Cover-ACM 2016.indd - Atlantic County Magazine
Cover-ACM 2016.indd - Atlantic County Magazine
PAGE 2 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE borhood The Flavor of the Neigh appy Wishing You A H ear! & Healthy New Y Have You Kissed Our Cinnamon BHuonmse of the Lately? Famous Scrapple Pie 0 6 399-12 an City 730 Asbury Avenue, Oce Closed Mondays 7-5 • Sun. 7-2 Tues.-Fri. 7-6 • Sat. Find Us on Facebook ORDER PARTY TRAYS for NEW YEAR'S EVE & NEW YEAR'S DAY! ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 3 WWW.ATLANTICCOUNTYMAGAZINE.COM The enTire conTenTs of ATlAnTic counTy MAgAzine Are copyrighTed. our 41sT yeAr! Michael stark Mike Breslin deana M. Kozlowski Brian Toci Jacquelyn Tocci greg Alber Kevin, Mike, Victor, gary Todd cohen publisher Account executive Art director production & design Manager graphic designer photographer distribution south Jersey Matters Atlantic County Magazine is distributed to over 500 distribution points, including Super Wawa's, hotels, motels, restaurants, night clubs, condominiums, apartment buildings, convenience stores and supermarkets located in Atlantic City, Brigantine, Ventnor, Margate, Longport, Somers Point, Linwood, Bargaintown, Northfield, Cardiff, Egg Harbor Township, Hamilton Twp., Pleasantville, Absecon, Pomona and Smithville & most A.C. Casinos Yearly Subscriptions: $75.00 • All correspondance should be addressed to: Ridgewood Plaza #203 • 2327 New Rd., Northfield, NJ 08225 609-568-5437 • Fax: 568-5441 • E-Mail: Printing Needs Business cards, flyers, copies, postcards call Today! 609-338-8156 PAGE 4 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE 5) In 1994-95, the Magic became the second-fastest team to advance to the NBA Finals. To what team did they lose that series? 6) What rookie coach led an inexperienced Magic team to a 41-41 record in 1999-2000? and three first-round draft picks 5) Houston Rockets 6) Doc Rivers 7) Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill 8) High-school center Dwight Howard 9) Detroit Pistons 10) Howard W O R D SearCh I N Y C A L T H R D A L M D G M A E S P A D A E B E I W J L G Z D X R E R M I N K O L E U N S B J E W R I V A R I O U D Z A N B L N W O S E I G E S T E P Z T L O E C T R U S W I S X T I A E X H M C A K Z N R A S Z S O K E N I Y I T V W Q Z U V M K I A U O U I G Z T S X P L Z T P C H A H T T A N E M U N P Y F W T I S S T N N L E V D A L O M Z D A Z N I K S T “Shades of Blue” on NBC G S B P K O E Q O H L J C A R Y D U E L S U C Z Y L T R N V V A H Z F S T A L A R E S C A (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Brooklyn) Detectives (Harlee) Santos (Jennifer) Lopez (Matt) Wozniak (Ray) Liotta (Street) Justice (Tess) Nazario (Drea) de Matteo (Michael) Loman (Dayo) Okeniyi (Carlos) Espada (Vincent) Laresca (FBI) Sting (Robert) Stahl (Warren) Kole © Zap2it Release the week of January 3 - January 9, 2016. Millie's Little Jewelry Store There is a store on Ventnor Main Street With a lot of small things that are really kept neat. I am talking about some of our favorite things. Necklaces, watches, earrings and a lot of really exciting things. So take a trip inside if you feel so inclined, And talk to the woman at the counter. I am sure that they can help whatever the matter. With a friendly smile and a down to earth style. So don't wait to next time because this is the best time to go to the store with a whole lot moreMillie's Little Big Jewelry Store William Dowling Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 5 ‘ROUND THE REGION with Sharon By Sharon Harris-Zlotnick Hello Atlantic County: Happy New Year! I wish you a wonderful, healthy and fun 2016. I will continue to update you on interesting regional events, good eating spots and quality retail/service options. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, so check the information block at the end of the column. One Hour spelled out all details in writing. They forwarded an online for our records. It only took three days to order and arrange installation, so the warmer weather made it feasible to be without heat. As we head into January, I’m confident that whatever Mother Nature sends our way, my house will be warm and cozy. This heater should last at least another 15 years, although who knows if we will still be here. However, someone will be and this solid system will add value to the house. TWO UNUSUAL FOOD FESTIVALS Then, switch gears to bacon, that ultimate breakfast, burger and sandwich extra. Bacon Week returns to the Tropicana from January 17-23 and it will be everywhere. Believe it or not, you can indulge in unusual bacon cocktails, desserts, and more. Of course, there are the super one pound BLT sandwiches, but where else can you savor a bacon ice cream sundae or drink your bacon in a Bacon Maple Manhattan? • Bacon Peanut Butter Cups at Bacon Bites • Chocolate Bacon Lava Cake at Il Verdi and FIN • Bacon Breath Mints at LICK Enjoy the good eating, but take care not to “pig out” on your meal. I know that’s corny, but I couldn’t resist throwing that in. Did you have enough chocolate last month at all the holiday events? Or, did it just whet your December weather proved appetite for more? If you can’t strange. Wearing short sleeves get enough, the Tropicana’s resFinally, don’t forget to take in late December, despite days taurants have developed a Hot home some memories with of rain, seemed unnatural. I re- Chocolate Specialty Drink prothe “Bring Home the Baconmember too many icy, snowy motion that combines the rich Enjoy a bacon cocktail at the Retail Specials.” At A Time for holidays of the past, plus ex- taste of cocoa with other ingre- Broadway Burger Bar, Car- Wine, pay 15 percent less on dients. treme cold. mine’s, FIN or Il Verdi. Desserts your luxury wine or cigar purget special sweet treatment chase when you mention BaAlthough still warm, it was time Some, like FIN and 10 North, at the Broadway, Casa Taco & con Week. for our winter heating check combine liqueurs and bran- Tequila Bar, FIN, Il Verdi and Rí from One-Hour Heating & Air dies with whipped cream. The Rá Irish Pub. All add a unique, If this is your first Bacon Week, Conditioning of Pleasantville. I Broadway Burger Bar offers five often ethnic, treatment of the visit the Bacon Bites booth in fully expected all to be okay, but choices that also include candy, top-off course of a great meal. The Quarter. There, you can I heard bad news. A leak forced peanut butter, steamed milk and buy bacon pretzels & potato the system to be sealed until re- caramel sauce for $4-$5. What would be a meal without chips, multiple flavors of chocpairs could be done. the main dish? Almost every olate covered bacon and baThe Palm chases the chill with