LIVING IN SALZBURG SALZBURG LIVING IMPRINT The research for this document has been conducted with the highest diligence possible but is not intended to be exhaustive. A major part of the information is subject to constant change, i.e. the correctness of the content and the accordance to local circumstances cannot be guaranteed. This document and all of its parts are protected by copyright. All usage without the consent of the copyright proprietor is prohibited. This applies especially to reproduction, imitation, translation or digital storage and processing. Due to the readability of document, gendering has been avoided. All terms refer in the sense of equal treatment to both genders. © Idea, Editorial Department: StandortAgentur Salzburg GmbH Südtiroler-Platz 11, Postfach 77 A- 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 451327 Mail: Commercial Register: FN 141251 y Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht Salzburg UID-Number: ATU 39977209 © Graphics, Cartography, Printing CH Communications GmbH GENERAL DEFINITIONS AND DISAMBIGUATIONS REGISTRATION AND RESIDENCE RESIDENCE AND WORK BANK MATTERS AND TAXES THE AUSTRIAN SOCIAL INSURANCE SYSTEM HABITATION POST HEALTH CHILD CARE AND EDUCATION DRIVING LICENSE AND AUTOMOBILE WASTE AND DISPOSAL COMMUNICATION HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAY SEASONS IN AUSTRIA SUSTAINMENT COSTS go Procedure and Necessary Documents PERMIT OF RESIDENCE The registration can be done personally or postally. Which form of residence permit applies to a person, depends on where he is from and how long and to what purpose he will stay in Austria. Both for registering and deregistering, the following documents are required: a filled-in certificate of registration (Meldezettel), an ID card or passport or birth certificate or certificate of citizenship. Upon residing in a rental apartment/flat, the accommodation provider has to sign the certificate of registration. People that are not citizens of Austria are required to bring their passport either way. The application form is available at all registration offices and can be downloaded online. Further helpful and detailed official websites: If demanded, a written confirmation of the registration (Anmeldebestätigung) can be issued. A fee will be demanded for this. • w • w •üpunkt „Bürgerservice“) Third Country/Third Country National: Countries or citizens of countries that belong neither to the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). Currently, 28 countries are members of the EU: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Great Britain, and Cyprus. The countries in the EEA include all EU countries as well as Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland. For Switzerland, as an EU neighbour country with bilateral contracts, apply special regulations. In many apsects, a citizen of Switzerland is thus equal to EU citizens. Schengen States: All EU countries with the exception of Great Britain, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania are Schengen states. Furthermore, Switzerland and the EEA countries Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland are Schengen states. The Schengen states have signed the Schengen Agreement of 1985, which regulates a joint asylum and immigration policy. Because of this agreement, the border control towards other Schengen states (also within Schengen territory) has been lifted and the border control towards third countries (Schengen borders) has been massively reinforced. (Source: 2. R E G I S T R A T I O N A N D R E S I D E N C E Everyone that takes up a residence or moves to another residence in Austria is required to register at the respective registry office – this is according to the Austrian Registration Act. The following deadlines have to be followed: Upon deregistering 3 days before and after leaving the previous residence; upon registering 3 days after moving in. The registering procedure is free of charge, upon violation of the compulsory registration a monetary penalty will have to be paid. (Source: Responsible Authorities In statutory cities the municipal authority is responsible for the registration process. In all other places, it is the town hall. Registration Offices in the City of Salzburg: Citizen Service: Schloss Mirabell Tel: +43 (0)662 8072- 3537 Mail: Registration Service: St.-Julien-Straße 20 (Kieselgebäude 4. Stock) +43 (0)662 8072-3530 Mail: Opening Hours of both Registration Offices: Monday to Thursday 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday 7.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. • w • All information about the registration in Salzburg can be found on 1. G E N E R A L D E F I N I T I O N S A N D D I S A M B I G UAT I O N S Detailed information on all topics concerning “migration”, “immigration”, “residence”, “integration” as well as “living and working in Austria” in addition to a download area for all forms and applications offers this website that was created by several governmental departments of the Republic of Austria for this very purpose. R EG I S T R AT I O N A N D PE R M A N E N T R E S I D E N C E C E R T I FI CAT E General Information EEA citizens and Swiss citizens, who are entitled to stay for more than 3 months according to the union’s law, receive as documentation for their residence permission a registration certificate (Anmeldebescheinigung) upon application. The application has to be submitted within four months upon arrival. EEA citizens and Swiss citizens, who are entitled to the union’s residence permission, are entitled to permanent residence after five years of legal and continuous residence in the federal territory. Upon application, a permanent residence certificate (Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts) can be issued. Responsible Authorities The settlement authority that has jurisdiction ratione loci. These are the district commissions (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) and in statutory cities the municipal authorities. Further information on the registration certificate and the permanent residence certificate can be found on: • (Menüpunkt „Leben in Österreich/ Aufenthalt und Visum“) All information concerning the special topic of recognition of academic grades (Nostrifizierung) is offered to academics by the following website: • w Important information to the special topic “recognition of foreign professional qualifications” is covered by this official website (including contact details of all contact and information points): • w THE VISA Permission of a Short-term Stay Citizens of third countries need to apply for a short-term stay (e.g. vacation) in Austria for a visa. Citizens of certain selected countries (e.g. Croatia, USA, Australia, Japan) are excepted: They are allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days in Austria without a visa. N.B.: Aside from business travelers, people without a visa are NOT allowed to work in Austria. An exception exists for fixed term foreign workers (“Saisonniers”) as well as owners of a “Jobseeker Visa” for the purpose of finding work for highly qualified foreigners. Basically, three different visa categories are distinguished: Visa A: Flight transit visa Citizens of certain countries need a visa for the transit through an Austrian airport. Visa B: Travel visa The classic tourist visa entitles visa owners to entry and residence in the area of the Schengen states. The maximum total residence period with this visa amounts to 3 months. Visa C: Residence visa This visa is granted for courses as well as for the singular bridging (e.g. for job seeking) until the entitlement of a long-term residence permission. The validity for this visa is 91 days up to a maximum of 6 months. IMPORTANT: All visa categories can only be granted by Austrian representation authorities abroad. A visa can only be prolonged in-country under clearly defined exceptional circumstances. THE RESIDENCE PERMIT Residence permit for a long-term stay All information about the topic of visa can be found on Citizens of third countries who are planning on staying longer than 6 months need to have a residence permit. •üpunkt „Leben in Österreich/ Aufenthalt und Visum“) General information on the topic residence permit can be found on: • wüpunkt „Aufgabengebiete/ Fremdenpolizei“) • w (Menüpunkt „Leben in Österreich/ Aufenthalt und Visum“) Information about the special topics “Jobseeker visa” and “employment permit for seasonal workers” (Beschäftigungsbewilligung für Saisonarbeitskräfte) can be found online via • w • w • w (Menüpunkt „Aufgabengebiete/ Niederlassung und Aufenthaltsrecht“) • w R E S I D E N C E PE R M I T S T H AT A L LO W A N O C C U PAT I O N R E S I D E N C E FO R E D U CAT I O N A L MEANS The most important residence permit is the “RotWeiß-Rot-Karte” (Red-White-Red Card), which has been introduced on July 1, 2011. It is issued to specially qualified workers for the duration of one year. Residence Permit “Student“ Generally, the following groups have a prospect of receiving a Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte: Specially qualified people, specialists for jobs on shortage occupation list, other key workers, foreign graduates of an Austrian college/university as well as self-employed key workers. A corresponding application for the “Rot-Weiß-RotKarte” can only be submitted upon the reference to an adequate job offer and with the consent of the future employer. The responsible registry office decides on the basis of an assessment by the AMS (Arbeitsmarktservice -> job center). RESIDENCE AND