Sponsor To Supply - Teepee Creek Stampede
Sponsor To Supply - Teepee Creek Stampede
99 th Annual Teepee Creek Stampede WWW.TPSTAMPEDE.CA Welcome to the 99th Annual Teepee Creek Stampede I am very proud to take on the role as president of this event, I have very deep roots in Teepee Creek and my family has been part of the Stampede for 4 generations. On behalf of our amazing team of directors I would like to invite you to be a part of the greatest outdoor show on earth-north of Calgary. Once again we have big plans for this year and as we work towards the 100th and years after. Some of the highlights for 2014 were the world class stock contractor Kesler championship rodeo,Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Chad Brownlee who rocked the Enframe Barn. We also had $90,000 in total prize money given out to some of the best cowboys and cowgirls in the business. You can expect nothing short of bigger better and louder in 2015, we look forward to you being part of 4 days in the wild! At the Canadian Finals Rodeo (CFR) in November, The Teepee Creek Stampede was awarded Rodeo of the Year by the Canadian 3URIHVVLRQDO5RGHR$VVRFLDWLRQ7KLVDZDUGLVDJUHDWKRQRXUWRUHFHLYHDQGLVDUH¿HFWLRQRQRXUHQWLUHWHDPRIYROXQWHHUVDQG sponsors that make the Teepee Creek Stampede possible – we share this great award with all of you and thank you for your continued support. It truly is recognition of everyone that is part of our rodeo – and our sponsors are all part of Team TP! As we have continued to grow and improve the Teepee Creek Stampede over the years, sponsorship has always been, and will continue to be, an essential part of our event. Our 2015 sponsorship packages have been revamped and improved – you will notice a few changes in all of the packages and the addition of 2 entirely new sponsorship opportunities. We invite you to consider increasing your sponsorship level. If you are currently an in-kind sponsor, we ask that you consider adding some cash to your sponsorship to take your package to the next level. Please feel free to contact any one of our team members to discuss how we can create the sponsorship recognition you are looking for. We are building toward some big things for our 100th year and we need your support to get there. To our valued sponsors – past, present, and future – we thank you for your support and congratulate you on being part of the Teepee Creek Stampede – The 2014 CPRA Rodeo of the Year! Sincerely, Dustin Hollingworth President Teepee Creek Stampede At our Annual General Meeting last November, I stepped down as President to make room for someone new and do some succession planning within our organization. I have been part of the executive of the Stampede Association for the last 9 years – originally elected as Vice-President in 2005 for 4 years followed by President for the last 5 years. When I think back to where we were in 2005 and where we sit today in 2015, it is astounding the growth and changes that have gone on in Teepee Creek. I have been so fortunate to be part of some amazing teams of dedicated people that I truly believe could concur anything they put their minds to. I hope to remain a part of this in a different capacity as Past President and continue to be very