food outlet at the Tropicana is con novelty items. Who could Norman and I had two choices its Peppermint Patty, mixing a putting out their “best bacon” ignore the Bacon Pizza? for the 16-year-old system...ei- shot of peppermint schnapps to entry for dining competition. ther repair multiple items or just its house-made hot chocolate Look to the above-mentioned The LICK Candy Store will replace the entire system. That recipe, priced at $10.00. dining venues, plus add Chick- stock an inventory of bacon seemed to be the more prudent ie’s & Pete’s and the Seaside cotton candy, bacon gum choice. Why “nickel and dime” Looking for an ethnic version of Cafe. They will all add their balls, bacon toothpicks, bacon ourselves when other problems hot chocolate? Carmine’s pres- own creative spin on many of jellybeans, bacon lollipops and ents an Italian S’more ($10) with their standard appetizers and bacon breath mints, all priced could arise next year? Italian liqueur, topped with gra- entrees, plus introduce a new from $3.95-$10.00. Our only replacement option ham cracker chocolate chunks, menu item for the promotion. FEEDBACK FROM YOU was using the basic foundation marshmallows and whipped I would love to hear your we had, which made it some- cream. At Cuba Libre, a $4 Café These items have already reideas/suggestions. what more expensive than the Mocha features Cuban coffee ceived the Pig’s Choice Awards Email atlanticcountymagazine@ basic heating system. But, this fused with traditional Mexi- 2016: would be energy efficient and can chocolate and topped with • Bacon Cinnamon Roll cockIn the subject line, put whipped cream. we would qualify for a rebate tail at Broadway Burger Bar FEEDBACK FOR SHARON from the State of New Jersey. and it will be forwarded. • Super One-Pound BLT at We negotiated a fair deal and Seaside Café PAGE 6 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE HOLD THE HEAT T V Challenge 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 S P O R T S StumperS Orlando Magic By George Dickie © Zap2it Questions: 1) In what season did the Orlando Magic enter the NBA? 2) Who was the team’s first coach? 3) Who did the Magic select with the first overall pick in the 1992 NBA draft? 4) In the ’93 draft, the Magic took Chris Webber with the top overall pick, then traded him to the Golden State Warriors. Whom did they get in return? 5) In 1994-95, the Magic became the second-fastest team to advance to the NBA Finals. To what team did they lose that series? 6) What rookie coach led an inexperienced Magic team to a 41-41 record in 1999-2000? 7) In the 2000 offseason, the Magic acquired what two highprofile free agents? 8) Who did the Magic take with the top overall pick in 2004? 9) In their first playoffs in four years, the Magic were swept by what team in the first round in 2007? 10) What Magic player won the Slam Dunk Contest in 2008? Answers: 1) 1989-90 2) Matt Guokas 3) Louisiana State center Shaquille O’Neal 4) Point guard Penny Hardaway and three first-round draft picks 5) Houston Rockets 6) Doc Rivers 7) Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill 8) High-school center Dwight Howard 9) Detroit Pistons 10) Howard 75.00 D SearCh R O W DO YOU KNOW? Off $ I engine V light G onYan overV I M G N S B J E WThatRa check Any Major drive light blinking can be an indication FREE 24/7 TOWING A Z A R I O U D Z A N S D A N Service of a transmission problem? within 15 miles with One coupon perE customer. D B L N W O S E ITO AAMCO G B TODAY U H Y COME Present at time of sale. major repairs Not validC with other S offers. X E S T E P Z TFOR L YOUR O P E Z FREE Valid at participating locations. NATIONWIDE WARRANTY ® TRANSCHECK 21 PLUS INSPECTION P R E C T R U S W I S K L F A Expires 1/31/16. Independently WE ACCEPT MOST Owned & Operated INCLUDES ROAD TEST & ELECTRONIC T I WARRANTIES A E X H M C O S S L A E XEXTENDED SCAN - A $65 VALUE R A K Z N Center R A S• 609-484-9770 Z S E U T T D Transmission AAMCO A Horse M OPike, K Suite E N6, Egg I YHarbor I TTwp., V Q A 6400 H Black NJ C 08234 R D A L M D G E B E I W J L I N K O L E U W Q Z U V M K I A O Z L U O U I G Z TShower S XEnclosures H Y A • Custom P L Z T P •C H A H L L R Storefronts • Mirrors T T A N E M U N P J T E • Insulated Glass Replacements Y F W T I S S T N C R S N L E V D A L O M A N C Z D A Z N IOver K 30 S T R V A Glass Styles “Shades of Blue” on NBC for your tub or shower enclosures (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Frameless or Framed (Carlos) Espada (Street) Justice (Vincent) Laresca (Tess) Nazario (FBI) Sting (Drea) de Matteo (Robert) Stahl (Michael) Loman (Warren) Kole (Dayo) Okeniyi from Storybook Land) (Brooklyn) Detectives Our 65th Year! (Harlee) Santos (Jennifer) Lopez (Matt) Wozniak (Ray) Liotta (Across 6422 Black Horse Pike, EHT 609-645-8834 Find Us onFeatures Facebook Custom © Zap2it ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 7 Release the week of January 3 - January 9, 2016. FRIDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) PAGE 8 JANUARY 1, 2016 6:30 7:00 7:30 Insider 8:00 8:30 NCIS Å (DVS) News CBS ET News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Last Man Dr. Ken News News Extra Caught on Camera Holly 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 Å Shark Tank Å News News One/One News Inside Ed. Dish Nat. TMZ Å Rosemary/Thyme MasterChef (In Stereo) Å (DVS) FamFeud FamFeud The iHeartradio Music Festival - Night 2 Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Walk The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Action News Midsomer Midsomer Murders Judge Mathis Å Criminal Minds 20/20 Å Dateline NBC “Deadly Connection” Å Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Mummers Parade: The Fancy Brigades News Hawaii Five-0 Å Criminal Minds The Walking Dead “Conquer” This News Late Show-Colbert News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Mod Fam Friends Friends News C. Rose TMZ Å News Special News Broke Girl Mike One/One Dish Nat. News King Unforgettable Å Criminal Minds Anthony Bourd. The Walking Dead Å The Walking Dead Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Quick SportsNet Eagles 3 and Out Football Eagles Quick SportsNet NBA Basketball: 76ers at Lakers K.C. K.C. Hopkins Mike Criminal Anthony Gold Rush: Road Gold Rush: Road Gold Rush - The Dirt Gold Rush Å Alaskan Bush Gold Rush Å Alaskan Jessie K.C. Jessie Liv-Mad. Best Fr. Jessie Austin Jessie (5:00) Rose Bowl Stanford vs. Iowa. (Live) Jessie Girl K.C. Allstate Sugar Bowl Oklahoma State vs. Mississippi. (Live) High School Football SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportsCenter Å SportCtr Special Report L&L: Real West Man-Bin Laden Man-Bin Laden L&L: Real West Bin Laden Greta Van Susteren ››‡ “This Is 40” (2012) Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann. ››‡ “The Internship” (2013) Vince Vaughn. “The Internship” ›› “Fighting” (2009) Channing Tatum. ››‡ “Exodus: Gods and Kings” (2014) ‘PG-13’ ››› “Lone Survivor” (2013, War) ‘R’ Å Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars To Be Announced Restoration Smartest Smartest Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars TBA Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Banshee Å Banshee Å › “Walk of Shame” (2014) Å “Passion Intent” Full H’se Friends Bring It! Å Criminal Minds Bring It! Å Bring It! Å Bring It! Å Banshee Banshee Å Banshee Sponge. Sponge. Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Full H’se Sponge. Full H’se The Rap Game Å Full H’se Criminal Minds The Rap Game Å Friends Criminal Bring It! Friends ››‡ “The Expendables 2” (2012) (In Stereo) ››‡ “Escape Plan” (2013, Action) Sylvester Stallone. ›› “Walking Tall” ››› “The Hangover” (2009) Å Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl ›‡ “Killers” (2010) Ashton Kutcher. Cougar “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” Å ›››‡ “The Magnificent Seven” (1960) ››‡ “M” (1951) David Wayne. “Victor “Mummy: Dragon Emp.” ›‡ “Wrath of the Titans” (2012, Fantasy) ›› “Clash of the Titans” (2010) Sam Worthington. Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 9 WOOD'S LOAN OFFICE "Atlantic City's #1 Pawnbroker" We Buy & Sell Gold, Jewelry & Guitars 1736 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City (609) 345-1082 PAGE 10 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 11 PAGE 12 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE "Voted Atlantic City's Best Breakfast & Luncheon Spot" Visitors & Locals love to eat at Perry's Cafe Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days 7am-4pm 1339 Pacific Ave. at Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City (609) 340-8882 • Eat-in or Take-Out HAVE YOU SERVICED YOUR TRANSMISSION LATELY? 79.00 $ DO YOU KNOW? Most Cars TRANSMISSION That a check engine light on an overFLUID CHANGE FREE 24/7 TOWING drive light blinking can be an indication Includes Fluid. Filter extra. of a transmission problem? within 15 miles with One coupon per customer. COME TO AAMCOTODAY Present at time of sale. major repairs Not valid with other offers. FOR YOUR FREE Valid at participating locations. NATIONWIDE WARRANTY TRANSCHECK 21 PLUS® INSPECTION Expires 1/31/16. WE ACCEPT MOST Independently Owned & Operated INCLUDES ROAD TEST & ELECTRONIC EXTENDED WARRANTIES SCAN - A $65 VALUE AAMCO Transmission Center • 609-484-9770 6400 Black Horse Pike, Suite 6, Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234 ORE M S T N E R ST THAN JU! CARS HOLIDAY - VACATION SPECIALS • Convertibles • Sport Vehicles • Mini Vans • 15 Passenger Vans • Conversion Vans plus a full line of Moving Vans & Trucks Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Call: 652-8611 FREE PICK-UP 324 E. White Horse Pk. Galloway, NJ 08205 (4 miles from Atlantic City) PAGE 13 PAGE 14 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 15 TURN UP THE AC • DEANA M. KOZLOWSKI 12/31 - Boardwalk Hall - Kevin Hart: Kevin Hart is one of comedy’s biggest stars with a celebrated and award-winning career that has seen the talented entertainer become one of the industry’s most important and influential voices. Since his career began Hart has worked non-stop and in 2015, he will release two movies as well as hit the road for his WHAT NOW? TOUR. Kevin can currently be seen in Screen Gem’s The Wedding Ringer and in March 2015, will star opposite Will Ferrell in Warner Bros. Pictures’ Get Hard. In 2016, Kevin will star in Ride Along 2, the anticipated sequel to last year’s $100 million blockbuster hit. The consummate worker, Hart is a force in television too where he is currently Executive Producing the hit show, Real Husbands of Hollywood on BET. In addition to sold-out tours, Kevin’s additional film credits also include Top Five, Think Like A Man Too, About Last Night and This Is The End. 12/31 - Resorts - Tony Orlando: One of America’s most endearing and enduring stars; Tony and America recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of his recording of Tie A Yellow Ribbon ‘Round The Ole Oak Tree. Tony brings to the stage a warmth and exhilarating energy that electrifies an audience. From million selling records (five number one hits), a popular television variety series, movies and Broadway (Barnum and Smokey Joe’s Cafe) Tony Orlando has conquered every facet of show business. Orlando remains one of America’s best loved personalities. He has been a recipient of three American Music Awards and a People’s Choice Award. For outstanding achievements to the entertainment industry, Tony was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1990. Tony has played to packed arenas and for five Presidents. In 1998 he created and starred in the show Jukebox Dreams where he took the audience on a doo-wop serenade showing the power of one man’s dreams. The show premiered at Harrah’s in Atlantic City and later toured to some of the top venues in the country. This winter Tony has a special production set to go for the Christmas season, entitled Santa & Me. 12/31 - Tropicana - The Pointer Sisters: The Pointer Sisters are an American R&B singing group from Oakland, California, that achieved mainstream success during the 1970s and 1980s. Spanning over three decades, their repertoire has included such diverse genres as pop, disco, jazz, electronic music, bebop, blues, soul, funk, dance, country and rock. The Pointer Sisters have won three Grammy Awards and received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1994. The group had 13 US top 20 hits between 1973 and 1985. The group had its early origins when sisters June and Bonnie Pointer began performing in clubs in 1969 as “Pointers, a Pair”. The line-up grew to a trio when sister Anita Pointer joined them. They scored a record deal with Atlantic Records and released several unsuccessful singles. The trio grew to a quartet when sister Ruth joined in December 1972. They then signed with Blue Thumb Records, recorded their debut album, and began seeing more success, winning a Grammy Award in 1975 for Best Country Vocal Performance for “Fairytale” (1974). Bonnie left the group in 1978 to commence a solo career with only modest success. The group achieved its greatest commercial success as a trio during the 1980s consisting of the line-up of June, Ruth, and Anita, winning two more Grammys for the top 10 hits “Jump (for My Love)” (1984) and “Automatic” (1984). The group’s other U.S. top 10 PAGE 16 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE hits are “Fire” (1979), “He’s So Shy” (1980), “Slow Hand” (1981), the remixed version of “I’m So Excited” (1984) and “Neutron Dance” (1985). June Pointer, who left the group in 2004, died of cancer in 2006. She was replaced by Ruth’s daughter Issa Pointer. This trio had a number two hit in Belgium in 2005, covering “Sisters Are Doin’ It for Themselves” with Belgian singer Natalia. Since 2009, the group has consisted of Anita, Ruth, Issa, and Ruth’s granddaughter Sadako Pointer. While all four women remain in the group, they most often perform as a trio rotating the lineup as needed. 