20C KBD Tool Handbook for 20C Copper


20C KBD Tool Handbook for 20C Copper
Introduction to the
Knowledge Based Diagnostics (KBD) Tool
for 20C Copper
Version 1
November 2014
About this document
Broadband diagnostic agents can use this document to familiarise themselves with BT Wholesale’s Knowledge
Based Diagnostics (KBD) tool for 20C asset testing.
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without British Telecommunications plc (BT's) permission. Please treat it accordingly and do not forward,
republish or permit unauthorised access.
Please note that BT has taken reasonable care to check that the information contained in this document is
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What is 20C KBD? (4)
Access to the BT Wholesale Portal, 20C KBD, RRT & BRAT Graphs (5)
Initiating a 20C KBD Test: (6-10)
20C KBD: Viewing Test History Results (11)
Test and Database Lookup Descriptions (page 12-13)
Viewing the RRT (Reactive Repair Tool) Graphs (14-16)
Viewing the Brandenburg Rapid Analysis (BRAT) Tool Graph (17-18)
‘Additional Info’ Detail (19)
KBD Documentation (20)
KBD Best Practice & Beyond KBD: Outcome Analysis & Next Steps (21)
KBD CBT Training (22)
KBD Deployments (23)
KBD Troubleshooting (24)
KBD Support (25)
What is 20C KBD (Knowledge Based Diagnostics)?
The 20C KBD test is still into two parts:
KBD Lite is run initially. This is currently a series of checks, database lookups and non-intrusive
diagnostic tests that provide an initial view of any potential issue before offering the Communication
Provider (CP) user the option to progress to the second phase of KBD.
Please note: Run time is up to 60 seconds to display data and test results.
KBD Plus is the optional second phase that follows on from KBD Lite. It combines a series of database
checks, intrusive and non-intrusive diagnostic tests and essential interactive questions. These focus on
the actual fault conditions seen by KBD, or advised by the CP user if not issues were identified at the
initial KBD Lite phase.
Please note: Run times vary from under one minute to several minutes depending on the nature of the
fault, testing required and user response time to essential questions.
At the end of the second phase, a Decision message is presented to the CP user consisting of a Problem
Explanation and Resolution/Recommendation. This message indicates the end of a KBD test or 'flow'.
What are the benefits for Customers?
KBD is designed to be simple and straightforward can be run by experienced diagnostic users, or users
with less diagnostic experience. Previous diagnostic tools required CP users to have a working
knowledge of the ASDL network, an understanding of the different Fault Report Codes (FRCs), and
accurate details from the End User on the perceived issue before running a non-interactive test.
KBD is designed to remove inconclusive outcomes. It requires only a circuit identifier to initiate a
diagnostic test.
KBD is customer-focused and allows increase control over a test, such as the option to terminate a test
part-way through, or even park a test at a relevant question and resume it again at the same point within
24 hours.
Please note: A completed KBD Test is required before a fault can be reported to BT Wholesale.
Access to the BT Wholesale Portal, 20C KBD, Reactive Repair Tool (RRT) and
BRAT graphs
To register on btwholesale.com, select Log In next to the Search option at the top of the screen. Then click on
Set up a new account and follow the instructions. Alternatively, go to www.btwholesale.com/register.
My Admin
20C KBD access requests are forwarded to the System Support Help Desk for approval and sign-off.
For access to NewKBD, the RRT graphs, eCo Plus and other applications, you must first set up a My Admin
account on btwholesale.com. The CP My Admin lead can then authorise any access requests for NewKBD, RRT
graphs, 20/21C Fault Diagnostics tool, Eco Plus and other applications.
To apply for a My Admin profile, select Applications, then Admin Portals, then My Admin, and complete the
My Admin Application form which you’ll find in the Downloads section on the right hand side of the page.
Please send the completed form to btwholesale.direct@bt.com by the CP applicant’s manager or via the Account
Manager. The CUG ID details are mandatory as access to the application can't be processed without this.
My Admin access lead time is 5 days.
Accessing KBD, the RRT graphs, eCo Plus and other applications
To access these applications, log into btwholesale.com then:
Select Applications in the main header, then select My Applications.
