beeline - Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance


beeline - Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance
DSAA spring 11-page one_Layout 1 27/04/2011 21:11 Page 1
Official Newsletter for the DORSET & SOMERSET AIR AMBULANCE
Spring 2011
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Saddle up for fun and Charity support
Welcome to the Spring edition of Beeline. I hope that by the time you read
this, we are still enjoying some fantastic weather. There’s no doubt that
nearly everything seems that little bit
easier when the sun is shining.
I say ‘nearly everything’ because, as
you will read within this newsletter,
when the sun is out and the temperature is 58 degrees, things take on a
whole different perspective.
I refer, of course, to our Paramedic
Mark Williams’ epic effort in the
Marathon des Sables.
Well done Mark on such a fantastic
effort and for helping to raise both
funds and awareness of our Charity.
It was quite a different weather problem for Ross, Adam, and John Lennon,
who recently set off on an epic cycle
ride from Bournemouth to Rome on our
Annette (see ‘Meet the Team’) and I
were thrilled to be asked to send them
off, along with many of their friends
and family (see also page 21).
The weather was awful. It was blowing
a gale and pouring with rain!
At least they had the hope of the good
weather to come. We wish them well
and will have a report in our next edition.
Recently, Nick Pearce (see ‘Meet the
Team’) and I acted as guinea pigs for
the Coast to Coast (C2C) ride which is
taking place on Sunday 19 June.
The event is designed to present those
participating with a meaninful challenge.
Well, we can testify that this is definitely the case.
I can happily report that, despite being
a ‘little weary’ at the end, we both enjoyed the route and can heartily recommend it.
You can find further information
and details of how to enter C2C on
WE are always on the look out for
new volunteers to help us, and there
are a thousand and one things you
could do.
It doesn’t matter how much or how
little time you can spare.
If you would like to help out in any
way, then please call us on 01823
669604 or email us at
pages 10 and 11.
On a final note, I wish to express my
gratitude to all those who support the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Throughout our newsletter, you will
find articles about you, our supporters;
giving donations, running events,
and sometimes just flying the flag.
It is the combined effort of all of you
which ensures we continue to deliver
our life-saving service.
Thank you.
Bill Sivewright
Chief Executive Officer
If you would like to make a comment
about our Beeline magazine
or if you have a story to tell us,
please contact: Tracy Bartram
on 01823 669604
or email Tracy at
How you can get in touch with us
Postal Address
Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance,
Landacre House,
Castle Road,
Chelston Business Park,
TA21 9JQ.
+44 (0) 1823 669604
The The Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance does not accept any liability
for the information contained in this newsletter, which has been produced by M2S Media, of Wellington, Tel - 01823 663146.
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Charity number: 1078685
Registered company number: 3893356
DSAA spring 11-page three_Layout 1 03/05/2011 09:14 Page 1
Coast to
in aid
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PEOPLE across Dorset and Somerset are
being asked to get on their bike to help
support the Air Ambulance.
We are staging a mass cycle ride from the
Somerset coast to the Dorset coast.
Riders of all ages and ability are entering
C2C, with some deciding they prefer to
finish after 13 miles in Bishops Lydeard,
near Taunton, while others want to complete the full 54-mile route.
The Coast 2 Coast (C2C) ride is happening on Sunday, June 19, and is part of National Bike Week.
C2C starts in the Somerset port of
Watchet, famous for inspiring the 18th
century poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge to
write The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
DSAA Chief Executive Officer Bill
Sivewright said: “We wanted to create an
event that would complement our annual
running and walking event at Trickey Warren in the Blackdown Hills each autumn,
and this seemed like a natural choice
given that we have a coastline in both
The fund-raising event will finish in West
Bay, near Bridport, the golden gateway to
Dorset’s Jurassic Coast World Heritage
“We also thought it would be nice to
offer something for cyclists to be able to
support us as well.
“C2C is both a test of stamina
and an opportunity to enjoy a
day out cycling through the beautiful villages and countryside that
Dorset and Somerset have to
“At the end, we hope that people will be that little bit fitter and
will have helped generate vital
funds for the Charity.”
Coast 2 Coast entry forms cost £10, or
£5 for riders under 16, and can be downloaded from the DSAA website at or are available by emailing or calling
01823 669604. Riders are being asked to
try to raise £50 in sponsorship from family
and friends.
Prizes are being given for the most sponsorship raised in three categories, which
are up to 11-years-old, 11 to 15 years,
adult, and teams of four.
Cycling shirts are being provided for the
first 200 riders by solicitors Porter Dodson. Return transport for all cyclists and
their bicycles is also available from West
Bay to Watchet.
Coast 2 Coast is also being supported by
The Bicycle Chain, building firm Pollard,
Bond Air Services, and The George Hotel,
West Bay, where a post-ride reception will
be held.
The C2C entry form
and more details are
on Pages 10 and 11.
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DSAA spring 11-page four_Layout 1 02/05/2011 20:46 Page 1
Ultimate fund-raising
feat for Mark
MANY congratulations go to Mark Williams (pictured), one
of our aircrew paramedics, who has returned home after
completing the six-day, 156-mile ultra-marathon known as
the Marathon des Sables.
The Marathon Des Sables has been described as one of the
world’s most extreme endurance events.
It is the equivalent of five-and-a-half regular marathons all
run in one of the most hostile environments on earth - the
Sahara Desert.
After his finishing time of 54 hours and 17 minutes, Mark
reflected for us on his remarkable achievement:
“I knew this was going to be hard, but I never imagined it
would be as mentally challenging as it was. Covering the
distance alone was a tall order, but we had to carry all our
own food, equipment, and supplies as well.
“The experience was obviously physically challenging, but I
couldn’t believe how mentally strong you need to be to com­
plete it.
“After two days of sandstorms, temperatures that reached
54 degrees centigrade, numerous blisters, and with an ex­
tremely low morale, I felt like giving up.
“We were lucky to be able to receive messages from family
and friends once we had finished each stage and it was
thanks to them I actually
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finished the event.
“Although, at one
point I suffered heat
exhaustion, the
biggest problem was
the condition of my
“I had a total of
nine blisters, and I
think I am about to
lose three toenails ­
but it was all worthwhile.
“After the event, the organisers said that this was the
hottest and longest Marathon des Sables ever, so it was nice
to be part of history in the making.
“It was an amazing experience which I will never forget, al­
though I might not do it again for a while!”
