Get the December 2014 issue of Rock Talk here (PDF size: 989 KB)


Get the December 2014 issue of Rock Talk here (PDF size: 989 KB)
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
President's Message
The first two draws of the curling season have swept by quickly. I am pleased to see all
leagues near capacity, new members enjoying being part of our community and a
number of successful events already held, including the Senior Men’s Bonspiel
sponsored by Avondale Retirement Residence and Trull Funeral Home, The Bulldog
Men’s Cashspiel sponsored by Sleeman Breweries and Jawny Bakers Restaurant, and
the BroomSpiel sponsored by Delmanor Wynford.
Looking ahead to January, the Club will be hosting the Game On! Little Rocks Bonspiel,
the Shades Bonspiel (women), and the extremely popular Soap Spiel (open). Check out
our bonspiel calendar at
We’ve also seen great participation in our 50/50 draw held every Friday evening.
Participate by dropping a toonie each week into the drop slot at the bar (right side of
bar counter) and check your name off in the binder for the week you are playing. Results
are posted on the chalkboard by the piano after every draw.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to wish you and your families a safe and
happy holiday. See you back on the ice in 2015!
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
East York Little Rocks
For more information, you can contact
Glenn Gabriel (Little Rocks Rep) by
phone at (416) 476-9757 or by e-mail at
We're already a third of the way
through the curling season and the Little
Rocks are learning new skills, making
new friends and spreading their "curling
CRICKET VISIT: On Sunday, November
16, a group of seven Little Rocks made
the trip to Toronto, Cricket, Skating and
Curling Club for an "interclub" visit. They
played two 4-end games and then ate
nachos with their new curling friends!
Congratulations to Keithan, Reva,
Angelina, Stella, Claire, Feroner and
Evan K for representing our club proudly
that day. For most of them, it was their
first out-of-club curling experience! We
look forward to hosting the Cricket Little
Rocks in February.
I would like to update you on the UofT
Fall Bonspiel that occurred on Nov. 22.
We had a full house of 24 teams, and in
general everyone enjoyed their night at
EYCC. Big thanks to the management,
bar and ice staff for making the night
run so smoothly! We look forward to
running our next bonspiel on Feb. 7.
ELM AWARD: At the end of every
practice, we give out an "ELM" Award to
a curler or curlers who demonstrate
three qualities: "Effort", "Learning" and
"Making Mistakes". Coaches nominate
ELM Award Winners and explain to our
gathered Little Rocks why they made
their nominations. Our ELM Award
winners so far this year: Julian, Jamie,
Jake H (twice!), Molly, Maddy, Evan K,
Ty, Tristan and Angelina.
Fellow curlers,
Mixed Leagues
Over the last few weeks, a number of
rule issues have been brought to the
attention of the Mixed Committee. As a
result, I am writing to you on behalf of
the Committee to remind all curlers
about a few rules:
1. Players are not permitted to practice
on the sheet that they are playing on
before their game. You may practice on
another sheet, but not your game sheet.
1-2 practice slides (without rocks) are
appropriate on your game sheet.
2. At least two original members of a
team must be present for the team to
have legitimate team to field.
3. Last ends may not begin later than 1
hour and 45 minutes after the official
start time of that draw. For example,
8:45 is the latest that the last end of a
and Family Fun Day is on Sunday,
December 14th. Then, early in the New
Year, we host our annual Game On!
Little Rocks Bonspiel on Saturday,
January 3rd. We expect to have 1 or 2
teams of our own in the bonspiel. Later
this season, we also plan to organize
another "Try Curling" day. More details
will appear on the EYCC Web site.
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
7:00 draw can be started. The end
cannot be started at 8:46. An end is
On Dec 23rd and Dec 30th there will be
considered started so long as the slide
no league games.
of the lead has started.