1/2 - Resorts - THE ORCHESTRA STARRING FORMER MEMBERS OF ELO: Many recall Electric Light Orchestra as a powerhouse stadium and arena band who toured between 1971 and 1986. ELO Part 2 toured from 1990 through 2000. In 2001 ELO Part 2 changed names and started performing as THE ORCHESTRA and has toured all over the world under this new moniker since that time. THE ORCHESTRA performs all the unmistakable ELO biggest hit songs that fans have come to enjoy such as “Evil Woman,” “Strange Magic,” “Livin’ Thing,” “Do Ya,” “Sweet Talkin’ Woman,” “Telephone Line,” and many more familiar songs that you grew up with. Members of THE ORCHESTRA include two former members of ELO and ELO Part 2, Mik Kaminski the famous “Blue Violin” player, along with Louis Clark the orchestral keyboard player, arranger and conductor of symphony orchestra on ELO recordings. The former members of ELO Part 2 are Eric Troyer on keyboard, guitar and co-lead vocals, Parthenon Huxley on lead guitar and co-lead vocals, Gordon Townsend on drums and Glen Burtnik bassist and co-lead vocalist. 1/2 - Borgata - Jackson Browne: Jackson Browne is an American singer-songwriter and musician who has sold over 18 million albums in the United States. Coming to prominence in the 1970s, Browne has written and recorded songs such as “These Days”, “The Pretender”, “Running on Empty”, “Lawyers in Love”, “Doctor My Eyes”, “Take It Easy”, “For a Rocker”, and “Somebody’s Baby”. In 2004, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio, as well as bestowed an Honorary Doctorate of Music by Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. 1/15-17 - Borgata - Rob Thomas (Sidewalk Angels Foundation): Rob Thomas is an American singer and songwriter. He is the primary songwriter and lead singer of the band Matchbox Twenty. Thomas also records and performs as a solo artist. Thomas earned three Grammy Awards for co-writing and singing on the Santana triple-platinum hit “Smooth”, on the album Supernatural in 1999. Since 1996, his band has released a string of hit singles to radio including “Push”, “3AM”, “Real World”, “Back 2 Good”, “Bent”, “If You’re Gone”, “Mad Season”, “Disease”, “Unwell”, “Bright Lights”, “How Far We’ve Come”, and “She’s So Mean”. In 2004, the Songwriters Hall of Fame awarded Thomas its first Starlight Award, recognizing young songwriters who have already had a lasting influence in the music industry. Sidewalk Angels Foundation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing critically needed funds and support to grassroots groups across the country that work diligently in animal rescue and advocacy. It is the primary supporter and sponsor of a number of no-kill animal shelters and animal rescues across the country. Helping to fight for the rights and fair treatment of those with no voice. Additionally, the foundation also supports a myriad of other causes, from childhood health and wellness to the fight against homelessness. TURN UP THE AC 1/22 - Harrah’s - Joel McHale: Joel Edward McHale is an American comedian, actor, writer, television producer, and television host. He is known for hosting The Soup and portraying Jeff Winger on the NBC/Yahoo! comedy series Community. He voiced Elliot in the computer-animated comedy film Open Season 2, and has appeared in such films as Spider-Man 2, Spy Kids: All the Time in the World, Ted, What’s Your Number?, and Blended. 2/7 - Golden Nugget - Todd Rundgren: Todd Rundgren is an American multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and record producer. Hailed in the early stage of his career as a pop wunderkind for both his own material and for his production of other artists, supported by the certified gold solo double LP Something/Anything? in 1972,his career has produced a diverse and eclectic range of recordings often both as a solo artist and as a member of the band Utopia. Rundgren has often been at the forefront as a promoter of cutting edge recording technologies. His best-known songs include the 1972 singles “Hello It’s Me” and “I Saw the Light”, which have heavy rotation on classic rock radio stations, and the 1983 single “Bang the Drum All Day”, which is featured in many sports arenas, commercials and movie trailers. Although lesser known, “Couldn’t I Just Tell You” has had a major influence on artists in the power pop musical genre. MGM OIL/LUBE $4.00 OFF OIL CHANGE OIL • LUBE • FILTER ( 4-Wheel Drives Extra) • Our 16 point safety check is included In the MGM AUTO MALL Fernwood Ave. & Black Horse Pike (near Storybook Land), Egg Harbor Twp. • 383-1221 Open Monday-Friday 8 am - 6 pm Saturday 8 am - 4 pm Check back soon for more exciting events! Borgata January 2 - Jackson Browne December 31 - Tony Orlando January 2 - THE ORCHESTRA STARRING FORMER MEMBERS OF ELO Boardwalk Hall Caesars Resorts January 15 -17 - Rob Thomas (Sidewalk Angels Foundation) Golden Nugget December 31 - Kevin Hart February 6 - TODD RUNDGREN Harrah’s Tropicana December 31 - The Pointer Sisters January 22 - Joel McHale Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 17 Let Us Design Your Ad! ADVERTISING RATES (PER ISSUE) 8 Week Contract 1 Week Full Page $235.00 $260.00 1/2 Page $150.00 $175.00 1/4 Page $90.00 $105.00 (For Full Color Add 30%) 1/8 Page $55.00 $65.00 2327 NEW ROAD • RIDGEWOOD PLAZA • NORTHFIELD, NJ 08225 (609) 568-5437 • FAX (609) 568-5441 E-Mail: Casino Box Offices Ticketmaster 1-800-736-1420 Bally’s Atlantic City 1-800-772-7777 Borgata 1-866-MY-BORGATA Caesars Atlantic City 1-800-677-SHOW Golden Nugget 1-609-441-2000 Harrah’s Atlantic City 1-800-HARRAH Resorts Atlantic City 1-800-322-SHOW Tropicana Casino & Resort 1-800-526-2935 Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort 1-609-449-5150 100 YEARS STRONG! RULES TO LIVING A 100-YEAR HEALTHY & ACTIVE LIFE FRESH START'S THREE FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES: 1. Spine & Nerves - We all need a healthy spine and nerves to live a long, healthy, active pain-free life. 2. Nutrition - We all need building blocks and energy from food to create a healthy environment and fight disease. 