Slough Business Directory


Slough Business Directory
Slough Business Director y
Working together
with local businesses...
Amey operates throughout the
UK, providing an unrivalled
range of services including waste
management, highways, utilities,
rail, justice solutions, social
housing and facilities management.
These services are underpinned by
our leading consulting and asset
management capabilities, which
allow us to offer stand-alone or
integrated service solutions to a
range of customers.
We work with Slough Borough
Council to maintain and improve
the local highways network and
deliver street cleaning, grounds
maintenance, refuse and recycling
collection services across the
borough. We constantly strive
to improve the service we offer
through innovative thinking and
a commitment to delivering value
for money. We understand that
well maintained services are vital
for the wellbeing and prosperity of
local economies and communities.
In Slough, we are also a leading
provider of waste management,
recycling and environmental
services to the local business
community. Our wealth of
experience and flexible approach to
individual business needs ensures
that our customers meet their
environmental responsibilities with
ease and confidence. improve
Slough’s environment
Working with organisations of all
sizes and from all sectors, we design
solutions tailored to our customers’
requirements for the handling,
segregation, storage and collection
of most types of waste material. We
explore all available opportunities to
divert waste materials away from landfill
to improve the level of recycling and
deliver efficient, cost effective refuse
and recycling services.
We provide:
• Trade waste collection services
• Mixed recycling – paper, card,
plastic, glass, cans
• Roll-on/roll-off containers and
compactors for bulk waste
• Bespoke collection systems
• Mechanical sweeping and
grounds maintenance
For more information on our range of commercial waste management
and recycling services, please contact our team on 01753 216100 or
Businesses, get active!
Download your free Business Finder CD at
Slough Database is now online!
The online version enables you to search
for business by name, type of business and
location. Simply type what you are looking for
and decide how you want to sort the results.
The database is FREE to join for all local
businesses, so why not register today at
Search for a Slough business
eg. Smith
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eg. Accountant
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eg. Bath Road or SL1 4DX
Address or postcode
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You can also keep your organisation’s details up to date; just find your entry and click the
Update link. This will ensure potential customers have access to accurate information about
your company.
Interactive Business Finder CD - FREE download!!
The Business Finder has powerful search features, allowing multiple fields of the database
to be selected and integrated. The additional Bookmark Feature allows you to save the
search results and refer back to them at any time – an invaluable marketing tool. These
results can be further manipulated with the customisation of fields and the sorting of data.
This CD-ROM requires Windows. Double click 'Setup.exe' to install this programme.
Please call 020
Slough Business Director y
Upgraded versions print address labels, compile and print reports,
perform mail shots and export data.
Upgrading: Once you have installed your Business Finder, additional
features can be upgraded for a one-off charge from £150 to £400 + VAT,
dependent on the level of service you require.
8773 3060 for more information.
This data has been verified by Burrows Communications Ltd on behalf of Slough Borough Council.
arvato – working
in partnership
with and for the
people of Slough.
arvato is a trusted global
business outsourcing partner
with over 50 years’ experience.
We have been working with Slough Borough Council since
April 2012, under a 10-year agreement to deliver revenues
and benefits, human resources, payroll, finance and logistics
services. Together we’re making real progress on improving
services for citizens and supporting the local community:
we’ve introduced Service Direct for benefits claims,
delivering more than 40% in savings and 100% customer
satisfaction; we have also recruited a number of young
people for apprenticeship training.
Our charity activities have already raised thousands of
pounds for Thames Hospicecare and we’re working with
The Prince’s Trust and local social enterprise, Slough Aspire,
to develop valuable employability skills for the people of
the region.
Across the UK, arvato public and private sector clients
include the Department for Transport, East Cheshire NHS
Trust, Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, Chesterfield
Borough Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council;
along with Bosch, Toshiba and Renault.
What makes arvato different is that we work as a true
extension of our clients’ business, enabling us to identify
and understand challenges as well as opportunities, and
adapt our partnerships accordingly. We believe strongly
in collaborative working, staff engagement and local
To find out how we can work with and for you, please
get in touch:
Slough Business Director y
Published by: Burrows Communications Limited
Publicity House, 106 Stafford Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9AY
Tel: 020 8773 3000 • Fax: 020 8773 8888 • Email: • Web:
Our Advertisers:
We gratefully acknowledge the support of all the firms whose advertisements appear in these pages. Without their help
we would not be able to produce this directory. As a reciprocal gesture we have pleasure in drawing the attention of our
readers to their announcements, but wish to make it clear that Slough Borough Council can accept no responsibility for
their products or services advertised.
For further information on any of the content in this Directory, please contact
Shabnam Ali
Economic Policy Development Officer
Address: St Martin’s Place, Slough SL1 3UF
Tel: 01753 875849
Nursing and
in Berkshire
Accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council,
the College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare
has a proven track record of delivering excellence
in nursing and midwifery training.
Working in close collaboration with local
healthcare providers and employers our
courses are designed to qualify you to
become a successful healthcare professional.
Courses are taught at our Berkshire Institute
of Health in Reading.
Find out more at
Slough Business Directory 2014
Welcome: A message from Ruth Bagley, Chief Executive of Slough Borough Council . . . . . . . .11
Slough’s Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
The Economic Strategic Plan for Growth 2014-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Revitalising Slough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Art at the Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Shopping & Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Slough Borough Council’s Support for Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Support for Local Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Office Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Skills for Slough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Slough Borough Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Improving Travel Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Advertiser Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
For full directory listings please go to where listings can be downloaded. For further
information please see page 4.
Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald is a worldwide, employee-owned business
which concentrates on engineering but offers much more.
Employing over 14,000 people, we can offer a range of services
for the public, private and voluntary sectors.
The breadth of our work includes sectors as diverse as
education, banking and finance, health, social care and public
utilities to which our multi-disciplinary teams bring wide ranging
skills and expertise.
Our clients include national and local government, private
companies, the voluntary sector and individual institutions such
as hospitals and schools. As well as working on education in
the USA, our health and education businesses also work in
the developing world for clients such as the Department for
International Development.
Having recently started work as Slough Borough Council’s
partner in delivering education support services, we are on
your doorstep and we would be very pleased to meet you
to discuss how we can help you to deliver more costeffective services to your customers.