involved in the TP Ag Events Centre project. This is a very exciting time for the TP Stampede Association and we are in a position to do some great things in the next few years – look out 100 years and beyond! One thing that I have learned in my time involved with this organization: Tell this group that something cannot be done, and they will show you how to do it and how to do it right. To me, The Teepee Creek Stampede and our community has always been about doing things so much bigger than Teepee Creek itself. This goes back far before our time with this organization but it still holds true today. I would like to thank all of the volunteers and sponsors that have supported me and all of our Teepee Creek endeavors over the years. 100 years of volunteers working together to create and maintain the Teepee Creek Stampede and improve our community is really something of note. And of course, I need to thank my wife and our family for their patience and support. I look forward to what is coming in the future for Teepee Creek! Sincerely, MACK ERNO Past President, Teepee Creek Stampede Association Page 1 99 Years in the Making! March 22, 2014 A look back at the last few years... July 1, 2014 2015 * Indoor Riding Arena & MUCH MORE! * * * * * * * CPRA Committee of the YEAR!! Church Restoration Paving NEW Livestock Handling System BAR TP Flags & Flagpoles TP APP Nitty Gritty Dirt Band/Chad Brownlee * * * * * * LIVE FEED on Internet Pomeroy Patio Parking Lot TP LIMO VIP Seating Area Mark Chesnett & David Lee Murphy * * * TP Enframe Barn Expansion & Mezzanine Grandstand VIP Seating President, Mack Erno - CPRA Commitee Person of the Year & UFA Small Town Hero Sammy Kershaw,Aron Jake Goodven & Paul Brandt 2014 Decided by the Contestants Across CANADA!! OVER 20K LIVE FEED VIEWS IN 2014!! 2013 2012 * 2011 • • • • ATTENDANCE INCREASE 15 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 WCA Committee of the Year Award of Excellence TP Enframe Barn 4 Jason Blaine Proud to have 2 Huge Grandstand update Brett Gardiner,4 Time CPRA Announcer of the Year.The voice that started in TP is now at CFR also! 000 000 2005 2014 @tpstampede Get your FREE TP APP today! Page 2 $100 000 World Champion * * * * * * * * * * Logo Displayed On LIVE STREAM Internet Feed 2 Full-Page Color Ads In Souvenir Program Logo On Front Page Of Souvenir Program %DQQHULQ,Q¾HOG(Sponsor To Supply) 4 Night Stay In King Suite at Redwood Inn & Suites (Value $1200) Limo Transportation For Stampede Weekend Event Of Your Choice At Maddhatters Back 80 ( Includes $200 In Appetizers) Year Round Advertising In TP Enframe Barn Social Media Mentions on Facebook and Twitter Video Board Commercials During Events - you create or we Create (Value $500) * * * * Company Advertised On Our TP APP 2I¾FLDO,QWURGXFWLRQ2I<RX$QG<RXU&RPSDQ\,Q7KH*UDQG(QWU\ <RXU&RPSDQ\)ODJ'LVSOD\HG,Q*UDQG(QWU\ (Sponsor To Supply) 5HVHUYHG7DEOH,Q%HHU*DUGHQV$OO1LJKWV:LWK%DQQHU'LVSOD\HG (Sponsor To Supply) * Sky Box VIP Seating For 4 Days In The Wild * Title Sponsor Recognition On Every Page Of Our Website with YouLogo And A Link To Your Website * 7LFNHWV7R$QQXDO73*ROI7RXUQDPHQW(Value $960) * Commemorative Framed Photo (Value $100) * RI736:$* * Association To Event Or Area Of Choice * Your