April 04 CL News


April 04 CL News
Country Lovers
Western Dance Club
April 2004
Volume 169
Message From the
President Deanna
Inside this issue:
Schedule of Events 2
& More 32
April Celebrations
Adopt a Poll
Parade Time
Membership Form 6
April Dance
April Dance
Mailing Page
Let’s Dance
Let’s go dancin’
Kick it up
Mailing Page
April 3
@ the College
United Methodist
I cannot believe that it is already
April. Where does the time go? It
goes to cruises, dances, parades,
planning for swap meets (April
18th), the Club picnic in July, and
road trips. I know usually the years'
Schedule of Events is out by March
in the newsletter, but that "darn"
cruise just took up so much time
the beginning of the year and
consumed so much focus not just
for me, but the whole Board. So for
those of you that did not enjoy the
cruise with us, I apologize for
the delay but I had such a good
time I would do it again! When I
ran for President, I thought "How
tough can it be? I've been on the
Board five of the seven years that I
have been a member." Well, the
only tough part is remembering to
communicate all those little details
someone else has been responsible
for communicating in the past. I
think I'm getting it down though
(starting about the middle of last
For those of you who missed the
March General Meeting, we have
changed again. Many members
stopped coming to the General
Meetings because there was no
time to dance. Last year, Carol
boasted that the night of the
General Meeting there was the
6:30 pm review, General Meeting
and about and hour of open
dancing. This year since I am
trying to get into our mission
statement a little more, we had the
6:30 pm review, the 7:00 pm line
dance lesson and a short (twentyfive minute - they got started late)
couples lesson, and almost forty
minutes of open dancing. As vice
president with Bob for two years
and again with Carol for two years,
one thing I did learn is that change
can be not only necessary some
times, but it can be good, too. I'll
be working on keeping that format
all year. I apologize that there was
not an announcement in the March
newsletter. I will do better for June
8th, September 14th and November
9th, I already did!
Last week Dennis was mentioning
that he really needed to pick a date
for the Annual Bike Ride, and
Jesse has been working on some
road trips. I think I overheard some
other ideas like a formal evening
out for those that like to get
dressed up, and The Hollywood
Bowl. So you need to either attend
the weekly meetings to hear the
announcements, or be looking for
your May newsletter. I'd love to
see you out on the dance floor on a
Tuesday night or at one of our
dances the first Saturday of each
May 1 - Dance @ College United Methodist Church, Ventura
April 3 - Dance @ the Church
April 18 - Swap Meet
May 1 - Dance @ the Church
May 23 - Annual Bike Ride
June 5 - Dance @ the Church
July 11 - Picnic ?
August ?????
September ?????
October 2 - Dance @ the Church
November 6 - Dance @ the Church
December 4 - Holiday Dance
@ the Church
Deadline date (I AM
submitting articles for the
NEXT newsletter is April 23.
The website is under
construction and will be
gradually revamped each
month. The new look is
coming soon! Email your
articles and/or any news that
would be of interest
& I will try to include it - don’t
worry about the grammar!
(New address is coming soon.)
Country Store
See Betty for more info!
Baseball caps
Hooded, zip front sweatshirts $30
Static decals
only $1
Get yours now for all our events!
Did You Know That?
Drinking two glasses of
Gatorade can relieve headache
pain almost immediately -without the unpleasant side
effects caused by traditional
"pain relievers."
Did you know that Colgate
toothpaste makes an excellent
salve for burns?
Tentative Dance Event Dates:
May 14-16
Bonanza Bash, Ontario
August 19-22
Brandin’ Iron Dance Festival
September 10-11 Pismo Beach Western Days
October 1-3?
Cool Country, Las Vegas
December 9-12 Las Vegas Country Western Dance Finale
Any questions, see Teresa Throneberry!
Before you head to the
drugstore for a high-priced
inhaler filled with mysterious
chemicals, try chewing on a
couple of curiously strong
Altoids peppermints. They'll
clear up your stuffed nose.
Good news! We are working on the new
demo tape so that we will be able to
continue to perform with new dances!
Starting next month, we will try to work
on the tape so we will all know the dances
and that way there will be no excuses that
someone doesn't know them! Instructors
will teach/review the dances every week.
The dance lessons are going great and the
crowd is wonderful! If there is anything
you want to learn, let me know and I will
try to set it up. Thanks and keep on
April 6 Janine - “Get Down”
Don’t forget, Sue -Ellen is teaching at the
Technology Development Center,
5200 Valentine Road, Rm. 104, Ventura
Dates & Times are as follows:
Tuesday 11:00 - 12:00 noon / Beg. dancers
Thursday 11:00 - 12:00 noon / Inter. dancers
Friday 10:00 - 11:00 am / Adv. dancers.
AND, 11:00 - 12:00 pm - Basic Beginning
Deanna - Two Step
Janine - Review
April 13 Angela - “Red Neck
Jesse - “Texas County Line”
Sue-Ellen - “Whole Again”
April 20 Marshall - Extended
“Chill Factor”
Jesse - Review
April 27 Wende - “Walk on Water”
Sue-Ellen - Two Step
Wende - Review
Sue-Ellen is also teaching
@ the Pointsettia Gardens
on Darling Road, Ventura.