WORK While the “Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte” is only issued for a concrete Austrian employer, the “Rot-Weiß-RotKarte plus”, which is issued subsequently, allows the change of the employer. After five years of residence and fulfillment of the integration agreement, the residence permit “Daueraufenthalt-EG” (permanent residence) can be issued. This is valid for an unlimited period. Every person that wants to pursue a career according to the Alien Employment Act (Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz), is required to have a corresponding work permit. This also applies to apprenticeships or people in employment-like situations (e.g. freelance contract) Aside from the “Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte”, there is also the “Blaue Karte EU” (Blue Card EU) that can be issued to foreign specialists upon the warrant of a certain minimum income, which has to amount to one and a half times of the average Austrian annual gross salary. Foreigners, who aim to work in Austria, need to have The mentioned residence permits include the working permit, an additional permit is not necessary. Detailed information on the topic “Residence and moving” can be found online via • a residence permit and • a work permit This does not apply to EEA members, who are entitled to entry and residence. • (Menüpunkt „Aufgaben gebiete/ Niederlassung und Aufenthaltsrecht“) All general information on the topics “residence“, “moving” and “working papers”, “language acquisition/ German before moving” or about the “Rot-Weit-RotKarte” can be found on the following website: • The “Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich” (job center Austria) has detailed information on the access of foreign workers to the Austrian job market, online via • w • w • for degree or non-degree studies at a university, college, accredited private universities, teachers’ colleges or acknowledged private teacher’s college • an acknowledged private degree course or acknowledged private “Hochschullehrgang” (Hochschulgesetz 2005) • for university courses that are not solely aimed at teaching a language • Letter of indemnity permissible upon prolongation: transcript of studies required Please note: The exercising of an occupation has to be in conformity to the AuslBG. The occupation may not interfere with the studies in any way. Important information and the legal regulations on the topic “employed occupation of foreign students” can be found on • w • w Important information and the legal regulations on the topic “employed occupation of foreign pupils” can be found online via: • w Source: Residence Permit “Social Worker” • Valid for maximum of 1 year (no prolongation possible) • If the social service does not underlie the Alien Employment Act and is done in a bipartisan or non-profit organization that does not pursue personal profit • The performance of the service does not entail profit • Obligatory letter of indemnity of the host organization in which the social worker performs his services Source: Residence Permit “School Pupil” • Full member pupil in a public school, private school with right of publicity, statutory schools with right of publicity or certified non-school institutions • Non-full member pupils in a public school or a private school with right of publicity as long as it is a first-time issuing of a residence permit • Full member “students” in a public or with right of publicity equipped school for working people • Letter of indemnity permitted • Upon prolongation: transcript of school courses is required, change from non-full member to full member pupil required Please note:The exercising of an occupation has to be according to the “Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz” (Alien Employment Act). The occupation may not interfere with the studies in any way. Source: The residence permit “Daueraufenthalt-EG” (permanent residence EU) and “DaueraufenthaltFamilienangehöriger” (permanent residence family member) are issued for a duration of 5 years. The limitation of the validity of the card does not change the permanent residence entitlement. The validity of the residence permit begins with the issuing date. If the application for extension is submitted in time and the residence permit is granted, a person may legally stay without interruption in Austria. An overview about the jurisdiction of first applications and extension applications can be found on • (Menüpunkt „Aufgabengebiete/ Niederlassung und Aufenthalt“) Detailed information on the topic integration agreement (Integrationsvereinbarung, also in English) can be found on the following website: RESIDENCE FOR THE MEANS OF FA M I LY R E U N I F I C AT I O N “Rot-Weiß-Rot – Karte plus” Entitlement of residence and unrestricted access to job market “Residence Permit” Entitlement of residence: self-employed occupation without restriction possible, employed occupation only with additional AMS-document “Residence Permit - Family Member” For “core family” of Austrians without moving permission; Right for residence and unrestricted job market access “Residence Permit - Relative” For additional relatives of Austrians without moving permission; Right of residence; no access to job market Information on the topic “family reunification” and “means of residence” as well as sample cards of all residence permits can be found online via: • (Menüpunkt „Aufgabengebiete/ Niederlassung und Aufenthalt“) Detailed information and service offers to all mentioned topics can be found (also in English) on • Source: Validity of the Residence Permit Below, you can find a list of residence entitlements with respect to their validity (i.e. duration of residence permission) in Austria. Temporary residence permits are generally issued for a duration of 12 months. There are the following exceptions: • The residence permit “Blaue Karte EU” is issued for a duration of 2 years unless the employment contract is for less than 2 years (In this case, the residence permit is valid for three months after the expiry of the employment contract). • If the residence permit application is for a shorter period of time, it will be issued for the time in the application. • If the validity of the passport is shorter than a year, the residence permit is issued only according to the validity of the passport. • If the validity of the residence permit of a third country member is shorter than a year, the family members residence permits are restricted to that shorter time period upon a family unification. • Certain residence permits (“Rot-Weiß-Rot-Karte plus”, “Niederlassungsbewilligung” (Residence permit), “Niederlassungsbewilligung – Angehöriger” (Residence permit family member), “Niederlassungsbewilligung ausgenommen Erwerbstätigkeit“ (Residence permit occupation excluded) and “Familienangehöriger” (Family member)) are issued for the duration of 3 years if the third country member has fulfilled module 1 of the integration agreement and has had his residence in the last 2 years continually in Austria. • (Menüpunkt „Leben und Arbeiten in Österreich/ Rahmenbedingungen der Integration“) WORK PERMITS Every person that wants to pursue an apprenticeship or an employee-like situation according to the Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz (Alien Employment Act), has to have the according work permit. Residence Permits Without Permission Obligation If you are entitled to a residence permit “Daueraufenthalt EG” (permanent residence EU), a “Niederlassungsbewilligungunbeschränkt” (unlimited residence permit) or a “Niederlassungsnachweis” (Residence certificate), you may work without restrictions. Employment Permit If you are not entitled to one of the above residence permits, your future employer has to apply for an employment permit at the responsible regional branch of the AMS (job center) for you. It is valid for a maximum of one year from the issuing date and is limited to a certain job and certain tasks. Source: Work Permit The work permit entitles to taking a job in every state within the area of validity for which it is issued. It may be issued if you have been legally employed for 52 weeks over the last 14 months in Austria and are in possession of a residence permit (Niederlassungsbewilligung). The work permit can be applied for in the responsible regional branch of the AMS and is valid for a maximum of 2 years. Downloading of forms & additional information on the topic work permit: Special information on the topic “Work permit for international specialists” can be found on Source: Exemption Certificate The exemption certificate entitles you to work in the entire Austrian federal territory. A valid residence permit is required therefore. The exemption certificate can be applied for in the regional branch of the AMS and is issued for 5 years. Among other things, it is prerequisite to having had a minimum period of employment of 5 years within the last 8 years. Work. B A N K M AT T E R S A N D TA X E S To be allowed to open an Austrian bank account, you have to show your passport, your driving license or a valid ID-card at the respective bank. The existence of an Austrian bank account is obligatory in most employment relationships. In order that your employer can transfer your monthly salary, you should open a “Giro- oder Gehaltskonto” (Check/cheque account or salary account). The opening hours of the banks are not uniformly, although most branches open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. The possibility of “Online Banking” is offered by all large Austrian banks, so that transactions