required at school, every day, right up until Friday,
December 5th. Class teachers are still covering important assessment tasks
and beginning to write Student Reports so it is vital that students continue to
put in the hard work in their various classes.
I would also like to remind VET students that they are now required to attend
school as normal on a Wednesday as their VET classes have finished up for the
year. Any students who miss Wednesday’s classes will be marked as
unexplained absences.
Now that the weather is well and truly heating up we would also like to
remind students to bring a couple of dollars to school and try out the Malaika
Café’s delicious frappes that are available before school and during Recess in
the front of the hall.
Congratulations to the Year 10 students who represented the College at the
interschool hockey tournament in Dimboola. The boys were very competitive
and demonstrated good sportsmanship towards their oppositions. Included
are some photos of the team.
Ms. Jaymi O’Connor, Year 10 Team Leader
Year 12 Orientation day
The Year 12 Orientation day is Wednesday December 10th. Students will be
expected at school in full school uniform on this day. Students will be told in
the upcoming weeks where and when the Year 12 classes will be. Students
should take plenty of notes as they will get an introduction of all the subjects
for next year and holiday homework will be distributed. Students are
required to bring pens and paper on this day.
End of Year Presentations
The Year 10 and 11 Presentation evening will be held on Tuesday December
16th at 7.30pm. Parents and friends are encouraged to attend. Students will
be required to wear full school uniform on the night. We would also
appreciate students arriving 15 to 20 minutes early to get their names marked
On behalf of Year 11 teachers, I would like to congratulate students for what
has been a productive and successful year. We wish them all the best for
their revision and upcoming exams.
Miss Claire Breed, Year 11 Team Leader
It’s hard to believe we are half way through Term 4, which means there isn’t
much time until the year comes to an end. There is a lot to still unfold
between now and the end of the year, with Presentation nights and Activities
Week to look forward to. That said, before those more relaxed times arrive,
there is a lot of work and learning for Year 8 students to complete. Teachers
will soon start thinking about their end-of-semester Reports, which often
means assessment tasks aplenty in all classes. Students need to ensure they
remain focused and hard working all the way through, looking to improve on
their results from Semester 1.
In housekeeping matters, it is important that parents/guardians are reminded
that if their child is going to be absent from school that they call the Absence
Hotline on 5382 1191, or alternatively provide a signed note either in advance
of the absence or immediately after. This will ensure you child is not marked
as an ‘unexplained absence’, which detriments both the College’s attendance
data as well as the student’s themselves. In the near future, notes will be sent
home if a student is absent for a day(s) requesting a note be provided as to
Lastly, congratulations to Chloe Claridge from 8C for taking out first place at
Year 8 for the Val Finch Essay Writing competition. Chloe’s excellent essay on
deforestation won herself a $50.00 iTunes voucher. Well done, Chloe, on
showing such strong initiative and for a terrific achievement!
Have a fantastic week ahead…
Mr. Daniel Marget, Year 8 Team Leader
Try a Trade
Smashing walls and fixing them with plaster, creating Florentines, sorting
seeds and landscaping gardens were some of the activities ran by Horsham
College VCAL Students at the Work Co Try a Trade held last Friday at the
Rasmussen Rd Campus of Horsham Primary School. VCAL Students dressed in
their work appropriate clothing and presented well with local employers and
apprentices from the Wimmera. It was a fantastic opportunity for students to
showcase the employment opportunities in this region.
Primary students were engaged in the various activities which included, food
production, engineering, agriculture, landscaping, plastering, plumbing,
electrician, butcher, hospitality, building, brick-laying, beauty and hair, civil
construction, retail and automotive (light and heavy).
This year was the smoothest Try a Trade to date. It is a real credit to the Work
co staff, employers and VCAL students to get such a wonderful trade event
happening at this professional level.
This week we were very proud of our students who made the effort to learn
some World War 1 poetry by heart and were able to recite in front of their
classes, in some cases in front of their Year Level, and in the case of Bailee
McLean of 9Red and Georgia Hiscock of 9Green, in front of our whole school
at our Remembrance Day Assembly. These girls deserve congratulations for
their efforts in playing a part in informing our general student body about
aspects of the war and the reason we remember the sacrifices of those
involved in the war.