3. Fitness - We all need to take care of our body if we want to get the most from our body. CHIROPRACTIC - NUTRITION - WEIGHT LOSS Please visit or call for more information. Dr. John Fresh, D.C. & Dr. Jennifer Fresh, D.C. 926-8900 6 Shore Rd., Linwood, NJ 08221 PAGE 18 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE In the spirit of the holiday, and to give back to the community, Art Handler’s Appliance Center donated three brand-new refrigerators to deserving Pleasantville residents, chosen by the City of Pleasantville. The recipients are Robin Reaves, Dora Amado, and Estelle Jones. From left are Robin Reaves, Pleasantville Councilwoman Judy Ward, Dora Amado, Pleasantville Mayor Jesse Tweedle Sr., and Scot Sacks of Art Handler’s Appliance Center. Not shown is Estelle Jones. Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 19 WE DELIVER! WHY IS YAMA YUMMY? BECAUSE OF QUALITY Best Sushi! Philadelphia Magazine June 2010 South Jersey Magazine June 2011 Visit Us on Facebook! Business Hours: • Mon.-Sat. Lunch 12:00 Noon-3:00pm • Mon.-Sat. Dinner 3:00pm-10:30pm • Sun. 1:00pm-10:30pm 5305 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor, NJ 822-8007 • 822-8105 PAGE 20 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 21 PAGE 22 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 JANUARY 2, 2016 7:00 7:30 News News Ent. Tonight News ABC FYI Philly Wheel News News Eagles 8:00 Scorpion Å 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 NCIS: New Orleans 48 Hours Å Galavant Galavant Galavant Galavant 20/20 Å Homeless Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å Saturday Night Live Celebrity Celebrity Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Two Men Two Men Action News Metro On Re Fox 29 News at 6 Rizzoli & Isles Å The First 48 Å Walking Changing Changing Old House FamFeud FamFeud Seinfeld Seinfeld TMZ (In Stereo) Å The First 48 Å Fear the Walking Smerconish Gotham Å (DVS) The First 48 Å Fear the Walking CNN Newsroom As Time... Keep Up Vicious Rosewood Fox 29 News at 10 King News Blue Bloods Å News News NBC 10 Saturday Night Live Castle Raising Raising Friends Doc Martin Å Murder Animation Dom Inside Ed. Broke Girl Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Tosh.0 The First 48: Houses The First 48: Houses The First 48 Fear the Walking All Best/Worst King Vicious News Fear the Walking Dead Å ›››‡ “Blackfish” (2013) Tilikum. Report Postgame The Best of Breakfast on Broad Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å MythBusters Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Dual Survival Å Survival Austin Austin Austin Austin Star New Year Austin Austin Austin Football Austin Birds Medical Mistakes Hockey Austin Eagles First 48 Fear the Walking Dead “Pilot” College Football Valero Alamo Bowl -- Oregon vs. Texas Christian. Å College Basketball College Basketball America’s News HQ FOX Report › “Grown Ups 2” Grinder Grinder (5:45) ›› “The Longest Ride” (2015) Å Austin Austin College Football: Motel 6 Cactus Bowl College Basketball LSU at Vanderbilt. (Live) College Basketball L&L: Real West Justice With Jeanine Greg Gutfeld Red Eye-Shillue Justice Grinder Grinder Grinder Mike Grinder Grinder “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers To Be Announced Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Banshee Banshee Banshee Å Thunder Thunder Henry Cops Cops Cops “Stalked by My Doctor” (2015) Å SportsNet NBA Basketball: 76ers at Clippers “Don’t Wake Mommy” (2015) Ashley Bell. Grinder Grinder Mike ››‡ “Unbroken” (2014) Jack O’Connell. ‘PG-13’ Pawn Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Pickers Law-SVU Banshee Å Banshee Å ›› “Child 44” (2015) Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman. Å “The House Sitter” (2015) Kate Ashfield. “Don’t” Henry Henry Henry Nicky, Ricky Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Å Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ›› “The Pacifier” (2005) “Funny Thing on Way to Forum” “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Law & Order: SVU Find Us on Facebook Law & Order: SVU ››› “The Candidate” (1972) Å ››› “Smile” (1975) Bruce Dern. Å “Divine” ››‡ “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) ››‡ “Alice in Wonderland” ›› “The Lone Ranger” (2013, Western) Johnny Depp. Premiere. Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 23 Your Favorite Music from your Favorite Artists The Beatles – Billy Joel – The Beach Boys – Chicago The Temptations – Van Morrison – Aretha Franklin The Bee Gees – The Four Tops – America – Elvis Presley The Supremes – Elton John – Marvin Gaye And your Favorite Radio DJ's Jerry Beebe – Rick Rock – Chris Nagle – Ken Schaffer En Vivo is an open format mix of music featuring a variety of genres Spanish pop, tropical, regional Mexican, top 40 English and Latin alternative. En Vivo truly caters to the bicultural Latino PAGE 24 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Still Not Recovered from Hurricane Sandy? Visit SBA Centers for Financial Assistance New Jersey businesses and residents that were affected by Superstorm Sandy are now receiving one-on-one assistance from SBA customer service representatives. Survivors are encouraged to visit the centers to apply for SBA low-interest disaster loans. No appointment is necessary. Atlantic County • City of Atlantic City 1301 Bacharach Blvd, Room 129 Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon - Fri Apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at or callSBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (1-800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing), or by emailing Loan applications can also be downloaded at To Advertise In: WWW.ATLANTICCOUNTYMAGAZINE.COM Call Us At (609)568-5437 The filing deadline to return applications for physical property damage is Dec. 1, 2016. The deadline to return economic injury applications is Dec. 1, 2016. SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 NFL Football News ABC News News JANUARY 3, 2016 7:00 7:30 8:00 60 Minutes Å 8:30 Undercover Boss Funny Home Videos Galavant Å Football Night in America Å 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Limitless “Page 44” NFL Football Teams TBA. (In Stereo Live) Å Elementary Å Two Men Big Bang Mod Fam Mod Fam Monopoly Friends All-Star Orchestra Process NFL Football The Good Wife Å Hoarders Å Class The Arts Graves The OT Simpsons Barrett Elmntry Fam. Guy Bor Mike Fox News Broke Girl Mike ›››› “Rocky” (1976) Sylvester Stallone. Å Blindsided: ISIS “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” End World Poker Tour College Basketball Last Frontier Last Frontier Alaska Austin Austin Austin Austin Hoarders Å Austin Austin 2015 World