Mark would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Dorset Flapjacks
for providing him with ‘the best nutrition ever’ and Cotswold
Outdoor, in Bournemouth, for their clothing and shoes.
Mark is raising funds for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. You can congratulate him on his achievement and
donate online by visiting:
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Forthcoming events
BELOW are just some of the events taking place over
the next few months in aid of the Dorset and Somerset Air Amblance.
For a more detailed listing, please visit the events
page on our website:
Sun 15 May
n Music in Maytime classical concert,
Farrington Hall, Port Regis
Sat 21 – Sun 22 May
n Three Okefords Preservation Society Steam
Fayre, East Brook Farm, Shillingstone
Sat 28 – Sun 29 May
n Priddy Open Gardens, Priddy, Somerset
Mon 30 May
n Sherborne Castle Country Fair
Sat 4 June
n ‘Proms & Pimms’, Downside School Theatre,
Stratton on the Fosse
Sat 4 June
n Inter Pubs Clay Shoot, Purbeck Shooting Ground
Sat 11 June
n Air Ambulance Social Evening, Shaston Social
Club, Shaftesbury, 8 pm
Sun 19 June
n Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Coast 2 Coast
cycle ride, Watchet to West Bay (See Ps 10 & 11 for
Sat 18 – Sun 19 June
n BPPC Steam & Vehicle Show, Canford Park Arena
Mon 20 – Sun 26 June
n Bag a Bra, Castlepoint Shopping Park,
Sat 9 – Sun 10 July
n Taunton & Somerset Show, Taunton Racecourse
Sat 16 July
n Dorset Charity Horse & Dog Show, Homelands
Farm, Ringwood
Sun 17 July
n Poole Bay Classics, Classic Car Extravaganza,
Breamore House, near Fordingbridge
Sun 17 July
n President’s Charity Golf Day, Rushmore Golf
Club, Tollard Royal
Wed 27 July
n Dunster Country Fair
One day an elephant saw a hummingbird lying on its back
with its tiny feet up in the air. "What are you doing?" asked the elephant.
The hummingbird replied, "I heard that the sky might fall today, and so I am ready
to help hold it up, should it fall."
The elephant laughed cruelly. "Do you really think," he said, "that those tiny feet
could help hold up the sky?"
The hummingbird kept his feet up in the air, intent on his purpose, as he replied,
"Not alone. But each must do what he can. And this is what I can do.
Chinese Parable
Volunteer Jim is
making a difference
THE Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance rely enormously on the work of
the volunteers who support us.
It takes a very special person to give the
‘gift of time’, and we are always looking
for new people to join us.
Jim Burrows works as a DSAA volunteer
in and around the Yeovil area and is a familiar face to many of the locals in the
Jim was a lorry driver for 27 years with
Westlands Helicopters and saw many incidents during his time on the road.
“If only in the old days, we had Air Ambulances like we have today,” said Jim.
“It would have made such a difference.
That’s why I decided to help.
“I am lucky to have the support of my
DSAA volunteer Jim Burrows.
wife Wyn, who works as hard as I do
helping with any paperwork.
“We both feel very proud that we can help make a difference to such a
wonderful Charity.”
Charity manager Charlotte Routley said: “Jim is one of our long-serving
and reliable volunteers.
“He collects a large number of boxes for us in the Yeovil area and can always been relied on to step into the breach.”
If you could make a difference and become
a DSAA volunteer, please call
01823 669604 or email
Sunday 22nd May
Air Ambulance Benefit Day
Compton Abbas Airfield
Come and join us for a fund-raising day in aid of
the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Pick up your exclusive copy of the ‘Compton
Girls Calendar 2012’ and enjoy a chance to look
around and sit in some of the aircraft.
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DSAA spring 11-page six_Layout 1 03/05/2011 10:26 Page 1
A NEW high-speed sponsorship deal for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance has seen a winning start.
The Air Ambulance’s yellow Euro 135 helicopter is now spray
painted on both sides of a Ford Fiesta 1.6 Zetec S rally car built
to the new World Rally R2 regulations.
The rally car was built by brothers Tim and Steve Jones, of
Formula Cars Volvo, based near Wellington, Somerset.
They drove to victory in their class (cars up to 1600cc) on
their first outing - on the high speed test track at the Ministry
of Defence’s tank testing centre near Bovingdon, Dorset - just
two weeks after the car was completed.
Their next event is the European Rally Championship and Intercontinental Rally Challenge round in Ypres, Belgium, in
June, followed by World Rally Championship rounds in Germany, in August, and France, in September, as well as selected
events throughout the UK.
The brothers also hope to take their rally car to DSAA fundraising events across Dorset and Somerset.
Tim Jones said: “We wanted to support a worthwhile charity
and as we have both had first hand experience of seeing Air
Ambulances in action at various events, it was an obvious
choice for us to support our local service.”
DSAA communications manager Tracy Bartram said: “We are
thrilled that Tim and Steve have chosen to support us.
“It is fantastic publicity for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and it will help raise the awareness of the important
work that all Air Ambulances do nationally.
“We will follow their progress closely and are excited about
how the relationship will develop.”
l Our photograph shows Tim and Steve Jones competing in
their Ford Fiesta R2 rally car in Bovingdon, Dorset, with the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance emblazoned on its sides.
A Charity for
All Seasons
GARDEN and leisure store All Seasons, in Yeovil, has chosen the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance as its Charity of the Year
for 2011.
The official launch took place at the store, which is part of the
Garden and Leisure Group, with members of the public meeting the crew, staff, and volunteers of the Air Ambulance.
Children entered an Air Ambulance cartoon colouring competition to win a trip to the Charity’s airbase and a store voucher
worth £20.
Nick Pearce, DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator, said: “Everybody
involved at the charity is delighted that All Seasons have chosen to support us.
“We receive no direct funding from the Government or the
National Lottery, and so we rely entirely on the generosity of
the public for support.”
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Paul Butchers, All Seasons manager, commented: “Each of
Garden and Leisure Group’s seven other stores adopts a local
charity each year. Melbicks, in Birmingham, and Huntingdon, in
Cambridge, both support their local Air Ambulances, so helping
the DSAA seemed like the obvious choice for us.
“It costs £3,800 per day to keep the Air Ambulance flying, so
we are asking every single shopper to help out - no matter how
small their donation.”