are not restricted to the opening hours of the branches. TA X E S A N D FI N A N C E AU T H O R I T Y If one has his main residence in Austria, one is also required to pay personal income tax in Austria (even if the place of employment is abroad). All EU countries and neighbour countries have negotiated bilateral treaties with Austria in order to avoid eventual double taxing and to guarantee that, as a tax payer, one only has to pay personal income tax in the country where his main residence is registered. Employed people receive their salary or their wage on their salary account. The employer is responsible for paying the income tax as well as the mandatory social insurance to the state. Self-employed people with trade certificates/ licenses, freelancers and “new self-employed” have to pay their taxes and social insurance contributions themselves. Additional information can be received from the, for your main residence or district, responsible finance authority of Salzburg: Finanzamt Salzburg-Stadt (FA91) & Salzburg-Land (FA93) Aignerstraße 10 5026 Salzburg-Aigen Telephone FA Sbg-Stadt: 0662 6380 547000 Telefax FA Sbg-Stadt: 0662 6380 5947000 Telephone FA Sbg-Land: 0662 6380 548000 Telefax FA Sbg-Land: 0662 6380 5948000 Finanzamt Zell am See (FA90) Brucker Bundesstraße 13 5700 Zell am See Telephone: 06542 780 Telefax: 01-51433-5946002 Finanzamt Tamsweg (FA90) Gartengasse 3 5580 Tamsweg Telephone: 06542 780 Telefax: 01-51433-5946003 Finanzamt St. Johann (FA90) Hans Kappacher-Straße 14 5600 St. Johann/Pg. Telephone: 06542 780 Telefax: 01-51433-594600 The Austrian Personal Income Tax System In order to guarantee social equality and maintain the stable social peace in the country, the Austrian personal income tax system adapts with its progressive tax rates to the height of the income. While a low income is also taxed very low, the income tax rate rises according to the higher income. To insure financial performance incentives, a maximum top rate has been introduced. General and concise information on the topic “income tax” can be found online via • (Menüpunkt „Steuern und Finanzen Einkommenssteuer“) Income Tax Return Generally, you are required to submit an income tax return when the financial authority prompts you to (§ 42 subparagraph 1 line 1 income tax law – EstG Einkommenssteuergesetz); thus, when you receive an income tax declaration. If no prompt is received, one has to distinguish whether liable payroll tax earnings are included in the income or not. IMPORTANT: Generally, you can assume that you have to receive an income tax return as a rule if your income as unrestricted taxpayer (=people with Austrian residence or frequent residence in Austria) exceeds € 12,000, unless you have only one (or consecutive) employment relationship or only one pension paying institution. The income tax return (From E1) is to be submitted in the respective residence finance authority (Attachment of pay slips is not necessary, because they are transmitted by the employer or the pension paying institution automatically to your residence financial authority). A duty of submitting the income tax return exists for unrestricted taxpayers especially in the cases in which the tax-free base income is exceeded and not only one liable income tax earning is existent: • When the income does not include liable income tax earnings and exceeds € 12,000 • When the chief income includes liable income tax earnings, but also other earnings of more than € 730,- have been made and the income exceeds € 12,000 • If at the same two or more employed occupations have been done or two or more pensions (who are not taxed by the same pension provider) are received and the income exceeds € 12,000 • Generally also when earnings from the capital assets are received, which underlie the special tax rate of 25 %, but do not underlie the KESt (Kapitalertragssteuer -> dividend tax, especially foreign capital earnings) Independent from the height of the income, accounting income tax payers have to submit an income tax return. The submission of the income tax return is recommended also upon the presence of a loss because it is then according to the base and the height fixed legally through official decision for the purposes of the tax loss carried forward. In the context of a tax declaration, the income and possible further taxation features of the respective calendar year have to be shown (especially the height of the earnings, deductible special expenses, extraordinary charges, child allowances). Deadline for the submission of the tax declaration: • Submission of the hardcopy tax declaration: April 30, of the following year voluntarily by all people liable to income tax. Because there can be claimed a number of taxreducing expenses (e.g. commuting allowances, specialized literature etc.), considerable tax refunds by the financial authority are possible. Further information about FinanzOnline specifically and the income tax declaration with a list of possible documents that have to be attached and the download of all forms in general can be found on • (Menüpunkt„Steuern und Finanzen/Einkommenssteuer/ Einkommenssteuererklärung“) Further information on tax questions can be received at the respective responsible residence financial authority in Salzburg, at private tax consultant companies or at the following institutions: Bundesministerium für Finanzen 1030 Wien, Hintere Zollamtstraße 2b Tel. +43 (0) 1 51433-0/ Tel: 0810 001228 (Bürgerservice der Finanzämter) Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Salzburg Markus-Sittikus-Straße 10/ 5020 Salzburg Telephone: 0662 8687/ Fax: 0662 876258 • htm?&idx=0 • w steuererklaerung-2783.html • w arbeitnehmerveranlagung-59738.html Tax questions (including annually updated tax brochure) for border commuters: • Wirtschaftstreuhänder and tax law guide of Salzburger Nachrichten (Newspaper): • • Electronical submission (via FinanzOnline): June 30, of the following year These deadlines can be extended upon a justified application. Upon representation through a tax consultant or a “Wirtschaftstreuhänder” (Public accountant), later deadlines are also possible. Please note: If one is not satisfied with the income tax decision (e.g. deviation of the decision from the declaration or the allowance of not yet declared positions), one can appeal upon notification and justification of the desired rectifications to the responsible finance authority within one month upon delivery. This can be done via the electronic way on the internet. An income tax declaration can be done Bank & Taxes. THE AUSTRIAN SOCIAL INSURANCE SYSTEM People who have their main residence in Austria and pursue a self-employed or employed occupation, have to have a compulsory insurance of the Austrian social system. The compulsory insurance serves the purposes of protection and financial coverage upon accident, unemployment or illness as well as the financial maintenance for the time after the professional life (pension). An additional insurance cover or a private health insurance can be covered on a voluntary basis. Social Insurance The legal social insurance is a compulsory insurance, i.e. upon the presence of legally closer defined prerequisites, the automatic inclusion into the respective insurance branch (health, accident or pension) takes place. The primary link of the compulsory insurance is the respective concretely exercised occupation. Thus, the insurance protection for health, accident and pension is regulated through various laws. The compulsory insurance for employed people does also include the unemployment insurance. Self-employed people may also cover it if they wish. Employed people are automatically insured against illness and accident and for a pension. The employer pays the social insurance contribution and subtracts it from the salary. The compulsory insurance ends with the end of the employment (or compensation claims). The compulsory insurance of health, pension and accident insurance starts for the tradesperson on the day of business registration. The announcement of the insurance’s beginning is to be done within one month at the social insurance institution of trade and industry (Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft - SVA) of the respective state. The transmission of the announcement can also be conducted at the trade authority through EDPsupported means. Health Insurance The health insurance has, together with the other social insurance providers, a complementary responsibility in the field of medical rehabilitation. They apply measures subsequent to the illness in order to maximize the success of the treatment and minimize the consequences of the illness or the treatment. The purpose of the health insurance is the entitlement to medical treatment. Cures, medical aids and medical attention are part of this. Family members of the insured person who are not insured on their own and have their residence in Austria can be co-insured. For workers and employees (employed people – unselbständig Erwerbstätige): Salzburger Gebietskrankenkasse (SGKK) Engelbert-Weiß-Weg 10 5020 Salzburg Tel: +43 (0)662 8889 – 0 Fax: +43 (0)662 8889 – 1111 E-Mail: For self-employed people and freelancers Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft (SVA) – Landesstelle Salzburg Auerspergstraße 24 5020 Salzburg VersicherungsService: Tel: 05 08 08 -2027 Fax: 05 08 08 -9729 E-Mail E-Card serves as a European insurance card (see back of E-Card), you should take it with you on travels and vacation in Europe. As a European health insurance card, the E-Card guarantees that you are