Series of Poker How I Met Nightwatch Å Hoarders “Steve Jobs: Machine” Eagles Postgame Sports Alaskan Bush People: Return to the Bush Alaska Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin World/Poker SportsCenter (Live) Å L&L: Real West Billiards Billiards Billiards Billiards 30 for 30 Å Fox News Sunday FOX Report L&L: Real West 13-Benghazi Greg Gutfeld “The Painted Veil” “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” (5:00) ››› “The Amazing Spider-Man” Paid Mike ››› “Rocky II” (1979) Sylvester Stallone. SportsNet Central Last Frontier TMZ (In Stereo) Å News CNN Newsroom Austin Eagles As Time... CNN Newsroom SportsCenter Å FYI Philly NBC 10 Person of Interest (5:00) ››› “Tombstone” (1993) Å Austin Spo. Sports Austin City Limits Hoarders “Judy” SEC Storied Å News Action News Hoarders Å Poker News Antiques Roadshow Abolitionists FamFeud FamFeud Broke Girl Broke Girl Mike Hoarders Å Limitless Å Quantico “Run; America” (In Stereo) Å E:60 Å ESPN FC Benghazi ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013) ››› “Far From the Madding Crowd” Å ›› “Proof of Life” (2000) ‘R’ Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Logged and Loaded Ax Men Å The Curse of Smartest Smartest Ax Men Leverage Å Leverage Å Leverage Å Leverage Å Leverage Å Leverage Å Leverage “I Killed My BFF” “Don’t Wake Mommy” (2015) Ashley Bell. “Bad Sister” (2016) Ryan Newman. Å “Don’t Wake Mommy” (2015) Banshee Banshee Å Banshee Å Banshee Banshee Å ›‡ “The Marine” (2006) John Cena. Å “Invisi Thunder Thunder Henry Henry Game Shakers Å Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends ›››› “Saving Private Ryan” (1998, War) Tom Hanks, Edward Burns. (In Stereo) ››› “Gran Torino” (2008) Clint Eastwood. (In Stereo) (5:00) “Rush Hour 3” Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang ›› “Bad Boys II” (2003) Å ››› “Robin and Marian” (1976) Å ›››› “His Girl Friday” (1940) ›››‡ “Broadcast News” (1987) William Hurt. Å “Un (5:30) ››‡ “Alice in Wonderland” (2010) ››‡ “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (2010, Fantasy) ››‡ “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” (2010) NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS “Toxic” NCIS “Legend” NCIS “Legend” NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 25 South Jersey Matters By Todd Cohen Send your news to Todd Cohen, SJ Matters, P.O. Box 3351, Margate, NJ 08402-3351 SINGLE PARENTS SOCIETY DANCE SOCIALS JANUARY 5TH If you enjoy dancing or just listening to great music, then I got an event for you! Elizabeth Gorman, one of our long-time readers, who enjoys this column, advises us about a note-worthy event. The Single Parents Society Shore Chapter presents a note-worthy weekly Dance Social each Tuesday at 7:30PM 'til 10PM at the Social Hall of the Somers Point Fire House Co. #1 located on Bethel Road in Somers Point, NJ. Refreshments will be served. Live Music will be provided. The group has been meeting in Somers Point for over 30 years. A different musical entertainer or musical group performs each week. On January 5, 2016, begin the New Year with the sensational music of "The Sensations". For further details or status of events due to inclement weather, call the group's President Rita Voli at (609) 886-9347. HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR! MONDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 JANUARY 4, 2016 7:00 7:30 Insider 8:00 Supergirl Å 8:30 News CBS ET News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel The Bachelor Å News News Extra Super Holly Telenov Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU News News News One/One News Inside Ed. Dish Nat. TMZ Å Judge Mathis Å The First 48 Å Nature Å (DVS) Scorpion Å 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Whose? NCIS: Los Angeles Bachelor Live Å The Biggest Loser “Money Hungry” Å Law & Order: SVU NOVA Å (DVS) Superhuman (In Stereo) Å FamFeud FamFeud Whose? Late Show-Colbert News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Action News Mod Fam Friends Friends Minor News C. Rose This Fox 29 News at 10 Penn & Teller News News TMZ Å Broke Girl Mike One/One Dish Nat. News King Mike (5:30) ›››› “Rocky” (1976, Drama) Å The First 48 The First 48 ››› “Rocky II” (1979) Sylvester Stallone. Å ››› “Cartel Land” (2015) Å First 48 ››› “Rocky III” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. The Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper CNN Tonight Quick NBA Basketball: Timberwolves at 76ers Sixers Fast N’ Loud Å Jessie K.C. SportsCenter Å Around Pardon Special Report The First 48 Å 9:00 Fast N’ Loud: Revved Up (In Stereo) Å Liv-Mad. Austin “3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets” (2015) ‘NR’ Ancient Aliens Å Criminal Minds Å Mickey Diesel Brothers Å Best Fr. Austin College Basketball Oklahoma at Kansas. College Basketball ›‡ “After Earth” (2013) Jaden Smith. Fast N’ Loud Å “Zapped” (2014) Zendaya. Å College Basketball Greta Van Susteren Postgame SportsNet Central The O’Reilly Factor Criminal Minds Å “Million Ways” Eagles Nest Fast N’ Loud Å Girl K.C. SportsCenter Å Basket The O’Reilly Factor Hannity ›› “The Purge” (2013) Ethan Hawke. ›› “The Purge” (2013) Ethan Hawke. ››› “Calvary” (2014) ‘R’ Å ›››› “Milk” (2008) Sean Penn. (In Stereo) ‘R’ Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Movie Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Biography Å Kelly File “Aftr “Borat” Criminal Movie ››‡ “Barbershop” (2002) Femme Femme Friends Thunder Henry Nicky Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy American American Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å ›››‡ “Johnny Belinda” (1948, Drama) ››‡ “Terminator Salvation” (2009) PAGE 26 Jessie SportCtr ››‡ “Jersey Boys” (2014) John Lloyd Young. Å Make, NCIS “Masquerade” SportsNet Diesel Prophecies Revealed Prophe The Thundermans Jail Å News NFL Live Å College Basketball Virginia at Virginia Tech. The Kelly File Prophecies Revealed Prophecies Revealed The Seven New Signs of the Apocalypse ›› “Made of Honor” (2008) Å Anderson Cooper NCIS “Mother’s Day” ›››‡ “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (1943) Å ›› “Resident Evil” (2002) Milla Jovovich. Vegas Broke Girl ››› “Behold a Pale Horse” (1964) Å ›› “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” (2004) Law WWE Monday Night RAW (Season Premiere) (In Stereo Live) Å ››› “The Rundown” (2003) ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 27 PAGE 28 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 29 TUESDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 JANUARY 5, 2016 7:00 7:30 Insider 8:00 8:30 NCIS Å (DVS) News CBS ET News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Fresh- News News Extra Game Night 