December -


December -
 Fairfax Hornblower The Fairfax Civitan Club Newsletter Civitan Year 2011-­2012 Issue 3 December 2011 In This Issue . . x Reflections on our Nov Meetig x Pop Tops, Ink Cartridges, & Reflections on our November Meeting Faye Codding, Community Outreach Consultant of the Fellow-­
ship Square Foundation (FSF), presented a most interesting pro-­
gram at our Nov. 3 meeting. FSF is 50 years old and currently provides homes for 800 low income Office Depot Fundraisers! senior citizens and disabled adults x Leaders in Freedom who have come from next door and x Elicitations from Elaine!! from around the world. Some resi-­
dents have moved here to be closer to x Chesapeake District Meeting their children, others are refugees 11/18-­20/2011 from forced labor camps, yet others x Wounded Warriors have been homeless. They have la-­
bored in occupations with little or no x Candy & Coin Boxes Faye Codding of Fellowship Square retirement benefits. Rent is on a slid-­
x Sunrise Assisted Living Bingo Foundation ing scale, with rents varying from $25 x Mark this Date!! to $1000 per month. There are at least seven languages spoken in each x White House Ornaments on sale! building. There is a five year wait list to become a resident. Residents enjoy their independence and are involved in community activities as well activities in their own Fellowship House. They x Donations Checks Delivered! really enjoy our visits when we bring a light supper and entertainment. It was also a delight to welcome Anne Krome, former x Congratulations, Karen Mann! Fairfax Civitan President, chaplain, District Governor x Barnes & Noble Fundraiser and friend who has moved to New England. We ap-­
proved a change in the budget, changing the amount for x Food for Others -­ /HW¶V+HOS OAR from $200 to $400 since they were omitted from x Claxton Fruit Cake! the budget last year. Cathy Coleman was initiated into the knowl-­
edge and Meeting Information: 1st Thursday of the month* service of Gather at 6:30 pm w/dinner at 7 pm Civitan. Adjournment by 9 pm Treasurer Howard Oberheu discusses club budget Checks from 2010-­2011 were presented to Maryrose Bornhorst and Cathy Coleman for the Northern Vir-­
ginia Therapeutic Riding Program (NVTRP) and to Red Lobster Restaurant Ed and Elaine Senft and Dee Leonard for Parents and 10325 Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22030 Associates of the Northern Virginia Training Center Cathy Coleman is initiated into membership with Mary (P&A of NVTC). Sign-­up sheets for upcoming par-­
IS FREE! Pack. Elaine also handed out Wish Lists for residents also accepted our invitation to join the club! of Home 5A at NVTC. This is the home for which we .*Projects are scheduled at other times during the month. provide a Holiday Party, Christmas presents, and birthday cakes (along with home 8A). Many pounds of food were also collected for Food for SPECIAL NOTE: Others that were delivered by Barbara. This was also a Membership Meeting, and we are delighted that Maryrose and Nelson accepted the invitation to become members. This was a wonderful meeting with 28 people in attendance. Our wait people were most efficient for our nice big group. Thanks to all who made P&A of NVTC members Dee Leonard, Elaine Senft, and Get well soon, Vivian!! We miss you at this such a special meeting. Steve Leonard gratefully accepted our 2010-­2011 year our meetings events! donation to help meet needs of residents of NVTC. 1 Support These Ongoing Fundraisers
Civitan Year 2011-­2012 Officer Roster/Contact Info PRESIDENT Elaine Senft Home: 703.726.0965 Cell: 571.212.9096 President-­Elect Dee Leonard Home: 540.439.1502 Cell: 703.507.4903 Secretary Sara Gorman Farris, Cell: 540.742.1204 Treasurer Howard Oberheu Home: 540.347.5323 Immediate Past President Steve Leonard Home: 540.439.1502 Cell: 703.401.7741 Chaplain C. David Hartmann Sergeants-­at-­Arms C. David Hartmann LaDonna Hartmann Directors Lynn Leitch (2011-­2013) Tina Ciambruschini (2011-­2013) Denny Vaughan (2010-­2012) Gabriella Smith (2010-­2012) Josh Felts (2010-­2012) LaDonna Hartmann (2010-­2012) Civitan on the Web Ed Senft, Webmaster Visit our Fairfax Civitan Club Web Page! Ed Senft, Webmaster The Chesapeake District Web Page 6HHZKDW¶VKDSSHQLQJDW&LYLWDQ,QWHUQD