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Insurance firm pilots
fund-raising cookbook
YOU may remember from the last edition of our magazine that we’re delighted to be receiving support this
year from rural insurance firm Cornish
In March, the company launched its
‘Come Together, Eat Together’ initiative
with TV presenter Anthea Turner (pictured, with Cornish Mutual managing
director Alan Goddard) to help raise
much-needed funds for the Air Ambulance.
The campaign, which aims to encourage people to enjoy a meal with their
family at least once a week, is now
moving into its next stage.
More than 50 recipes have already
been submitted to the website and some of
these favourite family dishes are currently being chosen for a charity cookbook to raise money for the DSAA.
The cookbook, which is now being
produced, will be on sale from May 19
and will be available to buy online, as
well as at the Royal Bath and West
A number of well-known local chefs
from Somerset and Dorset, including
Sam Moody and Lesley Waters, have al-
ready contributed their recipes to the
Melissa Ward, from Cornish Mutual,
said: “The Air Ambulance is such a fantastic cause and we want to raise as
much money as possible through putting together and selling this charity
cookbook - everyone can get involved
and help us do this.”
Why not go online now and get involved - you can help Cornish Mutual
to help us raise funds to keep the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance
Air Ambulance
to be shown
on TV
LOOK out for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and the South Western Ambulance
Service Trust being filmed in action in a forthcoming series of the BBC television programme Real Rescues.
The episodes which will feature both our
services are due to be aired at the beginning of
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A note from Martin Clunes
Buckham Fair began in 2008.
After moving to our farm in
2007, we bought a new plot of
land, one of the few pieces of
flat land in Beaminster. We realised that the land would be
perfect to hold an old-fashioned type Fair, perfect for all
the community to have fun and
also raise money for local
MARTIN Clunes meeting some of the Dorset and In fact, we have since found
Somerset Air Ambulance crew.
82 0033
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out that there is an Ancient
Charter that allows the holder
of the land to hold a Fair each
year – even more perfect!
Keen horse, pony, and dog
lovers, we also wanted to include a small pony and dog
show. The classes in both have
grown year on year and now
the schedule is packed full with
many and varied events including Police Dog Displays,
Heavy Horse Displays, Vintage Cars and Scooters.
Over the years the Fair has
grown bigger and better – this
year amongst other rides we
will have a Big Wheel,
Dodgems, a Carousel and a
Helter Skelter.
The Trade Stands have also become a large part of the attractions selling mainly local
products and the Food Court
has grown to include an Inside
tented ‘Deli’ area.
We do feel very lucky to live in
such an unspoilt and beautiful
area and it is fantastic to be
able to share it with the community once a year.
To date our chosen charities
have been Riding for the Disabled, Julia’s House Children’s
Hospice, and the Weldmar
Hospicecare Trust. Since we
began we have raised £36,000
for these local charities.
This year we will be raising
funds for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, a fantastic
local charity who have saved
thousands of lives and they really do need our support.
We are extremely fortunate to
have Battens Solicitors as our
main sponsors and they have
been incredibly supportive of
us since the beginning.
However, we couldn’t put on
such a great event without the
help of our amazing committee.
Please do come along this year
and support us!
DSAA spring 11-page nine_Layout 1 03/05/2011 10:28 Page 1
Meet the Team
Helping you to get to know the people who
are there to help you!
Joanna Sandow
Fund-raising and events development manager
JOANNA (pictured, right) joined the
Charity in 2008 having previously
worked for a marketing company, a children’s charity, and as a trainer.
“One cannot help but feel touched by
the many lives the Dorset and Somerset
Air Ambulance saves,” Joanna said.
“I feel fortunate to be involved with an
organisation that helps so many people
every year.”
Joanna lives in Taunton with her husband Keith.
She has three children Megan, James,
and Olivia, as well as Bonnie the Jack
She enjoys socialising with her family
and friends, exercising her dog, skiing,
and Joanna is also an avid member of a
film and book club.
Nick Pearce
Somerset fund-raising co-ordinator
NICK (pictured, right) has been with the Charity since October, 2009.
He joined us after retiring from the police service after 30 years in
both the Metropolitan Police and the Avon and Somerset Constabulary.
“I feel privileged to be able to work for such a worthwhile and popular community-based Charity and enjoy every bit of it,” said Nick.
“The best part of my job is meeting such a variety of people on a
daily basis, all of whom support the Charity, and working with our
team of volunteers, who give up their own valuable time to assist in
all our fund-raising activities. Without them my job would be impossible!”
Nick recently celebrated his 50th birthday. He lives in North Somerset with his wife Jane, Jasper the cat, and four chickens. His son Sam
is currently at Birmingham University.
He enjoys sailing dinghies, fly fishing, and walking in the hills.
Annette Plaistow-Trapaud
Dorset fund-raising co-ordinator
ANNETTE (pictured, left) has
been with the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance for nearly
three years.
Most of her previous working
experience was in the commercial recruitment area, working
her way up from consultant to
“The best part of my job is the
variety it brings,” said Annette.
“There are never two days the
“I feel honoured to see firsthand the wonderful work the
Charity does and the impact it
has on people’s lives.
“I would like to give a special
mention to our volunteers,
whose dedication and commitment is second to none, and it is
a pleasure working with each
and every one of them.”
Annette lives in Bournemouth
with her husband Paul, her two
girls Eleanor and Olivia, and their
dog Dylan.
She enjoys spending time on
their boat, running, surfing, and
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DSAA spring 11-centrespread_DSAA centrespread 03/05/2011 10:41 Page 1
IT’S that time of year again when we ask women to donate their
unwanted bras in aid of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Our Bag a Bra campaign has proved so successful and has
brought so many smiles to people across the two counties;
we can’t wait to see what this year will bring.
Thank you to everyone who gets involved during 2011.
This year, it’s running at the same time as our latest initiative,
the Save Old Soles footwear recycling campaign
which we launched in February.
Footballers kick off
shoe recycling
How ‘Mrs Knockers’
bags those bras
MARIE Sprackling, from Broadwindsor, has collected literally thousands of bras since the campaign
began and is now known as ‘Mrs
Knockers’ to many of the locals.
She started collecting bras after
she heard about the Bag a Bra
launch and arranged a special day
trip to Castlepoint Shopping Park, in
Bournemouth, with her family and
friends to hand them over to DSAA
communication manager Tracy Bartram and the fund-raising team.