Slough Business Directory 2014
A message from Ruth Bagley, Chief Executive of Slough Borough Council
Economic conditions for Slough remain both fast changing
advantage of the arrival of the new Crossrail connections
and challenging. The global financial crisis and the recession
to Slough.
which followed have placed immense pressure on our
businesses and on our communities. Fortunately, we
There is a clear need for us to make sure that local people
entered this period in reasonably good economic shape.
are given the opportunities to develop their skills and
Slough contains some of the country’s leading companies
education and positively position themselves to take
heavily concentrated in Slough and is an attractive location
advantage of the high quality employment opportunities
for both European and global HQs. A highly motivated and
available within the area. The relationship between skills,
well-skilled workforce drawn from within the borough and
business growth and housing is especially important.
further afield and a strong spirit of innovation have helped
We have a duty to continue planning for sustainable
the area maintain a fairly stable economic position, despite
communities that have access to quality amenities and
the economic difficulties.
support the business base. An environment that fully
supports entrepreneurship and new business ventures,
The policy landscape is also changing, with the Government
across industries and communities, is a vital part of our
providing a new basis for local and sub-regional economic
economic strategy for the future.
growth. The Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise
Partnership (LEP) is already established and is setting out
We currently face many challenges around resourcing and
its strategy to support sustainable economic prosperity.
funding economic development priorities. To ensure that
For the LEP, Slough is leading on evaluating and promoting a
a shared agenda of sustainable and inclusive economic
rail link from the Great Western Railway to Heathrow. These
growth is successfully sought after, it is vitally important
and other initiatives will help East Berkshire partners and
that a strong relationship between private and public
stakeholders to influence important economic development
partners is developed and continues to develop. At Slough
agendas and take advantage of policy change.
Borough Council we work hard to help businesses flourish
and sustain the Slough economy. We build collaborative
We must not be complacent. Our Local Economic
relationships with businesses, helping them to experience
Assessment and further health of the local economy
the many benefits of locating in Slough. The council is
reports, highlighted the need for us to improve and build
currently working with business partners to improve the
upon what has been achieved so far, and use our strengths
skills of local people, to strengthen access to the town
to maintain our resilience in the face of economic pressures.
and to improve the image of Slough as a place to live, work
In particular, we must ensure that Slough remains one of
and play.
the most attractive places in the UK for high-skill, high-value
business. There is a need to ensure key assets are in place
This directory will help you find out more about the council
to support new business and growth within a desirable
services and local facilities which can help your business.
range of sectors including advanced functions in business
You’ll also find a helpful list of other companies based in the
and financial services, ICT and digital technology, and in
area. Who knows, perhaps a contact for your biggest ever
environmental technologies. The East Berkshire economy
sale, or a potential business partner who could transform
relies heavily on flexible labour market movements with
your operations lies within these pages?.
residents from the area taking advantage of employment
opportunities in London, and significant flows coming into
Finally, as a council, we are grateful for the contribution
our area from London each day. To ensure the sustainable
by our partners in the development of this directory.
development of our labour markets, we must take full
Brunel Place
A new office development in
the heart of Slough.
For more information visit
Slough Business Directory 2014
Slough’s Economy
Our ambition is to make Slough the location of choice for
one. Key strengths for Slough include its accessibility,
business, for those already based here and those who may
location, skilled workforce, access to valuable markets,
choose Slough in the future, building on our proximity to
high-quality supply chain and a competitive and dynamic
London and Heathrow and our excellent transport links; for
business environment. A renewed focus for Slough will see
Slough businesses to thrive and grow, creating sustainable
the borough continue to develop the skills of its workforce
job opportunities for our residents and growth opportunities
and local population and to increase the amount of
for our businesses; and for our residents to have the skills
business start-ups.
that they need - and businesses need – for them to
succeed in the future.
Key highlights of Slough’s economy:
• 87,000 jobs in total
By economic growth we mean increasing productivity,
• 4,600 enterprises
innovation and jobs. We will track measures of the health
• 71% of 16 to 65 year olds in work
of the Slough economy:
• GVA in Berkshire is projected to increase from its 2006
• Productivity: an increase in the output of Slough
level of £22,580 million (13% of South East GVA) to
businesses and workers;
£35,307 million (20% of the South East’s GVA) by 2026.
• Innovation: an increase in new ideas that are successfully
• Continued growth in service sector jobs
exploited to create economic, social and environmental
• Growth sectors include telecommunications,
biotechnology, consumer electronics, ICT, auto, business
• Employment: an increase in the number of people in work
and financial, pharma and healthcare
• Prosperity: an increase in the average earnings of our
• Job based salaries £616, this is above South East and
UK average
Of course, the health of the
Slough economy will mainly
be determined by a range of
global and national drivers,
picking up momentum since
the downturn. Unemployment
levels and business
confidence has indicated
climate compared to other
areas. This has meant that
recovery has been positive
but nonetheless a challenging
resilience to the economic
that Slough showed great
Slough’s economy has been
High Wycombe
Potters Bar
but where we can make a
difference we will do so.
Slough Business Directory 2014
Not only does Slough have a highly-skilled workforce, but
Great Western Link service. Fast trains also run from Slough
its world-class strategic communication links with other
to the West of England and Wales. There are two other
cities allow access to a vast base of skilled workers within
local stations, at Langley in the east of the borough and
a 45-minute commute time.
Burnham in the west.
Future developments of the transport infrastructure are
Western Rail Access to Heathrow
essential to ensure the large volume of people employed
at Heathrow have accessible transport systems.
Slough Borough Council and Thames Valley Berkshire
Local Enterprise Partnership are leading on the Western Rail
Access to Heathrow (WRAtH) project for a direct rail link from
Slough to the airport that would serve not only the borough
Slough is based next to the M4 motorway giving easy
but residents and businesses as far as South Wales and the
access to London, Reading and the South West region.
West Country. WRAtH can play a significant role in improving
It is also closely situated to the M40 providing routes to
access to international gateways both for the economically
Birmingham. In addition to these motorways, the road
successful Thames Valley as well as less economically active
network is supported by the A355 (north of Slough towards
regions in the south west who at the same time are losing air
the M40 and Amersham); the A4 (travels the length of
connectivity through airport closures.
Slough to Maidenhead and on to the West); and A412
(to Uxbridge). Solutions to heavy traffic being considered
include the widening of Junction 7 to 8/9 or Junction 5
to 8/9 of the M4. Slough also has easy access to the M25.
Crossrail is the new cross London rail link from Maidenhead
and Heathrow in the west to Abbey Wood and Shenfield
Travel distance to key destinations from Slough:
in the east. Slough will have a station of its own benefitting
8 miles / 13 km
commuters and residents in and out of London. It will be
Central London
24 miles / 39 km
fully operational by 2019.
23 miles / 37 km
97 miles / 156 km
101 miles / 163 km
Heathrow Airport is situated just outside of Slough, and it is
85 miles / 136 km
estimated that one in 20 residents of Slough are employed
at the site. It is therefore an important asset to the local
Around 80% of Heathrow Airport’s staff travel to work by
economy in terms of employment, but also for accessibility
road and so the implications for Slough’s road infrastructure
and communications. Heathrow is the world’s busiest
are significant. Heathrow is only 10 minutes away from the
international airport with more than 87 million passengers per
centre of Slough. There is a direct bus service and future
annum. Heathrow comprises five terminals and two runways
plans for more services are being looked at.
which face a high level of demand from passengers.