Select Subscribe to other Applications in the More Applications section on the right side of the
screen. On the next screen, scroll down to the Manage Faults section
Check the required option(s) and click Submit/Ready at the bottom of the page.
Please note: Access lead time is up to 7 days. The applications will then be visible in the My Applications menu
under the Applications tab.
Initiating a 20C Knowledge Based Diagnostics Test: Entering the Security PIN
Once you've selected the Knowledge Based Diagnostics (20C KBD) application, you'll be asked to enter the
PIN number provided by BT Wholesale. Enter this PIN and click Ready.
If you already have access to Fault Diagnostics, this will be your existing PIN. The same PIN is used to access all
test applications on the My Applications menu.
If you've forgotten your PIN, click the Forgotten PIN link and answer the security question that you have already
set up on btwholesale.com.
You'll be sent a reminder of your PIN and when you next log in, you'll be prompted to change this.
Initiating a 20C Knowledge Based Diagnostics Test: Search Screen
On the screen shown below, enter the Service ID (BBIP/FTIP), or Circuit ID (CBUK), or Telephone Number and
click on the required option.
Select KBD Test to run a Knowledge Based Diagnostics test on a 20C asset.
Please note: To ensure an effective test is run, it is advisable that all ADSL equipment is connected and
powered up and that the customer is calling from another line before running KBD.
If the line is in use this may affect sub-tests within KBD and impact the overall outcome accuracy.
Select Test History to view a circuit's test history (up to last 10 tests within last 28 days). A list of all tests
will be shown on the following screen. Click on the ‘here’ link to view a specific test.
Select Initiate Superlite to run a SuperLite test. This will authenticate the user and circuit ID, then run an
IP Check to confirm if there is a working IP session.
If the IP session is down or no data is available, Superlite will run a DSL Status Check to confirm if the
circuit is in synch and will also check for any network incidents.
Please note: A full KBD Test is required before a fault can be reported to BT Wholesale. Partial KM Lite
tests cannot be reported to BT.
Initial Question Set (end of KM Lite phase)
This is the pause option at the end of the KM Lite stage of the test. This is where KBD advises if an issue is
indicated at this point in the testing or not, before asking the user if they want to run a full and potentially
intrusive KBD test.
To answer the question(s), select the relevant radio buttons and click Submit.
If the YES option is selected, the KBD tool will then ask any essential questions and continue with its internal
diagnostics to a conclusive outcome.
Once the Submit button has been selected then the user cannot alter any previous question(s) or answer(s).
Please note: A completed KBD test run within the last 2 hours is required before a fault can be reported to BT.
Important information:
20CN KBD will store incomplete and partially run tests for up to 24 hours. So please make sure if you are in the
process of running a 20CN KBD test and no longer require the test that you:
use the NO option at the end of the KM Lite phase, or
during the second intrusive phase you use the CLOSE flow button.
This will ensure the test is closed at the KM Lite stage and no further intrusive tests are run.
Alternatively, you can select the 'CLOSE' button at the top right of the test screen to cancel the test at any point
during a test.
Please note: If a test is left open it can influence subsequent tests run within the 24 hour period.
Completed 20C KBD test: Default ‘Main View’ Screen
This is an example of the Main View screen. This is the default initial screen that KBD displays upon completing
a test, which is also referred to as a ‘flow’. It's designed to be simplistic and easy to use and interpret.
The Circuit Information field presents the service ID, product type, profile information, etc.
The RAG Status field shows a simple RED (FAIL), AMBER (Inconclusive) and GREEN (OK) view. This advises
whether there's a potential issue in one four key areas:
Customer Premises
Access (copper network)
BT Network
Service Provider Network
The Decision field consists of a simple Problem Explanation and a Resolution/Recommendation. This is
displayed once the test has completed..
There are four buttons on the top right of the screen:
KBD Search takes the user back to the main search screen.
Park flow allows the test to be paused at a question for up to 24 hours.
Close flow terminates a test request in progress.
KBD Log out takes the user back to the applications menu on BT wholesale
By selecting the Drill Down button shown in the bottom left hand side of the screen the user can view the
detailed tests run and questions answered.
