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Saturday, November 28, 2015, 12 p.m. International Centre, Mississauga, Ontario MBISS, MBIS Am. Ch. & Can. GChX Snowmist’s Legally Blonde CGN, RN, AOM Photo: Dean Dennis Congratulations to last year’s BEST IN CLASSIC President Judi Orsi Vice President Carol Stubbs Treasurer Rosemary Shoreman Dean Dennis Photography SIBERIAN HUSKIES Secretary Kim Birch Breeder of Record: Kim Leblanc Directors Alan Ewles BISS, World Club Winner 2013 Am. GCh. & Can. Ch. Snowmist’s Soda Pop Susan Prokopenko Ch. Snowmist’s Asari Michael Shoreman Snowmist’s Au Naturel Snowmist’s Believe In Magic Show Chairs Patty Milton Welcome! Royal Canin and the Caledon Kennel Association are proud to host the second annual Breeders’ Classic at the CKA all-breed shows. This event was created to celebrate purebred-dog breeders and to acknowledge their exceptional level of commitment, dedication, knowledge and ability. They are the essence of the purebred dog fancy – this event honours the legacy they have created by consistently producing superior purebred dogs that are healthy and are of uniform breed type and conformation. We wish everyone the best of luck at this year’s event, and invite the purebred dog fancy to continue to join us as we expand and evolve this unique competition into a nation-wide celebration of purebred dogs and their breeders. – Royal Canin & the Caledon Kennel Association Rosemary Shoreman Join us for our field trial on Sunday, August 7, at Flamboro Valley Camping Resort Roll call at 1 p.m. | Post Entries will be accepted 30 minutes prior to roll call. ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC |3 The Judges ___________________________________________ MICHAEL HILL, Arkana Pekingese I became involved in breeding and exhibiting purebred dogs as a teenager when I joined my parents’ interest in breeding and exhibiting Shetland Sheepdogs. We bred a number of champions in that breed. Since that time, although I have bred and owned champion Papillons, and also owned champion Miniature Schnauzers and a Shih Tzu, my focus has been on Pekingese for nearly 50 years. I have bred numerous champions with many being group winners (Canada and/or U.S.) and there have been eight all-breed Best in Show dogs (Canada and/or U.S.). In addition I have had Top Pekingese in Canada a number of times as well as Top Toy Dog in Canada. I owned the top Pekingese sire of all-time. I have bred two British champion Pekingese bitches, one who went on to become top-winning Pekingese bitch for the year in the U.S. and also top-winning Pekingese bitch for the year in the U.K. Finching ield Ivan of Oaklea, BISS Ch. Jencroft’s Jamie of Oaklea, BOSS Can. & Am. Ch. Selamat’s Oaklea Yellow Rose and the list goes on. Eventually, I went to college and graduated as a Registered Veterinary Technician. I’ve worked in all aspects of the veterinary world – small-animal medicine, emergency medicine, large-animal mobile, diagnostic imaging (teaching/academia and industry) and sales. My background has de initely helped me with decisions I make as a breeder and as a judge. My husband Stan and our boys, Tristan and Spencer, are actively involved in all aspects of dog duties. We live on eight Labrador-friendly acres in Grey-Bruce County (two hours northwest of Toronto). Under the pre ix Castlegar, we have produced many dogs with or related to dogs with these titles: Best in Specialty Show, Best Puppy in Specialty Show, Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Group winners, Show Champions, Obedience, Rally, Field, Therapy, Tracking titles. Some of our best Labradors were Ch. Oaklea Sophie CGC, Ch. Castlegar Muggles, BISS Ch. Castlegar Something Elsa, BISS Ch. East Hill Castlegar Daisy, BISS Ch. Nyroca Castlegar