We are currently encouraging all students to ensure they are up to date with
all their class work in all subjects. Report writing is just around the corner and
it is important that teachers have the students’ best efforts to assess in the
lead up to the reporting period.
Another reminder - Challenge Certificates need to be finalised, with any
applications for Diamond Awards due to the Year 9 Office by November 21st.
In Term 3 some of our students undertook publicising the White Ribbon
Foundation as for their Community Project.
For our community project we decided to work with the White Ribbon
committee to help raise awareness of the violence against women by discussing
the topic with the public. Working through the project, we realised how
common violence against women is and that it is happening right here in
Horsham. Events like the Wimmera Community Street March are a great
opportunity for the people of Horsham and surrounding areas to come together
and make a stand to say no to violence against women. So come down to the
Horsham Aquatic Centre at 12.30pm on November 21st and give an hour of
your time back to the community!
by Remy Cross on behalf of Wil Ridsdale, Louis Goudie and Riley Summerhayes
In our Learning Advisor groups today we will be undertaking some activities to
inform the Year 9 Year Level about the impact an organisation like White
Ribbon can have. Eight students from each class will have the opportunity to
indicate their interest in participating in Friday’s march, and these students
will be given permission forms to complete and return to school prior to the
Mrs. Heather Deayton, Year 9 Team
Safety First
Thanks to the Wimmera Safety Group, James Wood engaged the students
with his real life story about living in a wheelchair after leaving his seat belt off
on a short journey. Students and staff were captivated by his easy manner
and relevant message. James encouraged students to think before they act…
to consider the choices available and to make the choice to be safe. This
presentation was highly relevant. Students commented that they would make
better, safer choices after hearing James speak. Horsham College would like
to thank James Wood, Darren Patterson and Rob Ticchi for making this
presentation available to our VCAL and VET students.
Ms. Sharon Warrick, VCAL Coordinator
Sports Dates – Term 4
November 19
November 19th
Year 7 Boys Hockey
Year 7 Boys Cricket - T20 Blast
On Monday November 10 the Year 7 Girls Basketball team travelled to Ballarat
for the Regional Finals. They finished third overall, defeating Ballarat High
School 59-34 in the 'Bronze Medal Game'. Well done to all of the girls involved.
Thank you to Mitch Martin, Jeremiah McKenzie and Jack Sleep for umpiring on the
day. Thank you to Stevie Bibby and Kirby Knight for coaching the team and to Mr.
Ben Hobbs for organising the team and running the day.
On Wednesday November 5th the Year 7/8 Boys Cricket team played in the Greater
Western Region 20/20 cricket final in Ballarat and finished runner up, losing to
Phoenix College by 7 runs. Thanks to Mr. Peter Hill for his assistance on the day.
On Thursday November 6 the Year 7 Boys team won the Regional T20 Blast at
Horsham and will now play in State finals. The Year 8 boys team finished 13th and
the two Year 8 girls team's finished 8 and 6 . Thank you to the following helpers
on the day: Pat Laffy, Jed Lehmann, Tyler Puls, Ravi Unni, Wil Ridsdale and Mickael
Arthur for their assistance on the day. Thank you to Mr. Neil King for his coaching
and organisation of the day.
On Wednesday November 5 the Year 8 Boys Tennis team travelled to Ballarat for
the Regional Finals. They finished 3rd for the day. Thank you to Mr. Neil King for his
organisation and coaching on the day.
The Regional Finals for Year 7 Boys and Girls Volleyball are currently underway
during the time of writing. Results will be in the next Newsletter.
Senior and Middle School House Captains have been appointed and will be
announced shortly.
Applications for the AFL Sportsready Traineeship for 2015 will close on Friday
November 14th at 3.30pm. Please forward all applications and Resumes to Mr. Ben
Hobbs in the Year 11 Office.
