Voodoo prayer - Kanaan Ministries
Voodoo prayer - Kanaan Ministries
O O D O VO kground Bac rayer and P ntance of Repe gion. li re n w no k t es d ol ’s ld or ... sever all ties to the w Amanda Buys’ Spiritual Covering This is a product of Kanaan Ministries, a non-profit ministry under the covering of: • Roly, Amanda’s husband for more than thirty-five years. • River of Life Family Church Pastor Edward Gibbens Vanderbijlpark South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 16 982 3022 Fax: +27 (0) 16 982 2566 Email: sharmain@rolfc.co.za There is no copyright on this material. However, no part may be reproduced and/or presented for personal gain. All rights to this material are reserved to further the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ ONLY. For further information or to place an order, please contact us at: P.O. Box 15253 Panorama 7506 Cape Town South Africa Tel: Fax: E-mail: Website: 27 John Vorster Avenue Plattekloof Ext. 1 Panorama 7500 Cape Town South Africa +27 (0) 21 930 7577 086 681 9458 kanaan@iafrica.com www.kanaanministries.org Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 3 PM Kanaan International Website Website: www.eu.kanaanministries.org Preface These prayers have been written according to personal opinions and convictions, which are gathered from many counseling sessions and our interpretation of the Word of GOD, the Bible. In no way have these prayers been written to discriminate against any persons, churches, organizations, and/or political parties. We ask therefore that you handle this book in the same manner. What does it mean to renounce something? To renounce means to speak of one’s self. If something has been renounced it has been rejected, cut off, or the individual is refusing to follow or obey. Other words that fit with the subject of renunciations include refuse, repudiate, and resist. It is a joy to realize that by the act of our repentance, we can appropriate the finished work of Messiah Y’shua1 (Jesus). His shed Blood reverses all curses. Scripture says: Proverbs( 28:13! “13! ! He! who! covers! his! transgressions! will! not! prosper,! but! whoever! confesses!and!forsakes!his!sins!will!obtain!mercy.” We have seen the effect in so many people’s lives of confessing, repenting, and turning away from the idolatry and demonic covenants that have permeated their very existence, unbeknown to them. The fact that this exists is truly an evil demonic plot against the Body of Messiah. 2(Corinthians(4:2!“2!!We!have!renounced!disgraceful!ways!(secret!thoughts,!feelings,!desires! and! underhandedness,!the! methods! and!arts! that! men!hide! through! shame);!we! refuse! to! deal!craDily! (to! pracEce! trickery! and! cunning)! or! to! adulterate! or! handle! dishonestly! the! Word! of! GOD,! but! we! state! the! truth!openly! (clearly! and! candidly).! And!so!we! commend! ourselves!in!the!sight!and!presence!of!GOD!to!every!man’s!conscience.” 1"Y’shua"(Hebrew)"is"Jesus’"real"name,"which"means"“Salva9on”."We"have"no" problem"with"the"name"“Jesus”"—"it"is"merely"the"Greek"translitera9on"of" “Y’shua”."Jesus"is"the"name"most"of"us"grew"up"with."Remember"though," Y’shua"was"a"Jew,"of"the"Tribe"of"Judah,"not"a"Greek."It’s"sort"of"like"this"…" when"you"come"to"know"someone’s"real"name,"you"want"to"use"it,"hence"the" use"of"Y’shua"instead"of"Jesus."Another"powerful"reason"to"use"Y’shua"is"that" every"9me"you"say"His"Name,"you"are"proclaiming"“Salva9on”."You"will"also" note"in"some"places,"we"have"used"the"real"Name"of"the"FATHER,"YHVH."The" Name"is"made"up"of"the"Hebrew"leQers,"YodRHeyRVavRHey,"and"is" most"commonly"pronounced"“Yahweh”"or"“Jehovah”."Again,"we"have"chosen" to"use"this,"as"YHVH"is"the"FATHER’s"Name. Y’shua (Jesus) calls us to be actively engaged seeking freedom and wholeness, no matter what our life experiences. GOD’s Word gives us a promise: Isaiah(54:17!“17!!But!no!weapon!that!is!formed!against!you!shall!prosper,!and!every!tongue! that! shall! rise! against! you! in! judgment! you! shall! show! to! be! in! the! wrong.! This! [peace,! righteousness,!security,!triumph!over!opposiEon]!is!the!heritage!of!the!servants! of! the!LORD! [those!in!whom!the!ideal!Servant!of!the!LORD!is!reproduced];!this! is!the!righteousness!or!the! vindicaEon! which! they! obtain! from! Me! [this! is! that! which! I! impart! to! them! as! their! jusEficaEon],!says!the!LORD.” Guidelines for using the prayers of renunciation … The Book of James highlights very clearly for us that there is a two-fold step in order to be released from all bondages. James(4:7!“7!!So!be!subject!to!GOD.!Resist!the!devil![stand!firm!against!him],!and!he!will!flee! from!you.” The two-legged renunciation of occultic involvement is: 1. Confession of involvement. To confess involvement, the prayer is read out loud, preferably with one or more witnesses present, as well as with a trained counselor. The reason for this is so that the individual will have a memorial of remembrance of the renunciation prayer. These prayers are similar to proclamations … as such we encourage you to declare them boldly and in faith, covered by the Blood of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus). James( 5:16!“16! ! Confess!to! one! another! therefore! your! faults! (your! slips,! your!false! steps,! your! offenses,! your! sins)! and! pray! [also]! for! one! another,! that! you! may! be! healed! and! restored![to!a!spiritual!tone!of!mind!and!heart].!The!earnest!(hear\elt,!conEnued)!prayer!of!a! righteous!man!makes!tremendous!power!available![dynamic!in!its!working].” Only half of the renunciation process has been completed at this stage. The next part is very important. This is where the counselor is essential. 2. Warfare … resist the enemy. The counselor now comes in agreement with the individual and conducts spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness as the Holy Spirit leads to deal with each one of the elements that is contained in the prayer. In writing these prayers, we have tried to highlight or bold certain key words — such as the powers of darkness involved and the effects of involvement — that we feel are important, and which need to be specially addressed. The powers are rebuked, bound, uprooted from the bloodline, and commanded to become a footstool to the Messiah Y’shua (Jesus). Remember to also cut the individual loose from the man-made laws and institutions of the organization/s involved. These prayers are however only a guideline. If there are concepts or sections that the Holy Spirit highlights for you as you pray, then we encourage you to address these, and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on how to bring the breakthrough. Remember, He is our Perfect Teacher and Counselor! Psalm(110:1!“THE! LORD!(GOD)! says! to! my! Lord!(the! Messiah),!Sit!at!My! right! hand,! unEl!I! make! Your! adversaries! Your! footstool.! [Ma^.! 26:64;! Acts! 2:34;!I! Cor.! 15:25;! Col.!3:1;!Heb.! 12:2.]” Hebrews(1:13,(10:13!“13! ! Besides,!to!which!of!the!angels! has! He!ever!said,!Sit!at!My! right! hand![associated!with!Me!in!My!royal!dignity]!Ell!I!make!your!enemies!a!stool!for!your!feet?! [Ps.!110:1.]!13!!Then!to!wait!unEl!His!enemies!should!be!made!a!stool!beneath!His!feet.![Ps.! 110:1.]” 3. Restoration with the Kingdom of GOD. Finally, the individual must choose to submit under the Law of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus). GalaAans( 3:10! “10! ! And! all! who! depend! on! the! Law! [who! are! seeking! to! be! jusEfied!by! obedience! to! the! Law! of! rituals]! are! under! a! curse! and! doomed! to! disappointment! and! destrucEon,! for! it! is! wri^en! in! the! Scriptures,! Cursed! (accursed,! devoted! to! destrucEon,! doomed! to! eternal! punishment)! be! everyone! who! does! not! conEnue! to! abide! (live! and! remain)! by! all!the! precepts! and!commands! wri^en!in!the! Book! of! the! Law! and!to!pracEce! them.” In conclusion, we leave you with the blessing commanded by the FATHER … May He be your Shield, your Light, and Shalom (Peace). May He grant you the victory in all things, that you may learn of His Ways, and SH’MA2 (hear and do). Blessings! 2"For"addi9onal"study,"please"see"the"ar9cle"“Sh’ma!—!A!Hebraic!Concept!That! Everyone!Can!Embrace”"wriQen"by"William"G."Bullock,"Sr.,"available"from"the" website. Declaration3 of CONFIDENCE in GOD’s Protection No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue, which rises against us in judgment, we do condemn. This is our heritage as servants of the LORD, and our righteousness is from You, O LORD of Hosts. If there are those who have been speaking or praying against us, or seeking harm or evil to us, or who have rejected us, we forgive them and, having forgiven them, we bless them in the Name of the LORD MaChew(5:43D45!“43!!You!have!heard!that!it!was!said,!You!shall!love!your!neighbor!and!hate! your!enemy;!44! !But!I!tell!you,!Love!your!enemies! and!pray!for!those!who!persecute! you,!45!! To!show!that!you!are!the!children!of! your!FATHER! Who!is! in!heaven;!for!He! makes!His!sun! rise! on! the! wicked! and! on! the! good,! and! makes! the! rain! fall! upon! the! upright! and! the! wrongdoers![alike].” Romans( 12:14!“14! ! Bless!those! who!persecute! you![who! are! cruel!in!their! agtude! toward! you];!bless!and!do!not!curse!them.” Now we declare, O LORD, that You and You alone are our GOD, and besides You there is no other — a just GOD and Saviour, the FATHER, the Son and the Spirit — and we worship You! We submit ourselves afresh to You this day in unreserved obedience. Having submitted to You, LORD, we do as Your Word directs. We resist the devil — all his pressures, his attacks, and his deceptions, every instrument or agent he would seek to use against us. We do not submit! We resist him, drive him from us and exclude him from us in the Name of Y’shua (Jesus). Specifically, we reject and repel infirmity, pain, infection, inflammation, malignancies, allergies, viruses and every form of witchcraft. Finally, LORD, we thank You that through the sacrifice of Y’shua (Jesus) on the cross, we have passed out from under the curse and entered into the blessing of Abraham, whom You blessed in all things — exaltation, health, reproduction, prosperity, victory and GOD’s Favour. GalaAans( 3:13D14!“13! !Christ!purchased!our!freedom![redeeming!us]! from!the!curse! (doom)! of!the!Law![and!its!condemnaEon]! by![Himself]!becoming!a!curse!for!us,!for!it!is! wri^en![in! the! Scriptures],!Cursed!is! everyone! who!hangs! on!a!tree! (is! crucified);! 14! ! To! the! end!that! through![their!receiving]! Christ!Jesus,!the!blessing![promised]! to!Abraham!might!come!upon! the! GenEles,!so!that!we! through!faith!might![all]! receive! [the!realizaEon!of]! the! promise! of! the![Holy]!Spirit.” AMEN! 3"WriQen"by"Derek"and"Ruth"Prince Sealing-Off Prayer BEFORE Deliverance Dear Heavenly FATHER, we come to You in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) of Nazareth. We thank You that You are GOD Almighty and that You are The Great I AM. We thank You that You have given us the Holy Spirit to be the Counsellor, Standby, Advocate, Teacher, the Deliverer. We thank You for Your Presence and for Your Deliverance Anointing — it is the Anointing that will break the yoke. Come and fill us with Your Spirit, Compassion, Love, Discernment, Word of Knowledge, Wisdom, Interpretation, and Insight. We as Your children choose to crucify the flesh so that nothing from ourselves will be transferred here. We clothe ourselves with Your Priestly Garments to fulfill the calling You have upon our lives. Open our spiritual eyes and ears FATHER. Thank You FATHER, that You have given us all the power over the enemy and that nothing shall in any way harm us. Luke(10:(19!“19!!Behold!!I!have!given!you!authority!and!power!to!trample!upon!serpents!and! scorpions,!and![physical!and!mental!strength!and!ability]! over!all!the!power!that!the!enemy! [possesses];!and!nothing!shall!in!any!way!harm!you.” We forbid any interference with the work of the Holy Spirit. FATHER, we come against any communication lines (according to Ephesians 6:12) between, the powers, world-rulers, principalities, spiritual hosts, and demonic hosts in the air, earth, heavenlies, and under the earth. We close off all entrances and exits, in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We ask that all spiritual cameras and recorders be smashed in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We come against any witches, witch doctors, magicians, and wizards in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We cut off all communication with satan himself and close the doors in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We forbid any spirit from the outside to enter this place for whatever reason, and we forbid any evil spirit to be sent to any other place or person as a result of what happens here. We now forbid any reinforcement of power from the side of satan in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). FATHER, we ask for confusion into the enemy’s camp. FATHER we ask You to set up Your warring angels in this room and arrest any human spirit, dead human spirit, spirit guide, familiar spirit … and remove them to become the footstool of our King Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We bind every evil spirit in this place and forbid any violence, manifestations, and tormenting in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We refuse any meditation circles — isolate any power of demonic forces from each other in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We forbid and bind any hypnosis and self-hypnosis, meditation, physic powers in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) of Nazareth. We isolate the powers one from another in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We cleanse the four elements — water, air, fire, and earth — with the Blood of Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We ask You, FATHER, to cover all mirrors with Your Blood and seal off the gateways in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We come against any spells, rituals, incantations, hexes, sacrifices, curses, or altars raised up against us and the person. Thank You that You blow out all candles which may have been lit in rituals against us in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). Thank You that all curses are reversed into blessings. FATHER, we ask that You seal off this room with Your Precious Blood, that You will hide us in the Spirit and declare this room as holy ground. FATHER, we ask You to send Your ministering angels to come and minister to us in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) according to: Hebrews(1:14!“14!!Are!not!the!angels!all!ministering!spirits!(servants)!sent!out!in!the!service! [of!GOD!for!the!assistance]!of!those!who!are!to!inherit!salvaEon?” We surrender to You, Holy Spirit of GOD, because we know that it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit (Zechariah 4:6) says the FATHER! We ask that You cover our loved ones and we place all circumstances under Your Control and Protection (our finances, marriages, relationships, ministries). We now bind satan’s kingdom here on earth just as it is bound in heaven. We ask You FATHER to prepare the heavenly courtroom and that all the demons and familiar spirits come and take their places. We ask You FATHER to be the Judge, Y’shua (Jesus) the Advocate, and the Holy Spirit the Witness. Thank You for Your Word: RevelaAon(12:11(“11! !And!they!have!overcome! (conquered)! him!by!means! of! the!blood!of! the!Lamb!and!by!the!u^erance!of! their!tesEmony,!for!they!did!not!love!and!cling!to!life!even! when!faced!with!death![holding!their!lives!cheap!Ell!they!had!to!die!for!their!witnessing].” … we have overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! In the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus), AMEN! CONTENTS: Background of Voodoo and Folk Voodoo 2 Prayers of Repentance/Renunciation 22 2 BACKGROUND OF VOODOO and FOLK VOODOO Voodoo - definition from Roger’s Thesaurus means: To bewitch, charm, allure, attract, bedevil, beguile, captivate, capture, control, dazzle, draw, enchany, enrapture, enthrall, entrance, fascinate, hex, hypnotize, fascinate, magnetize, mesmerize, knock dead, knock out, send, slay, spell, spellbind, take, tickle, turn on, vamp, voodoo, wile, wow, conjure, disgust, irritate, offend, repel, turn off, levitate, play tricks, summon, curse, burden, bring calamity, jinx, abuse, anathematize, attack, ban, banish, cuss, confound, denunciate, excommunicate, penalize, condemn, condemn to hell, to damn, obsess, madden, infest plague, terrify, terrorize, weigh on, worry, bless. It is an ancestral African Religion, claimed by some as the first and oldest. It is Black magic, Satanism, Black Arts, Demon Worship, Diabolism, Magic, Mysticism, Necromancy, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Witchery, Wizardry, Bewitchment, Ala Kazam, Conjuration, Magic. It is also called ‘the work’ and many practitioners call themselves ‘workers.’ The word Voodoo has been translated as: ! the snake under whose auspices gather all who share the faith. ! The Force. ! The Mystery. The root word is Void: meaning an empty, vacant place waiting to be filled by a spirit. Voodoo, known also as: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Vodou, Vudu, Vudun, Vaudun, Vaudoun, Vaudaux and Hoodoo Named from the god Vodun, Collectively termed: Carribbean Vodou. It means gods or spirits in the African Fon-Ewe language. It may have affected you, in particular, if you have: ! ! African, Spanish, or 2 3 ! French ancestry. However many people may be bound by Voodoo and be completely unaware of it through the ‘mixture’ that has entered the: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Catholic Church New Age, Yoga, Magic, Folk Customs and rituals, Wicca, Freemasonry, night clubs, music, media, political regimes and tourism etc. It has entered our homes through ‘Folk Voodoo’, in the guise of: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! fairy tales, children’s and adult stories, Halloween, Christmas, and other annual festivals, carnivals, souvenirs, interior design, movies, cartoons, adult and children’s videos, the media, T.V., funfair ‘theme parks’; through the food we eat e.g. – ‘black magic ‘ chocolates etc. Voodoo is an: ! ! ! ecstatic religion, dance religion, musical religion … using shamanistic energies. Voodoo is at the very heart of all witchcraft, slavery and the master/ slave mind control mentality. 3 4 It is at the heart of: ! ! ! ! ! greed, power seeking, corruption, sexual perversion, the control behind money and business and politics. It has become so mixed up into every aspect of our lives that what once was unacceptable has now become the norm. We have lost the ability to discern the evil that is in fact in our midst. The only way Satan and his servants get advantage over us is through sin and ignorance. Every country or nation in which these forms of witchcraft are practiced is in poverty, war, civil unrest and oppression – spiritually, physically and politically. The effects of Voodoo are evident in the: ! poverty, ! lack, ! apathy, ! sickness, ! oppression, ! death, ! insanity and ! despair in individual families. The people are: ! demonically possessed or even ! demonized knowingly or unknowingly, They are bound: ! ! ! ! ! mentally, spiritually, physically, psychologically and Financially. Voodoo forms generational slave mentalities that set the pattern for the lives of people to live in bondage to: ! people, ! regimes, 4 5 ! ! ! ! spiritual systems and forces and governments They feel too impotent or powerless to resist. Generational Voodoo also provides the familiar spirits – fallen angels – which guide and give understanding of the powers to manipulate, dominate and control others through: ! ! ! ! ! witchcraft, magic, pain, lack and fear. The Voodoo religion is documented in history books estimated to have existed 6 - 10,000 years ago (we know that the world is only 6000 years old!), having its ancient roots in: ! ! ! ! ! Egypt, East Africa, Asia Minor (ancient Turkey) Syria, and in ancient Afro-matrilineal Ionia, later known as Greece, where the African ’queen mothers’ established their powerful temples and theocratic empires. Images of what we now call the black Madonna probably originated from there. At their height, these African patriarchal empires reigned for more than 4,000years – centuries before they were conquered by the Dorian (white) Greek invaders. Until the present, their cultural theology was hidden under Greek mythology, the consequence of this was to obscure forever that Voodoo was historically one of the major African religions practiced throughout the ancient world. Over the centuries the temples of the African Matriarchs were conquered, seized or destroyed, they migrated into: ! ! ! ! ! ! West Africa currently Benin, (ancient Dahomey) the Dominican Republic, Togo, Cuba, Brazil and Haiti – the home of Voodoo. 5 6 Voodoo is primarily a matriarchal religion. No other African country except Benin – home of Voodoo – honours their ‘mother religions’ as a national religion. The Voodoo of Benin was rehabilitated by a Marxist state. There are, according to the History Channel documentary: “The ’Vodou Secret,’ 60 million people who practice the voodoo religion worldwide. The Egyptian Magic current immigrated to the French colonies in the New World where it joined African Obeah and French Catholicism to produce Voodoo or Vodou. The Africans who were imported and sold into American slave-holding states were transported directly from West Africa and their “culture of deities” (religions) also came with them. However through the slave trade it permeated: ! ! ! ! ! America, Europe, Britain, South Africa, etc. like an underground stream hidden behind all sorts of facades. It is one of the most dangerous and perverted forms of witchcraft involving: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voluntary and involuntary demonic possession, drunkenness, ancestral worship, necromancy, sexual perversion, bestiality and Animal, child and human sacrifice. Underneath its primitive facade is a terrible and sophisticated system of magical machinery involving entrances into the otherworld and alien universes and control by fallen angels and those in league with them. It involves the surrender of oneself to satanic possession of the worst kind. It is the most powerful form of Black Magic and probably the most shameless. 6 7 Haiti was the first Black Nation in the Western Hemisphere to become independent in 1803. The French and other powerful colonial powers did not want Voodoo and it’s religion to be an instrumental tool of deliberation for slaves across the Atlantic. So, for more that 300 years, colonial institutions devised a successful campaign to sanitize / ‘Christianize’ the religion, for it was feared that Voodoo would be used as a powerful tool to deter the slave trade. The top 20% of the World’s richest countries could hardly have afforded the able bodies from Africa to not work their plantations. In April 10, 2003, Haiti’s government, led by former Roman Catholic President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, officially sanctioned Voodoo as a religion in which a Voodoo priestess bestowed a presidential sash on him. Vodou / Voodoo exists in different forms and variations. It is practiced through out: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! the Carribean, Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico, and many other countries. Roots is African witchcraft/Vodou brought to America during the slave trading years from many ethnic groups such as: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! the Fon, the Ibos, Dahomeans, Congos, Senegalese, Haussars, Caplaous, Mandungues, Mondingo, Angolese, Libyans, Ethiopians, and the Malgaches. 7 8 1. Pocomania: Jamaican Vodou. (connection to children’s game Pokemon) 2. Candomble: Brazilian Vodoo. 3. Vodun or Vodun: the Voodoo of Benin, Africa., Togo, and Haiti. When the words are capitalized it denotes the Religion proper. 4. Voodoo: the Afro-Creole tradition of New Orleans. 5. Hoodoo or Hudu: African-American ‘folk’ voodoo, magic’ or spirituality. 6. Lemba: Voodoo are the rites of North Haiti. 7. Cuban Palo: a survival of Congo religious beliefs. 8. Santeria: African based Carribean Voodoo. From the Spanish word Santo, meaning ‘the way of the saints.’ 9. Macumba/ Quimbanda: means ‘magic’ is Brazilian/African Bantu Voodoo (black witchcraft) 10. Umbanda, 11. Quimband, 12. Omoloko, 13. Kumina, 14. Palo, 15. Regla de Ocha, 16. Lukumi, 17. La Regla Lucum or Orisha, 18. Abacua: American Brazilian Voodoo. 19. Obeah: Caribbean Voodoo. 20. New Orleans: highly matriarchal Voodoo. 8 9 21. Cuban, Trinidadian, Jamaican: Voodoo are all part of Caribbean or West Indian Voodoo. 22. Nigerian, Benin or Congo Voodoo. 23. Egyptian Voodoo There are many other types. Voodoo at its core is an ancient African ancestral religion. It fundamental tenants are the honouring of specialized deities called: ! ! ! ! Vodou, divine specialized deities, ancestral Loas called ZansetYo, the dead who along with totemic spirits are cosmologically and biologically linked to each African at birth and form clan and/or familiar spirits. They are honored with their ancient and recent ancestors through: ! ! ! ! ! prayer, specific rituals evocations, idolatry and celebration. These deities are forces of nature, and are honoured with specific rites unique to their element. They are headed by a dual androgynous god/dess “MAWU LISA” which became male under Western patriarchy. The Serpent features very heavily in the Voodoo faith. The High Priest and or Priestess often called: ! ! ! ! Mamas or Maman and Papas or Mambos and Hougans, kings and queens They are ‘vehicles’ for the serpent’s power, called Loas or Lwas, (spirits – a form of Kundalini) which take possession of them by riding them and turning them into their ”mountees” or “horses.” The possessed become the slave of the spirit, to do with as he wishes. 9 10 This is done through: ! Voodoo ceremonies, ! “night dancing” or ! “Voodoo dancing” – … exactly what the young people do in nightclubs only now called rave and trance dancing, which is in effect shamanic dancing which open doors for spirit possession. In Voodoo, this dancing into trance, opens the door for abandonment to the spirit world and total possession and is an expression of spiritual connection and unity to the divinity, to the spirit world that preludes sexual frenzy and ecstatic states. The priests and priestesses enter into a state of complete possession by the spirit of a particular deity through trance states. This spirit then speaks and acts through them giving “divine aid and inspiration” with which to offer “help”, in healing, and spiritual guidance through the use of: ! ! ! ! ! ! herbs, medicines, drugs, religious knowledge and rituals and Fetishes. It is the only religion where women maintain the same, and more, priestly functions than men. Smoke machines: The smoke blown out into the air is witchcraft dust which people breath in. It works on the same principle as incense which is burnt and the smoke that rises from it is worship to the spirits and has a witchcraft effect. VOODOO, HOMOSEXUALITY AND LESBIANISM Homosexual men are mainly possessed by female Loa but can be possessed by male Loa. The female Loa include Erzulie Freda, but aggressive male homosexuals are possessed by Ghede who behaves in an aggressive heterosexual style. Female lesbians are possessed by both male and female Loa. (This mix causes the ‘butch’ and ‘soft’ feminine aspects of homosexuality.) Voodoo practices turn men into women and women into men, Berdache – of two spirits, or Massissi spirits which can be of either sex. 10 11 HITLER AND GERMANY1 Extract of an article by Terry Melanson about the Nazis: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Vril_Society.htm “The Vril society (named after the force called VRIL which I explained about in the Kundalini information, which is the Kundalini or goddess/luciferian power), also called the Luminous lodge was the first German Nationalist group to use the symbol of the swastika. It combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism. It presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril force. (An amazing fact is that this is where the name BOVRIL comes from!!!!! Bo=vril). This secret society was founded literally on Bulwer Lytton’s novel ‘The Coming Race’ published in 1871. Lytton himself was an initiate of the Rosicrucians and well versed in arcane- esoteric philosophies. The book describes a race of men physically far superior and in advance of our own. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that make them godlike. In the book they are described as hiding for the moment in caves in the centre of the earth, soon to emerge ‘to reign over us.’ The Vril force or Vril energy was said to be derived from the ‘black sun,’a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the centre of the earth giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that they were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun. Dr. Willy Ley a rocket scientist who fled Germany in 1933,said that the Vril society which formed shortly before the Nazis came to power, believed that they had secret knowledge that would enable them to change their race and become equals to the men hidden in the bowels of the earth. These were methods of concentration and gymnastics by which they would be transformed. This links it right back to the Hindu mysticism and Yoga, thus to the Kundalini. This Vril force was known to other ancients under many other names called CHI, OJAS, VRIL, ASTRAL LIGHT, ODIC FORCES,and ORGONE. (the same as the Chinese Chi.) As early as 1936 Hitler was sending teams of ‘spelunkers’ into caves and mines all over Europe searching for Vril-ya. They also explored Antarctica during 1937-38 in search of the fabled ‘hole of the South Pole.’ 1 "For"more"prayers,"please"see"our"“Germanic"Roots”"prayer"book." 11 12 Apparently with success where they made contact with the ‘unknown superman’ who lived in Rainbow City ( links to the info on Kundalini yoga and the ‘inner rainbow, and somewhere over the rainbow programming – Wizard of Oz.- Fritz Springmeier’) In a discussion of the 28th Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry called The Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept – Albert Pike said “there is in nature one most potent force, by means of whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.” This is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle headed by Himmler, were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world and for which the Vril Society groomed Hitler, latching onto the very old archetype of the minds of alchemists and magicians and the god ‘super’man. These exercises were also based on the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, which is an interesting and highly significant connection, linking to the Vatican and Opus Dei. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization are very similar to many occult teachings especially Shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. Buddhism is almost identical to Yoga. (Adam Weishaupt who established the Masters of the Illuminati was also a Jesuit priest) The Nazis revered these techniques and the Jesuit spiritual exercises which they believed were handed down by the ancient Masters of Atlantis. The occultists knew that Ignatius Loyola was a Basque who they believed were the last remnant of the Atlanteans. The use of these techniques would enable reactivation of the Vril for the dominance of the Teutonic race over all the others. The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes the master of the Vril will be master of himself, of others around him and the world. The belief was that the world will change and the “lords” will emerge from the centre of the earth. Unless an alliance was made with them, and “we” become “Lord’s,” mankind will be their slaves on the dung heap of the new cities that will emerge. Isn’t it almost totally unbelievable that they could believe such garbage? In a quote from “The Unknown Hitler” Wulf Schwarzwaller says “In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge’s objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in ‘concentration’ to ‘awaken the forces of the Vril ‘(Kundalini.) Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had had contacts with the Tibetan Lodges that possessed the secret of the “SUPERMAN.” (hence the cult movie. The first Superman comic came out in 1938). The knowledge of the transformation and mutation, into a higher form of godman, with superhuman powers. 12 13 The Lodge included Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring, and Hitlers subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell., I saw an excellent documentary about this man’s relationship with Hitler, he was responsible for keeping Hitler drugged to a point where he became totally dependant on him. It appears that Hitler was a total addict (amphetamines). Latterly when Hitler seemed to be suffering from Parkinson’s disease and the ‘superman’ image crumbling, Dr. Morell experimented with all sorts of drug cocktails to just keep him with a semblance of dignity earning him the nickname the ’needleman.’ It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff both sought contact with Hitler, whether they did is not on available documentation. Hitler’s unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if the ‘secret’ psychological techniques of Gurdieff, which in turn were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas were the basis. Through him he was familiarized with the Zen teachings of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon. (Fritz Springmeier says Zen this is behind much military programming) This is at the root of the ‘elect’ and ‘illumined’ classes, where elitism, racism, classism and fascism formed a dangerous mutation. The New World Order is directly under the influence and guidance of the New Age Movement, the hodgepodge of occult/ Eastern doctrines, under which lies dangerous socialism under the cover of ‘spiritual enlightenment. (New Age actively activates the Kundalini). Theosophies main foundation and founder being Madam Blavastsky, a great admirer of Bulwer Lytton who read his works Zanoni and the Last Days of Pompeii, the latter published in 1834 which dealt with the time between early Christianity and the Mysteries of Isis in Italy in the first century A.D. (this is Strega – the cult of Diana, which I have told you about before. The matrilineal witchcraft, the underground stream passed from mother to daughter but also into Masonic lodges.) In the controversial work called ‘Ufo Secrets of the Third Reich, Vladimir Terziski draws a connection to alien beings and the German secret societies such as Tempelhoff, the Thule, the Vril and the Black Sun and the ‘alien tutor race’ that secretly began to cooperate with certain German scientists in the late 1920’s in underground bases. He also maintains that the Germans began anti-gravity research constructing the first ‘flying saucer’ circular aircraft with the help from extraterrestrial beings. All documents about this and the Vril were confiscated by the Allies and is a still classified to this day, except for pilfered records which verified the Vril Society’s existence. 13 14 The Vril society began around the same time as the Thule society when Karl Haushoffer founded the “Bruder des Lichts” the “Brothers of Light.” This organization was referred to as the Luminous Lodge which was eventually renamed the Vril-Gesellschaft. As it rose in prominence it united the: ! ! ! Lords of the Black Stone – (a magical violet black stone) The Black Knights of the Thule Society The Black Sun later identified as the elite of Himmler’s SS The Thule Society focused primarily on materialistic and political agenda. Whereas the Vril Society put its attention on the ‘dark or other side.’ Behind all these mysteries was the secret order of initiates known as the ‘ Order of the Black Sun’ and organization so feared that it is now illegal to even print symbols and insignia in modern Germany. This was the agenda behind the Third Reich and it’s Tibetan contacts. The chief architect of the Thule society was Baron Rudolph Freiherr von Sebottendorff also known as Rudolph Glauer who founded it in 1918. He was very wealthy and possessed a wide knowledge of Islamic Mysticism in all its aspects encompassing Dervish sects, particularily the cult of Sufism ( whirling Dervishes – possible root of spin programming.) This was as a result of being schooled in occultism , Islamic mysticism and Rosicrucianism in Turkey where he was initiated into Freemasonry. (He became Grand Master of the Bavarian order) Originally it was called Studiengruppe fur Germanisches Altertum ( study group for German Antiquity). The name Thule came from the legendary polar country Hyperborea also called ‘Ultima Thule’ which was the centre of a lost civilization and supposed to be the gateway to the other world where humans could by whatever means ’leave the earth.’ This was guarded by ancient highly intelligent beings similar to the “masters of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood” (Links to the White House.) Interestingly, this is the site where the Russian and USA have their ELF – extra low frequency transmitters positioned which now broadcast at ‘brainwave frequencies.’ 18-20Hz. The Thule society formed the basis for the German Workers party in 1919. It was in this year, in Bavaria left wing socialists and anarchists proclaimed the Bavarian Soviet republic. The brains of the revolution were a group of writers who had little idea of administration. Life in Munich grew chaotic. The counter-revolutionary forces composed of various groups of decommissioned soldiers known as ‘frei corps’ equipped and financed by the mysterious Thule party defeated the Bavarian Party within a matter of weeks. Many other decommissioned soldiers waited out the turbulence in the barracks among them were Adolf Hitler. 14 15 His ruthless efficiency in ‘fingering’ those who had sympathized with the communists and anarchists subsequently led him being sent by private donors of the Thule Society to attend anticommunist training at the University financed by the Riechswehr. This led to an assignment in the intelligence division of the postwar German army. A year later this German workers party became the NSDAP under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Thule members included Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, its members were the first people to whom Hitler first turned and who first allied themselves to him. The Swastika Flag adopted by the NSDAP was the brain child of another Thulist Dr. Krohn. The Swastika is a symbol of Kali (Kundalini) but also called the ‘heart seal of Buddha.’( as I wrote this the Lord said Krohn is the German for Crown, the ‘crown charka,?’ but also sounds like’crone’ the black Mother Kali whose symbol the Swastika is.) This was the red flag with the white circle in the middle superimposed by the back Swastika. (In India the Swastika/Swavastika/ Sauvastika/Svastika – stands for universal welfare. Swasti means ‘well being of one and all’ ka means ‘symbol.’ In Sanskrit it means “so be it” or “amen” It’s origins go back to Mesopotamia, Babylonia, ancient Greece, South and central America, Japan, Asia Minor, China, Persia, Lybia, Scandinavia, Britain, Iceland and Europe. It is the most auspicious symbol in Buddhist, Jaina, and Hindu traditions and all these point to some ancient common religious rite used by man for invoking a powerful deity, mostly connected to prosperity. It represents the Sun god and his blessings, the male principal the ’solar wheel’ with its arms rotating clockwise. It is the Lunar wheel, the moon, night and the female principal with its arms pointing ant-clockwise. Spinning clockwise it is the male energy, spinning anticlockwise it is the female energy, which links it directly to the charkas and the Ida and Pingala of Yoga. It is called the Jaina cross which represents their 7th saint the four arms used to remind the believer of the 4 possible places of rebirth – the animal or plant world, in hell, on earth or in the spirit world. It also connects to the 4 quarters, and 4 elements. To Hindus it represents in its Sauvastika form, night, magic and the destructive goddess Kali. This was in Hindu culture the sign used to mark opening pages or their account books or to mark thresholds, doors and offerings ( link to money and ‘gates) It is called by many names amongst which is the four footed cross, the cross ‘cramponnee’ etc. 15 16 It also has a ‘floral’ form which links it to the charkas and their ‘flowers’. Masonic teachings I describe it as” the most ancient Order of the Brotherhood of the Mystic Cross said to have been founded by Fohi in 1027 B.C. and introduced into China 52 years later, consisting of the three degrees.” It is also called the ‘originator of fire by friction’ and of the ’49 fires’ Its symbol represented the ‘wheel of the Law’ or the ever churning ‘mill of the gods’ which was stamped on Buddha’s heart called the ‘ hearts seal’, and was laid on the hearts of departed initiates after death . It was also known to the Germanic tribes as ‘Thor’s Hammer’ or the CROSS OF THOR. It has been found in churches, synagogues, the catacombs in Rome. ) To the ancients it was a symbol of ‘good fortune’ of joy of life, but it has been turned into a symbol of evil. The Thule society became closely connected to the Germandenorden Secret Society formed in 1912 by prominent German occultists whose symbol was the Swastika. This society had a hierarchical structure similar to Freemasonry. It taught Nordic race superiority, anti-Semitism and occult and magical philosophies. With the victory of the Nazi party the occult tradition was carried on under Himmler an avid student of the occult. He established the SS occult research department, the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) in 1935, with SS Wolfram von Sievers at its head. Occult research took them as far as Tibet. (links to yoga) At his execution in Nuremburg, Sievers had the Tantric prayer the Bardo Thodol, read out over his body. (Could there be a subliminal connection to the stage name of Brigitte Bardo? And all the ’Bardo’ in the media?) The Thule Society was also called the German Brotherhood of Death. Its symbol was also the skull and crossed bones, the same name and symbol as is used today by the American Skull and Bones Society of Yale with it’s mysterious number 322, whose members include George Bush Senior and Junior. It was into society Adolf Hitler became an adept under the leadership of Dietrich Eckart, who later selected Hitler be the leader of the New World Order. Eckhart revealed on his deathbed saying” follow Hitler, he will dance, but it is I who call the tune. I have initiated him into the secret doctrine, opened his centres in vision and given him the means to communicate with powers.” (links to yoga!) It was through initiation rituals to raise consciousness that allowed demonic power to flow through them. These involved chants, formulas, wordings and carefully planned actions. The Thule society regularly held occultic séances, during which they communicated with demons who were masquerading as the dead or appeared as personal ‘guiding spirits.’ 16 17 Hitler invoked the ‘spirit of the anti-Christ’ into manifestation at the séances of the Thule group in Munich establishing communication with Lucifer and entered into full Luciferic initiation. Eckhart believed that Hitler was AntiChrist - so had spared no occultic knowledge, ritual or perversion in his attempt to fully equip him, literally making him ‘born anew with super-personal strength and resolution he would need to fulfill the mandate ordained for him.” The counterfeit of being spiritually born again. Thule members also practiced a form of sexual magic derived from a lodge, of which Aleister Crowley, recognized as the foremost worshipper of Satan in the 19th century, was a member. The origin of this medieval magic can be traced to a Freemason Robert Little, who founded the Societas Rosicruciana in 1865. I quote ”They indulged in sexual perversions, and the most sadistic rituals awakening penetrating vision into the workings of evil intelligences and bestowed on them phenomenal magical powers.” This was Eckhart’s final act initiating Hitler into a” monstrous sadistic magic ritual”…. After that he was sexually impotent. Hitler’s impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He knew sexual fulfillment only through the extremes of sadism and masochism, finally making him into the sadistic murderer that history knows. In 1912 several occultists with radical anti-Semitic inclinations decided to form a ‘magic’ Lodge which they named the “Order of the Teutons.’ One of whose members was Hermann Pohl who dropped out to form the bizarre Walvater Teutonic Order of the HOLY GRAIL. They were also organized along the lines of the Freemasons. In !915 Pohl was joined by Rudolf Glauer or Blauer (Von Sebottendorf) who practiced Sufi mediation. Thus the Thule Society became the counter revolutionary subculture, a nest of resistance to the Munich Soviet Party. It formed the ’Mother” to the German Socialist party, in which Hitler became the most prominent member. After 1941 Hitler forbad secret societies, so both Thule and Vril were documented under the SS E-IV unit. Vril becoming secretly known as ‘die kette” “the chain” which refers to the mental links( telepathy) between their members. Vril had strong contacts with the Canaris of the Abwhr, the Ahnenerbe (the SS occult bureau) It is interesting that the American Skull and Bones Society established in 1833 also carry out all their activities in secret, membership is by invitation only. The first night called ‘tap night’ the members are also called initiates they swear total obedience and loyalty to the ‘secret society,’ whereby through rituals, oaths and confessions and sexual activities the initiation takes place. 17 18 Sexual perversion and pain is part of this ritual psychology where lying naked in coffins and telling their deepest darkest sexual secrets is all part of their initiation to be ‘born again,’ rebirthed into the order. They describe this ceremony as “dying to the world and to be born again into the Order, as a powerful spiritual force charges through them, transforming their lives.” This all takes place in room number 322. After they are called newly ‘tapped’ members. (Sounds just like Kundalini awakening to me!) This is the occultic branch that grew out of the Thule Society, the New World Order, for that was the name planned for Hitler’s Utopian Aryan Society. In his writings and speeches Hitler constantly used this title. When President Bush invoked the term New World Order in August 16th, 1990, he was only the second major politician to use it in the 20th century. Hitler was the other. There is a link between the “Bones” as the Skull and Bones Society is called, and the Bavarian Illuminists. They were part of the original ‘Masters of the Illuminati’ established by Adam Weishaupt in a document that states “the Bones is a chapter of a corps of a German university…” The document describes at length, the German Secret Society (the Thule Society) which lead to the founding of the Skull and Bones in 1832 describing the location as“above the arched walls, above the vault of the (bones) sacred room no. 322 is a painting of skulls surrounded by Masonic symbols, with the motto “ who is the fool, who is the wise man, beggar or king?” This Skull and Bones was also was the ‘deaths head’ emblem used on the uniforms of Hitlers soldiers, the SS., and the emblem of the Nazi death camp guards. So there is a definite link between Hitler’s Society and the American Skull and Bones Society, New Age, Freemasonry and Kundalini awakening – the underground Matriachal connection. The whole Homosexual link is not new for from ancient times ritual transvestism was a feature of many ancient priesthoods and occultic magic, which did not always involve wearing clothes of the opposite sex. Primordial bisexual, Gender-variant Priestesses of the Goddess often self emasculated, cut and performed sadistic rituals in worship of her as is still done in many parts of the world even today (the Hijras of India castrate themselves whilst gazing at a picture of the goddess Bahachura Mata – a form of Kali). They danced ecstatic dances; whirling dances (trance and Sufism) lifted their skirts exposing their buttocks, revealing that they were clearly male born or revealing their private parts if female. 18 19 They performed magic rites, told fortunes, cared for the sacred places with other women devotees. Castration, emasculation, pain, suffering and sexual perversions were all associated with the worship of the goddess. The best known ‘Priestly Transvestism’ was among the priests of Cybele who castrated themselves at initiation frequently with pottery shards. Thereafter many dressed as women. The ‘priestesses’ of Isis were called CINAEDI or CATAMITES. ‘Priestesses’ of the goddess Hera /Cybele were called GALLAE. The gender –variant ‘priestesses’ of Hecate/Hekate were known as SEMNOTATOI or DEMOSIOI ‘the reverered ones of the goddess.’ The ones who served the goddess on the Temenos ‘the sacred threshold of magic’ the ‘ ones who live on the edge.’ In Asia Minor in the worship of Ma-Enyo they were called the FANATICI from where we get the word ‘fanatics.’ The BAPTAI in the worship of Kotys and Sabazious from their ritual baptism before communion. In the worship of Asherah /Ishtar the male ‘priestesses’ were called KELABIM ‘faithful dogs’ those who practiced divinatory arts. Called the QEDESHIM in the company of other priestesses. In the worship of Aphrodite a ‘ball of fire’ was said to appear above the temple as a sign of reunion with the goddess just like that experienced with the internal reunion of kundalini. Venus Castina was the patron of Roman males who were born WITH A WOMANS SOUL (see Pink Swastika article2) linking it to Lucifer. Diana was worshipped in Ephesus as a black meteoric stone( Lord’s of the Black stone and the link to Mecca via Sufism) fashioned by the Ionians into the many breasted image of the Great Mother. She was goddess of the female/males the ANTIANEIRI the lesbian Amazons who welcomed the Gallae (castrated males) as sisters. The MELISSAI were the ‘honeybees and the MEGABYZES of Persian origin served as the makers of ‘magic amulets and the casting of Ephesian ‘runes’, which Hitler also did. 2 "For"the"article"on"the"Pink"Swastika"contact"our"office"or"go"to:" http://constitutionalistnc.tripod.com/hitlerDleftist/id12.html"" 19 20 It was consciously, unconsciously or deliberately striving to attain a state of androgyny which was considered a divine or near divine state through religious magic rooted in occultic orgiastic, sadistic rites practiced in the worship of the goddess/ Lucifer under whose power the genders were changed and great magical powers gained. SCRIPTURES WARNING AGAINST THE PRACTICE OF VOODOO: HOSEA 4:6,11-15, 18-19 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you, the priestly nation, have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of you God, I will also forget you children.” 11 Harlotry and wine and new wine take away the heart and the mind and the spiritual understanding.” 12 My people habitually ask counsel of their senseless wooden idols and their staff of wood gives them oracles and instructs them. For the spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have played the harlot, withdrawing themselves from subjection to their God. 13 They sacrifice on the tops of mountains, and they burn incense upon the hills and under oaks, poplars and terebinths, because the shade is good. Therefore your daughters play the harlot and your son’s wives commit adultery. I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot nor your daughtersin-law when they commit adultery for the fathers and husbands themselves go astride in order to be with women who prostitute themselves for gain, they sacrifice at the alter with dedicated harlots who surrender chastity in honour of the goddess. Therefore the people without understanding will stumble and fall and come to ruin. 18 Their drinking carousal over, they go habitually to play the harlot; Epharim’s rulers continue to love shame more than her glory which is the Lord, Israel’s God. 19 The restless wind of God’s wrath has bound up Israel in its wings or skirts, and in captivity they and their alters shall be put to shame because of their sacrifices to calves, the sun, moon and stars, and to heathen gods.” HOSEA 5. 3-4 “I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me; for now, O Ephraim you have played the harlot and have worshipped idols; Israel is defiled. Their doings will not permit not permit them to return to their God, for the spirit of harlotry is within them and they know not, nor give heed to or cherish the Lord.” 20 21 EXODUS 20. 1- 6 “Then God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before or besides Me. You shall not make for yourself any graven image to worship it or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and forth generations of those who hate me. But showing mercy and steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” ISAIAH 42.8 “I am the Lord; that is My name! And My glory I will not give to another, not my praise to graven images.” ISAIAH 48. 11-13 “For my own sake, for my own sake I do it. I refrain from and do not utterly destroy you; for why should I permit My Name to be polluted and profaned which it would be if the Lord completely destroyed His chosen people? And I will not give My glory to another by permitting the worshippers of idols to triumph over you. Listen to Me, O Jacob, and Israel, My called ones: I am He; I am the First and I am also the Last. Yes, My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, my right hand has spread out the heavens; when I call to them they stand forth to execute My decrees.” EXODUS 34.12-17 “Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you. But you shall destroy their alters dash in pieces their pillars, obelisks, images and cut down their Asherim, symbols of the goddess Asherah. For you shall worship no other God; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous impassioned God. Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and when they play the harlot after their gods and one invites you to eat of his food sacrifices to idols And you take of their daughters for your sons and their daughters play the harlot after their gods and make your sons play the harlot after their gods. You shall not make for yourselves no molten gods.’ HOSEA 6.1-2 “Come let us return to the Lord for he has torn so that He may heal us; He has stricken us so that He may bind us up. After two days He will revive us, quicken us, give us life; on the third day He will raise us up so that we may live before him.” (Amplified) 21 22 PRAYER OF REPENTANCE FOR VOODOO and FOLK VOODOO Father, we come to You as the Creator and Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Tsur, our Rock, our Fortress and Shield our God in Whom we place our trust. This day Father we are returning to You in the Name and through the Blood of our Precious Saviour, the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Your Son whom You have appointed Heir and Lawful Owner of all things, who is seated at Your Right Hand with You in Heaven. Father, we come to You to repent and turn away from the sins of idolatry, voodoo and witchcraft and we ask You True Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Yahweh, to guide us and strengthen us as we pray. We stand in the gap for our families and bloodlines. We ask You for a Sovereign shield of protection as we pray, over us individually, over our families, our pets, our homes, land possession, finances. We petition You and ask You True Lord Jesus that You will counter-petition against any form of backlash from Satan, any fallen angels or carrier of fallen angels from the North, South, East, West, NE. NW. SE. SW, above or below. Father we ask that You will place a hedge of Your protection and that You will be to us as a Wall of Fire around us according to Your Word in Zechariah 2.5. True Lord Jesus, please surround us our loved ones, pets and homes additionally with a protection Circle of Your Blood over which no fallen angels, witchcraft human spirit, dead human spirit, astral projection or dissociated human spirit can cross over. We ask Lord Jesus that You would have a special assignment of warring angels, to come and remove all witchcraft trafficking in the spirit and in the natural. True Lord Jesus, please bind: ! every fallen angel, ! every witchcraft human spirit and ! all astral projections … making them deaf dumb, blind, stripped of all power, ranking, authority, illusions and armour. We ask that You have Your warrior angels strip every witch and powers of all covens of: ! their psychic powers, ! demonic, 22 23 ! occult, ! divinatory and, ! Tele-transportation powers. Please strip them of their: ! ! ! ! ! ! magic charms, nets, bags, veils, psychic vision and powers of divination. Please have all their powers and devices and monitoring devices destroyed and pull down every witch watch tower situated in the N.S.E.W. Seal with Your Precious Blood Lord Jesus: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! every point of entrance, internally and externally, every cardinal point, door, gate, portal, portron, window, tube, pipe, channel, underground system, underwater system, all assignments sent from the sea and under the sea, space, the sun, moon stars or planets … to fallen angels and their agents and their covens. Lord Jesus, please place a blocking seal of Your Blood over all astral projections sent against us and return them to those that send them out with the blessing of the revelation of who You really are and of the plans You have for their salvation and that there is no blessing to be found in witchcraft foolishness. Father, in the Name of True Lord Jesus, and by the Power of His Blood, the work of the cross and His resurrection, we rebuke: ! Satan and all fallen angels, ! evil spirits, 23 24 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! demonic forces, Satanic powers, principalities, attributes, aspects, clusters, endowments, evil agents and Satanic thrones; True Lord Jesus we ask You to bind and rebuke: ! all evil kings, and princes, ! Queens and princesses of terrors in all of their dimensions, ! all demonic assignments and functions of destruction from any demonic entities sent or projected from: o outer space, o aether, o the air, o water, o fire, o earth, o netherworld, o waters, o underwater, o under the earth, o the sea, o cities under the waters or sea, o the bowels of the earth o and through all evil forces of nature. True Lord Jesus, we ask You to rebuke every storm in the spirit and in the natural, all emotional storms that You do not allow. We call forth the Comforter, the True Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Hosts, the Holy warrior angels of God, to surround and protect us and that Your Holy Light, Father, will shine on every area of darkness. Cleanse with Your Holy Fire, every area vacated by the demonic and refill every cleansed place with Your Spirit Father, the True Spirit of Yahweh. We ask You True Holy Spirit to saturate our minds, heart, soul, mind, will emotions and spirit, creating a hunger in us for righteousness, holiness, justice, harmony, and for Your Word. Fill us, our families and homes to overflowing with the life and Love of our Lord True Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Gentle Shepherd. 24 25 Father Your Word says in 11 Chronicles 7.14, that if we humble ourselves and pray, seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. Father, forgive us for being hearers of Your Word and not doers. The Ten Commandments which You wrote with Your own Finger and gave to Moses are so clear as to how we should live. Your Words in Deuteronomy 26-28 are also so very clear - there are consequences for disobedience. Deuteronomy 27:15 “cursed is the man who makes a graven or molten image, an abomination to the Lord, the work of the hands of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret.” Yet everywhere we look there are graven images made by the work of our hands. Your Word is also very clear that if we are obedient there will be blessings, amazing blessings. Deuteronomy 28: That you will set us high above all the nations, You will cause our enemies to be defeated before our face. You will command a blessing upon us in our storehouse, be and in all we undertake. You will establish us as a Holy people. If we keep Your commandments and walk in Your ways. Father, please forgive us for being such stiff necked people who want to continually “do it our way.” Forgive us for not heeding or obeying Your Commandments, for continually making idols, even secret idols in our hearts and bowing down to them, for turning away from You, the only True Creator Father of all there is. How can we be so full of pride to think that our ways are better than Your ways. Father, please, please forgive us. Forgive us, Father, through: ! ! ! ! ! our idolatry, our harlotry, our household idols, religious idols, the idols made to and of other gods, goddesses … through which we have opened doors to the occult, voodoo, witchcraft and have brought ourselves under the ‘curse’ of Deuteronomy 27:15. Forgive us, Father, for not understanding what we have done and then turned round and blamed You when everything when wrong. 25 26 Thank You for having so much patience with us, for telling us over and over again in Your word the consequences of our actions, for warning us time and time again through Your prophets, yet we still have chosen to not hear and go our own way. Thank you True Lord Jesus for coming and paying the price so that we could be set free. Forgive us, Father: ! for coming under the influence of other gods and goddesses, ! for allowing ourselves to come under the influence of Satan/ Lucifer/ Heylel the false light bringer, ! his fallen angels, ! demons and ! evil spiritual powers and ! principalities and ! forces of darkness, ! the illusions of satanic witchcraft and ! for being so deceived. Forgive us, Father: ! for eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, blessing and calamity, ! for opening the door and allowing the serpent to activate Kundalini serpent fire, ! for allowing occult power to enter through our senses and to flow through our bodies, ! to control us and become channels for Lucifer. We just want to say we are so sorry Father, we repent and ask You to forgive us for not heeding Your very first Commandment not to eat of the tree, or we would die. Forgive us, Father, that in that first act of rebellion we opened ourselves to witchcraft and gave the serpent an opening, choosing to obey the will of the creation rather that the will of the Creator. Your word says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Father, forgive us for: ! allowing our souls, our minds, wills and emotions to be used by Satan, ! for using the power of our souls to control, manipulate and dominate others, ! creating structures to control others and ! regimes that tyrannize nations. 26 27 Forgive us for allowing the power of the serpent: to give us master/slave mentalities, to fill us with pride, arrogance, greed and lust, for hurting, and abusing each other, not seeing each other as equal and all your children no matter what colour, race or creed and ! for not loving one another. ! ! ! ! Forgive us True Lord Jesus for not understanding the full nature of the price that You paid, that as You laid down Your life, it was the supreme act of love for us. Father, we now turn from those wicked ways and we truly repent and ask You to forgive us. True Lord Jesus, to teach us to live and be like You, to be kind and patient slow to anger, gentle yet wise. We turn our backs on: ! ! ! ! the serpent and all soulish serpent power, all worship of the serpent, giftings of the serpent … and we ask You Father that You will deliver us, cleanse us with the Precious Blood of True Jesus. Close and seal forever, every the entrance made by the serpent in the Garden into our lives and bloodlines. Cleanse every internal channel in our bodies and soak with the Rain of Your Spirit all false Kundalini/serpent fire and light that burns within us or that has been activated in us. Let the internal Fire of Your Spirit consume the internal serpent’s fire of pharaoh, just as You did with Moses and Aaron. Father, will You destroy all un-Godly: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Generational, spiritual and natural seed, latent seed familiar spirits, Loas,/Lwas, Obs, witchcraft familiars, alI unclean and clan spirits of the serpent that has dwelt within us or our families, 27 28 Sweep us and our families clean with Your broom of destruction internally and externally and make us pleasing vessels for Your Spirit. Forgive us for: ! looking at Satan, the serpent ! for allowing his illusions to deceive us. Forgive us for being fascinated by the tree that You had already warned us would only kill us and for all tree worship still being done even until this day. Forgive us, Father: ! for allowing our eye gates to be opened by power of the serpent and allowing him to blur our vision, ! to see everything through his filtering veils of lies, ! to pervert our capacity to see, ! for allowing him to control our inner vision and ! to blind us to the truth. Father, we repent for allowing our inner imagery to be used by Satan to control and harness our creativity and turn the work of our hands into idolatry. Father, forgive us for defiling our God-given creativity, for making idols, molten and graven images which Your Word says are an abomination in Your sight. We repent for not understanding and: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! making pagan symbols and images, taking them into our homes and churches, blessing them and calling them Holy, for ‘Christianizing’ pagan idols, altars, foundations, customs, festivals, interior deign and imagery and Thinking it would be pleasing in Your sight, when Your Word so clearly states that they are abominations and that we should pull them down and not be contaminated by them. EYE GATES: ! Father, we just repent and ask You to forgive us for opening our eye gates to the powers and lust of the serpent, ! wash our eyes, ! our retinas, 28 29 ! ! ! ! ! our eyeballs, ocular nerves and muscles and all our brain optic faculties, tracts and pathways … with the Precious Blood of True Jesus. Restore to us clear vision, internally, spiritually and in the natural so that we can discern what is right and what is wrong, so we cannot be deceived any more. We ask You Father to disconnect our eyes from: ! all witchcraft and ! the soul power of the ‘evil, judging or knowing eye.’ We ask You Father to break, reverse and destroy the power of all: ! ! ! ! ! curses and inheritances of blindness, demons of blindness, the inability to see, eye diseases, break every assignment and inheritance of demonic seals and all witchcraft that has been placed over our eyes. Set us free Father to have restored vision in Jesus Name to be able to see clearly Your redemptive potential in all things. Father will You now cover and seal our eye gates with the Blood of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth so that the enemy cannot access them any more. EAR GATES: Forgive us Father for: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! listening to the voice of the serpent for giving him access to our ear gates, for allowing him to contaminate our capacity to hear, pollute our sound waves, to hook us into listening to his seductive music, the beat of his drums, his voices and the voices of his fallen angels and their carriers. Forgive us Father for: ! not stopping to listen to Your voice Father for guidance ! for preferring the voice of our own judgments and knowledge. 29 30 Forgive us for preferring to listen to the voices of Satan and his servant’s broadcasts through the media, for getting so lost and making such a mess in the process. Forgive us for allowing our ears to be contaminated by: ! ! ! ! ! gossip, slander, maliciousness and witchcraft even preferring them to be ‘tickled’ Rather than listening to the Truth of Your Word. Father, forgive us for replaying the words and sounds of the enemy and his agents internally and allowing him access to fill us with: ! ! ! ! anger, rage, bitterness and unforgiveness. Father we repent and ask You to forgive us and wash out: ! ! ! ! our ears and all our auditory canals, pathways and mechanisms … with the Precious Blood of Jesus. Restore our capacity to hear clearly Your still small voice telling us which way to go. Help us Father to turn our ears away from all defilement to choose: ! ! ! ! not to listen to gossip, to bad reports any more, to not allow our ears to be defiled by soul power witchcraft, to be able to discern clearly the voices and sounds of the enemy of our soul, so that we are not deceived or seduced any more. Father we ask You in the Name of Jesus to break, reverse and destroy: ! ! ! ! ! ! the powers of all curses, all inheritances of deafness, ear deformities, ear disease, demons of the ear, restore our capacity to hear so that we can understand and hear the truth. 30 31 Father will You now: ! cover our ear gates with the Blood of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth and break every demonic seal that has been placed over our ears, ! our auditory pathways and ! seal our ear gates ! with the Blood of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth so that the enemy cannot access them anymore. MOUTH GATES: Forgive us Father for: ! ! ! ! ! opening up our mouth gates and allowing the serpent access to our inner man, for tasting his fruit, ingesting his seed, and Preferring it to Yours. Forgive us Father for being rebellious and eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus allowing witchcraft to access to our flesh to defile and pollute us internally and externally, to produce death in us. Forgive us Father for giving Satan and his servants the legal right to access our inner most parts, our heart and vital organs, to cause sickness and disease. Forgive us for: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! opening up our bodies in this act for allowing familiar spirits, fallen angels a ‘house’ in which to dwell, thus be able to ‘channel through us’ control, ride and use us to control, hurt, and manipulate others through witchcraft soul power. Father we repent for not understanding that we can so easily open ourselves up to being defiled and even demonized through wrong sexual practices. Forgive us for not understanding that our bodies are in fact temples of the Holy Spirit and that we should keep them Holy, well maintained and healthy. Forgive us for imbibing / taking in: ! drugs, ! alcohol, 31 32 ! ! ! ! poisons, false medications, for eating wrong foods which cause us to be ill, for being lazy not exercising and looking after the precious container that You have created for Your spirit. Father we just repent and we ask You to wash us clean from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet, internally and externally with the Precious Blood of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth from: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! all serpent soul power, seeds, Satanic implants, pins, threads, crystals and anything that has been placed in our physical bodies to make us puppets for Satan’s and his servants system. Father we ask that You will wash out every organ, function, system, channel, tube, pipe, every cell, bones, and marrow. Wash out our: ! ! ! ! brain, nerves, all cellular connections and veins … with the Precious Blood of Jesus. We ask You Father in the Name of Jesus to flush out: ! ! ! ! every spiritual and natural bug, parasite, virus, bad bacteria … that does not come from You, to make us clean, whole, well, strong and completely Shalom, whole. We ask You Father to reverse, break and destroy the power of every witchcraft and inherited curse that has affected our: ! ! ! ! ! ! bodies, souls, or spirits, our minds will or emotions, 32 33 ! curses that have seeped into our bones like oil ! curses that have followed us generation after generation. Father we repent for allowing our mouths to be used by Satan to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! slander, gossip, to speak badly about others, to tell lies, to curse, blaspheme, verbally abuse, control, manipulate or dominate with the soul power, serpent power of our tongues. Father we repent for allowing our tongues to be instruments of fire to, burn, brand and lash and tear others down emotionally. We repent for allowing our members – our hands, feet, minds, will and emotions to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! hurt, injure, torture, steal, to abort babies and murder others, for allowing witchcraft to operate in our hearts making us become so cold and hard that we do not feel anything anymore, even when we cause one another pain. Father, forgive us for abusing each others bodies but especially our children. Father, forgive us for: ! programming our children into witchcraft, ! for killing the temples of our babies through o abortion, o partial birth abortion and o Satanic rituals. Forgive us Father for: ! ! ! ! sexually defiling one another, for rape, incest, sodomy, 33 34 ! ! ! ! homosexuality, lesbianism, sadism for allowing demonic sexually transmitted diseases to ravage our bodies. Father forgive us for allowing our bodies to be the instruments of abuse to the animals that you gave us to be our friends, for hurting them so badly even when they trust us so much. ! We just repent Father and ask You to forgive us. Your plan was that we should love one another, ! look after one another, ! be kind to one another, ! to look after the animals and ! just look what a mess we have made. Please, please forgive us, Father. Help us to undo every wrong thought, practice and deed. We need You so much Holy Spirit to come and begin to retrain us, reprogram us, teach us once again Your ways Father so that Your will can be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. We ask You Father to: ! break destroy and reverse every curse that has affected our physical bodies, that has caused inherited genetic malformations, ! heal every wound in the spirit and in the natural, ! break the power of all witchcraft paralysis over our bodies and minds, ! all witchcraft control over our vital organs, our will and emotions. We ask You Father to, breathe Your healing breath over our hearts and melt away the coldness and revive us to be who You created us to be in the Name of the True Jesus we ask. We ask You to break every demonic seal that has been placed over our: ! organs, ! bodies, ! our skin, ! our brain ! or any part of us internally and externally. Release us from all witchcraft controls and break the power of all generational and mind control programming in Jesus Name. Father we now ask that You will close and seal with the Blood of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth every gate to Satan and his servants so that they cannot access our bodies any more. 34 35 NOSE GATES: Father, forgive us: ! for allowing our nose gates to be opened up to Satan and his servants ! for allowing serpent soul power to channel through our nostrils, ! for allowing ourselves to be seduced by his aromas and perfumes. Forgive us Father for: all witchcraft breathing in of smoke, drugs, vapours and ‘ other spirits’ for allowing them to traffic through our orifices, for allowing toxic inhalations to confuse, disorientate, and delude our minds and ! give us false visions, false words and ! turn us into false prophets. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Father forgive us for the witchcraft practice of ’sniffing out’ for using our noses as instruments of divination. Father forgive us for not being clean channels and allowing our ’airways’ to be so defiled. We repent Father and ask You to breath into us once again and cleanse our noses, our windpipes, our lungs with the Blood of True Jesus. Cleanse the Limbic memory systems of our brains which can be activated by smell and disconnect our noses from every: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! witchcraft smell, scent, scheme, plan, seduction, lure temptation … in the Name of the True Lord Jesus. Father we ask You the break the power of all demonic seals that have been placed over our noses and release us to be able to breathe freely. Father we ask You to now close and seal our noses with the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy cannot access our noses any more. 35 36 SEXUAL GATES Father Forgive us for allowing our sexual gates, our God given organs of procreation and reproduction to be accessed by the witchcraft of Satan and his servants. Forgive us Father for: ! all inherited generational sexual iniquity, ! for defiling and giving away so freely the most precious gift of our virginity, ! for not understanding the consequences of what we were doing when we participate in ungodly sex and ! the ungodly soul ties that we were forming. Father forgive us for all sexual consequences as a result of generational fertility rites, for all the illegitimate children that were born as a consequence of them and the abortions and abandonment of babies that happened as a result. Father forgive us for: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! all generational incest, satanic sexual rites, witchcraft sexual initiations, sexual perversions, all ungodly sexual practices and perversions, homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, pornography, child molestation. Father we just repent from the bottom of our hearts for behaving in the ways of our ancestors, and falling into even greater sin and the consequences of that sin. Father where we have been raped and sodomized through no fault of our own, we forgive those that have abused us and where we can’t because we are still so wounded, heal us Father and help us to walk on the road to true forgiveness. We ask True Lord Jesus to bind up and heal every wound in our bodies, souls, spirits and emotions, repair all the damage and make us whole again. Father where we have taken the gift of life in little babies so callously: ! where we have aborted them, ! even performing partial birth abortion on these precious gifts, 36 37 ! where we have been programmed generationally to offer our children as sacrifices to Satan and his servants, ! to dedicate them to the forces of darkness, ! to turn them into witches Please, please forgive us and open our eyes to see the incredible miracle of life that they really are. Your Word in Jeremiah 1 says that You knew each one of before we were formed in our mothers wombs. Help us Father to begin to live our lives with dignity, Holiness and honouring one another rather that abusing each other. SEXUAL VOODOO WITCHCRAFT Father we repent of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voodoo witchcraft sexual iniquity through our own choices and inherited sins, all sexual depravity, perversion, uncleanness, bestiality, sodomy, unnatural sexual practices, lesbianism, all defilement, control, manipulation and domination, all sexual torture, masochism, slavery and debasement. We ask You to forgive us and, break, destroy and reverse the power, of all curses over our: ! ! ! ! ! ! genitals, wombs, seed, our urethra or anus, all parts of our reproductive organs generations 37 38 ! waste disposal (bowels)3 ! physical bodies … in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father we ask You to destroy every demonic seal that has been placed over our genitals and set us free in Jesus Name. We fire every gatekeeper assigned over our genitals in Jesus Name! Father we now ask that the gates of our genitals will be closed and sealed with the Blood of Jesus and that the enemy cannot have access to them any more. INNER GATES Father forgive us for opening up our inner gates, the parts we don’t even know are there our: ! ! ! ! ! conscious, sub conscious, the subliminal parts of our minds, wills and emotions … to Satan and his servants, through: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! sexual sins, books, imagery, folk tales, the media, arts etc. We repent Father for allowing ourselves to be deceived through: ! ! ! ! soulish prayers, inner visions from our souls, soulish mediations, and searching into spiritual realms that have not been ordained by You. Father forgive us for opening up doors to the occult through: ! curiosity, ! Eastern mysticism, 3 "In"Freemasonry"there"is"a"curse"of"cancer"that"forms"in"the"bowels"called"a" Filthy.Lump."When"someone"is"sodomized,"demons"enter"the"bowels.""The" god"Set"is"the"god.of"Filth."The"occultists"believe"that"the"anus"is"the"entrance" to"the"backside"of"the"tree"of"knowledge" 38 39 ! ! ! ! Yoga. mysticism, and Gnostic belief systems and for allowing our minds to be mislead away from Your word. Help us Father to understand that Your Word is the real Truth and all else is an illusion from the enemy and his agents. We now ask You Father to redeem our subconscious, subliminal and unconscious minds, disconnect them from all witchcraft control systems and programming and set us free and help us to do your will here on earth as it is in Heaven. Father we repent for allowing Satan and his servants to have so much access to us and we ask You to break every demonic seal over our minds and set us free in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We now ask that the Blood of Jesus will close and seal all gates to our subconscious, subliminal, and conscious minds and that the enemy cannot have access to our minds any more by day or night through our dreams. VOODOO POWERS Father we now come to You, in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth to ask that You will release us and our families from all generational bondage and powers of familiar spirits through the soul power of witchcraft and Voodoo the ancient religion of Africa. Release us and deliver us from the powers of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Root witchcraft, Carribean Voodoo, African Voodoo, Haitian Voodoo, Black Voodoo, Cuban Palo Voodoo, American -New Orleans, Voodoo, Santeria , Pocomania, Macumba/ Qiimbanda, Umbanda, Santeria, Candomble, Lemba, Hoodoo, Omoloko, Kumana, Obeah, 39 40 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Orisha Congo, Umbada, La Regla de Ocha, La Regla Lucum or Orisha, Abacua, European, Eastern Voodoo and any other Voodoo that is not mention. Father in the Name of the True Jesus we repent of all involvement in: ! ! ! ! ! ! Voodoo, witchcraft, sorcery, divination or conjuration, false prophecy, black or white magic, … that we or any members of my family have been involved in the present or past generations. Forgive us Lord where: ! I have innocently or ignorantly gone to or have taken someone else to a root worker (witch), ! where we have ‘dabbled’ in voodoo witchcraft and divination even as children through: o ‘folk’ stories, o children’s games, o adult games, o cultural rituals and events, o cartoons, o videos, o toys o etc. We repent and ask You to forgive us and set us free. I loose myself and my family from ancestral and bloodline curses and ruling Loas/ familiar spirits that have: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! “ridden’ us, dwelt in us or controlled us or our families, family bloodlines and even our pets, finances due to us dealing with the occult, voodoo, witchcraft, or 40 41 ! sorcery. We repent Father for all involvement in the occult and ask You to forgive us, deliver us and set us free in the Name of the True Jesus. In the Name of the True Jesus we rebuke all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! spells, hexes, curses, voodoo practices, witchcraft enchantments, satanic rituals, incantations, evil wishes and fasting prayers … that were not from You Father that we have participated in or that have been sent our way or passed down the generational bloodline. We take authority over them and command them to go back to where they came from and that they be replaced with a blessing. I ask You True Lord Jesus to set us free from all evil spirits including: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lwas, ancestors, or dead human spirits, spirits of gods or goddesses, spirits of strongmen and women that have sat over us our families, to whom we have been offered up to or dedicated to as infants, even through our names, that have placed us on the left hand path of demonic bondage. Father we ask You to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! break the power of all evil dedications, wash our names, family names, Christian names, middle names and surnames, ‘secret names and even ‘nicknames’ … clean with the Blood of True Jesus. Father we ask You to destroy the power of and reverse every curse and evil dedication over us and our names. Redeem us and our names and set us on Your path of freedom, of the Right Hand Path of our Father. 