Bewitched, Ch. Castlegar Lubberline The Eagle, Can. & Am. Ch. Broadway’s Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, BPISS Ch. Castlegar Bluebell and BOSS Ch. Oaksill Castlegar Vixen. I started judging in Canada in 1981 and attained all-breed status in 1994. My judging assignments have been at all-greed, group, and breed-club championship shows in Canada, U.S., Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and the United Kingdom. I have been fortunate to have been invited to judge at a number of special events including the Show of Shows Silver Anniversary event, the irst Purina National Show in Canada, the inaugural show for the Working Dog Club of NSW, Australia, and The Pekingese Club of America National Specialty (twice). In England I have awarded CCs in Pekingese at both all-breed and a number of breed-club championship shows. PIERRY MCLEAN, Castlegar Labrador Retrievers In 1983 I acquired my irst Labrador from Penny Jensen, Jencroft Labradors. Chauncey’s breeding was Am. Ch. Elysium’s Citizen Kane ex Ch. Oaklea Brodie At Jencroft. I showed him at a sanction match, won Best of Opposite Sex and was hooked. Eventually, he became Can. Ch. Jencroft’s Orion Starr. Soon after, I met Ken and Eileen Grant of Oaklea Labrador Retrievers. Ken and Eileen taught me a great deal about Labradors, breeding, showing and most importantly, proper husbandry. I had the pleasure of handling BISS Can. & Am. Ch. 4 | ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC HEATHER WHITCOMG, Heather’s Bloodhounds I, along with my husband Peter, acquired our irst bloodhound in 1987. Since then, our home has never been without two or more taking up most of my time, and bringing us much enjoyment to our lives. Heather’s Hounds came to be in 1991 and in 1993 we had our irst litter. Time and good fortune has brought us many highs in the dog world. Thirteen litters have been born here for a total of 96 Bloodhound puppies. We have shipped pups to South Africa, Finland, Switzerland as well as the U.S. Thanks to modern technology and frozen semen, offspring now live in the countries listed above, as well as in the U.K. and Australia. I truly believe in breeding sound, healthy dogs that can go from the work place to the Best in Show ring. This wonderful breed – whether for home, work or play – can truly do it all! I am especially proud to say that several puppies have been and are presently in the ield of law enforcement and of icial search and rescue. A few have been acknowledged for their ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC |5 work and one has been awarded with the prestigious ACE award from the AKC. Some of Heathers Hounds have also been successful in the area of obedience, tracking and trailing. Most of our puppies have been placed in show homes and we have been fortunate to have excelled in that area. Heather’s Hounds won the Eukanuba American National Championship in 2005 and this dog earned a Group 1st at Westminster in 2006. I have bred dogs that have won the American Bloodhound Club National Specialty four times as well as many BOS, BOW, WD and WB. I am proud to say that the name of Heather’s Hounds appears on the Canadian Bloodhound Club National Specialty trophy 11 out of 21 times. I have been president of the Canadian Bloodhound Club several times over the past 20 years. I am a member of the American Bloodhound Club and I am an approved mentor for the ABC as well as an AKC Breeder of Merit. I also maintain membership in The Bloodhound Club (UK) and The Association of Bloodhound Breeders (ABB – also the UK). I worked in the education ield until my retirement in 1996. I live in Thetford Mines with my husband and support system, Peter. We have one daughter Jennifer and one ‘very special’ granddaughter Morgan, who reside in Florida. Two Bloodhound share their home with us – BISS, BIS Am. GCh. & Can. GChX Heathers Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (aka Kitty) and BISS, BIS Can. & Am. GCh. Quiet Creeks Double or Nothing for Heather (aka Roulette). 