polydyne flocculants - Michigan Water Environment Association
polydyne flocculants - Michigan Water Environment Association
POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS LABORATORY JAR TESTING PRESENTED TO MICHIGAN WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION EAST LANSING, MI APRIL 29, 2015 BY GEORGE TICHENOR, PH.D. SNF/POLYDYNE INC. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS TOPICS • POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION • SOLID – LIQUID SEPARATION TESTS • CLARIFICATION • SOLIDS THICKENING & DEWATERING • POLYMER MAKEDOWN 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER SELECTION What are concerns and solutions? CRITERION SUBSTRATE NATURE MAKEUP CONCERN SOLUTION Polymer must be properly Appropriately selected depending on test complete substrate and application. range. Product must be fully dis- Check makesolved (inverted) for best down for full performance. activity. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER SELECTION What are concerns and solutions? CRITERION CONCERN SOLUTION SUBSTRATE Polymer must be properly Appropriately NATURE selected depending on test complete substrate and application. range. MAKEUP Product must be fully dis- Check makesolved (inverted) for best down for full performance. activity. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION: WHY SO MANY PRODUCTS? Different applications → different characteristics • NATURE OF THE SUBSTRATE • DETERMINES CHARGE • NATURE OF THE APPLICATION • DETERMINES MW, STRUCTURE 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION: EFFECT OF CHARGE 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION: CHARGE AND APPLICATIONS Dewatering paper sludge Dewatering primary sludge General industrial effluents Dewatering mixed sludge Sugar applications Dewatering digested sludge Dewatering biological sludge 100% CATIONIC Red mud alumina Dewatering alkaline sludge Coal washing Raw water clarification Drinking water 0% NON-IONIC 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. 100% ANIONIC Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS NATURE OF THE SUBSTRATE What impacts the polymer choice, dosage? SUSPENDED SOLIDS \ CHEMISTRY WATER pH PARTICLE SIZE CONCENTRATION HARDNESS CONDUCTIVITY DENSITY ADDED CHEMICALS MICROBIAL POPULATION OXIDANTS SHAPE DEFOAMERS COAGULANTS 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION: EFFECT OF MOLECULAR WEIGHT • SETTLING APPLICATIONS – HIGH MW → FAST – LOW MW → MORE COMPLETE • THICKENING/DEWATERING APPLICATIONS – FILTRATION • LOW MW → GOOD PERFORMANCE • HIGH MW → BLINDING – CENTRIFUGE • HIGH MW, STRUCTURE → GOOD PERFORMANCE • LOW MW → SHEARED FLOC 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER / SUBSTRATE INTERACTION: EFFECT OF STRUCTURE • High floc stability • Low dosage • Wide range of molecular • Very good drainage • Better cake dryness weights • Low floc strengh • Overdosing possible • High dosage 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS TEST SELECTION Which test for which application? CLARIFICATION SOLIDS THICKENING/DEWATERING - LOW SOLIDS: JAR TEST - POUR TEST - HIGH SOLIDS: CYLINDER - GRAVITY DRAINAGE SETTLING - EMULSION BREAKING (BUCHNER FUNNEL) - BAROID CELL - DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION - CHOPPER - CAPILLARY SUCTION TIMER - VACUUM FILTER LEAF 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS CLARIFICATION: GANG STIRRER (JAR TESTER) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS SOLIDS THICKENING / DEWATERING: GRAVITY DRAINAGE TEST (BUCHNER FUNNEL TEST) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS SOLIDS THICKENING / DEWATERING: BAROID FILTER PRESS 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS SOLIDS THICKENING / DEWATERING: CHOPPER (BLENDER) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS SOLIDS THICKENING / DEWATERING: CAPILLARY SUCTION TIMER 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS APPLICATIONS TESTING How do I select a polymer program? PHASE 1. GENERAL SCREENING (PRIOR KNOWLEDGE, JAR OR POUR TESTS) – INCUMBENT OR BLANK – COAGULANT – MODERATE CHARGE ANIONIC FLOCCULANT – LOW CHARGE ANIONIC FLOCCULANT – LOW CHARGE CATIONIC FLOCCULANT – MODERATE CHARGE CATIONIC FLOCCULANT – pH PHASE 2. PRODUCTS SURROUNDING BEST GENERAL PROGRAM (USING APPROPRIATE TEST) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS COAGULANTS AND FLOCCULANTS What makes them different? COAGULANTS FLOCCULANTS • CATIONIC • ANY CHARGE TYPE • HIGH CHARGE • 0 TO 100% CHARGE • LOW MOLECULAR WT. • MODERATE TO HIGH MW • SOLUTION FORM • VARIOUS FORMS • METAL SALT OR ORGANIC • ORGANIC 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS (ORGANIC) COAGULANTS What are the chemistries? • POLYQUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS – POLYDADMAC -CH2-CH CH-CH2- CH2 CH2 \ N+ ClH3C CH3 – POLYAMINE -CH2-CH-CH2-N+(CH3)2ClOH 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS FLOCCULANTS