Thursday nights,
7:00 - 8:30 pm.
October 1, 2004 Sue-Ellen and Buster
are planning a wonderful trip to
“Explore Italy” and would like to invite
everyone to join them on this grand
adventure. It’s 14 days and reasonably
priced! See them for info!
(and earned money for our Club!)
by Angela Escalante
It’s a long day if you’re
there from the beginning to
the end.... approximately
fifteen hours. It all starts
about 6:30 a.m. (and Bob
Allen was there to greet
me) and wraps up about
9:30 p.m. Dennis Culver was just a wee bit
behind me carrying six boxes of Krispy
Kreme donuts for all the volunteers and
anyone else who wanted one. There was a
pump thermos of coffee and a bowl of
candy, too. Believe me, I can safely say this
polling place is like no other you’ve voted at.
But even arriving that early doesn’t leave
much time to get set up for the first earlybird voters, who are there to vote before
going to work. We hastily arranged the vast
variety of ballots, sign-in sheets and master
registers so as to look somewhat prepared
and like we knew what we were doing. It is
pretty much a learn as you go situation
except for Dennis and Bob, who have been
extensively trained, and to whom we looked
to whenever there was a question we could
not answer, (you’d be surprised the things
people can come up with). There was no
question Dennis and Bob couldn’t handle.
Bob set up the boom box to provide music
to vote by.... Oldies, Beetles, show tunes,
big band, even jazz and of course
country....something for every voter’s taste.
Several voters commented on how pleasant
an atmosphere the music created. During
the day, I had to go, for a half-hour round
trip, to vote at my own precinct and what a
contrast, no music, no donuts and no smiling
good humored people. Makes me want to
register in the precinct we (Country Lover’s)
service. Our country lover’s that made it
such a great experience were, Richard
Abbott, Polly Ledford, Winny Lyter, Mike
Stark, Carol Rogers, Bobbi Malerba, Bob and
Dennis. Some had to leave early or came a
little later, for various reasons, but most
were there for the entire day, from the
setting up to the counting of ballots. The
flow of voters was steady and we were busy
throughout the day but there was plenty of
time for humor. We had the little voters,
children who accompanied their parents,
voting on practice ballots and a few firsttime
acknowledged with applause and cheers, for
doing their civic duty (after that experience
they may never want to vote again), but the
mood was kept light, friendly and
welcoming. When the Club first started
serving on the voting polls, it was to earn
money for our portable dance floor. Now
that we have purchased the dance floor, we
actually donate some of that money back
into the community (talk about doing our
civic duty.) I had for a long time wanted to
work at a polling place, but was either
intimidated by the dry nature of the polling
places I’d voted at or, maybe, simply not
knowing anyone. Country Lover’s has
afforded a safe environment for me to finally
accomplish my goal. I wouldn’t want to do it
without Country Lover’s humorous attitude
though. I had no trouble sleeping that night.
I was sooo tired at day’s end, but I had a
feeling of satisfaction and pride that I’m sure
my fellow poll servers shared.
April 3
April 3
April 7
April 9
April 11
April 16
April 16
Gerrie Bonge
Maria Kilgore
Jeanne Clayton
Richard Abbott
Nancy Mitchell
Mike Stark
Rimi Hamilton
None this month!
Community Center
Saturday night dances !
April 17
Also, the 1st Sunday of
the month every other month
April 4th
from 2:30 - 5:30 pm
For more info
482-1996, ext. 17
Here are a few of our
Local Instructors:
Sue Ellen Colp
Angela Escalante
Deanna Hatcher
Marshall Throneberry
Jeanine Van DerMolen
Wende Vreeland
Jesse Wilson
Vince Fiske
JP Potter
West Coast Swing
new location………
House of Dance!
3007 Bunsen Ave. #E,
@ 7:00 pm)
Check this out!
Mark your calendars & get
your tickets now!
May 1
Seaside Park, Ventura
Honky Tonk Tail Gate Party
Call 645-1464
Help our local 4H-er’s
Rhett Akins
Chad Brock
Daryl Singletary
David Kersh
and Caught Red Handed
Country Lovers (DJ)
P.O. Box 5307 Ventura, CA 93005-5307
Hot Line - (805) 647-9643
Tues-Ventura Moose/Sat-Church
Moose Lodge (Ventura)
10269 Telephone Road, Ventura, CA (Lessons)
(805) 647-4368 Tues.630 pm/Thurs. 7:00 pm
Now, if you can’t
find a place to go dancin’…
well, I gave you lots of
places… if you hear
of more, let me know.
Please call these venues
before you go, things could
always change!