Please note that all make up games
4. The late penalty rules are included in
must be played and recorded before
the attached document. Penalty rules
Dec 23rd.
will apply until the time that a
legitimate team (min. 2 original
If you require a game to be
members; 3 players) are in the ice-shed
rescheduled- the earlier you can book
and ready to play (e.g., shoed, dressed,
the ice time the better as holiday time
often calls for a number of rescheduled
If issues arise on the ice, the attached
rule sheet is available at the front of
Happy holidays!
each mixed league scoring binder. This
email will also be added.
Please take a moment to review the
attached information sheet (that was
sent out at the beginning of the year) to
ensure you are familiar with our league
rules and curling etiquette!
Field nearly set for Ford Worlds in
You can also approach any member of
the Mixed Committee to help address
issues that arise. The Committee
members are Cara Wilkie (Tues and Sun),
Sean Strong (Tues and Fri), Laura
Champion (Tues), Carol Wheeler (Fri and
Tues), Diana Hooper (Fri), Brian Beamish
Eleven of the 12 countries that will
contest the 2015 Ford World Men’s
Curling Championship next spring at the
Scotiabank Centre in Halifax have now
been determined.
Eight more countries were added to the
12-team field that will compete for the
world title from March 28 to April 5
following the 2014 Le Gruyère European
Championships, which concluded on
Saturday in Champéry, Switzerland.
Please feel free to contact any member
of the Committee for any clarifications.
Thank you!
Tuesday Night Mixed League
Sweden’s Niklas Edin, the 2013 winner
at the Ford World Men’s in Victoria,
B.C., defeated reigning world men’s
champion Thomas Ulsrud of Norway 5-4
in an extra end in Saturday’s gold-medal
game to cap an unbeaten run through
the championship, while Switzerland’s
Hi Tuesday Mixed league curlers
As is highlighted on the draw schedule
this draw there are a couple of weeks
where league games will not be held.
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
Sven Michel captured the bronze medal
swept in three games both times.
with an 8-6 triumph over Italy’s Joel
Canada’s representative for the Ford
Worlds will be decided at the 2015 Tim
All four countries qualified for the Ford
Hortons Brier, presented by SecurTek
Worlds, as did the next three highest
Monitoring Solutions, Feb. 28-March 8
finishers in the round robin — Jiří Snítil
at the Scotiabank Saddledome in
of the Czech Republic, Russia’s Evgeny
Arkhipov and Scotland’s David Edwards.
Various ticket options for the 2015 Ford
The eighth European entry was decided
Worlds in Halifax are now available.
following a best-of-three playoff
Look for ways to “Live it Live” at the
between A-pool eighth-place finisher
Ford Worlds by going to
Alexander Baumann of Germany and Kauste of Finland, who won the Ben/tickets/
pool in Champéry. The Finns swept the
two-game series to clinch a trip to
BroomSpiel 2014
On November 29th the Brooms League
The teams that competed in Champéry
held it’s annual bonspiel with twelve
aren’t guaranteed to play in Halifax;
competing Teams for the Delmanor
each qualified country will determine its
Wynford Trophy. The winning team
representative team for the Ford Worlds
received a cash prize, Gold Medals
in the new year.
commemorating the event as well as a
permanent inscription on the Trophy
The Italians will be making their first trip
itself. Second and third place teams also
to the World Men’s Championship since
received cash prizes and Silver and
2010, and just their fourth since 1990.
Bronze Medals respectively.
As the host country, Canada was the
first qualified country, and was joined
by China and Japan — the top two
finishers at the Pacific-Asia
Championships earlier this month in
Karuizawa, Japan.
A further cash prize was won by one
team in a blind draw of the other, less
successful, teams. All cash prizes were
donated by Delmanor Retirement
Residences. Door prizes included bottles
of champagne, a casino bundle and a
Goldline fiberlite broom. Door prizes
were donated by Goldline and TD
Canada Trust.
The 12th qualifier for the Ford Worlds in
Halifax will be determined through a
best-of-five challenge series for the
second Americas Zone berth between
Brazil and the United States, beginning
Jan. 30 in Blaine, Minn. Brazil has
challenged the U.S. on two previous
occasions, in 2009 and 2010, and was
Organisers of the event also raffled off a
tables’ worth of special items. The
organisers were Colleen Neely and Mike
Seberras, who ran the event superbly.
