An in-depth look at Thornhill
An in-depth look at Thornhill
An in-depth look at Thornhill questions? we have the answers The community and rapid transit Residents who live and work in the Thornhill area may be interested in the background and key questions about the next phase of the rapid transit system, including historical details related to the planning, location and timing. In this booklet, we answer the most common questions and highlight how the vivaNext projects will benefit our living environment for generations to come while York Region – and Thornhill – continues to grow. • Planning for expected growth started long ago In 1994, York Region’s Official Plan outlined a system of urban growth centres and corridors, and a rapid transit network that will connect centres of population and employment growth. Two of the key urban growth centres identified are the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre area, and the Richmond Hill/Langstaff Gateway. The Highway 7 West rapidway will connect these two urban centres, including highdemand stops on Centre Street and Bathurst Street along the way. 1 York Region’s rapidway projects went through an extensive Environmental Assessment [EA] process and, after 14 public consultation meetings that were attended by over 1,200 residents between 2003 and 2004, received approval from the Ministry of the Environment in 2006. In 2005, the Province of Ontario mandated plans to manage growth, limit urban sprawl, protect green spaces and create complete communities, including housing, employment and transportation. • Provincial funding for the rapidways was announced in 2009 2 In 2009, the Province of Ontario announced $8.6 billion in public transit funding with much media publicity – $7.2 billion for Transit City in Toronto and $1.4 billion for vivaNext rapidways in York Region. Since the funding announcement, vivaNext has routinely issued public announcements to the media, attended community events, placed advertisements on radio and in newspapers, and engaged the public through social media channels. • The community needs rapid transit • Ridership demand exists now • Thornhill Woods is a point of origin • Subway stations will be within easy reach High density in the Bathurst and Centre Street area already exists, and the population and employment opportunities will continue to increase in the area, which is why improving transit now along this route is so important. Viva has travelled down Bathurst and across Centre Street since 2005 when viva was first launched, and serves thousands of people each workday – the vivaNext rapidway on Bathurst and Centre Street is not a detour or new route. Thornhill Woods is predominately low-density detached and semi-detached homes, and YRT\Viva transit stops throughout the neighbourhood. The rapidway will provide quick and convenient access to Spadina Subway [which is scheduled to open in 2016] and Yonge Subway [which is awaiting full funding], offering residents and commuters greater options for how to get around. 3 Vaughan 2020 • Bathurst and Centre Street is a destination The Bathurst and Centre Street area hosts a significant number of retail shops, a theatre, professional services, transit terminal, health and education services, and a mix of low and high density residential accommodations. Rapidways connect urban centres and key destinations within York Region, unlike an express service that goes to just one stop in as little time as possible. • A rapidway on Hwy. 7, between Bathurst and Centre Street, was evaluated and determined not practical The City of Vaughan is developing a plan for sustainable growth in the Centre Street Corridor. As part of the City’s Official Plan, a key objective will be to manage growth while maintaining a high quality of life for residents, today and in the future. The Centre Street Corridor Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Master Plan Study outline a vision for Centre Street between Highway 7/ Highway 407 and Bathurst Street. The renewal of this area will focus on preserving local neighbourhoods, while creating a sense of place through improved retail and public spaces. Three alignment alternatives were evaluated as part of the Environmental Assessment, including