Logo On TP Committee Shirts For All 4 Days hy otograp K Ph STAR- 4 Days In The Wild Page 3 GP Networks * * * * * Full Page Color Ad in Souvenir Program Logo on Front Page of Souvenir Program %DQQHULQ,Q¾HOG(Sponsor To Supply) 2 Night Stay in King Suite at Redwood Inn & Suites (Value $600) Limo Transportation for Date of Your Choice Pre-Book Event ( Pre book for Maximum 8 Hours) STA * * R-K Pho togr * Year Round Advertising in TP Enframe Barn Event of Your Choice Held at Maddhatters Back 80.( Includes $100 in Appetizers) Social Media Mentions Video Board Commercials During Eventsyou create or we Create (Value $500) Your Company Advertised on TP App. Sponsor Recognition in All Print Advertising Introduction of You And Your Company LQ*UDQG(QWU\7KURXJKRXW7KH'D\V <RXU&RPSDQ\)ODJ'LVSOD\HGLQ*UDQG Entry (Sponsor To Supply) Video Commercials Played Throughout Event on Video Board 5HVHUYHG7DEOHLQ%HHU*DUGHQV$OO1LJKWV With Additional Banner Displayed Sky Box VIP Seating For All 4 Days Title Sponsor Recognition On Every Page of Our Website Including Your Logo And A Link to Your Website 7LFNHWVWR$QQXDO73*ROI7RXUQDPHQW * (Value $800) * * * Commemorative Framed Photo (Value 2I736:$*$QG7LFNHWV Association to TP Stampede Event Or Area of Your Choice * * aphy * * * * $50 000 National * Champion * * * $100) (Eg.videoboard, Rodeo Event, Wagons,Ect) K STAR- y raph Photog * Logo on TP Committee Shirts For 4 Days. Page 4 2014 All Around Champion Sponsor $25 000 All Around Champion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Full-Page Color Ad in Souvenir Program Logo on Front Page of Souvenir Program %DQQHULQ,Q¾HOG(Sponsor To Supply) Major Sponsor Recognition in All Print Advertising 2I¾FLDO,QWURGXFWLRQRI<RX<RXU&RPSDQ\LQWKH*UDQG(QWU\ Saturday OR Sunday. <RXU)ODJ'LVSOD\HGLQWKH*UDQG(QWU\ (Sponsor To Supply) Video Commercials Played Throughout Event on Video Board 5HVHUYHG7DEOHLQ%HHU*DUGHQV$OO1LJKWV:LWK$GGLWLRQDO%DQQHU Displayed Sky Box VIP Seating For Two Performances (Limited # Available) Title Sponsor Recognition on Every Page of our Website Including Your Logo & a Link to Your Website 7LFNHWVWR$QQXDO73*ROI7RXUQDPHQW(Value $480) Commemorative Framed Photo (Value $100) RI736:$*($2000 in Tickets & 1000 in Merchandise ) Association to TP Stampede Event Or Area of Your Choice Your Logo on TP Committee Shirts For One Day (4 Available for 1st to commit) Only 4 Available STAR-K Photogaphy Page 5 Sun Media 4 Days In The Wild $15 000 Go Around Champion * Half-Page Color Ad in Souvenir Program * %DQQHULQ,Q¾HOG(Sponsor To Supply) * 2I¾FLDO,QWURGXFWLRQRI<RX<RXU&RPSDQ\LQWKH *UDQG(QWU\6DWXUGD\256XQGD\ * <RXU)ODJ'LVSOD\HGLQ*UDQG(QWU\ (Sponsor To Supply) * Video Commercials played Throughout Event on Video Board * 5HVHUYHG7DEOHLQ%HHU*DUGHQV$OO1LJKWV:LWK$GGLWLRQDO Banner Displayed (Sponsor to Supply) * Sky Box VIP Seating for One Performance (Limited # Available) * Title Sponsor Recognition on Every Page of Our Website Including Your Logo & a Link to Your Website * 7LFNHWVWR$QQXDO73*ROI7RXUQDPHQW (Value $360) * Commemorative Framed Photo (Value $100) * RI736:$* ($1500 in Tickets &$1000 in Merchandise) * Association to TP Stampede Event or Area of Your Choice * Your Logo on TP Committee Shirts For One Day (4 Available for 