Introducing Single Use 2
Introducing Single Use 2
Spring 2012 Introducing Single Use 2-Hour Gel FuelCans™ • robust Dancing Flames • Disposable Can Convenience • no-refill Safety Disposable FuelCan ™ SingleUse2-HourGelFuelCan™ the elegant Gel Fuel Solution…now! Jumpstart FlamePot Sales and rekindle Customer use and Satisfaction! EnjoyOver2Hours*Of: • • • • • • Mesmerizing, robust, High dancing Yellow Flames odorless, Smokeless, non-toxic, Clean Burning environmentally Friendly, disposable no refill Can Convenience of no Pouring, no Mess, no Clean up Safety as Single use Can eliminates refill Hazards Flamepot Stays Much Cooler and Flame Burns Cooler UNIVERSALSIZE TheFuelCan™fitsinsideNAPAFireLites,PACIFIC DÉCORFlamePotsandmostfirepotssoldwith “standard”sizedstainlesssteelcup/burner.Can sizeis3.2"by2.2"diameter. B a SIMPLEINCANBURNING RemovetheFuelCan™top,placeinflamepot’s stainlesssteelcup/burner,lightwithalong matchorlighterandenjoyagreatshowfor over2*hours.Letcool,removeanddispose oftheemptynorefill,singleusecan.Opena newFuelCan™andrepeatandsafelyenjoy TheElegantSolutiontimeaftertime. *Burntimeswillvarywithlocalconditions.InourSeattleareatests wehaveaveragedtwohoursandfifteenminutesofburntime. 2-Hour Indoor / outdoor FuelCan™ A 161–40/1-75 2.2"DX3.2"H 2-Hour outdoor CItronella FuelCan™ B 171–40/2 2.2"d X 3.2"H Please note:SingleUse,NoRefillPacificFlameDisposableFuelCans™eliminatethehazardofpossiblyrefillingapreviouslylightedflamepotcup/burnerbeforeithas cooledtoroomtemperatureandmightstillhaveasparkinsidewhichcouldignitefromfuelorvaporsasitisbeingrefilledcausinginjury.Thishazardisthefocusof theU.S.ConsumerProductSafetyCommission(CPSC)September1,2011PourableGelFuelRecall.Therefore,byeliminatingthehazard,thePacificFlameSingleUse DisposableFuelCan™is“outsidethescope”oftheCPSCPourableGelFuelRecall,andmayactivelybesoldandstockedinstoresandsafelyusedbyconsumersas intended.And…TheDancingFlamesareMesmerizing!! 2 | SPrInG 2012 MIRRORANDMeTALFLAMePOTS Sophisticatedmirrorandrusticpowdercoated metal patternsaddspiceandvariety. MIRRORFLAMePOTS Mirrorpanelsareinlaidinto shinystainlesssteelframes. SQUAReSHINYSTAINLeSS/ MIRRORFLAMePOT a 91018 – 1 / 50 8"SQX8"H LINeARMIRRORFLAMePOT B 91019 – 1 / 45 8”SQX6"H B a LATTICeFLAMePOTS Openlatticeweaveaddsgoodlooks andrapidcooling.Turnupsidedown touseashurricanewithcandles. ROUNDLATTICeFLAMePOT d C 9106 – 2 / 12-50 6.5"DX7"H SILVeRLATTICeFLAMePOT d 91069 – 2 / 12-50 6.5"DX7"H KAZUFLAMePOT Darkbrowncoatedsteel. C e e 3058 – 2/20 8"SQX5"H MeTALFLAMePOTS Stampedmetaltoolingaddsintricate designdetailswithtwo-tonefinishes. MONDeLLOFLAMePOT F F G 91089 – 2 / 15 6.5"SQX7"H CADeAUXFLAMePOT G 91099 – 2 / 15 6.5"SQX7"H For all flamepots and lanterns: Includes a stainless steel cup to hold the FuelCan™, a metal lid for snuffing out the flame and a lifting fork to use to place the lid on to keep fingers away from the flame when applying the snuffer lid. NeVeR attempt to blow out the flame or extinguish it with water and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flamepots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. SPrInG 2012 |3 HigH Fire PorceLAiN FLAme FoUNtAiNS elemental fire and water combine to form inspiring shapes, colors, textures, sounds and sights to accent environmental décor. B A f Stainless steel burner cup / fork / snuffer lid included with every Pacific Décor Ltd. flamepot, flame fountain and hurricane. rAkU FLAme FoUNtAiN traditional Asian raku technique of high firing porcelain with quick cooling to produce a rustic one of a kind finish. A 5540 – 1 / 75 12"D x 17"H BLUe koBe FLAme FoUNtAiN B 55418 – 1 / 75 12"D x 17"H C D BrowN koBe FLAme FoUNtAiN Pewter koBe FLAme FoUNtAiN C E 55415 – 1 / 75 12"D x 17"H 55410 – 1 / 75 12"D x 17"H metALLic BLAck koBe FLAme FoUNtAiN 3" StAiNLeSS BUrNer cUP / Fork / SNUFFer LiD D f 5541 – 1 / 75 12"D x 17"H E 98 – 12 / 5 3"D Caution: Never attempt to blow out the flame or extinguish it with water and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flame pots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. Place flame fountains on a water proof, level surface. Protect surrounding areas from splashing. All flame fountains include a UL 110 power pump. Never plug or unplug with wet hands. 