along Hwy. 7 between Centre and Bathurst Streets. The existing route provides the greatest amount of benefits and best addresses future demands. The Centre Street Corridor Study reflects Vaughan’s commitment to plan and manage the city’s growth and vitality as outlined in the Vaughan Vision 2020, strategic plan. For more information, visit the Centre Street project website at under Major Projects. The Hwy. 7 alternative is bound by hydro towers and Highway 407 to the south, low-rise commercial buildings to the west and detached homes to the north – restricting future growth opportunities, providing minimal benefits to ridership and impacting operational costs due to missed revenue. Hig hw ay 7 oad B owes R H ig hway 407 Bath urs Yo n ge S tr eet • Rapidways connect destinations • Thornhill Centre Street Corridor t Stree t S tree t D ufferin Centre Stree t H ighway 407 Land use study area vivastation locations Finch Avenue 4 5 vivastations provide comfort and convenience roof extends up and over viva vehicles to keep snow and rain off while embarking/disembarking arrival/departure screens provide real-time scheduling info extended platform length can accommodate multiple viva vehicles, enhancing embarking/ disembarking efficiency roof and side panels made of tinted glass for greater visibility and comfort raised platform provides near level boarding of viva vehicles, reducing the need to climb steps or lift objects security surveillance and intercom for emergency assistance on platform temperature and motion activated tactile pavers along rapidway edge provide greater safety heaters in wind enclosure provide warmth while accessible entry doors minimize heat loss way finding signage provides riders with easy and quick direction 6 energy-efficient lighting ample seating inside throughout for greater safety and comfort and out provides greater personal space and comfort flexible cash, pass and Presto fare machines 7 • The project has an attractive, welcoming design that benefits the neighbourhood We are designing the road, rapidways and sidewalks to reflect the overall character and appearance of each community. Streetscape improvements may include the addition of trees, plants, wider sidewalks, and street lighting. • The rapidway project is different from the St. Clair project in Toronto The vivaNext rapidway project has a completely different design, different project management and a focus on communications with the public and area businesses. Looking at the Hwy. 7 rapidway segment from Bayview Avenue to Hwy. 404 that’s opening soon, it is clear that the vivaNext project management and design elements speak for the quality of this project. • Existing traffic lanes will remain, with added safety Bathurst and Centre Street will have new rapid transit lanes without losing any existing traffic lanes, and each transit vehicle has the potential of replacing over 70 cars. The elimination of mid-block left turns will help in avoiding common side-impact accidents during heavy traffic. Dedicated left-turn lanes and signals at intersections, with the ability to make u-turns, provides safer turning movements for drivers. 8 Bicycle lanes planned for this corridor will provide an important alternative for travelling in a pedestrian-friendly environment. 9 vivaNext route map Barrie Newmarket GO Station Sa va Mulo ge ck Da vis Ea gle Dr ive Davis Drive 404 NEWMARKET Highway He Go nd lf L Well Or er in c in so ks gto har n dH n eig hts Wellington St. E. Aurora Rd. WHITCHURCHSTOUFFVILLE Re Blo ga om tta in gto n Rapidway Construction (2014-2018)* M Cr ajo r M osb y ac ke nz ie • How construction will unfold 10 Road et 404 Kennedy Highway Leslie Stre 14 th reet De nis on E Ste sna ele s M cN ico ll ll s Road n Mi Steeles Avenue TORONTO Finch Avenue Hil l Finch Station Sheppard West Le ith Hil l Sheppard Avenue In the Viva Benefits Case [Nov. 2008] issued by Metrolinx, it states, “Based on the average for North America and benchmarks from the Government of Canada, a rapid bus system would have a modest positive impact [of] 2-4% premium on residential and office space and 1-2% on retail on property values within a 400-meter radius of the stations. However, based on York Region’s integrated planning, the land uplift