Camarillo Community Center (DJ/Band)
1250 E. Burnley, Camarillo, CA
(Parks & Rec. Lessons
Call for more information (Live Bands)
(805) 482-1996, #17 Thus/Sat/Sun. Country
College United Methodist Church
Telegraph /Baylor (DJ) Ventura, CA
(805) 647-1893- CL HOTLINE
Moose Lodge (Oxnard)
1935 So. Oxnard Blvd., Oxnard, CA
(805) 483-0204
(Lessons) Mondays 6:30 pm
Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Technology Dev’t. Center (Lessons)
5200 Valentine Road, #104, Ventura, CA
(Lessons) (805) 647-7150 Tues-Thus-Fri.
Pointsettia Pavilion (Lessons)
3451 Foothill Road, Ventura, CA
(805) 643-3523
Thursdays - 6 week sessions
Starting Thus, April 15
Borderline (DJ)
99 Rolling Oaks Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA
(805) 446-4435
Cowboy Palace (Live Bands)
21635 Devonshire, Chatsworth, (818) 341-0166
www.cowboypalace.com- 7 Days a Week
Barranca Vista (Parks & Rec/Lessons)
7050 Ralston, Ventura, CA,
(805) 644-6542
Mondays 1:00-2:00 pm www.ci.ventura.ca.us
Maverick (Live Bands)
3687 Sagunto, Santa Ynez, CA
(805) 688-4781
Red Hot Kickin’ Country (DJ)
2815 E. Main Street, Ventura, CA
(805) 648-4258 - Fridays 7:00 pm
Montana’s (DJ)
657 W. Arrow Highway, San Dimas, CA
(909) 592-2211
www.montananightlife.com / Thurs.-Sunday
Lobster Trap (Lessons)
3606 Peninsula
Oxnard, CA
(805) 985-6311
Wednesdays - West Cost Swing
Crystal Palace (Live Bands)
2800 Buck Owens Blvd., Bakersfield, CA
(661) 328-7560
Rock n’ Rodeo (DJ)
3747 Rosedale Highway
Bakersfield, CA
(661) 323-6617
Logsdon’s (Live Band)
824 E. Santa Maria, Santa Paula, CA
(805) 525-1101 - Fri/Sat
Murphy’s Restaurant
2315 Kuehner Dr., Simi Valley
(805) 584-6264
Fri. Nights - Live Band/Lessons 7-9 pm
Open Dancing 9-12 pm
Check us out on the “Web” @ www.CountryLovers.com
Country Lovers Hotline: (805) 647-1893
Country Lover’s Luau Dance,
Saturday, April 3
April 18 - Swap Meet @ Ventura College!
Call the Hotline for more info!
Ventura, CA 93005-5307
P.O. Box 5307
Western Dance Club
Country Lovers
By Deanna Hatcher
We are getting pretty good at this parade stuff.
Jesse, Linda, Brian and Jeanne were already
getting the plywood in place that we had touched
up the prior weekend. Actually, we painted it last
year, but the parade was rained out. It had a pot of
gold with the enormous rainbow, leprechaun, and
scene of "Downtown Traditions." When I arrived
at 8:00 am sharp, there was Marshall, Teresa,
Cynthia, the float skirts, sounds system and giant
float. For those who have worked on setting up
the float twice a year for the last several years, it
is almost routing and runs like clockwork. Mike
and Carol started putting on the skirts and enlisted
the help of several first timers at the parade with
us including Judy and Becky who were
so enthusiastic especially for that hour of the
morning! We were all happy to see Beverly who
showed up just before 9:00 am with Krispy
Kreme donuts. Once the skirts were up everyone
including Polly, Dennis and Chuck jumped in to
help decorate. As usual as soon as he had the
sound system running Marshal cranked up the
music and there was dancing in the street. Even
Local Gigs:
Mark your calendars for:
Acadiana @ Pirates, Sun. April 4
---------------------------------------------Camarillo Community Center
on Saturday, April 17
---------------------------------------------Watch for gigs from ……...
Caught Red Handed,
Sweet Country, and
Riders of the Purple Sage
Irene, whom many of you may know from
Vince's Friday night dances at the American
Legion, came over to dance for a while, we tried
to talk her into joining us but decided she would
rather be with the Harley group. Barbara, also
known by some of you from the Friday dances
was drawn by the music too. Since the horse she
is caring for was right behind us in the parade she
was able to join us on the float. We had two other
surprise guests on our float. A distressed father
with a somewhat unhappy little girl had missed
the parade. He caught up to us as we returned to
the start of the parade (on the float) and asked if
his kids, Kimberly and Eddie Jr. could ride with
us. They were thrilled to join us for a block and a
half and we invited them to join us for the Fair
Parade. All the effort paid off once again as we
took first place for adult clubs for the third time in
two years! Congratulations and thank you to
everyone who worked on and/or road the float or
danced in the parade
Listen to live music @
Cowboy Palace in Chatsworth,
7 days a week
---------------------------------------------For more local dancing try
Borderline Bar & Grill in
Thousand Oaks ------------------and also see ya Friday nights at
Vince’s place @ American
Legion, Main St. Ventura----------Keep on dancin’!!!!!!!!!!!!