Colleen also helped out by skipping one
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
team when illness forced a player to the
official recovery room (aka upstairs
lounge!). All participants enjoyed Chef
3rd Place Bronze Medal winners:
Mike’s lunch and snacks and breakfast
Patrick Walls, John Hall, David Langley
donuts provided by Matt Barrett.
(mysteriously absent in photo but
appears with medal and Pam’s arm
Following the successful bonspiels, the
around his shoulder!) and Pam Wells
following teams were presented with
their prizes by Delmanor’s
representative, Kelly James:
First Place Gold Medal winners: Tony
Gilroy, Rob Ainsley, Scott Bishop and
Jesse Stever (S,V,3RD,Lead)
Delmanor Wynford Trophy and Medals
2nd Place Silver Medal winners: Jason
Chang, Matt Barrett, Elana Sone and
Colin Mattison (S,V,3RD,Lead)
The league and entrants are looking
forward to competing again next year at
BroomSpiel 2015!
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
* Think
Club Coaches Training
* Breath
* Drink
As part of the 2015 Pan Am Games, the
* Eat
City of Toronto is looking to train
* Sleep
coaches of all sports. This includes
Within each principle there are
opportunities to make good or bad
On February 28 and March 1st from
choices. If you make poor choices,
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Scarboro Golf &
illness may result. If you make good
Country Club will host an "NCCP Club
choices, over time you may achieve
Coach" Workshop. This workshop is free
vibrant health. The principles may seem
for Toronto residents 16 years and
simple, and they are in a way. But in
older. Sign up as soon as you can. The
today’s world of artificial and processed
bar code is: 2682062.
foods, artificial light, toxins, limited or
inappropriate exercise, and constant
Course description: An NCCP workshop
stress, living by these simple principles
designed to enhance the skill set of the
can be very challenging. The more you
coach or instructor who functions
control your lifestyle and make healthy
primarily at the club level and gives
choices, the closer you get to wellness.
instruction to new curlers or teams. The
Club Coach will become competent in
training curlers from youth (10 years
old) to seniors (50+ years), with skill
Sometimes when life feels like an insane
levels of beginner to intermediate.
rush, stumbling from one problem to
Participants will learn how to plan and
another in a desperate attempt to make
design a practice/clinic, make ethical
it through the day, it may be difficult to
decisions and teach correct curling skills.
remember how very privileged we really
Skill analysis and safety and program
management will also be covered. This
workshop does not lead to certification.
I would bet that everyone reading this
newsletter has a roof over their heads,
more than one outfit to wear, shoes on
their feet, and an opportunity to choose
Wellness Principles Form the
what to eat from an abundance of
Basis of Good Health
delicious, quality food, not to mention
by Caryl Colton (Women's League)
people in their lives that care for them.
That alone puts us in the top echelon of
There are seven foundational wellness
the world!
principles that form the basis of health
and wellness. Each principle follows the
We are extremely lucky to have what
laws of nature because that is the only
we have, and when life is slinging its
way to sustain good health. The top 5
arrows into our hearts, it is helpful to
wellness principles are:
remember that. Write down at least 20
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
things that you are grateful for. If you
Is it the rib hand? Good. Notice how
are going through a tough spell, notice
your belly is expanding with each breath
as you are making your list, how your
feelings change from negative to more
open, accepting and positive.
Place both your hands on your lower
ribcage now. Relax your abdomen, and
Read, think and be grateful about the
as you inhale a normal amount of air,
items on your list upon awakening each
feel your ribcage expand all around.
morning, and start your day right with
Allow the air to come out all by itself.
wonderful feelings of gratitude for what
Notice how your spine moves.
is your blessed life.