will likely be higher. The impact of VIVA on property values would be strongest in areas where high employment and population growth is expected....” li e St Les MARKHAM Cornell Unionville GO Station Se ne ca Finch Avenue Highway 407 Do Steeles Avenue MARKHAM Major MacKenzie Drive Highway 7 Cu S m C m teele lar Ro er k yal / Lan s /D Or Lo gs re ch ng taff w ar br ry d idg e Ba th ur st Promenade Yonge Stre et Atk in so n Du ffe r Ce in ntr e Ke ele Highway 7 Richmond Hill Centre Richmond Hill Ba W ntr 16 eld y-S thric co Car k tt rv Ba ille yv ie Ch w alm Va er lle s W ym Sou es ed th Pa Le t B e rk sli eav e er Ea Cr st ee B k All ea sta ver W te Cre oo Pa e db rk k M in w on e ay tg To om w n C ery en W Ced tr eB ar ar de la lv nd d. En n te rp ris e et VAUGH A N Fin Do ch w W ns es vie t w Pa rk TORONTO Jane Stre y 400 Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Cr ed its to ne Highwa Highway 407 Stouffville Rd. Elg B in ern M ills ard 27 Highway Western Gateway Co m m er ce The Canada Line project in British Columbia caused significantly higher property values [as high as 300% in some areas] and sparked revitalization of old communities with more employment opportunities. Hw y4 07 Pio ne er Vil Yo la rk ge Un ive rs ity Heritage Area Highway 50 • Property uplift occurs with investment in transit Hig hw ay 42 Hig 7 hw ay 27 M ar tin G Kip rov e lin g Is lin gto n He le n Pin eV all ey An sle yG ro W ve es to n RICHMOND HILL Je ffe rs on GO Transit Rail Lines Lincolnville 19 th -G am ble Yonge Stre et Terminals Bloomington Rd. Avenue Bathurst Spadina Subway Extension (2011-2016)* Kin g Street Future Rapid Transit Bayview Rapidway Construction (2015-2019)* Ho sp it am Line al AURORA Rapidway Construction (2012-2016)* York Durh Rapidway Construction (2011-2015)* Ga ls w or th M ain y St. M ar kh am W oo te M nW ar k ay Bu ha rO mS ak to uff vil le Rapidway Construction (2011-2014)* Ke nn ed Bu y llo ck M cC ow an Open Rapidway Proposed Yonge Subway Extension Green Lane Hw y4 04 So uth la ke Hu ro nH e Le sli ights e Pa Lo rks ng ide fo M rd ain Gr ee Br isto n L an l e East Gwillimbury GO Station Highway 9 Don Mills Station Sheppard Avenue * Subject to change Map not to scale Rev. 06 / 2014 Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Construction will be carefully scheduled and access to businesses, driveways and sidewalks will be maintained as much as possible, similar to the rapidway construction on Highway 7 in Markham and Richmond Hill. 11 Bowes R oad Highway 400 Highway Centre Str na S Dufferin Helen Str e et Sp ad i Highway 407 Steet Highway 7 vivastation Highway 407 u bw a Edgeley Boulevard to Bowes Road (2012-2016)* Cell: 289.716.0091 Finch Avenue Email: TTC Sp ad i na S u bw y Bowes Road to Yonge Street Steeles Avenue (2015-2019)* Follow us on twitter. Find us on facebook. Read our blog. Go to Finch Avenue Nov/2014 12 Highway 407 Centre Street Highway 407 a Bathurst Steet Steet Dufferin Bowes R oad Keele Str eet Highway 7 vivastation Highway 407 Richmond Hill Centre Highway 7 Creditsto ne Road Boulevard Millway A venue Jane Str eet TTC *subject to change TTC Sheppard Avenue Sheppard Avenu Yonge Ste et Helen Str e et Edgeley Highway 400 Weston R oad Road Ansley G rove Pine Vall ey Drive • Sign up for updates and find project details at, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Highway 7 Steeles Av y Tel: 905.886.6767 Ext. 71129 Creditsto ne Road Boulevard Millway A venue Edgeley Weston R oad Highway 407 TTC Highway 7 Carrie Slattery Highway 400 Pine Vall ey Drive Helen Str e et o ad Weston R oad Mondays: 9am to noon Wednesdays: 2 to 6pm Ansley G rove R Pine Vall ey Drive Hours Hig Pine Valley Drive to Edgeley Boulevard (2015-2019)* Location 7800 Jane Street [northwest corner of Highway 7 and Jane] TTC Highway 7 Vaughan’s drop-in Project Information Office is also available for the community to ask questions about the project and see project maps: Boulevard Millway A venue Jane Str eet Edgeley We will continue to use newsletters, media announcements, social media, public speaking opportunities and so forth during construction to stay engaged with the community and those who work in the area. Ro ad Keele Str eet Ansley G rove • More information Creditsto ne Road N