tional headquarters! 9LVLW&LYLWDQ¶VIODJVKLSSURMHFW± UAB Civitan International Research Center 9LVLWRXU)DLUID[&LYLWDQ&OXE¶VIODJVKLS
project ± Northern Virginia Training Center Please remember to bring your Pop Tops from cans and your used printer ink cartridges to each meeting. Pop Tops will be turned in to a metal recycling center, and the money will then be donated to the Ronald McDon-­
ald House near Fairfax Hospital. Maybe you can even put a container by the soda machine at work to collect Pop Tops. Denny Vaughan is our Ink Cartridge Re-­
cycling leader, turning in empty cartridges to be recy-­
cled and earning money and Office Depot credits to help other groups with whom we work and support. Ask your friends and neighbors to collect theirs also²this will also give you a chance to talk about Civitan with them. Do you have a new printer and no longer have use for those new cartridges you bought? Denny will accept these as well. We also encourage you to purchase supplies at Office Depot²your purchases also earn credits that help our organizations. Just tell the cashier this number: 1569758335. Leaders in Freedom Students to be featured at our January 5 Meeting This is always one of the highlights of our Civitan year. This year we are glad to be able to sponsor 9 students to the Leaders in Freedom Conference. Between the inspirational and thought-­provoking speakers and their group activities, it will also be a memorable event for the students. It takes place Dec. 9-­11 at Blackstone, VA. We will probably have a change in meeting place because we will have a hard time fitting in to the Red Lobster meeting room. You will receive an e-­mail regarding the change of venue for this January meeting!! You will also want to remember to bring your canned or boxed food for Food for 2WKHUV6HHSDJHIRUDOLVWRIVXJJHVWHGIRRGGRQDWLRQV/HW¶VVKDUHRXUERXQW\
with families who need food support at this time of year. Fairfax Hornblower is the official Newsletter of the Civitan Club of Fairfax. If you have comments or wish to submit an article or picture, please contact: Dee Leonard Hornblower Editor 9467 Cedrus Drive Midland, VA 22728 Home 540.439.1502 Cell 703.507.4903 2 Elicitations from Elaine!
DECEMBER IS PARTY TIME!! December is a month full of exciting happenings. It is hectic, fun, busy-­busy-­busy, full of opportuni-­
ties to help and provide for others, and then we hopefully find peace through our special holidays of &KULVWPDVDQG+DQXNNDK%XWOHW¶VJREDFNWRWKH)81SDUW)RU)DLUID[&LYLWDQVWKLVPHDQVZUDS
ping books and gifts at Barnes & Noble. You get to see many of their wonderful books and toys and games for all ages. You get to talk to the nice people who have purchased them out of love for some-­
one. You get to stick on that bow as a finishing touch to your wrapping. And I bet most of us enjoy a ODWWHRUPRFKDZKLOHZH¶UHWKHUH7KHQZHDOVRKDYH3$57,(6²for ourselves and for others! Saturday, December 3 is the date for our Club Christmas Party, including a Yankee Swap. It will be LQWKHVSDFLRXVSDUW\URRPLQWKH6HQIW¶VFRQGREXLOGLQJDW/HLVXUH:RUOGRI9LUJLQLDLQ/DQVGRZQH
All the decorations are up and there for us to enjoy! All are welcome to begin arriving about 4, and we plan to eat at 5:30pm. There is an oven and microwave to keep things hot, and a refrigerator to NHHSWKLQJVFROG7KH6HQIW¶VDUHSURYLGLQJWKHKDPDQGWXUNH\DQG%DUEDUDLVEULQJLQJIULHG
chicken, and all are invited to bring a dish to share²we could still use a fruit dish or a cheeseball with crackers. If you wish to participate in the Yankee Swap, bring a wrapped gift, valued about $25;; otherwise, it is just fun watching the swapping going on. Their address is 19375 Cypress Ridge Ter-­
second building on the left. When you come into the building, put in 112 on the keypad. This nor-­