entitled to medical treatment in all EU member states as well as Switzerland and all EEA countries in public hospitals and walk-in clinics free of charge. E-CARD The green E-Card in the handy check card design can be obtained from your health insurance free of charge. All for the insurance provider relevant personal data (social insurance number, date of birth) is stored there and serves as an electronic insurance card that replaced the previous health insurance certificate. Thus, you have to show your E-Card at each doctor’s/dentists appointment or health facility (walk-in clinic, hospital, etc.). Upon showing the E-Card, several add-on benefits (e.g. Mother-Child-Pass inspection (Mutter-Kind-Pass), medical checkups) may be claimed. Because your Important: For loss, theft or damaging of your E-Card, you have to contact the service line of the Austrian social insurance as fast as possible via the phone number +43 1 (0) 50124 33 11 (in Austria at local rate, no additional area code needed within the country). Please request in these cases also a new E-Card. More information on the E-Card: Insurance. HABITATION Real estate guide of Salzburger Nachrichten (incl. realtor/estate agent search): A PA RTM ENT SE A RCH • The search for a new apartment begins often at own acquaintances, on apartment fairs on the internet, at newspaper ads or an own advertisement, at noncommercial housing associations (gemeinnützige Wohnbauvereinigung), at financial institutions or building associations as well as house managements. Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg Fachgruppe für Immobilien- und Vermögenstreuhänder (Expert group for real estate and property trustees) Telephone: +43 (0)662 88 88 DW 637 oder 638 Fax: +43 (0)662 88 88 960669 The apartment search with the help of a realtor/ estate agent or brokerage firm is more comfortable, though, since they take care for the client about showing appointments, concluding rental contracts, key delivery etc. and look after him professionally. Salzburg has a large variety of realtors/estate agents who are partially active in internationally connected networks and offer many different properties. Generally, realtors/estate agents have to be paid only when a contract is concluded. Legally, the height of the brokerage depends on the gross monthly rent and the duration of the rental contract: • Rental contract with a duration up to 3 years: 1 monthly rent plus 20 % VAT • Rental contract with a duration of more than 3 years: 2 monthly rents plus 20 % VAT Detailed information on the general topic “Habitation” can be found under the following link: • (Menüpunkt „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen“) “Habitation” information of the city of Salzburg: • (Menüpunkt „Bauen und Wohnen“) “Habitation” information of the Arbeiterkammer Salzburg (including brokerage calculator) • (Menüpunkt „Konsu mentenschutz/Wohnen“) Aids, fundings and financing in the area “Habitation” in Salzburg: • (Menüpunkt „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen/Förderungen und Finan zierungen in den Bundesländern“) R E N T I N G A P A R T M E N T S / C O S T S: Deposit The deposit serves as a means to insure house rent payments or damaging on the property. 3 gross monthly rents are usual (net house rent plus service charges plus 10 % VAT). VAT = Umsatzsteuer (USt) or Mehrwertsteuer (MWSt) One-off Payment residence, common habitual residence or the management office. Within the same deadline, the financial authority has to be notified about the transaction (Form Geb1). Deadline: 15th day of the second month following the emerging of the debt of the fee (generally on the day of contract signing) Fees: • With unlimited rental contracts one percent of the sum of the triple annual gross house rent (this is one percent of the 36-fold monthly house rent) • With limited rental contracts of buildings or parts of buildings that serve habitation purposes to a major extent • One percent of the house rent of the whole contract duration, but a maximum of one percent of the 36-fold monthly house rent Districts of Salzburg Rental contract performance costs (processing fee) Such payments are sometimes required from the landlord or the house management upon concluding a rental contract for the emerging expense. Nevertheless, no legal foundation exists for this. Please note: After several verdicts from the Supreme Court of Justice, such demands are prohibited and illegal according to the law of tenancy because these costs pertain to the proper administration of a house and are covered by the tenant through the payment of the service charges. Apartment Complex Prices in Salzburg Rental prices for new buildings or refurbished old buildings, living area approx. 70 sq m incl. service charges, cold: Very good location: EUR 11,00- 16,00 per sq m (Leopoldskron, Nonntal, Thumegg/Gneis, Morzg, Salzburg-Süd, Glas, Aigen, Parsch, MirabellViertel, Altstadt) Good location: EUR 9,00- 12,00 per sq m (Hellbrunn/Gneis, Maxglan, Kapuzinerberg) In the legal boundaries of the law of tenancy, one-off payments are prohibited. An exception is the justified investment compensation. It has to be paid to the landlord if he has compensated all investments of the moving tenants (§ 10 Mietrechtsgesetz MRG). These investments have to be left out in the calculation of the legal house rent. Average location: EUR 8,00- 10,50 per sq m (Gaisberg, Gnigl, Sam/Kasern, Maxglan/ Flughafen) Tip: Request a receipt or slip of these payments in such a case. Buying price for new building or resale: Economical location: EUR 7,00- 9,00 per sq m (Lehen, Liefering, Taxham, Itzling, ElisabethVorstadt, Schallmoos) For his own investments, the landlord receives no compensation. Because of the better equipment, he may demand a higher rent, though. Very good location: EUR 3.300- 6.500 per sq m (Leopoldskron, Nonntal, Thumegg/Gneis, Morzg, Salzburg-Süd, Glas, Aigen, Parsch, MirabellViertel, Altstadt) Please note: Upon excessive demands, the tenant is not obligated to take the furnishings. Good location: EUR 2.600- 4.700 per sq m (Hellbrunn/Gneis, Maxglan, Kapuzinerberg) House Rent Advance Payment Average location: EUR 2.300- 3.800 per sq m (Gaisberg, Gnigl, Sam/Kasern, Maxglan/ Flughafen) The landlord may only demand a house rent advance payment from the tenant upon the required contractual agreement. Costs of fee charging the house rent Written contracts are liable to fees. Usually, the tenant has to carry the costs of fee charging the house rent. The landlord is required to calculate the fee by himself and pay it to the responsible tax authority, in which the landlord has his main Economical location: EUR 1.700- 3.200 per sq m (Lehen, Liefering, Taxham, Itzling, ElisabethVorstadt, Schallmoos) Habitation. T Y PES O F A PA RTM ENT Rental Apartment The largest part of Salzburgs apartments are rental apartments. Most apartments underlie the “Mietrechtsgesetz - MRG” (law of tenancy), which guarantees a very wide protection of the tenant and prevents abuse. The law of tenancy contains for example precise regulations regarding the maximum height of the rent and the possibility of limiting the rental contract for a certain period of time. If a rental contract falls under the law of tenancy, the regulations of the law are compulsory. It cannot be changed through contract agreements to the disadvantage of the tenant. Generally it has to be mentioned that the maximal possible height of the rent (house rent) always depends on the equipment of the apartment. The house rent is the price that has to be paid for the surrendering of goods of the rental property (usually monthly in advance). House rent components: • Net house rent (depends on the apartment category, age of the house and other legal regulations) • Proportional utility costs and public charges (e.g. garbage collection, water, cleaning) • Proportional expenditure for community facilities (e.g. lift/elevator, heating unit for entire house) if existing • Fee for rented furniture if existing • VAT of 10 % from house rent IMPORTANT: Gas and electricity are not counted among utility costs, even if they often are termed as such, and have to be paid extra. The bill of utility costs for the entire house may be viewed. Often, these are displayed in the house or can be demanded from the janitor/caretaker. Depending on whether the tenant has to heat by himself or the heating is included in the main house rent and which add-on benefits are offered, the following running costs may emerge: • Gas and electricity • Telephone basic fee and call-charge • Internet/Cable/radio license fee (e.g. GIS Rundfunkgebühr) • Payments for insurance services (e.g. household insurance) • (Menüpunkt „ Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen/Wohnen- Behörden und Beratungsstellen“) General information on the topic “private rental apartments” can be found online via • (Menüpunkt „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen/ Mietwohnungen“) Council Home Some cities and communities offer apartments to moderate rents. The prerequisites for applying for a “Gemeindewohnung” (council home) vary a lot. In most cases the prerequisites for the application are: • A certain minimum age (commonly 18 years) • Austrian citizenship or -Citizen of EU member state -Citizen of EEA member state -Swiss citizen -People with residence permit “Daueraufenthalt EG” (permanent residence European Community) -Refugees according to the Geneva Convention • Minimum period of main residence: In Austrian communities the regulations for this vary (in the city of Salzburg: minimum