41 42 Father we ask that You will break the power of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! Voodoo Gris- Gris, Grou- Grou, Ju-Ju, Jou-Jou, love spells the powers of bewitchment being released against us by evil practitioners or that we have even invoked over our own lives through ignorance … that have kept us in generational, spiritual, mental or physical bondage. We petition that You will break the power, legal rights and all demonic seals of the strongman of Gris-Gris or Grigri, and deliver us in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father, we petition against all powers of sorcerers and sorceresses using Gris-Gris, of them putting Gris-Gris on us or our families or pets to bring bad luck or misfortune to us. We ask you to neutalise completely the powers of all their voodoo objects: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! dolls, poppets, stick pins, charms, fetishes, stones, bones, hair, pieces of cloth, oils, herbs, nails, animal and human parts, their bottles and Mojo or Toby bags, spirit boxes and cages, power objects called pwen, voodoo candle burning, voodoo fires, dream books, number books, conjure balls, voodoo balloons, tricks, the curses of candles burning to the dead, and voodoo rosary prayers. 42 43 We petition that the Blood of the True Jesus would cancel out that all their powers and effects and that they would now loose all control over us, our families pets, homes, our possessions and finances. Father where these or any parts of: ! ! ! ! our physical bodies, our pets, our clothing or possessions … have been physically stolen by day or by night or stolen by astral projection – even using our dreams. Where these sorcerers or sorceresses have used these items in rituals and placed them on satanic altars containing the four elements of: ! ! ! ! earth/salt, air/ incense, water and fire/candle flame, We ask that You will redeem them back to us and break the power of all voodoo curses that have settled on or in us as a consequence, in the Name of True Jesus. We ask You to break the power of: ! all Gris-Gris (Voodoo Mischief) ! voodoo numbers 1, 3, 5,7, 9 or 13 especially the occult powers of the number 13, ! all astrological meanings, ! cords, ! pulleys and ! connections especially those placed over us at birth to connect us to the sun, moon stars and planets or to any spirit. Father we petition that You will utterly: ! destroy the powers of all Gris-Gris false prophecy and its powers to compel us to gamble, ! neutralize the powers of gris-gris gamblers, ! gambling, ! their red flannel bags containing lodestones or magnets that would pull us in to gambling, ! the power of voodoo magnets that would pull us into things not of You, ! voodoo shark’s teeth, ! pine tree sap ! dove’s blood or 43 44 ! of voodoo practitioners to put charms in or over our shoes to make us walk in their ways or into their traps. We ask You the break the powers of all Voodoo to bring uncomfortable good luck and destructive bad luck. Father we ask You to destroy the powers of all: ! Gris-Gris bags - Resquardos or Garde ‘protectors’ and imprisonment in them4. ! Of voodoo ‘protection and protectors’ and their agents, ! of the Leve Nom ritual taking magical names. We petition against all powers of all the Voodoo gods and goddesses who are assigned and who control the ‘protectors’. We petition against the powers of their: herbs, spices, brown sugar, aloes, stones and other sacred relics tied up in red or black velvet and stitched with red thread, Paquets - Congo, ! the powers of all voodoo ‘stitch witchery’ embroidery and ! the powers of voodoo sequins and beads. ! ! ! ! ! ! Father we ask You to undo all places where voodoo powers have ‘stitched up’ our bodies, family, possessions, money, inheritance. Father blow away all coverings and destroy all voodoo powers, assignments and inheritances that have been placed over us and our homes of: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4 Voodoo ‘goofer dust,’ Voodoo witchcraft gold and silver dust, Zombie dust, blessing dust, dream dust, graveyard dust, black dust, all Voodoo powders, all Voodoo ash, pollens, toxic air borne pollutants, all coverings of ’Cleopatra’s honey dust,‘ Mystic Brand Powders, "They"imprison"the"person"or"parts"of"the"person"or"an"image"of"the"person." 44 45 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Algiers powders, Break up, Circle of protection, and come to me powders, compelling powders, crossing, delight, day in court, crucible of courage, and drawing, powders. We ask You Father to blow away all and destroy the powers of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ground glass powders and dust, all exorcism, “follow me boy”, get away, healing, red rose, and ya-ya powders, all uncrossing, luck around business and stay at home powders voodoo sand. Wash us clean Father and set us free from all voodoo dust ash and powders and break the powers of all voodoo crosses and circles made with voodoo ash or dust and the witchcraft assigned to them that have been put around us or our homes or possessions or finances. Father where: ! ! ! ! Voodoo witchcraft dust, ground glass or other powders and sand … has been blown or ground into our eyes, causing them to be red, irritated and sore, will You wash our eyes clean and make them clear again. Where witchcraft dusts or powders and: ! voodoo pollutants have irritated our noses, ! caused allergies and ! asthma attacks Will You please destroy their powers, filter our air ways, heal us and set us free in the Name of the True Jesus. 45 46 Father where Voodoo dust has been placed in our food or been sprinkled over objects in, or over the things we buy or hidden in the clothing we wear, alert us Father in the spirit and sanctify them and cleanse them with the Blood of the True Jesus. Father we ask you to break the powers of all: ! ! ! ! Voodoo salt and red pepper and spices especially chilli in the food we eat, break the power of all Gris-Gris filled with gunpowder or red pepper thrown on us or at our doors or gates to make us fight one another or get us into fights. We petition against all effects of witchcraft dust and demonic dust mites and we ask You to set us free in the Name of the True Jesus. Father in the Name of the True Jesus we petition against: ! all powers, assignments and inheritances from Voodoo ‘Wangas’ or bad luck, ! against all coverings ! witchcraft bondage in wanga bags made of the shrouds of people dead for 9 days. We petition against all Gris-Gris and/or wangas placed or hidden in our possessions: o o o o o o o o in our homes, on our land, in our hand bags, placed under our pillows, or in our water, air, food or electricity supplies, We petition against all ‘death’ wangas designed to make us our or families or pets die. We ask You father to utterly destroy every Voodoo curse of death that we have: ! inherited, ! that has followed us, ! every death curse has been released against us that has entered our bones and has for generations caused o untimely death, o death to our physical bodies, o our families, 46 47 o o o o o marriages, dreams desires and finances and even our pets. Father we petition against all assignments and inheritances of or to be: Voodoo black or white witches: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Gurunfindas, Mayomberos, Mamas, Mambos, Queens - priestesses, Priests- Papas, Hougans, Kings, priests and priestesses of the Loa/Lwa, of or to be Voodoo initiators – ‘met tet’ – headmasters or to be adopted by them and beholden to them. We petition against: ! all evil contracts with them or ! evil brought, bought or sent and directed against us by them or their agents ! of assignments5 of their naked orgies, ! drugs, ! drinking, ! aphrodisiac incenses and ! voodoo tourism ‘tours’ to bring us to them. We petition that You will destroy the powers of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! voodoo Divino or Paploua- soothsayers, all Boko/Bokors - Herb doctors or sorcerers, Sevite Ghede priests concerned with the transition from life to death all Voodoo priestesses, homosexuals and lesbians. We petition that You will utterly destroy their powers, rituals, altars, structures and the powers of their bags and Guiro and all their contents. 5 "They"work"themselves"up"into"a"frenzy"–"psych"themselves"up"and"get" themselves"into"a"place"where"they"become"completely"possessed"–"at"the" pinnacle"of"the"ecstatic"peak"or"through"climatic"sexual"intercourse,"they"can" send"witchcraft"curses"against"the"person.""It"is"like"a"power"charge." 47 48 We petition against all powers and practitioners of: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voodoo doctors, voodoo healing, voodoo magic, the supernatural of voodoo, healing with herbs, faith healing, healing with the help of Lwas/Loas, voodoo used through western medicines voodoo water rituals. Father we ask You to set us free from all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voodoo powers through medicine and alternative therapies, healing crystals, through voodoo religious ceremonies, voodoo clairvoyance, fortune telling, laying on of hands, casting of spells, voodoo creation of spirit protections, of voodoo potions, creams, ointments, and perfumes, from all love spells death spells. We ask You Father to release us from all financial bondage, lack and sickness as a result of curses invoked by paying for voodoo practitioners or for their services. Father we ask You to set us free from the powers of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! Voodoo services, religious rites, ceremonies in Houmfors- the Voodoo temples, their peristyles, altars and the “poto mitan” their central pole, which represents the place where two worlds meet, down which the Loas descend during ceremonies, to possess the Hougan or Mambo. We ask You Father to destroy all powers and coverings of: ! Voodoo ‘Veves,’ ! Voodoo flags and banners; Break the power and control of all: ! ‘Veve’ language, and ! codes and 48 49 ! voodoo symbolism and ! prayers transmitted through them and ! through ‘Sequined Surfaces’(Voodoo art and banners). (origin of sequence is to reflect light – reflect back evil spirits – from India) Release us and our heart beats from the powers of all: ! Voodoo drumming, ! of every assignment and inheritance of or to be voodoo drummers, ! of or to be Voodoo ‘master of ceremonies’ Hougannnnikon, or Hounsi (voodoo serving ladies, hand maidens.) Father in the Name of the True Jesus, we petition against all curses and inheritances and powers that have affected us as a consequence of voodoo: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! child, human and animal sacrifices, of lives sacrificed to the Loas/ Lwas, the dead and ancestral spirits and the curses that have been released over our lives and families. In the Name of the True Jesus, we petition against every assignment, power and ritual of: ! Voodoo magic, ! sympathetic magic, ! black and white Satanism through – parishes, covens or regions of Hougan (priest) or Mambo’s (priestess) influence, ! of the powers of Voodoo, ! regional and territorial spirits. We ask You Father to break all powers of Voodoo Govi. These are small earthen bottles in which the ’gros-bon-ange‘ of dead ancestors (the big good angels which are the jarred souls of ancestors) are kept. We ask You Father to break all powers of any Voodoo practitioners to magically ‘jar ‘our souls in these Govi earthen vessels or in bottles. We ask You Father to release us and our souls / spirits and minds from the powers of Govi to be used in a Voodoo ritual to ‘witchcraft imprison ’or ‘ bottle’ us and keep us trapped in them: ! ! ! ! under water, under the powers of Voodoo water and underwater spirits and bound by the powers of ‘ water’ Voodoo. 49 50 We petition against every assignment of Voodoo Santeros black magic to boil us in their: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! cauldrons ‘paleros,’ ‘kettles’, ‘nganga,’ in ‘shells on their ‘palos’ sticks on their cauldron altars. Father protect us from all Voodoo ‘serviteurs’ - serious practitioners of Voodoo and from all their: ! ! ! ! ! powers, astral projections, rituals, spells and curses. We petition against the powers of and the sounds of their Ason - the magic rattles of Hougans or Mambos and of ‘taking the Ason ’ceremony the final initiation of being a Mambo or Hougan. Father we petition against every assignment of Kanzo, Sur Point and Asogwe - Voodoo initiation ceremonies and high level Voodoo secret services and societies, and underground movements. Father we ask You to break, destroy, neutralize and deliver us from all: ! ! ! ! ! powers, controls and legal rights of familiars spirits, Obs, Loas / Lwas ‘les Mysteries,’ ancestral spirits, spirits of death that have been in our families or bloodlines … and utterly destroy all witchcraft trafficking of them in our bloodlines as well as their trafficking over, around, beneath or above us. We petition Father against assignments and inheritances of the 3 major Voodoo levels of the divinity: 1. Gran Met - Grandfather or Grand Master, 2. The Lwas / Loas 3. The Dead. Loas (being dead) can cross social transgressions with impunity. They cannot be punished for they are dead so they take delight in unreasonable and shocking behaviour. 50 51 They use abusive, profane language, dance suggestively, and ‘cross dress’ for they represent both eroticism and death. In Santeria, it is taught that “we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, we are branches of our ancestors, we are a continuation of their DNA, we carry them in our bloodstream, where they nurture our bodies.” Father we petition against every assignment and inheritance of: ! ! ! ! Gagnin Loa, to be ‘taken by the Loa ‘- spirits that enter the head, to be possessed by them and against every family, class and nation of Loas. We petition Father against all assignments and inheritances of: ! Lwas/ Loas: o spirits of family members; o ancient familiar spirits, o recent familiar spirits, o Loas of the dead, o Rada – good Loas, o Petro- evil viscious Loas, o spirits of major forces of the universe - good, evil, reproduction, health, o all aspects of the daily life. ! Lwa/ Loas: that interact with the people of the earth. ! Lwas/Loas: o that ‘mount’ during religious ceremonies, o that return when invoked then go again o who give messages, o even cause good and bad things to happen. We ask You Father to cut us free and destroy the powers, all connections and cords of voodoo ‘twinning’ to be mounted or possessed by Lwas/ Loas twins or ancestral Loas / Lwas. Father, please cut us free from all voodoo forces of contradictions through twinning: ! ! ! ! good and evil, happy and sad, black and white etc. 51 52 We ask You Father to release us from the power of: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voodoo trance, trance witchcraft and trance dancing, of voodoo drugs, music, alcohol to open doors for Loas to’ mount us’ to take possession of us, to change our sexuality through mounting, to turn us into their ‘cheval’ or ‘horses, mountee,’ their slaves. Father, please destroy the powers and effects of the ‘white darkness of possession by the counterfeit light, the ‘angel of light.’ We petition against every assignment and inheritance of Loas / Lwas to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! possess our to bodies, to speak through our voices, of voodoo, witchcraft ’tongues, false tongues, glossa ’, voodoo false ‘Holy Spirits,’ voodoo hypnotic trances, voodoo jerking and falling down in the spirit, voodoo false anointings, false rhythmic worship, false laughing, false slaying in the spirit, false falling down, spirits of false ‘quickening’ in the spirit, false visions, false manifestations, false idolatry and imagery, false supernatural, false dancing in the spirit, false fire and burning sensations We ask You father to loose us and our family line from all false and counterfeit phenomena in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father we repent for having lost our discernment and for participating in and experiencing things which are is false and we ask You to forgive us and replace the false with the True gifts of the Spirit which You promise in Your Word. Father we ask that we only receive that which comes from You. Wash us clean Father from all ‘mixtures’ of: ! ! ! ! old voodoo, new voodoo, witchcraft spirits and all occult contaminated ‘christian’ and religious ways, 52 53 From this day forth let what we experience only that which comes from You Father, from You True Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and from You True Holy Spirit in worship, the True Trinity in our prayer, worship and in our quiet times. Teach us anew Father, how to discern between the true and the false. We ask Father that You remove from us and our bloodline: ! every evil Loa/Lwa ! every good and bad Loa/lLwa and ! Loas invoked to help us get a better life. Father we repent of all: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! invocations, prayers, gifts, sacrifices, money and blood even our children dedicated to them, given to them We ask You to set us free in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We petition against all powers and effects and curses released from the sacred knowledge of Lwas/Loas the “konesans,” will be broken and we ask You to deliver us and set us totally free from their powers in the Name and through the Blood of the True Jesus. We petition against every assignment and inheritance of Lwas/ Loas of: ! the dead, ! of soul’s of family members, ! souls of the ‘undead’ or ’ignored dead’ and of their tyranny and evil to follow, harass or torment us. We ask You Father to release warrior angels to remove them and take them to Your feet True Jesus. Father where we have voluntarily or involuntarily invoked a Loa/Lwas to ‘mount’ us, we petition that You will: ! remove them, ! break all their controlling powers and ! remove their controlling o reins, o bits, o bridles, o spurs, 53 54 o saddles and o whips that have kept us as their slaves and mounts even for generations, over our lives forever. Father where familiar trading, financial contracts and licenses have been made with or through: ! the buying and selling of Loas of noble lineage, ! familiar Loas, ! spirits where our bloodlines have been cross contaminated and possessed through, voodoo ’deals’ and marriages ! where our bloodlines have been o traded, o trafficked and o tied to ancient • deities, • forces, • voodoo/witchcraft knots, • cords, • ropes and • strings, • to account systems and • legal documentation … which have held us and our bloodlines in bondage and in captivity will You now: o cancel every contract, o revoke every license and title deed, o and every claim to our family trees. Replace them with Your Title Deed covered and sealed with the Blood of the True Jesus that states we and our families are now the seed of Abraham, children of Your Covenant, and set us free to be who You created us to be, in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father we petition against all assignments and inheritances of: ! Rada Voodoo – spirit family voodoo and happy peaceful Loas/ Lwas. ! Petro Voodoo – also called Congo Voodoo – Black Magic voodoo, the voodoo of ‘angry’ mean, nasty Loas/ Lwa, of their death curses, the making of Zombies and wild sexual orgies. ! Mason Loas and all Dessounin – DE-SOU-NIN, rituals for the recovery of the powers of the possessed of deceased Voodoo initiates, after the Lwas take their leave and of their Zins (cooking pots, cauldrons) , and of the ritual of ‘passing the hand through the flames’. 54 55 Father we ask You to release us from the Voodoo lie that humans have two spirits and a body, the root lie of Homosexuality. Deliver us Father from the powers of TI-BON- ANGE (the little good angel) and from GROS-BON-ANGE ( big good angel) and all voodoo soul power through invocation of angels, of voodoo angel imagery and fairy lore. . Father release us from the bondage of the lie of the FATALISM of Voodoo that we have no power, we are there to be controlled and ridden, to have to continually placate, feed, clothe and provide the spirits and voodoo masters and mistresses to give us ‘good luck’ provided that we will always be their slaves. Father we ask You to break the power of and cut us free from all: ! ! ! ! ! Voodoo binding, the witchcraft binding powers and mind binding powers and rituals of Voodoo Hougans / Papas- Priests, or Mambos/Mamas - Priestesses o of them to tie our hands or feet, o bind our minds, o wills or o any part of us. Father we ask You to utterly destroy every assignment of them in the spirit and in the natural of them: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! to ‘break - Brise‘ us, to break our bodies, our wills, our minds, emotions or our finances and turn us into whimpering, begging slaves. We petition against every power of them: ! to bind us or our image ritually at voodoo altars, ! of them to turn us into Defixiones which is to be paralyzed by binding, physically or mentally. In the Name of the True Jesus we cut ourselves loose from all voodoo cords, threads, webs, wool, strings, bandages etc. and break the control and conjurations of all voodoo priests and priestesses in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 55 56 VOODOO CROSSES: Father we ask You to forgive us for all inheritance and practices of Voodoo ‘cross working’ of the powers of Voodoo crossroad magic. ! We petition against every assignment and inheritances, conjurations and invocations at: ! Voodoo crosses, ! crossroads, ! of the rituals of the cross and the four cardinal points, ! of the cross being the connecting point between the terrestrial worlds and the underground and space in voodoo. Deliver us from the powers of all voodoo acts of healing and all acknowledgments made at the cross roads through Voodoo as the place where two worlds meet. Set us free Father from: ! all witchcraft and Voodoo “cross possession,’ ! from all witchcraft using the cross for conjuration, ! of the cross for calling demons, Loas/ Lwas for help. We ask You Father to deliver us from all powers of Voodoo crosses or cross marks being put on us. We repent and ask You to forgive us for wearing pagan idolatrous crosses and calling then ‘christian.’ We ask You Father to destroy the powers of voodoo crosses placed in our homes, before our gates, land, possessions, pets, crosses of deletion placed over our bank accounts, finances etc. We ask You Father to deliver us from: ! all spirits of confusion ! from the voodoo’ curse of the cross’ ! all powers of idolatry of the cross and cross magic We ask You to forgive us for: ! hurting You so much in our ignorance, ! for defiling the True work of the cross with idolatry and ! that You would deliver us and set us free from all voodoo powers and demons of the cross, … for the True work of the Cross of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth our Saviour was that the powers of darkness were totally defeated. 56 57 VOODOO HEAVEN: Father deliver us from the powers of ORUN: ! the Yoruban ‘heaven’ ! the counterfeit voodoo heaven ! from the lie that our departed soul crosses the ‘flame of purgatory’ to wait for purification before going to heaven. ! that our souls can reincarnate at least seven times depending on the particular ‘mission’ and ! that with the final reincarnation, the soul upon purification will become an eternal spirit and manifest it’s presence in human beings, as a spirit guide in the form of GHUEDE. Father we repent for worshiping the: ! ! ! ! ! ! Voodoo ‘False Jesus’ Lisa/ Mawu Lisa/ Marrassa, the false Christ of Good Hope - Gran Toro/Torolisa, the false baby Jesus and the false Orungan, the false Mary Yemaya/Erzulie, and any other false trinity. Father we repent for being deceived by ’christian’ imagery and for forming false Christian imagery and idols. We ask You to forgive us and set us free to worship the One and Only True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father we ask You to release us from all inheritances, powers, assignments, invocations, illusions, veils and deceptions of the voodoo gods and goddesses: ! BON DIEU or BONDYE: the supreme deity. ! GRAND MAITRE( GRAN MET) this is the ‘grand master’ and who is analogous to the Christian God. ! LEGBA, the old man who is the gatekeeper between two worlds - the world of earth and the spirit. Father we petition that You will destroy all powers of the lie that LEGBA is the origin of life, of the sun symbol of Legba, and of his phallus/ obelisk as the central pole symbol of regeneration. He holds the keys to the gate between the two worlds and is represented by the iconography of St. Peter! 57 58 ! KALFU/ CARREFOUR/KALFOU: (crossroads) the dangerous Petro (Loa) counterpart to Legba - the spirit of the night, origin of darkness, and of his symbol the moon. ! PAPA GHEDE/ GHUEDE the Lwa/ Loa of o o o o death, the comic, erotic ‘clown of death,’ the Lord of Eroticism.’ Deity of fresh water. The Loa Ghede are the ancestors who bridge the gap between ‘GUINEA’ Africa and the living of Haiti. Ghede’s names all end with LA CROIX – the cross, in honour of himself and Maman Bridget who both claim the souls of ancestors and turn them into Loa. He is ‘Lord of the Dead’ keeper of the cemetery, and is the primary contact with the dead. His symbol is a BLACK CROSS. ! MAMAN BRIGITTE : the Celtic/ Catholic Brigitte/ Cailleach, the Indian Kali. She represents money, black magic and ill-gotten fortune. She is ‘guardian of graves.’ ! DUMBALLAH : the father figure of voodoo, Father of the Loas/Lwas, ’the good snake.’ The god of peace and tranquility, all eggs made as a sacrifice to him. ! His wife AIDA-WEDO. ! AGWE: the ‘sovereign of the seas’ of Voodoo. ! OGOUN: the voodoo warrior, the violent ‘force of politics. ! ERZULIE : the earth ‘mother spirit’ of the goddess of love the Voodoo Venus, the voodoo Aphrodite, the voodoo ‘VIRGIN MARY’ ‘ virgin of voodoo initiates, the muse of beauty, personified as the snake/ serpent coiled upon itself, which lives in the water. o She is also known as God of water! o She is also the Celtic Brigit and her symbol is the CROSS. o She reclaims the souls of ancestors and make then into Loa. o o o o o o 58 59 o She is thus called GRAN BRIGITTE. She is known as: • • • • • ORISHAN YEMAYA, ORISHA OLOKIN, EZULIE FREDA DAHOMEY, MAITRESSE, GRAN or LA GRANDE ERZULIE (the grief stricken, crone / grandmother version) • ERZULIE DANTOR, ERZULIE ZE-ROUGE (red eyed and jealous) • ERZULIE TORO (bullish and butch like) • ERZULIE MAPIAN (louse –like biting) • ERZULIE LA BELLE VENUS, • ERZULIE SEVERINE BELLE – FEMME (my Fair Lady incarnation) • ERZULIE DOS-BAS (of the lower back, an Erzulie who is ’always on her back’) • LA SIRENE ERZULIE (mermaid), • LA BALEINE ERZULIE (the whale like Erzulie ) • The Siren and the Whale are both marine Loas. • ERZULIE SANTA BARBARA AFRICANA. ! SIMBI/ SIMBE/SIM’BI D”L”EAU: the Haitian Hermes, loa of fresh water and rain. ! VODUN: the god of Voodoo ! MARASSA or MAWU LISA: the divine Voodoo twins: MAWU –the moon Goddess. LISA –the sun god. Lisa is the voodoo Jesus. ! PAPA MARRASSA, MAMA MARASSA, MANGA MARASSA is the voodoo rulers of child birth! The Marassah have variations : o o o o Marassa, Marassah Bois, Marassah Bord-de Mer- Twins of the Seashore, Marrassah Guinin- the African Twins, and are Lwas/Loas of the Rada tradition (good Loas). They also represent birth and rebirth. ! BULUKU: god creator 59 60 ! MADEMOISELLE CHARLOTTE this is the voodoo ‘’white woman ‘ the European or Caucasian Loa. ! MAMI WATA: goddess of the sea, the ‘queen who lives in the waters’ – the Crocodile Person. ! GU: god ruling iron and smith-craft. ! SAKPATA: god who rules disease. ! AGOUE : the ‘shell of the sea,’ the ‘eel’ the ‘tadpole of the pond.’ Patron of fishermen and sailors. ! BARON CIMETETIER, BARON LA CROIX, BARON SAMEDI, the latter the most powerful of the Guede family. He controls the passage between the living and the dead, his symbols are the cross, coffin and phallus. ! OGOUN/OGU/OGORIN : the powerful warrior god OGOUN BABA is the military general aspect. Father there are many other gods and goddess which You know about, so we ask You in the Name of the True Jesus to deliver us and set us free from every voodoo spirit, god, goddess, known and unknown, from all their powers, assignments and generational and individual control, set us free in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father in the Name of the True Jesus we petition against all assignments and inheritances we received and we ask You to cast out all effects of African, Haitian, Black Voodoo and voodoo witchcraft from any other place – Europe, East, Far East, etc. We petition Father that You will break the powers of all voodoo witchcraft spirits of infirmity and disease that have entered us or our bloodlines as an effect of voodoo witchcraft and curses. We renounce: ! ! ! ! ! all household voodoo gods and goddesses, all spirits of death and false gifts, all voodoo prayers said with a rosary, all witchcraft scourges, whips, hooks and the use of cillus6 6 "Chain"that"the"Opus"Dei"wear"around"their"leg.""It"is"a"barbed"wire"bracelet" they"put"around"their"thigh."The"barbs"go"into"their"flesh"and"they"wear"it"the" whole"time"–"every"time"they"move"they’re"in"agony"–"Catholic"Church" witchcraft"voodoo"stuff." 60 61 We petition against and ask You to utterly neutralize: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! all voodoo ‘control spells’ double or triple strength control spells, Voodoo weight loss spells, Problem spells, addiction spells, do as I say spells, sex spells, bad habit and stop bad habit spells or spells bought and sold for a price … that are being used or sent against us. Father we ask You to destroy all powers of voodoo: ! witchcraft, rituals, spells, and, ! astral projections and, ! powers of voodoo demons. … sent through (mention each point in the three columns): Loas/ Lwas, spirits, Myster-re, govi, Hougans, drums, les morts, ruling spirits of Ogoun, St. Jacques, Legba, Ghede, Les Marassa, dancing, manga, laver tete, zombie, death rituals, fear, magic, baka, banda, assator, asson, acon, batterie maconnique, cambe, kembe, charge, the chromo of lazarus, old Legba, St. Ulrique, Agwe, St. Isdore, Azacca, Bline Gawd, charms, rosary, burning candles, psychic prayers, sorcery, divination, bibliomancy, false prophecy, false gifts, false dreams and visions, false praise, false holy dancing, false dancing in the spirit, false inherited gifts of the spirit, voodoo rocking back and forward, false burning in the Kembe, Pain, Batterie Maconnique, Cev AL Ch-wl, Gagnin Loa, Garde, Gran maitre, Reler, Baron Samedi, Nan Boublou, Erzulie, Erzulie Ge Rouge, Rada, Petro, Obatala, Paname, Ogoun baye, Ogoun Badagris, Ogoun Ferei, Ogoun Shango, Dadl, Loco Roi Nagao, Nago Piman, the fear of voodoo and voodoo priests and priestesses, Dr. Buzzard demons, 61 62 chauffer, chev, al-ch-wl, collie, dessounin, gagnin loa, garde, gran maitre, mambo, mange, mascarron, massissi, paquets, congo, reler, renvoyer, ramasser, saints used as a synonym for Loa, verser, wanga, confusion, crossed X, Papa Damballah, Mistress erzulie, jerking, twitching, spasms, shaking, loa Racine, Grand Bois, d-ilet, spirits of trees, roots, superstitions, maori, mwuetsi, morongo, Dahomey, nananbouclou, St. Patrick7 Damballah, stomach called the Holy Ghost, voodoo false tongues, voodoo veils over the eyes, false baptisms with fire, false voices, lust potions, voodoo poisons, voodoo sickness or giddiness, death spirits of voodoo, false preaching spirits, evil soul ties and evil soul mates, fetishes, idolatry, fire walking, creole curses, the curse of roots, love root voodoo, serpents, python, Li Grand Zombi, Magnum, love potions, Monsieur Agoussou, nine day tea, potions of any kind, powders and dust of any kind, voodoo mind control, occult mind control, love spells, beauty rock, conjurations, conjure balls, toby or hand Baka, Banda, Voodoo dance, Cama, the curse of seeking help from voodoo doctors and witchcraft workers and all assignments of and through voodoo icing/cakes, voodoo sugar / magic seals, mystic shields, magic stones and gems, black magic spells and powers, money talismans, voodoo food and spices cardinal point invocations, voodoo false signs and wonders, voodoo trance, voodoo drums, voodoo libations and invocations, of voodoo ‘saints – Santos,’ voodoo prophets and prophetesses, voodoo ‘Queens of Baptism,’ voodoo preachers, and churches, Voodoo ‘carnivals.’ 