ahead and doors to the party room are on each side of the elevators. More detailed directions are in ODVWPRQWK¶ -­-­click on Newsletters). Please let Elaine know that you are coming²703-­726-­0965 or Saturday, December 10 is the date for the Holiday Party at Home 5A at the Northern Virginia Training Center (NVTC). We are going to be arriving and setting up at 6:15pm. When we are ready, the party will begin with decorating cards to send to their families, making a decoration to hang from the ceiling, and perhaps helping them do a painting project. This group of men needs a lot of help to accomplish these activities, and so we hope that many of you will be able to lend a helping and serving hand. Santa and Mrs. Claus will be arriving with a small present for each and ready to have their photo taken with each person. We already have a volunteer to be at Barnes & Noble that evening, so is a great time to serve these residents through our service. We will complete the evening with cake, ice cream, and punch. Please let Elaine know if you will be able to come and help make this a special evening for these special people. NVTC is at 9901 Braddock Road in Fairfax, between I-­495 and Rt. 123 (about 2 miles east of Rt. 123). There are two entrances into the Training Center. Turn left at the first road, and keep going until you see a sign with Home 5 on it. It is across from the picnic pavilion. Park-­
ing is on the road. Go into the building, turn left and go through the door. Take a few steps to the left, and go through another door. Turn right and go all the way to the back. By the way, for those of you who are purchasing presents for the residents of Home 5A at 197&\RXFDQEULQJWKHSUHVHQWVXQZUDSSHGODEHOHGZLWKWKHJHQWOHPDQ¶VQDPHDQG
them from you there. Or just call her and arrange a time to meet: 703-­726-­0965. These gifts will be given to the residents on Christmas morning. Sunday, December 11 is the date for the Christmas Party at Indigo House (formerly Well-­
spring). The home is at 10504 Indigo Lane. Coming from Braddock Road, turn onto Sideburn 5RDGDFURVVIURPWKHELJGLJLWDOVLJQDW*HRUJH0DVRQ8QLYHUVLW\$IWHU\RXSDVV6W0DU\¶V
Catholic Church, turn right onto Zion Road, State Route 654. Make a quick left onto Allerton, and then turn left onto Indigo Lane. :H¶OOEHDUULYLQJDWSPDQGZH¶OOVWDUWSOD\LQJ%LQJRDVVRRQDVWKHSUL]HVDUHGLVSOD\HG
:H¶OONHHSZDWFKIRU6DQWDDQG0UV&ODXV²we hear they enjoy these parties also! The ladies will be making snacks for us, so please let Elaine know if you will be coming so that they can have an appropriate amount of snacks. 3 Chesapeake District Meeting/Convention ³+RQRULQJ2XU9HWHUDQV´ The weekend of November 18-­20 in Williamsburg was the setting for the first District Meeting/Convention for 2011-­2012. Officers for the Chesapeake District Foundation were installed at the Friday night meeting. Kathleen Shields of Merica House and JoAnn Hart of Loudoun Therapeutic Riding showed and told us how the grants that they received as a result of the August meeting were used. Three additional grants were approved at this meeting. Matching funds grants were also approved for individual and club donations to the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). There is also a new memorial fund that is called the Civitan Memorial Fund. Only the interest on these funds will be given away through the grants process. The District Meeting on Saturday morning was also called a Convention because we were to vote on DQDPHQGPHQWLQFUHDVLQJPHPEHUV¶GXHVWRWKH&KHVDSHDNH'LVWULFW$IWHUPXFKGLVFXVVLRQWKH
amendment was tabled until the next meeting, April 12-­15, in Annapolis. To help compensate for the lack of a dues increase, there will be another used book sale at both remaining District Meetings of the \HDUD6LOHQW$XFWLRQDWWKH&RQYHQWLRQLQ$XJXVWDQGDUDIIOHIRUDZHHN¶VYDFDWLRQRQ)HQZLFN,V
land during June 2012. Judge Advocate Patty Kinder explained the voting process to the delegates. Steve, Dee, and Michelle Davidson (Waynesboro Club) received their . Club Building Jackets for the building of the Chambersburg, PA, Club New Club builders with 2010-­*RYHUQRU-R$QQ2¶7RROH Denny Weikert was the guest speaker representing the Down Syndrome National Congress (DSNC). They are having their 40th Convention coming up in Washington, DC, from July 19-­22. Please mark these dates on your calendars as they will need lots of volunteer help and our mission fits perfectly with their mission. They are expecting 4000-­5000 people to attend