4 | spring 2012 Fire AND wAter… FLAmeS AND FoUNtAiNS Dazzle the eye and soothe the spirit. C A B coNcAve PeDeStAL Deep reverse pebble texture highlights dramatic two-tone effect of reactive color glazes. rUBy reD coNcAve FLAme FoUNtAiN A 55576 – 1 / 50 12"H metALLic BLAck coNcAve FLAme FoUNtAiN B 5557 – 1 / 50 12"H BrowN coNcAve FLAme FoUNtAiN C 55575 – 1 / 50 12"H Caution: Never attempt to blow out the flame or extinguish it with water and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flame pots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. Place flame fountains on a water proof, level surface. Protect surrounding areas from splashing. All flame fountains include a UL 110 power pump. Never plug or unplug with wet hands. spring 2012 |5 Ball… Symbol of Balance Water… Purveyor of tranquility Fountain…the Zen Fusion of Both A E B 6 | Spring 2012 C D 15" tWo-tone WHite Ball Fountain A 55371 – 1 / 100 15"H X 12"d 15" troPiCS Ball Fountain B 55378 – 1 / 100 15"H X 12"d 15" SHinY BlaCK Ball Fountain F C g 55379 – 1 / 100 15"H X 12"d 15" ruBY red Ball Fountain D 55376 – 1 / 100 15"H X 12"d 13" troPiCS Ball Fountain E 55388 – 1 / 65 13"H X 10"d 13" MetalliC Ball Fountain F H 5538 – 1 / 65 13"H X 10"d 13" SilVer Ball Fountain i g 55380 – 1 / 65 13"H X 10"d 13" ruBY red Ball Fountain H 55386 – 1/65 13"H X 10"d 13" BlaCK Ball Fountain i 55389 – 1 / 65 13"H X 10"d 15" PorCelain raKu Fountain these unique fountains create tranquil sounds as the water bubbles from the top giving any setting a calm, serene feeling. J J K 5588 – 1 / 75 15"H X 12"d 15" PorCelain BlaCK KoBe Fountain K 5589 – 1 / 75 15"H X 12"d Caution: Place fountains on a water proof, level and stable surface. Protect surrounding area from splashing. Fountains come with a ul 110 power pump. Spring 2012 |7 DivErsity… 12 styles and Colors UsEFUlnEss… 6" size for Décor anywhere valUE… 1 low price / 1 pc box / 4 pc case B C A D F E Urban Flair… to Desert Oasis EUrO britEs… FOrEst rUstiC sWirl FlaMEPOt sHiny blaCK FlUtED FlaMEPOt A 55997–4/11 6"H B 5547–4/11 6"H to black and Whites WHitE FlUtED FlaMEPOt D 55471–4/11 6"H yEllOW FlUtED FlaMEPOt silvEr FlUtED FlaMEPOt Caution: never attempt to blow out the flame and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flamepots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. 8 | spring 2012 C 55470–4/11 6"H E 55472–4/11 6"H rED FlUtED FlaMEPOt F 55476–4/11 6"H A B C D E F stOrMy blUEs… to ruby red aMbEr sMOOtH… to ribbed two-tones aMbEr CUbE FlaMEPOt B 55972–4/11 6"H sEa stOrM CUbE FlaMEPOt A 55978–4/11 6"H WHitE / brOWn ribbED FlaMEPOt GrEEn / brOWn ribbED FlaMEPOt C 55481–4/11 6"H E tan / brOWn ribbED FlaMEPOt rUby rED ribbED FlaMEPOt D 55484–4/11 6"H F 55487–4/11 6"H 55486–4/11 6"H spring 2012 |9 rustic and elegant with lids round square Flamepots w / décor lid curvaceous square pebble textured to contrast with the smooth lid. combines the element of fire into an elegant décor accessory. B ruby red round square Flamepot A 55496 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h brown round square Flamepot B 55495 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h pewter round square Flamepot C 5549 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h C A rings Flamepot / decorative box / vase horizontal rings are complemented by the textured lid and smooth shoulders. E green / brown rings Flamepot D 55467 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h black rings Flamepot E 5546 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h rustic rings Flamepot F 55464 – 2 / 22-50 9"d x 9"h Caution: never attempt to blow out the flame or extinguish it with water and do not touch or move the flame pot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flamepots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. 