Middle School Bulletin 9


Middle School Bulletin 9
9th Period I BTS NightI Teen Center I A9 ClubsI Apparel Sale I Dr. Vastola I Picture Day I Choristers
Monday 9/21
Day 2
After 9th (A9) Clubs begin
Tuesday 9/22
Day 3
Wednesday 9/23
School is Closed
Thursday 9/24
Day 5
Back-to-School Night 7-9PM
Parents follow child’s schedule
Friday 9/25
Day 6
Teen Center Grade Six 7-9PM
future calendar events
Tuesday 9/29
Parent Survival Guide - An
Evening with Dr. Vastola
Discussion, 7pm, MPR
Wednesday 9/30
MS Picture Day
Tuesday 10/6
Grade 6 Sharpe Reservation
Ninth Period: The Bronxville Promise in Action
Ninth Period is now a full 40 minute period. We have extended the
amount of extra time for students to meet with teachers. Ninth period is
2:20 - 3:00. Students may visit any classroom for extra help and/or
review of a specific topic or problem. Now, teachers will allow students
to begin their homework in classrooms during 9th period (especially
homework from the class in which they are sitting). Teachers feel the
extended time will allow them to meet the needs of students more
completely and are amenable to having groups working on homework
in the room now. The students have the opportunity to go to one or
more classes each day for help. This change represents a direct
connection to the Bronxville Promise. This new paradigm for guided work
represents links to all four domains of the Promise.
Back-to-School Night
Middle School Open House is Thursday, September 24th beginning at
7PM. The evening follows the schedule of a school day. In addition to
academic an Exploratory classes, Advisory, Physical Education and Music
classes all meet on this evening, too. A blank schedule was sent to all
parents today. This serves as a map of the evening and should be filled
in with the help of your child. We will not print schedules in school on
the evening of the event. Please fill out and make a copy of the
schedule before coming to school on 9/24.
Grade Six Teen Center 10/25
The GRADE SIX Teen Center is Friday, September 25th from 7-9pm.
Teen Centers are parties held at the school with music, jumpy castles,
pizza and more. The events are chaperoned by volunteer parents. If you
are interested in chaperoning the first event, please email Margaret Mager at
magerbxv@gmail.com. A link to the permission slip is available on the Bronco Beat for the week of
9/21 as well as the main page of the website. Please refer to the Student Handbook Pages for
more specific information about Teen Center events.
A9: The After Ninth Clubs
Registration for the Middle Schools After 9th program is now open. After 9th (A9) is the Middle
School version of BASC and offers after-school enrichment programs in various subject areas. They
include Running Club, Homework Club, Lego League Robotics Club and Math Club. The schedule is
posted on the BASC website at www.bronxvilleafterschool.org - click on After 9th Clubs on the left
sidebar. The Fall semester will run from Monday, September 21st to Friday, January 22nd. Please
email A9 at bronxvillebasc@gmail.com with any questions. Bronxville Apparel Sale
Many of you have been asking about purchasing BXV apparel. The Apparel Committee is busy as
Santa's little elves putting together new & exciting merchandise as well as "fan favorites". They will
be putting together a Pre Order form that you will be able access through the Bronco Beat soon!!
Your goodies will be available for pick up at our Fall Sale!
Looking Ahead… Discussion with Dr. Joyce Vastola: The B’s of Middle School
Dr. Joyce Vastola is excited to share her thoughts and experiences working with middle schoolers on
Tuesday, September 29th at 7pm, to be held in the MPR. Please join her as she covers such topics
as the adolescent brain, social media and how to help your child navigate the sometimes
challenging middle school years. Please join us for what is sure to be a fun evening filled with lively
and interesting discussions. You won't want to miss this enlightening evening!
Middle School Picture Day
MS Picture Day is Wednesday, September 30th. We are now using a company called LifeTouch,
www.mylifetouch.com. Photo forms should have been mailed directly to families in August. If you
never received one, extras will be
available at the MS Council meeting on
Friday or in the MS office. Checks can
be submitted in the envelope provided
with the form and brought to school the
day of the sitting OR placed online via
credit card, in which case the
confirmation code below will need to
written on the envelope and brought to
school the day of the sitting. *** Online ordering MUST be done prior
to picture day
*** Use the Picture Day ID: RI865508Q0
Choristers and B-Sharps
Any middle school student interested in
auditioning for either Choristers (middle
school boys and girls with unchanged
voices) or B Sharps (boys only, grades 7
and up) should plan on attending an
informational meeting on Tuesday,
September 22nd in Ms. Simpson’s room.
Please bring your after school schedule so
we can determine a time that works for
the majority of those interested. Students
will need to sign up for an audition time
slot after they return their commitment
Academic Calendar by Grade Level
Grade Six
Grade Seven
Grade Eight
10/21 Sci: Research Draft due
9/21 SS Sanders: Quiz
10/1-2 SS: In-class Essay
Mystery Lab conclusion
9/22 SS Katz: In-class writing
10/5 Outside Reading Due
Water lab begins
9/29 Sci: lab notebooks due
9/30 Eng: Independent Reading
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~Malcolm Forbes