6 | ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC Your exhibitor-friendly dog-show site! 9 Samya Court, Scarborough, ON M1R 2A4 T: (416) 759-8593 | F: (416) 759-7790 The Entry 001 ____________________________________________ BLACK RUSSIAN TERRIER Breeders of Record: Marina & Vladimir Yevko Iliaslegacy Harmony Alexandrite. Bitch. 20/09/2014. Iliaslegacy Serendipity Hebe. Bitch. 10/04/2015. Iliaslegacy Fantasia Ella Davidoff. Bitch. 05/06/2015. 002 Finalist DALMATIAN Breeder of Record: Carola Adams BIS Ch. Onsengeltje Secret Endeavour. Dog. 04/03/2015. Ch. Onsengeltje Secret Admirer. Bitch. 04/03/2015. Onsengeltje In inite. Bitch. 12/02/2015. _____________________________________________________________________ 007 WHIPPET Finalist Breeder of Record: Jenny McCartney MBIS, Can. GChX & Am. Ch. Lorricbrook Abelarm Believer. Bitch. 03/11/2010. BIS Can. GCh. & Am. Ch. Lorricbrook Fascination. Dog. 20/03/2011. MBIS Can. GCh. Lorricbrook Fascinator. Bitch. 20/03/2011. McCartney’s Shared Belief. Dog. 08/02/2015. 008 WELSH CORGI ȍCARDIGANȎ Breeder of Record: Shelley Camm Am. GCh. & Can. GChX Yasashiikuma Smoky Mountn Maid CGN,CGC, TDI, HIC, TT. Bitch. 04/06/2007. Am. GCh. (Bronze), Can., Fr., UK, NL, Lux. Ch. Yasashiikuma Lest We Forget. Dog. 11/11/2008. Can. & UKC Ch. Yasashiikuma I Am Not A Number. Dog. 30/10/2013. Yasashiikuma Jumpin Jack Flash. Dog. 26/12/2014. Yasashiikuma Jaunty Jolene. Bitch. 26/12/2014. 003 SETTERS ȍENGLISHȎ Finalist Breeder of Record: Nancy Warner Am. Ch. & Can. GCh. Reidwood Just My Style. Bitch. 11/03/2008. Ch. Reidwood Riders Up. Dog. 07/03/2014. Reidwood Artistic Impression. Bitch. 07/03/2014. 004 MASTIFF Breeder of Record: Jane Mitchell Ch. Nottinghill’s Sir Duke. Dog. 24/04/2013. Nottinghill’s Boil Toil N Trouble At Greenmeadows. Bitch. 31/10/2014. Nottinghill’s Last Call. Dog. 13/06/2014. 005 Finalist 006 SCHAPAENDOES Breeder of Record: Colette Peiffer Ch. Merlot du Bouleau Blanc. Dog. 03/01/2014. Ch. Famous Lola du Bouleau Blanc. Bitch. 03/01/2014. Mt Sutton du Bouleau Blanc. Dog. 15/08/2012. PHARAOH HOUND 009 SIBERIAN HUSKY Finalist Breeder of Record: David Piercey Ch. Davik’s Luck Of The Draw. Dog. 27/11/2013. Ch. Daviks Silver Mist. Bitch. 08/08/2010. GCh. Daviks Snowstorm Gussit. Dog. 08/08/2010. Snoebear’s Winter Soldier. Dog. 21/03/2015. Ch. Daviks True North. Bitch. 08/08/2010. 010 DALMATIAN Breeder of Record: Patti Pella Ch. Paisleypella A Boy And His Dog. Dog. 11/05/2014. Paisleypella U Had Me At Hello. Bitch. 11/05/2014. Ch. Paisleypella Timings Evrything. Bitch. 22/04/2012. Breeder of Record: Kathryn & Brittany Carella, L. Evans, J. Buchanan Ch. Osiris Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Dog. 31/01/2013. Osiris Krug XO. Dog. 05/10/2011. JoinCh. us XO for J’our fieldOsiris. trial onBitch. Sunday, August 7, at Flamboro Valley Camping Resort Adore 25/08/2014. Roll call at 1 p.m. | Post Entries will be accepted 30 minutes prior to roll call. 8 | ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC |9 _____________________________________________________________________ 011 RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK Breeder of Record: Wade L. Daboll Ridgeville’s Skyfall. Bitch. 10/10/2012. Ridgeville’s Royal Reign. Dog. 27/04/2013. Ridgeville’s Shades Of Cool. Bitch. 01/07/2014. 012 PORTUGUESE WATER DOG Breeder of Record: Lorraine Wilson Ch. Bigbay Siena Moon. Bitch. 04/10/2013. Ch. Big Bay Jazz Sonata. Bitch. 18/19/2007. GCh. Bigbay Stormy Weather. Bitch. 