The Drill Down screen provides a detailed view of the KBD results which designed to help users to carry out a
more informed diagnostic analysis.
Please note: only buttons highlighted have test results available.
Local Access Network outcomes:
PER = PERfect
NBS = Never Been in Synch
NSC = No SynC
DCN = Dropping ConnectioN
LTB = Lower Threshold Breach
In this example the Local Access Network (RRT) result indicates LTB.
To view other test results, click on the top right X button to close the current test result and then select the
appropriate test button to view next.
20C KBD: Viewing Test History Results
To view a circuit test history (up to the last 10 tests within last 28 days), enter a CBUK or Service ID or TelNo: in
the initial Search screen, then click on the Test History button accessed via the initial Search screen.
A list of (up to the last 10) tests (within the last 28 day period) will be shown.
To view a test detail the user would click on the ‘here’ link against that test. The individual test result will be then
be displayed in full.
Test Descriptions for Standalone and KBD tools
(Level of test detail may vary between different tools).
Standalone tests are accessible via btwholesale.com for 20C and 21C ADSL circuits. The tests noted below are
some of the key tests that may be run as part of the KBD diagnostic cycle or as standalone. The test names may
Local Access Network (RRT data) – KBD only
This currently displays up to 14 days of DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) layer data provided to the Reactive Repair
Tool (RRT) database every 24 hours by DLM/BIP. It provides DSL layer information on the Upstream and
Downstream line rate during this period, as well as SNR margins, Line Loss, Errors, Initialisations etc.
Please note: 20C and Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) RRT data latency is less than 24 hours. Fibre RRT
data latency is over 15 minutes and so is closer to 'real time' data.
IP Connectivity (Radius Log Check)
This check looks back over the previous 48 hours for any IP (Internet Protocol) Session connectivity. It will show if
a session has ‘Worked’ (not currently connected) or 'Working' and how long that working session has been
The IP Connectivity Log data is normally 10-15 minutes behind, so is close to real time. It also shows any
attempts to connect, short sessions.
For further details, please refer to the Radius Log Check Tool user guide, which is available in the Library section
on btwholesale.com.
DLM (Dynamic Line Management) Profile Data
This check shows any line rate changes and the relevant Broadband Remote Access Server (B-RAS) profile
which is linked to and set to the next relevant ADSL profile for the actual line sync rate.
Please note (20C only): If a line has had a low line rate synch event, this may cause the B-RAS profile to be
reset to match the latest lower rate. If the End User line rate then goes back up, the B-RAS profile may take
longer to be raised back up as the systems are looking for stability on the line before making the B-RAS profile
The data also shows the Maximum Stable Rate/Fault Threshold Rate (MSR/FSR) and number of retrains in a 24hour period.
Performance Test
This displays any Performance Test (PT) results run on the BT Speed Tester site by the End User customer.
Any available results are displayed during the KBD Lite phase of the test and may be used as part of the overall
KBD analysis.
This checks the DSL layer connectivity between the End User equipment and the DSLAM (20C) or MSAN (21C)
in the local exchange. It is looking to see if the circuit is in sync or out of sync.
If in sync, it will provide data on key areas:
Downstream and Upstream line loss: high downstream loss indicates a potential long line, which may
impact DSL connectivity
Signal to Noise (SNR) margins for both upstream and downstream
Errors seen on affecting the DSL service at the point of testing
The current line sync rate
The MSR and FTR values. The Fault Threshold Rate is relevant as the actual line synchronisation rate
should not fall and stay below this value or a Lower Threshold Breach (LTB) issue occurs.
IP (Internet Protocol) Check
The circuit needs to be in synch before an IP session can be established. The IP Check confirms if an IP session
is connected or if the IP session is down. It also displays other detail, such as the length of time a session has
been connected.
TAM (Test Access Matrix) Network Check
This is a multi-layer check from the TAM tester in the local exchange via the 21C Multi-Service Access Node or
the 20C Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) through the BT network back toward the
Communication Provider (CP). The test confirms the ATM, DSL, IP and PPP layers are functional between these
KBD may also use the TAM to confirm the End User's log-on details work between the TAM and the
Communication Provider's network to confirm the customer is configured correctly where an IP connection issue
is being experienced. In KBD this is referred to as an ‘Enhanced’ TAM test.