this convention. Denny also gave us a lot of information and interesting facts about Down Syndrome. At each table during the Fellows Luncheon was a wounded Denny Weikert of the Down Syndrome warrior currently undergoing therapy and rehab at the Fisher National Congress House. It was such an honor to be seated with these young people who have given so much so that we can enjoy peace and our way of life. (See page 5 for a focus on these young heroes) 7KHUHZDVDPRYLQJSUHVHQWDWLRQRQ³$7RDVWWRWKH)ODJ´)LYHSHUVRQVZHUHSUHVHQWHGZLWKD'LVWULFW)HOORZ$ZDUG²this money goes into the Scholarship Fund for needy students receiving scholarships through the District. During the afternoon, there was a presentation on Talinn, Estonia, the site of the 2012 International Convention. There was also a roundtable discussion on the grants process, followed by workshops on Candy/Coin Boxes and selling Claxton Fruitcake. The evening banquet featured delicious steak and very tasty chicken. Bev Hill presented the awards for 2010-­
2011. You can find a complete list on the chesapeakedis-­ website, but we will mention some Fairfax Civi-­
tans who were honorees and made us very proud. Out-­
standing District Chairperson²Ed Senft for the website;; Outstanding Area Director²Elaine Senft from Area 3. We love you guys and are so blessed to have you in our club! YEAH, Ed & Elaine!! ZDVUDLVHGWKLVZHHNHQGIURPWKHERRNVDOH/\QQ/HLWFK¶VIXGJHVDOHDQGWKHWLFNHWV0XVLFDOHQWHUWDLQPHQWIHDWuring great patriotic songs was provided by three music teachers who also brought a few of their talented students. Our thanks goes to the Peninsula Club for a great weekend!
4 We salute these Wounded Warriors!
These Marines were our guests at the Luncheon at our Chesapeake District Meeting on Saturday, November 19th, 2011. Each of these young men and this young woman bravely served our country and suffered untold wounds that have changed their lives forever. We were so proud to meet them. They each sat at a different table during the luncheon so that our Chesapeake District Civitans could get a chance to talk to them and get to know them. They are all proud Marines and showed that pride and their love for our country. Remember these Marines by name in your prayers. SSgt Ruben Ruiz Cpl Eric Lyons Cpl Wylie Meikle Cpl Christopher Alban Cpl Amber Worrell Cpl Charles Martin Cpl Armando Solis LCpl Justin Ransom LCpl David Collins SSgt Danny Molina 5 CANDY AND COIN BOXES Were you at the last Fairfax Civitan meeting where we had a rousing round of Questions & Answers about Civi-­
tan? There were 8 prizes awarded. The lucky winners got mystery packages. Four of the winners each got a bag with a coin box, a candy box, and all the supplies needed to place these 2 boxes in the community. Did you place your boxes yet?? Please let Dee know where you placed them so we can keep an accurate record of our candy/coin boxes. Dee has a supply of Coin Boxes and Candy Boxes. :KHQ\RXDUHDWWKH&OHDQHUV)ORULVW9HW¶V2IILFH&DU
Wash or anywhere you pay at the cash register, ask to speak to the manager. Tell the manager about the Coin Box first because we get 50% of these donations and we just need to collect the money;; with the Candy boxes, we need to make sure that they always have a supply of mints. Tell her or him how the dona-­
tions will be used. See the September Hornblower for more suggestions. Fun Time at Fair Oaks Sunrise! About 20 residents enjoyed an afternoon of Bingo at the Fair Oaks Sunrise Assisted Living on Sunday, Nov. 13. We played lots of games of Bingo, and they won lots of prizes! With the help of Marilyn, Tina, Katrina, Steve, Dee, and Elaine, we were able to make sure that they covered all the numbers that Ed called. The afternoon finished with cookies, juice, and cinnamon rolls made by the Sunrise Chef. They were so appreciative that we spent the after-­