If you are lying on your back or stomach,
For me, remembering daily what I am
notice how your pelvis moves. Are your
grateful for and all that I have in my life
legs moving too? Your breath is
has been a boon! Starting the day with
breathing you and in so doing, is moving
such positive thoughts sets the tone for
you. And that is the way it should be.
my day and makes it easy to be happy.
Being well hydrated is vitally important
One of the most amazing things we do
for us to function at our best. So how
all the time is breathe. From the first
much water is enough? According to Dr.
breath we take as a baby through to the
F. Batmanghelidj in his book, "Your
last breath we take when we die, the
Body’s Many Cries For Water," we can
cycle of breath continues whether or
calculate the amount of pure filtered
not we notice.
water we need daily by taking our
bodyweight in pounds and dividing it by
Our breath is essential to our survival –
two. That will tell us how many ounces
we can only last about 4 to 6 minutes
of water we need a day to keep our cells
without it.
functioning optimally. (Weight in
kilograms X 0.033 = litres per day.) You
Free breathing massages all our organs
may find it helpful to measure your
including the heart, decompresses our
water, or find some way of keeping
spine, oxygenates each and every cell in
track of how much you are drinking
our body, and relaxes the mind.
when you are trying to create this new
habit. Juice, soda, and caffeinated
Take a moment or two to notice how
beverages do not count, as they are
you breathe. Place one hand on your
dehydrating to our systems. If your
chest, and the other on the side of your
urine is clear to very pale yellow, you
lower ribcage. Do not take in more air
are well hydrated. Congratulations!
than you normally would do, but rather,
quietly observe your breath and notice
which hand is doing most of the moving.
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
just to try. When I bit into the apple, I
got my second surprise. This apple was
When it was first suggested to me that I
the tastiest apple I had had ages! Over
should switch to organic food, my initial
the next few months as I incorporated
reaction was “What, are you crazy? Why
more and more organic food into my
would I pay more for fruits and
diet, I came to the conclusion that
vegetables that will rot sooner and will
generally organic food does taste
probably be full of blemishes and
better. I was feeling good about eating
therefore unappealing to eat? Surely
food that was causing me no harm, was
the pesticides and preservatives can’t
more nutritious, and tasted better.
be that harmful to human health –
afterall most of us are consuming nonIt took a year to change my mindset,
organic food and most of us look
and now my thinking has taken a 180
healthy enough. Surely our government
degree reversal. I can’t imagine
would not allow unsafe food to
purposely choosing foods to consume
populate the supermarket shelves.
that are coated in poisons and are less
Surely if the fruit and vegetables are
nutritious when there is another
washed well, we can wash away the
healthful choice available.
harm.” I did not set foot in a store that
sold organic food for probably over a
year after the advice was given to me to
make the switch.
Yes, there is truth to this old saying by
Benjamin Franklin. We were meant to
Slowly over that year, I read or was told
get up with the light of dawn and to go
other little tidbits of information, which
to sleep at nightfall, our hormone levels
made me think more deeply about the
adjusting to the rise and fall of daylight
issue. As an example, I became aware
around us. Now, in our modern world
that when fields are sprayed, the dirt in
we can fool our hormonal system with
which the crops grow is also sprayed,
artificial light, which has a big impact on
killing off the good bugs in the soil as
our health. Staying up late with bright
well as destroying the goodness of the
lights shining in our eyes keeps our
soil itself. If the soil is deficient, the
stress hormone cortisol high when it
plant will also be deficient. Non-organic
should be diminishing, and suppresses
produce therefore often has far less
our sleep hormone melatonin, when it
nutrition than its organic counterparts.
should be rising, which has an impact on
The equation began to shift for me.
our ability to deal with stress, lose
Hmm – organic produce has more
weight, physically and psychologically
nutrients and no harmful pesticides.
repair our tissues, feel rested and be
ready for the new day. So, try to get to
A few months later I went into a store
sleep in a very dark room by 10pm, and
that sold organic produce, and noticed
marvel at how much better you feel! For
to my astonishment that the organic
more information on how artificial light
produce was not covered in blemishes. I
affects our health, read Lights Out by
bought myself two or three gala apples
Formby & Wiley.