1st to commit) Only 4 Available 2014 Go Around Champion Sponsors Page 6 STAR -K Pho tograp $10 000 Trophy Saddle Sponsor hy Sun Media 2014 Trophy Saddle Sponsors Page 7 Essence Art & Photography 2014 Platinum Pistol Sponsors Advantage North Services Arctic Crane Services Big Foot Contractors Brandt Tractor Budweiser County Disposal Eldor Truss Frontier Medex Ltd. *DV'ULYH*OREDO *3&KU\VOHU *3&KXFNZDJRQ+HULWDJH)RXQGDtion *31HWZRUNV Hurst Anchors & Rentals Keddie’s Tack & Western Wear Liberty Contract Management Long Run Exploration 0RUJDQ¶V2LO¾HOG Overland Transport POS West Ltd. 5HGH\H2LO¾HOG 5LYHUVWRQH*ROI&RXUVH R/T Rentals 67$5.2LO¾HOG5HFODPDWLRQ Triple -T Trucking Tristar Contracting Ltd. Trojan Safety Services Weldtech Services Page 8 4 Days In The Wild $2500 `Gold Buckle Sponsor Essence Art & Photography * * * * * * Business Card Size Ad in Souvenir Program %DQQHULQ+LJK7UDI¾F$UHD(Sponsor To Supply) Photo Advertisement and/or Logo Played Throughout Event on Videoboard Sponsor Recognition on Our Website Including Your Logo & a Link to Your Website Commemorative Framed Photo (Value $100) RI736:$* ($500 in Tickets & $250 in Merchandise ) Sun Media 2014 Gold Buckle Sponsors Advantage Valve Maintenance All Peace Petroleum Ltd. Apex Distribution Atco Electric Colossovision Compass Access Solutions Ltd. Delbert Rycroft Family Dynamic Pressure Services Encana Evergreen Energy Focus Fountain Tire *RRVH/DNH3URPRWLRQV North Ltd. *30DVRQU\ *UDQGH3LSH6HUYLFH High Noon Construction Inland Concrete Page 9 Irontech Truck and Trailer Jade Cash ATM Kenco Equipment Ltd. Knelson Rock Products Ltd. Leyman Distributors 0DJQHWVLJQV*3 Mark’s Hauling Meyers Norris Penny Michalchuk Bros. Contractors Ltd. Morningview Vet Clinic National Oilwell Varco (Dreco) Noval Transport Inc. 3KRHQL[2LO¾HOG5HQWDOV 3RQFKR¶V2LO¾HOG&RQVWUXFWLRQ Precision Rentals Quadessa Holdings 5HJXODWRUV2LO¾HOG+DXOLQJ/WG Reilly Transfer Ltd. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Rocky Mountain Equipment Rosenau Transport Secure Energy 626*UDSKLFVDQG6LJQV Specialized Desanders Inc. Superior Fire Control Ltd. 7DJV)RRG*DV The Cat Rental Store The Northern Horizon UFA Volunteer Support Program Underground Enterprises Vintage Wine & Spirits :DSLWL*UDYHO6XSSOLHUV Waydex Westkey Western Star & Freightliner 7UXFNVRI*3 Wrangler Rentals $1000 Silver Spur Sponsor * Logo Listed On Sponsor Page in Souvenir Program * %DQQHU'LVSOD\HG,Q+LJK)RRW7UDI¾F Area During Entire Stampede (Sponsor To Supply) * Logo To Be Played Throughout Event On Videoboard * Sponsor Recognition On Our Website Including Your Logo & a Link to Your Website * Commemorative Framed Photo (Value $50) * RI736:$*($150 in Tickets & $50 in Merchandise ) STAR-K Photography 2014 Silver Spur Sponsors Essence Art & Photography $OEHUWD*ROG(QHUJ\5HQWDOV Alliance Pipeline ARC Resources %H]DQVRQ*HQHUDO6WRUH Bratso’s Contracting Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. &ODLUPRQW*DV*URFHU\ Conoco Phillips Canada Douglas Lake Equipment Eager Construction Erco Worldwide Expert MobileCommunications Flaman Ford Bros. Water Service *RRGWR*R2LO¾HOG *UDQGH(TXLSPHQW Happy Trails RV Hitchem Hi-Tech Business Machines Hollingworth Family Inspectrum Testing .HQ6DUJHQW*0&%XLFN/WG Kevin’s