Terminal 5 is situated less than eight miles from Slough
town centre. The close proximity of Heathrow to Slough
Slough is situated on the mainline link between Paddington
makes it an internationally accessible location, especially
and the West Country. The town is served by six trains per
for businesses who may be located in Slough or those
hour into London - 15 minutes to Paddington, on the First
who travel to Slough to do business.
The Economic Strategic Plan
for Growth 2014-18
Competitive workforce
Physical and transport
The Council has prioritised three key areas of focus
Business generation, retention
and inward investment
ensuring internal staff, external partners and key
stakeholders work towards these priorities to ensure
economic growth.
To raise skills levels of Slough residents at all NVQ
SBC makes a clear distinction between what is going to
Levels making them competitive and productive in the
support local residents and businesses to maintain its
labour market.
current economic position, and what will actually create
the growth that the Town needs and support the region
and country out of the economic recession.
Skills and learning issues cut across all generations. There
These priorities are:
1. Competitive Workforce
are young people who are not in employment, education
and training and graduates who are unemployed. Many
residents do not have the skills required by local employers.
2. Business Generation, Retention and Inward Investment
Some young people are choosing not to take the university
3. Physical and Transport Infrastructure
route but still need quality employment. Apprenticeships
Slough Business Directory 2014
opportunities are limited in number. Some people in mid
career (45-60) have re-training needs as do women who
aspire to enter the labour market. Many residents
have low aspirations. Our newly arrived communities need
language support and basic literacy and numeracy. Older
people will have to work longer due to the higher retirement
Enable economic growth in the town by supporting start
age and pension pressures. These issues are exacerbated
ups, business growth amongst established businesses and
by the adverse economic and job outlook in Britain.
attracting new businesses to the town.
Link Skills, Employment and Enterprise Partnership
Start Up provision in the town is limited. Access to Finance
Delivery Group (SEE PDG) to the Employment,
has been a barrier to business development and not all
Enterprise and Skills Group of the LEP to ensure
business are receiving the LEP’s message of financial
regional priorities are filtered down to the local level.
support. The competition for inward investment and
Work closely with Aspire and support it to deliver
reinvestment across the globe is very bullish. Mainland
regional employment and skills priorities in Slough.
Europe is seen as an attractive alternative to UK investment.
Ensure provision and reach meets the needs of all
Slough must develop a sound proposition for its area so
unemployed cohorts including the ‘hidden
that national and international companies choose Slough
as their base.
Deliver City Deal regional priorities in Slough with a
focus on the town’s individual needs.
Understand Employer Skills needs to inform local skills
delivery and careers guidance.
To keep the NEETs levels low and ensure that there
Facilitate 2 - 3 business events a year on topics of
interest to the business community.
To work closely with the internal planning department to
be aware of new businesses coming into the town so
Ensure SBC business pages on main website are
accessible, relevant and up to date.
Support employers with providing Apprenticeship
Review internal SBC processes to ensure they are
‘open to business’.
Slough residents have employment opportunities for
retail, aviation and construction work.
Facilitate networking amongst key sectors to promote
knowledge and business development.
To maintain and develop partnership working with
Heathrow Airport Limited’s Academies model ensuring
Enable business incubation space in collaboration
with partners.
is provision to support those that are not in education,
employment and training.
Provide business start up advice and support.
Celebrate the success of local businesses by
showcasing an annual ‘Community and Catering
that opportunities of local recruitment can be maximised.
Business Awards event’.
Measures of Success
Present website as
a showcase of the town and monitor its effectiveness
Greater number of Apprenticeship opportunities.
Higher number of residents with NVQ Level 2 and
above qualification.
Lower number of young people on the NEETs register.
Higher number of people that are economically active.
in relevance and interest from interested parties.
Build upon membership of Link to China and promote
Slough amongst Chinese businesses.
10. To support Heart of Slough and work closely with
Morgan Sindall and other Slough Regeneration
Partnership partners, ensuring economic prosperity
is maximised for all residents and local businesses.
11. Ensure SBC procurement processes are open and
accessible to local and small businesses.
12. Maintain strong relationships between the Council
Continue working closely with the Department for
and other agencies and existing businesses of
Transport and aviation authorities to mitigate the
strategic impact.
negative impacts of Heathrow on Slough’s
communities e.g. through congestion, noise disruption,
13. In partnership with other agencies, establish a team
air pollution etc.
to welcome and support inward investment inquiries.
Adopt a pragmatic approach to future expansion of
capacity at Heathrow airport, believing that given the
Measures of success
choice, expansion of Heathrow in any form is
preferable to closure.
Greater number of business start ups and survival rates.
Companies reinvesting in the town.
New investments in the town.
Enterprise Partnership (TVB LEP) transport forum to
Strategic clusters and supply chains amongst key
ensure wider transport issues are addressed which
growth sectors.
continually enhance Slough’s communications and
Work closely with Thames Valley Berkshire Local
transport infrastructure.
Prepare for the impact of Crossrail and WRAtH and
maximise its benefits to create growth in the town
Continue to push for WRAtH to be delivered on the
earliest possible date.
Ensure all developments completed as part of the
By 2028, Slough will be an accessible location, competitive
Slough Regeneration Partnership are fit for purpose
on the world stage and a transport hub for road, rail and air.
and provide facilities that will support business growth.
It will provide quality commercial, leisure and residential
Develop a Smart City programme for the town.
facilities that will attract investment from all over the globe.
Agree a political direction to support new economic
growth and sustain existing economy, including
housing, schools and that implicit in other SBC
The focus of Crossrail is on central London, but its
completion will bring benefits for rail travellers from Thames
to use these strengths to deliver smart economic
Valley Berkshire to the capital, and will require co-ordination
growth and local employment, i.e. in ways that mitigate
with our aspirations for Western Rail Access to Heathrow
or minimise impact on the transport network, and
(WRAtH). We seek to ensure that these improvements can
share understanding of the potentially negative impacts
be achieved without detriment to existing services.
Superfast broadband will be available to all businesses and
residents alike but is this enough to provide for business
needs and create economic growth?
Economic growth brought by increased infrastructure will
require associated development to support it for sustained
of growth.
Measures of Success
Smart City status.
4G hubs in the town accessible to all.
A Higher Education Institution with strong links to local
success including housing and schools. Can Slough provide
for this?
To work with Slough businesses (including SEGRO)
Transport Infrastructure fit for purpose.
Assets that are profitable and adding value to the town.
Slough has no Higher Education institution in the town
which limits knowledge economy developments or links
with research in the companies based in the town.