“Marie is one special lady who is
an inspiration to all of us,” said
Tracy. “Her kind nature and bubbly
personality shone through the very
first time we all met her. It’s thanks
to people like Marie that Bag a Bra
is such a success.”
Marie explained: “It’s so much fun
- the campaign gave me a new
lease of life.
“It enabled me to enjoy myself
while helping such a brilliant charity.
“Bras come in all shapes and sizes
- some frilly, some plain and functional, and others quite saucy.
“I ask anybody who I meet if they
have one to donate, my slogan is
‘Empty your drawers and donate
your bras.’
“Some people look at me very
strange, wondering what on earth a
little grey-haired lady is doing asking for bras.
“Once we have collected them,
we hang them along our washing
line to show them off and you have
never seen anything like it, it’s hilarious!”
Marie is continually expanding
her territory to find new donors
and is often seen at the Co-op
store, in Bridport, collecting bras.
Thanks Marie, you are one very
special lady!
l Marie is pictured above, left,
with DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Annette Plaistow-Trapaud.
Turn to P21 to read a poem by Marie.
All year round collection points
Many thanks to Marks and Spencer (Yeovil and Taunton stores)
and Shirley Allum Fashions, in Shaftesbury, for collecting bras
all year round in aid of our Charity.
Between them, they have collected tens of thousands of items
of lingerie, which is amazing! Please keep them coming!
MANY thanks go to AFC
Bournemouth, Southampton FC, and
Yeovil Town FC for helping us kick-off
our latest recycling initiative (right).
The ‘Save Old Soles’ campaign has
been jointly created by Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance, Hampshire
and IOW Air Ambulance, and the
Charities’ recycling partner Bag It Up
Ltd, and asks the public to donate
their unwanted footwear, which are
then converted into cash by trading
them in Africa, Asia, and other parts
of the world.
Representing the clubs at the launch
were AFC Bournemouth commercial
director Rob Mitchell and players Lyle
Taylor and Michael Symes, Southampton FC’s Adam Lallana and Vince Bartram, and Gareth Stewart, from Yeovil
Town FC.
Also helping to get the campaign of
the ground were pupils and parents
from St. James Church of England
School, in Bournemouth, who collected 100 pairs of footwear between
DSAA communications manager
Tracy Bartram said: “We are delighted
to have the support of the South’s
leading football teams and we hope
that their involvement will inspire others to join the campaign.
“Save Old Soles is a really simple way
for everybody to support the Charity
as it’s so easy to implement. Since the
launch we have been flooded with
calls from people who want to know
more and take part.”
So how can you help?
If you are an individual you can simply
collect your footwear and place them
into one of our Air Ambulance yellow
textile recycling banks located across
the two counties.
You can also place your old blankets,
towels, clothes, and general textiles
here too! To find out where your nearest bank is, visit
and type in your postcode.
For schools, sporting clubs, businesses and groups who intend to collect more than 20 pairs of footwear,
please call 01823 669604 or email us
at and
we can send you our blue recycling
bags and arrange a collection. Posters
and other promotional material are
also available on request.
Castlepoint clearing out clogs
IT was no surprise that Castlepoint
Shopping Park, in Bournemouth,
were among the first to join our SOS
The park is managed by Peter
Matthews, who is a huge supporter
of the Air Ambulance and has helped
us generate more than £30,000 for
the Charity.
When we discussed SOS, Peter (in
his usual inspirational manner), immediately came up with his own take
on scheme and said, “Yes, let’s do it,
but how about calling it, Clear Out
Your Clogs at Castlepoint.”
The event took place during March
with Air Ambulance staff and volun-
Bag a Bra week
JOIN us for the annual Bag a Bra
event at Castlepoint Shopping
Park, Bournemouth, between
Monday 20th and Sunday 26th
Place your bras in our collection
point outside Marks and
Spencer while doing your shopping and enjoy the spectacle as
they are hung on a giant washing line around the park.
YEOVIL Town footballers help launch ‘Save Old Soles’ for DSAA communications manager Tracy Bartram (in red coat).
teers present to hand out blue shoe
recycling bags and promotional material to the public.
AFC Bournemouth players Lyle Taylor and Marc Pugh (pictured top),
paid a surprise visit to give their support.
In addition to the FIVE yellow recycling banks located around Castlepoint, two shoe banks were placed
outside the Marks and Spencer store,
where donations could be received.
Although Clear out your Clogs has
now finished, the shoe banks will
permanently stay on the mall.
DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Annette Plaistow-Trapaud explained
how the event went: “Lots of people
brought along their shoes and many
others took our blue bags away.
“One lady did her shopping, went
home, and came back with a whole
load of shoes on the same day.
“She said that it was better to clear
them out when the children were at
school so they didn’t try to keep
Peter concluded by saying: “Working with the Charity’s dedicated team
on campaigns such as this is a pleasure, and we are delighted to be able
to help such a good cause.”
DSAA spring 11-page fourteen_Layout 1 22/04/2011 14:50 Page 1
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Shoot ‘thank you’
MAPPERTON is a family run shoot which takes place on the
Mapperton Estate, in the steep West Dorset countryside.
The estate is the home of the Earl and Countess of Sandwich.
At the end of each shooting day, the guns make a contribution to a charity of their choice.
This year, once again, the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance was selected and presented with a cheque for £1,155.
Lord Sandwich praised the Charity’s work and said: “We have
special reason to thank Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance on
our estate, and commend them for the work they do across
the county.”
Fund-raising lessons
DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Nick Pearce collects a cheque
from students in West Somerset.
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STUDENTS at West Somerset Community College, Minehead, held
a fund-raising week in aid of Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
The Year 12 Business Enterprise students held a week of activities, including a non-school uniform day, a sixth form Blind Date,
and a cake sale.
Teacher of business studies Caroline Daye said: “The students
worked well as a team and learned a lot about themselves and
each other while raising a total of £537 for this worthy cause.”
Businesses in the West Somerset area also helped by donating
prizes for a raffle.
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... In The Community... In The Community... In T
Support from Lions
ILMINSTER Lions were formed in 1976 and have been raising funds for
local, national, and international causes ever since.
Members of the club recently visited the Dorset and Somerset Air
Ambulance airbase and presented a cheque for £2,000 to our crew,
which was the proceeds from their fund-raising year.