of 3 years) • The sum of the net income of all moving people may not exceed certain annual limits Information on the co-operative and council homes (incl. distribution prerequisites and allocation procedures) are offered by the city of Salzburg online via • (Menüpunkt „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen“) Wohnungsamt der Stadt Salzburg Saint-Julien-Straße 20/ 5020 Salzburg Tel: +43 (0)662 8072-2268/Fax: +43 (0)662 8072-2078 Housing Cooperative Apartments Aside from the “normal” private rental apartments, there are also rental apartments by housing cooperatives (Wohnbaugenossenschaft). These apartments are built by a non-profit construction association and provided for its members for usage. To be able to rent a housing cooperative apartment, it is necessary to become a member of the cooperative. As an alternative, these nonprofit societies also rent apartments that underlie the Austrian non-profit housing act (Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeitsgesetz). With housing cooperative apartments, a usually larger “financing contribution” (a type of building cost grant) has to be paid in the beginning. This is a house rent reducing basic or building cost grant which varies according to age, location and size of the housing cooperative apartment and is paid back upon the termination of the rental contract with an annual deprecation of 1 %. To obtain a housing cooperative apartment, one usually has to apply for an apartment that is in construction. In this case, one has to expect a certain waiting period. Generally, there is also the possibility of moving into an older housing cooperative apartment. These apartments are rarely available, though. According to the law, housing cooperative apartments (even funded ones) may be purchased by people without an Austrian citizenship. The entitlement prerequisites for funded housing cooperative apartments are different in each country. This is only an example of which prerequisites may have to be fulfilled: • • • • • • w Further information on the topic of housing cooperative apartments can be found online via • (Menu point „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen/ Genossenschaftswohnungen) Furthermore, the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labor (Bundesarbeiterkammer) offers a brochure called “Wohnrecht für Mieter von Genossenschaftswohnungen” (Right of Residence for Tenants of Housing Cooperative Apartments) to be downloaded online via • BroGenossenschaft.pdf an. Information on housing cooperative apartments (including the entitlement prerequisites) are provided by the city of Salzburg online via Citizenship: Austrian citizenship or EU-citizen: or EEA-citizen or Non EU-citizen with residence permit or Refugee according to the Geneva Convention • (Menu point „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen/ Genossenschafts- wohnungen) • (Menu point „Bauen und Wohnen/Wohnen Wohnunvergabe“) Minimum age: 18 (an application is already possible at 17) Income limit: The sum of the net income of all moving people needs to stay within a certain range. The apartment may not be used as a secondary residence. Tip: To get information on new housing cooperative apartments to be built or currently under construction, please contact the nonprofit building associations in Salzburg directly. Addresses can be found on the website of the Austrian Association of non-profit building cooperatives (Österreichischer Verband gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen) in Salzburg via Wohnungsamt der Stadt Salzburg Saint-Julien-Straße 20 5020 Salzburg Tel: +43 (0)662 8072-2268 Fax: +43 (0)662 8072-2078 Overview of all authorities and service stations in Salzburg (incl. rent control unions) on the topic “Habitation”: Habitation. H E A LT H T H E A U S T R I A N H E A LT H S Y S T E M Health is considered the most important good. The securing of health is a legally anchored task of the public sector in Austria. Substantial services are performed in the various areas of the health system, so that all Austrians have access to topquality health care. Condominium/Owner-occupied Flat If one wants to buy a house or condo/owneroccupied flat, one should consider whether one wants to use it for personal requirements or for subleasing. In the case of subleasing, the following aspects need to be considered: funded condos/owner-occupied flats may only be let in exceptional cases and upon the consent of the residential building subsidies institution of the state administration (Wohnbauförderungsstelle des Landes) or upon full clearance of the subsidized loans; this is possible at any time with privately financed condos/owner-occupied flats. Important: If you are a third country citizen, you have to get an official permit according to the law of purchase of real property by non-citizens (Ausländergrunderwerbsgesetz), which varies in each state, in order to be able to conclude the purchase contract. The requirements to receiving such a permit are that a cultural, social or economic interest exists for the accomplishment of the legal transaction and, at the same time, national policy interests are not compromised. For this matter, the office of the state administration of Salzburg or the respective regional office authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) and the respective Real Estate Transfer Commission (Grundverkehrskommission) are responsible. All information on the “Ausländergrunderwerbsgesetz” (law of purchase of real property by non-citizens), its regulations and the authorization procedure can be found on • (Menu point „Bauen und Wohnen/Grundstückskauf/Ausländer grunderwerb) Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung (Office of the State of Salzburg’s Government) Ausländer-Grundverkehrsverfahren Referat Allgemeine Rechtsangelegenheiten (20401) Fanny-v.-Lehnert-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg Sachbearbeiterin Frau Karin Wörgötter ( Staircase A, Floor 8OG, Room A820) ( Stiege A, Stock 8OG, Raum A820) Tel. 0662/8042-3859 Who has access to the health system? An important feature for the Austrian health system is the equal and easy access for everyone to all health services, no matter of age, residence location, heritage or social status as well as the type and extent of the services. • w (Menu point „Land-Forstwirtschaft/Grundverkehr“) Additional information on the general topic “Living in Austria” can be found online on the following link: • (Menu point „Bauen Wohnen/Wohnen“) und POST You can send your post from the branches of the Österreichische Post AG. Salzburg has a large network of branches; there are also branches with longer opening hours (e.g. post office Salzburg main station on Südtiroler Platz 1). In the rural areas of Salzburg, retail businesses and tobacconists offer these services as “post partners”. The parcel service market has already been privatized completely and the letter service – which has belonged to a major part to the once public Austrian Post – has recently been opened for private postal operators. Thus, you have also in Salzburg the possibilities of either sending your packages and letters via the Österreichische Post AG or private services (TNT, GLS, UPC, DHL, Hermes, Salzburgbrief etc.). Mail which couldn’t be delivered to you (e.g. large packages) is deposited at the post branch responsible for your residential address and can also be collected from there (or the nearest store of your private delivery service). All necessary information can be obtained from the “yellow slips” (Abholschein) that are left by your delivery service at your P.O. Box or your apartment door. Costumer Service Österreichische Post AG Telephone: 0810 010 100 Fax: +43 (0) 57767 22071 This social insurance system is the backbone of the health system. It includes the branches health, accident and pension insurance and is based on the model of compulsory insurance. The health care is covered through the social health and accident insurance. Around 98 % of the people living in Austria are protected through a health insurance thanks to the legally anchored compulsory insurance. The health care includes among others the following services: e.g.: medical treatment (ambulatory treatment), hospital treatment (stationary treatment), medical rehabilitation, medicine, medical home care and delivery nurse services, psychotherapy and clinical psychological diagnostics, treatment through medical-technical services, Mother-Child-Pass examinations (Mutter-Kind-Pass-Untersuchung), health examinations and medical check-ups, travel and transportation costs, subventions for medical aids, sick pay, maternity allowance upon birth of a child or accident healing treatments. All information that you may require for this topic can be found online via: • w Doctors in Salzburg The input screen of Salzburg’s medical association facilitates both a very specific search as well as a general overview over the doctors in the State of Salzburg. • Emergency and attendance services in the city and State of Salzburg. VAC C I N AT I O N S Here you can find doctors in Salzburg who are on duty on weekends, holidays and weekdays in the night: Childhood Vaccines • Doctors with barrier-free offices and doctors with foreign language skills. You can find them in the following link: • w You have an input field there where you can enter the desired language or the disablements. Pharmacies/Drug Stores Night and holiday services: • Hospitals in Salzburg Addresses and phone numbers of all hospitals in Salzburg can be found online via: • haeuser Emergency