Slough Business Directory 2014
Revitalising Slough
The Heart of Slough is an exciting £450 million
Superfast Broadband will enable greater connectivity to
regeneration scheme to revitalise a 29 acre site in the
the world wide web. To compete on an international scale,
centre of Slough. The major improvements being planned
Slough will need to facilitate connections with 4G and 5G
will completely change the look of the borough and help
which is the future of faster downloads, connections with
take it into the 21st century. The transformation is a major
people all over the world and more productive business to
step forward in the council’s commitment to strengthen
business processes. A multiple of hubs across the town
the local economy and provide a great place to live, work
with this facility will enable greater flexible working in
and play.
locations away from an office base.
The Heart of Slough scheme has completely transformed
the centre of Slough by bringing together:
• the iconic new Slough Bus Station - completed in
May 2011
• The Curve - a learning and cultural centre currently
under construction
• new office developments
• major new infrastructure improvements to help link
Slough Bus and Railway Station to the town centre,
and make it a more pedestrian friendly place
Key to the scheme is a commitment to high-quality design,
housing and commercial buildings, improved urban open
spaces and improved public transport.
The Heart of Slough scheme will bring urban living to central
Slough, pumping new life into the town centre and
prosperity into the High Street.
Crossrail and Western Rail Access to Heathrow (WRAtH)
will not only change the infrastructure of Slough, they will
also provide huge economic benefits. A commuter in
Slough will be able to reach Heathrow in 6 minutes and
East London in less than 30 minutes. SBC needs to
ensure the town is best placed to take advantage of these
improvements, including the potential for inward investment
and growth.
Art at the Centre
Slough High Street is at the heart of the town centre.
It provides a wide variety of shopping, business and
entertainment. The now complete Art at the Centre scheme
transforms the High Street by using contemporary design in
the form of attractive patterned paving, lighting, and seating
as well as better use of open spaces and improved traffic
management measures. New public art also injects colour,
style and uniqueness with interesting links to both the
history and present day of the town.
There are plenty of new attractions in the new look High
Street, making it a much more enjoyable place to shop
and work. Slough Borough Council is building upon this
success through further regeneration schemes due to take
place in or near the town centre, all aimed at securing
long term economic benefits for the centre and town as
a whole.
Slough Business Directory 2014
Shopping and Entertainment
Events in Slough
Slough is often described as a fusion of different cultures,
Slough hosts many vibrant and colourful events throughout
an urban town, buzzing with vitality. It is also a place of
the year, in the town centre and parks, including a canal
surprises, with many parks, open spaces and waterways
festival in September, a bonfire and fireworks display in
to complement the urban feel of the town. The town has
November and a Christmas lights ceremony. There are
a strong and growing reputation in the region for leisure
also smaller community events and carnivals throughout
facilities, shopping and public events.
the town and specialist markets in the town centre.
Shopping in the town centre
To see the latest events diary visit
The modern town centre is just across the road from the
Accommodation in Slough
bus and train station and had a pedestrianised High Street
that stretches for more than a mile. Supported by two
Slough can offer all different types of accommodation
indoor shopping complexes – The Queensmere and
to suit your requirements and budget, from small bed
Observatory Shopping Centres – the town centre contains
and breakfasts to large hotels with leisure and
many of the major retailers such as Debenhams, Marks and
conference facilities.
Spencer, Primark, Next, TK Maxx, Boots and WH Smith.
There are also numerous other local, independent and
specialist shops, making Slough’s shopping centre one
of the most comprehensive shopping destinations within
15 miles.
Get active
If you want to get active, there are leisure centres and
health clubs situated across the town, as well as Slough
Tennis Centre, Slough Ice Arena (the training rink for ITV’s
’Dancing on Ice’ stars), and Thames Valley Athletics Centre
(training ground for a number of British Olympic hopefuls).
There are also a number of top-class golf courses nearby
including Wexham and Stoke Poges. For more information
log on to
Alternatively, enjoy the outdoors at one of the many parks
and open spaces situated across the borough. All the parks
in Slough are listed online at
Slough’s museum located in the library in the town centre
offers a variety of temporary and permanent exhibitions.
Slough Borough Council’s
Support for Business
To find out more about the Simplified Planning Zone
scheme or for other planning and building control enquiries,
Slough Trading Estate is managed and run by SEGRO PLC
visit or telephone 01753 477341
and is one of the largest estates in Europe in single
ownership. SEGRO have entered into a legal agreement
with the Council for a Simplified Planning Zone (SPZ)
scheme for the majority of the trading estate which
The Council’s planning team provide pre-app advice on
effectively grants planning permission for defined types
commercial applications for change of uses, new buildings
of development within it in advance.
and extensions. Visit
Provided that the development is in accordance with the
conditions set out in the scheme, there is no need to gain
planning permission in the normal way. In common with
regular planning permissions, development must still
comply with all other legislation, including building, advert
and environmental health regulations. Permissions for
developments not covered by the SPZ scheme can be
applied for through the usual process.
Slough Building Control Services are a proactive and
efficient Building Regulations Consultancy Service. Our
team of highly experienced surveyors, engineers and
support staff has extensive local and national knowledge of
Building Control projects. We provide design and feasibility
consultation at a very early stage to ensure your design is
compliant and cost effective. As members of LABC we deal
The first SPZ scheme, with a lifetime of 10 years, was
adopted in January 1995. That was renewed in 2004 and
it is expected to be renewed again when the current
with local and regional fire risk assessments and approvals
for several partners all over the UK. Other services include
the consultation and issue of Scaffolding, Hoarding and
Demolition licences.
scheme expires in 2014.
The designation offers SEGRO the certainty and flexibility to
respond more quickly to changes in market demands and
tenants’ requirements, and help it to provide a better service
to existing and new clients.
In return SEGRO fund a hopper bus service that runs
between Slough and Burnham stations through the heart
of the trading estate on Buckingham Avenue. This is part
of a range of other transport measures including bus
shelters and cycle lanes which provide the opportunity
for workers, commuters and visitors to access the estate
by alternative modes of transport. This demonstrates
SEGRO’s commitment to the town and the promotion
of a green agenda.
Slough Business Directory 2014
The trading standards team also provides a trader approval
scheme called Buy With Confidence. Businesses joining the
Asset Management provide property advice and support for
scheme will have a marketing advantage and must be able
the council. Their main role is:
to demonstrate compliance with the law and a strong
• to provide property valuation advice to the council
customer focus.
• to deal with the disposal of surplus council-owned property
• to manage the council's shops, workshops and incubator
units, including the letting of any vacant property
Trading standards are keen to work with businesses to get
it right first time and ensure a fair and level playing field for
businesses and consumers alike.