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Shark Tank Å Limitless Å News Late Show-Colbert Beyond the Tank News Jimmy Kimmel Live Tonight Show NCIS: New Orleans Chicago Fire Chicago Med News Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam The Walking Dead The Walking Dead Action News Mod Fam Friends Friends News Murder Myster. Manners-Downton News C. Rose News News One/One Holly Muppets 9:00 News Inside Ed. Dish Nat. TMZ Å Judge Mathis Å Doc Martin Å New Girl Grand FamFeud FamFeud The Flash Å Brooklyn Grinder iZombie Å Fox 29 News at 10 News TMZ Å Broke Girl Mike Process Dish Nat. News King Mike Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Married at First Sight Born This Way Å (4:00) ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999) ››› “Rocky III” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. Å Born This Way Å Married The Situation Room Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper News Quick Anderson Cooper Villanova Pregame NHL Hockey: Canadiens at Flyers Moonshiners Å Best Fr. E. B. OutFront Austin SportsCenter Å ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone. CNN Tonight Postgame SportsNet Central Moonshiners Å Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners Å Killing Fields Å Liv-Mad. “Horton Hears” Best Fr. Austin College Basketball Wisconsin at Indiana. Bunk’d Austin Orange Moonshiners Å Girl K.C. SportsNet Killing Jessie College Basketball Kentucky at LSU. (Live) SportsCenter Å SportCtr NFL Live Å College Basketball Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O’Reilly Factor Kelly File (4:40) ›››› “Titanic” (1997) ‘PG-13’ Å ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) Chris Pine. “Star Trek Into Darkness” “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” ›› “The Longest Ride” (2015) ‘PG-13’ “Un The Curse of Digging Deeper The Curse of Drilling Down The Curse of Digging Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Saving Hope Hope Around Pardon Special Report (5:00) ››› “Pacific Rim” (2013) Criminal Minds Å Dance Moms Å Digging Deeper Criminal Minds Å Dance Moms Å Dance Moms Å NBA Coast to Coast (Live) Å Dance Moms Å Pitch Slapped Å “Good ›› “Reindeer Games” (2000) Henry Thunder Make, Thunder Henry Nicky Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld ›››‡ “Edison, the Man” (1940) Castle “Hunt” Castle Å (DVS) Law & Order: SVU PAGE 30 ››‡ “Non-Stop” (2014) Liam Neeson. Pitch Slapped Å Basket ››‡ “Beauty Shop” (2005) (In Stereo) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å ›››› “King Kong” (1933) Fay Wray. Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) “Come Back to 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean” Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) Dance Life-Top Friends Jail Å Broke Girl “Biga CSI: NY Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE BUSINESS & SERVICE DA IRECTORY Y S F B &S C OUR OURCE OR USINESSES ERVICES IN TLANTIC OUNTY Attorney at Law Brian J. Callaghan, Esq. Callaghan Thompson & Thompson A Professional Corporation 2428 Atlantic Avenue Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401 Real Estate Zoning Matrimonial Wills Estate Administration (609) 348-5300 (609) 345-5989 (FAX) (E-Mail) WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 7:00 JANUARY 6, 2016 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 News CBS ET Broke Girl Mike People’s Choice Awards 2016 Å News News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Middle Mod Fam blackish American Crime News Jimmy Kimmel Live News News Extra Holly Myst-Laura Law & Order: SVU Chicago PD News Tonight Show Action News Mod Fam Friends News News One/One News American Songbook Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic News News Inside Ed. Dish Nat. Idol Judge Mathis Å FamFeud FamFeud Arrow “Restoration” Supernatural “Baby” News Broke Girl Mike King Mike Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Insider Gold Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam The Closer Å Duck D. The Closer Å American Idol “Auditions No. 1” Å Duck D. Duck D. Fox 29 News at 10 Duck D. TMZ Å Duck D. Late Show-Colbert Friends Class C. Rose Dish Nat. News (5:00) “The Shawshank Redemption” ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone. ››‡ “Rocky V” (1990) Sylvester Stallone. Å The Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper Quick College Basketball PST Primetime SportsNet Central Eagles Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Alaskan Bush Best Fr. Girl Eagles Alaskan Bush K.C. Bunk’d SportsCenter Å Around Pardon Special Report Alaskan Bush Liv-Mad. Austin Alaska ››‡ “16 Wishes” (2010) ‘G’ NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Miami Heat. (Live) Liv-Mad. K.C. So Raven SportCtr College Basketball Florida at Tennessee. College Basketball California at Oregon. SportsCenter Å Greta Van Susteren The Kelly File Hannity The O’Reilly Factor Kelly File American Horror American Horror American The O’Reilly Factor ››‡ “Night at the Museum” (2006) ‘PG’ “Night at the Museum-Tomb” American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Law & Order Å Law & Order Å Ride American Pickers Law & Order Å ›› “Feast of Love” (2007) ‘R’ Pawn Pawn Law & Order Å Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Celebrity Wife Swap Pitch Slapped Å Law & Order Å ››› “The Sixth Sense” (1999) (In Stereo) ››‡ “The Village” (2004) Å Henry Full H’se Thunder ›‡ “Law Abiding Citizen” (2009) Jamie Foxx. Nicky Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Law Friends Co-Ed Friends Friends ››‡ “Machete” (2010) Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å Billy “Unfaith ›‡ “No Escape” (1953) ›› “True Confession” (1937) ››› “Murder, He Says” (1945) ››‡ “Suddenly It’s Spring” Castle “Watershed” Castle “Valkyrie” Castle “Dreamworld” Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) Castle Å (DVS) CSI: NY NCIS NCIS Å (DVS) NCIS “Blackwater” ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013) Dwayne Johnson. NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA Find Us on Facebook ›› “Four Brothers” (2005) Mark Wahlberg. (In Stereo) Pickers Celebrity Wife Swap Wife Henry Make, NBA Heroin: Cape Restoration (5:55) ››‡ “Blackhat” (2015) (In Stereo) Thunder SportsNet Alaskan NBA Basketball: Grizzlies at Thunder (5:00) “Rush Hour 2” ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Law & Order Å Austin News Eagles ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 31 Tide Table Tides for Great Egg Harbor Inlet starting with December 30, 2015 THURSDAY EVENING 6:00 (3-CBS) (6-ABC) (10-NBC) (17-MNT) (23-PBS) (29-FOX) (57-CW) (A&E) (AMC) (CNN) (COM) (DISC) (DISN) (ESPN) (ESPN2) (FNEWS) (FX) (HBO) (HIST) (ION) (LIFE) (MAX) (NICK) (SPIKE) (TBS) (TCM) (TNT) (USA) 