The Sports Department and Physical Education faculty have been approached by a
group of Year 9 girls (roughly 10) who are interested in competing in Sports
Aerobics. This is not something that has been run in recent years at Horsham
College and would look to be a continuous, ongoing Sport from year to year. We
are after a coach or coaches with either experience or a keen interest in this sport
to assist with the development of routines and facilitation of training sessions for
these girls, in or out of school time throughout the year. The competition phase
begins in early May, 2015 and training would commence as soon as possible with
that date in mind. If any parent would like any further information or the names of
the girls wanting to be involved in this sport, please contact the Sports Department
staff for what would be a great opportunity for the school to push a somewhat
minority sport.
School Sport Victoria requires the following Code of Conduct to be published twice
per year:
Career News
For more details and to apply: Written application and resume to be sent to Chris Perry
(0419 312 293) at WORKCO Limited, 15-17 Dimboola Road, Horsham 3400.
For more details and to apply: Written application and resume to be sent to Shane Cross
(53816200) at WORKCO Limited, 15-17 Dimboola Road, Horsham 3400.
Do you want a career in the justice / legal system? Have you completed VCE or Tertiary
Studies? Take your first step to become a qualified Court Registrar with the Magistrates'
Court of Victoria and build an exciting career in the justice system. There are multiple
full-time, ongoing roles available across Victoria. Please see the following link to the
advertised Trainee Court Registrar positions: Applications close 23 November 2014
For additional information on the advertised roles please follow the following link to our
This information is for Year 12 students who have applied for TAFE and/or
university courses through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).
Change of Preference (CoP) gives you the chance to add, delete and reorder
your preferences. If you receive an offer, you will be offered the course
highest on your preference list you are eligible for (you have met the ATAR
and selection criteria requirements).
It is also the last chance you have to make sure your preference list reflects
what you would like to study in the future. You can apply to change your
preferences any time between 9am Monday 24 November – 12.00pm
Monday 22 December. You can change your preferences as many times as
you like during the CoP period. If you delete some courses like medicine, you
will not be able to add them into your preference list again.
1. Log onto
2. Click on Account Login and enter your VTAC ID number and pin
3. In your VTAC account, click on the Change Undergraduate Preferences link
4. Change your preferences and click submit.
Hospitality Training Australia is conducting a Summer School for School Leavers in
Horsham for those interested in pathways into this industry. The Summer School program
is a stage one of a two stage program. It is specifically designed for school leavers and
university students to help them transition - school to the workforce and start earning.
For five days a week for two weeks, you’ll learn how to make espresso coffee; prepare
drinks behind a bar; serve food in a restaurant; and respond to a first aid emergency;
Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) certificate; Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG)
certificate; Food Safety (FSH) certificate; Apply First Aid certificate and more.
Course Commencing 15 December 2014 at St Brigid’s College
To enrol online visit:
Costs & Inclusions: $125 Enrolment fee, or $50 for Certificate III in Hospitality and a
second payment of $75 to continue to complete Certificate IV in Hospitality (*eligibility
criteria applies for government subsidised training)
How to Apply: Enrol online at:
or telephone Admissions, Hospitality Training Australia on 1300 659 557.
Army Reserve session on 26th November (6.00pm) will be held at the
Horsham Depot- 15 Transport Squadron - 99 Baillie St, Horsham. There are
limited positions available for these sessions so reservations are essential. To
book your seat please email with the date and title of the
session and also the number of seats you would like. * Photo I.D will be
required and checked upon arrival. Any minors without photo I.D are
requested to attend with a parent/guardian. Please note that there are other
Defence Force Recruiting sessions in Melbourne: See “Horsham College
Careers & Pathways” Facebook page for details or contact Mr. Chris Wallis.
Neil King/Ben Hobbs/Tim Carter
Sports Team
If you are about to complete Year 12 in Victoria, there are a number of
options available for you to receive your VCE results and ATAR at the end of
the year. One of those options is to have them sent via SMS and you can preregister from Monday 10 November. If you are a Year 11 student that has
completed a Unit 3/4 sequence you can pre-register for SMS and access your
VCE results, however there will be no information about your scaled scores
from VTAC. No ATAR is possible until the Primary Four has been completed
and you have satisfied the VCE requirements. Please note: the VCE Results
and ATAR service is only for 2014 results. See “Horsham College Careers &
Pathways” Facebook page for details on how to get results by SMS; or
contact Mr. Chris Wallis, Ms ODonnell or Mr. Nick Rigas.