Information on property and land available to rent or buy
is available on the Slough Borough Council website or
Please contact the Trading standards duty officer on
contact Asset Management on 01753 477226 or
01753 875255 or e-mail via the website
The service can offer 2 hours free advice to businesses on
The Licensing team deal with a wide variety of licensing
all trading standards, consumer protection and civil issues,
functions ranging from hackney carriage and private hire
including areas such as weights and measures, trade
licensing to dealing with premises licences issued under
descriptions, product safety and food standards.
the Licensing Act 2003. This includes administering and
processing applications and carrying out enforcement
For larger businesses based in Slough that also trade
activities. Full details of the licensing service are contained
outside the borough, the team can act as the company’s
in the Licensing Service Delivery Plan which is available to
Primary Authority. This means trading standards can
download at under Licensing and
assist with ensuring the legality of product and services for
Street Trading in the ‘business’ section”. Are also a range
supply throughout the UK and provide regulatory assured
of FAQs that provide more information.
advice. This service is provided on a cost recovery basis.
for current fees.
Support for Local Business
training, networking opportunities and business to
business services to its members. The Slough Chamber
works in partnership to actively influence such key issues
The Growth Hub delivers a one stop shop website as
as town centre regeneration, business crime, traffic
the single gateway for Berkshire’s growth businesses,
congestion and the creation of an additional runway
providing access to information, an overview of grants
at Heathrow Airport. Slough Chamber has a Council
and business support services that are available and an
of elected members which meets regularly to discuss
open innovation platform.
local issues.
It also offers a competitive grants programme to directly
Tel: 01753 870500
fund businesses that need between £10k and £40k to
develop new products, prove new technologies and get
ideas to market.
For fuller details and to gain access to these services,
please visit
Thames Valley Berkshire LEP (Local Enterprise
SBC provides incubator business units for start up
businesses. The lease on these premises is flexible
and businesses can benefit from business support from
the Growth Hub and any local support that is available.
Partnership) believes in collaborative momentum. The aim
is to bring together all parts of the Thames Valley Berkshire
sub-region – business, the public sector, education and the
broader community – to drive the local economy to whole
new levels.
For more information on the units please contact
01753 477226 or e-mail
As part of the wider Thames Valley economic region,
Berkshire serves a sub-region second only to Greater
London in output, with a GVA of £27bn per annum. The
Strategic Economic Plan (SEP), sets out the vision and
business priorities for economic growth in Thames Valley
The Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Group is
Berkshire. Importantly, it aims to achieve value for local
a 3,000-strong membership organisation which
tax-payers and deliver on the plan.
promotes and lobbies for business development in the
Thames Valley.
Publicly funded and government-endorsed, the LEP
operates as a company limited by guarantee. It is a
As one of eight chambers in the Thames Valley Chamber
strategic body led by an executive board of directors
of Commerce Group, Slough Chamber of Commerce
with a leading local business figure in the chair.
gives access to the services and national lobbying power
from one of the largest accredited Chambers in the UK.
The LEP aims to accelerate the pace of growth and change.
Slough Chamber of Commerce represents more than
The more organisations and people they can involve, the
800 businesses in and around Slough and remains
more energy they can invest, the better Thames Valley
autonomous in its local lobbying activities. It provides
business will be.
Slough Business Directory 2014
If you’re a Heathrow business looking to meet new
suppliers and sub-contractors that can enhance your supply
chain then the annual Heathrow Business Summit is a must
attend event for you. The summit was conceived 17 years
ago in recognition of the central role that Heathrow plays in
connecting SMEs with new business opportunities through
its own supply chain, around the airport and across the
world. The aim is to help SMEs understand where these
opportunities lie and how to access them.
Over the last nine years the event has generated £11 million
for businesses in the region and offers an extremely costeffective way of generating new leads and customers.
For further information please email
The Slough Business Community Partnership (SBCP) has a
membership of 60 companies and organisations and is one
of the most successful Business Community Partnerships in
the UK .
Slough library has built up a comprehensive collection of
It works with businesses to identify opportunities for them
business resources. The library has an excellent selection of
to become actively engaged in the community, that will
business books and subscribes to a number of different
ultimately facilitate the creation of partnerships between the
professional journals. Online resources include subscriptions
private, public and voluntary sectors for the benefit of the
to (i) Newsbank which allows access to full text newspapers
communities of Slough.
(regional, national and international), plus business journals,
including The Economist magazine, and (ii) Slough Custom
The Slough Business Community Partnership works closely
Journals which provides 100 searchable journals across a
with local businesses to:
wide range of subjects, including business.
• Encourage the growth of responsible business practice
• Engage businesses in activities that will make a lasting
impact in the community
• Support employee engagement activity through
• Use the business skills of individuals to provide
meaningful support to the community whilst helping to
Computer access is available in Slough, Langley, Cippenham
and Britwell libraries for free up to two hours per day.
Customers can also use their own web device to access
the internet free of charge via Slough Libraries’ Wi-Fi.
develop the personal skills of the employee
• Identify different ways for businesses to become actively
involved in the local community
• Make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of
people who live, learn and work in Slough
Further information will be found on the SBCP website: or contact:
telephone: 01753 696958
Office Accommodation
SEGRO is a leading owner, asset manager and developer
Rare are a firm of specialist commercial property
of modern warehousing, light industrial and data centre
consultants covering West London and the Thames
properties, with £4.1 billion of assets principally
Valley (specifically Berkshire, Hampshire, Surrey and
concentrated in the UK, France, Germany and Poland.
West London). We advise occupiers and investors on the
SEGRO have a leading market position in both the
acquisition, disposal and management of office, industrial,
Thames Valley and Heathrow, with £1.7 billion invested
retail and investment property as well as offering an
in these locations, including ownership of the Slough
innovative approach to property marketing to produce
Trading Estate, the largest industrial estate in Europe in
better results, faster. With over 25 years’ experience of
single private ownership.
handling commercial property across the region, there are
few firms that are able to offer "on the ground" depth of
SEGRO’s highly-experienced team of property professionals
knowledge and experience which we can draw upon to
is dedicated to helping businesses expand and relocate.
ensure the optimum solutions for our clients. For further
In-depth knowledge and experience of design and build
information please contact:
projects ensures rapid and cost-effective solutions to meet
occupiers’ individual property requirements.
Jonathan Mannings MRICS
Tel: 01753 537171
Tel: 0118 907 9700
DDI: 0118 907 1292
Mobile: 07917 064033
Slough Business Directory 2014
Skills for Slough
and events space at the heart of Slough Trading Estate.
Fully air-conditioned throughout with excellent IT and AV
Slough Aspire is an innovative private-public sector led
facilities, the Slough Aspire Centre is available to hire for
social enterprise designed to help the local community
meetings, events, training and more. For further information
develop the right employability skills to meet the needs of
on Slough Aspire, how to get involved, and booking the
Slough companies now and in the future and to work with
Slough Aspire Centre, please visit
employers to develop the skills of their existing workforce.
or call 01753 530146
The initiative brings together key organisations that are
responsible for the education, training and development
of the Slough community to work in a more collaborative
and co-ordinated way with local businesses to enhance
the provision of support.