noon with them, and they are looking forward to our return. :H¶UHJRLQJWREH%86< Thursday, December 1 ± No regular Fairfax Civitan meeting Saturday, December 3 ± )DLUID[&LYLWDQ&KULVWPDV3DUW\DWWKH6HQIW¶VSP Saturday, December 10 ± Home 5A at NVTC Holiday Party, 6:30-­8:30pm Friday-­Sunday, Dec. 9-­11 ± Leaders in Freedom Conference Sunday, December 11 ± Indigo House Christmas Party, 2pm Saturday, December 24 ± Last book wrapped at Barnes & Noble, 2011, 6pm Thursday, January 5 ± Fairfax Civitan Club meeting featuring the students with their families who attended the Leaders in Freedom Conference, 6:30pm-­9pm;; Place: TBD April, 2012 ± )DLUID[&LYLWDQ¶Vth Anniversary Celebration Thursday ± Sunday, July 19-­22, 2012 ± 40th Convention of the Down Syndrome National Congress 6 White House Ornaments -­ On Sale NOW We still have White House Ornaments to sell. The 2011 Or-­
nament honors Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, 1901-­1909. The ornament reflects the excite-­
ment that his young family with six children brought to the White House. For the first time, Santa Claus is on the front side carrying a large bag of toys over his shoulder and says, ³,KHDUWKDWWKHUHDUHVRPHNLGVLQWKH:KLWH+RXVHWKLV\HDU´
The reverse side features a second color image, capturing the moment in 1903 when his young son reveals to his family a &KULVWPDVWUHHWKDWKHKDGKLGGHQLQDVHDPVWUHVV¶VFORVHWLQ
the White House. These popular ornament keepsakes are $20 again this year. They make great gifts, especially if you have to mail them. Please contact Howard Oberheu at 540-­347-­5323 or hdo-­ to place your order for you, your friends, and your co-­workers. Donation Checks Delivered Wednesday, November 2 was truly an exciting day for our club. After a year of fundraising, Steve, Elaine, and Ed were honored to de-­
liver donation checks to NOVACO, Special Olympics, the Phillips School, and CFS Proud Hearts from the members of the Fairfax Civi-­
tan Club. These checks are from the budget of 2010-­2011. CFS Proud Hearts Civitan Club Special Olympics Phillips School All of these organizations wanted us to share with all of you their great appreciation for these donations. The looks on their faces and their words said that they are SO grateful and that they will use our donation wisely. Thank you to all the Fairfax Civitans and their friends who have helped raise money to make these donations possible. NOVACO Congratulations, Karen! During our visit to the Phillips School, we learned that Fairfax Civitan member Karen Mann had just retired from Phillips after more than 20 years of service. Karen was the receptionist and greeted all visi-­
tors with a warm and friendly smile. She not only provided support to staff members, but she also lis-­
tened to parents and celebrated with former students. Your fellow club members wish you much happi-­
ness in your retirement and hope that we will soon have the opportunity to work side-­by-­side in Enrich-­
ing Lives Through Our Service Together. 7 Barnes & Noble Has Begun! We have great news!! Our book-­wrapping station is back by the Starbucks and the cashiers. This makes us much more obvious to cus-­
tomers. The table is angled to allow easy passage between Starbucks and B&N and the store aisles. We began wrapping books and other gifts at the Reston Barnes & Noble the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 25. We will wrap through Saturday, December 24 at 6pm, Christmas Eve. This Barnes & Noble is located at 1851 Fountain Drive near the intersec-­
tion of Reston Parkway and New Dominion Drive, right near the Reston Town Center and next to Starbucks and Best Buy. Two people are needed at each time slot for the entire project per our contract with Barnes & Noble. We especially need two people for the two-­and-­a-­half weeks before Christmas. Obviously, this is a labor-­intensive fundraiser that re-­
quires all of us and our friends to help out. We are committed to providing this service to Barnes & Noble and their customers. For the first couple weeks, you may want to bring a book to read or a crossword puzzle to do. There will be de-­