Numbers 112 European Emergency Number 122 Fire Department 133 Police 144 Ambulance 140 Mountain Rescue 141 Medical Emergency Service 144 Water Rescue - via Red Cross (Rotes Kreuz) 112 Euro Emergency (in Austria redirection to police department) 147 Children‘s Emergency 01 717 19 Women’s Emergency 0800 133 133 Text message emergency to police department for hearing impaired Alternatively e-mail to: 01 313 30 Psychiatric Emergency Aid 01 406 43 43 Poison Control Center (Vergiftungs-Informations-Zentrale) Health. pepp-PRO ELTERN PINZGAU+PONGAU Zell am See, Brucker Bundesstraße 88 (065 42) 56 5 31, Internet: The compulsory vaccinations for children living in Austria are free of charge during the school age or up until the age of 15. If you have questions regarding the necessary vaccinations for your child, please ask your general practitioner or a parent counselling institution (Elternberatungsstelle) in the city of Salzburg. You can find the parent counselling institution that is responsible for your residential area online via, or via the contact addresses below: Mutter- und Elternberatungsstelle Stadt Salzburg sowie Beratungsstelle für junge schwangere Mädchen (Mother and parent counselling city of Salzburg and counselling service for young pregnant girls) Schwarzstraße 21/III 5020 Salzburg Phone: (06 62) 87 12 27 Mon, Wed, Thur, Fr: 10 - 12 a.m. Mon - Wed: 2 – 3 p.m. Tue: 5 - 7 p.m. Thur (Legal information): 2 - 4 p.m. Appointments (in the usual opening hours): (0662) 80 42-54 21 Elternberatung des Landes Referat Soziale Kinder- und Jugendarbeit (Parent counselling of the State of Salzburg – Department of Social Child and Youth Labor) Salzburg, Gstättengasse 10 Phone: (0662) 80 42 - 28 87 (Mon-Fr from 08:30 - 12:00 a.m.) E-Mail: Facebook: salzburg Bezirkshauptmannschaft SalzburgUmgebung, Jugendwohlfahrt (District commission Salzburg surroundings, Youth Welfare) Salzburg, Karl-Wurmb-Straße 17 (0662) 81 80 - 58 47 Bezirkshauptmannschaft Hallein, Jugendwohlfahrt Hallein (District commission Hallein, Youth Welfare Hallein) Schärf-Platz 2 (062 45) 7 96 - 60 37 Bezirkshauptmannschaft Tamsweg, Jugendwohlfahrt Tamsweg, (District commission Tamsweg, Youth Welfare Tamsweg) Kapuzinerplatz 1 (064 74) 65 41 - 65 70 ESME-Vaccination The, in Salzburg and surroundings (risk area) occurring Early Summer Meningoenzephalitis (ESME) is a viral disease that is transferred by infected ticks to humans. The ESME (Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis FMSE) leads to an infection in the brain, the meningeal and the central nervous system. There is no specific cure against the fully developed disease that often shows flu-like symptoms. EMSE can lead to severe neurological damage, paralysis, coma or eventually end even lethal. The only effective protection that is known against the disease is the ESME vaccination. It consists of several inoculations, of which the first should already be conducted in the cold season. For infants, the ESME initial immunization can be done at the age of 2. Later, the booster doses should be applied all 5 years (3 years after the first booster). Through the entry of all your vaccinations or the vaccinations of your children into the vaccination record (Impfpass, available free of charge at your doctor or the Federal Ministry of Health, also automatically attached to the Mother-Child-Pass (Mutter-Kind-Pass)), you and your family doctor can keep track of the vaccinations. For detailed information, please ask your general practitioner. General vaccination information for Salzburg: General vaccination information for Salzburg: • (Menu point „Bürgerservice/Gesundheit/Impfungen“) • (Menu point„Sicherheit & Gesundheit/Gesundheitsrecht/Impfservice“) Annually updated, Austrian vaccination plan and further information: • (Menu point„Schwerpunkte/ Prävention/Impfen“) Information on the childhood vaccinations free of charge in Salzburg: • (Menu point„Gesundheit u. Soziales/Gesundheit/ Landessanitätsdirektion/Impfungen“) Vaccinations. CHILD CARE AND EDUCATION SCHOOL SYSTEM CHILD CARE 1st - 4th year primary school/elementary school 5th - 8th year general secondary school new lower secondary school lower Level secondary school providing general education (AHS) Kindergartens The regulations for the determining factors for Kindergartens fall under the jurisdiction of the various states of Austria. Quantity, opening hours and costs can vary, thus. 9th year polytechnic school or vocational intermediate school (PTS/FMS) or vocational intermediate school (BMS) or general or higher level secondary technical and vocational school (AHS, BMS, BHS) Generally, children are accepted from the age of 3 in kindergartens. Children under the age of 3 can be given into the care of day care centers or child minders (nannies). Occasionally, a place in a kindergarten may be possible. Private Kindergartens If you want to give your child into the care of a private kindergarten, it is best to personally have a look at the kindergarten in question and talk to the director. The application can be done either at the kindergarten or at the respective provider organization. To cover the costs of child care, there is the opportunity of obtaining a child care aid that adjusts to the income upon visiting the private child care institution. Berufsbildende mittlere und höhere Schulen (vocational schools with higher education entrance qualifications): application form of the school, “Schulnachricht der 8. Schulstufe” (semester certificate) or “Polytechnische Schule” (semester certificate). Entrance The fees for a day care place depend on: • The provider of the day care center • The income of the parents and • The amount of hours that the child spends in the center Children of this age group can be also in the care of a child minder. Afternoon Care of Children in Compulsory School Age Aside from after school centers, all-day schools and open schools offer solutions. Day care centers are a form of care for children up until the age of 3. In all-day schools, all children participate in the afternoon care. Lessons and leisure are distributed over the whole day. Open schools have their lessons scheduled in the morning; additionally, the possibility for leisure care in the afternoon exists. The cost for this care depends on the height of the income. Institutions of this type are specialized in the needs of babies and toddlers. In the various groups, a small amount of children is taken care of, where a close cooperation with the parents is vital. Information on the care offers of schools in your vicinity can be received from the school service point (Schulservicestelle) of the Landesschulrat of Salzburg. Day Care Centers for Children Under 3 Years For the Oberstufenrealgymnasium (upper secondary academic school): Birth certificate, “Schulnachricht der 8. Schulstufe“ (8th year semester certificate“) or of the “Polytechnischen Schule” (polytechnic school certificate). 10th -12th/13th year apprenticeship/ vocational school or AHS higher level academic school with general education, medium level secondary technical and vocational college or higher level secondary technical and vocational college (BMS or BHS) Public Kindergartens The application for a place in a public kindergarten can be submitted at the responsible town hall or municipal authority (city of Salzburg) or right at the kindergarten. In some municipalities or cities, the height of the fee is socially staggered according to the income of the parents. To cover the costs of child care, there are child care aids which vary according to the income and are most often needed upon re-entry into the occupational life. certificate, certificate of registration, certificate of citizenship, “Schulnachricht der 4. Klasse” (4th year semester school certificate). Overview of the school service points of the State and City of Salzburg: • Child Care. The entrance in a public school is decided by the headmaster. The entrance into a private school takes place through a contract under private law between the pupil (represented by the parent/legal guardian) and the private school administration. The entry requirements for the respective type of school law need to be fulfilled also at private schools according to school. Information about this can be obtained from the administration of the respective private schools. Enrolment Children who turn 6 between September 1 and March 1 of the current school year are not required to attend school but have to begin their first school year upon application by the parent/legal guardian if they show the necessary school readiness and have the required social skills for attending school. The application has to be submitted in written form within the enrolment deadline at the headmaster/ administration. In addition, a short introduction with the child and a medical opinion by a school doctor need to be done. Until December 31, a premature enrolment may be revoked by the school. The child may also be deregistered by the parents/legal guardian up to that date. In these cases, the parents/legal guardian may register their child for pre school classes. For the registration required documents: For the registration to Volksschule (elementary school/board school) required documents: birth certificate of the child, certificate of registration, certificate of citizenship, baptism certificate, E-Card. For the first year of AHS (Allgemein bildende höhere Schule = grammar school): Birth Schools. Schools in the State of Salzburg The school addresses can be found on the website of the Landesschulrat for Salzburg via: • (Menüpunkt „Quicklinks/ Schulsuche“) Foreigner Counselling Landesschulrat, Counselling of foreign students and parents Region: Salzburg Stadt, Salzburg Land Focus: Individual counselling and aid, mediation between school and family Target group: Foreign students and their parents Opening hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30- 16:30 (upon appointment also outside of opening hours) Education Advice Center: Landesschulrat Salzburg Landesschulrat für Salzburg Mozartplatz 10 5010 Salzburg Telefon +43-(0)662-8083-0 Telefax +43-(0)662-8083-2199 Education advice point In the jurisdiction of the Landesschulrat for Salzburg, there is an Education advice point that is operated by Mrs. Nina Behrendt and Mrs. Monika Geretschläger. They are contact persons for all questions concerning school. Nina Behrendt Tel.: (0662) 8083-2071 Fax (0662) 8083-4104 E-mail: Monika Geretschläger Tel.: (0662) 8083-4218, Fax (0662) 8083-4104 E-mail: Aignerstraße 8 Postadresse: Mozartplatz 10, 5020 Salzburg Contact Landesschulrat Beratung ausländischer Schüler/ innen und Eltern Herr Prof. Shaban TOPALLI Mozartplatz 10; A-5020 Salzburg Tel.: 0662/8083-3013; Fax: 0662/8083-2199; Mobil: 0664/4133154 Contact Persons in the Districts /District School Council (Bezirksschulrat) Bezirksschulrat City of Salzburg: Mozartplatz 6, 1rst Floor (Entry: Mozartplatz 5) Postaddress: Postfach 63, 5024 Salzburg Tel.: 0662/8072-0, Fax: 0662/8072-3484 BSIin RRin Ursula MOSER; DW 3480, E-Mail: bsi. Bezirksschulrat Salzburg surrounding area: Karl-Wurmb-Straße 17 5020 Salzburg Tel.: 0662/8180-0, Fax: 0662/8180-5963 BSI Dipl.-Pä Renate REIFENAUER (Responsibilty VS, ASO) DW 5748, E-Mail: BSI Peter GLAS (Zuständigkeit HS, PTS) DW 5784, E-Mail: Bezirksschulrat Hallein: Bahnhofstraße 5, 5400 Hallein Tel.: 06245/796-0, Fax: 06245/796-6030 BSIin Hannelore KASERER, MA, DW 6060, E-Mail: Bezirksschulrat St. Johann/Pg.: Hauptstraße 1 , 5600 St. Johann/Pg. Tel.: 06412/6101-0, Fax: 06412/6101-766246 BSI Andreas EGGER, DW 6246, E-Mail: Bezirksschulrat Zell am See: Stadtplatz 5, 5700 Zell am See Tel.: 06542/760-0, Handy: 0664/8412867 Fax: 0662/8042-766915 BSIin HDin Christine PICHLER, DW 6743 E-Mail: Bezirksschulrat Tamsweg: Kapuzinerplatz 1, 5580 Tamsweg Tel.: 06474/6541-0, Fax: 06474/6690 BSI Robert GRIESSNER, DW 6581 E-Mail: International Schools Praxisvolksschule der Pädagogischen Hochschule Salzburg (elementary school of the pedagogical school of higher education of Salzburg) Salzburg, Akademiestrasse 20 +43 (0662) 6388 2033 klassen/international-class/index.html American International School Salzburg, Moosstraße 106 +43 (0622) 82 46 17 St. Gilgen International School 5340 St. Gilgen, Ischlerstrasse 13 +43(06227) 202 59 Internationale Schule Salzburg (presumably in 2015) Schools. UNIVERSITIES AND UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Universities of applied sciences They offer a scientifically sound professional training with strong connection to praxis. Fachhochschule Salzburg: Campus Urstein Urstein Süd 1 A-5412 Puch/Salzburg Tel.: +43-(0)50-2211-0 Fax: +43-(0)50-2211-1099 E-Mail: Homepage: Campus Kuchl Markt 34a 5231 Kuchl Tel.: +43-(0)50-2211-0 Fax: +43-(0)50-2211-1099 E-Mail: Homepage: Universities Mirabellplatz 1 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 6198 0 Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Strubergasse 21 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 44 2002 0 Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg Seeburgstrasse 8 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee Tel.: +43 6212 2626 0 SMC Studien und Management Center Saalfelden Leogangerstraße 51a 5760 Saalfelden Telefon:+43(0)6582 74916 www.smc-info-at LEARNING GERMAN Prerequisites for studying at a university: The certificate of being able to study at university through the school leaving examination/A-levels (Abitur/Matura) at an upper secondary school or high school (possibly with an additional exam or “Berufsreifeprüfung” (university entrance exam) or through the graduation at an internationally accepted post secondary educational institution. Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg Kapitelgasse 4-6 5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 662 8044 0 Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Phönix in Salzburg Salzburg, Sparkassenstraße 5 0676 770 37 67 Deutsch Studio Salzburg Salzburg, Landhausgasse 1 (0662) 87 26 82 Schülerhilfe Salzburg Salzburg, Plainstraße 30 (0662) 88 23 00 Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst - Integrationshaus Courses only for refugees entitled to asylum Salzburg, Lehener Straße 26 0664 28 23 980 The English Center Salzburg, Haunspergstraße 37 a (0662) 890 955 inlingua Salzburg International School of Languages Salzburg, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 8 (0622) 87 11 01 Internationale Sprachkurse GmbH Salzburg, Kaigasse 35 (0622) 84 01 91 LernCENTER Progredere Salzburg, Sterneckstraße 37 (0662) 908 110 oder 0664 43 63 303 | Lernhilfe Oberndorf - Laufen Oberndorf, Gaisbergstraße 8 (062 72) 203 64 Degree courses with restricted entry require a positive completion of the entry procedure. The university “Mozarteum” does not require the A-levels for all degrees. Information on the degree courses, curricula, matriculations, inscription etc. are offered by the university’s prospectus or the university calendars/course catalog and the Austrian official representation of university students (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft - ÖH) at the respective university. bit Schulungszentrum GmbH Salzburg, Jakob-Haringer-Straße 1 (0622) 45 21 20 - 0 Berlitz Austria Salzburg, Getreidegasse 21 (0622) 84 99 44 Bfi - Berufsförderungsinstitut Salzburg, Schillerstraße 30 (at Techno-Z) (0622) 88 30 81 - 0 Universities. Lernstudio Schaller Maxglaner Hauptstraße 61 0650 12 60 418 LingIn - Tace Salzburg, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 (0622) 80 44 - 42 67 Universität Salzburg | Fachbereich Germanistik Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 (0662) 8044 - 4384 oder 4374 Universität Salzburg | Sprachenzentrum Salzburg, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 (0662) 8044 - 4397 Verein VIELE (Women only) Salzburg, Rainerstraße 27 (0662) 870 211 VHS - Volkshochschule Salzburg, Faberstraße 16 | (0662) 87 61 51 - 0 Bischofshofen, Salzburger Straße 1 | (064 62) 49 88 Hallein, Dr.-Franz-Ferchl-Straße 28 | (062 45) 80 156 WIFI - Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut Salzburg, Julius-Raab-Platz 2 (0662) 88 88 - 420 The following link leads you to further information on the respective providers: • deutschlernen.pdf Learning. DRIVING LICENSE AND AUTOMOBILE download from their website. GENERAL Upon changing the foreign driving license, you have the following options: I N FO R M AT I O N EU and EEA Driving Licenses EU and EEA driving licenses are accepted in Austria and do not have to be re-registered but can be on a voluntary basis. Please note: Driving licenses from the new member states of the EU need not to be reregistered as well. Non-EU and Non-EEA Driving Licenses Owners of a driving license from Non-EU or NonEEA countries have to pass a practical test and re-register their driving license. In order to do this, they need to provide an appropriate vehicle of the respective category. Owners of a driving license from the republic of Serbia always have to pass a practical test. For the following Non-EU and Non-EEA country driving licenses, no practical test is required for the re-registration but they have to be re-registered in any case: • For all categories: Andorra, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, Croatia, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland • For category B: Australia, BosniaHerzegowina, Israel, Canada, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Southkorea (if it has been granted after January 1, 1997), USA Austrians who have acquired their driving license outside the EU or the EEA, also have to re-register their driving license. A re-registration is only possible, if your residence was for six months in the country where you obtained the driving license. Requirements The owner of the foreign driving license has to be 18 years of age. Deadlines A driving license from a Non-EU or Non-EEA country has to be re-registered within six months from the first taking up residence in Austria. Responsible Driving License Authorities in Austria The federal police headquarters (Bundespolizeidirektion) or the district commission (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) in the respective state. Course of Procedure You have to submit an application for the change of your foreign driving license. The form can be obtained from the driving license authority or via The old driving license is handed in • The old driving license is handed in at the authority and you receive your preliminary driving license. After paying the fee right at the authority, the new driving license will be issued within 5 to 10 days and sent to you via mail. The old driving license is retained • After paying the fee directly at the authority, the new driving license can be picked up within 5 to 10 days at the authority and the old can be handed in. There is also the possibility of an express delivery (additional charge of € 16,-). Then, the driving license will be delivered within approximately 2 days. Through any forensic examinations that may take place, the procedure may be delayed. Please contact your local driving license authority about how long it will take. The preliminary driving license