Slough Aspire invites local organisations to get involved
through the Slough Aspire Supporters’ Network Forum,
chaired by Mars with representatives from local companies
including SEGRO, O2, UCB, Lonza, Polycom, the
Federation of Small Businesses, Slough Business
Community Partnership, East Berkshire College,
Learning to Work and Slough Borough Council.
Slough Aspire consists of three main delivery strands:
Aspire for Schools led by Learning to Work, Aspire for You
led by Slough Borough Council and Aspire for Business led
by East Berkshire College. Through working with business
and the Aspire strand leads, Slough Aspire aims to:
• Engage with local businesses committed to supporting
the vision and goals of Slough Aspire
• Enhance training and development for unemployed
residents to improve employment outcomes
• Support local residents to access job opportunities in
• Enable young people to engage directly with local
The college provides a number of high quality and
accredited training programmes and courses for business
and their employees. Focus is on areas and skills-gaps such
as ICT, Team Leader & Management, Business
Management and Customer Service. The college also
manages many apprenticeship programmes working
closely with local employers to provide many apprenticeship
placements, covering a number of levels, across a wide
area of business sectors. It has a proven track record
• Support enterprise and new company start-ups
in helping businesses improve current performance and
• Improve the provision of learning and development for
prepare for the future.
local worker learners
Tel: 0845 373 2500
The Aspire Centre is based at 350 Edinburgh Avenue,
Slough Trading Estate, SL1 4TU, an inspirational training
Slough Borough Council
Slough’s Joint Wellbeing Strategy
The Slough Wellbeing Board has brought together decision
makers in the public, private, community and voluntary
sectors, to work with each other to meet the needs of local
people and to improve the quality of life in Slough.Together
they have developed Slough's Joint Wellbeing Strategy. The
strategy sets out a long-term vision for the people, the
place and the prosperity of Slough.
It focuses on five priorities:
Cohesive communities – celebrating diversity
Environment – a place to live, work and play
Economy and skills – prosperity for all
Health and wellbeing – adding years to life and life to years
Safer communities – being safe feeling safe
There are also two cross-cutting themes of civic
responsibility and improving the image of the town.
Targets will be set against each of the priorities and
performance measured on a regular basis.
For full details please visit this link
Aspire Business Start-Up is a service provided by Slough
Borough Council, to help Slough residents who want to
start their own business. The service can provide business
advice, training courses, workshops and networking events.
For more details email Saira Majid on: or call 01753 476621.
This service provides advice on job search, interview skills,
completing application forms and individual CV preparation.
Its partnership with BAA Heathrow has enabled Slough’s
unemployed residents to take up training and qualifications
with the Airport’s Retail, Construction and Aviation
Academy. Once trained, they are able to compete for jobs
across the airport employers.
For more information on this service please visit
Slough Business Directory 2014
Improving Travel Options
Slough recognises we need to address transport issues on
Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) is aimed at creating
a number of fronts, and feel we can have a dynamic, free -
growth and cutting carbon by promoting alternative travel
flowing transport system accessible to all, if all stakeholders
choices, such as cycling, walking, public transport and
work together. SBC are currently working on improving
electric vehicles.
walking and cycling infrastructure as well as working with
businesses to assist in the delivery of realistic travel plans to
target unnecessary or environmentally unfriendly journeys.
Funded by Slough Borough Council, Cycle Hire Slough is
The town looks forward to the improvements in rail
currently at Phase One of the scheme with an initial three
connectivity to Central London that will be delivered by
key docking point locations and 63 rental bikes. Phase Two
Crossrail. With journey times to Tottenham Court Road of
of the scheme aims to increase its size and volume through
36 minutes from Slough Railway Station, the capital will be
direct sponsorship and advertising during 2014.
even closer. The Highways Agency’s Managed Motorways
Project, which consists of a number of measures including
This is a bike share system that provides an easy and
hard shoulder, and variable speed limits, is currently being
affordable option for short, quick trips around Slough.
reviewed and we are expecting an announcement in the
next financial year on this project.
For more information visit
We are in the early stages of developing a Rapid Transit
For further information on any of the content in this
System that will connect Slough Trading Estate to Slough
Directory, please contact
Central Transport Interchange and further to T5 and
Heathrow Central Terminals. As well as these major
Shabnam Ali
schemes, we are addressing the challenges of congestion
Economic Policy Development Officer
and network reliability by working with businesses and the
St Martin’s Place, Slough SL1 3UF
Highways Agency.
Tel: 01753 875849
A vibrant economy with a well supported transport
infrastructure is the vision for the future.
SBC have installed many new cycle lanes across the
borough, reduced congestion on the roads through effective
enforcement of traffic restrictions and introduction of an
integrated transport system that links traffic signals together
to achieve better overall flow of traffic through several
junctions. Real time passenger information at bus stops is
the next phase of this work and is already available at a
limited number of stops on the A4.
The number of people cycling or walking is not increasing
as quickly as expected and the number of single occupancy
journeys is still relatively high. SBC recognises these issues
and are targeting our efforts accordingly. The Local
For more information call our dedicated
Business team on 01753 774748
Farnham Road, Slough, SL1 4UT
With a Synergy Corporate Membership,
you will receive amazing discounts on
your membership, along with full use of:
• 2 gyms
• 2 swimming pools
• Over 150 classes per week
• Synergy Mentors to show you the way
Call 08450 262 466
Montem Leisure Centre
Montem Lane,
Slough, SL1 2QG
Langley Leisure Centre
Parlaunt Road, Langley,
Slough, SL3 8BD
Advertiser Profiles
Amey works with public and regulated sector clients to help create better places to live, work and travel.
Operating throughout the UK, our employees are behind the services you use each day whether it be the roads,
the railways, waste disposal, schools, airports or the power you use to fuel your home. In fact, almost everybody
in the UK will use at least one Amey service today.
Amey operates over 320 contracts, providing an unrivalled range of services including waste management,
highways, utilities, rail, justice solutions, social housing and facilities management.
Our teams work with Slough Borough Council to maintain and improve the local highways network and deliver
street cleaning, grounds maintenance, refuse and recycling collection services across the borough. We are also
a leading provider of waste management, recycling and environmental services to the local business community.
Tel: 01753 216100
See advert on pages 2 & 3
ar vato UK
arvato is a trusted global business outsourcing partner to the private and public sectors in the UK.