Our thanks go to the clubs’ members and all those who support
them during their fund-raising.
l Our photograph shows (left to right) DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Nick Pearce, paramedic Mark Williams, pilot Max Hoskins, DSAA
volunteer Roy Milliner, Ilminster Lions members Ian Davidson, Len
Smith, Dave Case, Geoff Geater, Martin Smith, and paramedic Simon
COLTEN Care Residential Homes recently presented a £1,350
cheque to DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Annette PlaistowTrapaud, which was raised from various gala evenings, raffles,
and coffee mornings.
One resident, Stella Hancox, also helped by knitting various
items of babywear, scarves, and gloves, which she then sold.
l Our photograph shows (left to right) Matron Jo Ellis,
Stella Hancox, Annette Plaistow-Trapaud, and activity organiser Becky Marsh.
OUR thanks go once again to the Linden Lea Foresters, who presented us with a further cheque for £2,500 at their presentation
lunch and tea dance.
Over the past three years, this brings their fund-raising total to
an amazing £9,500.
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance volunteers Susan and Terry
Dredge were thrilled to be asked to attend the event and received
the donation on behalf of the Charity (pictured).
Golfers hole funds for DSAA
ONCE again our thanks go to the senior and ladies members of Orchardleigh Golf Club for
another year of fund-raising in aid of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Nick
Pearce was delighted to be presented
with a cheque for £3,155.13 when he
visited the golf club recently.
This cheque is in addition to the
£4,225.00 which had already been
donated earlier in the year, and it
means that during 2010 the clubs
members raised a magnificent
Brian Burgess, the 2009 senior captain, donated £1,500 after he nominated the Dorset and Somerset Air
Ambulance as his Charity of the year,
which brings the total amount raised
in two years to a whopping
Golf Club Ladies and Senior Captains Di and
Our sincere thanks go to everyone inMike Norris presenting their cheque to Nick
Pearce (centre).
l Our photograph shows Orchardleigh
Charity of
the year
BREAN Golf Club has chosen the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance
as their Charity of the Year during
Their fund-raising got off to a flying
start with the annual Captain’s Charity
Club Captain Dave Bradley along
with his Ladies counterpart Jenny
Vaughan and the Seniors leader Jim
Longford, were delighted as more
than £2,500 headed into the fund following a successful day.
Twenty-one teams of golfers were
treated to glorious sunshine as they
tackled the Brean course.
After their round, the players enjoyed the superb carvery served up in
the Tavern.
An auction of golfing equipment and
vouchers topped up the day’s total.
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... In The Community... In The Community... In T
ATL cheque in
ATL managing director Richard
Micklefield and accounts manager Anne Burgess (pictured, centre) recently visited the DSAA
airbase to present members of
our crew with a donation of £500.
They are a European Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), and Ministry of Defence (MoD) approved
design consultancy, and offer a
broad range of design, development, and modification services
to civil and military operators and
aircraft manufacturers.
ATL are based at Bournemouth
Airport and are keen supporters
of a number of local charities and
regularly make donations to the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
A SIMPLE idea of displaying customer’s unwanted books and
videos in Bridport’s Co-operative supermarket in aid of the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance has been so successful
and so easy to run that the store has decided to continue
running the scheme.
Customers have been encouraged to take anything from
the collection in exchange for a 50p donation per item.
The Co-op has already made a donation to the Charity of
almost £1,900 last September, but they recently handed
over another £3,198 to DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Annette Plaistow-Trapaud.
Store manager Rob Garland said: “It’s amazing how well
it’s gone.
“While we will also be supporting the Co-op’s official charity Mencap in 2011, because the stall needs no managing except topping up with items, we decided to continue raising
funds for the Air Ambulance which is such a worthwhile
l Our photograph shows Bridport Co-operative store
manager Rob Garland presenting the cheque to Annette
Plaistow -Trapaud watched by staff and local DSAA volunteers Fran and Pam Eamer (right). Photo courtesy of Stuart
Broom, View From Lyme.
GENEROUS young professionals in Taunton have given a
cash boost to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Members of Taunton Young
Business Club (TYBC ) presented the Charity with a
cheque for £200 which they
had collected from various
fund-raising activities.
Claire Webb, a trainee solicitor at Ashfords LLP, one of the
organisers of TYBC, said: "We
are extremely glad to be able
to contribute to such an essen-
tial cause - a cause that relies
solely on the generosity of the
“The main aim of the TYBC is
to foster relationships between young business professionals, but we also feel it is
essential to give back something to the local community."
l Our photograph shows
(left to right) Claire Webb and
Kirill Kruchinin presenting their
cheque to DSAA fund-raising
and events development manager Joanna Sandow.
Moose funds
MANY thanks go to Moose
International (Poole 27), who
presented us with not one,
but two cheques after a fantastic year of fund-raising.
The first cheque was for
£1,500 from the lodge and the second cheque was for £500
from the ladies circle.
A variety of events held throughout the year included a barbecue, carol service, and an auction dinner.
Air Force concert trumpets £500
A ROYAL Air Force Central Band concert recently held at Millfield School, Street,
proved to be a resounding success.
It was received by an appreciative full
house and the retiring collection raised
£500 for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
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Royal Air Forces Association Mid- Somerset branch vice-chairman Paul Branson (pictured), also acting on behalf of the
Somerset Air Cadets, later made a presentation of the resulting cheque to DSAA volunteer Marie Parkes (pictured), at a branch
meeting held in the Britannia Inn, Wells.
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... In The Community... In The Community... In T
flies to
DORSET and Somerset Air Ambulance has received £1,000
from Mudeford Men’s Club,
which was among thousands
of pounds presented by the
club to charities this year.
The club was founded in the
1920s by a group of local fishermen who hired a room in
the local village hall to hold
their meetings.
Since that day, the club has
gone from strength to
strength, with women now
playing an equal part in its success and charity fund-raising.
A multitude of activities took
place during the year, which
included raffles, a name the
cuddly toy competition, auctions, filmed horse racing
nights, and meat draws, to
name a few.
One of the club’s highlights
was the annual balloon race,
where members put their
names on tickets attached to
balloons and person whose
balloon is returned from the
greatest distance wins a prize.
This years’ winner was found
by Frieda the dog - in Germany!
Laurie Wilkinson, the club’s
president, said: “We are all
aware of the superb life-saving
work done by the Air Ambulance and realise that any of us
might one day have to rely on
their services, so we are delighted to be able to do our bit
to help.