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
Sundays I arrive at the club around
10am, do three services and depart
Snack Bar Confidential
4pm. I have done the odd Sunday night,
after which I depart 9pm.
Someone asked me recently if I "had a
restaurant job in the daytime"; so I
Needless to say, I don't have time for a
would like to share "a week in the life of
day job!
an EYCC chef":
I am still having a blast cooking for
everyone I cook for, and I want to
reiterate that if anyone has any
comments, complaints, critique, or
anything to say, please come talk to
Mondays I get to Costco around
12:30pm, then the club by 2pm, do
three services, and leave about
Tuesdays and Thursdays are almost
exactly the same: shop by 10am, club by
11am, serve right at noon. Typically I
have time between lunch and dinner,
which I use to shop at Kensington
Market or drop off my used cooking oil
at a friend's restaurant on Avenue road,
or a variety of other tasks I may
have. After dinner, I usually depart club
Chef Mike
Every once in awhile, I have
something that comes across my
desk that makes me chuckle. I
have decided that these laughs
should be shared with the
members. If you come across
something that brings a smile to
your face, and is curling related,
please forward it to me at
Let's share the smiles. Submission
deadline is the 12th of each
Wednesdays I arrive at the club
10:30am, do five separate services, and
depart the club 11pm.
Fridays I usually shop at Costco for the
weekend by 3pm, arrive at club 4pm, do
three services, and depart the club
around midnight.
Saturdays are a mixed bag of bonspiels,
private functions, and parties. Twice
I've arrived at the club for 8am and left
after midnight, thrice I've done a day
function only, and once I've done a
night function only. There have been
three "blank" Saturdays this season as
well, the most recent being entirely
Aidan Ritchie's fault.
Corina Mark - Editor
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
The Night Before Christmas
(for curlers - abridged)
2014/2015 Season
First a new slider for delivery with style.
That style is most strange for the first
little while. You slip and you slide all
'Twas the night before Christmas and
over the place, and now and then even,
out on the ice, not a creature was
fall flat on your face.
stirring, not even a vice.
And so that the sweepers won't have to
All the brushes were hung in the lockers
read lips, here's a voice like thunder for
with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas
a soft-spoken skip.
soon would be there.
Here's one for MY skip, a broom six feet
My team in their long johns and I in my
wide. Now I'll hit the broom, and not be
hat, had just settled down in the lounge
here to chat.
There's some new thermal socks for
And enjoy a beer or a wine or some
those very cold toes, and a tissue to
grog, or a scotch or a brandy, or a tasty
wipe up the end of your nose.
Here's some muscle for sweepers who
When out on the ice there arose such a
just "tickle the ice," with liniment to use
clatter, we sprang from our chairs to see
for the first once or twice.
what was the matter.
Here's a draw to the button for some
And what to our wondering eyes should
lucky soul. I'd sure like to keep that as
appear. but a great big large Santa, full
my ace in the hole.
of good cheer.
For you who prefer it, here's some runs in
the ice, and true ice for those who think
that it's nice.
He slid down the ice like a fine curling
pro, and greeted us all with a loud, "HO
A six-ender for use in the very last end, to
some lucky curler, Santa will send!
Clutched on his back as you might
expect. was a bag full of slides for
curlers - you bet!
A nice roll behind , a double or two, are
held in reserve for me or for you.
Let's look at his parcels - I'll give you a
clue, there likely is something especially
for you.
There's no perfect game here in Santa's
sack, but of perfect shots, Santa sure has no
The tags all got lost in the last winter's
snow, If the gift sounds like yours, shout
out so we'll know!
And right in the bottom of Santa's red bag,
a message, and this one is no gag....Good inturns, good out-turns, good take-outs, good
draws, good guard shots, good freeze shots,
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season
East York Curling Club's Rock Talk
Issue 3
2014/2015 Season