10 | Spring 2012 D F sleek / clean / contemporary Featuring danish-inspired design. baltic black and white the classic shiny black and white pairing here accented by silver. A silver baltic Flamepot A 55440 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h white baltic Flamepot B 55441 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h black baltic Flamepot B C 5544 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h 3" stainless burner cup / Fork / snuFFer lid D stainless steel burner cup / fork / snuffer lid included with every pacific décor ltd. flamepot, flame fountain and hurricane. C D 98 – 12 / 5 3"d dania pebble texture deep reverse pebble texture accents the look of danish design tradition. metallic black dania Flamepot E 5545 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h blue dania Flamepot F E 55458 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h pewter dania Flamepot g 55450 – 2 / 22-50 9"sq x 6"h F g Spring 2012 | 11 AQUAMARINE FLAMEPOT / VASE / 3" CANdLE hOLdER C A 55134–2/20 8.5"h OLIVE BLUE FLAMEPOT / VASE / 3" CANdLE hOLdER B 55294–2/20 8.5"h METALLIC TUTONE FLAMEPOT / VASE / 3" CANdLE hOLdER C 55304–2/20 8.5"h B CLASSIC GREEN FLAMEPOT / VASE / 3" CANdLE hOLdER D 55244–2/20 8.5"h D A METALLIC BLACk hEX FLAMEPOT / 3" CANdLE hOLdER E 55064–2/20 9"d X 6.5"h METALLIC SILVER hEX FLAMEPOT / 3" CANdLE hOLdER F 55054–2/20 9"d X 6.5"h METALLIC BLACk TAPER FLAMEPOT w / LId G 5543–2/22-50 9"d X 8"h F G E METALLIC BLACk GEO FLAMEPOT / 3" CANdLE hOLdER H 55125–2/13-50 7"d X 6"h METALLIC SILVER GEO FLAMEPOT / 3" CANdLE hOLdER I 55127–2/13-50 7"d X 6"h H 12 | SprInG2012 I PORCELAIN FLAMEPOTS Stunning glazes, textures and designs. PORCELAIN FLAMEPOTS Many have dual uses. Remove stainless cup / snuffer to use ceramic vessel as vase or 3" candle holder. RUBy REd MILANO FLAMEPOT w / LId A 55616–2/22-50 8"SQ SILVER MILANO FLAMEPOT w / LId B B 55610–2/22-50 8"SQ METALLIC BLACk MILANO FLAMEPOT w / LId C A C 5561–2/22-50 8"SQ CREAM RAINdROPS FLAMEPOT / VASE D 55001–2/17-50 9"h GREEN BROwN dROPS FLAMEPOT / VASE D E 55284–2/17-50 9"h GEO BLUES FLAMEPOT / 3" CANdLE hOLdER F 55124–2/13-50 7"d X 6"h BORdEAUX FLAMEPOT / VASE / 3" CANdLE hOLdER More Bordeaux collection page 15. E G F G 55010–2/22-50 11"h Caution:Never attempt to blow out the flame or extinguish it with water and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flamepots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. SprInG2012 | 13 metallic black and Silver vaSe trioS or mix and match YOUR trio B e h f A G C I D deep Silver dot / Stripe vaSeS deep Silver droplet vaSeS set of 3: 5509 – 1 / 55 10"– 16"h set of 3: 5507 – 1 / 50 7"– 15"h A 55092 – 2 / 20 12" x 13"h D 55091 – 2 / 20 8" x 16"h e 55093 – 2 / 15 11" x 10"h f B C deep Silver hexagon Shape vaSeS set of 3: 5505 – 1 / 62-50 9"– 14.5"h 55073 – 2 / 10 8" x 7"h G 55071 – 2 / 20 7" x 15"h 55052 – 2 / 20 11"h h 55072 – 2 / 20 12" x 9.5"h 55051 – 2 / 25 14.5"h I 55053 – 2 / 17-50 10"d x 9"h N K Q R J M P L o metallic black dot / Stripe vaSeS metallic black droplet vaSeS metallic black hexagon Shape vaSeS set of 3: 55095 – 1 / 55 10"– 16"h set of 3: 55075 – 1 / 50 7"– 15"h set of 3: 5506 – 1 / 62-50 9"– 14.5"h J 55097 – 2 / 20 12" x 13"h M 55077 – 2 / 20 12" x 9.5"h P 55063 – 2 / 17-50 10"d x 9"h K 55096 – 2 / 20 8" x 16"h N 55076 – 2 / 20 7" x 15"h Q 55061 – 2 / 25 14.5" h L 55098 – 2 / 15 11" x 10"h o 55078 – 2 / 10 8" x 7"h R 55062 – 2 / 20 11" h 14 | sPRING 2012 B aQuamarine collection the stunning deep aquamarine glaze evokes thoughts of tropic seas. C set of 3: 5513 – 1 / 57-50 9"– 15"h aQuamarine taper vaSe A 55133 – 2 / 15 10" x 9"h aQuamarine Flare vaSe D A B 55131 – 2 / 25 7" x 15"h aQuamarine oval vaSe C 55132 – 2 / 17-50 8" x 11"h aQuamarine Flamepot / vaSe / 3" candle holder D 55134 – 2 / 20 8.5"h bordeaux collection e f G classic grape motif exemplifies the great French wines of bordeaux. bordeaux handled vaSe f 55011 – 2 / 25 14"h bordeaux Jardinere opening is 6" diameter. e 55015 – 2 / 17-50 9" x 8"h bordeaux pitcher vaSe G h 55012 – 2 / 20 10" h bordeaux Flamepot / vaSe / 3" candle holder h 55010 – 2 / 20 11"h bordeaux oval boWl I 55013 – 2 / 15 11"W x 8"d x 5"h I sPRING 2012 | 15 Introducing LongFire™ and HiFire™ Single Use FuelCans™ Larger 15 oz. cans for higher flames, and longer dancing flame burn times. Over 2 – 3 Hours Of: • Mesmerizing, Robust, High Dancing Yellow Flames • Odorless, Smokeless, Non-Toxic, Clean Burning • Environmentally Friendly, Disposable No