Pressure Service Ltd. L.E.B. Consulting Inc. Lefty’s Café Legacy Reclamation Lee’s Sheet Metal Longhorn Transport Margaret Friesen Chartered Accountant Muggaberg Family Nelson Lumber Nufarm Agriculture Inc. Outback Resources Inc. Paramount Diesel Peace Fuel Distributors Prairie Coast Equipment Prairie Villa & Sexsmith Insurance Q99 FM Roy Larson Construction Petrowest Sexsmith Liquor Store Silvertech Contracting Ltd. Skene’s Stojan’s Power Sport & Marine Superior Wall Systems Supreme Diesel & Auto Repair Inc. 6XUHSRLQW*URXS Twisted Tea :HVWHUQ2LO¾HOG(TXLSPHQW Wilmar Drywall Page 10 edia Sun M Essence Art & Photography $500 Iron Horseshoe Sponsor * * * Name Listed in Souvenir Program Sponsor Recognition On Our Website Including Your Logo & a Link to Your Website 2 Weekend Passes 2014 Iron Horseshoe Sponsors Bill Chascha’s Welding Canwest Trailers Champion Feed Services Ltd. Clearpath Contracting Diverse Drilling Ltd Dominic Valine Spurs & Silver Farm Credit Canada Flowing Well Energy Corp. )RUW*DUU\,QGXVWULHV Jenn Trucking Kaynic Construction /H*H\W)DPLO\)DUP Mix’s Mercantile Petro-Can Pipeworx Prairie Transmission 3ULVP*ODVV Silverline Plumbing Snoble Family TC Equipment T H Machining :LOORZ9DOOH\*UHHQKRXVH 4 Days In The Wild Page 11 Essence Art & Photography Behind the This could be YOU! CHUTES Rub elbows with the best of the best Professional Cowboys & Cowgirls in the business! WHAT DOES the “Behind the CHUTES” PASS GET ME? ʋ ʋ ʋ ʋ $FFHVVWR(;&/86,9(9,3DUHDLQLQÀHOGEHIRUHGXULQJDOO352URGHRSHUIRUPDQFHV Your name listed on the day sheet beside the constestant you sponsored Why would TP &RPPHPRUDWLYH736WDPSHGH&RQWHVWDQW%DFN1XPEHU want to be one ,QÀHOG73/XQFK%HIRUH(DFK5RGHR3HUIRUPDQFH:LWK&RQWHVWDQWV of the 1st rodeos in the world to If your contestant wins his/her event or places highest out of the offer something VSRQVRUHGFRQWHVWDQWVDWWKH736WDPSHGH<RX:LQ7RR like this? <RX·OOJHWDSDLURI&)56L[3DFN7LFNHWVIRUWKH&DQDGLDQ)LQDOV5RGHR 3/86....Chance to Win! I’M INTERESTED..now what? we roll in That’s how 1. Choose one of the following levels: $600 1 Adult Wild One Pass (OR 2 Adult Wknd Passes*) 1 contestant $1000 2 Wild One Passes (OR 2 Adult Wknd Passes*) 2 contestants $1500 3 Wild One Passes (OR 2 Adult Wknd Passes*) 3 contestants $2000 4 Wild One Passes (OR 2 Adult Wknd Passes*) 4 contestants & so on... +$500 each time *Wknd Pass includes Rodeo/Wagons for ALL 4 Days 2. Choose your event(s) of choice from the 7 major Professional Rodeo Events. Give your top 3 choices DQGZHZLOOGRRXUEHVWWRJHW\RX\RXUÀUVWSUHIHUHQFH7KHÀUVWFRPPLWWHGWRWKHSURJUDPZLOOKDYH ÀUVWSULRULW\IRUWKHLUIDYRULWHHYHQW 3. You will be matched to a contestant in your event by random draw. Contestants will be chosen in the following order: How does the i. Past CFR / NFR Champions contestant benefit? LL&)51)54XDOLÀHUV Entry Fee Covered, Lunch, LLL7RS&35$VWDQGLQJVDVRI-XQH Increased Prize Money, Connections with LY&RQWHVWDQWVWKDWHQWHUHG73ODVW\HDU Sponsors v. All other contestants 'HDGOLQHLV$35,/VRID[\RXU&RPPLWPHQW letter to 780-568-3389 or email to corrystark@gmail.com ,QÀHOG73/XQFK:LWK&RQWHVWDQWV Garry Hart ~ 780-814-3450 hartlan2@msn.com CONTACT the crew for more info: Kelsi Hollingworth ~ 780-933-4169 kelsimk@yahoo.ca Corry Stark ~ 780-568-4447 