“I would like to express my
thanks to our entertainments
committee, who do all the
work in running our fund-raising events, and to our members who, in difficult times, dig
deep into their pockets to give
us the means to continue making these donations to local
worthy causes.”
l Our photographs show
(top) entertainments committee member Liz Westall with
some of the balloon race entries, and (right) Frieda.
Building staff vote for DSAA
STAFF at Dorchester Tourist Information Centre raised
£508.27 for us during Dorset Food Week.
Around £300 was raised from a treasure hunt
tombola with a top prize of lunch at the Michelin
Star-rated Sienna Restaurant, in Dorchester. A further
£200 was raised from a quiz created by staff.
TIC staff member John Sissons said: “Throughout
the year we actively like to support charities and in
particular the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
“We were delighted with both of our ventures and
we would like to say a big thank you to the many
local companies that support us and obviously the
general public.”
West Dorset District Council chairman Ronald
Coatsworth added: “Well done to all the tourist information centre staff and volunteers from the Dorset
and Somerset Air Ambulance who organised these
successful events. It is great that they were able to
raise this money for such a brilliant Charity.”
WE were delighted to
welcome Bill Badham
Stephens, from building company Pollard,
to our head office in
They kindly presented the Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance with a cheque
for almost £1,300 on behalf of the staff of the Somerset-based contractor.
Bill Badham, Pollard managing director, said: “In these difficult times, it is
testament to our staff that they raised this large sum for such a valuable
“The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance were chosen as our charity of
the year following a ballot of our staff who made it clear that as a regional
contractor, it was important to support a charity which plays a significant
role in our local area.”
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Bill and his team for
being one of the major sponsors of our Coast to Coast Cycle Ride, which
takes place on Sunday, June 19 (see pages 3, 10, and 11 for more information).
l Our photograph shows Bill Badham and Elizabeth Stephens, of Pollard,
(left) presenting their cheque to DSAA chief executive officer Bill Sivewright
and DSAA fund-raising and events development manager Joanna Sandow.
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DSAA spring 11-page eighteen_Layout 1 03/05/2011 10:47 Page 1
... In The Community... In The Community... In T
Kayleigh and mum walk for charity
FOURTEEN-year-old Kayleigh
Drummond walked more than
eight miles with her mum
Anita in aid of the Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance.
The walk, which began at
Portland Bill and ended at their
home, was made more fun by
the two of them dressing up as
118-118 characters.
On the route home, they
stopped at various pubs and
asked if people would like to
donate to our cause.
They completed their walk in
two hours and 45 minutes,
which included their stop-off
Once they returned home,
they could not wait to count
the money they had raised,
which totalled an amazing
Kayleigh and Anita are picture presenting the cheque to
Air Ambulance pilot Max
Hoskins on a visit to the airbase.
Hydrographic record
STAFF at the Hydrographic Office, Taunton, are celebrating after
setting a new charity fund-raising record during their year of
support for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
They adopt a charity each year and then spend 12 months
holding fund-raising events with the aim of reaching £10,000.
This time, the dozens of events put on for the Air Ambulance
proved so successful that they were able to present the Charity
with a cheque for nearly £14,000 – the highest amount ever
raised by the Hydrographic Office.
Among the staff putting their best foot forward to aid the Air
Ambulance were Bridgid Thornett, who ran her first halfmarathon in Taunton, and Rupert Deane, who ran the Somerset
Levels and Moors Marsh Run (SLAMM), while Heather Bray
opened the gardens of her Taunton home as she does annually
and more than doubled the amount raised the previous year,
dividing the money between the DSAA and local cancer charity
DSAA fundraising
events development manager Joanna
Sandow said:
“The Hydrographic Office
staff have been
brilliant with
the way they
have worked
so hard to raise so much money for us during the year.”
l Our photograph of the £13,714.54 cheque being presented
to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance shows (left to right)
staff Rachel Grant, Hannah Beaumont, Sam Cerigo, Heather
Bray, DSAA’s Joanna Sandow, and staff June Thompson.
Ferret racing
Beerex brings in £3,500
A FERRET race helped the
Inner Wheel Club of Chelwood
Bridge raise £1,000 for the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Guests bet on a four-ferret
race, where the winner was
the first to complete the run
down and back through their
It was organised by club
member Jacky Lithgo, who
said: "It proved to be an exciting evening with everybody
frantically cheering on their
favourites. Everybody had so
much fun and we were delighted to raise so much money
for the Air Ambulance.”
THE Dorset and Somerset Air
Ambulance is set to be one of
the main beneficiaries of this
year’s Dorchester’s Beerex
festival, which was hailed a
success after another sell-out.
More than £10,000 was
raised from the event, where
more than 1,300 real ale
lovers poured into the Corn
Exchange for a two-day festival now in its 24th year.
The DSAA will receive £3,500
of the proceeds.
Beerex 2011 publicity officer
Mark Allwood said: “The fantastic amount raised for local
good causes was partly a result of the fact that almost all
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costs were covered in advance
through sponsorship, notably
from Dorset Piddle Brewery Beerex’s main sponsor for a
second year.
“But it was also from all the
local firms who between them
had sponsored almost all of
the 84 beers we had - a new
record for Beerex.
“Thanks to everybody who
turned up to try some new
and different beers, to have a
good time, and to help raise
thousands of pounds at the
same time.”
Around 5,500 pints of real
ales, perries, and ciders were
consumed at the festival and
drinkers voted Elder Sarum,
from Small Paul's brewery, in
Gillingham, as their favourite.
The runners-up were Legwarmer, from Dorset Piddle
Brewery, in Piddlehinton, and
Dark Ruby, by Sarah Hughes
brewery, in Dudley.
West Dorset Campaign for
Real Ale and Dorchester
Round Table organised the
event, which over the years
has raised more than £60,000
for local good causes.
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... In The Community...
Ria’s mountain
IN a previous edition of Beeline it was reported that Ria
Caines (pictured) was planning
to climb the highest mountain
in Africa, the 19,341 ft Mount
Kilimanjaro, in aid of the
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
Ria, who lives in Wincanton,
AN initiative by Bridport Social Services staff has raised funds
is undertaking her adventure
for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
The Dorset County Council employees regularly purchase gifts in July, after months of preparation for the challenge.
from local book clubs which visit their offices.
Kilimanjaro’s altitude, the
Once a certain value of sales has been achieved, the book club
low temperatures, and occaprovides them with a free gift.