Refill Can • Convenience of No Pouring, No Mess, No Clean Up • Safety as Single Use Can Eliminates Refill Hazards • FlamePot Stays Much Cooler and Flame Burns Cooler Disposable FuelCan ™ E D B HiFire™ A LongFire™ Engineered larger* 15 oz. can, fuel and air flow enhances 3 hour burn time of dazzling dancing flames. Same larger* 15 oz. can with fuel and air flow optimized, plus 23% more burning surface area for larger, denser flame size and maximum height with a 2 hour plus burn time. 2+Hour hifire Indoor / Outdoor FuelCan™ 3-Hour LongFire Indoor / Outdoor FuelCan™ D A 2+Hour hifire outdoor citronella FuelCan™ 163 – 12 / 3-50 3.3"D X 3.9"H 3-Hour LongFire outdoor citronella FuelCan™ B E 162 – 12 / 3-50 3.3"D X 3.9"H 172 – 12 / 4 3.3"D X 3.29"H 173 – 40 / 4 3.3"D X 3.9"H LongFire STAINLESS burner cup / fork / SNUFFER LID C 97 – 6 / 7-50 4.1"D X 4"H *Larger 3.3" diameter x 3.9" high custom can size fits in all LongFire™ FlamePots and is interchangeable with some other 13 – 16 oz. fuel cans marketed by other vendors and fits in their fire pots. 16 | Spring 2012 C Stainless steel burner cup / fork / snuffer lid included with every Pacific Décor Ltd. flamepot, flame fountain and hurricane. PaSta ceramicS create itaLian FLair LongFire FLamePotS For Larger 15 oz. FUeLcanS™ all 15 LongFire FlamePots have 4" diameter stainless steel burner cup / fork / snuffer lid for 15 oz. Fuelcans™ or 4" diameter LeD candles when not burning. • For 3 hoUr BUrn use LongFire 15 oz. Fuelcans™. B • For LargeSt FLame use hiFire 15 oz. Fuelcans™. tUScan White LongFire Pot a a 5568–2/30 9"h tUScan tWo-tone White LongFire Pot B 55681–2/30 9"h Venice PaSta LongFire Pot C 5569–2/30 9"h C contemPorary StyLe, earthy gLazeS ForeSt taPer LongFire Pot D 55807–2/25 9"h troPicS taPer LongFire Pot D E 55808–2/25 9"h metaLLic BLacK taPer LongFire Pot F 5580–2/25 9"h E F SPRiNg 2012 | 17 A B C D LONGFIRE FLamEPOTS FOR LaRGER 15 OZ. FUELCaNS™ • For 3 hOUR bURN use LongFire 15 oz. FuelCans™. • For LaRGEST FLamE use hiFire 15 oz. FuelCans™. 18 | Spring 2012 LImE STRaTa LONGFIRE POT YELLOW STRaTa LONGFIRE POT A 55427–2/25 9"h C 55422–2/25 9"h RED STRaTa LONGFIRE POT ORaNGE STRaTa LONGFIRE POT B 55426–2/25 9"h D 55423–2/25 9"h EURO bRITES…COLORS… OR TExTURED URbaN FLaIR LONGFIRE FLamEPOTS FOR LaRGER 15 OZ. FUELCaNS™ all 15 LongFire FlamePots have 4" diameter stainless steel burner cup / fork / snuffer lid for 15 oz. FuelCans™ or 4" diameter LED Candles when not burning. • For 3 hOUR bURN use LongFire 15 oz. FuelCans™. • For LaRGEST FLamE use hiFire 15 oz. FuelCans™. ShINY bLaCK ROUND / SQUaRE LONGFIRE POT A A 5581–2/25 9" PEWTER ROUND / SQUaRE LONGFIRE POT B B 55810–2/25 9" bROWN ROUND / SQUaRE LONGFIRE POT C 55815–2/25 9" WhITE ROUND / SQUaRE LONGFIRE POT C D 55811–2/25 9" RUbY RED ROUND / SQUaRE LONGFIRE POT E D E 55816–2/25 9" Caution: Never attempt to blow out the flame and do not touch or move the flamepot until it has completely cooled as burns could result. Flamepots should be placed on a heat proof, stable surface away from flammable objects and out of reach of children and pets. Spring 2012 | 19 A D SILVER LATTICE HURRICANES A 91067–2/10 5" x 9"H B E B 91066–2/7-50 4" x 7"H C 91065–4/5 3" x 4"H C ROUND LATTICE HURRICANES F D 91062–2/10 5" x 9"H E 91061–2/7-50 4" x 7"H F 91060–4/5 3" x 4"H A, D: Use with 3" or 4"D candles to 8"H. B, E: Use with 3" x 6"H candle. C, F: Use with a votive glass and / or tealight. SQUARE LATTICE HURRICANES sEtoF3:9107–1/37-50 8"– 14"H G 91072–2/12-50 5" x 11"H G H I J H 91073–2/15 5" x 14"H I 91071–2/10 5" x 8"H J 91070–4/5 4" x 3"H MONDELLO COLLECTION sEtoF3:9108–1/37-50 8"– 16"H K 91081–2/10 5" x 8"H L N 91083–2/15 5" x 16"H M 91082–2/12-50 5" x 12"H MONDELLO wALL HANgINg N 91085–2/10 4" x 16"H L K Candles sold separately, see page 27. 