contains all data that is also included in the driving license (aside from the personal data and license category also possible limitations and constraints). The preliminary driving license is only valid: • Max. 4 weeks from the issuing date (deadline may not be extended) • If also an official photo ID can be provided • Within Austria Please note: After the delivery of the driving license, the preliminary driving license is invalid but does not have to be handed in at the authority. Required Documents The driving license authorities often require the original documents and a photocopy of each. Upon voluntary re-registering of an EU or EEA driving license: • Passport or ID-card • Foreign driving license • A passport photo (high size 35 mm x 45 mm) not older than 6 months (if possible according to certain passport photo criteria) • If possible an extract from the driving license database of the issuing country and a translation (facilitates the processing by the authority) Upon re-registering a Non-EU or Non-EEA driving license: • • • • Passport Foreign driving license If possible a translation of the driving license A passport photo (high size 35 mm x 45 mm) not older than 6 months (if possible according to certain passport photo criteria) • A medical certificate • If possible the confirmation of the notification (facilitates the processing by the authority) In exceptional cases, further documents may be required by the driving license authority. Costs • Exchange: € 60,50 • Express issuing: additional € 16,Inspection fees and costs for the medical certificate are not included in the above mentioned fees. Additional Information Validity of foreign driving licenses in Austria • From an EU or EEA country: no limit • From Non-EU an Non-EEA countries: - Upon setting up residence in Austria: 6 months from taking up a residence if the owner is 18 or older. -Without residence in Austria: Up to 12 months from the entry into federal territory if the owner is 18 or older. • In the calculation of NoVA, the standard (e.g. car radio) and special equipment (e.g. ABS, airbags, air conditioning, sliding roof) are included. • Leasing vehicles also underlie the NoVA, even if the lessor has his residence abroad. Thus, the place of the vehicles usage and not the residence of the lessor is determining for tax liability. • In the case of own import of a new or used vehicle for the first-time permit in Austria (counts also as relocation goods), the NoVA has to be calculated by private persons themselves and payed to the financial authority. For the payment of NoVA by private persons, the form “NoVa 2” has to be used. Tip: Further information on “Normverbrauchsabgabe” as well as FAQ’s about NoVA can be found on the webpages of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium für Finanzen). • w ASSESSMENT BASIS For the assessment basis of NoVA, the cost price, the fee or the market value as well as the average fuel consumption/gas mileage (Motor Vehicle Emmission Group cycle) have to be included. For detailed information on the calculation as well as explanations and advice, see the form “NoVa 2”. ATTENTION If the foreign driving license is not written in German, it is only valid with an international driving license or a translation. Legal bases • § 23 Führerscheingesetz (FSG) • §§ 8, 9 FührerscheingesetzDurchführungsverordnung (FSG-DV) Permission and Purchase of Passenger Cars (Personenkraftwagen-PKW) In Austria, the NoVA has to be paid upon first-time registration of passenger cars or motorcycles. The “Normverbrauchsabgabe” (NoVa) is a one-time tax fee. For trucks/lorries, the NoVA does not have to be paid. • Upon purchasing a new vehicle which has not been registered in Austria yet, the buyer pays the NoVA to the dealer, who pays it to the financial authority. Please note: The payment is also to be made in the case of endowments, heritage or moving. Driving License & Auto. WASTE AND DISPOSAL G E N E R A L I N FO R M AT I O N In Austria, households are required to participate in the public waste disposal, i. e. you have to submit an application for waste disposal. The notification is conducted either through the owner or the tenant (owner) of a property or through the housing complex administration. If you are only a tenant of an apartment, the registration for waste disposal is usually conducted by the owner or the housing complex administration. Since regional procedure in waste disposal can be quite diverse, it would be prudent to inform yourself in time about registration and deregistration of waste collection services in your residential area. Requirements: You own property. Deadlines The waste disposal is handled differently in each community. Deadlines for application do not exist yet the registration is mandatory. Tip: Please keep in mind that an early registration, de-registration or notification of a change of address is always to your own advantage because – depending on the community - there can be different time intervals between the submission of the application and the deployment of waste containers. COMMUNICATION Responsible authority TELEVISION • The town halls • In statutory cities: municipal authority Procedure For the first provision of waste containers and the inclusion of property to the regular waste disposal, you need to submit a written application. Please inform yourself if you municipality offers a form for the first application or re-registration of the waste collection or if you can conduct the application online. Required Documents • Possibly a questionnaire for the application of waste disposal • Possibly a certificate of how many people live in the household • Possibly a certificate of your ownership of the property Costs • Application for the inclusion of property into the regular public waste collection: free of charge • Costs of provision for the respective waste containers: varies according to region Information on TV reception in the State of Salzburg can be obtained online on: • w M O B I L E C O M M U N I CAT I O N S Austria’s mobile service providers in an overview: • • • • • • • • INTERNET Example: Salzburg AG CableLink Internet Additional Information Any changes of the waste disposal that may arise (e.g. larger/smaller containers) are charged; thus, it is important to give correct information in order to estimate the waste situation in your household in the best way. For the disposal of bulk rubbish/trash, the tenant is responsible himself – even if the housing complex administration is responsible for the application of waste disposal. Detailed information on the rates via: • w Waste & Disposal. Communication. HOLIDAYS AND HOLIDAY SEASONS IN AUSTRIA LEGAL H O L I DAYS 2014: New Year’s Day (Neujahrstag) Epiphany (Dreikönigstag) Easter Monday (Ostermontag) National Holiday (Staatsfeiertag) Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrtstag) Whitmonday (Pfingstmontag) Corpus Christi (Fronleichnamstag) Assumption Day (Maria Himmelfahrtstag) Rupert’s Day (Rupertitag (only Salzburg, no school)) National Day (Nationalfeiertag) All Hallows (Allerheiligen) Feast of Immaculate Conception (Maria Empfängnis) Christmas Day Boxing Day/St.Stephan’s Day Average sustainment costs per month: (Wednesday, Jan 1, 2014) (Monday, Jan 6, 2014) (Monday, Apr 21, 2014) (Thursday, May 1, 2014) (Thursday, May 29, 2014) (Monday, Jun 9, 2014) (Thursday, Jun 19, 2014) (Friday, Aug 15, 2014) (Mittwoch, 24.09.2014) (Sunday, Oct 26, 2014) (Saturday, Nov 1, 2014) (Monday, Dec 8, 2014) (Thursday, Dec 25, 2014) (Friday, Dec 26, 2014) S C H O O L H O L I D AY S 2014 Semester holidays Easter holidays Whitsun holidays Summer Holidays (Sbg.) Christmas Holidays SUSTAINMENT COSTS (Feb 10, 2014- Feb 15, 2014) (Apr 12, 2014- Apr 22, 2014) (June 7, 2014- June 10, 2014) (Jul 5, 2014- Sept 6, 2014) (Dec 24, 2014- Jan 6, 2015) Further legal school holidays in Salzburg: May 2, 2014 May 30, 2014 Sept 24, 2014 Accommodation Food and Beverage Leisure, books, cell phone Public transport approx. 190-300 Euro approx. 250 Euro approx. 150 Euro approx. 50 Euro Average prices of important consumer goods (Source: European Commission) 1 Liter Milk 0,69- 1,00 Euro 500 gram brown bread 1,95 Euro 500 gram Wholeweat bread 2,20 Euro 1 kilogram sugar 0,99 Euro 1 kilogram flour 1,15 Euro 1 kilogram apples 2,49 Euro 1 Liter mineral water 0,43 Euro 1 Liter orange juice 0,99 Euro 1 Liter Coca Cola 1,19 Euro 250 gram butter 1,49 Euro 0,5 Liter Beer 0,80 Euro 500 Gram Coffee 3,00 Euro 1 Liter wine 2,30 Euro Cinema ticket 6,00- 10,00 Euro Hamburger1,00 Euro Daily newspaper 0,50- 1,20 Euro Public transport 1,80- 2,20 Euro (single ticket in cities) 1 Liter gas/petrol ca. 1,40 Euro 1 Liter diesel ca. 1,35 Euro Water Costs City of Salzburg Costs for 1 m³ Sewer usage for 1 m³ through city TOTAL Water costs 1,44 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) 2,48 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) 3,92 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) State of Salzburg – Example municipality of Anif Costs for 1 m³ 0,72 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) Sewer usage for 3,13 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) 1 m³ through city TOTAL Water costs 3,85 Euro (incl. 10% VAT) Holidays. Electricity All important information to the current electricity rates and electricity providers in Austria can be found on: Costs. Fotorechte: iStock Photo, Fotolia, StandortAgentur Salzburg GmbH StandortAgentur Salzburg GmbH Südtiroler Platz 11, A-5020 Salzburg, Postfach 77, A-5021 Salzburg t: +43 (0) 662-45 13 27-0, f: +43 (0) 662-45 13 27-11,