corrystark@gmail.com 127((;&/86,9(9,3$FFHVVPHDQVWKDW21/<WKRVHSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH73%HKLQGWKH&KXWHVSURJUDPZLOOKDYHDFFHVVWRWKLV,QÀHOG$UHD1227+(53$66(6ZLOOKDYHDFFHVVWRWKLV1(:9,3DUHD Page Page 12 10 ([LVWLQJVSRQVRUVDUHZHOFRPHWR´WRSXSµWKHLUVSRQVRUVKLSE\WDNLQJSDUWLQWKLVSURJUDP 2015 Beer Gardens Sponsorship ENTERTAINMENT SPONSOR d Davi * * Friday & Saturday $20 000 * 8 Meet & Greet Passes with Band y h p r * 8 Wild One Passes (For Both Nights) u Lee M * Commemorative Meet/Greet Photo * 20 VIP Weekend Tickets For Beer Gardens Major Advertising With 3 Banners And Association To Band (Max 4’x 8’ Sponsor to supply) Friday OR Saturday $12 000 per Night * 4 Meet & Greet Passes for chosen night * 4 wild One Passes * Commemorative Meet/Greet Photo * 10 VIP Weekend Tickets For Beer Gardens Major Advertising With 2 Banners And Association To Band (Max 4’x 8’ Sponsor to supply) $15 000 VIP SECTION SPONSOR aine on Bl * * * Chad Brown * 6 Wild One Passes lee * 6 Meet & Greet Passes (For Both nights) Major Advertising With 3 Banners and Association to VIP Section of Beer Gardens * (Max 4’x 8’ Sponsor to supply) Jas $10 000 STAGE SPONSOR 10 VIP Weekend Tickets For Beer Gardens * 2Wild One Passes * 2 Meet & Greet passes (For Both Nights) Major Advertising With Banner and Association to STAGE (Max 4’ x 16’ Sponsor to supply) $5 000 FAMILY NIGHT nd a B t r i ENTERTAINMENT SPONSOR it ty D r G y tt Ni * Sammy Kersha w * 2 Wild One Passes * 2 Meet & Greet Passes (For Both Nights) Includes All Mentions With The Family Night Entertainment ( NO admission will be charged for Thursday Entertainment) * Two Signs 4’ x 8’ ndt a $ 2 000 r PARTY HARD PARTY HARDER B l au P * * * Page 13 2 Wild One Passes & 4 VIP Weekend Tickets For Beer Gardens 2 Meet & Greet Passes Includes one 4’ x 8’ And one 4’x4’ Sign $1000 BEER GARDENS SUPPORTER * 4 VIP Weekend Tickets For Beer Gardens * Includes one 4’ x 8’Sign Mark Chesn utt Supper Sponsors $12 000 - THURSDAY NIGHT (FAMILY NIGHT) SUPPER SPONSOR * * * * * * * VIP Seating for Thursday Supper and Entertainment 20 Tickets to Thursday Rodeo/Chucks 2 Wild One Passes Includes All Family Night Mentions 2 Signs 4’ x 8’ Any Information /Display on the Tables or Make a Presentation Thursday-Family Night Supper Is FREE to all who attend GP Networks $6 000 - SATURDAY SUPPER SPONSOR * * * 2 Wild One Passes * 10 Tickets to Saturday Supper, * 10 VIP Tickets to Saturday Beer Gardens * Includes All Saturday Supper Sponsor Mentions Essence Art & Photography * Hang one Sign 4’ x 8’ * Any Information/Display on the Tables or Make a Presentation Supper Sponsors cover the cost of the meal for all the hard working Committee Members $6 000 - FRIDAY SUPPER SPONSOR * 2 Wild One Passes * 10 Tickets to Friday Supper * 10 VIP Tickets to Friday Beer Gardens * Includes All Friday Supper Mentions * Hang one Sign 4’ x 8’ * Any Information/Display on The Tables Or Make A Presentation STAR-K Photography Supper Sponsors cover the cost of the meal for all the hard working Committee Members 4 Days In The Wild Page 14 For More Sponsorship info Contact: Kristin Lizotte 780-512 -7277 k_aley18@hotmail.com Teepee Creek Stampede Association RR # 2 Site 1 Box 26 Sexsmith,AB T0H 3C0 WWW.TPSTAMPEDE.CA