20 | sprING2012 M kAzU COLLECTION Linear lines of dark brown powder coated steel give this collection a modern, yet contemporary feel. well suited for home or office uses. kAzU NESTINg PLANT STANDS** kAzU FOLDINg ETAgERE* A sEtoF3:3033–1/100 14"SQ x 36"H D 3020–1/200 30"w x 14"D x 68"H kAzU NESTINg TABLES* kAzU 4-gLASS SHELF BAkERS RACk* B sEtoF3:3030–1/150 24"w x 21"D x 24"H Tempered glass shelves are 36"L x 18"w. Folding for easy set-up. E kAzU HALL TABLE w / gLASS** C 3029–1/100 42"w x 12"D x 30"H 3010–1/250 39"w x 20"D x 68"H *Requires truck shipment. **UPS oversize shipment. D A B C E sprING2012 | 21 f G H I A C e laser cut silver hurricanes shown lit. B D K J L silver acanthus candle holders regent silver candle holders laser cut silver hurricanes each holds 3" diameter candles. each holds 3" diameter candles. set of 5: 5410 – 1 / 65 8"– 18"h set of 4: 5450 – 1 / 52-50 7.3"– 20"h each shiny stainless steel hurricane is laser cut with an intricate tree pattern. A 54102 – 2 / 10 10"h f 54501 – 2 / 7-50 7.3"h B 54101 – 2 / 7-50 8"h G 54502 – 2 / 10 10.4"h C 54106 – 2 / 20 18"h H 54505 – 2 / 20 20"h D 54103 – 2 / 12-50 12"h I 54503 – 2 / 15 13.2"h e 54104 – 2 / 15 14"h 22 | sprInG 2012 J 91042 – 2 / 10 Best with a 3" X 6" candle. 4"d X 7"h K 91043 – 2 / 15 Best with a 4" X 7" candle. 5"d X 9"h L 91041 – 4 / 5 Best with tealights or votives. 3"d X 4"h candles sold separately, see page 27. D A B e f G C J H L I K silver FretWorK candle holders onyX regent For 3"d candlesticK collection intricately detailed 3 – 4"d candle holders set of 3: 7613 – 1 / 75 13"– 21"h set of 4: 5460 – 1 / 52-50 7"– 20"h H CLAssIC: 7114 – 4 / 10 6"h A 76132 – 2 / 25 holds 1 – 4"d candle. 17"h D 54602 – 2 / 10 10.4"h I LAttICe: 71167 – 2 / 15 7"h B 76133 – 2 / 30 holds 1 – 4"d candle. 21"h e 54605 – 2 / 20 20"h f 54603 – 2 / 15 13.2"h G 54601 – 2 / 7-50 7.3"h C 76131 – 2 / 20 holds 1 – 4"d candle. 13"h silver FretWorK accessories J 2p4 pLAnter: 76125 – 2 / 20 11"l K p6 pLAnter: 76126 – 2 / 25 8"h L p4 pLAnter : 76124 – 2 / 15 6"h sprInG 2012 | 23 bALUSTER CHESTNUT CANDLE HOLDERS Floor standing or on a table, the classic baluster design and warm brown chestnut finish make this 20", 24", 28" high trio an imposing set of candlesticks for 3"– 4" diameter column candles. Available by set or individually. Set of 3: 7115 – 1 / 75 20"– 28"H A 71151 – 1 / 20 20"H B 71153 – 1 / 30 28"H C 71152 – 1 / 25 24"H VINTAGE ACANTHUS CANDLE HOLDERS Acanthus leaves have been a popular design element since Greco-Roman times. Together with a vintage multi bronze hued hand finish, the set of 5 sizes makes a wonderful statement holding 3" diameter ivory candles. Also sold by individual sizes. B C A Set of 5: 5420 – 1 / 65 8" – 18"H D 54204 – 2 / 15 14"H e 54202 – 2 / 10 10"H f 54206 - 2 / 20 18"H G 54201 – 2 / 7-50 8"H H 54203 – 2 / 12-50 12"H Candles sold separately, see page 27. 24 | SprinG 2012 D e f G H bOLD CANDLE STATEmENTS Regal and exotic, each collection creates a mood all its own. VALENCIA CANDLE HOLDERS Valencia has classical details, lattice elements and a soft brown tri-toned sandstone finish. Available in sets of 3 or 4 sizes, or individually. 3 – 4"D. Set of 3: 5957– 1 / 75 16", 20", 24"H Set of 4: 59570 – 1 / 90 12", 16", 20", 24"H A B C D A 59572 – 2 / 20 16"H B 59571 – 2 / 15 12"H C 59574 – 2 / 30 24"H D 59573 – 2 / 25 20"H RALEIGH RED COLLECTION A tapered vase and pedestal bowl add diversity to this collection. Available as a complete set of 5, set of 3 candle holders or individual pieces. 3 – 4"D. Set of 3 CAnDle HolDerS: 580 – 1 / 60 12", 16", 20"H G Group of 5: 581 – 1 / 100 9"– 20"H e vASe: 58089 – 2 / 15 11"H f 58090 – 2 / 20 16"H G 5809 – 2 / 25 20"H H 58091 – 2 / 15 12"H i Compote: 58099 – 2 / 25 10"D x 9"H f H i e Candles sold separately, see page 27. SprinG 2012 | 25 WHITE TEALIGHTS W / CHARGER A 1006–3/15 SILVER TEALIGHTS W / CHARGER B B 1008–3/15 box 6 SILVER RECHARGEAbLE C 1009–3/10 box 6 WHITE RECHARGEAbLE D 1007–3/10 A box 6 LED WHITE TEALIGHT E 1060–12/4 box 6 LED SILVER TEALIGHT F 1061–12/4 Recharge over 500 Times for ultimate Economy! C E mETALLIC bLACk 3"– 4" CAnDLEHoLDER G 5531–6/6 6"H x 3"D D F LASER CuT SILVER HuRRICAnE H 91041–4/5 3"D x 4"H CRYSTAL RAInDRoPS VoTIVE I 9118–12/1 3"H RounD LATTICE HuRRICAnE J G H I 91060–4/5 3" x 4"H SILVER LATTICE HuRRICAnE K 91065–4/5 3" x 4"H bRonZE SQuARE LATTICE HuRRICAnE J K L L 91070–4/5 3" x 4"H AC/DC 200mA CAnDLE ADAPTER M 1001–12/3 AC/DC 4 PLuG CAnDLE ADAPTER N 1004–6/5 M N 110 Power adapters fit all column candles without the need for batteries. 