27/08/2009. Finalist 013 Finalist AFGHAN HOUND Breeder of Record: Diedre Devins Tokabout Chasing A Legend. Dog. 17/04/2015. Tokabout Hey Porter. Dog. 17/04/2015. Tokabout Have You Seen Her. Bitch. 17/04/2015. 015 SAMOYED Finalist Breeder of Record: Judi Elford Ch. Vanderbilt’s Stolen Kiss. Dog. 22/01/2014. Ch. Vanderbilt’s Kiss The Moon. Bitch. 22/01/2014. Ch. Vanderbilt’s Fantasy Kiss. Bitch. 08/12/2013. Vanderbilt’s Name Of The Game. Bitch. 13/04/2015. BEST IN CLASSIC: Whippets | Breeder: Jenny McCartney JoinRESERVE us for our BEST field trial on Sunday,Samoyeds August 7, at Flamboro Judi ValleyElford Camping Resort IN CLASSIC: | Breeder: Roll call at 1 p.m. | Post Entries will be accepted 30 minutes prior to roll call. 10 | ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC REIDWOOD 014 DOBERMAN PINSCHER Breeder of Record: Pat Blenkey & Brian Casey Am. & BISS Can. GCh. Liberator’s Power Play. Dog. 19/11/2013. Ch. Liberator’s Glimmer Man. Dog. 27/10/2014. Am. Ch. & MBIS, MBISS Can. GCh. Liberator’s Triple Crown. Bitch. 19/11/2013. BIS, BISS Can. GCh., MBIS U-Gr, MBIS ABI & Am. Ch. Liberator’s Obsession Am. CGC, Can. CGN, CA, PCD. Bitch. 15/12/2009. Reidwood Ar s c Impression and Am. & Can. GCh. Reidwood Just My Style English Se er Associa on of America Na onal Specialty Winners of the Futurity and the Maturity Owners/Breeders: Nancy Warner, Jeanne e Desruisseaux & Clifford Reid | 905-732-2039 Let’s TOKaBOUT the Newest Generation McCartney Whippets True to form...True to type Multi Best in Show Winners and Multi Best in Specialty Winners Come and see... Tokabout Have You Seen Her (Queen), Tokabout Hey Porter (Porter) and Tokabout Chasing A Legend (Chase). Sister April is in BC with owners Vivian & Peter Machen. Litter sired by AM CAN CH Seistens Polo The Gipsy (Vegas) ex CH Tokabout Gone With The Wind (Mia). Mia went to Vegas and we think she hit the Jackpot! Big congratulations to Tokabout’s newest Grand Champions from my last Tokabout XLNT litter – EFFIE, MARC, AXEL and NOVA. So proud of you and your owners. Well done! Dee Devins | 519-941-8688 | Dobermans Perm r o t a r e ib -L h t a Wr . Reg’d – est” in the Classic a few of our “B se ca . ow ay Pl sh er to w d ) and Po We are prou ppy of the Year Pu g/ Do 14 20 C iple Crown (DPC Tr Nottinghill Mastiffs 2372 .com | (519) 449y | dobes@silomail om r.c to ra be hli www.wrat Case Pat Blenkey & Brian Vanderbilt Samoyeds A Tradition since 1977 After almost four decades of Samoyeds exclusively, every dog that we bring into the ring is an expression of our interpretation of the breed standard. We visualize a ‘global’ Samoyed that can compete successfully anywhere. Samoyeds of “eye arresting” breed type that are not too big or too small. Possessing 55% leg length, “just off square” proportions, efficient working dog movement, and correct breed character. Complete, of course, with the “Sammy smile.” 2015 has been a great year for Davik’s Siberians. We have had multiple Best Of Breed wins at specialties in the U.S. Several BIS wins in Canada and U.S. In October 2015, our Boy Multiple BISS Am. GCh. & Can. Ch. Davik’s Snowstorm Gussit (Gus) won BOS at the Siberian Husky Club Of America Specialty. DAVIK’S SIBERIANS Over 300 Champions worldwide, 15 Best in Show dogs, multiple National Specialty winners, World Winners and #1 Samoyeds in Canada. David & Vicki Piercey Onsengeltje Dalmatians “Reach and Drive for Excellence” Trevor BIS MBPIS CH ONSENGELTJE SECRET ENDEAVOUR Mira BPIS CH ONSENGELTJE SECRET ADMIRER Allie BISS RBIS CAN GCH AM GCH ONSENGELTJE ALL READY Carola Adams PAISLEYPELLA DALMATIANS We have been involved with Dalmatians for over 20 years. Our dogs are family. The goal of our breeding program is to produce beautiful, sound, health-tested pups with excellent temperaments! Our foundation bitch is Am./Can. Ch. Paisley’s I Love