Copper Line Test
Tests the copper line between the local exchange and the NTE (Network Terminating Equipment) in the End
User's premises.
Viewing the RRT (Reactive Repair Tool) Graphs:
The RRT graph detail can only be viewed after a KBD test has been run to completion. It will be available for 24
hours after completion of the KBD test.
If another KBD test is run within that 24 hour period, then the new RRT graph detail will be displayed against the
new test and the original detail will be deleted.
To view the RRT Graph detail:
Click on Local Access Network.
If no RRT data is available in this field then no graph detail will be available.
Click on View RRT Graph.
The default RRT graph screen is Downstream Actual Line Rate graph in the 14 day view.
Please note: There is a >24 hour latency on RRT data for 20CN and WBC copper circuits.
In the PARAMETERS field any two parameters can be selected and displayed together.
All of the 7 parameters are viewable within the 14 day option below.
To view any 24 hour period (single day) within that 14 day period:
In the One Day 15 Minutes View field click on the calendar to the right of the empty field. You can then select the
day to be displayed by either using the graph symbol or by entering the date as it appears on the graph.
Then click on the Display Graph button.
To view the graphs in full screen mode click on the ‘maximise’ rectangular icon in the top right of the graph screen
The graph parameter(s) selected on the 14 day view are displayed in a 24 hour window with a timeline at the
bottom of the graph.
In this example the Downstream Actual Line Rate is displayed. As per the 14 day view the graphs can be
selected and deselected as required to display any two parameters at the same time.
Please note: The MTBE (Mean Time Between Errors) options are not available on the 24 hour view.
The day can be moved forward or back within the 14 day period by selecting the < or > buttons.
To return to the 14 day view select the ^ button.
To close the graph view from either the 14 day or 24 hour views click on the ‘X’ button.
Viewing the Brandenburg Rapid Analysis Tool (BRAT) Graphs
The BRAT detail is located within the Local Access Network result field on the completed KBD test result.
The Indicative Domain and Indicative Cause message provides a fault location and fault type when a potential
issue is seen. In this instance, the Indicative Domain or location is DSL OK and the Indicative Cause is No
fault found with DSL.
This is designed to support a more accurate identification and speedier resolution of any potential DSL issues.
To view the BRAT graph, click on the View BRAT Graph link. It may take up to 120 seconds to load the graph.
REIN = Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise.
SHINE = Single Hit Noise Event.
Please note: You need to have applied for RRT access on btwholesale.com to view the RRT and BRAT graphs,
and must have run a full KBD test to completion before the RRT or BRAT graphs are available in KBD.
The circuit identifiers, overall prognosis statement, most recent 7 days' prognosis on a daily basis and the BRAT
graph are displayed on this screen.
To maximise the screen, click the ‘maximise’ rectangular icon in the top right hand of the screen.
For more information on the BRAT tool, please refer to the BRAT Guide in the KBD documentation available in
the Library section on btwholesale.com.
Additional Info Detail
To access the Additional Info detail click on the tab to the right just above the KBD outcome message.
The amount of detail seen on this screen depends on the KBD logic path(s) taken during the test.
Examples of detail displayed are:
Current Service Status
Service Option
SNR Request and date of any SNR Requests
KBD Documentation
To access the KBD documentation on btwholesale.com log into the website then:
Click on Library, then Technical Documents and Procedures, then Broadband
• Scroll down to and select the Knowledge Based Diagnostics KBD option
• Select either the Handbook & Technical (KBD handbook, interface documents etc.) or Support & Tools
(KBD Best Practice, Beyond KBD etc.’)
• Then select the Click here to download link on the relevant document.
You will find a list of all the KBD documentation to help CPs understand and use the KBD tools.
KBD Best Practice & Beyond KBD Guides: Outcome analysis & Next Steps
The KBD Best Practice and Beyond KBD documents support CP awareness and understanding of each of the
individual KBD outcomes across multiple broadband products.