26 | SprING2012 LED CoLumn CAnDLES Flameless, smokeless, economical and safe. These LED candles recreate the natural flicker of a real flame as well as a unique “blow-on/off” feature and 8/24 hour timer. C E F B A I H D G 3" Diameter: 3"x 4"H, 3"x 6"H, 3"x 8"H LED Column Candles r L o J K q N M p 4" Diameter: 4"x 5"H, 4"x 7"H, 4"x 9"H LED Column Candles 3" LED CAnDLE – WHITE 3" LED CAnDLE – CREAm 3" LED CAnDLE – IVoRY A 1340–4/5 3" x 4"H D 1342–4/5 3" x 4"H G 1341–4/5 3" x 4"H B 1360–4/6-50 3" x 6"H E 1362–4/6-50 3" x 6"H H 1361–4/6-50 3" x 6"H C 1380–4/7-50 3" x 8"H F 1382–4/7-50 3" x 8"H I 4" LED CAnDLE – WHITE 4" LED CAnDLE – CREAm 4" LED CAnDLE – IVoRY J M 1452–3/7-50 4" x 5"H p K 1470–3/9 4" x 7"H N 1472–3/9 4" x 7"H q 1471–3/9 4" x 7"H L o 1492–3/10 4" x 9"H r 1450–3/7-50 4" x 5"H 1490–3/10 4" x 9"H 1381–4/7-50 3" x 8"H 1451–3/7-50 4" x 5"H 1491–3/10 4" x 9"H SprING2012 | 27 7' MONTAGE TREES A 7' MONTAGE DÉCOR TREES Each of these “life-like” commercial quality trees is potted in a 9" pot to place into the included 15"h heavy Kazu metal planter with adjustable foot levelers. To display, simply stand up the carton, cut 6 tapes on the outer carton, lift out the tree, remove the protective cardboard sleeve and plastic wrap, give the tree a shake and pull down the branches into place. Repeat with the foliage planted in the top of the pot and pull down. No detailed shaping is required. Place the tree in the metal planter and enjoy the beautiful décor. These trees are packed in larger boxes so the foliage is not crushed and they are shipped and stored vertically to maintain their shape. COMMERCIAL qUALITy… B C D E FICUS BENJAMIN DÉCOR TREE** A 4130–1/150 7'h BLACK BAMBOO DÉCOR TREE** B 4110–1/150 7'h WhITE BIRCh DÉCOR TREE** D 4150–1/150 7'h GREEN BAMBOO DÉCOR TREE** E 4120–1/150 7'h MING ARALIA DÉCOR TREE** C 4140–1/150 7'h **UPS oversize shipment. 28 | Spring 2012 A COMPLETE TREE PACKAGE A B C D 8' MONTAGE DÉCOR TREES Each of these “life-like” commercial quality trees is potted in a 9" pot to place into the included 15"h heavy Kazu metal planter with adjustable foot levelers. To display, simply stand up the carton, cut 6 tapes on the outer carton, lift out the tree, remove the protecting cardboard sleeve and plastic wrap, give the tree a shake and pull down the branches into place. Repeat with the foliage planted in the top of the pot and pull down. No detailed shaping is required. Place the tree in the metal planter and enjoy the beautiful décor. These trees are packed in larger boxes so the foliage is not crushed and they are shipped and stored vertically to maintain their shape. 8' MONTAGE TREES MING ARALIA DÉCOR TREE* A 4040–1/200 8'h E GREEN BAMBOO DÉCOR TREE* D 4020–1/200 8'h WhITE BIRCh DÉCOR TREE* B 4050–1/200 8'h FICUS BENJAMIN DÉCOR TREE* BLACK BAMBOO DÉCOR TREE* E 4010–1/200 8'h C 4030–1/200 8'h *Requires truck shipment. Spring 2012 | 29 NUMBER ORDER PAGE INDEX *UPC Shipping Item # Pg. 0-95583 + *UPC Shipping Item # Pg. 0-95583 + *UPC Shipping Item # Pg. 0-95583 + *UPC Shipping Item # Pg. 0-95583 + *UPC Shipping Item # Pg. 0-95583 + 97 16 000974 TRK 4010 29 040109 30542 BC 305420 55131 15 551315 55816 19 558161 98 4, 11 000981 TRK 4020 29 040208 54101 22 541019 55132 15 551322 55972 9 559724 161 FC, 2 001612 TRK 4030 29 040307 54102 22 541026 55133 15 551339 55978 9 559786 162 16 001629 TRK 4040 29 040406 54103 22 541033 55134 12, 15 551346 55997 8 559977 163 16 001636 TRK 4050 29 040505 54104 22 541040 55244 12 552442 58089 25 580896 171 FC, 2 001711 OVS 4110 28 041106 54106 22 541064 55284 13 552848 58090 25 580902 172 16 001728 OVS 4120 28 041205 54201 24 542016 55294 12 552947 58091 25 580919 173 16 001735 OVS 4130 28 041304 54202 24 542023 55304 12 553043 58099 25 580995 580 25 005801 OVS 4140 28 041403 54203 24 542030 55351 BC 553517 59570 25 595708 581 25 005818 OVS 4150 28 041502 54204 24 542047 55371 6 553715 59571 25 595715 1001 26 010010 5410 22 054106 54206 24 542061 55376 6 553760 59572 25 595722 1004 26 010041 5420 24 054205 54501 22 545017 55378 6 553784 59573 25 595739 1006 26 010065 5450 22 054502 54502 22 545024 55379 6 553791 59574 25 595746 1007 26 010072 5460 23 054601 54503 22 545031 55380 7 553807 