What are the chemistries? ANIONIC (COPOLYMERS OF ACRYLAMIDE AND) ___(CH 2CH | ___) __ n O = CO - Na ___(CH CH___) __ 2 n | + O = CNHC(CH3)2CH2SO3 - Na + (NON -ACRYLAMIDE BASED) ___(CH ___ 2CH2N)n | – + S = CS Na CATIONIC (COPOLYMERS OF ACRYLAMIDE AND) ___(CH CH___) __ 2 n | O = COCH2CH2N+(CH3)3 Cl- 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. ___(CH CH___) __ 2 n | O = CNHCH2N(CH3) 2 Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER SELECTION What are concerns and solutions? CRITERION SUBSTRATE NATURE MAKEUP CONCERN SOLUTION Polymer must be properly Appropriately selected depending on test complete substrate and application. range. Product must be fully dis- Check makesolved (inverted) for best down for full performance. activity. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER MAKEDOWN What are the factors? • DISSOLUTION • STABILITY OF THE MADE-DOWN SOLUTION 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS COAGULANT / FLOCCULANT MAKEDOWN How do we dissolve them? TYPE CONC. LAB PLANT SOLUTION 5 - 10% SHAKE OR STIR IN-LINE OR MIX TANK POWDER 0.1 - 0.5% DISPERSE & STIR 15-30 MIN. DISPERSE & MIX 15-120 MIN. EMULSION 0.2 - 1.0 DISPERSE & STIR 10-15 MIN. DISPERSE & MIX* 30-45 MIN. * DISPERSE AT HIGH SHEAR & MIX AT LOW SHEAR 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS EMULSION POLYMERS Stabilizing surfactant Inverting surfactant WATER + POLYMER WATER + Oil 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. POLYMER Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS LABORATORY EMULSION MAKEDOWN What are the proper techniques? • GOOD DISPERSION • VARIABLE SPEED MIXER/PROP, JIFFY MIX BLADE • BRAUN MIXER (5 SEC ONLY!) • JAR TESTER • (MAGNETIC MIXER) • POOR DISPERSION • SEALED JAR/SHAKING AGE THE MAKEDOWN BEFORE USE! 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS EMULSION MAKEDOWN AGING 23 NTU Inverted and aged properly 325 NTU Inverted with no aging 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS EMULSION MAKEDOWN AGING 80 70 Mix 10 min., age 20 min 60 50 40 30 Mix 30 sec. 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 FILTRATION TIME (sec.) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. 25 30 Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS FLOCCULANT SOLUTIONS What are the aspects of stability? • CHARGE • CHAIN LENGTH (MW) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS FLOCCULANT SOLUTIONS What affects charge stability? • ANIONIC COPOLYMERS • (Stable) • CATIONIC COPOLYMERS • pH • Hardness • MANNICH POLYMERS • Concentration 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS CATIONIC POLYACRYLAMIDES Polymer charge loss over time: pH pH 3 pH 3.8 pH pH 6 6 pH 7 pH 7 pH 9 pH 8 pH 8 pH 9 pH 10 pH 10 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS CATIONIC POLYACRYLAMIDES Polymer charge loss over time: Hardness 120 In hard water : TH = 350 mg/l CaCO3, pH solution = 8,0 3 hrs../soft water 1 hr. /hard water Water released (ml) 100 2 hrs./hard water 80 3 hrs. /hard water 60 40 FO 4350 after 3 hours in soft water FO 4350 after 1 hour in hard water 20 FO 4350 after 2 hours in hard water FO 4350 after 3 hours in hard water 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (s) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS FLOCCULANT SOLUTIONS What effects mw stability? ACRYLIC MW’s REDUCED BY – SHEAR – HYPOCHLORITE, CHLORINE • IMPACTS AT 0.5 PPM LEVEL – FERROUS ION • IMPACTS AT PPM LEVEL • OXIDATION TO FERRIC ELIMINATES EFFECT 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS ADDING POLYMER TO SUBSTRATE What are concerns and solutions? CRITERION CONCERN SOLUTION MIXING The waste should be Adjust in-line mixing, well-flocculated at the change feed points right location. or post-dilute polymer. FLOC SIZE Too small floc drains Consider floc size slowly. Too large floc when choosing mw. retains water. Adjust mixing. STABILITY Floc must be stable to Inc. poly feed conc. shear. Too much shear mw or structure to inc. polymer demand. maintain floc strength. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS POLYMER - SLUDGE MIXING EFFECTS 120 7 sec. 10 sec 100 80 14 sec. 60 40 7 sec. mixing 10 sec. mixing 20 14 sec. mixing 0 0 5 10 15 20 FILTRATION TIME (sec.) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. 25 30 Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS TAKEAWAYS • Every substrate will have an optimum polymer program and dosage. • Consider the substrate and what you’re doing to it. • Take care that the polymer is made down and aged properly and added to the substrate optimally. 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS QUESTIONS? Polydyne contact: Eric Butler Ebutler@polydyneinc.com (313) 506-5755 (cell) 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance POLYDYNE FLOCCULANTS THANK YOU! 08-00 - This document is the property of SNF. It must not be reproduced or transferred without prior consent. Technical Assistance