Background 3D pMicrotumor with Cell Lines 3D DRP
Background 3D pMicrotumor with Cell Lines 3D DRP
A Complex 3D Model of Glioblastoma for Patient-Specific Drug Response Profiling #611 Lauren O’Donnell1, Lillia Holmes1,, Qi Guo1, David Schammel2, Jeff Edenfield3, Charles C. Kanos3, Howland Crosswell1, Teresa M. DesRochers1 1KIYATEC Inc.; Greenville, South Carolina 29605 USA | 2 Pathology Consultants; Greenville, South Carolina 29605 USA | 3 Greenville Health Systems; Greenville, South Carolina 29605 USA 3D pMicrotumor with Cell Lines Neurospheres Endothelial Cells ECM Resected Tumor • • • • Neurospheres Generated 3D Spheroids • • • • • • Non-Lytic Analysis Cell Metabolism Biomarker Release Flow Cytometry Multiphoton Microscopy Lytic Analysis Cell Viability DNA Content Gene Expression Phosphoproteome Tissue Morphology Epigenetic Signatures A. B. B. 2 Weeks Static 1 Week Perfusion Co-Culture Model Development B. Static Methods 1 Week Day 0 Day 7 C. With Special Thanks to the Biorepository Day 14 Day Day 21 Day %CD56+ 0 0.60 7 11.34 14 0.11 21 15.57 28 20.69 P ic o G re e n 6 D N A c o n t e n t (u g /m L ) 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 4 2 E. n k S B la N 5 1 B B N N A A 1 B 5 la N n k S 0 Drugs Cisplatin Carboplatin LY294002 Erlotinib Temozolomide Irinotecan Afatinib Axitinib Topotecan Everolimus BEZ235 IC50 (uM) 19.23 >100 82.96 >100 >100 >100 7.04 >100 92.27 19.44 53.25 Figure 5: EV3D DRP of primary GBM predicts EGFR inhibitor response when EGFR is amplified. Resected tumor from 2 different GBMs were processed and run in KIYATEC’s EV3D DRP Assay against afatanib (Golotrif®), which kills by inhibiting EGFR. The tumor tissue was very similar, except one was EGFR amplified (blue line) and one was not (red line). As predicted, afatanib was 30x more active in the EGFR amplified tumor tissue (50% cell kill (IC50) at 0.2 v 6uM), n = 6 150 E G F R A m p lifie d 100 E G F R N o n A m p lifie d 50 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 L o g D o s e (u M ) Day 21 %CD133+ *Alive (UL) *Dead (UR) 0 0.38 0.00 7 0.00 0.00 14 0.02 0.02 21 0.00 0.00 28 0.16 0.00 Day 28 Day 28 P r e s t o B lu e 50000 Conclusions Day 7 Day 14 Tumors were removed and enzymatically digested into single cells. The single cells were either cultured as 3D spheroids in KIYATEC’s EV3D™ DRP platform or allowed to develop into neurospheres. 3D spheroids were treated with 11 clinically relevant chemotherapy and targeted agents. Viability was assessed and dose response curves were generated using non-linear regression. Perfused 3D heterotypic Microtumors (pMT) were made of neurospheres (NS) and endothelial cells in ECM and cultured for up to 2 weeks in the 3DKUBE™ perfusion microbioreactor, which supports non-lytic analysis. Additionally, the impact of normoxic environmental (20% O2) conditions and hypoxic environmental conditions (5% O2) on the cellular microenvironment was examined by culturing 3D heterotypic Microtumors made of NS for up to 2 weeks in the 3DKUBE perfusion microbioreactor. D. C. Figure 4: 3D DRP and pMT with cells isolated from primary GBM. Cells were isolated from BNA15 and used for EV3D drug response (E). Cells were also used for NS expansion and subsequently cultured for 7 days in the 3D pMT platform. BNA15 primary tumor (A) and NS (B), fixed with formalin and stained with H&E, show similar morphology. H&E staining (C) and DNA analysis (D) confirmed presence of NS in 3D pMT, although Presto Blue (D) showed no cell metabolism in 3D perfusion. Error bars = standard deviation, n = 3. B. Day 0 B. 2 Weeks Figure 2: H&E of 3D GBM pMT. (A) NS 3D pMT visualized in 3D scaffold (B) NS/HBEC coculture promotes tighter appearing cell clusters in 3D pMT environment. Scale bars = 100 µm A. A. M ean R FU Figure 1: Perfusion culture affects 3D pMT viability. (A) 3D pMT containing U87 NS cells with and without HBECs were grown in either static culture conditions or under perfusion flow. (B) 3D pMT containing U87 NS cells were grown in static culture conditions and perfusion culture conditions in hypoxic environmental conditions and normoxic environmental conditions. Cellular metabolism and DNA content were assayed over 14 days. A. Perfusion Approximately 70,000 new cases of brain tumors will be diagnosed this year with glioblastoma (GBM) accounting for about 17% of those cases. Unfortunately, the median survival for patients with GBM is only 14.6 months due to the complexity of the tumor, the pattern of diffuse spread within the brain, and the lack of effective therapeutic options. Complex in vitro tumor models developed in 3D better mimic in vivo biology, and, when utilizing patient-derived cells, may offer robust platforms for new drug development and patient-specific drug response profiling. We have previously shown this to be true with both breast and ovarian cancer and we have adopted this approach to modelling GBM ex vivo. We hypothesize that primary derived GBM tissues and stem cells cultured in complex 3D microenvironments can recapitulate the intra-tumor heterogeneity and drug resistance similar to that found in the clinical. To this end, we have developed 3D models of GBM that incorporate tumor cells and endothelial cells within a complex extracellular matrix and cultured them for up to 2 weeks under perfusion flow. We have created these models using both cell lines and primary patient cells. 3D DRP & pMicrotumor with Primary Cells % V ia b ility Background •Cell viability is affected by perfusion •NS cultured with HBECs show a general increase in cellular metabolism •NS grown under normal oxygen tension show general increase in cellular metabolism compared to hypoxia •U87 NS grown in suspension culture lose CD133 expression, but show increased CD56 expression over time •Drug response profiling is consistent with Temozolomide resistance and NGS sequencing results This work is supported by NCI SBIR Contract #: HHSN261201300043C Acknowledgements: Chris Corless, MD, PhD at Knight Cancer Inst. Figure 3: CD133 & CD56 expression in U87 NS over time. (A) Day 0 FSC vs SSC U87 NS culture (B) U87 NS CD133 expression over 28 days. (C) U87 NS CD56 (NCAM) expression increases over 28 days. Black peaks = isotype control, blue peaks = markers. KIYATEC Inc.| 900-B West Faris Road | Greenville | SC | 29605
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Alcohol consumption and malaria are the possible risk factors for the development of GBM. In addition, neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, von-hippel-lindau disease, Li-fraumeni syndrome and turcot syndrome are some of the genetic disorders that are associated with increasing incidences of gliomas. Glioblastoma multiforme is a World Health Organization Grade IV tumor that represents 15 to 20% of all primary intracranial tumors.