71151 24 711511 1008 26 010089 5505 14 055059 54505 22 545055 55386 7 553869 71152 24 711528 1009 26 010096 5506 14 055066 54601 23 546014 55388 6, 7 553883 71153 24 711535 1060 26 010607 5507 14 055073 54602 23 546021 55389 7 553890 71167 23 711672 1061 26 010614 5509 14 055097 54603 23 546038 55410 4 554101 76124 23 761240 1340 27 013400 5513 15 055134 54605 23 546052 55415 4 554156 76125 23 761257 1341 27 013417 5531 26 055318 55001 13 550011 55418 4 554187 76126 23 761264 1342 27 013424 5535 BC 055356 55010 13, 15 550103 55422 18 554224 76131 23 761318 1360 27 013608 5538 7 055387 55011 15 550110 55423 18 554231 76132 23 761325 1361 27 013615 5540 4 055400 55012 15 550127 55426 18 554262 76133 23 761332 1362 27 013622 5541 4 055417 55013 15 550134 55427 18 554279 91018 3 910181 1380 27 013806 5543 12 055431 55015 15 550158 55440 11 554408 91019 3 910198 1381 27 013813 5544 11 055448 55051 14 550516 55441 11 554415 91041 22, 26 910419 1382 27 013820 5545 11 055455 55052 14 550523 55450 11 554507 91042 22 910426 1450 27 014506 5546 10 055462 55053 14 550530 55458 11 554583 91043 22 910433 1451 27 014513 5547 8 055479 55054 12 550547 55464 10 554644 91060 20,26 910600 1452 27 014520 5549 10 055493 55061 14 550615 55467 10 554675 91061 20 910617 1470 27 014704 5557 5 055578 55062 14 550622 55470 8 554705 91062 20 910624 1471 27 014711 5561 13 055615 55063 14 550639 55471 8 554712 91065 20, 26 910655 1472 27 014728 5568 17 055684 55064 12 550646 55472 8 554729 91066 20 910662 1490 27 014902 5569 17 055691 55071 14 550714 55476 8 554767 91067 20 910679 1491 27 014919 5580 17 055806 55072 14 550721 55481 9 554811 91069 3 910693 1492 27 014926 5581 19 055813 55073 14 550738 55484 9 554842 91070 20, 26 910709 TRK 3010 21 030100 5588 7 055882 55075 14 550752 55486 9 554866 91071 20 910716 TRK 3020 21 030209 5589 7 055899 55076 14 550769 55487 9 554873 91072 20 910723 OVS 3029 21 030292 5809 25 058098 55077 14 550776 55495 10 554958 91073 20 910730 TRK 3030 21 030308 5957 25 059576 55078 14 550783 55496 10 554965 91081 20 910815 OVS 3033 21 030339 7114 23 071141 55091 14 550912 55575 5 555757 91082 20 910822 3035 BC 030353 7115 24 071158 55092 14 550929 55576 5 555764 91083 20 910839 3036 BC 030360 7613 23 076139 55093 14 550936 55610 13 556105 91085 20 910853 3043 BC 030438 9106 3 091064 55095 14 550950 55616 13 556167 91089 3 910891 3044 BC 030445 9107 20 091071 55096 14 550967 55681 17 556815 91099 3 910990 3051 BC 030513 9108 20 091088 55097 14 550974 55807 17 558079 3052 BC 030520 9118 26 091187 55098 14 550981 55808 17 558086 3053 BC 030537 30432 BC 304324 55124 13 551247 55810 19 558109 3054 BC 030544 30442 BC 304423 55125 12 551254 55811 19 558116 3058 3 030582 30532 BC 305321 55127 12 551278 55815 19 558154 OVS OVS 30 | Spring 2012 OVS OVS TRK = Truck Shipment Only OVS = UPS Oversize Shipment * UPC Code = 0-95583 + the 6 digits in this column. TERMS & CONDITIONS: to the trade only Simple product price code All prices are for each, unless stated otherwise as set or box, etc. Each SKU number is followed by a dash, then the shipping quantity you must buy multiples of, then a slash and then the dollars of wholesale price. Partial dollars are then shown after a dash. For example: SKU# 1234 – 2/10 is 2 pc. ship unit and $10.00 cost each SKU# 12345 – 2/12-50 is 2 pc. ship unit, and $12.50 each USA TERMS AND FREIGHT PROGRAM FOB: Seattle /Arlington, Washington. Minimum order: $200.00; Minimum reorder: $100.00 Payment: VISA or MasterCard preferred. Strict card security. Card charged at shipment for actual amount shipped, plus freight. Orders over $500 15% freight cap except 10% Western States* Orders over $1,000 10% freight cap except 5% Western States* *WA, OR, ID, CA, AZ, NM, UT, CO, WY, MT, NV Freight caps valid on business zone addresses. Any residential and/or accessorial (inside delivery, redelivery, refused, lift gate, etc.) additional charges are for customer’s account. Past due invoices invalidate freight program. Backorders: shipped as available with freight cap of original order. CANADA TERMS FOB: Vancouver, B.C. in US dollars and US prices as shown. Duty and Brokerage have been paid. Minimum order/reorder: $300.00 Payment: VISA or MasterCard Card security strictly maintained. Claims must be made within 10 days of receipt of merchandise. All returns must be authorized and in original boxes, and shipped prepaid. Freight damage is the responsibility of the carrier and claims must be filed directly with the carrier. Inspect all packages and report visible damage to the carrier at time of acceptance. All products are hand made. Sizes are approximate. Color variations and imperfections are characteristic of the materials and hand finishing. Unless noted all product is for decorative use only. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the products for his/her intended use, and user assumes all risk and liabilities whatsoever therewith. The preceding statements are in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied. Seller’s and manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of product proved to be defective if returned within 10 days of receipt of merchandise. Pacific Décor, Ltd. 18347 NE 199th Place Woodinville, WA 98077 Phone: 425.949.7878 Fax: 425.491.4257 Welcome to Spring 2012 In Seattle we grew up enjoying a roaring fire most nights as the centerpiece of conversations, family, friends and life. Like the fire in your cave in ancient times. With today’s fast paced fractured for time lifestyle, the time at the fireplace is vanquished; but the human need lives on. Fire, so tranquil, so mesmerizing, so Zen, is a captivating fusion relaxing us away from the hectic world around us. In this urgent age of mobility, clearly we need the ease of flamepots we can use as active décor indoors, on the patio and in the garden. And, FlamePots and FuelCans™ ARE today’s answer, instant light up, mesmerizing Zen and instant snuff out with no ashes to clean up. Extensive testing has shown us our new fuels are the best burning with the best looking, tallest most robustly dancing yellow flames on the market. The enhanced formula has been developed by a maker of indoor ventless fireplace fuels since the 1980’s. And, when not burning, use our 3" and 4" diameter LED candles on a flamepot to keep a moodlite décor glow. Our largest most dramatic flame burns in our HiFire FuelCans™ and really puts out a great flame show. With 23% larger surface area the flame, air flow and fuel are all optimized with a burn time of 2-2.5 hours. LongFire is our longest burning flame averaging over 3 hours in our testing with all the magic intact. HiFire and LongFire 15 oz. FuelCans™ fit our new LongFire series décor flamepots with lids in 15 diverse styles and colors ranging from classic Italian to desert oasis to urban contemporary. The 3"+ UNIVERSAL FuelCan™ fits into the stainless steel burn cups of NAPA Firelites, Pacific Décor FlamePots, and most others sold now or previously. It gets a great flame and a remarkable 2+ hour burn time averaging 2 hours 15 minutes in our tests. For 2012 we have added 12 new 6" FlamePots in bright colors and styles with a new lower price point to go with our many FlamePot and lantern styles using this size can. Spring 2012 | 31 lattice flame dome hurricanes / candle domes remove burner cup / snuffer to use as a hurricane with column candles. D 18" metallic BlacK flame hurricane B A 5535–1/75 18"h 18" cream white flame hurricane B 55351–1/75 18"h C KaZu candle lantern C 3051–1/30 7"sQ x 16"h KaZu candle lantern fits on top of the smallest size of the plant stands. A D 3052–1/35 8"sQ x 22"h setspeCiAls KaZu flame lantern / stand set:Gi set:ei ei 30442–1/110** 13"sQ x 65"h G e set:FJ FJ 30432–1/90 11"sQ x 59"h set:HJ F H KaZu candle lantern / stand Gi 30542–1/100** 13"sQ x 62"h HJ 30532–1/80 11"sQ x 53"h inDiviDuAlpieCes KaZu flame lanterns e 3044–1/60** 12"sQ x 29"h F 3043–1/50 10"sQ x 27"h KaZu candle lanterns G 3054–1/50** 12"sQ x 26"h H 3053–1/40 10"sQ x 23"h i KaZu dÉcor stands i i 3036–1/50 13"sQ x 36"h J 3035–1/40 11"sQ x 30"h J J Pacific décor, ltd. | 18347 ne 199th Place, woodinville, wa 98077 Phone: 425.949.7878 | fax: 425.491.4257 | lanterns have adjustable leveler feet. **uPs oversize shipment. ©2012 Pacific décor, ltd. all rights reserved.
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