neptune cs, irit, gtd, upc, novasys, ubb -
neptune cs, irit, gtd, upc, novasys, ubb -
CS, IRIT, GTD, UPC, NOVASYS, UBB NEPTUNE Contact us to or The NEPTUNE consortium List of Participants Pratic. Pratic no. Participant name Date Enter Date Exit Project ** Project ** C 1 C S -S y s t è m e s d ’ I n f o r m a t i o n CS-SI F Start of project End of project P 2 U n i v e r s i t é P a u l Sabatier – Toulouse III UPSUMR5505 F Start of project End of project P 3 Ingeneria de Sistemas y Software Industrial GTD E Start of project End of project P 4 Universitat P o l i t é c n i c a d e Catalunya UPC E Start of project End of project P 5 NOVASYS NOVASYS CA Start of project End of project P 6 U n i v e r s i t a t e a “ B a b e s - Bolyai” CLUJ-NAPOCA UBB-CSRL RO Start of project End of project P 7 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (D é l é g a t i o n M i d i Pyrénées) CNRS-IPBS F Start of project End of project Role * Participant Country short name * C = Coordinator (or use C-F and C-S if financial and scientific c o o r d i n a t o r r o l e s a r e s e p a r a t e ) P - Principal contractor A - Assistant contractor The NEPTUNE consortium -2 NEPTUNE Objectives u Provide a process guidelines for building software components dedicated to different business lines n a BOOK and html pages u Provide tools that can check UML models in different domains u Provide tools that can generate documentation in different u Provide open and portable tools complementing the existing domains ones The NEPTUNE consortium -3 Neptune TOOLS and Process XMI P R O C E S S All Our NEPTUNE API conform with the UML 1.4 UPC/LSI team Checker UBB Doc. Generator CS-SI&IRIT N O V A S Y S U P C GUI GTD HTML,PDF,XML Development Validation Experimentation The NEPTUNE consortium -4 NEPTUNE documents generation overview Template for output document NEPTUNE documentation PDF format UML Model in XMI format External and partial documentation files (Word, XML, ...) Document generator NEPTUNE documentation RTF format XML format NEPTUNE documentation XSL Transformation rules to filter information, ... inputs NEPTUNE documentation HTML format outputs The NEPTUNE consortium -5 Technology involved u UML input in XMI (XML) u XSL: for the document generation u OCL+: u XML for the rules language and HTML output u Neptune n UML, Java, Windows/UNIX u Neptune n development technology development tools Sniff+, RCS,DOORS, Rational Rose, J-Builder The NEPTUNE consortium -6 Have you got any questions ? The NEPTUNE consortium -7