7 "They"took"the"Catholic"saints"and"they"put"one"of"their"occultic"laws"of"the" spirit"–"they"assigned"a"specific"spirit"called"St."Patrick.""The"slaveDtraders" insisted"that"the"slaves"be"of"the"same"faith"as"the"master"i.e."Roman"Catholic." A"lot"of"practices"happening"in"the"church"today"is"said"to"be"from"God,"but" there"is"actually"so"much"mixed"seed"and"we"need"to"discern"the"Truth"from" the"false"(voodoo)." 62 63 HOMOSEXUALISM AND LESBIANISM: Father we repent and ask You to forgive us for all homosexual and lesbian practices, and all ungodly sexual ways. We just repent so much for we did not understand the reasons. Thank You for now revealing them so that we can turn from our wicked ways and be set free. Forgive us Father for not understanding the reasons behind homosexuality and lesbianism caused by generational inheritances, involuntary and voluntary possession by witchcraft voodoo spirits - Loas/Lwas of different sexes ‘mounting’ us and turning us into their transsexual, cross-dressing, sexually perverted slaves. Forgive us Father for in fact becoming the slave (spirit) wives and husbands of Voodoo spirits, gods and goddesses. Father, forgive us for not understanding that homosexuality and lesbianism are in fact witchcraft. Forgive us Father for all ’cross dressing, cross possession’ of voodoo, for allowing our God-given feminine and masculine genders and giftings to be perverted by serpentine occult powers. Forgive us Father for allowing evil spirits of fallen angels to’ ride’ us ‘mount’ us and change our gender perceptions. Forgive us Father for the open acceptance of voodoo homosexuality and lesbianism and ‘Christianizing’ it and for not understanding that it is in fact ‘possession’ by Loas of Voodoo. We repent, Father, and petition against every assignment of Loa to turn us into ‘gay’ voodoo men or’ gay’ voodoo women. Release to us our real identities, our true sex as man and women, our God given sexuality, deliver us and allow us to be the people that You created us to be. Father, in the Name of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth we petition that You will deliver us and set us free from the ‘strongwoman’ Erzulie Freda Loa/Lwa patron of Homosexual men. We renounce and cut ourselves free from Erzulie Freda, the Loa, who manifests in the form of: ! ! ! ! ! a wealthy white woman, the promiscuous goddess of love love of luxury and ‘soft’ effemininity and of the powers of her Veve. 63 64 Father we ask You to deliver us and set us free from: ! the ‘strongwoman’ Erzulie Dantor, ! Loa/Lwa patron of Lesbian women ! ‘mistress of the house’ As well as from all her: ! ! ! ! fierce, strong female imagery, mannerisms, crudeness and ‘butchness’. Erzulie Dantor/ Ezili Dantho, manifests as: ! the dark avenging spirit, ! the black woman, ! the’ SAINT BARBARA AFRICANA’ who is heterosexual in that she has a child, ! the black Madonna and child of the Catholic church, ! the black Madonna, ! Kali, ! Cailleach, ! Frau Holle (Germany) and all her thousands of titles. We ask You Father to set us free from all assignments of her: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! tribal scarring, hooking and tattooing, her mechanisms of possession, her spells, her magical paquets, to speak with her stammering voice and false tongues, and of her seven stabs with her dagger, her cutting knives or of her to ‘tie us all up,’ making us vomit blood or of the powers of her Veve. Father we petition against her as the wife of the two Loa/Lwa: ! Ti-Jean Petro and ! the magical Lwa Simbi Makaya. Father we petition against all assignments of: ! ! ! ! ! voodoo homosexual or lesbian initiation, of voodoo ‘Dark mothers, ‘ Grandmothers,’ Marinn, Kanzo, 64 65 ! Mambos, ! priestesses who initiate ‘cross dressers, ! transsexuals.’ We petition against: ! all assignments that were given to these priestesses ! or to be one of them ! of them taking us into ‘seclusion’ in the djevo, secret inner chambers of the peri-styles - voodoo temples where initiates are secluded. We petition against all assignments of or to be: ! ! ! ! Voodoo initiating ‘godmothers or godfathers ‘ or of or to be their godchildren, all of their training and programming and mind control by them to wear the prescribed clothes of the opposite sex. Father, protect us from and destroy every assignment of: ! homosexual Hougans – initiating priests, and initiating lesbian mambospriestesses, ! of homosexual passwords, ! secret handshakes, ! images, ! signs and signals, ! specific and additional gestures, with which they recognize one another. Father we ask You to destroy all powers and witchcraft, through: ! homosexual dancing, ! dresses, and ! Rara bands. Father we petition that You would set us free from the powers of: ! Voodoo regimes: Nazi voodoo, Nazi voodoo homosexuality and lesbianism, and from the powers of all other Voodoo political regimes, past, present and future. ! Voodoo politics: (black power / white power, male female etc,) ! Voodoo economics: (Search for profit, yesterday and today. Market place greed and control.) ! Voodoo social structures: (the class war, slaves and proletarians, servants and masters) 65 66 ! Voodoo psychology: (rejection of the establishment by the slaves – exclusion or segregation, voodoo mind control techniques.) ! Voodoo culture: (a canal used by the masses to express identity which transcends the state of submission) Voodoo tourism and folk lore: (folklorising voodoo practice among tourists, re-enacting voodoo based stories- tales of ancestors, pagan, temples fairies, carnivals, Mardi Gras, fun fairs etc: inducing trance through drumming in voodoo music shows theatre, voodoo performers and street performers etc.) ! Voodoo entertainment: ‘horror’ movies, Zombie movies, (e.g. the latest American Survivor T.V. series.) Voodoo music and songs, voodoo practices in night clubs, (smoke machines, rave parties, trance dancing and drugs.) We petition all this in the Name of the True Lord Jesus of Nazareth who became a curse for us so that we can be set free! AMEN. 66 67 SCRIPTURES TO MEDITATE ON: Deuteronomy 27:15 One is cursed through one’s idolatry Deuteronomy 27:16 One is cursed for dishonouring parents Deuteronomy 27:17 One is cursed for dishonesty Deuteronomy 27:18 One is cursed who purposely gives false advice. Deuteronomy 27:19 One is cursed who dishonours his responsibility. Deuteronomy 27:20 One is cursed who commits incest Deuteronomy 27:21 One is cursed who commits bestiality. Deuteronomy 27:22 One is cursed who has sexual relations with his daughter. Deuteronomy 27:23 One is cursed who has sexual relations with his motherin –law Deuteronomy 27:24 One is cursed who murders Deuteronomy 27:25 One is cursed who accepts a bribe to kill Deuteronomy 27:26 all are cursed who do not uphold the word of the law by carrying them out Deuteronomy 28:15 Cursed is everyone who is disobedient with His Commandments. 67 68 Renouncing Voodoo, Santeria and Shango8 In the Name of Jesus Christ, I denounce all beliefs in Voodoo, Santeria, Palo Mayombe and Shango and denounce the Grand Master, Baron Samedi (death spirit), Tontons Maoutes, Ogun (iron and war), Erzulie (god of life), Damballah. I denounce all rada rites and petro (bloody) rites and hereby revoke and renounce all oaths, promises, obligations and legal rights I may have given for spirits to have entered me. I denounce the sect creed "Take care of the gods and they will take care of you." I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors going back to Adam for all ceremonies involved in the worship of the Grand Master, Baron Samedi (death spirit), Tontons Maoutes, Ogun (iron and war), Erzulie (god of life), Damballah. Also the ritual practice of witchcraft involving the use of snake skin, bird claws, bones, roots, incense, statues, candles, feathers, needles in representations of people and other paraphernalia and the practice of casting voodoo spells and magic and using voodoo positions to gain control over people, win lawsuits, hurt or curse people, win lawsuits or seduce people. Also the ritual sacrifice of animals, children and humans, including the trauma and terror involved, the use of chanting and ritual, torture, orgies, sexual ritual abuse, trances, calling in spirits, séances, and other abuse including rape with objects and crucifixes and the use of human skulls. I sever all soul ties (emotional, psychic, sexual, physical and mental) with any one I went to these rituals or ceremonies with, anyone who prayed with me or over me, all witch doctors, spiritists or mediums and with the Santeros (priests), "Papa Doc" Duvalier, Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, Walter Serge King, Chief Bab (babalawo) and all babalawos. I break all curses, death hexes and harassing spirits over myself, my family and all future generations from involvement of myself and/or my ancestors in Voodoo, Santeria, Palo Mayombe and Shango. I break all curses, death hexes and harassing spirits actively being placed on me, my family, my health, my relationships, my work, my finances now in the Name of Jesus Christ and send them back to the pit. AMEN! 8 "Taken"from"http://www.propheciesofrevelation.org/prayer15.php"" 68 WRAPPING-UP Prayer AFTER Deliverance (for the counsellor) Dear Heavenly FATHER, Thank You for the work being done here today. We pray against any whiplash, backlash, and judgment from the enemy in the Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We ask FATHER, that You will cut any un-Godly spirit/soul-ties formed in the spirit because of the deliverance that took place, also any transference that took place between their spirit, soul, and body to my spirit, soul and body. We plant the Cross of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) between myself and the counselee. Thank You that no transference will take place. We take Your Comprehensive Insurance for our families, relationships, and possessions. We ask that You will cleanse and purify this property and this room with the Blood of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) of Nazareth and Your Holy Fire, that no demon will attach itself to any object and all human and dead human spirits be removed by Your escort angels to the footstool of King Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). That all defilement be removed and swept away with Your Broom of destruction in Name of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). FATHER, we ask that You remove any watchdog and marker demons, that have been assigned by the kingdom of darkness to mark the property in the spirit for a counter attack through astral projection, to the Feet of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ). We also want to declare the Kingship of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus Christ) of Nazareth over this place and that all openings 4 are sealed off with Your Blood. AMEN! Remember to go before the FATHER and shower yourself with the Water of the Word. You may also want to perform a mikvah 5 (baptism), to symbolize a cleansing after deliverance. Remember too to enter into praise and worship and fill yourself with the FATHER’s Presence again. 4"Openings"include"telephone"and"fax"lines,"computers,"water"pipes"and" sewerage,"electricity"circuits,"WiRFi"networks. 5"For"addi9onal"study,"see"our"book"“J2F!Understanding!Water!BapEsm!And! The!BapEsm!Of!The!Holy!Spirit” In closing, after these curses have been dealt with and broken, it is very important to restore BLESSINGS ... we want to encourage fathers to take this calling seriously, and to begin BLESSING their families according to the Commandment of the LORD that the priests bless with the following blessing ... The Priestly Blessing ... Numbers 6:24-26 “24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” The Priestly Blessing ... Hebraic Translation1 "YHVH will kneel before you presenting gifts, and He will guard you with a hedge of protection, YHVH will illuminate the wholeness of His Being toward you, bringing order, and He will provide you with love, sustenance, and friendship, YHVH will lift up the wholeness of His Being and look upon you, and He will set in place all you need to be whole and complete." *Transla(on*by*Jeff*A.*Benner,*for*more*informa(on,*please*see*h9p:// www.ancient?hebrew.org/12_blessing.html* The Priestly Blessing1 `^r<ñm÷.v.yIw> hwhy ^k.÷rñ<b'y> and may he guard you the LORD may he bless you May the LORD2 bless you3 and keep you4 `&'Nñ<xuywI ^yl,ñae wyn"P' hwhy raey" and show you favor on you his face the LORD May he shine May the LORD make His face5 shine6 upon you and be gracious7 to you `~Alv' ^l. ~fey"w> ^ylñ,ae wyn"P' hwhy aF'yI peace for you and establish on you his face the LORD may he lift up May the LORD lift up8 his face to you and give you peace9 1 This blessing is (ritually) recited (by the kohanim) during synagogue services during Nesiat Kapayim ("the Raising of the Hands"), though it is also recited over children on Friday night before the start of the Shabbat meal or as a bedtime blessing. 2 The name YHVH (hwhy) represents God's attributes of love and mercy (~ymix]r:h; tD"m)i , in contradistiction to the name Elohim (~yhil{a)/ , which represents God's attribute of justice and power as our Creator. 3 hk'r"B. (b'rachah). Jewish tradition considers this both material and spiritual prosperity. Pirkei Avot 3:15 says, "If there is no flour, there is no Torah," by which is meant that material benefits are intended to help you pursue study of Torah. The first occurrence of the word "blessing" in the Scriptures pertains to pru urvu (Wbr>W WrP.), "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:22). 4 rm;v' (shamar): To guard, protect, heed, as in the exercise of diligent care. Only God has the power to secure the conferred blessing and keep it from turning sour or from fading away. 5 The word for "face" (~ynIP') is plural with the 3rd person singular ending. It is considered metaphorical since God is incorporeal. The plural form is thought by some to indicate God's revealed and hidden attributes in creation. 6 The hiphil verb (raey") comes from the word "light" (rAa), and is thought to refer to God's wisdom. "May God enlighten you" with His wisdom, i.e., the Divine Light that preceded the work of creation (Gen. 1:3). 7 May God grant you grace or favor (!xe), i.e., to understand the "breadth and length and height and depth" of God's love (Eph. 3:18). Grace refers to the bestowal of an undeserved gift. The blessing is bestowed even though unearned or unmerited. 8 Since one's face is an indication of the heart's attitude, Rashi says that this means God will suppress His anger by "looking at you" (if God is angry at you, He "turns His face away" and refuses to admit your presence). The "lifting of face" also pictures God lifting you up as a father might lift up his child in joy. The "showing of face" indicates spiritual intimacy. 9 All of the other blessings are useless without the establishment of inner peace, and therefore it is the seal of the blessing. Shalom (~Alv') is not simply the absence of strife, but a balance and harmony between the finite and infinite, the temporal and the eternal, the material and the spiritual realms. Shalom is a gift from Sar Shalom (~Alv' rf;), the Prince of Peace. Birkat Kohanim: Num. 6:24-26 www.hebrew4christians.com