tailed instructions there, but if this is your first time, we will try to make sure that VRPHRQHZLOOEHWKHUHZLWK\RXZKR³NQRZVWKHURSHV´ To sign up, go to and click on Sign Up To Wrap or call Ed Senft, webmaster, at 703-­726-­0965. Sign-­ups have begun, but there are still plenty of times for you and your friends to wrap. Thank you so much in advance! At our November meeting, we collected several bags of food that Barbara so graciously delivered to the Food for Others warehouse. Food for Others is the largest distributor of free food directly to people in need in Northern Virginia. They have a great reputation and are very much depended on by many families. They, like other food banks, have shelves that are far too empty to help all the people needing assistance. Each month, we are requesting that those of you coming to a meeting who are able, will bring a can of food. Of course, you can bring more than one. PLEASE JUST MAKE SURE THAT THE DATE IS NOT EXPIRED²they have to throw those away. Their most needed items include: Canned meats: ham, turkey, chicken, tuna, and beef Peanut butter and jelly/jam Canned soup, stew, and chili Cereal Canned vegetables (or fresh in season) Canned fruit Beans: dried or canned Macaroni and Cheese Boxed Meals Pasta Pasta Sauce Rice Fruit Juice Coffee and tea Again, thank you in advance for all the people who will not go hungry! 8 Claxton Fruit Cake Sales Going Strong! Were you at the last Fairfax Civitan meeting where we had a rousing round of Questions & Answers about Civitan? There were 8 prizes awarded. The lucky winners got mystery packages. Four of the winners each got a bag with 3 lbs of fruitcake. The challenge was to sell the cakes to friends or co-­workers, give them for gifts, buy them for yourself, or otherwise support our fruit cake sales project. For HDFKSDFNDJHRIIUXLWFDNHVWKH³ZLQQHU´QHHGVWRSD\WKHFOXE3OHDVHSD\WKHPRQH\WKURXJK'HHVRWKDWVKHFDQUecord of our fruit cake revenue before she turns the money over to our treasurer Howard Oberheu. Fairfax Civitans have joined with hundreds of clubs across North America this fall in selling the world famous Claxton Fruit Cakes. Known for their high quality ingredients, these fruit cakes are an easy sell to those who like fruit cake²and yes, there are many people who really do like fruit cake!! ,QSDUWQHUVKLSZLWKRXU7\VRQV&LYLWDQ³VLVWHU´FOXE)DLUID[KDVEHHQRIIHUHGDSODQZKLFKZLOODOORZRXUFOXEWREUHDNEDFN into the fruit cake market with little to no risk of losing money. In fact, this plan will almost certainly guarantee a profit for the season, adding to WKHFOXE¶VDELOLW\WRVXSSRUWWKH)DLUID[FRPPXQLW\LQWKHFRPLQJ\HDU We have light and dark fruit cake to sell at $3.75 for each 1 pound cake, netting a profit of $1.06 per pound. Dee has serviced all of our 21 stores in Fairfax County and in Prince William County. She has visited each store between late October and through November to talk to the managers, tell them how much we appreciate their contribution to our efforts and to share with them a little about the work WKDW&LYLWDQGRHVLQRXUFRPPXQLWLHV%HRQWKHORRNRXWIRU³PRPDQGSRS´VWRUHVRURWKHUFRPPXQLW\ORFDWLRQVWKDWPLJKWVHOl them for us. Please let Dee know if you want some fruit cake to sell to your friends and neighbors -­ or 540-­439-­1502. You can DOVRFRQWDFWKHUIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUFKHFNRXWODVWPRQWK¶VLVVXHRIWKH+RUQEORZHUIRUPRUHGHWDLOV ,I0DULH$QWRLQHWWHZHUHOLYLQJWRGD\VKHZRXOGVD\« ³/HWWKHPHDWFDNH´/HW¶VPDNHLW)58,7&$.( The picture to the left shows our President Elaine Senft at the Twins Ace Hard-­
ware with co-­owner Craig Smith. Craig found our Fairfax Club through search-­
ing on the internet. He and his brother Jeff worked at a hardware in Maryland that ALWAYS sold Claxton Fruit Cake for Civitan. Now that they own this beautiful new hardware, it just seemed right to contact Civitan and get the fruit FDNHVDOHVJRLQJ&UDLJFDOOHG'HHDQGWKHUHVWLVKLVWRU\7KH\¶YHDOUHDG\
sold 6 cases -­ our BIGGEST and BEST customer!! Please visit the Twins Ace Hardware at 10310-­B Main Sreet, Fairfax, VA 22030. They are in the same shopping center as TJ MAXX, on the corner of Main Street and Old Lee Highway (formerly the site of Harris Teeter). Thank Craig and Jeff for their support. While you are there, look around at this well laid out and sparkling store! :H¶YHDOUHDG\LQYLWHG&UDLJDQG-HIIWRDWWHQGRQHRIRXU&LYLWDQ0HHWLQJVLQ
the near future. They are definitely the kind of civic minded individuals who we LOVE to have join our ranks! We hope they will accept our invitation to ³MRLQWKHIHOORZVKLSDQGVHUYLFHRI&LYLWDQ´ 9