These guides are in the KBD library under the ‘Support & Tools’ tab (see previous page).
The KBD Best Practice document is updated for each release and contains:
1) Code Changes: New, Amended and Removed information
2) KBD Code (for the specific product);
3) KBD Outcome Message;
4) KBD Outcome Recommendation
5) KBD Flow Overview
6) What Does The Customer Do Next?
7) Acronym list
It also contains a guide to any changes on the current release such as new, amended, or deleted outcome codes,
Where an issue is identified in the End User or CP domain, Beyond KBD provides a guide to the next steps by
providing detail on the types of fault conditions identified, explanations and pictures of network terminating
equipment, with a view to helping the user to identify and resolve the issue.
For best use of the KBD diagnostic tool and guidance documentation:
1) Run the New KBD diagnostic tool to completion;
2) Refer to the New KBD Best Practice guide for the product being tested;
3) If further CP and/or End User investigation is required refer to the Beyond KBD guide.
KBD CBT Training
To access the BT Wholesale One Academy training section:
Click on the Support tab at the top of the screen,
Then select Training
Then select Customer Training
In the Customer Training section click on the Customer Training Login link on the right hand side – this
take you to the BT wholesale Academy login screen.
If you have already have access, please enter your username and password, then click on the Login
If you require access, please click on the link to email: product.marketing@bt.com
Lead time for access is normally 24 hours (Monday-Friday).
If you have forgotten your password, click on the Forgotten password? tab.
Click on the link for Broadband Diagnostics to access the KBD training packs.
KBD Deployments
About Deployments:
Deployments are aligned to the BT Design release schedule and are every 9 weeks. Between each full release
there is also a maintenance release. These are denoted by a + symbol.
Notification Periods:
Any deployment that impacts a customer has to have a minimum of a 28 day notification. (This is normally for
wording type changes).
If it's a new question or KBD output that requires a customer system change, then a 90 day notification period is
Deployment Schedule:
Release AP ….…………………..……..
Release AP+ (maintenance) …………..
Release AQ ….…………………..……..
Release AQ+ (maintenance) ……..……
Release AR ….…………………..……..
Release AR+ (maintenance) …………..
Release AS ….…………………..……..
Release AS+ (maintenance) …………..
Release AT ….…………………..…….
Release AT+ (maintenance) .………….
Release AU ….…………………..……..
Release AU+ (maintenance) ….……….
KBD Troubleshooting
‘DNA’ (Diagnostics Not Available):
Where the KBD tool is unavailable, you can report a fault to BT Wholesale, if required, by selecting the
Diagnostics Not Available option in the structured questions.
This will raise the fault to BT Wholesale as a DNA fault code.
Please note: The DNA functionality will only be available if there is a KBD system failure.
The KBD tool is supported on Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.
Internet Explorer (IE):
When the occasional error occurs it can often be resolved by following steps detailed below:
Close the flow on KBD (if possible) using the ‘Close flow’ button and close the Internet Explorer session
the KBD tool was running on
Open a new Internet Explorer session
Click on the 'Tools' option on the top taskbar
Select 'Internet Options…'
Make sure the 'General Tab' is selected
In the 'Temporary Internet files' section click on 'Delete Cookies' and select 'OK'
In the same section click on 'Delete Files' and tick the 'Delete Offline Content' box before clicking 'OK' on
this section
Click 'OK' at the bottom of the 'Internet Options' box and open a new KBD session in this window.
Go to ‘Tools’ and select ‘Clear Private Data’ - click all the checkboxes except ‘Saved Passwords’ and click ‘Clear
Private Data Now’. This should clear most errors and ensure the smooth running of the KBD tool.
KBD Support:
Customer Support:
Contact your Client or Account Manager.
Demo Support:
Test and Diagnostics team (via your Client or Account Manager).
XML/B2B Support:
From the KBD documentation section or the PEM (Partner Enablement Team) at:
BT Wholesale System Support Help Desk:
For eCo Broadband, eCo Plus, Fault Diagnostics (including KBD system failures) email
broadband.eco.admin@bt.com or contact 0800 783 5639 option 1.