With more than 50 years’ experience in outsourcing, arvato combines expertise in business process outsourcing
(BPO), public sector and citizen services, financial solutions, contact centres, loyalty and customer retention, and
supply chain management to deliver innovative, individual solutions for clients.
arvato holds successful long-term partnerships with central government, local government and public health
sector organisations, as well as some of the most respected companies in the UK and globally; clients include
Slough Borough Council, the Department for Transport, the National Health Service, and Microsoft, Toshiba,
Renault and Bosch.
arvato UK is a subsidiary of arvato AG, a global BPO provider with more than 66,000 people employed across
almost 40 countries worldwide. arvato has annual revenues of £4.4bn, contributing over a quarter of the
Bertelsmann group’s annual revenues of over £16.4bn.
See advert on page 5
Berks Group
• Berks Team Objective is to minimise the human resources cost to our clients and take full HR
Responsibilities including compliance with labour laws.
• Stringent quality monitoring policy that allows out staff and management to ensure that our client’s needs
and expectations are fulfilled.
• Our managers make both regular and surprise visits to each site to check on our staff and to ensure that
they are providing the utmost level of professional service and in accordance with service level agreement
signed by our clients.
• We offer full site managed service solutions. This solution is focused on delivering the fluctuating staffing
needs of your business.
• We provide bespoke reports to give our clients complete visibility and transparency.
• Our clients can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a dedicated hotline number.
Email: • Email: • Web:
• Management consists of a retired vice-president of an international bank
and a credit manager from corporate banking.
• Unsecured balance sheet financing available.
• Funding available for overseas investors.
• Regular updates to our clients on lending market and new financing products available.
• Commercial financing for all business sectors.
Email: • Email: • Web:
• Dedicated personal account manager assigned to your business only.
• Quarterly or monthly reports on financial performance of your business.
• Free budgeting and forecasting for first year of trading for start-up businesses.
• Forensic accounting & part-time CFO services offered to our clients.
• We guarantee to beat your cost of payroll management.
• We provide our clients with regular updates on changes in taxation regulation and news.
Email: • Email:
268 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX
Tel: 0800 999 3637 • Fax: 0844 840 3637
See adverts on page 40 and inside back cover
Development Securities PLC
Development Securities PLC is an experienced, FTSE-listed, UK property investor and developer. It applies a
creative and expert approach to complex and major developments, strategic investment and asset
management across the UK.
Since July 2009, Development Securities has completed two capital raises, generating £200 million of new
equity. The proceeds of this raised equity have been invested in over 40 assets across the UK, grasping the
best opportunities to create value whilst spreading risk through diversification. The company has focused on
opportunities to transform redundant and under-valued secondary assets using its planning and development
expertise to unlock their value and deliver maximum shareholder return.
Portland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DS
Tel: 020 7828 4777
See adverts on page 12 and inside back cover
East Berkshire College
Upskill your workforce through East Berkshire College
East Berkshire College has a professional Business Services team, which is dedicated to helping businesses
remain competitive and profitable through high quality training. With years of experience working with SMEs
and multi-nationals, the College can deliver a range of cost-effective and tailored training solutions – from
apprenticeships to one-day workshops – at a time and place to suit business requirements.
The College is also offering small to medium sized businesses across Berkshire the chance to access fullyfunded training through a £1.4m contract with the European Social Fund (ESF). Businesses with less than 250
employees can access the fully-funded training for employees aged over 19 (and resident in the UK/EU) though
the Skills for the Workforce project. Employers can access training in a range of areas including management
and team leading, accountancy, administration, IT and specific industry-related skills to meet the requirements
of their business.
Tel: 01753 443855
See advert on page 6
Fiat is one of the pioneers of the European automotive industry. Operating for more than a century, it has
built and sold nearly 100 million passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Founded in 1925, Chrysler is a
leading U.S. automaker that has produced some of the automotive world’s most celebrated models under the
Chrysler and Jeep® brand names.
In 2014 we formed a new company under the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles brand name, a fully-integrated, true
global player in the automotive market.
In the UK we sell an extensive range of cars and light commercial vehicles under Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Jeep,
Chrysler, Abarth and Fiat Professional brand names, available with affordable and flexible finance packages.
We aim to provide great value, reliable and environmentally responsible cars; helping your business run
more efficiently.
We’d love discuss your individual requirements, so why don’t you
email us on or give us a call on 01753 519442.
See advert on outside back cover
Hayes Business Studios (HBS)
Low cost flexible first office space and business services
A great soltuion for new businesses looking for their first low cost and fully furnished office. Hayes business
Studios (HBS) offers fully furnished studios on flexible terms with access to business support and advice.
Businesses can hire our facilities for events, presentations, seminars and training sessions, rent a hotdesk while
they are on the move, hire a professional mailbox and access free car parking. HBS offers FREE Enterprise club
and networking opportunities for budding entrepreneurs. Also new short courses are available for essential
business skills, including social media for business and sales training to help businesses move forward.
Tel: 01895 471010
Contact: Martin Blandy
See advert on page 39
Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald is a global management, engineering and development consultancy delivering solutions
adding value to many areas of everyday life.
Mott MacDonald is a uniquely diverse £1 billion global management, engineering and development consultancy.
We deliver leading edge solutions for public and private sector clients across 12 core business areas – transport,
power, buildings, water, environment, health, education and social care, industry and communications,
international development, urban development and oil and gas.
Our breadth of skills, sectors, services and global reach makes us uniquely placed to bring our customers:
• Holistic, innovative thinking
• Global experience with local insight
• World-expert practitioners
• Multi-sector perspective.
We provide added value solutions which:
• Save money and time
• Reduce risks – technical, commercial, environmental
• Drive up efficiency.
Email: or
See advert on page 10
SEGRO is a leading owner, asset manager and developer of modern warehousing, light industrial and data
centre properties, with £4.7 billion of assets principally concentrated in the Thames Valley and London's
Western Corridor.
SEGRO owns and manages the £1bn Slough Trading Estate, Europe’s largest trading estate in single ownership,
and has a leading market position in Heathrow, with a £0.7 billion portfolio in some of the most sought after airside
and off-airport locations and a £0.6 billion portfolio at Park Royal and Greenford, which has become a primary
focus for businesses seeking urban logistics space to service Central London. In Continental Europe, SEGRO
has £1.7 billion of assets predominantly comprising logistics warehousing and light industrial assets concentrated
in key conurbations in France, Germany and Poland.
With an attractive portfolio of existing facilities and an extensive land bank in key locations, SEGRO is able to
deliver exceptional buildings in key markets across Europe and is uniquely positioned to meet the property
requirements of customers ranging from manufacturers to data centres, research and development, to logistics
and parcel delivery.
See advert on inside front cover & page 1
Slough Community Leisure
Slough Community Leisure controls eight venues in Slough offering health & fitness, entertainment and events to
the local community and businesses in the surrounding area. Slough Community Leisure compromises of three
groups named Synergy Clubs, Spirit Venues and Absolutely Leisure which is a registered charity.