Lucy by Elan, CGN, who is an amazing partner to our daughter in Junior Handling. They grew up together and make a really great team! We have bred Lucy twice, and the puppies we are showing in the Classic are from those breedings – Ch. Paisleypella Timings Everything (Jordyn), Ch. Paisleypella A Boy and His Dog (Price) and Paisleypella U Had Me at Hello (Farrah). We are delighted with these puppies and are excited to share them with people at the Breeders’ Classic! Patti Pella | YASASHIIKUMA Shelley Camm | Dolly Am. GCh. & Can. GChX Yasashiikuma Smoky Mountn Maid CGN,CGC,TDI, HIC, TT COLETTE PEIFFER • Reserve CC – Crufts 2011 – Mother of Crufts 2012 BOB winner • CWCCA National Specialty - BOW 2009, WB 2010, Select Bitch/1st AOM 2011, AOM 2012 • CCCC National Specialty BOB 2010 • CWCCWR Specialty – Select Bitch 2010/2014 • Multiple Regional Specialty winner in the US Dragoon – Am. GCh. (Bronze), Canadian, French, U.K., Dutch, Luxembourg Ch. Yasashiikuma Lest We Forget • World Dog Show Winner 2011 • Euro Corgi Show Winner 2011 • Multiple specialty winner throughout Europe Patrick – CKC & UKC Ch. Yasashiikuma I Am Not A Number • CWCCWR Specialty – Winners Dog 2014 | Jack – Yasashiikuma Jumpin Jack Flash • MBPIG and Group 4 winner 1st weekend in Canada Jolene – Yasashiikuma Jaunty Jolene • CWCCWR – RWB 2014 (8 months old) The Rules ____________________________________________ BREEDER 1. Enters a minimum of 3 dogs to a maximum of 5 dogs – making up each Breeder’s Team of the same breed. 2. Breeder must be the “breeder of record” on all dogs entered in the Team. (Co-breeders are permissible.) 3. Canadian Kennel Club as well as foreign-registered dogs are eligible. 4. Spayed or neutered dogs are eligible. 5. Exhibits must be over 6 months of age. 6. Entry fee is $30 per Team 7. Exhibits do not have to be entered in the regular Caledon Kennel Association all-breed shows. 8. Dogs can only be entered in one Team. Congratulations to last year’s RESERVE BEST IN CLASSIC JUDGING PROCEDURE 1. The Royal Canin National Breeders’ Classic will start no later than noon on November 28, 2015. 2. Teams will be divided into two units (Group A and Group B) by a draw Friday morning and just prior to the start of judging, the judge for each unit will be drawn. 3. Each unit will be judged by one of the Royal Canin’s selected judges. 4. Four Finalists will be selected from each unit to advance to the Finals to compete for Best in Classic and Reserve Best in Classic Awards. 5. Judges will judge the Teams as a unit to evaluate the overall quality of the breeding program as represented by the Team – its consistency of breed type and soundness. AWARDS Through the generosity of our sponsor, we are pleased to award the following: Best in Classic –$2,500 Reserve Best in Classic –$1,000 Finalists – $100 Join us for our field trial on Sunday, August 7, at Flamboro Valley Camping Resort Roll call at 1 p.m. | Post Entries will be accepted 30 minutes prior to roll call. 22 | ROYAL CANIN NATIONAL BREEDERS’ CLASSIC ENGLISH SETTERS Breeders of Record: Nancy & Jeannette Warner Can. & Am. Ch. Reidwood Believe It Or Not Can. & Am. Ch. Reidwood Just My Style Am. GCh. & Can. Ch. Reidwood Artistic Vision Can. & Am. Ch. Reidwood Living The Dream Reidwood Riders Up Royal Canin Canada, wishing all competitors great success! Contact the Royal Canin Elite Breeders’ Club: Membership, Rewards Program, Puppy Starter Kits and much more. For more information on Royal Canin and our Elite Breeders’ Club, 1-800-527-2673 •
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Saturday, November 30, 2013, 7 p.m. International Centre
2. Teams will be divided into two units (Group A and Group B) by a draw Saturday morning and just prior to the start of judging, the judge for each unit will be