6:30 7:00 JANUARY 7, 2016 7:30 Insider 8:00 8:30 News CBS ET News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Beyond the Tank News News Extra Heroes Reborn Holly Big Bang Life in 9:00 Mom 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Angel- The Blacklist Å Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam Celebrity Celebrity The Mentalist Å News News One/One News Shades of Blue Å Action News The Bloody Irish! Songs of the 1916 Rising SciTech Metro News Late Show-Colbert News Jimmy Kimmel Live News Tonight Show Mod Fam Friends Friends News C. Rose Fox 29 News at 10 The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å (4:30) “Rocky II” ››› “Rocky III” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. Å Nightwatch Å The Situation Room E. B. OutFront CNN Special Program CNN Tonight CNN Special Program Judge Mathis Å The First 48 Å Quick Sixers Fast N’ Loud Å Bunk’d Liv-Mad. SportsCenter Å Around Pardon Special Report FamFeud FamFeud The Vampire Diaries The Originals Å The First 48 “M.I.A.” Fast N’ Loud Å Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Austin Austin College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) Broke Girl Mike ›› “Rocky IV” (1985) Sylvester Stallone. NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers. Fast N’ Loud Å News TMZ Å The Arts American Idol “Auditions No. 2” Å News Inside Ed. Dish Nat. TMZ Å Elementary Å My Diet Is Better Than Yours Å Postgame SportsNet Central Fast N’ Loud Å Diesel Brothers Å K.C. Best Fr. K.C. Austin College Basketball Dish Nat. News King ››‡ “Rocky V” Villanova Orange Fast N’ Loud Å Girl Mike First 48 K.C. SportsCenter Å SportsNet Fast-Loud Jessie SportCtr NFL Live Å College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) College Basketball Arizona at UCLA. (Live) Basket Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity The O’Reilly Factor Kelly File Runway: Junior Child Genius: Battle Runway: Junior Child (5:00) ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013) Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å ››‡ “2 Guns” (2013, Action) Denzel Washington. ››‡ “2 Guns” (2013) Mark Wahlberg ›‡ “Unfinished Business” ‘R’ › “The Hills Have Eyes 2” ‘R’ ›› “Final Destination 3” ‘R’ Vietnam in HD (In Stereo) Å Vietnam in HD (In Stereo) Å Vietnam Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Blue Runway: Junior Runway: Junior Child Genius: Battle Henry Make, (5:55) ››› “Emma” (1996) ‘PG’ Å Vietnam in HD (In Stereo) Å (5:25) ›› “Windtalkers” (2002) Thunder ››› “Face/Off” (1997) John Travolta. (In Stereo) Thunder ››‡ “Scooby-Doo” (2002) (In Stereo) ›‡ “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” (2009) Channing Tatum. Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld ››‡ “The Great Bank Hoax” (1977) Castle Å (DVS) NBA Tip-Off Å (5:30) ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013) PAGE 32 Lip Sync Lip Sync ›› “Seventh Son” (2014) Å Full H’se Full H’se Lip Sync Battle Friends Friends Friends Lip Sync Lip Sync “GI Joe” Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Broke Girl Broke Girl Conan Å ››‡ “Bulldog Drummond” Life on Top Å Broke Girl ›› “Chandu the Magician” ››› “Alice in Wonderland” NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls. Å NBA Basketball: Lakers at Kings WWE SmackDown! (In Stereo) Å Colony Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law-SVU ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Fox & Roach Realtors Virginia "Ginny" Sutor & Marilyn “LYNN” Sutor Call us, your Real Estate Specialists in the downbeach area for over 20 years! MARILYN “LYNN" SUTOR VIRGINIA "GINNY" SUTOR Reach Lynn at: Reach Ginny at: 609-487-7291 Direct 609-487-7290 Direct 609-576-3484 Cell 609-226-0593 Cell VENTNOR SOUTHSIDE 5 BEDROOM SPACIOUS CUSTOM HOME AMAZING UPGRADES CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 9218 Ventnor Avenue, Margate 609-822-4200 Find Us on Facebook ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE PAGE 33 T V Challenge Pick-Up or Delivery 40 MEDIA DRIVE QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 518-792-9914 1-800-833-9581 StumperS S T R O P S Party Trays Available Orlando Magic By George Dickie © Zap2it OPEN 7 DAYS FROM 11AM PICK-UP OR DELIVERY 742 OHIO AVENUE • ABSECON 645-0500 COUPON COUPON $1.00 Off 50¢ Off WHOLE SUB Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. With this coupon ANY SALAD Not valid with any other offers. Tax not included. With this coupon Questions: 1) In what season did the Orlando Magic enter the NBA? 2) Who was the team’s first coach? 3) Who did the Magic select with the first overall pick in the 1992 NBA draft? 4) In the ’93 draft, the Magic took Chris Webber with the top overall pick, then traded him to the Golden State Warriors. Whom did they get in return? 5) In 1994-95, the Magic became the second-fastest team to advance to the NBA Finals. To what team did they lose that series? 6) What rookie coach led an inexperienced Magic team to a 41-41 record in 1999-2000? 7) In the 2000 offseason, the Magic acquired what two highprofile free agents? 8) Who did the Magic take with the top overall pick in 2004? 9) In their first playoffs in four years, the Magic were swept by what team in the first round in 2007? 10) What Magic player won the Slam Dunk Contest in 2008? Answers: 1) 1989-90 2) Matt Guokas 3) Louisiana State center Shaquille O’Neal 4) Point guard Penny Hardaway and three first-round draft picks 5) Houston Rockets 6) Doc Rivers 7) Tracy McGrady and Grant Hill 8) High-school center Dwight Howard 9) Detroit Pistons 10) Howard SearCh D R O W FOOTBALL PICKS This Week's Picks: Packers -3 vs Vikings Texans -6 vs Jaguars Air Force +7 vs California Record: Last Week 0-2 On the Year 27-19-0 PAGE 34 ATLANTIC COUNTY MAGAZINE I N Y C A L T H R D A L M D G M A E S P A D A E B E I W J L G Z D X R E R M I N K O L E U N S B J E W R I V A R I O U D Z A N B L N W O S E I G E S T E P Z T L O E C T R U S W I S X T I A E X H M C A K Z N R A S Z S O K E N I Y I T V W Q Z U V M K I A U O U I G Z T S X P L Z T P C H A H T T A N E M U N P Y F W T I S S T N N L E V D A L O M Z D A Z N I K S T “Shades of Blue” on NBC G S B P K O E Q O H L J C A R Y D U E L S U C Z Y L T R N V V A H Z F S T A L A R E S C A (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Brooklyn) Detectives (Harlee) Santos (Jennifer) Lopez (Matt) Wozniak (Ray) Liotta (Street) Justice (Tess) Nazario (Drea) de Matteo (Michael) Loman (Dayo) Okeniyi (Carlos) Espada (Vincent) Laresca (FBI) Sting (Robert) Stahl (Warren) Kole © Zap2it Custom Features Release the week of January 3 - January 9, 2016. 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