Synergy Clubs We offer a huge range of facilities to help you get fit and we guarantee the health and fitness
results you desire! Single, joint, family and corporate membership available with free and unlimited fitness classes
and more!
Spirit Venues Spirit Venues offers a unique and versatile venue for events in Slough and has the flexibility to hold
a vast range of events for business and pleasure. Conference facilities cater for product launches, exhibitions,
interviews, AGMs, sales presentations and meetings, from 2 to 700 delegates.
Absolutely Group Absolutely Leisure Ltd is a charitable subsidiary of Slough Community Leisure offering Karting,
Laser Combat, Ten Pin Bowling, Ice Arena and now low cost gyms.
Slough Community Leisure, Montem Leisure Centre,
Montem Lane, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 2QG. Tel: 01753 894700
See advert on page 31
UCB is a global biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative
medicines and solutions to transform the lives of people living with severe diseases of the immune system
or of the central nervous system. With 9,000 people in approximately 40 countries, the company generated
revenue of EUR 3.4 billion in 2012. UCB is listed on Euronext Brussels (symbol: UCB).
See advert on pages 22 & 23
University of West London
At the University of West London, we aim to inspire our students and connect them to exciting and rewarding
careers. Based in the heart of one of the UK’s most successful business regions, we have highly qualified staff
with a wealth of experience in their respective disciplines and strong connections with key industries.
The University has acquired a remarkable reputation for high-quality education closely linked to employment,
with many of our graduates going on to achieve great success within their chosen disciplines and professions.
Each year, the University continues to evolve, consistently doing well on graduate employability scores while the
quality of teaching is highly commended by our students. We are proud of our students and are committed to
supporting their development through the provision of high quality education.
Find out more about the University of West London at
See advert on page 8
Switching off non-essential
equipment in an office
overnight saves enough
energy to run a small car
for 100 miles.
Saving energy saves you money, protects your
reputation and helps combat climate change.
Your organisation could save up to 10% through
housekeeping actions which cost little or nothing.
Hayes Business
Uxbridge College in Hayes
College Way, Coldharbour Lane,
Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3BB
Tel: 01895 471010
Hayes and Harlington Station.
90, 140, 195, 207, 607, E6, H98, U4,
427, E7.
Buses stop on Coldharbour Lane apart
from 207, 427 and 607 which stop on
Uxbridge Road near Uxbridge College
in Hayes
Car Parking:
On-site – Entrance via Coldharbour Lane.
Financing a business or buying a house is a complex decision. It is most crucial that you get the right type
of structured funding for your business and mortgage product to buy your house.
Management at Berks Finance have vast experience of corporate and private banking, credit appraisals and
mortgage market. Our corporate team is headed by the retired vice-president of an international bank.
Similarly our in-house credit team is headed by an ex-credit manager from corporate banking. We have
close relationships with major banks as well niche lenders. Right from first point of contact we try to
understand your business need and find the right lending product most suitable for your business. This
includes arranging a visit to your business premises, going through your finances and holding an initial
meeting with the bank to discuss your case. We then prepare a comprehensive report on business plans,
market analysis, financial analysis, loan serviceability and viability and then prepare a credit application to
get the funding approved by the bank.
Our residential mortgage team consists of an experienced panel who have access to all mortgage lenders.
Tempting headline mortgage rates are often tied up with high fees or other conditions that can make the
offer / product unsuitable for your need. We promise that our team will find the best mortgage deal
available on the market suitable for your specific requirement.
268 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX
tel: 0800 999 3637 | fax: 0844 840 3637
Our founders jointly have more than 20 years of experience of working as an accountant, financial
analyst, business advisor and tax consultant within various industries including major UK and
international banks, the telecom industry and the world’s largest defence contracting company.
Our management team have individual specialist skills which enable us to provide our clients with
top notch service and guidance as and when required. With our wealth of experience we are in a
position to deliver an unparalleled service to all our clients, whatever their size or industry sector.
We believe in total professionalism with providing a personalised service tailored to the needs of
your business. That is why we assign a dedicated specialist to you and your business when you
join us. This helps our specialist to understand you and your business needs and build a strong
relationship with you.
• Unsecured balance sheet
financing available.
• Funding available for
overseas investors.
• Regular updates to our clients
on lending market and new
financing products available.
• Commercial financing for all
business sectors.
We don’t act as an average accountant. Besides looking after your bookkeeping and annual tax
returns, we also act as financial analyst and business advisor for our clients. We provide quarterly
and even monthly reports to our clients on the financial performance of their businesses.
268 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX
tel: 0800 999 3637 | fax: 0844 840 3637
• Management consists of a
retired vice-president of an
international bank and a
credit manager from
corporate banking.
• Dedicated personal account
manager assigned to your
business only.
• Quarterly or monthly reports
on financial performance
of your business.
• Free budgeting and forecasting
for first year of trading for
start-up businesses.
• Forensic accounting & part-time
CFO services offered to our clients.
• We guarantee to beat your
cost of payroll management.
• We provide our clients with
regular updates on changes in
taxation regulation and news.
We don’t act as an average accountant. Besides looking after you,
BERKS TEAM vision is “To be the most admired and successful supplier of complete
staffing solutions to businesses that look for professionalism and reliability in
customer services and business delivery”.
• Berks Team Objective is to minimise the human
resources cost to our clients and take full HR
Responsibilities including compliance with labour laws.
We are committed to providing professional recruitment solutions that minimise the
financial and legal burden of our clients by offering innovative service packages
tailor-made for the needs of each client.
• Stringent quality monitoring policy that allows out staff
and management to ensure that our client’s needs and
expectations are fulfilled.
Business operation is looked after by experienced project managers. We at Berks
Team ensure that business is fully compliant and up to date with latest legislation at all
times. Our objective is to minimise the responsibility of legal compliance for our clients,
and offer the most cost effective human resource solutions.
• Our managers make both regular and surprise visits to
each site to check on our staff and to ensure that they
are providing the utmost level of professional service
and in accordance with service level agreement signed
by our clients.
Skilled and experienced staff are made available to our clients around the clock. Our
clients can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a dedicated hotline
number. We have our own fleet of vehicles to transport staff on time and at short
notice including relief staff. Over the time this strategy has helped Berks Team
achieve a distinctive name in providing excellence in customer services, time and
management efficiency and relationship building.
Management consists of experienced professionals from human resources, project
management and banking backgrounds.
268 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX
tel: 0800 999 3637 | fax: 0844 840 3637
• We offer full site managed service solutions.
This solution is focused on delivering the fluctuating
staffing needs of your business.
• We provide bespoke reports to give our clients
complete visibility and transparency.
• Our clients can contact us 24 hours a day,
7 days a week via a dedicated hotline number.
Brunel Place, an iconic new
office development for Slough
For more information visit