So, the council’s administration department decided to use sional high winds can all make
the gifts as prizes for a grand draw, from which 50 per cent of the climb a difficult and dangerous trek.
the proceeds, which totalled £75, was kindly donated to us.
Acclimatisation is essential
l Our photograph shows the Bridport Social Services employbecause even the most experiees with their DSAA donation.
enced of climbers will suffer
some degree of altitude sickness.
Because it is so challenging,
STAFF at Sanders Garden
statistics show only 30 per
World, in Brent Knoll, have secent of climbers actually manlected the Dorset and Somerage to reach the summit.
set Air Ambulance as one of
The Air Ambulance recently
its four charities of the year
caught up with Ria to find out
for 2011.
a little bit more about her
The award-winning garden
centre is now set to host a se“Yes, that’s right. I am doing
ries of fund-raising activities
my bit of memory making. I
in the coming year.
commence my 1,9340 ft asPeter Burks (pictured), gencent to the summit of Mount
bulance fund-raising co-ordiKilimanjaro on July 13 and I
eral manager of Sanders Garnator Nick Pearce said: “The
can’t wait.
den World, explained: “We
support that has been re“For me, Kilimanjaro is an
worked with these commuceived for the Air Ambulance
opportunity for extreme adnity-based charities on various from the two counties since
venture, travel, and a test of
fund-raising schemes last year its launch in 2000 has been
endurance with a group of
tremendous and we are
and are looking forward to
like-minded people.
helping them raise even more
“I am paying 100 per cent of
supmoney in 2011.”
the challenge costs myself as I
Dorset and Somerset Air Am- porting us in 2011.”
Garden centre choice
OUR thanks go to
Henry and Jenny
Card, from Iwerne
Minster, for a donation of £171.87.
This now brings
their total fundraising for Dorset
and Somerset Air
nearly £700.
Jenny praised the Charity and
said, “I can’t think of a better
charity to support.
“My son was airlifted after an
don't expect anybody else to
pay for my ‘holiday’.
“I am quite a feisty and determined individual with a real
lust for life and I don’t give up
easily once I set my mind to
something, so I will relish the
mental and physical challenge
this climb presents.
“I have decided to support
the Dorset and Somerset Air
Ambulance as it’s a local charity and they do such a tremendous job.
“People can help by donating
via my JustGiving page.
“No donation is too big or
too small, and after days and
days of trekking, headaches,
altitude sickness and hyperthermia, I know that when I
eventually have my head in
the clouds, it will all be worthwhile.”
To support Ria, visit:
accident playing football and
we are so grateful for the work
they do.”
l Henry is pictured with
DSAA volunteers Richard Robbins and Wendy Burke.
Dear Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance,
I could not believe the wonderful news when my husband rang
to tell me that I had won £1,000 in your lottery.
He has been unemployed for the last 18 months, so the money
was very gratefully received.
We have supported the DSAA for many years and will continue
to do so.
The prize could not have come at a better time to pay some essential bills, and perhaps a treat.
Please continue with all the good work you do.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Thomas
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DSAA spring 11-page twenty_Layout 1 03/05/2011 09:15 Page 1
Company promotes lottery for staff
SYDENHAMS is a building and timber merchants with plant and
tool hire outlets across southern England.
It is also a major supplier of kitchens, bathrooms, hardwood
floors, roof trusses, and timber framed houses.
The company was founded in Poole, Dorset, and now has
around 350 employees covering 22 branches, and recently
joined the Air Ambulance’s weekly lottery scheme to promote
the initiative to all of its employees.
With a long tradition of sponsoring local charities, the firm
was only too pleased to show its support for the Air Ambulance.
“We are more than happy to support such an important
Charity as the Air Ambulance service,” said Rob Green, from
the company’s head office.
“Since joining the scheme, one of our employees had a serious accident in the yard and had to be airlifted to hospital.
“This just goes to show that anybody, at any time, could need
the services of the Air Ambulance, and they were there just
when we needed them.”
l Our photograph shows Sydenhams staff (left to right) Duncan Hammond, Alan Masterton, Susan Fry, Jon Overhead, and
Shane Digweed.
THANKS go to all of you who donated your inkjet and toner cartridges last year. With the
help of Keytec
Industries, an Axminster-based company, you helped raise £1,771.50
for the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
During 2011, we hope to increase this figure, while diverting these items from landfill.
Keytec have set up collection points across the two counties where you can take your unwanted cartridges and raise funds to keep our
helicopter flying.
If you are a large user of inkjet, fax and/or toner
cartridges, Keytec can send you boxes which will
be supplied and collected FREE OF CHARGE
(minimum quantity of 10 cartridges, please).
Alternatively, you can save up a quantity of cartridges and periodically drop them off at your
local collection point (for a list of these sites, visit
We are urgently looking for more collection points across Dorset and Somerset.
If you can help, please call our office on 01823 669604 today.
Beeline offers sponsorship opportunities
SPONSORSHIP opportunities are available in Beeline for appropriate
businesses in Dorset and Somerset.
The value-for-money opportunities would suit businesses who would like to
show their support for the Charity and at the same time reach the many
thousands of supporters and other people who read our quarterly magazine.
All you have to do is contact Tracy Bartram by calling 01823 669604
or emailing
Tracy will be happy to discuss how we may be able to work together to help
keep our helicopter flying and your business booming.
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DSAA spring 11-page twenty-one_Layout 1 02/05/2011 22:58 Page 1
‘No Boobs Here’
a poem by
Marie Sprackling
DSAA Bag a Bra supporter
‘Tis a week and a half, we’ve enjoyed tons of laughs,
Hubby and I have been collecting Air Ambulance
Any and everyone I saw each day,
I’d ask, “Have you a spare bra to give away?”
Hubby kept counting and getting it wrong,
Then we found he’d counted a thong.
A daughter came over at the end of the day,
So we pegged them all out to make a display.
Five paramedics,
three peaks, and
one Charity
FIVE brave - or should that be foolish student paramedics from Bournemouth
University are taking on the Three Peaks
Challenge to support the Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance.
The challenge involves climbing the
highest mountains in Scotland (Ben
Nevis, 4,409 ft), England (Scafell Pike,
3,210 ft), and Wales (Snowdon, 3,560 ft)
within 24 hours. Simple!
Paddy O'Reilly, Alec Wilding,
Bernadette Padbury, Chloe Manners,
and Kate Butler (pictured above with
DSAA aircrew paramedic Simon Trenchard) are excited about their adventure
and determined to raise as much money
as they can for the Charity.
The young team, all in their 20s will
face a number of obstacles, including an
average annual summit temperature of
just below freezing, weather that can
change within minutes, and sleep deprivation.
If you would like to show them your
support and wish them good luck, visit
Cycling Bournemouth to Rome
ROSS, Adam, and John Lennon (pictured) have set off on an epic cycle ride
from Bournemouth to Rome, in aid of
the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
DSAA fund-raising co-ordinator Annette Plaistow-Trapaud and Chief Executive Officer Bill Sivewright were
thrilled to be asked to send them off,
along with many of their friends and
The weather was awful; it was blowing a gale and pouring with rain!
But at least they had the hope of the
good weather to come in Italy.
From Bournemouth Pier, they headed
to Boscombe and towards Portsmouth
harbour to catch a ferry to France.
The trio seemed to be having a great
time and their spirits were high.
‘Twas nothing but laughter fun and hilarity,
Bra numbers on our line for the Air Ambulance Charity,
Neighbours came over to enjoy our fun,
Said they couldn’t be bothered to re-count every
None had tassels, bells, fur of fluff,
Just unusual wires, hooks, straps and stuff,
Plain cotton or padded, some with patterns the
Frilly lace so pretty, any girls dream.
White or pink, scant, secure or tight,
Burgundy, orange or black darkest night,
Pale green and purple, glittering shine,
No way can I compete with boring old mine.
So all the donations you could give,
Will possibly help other folks to live,
We had collected bras from all around,
Axminster, Lyme Regis, Beaminster and Bridport
Stalbridge, Chard, Winsham, Salway Ash, and what’s
Some in parcels, under my chair on the dance room
Numatic and Burwood and our village shop,
The list is endless, I’ll just have to stop.
Outside our door, we placed a bin,
Folks loaded it up when we weren’t in,
On returning home we’d chuckle with glee,
To see some person had delivered some more for
The lads have currently raised £1,500
via their JustGiving page.
If you would like to show them your
support, then visit the web page
A CHARITY auction in memory of
Sam Norris is being held on Saturday, May 21, at the Glastonbury Festival site, in Somerset, to raise funds
for the DSAA. Sam died two years
ago in a road traffic accident.
Every colour and size and shape I am sure,
But we’d collected one hundred and forty four,
Uplifting firm support we need at any stage,
But wear tear and stretching, means they’re sure to
So give your bra generously now we say,
Air Ambulance needs your support in every way,
Grateful thanks to each and our family,
And friends were so great donating to me.
With help and persuasion we’ve collected a score,
Dare I say it, “Next year do you want more?”
So please, if you have a Bra to spare,
Let’s help keep the Air Ambulance, up in the air!
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DSAA spring 11-page twenty-two_Layout 1 22/04/2011 21:41 Page 1
Office Use Only
Age on Race Day
– Please Circle
(Only One Address Needed for 4k/10k Team Event)
4K/10k Team Names: 1.
Yes / No
Name of Running Club
Phone No.
10K – Minimum Age 15
4K - Minimum Age 11
Professionals’ Challenge
2K – Fun Run – Open To All Ages
Complimentary Running Vests for 10K, 4K and 4K/10k Team – Please state Size S
Entry Fee per Person: £10 UKA Affiliated £12 Unaffiliated Fun Run £3
Cheques to be made payable to the Dorset & and Somerset Air Ambulance
Gift Aid Please Tick
(Tax Payers Only)
Although not compulsory to entry, we hope you would be kind enough to raise a minimum of £20 in sponsorship.
Please send Entry Form and SAE (A4/A5 with Large Letter Stamp) to: Joanna, Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, Landacre House, Castle Road, Chelston Business Park,
Wellington, Somerset TA21 9JQ
Last postal entry 12th September 2011
Fee Enclosed:
(Parent/Guardian if under 18 years)
I agree to abide by the rules of competition of UK Athletics and and local rules. I participate in the Trickey Warren
Trek entirely at my own risk and agree that the organisation/hosts will not be held responsible for any injury,
illness, loss or damage to me or my property, which I may sustain in the course of, or as a result of the event.
Data Protection Act:
By submitting this entry, I agree that the organisers may store my entry details and results on computer disc, for the
purpose of event administration.
Any queries, please contact Joanna on 01823 669604 or e-mail
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DSAA spring 11-page twenty-three_Layout 1 02/05/2011 23:02 Page 1
Letters from the heart
Happy 90th birthday
benefits Air Ambulance
JUST to say thank you so much
for a really enjoyable and interesting morning we spent with
you and the crew recently.
My father (pictured, left) really
enjoyed it and felt how humble
his donation was in comparison
to the cost of running the helicopter.
His donation was collected by
generous friends who gave
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance
11.00 AM
money instead of buying him
birthday presents for his 90th
Thank you again for all the
hard work you do, it is one of
those things you hope you
would never need, but know
you would be in excellent
With all best wishes,
Mary Rae
A life is saved
My partner Andrew had a major motorbike
accident near Easton, Wells.
He sustained life-threatening head injuries and was airlifted by the Dorset and
Somerset Air Ambulance to Frenchay Hospital, where he remained in a critical condition, but eventually stabilised.
I will forever be eternally grateful for the
service you provided. If he had not been
airlifted to hospital, he would most certainly have died.
It has been a long road, but he is now almost back to full physical health.
I would just like to say a huge ‘Thank you’
for saving Andrew’s life, although words
can never really say just how thankful and
grateful I am.
You are such an amazing organisation!
Shelley Hubbard
Reassuring crew
MAY I thank the staff involved in my airlift
from West Stour to Taunton on Friday morning.
I really cannot praise the staff of the Air
Ambulance enough.
It may be routine to the pilot and paramedics, but they could not have been more
Toguaranteeyourplace,completeourentryformonthepageoppositeand kind to me and reassuring to my wife. I enreturnittousby12thSeptember2011.Welookforwardtoseeingyouthere! close a donation in hope that this may help
you to help others.
Brian Harper
DVD sale
PLEASE find enclosed a cheque for £30. My
brother (who is 8) and myself (I am 11), sold
our old DVDs and this is the money we collected. We hope it helps to keep the Air Ambulance going.
Ryan & Josh Selby
P23 )))
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